Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu vol. lxxxviii, fasc. 178 (2020-II)

Bibliography on the History of the 20201

Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ A collaboration between Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies (Boston College) and Jesuitica Project (KU Leuven)

The “Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus” was first produced for AHSI by László Polgár SJ, spanning fifty issues of the journal, between 1952 and 2001. The Bibliography was resumed in 2006 by Paul Begheyn SJ, who was its author until 2018. In 2019, it entered a new phase incorporating for the first time three distinct and interconnected outlets for exploring the bibliographical riches of Jesuit history:

-Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ, in print and online annually, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu: bibliography/ -Jesuit Online Bibliography, a free, searchable collection of Jesuit Studies Scholarship through the Portal to Jesuit Studies: https:// -Jesuitica, a collaborative initiative from KU Leuven and the Jesuit Region ELC to facilitate academic research on the Maurits Sabbe Library’s Jesuitica book collections:

As in previous years, in order to provide continuity with Fr Polgár’s work, the Bibliography incorporates titles dated from 2000. Entries are divided into three sections: I. The entire Society; II. Countries; III. Persons. An Index of authors concludes the Bibliography. Some further features of the Bibliography may be noted: 1. In each section, titles are listed in chronological order of publication and, within each year, in alphabetical order of author (works without named authors or editors are placed after these, by alphabetical order of title).

1 The following persons have generously assisted in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Paul Begheyn (Amsterdam), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Cristiano Casalini (Boston), Carlos Coupeau (Bilbao), Michał Czerenkiewicz (Krakow), Bernard Deprez (Louvain), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Seth Meehan (Boston), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), Yannick Van Loon (Louvain), Gabriel M. Verd (Granada), Kasper Volk (Boston). 500 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

2. Author names only are listed: abbreviations of religious orders or congregations are omitted after author names. 3. Publications on the internet, titles in private Jesuit publications, book reviews, unpublished dissertations, and theses are not included. For more detailed bibliographies on spirituality, please consult the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa, and www., which provides a review of theological research.

Donation of printed works (books, articles or book chapters) on paper or in digital format is appreciated, especially from researchers using ARSI sources.

The Burns Library (Boston College, MA) informs that they have digitized their collection of Lettres des scolastiques de Laval, which can be consulted at:

Please send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Wenceslao Soto SJ, ARSI Borgo Santo Spirito, 4 00193 Roma, Italia [email protected]

I. The entire Society

A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-10 2. Historical works 11-64 B. Special history 1. Saint 65-76 2. Institute 77 3. Spiritual Exercises 78-84 4. Spirituality 85-109 5. Pastoral activities 110-120 6. Cultural activities 121-187 7. Polemical writings 188-215

II. Countries A. Africa 216-218 B. America 219-390 C. Asia 391-490 D. Europe 491-653 E. Oceania 654-656 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 501

III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 657-1013 Index of authors p. 605 Complementary list of persons p. 616

I. The entire Society

A. General History

1. Auxiliary sciences See also 468

1 McCoog, Thomas M., ed. “Scriptis tradere et fideliter conservare”: Archives as “Places of Memory” within the Society of Jesus. : Institutum historicum Societatis Iesu, 2003. 2 Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos, and Binkova Simona. “La herencia jesuítica y la Ilustración: el caso de la geografía y cartografía del Noroeste de México.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 103–128. 3 Giudicelli, Christophe. “Le cabinet en campagne, chroniques jésuites de « pacification », Tucumán et Nouvelle Biscaye XVIIe siècle.” e-Spania, Vol. 26 (2017). 4 Hoyos Hattori, Paula. “La escritura de epístolas y su uso como fuentes documentales en la Historia de Japam (1585-1593) del jesuita Luís Fróis: análisis comparativo de un episodio.” Histórica, 41 (2017), 43–79. 5 León Perera, Cristo José de. “Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu: una propuesta de investigación.” Cartas Diferentes: Revista Canaria de Patrimonio Documental, 13 (2017), 237–254. 6 Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. “¿Por qué escribir y reescribir la historia de la Compañía de Jesús?” Sílex, 8 (2018), 139–150. 7 Landy-Houillon, Isabelle. “Marie de l’Incarnation e i gesuiti in Nouvelle-France: peculiarità di una scrittura femminile.” Oltreoceano, 14 (2018), 49–68. 8 Martín Pradas, Antonio. “Las fuentes documentales y el patrimonio artístico de la Compañía de Jesús.” In Amor a Lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Coord by Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés 502 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Martínez, Francisco. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 43–60. 9 Neves, Marco, Lisboa João Luis, Rogério Miguel Puga, Gonçalo Fernandes, Angelo Cattaneo, and Karen Bennett, eds. “A host of tongues...”: multilingualism, lingua franca and translation in the Early Modern Period: book of abstracts. Lisboa and Vila Real: CEL / CETAPS / CHAM, 2018. 10 Reichler, Claude. “Letteratura e antropologia: dalla rappresentazione all’interazione in una Relation della Nouvelle- France del Seicento.” Oltreoceano, 14 (2018), 29–48.

2. Historical works 11 Vink, Markus P.M. “Church and State in Seventeenth-Century Colonial Asia: Dutch-Parava Relations in Southeast India in a Comparative Perspective.” Journal of Early Modern History, 4 (2000), 1–43. 12 Gonçalves, Nuno da Silva. “Os jesuítas e a defesa da liberdade dos índios na segunda metade do século XVI.” In De Cabral a Pedro I. Aspectos da Colonização Portuguesa no Brasil, edited by Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva. Porto: Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, 2001, 69–77. 13 Hufton, Olwen H. “Altruism and reciprocity: The early Jesuits and their female patrons.” Renaissance Studies, 15 (2001), 328– 353. 14 Colombo, Emanuele. “Jesuits and Islam in Seventeenth-Century Europe: War, Preaching and Conversions.” In L’Islam visto da Occidente: Cultura e Religione del Seicento Europeo di fronte all’Islam, edited by Bernard Heyberger, Mercedes García-Arenal, Emanuele Colombo, and Paola Vismara. Milan: Marietti, 2009, 315–340. 15 Giménez López, Enrique. “I gesuiti e la teoria della cospirazione.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 38 (2009), 13–43. 16 Noyes, Ruth S. “On the Fringes of Center: Disputed Hagiographic Imagery and the Crisis over the Beati moderni in Rome ca. 1600.” Renaissance Quarterly, 64 (2011), 800–846. 17 Anzai, Leny Caselli, and Maria Cristina Bohn Martins, eds. Pescadores de almas – Jesuítas no Ocidente e Oriente. Cuiabá and São Leopoldo: EdUFMT and UNISINOS and Oikos, 2012. 18 Martins, Maria Cristina Bohn. “Índios e jesuítas em tempo de reduções: a historiografia e as missões austrais.” In História da América: Historiografia e Interpretações, edited by Luiz Estevam Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 503

de Oliveira Fernandes. Ouro Preto: EDUFOP-PPGHIS, 2012, 103–126. 19 Alberts, Tara. Conflict and Conversion: Catholicism in Southeast Asia, 1500-1700. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 20 Fechner, Fabian. “Las tierras incógnitas de la administración jesuita: toma de decisiones, gremios consultivos y evolución de normas.” Histórica, 38 (2014), 11–42. 21 Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Medeiros. “Da supressão à ‘Restauração’ (1773-1814): A Companhia de Jesus, entre continuidade e descontinuidade.” IHU Online, 14 (2014), 5–11. 22 Ahlert, Jacqueline. “Imaginária missioneira: representações de um processo histórico complexo.” Domínios da Imagem, 9 (2015), 65–85. 23 Lavenia, Vincenzo, and Sabina Pavone, eds. Missioni, saperi e adattamento tra Europa e imperi non cristiani. Macerata: EUM, 2015. 24 Binkova Simona. “El triángulo Bohemia - Mexico - las islas Filipinas y Marianas.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 233–240. 25 Cañeque, Alejandro. “Mártires y discurso martirial en la formación de las fronteras misionales jesuitas.” Relaciones (Mexico), 37 (2016), 13–61. 26 Carvalho, Marieta Pinheiro de, and Márcia Amantino. “La famosa riqueza de los jesuitas y la expulsión. Algunos aspectos.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 4/1 (2016), 5–30. 27 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A produção jesuítica sobre as artes de curar: reavaliando protagonismos, experiências e trocas interculturais (América platina, séculos XVII e XVIII).” Anais de História do Além-Mar, 17 (2016), 59–99. 28 Južnič, Stanislav. “History of History of Physics.” Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, 4 (2016), 5–30. 29 Křížová, Markéta. “Identidades inciertas de los misioneros jesuitas centroeuropeos.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 61–82. 30 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Gesuiti portoghesi e italiani nelle missioni d’Oriente attraverso alcuni documenti del XVII e XVIII secolo: incontri e scontri.” In Incontri e Disincontri Luso-Italiani (XVI-XXI 504 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Secolo), edited by Maria Antonietta Ross. Viterbo: Sette Città, 2016, 67–80. 31 Pino-Díaz, Fermín del. “El poder material en la estrategia religiosa jesuita. A propósito de un centenario,”Relectiones: revista interdisciplinar de filosofía y humanidades, 3 (2016), 21–43. 32 Wilde, Guillermo. “La invención de la religión indígena: adaptación, apropiación y mímesis en las fronteras misioneras de Sudamérica colonial.” Anais de História do Além-Mar, 17 (2016), 21–58. 33 Zavadil, Pavel. “Frustración y desilusión de los jesuitas bohemios en las misiones del Nuevo Mundo.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 83–102. 34 Belligni, Eleonora. “Il concilio di Trento tra storia e apologia: Sforza Pallavicino.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto.Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 61–79. 35 Holzbrecher, Sebastian. “Die Jesuiten. Ein Orden zur Erneuerung der Kirche.” In Von der zur Konfession. Die Jesuiten und Ihr Reformprogramm Im Eichsfeld, edited by Torsten W. Müller. Erfurt: Sutton Verlag, 2017, 21–30. 36 Marcocci, Giuseppe. “Missionari contro il concilio: la resistenza ai decreti Tridentini negli imperi iberici di Età Moderna.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 461–177. 37 Oberholzer, Paul. “Resoconto sul concilio nella corrispondenza interna alla Compagnia di Gesù.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 169–189. 38 O’Malley, John W. Los jesuitas y los papas: cinco siglos de historia. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2017. 39 Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo. Le reliquie e le immagini dei santi. Edited by Antonio Ianniello. Oi christianoi -- Nuovi Studi sul cristianesimo nella storia, 20. Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, 2018. 40 Campion Canelas, Minerva. “Las fronteras como espacios de poder y resistencia en el periodo colonial.” Revista Cientifica General Jose Maria Cordova, 16 (2018), 109–132. 41 Martins, Maria Cristina Bohn, and Carlos D. Paz. “Las reducciones de la Compañía de Jesús en la América colonial: una introdución.” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 9–17. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 505

42 Melià, Bartomeu. “Las reducciones jesuíticas de guaranies en el marco teológico jurídico de la Escuela Ibérica de la Paz.” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 18–38. 43 Pelliccia, Carlo, and Maria Grazia Russo. “Teatralità e ambascerie in epoca moderna: l’uso del teatro in ambito diplomatico tra Portogallo, Italia ed Estremo Oriente.” In Incontri Teatrali Italo- Iberici, edited by Salomé Vuelta García and Michela Graziani. Firenze: Olschki, 2018, 53–75. 44 Rosa, Alexandre Coello de la. “Reliquias globales en el mundo jesuítico siglos XVI-XVIII.” Hispania Sacra, 70 (2018), 555–568. 45 Rubial, Antonio, and Perla Chinchilla. “Jesuitas y oratorianos.” Historia y Grafía, 2 (2018), 181–213. 46 Amantino, Márcia, and Jorge Troisi-Melean, eds. Jesuitas en las Américas. Presencia en el tiempo. La Plata: TeseoPress, 2019. 47 Boita, Tony Willian, Camila Azevedo de Moraes Wichers, and Jean Tiago Baptista. “Mulheres indígenas nas Missões: patrimônio silenciado.” Revista Estudos Feministas, 27 (2019), 1–13. 48 Burson, Jeffrey D. “Dark Night of the Early Modern Soul. Humanists, Clashing Cartesians, Jesuits, and the New Physiology.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, 45 (2019), 4–27. 49 Colombo, Emanuele. “Infiéis em casa. Jesuítas e escravos muçulmanos (Nápoles e Espanha, século XVII).” Estudos Avancados, 33 (2019), 253–274. 50 Delgado, Mariano. “Überlegungen zur Singularität der Jesuitenreduktionen.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019. 31–60. 51 Edwin, Victor. “Christians and Muslims: shares of Abrahamic faith: a Jesuit priest‘s pilgrimage into Muslim lives.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 83 (2019), 308–317. 52 Francisco, Javier. “‘Para convertir a los infieles’. Asymmetries in the Global Circulation of Jesuit Personnel.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 127–45. 53 Gramatke, Corinna. “Ergebnisse nach dem material turn. Zur Neubewertung der künstlicherischen Produktion in den Guaraní-Reduktionen, am Beispiel der Jesuiten in der 506 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Deutschen Assistenz.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 217–243. 54 Howell, Patrick J. Great Risks Had to be Taken. The Jesuit Response to the Second Vatican Council, 1958-2018. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2019. 55 La Bella, Gianni. I gesuiti dal Vaticano II a Papa Francesco. Milano: Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2019. 56 Lo Nardo, Antonino. “I Gesuiti nella numismatica.” Intorcettiana, 1 /1 (2019), 40–43. 57 Martin, Philippe, and Yves Krumenacker. Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Vol. Chrétiens et Sociétés. Documents et Mémoires, 37. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019. 58 Meier, Johannes. “Religions- und kirchenpolitische Umbrüche. Zur Vorgeschichte der Aufhebung der Jesuitenmissionen in Amerika aus brasilianischer Perspektive.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch- Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 19–29. 59 Mongini, Guido. “L‘apostolo gesuitico tra propaganda religiosa e autoconservazione. Aspetti del martirio nella Compagnia di Gesù (1540-1580). ”Annali di Scienze Religiose, NS 12 (2019), 11–51. 60 Nemser, Daniel. “Possessive Individualism and the Spirit of Capitalism in the Iberian Slave Trade.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 19 (2019), 101–129. 61 Pizzorusso, Giovanni. “Il martirio in odium fidei dalla realtà missionaria alla burocrazia romana: note de ricerca sul protonotario apostolico di Propaganda Fide (XVII secolo).” Annali Di Scienze Religiose, NS 12 (2019), 183–214. 62 Questier, Michael C., and Peter Lake. “Jesuit Popularity in Practice and Theory.” In All Hail to the Archpriest: Confessional Conflict, Toleration and the Politics of Publicity in Post-Reformation England. Oxford: Oxford Univerity Press, 2019, 183–192. 63 Sanfilippo, Matteo. “L’abito fa il missionario? Scelte di abbigliamento nelle missioni tra Cinquecento e Settecento.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 70–75. 64 Wilde, Guillermo. “Regímenes de memoria misional: formas visuales emergentes en las reducciones jesuíticas de América del Sur.” Colonial Latin American Review, 28 (2019), 10–36. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 507

B. Special History

1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 207

65 Tylenda, Joseph N., ed. A Pilgrim’s Journey: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2001. 66 Geger, Barton T. “Cura Personalis: Some Ignatian Inspirations.” Jesuit Higher Education, 3 (2014), 6–20. 67 Loyola, Ignacio de. El peregrino: autobiografía de san Ignacio de Loyola. Edited by Josep María Rambla. 2. Ed. Bilbao and Santander and Madrid: Ediciones Mensajero and Editorial Sal Terrae and Universidad de Comillas, 2015. 68 Geger, Barton T. “Bending the Knee to Baal? St. Ignatius on Jesuit Vocation Promotion.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol. 48, (2016), 1-43. 69 Rodríguez, Pedro. Ignacio de Loyola: adaptación del libro “Ignacio de Loyola, nunca solo” de José María Rodríguez Olaizola, Sj. Ilustraciones de Ignasi Flores. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2016. 70 Loyola, Ignacio de. Cartas esenciales. Edited by Manuel Ruiz Jurado. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2017. 71 Geger, Barton T. “Ten Things That St. Ignatius Never Said or Did.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol. 50 (2018), 1-44. 72 Page, Carlos A. “Los primeros retratos de Ignacio y los inicios de la iconografía ignaciana.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 63–75. 73 Rahner, Hugo. Ignacio de Loyola el hombre y el teologo. Edited by José García de Castro Valdés. Bilbao and Santander and Madrid: Editorial Mensajero and Editorial Sal Terrae and Universidad Comillas, 2019. 74 García Hernán, Enrique. “Ignacio de Loyola y el Concilio de Trento.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 45–68. 75 González Magaña, Jaime Emilio. Del escándalo a la santidad la juventud de Ignacio de Loyola. Roma: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 2018. 76 Munitiz, Joseph A., ed.The First Biographies of St. Ignatius Loyola. Oxford: Way Books, 2019.

2. Institute 77 Congregazione Generale 36.a: decreti e documenti (17a dalla 508 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

ricostituzione della Compagnia) 2016. Roma: Provincia Euro- Mediterranea della Compagnia di Gesù, 2018.

3. Spiritual Exercises See also 186

78 Molina, J. Michelle. “Spirituality and Colonial Governmentality: The Jesuit Spiritual Exercises in Europe and Abroad.” In Postcolonial Moves: Medieval through Modern, edited by Patricia Clare Ingham and Michelle R. Warren. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 133–152. 79 Nies, Jörg. “Vor Exerzitien. Überlegungen zu den Annotaciones.” Korrespondenz zur Spiritualität der Exerzitien, 64 (2014), 3–11. 80 Melloni, Javier. Gli Esercizi di sant’Ignazio e le tradizioni dell’Oriente. Torino: Edizioni Lindau, 2016. 81 López Barrio, Mario. The word in the Ignatian dynamics: the biblical inspiration of the Spiritual Exercises. North Charleston: Self published, 2018. 82 void 83 Kügler, Hermann. “Die dritte Woche der ignatianischen Exerzitien. 10 Thesen.” Geist Und Leben, 92/4 (2019, 345–355. 84 Loyola, Ignacio de. Ejercicios espirituales para mejor comprenderlos y practicarlos. Edited by Ángel Pérez Gómez. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2019.

4. Spirituality See also 790

85 Dompnier, Bernard. “Mission lointaine et spiritualité sacerdotale au XVIIe siècle.” In L’Espace Missionnaire: Lieu d’Innovations et de Rencontres Interculturelles, edited by Gilles Routhier and Laugrand Frederic. Québec and Paris: Karthala and Presses de l’Université Laval, 2002, 49–68. 86 Massimi, Marina, and André Barreto Prudente. Un incendido desejo das Índias. Saõ Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2002. 87 Ceccherelli, Andrea. Od Suriusa do Skargi: Studium porównawcze o ‘Żywotach świętych.’ Izabelin: Świat Literacki, 2003. 88 Barros, Mariana Leal de, and Marina Massimi. “Releituras da indiferença: um estudo baseado em cartas de jesuitas dos sécalos XVI e XVII.” Paidéia, 15 (2005), 195–205. 89 Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. “O conhecimento de si nas Litterae Indipetae.” Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas, Brazil), 10 (2005), 345–354. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 509

90 Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. “A experiência de ‘obediência’ nas Indipetae.” Memorandum, Vol. 17, (2009), 12-24. 91 Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. “The Experience of ‘Consolation’ in the Litterae Indipetae.”Psicologia em Estudo, 15 (2010), 343–352. 92 Ryan, Patrick J. “Muslim Perspectives on Ignatian Spirituality.” In Ecumenism and Ignatian Spirituality, edited by Thomas Hughson and Robert J. Daly. Chetsnut Hill, MA: Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, 2013, 171–193. 93 Colombo, Emanuele, and Marina Massimi. In viaggio. Gesuiti italiani candidati alle missioni tra antica e nuova Compagnia. Milan: Il Sole 24 ore, 2014. 94 Renders, Helmut. “Estudiosa obra Cor Iesv amanti sacrvm de Antônio Wierix: A religio cordis jesuíta no início da reforma católica e a promoçāo da via mística tripla,” Imago: Revista para Emblematica y Cultura Visual. 7 (2015), 135–164. 95 Brunello, Mauro. “Nuova Compagnia di Gesù e vocazione missionaria: le indipetae dell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI) e l’archivio fotografico Acquaderni.” In Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 88 (2016), 21–43. 96 Colombo, Emanuele, and Marco Rochini. “Prima la missione: indipetae italiane (1814-1853).” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 88 (2016), 45–66. 97 Massimi, Marina, and Mauro Brunello. “Indipetae e conoscenza di sé: discernimento ignaziano e psicologia moderna nel XX secolo.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 88 (2016), 119–152. 98 Rai, Eleonora. “«Come le Anime del Purgatorio». Le Emozioni dell’Attesa nelle Indipetae Italiane durante il Generalato di Jan Roothaan.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 46 (2016), 67–88. 99 Frei, Elisa. “In nomine patris. The struggle between an Indipeta, his Father, and the Superior Generals of the Society of Jesus (1701 – 1724 ca.).” Chronica Mundi, 13 (2018), 107–123. 100 Manney, Jim. Ignatian spirituality a to z. Dublin: Messenger Pubblication, 2018. 101 Mongini, Guido. “‘Esser questa la volontà del Signore’. Vocazioni missionarie dei gesuiti nelle lettere indipetae piemontesi del Settecento (1700-1765).” InScrivere Lettere. Religiosi e Pratiche Epistolari tra XVI e XVIII Secolo, edited by Pierluigi Giovannucci. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018, 93–120. 102 Sintobin, Nikolaas. En todo amar y reír: una introducción [seria] a la espiritualidad ignaciana. Edited by Isidro Arias Pérez and Joris Snaet. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2018. 510 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

103 Witwer, Toni. Il dogma cristiano e le sue implicazioni sulla vita spirituale. Roma: GB Press, 2018. 104 Colombo, Emanuele. “Lacrime e sangue. Martirio e missione nella Compagnia di Gesù in età moderna.” Annali di Scienze Religiose, NS 12 (2019), 53–123. 105 Frei, Elisa. “Signed in Blood. Negotiating with the Superior General about the Overseas Mission (18th century).” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, 51 (2019.), 1–34 106 Grieu, Étienne. Les jésuites et les pauvres: XVIe -XXIe siècles. Paris and Bruxelles: Lessius, 2019. 107 Majorana, Bernadette. “L’altro martirio. Offerta di sée edificazione fra i missionari interni dell’antica Compagnia di Gesù.” Annali Di Scienze Religiose, NS 12 (2019), 155–182. 108 Geger, Barton T. “What Really Means and Why It Matters.”Jesuit Higher Education, 1 (2012), 16–31. 109 Kwon, Yon-dahm. “Chinul’s Empty and Quiescent Spiritual Knowing (kongjŏk yŏngji 空寂知) and Ignatius of Loyola’s Indifference and Discernment of Spirits.” Journal of Korean Religions, 10 (2019), 183–220.

5. Pastoral Activities See also 494, 514, 551

110 Komorowska, Magdalena. “The Counter-Reforming of Polish Prayer Books. The Example of Marcin Laterna’s Harfa duchowna (1585).” Quaerendo, 47 (2017), 328–350. 111 Maher, Michael W. “Confession and consolation: the Society of Jesus and its promotion of the general confession.” In Penitence in the Age of , edited by Anne T. Thayer and Katharine Jackson Lualdi. Oxford: Routledge, 2017, 184-200. 112 Selwyn, Jennifer D. “‘Schools of Mortification’: theatricality and the role of penitential practice in the Jesuits’ popular missions.” In Penitence in the Age of Reformations, edited by Anne T. Thayer and Katharine Jackson Lualdi. London: Routledge, 2017. 113 Tricoire, Damien. “What Was the Catholic Reformation?: Marian Piety and the Universalization of Divine Love.” Catholic Historical Review, 103 (2017), 20–49. 114 Casanova, José. “Locating Religion and Secularity in East Asia Through Global Processes: Early Modern Jesuit Religious Encounters.” Religions, 9 (2018), 1–12. 115 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. “Morality and Empire: Cases, Norms, Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 511

and Exceptions in Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Asia.” In A Historical Approach to Casuistry. Norms and Exceptions in a Comparative Perspective, edited by Lucio Biasiori and Carlo Ginzburg. Oxford and London: Bloomsbury, 2018, 219–238. 116 Agmon, Danna. “Law in Theory, Law in Practice. Legal Orientalism and French Jesuit Knowledge Production in India.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, 45 (2019), 28–49. 117 Cavallaro, Daniela. “Go and Sin No More: The Afterlife as Moral Teaching in Italian Catholic Educational Theatre.” Religions, Vol. 10(9) (2019), n. 519. 118 Goujon, Patrick. Les Politiques de l’âme: Direction spirituelle et Jésuites français à l’époque moderne. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019. 119 Gruchała, Janusz Stanisław, and Kazimierz Panuś, eds. Kazania wielkanocne. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Unum, 2019. 120 Cosacchi, Daniel. “Jesuits and Social Justice.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 651–675.

6. Cultural activities See also 48, 231, 295, 331, 368, 385, 392, 393, 400, 401, 421, 423, 425, 431, 443, 452, 476, 489, 490, 495, 499, 501, 502, 503, 504, 517, 518, 521, 523, 527, 536, 574, 583, 592, 593, 598, 604, 605, 607, 608, 620, 623, 759, 925

121 Blum, Paul Richard. “The Jesuits and the Janus-Faced History of Natural Sciences.” In Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century, edited by Helm Jurgen and Annette Winkelmann. Leiden: Brill, 2001, 19–34. 122 Mali, Anya. “Serving Science or the Sacred? Jesuit Missionaries in the New World.” Archiv Für Religionsgeschichte, 3 (2001), 42–54. 123 Morelli, Elizabeth Murray. “An Ignatian Approach to Teaching Philosophy.” In Teaching as an Act of Faith: Theory and Practice in Church-Related Higher Education, edited by Arlin C. Migliazzo. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002, 233–252. 124 Dahl, David Lebovitch. “The Role of the Roman in the Formation of Modern Anti-Semitism: La Civiltà Cattolica, 1850-1879.” Modern Judaism, 23 (2003), 180–197. 125 Haskell, Yasmin Annabel. Loyola’s Bees: Ideology and Industry in Jesuit Latin Didactic Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 126 Berrigan, Daniel. The Trial of the Catonsville Nine. New York: Fordham University Press, 2004. 512 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

127 Mahon, John W. “Joyce Among the Brothers.” Christianity and Literature, 53 (2004), 349–359. 128 Filippi, Bruna. “Le spectacle des idoles dans le théâtre de conversion jésuite (XVIIe siècle).” In L’Idole Dans l’Imaginaire Occidental, edited by M. Watthee-Delmotte and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2005, 167–180. 129 Gruchała, Janusz Stanisław. “Poezja jezuitów czy poezja jezuicka? Od parodii horacjańskiej do elogium.” In Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski i Jego Epoka. Próba Syntezy, edited by Jakub Zdzisław Lichański. Pułtusk: Akademia Humanistyczna, 2006, 29–45. 130 Remmert, Volker R. “Im Zeichen des Konsenses. Bibelexegese und mathematische Wissenschaften in der Gesellschaft Jesu um 1600.” Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 33 (2006), 33-66. 131 Bury, Emmanuel. “La Rhétorique classique au fondement d’une pédagogie: l’exemple de la et ses conséquences littéraires.” Dix-Septième Siècle, 236 (2007), 487– 499. 132 Spica, Anne-Élisabeth. “Jesuits and the Emblematic.” Dix- Septième Siècle, 237 (2007), 633–651. 133 Bireley, Robert. “Early-Modern Catholicism as a Response to the Changing World of the Long Sixteenth Century.” Catholic Historical Review, 95 (2009), 219–239. 134 Portugal, Ana Raquel. “O jesuíta anônimo e a paródia demoníaca.” Revista Brasileira de História das Religiões, 1 (2009), 187–204. 135 Rice, Louise. “Simon Vouet’s Hesperus and the Mythopoetics of Praise.” Studies in the History of Art, 74 (2009), 237–252. 136 Jungmann, Josef Andreas. Christus als Mittelpunkt Religiöser Erziehung. Chrystus jako centrum wychowania religijnego. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2010. 137 Margenat, Josep María. La pédagogie jésuite. Des origines à nos jours. Paris and Namur: Lessius, 2010. 138 Rice, Louise. “Prints for Pentecost: The Title Plates and Frontispieces to an Annual Sermon in Seicento Rome.” In L’Estampe au Grand siecle: etudes Offertesa Maxime Preaud, edited by Peter Fuhring. Paris: Ecole Nationale des Chartes, 2010, 235–267. 139 Aguilar, Horacio. “Los misioneros jesuitas y su relación con la naturaleza sudamericana.” Boletín Biológica, 21 (2011), 21–26. 140 Decock, Wim. “Secret Compensation: A Friendly and Lawful Alternative to Lipsius’s Political Thought.” In (Un)Masking the Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 513

Realities of Power. Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe, edited by Marijke Janssens, Toon Van Houdt, Jan Papy, and Erik De Bom. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2011, 263–280. 141 Remmert, Volker R. Picturing the Scientific Revolution - Title Engravings in Early Modern Scientific Publications. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2011. 142 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “‘Esto es lo que yo buscaba (…) el conocimiento de las yerbas, y su aplicación’: sistematização e difusão dos conhecimentos sobre virtudes de plantas medicinais (América meridional, séculos XVII e XVIII).” Anos 90, 19 (2012), 419–444. 143 Mafra Lapolli, Edis, Lizete Shizue Bomura Maciel, and Alexandre Shigunov Neto. “El maestro y las propuestas educativas de la ratio studiorum: Algunas reflexiones iniciales sobre la práctica de la enseñanza.” Educere, 15 (2012), 273–282. 144 Vermeir, Koen. “Optical Instruments in the Service of God: Light metaphors for the circulation of Jesuit knowledge.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010). Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 333–337. 145 Cheely, Daniel. “Legitimating other People’s Scriptures: Pasquier Quesnel’s Nouveau Testament across Post-Reformation Europe.” Church History, 82 (2013), 576–616. 146 Bussotti, Paolo, and Raffaele Pisano. “On the Jesuit Edition of Newton’s Principia. Science and Advanced Researches in the Western Civilization.” Advances in Historical Studies, 3 (2014), 33–55. 147 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Amabimus nos!: Láska, žárlivost a nenávist na jevištích jezuitských gymnázií.” Cornova, 4 (2014), 21–30. 148 Schubring, Gert, and Alexander Karp. “Mathematics Education in Europe in the Premodern Times.” In Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education, edited by Gert Schubring and Alexander Karp. New York: Springer, 2014, 129–151. 149 Tezanos, Araceli de. “El isomorfismo de las bibliotecas jesuitas (siglos XVI-XVIII).” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, 18 (2014), 105–139. 150 Isgrò, Giovanni. La scena evangelizzatrice. Il teatro dei missionari nelle colonie spagnole del Centro e Sud America. Bari: Edizioni di Pagina, 2015. 151 Martini, Carlo Maria. Le Cattedre dei non credenti. Milan: Bompiani, 2015. 514 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

