CHURCHES OF ISLE OF WIGHT The following volumes in this Series are in active preparation, and will be published very shortly: SUSSEX (two vols.). By P. M. JOHNSTON, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A. CAMBRIDGE. By C. H. EVELYN-WHITE, F.S.A. Northants, Suffolk, Kent, Bedfordshire, Devonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Lin* colnshire, Wiltshire, Berks, Bucks, Northunv berland, Durham, Somerset, Essex, Hants, Rutland, and other volumes are in course of arrangement* Foolscap 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. net each. THE CHURCH OF BRADING COUNTY CHURCHES ISLE OF WIGHT ITS CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS HOUSES BY jy CHARLES COX, LL.D., F.S.A. " " " Author of Churches of Derbyshire (4 Vols.), English Church " " Furniture," Royal Forests of England," Records of the " Borough of Northampton," How to Write the " " History of a Parish (5th Edition), Parish Registers of England," etc. etc. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON GEORGE ALLEN & SONS, RUSKIN HOUSE 1911 1111 All rights reserved Printed by BALLANTYNH, HANSON &r> Co At the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh PREFACE " THE object of the series of County Churches," to which this little volume belongs, is to pro- duce in a brief and condensed form an accurate outline account of the old parish churches of England, in the hope that they may serve as a help to church-loving visitors, and also prove of some trifling service to resident churchmen. As the area to be covered is in this instance much smaller than when whole counties are surveyed, I thought it would be well to include some account of the various religious houses of the Island which were suppressed at the time of the general dissolution of the mon- asteries.
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