Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu vol. lxxxviii, fasc. 178 (2020-II) Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 20201 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ A collaboration between Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies (Boston College) and Jesuitica Project (KU Leuven) The “Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus” was first produced for AHSI by László Polgár SJ, spanning fifty issues of the journal, between 1952 and 2001. The Bibliography was resumed in 2006 by Paul Begheyn SJ, who was its author until 2018. In 2019, it entered a new phase incorporating for the first time three distinct and interconnected outlets for exploring the bibliographical riches of Jesuit history: -Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus, by Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ, in print and online annually, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu: http://www.sjweb.info/arsi/en/publications/ahsi/ bibliography/ -Jesuit Online Bibliography, a free, searchable collection of Jesuit Studies Scholarship through the Portal to Jesuit Studies: https:// jesuitonlinebibliography.bc.edu/ -Jesuitica, a collaborative initiative from KU Leuven and the Jesuit Region ELC to facilitate academic research on the Maurits Sabbe Library’s Jesuitica book collections: https://www.jesuitica.be/ As in previous years, in order to provide continuity with Fr Polgár’s work, the Bibliography incorporates titles dated from 2000. Entries are divided into three sections: I. The entire Society; II. Countries; III. Persons. An Index of authors concludes the Bibliography. Some further features of the Bibliography may be noted: 1. In each section, titles are listed in chronological order of publication and, within each year, in alphabetical order of author (works without named authors or editors are placed after these, by alphabetical order of title). 1 The following persons have generously assisted in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Paul Begheyn (Amsterdam), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Cristiano Casalini (Boston), Carlos Coupeau (Bilbao), Michał Czerenkiewicz (Krakow), Bernard Deprez (Louvain), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Seth Meehan (Boston), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), Yannick Van Loon (Louvain), Gabriel M. Verd (Granada), Kasper Volk (Boston). 500 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ 2. Author names only are listed: abbreviations of religious orders or congregations are omitted after author names. 3. Publications on the internet, titles in private Jesuit publications, book reviews, unpublished dissertations, and theses are not included. For more detailed bibliographies on spirituality, please consult the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa, and www. ignaziana.org, which provides a review of theological research. Donation of printed works (books, articles or book chapters) on paper or in digital format is appreciated, especially from researchers using ARSI sources. The Burns Library (Boston College, MA) informs that they have digitized their collection of Lettres des scolastiques de Laval, which can be consulted at: https://archive.org/details/laval Please send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Wenceslao Soto SJ, ARSI Borgo Santo Spirito, 4 00193 Roma, Italia arsi-soto@sjcuria.org I. The entire Society A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-10 2. Historical works 11-64 B. Special history 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 65-76 2. Institute 77 3. Spiritual Exercises 78-84 4. Spirituality 85-109 5. Pastoral activities 110-120 6. Cultural activities 121-187 7. Polemical writings 188-215 II. Countries A. Africa 216-218 B. America 219-390 C. Asia 391-490 D. Europe 491-653 E. Oceania 654-656 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 501 III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 657-1013 Index of authors p. 605 Complementary list of persons p. 616 I. The entire Society A. General History 1. Auxiliary sciences See also 468 1 McCoog, Thomas M., ed. “Scriptis tradere et fideliter conservare”: Archives as “Places of Memory” within the Society of Jesus. Rome: Institutum historicum Societatis Iesu, 2003. 2 Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos, and Binková Simona. “La herencia jesuítica y la Ilustración: el caso de la geografía y cartografía del Noroeste de México.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binková Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 103–128. 3 Giudicelli, Christophe. “Le cabinet en campagne, chroniques jésuites de « pacification », Tucumán et Nouvelle Biscaye XVIIe siècle.” e-Spania, Vol. 26 (2017). 4 Hoyos Hattori, Paula. “La escritura de epístolas y su uso como fuentes documentales en la Historia de Japam (1585-1593) del jesuita Luís Fróis: análisis comparativo de un episodio.” Histórica, 41 (2017), 43–79. 