152 Rakuts, Nikolay Viktorovich. “Proizvedeniia iuzhnoamerikanskikh iezuitov 17-18 vv. kak istochnik dlia izucheniia traditsionnoi material’noi kul’tury indeiskikh narodov.” Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie, 1 (2015), 105–119. 153 Toelle, Jutta. “Ideen zum Narrativ von Mission durch Musik in Briefen und Berichten europäischer Missionare in Lateinamerika.” Troja. Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik, 14 (2015), 27–37. 154 Conrod, Frédéric. “The Jesuit Differential: the Relativity of Truth and Lies in the Theatre of Pierre Corneille and Pedro Calderón de la Barca.” Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, 11 (2016), 38–60. 155 Abram, Anna, Michael Kirwan, and Peter Gallagher, eds. Philosophy, Theology and the Jesuit Tradition: ‘The Eye of Love’. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. 156 Levy, Evonne. “Jesuit Architecture Worldwide: A Culture of Corporate Invention.” In Companion to the History of Architecture, edited by Alina Payne, Volume I, Renaissance and Baroque Architecture. Chichester, West Sussex: Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017, 340–372 157 Mesa, José, ed. Ignatian Pedagogy: Classic and Contemporary Texts on Jesuit Education from St. Ignatius to Today. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2017. 158 Odell, Dawn. “Chinese ‘Paintings of Beautiful Women’ and Images of Asia in a Jesuit Text.” In Ut Pictura Amor: The Reflexive Imagery of Love in Artistic Theory and Practice, 1500-1700, edited by Walter S. Melion, Michael Zell, and Joanna Woodall. Leiden: Brill, 2017, 106–135. 159 Pelliccia, Carlo. “L’Oriente portoghese in Italia (secc. XVI-XVII) nelle litterae annuae della Compagnia di Gesù.” In Homo Est Minor Mundus. Construção de Saberes e relações diplomáticas Luso- Italianas (Sécs. XV-XVIII), edited by Maria Grazia Russo and Gaetano Sabatini. Lisboa: Fábrica da Igreja Italiana de Nossa Senhora do Loreto, 2017, 37–64. 160 Salor, Eustaquio Sánchez. “La modernidad de las ideas gramaticales de Luiz Antonio de Verney y su enfrentamiento con los jesuitas.” In Legado Clássico no Renascimento e sua receção: Contributos para a Renovação do Espaço Cultural Europeu, edited by Cláudia Teixeira and Soares Nair Castro. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017, 415–438. 161 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “El apostolado ignaciano de la educación: Institutio puerorum para la reformatio mundi.” Manresa, 89, (2017) 317–328. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 515

162 Wilde, Guillermo. “The Sounds of Indigenous Ancestors: Music, Corporality, and Memory in the Jesuit Missions of Colonial South America.” In The Oxford Handbook of Music Censorship, edited by Patricia Hall. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, 87–107. 163 Cagle, Hugh. Assembling the Tropics: Science and Medicine in Portugal’s Empire, 1450–1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 164 Cerno, Leonardo. “Variedad estándar y lengua común reduccional. Sobre el léxico del cuerpo humano y la medicina en la lexicografía jesuítica y en el ms. Pohã Ñanã (1725).” In Jesuit Colonial Medicine in South America. A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Approach / Medicina Jesuítica en la América del Sur Colonial. Una Aproximación Multidisciplinar, edited by Franz Obermeier. Kiel: Univ., 2018, 129–154. 165 Filippi, Daniele V. “Songs in Early Modern Catholic Missions: Between Europe, the Indies, and the ‘Indies of Europe.’” Troja. Jahrbuch Für Renaissancemusik, 14 (2018), 39–67. 166 Gallagher, Luisa J. “A Wesleyan-Ignatian Approach to Spiritual Formation. A Case Study in Jesuit Higher Education.” Christian Education Journal, 15 (2018), 447–464. 167 Margenat, Josep María. “El sistema educativo jesuita: la Ratio Studiorum.” In Amor a Lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Coord by Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés Martínez, Francisco. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 35–42. 168 Noyes, Ruth S. Peter Paul Rubens and the Counter-Reformation crisis of the Beati moderni. Sanctity in Global Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2018. 169 Obermeier, Franz, ed. Jesuit colonial medicine in South America. A multidisciplinary and comparative approach / Medicina jesuítica en la América del Sur colonial. Una aproximación multidisciplinar. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines (Ictam Ix). Kiel, Germany from 6th to 12th August 2017. Kiel: Christian-Albrechts-Universität, 2018. 170 Peters, Christian. “Prognostic Fame and Didactic Use: Jesuit Emblem Books as Mirrors of Princes.” In Acta Conventus Neo- Latini Vindobonensis: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015), edited by Astrid Steiner-Weber and Franz Römer. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2018, 530–539. 171 Ágústsson Johannes. “The Musical Entries in the Dresden 516 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Account Books of Saxon Electress and Polish Queen Maria Josepha, 1720–1757.” Musicology Australia, 41 (2019), 236–248. 172 Ali, Farman, and Humaira Ahmad. “Contextualizing Christian Theology in South Asia: An analytical study from 1542-1947.” Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 9 (2019), 160–185. 173 Capriati, Giuseppe. “Quid est causa? The Debate on the Definition of ‘Cause’ in Early Jesuit Scholasticism.” Vivarium, 58 (2019), 111–139. 174 Czerenkiewicz, Michał. “Wartości w życiu akademickim na przykładzie piśmiennictwa naukowego. Studium przypadku: łacińskie druki oficyny Schedlów.” In Retoryka i Wartości, edited by Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca and Ewa Modrzejewska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2019, 185–206. 175 Dubossarskaya, Maya Leonidovna, and Nikolay Viktorovich Rakuts. “Ethnobotany of the South American lowlands in Jesuit missionary writings.” Sibirskie Istoricheskie Issledovaniya (Siberian Historical Research), 1 (2019), 90–101. 176 Golvers, Noël. “The Officina Plantiniana in Antwerp as provider of books for the Jesuits in Early Qing China (1616/1617).” In Lux Librorum: Essays on Books and History for Chris Coppens, edited by David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo, Paul F. Gehl, and Goran Proot. Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2019, 165–199. 177 Hernández, Esther. “El impacto de las lenguas indígenas en los vocabularios indoamericanos de los jesuitas (siglo XVIII).” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Fondo Editorial/ Aleph Impresiones S.R.L. and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 69–88. 178 Kukkonen, Karin. “The Literary Designer Environments of Eighteenth-Century Jesuit Poetics.” In Distributed Cognition in Enlightenment and Romantic Culture, edited by Miranda Anderson, George Rousseau, and Michael Wheeler. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2019, 187–203. 179 Melo, Miguel Pedro. “‘Pietas et Veritas’, ‘Faith and Justice’ and the place of the Study of Humanities in Jesuit Education.” Educazione. Giornale di Pedagogia Critica, 8 (2019), 57–80. 180 Muneroni, Stefano. “Jesuit History, Theatre, and Spirituality.” Religion and the Arts, 23 (2019), 273–292. 181 Naupert, Cristina. “Misión y traducción en el Brasil colonial: Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 517

los misioneros jesuitas como mediadores lingüísticos y culturales.” CLINA: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Communication, 5 (2019), 63–78. 182 Nebgen, Christoph. “Missionarissen als culturele en politieke grensgangers in de vroegmoderne tijd.” Communio (Belgium), 44 (2019), 91–100. 183 Pavur, Claude Nicholas. In the School of Ignatius: Studious Zeal and Devoted Learning. Chestnut Hill, MA: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019. 184 Ramírez, Verónica, and Patricio Leyton. “El eclipse solar de 1867: Ciencia, política y religión en el Chile republicano.” Historia (Chile), 9 (2019), 263–307. 185 Sievernich, Michael. “Übersetzung des Christentums in den Jesuiten-Reduktionen.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 99–124. 186 Strosetzki, Christoph. “De lo exterior a lo interior. Las imágenes y la contemplación jesuita mística.” Hipogrifo, 7 (2019), 605–617. 187 Vermander, Benoît. “Classiques comparés et théologie interculturelle.” Revue Théologique de Louvain, 50 (2019), 551– 577.

7. Polemical writings See also 613, 636

188 Kidd, Thomas S. “‘Let Hell and Rome do their Worst’: World News, Anti-Catholicism, and International Protestantism in Early-Eighteenth-Century Boston.” The New England Quarterly, 76 (2003), 265–290. 189 Donnelly, Colm J. “The I.H.S. Monogram as a Symbol of Catholic Resistance in Seventeenth-Century Ireland.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 9 (2005), 37–42. 190 Verhoeven, Timothy. “Neither Male nor Female: Androgyny, Nativism and International Anti-Catholicism.” Australasian Journal of American Studies, 24 (2005), 5–19. 191 Pettinato, Johnathan M. “Jeers, Jingo, and Jesuits: Britishness, Edmund Burke, and Crises of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain.” Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 93 (2015), 93–121. 192 Boisson, Didier. “Autour de l’application de la déclaration de 1656. Les arguments du jésuite Bernard Meynier et de l’avocat 518 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

réformé Pierre Loride au début des années 1660.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker, 157–74. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019. 193 Carvalho, Roberta Lobão. “Antijesuitismo na Amazônia portuguesa (primeira metade do século XVIII).” Revista Brasileira de História, 39 (2019), 153–173. 194 Chalamet, Christophe. “Est Deus in nobis ? Les premières années du débat Barth-Przywara.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 263–285. 195 Chatelan, Olivier. “Les protestants français et le pape François.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 307–324. 196 Cullière, Alain. “Gallicans et protestants contre les jésuites au XVIe siècle. Les ‘leçons’ d’Étienne Pasquier et de Jean Chassanion.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 23–37. 197 De Franceschi, Sylvio Hermann. “La morale catholique posttridentine et la controverse interconfessionelle. Jeûne et abstinence dans la confrontation entre protestants et jésuites: privations alimentaires et confessionalisation.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 69–93. 198 Dürr, Renate. “‘The Shepherds Boy in the Fable’ -- zum Umgang mit dem gefährlichen Wissen der Jesuiten in der Aufklärung.” InTransfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 171–194. 199 Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. “La conversion à la Réforme dans la première Compagnie de Jésus.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 39–49. 200 Fechner, Fabian. “Eine neue Bildpolitik im Zeichen der Krise. Visuelle Argumente in den Debatten um die Aufhebung des Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 519

Jesuitenordens im spanischen Imperium.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 61–97. 201 Fédou, Michel. “Jésuites et protestants dans la théologie du XXe siècle.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 337–350. 202 Gennip, Joep van. “‘A great swarm of nocturnal raptors shrieking horribly’. Negative Images of the Jesuits in the Netherlands between the Restoration of the Order and the Establishment of the Dutch Jesuit Province, 1814–1850.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 279–299. 203 Guyard, Nicolas. “Les Échos de Calvin. Les jésuites, les protestants et les reliques au XVIIe siècle.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 175–188. 204 Henryot, Fabienne. “Publier la controverse (1598-1629): Les jésuites et l’édition de la théologie antiprotestante.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24- 25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 95–114. 205 Kandakou, Dzianis. “Jésuites et protestants dans l’Empire de Russie au tournant du XIXe siècle.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 225–237. 206 Keen, Ralph. “Intra-Confessional Polemics in the Reformation.” Church History, 88 (2019), 639–644. 207 Krumenacker, Yves. “Pierre Bayle et Ignace de Loyola.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 209–222. 208 Léonard, Julien. “Le faux au service de la controverse. Le pasteur Samuel Des Marest face aux jésuites de Maastricht (1632-1636).” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 115–135. 520 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

209 Maes, Bruno. “L’impact des missions intérieures des jésuites sur les protestants: Jean-François Régis dans le Vivarais à l’époque baroque.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Yves Krumenacker and Philippe Martin. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 189–208. 210 Maindreville, Remi de. “Jésuites et protestants dans la revue Christus.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 325–335. 211 Negruzzo, Simona. “‘Les Jésuites nous secondent’. La confrontation pédagogique entre protestants et catholiques dans le Strasbourg du XVIe siècle.” In Jésuites Et Protestantisme XVIe-XXIe Siècles. Actes Du Colloque De Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 51–68. 212 Pereda, Felipe. “Vox Populi: Carnal Blood, Spiritual Milk, and the Debate Surrounding the Immaculate Conception, ca. 1600.” In Interreligious Encounters in Polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond, edited by Mercedes García- Arenal, Gerard Albert Wiegers, and Ryan Szpiech. Leiden: Brill, 2019, 286–334. 213 Prudhomme, Claude. “Missionnaires jésuites et protestants en Afrique subsaharienne et à Madagascar.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 287–306. 214 Rocher, Philippe. “Les Jésuites et ‘la crise du protestantisme’ au XIXe siècle. Du Second Empire à l’affaire Dreyfus.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018), edited by Philippe Martin and Yves Krumenacker. Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 239–261. 215 Simiz, Stefano. “Louis Sevestre, controversiste jésuite et auteur de (fausses) lettres de Calvin. Le regard d’un compagnon sur les pasteurs réformés dans les années 1650.” In Jésuites et protestantisme XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de Lyon (24-25 Mai 2018). Lyon: LARHRA, 2019, 137–156. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 521

II. Countries

A. Africa

Ethiopia 216 Martínez, Víctor M. Las misiones jesuitas ibéricas en Etiopía (1557- 1632). Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), 2019.

Madagascar See 213

Mozambique 217 Fernandes, Gonçalo. “El Arte da lingua de Cafre (Mozambique, ca. 1745 [ca. 1680]).” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 89–114.

Zambia 218 Carmody, Brendan. “The Politics of Catholic Education in Zambia: 1891–1964.” Journal of Church and State, 44 (2002), 775– 804.

B. America

Argentina See also 260, 269

219 Vitar, Beatriz. “La evangelización del Chaco y el combate jesuítico contra el demonio.” Andes, 12 (2001), 201–222. 220 Quarleri, Lía. “Autonomia y buen gobierno. Conflictos internos de la Orden jesuita en la Provincia del Paraguay (Córdoba y La Rioja, 1680-1720).” Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economia y Sociedad, 7 (2005), 153–186. 221 Gracia, Joaquín. Los jesuitas en Cordoba desde la Colonia hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cordoba: Editorial de la Universidad Catolica de Cordoba, 2008. 222 Nicoletti, María Andrea. “Los jesuitas en el Nahuel Huapi: aproximaciones a una breve misión en la Patagonia (1669-1717).” Memoria Americana. Cuadernos de Etnohistoria, 12 (2008), 97–130. 522 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

223 Vitar, Beatriz. “Jesuitas, mujeres y poder: el caso de la misiones de las fronteras del Chaco (siglo XVIII).” Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12 (2008), 39–70. 224 Paz, Carlos D., and Josefina G. Cargnel. “Crónicas de la barbarie: Categorías y formas de organización de la política nativa chaqueña, analizadas y narradas por la Compañía de Jesús.” Páginas (Rosario): Revista Digital De La Escuela De Historia, 4 (2012), 9–33. 225 Hogue, Kellie Jean. “A Saint of their own: Native Petitions supporting the Canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha, 1884– 1885.” U.S. Catholic Historian, 32 (2014), 25–44. 226 Page, Carlos A. “El retablo mayor de la iglesia del Colegio Máximo de San Ignacio en Córboba (Argentina) y otros ejemplos construidos en la misma época.” Estudios del Patrimonio Cultural, 15 (2016), 14–25. 227 Rega, María Alejandra, and Florencia Caeiro. Aprender a mirar el paisaje desde el arte: las estancias jesuíticas de Córdoba Argentina. Buenos Aires: Librería Concentra, 2017. 228 Obermeier, Franz, and Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck. “O Libro de medicina, cirugía, e botica: um manuscrito anônimo de Matéria médica rioplatense da primeira metade do século XVIII.” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 132–156.

Belize 229 Strauss, Charles T. “Missionary Empire: American Catholics in Belize and Guatemala, 1941–1961.” American Catholic Studies, 130 (2019), 1–36.

Bolivia See also 271, 757

230 Vitar, Beatriz. “Mujeres, jesuitas y poder. El caso de las reducciones de las fronteras del Chaco, siglo XVIII.” In Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12 (2004), 39–70. 231 Waisman, Leonardo J. “La contribución indígena a la música misional en Mojos (Bolivia).” Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12 (2004), 11–38. 232 Carvalho, Francismar Alex Lopes de. “Cruzando fronteiras e negociando lealdades: índios missioneiros entre os domínios ibéricos de Mojos, Chiquitos e Mato Grosso (c. 1767-1800).” Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 25, (2012). 233 Ribeiro Chaves, Otávio, João Ivo Puhl, and Ione Castilho. “Índios Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 523

de Mojo e Chiquitos no contexto colonial ibérico do século XVI ao XVIII.” Revista Territorios e Fronteiras, 5 (2012), 32–59. 234 Geres, René Osvaldo. “Con eficacia para semejantes cosas... Martirio, ritualidad y poder en las misiones de indios chiriguanos. Siglo XVIII.” Dimensión Antropológica, 20 (2013), 89–126. 235 Castilho Pereira, Ione Aparecida Martins. “Guerra nas missões de Mojos: uma análise do conflito luso-espanhol pela posse da antiga missão jesuítica de Santa Rosa de Mojos no rio Guaporé (1760-1764).” Memoria Americana. Cuadernos de Etnohistoria, 25 (2017), 95-112. 236 Castilho, Ione. “As missões de Mojos e Chiquitos como instituição de fronteira: uma análise comparativa da ação política desenvolvida pelos jesuítas nestes espaços missioneiros.” In Faces da Fronteira: Desafios e Perspectivas De Regiões Lindeiras (v. II), edited by Andrius Estevam Noronha, Jadson Luís Rebelo Porto, and Iuri Cavlak. Macapá: UNIFAP, 2017, 171–189. 237 Isoton, Juan. “Entre o demônio e a Divina Providência: o sobrenatural no processo de cristianização dos nativos na crônica jesuíta (Missões de Chiquitos, fim do XVII e início do XVIII).” Revista Hydra, 2 (2018), 264–280. 238 Martínez, Cecilia. Una etnohistoria de Chiquitos: más allá del horizonte jesuítico. Cochabamba: Itinerarios Editorial: Instituto de Misionologia, 2018.

Brazil See also 181, 232, 744, 767, 891

239 Abreu, Mauricio A. “European conquest, Indian subjection and the conflicts of colonization: Brazil in the early modern era.” GeoJournal, 60 (2004), 365–373. 240 Antonil, André João. Cultura e Opulência do Brasil por suas Drogas e Minas. Edited by Andrée Mansuy Diniz Silva. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. 241 Amantino, Márcia. “A expulsão dos jesuítas da capitania do Rio de Janeiro e o confisco de seus bens.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 169–91. 242 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A expulsão da Companhia de Jesus do Brasil na visão de um escritor romântico e nacionalista do século XIX.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 97–130. 243 Mello, Magno Moraes. “Retórica e persuasão na arte barroca: a 524 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

pintura do teto da nave da igreja do Seminário Jesuítico em Santarém.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 155–168. 244 Nabinger, Maria Luisa. “Capuchinhos e Jesuítas: emissários do poder político europeu (séculos XVI-XVII).” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 87–96. 245 Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Medeiros. “A recuperação econômica da Amazônia e a expulsão dos jesuítas do Grão- Pará e Maranhão.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 193–248. 246 Barcelos, Artur Henrique Franco. “Jesuítas no Amazonas e no Orenoco: Explorações e polêmicas geográficas.” Revista Eletrônica Documento/Monumento, 3 (2010), 74–88. 247 Alves, Marcelo Inácio de Oliveira. “Ser Senhor de Escravos no Recôncavo do Rio de Janeiro: estratégias de legitimação do poder senhorial na Freguesia de São Gonçalo do Amarante, século XVIII.” In Atas do I Encontro de História da UGF. Rio de Janeiro: Gama Filho, 2012, 479–489. 248 Santos, Miguel Luciano Bispo dos. “Conflito entre os Colonos da Capitania de São Vicente e a Companhia de Jesus, no período de 1611 a 1640.” In Atas do I Encontro de História UGF. Rio de Janeiro: Gama Filho, 2012, 490–499. 249 Amantino, Márcia. “Identidades e mestiçagens entre negros e índios e o controleda Companhia de Jesus no Rio de Janeiro colonial.” Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 10 (2013), 27–44. 250 Leite, Bruno Martins Boto. “Verdes que em vosso tempo se mostrou. Das boticas jesuíticas da Província do Brasil, Séculos XVII – XVIII.” In Usos e Circulação de Plantas no Brasil, Séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, 2013, 52–93. 251 Parellada, Claudia Inês. “Arte e espacialidade nas cidades coloniais espanholas (1554-1632) e nas missões jesuíticas do Guairá (1610-1631).” Memorare, 1 (2013), 250–256. 252 Parellada, Claudia Inês. “Sítio arqueológico Fazenda Santa Dalmácia: uma das fundações da Missão Jesuítica de San Joseph, Guairá, século XVII.” Boletim Museu Histórico de Londrina, 4 (2013), 8–12. 253 Santos, Miguel Luciano Bispo dos. “As escaramuças entre Bandeirantes e Jesuítas pelo gentio da terra na região do Guairá,” Revista Gnarus, 3 (2013), 126–134. 254 Cressoni, Fábio Eduardo. “Na boca do inferno: a América diabólica projetada pela Companhia de Jesus.” Diálogos (Brazil), 18 (2014), 571–605. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 525

255 Baptista, Jean Tiago. O Eterno: crenças e práticas missionais. 2A Edição. Brasília: IBRAM, 2015. 256 Baptista, Jean Tiago. O temporal: sociedades e espaços missionais. Brasília: IBRAM, 2015. 257 Bruxel, Laerson, Diego Vivian, and Andre Amud Botelho. Museu das Missões: coleção Museus do Ibram. Brasília: Instituto Brasileiro de Museus, 2015. 258 Carvalho, Francismar Alex Lopes de. “Imagens do demônio nas missões jesuíticas da Amazônia espanhola.” Varia Historia, 31 (2015), 741–785. 259 Carvalho, Francismar Alex Lopes de. “Mediadores do sagrado: os auxiliares indígenas dos missionários nas reduções jesuíticas da Amazônia ocidental (c. 1638-1767).” Revista de História (Brazil), 173 (2015), 175–210. 260 Engemann, Carlos, Márcia Amantino, and Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck, eds. A Companhia de Jesus na America por seus colegios e fazendas: aproximaçes entre Brasil e Argentina (seculo XVIII). Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2015. 261 Pio Júnior, Amaury Oliveira; Filho, Eduardo Gomez da Silva. “A presença jesuíta no Grão-Pará indígena do século XVIII.” In I Colóquio Discente de Estudos Históricos Latino-Americanos, edited by Helenize Soares Serres. São Leopoldo: CEHLA, 2015, 599–604. 262 Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Medeiros. “O restabelecimento da Companhia de Jesus no extremo sul do Brasil (1842-1867).” Cadernos IHU Idéias, 13 (2015):1–32. 263 Santos, Maria Cristina Razzera dos, and Jean Tiago Baptista. As Ruínas: a crise entre o temporal e o eterno. Vol. vol 3. Brasilia: IBRAM, 2015. 264 Wittmann, Luisa Tombini. “Regras, adaptações e traduções nas missões jesuíticas.” In Anais do IV Encontro Internacional de História Colonial, edited by Karl Heinz Arenz and Rafael Chambouleyron. Bélem: Editora Açaí, 2015, 209–220. 265 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Sao Miguel. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2016. 266 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Sao Sebastiao. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2016. 267 Torres Londoño, Fernando. “La representación de la Amazonia en el Tesouro descoberto no maximo rio Amazonas del jesuita João Daniel.” In Actas de las XVI Jornadas Internacionales Sobre las Misiones Jesuíticas, edited by Fátima Victoria Valenzuela and 526 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

María Laura Salinas. Resistencia: Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas, 2016, 211–221. 268 Almeida Martins, Renata Maria de. “The Emblem Tradition in the Colonial Amazon Region: Books and Paintings in the Jesuit Missions of Grão-Pará.” In Emblems in Colonial Ibero-America: To the New World on the Ship of Theseus, edited by Pedro Germano Leal. Glasgow: Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2017, 321–351. 269 Amantino, Márcia, and Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck. “Produção, comércio e mediação política a serviço da catequese: os colégios e as fazendas da Companhia de Jesus no Rio de Janeiro e em Córdoba (séc. XVIII).” Revista Maracanan, 15 (2017), 119–140. 270 Dilly, Gabriela, and Daniel Luciano Gevehr. “A sedução da floresta selvagem: representações sobre identidade étnica na imigração alemã no Rio Grande do Sul.” Domínios da Imagem, 11 (2017), 253–280. 271 Machado Nascimento, Bruno Rafael, and Giovani José da Silva. “Américas indígenas ‘periféricas’: nativos e jesuítas em Oiapoque e Chiquitania.” Habitus, 15 (2017), 137–158. 272 Marta, Felipe Eduardo Ferreira, and Fernada de Oliveira Matos. “Instituto São Luiz Gonzaga - Um colégio jesuíta em Caetité (1912 -1925).” Seminário Nacional e Seminário Internacional Políticas Públicas, Gestão e Práxis Educacional, 6 (2017), 1263–1280. 273 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Nossa Senhora da Purificaçao. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2017. 274 Amantino, Márcia. “O sequestro da fragata da Companhia de Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, 1759.” História (Brazil), 22 (2018), 360–369. 275 Lourenço, Lais da Silva, and Ana Rosa Cloclet da Silva. “A imprensa católica a serviço da reforma ultramontana: o caso do Mensageiro do Coração de Jesus.” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 157–182. 276 Machado, Neli Teresinha Galarce, Luís Fernando da Silva Laroque, and Tuani de Cristo. “Protagonismo Guarani na porção sul do Brasil Meridional: o ñande reko em territórios das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Iequí e Caií no ano de 1635.” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 108–131. 277 Mecenas, Ane Luise Silva. “‘A travessia entre o pecado e a fé’: as aldeias Kiriri e os escritos jesuíticos de conversão (1684- 1699).” Antíteses, 11 (2018), 87–107. 278 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Santo Antonio. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2018. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 527

279 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Santo Inacio dos Conventos. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2018. 280 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Sao José. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2018. 281 Spohr Inacio. Historia das casas, um regate historico dos jesuitas no sul do Brasil: Paroquia Sao Lourenço Martir - Paroquia Sao José Operaio. Porto Alegre: Padre Reus, 2018. 282 Baptista, Jean Tiago. “Patrimônios indígenas nos 80 anos do Museu das Missões: etno-história e etnomuseologia aplicada à imaginária missional.” Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, 14 (2019), 8-29. 283 Barros, Cândida, and Ruth Monserrat. “Dilemas da evangelização em tupi na Amazônia na primeira metade do século XVIII: vernaculizar ou manter a tradição textual jesuítica?” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Fondo Editorial/ Aleph Impresiones S.R.L. and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 173–194. 284 Boita, Tony Willian, and Jean Tiago Baptista. “Memórias exiladas no sítio arqueológico São Miguel Arcanjo: uma visita à igreja e ao Cotiguaçu enquanto patrimônios indígenas.” Habitus, 17 (2019), 51–61. 285 Campato Jr., João Adalberto, and Ricardo Magalhães Bulhões. “Na Festa de São Lourenço: uma leitura pós-colonial.” In Capítulos Lusoamericanos (História, Filosofia, Literatura e Linguística), edited by Ricardo Magalhães Bulhões and Carlos Eduardo Mendes de Moraes. São Paulo: UNESP - Campus de Assis, 2019, 101–120. 286 Gaia, Stefanie Leão, and Karl Heinz Arenz. “Mulheres indígenas em narratives jesuíticas da Amazônia Portuguesa (século XVII-XVIII).” Habitus, 17 (2019), 394–413. 287 Gevehr, Daniel Luciano, and Marlise Regina Meyrer. “Mas de que não é capaz uma mulher, quando sabe desenfrear as paixões dos homens, e até imprimir ao crime o selo da religião e da piedade? Gênero e narrativa na imigração alemã no Rio Grande do Sul.” História (Brazil), Vol. 38 (2019), 1-28. 288 Machado Nascimento, Bruno Rafael. Ad majorem dei gloriam: missões jesuíticas setecentistas no Oiapoque e os usos de documentos históricos para ensino de História no Amapá. Rio de Janeiro: Autografía, 2019. 289 Monserrat, Ruth, and Cândida Barros. “Algumas divergências 528 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

na tradução do cristianismo para o Tupi em catecismos jesuíticos (séculos XVI-XVII ).” Habitus, 17 (2019), 346–356. 290 Rocha, Rafael Ale. “Aldeamentos missionários no Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Para (1700-1750).” Habitus, 17 (2019), 379–393. 291 Silva, Cristina Mascarenhas da. “O elogio como tema em Orfeu Brasílico.” In Capítulos Lusoamericanos (História, Filosofia, Literatura e Linguística), edited by Carlos Eduardo Mendes de Moraes and Ricardo Magalhães Bulhões. São Paulo: UNESP - Campus de Assis, 2019, 173–187. 292 Silva, Giovani José da, and Bruno Rafael Machado Nascimento. “Sobre vivências negociadas: Indígenas e jesuítas franceses no Qiapoque setecentista.” Habitus, 17 (2019), 357–378.

Canada See also 816

293 Winkler, Daryold Corbiere. “‘Far more Complicated than That’: The Encounter Between the Jesuits and the Anishinabek of Holy Cross Mission, Manitoulin Island, 1844-1852.” Toronto Journal of Theology, 21 (2005), 67–90. 294 Dionne, Fannie. “Nouveaux mots, nouveaux mondes: l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France à partir des documents en langue autochtone.” Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies, 82 (2017), 67–85.

Chile See also 184, 854, 1013

295 Gutiérrez Ramírez, Eduardo. “Desde el Colegio Máximo a la Biblioteca Nacional: usos y resignificación de una biblioteca en Chile (1767-1813).” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, 18 (2014), 141–166. 296 Schenke Reyes, Josefina. “Imágenes, reliquias y devociones en la Iglesia del Colegio Máximo de San Miguel: iconografías, relaciones y funciones (Santiago de Chile, siglo XVIII).” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, 18 (2014), 59–77. 297 Urrejola Davanzo, Bernarda. “Las lágrimas del obispo. Manuel de Alday ante la expulsión de los jesuitas del Reino de Chile.” Sílex, 8 (2018), 121–137. 298 Brañes, María José, Elvira Pérez, Fernando Pérez, Carlos Silva, and Sara Browne. “Descripción geográfica de la misión de Chiloé.” Anales de Literatura Chilena, 32 (2019), 243–268. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 529

299 Burdick, Catherine E. “Paradise and Perdition: Jesuit Visions of Santiago, Chile, before and after the Earthquake of 1647.” Hispanic American Historical Review, 99 (2019), 589–618.

