July/August 2010 No. 7 Tammuz-Elul 5770 Supported by the Sala Kryszek Memorial Publication Fund

JULY 16 — FROM THE PRESIDENT FROM THE PULPIT You will never find yourself on the backside of change at Neveh Shalom. Deborah The fiscal year ended in a flurry of committee activities and important board actions. Not to be dra- Bletstein’s matic, but the reverberation of some of these deci- sions will last for years, and help shape who we are AN OPEN INVITATION TO OUR ENTIRE NEVEH First as a Congregation in the future. I’d like to review a few SHALOM FAMILY TO SHARE IN OUR SPECIAL JOY of these with you and set the stage for the continued Shabbat activity you are sure to experience in the coming year. As is our tradition our Perhaps the most anticipated board action was daughter, Marissa, along with Services the search and selection of our new Cantor. The ex- her beshert, Daniel Wald, will citement of Cantor Bletstein’s arrival in mid-July adds be called to the Torah for a new energy to our Congregation, and we look forward blessing at Shabbat morning WELCOME to seeing and hearing Cantor Bletstein amongst the services, July 10, in honor of Congregation as she joins us. Rich Meyer led a hard their forthcoming marriage. We CANTOR working search committee in making an enthusias- would be most honored if you, BLETSTEIN! tic recommendation for Cantor Bletstein. The Board our Neveh Shalom family and accepted the committee’s recommendation and ap- friends, would help us set a jubilant mood for the wed- proved it. ding with your presence. We want to shower bride and (see page 3 for At its May meeting, the Board established a groom with sweetness and serenade them with song. Cantor’s unique Performance Review/Contract Renewal proce- My, how time passes! Our family arrived in article) dure for our Clergy and Senior Staff. The unanimous Portland just weeks after Marissa’s Bat Mitzvah. She vote to accept all of the Clergy/Staff Process Review is now very much in love with a terrific young man of Committee’s recommendations with only one amend- whom we only have the highest praise. They bring out ment is a great credit to the Committee’s members the best in each other. Marissa, who very much grew and its Chairman Dan Rubin. This committee put up at Neveh Shalom, reading Torah and participating in many hours refining our current review/renewal in USY, is our last child to get married. process for our Clergy and Staff. The new process An Aufuf provides the opportunity to share our AUGUST increases transparency and provides more data to Simkha with the entire community and we are delight- reviewers and reviewees during the review/renewal ed to be able to do so. 29 — periods, to set goals, identify issues, and provide We look forward to greeting everyone feedback. As part of their work, the committee dis- at a kiddush lunch following services in Birn- Back to Shul covered that few if any Congregations around the bach Hall. Please assist us by sending your country have a working review process for their RSVP to [email protected], so that BBQ & High Clergy. We should be proud of the manner in which Allen Levin will know for how many to prepare. this issue was addressed by our Congregation and “This I Believe”: Share Your Thoughts about Holy Days the resulting product from the committee. Faith, Basic Principles, Convictions, Ethical Tenets, Lastly, the finance committee developed and Justice and Mercy Usher the board approved next year’s budget of $2.55 What is it that motivates us to believe what we million. Our Annual Giving campaign is beginning believe? What provides the greatest joy or devastates Training to take root as we enter our second year, with a us the most? What mandates drive us to action, to goal of increasing the participation percentage celebrate or to tear our hair out? What ideas make our and giving levels. heart sing? (see page 7 for With a Congregation of our size, change “This I Believe” was originally a radio series complete details) is constant, with one change leading to anoth- moderated by Edward R. Murrow, encouraging the er. This is why I don’t think we can ever expect famous and the individual-on-the-street to synthesize to be on the backside of change. The board what s/he considers the most significant driving forces continued on page 3 continued on page 4


Mazel Tov to Tova Jillian Mazel Tov to Abby Diebold, Yossi’s Closet is Kruss, the daughter of Mi- the daughter of William chelle-Shari and Steven Diebold and Deborah Freed- ready for Kruss, sister of Noah Tay- berg and sister to Joseph. lor Kruss and the grand- Abby will be an 8th grader at sharing. Borrow daughter of Larry and Ann Beaumont Middle School and a boy’s suit for Kruss and Joel and Arlene enjoys playing soccer, watch- Moskowitz. Tova is an honor ing her favorite sports teams, any synagogue student at Winterhaven. She reading, writing, cooking, and occasion. spends her free time volunteering in a vet clinic operating hanging out with friends. room, completing her first novel entitled Spellbound, caring for her six pets, updating the website she created for her Mitzvah Project, reading and training for her upcoming Bat We have TALIA SHERMAN Mitzvah. shirts, pants, AUGUST 6 & 7 shoes, and JACOB COOK Mazel Tov to Talia Sherman, JULY 30 & 31 suits. We the daughter of Allison and Michael Sherman; sister of only ask Mazel Tov to Jacob Cook, the son Zack Sherman; and grand- that you dry of Sherri and David Cook, brother daughter of Ed Sherman to Joshua, Jesse and Jenna, and and Martha Rich and David clean any grandson to Martin and Evelyn and Carole Aiken. Talia is borrowed Eisenberg and Ida Mae Girten. Ja- a 7th grader at Riverdale cob is an honor student who is en- Grade School and enjoys suit before tering 8th grade at Highland Park art and playing lacrosse and basketball. returning it. Middle School. He enjoys camping, snowboarding, video games, playing the clarinet and reading. LAUREN POLICAR AUGUST 16 & 17 Save money CHLOE MLEYNEK-CRAFT AUGUST 13 & 14 and the Mazal Tov to Lauren Maxine Policar, environ- the daughter of Marty Policar and Mazel Tov to Chloe Mleynek- Iris Policar and the sister of Chelsey ment! We Craft, the daughter of Leah & Ari. Her grandparents are Larry accept dona- Craft and granddaughter and Frances Policar and Esther and to Sherryll and Darryl the late Tsvika Zabronsky. Lauren tions of suits Mleynek. Chloe is a 7th is entering the 8th grade at Robert in “like new” grader at Hazelbrook Mid- Gray Middle School. She enjoys dle School and enjoys writ- panache, guitar, skiing and spend- condition, as ing, reading, participating in ing time with good friends and family. Girl Scouts and playing the well as shirts clarinet, tenor saxophone and shoes. and marimba.

MATTHEW HEITEEN To donate AUGUST 27 & 28 or to borrow Mazel Tov to Matthew Heiteen, please call the son of Susan Kuznitsky & Steven Heiteen and brother to Stephanie Jacob. His grandparents are Arnheim at Myrna and Marvin Kuznitsky and Pearl and (the late) Al Heiteen. 503.539.2602 or Matthew is a 7th grader at the stephanie@ge- Odyssey Program at Hayhurst. Matthew does Ta Kwon Do, PQO=łP?KI plays baseball and football, enjoys video games, listening CNS SEVENTH GRADE B’NAI MITZVAH CLASS to music and spending time with his friends. 2009-2010

page 2 Chronicle July/August 5770 FROM THE CANTOR Shalom Portland! Sacred Music and Cantorial Investiture in 2007. Having studied I’m thrilled to be writing this piece and been exposed to so many genres of music: pop, rock, jazz, in the Chronicle introducing myself as classical, hazzanut (traditional cantorial music), I believe I bring a your new Cantor! I’m coming to Oregon unique approach to the music experience in the synagogue. from Iowa, where I have spent the past In my free time, I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, movies, three years serving Tifereth Israel, Des attending music, cultural and sporting events, playing cards and Moines’ Conservative synagogue. I board games. My boyfriend, Harold, will be relocating to Portland was born and raised in the Metro Detroit as well. He is a native of Des Moines and is a computer software area and grew up in a small Conserva- developer. We are eager to get to know everyone at Neveh Sha- tive synagogue in West Bloomfield. I lom! In addition, neither one of us has ever lived on the West come from a musical family, and was Coast, so we are looking forward to many opportunities to expe- singing from an early age, heavily influ- rience the beautiful City of Roses. One of the things I am most enced by the Motown sound in the Detroit area. excited about is doing a lot of singing, and I can’t wait to sing with I received my Bachelor of Music from Ohio Northern Uni- everyone in services soon. I begin my work at Neveh Shalom on versity and my Master of Music from Carnegie-Mellon University. July 15th so please call or stop by the office and say hello! A few years later, I attended the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the B’Shalom, Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, earning a Master of Deborah Bletstein

HIGH HOLY DAY CHILDCARE From the President continued from page 1 #=IEHEAO SEPD ?DEH@NAJ  IKJPDO Ġ>U 0ALPAI>AN   PK łRA UA=NO KB =CA SEHH be receiving information about Childcare in the mail by mid-July. We will pro- and I are committed to continually challeng- vide this service for your little ones on Thursday and Friday of Rosh Hashanah ing existing assumptions, processes and pro- (Sept. 8 and 9), and Saturday (Sept. 18) of Yom Kippur between the hours of grams ensuring we are doing the best we can. 9am and 1pm. If you do not receive this information in the mail by July 31st We do not make changes for change sake; LHA=OA>AEJPKQ?DSEPD*=N?EPGEJOEIIA@E=PAHU=PI=PGEJOĤJARADOD=HKIKNC neither do we accept the status quo as the KN?=HHBKNPDABKNIO1DEOOANRE?A =R=EH=>HABKNOAOOEKJLAN optimal solution. Our goal is to provide the ?DEH@ D=O=NACEOPN=PEKJ@A=@HEJAKB#/&!6 2$201PD1DEO@=PAIQOP>A best possible experience for each member honored as we commission an outside agency for our providers. There are also and member family, today and tomorrow. I LNKRE@AN?DEH@N=PEKOPD=PIQOP>AAJBKN?A@BKNPDAO=BAPU=J@D=LLEJAOOKB=HHKQN hope you are having a great summer! children. Please do not delay in returning your registration form on time and do not forget to enclose your payment! We look forward to providing your children with loving care so you can enjoy your Holy Day services with peace of mind. Doug Lenhoff President

