Manshead CE

PARENT BULLETIN 26th July, 2021

A Time to Reflect

What a year! And we are finally at the end of it. So many things to be thankful for and so many things to ‘chalk up’ to experience.

The autumn term brought us so many new experiences, as this was a time for the whole community to be back together (with many new student faces to welcome). Some would argue that we were all new faces as we tried to get used to identifying each other by peering over a mask. We embraced our new protective face coverings and some staff and students really rocked the look in their super coordinated must-have fashion item. We settled into bubbles and cleaning regimes that took the veneer off of tables and nail varnish. We came in to school through different gates and accommodated ‘one way in and “other way out please! “

The spring term took on a different identity, just as we were settling into our new ways of working and celebrating how good we were at adapting to so many new routines we were thrown the curve ball that was the Kent Variant. Christmas wasn’t Christmas. School couldn’t be school again. What followed was a race back to the sofa and huddling or squabbling over computers, ready for …’your host will let you in soon!’

Remote Learning! Online lessons, who’s zooming who? Microsoft Teams, quizzes and Oak Academy. It seems rude to put them all in the same sentence because they each took hours of navigating. Students not accessing the camera because of a bad hair day…week…term (and that was mainly the boys!)

Easter was almost Easter…thank heavens for chocolate. Back in school and trying to figure out who the children were in year 7 as they now looked like entirely different people without masks. Trying to wear a mask when your hair has overtaken your ears and your beard is bursting out the side (and that was mainly the women!)

Summer and the easing of restrictions and it felt like a time to be joyful, it’s just a pity that no one told the weather. We should be proud of how we have worked together to overcome so many challenges and we do have some great experiences to reflect back on.

We can now enjoy a well- deserved break! We wish you a very happy summer and look forward to seeing you all in …Ping! sorry gotta go…

Debbie Chivers-Shepherd Deputy Headteacher Thank you

Thank you to all the staff, students and their families for the level of understanding, support and positivity this academic year. As the review by Mrs Chivers- Shepherd highlighted this has been an academic year like no other, decisions have been made using all the relevant data and prioritising the health and well-being of the Manshead Community. This has caused challenges for a few families, and I apologise for this.

Manshead remains committed to providing the best possible education and support and we are all praying for a return to some kind of normality after the summer break. An overview of the academy development plan will be published in September, as we look to make even greater steps in the right direction, putting student achievement and well- being at the centre of what we do.

Please have a safe summer, we look forward to welcoming the new Year 7, Year 12 and student joining us from Academy in on Friday 3rd of September and all other students on Monday 6th September.

Best wishes.

Andy McBurnie Headteacher

Leadership of Safeguarding at Manshead CE Academy is in safe hands

The safeguarding Team at Manshead, consists of 11 highly trained members of staff. Across the academy there is a culture of vigilance providing the security and safety for all students and staff. Mrs Dumpleton has been a key member of this team, having an extensive knowledge of safeguarding and strong working relationships with outside agencies.

In recognition of her attention to detail and commitment to keeping students safe she has been promoted to Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) from September 2021. She will continue to manage the Learning, Inclusion, Nurture and Care provision (LINC), increasing the integration of the two aspects of student support.

The DSL will be a member of the Leadership Team, ensuring all safeguarding policies are current, staff training is effective with safeguarding being an agenda item on every Leadership meeting.

Having been DSL for the past year, I am aware of the responsibility that rests with the safeguarding Team. I am now trained as a Designated Mental Health Lead and will be working with Mrs Wright to further develop the support for students with Mental Health concerns.

Andy McBurnie Headteacher Message from the LINC

The following email was sent out to all students during the last week of term:

Dear Student,

Another school year over!

A year that has been quite challenging, hitting many hurdles but you have come through it and have adapted well to another year of COVID. It has been an extremely challenging time for you all and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the year.

As the school will be closed for the summer, you may feel that you need a little extra support. I have attached some useful numbers for you to use over the summer holiday should you need to.

Please keep safe, stay well and enjoy a well-earned rest

See you in September!

The LINC Team

LINC – support numbers over the holidays

Samaritans – low mood, any support call 116 123 or email [email protected]

Childline – counsellors available – 0800 1111

HOPEline UK – prevention of young suicide - text 07786209697

Young Minds – crisis line – text YM to 85258 free 24/7

BEAT – Eating disorders –

Aquarius – Drug information and support 01234 344911

Kooth – free online counselling and advice –

Keep safe, have a great holiday


Year 9 Ethics and Philosophy books

Please could Year 9 retain their red Ethics and Philosophy books until September as they contain GCSE work. Please bring the book to your first Ethics and Philosophy lesson in September.