5 León Perera, Cristo José de. “Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu: una propuesta de investigación.” Cartas Diferentes: Revista Canaria de Patrimonio Documental, 13 (2017), 237–254. 6 Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. “¿Por qué escribir y reescribir la historia de la Compañía de Jesús?” Sílex, 8 (2018), 139–150. 7 Landy-Houillon, Isabelle. “Marie de l’Incarnation e i gesuiti in Nouvelle-France: peculiarità di una scrittura femminile.” Oltreoceano, 14 (2018), 49–68. 8 Martín Pradas, Antonio. “Las fuentes documentales y el patrimonio artístico de la Compañía de Jesús.” In Amor a Lo Visible. Tras las Huellas de la Compañía de Jesús en Córdoba. Catálogo de la Exposición. Coord by Camarero Calandria, Emma; Cortés 502 Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ Martínez, Francisco. Córdoba: Univesidad Loyola Andalucía, 2018, 43–60. 9 Neves, Marco, Lisboa João Luís, Rogério Miguel Puga, Gonçalo Fernandes, Angelo Cattaneo, and Karen Bennett, eds. “A host of tongues...”: multilingualism, lingua franca and translation in the Early Modern Period: book of abstracts. Lisboa and Vila Real: CEL / CETAPS / CHAM, 2018. 10 Reichler, Claude. “Letteratura e antropologia: dalla rappresentazione all’interazione in una Relation della Nouvelle- France del Seicento.” Oltreoceano, 14 (2018), 29–48. 2. Historical works 11 Vink, Markus P.M. “Church and State in Seventeenth-Century Colonial Asia: Dutch-Parava Relations in Southeast India in a Comparative Perspective.” Journal of Early Modern History, 4 (2000), 1–43. 12 Gonçalves, Nuno da Silva. “Os jesuítas e a defesa da liberdade dos índios na segunda metade do século XVI.” In De Cabral a Pedro I. Aspectos da Colonização Portuguesa no Brasil, edited by Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva. Porto: Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, 2001, 69–77. 13 Hufton, Olwen H. “Altruism and reciprocity: The early Jesuits and their female patrons.” Renaissance Studies, 15 (2001), 328– 353. 14 Colombo, Emanuele. “Jesuits and Islam in Seventeenth-Century Europe: War, Preaching and Conversions.” In L’Islam visto da Occidente: Cultura e Religione del Seicento Europeo di fronte all’Islam, edited by Bernard Heyberger, Mercedes García-Arenal, Emanuele Colombo, and Paola Vismara. Milan: Marietti, 2009, 315–340. 15 Giménez López, Enrique. “I gesuiti e la teoria della cospirazione.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, 38 (2009), 13–43. 16 Noyes, Ruth S. “On the Fringes of Center: Disputed Hagiographic Imagery and the Crisis over the Beati moderni in Rome ca. 1600.” Renaissance Quarterly, 64 (2011), 800–846. 17 Anzai, Leny Caselli, and Maria Cristina Bohn Martins, eds. Pescadores de almas – Jesuítas no Ocidente e Oriente. Cuiabá and São Leopoldo: EdUFMT and UNISINOS and Oikos, 2012. 18 Martins, Maria Cristina Bohn. “Índios e jesuítas em tempo de reduções: a historiografia e as missões austrais.” In História da América: Historiografia e Interpretações, edited by Luiz Estevam Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2020 503 de Oliveira Fernandes. Ouro Preto: EDUFOP-PPGHIS, 2012, 103–126. 19 Alberts, Tara. Conflict and Conversion: Catholicism in Southeast Asia, 1500-1700. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 20 Fechner, Fabian. “Las tierras incógnitas de la administración jesuita: toma de decisiones, gremios consultivos y evolución de normas.” Histórica, 38 (2014), 11–42. 21 Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Medeiros. “Da supressão à ‘Restauração’ (1773-1814): A Companhia de Jesus, entre continuidade e descontinuidade.” IHU Online, 14 (2014), 5–11. 22 Ahlert, Jacqueline. “Imaginária missioneira: representações de um processo histórico complexo.” Domínios da Imagem, 9 (2015), 65–85. 23 Lavenia, Vincenzo, and Sabina Pavone, eds. Missioni, saperi e adattamento tra Europa e imperi non cristiani. Macerata: EUM, 2015. 24 Binková Simona. “El triángulo Bohemia - Mexico - las islas Filipinas y Marianas.” In Ir Más Allá ... Fuentes Bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la Expansión Colonial Española en la Temprana Edad Moderna, edited by Markéta Křížová and Binková Simona. Praha: Karolinum, 2016, 233–240. 25 Cañeque, Alejandro. “Mártires y discurso martirial en la formación de las fronteras misionales jesuitas.” Relaciones (Mexico), 37 (2016), 13–61. 26 Carvalho, Marieta Pinheiro de, and Márcia Amantino. “La famosa riqueza de los jesuitas y la expulsión. Algunos aspectos.” IHS - Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 4/1 (2016), 5–30. 27 Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A produção jesuítica sobre as artes de curar: reavaliando protagonismos, experiências e trocas interculturais (América platina, séculos XVII e XVIII).” Anais de História do Além-Mar, 17 (2016), 59–99. 28 Južnič, Stanislav. “History of History of Physics.” Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, 4 (2016), 5–30. 29 Křížová, Markéta.
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