T HE GLORIA BAC HARACH JUDAICA SHOP Get your orders in TODAY! AT CONGREGATION NEVEH SHALOM Last chance if you want to have your Paver installed before High Holidays. 1DA$HKNE= =?D=N=?D'Q@=E?=0DKLEO1%"LH=?APKłJ@PD=PQJEMQA =N =P*EPV- vah or wedding gift. Shop at YOUR Neveh Shalom gift shop to łJ@ PD=P OLA?E=H OKIAPDEJC 1DA CEBP ODKL EO I=J=CA@ =J@ OP=BBA@ by volunteers through Women’s League. Have an idea to make the shop better? Join Women’s League and share your ideas and time! Can’t shop during our posted hours? No problem! Email OG?KVEJAĤCI=EH?KIPKO?DA@QHAUKQNLANOKJ=HODKLLEJCATLANEAJ?A

THE HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER. NEED A NEW GORGEOUS WHITE YOM KIPPUR TALLIT? A PEWTER APPLE AND HONEY DISH? WE ALSO HAVE CARDS CARDS $180 for an Individual Paver CARDS TO SEND TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS. SHOP AT THE SHOP THAT GIVES BACK-TO THE SYNAGOGUE $1800 for 6 Patron Pavers THAT IS. PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW HOURS AND WELCOME SEVERAL NEW SHOP VOLUNTEER Order today by downloading an order form (2 pages). For questions contact Wendy MEMBERS OF THE WOMEN’S LEAGUE. QUESTIONS? EMAIL STEFANI AT [email protected] Kahn, Membership and Development Di- Summer hours rector at [email protected] or call will change so please check the posted schedule, call ahead or email for more information. 503.293.7305

page 3 Chronicle July/August 5770 E REV S HABBAT S ERVIC ES All Erev Shabbat services are at 6:15 PM. DAILY MINYAN Each 6:15 service has a distinct flavor of its own. We invite you to sample: Zidell Chapel 1ST FRIDAY: Kabbalat Shabbat SINGING SERVICE with Ilene Safyan. No First Friday dinners until Fall 2010.

*KJ@=U#NE@=Uġ 3RD FRIDAY: Chik Chok — A lay-led “Carlebach style” service (followed by dinner with reservation required). AM, Rosh Chodesh 2ND, 4TH AND 5TH FRIDAY: Kabbalat Shabbat Service ġAM, Sunday & %KHE@=UOġAM C HILDREN’ S S HABBAT S ERVIC ES SHABBAT Held regularly on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 10:15 AM SERVICES Check weekly e-blast for updates. #NE@=UOġPM TOT SHABBAT for families with children ages 0 - 5 years in the Zidell Chapel at 10:15 AM st rd 0=PQN@=UOġAM Led by Jordan Epstein (1 Saturday) and Levia Friedman (3 Saturday) KEHILLAT NOAR for families with children in 1st - 5th grades at 10:15 AM Led by Amy Katz and Gershon Liberman (alternating) TOT TOT SHABBAT AND KEHILLAT NOAR WILL CONCLUDE WITH A JOINT KIDDISH IN THE ZIDELL CHAPEL FOLLOWING SERVICES. continuted from page 1 SHABBAT in their lives. Since 2004 National Public Radio has KEVA 0 - 5 years broadcast hundreds of think pieces by statesmen, KEHILLAT entertainers, athletes, scholars, single mothers, WITH ABBI REENSTEIN gays, and retirees. R G NOAR Krista Tippett, host of NPR’s popular “Speaking 1st - 5th grades of Faith” says, “This is a part of life where we give 1st & 3rd ourselves over to essential, exacting, majestic ques- 1st Saturdays, 10:00-11:45am Saturdays, tions, that no other discipline quite presses in quite the same way: What does it mean to be human? What August 7 (no Keva in July) AM ġ matters in a life? What matters in a death? How to love? How can we be of service to one another and Join us for Neveh Shalom’s newest Shab- the world.” bat morning service. We study, we sing, we DOWNSTAIRS Now it is your turn…Please send me your most meditate and engage deeply in to- MINYAN deeply held convictions. I hope to receive short es- CAPDAN("3EOBKN=@QHPO=J@GE@OKBARANU 2nd and 5th says from teens as well as seniors, married and =CA JKATLANEAJ?AJA?AOO=NU NEJCUKQN Saturdays in the single, religiously observant and those who find ob- friends! KEVA...a little time for your soul. Zidell Chapel, servance a challenge, from those Jewish from birth For more information or to get involved and those new to Jewish life. As we did a few years AM please contact Brad at ġ ago on the topic of “I Am Jewish”, we will publish 3rd Shabbat your submissions in a booklet to be distributed over [email protected]. at the Robison the High Holy Days. Maximum length: 750 words. Home Deadline for submissions: August 1. If you would ELEANOR FISCHER like to lead the davening for TISHA B’AV SERVICES DIAL-IN SERVICE Only available when services are in the main Sanctuary. Shaharit, Torah or Erev Tisha b’Av falls on Monday, If you are unable to attend Shabbat Services dial *QO=B LHA=OA?=HH in to hear them. *=NG0DANI=J July 19. Join Rabbi Brad Green- Call 503.246.8832 503.245.0571 stein & Cantor Deborah Blet- stein at 8:00pm in the Stamp- JULY/AUGUST CANDLELIGHTING TIMES KEVA WITH fer Chapel for Maariv followed RABBI GREEN- JULY 2 AUGUST 6 STEIN by the reading of Eicha (the ġLI ġLI JULY 9 AUGUST 13 st 1 Saturdays Book of Lamentations). Tisha ġLI ġLI ġAMġAM JULY 16 AUGUST 20 b’Av service will be held the ġLI ġLI (NO KEVA IN JULY) next morning, Tuesday, July JULY 23 AUGUST 27 ġLI ġLI 20, 7:00am. JULY 30 ġLI page 4 Chronicle July/August 5770 EVENTS Jewish Film Club CAFE V’IVRIT July 18, 3-5pm Room 102 EVERY 4-6 WEEKS WE GATHER TO ENJOY JEWISH THEMED FILMS AND 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm TO DISCUSS AFTERWARDS. REFRESHMENTS SERVED. THOSE INTERESTED July 12 IN BEING ON THE EMAIL LIST (AND TO RSVP) CONTACT PAUL OR Ġ+KPAPDA?D=JCAKB'QHU@=PA@QAPK1EOD= †R JOAN SHER AT [email protected] OR PAUL AT August 16 [email protected].


N@*KJ@=UO=P+ARAD0D=HKI ġLI0QC- Just who will you find dropping in for a home- gested donation $5-10. For more information, made nosh, good conversation and some coffee? contact Mel Berwin at [email protected]. PARENTS AFTER SUNDAY SCHOOL DROP-OFF, FELLOW CONGREGANTS WHO HAVE ATTENDED SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN, FOLKS ON THEIR WAY TO OR FROM A MEETING, SOMEONE NEEDING TO GRAB A BITE BEFORE THEY WORKOUT, OR ANYONE WHO JUST WANTS TO HANG OUT AND SCHMOOZE!JOIN US…

Here are the dates you’ll find the Café open starting again next Fall (Mark them in your calendar!):

SEPTEMBER 12, 2010 OCTOBER 17, 2010 NOVEMBER (CAFÉ CLOSED) DECEMBER 12, 2010 JANUARY 23, 2011 FEBRUARY 6, 2011 MARCH 13, 2011 APRIL 17, 2011 MAY 15, 2011 Café Shalom is brought to you by the Membership Committee. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Kahn, Membership and Development Coordinator at 503-293-7305 or email [email protected]. SHORESHIM Summer is off to a great start for for us in the coming year? We Shoreshim families! Thanks to our awe- =NAHKKGEJCBKNS=N@PK=JAT?EPEJC some coordinators Bethany Friedlander, Ju- 2010-2011 and we need a few of lia Robinson & Sarah Zakreski, Shoreshim you to join us for a summer plan- (families with ning meeting! Shoreshim is fortu- young children nate to have Rachel Pines return- ages 0-5) kicked ing this year as co-chair. Rachel is off summer break joined by our new co-chair, Ellie SEPD = BQJłHHA@ Gilbert. EllieEO=J=HQIJ=KBPDA*KPDAN†O EN?HAĠ=LNK- June picnic. gram for women from other religious backgrounds raising Even though school is out, Jewish children), and along with husband Andy is the proud we want to remind you that Tot parent of 4-year old daughter, Jensen. Together, Rachel & Shabbat is still in session! Tot Ellie are looking forward to continuing Shoreshim’s tradi- Shabbat will continue through July tion of creating a welcoming space for all our families of QCQOPKJPDAOPN@0=PQN@=UO=Pġ=I1KP0D=>- young children. bat will be on a break during September due to the High For more information, please contact co-chairs %KHU!=UO%KH@PDA@=PABKNPDAQCQOPļ =?GPK0DQH‡ Rachel Pines [email protected], Ellie Gilbert BBQ. Shoreshim will be doing a High Holy Day Themed AHHEAĤL=?Eł?P=HAJP?KI KNOP=BBHE=EOKJCaron Blau Roth- Craft and have a table that day so be sure to stop by. stein at [email protected]. Want to be a part of planning what will be in store page 5 Chronicle July/August 5770 SHOMREI TEVA NOTES FROM SHOMREI TEVA