Mrs Smith Head of Ethics and Philosophy

Year 9 Enterprise snack shop

The Year 9 Enterprise students managed to raise an impressive £98 for charity last week through their lunchtime snack shop.

This has been split equally between their chosen charities of Keech Hospice and Appledown Rescue and Rehoming.

Well done to everyone who took part.

Miss Helling Head of Business and Economics

Year 11 Celebration Breakfast Thursday 12th August 9am to 11am

We will be having a celebration breakfast for our Year 11 students on their results day. It will be time for the students to celebrate their successes together after what has been a challenging year.

We look forward to seeing them again.

Mr Jeffs Head of Year 11

Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Update for 2021-22

Obviously, this year's DofE has not been able to run as we would normally have done so I just wanted to let you know a provisional plan for next year.

Silver DofE Assessed Expedition – 16th to the 18th September - Three days walking and two nights cooking meals. Walking locally each day and returning to school each night.

Bronze Assessed Expeditions New Year 11 (Current Year 10) – Bronze Assessed Expedition – A suitable date Friday and Saturday in late June / Early July to be after GCSE exams. Two days walking and one night cooking meal and camping, subject to conditions. Training and planning to take place from September 2021 to avoid exams.

New Year 10 (Current Year 9) – Bronze Assessed Expedition – A suitable date Friday and Saturday in late May / Early June to be confirmed. Two days walking and hopefully one night camping. Planning and training to take place from November 2021.

We hope that everything will settle next school year, but we will keep you updated of any changes we need to make.

Enjoy your summer and see you all in September.


Mr Jeffs and Mr Bishop

Parents’ Consultation Evenings 2021-22

Thank you for your feedback on SchoolCloud. It was overwhelmingly positive, with most parents expressing a desire to never return to ‘the bun fight’ (I quote) in the Hall. There a few individual issues which we have reported to SchoolCloud.

The other huge positive was the increase in attendance. Attendance was 85%. This is a 20% increase on face to face evenings.

Therefore, we have decided to conduct all parents’ evenings next academic year over SchoolCloud.

Jo Lynam School Performance Associate

Key Dates for 2021-22

Parent Consultation Evenings:

Year 12/13 02/11/21 22/03/22

Year 11 13/01/22 30/03/22

Year 10 24/11/21 21/04/22

Year 9 18/01/22

Year 8 24/02/22

Year 7 09/02/22 Form Tutor Evening:

Year 7 and 8 28/09/21

Open Evening:

Year 6 into 7 07/10/21

Year 11 into 12 11/11/21

Mrs J Lynam School Performance Associate

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Amazing Apprenticeships – The Parent Perspective Podcasts

Parents and carers are one of the biggest influencers on a young person making their career decisions. Amazing Apprenticeships has created a series of 8 podcasts, enabling parents to feel more informed and confident in providing careers support and guidance to their child, so that they ultimately make the best decisions. This podcast will provide a space for listeners to:

• Explore which careers are available today • Showcase the experiences of interesting and diverse role models • Provide real-time insights into how the world of work is changing

…all through a parents’ perspective.

Each episode will feature a panel of diverse parents, bringing their questions and insights to expert speakers to try to tackle and offer practical solutions to some of the challenges parents currently face in supporting their children to make informed decisions.

Please see the link below to the first podcast:

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Mrs S Hawkins Careers Adviser

Library News

Looking for something to read during the Summer Our public libraries are open again, lending books and offering bookable time on computers. For details of opening times and joining please follow this link. 19/3#libraries

The virtual library is brimming with e-books, audio books and an amazing range of newspapers and magazines free of charge. Find out more: http://virtual-

Join: bin/

For year 7 and 8 who would like to keep quizzing and recording their reading with Accelerated Reader

Getting into AR - this is the only link that will work for your child’s Manshead Academy username and password – Find it in the quicklinks section of the school website • User names are the school login without For example, 19smitha • Locked accounts reset overnight • There is an AR target for Summer Reading and there will be rewards for everyone who takes part.

Students can use their ZPD (Reading Range) as a guide to the difficulty of their reading. Books at the low end of the range for an easy read and towards the top for a challenge. Checking the level of a book can be done using AR Bookfinder myOn is a an e-book platform that offers free access during the summer holidays for primary and secondary age readers and has some great features for less confident readers and a built in dictionary for expanding vocabulary.

