1 Ph. 03009432067 Brief CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed Dr. Muhammad SAEED BSEd (Distinction), MEd, MA (Economics) (PU) PhD (Aristotle Uni. Greece), Post Doc (Bradford University, UK) Certificates in Teacher Education (UTM Malaysia & UE Philippines) Certificate in Qualitative Research (University of Leuven, Belgium) Mobile: 0092 (0)300 9432067 Emails:
[email protected] [email protected] Dr. Muhammad Saeed is currently working as Professor and Chairman at the Department of Educatioal Research & Evaluation, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He also holds the charge of Director Quality Enhancement Cell of the University. He earned BSEd with distinction (Major: Botany, Zoology & Chemistry) from the University of the Punjab Lahore in 1983 and MEd with Major in Secondary Science Curriculum in 1989. He earned PhD on Greek fellowship from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and Post Doc. on HEC fellowship from University of Bradford, UK in the area of teacher education in 1997 and 2007 respectively. He possesses about 35 years experience in teaching, training, research, and administration at school, college and university level. Dr. Saeed has worked on various academic and administrative positions such as Additional Director Provincial Education Assessment Centre (PEACE) Punjab, Director at i) Directorate of Staff Development (DSD) Punjab, ii) Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, and iii) Provincial Institute of Teacher Education, Punjab. He has been involved in policy making with the Government of Punjab in quality education initatives under Task Force on Education, introducing Continuous Assessment and Examination Reforms (2002), and preparing the draft suggestions for the National Education Policy 2009.