NEEDS YOU! LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD We have wonderful volunteers. Kol HaKa- vod to Deborah and Clyde French, Joe and Max Creekside Restoration It’s been a good year for Shomrei Teva. Maser, Julie Brophy, Jennifer Kalenscher, Dana At the Back to Shul BBQ last September, and Steve Sirkin, Karen, Sam and Mimi Fox, Jer- 3rd Sundays, after we managed the successful recycling of ry Eckstein, Ross Weinstein, Bethany and Maya Morning Minyan all food waste. Later that month we held Friedlander, Sylvia Frankel, Debbie Gordon, a large weeding maintenance event at our Xuan Sibell, Colin Winkler, JULY 18, AUGUST 15 creekside restoration site where we also Bob Sorkin, Andy and Ben- gather every third Sunday throughout the jamin Olshin, Joseph Katz- year. Wigmore, Sandy Axel, Matt Help Shomrei In February, we brought an envi- Emlen, Cerinda Survant, Alex Teva remove in- ronmental and Tu b’Shvat focus to the First Bard, Rebecca Davidson, Gil vasive plants at Friday Shabbat dinner. In April, we part- Winkelman, Yael Bridge, and our Creekside nered with SOLV to sponsor our own Yom Jonathan Emanuel. Restoration Site. Ha’Adamah (Earth Day) at the creekside site. If you would like to join us, please contact We did more maintenance, held a lovely cer- Jordan Epstein at [email protected]. There The non-native emony, and planted native trees. We’re now is much work to do and, as Rabbi Tarfon said, “It is invasives, which gearing up with a new garden project, our own not incumbent upon you to complete the task. But we worked hard Gan Eden, to grow food on-site and to educate, neither are you free to desist from it!” at removing, have fun, and even provide fresh produce for will come back those in need. Jordan Epstein in the spring. To maintain DARFUR AWARENESS our “garden”, NEVEH SHALOM SAYS NEVER AGAIN updates on the situation in Dar- events and activities as well as we need many As Jews, we have a special fur and stamped and addressed resources on Darfur and geno- hands. Con- obligation not to stand quiet postcards for you to sign and cide. sider a double while genocidal crimes are mail. Join the Brigade by email- * In June, Never Again Coalition IEPVR=Dġ*KNJ- taking place in Darfur and ing [email protected]. members went on-the-move by EJC *EJU=J =P the Congo. The Neveh Sha- * Wanted: Your enthusiasm, participating in the Portland Run ġ BKHHKSA@ lom Says Never Again Darfur your ideas and your voice. Bring For Congo Women event. It’s not by work at the Awareness Committee is our them to our upcoming Darfur too late to donate to the NAC team Restoration Site Congregation’s active and Awareness Committee meetings. or learn more about the organi- Ġ=>KQP ġ  present voice speaking out to Mark your calendar for Monday, zation the run supports, Women raise awareness of and bring Bring family Aug 2nd at 7:30pm at Congrega- for Women International. Visit help and hope to the vic- tion Neveh Shalom. www.runforcongowomen.org. and friends and tims of genocide and human Questions? Email * Call 1-800-GENOCIDE once remove aliens rights atrocities. We ask you [email protected]. a day or once a week for the op- like clematis, to add your voice and sup- * Visit the NEW The Nev- portunity to tell your elected offi- English ivy, Hi- port to our cause: er Again Coalition website at cials to give aid to the people of malayan black- * Join the Postcard Bri- www.neveragaincoalition.org. Darfur. berry, and morn- gade. Receive monthly Get details on Portland-area ing glory. You can pull weeds ISRAEL NEWS by hand or bring a small digging tool. Congregation connections between Conservative syna- We have gloves Neveh Shalom gogues and Israel. We are excited about if you don’t. Work is a proud recipi- this support of Neveh Shalom’s Israel pro- for as long as you ent of one of the gramming, and look forward to bringing want and dress for inaugural grants our community enhanced and new Israel- the weather. Ques- from the Ma’alot themed activities and events in the coming tions? Call Jordan initiative, a partnership between year! This funding will empower us to bring Epstein 503.245.6580 The United Synagogue of Con- in special guest speakers for Café Ivrit as or email yaakovm@ servative and Nefesh well as scholars-in-residence for our entire comcast.net B’Nefesh to facilitate stronger community to enjoy.

page 6 Chronicle July/August 5770 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE A warm welcome from your have other wonderful committee members As you can see, Café Shalom is Membership Committee! who are hard at work, and having fun! a prevailing event on our calendar, and We would love to have you join us! we would love for you all to join us. You First of all, let me say a HUGE There are opportunities to help the Mem- may even get a piece of my wife’s award thank you to such a wonderful committee bership Committee throughout the year or winning cheesecake, which I guarantee for all of their hard work and dedication, we’d love to have you join our committee. you they do not offer wherever it is you whether working on big projects or day to Please let me or Wendy Kahn, Member- are running to after drop off from Sunday day stuff. On behalf of the committee, and ship and Development Director at 503- School! Come sit, sip, and schmooze. my co-chair, Debbie Zwetchkenbaum, 293-7305 or [email protected] If there is anything we as a com- I would like to give special thanks to our know if you would like to be a part of the mittee can do to make your member- committee members who have taken on best committee at Congregation Neveh ship at Congregation Neveh Shalom special roles within our committee and Shalom! more worthwhile, please let me know. congregation this year and for this com- We have laid out our Calendar for I am best reached by email at either ing year: David Meltzer, is going to be the year, and here are some highlights: [email protected] or the new Membership Committee co-chair [email protected] or on with me, and is the new coordinator for my cell phone (503) 804-3063. the New Member Welcome Bag Program; • September - May — Cafe Shalom Make Congregation Neveh Sha- Lidia Krivoy has been and will continue to (see page 5 for all dates) lom your second home by becoming more be a dynamo organizing our baking team • August 29th — All Member Back To involved, making friends, and hanging out. and making sure Café Shalom is open for Shul BBQ And, let us know about others in the com- business; Susan Greenberg is working • December 5th — All Member munity who might be interested in doing hard to organize this year’s All Member Hanukkah Dinner the same. Back to Shul BBQ (and one of your first • January 16th — New Member Brunch chances to meet and greet Cantor Blet- • February 13th — All Member Pancake B’Shalom, stein!) with Toby Blake and Amy Katz; Breakfast and, believe it or not I’m already working • March 13th/14th — CNS Open House Mitch Elovitz on the All Member Hanuakkah dinner! We Weekend Co-Chair, Membership Committee

CHESED HAND IN HAND • HEART TO HEART I have always been im- family can do that. EFUAH HLEMA pressed and proud of all the of- Sometimes, whether R S ferings Neveh Shalom has avail- due to age, illness, A speedy recovery to: able. The list of alternative services disability, or lack of seems endless, from Tot Shabbat to means our members Joyce Deneault Ed Srebnik Downstairs Minyan to Keva to Ke- need more than just hillat Noar to Chik Chok. There is an offering, they need Ruth Hopfer Rabbi Joshua Women’s League and Men’s Club, a helping hand. Chesed is the arm Stampfer Mother’s Circle and USY, Religious of CNS that is designed to bring CNS Diane Kahn School, Foundation School, and TO our members and our members Hannah Sturman Lifelong Learning, Bar Mitzvah Suit TO CNS. We want everyone to be =PU=*KI> Closet, Shomrei Teva, Senior Lunch able to take advantage of whatever Bunch, and so much more! programs we have to offer. And we Who Do You Know? Then there is community need our family members to help us The Chesed committee is looking for members who may be in need or alone but will not ask for assistance. Do you know involvement: Outside In, Darfur achieve that goal. someone who no longer drives, who does not get out very Awareness, numerous food drives, Please contact Rab- much, who does not have family close by? Do you know involvement in human rights proj- bi Brad at 503.246.8831 or someone who might like a ride to shul once in a while? Who ects and interfaith activities, and so [email protected] I=U>AJAłPBNKI=BNEAJ@HULDKJA?=HHK??=OEKJ=HHU FQOPPK much more! Most, if not all, of these to volunteer to provide assistance say “Hi”? Chesed is looking to reach out to our members who perhaps have been forgotten. Please help us. If you know of activities require overt action. The to someone in need, whether it be OKIAKJASDKłPOPDA>EHH LHA=OA?KJP=?PRabbi Greenstein, individual(s) must step up and make a ride, a meal, a phone call. Or Miriam Rogoway (360.256.6951 or the effort to become involved. contact him if you or someone [email protected]) or Trudy Stone Not all of our Neveh Shalom you know could use a little help. ([email protected]).