To search for free e-books which have AR quizzes use, search “Collections” choose “myOn Books” from the list. Filters on the left of the screen for Middle Years, Middle Years Plus and Upper Years will give over 275 books to choose from. To use myON

Go to and enter your login information:

1. Username: MA

2. Password: MA73!

Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading!

Have a lovely summer!

Please keep yourselves safe over the holidays and we look forward to seeing students and their school library books back in September.

Mrs Lowther and Mrs Hopkins

When teachers know more about children’s literature and children’s reading practices beyond school, they widen what counts as ‘reading’ in their classrooms, and authentically recognise diversity in texts and readers. Our research has shown that this, responsively combined with the Reading for Pleasure pedagogy, makes a positive impact on children’s reading for pleasure.

Professor Teresa Cremin, The Open University

New life for your old school shirts

As many of you will be buying new school shirts for September, can I please ask for donations of old school shirts for Textiles.

We have found an artist who embroiders into shirts.

Can any shirts no longer needed be handed in to reception in September during the first week back.

Thank you

Miss Barry Textiles

Uniform Support for Families

Please find links to COM Church in ’s School Uniform Drive.

This support is for families living in Dunstable and surrounding villages.

COM Church Pre-Loved Uniform giveaway - Facebook:

COM Church Pre-Loved Uniform giveaway - Youtube:

Katie Jeeves Community Partner Early Help Team - Dunstable Locality Children’s Services I am a Domestic Abuse

Central Council Watling House, High Street North Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1LF Direct Dial: 0300 300 6681| Internal: 76681 | mobile: 07471025525

Email: [email protected] - A great place to live and work –

Student Travel 2021-22

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we approach the end of Summer term Arriva would like to take this opportunity to inform of the options, we have available to support you getting your child to school safely during the next academic year. We provide frequent and reliable bus services across the region; all our buses are Covid-19 secure and undergo enhanced touchpoint cleaning every day.

Arriva’s Student & Child Saver do not only cut your bus travel costs to and from school, but the same ticket can also be used to travel at evenings, weekends and throughout all school term holidays. You can spread the cost of our saver tickets over affordable monthly payments using our easy-to-use direct debit system. It’s simple to apply, there’s no setup fee or minimum contract required, which means you can cancel your direct debit and stop your ticket anytime should your circumstances change.

To arrange your Direct Debit and for further information please follow the link below: To ensure delivery of ticket in time for the start of the new Academic Year we recommend registering as soon as possible.

Once you have your bus pass, you won't need to worry about paying bus fares again, safe in the knowledge that you have saved money through our Direct Debit scheme

You can choose to receive your monthly pass by post, or you can download the Arriva UK Bus app onto your child phone, and we can send it there.

For travel Information including local maps and timetables please visit:

Student Saver tickets are valid for College, University, and 6th form students

Child Saver tickets are valid for pupils up to and including year 11

For any queries regarding the scheme, please email: [email protected]

The aim of the LINC is to support students by removing barriers to learning and helping students to be in lessons, so that whatever their circumstances they can achieve and flourish at our academy.

We understand that sometimes life can be challenging, and students may need some extra support with some of these challenges.

The LINC provides a one-stop place for support in the following areas: - ➢ Medical ➢ Physical and Mental Health ➢ Counselling ➢ Safeguarding ➢ Some behaviour support for agreed pupils

The LINC contains a number of bespoke provisions including:- ➢ Medical room ➢ Counselling Rooms ➢ Learning Intervention Room

If you feel you need to talk to someone, please email [email protected]

When you do email us, please provide us with basic information regarding your concerns and we will book you an appointment.

If you feel you need urgent support from the LINC, Please inform your teacher and they will call for one of us.

Take good care of yourself

Mrs G Dumpleton LINC Manager

Summer Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Central Bedfordshire are pleased to announce that the Holiday Activities and Food Programme will be running over the Summer holidays.

The programme is for children aged 5 – 16 eligible for benefits related free school meals.

This is the link for parents / carers of eligible children is as follows:

If your children would benefit from this programme, please register and book places.

This link will take you through to a registration page and once registered and in receipt of a HAF number you be able to progress to a booking page where you can find out about the range of activities on offer and book activities with providers directly.

All activities are free for children eligible for FSM.