Colombia 300 Gorzalczany, Marisa Andrea. La Real Biblioteca de Santa Fé de Bogotá (1790). Análisis de su inventario. Buenos Aires: Marisa A. Gorzalczany, 2005. 301 Marín Leoz, Juana María. “Institucionalidad y poder. La expulsión de los jesuitas y los colegiales reales del Real Colegio Mayor y Seminario de San Bartolomé, Santafé de Bogotá.” Revista de Indias, 78 (2018), 459–502. 302 Rey Fajardo, José del. “La cátedra de Sagrada Escritura en la universidad javeriana colonial (1722-1767).” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 4–19.

Dominican Republic 303 Sáez, José Luis. Breve historia del Caribe jesuita. Santo Domingo: Editorial Universitaria Bonó, 2019.

Ecuador 304 Fernández-Salvador, Carmen. Encuentros y desencuentros con la frontera imperial: la iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Quito y la misión en el Amazonas (siglo 17.). Frankfurt am Main and Madrid: Vervuert and Iberoamericana, 2018. 305 Gorzalczany, Marisa Andrea. La biblioteca jesuita de la Universidad Real y Pontificia de San Gregorio de Quito (1767). Buenos Aires: Marisa A. Gorzalczany, 2018.

El Salvador See also 755

306 Conferencia Episcopal El Salvador. Beatificacion Monsenor Óscar Romero 23 de mayo de 2015. El Salvador: Conferencia Episcopal de El Salvador, 2015.

French Guiana (France) 307 Rousselle, Antoine Loyer, and Réginald Auger. “Identity and Cultural Interaction in French Guiana during the Eighteenth Century: The Case of the Storehouse at Habitation Loyola.” In Archaeological Perspectives on the French in the New World, edited by Elizabeth M. Scott. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2017, 185–217. 530 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Guatemala See 229

Mexico See also 811

308 Schroeder, Susan. “Jesuits, Nahuas, and the Good Death Society in Mexico City, 1710-1767.” Hispanic American Historical Review, 80 (2000), 43–76. 309 Classen, Albrecht. “Transcultural Encounters: German Jesuit Missionaries in the Pimería Alta.” In Transcultural German Studies / Deutsch Als Fremdsprache: Building Bridges / Brücken Bauen, edited by Renate A. Schulz and Steven D. Martinson. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008, 269–296. 310 Torales Pacheco, María Cristina. “Los jesuitas y la independencia de México. Algunas aproximaciones.” In Virreinatos, edited by Lillian von der Walde and Mariel Reinoso, 3/14. México: Editorial Grupo Destiempos, 2008, 397–412. 311 Bonifacio Flores, Jorge Aarón. “Conversión, tradición y educación: Valores jesuíticos en la Nueva España.” Pensamiento Novohispano, 12 (2011), 67–76. 312 Martinez-Serna, J. Gabriel. “Jesuit Missionaries, Indian Polities, and Environmental Transformation in the Lagoon March of Northeastern New Spain.” Journal of Early American History, 3 (2013), 207–234. 313 Kalil, Luis Guilherme Assis, and Luiz Estevam de Oliveira Fernandes. “Ciegos o engañados: narrativas sobre a conquista espiritual do Norte da Nova Espanha (séculos XVII e XVIII).” História Unisinos, 18 (2014), 233–247. 314 Marchetti, Elisabetta. “Los pasos de los jesuitas mexicanos en su destierro boloñés.” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 765–779. 315 Arteaga Martínez, Alejandro. “Niños y adolescentes en el teatro jesuita novohispano.” In Pliegos de Semiótica y Literatura Novohispana, edited by Rocío Olivares Zorilla. México, D.F.: Destiempos, 2015, 48–68. 316 Zermeño Padilla, Guillermo. “El retorno de los jesuitas a México en el siglo XIX: Algunas paradojas.” Historia Mexicana, 64/4 (2015), 1463–1540. 317 Křížová, Markéta. “La actuación de los jesuitas de la Provincia de Bohemia en las colonias españoles de ultramar, siglos XVII Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 531

y XVIII (Caso especial del norte de Nueva España).” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 19–32. 318 Rivera Villanueva, José Antonio. “La hacienda La Parada: Un conflicto entre los jesuitas del Colegio de San Luis Potosí y los Tlaxcaltecas de San Miguel Mexquitic, 1625-1640.” Revista de el Colegio de San Luis, 6 (2016), 10–46. 319 Abascal Sherwell Raull, Pablo. “Movilidad jesuita en la provincia de México a finales del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVII. Un análisis desde las biografías individuales de los miembros de la Compañía de Jesús.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 5 (2017), 86–99. 320 Borrero Silva, María del Valle, and Gilberto López Castillo. “Visiones seculares sobre las misiones jesuíticas de Sonora 1672-1722.” Habitus, 17 (2019), 310–324. 321 Sorroche Cuerva, Miguel Angel, ed. El patrimonio cultural en las misiones de Baja California. Estado de la cuestión y perspectivas de futuro. Granada: Editorial Atrio, 2011. 322 Varela Cabral, Leonardo, ed. La California Jesuita (Salvatierra, Venegas, Del Barco, Baegert). La Paz, Baja California Sur: Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Sur / Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura, 2016.

Paraguay 323 Crocitti, John J. “The Internal Economic Organization ofthe Jesuit Missions among the Guaraní” International Social Science Review, 77 (2002), 3–15. 324 Avellaneda, Mercedes. “El Arcángel San Miguel y sus representaciones en las Reducciones Jesuíticas del Paraguay.” Suplemento Antropológico, 38 (2003), 131–175. 325 Martínez Martín, Carmen. “El padrón de Larrazábal en las misiones del Paraguay (1772).” Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 29 (2003), 25–50. 326 Cypriano, Doris Cristina Castilhos de Araujo. “Como mentiré que soy español por la ropa? A manutenção das fronteiras e identidade guaycuru no Chaco - séculos XVI a XVIII.” In Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12 (2005), 71–96. 327 Page, Carlos A. “La Creación del Real Convictorio de Nuestra Señora de Monserrat en la Provincia Jesuítica del Paraguay.” Tempo da Ciência, 12 (2005), 9–23. 532 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

328 Trento, P. Aldo. El Paraiso en el Paraguay: Reducciones Jesuiticas. Cruz del Chaco: Editorial Parroquia San Rafael, 2007. 329 Salinas, María Laura. “El Obispo Cárdenas y los Jesuítas de Asunción según la mirada franciscana.” Revista Junta de Estudios del Chaco, 4 (2008), 21–48. 330 Parellada, Claudia Inês. “O Paraná espanhol: cidades e missões jesuíticas no Guairá.” In Missões: Conquistando Almas e Territórios. Curitiba: Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Paraná, 2009, 130–141. 331 Plaza Escrivá, José María. São Miguel das Missões - Arte e cultura dos Sete Povos - Desenhos de um arquiteto. São Leopoldo: Unisinos, 2011. 332 Cincunegui, José Luis, ed. Las reducciones jesuitas del Paraguay: una aventura fascinante que perdura en el tiempo. 2. Ed. Madrid: Headline Compañía de edición, 2012. 333 Obermeier, Franz, and Leonardo Cerno. “Nuevos aportes de la lingüística para la investigación de documentos en guaraní de la época colonial (Siglo XVIII).” Folia Histórica Del Nordeste, 21 (2013), 33–56. 334 Svriz Wucherer, Pedro Miguel Omar, and María Laura Salinas. “Liderazgo guaraní en tiempos de paz y de guerra. Los caciques en las reducciones franciscanas y jesuíticas, siglos XVII y XVIII.” Revista de Historia Militar, 110 (2013), 113–151. 335 Golin, Tau. “A Província Jesuítica do Paraguai, a Guerra Guaranítica e a destruição do espaço jesuítico-missioneiro.” In História da Fronteira Sul, edited by Paulo A. Zarth, Delmir José Valentini, and José Carlos Radin. Chapecó: UFFS Editora, 2014, 73-91. 336 Wilde, Guillermo. “Adaptaciones y apropiaciones en una cultura textual de frontera: impresos misionales del Paraguay Jesuítico.” História (Brazil), 18 (2014), 270–286. 337 Bollini, Horacio Marcos. La Reduccion Jesuitica de Trinidad: alegorismo y barroco. Corrientes, Argentina: Moglia Ediciones, 2016. 338 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A medicina da conversão: apropriação e circulação de saberes e práticas de cura (Província Jesuítica do Paraguay, século XVIII),” Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales, 11 (2017), 34–80. 339 Obermeier, Franz. “El Apéndice de la Colección de obras impresas y manuscritas [1853] de Pedro de Angelis. Una reconstrucción de la parte etnolingüística.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas en Iberoamérica, 5 (2017), 3–27. 340 Duviols, Jean-Paul. Indios guaraníes y jesuitas: misiones de la Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 533

Compañía de Jesús en el Paraguay (1610-1767). Doral: Stockcero, 2018. 341 Parellada, Claudia Inês. “Arte em Missões Jesuíticas no Guairá (1610-1631): entrelaçando arqueologia, antropologia e arquitetura.” In Arte y Patrimonio Cultural: 56.º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, edited by Manuel Alcántara. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2018, 3:369–378. 342 Vega, Fabián R. “La dimensión bibliográfica de la reducción lingüística. La producción textual jesuítica en guaraní a través de los inventarios de bibliotecas.” Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 36 (2018). 343 Melià, Bartomeu. “Literatura guaraní y literatura en guaraní.” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Fondo Editorial/ Aleph Impresiones S.R.L. and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 145–171. 344 Page, Carlos A. “Los jesuitas en los confines del imperio. La evangelización en Villa Rica del Espíritu Santo (Paraguay, 1589-1675).” Temas Americanistas, 43 (2019), 106–133. 345 Page, Carlos A. El primer jesuita. Origen de las Reducciones del Paraguay. Posadas: Ediciones Montoya, 2019. 346 Svriz Wucherer, Pedro Miguel Omar. “From Europe to the Chaco-Paraguayan frontier. The Jesuit Brothers: Biographical trajectories, war and global histories in the 17th century.” Ciencia Nueva. Revista De Historia y Política, 3 (2019), 77–92. 347 Vega, Fabián R. “La posible autoria del manuscrito Phrases Selectas, entre el uno y el múltiple (misiones jesuíticas de guaraníes, siglo XVII).” Folia Histórica del Nordeste, 34 (2019), 39–63. 348 Wilde, Guillermo, and Fabián R. Vega. “(Des)clasificando la cultura escrita guaraní. Un enigmático documento trilingüe de las misiones jesuíticas del Paraguay.” Corpus. Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana, 9 (2019), 1-35.

Peru See also 669, 957

349 Barentzen, Hilda. “Mano de obra indígena en las haciendas Jesuitas de Ica-Perú (1767-1800).” Universum, 20 (2005), 143-171. 350 Ragas, José, and Claudia Rosas Lauro. “La Compañía de Jesús en el Perú colonial. Guía bibliográfica (1870-2003).” In Los 534 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Jesuitas y la Modernidad en Iberoamérica (1549-1773), 331–64. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2007. 351 Albó, Xavier. “Vita Christi: el escrito aymara más completo del periodo colonial.” Revista Ciencia y Cultura, 28 (2012), 111–131. 352 Fernández Arrillaga, Inmaculada. “La añoranza escrita. Crónicas de un jesuita desterrado de la provincia de Perú.” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 753–763. 353 García Arenas, Mar. “Las gestiones diplomáticas hispano- portuguesas en la expulsión de los jesuitas de Maynas (1767- 1769).” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 781–792. 354 Redden, Andrew. Diabolism in colonial Peru, 1560-1750. London: Routledge, 2016. 355 Dejo, Juan. “Contemplar y simbolizar en la misión: unión con Dios e identidad jesuita en los Andes (siglos XVI y XVII).” Sílex, 8 (2018), 43–71. 356 Fechner, Fabian. “Entre el pragmatismo local y una homogeneidad global. Las normas para los jesuitas en Perú.” Sílex, 8 (2018), 73–88. 357 Isidori, Sonia. “L’esperienza della malattia nelle lettere dei gesuiti della provincia peruviana della Compagnia di Gesù nel Cinquecento.” In Scrivere Lettere. Religiosi e Pratiche Epistolari Tra XVI e XVIII Secolo, edited by Pierluigi Giovannucci. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018, 43–54. 358 Maldavsky, Aliocha. “Entre capilla y misión. Jesuitas en la periferia de Arequipa en el siglo XVII.” Sílex, 8 (2018), 89–119. 359 Martínez Díaz, Emilio. Los jesuitas en tiempos de la violencia (1980- 1992). Lima: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, 2018. 360 Tardieu, Jean Pierre. “Temporalities Administration of the slaves of former Jesuit haciendas (Peru, 1768-1815). Some socio-economic aspects.” Revista de Indias, 79 (2019), 797–826. 361 Estenssoro Fuchs, Juan Carlos. “El simio de dios. Los Indígenas y la Iglesia frente a la evangelización del Perú, siglos XVI- XVII.” Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines, 30 (2001), 455–474. 362 Estabridis Cárdenas, Ricardo. “Jesuit Emblem Culture in a House of Spiritual Exercises for Limean Ladies.” In Emblems in Colonial Ibero-America: To the New World on the Ship of Theseus, edited by Pedro Germano Leal. Glasgow: Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2017, 229–252. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 535

363 López Calderón, Carme. “The Wide and Narrow Path: The Cell of Father Salamanca (Cuzco) in the Light of Drexel’s Gymnasium Patientiae.” In Emblems in Colonial Ibero-America: To the New World on the Ship of Theseus, edited by Pedro Germano Leal. Glasgow and Genève: Droz, 2017, 253–296.

Uruguay 364 Barcelos, Artur Henrique Franco. “Os Jesuítas e a ocupação do espaço platino nos séculos XVII e XVIII.” Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 26 (2000), 93-116.

USA See also 10

365 Greer, Allan. “Colonial Saints: Gender, Race, and Hagiography in New France.” William and Mary Quarterly, 57 (2000), 323–348. 366 Greer, Allan. The Jesuit Relations: Natives and Missionaries in Seventeenth-Century North America. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 367 Holmes, Paula Elizabeth. “The Narrative Repatriation of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha.” Anthropologica, 43 (2001), 87–103. 368 Padgett, Charles S. “‘Without Hysteria or Unnecessary Disturbance’: Desegregation at Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama, 1948-1954.” History of Education Quarterly, 41 (2001), 167–188. 369 Tentler, Leslie Woodcock. “‘The Abominable Crime of Onan’: Catholic Pastoral Practice and Family Limitation in the United States, 1875–1919.” Church History, 71 (2002), 307–340. 370 Greer, Allan. “Natives and Nationalism: The Americanization of Kateri Tekakwitha.” Catholic Historical Review, 90 (2004), 260–272. 371 Leavelle, Tracy Neal. “Geographies of Encounter: Religion and Contested Spaces in Colonial North America.” American Quarterly, 56 (2004), 913–943. 372 Woodworth-Ney, Laura. Mapping Identity: The Creation of the Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation, 1805–1902. Boulder, Colo.: University Press of Colorado, 2004. 373 Brandão Jose Antonio, and Michael Shakir Nassaney. “Suffering for Jesus: Penitential Practices at Fort St. Joseph (Niles, Michigan) During the French Regime.” Catholic Historical Review, 94 (2008), 476–499. 374 Fabun, Sean. “Catholic Chaplains in the Civil War.” Catholic Historical Review, 99 (2013), 675–702. 536 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

375 Watson, Kelly L. “Converting Cannibals: Jesuits and Iroquois in New France.” In Insatiable Appetites: Imperial Encounters with Cannibals in the North Atlantic World. New York: New York University Press, 2015, 119–148. 376 Platt, R. Eric, Melandie McGee, and Amanda King. “Marching in Step: Patriotism and the Southern Catholic Cadet Movement.” Catholic Historical Review, 102 (2016), 517–544. 377 Byrnes, Dolores M., John W. Padberg, and John Waide. Always at the Frontier: Saint Louis University, 1818-2018. St. Louis, MO: Saint Louis University, 2017. 378 Noble, Tim. “Jesuit and Moravian Brethren Missions: Encountering the Native American Other.” Communio Viatorum, 59 (2017), 73–97. 379 Launay, Robert. “Distant Relations: The Jesuits in New France.” In Savages, Romans, and Despots: Thinking about others from Montaigne to Herder. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 84–105. 380 Paré, François. “Fonctions de l’espace chez trois missionnaires français de la région des Grands Lacs au XVIIe siècle.” Oltreoceano, 14 (2018), 69–81. 381 Riddle, Jonathan D. “All Catholics are Spiritualists: The boundary work of Mary Gove Nichols and Thomas Low Nichols.” Church History, 87 (2018), 452–486. 382 Baird, David, Joshua S. Oliver, Grant L. Harley, and Clay S. Tucker. “Taxodium distichum (baldcypress) growth rings reveal origins of an 18th century Jesuit plantation, New Orleans, Louisiana, Usa.” Dendrochronologia, 53 (2019), 95–103. 383 Clark, Emily Suzanne. “Jesuits, the Iñupiat, and Catholicism on the Seward Peninsula Coast, 1898–1937.” American Catholic Studies, 103 (2019), 37–66. 384 Ferlan, Claudio. “Food and Jesuits in the Early Modern Western World.” Il Capitale Culturale, 20 (2019), 219–244. 385 James, John T. “An historical review of the professional and distinctive formation for Catholic school educators in the United States.” International Studies in Catholic Education, 2019. 386 Krebsbach, Suzanne. “Rome’s Response to Slavery in the United States.” Catholic Historical Review, 105 (2019), 327–344. 387 Mcmillin, Stephen. “Conceptualizing Jesuit Mission, University/Community Partnerships, and Social Work Research: The Reach Center at Saint Louis University.” Social Work and Christianity, 46 (2019), 79–94. 388 Pasquier, Michael. “Missionaries, Martyrdom, and Warfare in Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 537

French Colonial Louisiana, 1699–1764.” Catholic Historical Review, 105 (2019), 304–326. 389 Roling, Bernd. “Through Canada with Linnaeus: the Swedish- Finnish Traveller to America Pehr Kalm and his use of the Ars apodemica of Carl Linnaeus.” In Artes Apodemicae and Early Modern Travel Culture, 1550–1700, edited by Jan de Jong and Karl A. E. Enenkel. Leiden: Brill, 2019, 166–192.

Venezuela See also 246

390 Cuevas Quintero, Luis Manuel. “Navegando en el mar de los gentiles. Metáforas del espacio sagrado en el discurso jesuita del Orinoco (Siglo XVIII).” Revista Geográfica Venezolana, 58 (2017), 222–239.

C. Asia

China See also 176, 599, 809, 883

391 Menegon, Eugenio. “Il potere della rappresentazione e la rappresentazione del potere: rapporti sino-portoghesi e missioni cattoliche nei periodi Yongzheng e Qianlong (1723- 1785).” In Cina: Miti e Realtà, edited by Franco Gatti and Alfredo Cadonna. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2001, 399–409. 392 Jami, Catherine. “Teachers of Mathematics in China: The Jesuits and Their Textbooks (1580-1723).” Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 52 (2002), 159–175. 393 Lindorff, Joyce. “Missionaries, Keyboards and Musical Exchange in the Ming and Qing Courts.” Early Music, 32 (2004), 403–414. 394 Mariani, Paul Philip. Church Militant: Bishop Kung and Catholic Resistance in Communist Shanghai. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011. 395 Puga, Rogério Miguel. “The First Museum in China: The British Museum of Macao (1829–1834) and its Contribution to Nineteenth-Century British Natural Science.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 22 (2012), 575–586. 396 Golvers, Noël. “The Canton-Macau area as a ‘lieu de savoir’: the Western Missionaries’ Detention in the Canton Jesuit 538 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Residence (1665-1671) and their Written and Editorial Output.” In Macau, Past and Present, edited by Zhiliang Wu and Luís Filipe Barreto. Macau: Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, 2015, 215–234. 397 Catto, Michela. “The Tridentine decrees interpret the Chinese rites.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 501–518. 398 Golvers, Noël. “The Jesuit mission in China (17th-18th cent.) as the framework for the circulation of knowledge between Europe and China.” Lusitania Sacra, 36 (2017), 179–199. 399 Manias, Chris. “Jesuit Scientists and Mongolian Fossils: The French Paleontological Missions in China, 1923–1928.” Isis, 108 (2017), 307–332. 400 Baldini, Ugo. “A Ciência e os Jesuítas em Macau (1644-1762).” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 549–588. 401 Baldini, Ugo. “O Colégio dos Jesuitas em Macau como Ponto de Encontro das Tradições Matemáticas de Europa, China e Japão. Algumas Considerações sobre o Estado Actual da Investigação, Focadas sobretudo nas Fontes (Séculos XVI e XVII).” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 483–548. 402 Frei, Elisa. “‘To go to China or Japan... Not to Stay in these Colleges.’ Jesuit Procurators of China and Petitioners for the Indies (1640s and 1690s).” Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 3 (2018), 81–102 403 Golvers, Noël. “Three Eighteenth Century Portuguese Jesuits in China Revisited: André Pereira, Domingos Pinheiro and Félix da Rocha.” Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 3 (2018), 3–59. 404 Launay, Robert. “St. Confucius: The Jesuits in China.” In Savages, Romans, and Despots: Thinking about others from Montaigne to Herder. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 62–83. 405 Laven, Mary. “‘From His Holiness to the King of China’: Gifts, Diplomacy and Jesuit Evangelization.” In Global Gifts: The Material Culture of Diplomacy in Early Modern Eurasia, edited by Zoltán Biedermann, Anne Gerritsen, and Giorgio Riello. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 217–234. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 539

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November 1697–March 1698).” In Leibniz Discovers Asia: Social Networking in the Republic of Letters. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019, 209–239. 418 Casacchia, Giorgio. “Due documenti poco noti sulla chiesa del Brancati a Sciangai.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 86–87. 419 Casalini, Cristiano, ed. Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China: Lectures on the Cursus Conimbricensis. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019. 420 Catto, Michela. “La monogamia nella poligamia: una interpretazione del matrimonio cinese della Compagnia di Gesù.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 91 (2019), 7–22. 421 Chu, Longfei, and Haohao Zhu. “Re-examining the impact of European astronomy in seventeenth-century China: a study of Xue Fengzuo’s system of thought and his integration of Chinese and Western knowledge.” Annals of Science, 76, (2019), 303–323. 422 Gillman, Derek. “The Old Summer Palace and the Rhetoric of National Treasures.” Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 5 (2019), 233–244. 423 Hashimoto, Keizo. “The Eastern Assimilation of Western Astronomical Knowledge in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties.” Historia Scientiarum, 29 (2019), 50–79. 424 Hin Ming Wu, Jochebed, and John T. P. Lai. “The Catholic Yijing: Lü Liben’s passion narratives in the context of the Qing prohibition of Christianity.” Religions, 10:17 (2019), article no. 416. 425 Jami, Catherine. “Beads and Brushes: Elementary Arithmetic and Western Learning in China, 1600‒1800.” Historia Scientiarum, 29 (2019), 26–49. 426 Jaskov, Helena. “The Negotiated Geography of the Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) and the Role of the Jesuits.” Late Imperial China, 40 (2019), 45–88. 427 Jiang, Lu. “Mingli tan: A Late Ming Chinese Translation of the In universam dialecticam Aristotelis.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China: Lectures on the Cursus Conimbricensis, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 105–127. 428 Jing, Xiao. “The Reception and Involution of Classical Architecture in Jesuit Missions in China (1583-1759).” In The Routledge Handbook on the Reception of Classical Architecture, edited by Juan Manuel Heredia, Andrzej Piotrowski, and Nicholas Temple. London: Routledge, 2019, 177–195. 429 Lackner, Michael. “Le prime traduzioni latine del ‘Giusto mezzo’ (Zhongyong 中 庸 ).” Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Orientale, 55 (2019), 341–362. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 541

430 Lai, John T. P. Literary Representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China. Leiden: Brill, 2019. 431 Li, Sher-shiueh. “Rhetorica and Exemplum: The Genesis of Christian Literature in Late Imperial China.” Religions, 10 (2019), 465–477. 432 Ling-chia Wei, Sophie. “Sheng ren [聖人] in the Figurists’ reinterpretation of the Yijing.” Religions, 10 (2019), article nr. 553, 433 Menegon, Eugenio. “Amicitia Palatina: les jésuites et la politique des cadeaux offerts à la cour des Qing.”Extrême-Orient Extrême- Occident, 43 (2019), 61–79. 434 Mota, Bernardo Machado. “The Teaching of Logic in Portugal and the Exchange of Information between China and Portugal in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 7–18. 435 Parr, Adam. The Mandate of Heaven: Strategy, Revolution, and the First European Translation of Sunzi’s Art of War (1772). Leiden: Brill, 2019. 436 Russo, Maria Grazia. “Dalla Campania alla Cina sotto il padroado portoghese: missionari gesuiti nei secoli XVI e XVIII.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 66–69. 437 Shi, Xijuan. “Confraternities in Shanghai from the Late Ming to Early Qing.” Sino-Christian Studies, 27 (2019), 7–41. 438 Sinkevich, G. I. “Historiographic discussion on the origin of Chinese astronomy.” Chebyshevskii Sbornik, 20 (2019), 562–579. 439 Spagnolo, Luigi, and Anna Di Toro. “La nascita degli studi cinesi in Europa: i missionari gesuiti come maestri di lingua e i maestri di lingua dei missionari.” In Grammatica e Insegnamento Linguistico. Approccio Storiografico: Autori, Modelli, Espansioni, edited by Félix San Vincente, Quaderni del CIRSIL [Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti Linguistici, Università di Bologna]. Bologna: CLUEB, 2019, 127–160. 440 Statman, Alexander. “The First Global Turn: Chinese Contributions to Enlightenment World History.” Journal of World History, 30 (2019), 363–392. 441 Wang, Lianming. Jesuitenerbe in Peking: Sakralbauten und Transkulturelle Räume, 1600-1800. Vol. Heidelberg Transcultural Studies, 5. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. 442 Wei, Sophie Ling-chia. Chinese Theology and Translation: The Christianity of the Jesuit Figurists and their Christianized Yijing. London: Routledge, 2019. 542 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

443 Yu, Jingdong. “Transition in Knowledge of Chinese Geography in Early Modern Europe: A Historical Investigation on Maps of China.” Cultura, 16 (2019), 45–65. 444 Zheng, Jian, and Hongcheng Zhou. “How do Michael Boym, Martino Martini, and Athanasius Kircher understand Chinese food culture? (卜弥格卫匡国和基歇尔是如何认识中国饮食文 化? ).” In The Spread of Food Cultures in Asia, edited by Kazunobu Ikeya. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 2019, 115–126.

China, Tibet 445 Hosne, Ana Carolina. “The Jesuit presence in Tibet against the backdrop of the China mission: different approaches to Buddhism (16th –18th centuries).” Anais de História do Além- Mar, 17 (2016), 223–244. 446 Pomplun, Trent. “Rural Tibet in the Early Modern Missions.” In Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: Patterns of Localization, edited by Christian Windler, Bernard Heyberger, Nadine Amsler, and Andreea Badea. Oxon: Routledge, 2019. 447 Tamburello, Adolfo. “I portoghesi che cercavano il Catai e scoprirono il Tibet lasciandoci l’eredità del Regno di Shambala.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 62–65.

India See also 116, 450, 451, 467, 591, 735

448 Hoppe, Brigitte. “The first protestant missionaries as European naturalists in India competitors of the Jesuits in the 18th Century.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010), edited by Antoni Roca. Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 344–348. 449 Graaf, Max de. “A Jesuit and enchantment,” Salaam: Quarterly to promote understanding, 38 (2017), 150–155. 450 Pavone, Sabina. “La recezione dei decreti Tridentini in India. Tra Dubia circa sacramenta e Querelle des rites.” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Prosperi and Michela Catto. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 519–542. 451 Županov, Ines G. “Translating the Doctrina christiana: Jesuit Linguistic Mission before and after the Council of Trent (Sixteenth-Seventeenth-Century India).” In Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, edited by Adriano Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 543

Prosperi and Michela Catto.Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 559–581. 452 Baldini, Ugo. “Os Matemáticos Jesuítas na Índia (1578-1650) como Possíveis Intermediários entre a Tradição Matemática Europeia e a Tradição Matemática Indiana.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 457– 482. 453 Edwin, Victor. “The Jesuit contribution to Christian Muslim relations in India: a case study of Islamic studies association.” Encounter: Documents for Muslim-Christian Understanding, 43/2 (2018), 37–57. 454 Pavone, Sabina. “Signes de la conversion au catholicisme dans l’Inde desXVIe-XVIIe siècles.” Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 182 (2018), 75–96. 455 Raina, Dhruv. “Jesuit Missionary Societies as the ‘Itinerant’ Academies of Catholic Orientalism in India in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” Journal of Transcultural Studies, 10 (2019), 121–154. 456 Vedanayagam, Joseph Satish. “Jesuit Spirituality and Gandhian Praxis: Embracing an Interfaith Dialogue that Does Environmental Justice in India.” Journal of Rural Development, 38 (2019), 466–481.

Iran See also 748

457 Matthee, Rudi. “Poverty and Perseverance: The Jesuit Mission of Isfahan and Shamakhi in Late Safavid Iran.” Al-Qantara, 36 (2015), 463–501.