page 7 Chronicle July/August 5770 HIGH HOLY DAY OMEN S EAGUE SHER RAINING W ’ L U T Every organization in which breath and relax, vent, brag, discuss, ask for and share ad- FOLLOWED BY MEMBER you come in contact wants vice with other women who share similar goals and life di- BARBECUE you, your time and your en- lemmas with you. We correspond on-line and are consider- ergy. So, why should Sister- ate of your life and your time commitments. For information Sunday, August 29, hood/Women’s League of about our Sisterhood/Women’s League, contact Nora Roth- 10:30am (BBQ at Neveh Shalom be a part of stein at 503.466.1088 or Susan Sutherlin at 503.626.6611. 11:00am) your life? Why should Sister- This year the only Dues bill you will receive will be NAUKQ=>HAPKDKJKN KJ- hood be important to you? in your annual membership packet from the syna- gregation Neveh Shalom The answer is simple. You gogue. Send your $36 dues for us to the synagogue. as an usher this year? Our spend time doing things for You take a part in the lifeline and heart of Neveh Shalom High Holy Day ushers your spouse, your children, Our year will begin in September as Women’s League joins with provide safety, security their schools, our synagogue, your job. You are the our Men’s Club to set up and decorate our Sukkah. Set up date is and dignity during our chauffeur, caregiver, chief cook and bottle washer, not specific yet; contact Sandy Axel at 503.292.3425 for details. services by serving as laundress, social chairman-the list goes on and on. Sandy and I will contact our membership to determine what hosts, locating seats, You need to ask yourself; what do I do just for me? brought you to Women’s League and what you seek from it today. assisting our physically The answer should be Sisterhood. Take time to be challenged, distribut- with other Jewish women, to learn something new, Thank you. ing prayer books, and to have some fun, and a good laugh. Enjoying life and Susan Sutherlin maintaining decorum. laughter are integral parts of Sisterhood. Take a big Ushering is open to all congregants age 18 and older. MEN’S CLUB I would like take this opportunity the Men’s Club programming varied and interesting. Our up- O=JQODANUKQSEHH to reflect on some of the Men’s Club’s coming Membership Committee will include Mitch Elovitz still be able to share prior year activities. We had a variety of and Jeremy Kelter. this special time topics and speakers, we learned what it To get an idea of what other activities we are in- with your family and was like to be a child in the Holocaust, volved with, I encourage you to visit the synagogue’s web- friends. Shifts are no and had a discussion about president site to view the photo gallery. To access these pictures, click longer than 2 hours Obama’s Executive Order banning tor- on the “About Us” drop in length. Head ush- ture. On the lighter side, we learned down menu and click ers and staff are avail- how to take care of our hearing, Rabbi Greenstein en- the Photo Gallery tab. able at all times to gaged us in a lively discussion about drinking on Purim, We are in the DAHLSEPDMQAOPEKJO and we learned how wine is made in Oregon. We provid- process of planning =J@KN?D=HHAJCAO ed the Sukah for the congregation’s Sukot services, vol- next year’s activities that may occur. unteered at the Oregon Food Bank, and held our annual and welcome both Texas Hold-‘Em Poker Tournament fundraiser to support your participation and You may sign up the synagogue’s Capital Campaign. suggestions. To make NOW for usher shifts As we look into the next year, I wanted to let you suggestions for next via email. Please know that I will continue as President and my Co-Presi- year’s programming ?KJP=?P'KJJ=P dent, Bruce Stern will be taking over the reins of the contact Bruce Stern F>AVK@EOĤJARADOD=- Programming Committee. He will be joined by Har- at [email protected] and if you want to join Men’s lom.org (or call at old Lesch, Peter Wigmore, Mitch Elovitz, and Steve Club, contact Mitch Elovitz at [email protected]. 503-293-7309) and Blake. At the same time, I want to thank Gary Martel I look forward to seeing you in the fall. she will send you a list and Harold Lesch for their past dedication to making Gabriel Markiz, Men’s Club President of openings.

Then, we invite you to attend our brief MOTHER’S CIRCLE training & review for MOTHERS CIRCLE EX- ers, too, will find the experience of participat- QODANO 0QJ@=U   PANDS CIRCLE TO MORE ing in Mothers Circle as life changing as past =Pġ=I6KQSEHH WOMEN FOR NEW participants feel the course has been for them. learn everything you ever wanted to know COURSE THIS FALL! Mothers Circle: The Course is taught by veter- about parking, security, The Mothers Circle an Jewish educator, author and life coach Lois =J@QODANEJCBPANS=N@O  provides free educa- Shenker. The course is now open for registra- please stay and join us for tion and support for tion. Classes will meet twice a month and focus the all-member barbecue women of other religious backgrounds on Jewish rituals, ethics, and the how-to’s of cre- luncheon. who are raising Jewish children. For ating a Jewish home starting Sunday, October 17, Please consider making the past two years non-Jewish wom- 2010. Come be a part of this warm and nurtur- PDAUA=NUKQBQHłHHPDA en in our community took this course, ing environment and feel empowered to take on OLA?E=HIEPVR=DKBQODAN- and they, their families and our Jewish the responsibility of raising children in Judaism. ing for your congregational community reaped the benefits. NEW Information sessions will be held in early Fall to family. Kindly RSVP for the Usher Training & BBQ by THIS YEAR—we are also inviting better acquaint prospects with the program. For #NE@=U QCQOPPK(=NAJ=P women who are new to Judaism as more information, information session dates or T adults as participants in the Moth- to register, please contact Caron Blau Roth- Thank you! ers Circle Associated Program. stein at [email protected] or /KJ*KNNEO We are confident that these moth- 503.246.8831, or visit www.TheMothersCircle.org. page 8 Chronicle July/August 5770 YOUTH AT NEVEH SHALOM G REETINGS F ROM N EVEH S HALOM Y OUTH S ERVIC ES Shalom Neveh Familes! Personally, it has been an incredibly fulfilling year as What an amazing year it has been! Youth Director and educator. First, as teacher for the 5th grade The 5770 school year at Neveh was a year of tremendous class, we raised more tzedakah money than we ever dreamed growth for Neveh Shalom Youth Activities, and we are gaining mo- possible: over $605! The money we raised went directly to the mentum to make next year even better! Oregon Food Bank to help with the massive hunger problem we We had great events for all of our age groups, Kadima, Jr. Kadima are experiencing in our state. It was so empowering and important and NSY, and have helped to build and sustain community bonds for our kids and I know how much it inspired them to do more. and friendships that will last forever. As Youth Director, I have been so impressed with the Jr Kadima has a new advisor who is an old face around these commitment and leadership displayed by the kids at Neveh Sha- halls, Josh Victor, who has inspired many of our kids to become lom. They have shown so much devotion and passion toward budding artists and proud Jews as a teacher, is now at the helm their friends, synagogue and community, and all of them are so to guide our young community through new adventures such as motivated to make our pro- chocolate festivals, ice skating and other fun times. grams the best they can Our Kadima crew has built tight bonds and are the new be. masters of laser tag, and we are thrilled that the bulk of this huge Lastly, I am thrilled and ruach-filled group is graduation on to NSY this coming year! to be bringing up my son That brings me to the great success of the past year, our Judah into this community, high school group NSY, Neveh Shalom Youth! The group has gone and am confident that if from one of the smallest chapters in the region to becoming the his synagogue friends are fastest-growing in the Northwest! That is right! At the recent USY even half as cool as the Regional Convention in British Columbia on Memorial Day Week- kids we have in our pro- end, the Portland NSY chapter won an award for the greatest per- grams now, he is going to centage of growth by a chapter in the region! Special recognition love it! awards also went to Neveh leaders Alex Milbert and Laurel Po- I look forward to lack for their commitment to the chapter. Based on our success seeing you all over the and strong leadership, USY has also decided that Portland will be summer, and don’t forget to come and join us for the big “Back to the location for the next USY Regional Convention! This is a huge Shul” bash on August 29th! boost for our teens and for the Neveh Shalom community as a whole. We are thrilled to be hosts and show off our fair city to the Jonathan Emanuel whole Northwest. Bring it on! Youth Director

NSY JUNIOR KADIMA Oh Canada! a moment came up, the pool was the place to be. %EHH It’s amazing how many close friends all of us from This is a letter for current and As my senior year approaches I start wor- the trip made in just four days. But with this con- future members of Jr Kadima. rying about the inevitable—college. I have dreams nection that we all have of being Jewish it brought )=OPUA=NSA@E@=HKPKBAT?EP- on attending an elite university, but whether or not everyone together. So much to the point that on ing stuff, to many to mention it had a big Jewish scene was always unimportant Sunday night at our last dinner banquet there were now, but if you came then you to me. That is until I attended USY Regional Con- many tears shed with people from all over the know. From the Tu’ b shevat chocolate fest to the Olym- vention. Regional Convention is a four day blast Northwest. Portland is part of the Pinwheel region, pic style skating we did it, but that took place in Vancouver B.C., Canada in May. which has chapters in Seattle, Spokane, Vancou- don’t worry we haven’t done Six members of NSY, Jonathan Emanuel and Yael ver, and Calgary. As big as it may seem, laughter, EP =HH +ATP UA=N SA =NA CKEJC Bridge headed north to the land of the maple leaf. mitzvot, and Judaism all brought us together in an PK PA=N QL PDEO PKSJ  ATLHKNA  The result: life changing. The convention taught us unforgettable four-day adventure. learn, grow and lots of other how to be leaders while doing mitzvot at the same great verbs. We are now in the time. Throughout the convention, in small groups To parents: I have talked about encourag- LNK?AOO KB LH=JJEJC BKN JATP of about 13, we would listen to lectures and do ing your son or daughter to come to a NSY event UA=N =J@ łHHEJC EJ KQN ?=HAJ- workshops with and educators represent- before. Now I strongly encourage you even more. @=N4A=NAHKKGEJCBKN?N=VU ing Vancouver and even one from Uganda. The re- Having the opportunity to make close friendships wacky ideas. Fun stuff to do, sult was on the final day all of the kids split up to do with kids that live in another country doesn’t come not that same old same old. mitzvot throughout Vancouver. My group went to a often, and trust me they will make friends. Some If you have a great idea, pat- ent it. If you know something Jewish retirement home and had a talent show-like kids only like coming to the regional conventions, awesome and adventurous in performance, singing songs and playing pieces on others just like doing the chapter events within the the Portland area that you and piano. The joy that a half hour performance brought city, they are all great. But you don’t know till you twenty of your friends would these people was so enriching to us and talking to try. NSY is grades 8th-12th and you can e-mail me HEGAPK@KHAPIAGJKSJUKJA them after the show kept us all compelled by the at [email protected] if you have ANY wanting to get involved and stories they had. questions at all. I would not be hyping it up so help plan future events, suggest Now there were fun and games to be had much if it weren’t that great. But it is. ideas or just have a great joke also. We had a musical Shacharit and Torah ser- they would like to share should vice, and an African Mincha lead by the Abayuday- Alex Milbert contact me, Josh Victor at josh- an rabbi from Uganda. We were always busy but if NSY Board Member [email protected].