Partners in the programme this year include 4YP, Barton Kids Club, Bedford Blues, Bedford Creative Arts, Dawn to Dusk, Grand Union Housing, Full House Theatre, FUN, Holiday Active, Kids in Action, Kidz Zone, Inspiring Music Service, Sports Partnership, Woburn Safari Park and Youth Offending Service.

There is a wide range of activities on offer from holiday and youth clubs, to creative arts and music activities and sports. Children can take part in a range of different activities, have fun and make friends and have a healthy lunch.

This Summer all children attending will be able to pick up a free Disney Activity pack from the providers, and those who attend a week of activities will be able to get a free back to school pack before they start back at school.

Activities will be booked on a first come first served basis so please ensure you book early.

For any questions please get in contact with Michelle Hart on 0300 300 5762 or via email [email protected]

Michelle Hart HAF Coordinator 0-12s Family Service Central Bedfordshire Council

I am a Domestic Abuse Responder, you can talk to me about Domestic Abuse

Direct Dial: 0300 300 5762 / 07585 886808 Email: [email protected]

Find us online at

Marcus Rashford (MBE)and Henry Dimbleby (MBE)


Please find below information for parents and carers about workshops being run by Chums over the summer period. To book a place on the workshop, parents can complete the attached registration form and return it to [email protected] along with the date they wish to attend on.

Parent Sleep Workshop (Children aged 12 and under) - The workshop will cover why sleep is important, what is ‘good’ sleep, and to help you to understand possible causes of settling to sleep & night waking issues and as well as learning strategies to overcome sleep difficulties. Thursday 5th August at 5pm – 7pm

Teenage Sleep Workshop (Children aged 13+) - The workshop will cover why sleep is important, what is ‘good’ sleep, and to help you to understand possible causes of settling to sleep & night waking issues and as well as learning strategies to overcome sleep difficulties. Monday 2nd August at 10am – 12pm

0-5 Resiliency Workshop - The workshop will look at the importance of relationships, healthy attachment and how children are constantly learning from those around them. It will cover emotional regulation and how as parents/ carers you are in a prime position to model healthy emotional regulation and behaviours. The workshop will also cover strategies and techniques to help build resiliency in children. Wednesday 11th August at 9:30am – 11:30am

Primary Resiliency Workshop (Parent workshop for children aged 6-12) – Explores the difference between mental health and mental illness, emotional regulation. Psychoeducation around anxiety and low mood, in addition to covering basic relaxation techniques Thursday 9th September at 9:30am – 11:30am

Secondary Resiliency Workshop (For Teens aged 13+) - Explores the difference between mental health and mental illness, emotional regulation. Psychoeducation around anxiety and low mood, in addition to covering basic relaxation techniques Thursday 9th September at 1pm – 3pm

School Transition Workshops - This workshop provides anxiety / low mood strategies based on guided self-help to help children with transition to news schools. Lower to Monday 12th July at 5pm – 7pm Tuesday 10th August at 9.30am – 11.30am Middle to Wednesday 21st July at 9.30am – 11.30am Monday 23rd August at 5pm – 7pm Primary to Wednesday 18th August at 5pm – 7pm Tuesday 31st August at 9.30am – 11.30am

Katie Jeeves Community Partner Early Help Team - Dunstable Locality Children’s Services I am a Domestic Abuse

Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House, High Street North Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1LF Direct Dial: 0300 300 6681| Internal: 76681 | mobile: 07471025525

Email: [email protected] Central Bedfordshire - A great place to live and work –

CHUMS Psychoeducation Workshop Registration Form

Child’s First Name

Child’s Surname

Child’s DOB (DD/MM/YYYY)


Parent/ Carer Name and Relationship

Email Address

Telephone NO.

Home Address

GP Surgery

Ethnic Origin


Main Language (Also, if not English do you require a translator?)

Current School

New School in September 2021 Does your child have YES / NO an Educational Health & Care Plan?

Is your child known to YES / NO Early Help / Social Services?

If known to Social YES / NO Services, is your child considered a “Looked After Child”?

Are you currently in YES / NO the process of completing an Early Help Assessment?

Does your child have YES / NO any diagnosed learning disabilities (e.g. dyslexia)?

Does your child have YES / NO a formal diagnosis of ADHD?

Does your child have YES / NO a formal diagnosis of ASD?

Workshop you wish to attend (Please state parent sleep workshop, 0-5 resiliency etc.)

Date you wish to attend workshop on