Japan See also 402, 407, 719

458 Nelson, Thomas. “Slavery in Medieval Japan.” Monumenta Nipponica, 59 (2004), 463–492. 459 Lachaud, François. “Un ‘art du thé’ portugais: sur quelques pages de L’História da Igreja do Japão (1562-1633).” In L’œuvre scientifique des missionnaire en Asie. Journée d’études organisée par l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres et la Société asiatique (Palais de l’Institut de France, 9 janvier 2009). Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. 2012, 107–148. 460 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Alberto dello Spirito Santo martire in 544 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Giappone? Considerazioni su un problema storiografico.” In Spigolature Orientali. Scritti in Onore Di Adolfo Tamburello per l’Ottantesimo Compleanno, edited by Giovanni Borriello. Napoli: Orientali Parthenopea Edizioni, 2015, 235–250. 461 Pelliccia, Carlo. “De Legatione Iaponica a Civita Castellana (3-4 giugno 1585): lettere di viaggio nell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu.” In Viaggi e Viaggiatori Nella Tuscia Viterbese. Itinerari Di Idee, Uomini e Paesaggi Tra Età Moderna e Contemporanea, edited by Alessandro Boccolini. Viterbo: Sette Città, 2015, 41–55. 462 Volosyuk, O.V. “La imágen de Japón en los documentos de los misioneros españoles en la época de Felipe Ii.” In Temas y Formas Hispánicas: Arte, Cultura y Sociedad, edited by Anna Morózova and Carlos Mata Induráin. Universidad de Navarra: Pamplona, 2015, 437–452. 463 Hesselink, Reinier H. The Dream of Christian Nagasaki: World Trade and the Clash of Cultures, 1560–1640. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. 2016. 464 Piccinini Higashino, Adriana. “Jesuit architecture in Japan: how to convert a Buddhist temple into a church.” Anais de História do Além-Mar, 17 (2016), 245–270. 465 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Notas sobre a influência da cultura portuguesa no Japão (séculos XVII e XVIII): o legado dos missionários europeus.” Antíteses, 20 (2017), 631–655. 466 Pereira, Belmiro Fernandes. “Retórica e encontro de culturas: jesuítas portugueses apresentam o Japão à Cúria Romana em 1585.” In Legado Clássico no Renascimento e sua receção: Contributos para a Renovação do Espaço Cultural Europeu, edited by Cláudia Teixeira and Soares Nair Castro. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017, 389–402. 467 Solodkova, O.L., O.A. Nesterova, and O.V. Volosyuk. “Jesuit Strategy in Japan and India in the 16th Century as a Precursor to Modern Western ‘Soft Power.’” Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 17 (2017), 391–401. 468 Favi, Sonia. “Production and Circulation of Jesuit Sources on Japan in the Sixteenth Century.” In Self Through the other: Production, Circulation and Reception in of Sixteenth-Century Printed Sources on Japa. Venezia: Edizione Ca’Foscari, 2018, 79–124. 469 Pelliccia, Carlo. “‘E sono venuti a rendre ubidienza a Sua Santità’: viaggiatori giapponesi a Roma nel 1585.” In Il Viaggio e l’Europa: Incontri e Movimenti da, verso, entro lo Spazio Europeo, edited by Raffaele Caldarelli and Alessandro Boccolini. Viterbo: Sette Città, 2018, 213–227. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 545

470 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Japan meets the West: new documents about the first Japanese Embassy to Italy (1585).”Analele Facultăţii De Limbi Şi Literaturi Străine, 18 (2018), 104–123. 471 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Memorie di un incontro tra Portogallo e Giappone: la città di Nagasaki e la Compagnia di Gesù (secoli XVI e XVII).” In Mnemotopie: Itinerari, Luoghi e Paesaggi Della Memoria Nelmondo Portoghese, edited by Carlo Pelliccia. Viterbo: Sette Città, 2018, 87–120. 472 Cattaneo, Angelo. “I Gesuiti e gli spazi della missione.” In Il Grande Viaggio. La Missione Giapponese del 1613 in Europa, edited by Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca. Roma: ISMEO and Società geografica Italiana and Scienze et Lettere, 2019, 137–146. 473 Frison, Daniele. “The Jesuit Monopoly of the Souls in Japan from 1549 to 1593.” In Il Grande Viaggio. La Missione Giapponese del 1613 in Europa, edited by Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca. Roma: ISMEO – Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente and Società Geografica Italiana and Scienze e Lettere S.r.l., 2019, 69–76. 474 Moraes, Carlos Eduardo Mendes de, Amanda Mimoso Rodrigues Coelho, and Alessandro Jocelito Beccari. “Epistolae Iapanicae: cartas dos primeiros jesuítas portugueses no Japão / Epistolae Iapanicae: The Letters of the First Portuguese Jesuits in Japan.” Caligrama: Revista de Estudos Românicos, 24 (2019), 67–84. 475 Pelliccia, Carlo. “Gesuiti e frati mendicanti in Giappone nel ‘secolo cristiano’: tra rivalità e ambizioni.” In Il Grande Viaggio. La Missione Giapponese Del 1613 in Europa, edited by Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca. Roma: Scienze e Lettere, 2019, 97–106. 476 Pelliccia, Carlo. “I martiri giapponesi nel teatro iberico e italiano (sec. XVII-XVIII).” In Storiografia e Teatro Tra Italia e Penisola Iberica, edited by Salomé Vuelta García and Michela Graziani. Firenze: Olschki, 2019, 101–120. 477 Schwemmer, Patrick. “Japanese Jesuit Literature and the Kōwaka Ballad.” In Il Grande Viaggio. La Missione Giapponese del 1613 in Europa, edited by Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca. Roma: Società geografica Italiana and Scienze e Lettere and Ismeo, 2019, 41–46. 478 Thanh, Hélène Vu. “Introducing Tridentine Marriage: The Jesuits’ Strategy in Japan (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries).” Rechtsgeschichte, 27 (2019), 143–151. 479 Triplett, Katja. “Religion, Medicine and the Notion of Charity in Early Jesuit Missionary Pursuits in Buddhist Japan.” Journal of Religion in Japan, 8 (2019), 46–75. 546 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

480 Vieira Amaro, Bébio, and Federico Scaroni. “Nanban Religious Architecture. A Forgotten Heritage.” In Il Grande Viaggio. La Missione Giapponese del 1613 in Europa, edited by Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca. Roma: ISMEO and Società geografica Italiana and Scienze e Lettere, 2019, 25–32. 481 Vu Thanh, Hélène. “Funding the Mission: The Jesuits’ Economic Integration in the Japanese Countryside.” In Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: Patterns of Localization, edited by Christian Windler, Bernard Heyberger, Andreea Badea, and Nadine Amsler. Oxon: Routledge, 2019. 482 Zampol D’Ortia, Linda. “The Dress of Evangelization: Jesuit Garments, Liturgical Textiles, and the Senses.” Entangled Religions, 10 (2019).

Pakistan 483 Edwin, Victor. “Jesuit Mission in Pakistan: Juan Carlos Pallardel Aparicio, Sj.” Vāgdevī: Journal of Religious Reflection, 13 (2019), 61–64.

Philipines See also 998

484 Manchado, Marta María. Tiempos de turbación y mudanza: la iglesia en Filipinas tras la expulsión de los Jesuitas. Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba, 2002. 485 Binkova Simona. “Contribución de los jesuitas de la Provincia de Bohemia para la evangelización de las islas Filipinas y Marianas y para su conocimiento en Europa central.” In Ir Más Allá…: Fuentes bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la expansión colonial espaňola en la temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Binkova Simona and Křiova Marketa. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2016, 33–60. 486 Pardo-Tomás, José, and Eduardo Descalzo Yuste. “La construcción jesuita de una historia natural de las islas Filipinas, 1604-1752.” In Pasados y Presente: Estudios para el Profesor Ricardo García Cárcel, edited by Manuel Peña Díaz, Francisco Javier Burgos Rincón, Doris Moreno, Bernat Hernández, José Luis Betrán, and Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018, 999–1007. 487 Rosa, Alexandre Coello de la. “Políticas geo-estratégicas y misionales en el sur de Filipinas: el caso de Mindanao y Joló (siglo XVIII).” Revista de Indias, 79 (2019), 729–263. 488 Veric, Charlie Samuya. “The Rise of Filipino Postcolonial Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 547

Knowledge: Philippine Studies, the Institute of Philippine Culture, and the Ateneo de Manila University Press.” Philippine Studies, 67 (2019), 521–556.

Vietnam 489 Gaudio, Andrew. “A Translation of the Linguae Annamiticae seu Tunchinensis brevis declaratio: The First Grammar of Quốc Ngữ.” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 14 (2019), 79–114. 490 Pham, Ly Thi Kieu. “The True Editor of the Manuductio ad linguam Tunkinensem (Seventeenth- to Eighteenth-Century Vietnamese Grammar).” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 43 (2019), 68–92.

D. Europe

Belarus 491 Liaushuk, Uladzimir. “Terra Jesuitica Grodniensia: On the religious houses dependent on the Jesuit College in Grodno.” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 49–72.

Belgium 492 Herremans, Valerie. “Peter Paul Rubens and the decoration of the Jesuit church in Antwerp.” Antwerp Royal Museum Annual, (2013), 53–76. 493 Loskoutoff, Yvan. “L’arrestation et la conversion d’Isaac de La Peyrère d’après les sources romaines (1656-1657).” Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 236 (2019), 545–575.

Croatia 494 Cvetnić, Sanja. “The Jesuit Bona Mors Confraternities in Croatia.” Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, 23 (2018), 179–193.

Czech Republic 495 Plešek, Martin. “Jezuitské divadlo v Čechách. Divadlo v systému jezuitského školství bĕhem působení řádu v Čechách.” Tvořivá Dramatika, 14 (2003). 496 Svatoš, Martin. “Materialy týkajici se stare Ceske provincie Sj, dochovane v generalnim archivu Tovarysstva Ježiova v Řimě.”Archivn i časopis, 57 (2007), 255–261. 497 Aschenbrenner, Vít. “Hudebníci semináře sv. Josefa a jejich osudy – příspěvek k rekonstrukci sítě hudebních styků klatovské jezuitské koleje.” Folia Historica Bohemica, 26 (2011), 165–189. 548 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

498 Holubova Marketa. “Superior – představený rezidence z pohledu jezuitských evidenčních pramenů.” Folia Historica Bohemica, 26 (2011), 89–103. 499 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Jezuitští dramatici – mezi povinností a uměleckou tvorbou.” Folia Historica Bohemica, 26 (2011), 117–130. 500 Slavický, Tomáš, and Marie Škarpová. “Katechismové písně a zpívané katechismy. Příspěvek jezuitů ke katolickému modu catechizandi přelomu 16. a 17. století.” Folia Historica Bohemica, 26 (2011), 131–141. 501 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Mezi duchovním a světským. Jezuitské školské drama v Praze kolem poloviny 18. století.” Cornova, 2 (2012), 49–64. 502 Jacková, Magdaléna. “The Mirror of Virtue, the Miracle of Eloquence, the Oracle of Wisdom. Jesuit Plays about St. Catherine of Alexandria.” In Czech Theatre Review 1989-2009. Prague: Institut umění – Divadelní ústav, Arts and Theatre Institute, 2011, 9–23. 503 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Jesuit School Plays from Provincia Bohemia Sj Written for Grammar Classes.” In Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015), edited by Astrid Steiner-Weber and Franz Römer. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2018, 369–378. 504 Engelbrechtová, Jana. “Changing Conservative Thinking in a Jesuit University.” Grotiana, 40 (2019), 49–75. 505 Holubova Marketa. “Strategie šíření kultu sv. Františka Xaverského v prostoru regionu vymezeného působením jezuitské koleje v Telči.” Český Lid, 106 (2019), 343–362. 506 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Křesťanští Terentiové v českých zemích. Antické inspirace ve třech bohemikálních hrách o Tobiášovi.” Česká Literatura, 67 (2019), 827–848.

Estonia See 968

France See also 417

507 Deslandres, Dominique. Croire et faire croire: Les missions françaises au XVIIe siècle (1600–1650). Paris: Fayard, 2003. 508 De Marco, Rosa. “Fêtes en réseau: les Jésuites et la fête urbaine en France (1609-1643).” In Les Acteurs Du Développement Des Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 549

Réseaux, edited by Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère, 140E Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Reims, 2015. Paris: Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2017, 79–90. 509 De Marco, Rosa. “Fêtes en réseau. Les Jésuites et la fête urbaine en France (1609-1643).” In Les Acteurs du Développement des Réseaux, edited by Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère. Paris: Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2017, 77–88.

Germany 510 Müller, Rainer A. “The ‘Jesuitensystem’ in the university structure of early modern Germany.” In Gesuiti e Università in Europa (Secoli XVI–XVIII), edited by Gian Paolo Brizzi and Roberto Greci. Bologna: CLUEB, 2002, 95–108. 511 Healy, Róisín. “Religion and Civil Society: Catholics, Jesuits, and Protestants in Imperial Germany.” In Paradoxes of Civil Society: New Perspectives on Modern German and British History, edited by Frank Trentmann. New York: Berghahn Books, 2003, 244–262. 512 Holzbrecher, Sebastian. “Die Ansiedlung der Jesuiten in Erfurt bis 1618.” In Kontroverse Und Kompromiss. Der Pfeilerbilderzyklus des Mariendoms und die kultur der Bikonfessionalität im Erfurt des 16. Jahrhunderts. Dresden: Sandstein Kommunikation, 2015, 339–347. 513 Holzbrecher, Sebastian. “Kampf um die Seelen? Zum Einfluss des Jesuitenordens auf die bikonfessionellen Verhältnisse in der Stadt Erfurt (1560-1664).” In „Im Kampf Um Die Seelen“. Glauben Im Thüringen Der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Sascha Salatowsky. Erfurt: Universität Erfurt, 2017, 17–26. 514 Bergerfurth, Yvonne. Die Bruderschaften der Kölner Jesuiten 1576 bis 1773. Siegburg: Verlag Franz Schmitt, 2018. 515 Caspers, Charles, Paul Begheyn, Leo Nellissen, Pim Boer, and Tom Gribnau. Martiaal en theatraal. De jezuïeten in Ravenstein (1643-1772). Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers, 2019. 516 Nebgen, Christoph. “Jesuitische Ex-Missionare und ihr Verhältnis zur aufgeklärten Öffentlichkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 197–213.

Hungary 517 Kontler, László, and Per Pippin Aspaas. “Before and After 550 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

1773: Central European Jesuits, the Politics of Language and Discourses of Identity in the Late Eighteenth Century Habsburg Monarchy.” In Latin at the Crossroads of Identity. The Evolution of Linguistic Nationalism in the Kingdom of Hungary, edited by Gábor Almási and Lav Šubarić. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 95–118. 518 Shek Brnardić, Teodora. “The Enlightenment’s Choice of Latin: The Ratio educationis of 1777 in the Kingdom of Hungary.” In Latin at the Crossroads of Identity: The Evolution of Linguistic Nationalism in the Kingdom of Hungary, edited by Lav Šubarić and Gábor Almási. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 120–151.

Ireland 519 Moynes, Vera, ed. The Jesuit Irish Mission: A Calendar of Correspondence, 1566–1752. Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2017. 520 McCoog, Thomas M. “Resisting National Sentiment: Friction between Irish and English Jesuits in the Old Society.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 598–626.

Italy See also 820

521 Carlsmith, Christopher. “Struggling toward Success: Jesuit Education in Italy, 1540-1600.” History of Education Quarterly, 42 (2002), 215–246. 522 Barilli, Gian Paolo. L’antica spezieria gesuitica di Novellara. Comune Novellara. 2004. 523 Rice, Louise. “The Philosophy Defense of Ilario Frumenti.” In Music for an Academic Defense (Rome, 1617), edited by Antony John. Madison, Wisc.: A-R Editions, 2004, VII-XIX. 524 Selwyn, Jennifer D. A Paradise Inhabited by Devils: The Jesuits’ Civilizing Mission in Early Modern Naples. Rome and Aldershot: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu and Ashgate, 2004. 525 Turtas, Raimondo. “Primi risultati di una ricerca in corso: gli indipetae sardi tra il 1568 e il 1652.” In Sardegna, Spagna e Mediterraneo: Dai Re Cattolici al Secolo d’Oro, edited by Bruno Anatra and Giovanni Murgi. Rome: Carocci, 2004, 403–424. 526 Bösel, Richard. “Ein Projekt im Auftraf Ferdinands II. für das Ignatius-Heiligtum in der römischen Kirche Il Gesù.” In Kaiserhof – Papsthof (16.-18. Jahrhundert), edited by Grete Klingenstein, Alexander Koller, and Richard Bösel. Wien: VÖAW, 2006, 225–249. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 551

527 Rice, Louise. “Villamena‘s Kangaroo.” In Humanism and Creativity in the Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Ronald G. Witt, edited by Christopher S. Celenza and Kenneth Gouwens. Leiden: Brill, 2006, 381–398. 528 Rice, Louise. “Apes philosophicae: Bees and the Divine Design in Barberini Thesis Prints.” In I Barberini e La Cultura Europea Del Seicento: (Atti Del Convegno Internazionale: Palazzo Barberini Alle Quattro Fontane, 7-11 Dicembre ,2004) edited by Lorenza Mochi Onori. Rome: De Luca, 2007, 181–194. 529 Turtas, Raimondo. “Gesuiti sardi in terra di missione tra Seicento e Settecento.”Bollettino di Studi Sardi, 2 (2009), 49–82. 530 Ciroldi, Sergio. La casa di Probazione dei Gesuiti di Novellara (Reggio Emilia). Novellara, 2011. 531 Rice, Louise. “Matthaeus Greuter and the Conclusion Industry in Seventeenth-Century Rome.” In Ein Privilegiertes Medium und die Bildkulturen Europas. Deutsche, Französische und Niederländische Kupferstecher und Graphikverleger in Rom Von 1590 Bis 1630, edited by Eckhard Leuschner. Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2012, 221–238. 532 Di Bella, Sarah. “Le rôle de l’imaginaire mystique dans la dramaturgie jésuite de la Sicile espagnole.” In Images Scéniques et Représentations Mentales (XVI-XVIIIe s.), edited by Jean de Guardia and Véronique Lochert. Dijon: EUD, 2015. 533 Maldavsky, Aliocha. “Les familles du missionnaire. Une histoire sociale des horizons missionnaires milanais au début du XVII siècle.” In Milano, l’Ambrosiana e La Conoscenza Dei Nuovi Mondi (Secoli XVII-XVIII), edited by Gianvittorio Signorotto and Michela Catto. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2015, 125–160. 534 Rice, Louise. “Los pliegos de tesis jesuitas y las sustentaciones académicas festivas en el Collegio Romano.” In De Augsburgo a Quito: Fuentes Grabadas del Arte Jesuita Quiteño del Siglo XVIII, edited by Almerindo E. Ojeda. Quito: Fundacion Iglesia de la Compania, 2015, 67–80. 535 Arborea, Vincenzo. L’oratorio della Santissima Concezione di Maria detto degli Artisti nel palazzo dell’Università di Siena. Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena, 2016. 536 Shea, C. Michael. “Ressourcement in the Age of Migne: The Jesuit Theologians of the Collegio Romano and the Shape of Modern Catholic Thought.” Nova et Vetera, 15 (2017), 579–613. 537 Ghilardi, Massimiliano. “Entre oratorianos y jesuitas: el redescubrimiento de las catacumbas romanas a inicios de la Edad Moderna.” Historia y Grafía, 2 (2018), 215–240. 552 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

538 Megale, Teresa. “Animated Pulpits: On Performative Preaching in Seventeenth-Century Naples.” Journal of Early Modern Studies, 7 (2018), 129–138. 539 Miguel Alonso, Aurora. “Los fondos jesuitas en las bibliotecas de Roma. Una aportación para su conocimiento”. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 28(2) (2018), 345-372. 540 Rice, Louise. “Joshua and the Jesuits: The Battle for the Apse of the Gesù.” In The Holy Name: Art of the Gesù. Bernini and His Age, edited by Christopher M. S. Johns and Linda Wolk- Simon. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2018, 225–268. 541 Moy, Charlotte. “The Politics of Pedagogy: Jesuit Education as Political Threat in the Late Sixteenth-Century Venetian Republic.” Sixteenth Century Journal, 50 (2019), 724–744.

Lithuania See also 579, 587

542 Mariani, Andrea. “Jesuits’ Education in the Lithuanian Province -- Between Tradition and Change: A Contribution to Jesuit Prosopography in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 19– 48. 543 Šabasevičius, Helmutas. “Baletas Vilniaus jėzuitų teatre.” Menotyra, 26 (2019), 121–128. 544 Valkiūnienė, Indrė. “Vilniaus universiteto Joachimo Lelevelio salės restauravimo iššūkiai ir sprendimai.” Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, 92-93 (2019), 79–100.

Low Countries 545 Gennip, Joep van. “Publish or Perish? The Polemical and Apologetic Publications of the Jesuits in the Low Countries (17th Century).” In Religious Stories we Live By: Narrative Approaches in Theology and Religious Studies, edited by Michael Scherer-Rath, Maaike de Haardt, and R. Ruard Ganzevoort, Studies in Theology and Religion (Book 19). Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2014, 251–262. 546 Ems, Grégory. “Variété des «mises en scène» emblématiques dans la province jésuite flandro-belge au xviie siècle.” Dix- Septième Siècle, 4 (2015), 705–734. 547 Begheyn, Paul. De Nederlandse jezuïeten: een geschiedenis in 50 voorwerpen. Nijmegen: Vantilt, 2019. 548 Dael, Peter Van. “Jesuit Churches in the Netherlands in the First Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 553

Half of the Nineteenth Century.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 301–323. 549 Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. “Jesuits in the Low Countries from the Modern to the Contemporary Era. Resources for a New History.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773- 1850. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 325–339. 550 Gennip, Joep van. “‘Contulit hos virtus, expulit invidia’ The Suppression of the Jesuits of the Flemish-Belgian Province.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 85–103. 551 Gennip, Joep van. “‘Met wijsheid, voorzichtigheid en gematigdheid vooruitgaan’: De (im)materiële erfenis van een eeuw georganiseerd retraitewerk door Nederlandse jezuïeten, 1900-2000.” Trajecta, 28 (2019), 203–239. 552 Hermans, Michel. “The Fate of the Jesuits of the Gallo-Belgian Province After 1773.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 105–145. 553 Hermans, Michel. “The ‘Suppressions’ of the Society of Jesus in the Gallo-Belgian Province.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 49–83. 554 Inglot, Marek. “The Jesuits of the Low Countries and the Society of Jesus in Russia.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 147–167. 555 Joosten, Jos, and Wies van Leeuwen. Het Canisius College: monument van katholieke emancipatie. Nijmegen: Vantilt Fragma, 2019. 556 Judo, Frank. “Restoration in one Country? The Strange History of Balthazar de Villegas’ Mémoire sur le rétablissement des Jésuites.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773- 1850. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 169–185. 557 Kilsdonk, Johannes Cornelius Josephus van. “Brief aan Harry Kuitert.” In P.S. Van Liefdespost Tot Hatemail: De 150 Opmerkelijkste Nederlandse Brieven, edited by Jet Steinz. Amsterdam: Podium, 2019, 170–171. 558 Lindeijer, Marc, and Leo Kenis, eds. The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019. 559 Luyten, Jo. “The Post-Concordatory Vicissitudes of Joannes 554 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Vrindts (1781–1862) Priest in Search of an Identity, Jesuit at Heart.” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773- 1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 187–211. 560 Suenens, Kristien, and Jo Luyten. “‘Jesuits’ as Promotors of Female Religious Congregations in Belgium (c. 1800–1870). Continuity or Discontinuity?” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 255–277. 561 Suenens, Kristien, Jo Luyten, and Marc Lindeijer. “The Quick Downfall and Slow Rise of the Jesuit Order in the Low Countries” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 13–47.

Malta 562 Cassar, Carmel. “The Collegium Melitense: A Frontier Mission in the interface between the Christian and Muslim Worlds.” Al-Qantara, 36 (2015), 443–462.

Poland See also 110, 119, 799

563 Lec, Zdzisław. “Sprowadzenie jezuitów do Wrocławia i ich działalność związana z utworzeniem uniwersytetu w 1702 r.” In Milenijny Kościół Wrocławski Wczoraj i Jutro, edited by Ignacy Dec. Wrocław: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, 2001, 89–108. 564 Lec, Zdzisław. Jezuici w Legnicy (1689-1776). Wrocław: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, 2001. 565 Grzebień, Ludwik. Podstawowa bibliografia do dziejów Towarzystwa Jezusowego w Polsce. Vol. 1. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2009. 566 Ribeiro, Marília de Azambuja. “Marquês do Pombal e o fim do projeto educacional jesuítico em Portugal e seu império.” CLIO. Revista de Pesquisa Histórica, 27 (2009), 192–205. 567 Grzebień, Ludwik. Podstawowa bibliografia do dziejów Towarzystwa Jezusowego w Polsce. Vol. 2. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2010. 568 Jeż, Tomasz. “Jesuit Musicians from Baroque Silesia as Missionaries and Music Educators in South America.” In La cultura cel Barroco Español e Iberoamericano y su contexto europeo, edited by Karolina Kumor and Kazimierz Sabik. Warsaw: Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 555

Instituto de Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos de la Universidad de Varsavia, 2010, 607–617. 569 Lec, Zdzisław. Jezuici w Kłodzku (1597–1776): katalog osob i urzedow, materiały źrodłowe, literatura. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo “In Plus”, 2013. 570 Lec, Zdzisław. “Dzieje jezuitów w Kłodzku w latach 1597– 1776.” Perspectiva Legnickie Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne, 13/2 (2014), 123–136. 571 Antanavičius, Darius, ed. Elenchus librorum veteris Collegii Crosensis anno 1803 compilatus. Buvusios Kražių kolegijos knygų sąrašas 1803. Vol. 2. Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2017. 572 Murauskaitė, Rasa, and Laima Budzinauskienė, eds. Liber Organistarum Colegii Crosensis Societatis Jesu. Vol. Fontes musicae in Polonia, B II. Warszawa: Sub Lupa, 2017. 573 Okonia, Jana, ed. Świat teatru świat wartości: wychowanie obywatelskie w teatrze szkolnym jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej XVI- XVIII w.: księga zbiorowa. Vol. Biblioteka Tradycji. Seria 2; 152. Kraków: Collegium Columbinum, 2017. 574 Walter-Mazur, Magdalena, and Irena Bieńkowska, eds. Anonim, I poł. XVIII w. - Completorium a 9 Chori Collegii Sandomiriensis Societatis Jesu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, 2017. 575 Bohdanowicz, Bogna, and Tomasz Jeż. Universalia et particularia. Ars et praxis Societatis Jesu in Polonia. Warszawa: Sub Lupa, 2018. 576 Buchwald-Pelcowa, Paulina. “Macieja Kazimierza Sarbiewskiego ‘Nieśmiertelna pamięć... Jana Karola Chodkiewicza.’” In Applauz Najzacniejszej Damie. Studia i Szkice z Kręgu Literatury i Kultury Dawnej, edited by Iwona Maciejewska and Agata Roćko. Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko- Mazurskiego, 2018, 133–136. 577 Czerenkiewicz, Michał. “Italianica w łacińskiej produkcji wydawniczej oficyny Schedlów.” Studia Classica et Neolatina, XVI (2018), 183–207. 578 Imbruglia, Girolamo. “La Milizia Come «Maniera Di Vivere» Dei Gesuiti: Missione, Martirio, Obbedienza.” Studi e Materiali Di Storia Delle Religioni, 84 (2018), 271–284. 579 Okoń, Jan. Wychowanie do społeczeństwa w teatrach szkolnych jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Kraków: Collegium Columbinum, 2018. 580 Rodríguez Pardo, José Manuel. “La disputa académica entre oratorianos y jesuitas en el Portugal del siglo XVIII. Su relación 556 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

con el despotismo ilustrado del Marqués de Pombal.” Historia y Grafía, 2 (2018), 241–263. 581 Hanusiewicz-Lavalle, Mirosława. “Echoes of the 1580 Jesuit Mission to England in Early Modern Poland.” Roczniki Humanistyczne, 67 (2019), 43–65. 582 Ihnatowicz, Mateusz. “Jezuici warszawscy wobec Marca 1968 w wybranej dokumentacji Służby Bezpieczeństwa Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej.” Studia Gdańskie, 44 (2019), 123–130. 583 Jeż, Tomasz. “Jezuicki repertuar muzyczny w klasztorze Kanoniczek Regularnych we Wrocławiu.” Muzyka, 64 (2019), 20–48. 584 Klejna, Piotr. “Zakon jezuitów w Wałczu i jego związki z parafią w Skrzatuszu na podstawie kroniki jezuitów wałeckich.” Rocznik Skrzatuski, Vol. 7 (2019), 77-96. 585 Kochanowicz, Jerzy. “‘Przegląd Powszechny’ on the School System after Polish Independence.” Horyzonty Wychowania, 18 (2019), 85–96. 586 Królikowska-Jedlińska, Natalia. “W poszukiwaniu sojuszników? Rola chanatu Krymskiego i Persii w polityce Jana Iii Sobieskiego wobec Imperium Osmańskiego (1674‒1696).” Prace Historyczne, 146 (2019), 331–345. 587 Mariani, Andrea. “Wspólnota jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Między tradycją a zmianą.” Zapiski Historyczne, 84 (2019), 123–178. 588 Mieszek, Małgorzata. “Postaci kobiece w sztukach jezuickich od połowy XVIII wieku – na wybranych przykładach.” Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 53 (2019), 287– 315. 589 Miszalska, Jadwiga. “Polish Seventeenth-Century Translations of Jesuit Accounts from the Far East in the Context of Translation History.” Przekladaniec, 36-37 (2019), 7–27. 590 Rosół, Rafał. “Epigrafika łacińska w farze poznańskiej. Inskrypcje w ołtarzach i kaplicach świętych jezuickich.” Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae, 29 (2019), 117–145. 591 Sweetman, Will. “The Absent Vedas.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 139 (2019), 781–780.

Portugal See also 419, 434, 780 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 557

592 Carolino, Luís Miguel. “Dialogue Concerning the two Astrologies in Coimbra Jesuit’s Thought.” In Optics and Astronomy: Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science (Liège, 20-26 July 1997) Vol. XII, edited by Suzanne Débarbat and Gérard Simon. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001, 167–176. 593 Golvers, Noël. “Foreign jesuit indipetae. Mathematical teachings and mathematical books at the colégio das Artes in Coimbra in the 2nd half of the 17th Century.” Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies, 14 (2007), 21–42. 594 Falcon, Francisco José Calazans. “Pombal e a Companhia de Jesus.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 11–20. 595 Lanciani, Giulia. “La politica di Pombal e le ragioni dell’espulsione dei gesuiti dal Portogallo.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 38 (2009), 79–85. 596 Russo, Maria Grazia. “L’espulsione dei gesuiti dal Portogallo e il loro arrivo in Italia.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 38 (2009), 87–100. 597 Marinheiro, Cristóvão S. “Collegium Conimbricense.” In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi. Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, 13. 598 Tirapicos, Luís. “Instruments and Astronomical Observations at the Jesuit College of Santo Antão-o-Novo, 1722-1759.” In History of Astronomy in Portugal. Institutions, Theories, Practices, edited by Luís Saraiva. Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia, 2014, 65–84. 599 Golvers, Noël. “Scientific Books and Individual Curricula among Jesuit Indipetae in Portugal and China (17th-18th cent.).” Euphrosyne, 4 (2017), 205–277. 600 Mota, Eduardo. “Fundação de colégios jesuítas em Portugal: o caso do colégio de Gouveia.” Lusitania Sacra, 36 (2017), 119–132. 601 Tirapicos, Luís. “Astronomy and Diplomacy at the Court of King João V of Portugal.” Cahiers François Viète, 3 (2017), 61–79. 602 Baldini, Ugo. “A Assistência Portuguesa da Companhia de Jesus e as Actividades Científicas nas Suas Missões Asiáticas até 1640.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 87–154. 603 Baldini, Ugo. “As Aulas de Giovanni Paolo Lembo em Lisboa: Uma Análise Parcial dos Conteúdos.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de 558 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 395–453. 604 Baldini, Ugo. “O Ensino da Matemática no Colégio de Santo Antão, em Lisboa, entre 1590 e 1640.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 155–200. 605 Baldini, Ugo. “O Ensino da Matemática no Colégios Jesuítas em Portugal, de 1640 até Pombal.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 201–393. 606 Baldini, Ugo. Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da Índia (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios. Edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018. 607 Golvers, Noël. “Mathematical Instruction at the Colégio das Artes in Coimbra: Adam Aigenler’s ‘rota astronomica’ (1672).” Almagest, 9 (2018), 5–16. 608 Carvalho Viotti, Ana Carolina de. “Um estudo sobre as boticas e os remédios dos jesuítas no Império Português (séculos XVII- XVIII).” História UNISINOS, 23 (2019), 464–474. 609 Casalini, Cristiano. “A Not-so-Self-Evident Proposition: ‘God Exists’; The Conimbricenses and the Jesuit Attitude toward Thomas Aquinas.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 91–104. 610 Casalini, Cristiano. “Learning How to Teach: The Conimbricenses on the Beginning of the Posterior Analytics.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 69–89. 611 Guidi, Simone. “Complex and Simple Truth: The Conimbricenses’ Reading of On Interpretation in the Jesuit Context.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 41–67.