page 9 Chronicle July/August 5770 JOIN THE FUN WITH SCHOOL AT NEVEH SHALOM KOCHAVIM & NOTZ’TZIM R ELIGIOUS S C HOOL SUMMER PRO- The Neveh Shalom Re- 2. Form a team GRAMS! ligious School completed 3. Make a plan a successful year of Tze- – discuss when and Notz’tzim Hebrew Mu- dakah donations raising where to meet; decide sic & Activity group for more than $1200 which how you will get to the 0-3s and parents or was given to seven dif- meeting place; define caregivers -- drop-in ferent organizations both your goal – What do classes in July and local and in Israel. Sev- you hope to achieve? August on Wednes- eral families have expressed interest in helping Set a schedule – How days, 9:15-10:00. their children continue these projects while away long will your project $12 first child, $6 from Hebrew school during the summer months. take; estimate your costs. second child, free The rewards are enormous and the lifelong les- 4. Consider the recipient – What are their needs? When for baby siblings sons can last a are they available? Are there any limitations or restric- under 1 year. long time. tions? Pre-Kochavim Some steps 5. When your project has ended, evaluate it – What did Summer Camp for needed for success you learn? What did you accomplish? What were your 3-year-olds -- im- may include the fol- feelings, fears, joys? Would you do it again? How could mersion in active lowing: you improve it? Will you repeat it? When? How soon? fun and Hebrew 1. Research your I would like to hear from groups who take on language! A project – What summertime mitzvah projects. Please let me know if you new camp for would we like to do? would also consider adding a Judaic text component to our youngest What might benefit your project and would like materials to help in this area. campers! M, W, the most people? What can we afford in terms of Good luck and enjoy your experience. F, 9:15-12:00. Week Alef: July time, money, etc? What is really possible for us to Susan Bernstein 12, 14, 16, theme do? Education Director Colors of the Rainbow. Week F OUNDATION S C HOOL Bet: July 19, 21, the office most mornings dur- 23, theme Little ing the summer and are hap- Builders. Teach- er: Aliza Olson. py to answer any questions.

Kaytanat Ko- chavim -- Ko- chavim Hebrew Classrooms are being language summer cleaned and polished, camp for children entering pre-K new playground bark for the children this coming fall. through 2nd grade. chips are being spread Foundation School parents Small groups, and fresh curriculum ma- will be receiving their children’s indoor and outdoor terials and art supplies play, active games, enrollment forms this sum- music, art, and are being ordered dur- mer to complete and return by We hope that all Foun- stimulating language ing the summer months the first day of school. Morah dation School families are learning! Week Alef: at Foundation School Jan & Morah Kathy will be in enjoying some relaxed fam- July 12-16, theme: as we prepare for our Nature Explorers. ily time together learning Week Bet: July 19-23, 2010-11 school year. and playing in the sunshine! theme: Big Builders. Teachers have time to Shalom, M-F, 9:15-12:00. Teach- reflect on what they ers: Rachel Stern & Bat- loved best in their Ami Frankel. Jan classes last year Skolnik For more information on and how they can Foundation School Director SUMMER OR FALL pro- add new interest- grams, please contact Mel Berwin, 503-246-8831 or ing experiences page 10 Chronicle July/August 5770 EDUCATOR SPOTLIGHT

JEWISH WOMEN’S the intensive professional development Schecter has worked as a technology program will prepare educators to use and Hebrew teacher for several religious ARCHIVE SELECTS LOCAL MAN JWA’s new Living the Legacy social jus- and day schools in Los Angeles. He has FOR 2010 INSTITUTE tice curriculum and to integrate women’s co-authored and teaches a six-week FOR EDUCATORS stories and primary sources into their professional development online course teaching. “Integrating the Internet” into the Jew- The Jewish Women’s Archive has Adam Schecter is currently a ish Studies Classroom for the Bureau of selected area resident Adam Schecter faculty member of Congregation Neveh Jewish Education of Greater Los Ange- of Portland as one of the 26 participants Shalom Religious School. He teaches les. Additionally, he coauthored a web- to attend its prestigious Institute for Edu- fifth grade Jewish life cycle classes and based Israel education teacher training cators in Newton, MA, July 25-29. Mr. is particularly interested in Kabbalah, curricula “Distant Friends II” for the Jew- Schecter was chosen out of a competi- Israel and educational technology. He ish Federation of Los Angeles. tive pool of 95 applicants from across earned a BA in Jewish Studies at the the country. University of Judaism and spent one Focused on the role of Jews in year abroad at the Rothberg School at the Civil Rights Movement in America, Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Mr.


So, again this year we ask you, “If Not Now, When?” J@ SADKLAPD=PUKQN=JOSANSEHH>A‹+,4 Our goal this year is $142, 000 and we have some gener- KQOI=P?DAOBNKIPDNAAB=IEHEAOġDoug and Patty Lenhoff, Have you ever wondered what it would be like to Steven and Wendy Kahn, and Jeff, Anne, Josh, and Sol >A=IAI>ANKB=?KJCNAC=PEKJłHHA@SEPDLAKLHASDK Nudelman1DAOAI=P?DAOSEHHDAHLI=TEIEVAPDA@KJ=- feel that giving time, energy, and money are central to tions you make. who they are? You already are!  %ANA=NAPDA@AO?NELPEKJOKBPDAI=P?DAOġ  )=OPUA=N?KJCNAC=JPOAI>N=?A@KQNJJQ=H$ER- +AS$EBPOġ1DAłNOP+"4CEBPOKBKNIKNASEHH>A EJC =IL=ECJ4AAT?AA@A@KQNCK=HBKNKQNłNOPUA=N matched with an additional $50 by the Nudelman family. and raised $127,000 and we were able to provide schol- @@EPEKJ=HHU PDAłNOP+"4CEBPOKBKNIKNASEHH =NODELO BKN JA=NHU  ?KJCNAC=JPO J@  SA SANA =>HA be matched with an additional $50 from the Kahns. In to ensure that educational, religious, and other holiday KPDANSKN@O UKQNłNOPPEIACEBPKBSEHH>A@KQ>HA@ and programmatic pieces of Neveh Shalom stayed intact PK&BUKQNłNOPPEIACEBPEO EPSEHH>A@KQ>HA@ when the economy was still very shakey. to $100. 50 new $100 donations will turn $5,000 into 4A=OGA@UKQ ļ&B+KP+KS 4DAJ‡J@ UKQ=JOSANA@‹ $10,000 for Neveh Shalom! NOW!  &J?NA=OA@$EBPOġ&J=@@EPEKJ EBUKQC=RALNAREKQO- The reality is that our membership dues only cover ly, the Lenhoffs have agreed to match every gift that in- 45% of Neveh Shalom’s annual operating costs. Every- creases by 10% or more, the amount of the increase up to thing else, including staff, scholarships, supplies, and pro- $1800. grams comes from contributions from our members. The  HOK +"4BKNPDEOUA=N@KJ=PEJCKJHEJA&P†OA=OU CKK@JASOEOPD=PPDAJJQ=H$EREJC =IL=ECJEOEJPDA HE?GKJSSSJARADOD=HKICEREJC=JJQ=H=J@?HE?G!,- second year of combining the Kol Nidre appeal and the +1"+,4J@ UKQ?=J?DKKOABNKI=R=NEAPUKBOA- enhanced dues program. We would like to move toward cure options. asking for contributions fewer times per year, but in order Tribute fund donations can also be made on-line, to do so we need everyone to give what they can before =OSAHH1KI=GA=@KJ=PEKJKNBKNMQAOPEKJO LHA=OA?KJ- the high holidays. This way the days become what they tact Wendy Kahn *AI>ANODEL=J@!ARAHKLIAJP!ENA?- =NAIA=JPPK>Aġ@=UOKBNAŃA?PEKJ LN=UAN =J@EJPNKOLA?- tor, Congregation Neveh Shalom, 503-392-7305 or email PEKJ!=UOKBSA at [email protected]. page 11 Chronicle July/August 5770 HYGIENE KITS FOR TIKKUN OLAM THE OMELESS H NEVEH SHALOM ON SUPPORT NEVEH SHALOM WHILE SHOPPING AT SAFEWAY! Transitions Project provides showers for Got a Safeway Card? Name Neveh Shalom homeless people Did you know that Neveh Shalom has a face- as your Community Partner and a portion unable to obtain the book group? We post photos from events and limited number of publicize programs. It’s a great way to stay con- of all your pruchases will support the syna- shelter beds avail- nected online to Neveh Shalom. Invite friends gogue. This does NOT cost you any money, able in Portland. to an event, post interesting information for oth- so it’s WIN WIN! Sign up at www.escrip.com They like to be er congregants to read. It is an amazing commu- or send JoAnn Bezodis the following informa- able to give the nication tool. Join the Neveh Shalom Facebook tion: homeless a “hy- group today, and invite your friends to join too. giene kit” when Name they come for a DONATE YOUR CAR TO Safeway Card Number shower. NEVEH SHALOM Phone number associated with this card Please help Con- THANK YOU TO OUR gregation Neveh RECENT DONORS: If you have lost your Safeway club Card, you Shalom reach its Goldie Slifman and can call 1.877.723.3929 toll free to find out goal of donating Anna Berger your club Card number. JoAnn will then take 1,000 Hygiene care of the rest! Kits for the home- HAOO KTAOBKN You can receive a tax write-off by dontating your donations are unused or unwanted vehicle, running or not. Call Contact JoAnn Bezodis at 503.293.7309 or in the Stampfer JoAnn in the Neveh Shalom office for more [email protected] Chapel Foyer and information: 503.293.7309 or PDA@IEJEOPN=- [email protected]. tion Foyer. You may also donate by mailing a check payable to Congregation Neveh Shalom and writing “Hy- B=JP=OPE?IA=HKB?QNNEA@RACP=>HAO=J@>NKSJNE?AS=OI=@ABKNPDA,QPOE@A&+ AJPAN giene Kits” on the BKNP/EOG6KQPD KDA=@?DABOCathy Blair and Aviva Zigman were joined by Naomi memo line. Alpert, Chris Blair, Joyce Mendelsohn and Susan Siegel. Look for at least one cooking date to be set in July! We will start cooking again monthly starting in late Sept. Email &PAIO+AA@A@ġ =FVECI=JĤDKPI=EH?KIEBUKQSKQH@HEGAPK>AKJKQNAI=EHHEOPBKNQL?KIEJC@=PAO Š&J@ERE@Q=HKN QHG Pack Toothbrushes Thank you, Š0I=HH1Q>AOKB Š1KKPDL=OPA Aviva Zigman Š QHG-=?G/=VKNO Š0I=HH!AK@KN=JP Š1=ILKJO THINK GREEN FOOD BARRELS Š%KPAH0EVA0K=L Š%KPAH0EVA)KPEKJ Our Chronicle is available as Neveh Shalom has two food bar- Š%KPAH0EVA KJ@E- a downloadable PDF for view- rels benefitting Neighborhood tioner Š%KPAH0EVA0D=ILKK ing on the screen oryour com- House and the Sunshine Pan- puter. Sign up for the online try. Bring in your non-perishable HHEPAIOODKQH@>AJAS an unopened. For any version by sending an email to food items to the barrels located MQAOPEKJO=>KQPPDEOLNKF- ect, please contact Cathy [email protected]. Please in the Religious School hallway Blair at (503) 675-1328 or let us know if you would like to fore- and in the foyer outside Zidell Chapel. Thank [email protected]. go your paper version to save trees. you for your generosity! page 12 Chronicle July/August 5770 KVELL WITH US 1DA*QHPJKI=D =NOOK?E=PEKJĠ*  NA?AJP- PDA2JERANOEPUKB1AT=OEJQOPEJ%ANłAH@KB !KNBI=J  "T?EP- ly selected Garry Kahn as the recipient of the research is in optoelectronic and nanophotonic ed older sister is * -NKBAOOEKJ=HEOIS=N@ PDAKNC=- devices. Proud parents are Lidia & Raul Krivoy. IE?= !KNBI=J JEV=PEKJ†ODECDAOP=S=N@SDE?DDKJKNOPDKOA *=VAH 1KR PK Jack who demonstrate the highest ethical standards *=V=H 1KR PK +KAHHA )=J@=QAN =J@ =NKJ & Barb Schwartz =J@ATAILH=NU?KJ@Q?PEJPDALN=?PE?AKBH=S Levinson on the on the birth of a and make the practice of law more enjoyable. birth of Naomi granddaughter, Garry has practiced law for 48 years. His col- Daniella Levinson *==U=J 0D=E  KJ leagues describe him as “honest, stringently on June 4th. Grand- *=U  PK L=NAJPO APDE?=H  CKK@ DQIKNA@ Ġ=J@  PAJ=?EKQO‹‡ L=NAJPO=NAJJ=J@ !N J@NA= 4AN- *=VAHPKRPKGarry and the entire Kahn family. Steve Levinson of ODKB0?DS=NPV =NA- Highland Park, IL ?AJPCN=@Q=PAKB*P *=VAH1KRPK(ER=,GAJSDKCN=@Q=PA@BNKI and Sherry Nich- 0EJ=E *A@E?=H 0?DKKH =J@ D=NHEA 0?DS=NPV  Carleton College with a bachelor’s degree in ols of Oregon City who is completing his studies at the Rabbini- mathematics and a concentration in Environ- and Don Landau- cal School at the Jewish Theological Seminary. mental Science. Kiva loved Carleton, was on er of Eugene. She is welcomed into the dean’s list for 3 years running, and is look- PDA B=IEHU >U DAN >EC OEOPAN  *=E= WELCOME NEW MEMBERS— EJCBKNS=N@PKDANJATP?D=HHAJCAO-NKQ@L=N- Jonas Blaut ents are Melanie Fried-Oken and Barry Oken. *=VAH1KRPKBob & Lesley Glasgow on the >ENPDKB=CN=J@OKJ O="QCAJA$H=OCKS!KN- Barry & Sharon Solash *=VAH1KRPK"NE?=*(NERKUSDKCN=@Q=PA@ BI=JKJ*=UEJ KOPKJ >KNJPKPDAEN@=QCD- Gregory Stelmakh SEPD=*=OPANKB0?EAJ?AEJ"JCEJAANEJCBNKI ter and son-in-law Emily Glasgow & Craig Talia & Greg Schwartz KOL-HA-KAVOD Every simcha is special. Congratulations to our many members who are celebrating in July and August. In particular, mazel tov to the following members who are celebrating special milestones!