Romania 612 Frînc, Maria. “Nicolae Pătraşcu, son of Michael the Brave, and the Jesuit College of Cluj.” Philobiblon, 24 (2019), 365–382.

Russia See also 205 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 559

613 Meyer, Jean. “La ‘maquinación jesuita’ en el imaginario ruso.” Relaciones (Mexico), 36 (2015), 79–104. 614 Dommarco, Kiara. “The ’s Modus Operandi in Dealing with Some Requests for Assistance Sent to the Vatican in the 1920s and 1930s: Based on New Archival Documents.” Istoriya, Vol. 10 (2019). 615 Inglot, Marek. “Katolicki zakon nauczający w państwie carów (1772-1802).” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 73–94. 616 Inglot, Marek. “The Catholic Order Teaching in the Tsarist State (1772-1802).” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 73– 94. 617 Pavone, Sabina. “I gesuiti in Russia dopo la soppressione del 1773.” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 95–107.

Spain See also 888

618 Revuelta González, Manuel. “La Compañía de Jesús en Aragón hace cien años.” Miscelánea Comillas, 59 (2001), 191–209. 619 Coleman, David. “Negotiating Reform: Pedro Guerrero, Granada, and the Council of Trent, 1546–1563.” In Creating Christian Granada: Society and Religious Culture in an Old-World Frontier City, 1492–1600. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003, 145–176. 620 Rico Romero, Luis, and Alexander Maz Machado. “Concepto de cantidad, número e número negativo durante la época de influencia jesuita en España (1700-1767).”nvestigación InI en Educación Matemática [8º Simposio De La SEIEM], edited by Enrique de la Torre and Castro Encarnacion. A Coruna: Universidade da Coruna, 2004, 249–258. 621 Désos, Catherine. “Les confesseurs jésuites de Philippe V au début du XVIIIe siècle: agents français ou ministres du roi d’Espagne ?” Revista Mágina, 13 (2009), 159–174. 622 Guasti, Niccolò. “I gesuiti spagnoli espulsi e la cultura del Settecento.”Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 38 (2009), 45–78. 623 Udías Vallina, Agustín. “Mathematics in the Jesuit Colleges in Spain in the 17th and 18th centuries.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010, edited by Antoni Roca. Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 328–332. 624 Martínez Tornero, Carlos A. “Aproximación a la identidad de 560 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

los jesuitas hispanos expulsos.” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 727–742. 625 Quintero González, J (dir. congr.). El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014. 626 Geddes, John. The Scots College, Spain, 1767-1780: Memoirs of the translation of the Scotch College from Madrid to Valladolid. Edited by Michael Briody. Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2015. 627 Désos, Catherine. “L’influence politique des confesseurs jésuites français du roi d’Espagne (1700-1724).” In Le Consulat de France à Cadix: Institution, Intérêts et Enjeux (1666-1740) [Online], edited by Anne Mézin and Anne Pérotin-Dumon. Pierrefitte-sur-Seine: Publications des Archives nationales, 2016. 628 Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés Martínez, Francisco (Coord.). Amor a lo visible. Tras las huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Córdoba: Universidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018. 629 Díez, Laura. 125: [Años de] Historia del colegio san José de Villafranca. Villafranca de los Barros: Colegio San José de Villafranca, 2018. 630 León Perera, Cristo José de. “Devoción a san Ildefonso en el colegio de los jesuitas de Salamanca: peregrinación y legitimación apostólica.” Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florián De Ocampo, (2018), 411–430. 631 León Perera, Cristo José de. “Los jesuitas en la Salamanca de la Edad Moderna: estado de la cuestión.” In Humanismo Cristiano y Reforma Protestante (1517-2017), edited by Inmaculada Delgado Jara and Miguel Anxo Pena González. Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2018, 387–397. 632 León Perera, Cristo José de. “Presencias y reflejos de América Hispana en el Colegio jesuita de Salamanca.” Tordesillas, Revista de Investigación Multidisciplinar (TRIM), (2018), 23–35. 633 Portero Laguna, Juan; Montes Tubío, Francisco. “El colegio de la Encarnación de Montilla.” In Amor a lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 61–72. 634 Sánchez Gómez, Miguel Ángel. “El colegio de jesuitas de Santander. Vida material y patrimonio.” Hispania Sacra, 70 (2018), 585–599. 635 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “Los jesuitas en Córdoba. Huellas Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 561

y vida.” In Amor a Lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Coord by Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés Martínez, Francisco. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 14–21. 636 Fernández Arrillaga, Inmaculada. “Las ‘Proposiciones censurables’ que encontraron en los aposentos de los jesuitas expulsos.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 76– 98. 637 García Ocon, Jorge. “La restauración de la Compañía de Jesús bajo el régimen de Franco en 1938.” Miscelánea Comillas, 77 (2019), 265–287. 638 León Perera, Cristo José de. “La Compañía de Jesús y sus aportaciones a la Semana Santa de Salamanca: actos piadosos y devocionales de una ‘nobleza intelectual’.” In Antropología y Religión en Latinoamérica IV. Palabras a La Imprenta. Tradición Oral y Literatura en la Religiosidad Popular. Coord. by Mª. Pilar Panero García; José Luis Alonso Ponga; Fernando Joven Álvarez. Urueña: Fundación Joaquín Díaz, 2019, 267–275. 639 Ortega Mentxaka, Eneko. “Del ‘gran escenario de la palabra’ al ‘gran escenario de la imagen’: la evolución del programa iconográfico de la casa profesa-colegio de San Ignacio de Valladolid.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 88 (2019), 343– 387.

Switzerland 640 Rogger, Philippe. “Transnationale und transregionale Elitefamilien - Grenzüberschreitende Biographien, Beziehungen und Loyalitäten des Luzerner Patriziats am Beispiel der Pfyffer in der frühen Neuzeit.” In Adel Und Patriziat in Der Zentralschweiz Vom Mittelalter Bis in Die Neuzeit: Beitrage Der Wissenschaftlichen Fachtagung Des Historischen Vereins Zentralschweiz Vom 30. April 2016, edited by Oliver Landolt. Luzern: Historischer Verein Zentralschweiz, 2017, 64–79.

Ukraine 641 Tsiborovska-Rymarovich, I. “Стародруки бібліотек осередків Товариства Ісуса, що діяли на теренах Луцької діецезії у XVII–XVIII ст., у фондах Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського: особливості історичної долі, шляхи надходження, історико-культурне значення.” Rukopisna Ta Knižkova Spadŝina Ukraïni, 18 (2014), 183–209. 642 Bondar, Nataliia. “Ornamentation of Ostroh Jesuit Collegium 562 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Bindings and Mysteries of their Migration.” Academic Papers of Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (Наукові Праці Національної Бібліотеки України Імені В.І. Вернадського), 51 (2019), 19–42.

United Kingdom See also 626

643 Muldoon, Andrew R. “Recusants, Church-Papists, and ‘Comfortable’ Missionaries: Assessing the Post-Reformation English Catholic Community.” Catholic Historical Review, 86 (2000), 242–257. 644 Doyle, Peter. “Jesuit Reactions to the Restoration of the Hierarchy: The Diocese of Liverpool, 1850–1880.” Recusant History, 26 (2002), 210–228. 645 McCoog, Thomas M., ed. Promising Hope: Essays on the Suppression and Restoration of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. Rome: Institutum historicum Societatis Iesu, 2003. 646 Yellowlees, Michael J. ‘So Strange a Monster as a Jesuite’: The Society of Jesus in Sixteenth-Century Scotland. Isle of Colonsay: House of Lochar, 2003. 647 McCallum, John, ed. Scotland’s Long Reformation: New Perspectives on Scottish Religion, c. 1500-c. 1660. Leiden: Brill, 2016. 648 Morton, Adam. “Popery, Politics, and Play: Visual Culture in Succession Crisis England.” Seventeenth Century, 31 (2016), 411–449. 649 Campana, Andrea. “‘But floods of tears will drown my oratory’: Shakespeare, the Jesuits, and the Power of Rhetoric.” Heythrop Journal, 58 (2017). 650 Campana, Andrea. “Shakespeare: A poet for all seasons.” Heythrop Journal, 58 (2017), 408–412. 651 Campana, Andrea. “Identified: Locale where Hamlet Written, Plus Marlovian Resonances in Shakespeare’s Canon.” Heythrop Journal, 59 (2018), 5–23. 652 Questier, Michael C. Dynastic Politics and the British Reformations, 1558–1630. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Vatican State 653 Mo, Wei. “The Gendered Space of the ‘Oriental Vatican’—Zi- ka-wei, the French Jesuits and the Evolution of Papal Diplomacy.” Religions, 9 (2018), 1–13. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 563

E. Oceania

Australia 654 Jolly, Rhonda. “A failed venture: the Jesuit Mission at Rapid Creek 1882-1891.” Journal of Northern Territory History, 11 (2000), 87–100. 655 Strong, David. The Australian dictionary of Jesuit biography: 1848- 2015. Canberra: Halstead Press, 2017.

Marianas Island See also 485

656 Ciaramitano, Fernando. “Política y religión: martirio jesuita y simbolización monárquica de la Marianas.” Convergencia. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 78 (2018), 195-225.

III. Persons

Acosta, Jose de (1540-1600) 657 Prieto, Andrés I. “Reading the Book of Genesis in the New World: José de Acosta and Bernabé Cobo on the Origins of the American Population.” Hispanófila, 158 (2010), 1–19. 658 Valle, Ivonne del. “José de Acosta: Colonial Regimes for a Globalized Christian World.” In Coloniality, Religion and the Law in the Early Iberian World, edited by Raúl Marrero Fente and Santa Arias. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2014, 3–26. 659 Aguerre, Natalia. “La predicación del Evangelio en las Indias del padre Acosta Sj: un antecedente teórico de intervención social.” Antíteses, 11 (2019), 39–65.

Acquaviva, B. Rodolfo (1550-1583) 660 Županov, Ines G. “Between Mogor and Salsete: Rodolfo Acquaviva’s Error.” In Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: Patterns of Localization, edited by Christian Windler, Bernard Heyberger, Andreea Badea, and Nadine Amsler. Oxon: Routledge, 2019, 50-64.

Aldea Vaquero, Quintín (1920-2012) 661 Revuelta González, Manuel. “Semblanza del P. Quintín Aldea Sj (1920-2012).” Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florián de Ocampo, (2018), 29–35. 564 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Alegre, Francisco Javier (1729-1788) 662 Ponce Hernández, Carolina. “El conocimiento y el bien moral en las Institutiones theologicae de Francisco Xavier Alegre.” In Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015), edited by Astrid Steiner-Weber and Franz Römer. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2018, 540–548.

Alfaro, Juan (1914-1993) 663 Garre Garre, Marta María. “La antropología de Juan Alfaro y sus repercusiones en el acto de fe.” Carthaginensia, 35 (2019), 425–442.

Almeida, Miguel de (1607–1683) 664 Gusella, Francesco. “New Jesuit Sources on the Iconography of the Good Shepherd Rockery from Portuguese India: The Garden of Shepherds of Miguel de Almeida (1658).”Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 577–597.

Amiot, Joseph-Marie (1718-1793) See 425

Anchieta, S. Jose de (1534-1597) 665 Welge, Jobst. “Furor y valor: Traslaciones épicas desde Lucano hasta Anchieta y Ercilla.” Rilce, 36 (2019), 22–39.

Andrade, António de (1580–1634) 666 Zwilling, Leonard, ed.”More than the Promised Land”: Letters and Relations from Tibet by the Jesuit Missionary António De Andrade (1580–1634). Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2017.

Aressu, Giovanni domenico (1604-1645) 667 Loddo, Tonino. “Un martire senza altare. Giovanni Domenico Aresu, gesuita terteniese (XVII sec.).” Studi Ogliastrini, 12 (2015), 39–67. 668 Loddo, Tonino. P. Giovanni Domenico Aressu, a martyr without an altar. Tertenian Jesuit, Evangeliser of Southern Leyte, protomartyr of Cabalían. Manila: Iosiphides Gonzaga Alderete, 2016.

Arriaga, Pablo José de (1564-1622) 669 Martínez Céspedes, Jimmy. “Pablo Joseph de Arriaga como rector del colegio jesuita de Arequipa 1609-1612.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 99–119. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 565

Arriaga, Rodrigo de (1592–1667) 670 Novotný, Daniel D. “Arriaga (and Hurtado) against the Baroque Mainstream: The Case of Ens rationis.” Filosofický Časopis, 64 (2016), 119–144.

Austria, Juana de (1535-1573) 671 Borsari, Monica. “Giovanna d’Austria e la Compagnia di Gesù «Con privilegio così speciale, e sola»?” Ignaziana, 28 (2019), 263–290.

Aznar, Francisco (1743-1800) See 787

Balthasar, Hans Urs von (1905-1988), Jesuit unti11950 See also 919

672 Murray, Luke. “Beauty and Biblical Interpretation: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Modern Biblical Studies.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 2014. 673 Brotherton, Joshua R. “Trinitarian Suffering and Divine Receptivity after Balthasar.” The Thomist, 82 (2018), 189–234. 674 LeRouzès, Dominic. L’altérité constitutive de l’intersubjectivité chez Emmanuel Lévinas et Hans Urs von Balthasar. Vers un fondement trinitaire. Les Plans sur Bex: Parole et Silence, 2018. 675 Alpers, Christiane. “The End of Kenotic Suffering -- The Centrality of God’s Love.” Studies in Spirituality, 29 (2019), 333–353.

Barzana, Alonso de (1530-1598) 676 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “Alonso de Barzana, S. I. Apóstol de Andalucía y Sudamérica,” Archivo Teológico Granadino, 79 (2016), 5-130. 677 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “El deseo de las indias: las cartas indípetas de Alonso de Barzana Sj (1530-1598).” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 85 (2016), 405–443. 678 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. Alonso de Barzana, SJ, (1530-1597), el Javier de las Indias Occidentales, Editorial Mensajero, Bilbao, 2018.

Becanus, Martinus (1563-1624) 679 Raupp, Werner. “Becanus, Martinus [Hilvarenbeek 1563-Wenen 1624].” In Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1620-1720. Literaturwissenschaftliches Verfasserlexikon, edited by Stefanie Aren. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 481–502. 566 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Bellarmino, S. Roberto (1542-1621) 680 Hobbs, R. Gerald. “Reading the Old Testament after Trent: Cardinal and His Italian Predecessors on Psalm Four.” Reformation and Renaissance Review, 12 (2010), 207–234.

Benedictis, Giovanni Battista de (1622-1706) 681 Pezzella, Luigi. Benedetto Aletino. Un gesuita a Napoli contro i “Moderni”. Avellino: Il Terebinto Edizioni, 2017.

Berger, Luis (1589-1639) 682 Page, Carlos A. “El jesuita francés Luis Berger: un artista del Paraguay en los albores del siglo XXII.” Temas Antropológicos, 38 (2016), 67–87.

Bergoglio, Jorge Mario (1936- ) See also 195

683 Vespasiano, Francesco. “Il concetto di popolo e la Chiesa di papa Francesco.” Rassegna di Teologia, 60 (2019), 569–584. 684 Worcester, Thomas. “Jesuit Studies in the Age of a Jesuit .” Renaissance Quarterly, 69 (2016), 1401–1412. 685 Oldenburg, Christopher J.The Rhetoric of . Critical Mercy and Conversion for the Twenty-First Century. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018. 686 Beghini, Renzo. “Ripensare il bene comune: il contributo di papa Francesco.” Studia Patavina, 66 (2019), 293–304. 687 Gamberini, Paolo. “The ‘Logos’ of Faith in the Era of Pope Francis.” Irish Theological Quarterly, 84 (2019), 392–408. 688 Ivereigh, Austen. Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church. New York: Henry Holt, 2019. 689 Mandreoli, Fabrizio, ed. La teologia di papa Francesco. Fonti, metodo, orrizonte e conseguenze. Bologna: Dehoniane, 2019. 690 Martínez Fresneda, Francisco. “La paz y los musulmanes en San Francisco y en el Papa Francisco.” Carthaginensia, 35 (2019), 399–423. 691 Massaro, Thomas. “Pope Francis on Overcoming Exclusion: A Theological Vision with Economic and Social Implications.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 78 (2019), 865–893. 692 Mettepenningen, Jürgen. Franciscus. Zien, oordelen en handelen in een wereld die op hol slaat. Antwerpen: Polis, 2019. 693 Napolitano, Valentina. “Francis, a Criollo Pope.” Religion and Society, 10 (2019), 63–80. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 567

694 Pasquale, Gianluigi. “Il paradigma di riforma della chiesa in papa Francesco.” Credere Oggi, 39/4 (2019), 43–62. 695 Politi, Marco. La solitudine di Francesco. Un Papa profetico, una Chiesa in tempesta. Bari: Editori Laterza, 2019. 696 Salzman, Todd A., and Michael G. Lawler. “Pope Francis, Ecology and Climate Change.” The Furrow, 70 (2019), 579–587. 697 Svatoň Robert. “‘To journey together is already to be making unity’: Pope Francis’ understanding of Ecumenism.” Studia Theologica (Czech Republic), 21 (2019), 149–173. 698 Valadier, Paul. “L’humanisme intégral selon le pape François.” Études, 163 (2019), 79–89.

Bertonio, Juan Ludovico (1557-1625) 699 Bertonio, Ludovico. Bertonio y su Vita Christi. Volumen I. Edited by Iván Tavel. Murillo: Fondo Editorial PUCP and Fundación Cultural del Banco Central de Bolivia and Fundación Xavier Albó, 2014. 700 Albó, Xavier. “Vita Christi en Villegas (1591) y en Bertonio (1612): comentarios lingüístico-pastorales.” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Fondo Editorial/ Aleph Impresiones S.R.L. and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 117–144.

Beschi, Costanzo Gioseffo (1680-1747) 701 Trento, Margherita, and Sascha Ebeling. “From Jesuit Missionary to Tamil Pulavar. Costanzo Gioseffo Beschi Sj (1680-1747), the ‘Great Heroic Sage.’” In L’Inde Et l’Italie: Rencontres Intellectuelles, Politiques Et Artistiques, edited by Claude Markovits, Tiziana Leucci, and Marie Fourcade. Paris: Éditions EHESS, 2018, 53–89.

Beyzym, B. Jan (1850-1912) 702 Drążek, Czesław. Polski Samarytanin. Błogosławiony Ojciec Jan Beyzym Sj. Kraków: WAM, 2012.

Biancani, Giuseppe (1566-1624) 703 Ceglia, Francesco Paolo de. “Additio Illa Non Videtur Edenda: Giuseppe Biancani, Reader of Galileo in an Unedited Censored Text.” In The New Science and Jesuit Science: Seventeenth-Century Perspectives, edited by Mordechai Feingold. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2003, 159–186. 568 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Bielskiego, Jana (1714-1768) 704 Mieszek, Małgorzata. “Tematyka religijna w dramacie jezuickim z połowy XVIII wieku (na przykładzie twórczości Jana Bielskiego).” Tematy i Konteksty, 6 (2016), 225–237.

Bitti, Bernardo (1548-1610) 705 Amerio, Elena. “Demócrito ‘Bernardo’ Bitti, Sj. Un pintor de las Marcas hacia el Nuevo Mundo.” Sílex, 8 (2018), 17–42.

Biwald, Leopold Gottlieb (1731–1805) 706 Faustmann, Cornelia. ““In parte physicae theoretica Newtonum eiusque commentatores secutus sum”. Leopold Gottlieb Biwald’s Physica generalis as a compendium propagating newtonian physics in Europe.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010), edited by Antoni Roca. Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 349–354.

Bobola, A. Andrzej (1591-1657) 707 Bachowska, Monika. Męczennik niezłomny. Życie i cuda św. Andrzeja Boboli. Kraków: Wydawnictwo eSPe, 2017.

Bonjour, Guillaume (1610-1714) 708 Baldini, Ugo. “Guillaume Bonjour (1610-1714): Cronologista, Linguista e Cientista ‘Ocasional.’” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 201, 749–822.

Bouhours, Dominique (1628-1702) 709 Beugnot, Bernard. “Le Père Bouhours ou de la délicatesse.” Littératures Classiques, 1 (2015), 231–240.

Boym, Michael (1612-1659) 710 Wardega, Artur K. “From Benedict of Poland, Ofm (Benedictus Polonus 波蘭修士本篤, 1200-1280) to Michael Boym, S.J. (卜彌 格, 1612-1659), the Early Polish Missionaries Coming to China: Brief Historiography with special focus on Jan M. Smogulecki, S.J. (穆尼閣, 1610-1656).” In Transfert Culturel: Les Premiers Missionnaires en Chine, edited by Jin Siyan 金丝燕 and Raymond Ledru. Paris: You Feng, 2016, 47–84. 711 Golvers, Noel. “Two new letters from Michael Boym, SJ in Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 569

Europe (1656; 1658), and the editorial dossier of his various European works on China.” Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae, 29/1 (2019), 107–116.

Brasanelli, Giuseppe (1658-1728) 712 Sustersic, Bozidar D. José Brasanelli: pintor, escultor y arquitecto de las misiones Guaraní-jesuíticas. Asunción: Fondec. Centro de Artes Visuales. Museo del Barro, 2017.

Brébeuf, S. Jean de (1593-1649) 713 Morris, Paul D. “Les morts littéraires de Jean de Brébeuf: l’histoire coloniale et l’imaginaire canadien,” Eurostudia 13 (2018-2019), 345–368. 714 Grace, Madeleine. “Under the Shadows of Death: The Spiritual Journeys of Jean de Brébeuf and Issac Jogues.” American Catholic Studies, 115 (2004), 51–64.

Byron, William J. (1927) 715 Samway, Patrick H. William J. Byron, S.J.: A Biographical Essay. Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2018.

Camel, Georgius Josephus (1661-1706) 716 Pokorný, Ondřej. “La botánica a la vuelta de los siglos XVII y XVIII y Jorge José Camel, S.J.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 215–232.

Canisius, S. Petrus (1521-1597) 717 Mertens, Thom, and Daniël Ermens. “Een Canisius uit 1558.” De Gulden Passer, 97 (2019), 256–261.

Cardiel, José (1704-1781) 718 Martins, Maria Cristina Bohn. “José Cardiel, trajetórias de viagem.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 57–86.

Cardim, António Francisco (1596-1659) 719 Palomo, Federico. “António Francisco Cardim, la misión del Japon y la representación del martirio en el mundo portugués altomoderno.” Histórica, 39 (2015), 7–40. 570 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Caspersz, Paul (1925-2017) 720 Philips, Rajan. “Fr Paul Caspersz, Sj (1925-2017): celebrating the life of a Jesuit socialist.” Vāgdevī: Journal of Religious Reflection, 12/1 (2018), 65–69.

Cavalieri, Francesco Saverio (1821-1878) 721 Mongini, Guido. “«Se il Signore mi chiama veramente». Le vocazioni missionarie nelle indipetae dei gesuiti della provincia veneta alla metà dell’Ottocento: il caso di Francesco Saverio Cavalieri.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 45 (2016), 89–118.

Certeau, Michel de (1925-1986) 722 Buijtenen, Eveline van, and Iñigo Kristien Marcel Bocken. Weerbarstige spiritualiteit. Een inleiding in het denken van Michel de Certeau (1925-1986). Heeswijk: Berne Media, 2016. 723 Lécrivain, Philippe. “Michel de Certeau e le scienze dell’altro.” La Civiltà Cattolica, 158 (2007), 139–152. 724 Mongini, Guido. “«L’analisi spirituale delle origini». Michel de Certeau, storico della Compagnia di Gesù (XVI secolo).” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 46 (2017), 271–288. 725 Duyck, Clément. “Le faire poétique chez Michel de Certeau.” Les Dossiers du Grihl, 2 (2018), 45–60. 726 Pabst, Jeroen A. van Lawick van. “Personal Leadership as Spiritual Way in Today’s World. Exploring Christian Spirituality’s Contribution to Today’s Personal Leadership through Works of de Certeau and Ciszek.” Studies in Spirituality, 29 (2019), 237–256.

Chézaud, Aimé (1604-1664) 727 Richard, Francis. “Le Père Aimé Chézaud controversiste et ses manuscrits persans.” Nāmeh-Ye Baharestān. International Iranian Journal for Research into Islamic Manuscripts, 6-7 (2005), 7–18.

Cigorondo, Juan de (1560-1611) 728 Alonso Asenjo, Julio. “Juan Cigorondo. Colloquio a lo pastoril hecho a la electión del Padre Prouinçial Francisco Baes y a la del Padre Visitador del Pirú, Esteuan Páez, Ciudad de México, 1598.” In Teatro Colegial Colonial de Jesuitas de México a Chile. València: Publicaciones de la Universitat de València, 2012, 21–120. 729 Arteaga Martínez, Alejandro. “Aproximación a las Églogas del Engaño del novohispano Juan de Cigorondo.” Sincronía, 22 (2018), 304–336. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 571

730 Alonso Asenjo, Julio. “Dos coloquios sacramentales escolares barrocos y un vejamen del ‘Cartapacio curioso del P. Juan de Cigorondo’. Estudio y edición.” In TeatrEsco. Revista del Antiguo Teatro Escolar Hispánico, 0 (2002-04).

Ciszek, Walter (1904-1984) See also 726

731 Guzik, Michael A. “Rev. Walter J. Ciszek, Sj: An Icon of the Catholic Russian Mission.” The Polish Review, 64 (2019), 28–43.

Claver S. Pedro (1580-1654) 732 Germeten, Nicole Von. “A Century of Promoting Saint and Catholicism to African Americans: Claverian Historiography from 1868-1965.” American Catholic Studies, 116 (2005), 23–38. 733 Lamet, Pedro Miguel. El esclavo blanco Pedro Claver: novela histórica. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero, 2017.

Clavijero, Francisco Javier (1731-1787) 734 Reynoso, Arturo. Francisco Xavier Clavigero: el aliento del Espíritu. Ciudad de México: Artes de México y del Mundo, 2018.

Cobo, Bernabé (1582-1657) See 657

Coelho, Gaspar (c. 1529-1590) See 458

Coeurdoux, Gaston-Laurent (1691-1779) 735 Vaghi, Massimiliano. “The French Encounter with India in the Late Eighteenth Century: Anquetil-Duperron and Coeurdoux.” Nuova Rivista Storica, 103 (2019), 55–74.

Consag (Konšćak), Fernando (1703-1759) 736 Altic, Mirela. “Ferdinand Konšćak – Cartographer of the Compañia de Jesús and his Maps of Baja California.” In History of Cartography, edited by Imre Josef Demhardt and Elri Liebenberg. Heidelberg and Berlin: Springer, 2012, 3–20. 737 Ponce Alcocer, María Eugenia, ed. Carta del P. Fernando Consag de la Compañia de Jesus: visitador de las misiones de Californias a los padres superiores de esta provincia de Nueva España. Baja California (Mexico: Peninsula): Universidad Iberoamericana, 2005. 572 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Cordes, Francisco de (1689-1768) 738 Coutinho, Maria João. “‘So Many Things I Wanted from Guangzhou.’ The Orders of Two Jesuit Procurators: Francisco de Cordes (1689-1768) and José Rosado (1714-1797).” Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 3 (2018), 103–122.

Correia, Pedro (+1554) 739 Page, Carlos A. “Biobibliografía de los protomártires jesuitas de América: Pedro Correia y João de Sousa.” Antíteses, 11 (2019), 66–86.

Couto, Sebastião do (1567 - 1639) See 764

Criminali, Antonio (1520-1549) 740 Rai, Eleonora. “La legge e il martirio. Morte e normativa nel processo di canonizzazione del ‘protomartire’ gesuita Antonio Criminali (XVI–XX secolo).” Lexia. Rivista di Semiotica, 31-32 (2019), 205–224.

Crowe, Frederick (1915-2012) 741 Eades, Michael. And in our Hearts take up Thy Rest: The Trinitarian Pneumatology of Frederick Crowe, Sj. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.

Cruz, Luis da (1543-1604) 742 Cruz, Luís da. Sedecias: Die lateinische Tragödie von Luís da Cruz S. J. Edited by Matthias Buttner.Bern: Peter Lang, 2004.

Curci, Carlo Maria (1810-1891) 743 Mucci, Giandomenico. “Carlo Maria Curci, un gesuita controcorrente.” La Civiltà Cattolica, 169 (2018), 281–297.

Daniel, João (1741-1776) 744 Alencar, Décio Guzmán de. “Porque sem eles […] é não terem asas para voar, nem pés para caminhar…’: os índios remeiros na Amazônia colonial. Um estudo a partir da crônica do padre João Daniel (1741-1776).” In Anais do IV Encontro Internacional de História Colonial, edited by Karl Heinz Arenz and Rafael Chambouleyron. Bélem: Editora Açaí, 2014, 100–113. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 573

David, Jan (1546–1613) 745 López Calderón, Carme. “El Pancarpium Marianum de Jan David: grabados y conceptos para la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de los Ojos Grandes (Lugo),” Imago: revista de emblemática y cultura visual, 4 (2012), 41-54.

De Nobili Roberto (1577-1656) 746 Schouten, Jan Peter. “A Foreign Culture Baptised: Roberto de Nobili and the Jesuits.” Exchange, 47 (2018), 183–198.

Delp, Alfred (1907-1945) 747 Nguyen, Peter. “Ecumenism of Blood: The Martyrdom of Alfred Delp and Helmuth James Von Moltke.” Canadian Theological Review, 3 (2014), 14–25.