JULY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARIES Michael Volk & Patricia Magid-Volk Bonnie Berry Micah & Debbie Barany Neil & Sharon Wenger Toby Blake Mitch & Eileen Cooper JULY SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS Hadas Cassorla Andrew & Jean Goldstein Mark Altotsky Ross Coblens Perry & Merrill Hendin Lillian Braverman Mitchell Elovitz Marty & Cyndy Kagan Angelina Erbmann Matt Emlen Steven & Wendy Kahn Janet Franco Lisa Flecker Lev & Basya Khodorovskiy Alfred Furie Helen Goldhammer Gary & Suesan Klimowicz Hilliard Golden Leo Greenstein Jay & Rochelle Leisner Victor Gutnik Randy Grossman Brian & Eva Novick Gail Handelman Gerald Gumbert Donald & Naomi Olds Jaimie Harper Miriam Hecht Alan Rosenfeld & Lynn Ferber Chris Hodes P. Wendy Hetzler Leonard & Elayne Shapiro Mark Kalenscher Hilde Jacob Gennady & Irina Talal Rosalind Kane Philip Jansen Neil & Wendy Vollen Anatoly Markus Joshua Kahn Michael Weingrad & Melanie Berwin Bernice Resnikoff Pinya Khait Peter Wigmore & Randy Katz Edward Richman Sarra Kogan AUGUST SPECIAL ANNIVERSARIES Marilyn Rogoway Taya Meyer Stan & Judy Blauer Felicia Rosenthal Michael Neuman Beth & Chris Brentlinger Howard Rubin Simon Newman Karen & Grant Burch Rebecca Saltzman Evelyn Oxman Roy & Stacy Carmen Michael Seropian Margaret Petersen Barry & Fanny Horowitz Samuel Seskin Debra Plawner Anthony & Ilene Klang Jan Skolnik Izabella Polyak Michael & Kathleen Krall Barbara Stephens Mojgan Rostamian Bruce & Maureen Mandel Marsha Strongin Ruby Sachter Jerry & Gayle Marger Leon Tiger David Saltman Robin & John McCaffrey Ann Turtledove-Jaffe Karen Salzberg Paul Norr & Helaine Gross Peter Wigmore Daniel Schoenbaum Douglas Rector & Shari Katz William Zawacki Barbara Steinberg Alan & Vicki Rotstein Josh Ziegler Jody Twain Lee & Leslie Spector AUGUST SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS David Ushman David & Roxanne Ushman Melvyn Ball Paul Weinberg MAZEL TOV TO OUR 2010 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES AND THEIR PROUD FAMILIES! YOUR NEVEH SHALOM FAMILY CELEBRATES THIS MILESTONE WITH YOU. "HE>N=IKREPV *ENE=I$KH@I=J 'KJ=PD=J*AJ=ODA *=T/Q@LHLD Leah Braunstein Danielle Goodman Jacob Neuman U=H=0DANI=J Elly Brophy Jenna Hasson Jamie Nounou NE0IEPD(KNJ Kory Darling HAT=J@AN%AOO "II=HUJ,NVKH Zachary Snyder Shayna Darling HHEOKJ(ELJEO Daniel Pearlman *=@AHUJ1S=EJ I=J@=!E?GANOKJ Elana Krasnow Solomon Reisberg Isaac Ward-Fineman *AH=JEA"@S=N@O *=NOD=HH)AREJA Geoffrey Rosen *=@AHEJA4AEOOI=J Jacob Elder !=REO*=J@AH Shawn Rosenthal Lila Woloshin page 13 Chronicle July/August 5770 IN MEMORIAM FELDSTEIN LIBRARY CHRONICLE SUBMISSIONS WE MOURN THE LOSS OF SYNAGOGUE MEMBERS SUMMER HOURS FOR THE ALLA BARAM Share your life-cycles ad events and FELDSTEIN LIBRARY: MON- STANLEY CONSTANTINE accomplishments with your congre- DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- ESTHER RITCHIE gation. Please email submissions to DAY, THURSDAY 8:30AM ALLA STELMAKH [email protected] TO 1:30 PM. EVENING May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life. HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER FOR APPOINTMENT CALL ONDOLENCES C DEADLINE: JULY 30 503-246-2119 OR OUR CONDOLENCES TO OUR MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES 503-244-0623 JACKIE CONSTANTINE ON THE LOSS OF HER HUSBAND STANLEY CONSTANTINE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER RAISA DAKHINGER ON THE LOSS OF HER SISTER LUBOV SHTERNBERG DEADLINE: OCTOBER 1 ANDREW & ROSY LEVY ON THE LOSS OF THEIR FATHER HERBERT GREAT NEWS: THANKS HERMAN LEVY TO THE GENEROSITY OF GARY LIBERMAN ON THE LOSS OF HIS FATHER SHALOM LIBERMAN The Chronicle is printed every MANY MEMBERS OF NEVEH MARCY MORRIS ON THE LOSS OF HER MOTHER LEE ROTHSTEIN other month, but please check SHALOM AND “FRIENDS OF BRUCE RITCHIE ON THE LOSS OF HIS MOTHER ESTHER RITCHIE our website for regular updates. THE FELDSTEIN LIBRARY” GREGORY STELMAKH ON THE LOSS OF HIS WIFE ALLA STELMAKH A COMPLETE SET OF THE MAY THEIR MEMORIES BE A BLESSING. SCHOTTENSTEIN TALMUD IN HEBREW-ENGLISH IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR STUDY When a Death Occurs AND LEARNING. OUR MOST SINCERE GRATITUDE Call the synagogue office 503.246.8831 so that we may inform Rabbi Isaak and/or Rab- TO: bi Greenstein and be of assistance. During business hours, ask for JoAnn, ext. 113. Af- *=NGOPKN ter business hours, on weekends and holidays, contact Fred Rothstein 503.475.2934, Deborah Scott, Julie Rabbi isaak 503.228.8819 or the funeral home of your choice for assistance. Most =J@*=NPU NKLDU  William Diebold & Jewish funerals in Portland are arranged by Holman Funeral Service, 503.232.5131. Deborah Friedberg, If you wish Tahara for your loved one--respectful preparation for burial accord- Jennifer Director & ing to ancient Jewish tradition--you may request it from Holman’s Funeral Home David Knudsen, Je- rome & Lisa Eckstein, or the funeral home of your choice. The funeral home will then notify the Chevra. Jeff Edmundson & Ethel Shuldman, Gary #EOGA*E?DAHA DKJAJ '=JAP#N=J?K  CLERGY VISITS Deborah & Clyde 1VA@=G=DEO=?AJPN=HIEPVR=DKB'Q@=- French, Seth & Susan ism. Use it often and in good health! Garber, Rosalie Good- To assure that clergy make visits to man, Jacob & Jaime congregants in the hospital, extended 1VA@AG=DDKJKNOPDACERAN=J@PDANA- Harper, David & Susan ?ELEAJP6KQ?=JI=GA=1VA@=G=D?KJ- Honigstock,William care faciliites and hospices, please & Jane Kadner, Lisa tribution to honor, remember or thank (=JAN '=OKJHHEOKJ contact the office at Congregation someone who is important to you. It is (=QBI=J JPDKJU Priscilla Kostiner, Gary Neveh Shalom, 503.246.8831. In an also the custom in many communities laroff, Samuel & Phillis effort to comply with the new patient PKCERA1VA@=G=DEJ=LLNA?E=PEKJKB=J )KQGA "NE?-AAP>>U Guyer Bruce & Sheila privacy laws, healthcare facilities honor or aliyah during any service. Stern, Gary & Debra Wasserman may not release the names of their patients; it is imperative that you *=JUJAS>KKGOBKN PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE NAMES AND all ages will be arriv- provide the name of the member, ADDRESSES OF BOTH THE DONOR AND THE RE- ing SOON. Watch the the facility name, patient’s room CIPIENT, AS WELL AS THE NAME OF THE FUND. SAAGHUAġI=EH>H=OPBKN summer reading sugges- number, length of anticipated stay, PEKJBNKIUKQN)& //6 your relationship to the patient For further details on any of We gratefully acknowledge donations holdings check the weekly and a number where you can be e-blast or please stop by the reached if further information is to the mentioned Synagogue Funds. library. needed.