Desideri, Ippolito (1684-1733) 748 Bray, John. “Ippolito Desideri and His Muslim Guides in the Buddhist Kingdom of Ladakh.” Buddhist-Christian Studies, 38 (2018), 15–29.

Diez-Alegria, Jose M.ª (1911-2010), Jesuit until 1975 749 Rosa, Juan Antonio Delgado de la. José María Díez-Alegría: un jesuita socialista humanista en medio de la clase obrera. Madrid: Ediciones Endymion, 2018.

Dingenauer, Georgius (1571-1631) See 506

Dòria, Miquel (1737-1819) 750 Rizos Jiménez, Carles À. L’obra poética llatina del jesuita Miquel Dòria (1737-1819). Estudi, edició i traducció. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, 2019.

Drexel, Jeremias (1581-1638) See 363

Dubuisson, Stephen Larigaudelle (1786-1864) 751 Cline, Ruth Harwood. “Bridging two worlds: Stephen Larigaudelle Dubuisson, Émigré missionary.” Catholic Historical Review, 90 (2004), 675–696. 574 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Dulles, Avery (1918-2008) 752 Dulles, Avery. Avery Dulles: Essential Writings from America Magazine. Edited by James Thomas Keane. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press, 2019.

Dupuis, Jacques (1923-2004) 753 Disse, Jörg. “Jezus Christus und die Religionen. Zur Religionstheologie von Jacques Dupuis Sj.” In Sind Religionen Austauschbar? Philosophisch-Theologische Positionen Aus Christlicher Sicht, edited by Johannes Arnold, Frankfurter Theologische Studien, 67. Münster: Aschendorff, 2012, 151–195.

Eliano (Romano), Giovanni Battista (1530-1589) 754 Clines, Robert John. A Jewish Jesuit in the Eastern Mediterranean. Early Modern Conversion, Mission, and the Construction of Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Ellacuria, Ignacio (1930-1989) 755 Maier, Martin. “La testimonianza dei Gesuiti assassinati a San Salvador.” La Civiltà Cattolica, 170 (2019), 277–287.

Engel (Angel), Arnold (Arnoldus) (1620/1622–1690) 756 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Arnold Engel a jeho tři tragédie pro zakončení školního roku na jezuitských gymnáziích.” Divadelní Revue, 2 (2006), 14–20.

Fabra, Francisco (1723-1789) 757 Page, Carlos A. “Francisco Fabra y su relación del colegio de Tarija y sus misiones (1770) para el P. Pedro de Calatayud.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 120–134.

Fabri, Honoré (1607-1688) 758 Elazar, Michael. “The Jesuit Honoré Fabri and the theory of projectiles.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010, edited by Antoni Roca. Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 338–343.

Faille, Juan Carlos del la (1597-1652) 759 Sánchez Martín, Francisco Javier. Método de la geometría (1640) de Juan Carlos della Faille. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones (Editum), 2019. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 575

Fantuzzi, Virgilio (1935-2019) 760 n/a. “In ricordo di P. Virgilio Fantuzzi S.I. (1935-2019).” La Civiltà Cattolica, 170 (2019), 78–82.

Favre, S. Pierre (1506-1546) 761 Terstriep, Dominik.. Freund -- Wanderer -- Mystiker. Vol. Ignatianische Impulse, 73. Würzburg: Echter, 2016.

Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. (1913–1995) 762 Burgaleta, Claudio. “How an Irish-American priest became Puerto Rican of the Year: Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J., and the Puerto Ricans.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 676–698.

Florencia, Francisco de (1619-1695) 763 Dyck, Jason. “Bastions of the Virgin: Francisco de Florencia’s Marian cartography of Mexico City.” Colonial Latin American Review, 28 (2019), 336–366.

Fonseca, Pedro da (1528-1599) 764 Carvalho, Mário Santiago de. “Reading Philosophy from a Dialectical Point of View: Pedro da Fonseca’s and Sebastião do Couto’s Philosophical Stance on Aristotle’s Organon.” In Jesuit Logic and Late Ming China: Lectures on the Cursus Conimbrincensis, edited by Cristiano Casalini. Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019, 19–41.

Frois, Luis (1532-1597) See also 4

765 Meyer, Denis C. “L’Ici de l’Ailleurs et le Nous de Là-bas: La description du Japon de Luis Frois à Roland Barthes.” In Transfert Culturel: Les Premiers Missionnaires en Chine, edited by Jin Siyan 金丝燕 and Raymond Ledru. Paris: You Feng, 2016, 327–354.

Furlong, Guillermo (1889-1974) 766 Imolesi, María Elena. “De la utopía a la historia. La reinvención del pasado en los textos de Guillermo Furlong.” Mélanges de l’École Française de Rome, 126-1 (2014).

Galanti, Raphael (1840-1917) 767 Santos, Magno Francisco de Jesus. “‘Um operoso e erudito 576 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

estudioso da história de nossa pátria’: Raphael Galanti e o ensino de História do Brasil (1896-1917).” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7 (2019), 42–62.

Galli, Mario von (1904-1987) 768 Schifferle, Alois. “Mario von Galli Sj (1904-1987) -- Brandstifter des Geistes und Botschafter des Konzils.” In Aufbruch Und Widerspruch. Schweizer Theologinnen Und Theologen Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Martin Sallmann, Stephan Leimgruber, and Angela Berlis. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2019, 696–711.

Garzoni, Leonardo (1543-1592) 769 Sander, Christoph. “Early-modern magnetism: uncovering new textual links between Leonardo Garzoni Sj (1543-1592), Paolo Sarpi Osm (1552-1623), Giambattista Della Porta (1535- 1615), and the Accademia dei Lincei.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 85 (2016), 303–363.

Gherardi, Angelo (1934-) 770 Spoldi, Laura. Con i più piccoli: storie e testimonianze della vita di Padre Gherardi in Ciad. Milano: ITL, 2018.

Göbel, Joseph (1714-1778) 771 Křížová, Markéta. “Los misioneros jesuitas y la competición internacional por América: El caso de José Göbel y su memorial al Emperador.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 129–194.

Gouveia, António de (c.1592-1677) 772 Gomes, Ana Cristina da Costa. “Writing on Chinese History: António de Gouveia and the Monarchia da China (1654).” Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 3 (2018), 17–32.

Gracián, Baltasar (1601-1658) 773 Maréchaux, Pierre. “Modalités de la grâce chez Baltasar Gracián.” Littératures Classiques, 60/2 (2006), 241–250. 774 Loira, Javier Patino. “‘Glosar la intención’: Baltasar Gracián, el secreto de estado y la agudeza en el historiador.” Memoria y Civilización, 19 (2016), 271–291. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 577

Grandmaison, Léonce de (1868-1927) 775 Sesboüé, Bernard. Léonce de Grandmaison (1868-1927): Un intellectuel témoin du Christ et apôtre de l’Esprit. Paris and Bruxelles: Lessius, 2015.

Grenón, Pedro (1878-1974) 776 Bordese, Federico G. “Biografía y Catálogo de las obras del Padre Grenón S.J.” Revista Histórica del Archivo Fotográfico de Córdoba, (2017) 1–24. 777 Denaro, Liliana de. La obra de la Compañía de Jesús a través de la mirada del P. Pedro Grenón. Córdoba: [s.n.], 2019.

Grimaldi, Claudio Filippo (1638-1712) 778 Baldini, Ugo. “A Engenharia nas Missões e as Missões como Engenharia: Claudio Filippo Grimaldi até ao Seu Regresso a Beijing (1694).” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 589–748.

Gruber, Gabriel (1740-1805) See 781

Grumsel, Guillaume (1607–1680) 779 Glover, Adam. “Guillaume Grumsel and the Poetics of Eucharistic Desire.” Christianity and Literature, 68 (2019), 650– 680.

Gusmao, Alexandre (1629-1724) 780 Brandão, Renato Pereira. “A Companhia, Gusmão e Pombal: do Tratado de Madri à expulsão do Império.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 21–56.

Hallerstein, Auguštin (1723-1780) 781 Južnič, Stanislav. “Hallerstein and Gruber’s scientific heritage.” In The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010), edited by Antoni Roca. Barcelona: ESHS, 2012, 355–370.

Hart, John (-1586) 782 Feingold, Mordechai. “The Reluctant Martyr: John Hart’s English Mission.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 627–50. 578 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo (1735-1809) 783 Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo. Biblioteca jesuítico-española (1759- 1799). Estudio Introductorio, Edición Crítica y notas. Edited by Antonio Astorgano Abajo. Madrid: Libris, 2007. 784 Hervas y Panduro, Lorenzo. Escuela española de sordomudos. Edited by Ángel L. Herrero Blanco. Alicante: Publicacions Universitat d’Alacant, 2008. 785 Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo. Biblioteca Jesuítico Española, Vol II. Manuscritos Hispano-Portugueses en Siete Bibliotecas de Roma. Edited by Antonio Astorgano Abajo. Madrid: Libris, 2009. 786 Berti, Francesco. “Riformismo ‘ilustrado’ e radicalismo utopico in Hervás y Panduro.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 40 (2011), 15–34. 787 Bolufer Peruga, Mónica. “Cortesía entre fronteras. Los jesuitas expulsos y el debate sobre la civilidad en el sigloXVIII: Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro y Francisco Aznar.” Hispania Sacra, 71 (2019), 603–618. 788 Panduro, Lorenzo Hervas y. “Estudio Introductorio: El Viage estático de Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro. La difusión científica entre los límites de la razón y la fe.” In Viaje Estático, edited by María de la Soledad Justo. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2001, 1–98. 789 Berti, Francesco. “Lorenzo Hervás y la crítica del derecho: a las raíces de la mentalidad revolucionaria.” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 743–51.

Hevenesi, Gábor (1656-1715) 790 Valadier, Paul. “La maxime d’Hevenesi: une formule paradoxale de l’agir chrétien.” Revue d’Éthique et de Théologie Morale, 298 (2018), 35–40.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889) 791 Noble, Tim. “‘The Mind has Mountains’: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Landscape and Poetry.” Communio Viatorum, 59 (2017), 224–235. 792 Hopkins, Gerard Manley. The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Volume IV: Oxford Essays and Notes 1863-1868. Edited by Lesley Higgins. Oxford: OUP, 2006. 793 West, Stephanie R. “Classical notes on Gerard Manley Hopkins Hopkins.” International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 13/1, (2006), 21-32. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 579

794 Hejduk, Julia. “Short Note: ‘To R. B.’: Hopkins’ Ovidian Letter from the Black Sea.” International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 17 (2010), 53–59. 795 Urban, David V. “Ignatian Inscape and Instress in Gerard Manley Hopkins’s ‘Pied Beauty,” ‘God’s Grandeur,” ‘Starlight Night,” and ‘The Windhover’: Hopkins’s Movement toward Ignatius by Way of Walter Pater.” Religions, 9 (2018), 1–13. 796 Hopkins, Gerard Manley. The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Volume V: Sermons and Spiritual Writings. Edited by Noel Barber and Jude V. Nixon. Oxford: OUP, 2019.

Hospital, Juan de (1725-1800) 797 Abellan Manonellas, Joan Anton. La larga aventura de Juan de Hospital: misionero expulso de los reinos de España. Cornellà de Terri: Edicions MMV, 2017.

Hosschius, Sidronius (1596-1653) 798 De Sutter, Nicholas. “Triumphus veri amoris and the Reception of Hosschius’ Elegiae in mortem duorum militum Hispanorum (1650) on the Jesuit Stage. An Edition with Commentary.” Neulateinisches Jahrbuch, 21 (2019), 17–68.

Hugo, Herman (1844-1889) 799 Grześkowiak, Radosław. “‘Po różnych królestwach i prowincyjach Dusza nabożna szukała kochanka swego’. Stratyfikacja staropolskiej recepcji jezuickich druków emblematycznych na przykładzie ‘Pia desideria’ Hermana Hugona.” In Formowanie Kultury Katolickiej w Dobie Potrydenckiej: Powszechność i Narodowość Katolicyzmu Polskiego, edited by Justyna Dąbkowska-Kujko. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2016, 244–299.

Hurtado, S. Alberto (1901-1952) 800 Jimenez Francisco. Vocaciones en un siglo herido: estudio cronologico de la preocupacion por las vocaciones sacerdotales en el ministerio de S.J. Santiago: Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2014.

Hurtado de Mendoza, Pedro (1578–1641) See 670 580 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Inchofer, Melchior (1585-1648) 801 Martinez, Alberto A. “Melchior Inchofer, Giordano Bruno, and the soul of the world.” Annals of Science, 76 (2019), 267–302.

Inesa, Albert (1619-1658) 802 Wójcik-Cifoletti, Monika. “Muza Alberta Inesa. Maryjny cykl ód w Lyricorum centuria I (1655).” Terminus, Vol. 12/2, 2010.

Intorcetta, Prospero (1625-1696) 803 Lo Nardo, Antonino, ed. Prospero Intorcetta S.J. un Siculus Platiensis nella Cina del 17 secolo. Piazza Armerina: Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta cultura aperta, 2018. 804 Benedetti, Stefano. “La Compendiosa narratione di Prospero Intorcetta (1671-72) e la coeva corrispondenza epistolare gesuitica tra Cina ed Europa.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 24–35. 805 Capizzi, Carmelo, and Antonio Spadaro. Dalla Sicilia alla Cina. L’avventura di Prospero Intorcetta (1625-1696). Caltanissetta: Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta Cultura aperta, 2019. 806 Lo Nardo, Antonino, and Daniel Canaris. “Pace e Ragion di Stato nel Confucius Sinarum philosophus (1687).” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 44–54. 807 Lo Nardo, Antonino, and Noël Golvers. “Una lettera non analizzata di Prospero Intorcetta, S.J. a Godefridus Henschens, S.J.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 54–61. 808 Lo Nardo, Antonino, and Thierry Meynard. “Prospero Intorcetta e il suo contributo alla sinologia.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 10–23. 809 Meynard, Thierry. “Could Chinese Vegetarians be Baptized? Part 2: The Canton Conference and Prospero Intorcetta Sj’s Report of 1668.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 88 (2019), 285–341. 810 Mokre, Jan, and Antonino Lo Nardo. “L’invio di cinque ‘sinojesuitica’ da P. Intorcetta, S.J. all’Imperatore Leopoldo I nel 1762 e la loro conservazione nella Biblioteca di Corte, oggi Biblioteca Nazionale Austriaca, a Vienna.” Intorcettiana, 1(2) (2019), 6–43.

Izquierdo Gutiérrez, José Joaquín (1731-1787) 811 Recéndez Guerrero, Emilia. “Vicisitudes familiares en el Zacatecas del siglo XVIII: el caso de los Izquierdo Gutiérrez.” Procesos Históricos, 28 (2015), 39-51. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 581

Javier, S. Francisco (1506-1552) See also 505

812 Colombo, Emanuele. “Miracoli di Francesco Saverio.” In Miracolo! Emozione, spettacolo e potere nella Storia dei secoli XIII- XVI, edited by Laura Andreani. Firenze: Sismel, 2019, 301–331. 813 Oberholzer, Paul. “Franz Xavers Handelsaktivitäten auf seiner Missionsreise nach Japan.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Religions- Und Kulturgeschichte, 113 (2019), 61–86.

Jogues, Isaac (1607-1646) See 714

Johnston, William (1925-2010) 814 Lefebure, Leo D. “From the Falls Road to Zen: The Mystical Journey of William Johnston, S.J.” Buddhist-Christian Studies, 39 (2019), 171–180.

Jousse, Marcel (1886-1961) 815 Guérinel, Rémy. “Dans la succession de l’Abbé Rousselot: Marcel Jousse, s.j. (1886-1961).” In Sur les Pas de Marey. Science(s) et Cinéma, edited by Jacques Malthete, Thierry Lefebvre, and Laurent Mannoni. Paris: L’Harmatan, 2004, 243–251.

Jouvency, Joseph (1643-1719) 816 Nava Contreras, Mariano. “El De regione et moribus canadiensium del Padre Jouvency y los Escritos de la Nueva Francia.” Praesentia, 12 (2011), 1–30.

Kaufmann, Ludwig (1918-1991) 817 Klein, Nikolaus. “Ludwig Kaufmann Sj (1918-1991) -- Konzilszeuge und Konzilsdeuter: Schreiben und hoffen in winterlicher Zeit.” In Aufbruch Und Widerspruch. Schweizer Theologinnen Und Theologen Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Martin Sallmann, Stephan Leimgruber, and Angela Berlis. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2019, 728–741.

Kino, Eusebio Francisco (1645-1711) 818 Gauger, Juan Manuel. Autoridad jesuita y saber universal: la polémica cometaria entre Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y Eusebio Francisco Kino. New York, N.Y.: IDEA / IGAS, 2015. 582 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Kircher, Athanasius (1601-1680) 819 Riedweg, Christoph, and Philippe Mudry. Steinbruch oder Wissensgebaude?: Zur Rezeption von Athanasius Kirchers ‘Musurgia Universalis’ in Musiktheorie und Kompositionspraxis. Vol. Biblioteca Helvetica Romana. Berlin and Basel: Schwabe, 2014. 820 Kircher, Athanasius. The Celebrated Museum of the Roman College of the Society of Jesus: A facsimile of the 1678 Amsterdam edition of Giorgio de Sepi‘s. Philadelphia: St Josephs Univ Pr. 2015 821 Martínez del Valle, Gonzalo. “Athanasius Kircher (S.I.), el sabio universal del siglo XVII.” In Amor a Lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Coord by Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés Martínez, Francisco. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 22–34. 822 Sutherland, Suzanne, Paula Findlen, and Iva Lelková. “Etruscan Dreams: Athanasius Kircher, Medici Patronage, and Tuscan Friendships, 1633–1680.” I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance, 21 (2018), 299–349. 823 Ciancio, Luca. “‘Immoderatus fervor ad intra coërcendus’: Reactions to Athanasius Kircher’s Central Fire in Jesuit Science and Imagination.” Nuncius, 33 (2018), 464–504.

Kolčava (Kolczawa o Kolczawa), Karel (Carolus o Karl) (1656-1717) 824 Pauerová, Eva. “Senekovo pojetí hněvu v díle jezuitského dramatika Karla Kolčavy.” Cornova, (2014) 31–40. 825 Förster, Josef. “K Rybově kritice Karla Kolčavy Sj a jeho znalostí teorie dramatu.” Listy Filologické, 140 (2017), 429–447.

Konšćak, Ferdinand (1703-1759) 826 Zorić, Damir. Misionar i kultura drugih: etnologijska istraživanja Ferdinanda Konšćaka (1703–1759) u donjoj Kaliforniji. Sarajevo: HKD Napredak, 2000.

Kostka, S. Stanisław (1550-1568) 827 Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, Justyna. “Święty Stanisław Kostka jako wzorzec moralny. Wybrane przedstawienia ikonograficzne na tle kreacji literackich (do XVIII wieku).” In Ars Bene Vivendi. Studia Ofiarowane Profesorowi Maciejowi Włodarskiemu w 70. Rocznicę Urodzin. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2017, 291–310. 828 Kućko, Wojciech (red.). Nabozenstwa majowe ze sw. Stanislawem Kostka. Plock: Plocki Instytut Wydawniczy, 2018. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 583

829 Ryczek, Wojciech, ed. Żywot świętego Stanisława Kostki, Polaka. Kraków: Homini - Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 2018. 830 Sambor, Grzegorz z. Życie świętego Stanisława Kostki: poemat Grzegorza z Sambora. Zamość: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Teologicznego Księży Misjonarzy, 2018.

Lainez, Diego (1512-1565) 831 Steiner, Niccolo. Diego Laínez und Alfonso Salmerón auf dem Konzil von Trient. Ihr Beitrag zur Eucharistie- und Messopferthematik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2019.

Lang, Franz (1654-1725) 832 Jacková, Magdaléna. “Franciscus Lang a jezuitské divadlo (překlad části pojednání, Dissertatio de actione scenica a úvodní studie).” Disk, 18 (2006), 95–116.

Lapide, Cornelius a (1567-1637) 833 Murray, Luke. “Cornelius (Lapide A).” Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques, 32 (2017), cols 645–649.

Lauxmin, Zygmunt (1596-1670) 834 Krzepkowska, Agnieszka. Zygmunt Lauxmin. Traktat Ars et praxis musica. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2012.

Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz (1866-1942) 835 Casalini, Cristiano. “Włodzimierz Ledochowski’s Call for Cura Personalis: Humanist Roots and Jesuit Distinctiveness in Education.” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 123–134.

Lembo, Giovanni Paolo (1570 – 1618) See 603

Lessius, Leonardus (1554-1623) 836 Decock, Wim. Le marché du mérite. Penser le droit et l’économie avec Léonard Lessius. Brussels: Zones sensibles, 2019.

Licent, Émile (1876–1952) 837 Lefebvre, Romain. “Le Père Émile Licent, S. J. au royaume des Xi Xia.” In Transfert Culturel: Les Premiers Missionnaires en Chine, edited by Jin Siyan 金丝燕 and Raymond Ledru. Paris: You Feng, 2016, 233–248. 584 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Llanos, José M.ª (1906-1992 838 Rosa, Juan Antonio Delgado de la. El profetismo del padre Llanos (1906-1992): entre la perplejidad y la frontera. Madrid: Ediciones Endymion, 2016.

Lombardi, Riccardo (1908-1979) 839 Iaria, Raffaele.Verso un mondo migliore: Riccardo Lombardi chiesa, mondo e Regno di Dio. Milano: Àncora, 2018.

Lonergan, Bernard (1904-1984) 840 Ogbonnaya, Joseph. Lonergan, Social Transformation, and Sustainable Human Developmen. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2013. 841 Dahlke, Benjamin. “New Directions for Catholic Theology. Bernard Lonergan’s Move beyond Neo-Scholasticism.” Journal for the History of Modern Theology, 26 (2019), 108–131.

Loyola Méndez, Baltasar de (1631-1667) 842 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “Un príncipe marroquí, jesuita: Baltasar de Loyola Méndez,” Plenitud. Revista de la Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos del Colegio Portaceli, Sevilla, 72 (2017):4–6.

Lubac, Henri de (1896-1991) 843 Fredericks, James L. “A Hermeneutics of Grace: ’s Reception of Hōnen and Shinran.” The Eastern Buddhist, NS 48 (2017), 159–175.

Malou-Riga, Pierre-Antoine (1753–1827) 844 Verbrugge, Vincent. “Pierre-Antoine Malou-Riga (1753–1827). A Part-time Jesuit?” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 213–231.

Mariana, Juan de (1536-1624) 845 Decock, Wim. “Il De monetae mutatione (1609) di Juan de Mariana e la questione costituzionale sollevata contro il svalutazione monetaria.” Politica e Religione. Annuario di Teologia Politica / Yearbook of Political Theology, 2018, 163–177.

Marquette, Jacques (1637-1675) 846 Broue Catherine. “Sous-entendus, contradictions et silences narratifs: une relecture du récit attribué à Marquette dans Thévenot (1681).” Revue d’Histoire de l’Amérique Française, 72 (2019), 61–86. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 585

Martini, Carlo Maria (1927-2012) 847 Aliotta, Maurizio. “‘Giustizia, etica e politica nella città’. Conversazioni sull’etica del cardinale Carlo Maria Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 77–92. 848 Corritore, Alfio. “Andare al centro. L’ermeneutica del ‘cuore’ in Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 9–30. 849 Neglia, Alberto. “Martini pastore e maestro di Spirito.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 63–76. 850 Novara, Luca. “Il dialogo culturale tra la Chiesa e la città: il magisterio di Carlo Maria Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 31–42. 851 Palumbo, Egidio. “La belleza crocifissa come stile di vita nel magisterio pastorale di Carlo M. Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 105–116. 852 Rocca, Vittorio. “La via del discernimento: la formazione della coscienza morale nel pensiero del cardinal Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 43–62. 853 Zappulla, Andrea. “Una giustizia dal volto umano: pensieri e parole del cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.” Synaxis, 36 (2018), 93–104.

Mascardi, Nicolás (1625-1673) 854 Acuña Fariña, Constanza. “La expedición del padre Nicolás Mascardi a la Patagonia: una experiencia sobre las posibilidades y los límites del conocimiento en el siglo XVII.” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, 18 (2014), 33–57.

McCarthy, Charles J. (1911–1991) 855 Clark, Amanda C. R. China’s Last Jesuit: Charles J. McCarthy and the End of the Mission in Catholic Shanghai. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Męciński, Wojciech (Męczyński), Alberto Polacco, Albertus de Polonia (1598-1643) 856 Danieluk, Robert. “Long Way to Japan - Short Way to Martyrdom: Wojciech Męciński, S.J., and His Letters in the Jesuit Roman Archives.” Perspektywy Kultury, 21 (2018), 89–126.

Mendoça, Francisco de (1573-1626) 857 Urbano, Carlota Miranda. “O Mundo como jardim: o Viridarium do P. Francisco de Mendoça Sj, diversidade na unidade do saber.” In Legado Clássico no Renascimento e sua receção: Contributos para a Renovação oo Espaço Cultural Europeu, edited 586 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

by Cláudia Teixeira and Soares Nair Castro. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017, 403–414.

Moingt, Joseph (1915-2020) 858 Maurot, Élodie, and Patrick Goujon. “Le métier de théologien: Entretien avec Joseph Moingt.” Études, (2016) 61–72.

Molina, Luis de (1535-1600) 859 Demelemestre, Gaëlle. “Enjeux anthropologique et juridique de la controverse de auxiliis entre et Domingo Bañes.” Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance, 87 (2018), 67–105. 860 Hollingsworth, Andrew. “Back from the Future: Divine Supercomprehension and Middle Knowledge as Ground for Retroactive Ontology.” Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie, 61 (2019), 516–532.

Montenegro, Pedro de (1663-1728) 861 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “‘Moviome a escribir este libro, el deseo de reunir en un cuerpo, lo que no he podido hallar en libro alguno’: reflexões sobre evidências de circulação e de apropriação de saberes e práticas científicas na obra Materia Medica Misionera de Pedro de Montenegro (1710).” In Conhecimento, Cultura e Circulação De Ideias Na América Colonial Luso-Hispânica, edited by Márcia Helena Alvim. Santo André: UFABC, 2013, 21–44.

Morawski, Marian Józef Wojciech (1881-1940) 862 Topij-Stempińska, Beata. “Dyskurs o rodzinie na łamach „Przeglądu Powszechnego’ w Ii Rzeczypospolitej.” Wychowanie w Rodzinie, 12 (2015), 139–154.

Murillo Velarde, Pedro (1696-1753) 863 Villoria Prieto, Carlos. “La producción historiográfica del jesuita Almeriense Pedro Murillo Velarde (1696-1753).” In La Historia de Almería y sus Historiadores. Centenario del Padre Tapia, edited by Julián Pablo Díaz López. Almería: Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, 2017, 417–447. 864 Rodríguez Arrocha, Belinda. “Fundamentos del derecho penal en Indias: el Cursus de Murillo Velarde.” IUS. Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla, 13 (2019), 9–31. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 587

Murray, John Courtney (1904-1967) 865 Martínez, Julio Luis. “El teólogo , S. J., en el contexto de la sociedad y la iglesia norteamericanas del siglo XX.” In Estudios Eclesiásticos, 294 (2000), 349–419.

Nadal, Jerónimo (1507-1580) 866 Ramos Riera, Ignacio. Chronicon Natalis: una lente para introducirse en el surgimiento de la espiritualidad ignaciana. Madrid and Santander and Bilbao: Ediciones Comillas and Ediciones Sal Terrae and Ediciones Mensajero, 2019.

Nell-Breuning, Oswald von (1890-1991) 867 Hagedorn, Jonas. Oswald von Nell-Breuning Sj Aufbrüche der katholischen Soziallehre in der Weimarer Republik. Paderborn and München: Brill Deutschland GmbH and Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018.

Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio (1595-1658) 868 Álvarez Santaló, León Carlos. “El honesto ocio y la honesta curiosidad satisfechos: La curiosa y oculta filosofia de Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1630).” In Ocio y Vida Cotidiana En El Mundo Hispánico En La Edad Moderna, edited by Francisco Núñez Roldán. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2007, 137–168.

Nobrega, Manoel da (1515-1570) 869 Bohnenberger, Alan. Padre Manoel da Nobrega (1515-1570): fundador do direito no Brasil. Porto Alegre: EST Edicãoes, 2017.

Ogilvie, S. John (1579-1615) 870 MacLeod, Daniel. “Declining His Majesty‘s Authority: Treason Revisited in the Case of .” In Scotland’s Long Reformation: New perspectives on Scottish Religion, c. 1500-c. 1660, edited by John McCallum, 179–201. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

Oliva, Gian Paolo (1600-1681) 871 Ramírez, P. Rueda. “Las Pláticas domésticas (Bruselas, 1680) de Giovanni Paolo Oliva: una edición sevillana con falso pie de imprenta.” In Il Libro al Centro. Percorsi fra le discipline del libro in Onore di Marco Santoro, edited by Carmela Reale. Naples: Liguori Editore, 2014, 421–435. 588 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Oñate, Pedro de (1567-1646) 872 Perpere Viñuales, Alvaro. “Pedro de Oñate, discípulo de Francisco Suárez en Latinoamérica. Su reflexión sobre el origen, los límites y las funciones del rey.” Cuariensia. Revista Anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas, 12 (2017), 213–226.

Ovalle, Alonso de (1603-1651) 873 Gomez-Pablos Beatriz. “Quechuismos en la Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile de Alonso de Ovalle.” Lexis, 43 (2019), 67–193.

Oviedo, Juan Antonio de (1670-1756) 874 Cárdenas Ramírez, Francisco Javier. “Apuntes para la biografía del jesuita novohispano: Juan Antonio de Oviedo.” Destiempos. Revista de Curiosidad Cultural, 42 (2014), 19–33.

Paéz, Pedro (1564-1622) 875 Lozano Alonso, Mario. Pedro Páez y las fuentes del Nilo Azul: diplomáticos, misioneros y aventureros en la Etiopía de los siglos XVI y XVII. Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española (FUE), 2019.

Pantoja, Diego de (1571-1618) 876 Sáez Palazón, Enrique. La cruz de Ailanto: Diego de Pantoja, un misionero español en la China imperial. Albacete: Las Diez Ciudades, 2018. 877 Castro Valdés, José García de. “Introducción.” In Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571–1618): Un Puente con la China de los Ming, edited by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo. Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain: Xerión, 2018, 17–24. 878 Lombardi, Federico. “Prólogo.” In Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571– 1618): Un Puente con la China de los Ming, edited by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo. Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain: Xerión, 2018, 10–16. 879 Mateos, Fernando. “Diego de Pantoja, compañero de Mateo Ricci.” In Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571–1618): Un Puente con la China de los Ming, edited by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo. Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain: Xerión, 2018, 25–36. 880 Ramos Riera, Ignacio. “Diego de Pantoja: raiz valdemoreña, tronco jesuita, ramas confucianas, fruto universal.” In Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571–1618): Un Puente con la China de los Ming, edited by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo. Aranjuez, Madrid, 37–64. 881 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao, ed. Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571–1618): Un puente con la China de los Ming. Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain: Xerión, 2018. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 589

882 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “El P. Diego de Pantoja en la Chrono-Historia de Bartolomé Alcázar.” In Diego de Pantoja, Sj (1571–1618): Un Puente con la China de los Ming, edited by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo. Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain: Xerión, 2018, 65–148.

Panzi, Giuseppe (1734-1812) 883 Steinicke, Marion, and Hartmut Walravens. “Miszellen zu Giuseppe Panzi. Ein Jesuitenkünstler am Hof des Qianlong- Kaisers.” Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, NS 27 (2014), 52–68.

Paszenda, Jerzy (1932-2012) 884 Kowalczyk, Jerzy. “Jerzy Paszenda – Badacz architektury jezuickiej.” Roczniki Humanistyczne, 50 (2002), 5–13. 885 Lileyko, Jerzy. “Bibliografia prac Jerzego Paszendy SJ.”Roczniki Humanistyczne, 50 (2002), 19–31. 886 Obirek, Stanisław. “Nietypowy jezuita.” Roczniki Humanistyczne, 50 (2002), 15–18.

Pereira, André (1690–1743) See 403

Pereira, Tomás (1645-1708) 887 Zhang, Minfen. “Os Conhecimentos do Budismo Sínico do Jesuíta Português Tomás Pereira.”Revista de Historia da Sociedade e da Cultura, 19 (2019), 445–469.

Pérez de Valdivia, Alonso (1723 – 1800) 888 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. Retazos de un exilio: “Comentarios para la historia del destierro, navegación y establecimiento en Italia de los jesuitas andaluces, escritos por uno de ellos, sacerdote profeso” De Alonso Pérez de Valdivia, S. I. Madrid, Spain: Anaya, 2016.

Persons (Parsons), Robert (1546 – 1610) 889 Houliston, Victor. “The hare and the drum: Robert Persons’s writings on the English Succession, 1593–6.” Renaissance Studies, 14 (2000), 235–250.

Pigott, Adam (1673–1751) 890 Brech, Alison, and Anita McConnell. “The Pigott Family: Eighteenth Century Connections with Church, Science and Law.” In Recusant History, 23 (2001), 449–460. 590 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Pinto, Francisco (1552-1608 891 Castelnau-L’Estoile, Charlotte de. “Un maître de la parole indienne: Francisco Pinto (1552-1608) missionnaire jésuite au Brésil.” Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian, 39 (2000), 46–60.

Pires Lopes, Francisco (1929-2018) 892 Trigueiros, António Júlio Limpo. “In Memoriam. Francisco Pires Lopes, sj (1929-2018) - 54 anos de crítica literária na ‘Brotéria.’” Brotéria, 187 (2018), 109-113.

Possevino, Antonio (1533-1611) 893 Dekoninck, Ralph. “Une bibliothèque très sélective: Possevino et les arts.” Littératures Classiques, 2 (2008), 71–80. 894 Dalton, Jessica M. “The Politics of Conversion: Antonio Possevino Sj, Rome and the Conversion of the Family of the French Ambassador to Venice (1601-1607).” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 88 (2019), 3–48.

Pozzo, Andrea (1642-1709) 895 Fuentes Lázaro, Sara. “Ad vitandam confusionem: Una aproximación analítica al tratado sobre perspectiva de Andrea Pozzo.” Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII: Historia del Arte, 7 (2019), 103–130. 896 Horn, Andrew. Andrea Pozzo and the Religious Theatre of the Seventeenth Century. Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2019.

Pro, B. Miguel Agustin (1891-1927) 897 Lopez Menendez Marisol. “Online Martyrs: Virtual Tours of the Miguel Agustín Pro Museum, and the José Simeón Cañas Central American University Martyrs.” Religions, 10(9) (2019), n 523.

Przywara, Erich (1889-1972) See 194

Pubička, František (1722-1807) 898 Zouhar, Jakub. František Pubička S.I. (1722-1807): barokní historik ve století rozumu. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2014.

Quarini, Mario Ludovico (1736-1808) 899 Binaghi, Rita. “Mario Ludovico Quarini (1736-1808) e il suo Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 591

contributo per l’allestimento del Salone dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.” Studi Piemontesi, 48 (2019), 59–68.

Quiroga, José (1707-1784) 900 Biehl, Maico. “Os relatos de José Quiroga sobre a Terceira Partida de Demarcação (1752-1754).” In Anais do III Encontro de Pesquisas Históricas. Porto Alegre: PPGH/PUCRS, 2016, 41-55.

Raguin, Yves (1912-1998) 901 Criveller, Gianni. “The Depth of God: Yves Raguin, a life between Eastern Spiritualities and Christianity.” The Journal of the Macau Ricci Institute, 5 (2019), 75–85.

Rahner, Hugo (1900-1968) 902 Nies, Jörg. “Profunde Spiritualität. Das Verdienst Hugo Rahners (1900-1968).” Geist und Leben, 91/4 (2018), 369–378. 903 Batlogg, Andreas R. “Hugo Rahner als Mensch und Theologe.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 148–170. 904 Delgado, Mariano. “Hugo Rahner und die Eranos-Tagungen. Ein kastalischer Mensch, ein christlicher Humanist, ein ignatianischer Verkündigungstheologe.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 264–282. 905 Friedrich, Margret. “Hugo Rahner und die Universität Innsbruck in Zeiten fundamentaler Umbrüche.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 181–199. 906 Fürst, Alfons. “Hugo Rahner und die katholische Wiederentdeckung des Origenes.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019). 220–238. 907 Heiding, Fredrik. “Ist Spiel ernst zu nehmen? Anmerkungen zu Hugo Rahners ‘Der spielende Mensch.’” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 313–333. 908 Karmann, Thomas R. “Was hat Athen mit Jerusalem zu tun? Hugo Rahner, der antike Mythos und das frühe Christentum.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 283–312. 909 Laumer, August. “Hugo Rahner und die Verkündigungstheologie. Praktisch-theologishe Impulse seines Werkes.” Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 334–347. 910 Moosbrugger, Mathias. “Mystik mit Methode. Hugo Rahner als Kirchenhistoriker.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 200–219. 911 Neufeld, Karl H. “Hugo Rahner -- Historiker in den Brüchen der Zeit.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 171–180. 592 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

912 Oberholzer, Paul. “Die Bedeutung Hugo Rahners für die Geschichtsschreibung der Gesellschaft Jesu.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 239–263. 913 Rahner, Johanna. “‘Theologie der Verkündigung’: Ein Projekt zwischen Geschichte und Dogma?” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 348–363. 914 Siebenrock, Roman. “Abendland oder Europa? Anmerkungen zur Geschichtstheologie Hugo Rahners.” Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie, 141 (2019), 364–380.

Rahner, Karl (1904-1984) 915 Batlogg, Andreas R. “Karl Rahners ‘Strukturwandel der Kirche’. Zur Neuauflage eines Klassikers.” Geist Und Leben, 92/4 (2019), 429–433. 916 Fortin, Jean-Pierre. “Truth as Gift and Vocation: New Perspectives on Revelation.” Irish Theological Quarterly, 84 (2019), 353–372. 917 Hofmann, Stefan. “Hugo Rahner. Theologe in Brüchen der Zeit.” Geist Und Leben, 92/4 (2019), 382–385. 918 Kidd, Erin. “The Violation of God in the Body of the World: A Rahnerian Response to Trauma.” Modern Theology, 35 (2019), 663–682. 919 Tóth, Beáta. “Eternity in Time - Time in Eternity: Temporality and the Human Self in the Eschaton.” Irish Theological Quarterly, 84 (2019), 373–391.

Regis S. Jean-Francois (1597-1640) See 209

Revuelta González, Manuel (1936-2019) 920 Pérez García, Antonio. “P. Manuel Revuelta González, S. I.” Miscelánea Comillas, 77 (2019), 247–262. 921 Soto Artuñedo, Wenceslao. “P. Manuel Revuelta González SJ (1936-2019): un historiador para el siglo XIX”, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 176 (2019), 634-638.

Rhodes, Alexandre de (1591 - 1660) 922 Phan, Peter C. “Doing Theology in the Context of Mission: Lessons from Alexandre de Rhodes, S.J.” Gregorianum, 81 (2000), 723–749. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 593

Ribadeneyra, Pedro de (1526-1611) 923 Prades Vilar, Mario. “Guerra santa y catolicismo militante en el antimaquiavelismo español: El tratado del príncipe cristiano (1595) de Pedro de Ribadeneyra.” Intus-Legere Historia, 13 (2019), 232–258.

Ricci, Matteo (1552-1610) 924 Lachaud, François. “Matteo Ricci et les excentriques: épisodes curieux de la connaissance de l’Orient et de l’Occident.” In Empires Éloignés. Paris: École Française d’Extrême-Orient/ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2010, 85–106. 925 Baldini, Ugo. “As Assistências Ibéricas da Companhia de Jesus e a Actividade Científica nas Missões Asiáticas (1578-1640). Alguns aspectos culturais e institucionais.” In Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da India (Séculos XVI a XVIII). Coletânea de ensaios, edited by Luís Saraiva. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2018, 23-85. 926 Cao, Jin. “From Ricci’s World Map to Schall’s translation of De Re Metallica: Western learning and China’s search for silver in the Late Ming period (1583–1644).” Crossroads (Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World), 17/18 (2018), 93–138. 927 Harbsmeier, Christoph. “Matteo Ricci,On Friendship, and some Latin sources for his Chinese book.” In Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. Festschrift for Michael Lackner [*1953], edited by Ivo Amelung and Joachim Kurtz. München: Iudicium, 2019, 175–202. 928 Sacco, Leonardo. “Matteo Ricci and the Metaphor of the Bridge between Civilizations. Some critical remarks.” Storia, Antropologia e Scienze del Linguaggio, 34 (2019), 41–116.

Robinet, Pierre (1652-1738) 929 Luzzi Traficante, Marcelo. “Identidad, rumores y conflicto. El caso del jesuita Robinet en la Corte de Felipe V (1713-1715) / Identity, rumors, and conflict. The case of Jesuit Robinet in the court of Philip V (1713-1715).” Mediterranea, 16 (2019), 553–568.

Rocha, Félix da (1731-1781) 930 Antonucci, Davor. “In the Service of the Emperor: Félix da Rocha S.J. (1731-1781) and Qianlong’s ‘Ten Great Campaigns.’” Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 3 (2018), 61–79. 594 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Rodrigues «Tsûzu», João (1561-1633) See also 459

931 Marino, Giusepppe, ed. João Rodrigues “Tsûzu” Sj, Cronicas desde las Indias Orientales: Segunda parte da História Eclesiástica de Japão y otros escritos por João Rodrigues “Tsûzu” Sj (c.1561-1633). Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2019.

Rodrigues, Francisco (1515-1573) 932 Ehalt, Rômulo da Silva. “Casuística nos Trópicos: a pragmática teológico-moral de Francisco Rodrigues na Ásia portuguesa (séculos XVI e XVII).” Revista de Historia da Sociedade e da Cultura, 19 (2019), 399–418.

Rodríguez, Alonso, (1538 – 1616) 933 Pérez Martínez, Ángel. “Parafrasis espirituales propias del ingenio. Posibles semejanzas textuales entre el «Quijote» de Cervantes y el «Ejercicio de perfeccion y virtudes cristianas» de .” Hipogrifo, 7 (2019), 835–847.

Roothaan, Jan Philip (1785-1853) 934 Lindeijer, Marc. “‘Aptus ad gubernandum’ The Formation of Fr Jan Roothaan in the Principles and Practices of Good Governance of the Restored Society of Jesus (1823–1829).” In The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850, edited by Marc Lindeijer and Leo Kenis. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2019, 233–253.

Rosado, José (1714-1797) See 738

Rosales, Diego de (1603-1677) 935 Rolle, Claudio, and Rafael Gaune. “Ausencia, presencia, evocación. Un documento-monumento de un transitar jesuita: Diego de Rosales a Luis de Valdivia, Arauco, 1643.” Revista del Instituto Riva-Agüero, 1 (2016), 205–225.

Rösch, Augustin (1893-1961) 936 Wolfsteiner, Alfred. “‘Der stärkste Mann des Katholizismus in Deutschland.“ P. Augustin Rösch Sj (1893-1961).” Geist Und Leben, 92/4 (1019) 336–44. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 595

Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio (1585-1653) 937 Moura, Gabriele Rodrigues de. “Antonio Ruiz de Montoya: ‘O cavaleiro de Cristo’ entre a Paracuária e a Corte de Madrid.” Revista Tempo de Conquista, 8 (2010), 1–16. 938 Moura, Gabriele Rodrigues de. “O Guairá como palco de representações no livro Conquista Espiritual (1612-1639).” Nucleas - Núcleo de Estudos das Américas, 3 (2010), 23. 939 Moura, Gabriele Rodrigues de. “‘De vuestro humilde capellan’: a formação do jesuíta criollo Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, S.J.” Revista Brasileira de História das Religiões, 5 (2013), 1–16. 940 Moura, Gabriele Rodrigues de. “O diário transformou-se em livro!: O case de Conquista espiritual de Antonio Ruiz de Montoya S.J.” Revista Historiador, 6 (2014), 9–20. 941 Moura, Gabriele Rodrigues de, and Luiz Fernando Medeiros Rodrigues. “«Rastrear la primera causa». A doutrina mística do Sílex do Divino Amor, do criollo jesuíta Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.” Mediaevalia. Textos e Estudios, 31 (2012), 105–133.

Saccano, Metello (1612-1662) 942 Colombo, Emanuele. “Repetita iuvant. Le litterae indipetae di Metello Saccano (1612-1662) e compagni.” In Scrivere Lettere. Religiosi e Pratiche Epistolari tra XVI e XVIII Secolo, edited by Pierluigi Giovannucci. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018, 69–92.

Salmerón, Alfonso (1515-1585) See 831

Sánchez Labrador, José (1717-1798) 943 Sequeiros San Román, Leandro and Ignacio Núñez de Castro García. “El misionero de los guaicurúes: José Sánchez Labrador Sj en el tercer centenario de su nacimiento.” Razón y Fe, 276 (2017), 173–183.

Sandt (Sandæus), Maximiliaan van der (1578-1656) 944 Duyck, Clément, Agnès Guiderdoni, and Ralph Dekoninck. Maximilianus Sandæus, un jésuite entre mystique et symbolique. Vol. Mystica 13. Paris: Champion, 2019. 945 Duyck, Clément. “Les deux voies poétiques de l’extase selon la Pro theologia mystica clavis de Sandæus.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès 596 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 113–135. 946 Ems, Grégory, Agnès Guiderdoni, and Ralph Dekoninck. “La figure chez Sandæus, à l’interface de la théologie mystique et de la théologie symbolique.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 11–37. 947 Fabre, Pierre-Antoine, and Patrick Goujon. “Les deux Jubilés de Sandæus en 1640: une double réplique à l’Imago primi saeculi?” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 159–187. 948 Le Brun, Jacques. “Sandæus et les mystiques rhéno-flamands.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 191–203. 949 Mazzocco, Mariel. “Angelus Silesius, annotateur de la Pro theologia mystica clavis de Sandæus.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 207–217. 950 Morel, Anne-Françoise. “L’Architectura christiana de Maximilianus Sandæus ou la construction de la domus sapientiae à l’âge baroque.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 137–157. 951 Silesius, Angelus. “Annotations à la Pro theologia mystica clavis de Maximilianus Sandæus.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 219–358. 952 Smeesters, Aline, and Grégory Ems. “Vie et œuvre de Maximilianus Sandæus.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 359–374. 953 Smeesters, Aline. “La Pro theologia mystica clavis de Sandæus, un lexique mystique sous la loupe scolastique.” In Maximilianus Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 77–111. 954 Spica, Anne-Élisabeth. “Rhétorique, symbolique et mystique dans les recueils mariaux, de Maximilianus Sandæus, ou la science expérimentale du mot et de l’image.” In Maximilianus Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 597

Sandæus, un Jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Agnès Guiderdoni and Ralph Dekoninck. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2019, 41–76.

Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595-1640) See also 576, 1009

955 Kołos, Anna. Fides quaerens intellectum: wiara i rozum w barokowym konceptyzmie Macieja Kazimierza Sarbiewskiego i Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013. 956 Kołos, Anna. “Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski’s Conceptist Poetics within the History of Ideas.” Forum Poetyki / Forum of Poetics, (2017), 6–19.

Sartolo, Bernardo (1654-1700) 957 Espinoza Rúa, Celes Alonso. “Un indio camino a los altares: santidad e influencia inquisitorial en el caso del «siervo de Dios» Nicolás de Ayllón.” Histórica, 36 (2012), 135–180.

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam (1592-1666) See 926

Schaller, Hans (*1942) 958 Leimgruber, Stephan. “Hans Schaller Sj (*1942) -- Geistliche Theologie aus ignatianischen Quellen.” In Aufbruch Und Widerspruch. Schweizer Theologinnen Und Theologen Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Martin Sallmann, Stephan Leimgruber, and Angela Berlis. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2019, 808–821.

Schönleben, Janez Ludvik (1618-1681) 959 Deželak Trojar, M.; Nina Ditmajer; Ana Monika Habjan; Luka Vidmar; Igor Grdina. Janez Ludvik Schonleben (1618-1681): oris zivljenja in dela. Ljubljana: Zalozba ZRC, 2017.

Schreck (Terrencius), Johannes (1576-1630) 960 Cigola, Michela. “The Qiqi Tushuo by the Jesuit Johann Schreck: Europeans Theatra Machinarum in China in the XVIth century.” In Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy Roma 2012, Italy, edited by Anna Lukešová, Danilo Capecchi, and Raffaele Pisano. Šiauliai: The Scientia Socialis Press, 2013, 77–86. 598 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

961 Golvers, Noël. “Johann Schreck Terrentius, Sj: A German Missionary to China and his European Scholarly Background (1590–1618).” Minima Sinica, 30 (2018), 89–104.

Schwager, Raymund (1935-2004) 962 Moosbrugger, Mathias. “Raymund Schwager Sj (1935-2004) -- Theologisch denken im Drama von Glaube und Gewalt.” In Aufbruch Und Widerspruch. Schweizer Theologinnen Und Theologen Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Martin Sallmann, Stephan Leimgruber, and Angela Berlis. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2019, 186–199.

Secchi, Pietro Angelo (1818-1878) 963 Chinnici, Ileana. Decoding the Stars: A Biography of Angelo Secchi, Jesuit and Scientist. Leiden: Brill, 2019.

Seghers, Daniel (1590-1661) 964 Begheyn, Paul. “An unknown letter of Daniel Seghers from 1660 regarding sketches by Peter Paul Rubens.” Oud Holland, 132 (2019), 101–108.

Sheldon, Ralph (1537-1613) 965 Turner, Hilary L. “Ralph Sheldon (1537-1613) of Beoley and Weston: Cloaked in conformity?” British Catholic History, 34 (2019), 562–586.

Sichelbarth, Ignac (1708-1780) 966 Kleutghen, Kristina. “Exotic Medicine: How Ignatius Sichelbarth’s Painting of a Musk Deer Appeared in the Philosophical Transactions.” Orientations, 50 (2019), 103–109.

Silva Tavares, Joaquim da (1866 — 1931) 967 Azevedo, Leonel. “A ‘Brotéria’ no exílio. Uma carta inédita do Padre Joaquim da Silva Tavares, Sj.” Brotéria, 187 (2018), 90-104.

Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612) 968 Danieluk, Robert. “In extrema fere Livonia: the Jesuit College in Tartu in Piotr Skarga’s Correspondence.” Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 22 (2019), 109–121.

Smogulecki, Jan M. (1610-1656) See 710 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 599

Sobrino, Jon (1938- ) 969 Denger, Theresa. “Die Liebe ist stärker als der Tod”. Jon Sobrinos Theologie des Martyriums und ihre Konsequenzen für die Soteriologie. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2019.

Sousa, João de (+1554) See 739

Spee, Friedrich (1591-1635) 970 Sobiech, Frank. Jesuit Prison Ministry in the Witch Trials of the Holy Roman Empire: Friedrich Spee Sj and his Cautio Criminalis (1631). Rome: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2019.

Špidlík, Tomáš (1919-2010) 971 Svatoň, Robert. “Approaching Eastern Christianity: The Path of the Czech Jesuit Tomáš Špidlík.” Communio Viatorum, 57 (2015), 156–166.

Strohbacb, Augustin (1646-1684) 972 Fochler, Pavel. “Las islas Marianas y el Padre Agustín Strobach, S.J.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binkova Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 195–214.

Suárez, Francisco (1548-1617) See also 872

973 Schweighofer Stefan. Die Begrundung der normativen Kraft von Gesetzen bei Francisco Suarez. Munster: Aschendorff, 2018. 974 Frutos, Juan Antonio Senent de. “Francisco Suárez and the Complexities of Modernity.” Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6 (2019), 559–576.

Sucquet, Antoine (1574-1627) 975 Catellani, Andrea. “L’initiation à la prière dans le ‘Chemin de la vie éternelle’ du jésuite Antoine Sucquet (1623): un parcours entre image et texte.” Lexia. Rivista di Semiotica, 11-12 (2012), 153–168.

Surin, Jean-Joseph (1600-1665) 976 Goujon, Patrick. “La grâce pour penser l’épistolaire: la correspondance de Jean-Joseph Surin.” Littératures Classiques, 71 (2010), 285–301. 600 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Svensson, Jón S. (Nonni) (1857-1944) 977 Gudmundsson, Gunnar F. Pater Jón Sveinsson Nonni. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadt Bibliothek Köln, 2017.

Szent-Ivany, Martinus (1633–1705) 978 Zavarský, Svorad. “Between the Universe and Universal Knowledge: Martinus Szent-Ivany’s Curiosiora et selectiora variarum scientiarum miscellanea (1689–1709).” In Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015), edited by Astrid Steiner-Weber and Franz Römer. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2018, 788–801.

Taft, Robert (1932-2018) 979 Winkler, Gabriele. “Robert Taft S.J. (1932-2018).” Oriens Christianus. Hefte Für Die Kunde Des Christlichen Orients, 101 (2018), 255–258.

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955) 980 Sequeiros San Román, Leandro. “Teilhard de Chardin y la Vida cósmica: cien años después.” Pensamiento, 73 (2017), 379–403. 981 Sequeiros San Román, Leandro. “La Vie Cosmique’ cent ans après». Teilhard aujour´hui, 58 (2016), 60–67. 982 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. La Vida cósmica. Escritos del tiempo de la guerra (1916-1917). Edited by Leandro Sequeiros San Román. Madrid: Trotta editorial, 2017. 983 Delio, Ilia. “Teilhard de Chardin and World Religions.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 54 (2019), 306–327. 984 Grumett, David. “Cult books revisited: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s The Phenomenon of Man.” Theology, 122 (2019), 404–411. 985 Grumett, David. “Teilhard, the Six Propositions, and Human Origins: a Response.” Zygon, 54 (2019), 954–564. 986 Kemp, Kenneth W. “Teilhard de Chardin, the ‘Six Propositions,” and the Holy Office.” Zygon, 54 (2019), 932–953. 987 Rosemont, Alain Bèle Guffroy de.Teilhard, théologien malgré lui. Le Coudray-Macouard: Saint-Léger éditions, 2019.

Thomas, Antoine (1644-1709) 988 Delfosse, Annick. “‘Ecce ego, mitte me’: Les indipetae gallo- belges ou le désir des Indes.” In The Itinerary of Antoine Thomas S.J. (1644-1709): Scientist and Missionary from Namur in China / Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 601

L’Itineraire d’Antoine Thomas S.J. (1644-1709): Scientifique et missionnaire Namurois en Chine, edited by Michel Hermans and Isabelle Parmentier. Leuven: Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2017, 163–205. 989 Golvers, Noël. “Thomas, Antoine.” In Encyclopedia, edited by Mário Santiago de Carvalho and Simone Guidi. Coimbra: IEF, 2019.

Toledo, Francisco de (1532/33-1596) 990 Murray, Luke. “Toletus (Franciscus).” Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques, vol. 32. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, cols 863–867.

Tuccio, Stefano (1540-1597) 991 Scoglio, Guglielmo. Stefano Tuccio S.J. ispirò Caravaggio e Shakespeare. Firenze: Phasar Edizioni, 2017.

Turcotti, Carlo Giovanni (1643-1706) 992 Gaddo, Irene. “Problematiche convivenze. Le lettere dalla Cina di Carlo Giovanni Turcotti (1643-1706).” In Scrivere Lettere. Religiosi e Pratiche Epistolari tra XVI e XVIII Secolo. Edited by Pierluigi Giovannucci. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018, 55–68.

Urrea, Miguel de (1554-1597) 993 Isidori, Sonia. “Il ‘martirio’ del padre gesuita Miguel de Urrea (1554-1597) nel lento processo di legittimazione delle missioni di estirpazione dell’idolatria.” Annali di Scienze Religiose, 12 (2019), 125–153.

Ursis, Sabatino de (1575-1620) 994 Vincenti, Paolo, and Francesco Frisullo. “Echi leonardeschi nella Cina dei Ming: l’idraulica occidentale del missionario salentino Sabatino de Ursis,” Idomeneo, 28 (2019), 191-208.

Valdivia, Luis de (1561-1642) See also 935

995 Díaz Blanco, José Manuel, and Rafael Gaune. “Luis de Valdivia y Alonso Mejía: una relación personal en los orígenes del pensamiento valdiviano (1602-1604).” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, 18 (2014), 9–32. 602 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Valera, Blas (1545-1597) 996 Cárdenas Bunsen, José. “Problemas de autoría: Blas Valera, su obra lingüística y el Tercer Concilio de Lima.” In Lingüística Misionera: Aspectos Lingüísticos Discursivos, Filológicos y Pedagógicos, edited by Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Rodolfo Cerrón- Palomino, and Otto Zwartjes. Lima: Fondo Editorial/ Aleph Impresiones S.R.L. and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019, 311–334.

Veigl (Weigel), Franz Xaver (1723-1798) 997 Pawlowsky, Irina. “Von barbarischen Ländern, wilden Flüssen und weißen Flecken. Die Karte des Río Marañón von Franz Xaver Veigl.” In Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektive Auf Die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika, edited by Paul Oberholzer, Esther Schmid Heer, and Nikolaus Klein. Stuttgart and Basel: Kohlhammer Verlag and Schwabe Verlag, 2019, 147–170.

Velho (Vello), Francisco (1605-1671) 998 Lourenço, Miguel Rodrigues. “¿Gestión de la distancia o reajuste de jurisdicciones? La propuesta de fundación de un tribunal del Santo Oficio en las Filipinas por el jesuita Francisco Velho (1658).” Histórica, 43 (2019), 17–58.

Vieira, Antonio (1608-1697) 999 Alden, Dauril. “Some Reflections on Antonio Vieira: Seventeenth-Century Troubleshooter and Troublemaker.” Luso-Brazilian Review, 40 (2003), 7–16. 1000 Eisenberg, José. “António Vieira and the Justification of Indian Slavery.” Luso-Brazilian Review, 40 (2003), 89–95. 1001 Domingues, Beatriz Helena. “Antonio Vieira entre o púlpito e a tribuna: algumas reflexões sobre O Sermão do Bom Ladrão e o Papel Forte.” Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 170 (2009), 131–154. 1002 Lemos, Aida Sampaio, Paulo S. Pereira, and José Eduardo Franco, eds. Vieira - Esse Povo de Palavras. Setúbal: Esfera do Caos, 2016. 1003 Miranda Nogueira Coelho, Maria Cecília de. “E a palavra se fez imagem - Vieira no cinema.” In Vieira - Esse Povo De Palavras, edited by Paulo S. Pereira, Aida Sampaio Lemos, and José Eduardo Franco. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 2016, 110–115. 1004 Miranda Nogueira Coelho, Maria Cecília de. “Fader António Vieira og hans billedsprog. Jesuitten der blev ‘Kejser af det Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 603

portugisiske sprog.’” In En Anden Reformation. Rom Som Religiøst Epicenter, edited by Mogens Nykjær, Pernille Carstens, and Hanne Roer. Copenhagen: Orbis, 2017, 352–376. 1005 Modena, Claudio, ed. Prediche agli uomini di Governo di Antonio Vieira. Rome: Palombi Editori, 2017. 1006 Pecora Alcir. “A escravidão nos sermões do Padre Antonio Vieira.” Estudos Avancados, 33 (2019), 151–170.

Vieira, João Ramos (1736-1801) 1007 Trigueiros, António Júlio Limpo. “A suma dispersão dos exilados portugueses: o caso de João Ramos Vieira.” In El Nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamericana. San Fernando, Cádiz: Ayuntamiento and AHILA, 2014, 793–808.

Visconti, Giovanni Maria (1612-1684) 1008 Giovannucci, Pierluigi. “Un gesuita anti-curiale? Note sulle lettere di Giovanni Maria Visconti a Gregorio Barbarigo (1660 c.).” In Scrivere Lettere. Religiosi e Pratiche Epistolari tra XVI e XVIII Secolo, edited by Pierluigi Giovannucci. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018, 121–136.

Vrindts, Joannes (1781–1862), jesuit untill 1826 See 559

Walle, Jacques van de (Wallius, Jacobus) (1599-1690) 1009 Hulsenboom, Paul. “‘Have the Menacing Alcaean Muses Blown the War Trumpets Again?” Two Versions of Jacobus Wallius’ Ode to Mathias Casimirus Sarbievius.” In Some Renaissance/Early Modern Topoi in the Twenty First Century, edited by Grzegorz Zinkiewicz and Krystyna Kujawinska Courtney. Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, 2015, 71-96.

Welker, Alfred (1939-2015) 1010 Väthröder, Klaus, editor. Pater Alfred Welker Sj und sein Werk 30 Jahre Kinder von Cali. St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag, 2011.

Wenyu, Li (1840-1911) 1011 Bai, Limin. “Jesuit Educational Tradition and the Remaking of Erudite Scholars in Late Qing China: A Case Study of Li Wenyu 李問漁 (1840-1911).” Ming Qing Studies, (2019), 29–56. 604 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Wijuk Kojałowicz, Albert (1609-1677) 1012 Dalytė, Dalia. “Alberto Vijūkas-Kojalavičiaus Lietuvos istorijos kalbos.” In Albertas Vijūkas-Kojalavičius Iš 400 Metų Perspektyvos, edited by Sigitas Narbutas. Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2009, 77–136.