page 14 Chronicle July/August 5770 phone: 503-244-6905 www.juliafitzgeraldcpa.com

4620 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Suite B-4 Portland, OR 97221 A professional resource for your home business or small business. QuickBooks®t5BYFTt#VTJOFTT%FWFMPQNFOU Dr. Mojgan Rostamian invites you to try her Family Dental Practice Emergency and new patients are welcome. Oregon Jewish Community Foundation 2350 SW Multnomah Blvd. Suite I Keeping our community strong — Portland, OR 97219 today and tomorrow. 503-246-8011 www.rostamian.com (503) 248-9328 www.ojcf.org The gift of music: Now there is a choice piano and violin lessons r4QFDJBMBUUFOUJPOBOEFYQFSUJTFJO+FXJTICVSJBMDVTUPNT for all ages r/FBS$POHSFHBUJPOBM/FWFI4IBMPN r4FSWJOHBMM+FXJTI$FNFUFSJFT

Nancy Stone 8421 SW Macadam Avenue, Portland 97219 503.246.6488 24 hours 503-293-6818 in Hillsdale riverviewcemeteryfuneralhome.com

Attorneys at Law Over 65 Years Experience Representing Injured People 4UFWFO",BIOr(BSSZ-,BIO Neveh Shalom Members (503) 227-4488 www.kahnattorneys.com Need a little help delivering your message? Bulletin Advertising Delivers! Advanced Pain 1-800-950-9952 Management Center is committed to helping our Call Rosanna Trenter today patients live as fully as possible. at ext. 2539 If you suffer from recent vertebral compressions fractures, sciatica, headaches/migraines, acute and/or chronic Email: [email protected] back/neck pain, arthritis, abdominal pain, chronic pelvic pain, post-traumatic pain, spasticity, or persistent pain associated with Your family has chronic peripheral vascular disease, intractable angina, shingles, always been our focus,

pain as a result of a motor vehicle accident, or other chronic Now we can make your memory and pain condition please let us try to help. you can support your congregation!

Granite Memorials now available! If you are ready to reclaim your life, please give our Registration is Open! new patient coordinator a call at At CSS you are guaranteed to be in the 503-295-0730. Contact JoAnn Bezodis same session as your friends! We look forward to helping you! 503-293-7309 www.campschechter.org (206) 447-1967

©2010 FOR A D INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM CONGREGATIONpage N15EVEH, PORTLANDChronicle, OR July/AugustA 2C 05-0312 5770 CONGREGATION NEVEH SHALOM NONPROFIT 2900 SW PEACEFUL LANE ,/$+&71&,+ 20-,01$"-&! PORTLAND, OREGON 97239 Portland, Oregon Permit No. 963 @@NAOO0ANRE?A/AMQAOPA@



4DAJ=@A=PDK??QNO?=HHPDAOUJ=CKCQAKBł?A 503.246.8831 OKPD=PSAI=UEJBKNI/=>>E&O==G=J@KN/=>>E$NAAJOPAEJ=J@>AKB=OEOP=J?A BPAN>QOEJAOODKQNO KJSAAGAJ@OKNDKHE@=UO ?KJP=?P Fred Rothstein at 503.475.2934 or Rabbi Isaak 503.228.8819 See page 14 for more information.

DIRECTORY KJCNAC=PEKJ+ARAD0D=HKI=BłHE=PA@SEPD20 ' www.nevehshalom.org KBł?A Fax 503.246.7553 email: [email protected]

Rabbi Daniel Isaak Hilde Jacob, Librarian 503.246.8831 ext. 115, [email protected] 503.293.7311, [email protected]

Rabbi Bradley Greenstein Wendy Kahn, Membership & Development Director 503.246.8831 ext. 136, [email protected] 503.293.7305, [email protected]

Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Gabe Markiz, Men’s Club Co-President 503.246.8831 ext. 119, [email protected] [email protected]

Cantor Deborah Bletstein Doug Lenhoff, President 503.246.8831, [email protected] [email protected]

Fred Rothstein, Executive Director Dayle Maizels-Tyrrell, Religious School Assistant 503.246.8831 ext. 134, [email protected] 503.293.7312, [email protected]

Reception Julie Marquis, Administrative Assistant 503.246.8831 ext. 100, [email protected] 503.246.8831 ext. 111, [email protected]

Darlene Arntson, Administrative Assistant James Monaghan, Cemetery Maintenance 503.246.8831 ext. 135, [email protected] 971.207.7307, [email protected]

Marci Atkins, Clergy Assistant & Events Coordinator Caron Blau Rothstein, Outreach & Engagement Director 503.293.7308, matkins@nevehshalomorg 503.246.8831 ext. 139, [email protected]

Susan Bernstein, Director, Youth Education Jan Skolnik, Foundation School Director 503.293.7306, [email protected] 503.293.7307, [email protected]

JoAnn Bezodis, Program & Cemetary Director Susan Sutherlin, Women’s League President 503.293.7309 [email protected]

Jonathan Emanuel, Youth Director Debbi Villani-Allen, Administrative Director 503.246.8831 ext. 142, [email protected] 503.246.8831 ext. 125, [email protected]

Marg Everett, Administrative Assistant Kathy Wolfson, Foundation School Assistant 503.246.8831 ext. 112, [email protected] 503.293.7307, [email protected]

page 16 Chronicle July/August 5770 CONGREGATION NEVEH SHALOM JULY 2010/5770 - TAMMUZ/AV SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 19 TAMMUZ 20 TAMMUZ 21 TAMMUZ 1 7:15am Minyan 2 7:15am Minyan 3 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Shabbat Service 4:30pm Bible Class 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 10:15am Tot Shabbat 7pm Executive Commitee Singing Service 10:15am Kehillat Noar

8:45pm Pinchas 22 TAMMUZ 23 TAMMUZ 24 TAMMUZ 25 TAMMUZ 26 TAMMUZ 27 TAMMUZ 28 TAMMUZ 9:00am Minyan 9:00am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tova Kruss Bat Mitzvah 10 Tova Kruss Bat Mitzvah 9:15am Notz’tzim 10:30am JFCS Community 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 9am Shabbat Services - Auf Ruf OFFICE CLOSED Liaison Meeting of Marissa Isaak 4:30pm Bible Class 9am Downstairs Minyan

4th of July Holiday 8:43pm Matot/Masei 29 TAMMUZ 1 AV 2 AV 3 AV 4 AV 5 AV 6 AV 9:00am Minyan 7:00am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lauren Policar Bat Mitzvah 17 Lauren Policar Bat Mitzvah 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Camp Chalutzim 9am Shabbat Services 9:15am Kochavim Camp 9:15am Kochavim Camp 4:30pm Bible Class 9:15am Kochavim Camp 10:15am Tot Shabbat 1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 10:15am Kehillat Noar 7:30pm Cafe v’Ivrit 6:15pm Chik Chok Service and Dinner

Davarim ROSH CHODESH 8:38pm SHABBAT CHAZON 7 AV 8 AV 9 AV 10 AV 11 AV 12 AV 13 AV 9:00am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7am Tisha B’Av Service 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 18 19 20 21 22 23 Abigail Diebold Bat Mitzvah 24 Abigail Diebold Bat Mitzvah 9:15am Kochavim Camp 9:15am Kochavim Camp 4:30pm Bible Class 9:15am Kochavim Camp 9am Shabbat Services 1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 9am Downstairs Minyan 6:15pm Erev Tish B’Av Serv.