Zapolski, Ignacy Franciszek (1645–1703) See 586

Zeitler, Joseph (1724-1789) 1013 Gutiérrez Ramírez, Eduardo. “Conflictos por la botica de los jesuitas de Santiago: la expulsión de la orden y el caso de José Zeitler.” Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 2017. Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 605

Index of Authors

Abascal Sherwell Raull, P., 319 Baird, D., 382 Abellan Manonellas, J.A., 797 Baldini, U., 400, 401, 452, Abram, A., 155 602, 603, 604, 605, Abreu, M.A., 239 606, 708, 778, 925 Acuña Fariña, C., 854 Baptista, J.T., 47, 255, 256, Agmon, D., 116 263, 282, 284 Aguerre, N., 659 Barcelos, A.H.F., 246, 364 Aguilar, H., 139 Barentzen, H., 349 Agustsson, J., 171 Barilli, G.P., 522 Ahlert, J., 22 Barreto Prudente, A., 86 Ahmad, H., 172 Barros, C., 283, 289 Alberts, T., 19 Batlogg, A.R., 903, 915 Albó, X., 351, 700 Beccari, A.J., 474 Alden, D., 999 Begheyn, P., 515, 547, 964 Ali, F., 172 Beghini, R., 686 Aliotta, M., 847 Bèle Guffroy de Rosemont, A, Almeida Martins, R.M.D., 268 987 Alonso Asenjo, J., 728, 730 Bellarmino, R.F.R., 39 Alpers, Ch., 675 Belligni, E., 34 Altic, M., 736 Benedetti, S., 804 Álvarez Santaló, L.C., 868 Bennett, K., 9 Alves, M.I.O., 247 Bergerfurth, Y., 514 Amantino, M., 26, 46, 241, 249, Berrigan, D., 126 260, 269, 274 Berti, F., 786, 7 89 Amerio, E., 705 Bertonio, L., 699 Amsler, N., 413 Beugnot, B., 709 Antanavičius, D., 571 Biehl, M., 900 Antonil, A.J., 240 Bieńkowska, I., 574 Antonucci, D., 414, 930 Binaghi, R., 899 Anzai, L., 17 Binkova, S., 2, 24, 485 Arenz, K.H., 286 Bireley, R., 133 Arlsmith, Ch., 521 Blum, P.R., 121 Arteaga Martínez, A., 315, 729 Bocken, I.K.M., 722 Aschenbrenner, V., 497 Boer, P., 515 Aspaas, P.P., 517 Bohdanowicz, B., 575 Auger, R., 307 Bohnenberger, A., 869 Avellaneda, M., 324 Boisson, D., 192 Azevedo, L., 967 Boita, T.W., 47 Bachowska, M., 707 Boita, T.W., 284 Bai, L., 1011 Bollini, H.M., 337 606 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020

Bolufer Peruga, M., 787 Cargnel, J.G., 224 Bomura Maciel, L.S., 143 Carhart, M.C., 416, 417 Bondar, N., 642 Carmody, B., 218 Bonifacio Flores, J.A., 311 Carolino, L.M., 592 Bordese, F.G., 776 Carvalho Viotti,, 608 Borrero Silva, M.V., 320 Carvalho, F.A.L., 232, Borsari, M., 671 258, 259 Bösel, R., 526 Carvalho,, 26 Botelho, A.A., 257 Carvalho, M.S.D., 764 Brandão, J.A., 373 Carvalho, R.L., 193 Brandão, R.P., 780 Casacchia, G., 418 Brañes, M.J., 298 Casalini, C., 419, 609, 610, Bray, J., 748 835 Brech, A., 890 Casanova, J., 114 Brotherton, J.R., 673 Caspers, Ch., 515 Broue, C., 846 Cassar, C., 562 Browne, S., 298 Castelnau-L’Estoile,, Brunello, M., 95, 97 891 Bruxel, L., 257 Castilho Pereira, I.A.M., 235 Buchwald-Pelcowa, P., 576 Castilho, I., 233, 236 Budzinauskienė, L., 572 Catellani, A., 975 Buijtenen, E.van, 722 Cattaneo, A., 9, 472 Bulhões, R.M., 285 Catto, M., 397, 420 Burdick, C.E., 299 Cavallaro, D., 117 Burgaleta, C., 762 Ceccherelli, A., 87 Burson, J.D., 48 Ceglia,, 703 Bury, E., 131 Cerno, L., 164, 333 Bussotti, P., 146 Chalamet, Ch., 194 Byrnes, D.M., 377 Chatelan, O., 195 Caeiro, F., 227 Cheely, D., 145 Cagle, H., 163 Chinchilla, P., 45 Camarero Calandria, E., 628 Chinnici, I., 963 Campana, A., 649, 650, 651 Chu, L., 421 Campato Jr., J.A., 285 Ciancio, L., 823 Campion Canelas, M., 40 Ciaramitano, F., 656 Canaris, D., 415, 806 Cigola, M., 960 Cañeque, A., 25 Cincunegui, J.L., 332 Cao, J., 926 Ciroldi, S., 530 Capizzi, C., 805 Clark, A.C.R., 855 Capriati, G., 173 Clark, E.S., 383 Cárdenas Bunsen, J., 996 Classen, A., 309 Cárdenas Ramírez, F.J., 874 Cline, R.H., 751 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 607

Clines, R.J., 754 Désos, C., 621, 627 Coelho, A.M.R., 474 Deželak Trojar, M., 959 Coello de la Rosa, A., 44, 487 Di Bella, S., 532 Coleman, D., 619 Di Toro, A., 439 Colombo, E., 14, 49, 93, 96, Díaz Blanco, J.M., 995 104, 812, 942 Díez, L., 629 Con.Ep El Salvador, 306 Dilly, G., 270 Conrod, F., 154 Dionne, F., 294 Corritore, A., 848 Disse, J., 753 Cortés Martínez, F., 628 Ditmajer, N., 959 Cosacchi, D., 120 Domingues, B.H., 1001 Coutinho, M.J., 738 Dommarco, K., 614 Cressoni, F.E., 254 Dompnier, B., 85 Cristo,, 276 Donnelly, C.J., 189 Criveller, G., 901 Doyle, P., 644 Crocitti, J.J., 323 Drążek, D., 702 Cruz, L.da, 742 Dubossarskaya, M.L., 175 Cuevas Quintero, L.M., 390 Dulles, A., 752 Cullière, A., 196 Dürr, R., 198 Cvetnić, S., 494 Duviols, J.P., 340 Cypriano, D.C.C.A., 326 Duyck, C., 725, 944, 945 Czerenkiewicz, M., 174, 577 Dyck, J., 763 Dael, P.van, 548 Eades, M., 741 Dahl, D.L., 124 Ebeling, S., 701 Dahlke, B., 841 Edwin, V., 51, 453, 483 Dalton, J.M., 894 Ehalt, R.S., 932 Dalytė, D., 1012 Eisenberg, J., 1000 Danieluk, R., 856, 968 Elazar, M., 758 De Marco, R., 509 Ems, G., 546, 946, 952 Decock, W., 140, 836, 845 Engelbrechtová, J., 504 Dejo, J., 355 Engemann, C., 260 Dekoninck, R., 893, 944, 946 Ermens, D., 717 Delfosse, A., 988 Espinoza Rúa, C.A., 957 Delgado de la Rosa, J.A., 749, 838 Estabridis Cárdenas, R., 362 Delgado, M., 50 Estenssoro Fuchs, J.C., 361 Delgado, M., 904 Fabre, P.A., 6, 199, 549, 947 Delio, I., 983 Fabun, S., 374 Demelemestre, G., 859 Falcon, F.J.C., 594 Denaro,, 777 Faustmann, C., 706 Denger, Th., 969 Favi, S., 468 Descalzo Yuste, E., 486 Fechner, F., 20, 200, 356 Deslandres, D., 507 Fédou, M., 201 608 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Feingold, M., 782 Geres, R.O., 234 Ferlan, C., 384 Germeten, N.von, 732 Fernandes, G., 9, 217 Gevehr, D.L., 270, 287 Fernandes, L.E.O., 313 Ghilardi, M., 537 Fernández Arrillaga, I., 352, 636 Gillman, D., 422 Fernández-Salvador, C., 304 Giménez López, E., 15 Filho, E.G.D., 261 Giovannucci, P., 1008 Filippi, B., 128 Giudicelli, Ch., 3 Filippi, D.V., 165 Glover, A., 779 Findlen, P., 822 Golin, T., 335 Fleck, E.C.D., 27, 142, 228, 260, Golvers, N., 176, 396, 398, 269, 338, 861, 242 403, 593, 599, 607, 711, 807, Flores Ballarín, I., 69 961, 989 Fochler, P., 972 Gomes, A.C.C., 772 Förster, J., 825 Gomez-Pablos, B., 873 Fortin, J.P., 916 Gonçalves, N.S., 12 Franceschi,, 197 González Magaña, J.E., 75 Franco, J.E., 1002 Gorzalczany, M.A., 300 Fredericks, J.L., 843 Gorzalczany, M.A., 305 Frei, E., 99, 105, 402 Goujon, P., 118, 858, 947, 976 Friedrich, M, 905 Graaf,, 449 Frînc, M., 612 Grace, M., 714 Frison, D., 473 Gracia, J., 221 Frisullo, F., 994 Gramatke, C, 53 Fuentes Lázaro, S., 895 Grdina, I., 959 Fürst, A., 906 Greer, A., 365, 366, 370 Gaddo, I., 992 Gribnau, T., 515 Gaia, S.L., 286 Grieu, É., 106 Gallagher, L.J., 166 Gruchała, J.S., 119, 129 Gallagher, P., 155 Grumett, D., 984, 985 Gamberini, P., 687 Grzebień, L., 565, 567 García Arenas, M., 353 Grześkowiak, R., 799 García de Castro Valdés, J., 877 Guasti, N., 622 García Hernán, E., 74 Gudmundsson, G.F., 977 García Ocon, J., 637 Guérinel, R., 815 Garre Garre, M.M., 663 Guiderdoni, A., 944, 946 Gaudio, A., 489 Guidi, S., 611 Gauger, J.M., 818 Gusella, F., 664 Gaune, R., 935, 995 Gutiérrez Ramírez, E., 295, Geddes, J., 626 1013 Geger, B.P., 66, 68, 71, 108 Guyard, N., 203 Gennip, J.van, 202, 545, 550, 551 Guzik, M.A., 731 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 609

Guzmán de Alencar, D., 744 Isgrò, G., 150 Habjan. A.M., 959 Isidori, S., 357, 993 Hagedorn, J., 867 Isoton, J., 237 Hanusiewicz-Lavalle, M., 581 Ivereigh, A., 688 Harbsmeier, Ch., 927 Jacková, M., 147, 499, 501, Harley, G.L., 382 502, 503, 506, 756, 832 Hashimoto, K., 423 James, J.T., 385 Haskell, Y.A., 125 Jami, C., 392, 425 Healy, R., 511 Jaskov, H., 426 Heiding, F., 907 Jeż, T., 568, 575, 583 Hejduk, J., 794 Jiang, L., 427 Henryot, F., 204 Jimenez, F., 800 Hermans, M., 552, 553 Jing, X., 428 Hernández, E., 177 Jolly, R., 654 Herremans, V., 492 Joosten, J., 555 Hervas y Panduro, L., 783, Judo, F., 556 784, 785, 788 Jungmann, J.A., 136 Hesselink, R.H., 463 Južnič, S., 28, 781 Hin Ming Wu, J., 424 Kalil, L.G.A., 313 Hobbs, R.G., 680 Kandakou, D., 205 Hofmann, S., 917 Karmann, Th., 908 Hogue, K.J., 225 Karp, A., 148 Hollingsworth, A., 860 Keane, J.Th., 752 Holm, V., 82 Keen, R., 206 Holmes, P.E., 367 Kemp, K.W., 986 Holubova, M., 498, 505 Kenis, L., 558 Holzbrecher, S., 35 Kidd, E., 918 Holzbrecher, S., 512, 513 Kidd, Th.S., 188 Hopkins, G.M., 792, 796 Kilsdonk, J.D.J., 557 Hoppe, B., 448 King, A., 376 Horn, A., 896 Kircher, A., 820 Hosne, A.C., 445 Kirwan, M., 155 Houliston, V., 889 Klein, N., 817 Howell, P., 54 Klejna, P., 584 Hoyos Hattori, P., 4 Kleutghen, K., 966 Hufton, O.H., 13 Kochanowicz, J., 585 Hulsenboom, P., 1009 Kołos, A., 955, 956 Iaria, R., 839 Komorowska, M., 110 Ihnatowicz, M., 582 Kontler, L., 517 Imbruglia, G., 578 Kowalczyk, J., 884 Imolesi, M.E., 766 Krebsbach, S., 386 Inglot, M., 554, 615, 616 Křížová, M., 29, 317, 771 610 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Królikowska-Jedlińska, N., 586 Li, S., 431 Krumenacker, Y., 57, 207 Liaushuk, U., 491 Krzepkowska, A., 834 Lileyko, J., 885 Kućko, W., 828 Lindeijer, M., 558, 561, 934 Kügler, H, 83 Lindorff, J., 393 Kukkonen, K., 178 Ling-chia Wei, S, 432 Kwon, Y., 109 Lisboa, J.L., 9 La Bella, G., 55 Llobell Fernández, P., 406 Lachaud, F., 459, 924 Lo Nardo, A., 56, 803, 806, Lackner, M., 429 807, 808, 810 Lai, J.T.P, 430, 424 Loddo, T., 667, 668 Lake, P., 62 Loira, J.P., 774 Lamet, P.M., 733 Lombardi, F., 878 Lanciani, G., 595 López Barrio, M., 81 Landy-Houillon, I., 7 López Calderón, C., 363, Laroque, L.F.S., 276 745 Laumer, A., 909 López Castillo, G., 320 Launay, R., 379, 404 Lopez Menendez, M., 897 Laven, M., 405 Loskoutoff, Y., 493 Lavenia, V., 23 Lourenço, L.S., 275 Lawick van Pabst, J.A. van, 726 Lourenço, M.R., 998 Lawler, M.G., 696 Loyola,, 67, 70, 84 Lazcano Sahagún, C., 2 Lozano Alonso, M., 875 Le Brun, J., 948 Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, J., 827 Leal de Barros, M., 88 Luyten, J., 559, 560 Leavelle, T.N., 371 Luzzi Traficante, M., 929 Lec, Z., 563, 564, 569, 570 Machado Nascimento, B.N., 288, 271, Lécrivain, Ph., 723 292 Leeuwen, W., 555 Machado, N.T.G., 276 Lefebure, L.D., 814 MacLeod, D., 870 Lefebvre, R., 837 Maes, B., 209 Leimgruber, S., 958 Mafra Lapolli, E., 143 Leite, BM.B., 250 Maher, M.W., 111 Lelková, I., 822 Mahon, J.W., 127 Lemos, A.S., 1002 Maier, M., 755 León Perera,, 5, 630, Maindreville, R. de, 210 631, 632, 638 Majorana, B., 107 Léonard, J., 208 Maldavsky, A., 358, 533 Leoncini, A., 535 Mali, A., 122 LeRouzès, D., 674 Manchado, M.M., 484 Levy, E., 156 Mandreoli, F., 689 Leyton, P., 184 Manias, Ch., 399 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 611

Manney, J., 100 Mecenas, A.L.S., 277 Marchetti, E., 314 Megale, T., 538 Marco, R. de, 508 Meier, J., 58 Marcocci, G., 36 Melià, B., 42, 343 Maréchaux, P., 773 Melo, M.P., 179 Margenat, J.M., 137, 167 Mello, M.M., 243 Mariani, A., 542, 587 Melloni, J., 80 Mariani, P.Ph., 394 Menegon, E., 391, 433 Marín Leoz, J.M., 301 Mertens, Th., 717 Marinheiro, C.S., 597 Mesa, J., 157 Marino, G., 931 Métailié, G., 411 Marta, F.E.F., 272 Mettepenningen, J., 692 Martín Pradas, A., 8 Meyer, D.C., 765 Martin, Ph., 57 Meyer, J., 613 Martínez Céspedes, J., 669 Meynard, Th., 808, 809 Martínez del Valle, G., 821 Meyrer, M.R., 287 Martínez Díaz, E., 359 Mieszek, M., 588, 704 Martínez Fresneda, F., 690 Miguel Alonso, A., 539 Martínez Martín, C., 325 Miranda Nogueira C.M.C., 1003, Martínez Tornero, C.A., 624 1004 Martínez, J.L., 865 Miszalska, J., 589 Martinez, A.A., 801 Mo, W., 653 Martínez, C., 238 Modena, C., 1005 Martínez, V.M., 216 Mokre, J., 810 Martinez-Serna, J.G., 312 Molina, J.M., 78 Martini, C.M., 151 Mongini, G., 59, 101, 721, 724 Martins, M.C.B., 17, 18, 41, 718 Monserrat, R., 283, 289 Mascarenhas da Silva, C., 291 Montes Tubío, F., 633 Massaro, Th., 691 Moosbrugger, M, 910, 962 Massimi, M., 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, Moraes, C.E.M., 474 93, 97 Morel, A-F., 950 Mateos, F., 879 Morelli, E.M., 123 Matos, F.deO., 272 Morris, J.H., 407 Matthee, R., 457 Morris, P.D., 713 Maurot, É., 858 Morton, A., 648 Maz Machado, A., 620 Mota, B.M., 434 Mazzocco, M., 949 Mota, E., 600 McCallum, J., 647 Moura,, 937, 938, 939, McConnell, A., 890 940, 941 McCoog, Th.M., 1, 520, 645 Moy, Ch., 541 McGee, M., 376 Moynes, V., 519 Mcmillin, S., 387 Mucci, G., 743 612 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Mudry, Ph., 819 Ortega Mentxaka, E., 639 Muldoon, A.R., 643 Pacheco, P.R.A., 89, 90, Müller, R.A., 510 91 Muneroni, S., 180 Padberg, J.W., 377 Munitiz, J.A., 76 Padgett, Ch.S., 368 Murauskaitė, R., 572 Page, C.A., 72, 226, 327, Murray, L., 672, 833, 990 344, 345, 682, 739, 757 n/a, 77, 760 Palomo, F., 719 Nabinger, M.L., 244 Palumbo, E., 851 Napolitano, V., 693 Panuś, K., 119 Nassaney, M.S., 373 Pardo-Tomás, J., 486 Naupert, C., 181 Paré, F., 380 Nava Contreras, M., 816 Parellada, C.I., 251, 252, 330, 341 Nebgen, Ch., 182, 516 Parr, A., 435 Neglia, A., 849 Pasquale, G., 694 Negruzzo, S., 211 Pasquier, M, 388 Nellissen, L., 515 Pauerová, E., 824 Nelson, Th., 458 Pavone, S., 23, 450, 454, Nemser, D., 60 617 Nesterova, O.A., 467 Pavur, C.N., 183 Neufeld, K.H., 911 Pawlowsky, I., 997 Neves, M., 9 Paz, C.D., 41, 224 Nguyen, P., 747 Pecora, A., 1006 Nicoletti, M.A., 222 Pelliccia, C., 30, 43, 159, 460, Nies, J., 79, 902 461, 465, 469, 470, Noble, T., 378, 791 471, 475, 476 Novara, L., 850 Pereda, F., 212 Novotný, D.D., 670 Pereira, B.F., 466 Noyes, R.S., 16, 168 Pereira, P.S., 1002 Núñez de Castro García, I., 943 Pérez García, A., 920 Núñez-Freile, Byron, 797 Pérez Martínez, A., 933 Oberholzer, P, 912, 37, 813 Pérez, E., 298 Obermeier, F., 169, 228, 333, Pérez, F., 298 339 Perpere Viñuales, A., 872 Obirek, S., 886 Peters, Ch., 170 Odell, D., 158 Pettinato, J.M., 191 Ogbonnaya, J., 840 Pezzella, L., 681 Okoń, J., 579 Pham, L.T.K., 490 Okonia, J., 573 Phan, P.C., 922 Oldenburg, Ch.J., 685 Philips, R., 720 Oliver, J.S., 382 Piccinini Higashino, A., 464 O’Malley, J.W., 38 Pina, I.A.M., 408 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 613

Pino-Díaz, F.del, 31 Ribeiro, M.A., 566 Pio Júnior, A.O., 261 Rice, L., 135, 138, 523, 527, 528, 531, Pisano, R., 146 534, 540 Pizzorusso, G., 61 Richard, F., 727 Platt, R.E., 376 Rico Romero, L., 620 Plaza Escrivá, J.M., 331 Riddle, J.D., 381 Plešek, M., 495 Riedweg, Ch., 819 Pokorný, O., 716 Rivera Villanueva, J.A., 318 Politi, M., 695 Rizos Jiménez, C.À., 750 Pomplun, T., 446 Rocca, V., 852 Ponce Alcocer, M.E., 737 Rocha, R.A., 290 Ponce Hernández, C., 662 Rocher, Ph., 214 Portero Laguna, J., 633 Rochini, M., 96 Portugal, A.R., 134 Rodrigues, L.F.M., 21, 245, Prades Vilar, M., 923 262, 941 Prieto, A.I., 657 Rodríguez Arrocha, B., 864 Prudhomme, C., 213 Rodríguez Pardo, J.M., 580 Puga, R.M., 9, 395 Rodríguez, P., 69 Puhl, J.I., 233 Rogger, Ph., 640 Quarleri, L., 220 Roling, B., 389 Questier, M.C., 62, 652 Rolle, C., 935 Quintero González, J., 625 Rosas Lauro, C., 350 Ragas, J., 350 Rosół, R., 590 Rahner, H., 73 Rousselle, A.L., 307 Rahner, J., 913 Rubial, A., 45 Rai, E., 98, 740 Rueda Ramírez, P., 871 Raina, D., 455 Russo, M.G., 43, 436, 596 Rakuts, N.V., 152, 175 Ryan, P., 92 Ramírez, V., 184 Ryczek, W., 829 Ramos Riera, I., 866, 880 Šabasevičius, H., 543 Raupp, W., 679 Sacco, L., 928 Recéndez Guerrero, E., 811 Sáez Palazón, E., 876 Redden, A., 354 Sáez, J.L., 303 Rega, M.A., 227 Salinas, M.L., 329, 334 Reichler, C., 10 Salor, E.S., 160 Remmert, V.R., 130, 141 Salzman, T.A., 696 Renders, H., 94 Sambor, G.z, 830 Revuelta González, M., 409, Samway, P., 715 618, 661 Sánchez Gómez, M.A., 634 Rey Fajardo, J.del, 302 Sánchez Martín, F.J., 759 Reynoso, A., 734 Sander, C., 769 Ribeiro Chaves, O., 233 Sanfilippo, M., 63 614 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Santos, M.C.R.dos, 263 Spica, A-E, 954, 132 Santos, M.F.J., 767 Spohr, I., 265, 266, 273, Santos, M.L.B.dos, 248, 253 278, 279, 280, 281 Scaroni, F., 480 Spoldi, L., 770 Schenke Reyes, J., 296 Statman, A., 440 Schifferle, A., 768 Steiner, N., 831 Schouten, J.P., 746 Steinicke, M., 883 Schroeder, S., 308 Strauss, Ch.T., 229 Schubring, G., 148 Strong, D., 655 Schweighofer, S., 973 Strosetzki, Ch., 186 Schwemmer, P., 477 Subrahmanyam, S., 115 Scoglio, G., 991 Suenens, K., 560, 561, 561 Selwyn, J.D., 112, 524 Sustersic, B.D., 712 Senent de Frutos, J.A., 974 Sutherland, S., 822 Sequeiros San Román, L., 943, Sutter,, 798 980, 981 Svatoň, R., 697, 971 Sesboüé, B., 775 Svatoš, M., 496 Shea, C.M., 536 Svriz Wucherer, P.M.O., 334, 346 Shek Brnardić, T., 518 Sweetman, W., 591 Shi, X., 437 Tamburello, A., 447 Shigunov Neto, A., 143 Tardieu, J.P., 360 Siebenrock, R., 914 Teilhard de Chardin, P., 982 Sievernich, M., 185 Tentler, L.W., 369 Silesius, A., 951 Terstriep, D., 761 Silva, A.R.C., 275 Tezanos,, 149 Silva, C., 298 Thanh, H.V., 478 Silva, G.da, 271 Tirapicos, L., 598, 601 Silva, G.J.da, 292 Toelle, J., 153 Simiz, S., 215 Topij-Stempińska, B., 862 Sinkevich, G.I., 438 Torales Pacheco, M.C., 310 Sintobin, N., 102 Torres Londoño, F., 267 Škarpová, M., 500 Tóth, B., 919 Slavický, T., 500 Trento, M., 701 Smeesters, A., 952, 953 Trento, P.A., 328 Sobiech, F., 970 Tricoire, D., 113 Solodkova, O.L., 467 Trigueiros, A.J.L., 892, 1007 Sorroche Cuerva, M.A., 321 Triplett, K., 479 Soto Artuñedo, W., 161, 635, Troisi-Melean, J., 46 676, 677, 842, Tsiborovska-Rymarovich, I., 641 881, 882, 888, 921 Tucker, C.S., 382 Spadaro, A., 805 Turner, H.L., 965 Spagnolo, L., 439 Turtas, R., 525, 529 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 615

Tylenda, J.N., 65 Wilde, G., 32, 64, 162, Udías Vallina, A., 623 336, 348 Urban, D.V., 795 Winkler, D.C, 293 Urbano, C.M., 857 Winkler, G., 979 Urrejola Davanzo, B., 297 Wittmann, L.T., 264 Vaghi, M., 735 Witwer, T., 103 Valadier, P., 698, 790 Wójcik-Cifoletti, M., 802 Valkiūnienė, I., 544 Wolfsteiner, A., 936 Valle, I., 658 Woodworth-Ney, L., 372 Vallejo, J.F., 52 Worcester, Th., 684 Vámos, P., 410 Yellowlees, M.., 646 Varela Cabral, L., 322 Yu, J., 443 Väthröder, K., 1010 Zampol D’Ortia, L., 482 Vedanayagam, J.S., 456 Zappulla, A., 853 Vega, F.R., 342, 347, 348 Zavadil, P., 33 Verbrugge, V., 844 Zavarský, S., 978 Verhoeven, T., 190 Zermeño Padilla, G., 316 Veric, Ch.S., 488 Zhang, M., 887 Vérin, H., 411 Zheng, J., 444 Vermander, B., 187 Zhou, H., 444 Vermeir, K., 144 Zhu, H., 421 Vespasiano, F., 683 Zorić, D., 826 Vidmar, L., 959 Zouhar, J., 898 Vieira Amaro, B., 480 Županov, I.G., 451, 660 Villoria Prieto, C., 863 Zwilling, L., 666 Vincenti, P., 994 Vink, M.P.M., 11 Vitar, B., 219, 223, 230 Vivian, D., 257 Volosyuk, O.V., 462, 467 Vu Thanh, H., 481 Waide, J., 377 Waisman, L.J., 231 Walravens, H., 883 Walter-Mazur, M., 574 Wang, L., 412, 441 Wardega, A.K., 710 Watson, K.L., 375 Wei, S.L., 442 Welge, J., 665 West, S.R., 793 Wichers, C.A.Z., 47 616 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ

Complementary List of Persons

Alday y Aspée, Manuel de (1712-1789), 297 Alencar, José Martiniano de (1829 — 1877), 242 Angelis, Pedro de (1784 –1859), 339 Anquetil du Perron, Abraham-Hyacinthe (1731-1805), 735 Aquinas, S. Thomas (1225 -1274), 609 Aristotle (384 a.C. – 322 a.C.), 427, 764 Ayllón, Nicolás (1632-1677), 957 Báñez, Domingo (1528-1604), 859 Barbarigo, S. Gregorio (1625 - 1697), 1008 Barth, Karl (1886-1968), 194 Barthes, Roland (1915-1980), 765 Bayle, Pierre (1647-1706), 207 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945), 916 Burke, Edmund (1729-1797), 191 Cañas, José Simeón (1767-1838), 897 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (1571-1610), 991 Cárdenas y Ponce, Bernardino de (1562-1668), 329 Carvalho e Mello, Sebastião José de, marqués de Pombal (1699-1782), 566, 580, 594, 780 Calvin, John (1509-1564), 192, 203 Confucius (551 bC-479 bC), 415 Corneille, Pierre (1606-1684), 154 Dreyfus, Alfred (1859-1935), 214 Felipe V, Spain (1683-1746), 929 Fernando II de Habsburgo (1578 - 1637), 526 Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642), 703 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948), 456 Gove Nichols, Mary Sargeant (1810-1884), 381 Greuter, Matthaeus (1564–1638), 531 Guerrero, Pedro (1501-1576), 619 Guyart, Marie de l’Encarnation (1599-1672), 7 Henskens, Govert (1601-1681), 807 Horace Flaccus, Quintus (65 b. C.- 8 b. C.), 129 Jan III Sobieski (1629-1996), 586 João V of Portugal (1689-1750), 601 Joyce, James (1882-1941), 127 Kalm, Pehr (1716-1779), 389 Kuitert, Harry M. (1924-2017), 557 Kung Pin-Mei, Ignatius (1901 – 2000), 394 Lévinas, Emmanuel (1906-1995), 674 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 617

Lipsius, Justus (Jodocus o Joost Lips) (1547–1606), 140 Lubomirski, Stanisław Herakliusz (1642–1702), 955 Lucan, Marcus Anneus (39-65), 665 Mejía Venegas, Alonso (1557–1649), 995 Moltke, Helmuth James Von (1907-1945), 747 Newton, Isaac (1642-1727), 146, 706 Ovid Naso, Publius (43 bC. – 17 o 18 aC), 794 Pannenberg, Wolfhart (1928-2014), 860 Pasquier, Étienne (1529-1615), 196 Pătrașcu, Nicolae (1580-1627), 612 Peyrère, Isaac de la (1596-1676), 493 Polo, Marco (1254-1324), 414 Polonus, Benedictus (1200-1280), 710 Quesnel, Pasquier (1634-1719), 145 Romero, S. Óscar 1917-1980), 306 Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640), 168, 492, 964 Ryba, Bohumil (1900-1980), 825 Salamanca, Francisco de (1660-1737), 363 Sambor, Grzegorz de (1523-1573), 830 Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623), 769 Scheffler, Johann (Angelus Silesius) (1624-1677), 949 Schillebeeckx, Edward (1914-2009), 675 Sforza Pallavicino, Pietro (1607-1667), 34 Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), 649, 650, 651 Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de (1645 - 1700), 818 Tekakwitha, Kateri (1656-1680), 225, 367, 370 Thévenot, Melchisédech (1620 - 1692), 846 Verney, Luiz Antonio de (1913-1792), 160 Villamena, Francesco (1560-1624), 527 Villegas, Alonso de (1578-1594), 700 Villegas, Balthazar de (+1795), 556 Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519), 994 Vouet, Simon (1590 – 1649), 135 Wierix, Antônio (1555-1604), 94