Va’etchanan EREV TISHA B’AV TISHA B’AV 8:32pm SHABBAT NACHAMU 14 AV 15 AV 16 AV 17 AV 18 AV 19 AV 20 AV 9:00am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jacob Cook Bar Mitzvah 31 Jacob Cook Bar Mitzvah 1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 4:30pm Bible Class 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 9am Shabbat Service 9am Downstairs Minyan

8:24pm Ekev CONGREGATION NEVEH SHALOM AUGUST 2010/5770 - AV/ELUL SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 21 AV 22 AV 23 AV 24 AV 25 AV 26 AV 27 AV 9:00am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 7:15am Minyan 4 7:15am Minyan 5 7:15am Minyan 6 7:15am Minyan 7 1 2 3 Talia Sherman Bat Mitzvah Talia Sherman Bat Mitzvah 1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 4:30pm Bible Class 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 9am Shabbat Services 7pm Executive Commitee Singing Service 10am Keva w/Rabbi Greenstein 10:15am Tot Shabbat 10:15am Kelillat Noar

8:15pm Re’eh 28 AV 29 AV 30 AV 1 ELUL 2 ELUL 3 ELUL 4 ELUL 8 9:00am Minyan 9 7:15am Minyan10 7:00am Minyan 11 7:00am Minyan 12 7:15am Minyan 13 7:15am Minyan 14 Chloe Mleynek-Craft Chloe Mleynek-Craft 5pm Unveiling - Kurt Schiff 1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 4:30pm Bible Class Bat Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Neveh Zedek 11am Unveiling - Harold Miller 9am Shabbat Service Ahavai Shalom Cemetery 9am Downstairs Minyan 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv.

ROSH CHODESH 8:05pm Shoftim 5 ELUL 6 ELUL 7 ELUL 8 ELUL 9 ELUL 10 ELUL 11 ELUL 15 9:00am Minyan 16 7:15am Minyan 17 7:15am Minyan 18 7:15am Minyan 19 7:15am Minyan 20 7:15am Minyan 21

1pm Mah Jongg 9:15am Notz’tzim 4:30pm Bible Class 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 9am Shabbat Services 7:30pm Cafe v’Ivrit 7pm Board Meeting 6:15pm Chik Chok Service 10:15am Tot Shabbat and Dinner 10:15am Kelillat Noar

7:53pm Ki Tetze 12 ELUL 13 ELUL 14 ELUL 15 ELUL 16 ELUL 17 ELUL 18 ELUL 22 9:00am Minyan 23 7:15am Minyan 24 7:15am Minyan 25 7:15am Minyan 26 7:15am Minyan27 7:15am Minyan 28 Matthew Heiteen Bar Mitzvah Matthew Heiteen Bar Mitzvah 5pm Cooking Class: Pickling 9am Mitzvah Camp 9am Mitzvah Camp 9am Mitzvah Camp 9am Mitzvah Camp 9am Mitzvah Camp 9am Shabbat Services 1pm Mah Jongg 4:30pm Bible Class 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serv. 9am Downstairs Minyan

7:41pm Ki Tavo 19 ELUL 20 ELUL 29 9:00am Minyan 30 7:15am Minyan 31 7:15am Minyan 10:30am Usher Training 1pm Mah Jongg 11am All Member Back to Shul Bar-B-Q 4pm Unveiling- Leonard Barde Ahavai Shalom Cemetery Back to Shul

Immerse your children in Hebrew language and active fun! Now’s your chance… Register for Neveh Shalom’s innovative and exciting Hebrew Immersion programs for children ages 0-8!

Small groups  experienced teachers  active games  music  art  drama  dance  computers  stories  indoor and outdoor play  great friends!

ÌÈ·ÎÂÎ ÌȈˆÂ Kochavim (Stars) Notz’tzim (Sparkles) After-school Hebrew Hebrew music & activity immersion for 3-8 year olds. group for 0-3 year olds Mon & Weds 4:15-5:45 p.m. Sun 9:30-10:15 a.m. or (Just Weds for 3-yr-olds) Weds 4:30-5:15 p.m. ------____Yes, I’d like more information or registration materials for Neveh Shalom’s Kochavim & Notz’tzim programs! Please ask director Mel Berwin to contact me:

Name: ______Email: ______Name & ages of child/ren: ______Phone: ______Preferred contact: Phone/Email

Congregation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland, OR 97239, 503.246.8831 Visit our website: www.nevehshalom.org/kochavim WE NEED YOU TO USHER FOR THE HIGH HOLY DAYS

Are you able to honor Congregation Neveh Shalom as an usher this year? Our ushers help us to provide safety, security, and dignity during our services by serving as hosts, locating seats, assisting our physically challenged, passing out prayer books, and maintaining decorum. Ushering is open to all of our congregants aged 18 and older.

As an usher you will still be able to share this special time with your family and friends, as shifts are no longer than two hours in length. Head ushers and staff are available at all times to help with questions and/or challenges that may occur.

Usher scheduling is already underway! Please submit your shift preference form ASAP, or email JoAnn for a current list of openings. Mark your calendar to attend our training for ushers on Sunday, August 29 , at 10:30am in Stampfer Chapel. You will learn everything you ever wanted to know about parking, security, and ushering. Afterwards, enjoy the all member BBQ beginning at 11:00am.

Please consider making 5771 the year you fulfi ll the special mitzvah of ushering for your congregational family. Thank you! Usher Response Form

Please print Name(s) email address

I am available to usher during High Holy Days this year on:

Rosh Hashanah 1st day  2nd day  Kol Nidre  Yom Kippur I prefer to usher:  upstairs  downstairs  in the foyer/entry  inside sanctuary/Birnbach Hall Services  We will be attending the Usher’s Training- # attending ______ We will be able to attend the Member BBQ (#adults/children): ______(please see the “Back to Shul” form in this packet for RSVP Information) Please include this form in the High Holy Days Packet return envelope by August 13. Any questions? Contact JoAnn Bezodis at 503.293.7309 or [email protected].

Sunday, August 29, 2010 11:00 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. All dogs – hot dogs and veggie dogs and all the trimmings! RSVP by Friday, August 20 to [email protected] 503-246-8831 ext. 100

Summer’s ending, fall’s beginning… It’s a great New Year at CNS…

Come meet and welcome our new Cantor, Cantor Bletstein, connect with new and old friends. Bring school supplies to donate to start the school year off as part of our congregational tzedakah project! See reverse for listing of school supplies.

There will be musical entertainment by the CNS choir and the Percy Bernstein Orchestra.

Youth & family programming provided by Shoreshim and Foundation School, CNS Youth Activities staff, USY teens and more! CNS committees and programs will be at tables with information and opportunities about how to get in involved!

For questions, please contact Wendy Kahn, Membership and Development Director, [email protected] or call 503-293-7305.

Phone: 503­246­8831 Congregation Neveh Shalom Fax: 503­246­7553 2900 SW Peaceful Lane Email: [email protected] Portland, OR 97239 Web: www.nevehshalom.org

Congregation Neveh Shalom's 2010 – 2011 Annual Giving Campaign, "If Not Now, When? Today and Tomorrow" gives us the opportunity to discuss and examine the eight degrees of charity presented in Maimonides Ladder of Tzedakah, and encourages us all to take action! By donating to this important campaign, we support one another in our CNS community. By participating in this ALL congregational school supply tzedakah project, you will aid students in Free and Reduced Lunch programs in both the Portland and Beaverton School Districts. Please participate on August 29tt! By participating you will fulfill rung 7 of Maimonides Ladder of Tzedakah: Giving anonymously to anonymous people – and, clearly completing the 8th rung, as well …taking responsibility for our community and one another!

To participate in the Annual Giving Campaign you can donate on line at www.nevehshalom.org/giving/annual and click Donate Now! Or, contact Wendy Kahn, at [email protected] for questions about either donating school supplies, or to the Annual Giving Campaign.

Here is a list of the School Supplies Needed (Please bring them to the BBQ on August 29th):

➤ Pencils-#2 regular ➤ Notebook paper ➤ Pink erasers ➤ Dividers ➤ Highlighters ➤ pocket folders ➤ Ball point pens (blue or black) ➤ 12"/centimeter rulers ➤ Spiral notebooks ➤ Box colored pencils ➤ Loose leaf notebook-3 metal rings ➤ Box crayons-16 colors ➤ Felt tip pens-washable ➤ White glue-8 oz. ➤ Glue sticks ➤

Phone: 503­246­8831 Congregation Neveh Shalom Fax: 503­246­7553 2900 SW Peaceful Lane Email: [email protected] Portland, OR 97239 Web: www.nevehshalom.org

The Congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:

ADULT EDUCATION CHARACK KITCHEN FUND FISCHER DANCE FUND Elizabeth Hayward's 30th in memory of get well wishes for in memory of Bat Mitzvah anniversary Rose Olds Rabbi Stampfer Isadore Poplack Barb & Jack Schwartz, new Millicent Shapiro Marge and Allen Rebecca Poplack grandparents Rabbi Spiro Sherman Eleanor Fischer Rachel David's Bat Mitzvah Rena Ziegler CHARITY FOOD FUND FOUNDATION SCHOOL Jeff & Sandy Axel & Family Mildred Weger in memory of FUND my new great-grand- Elisa Weger Esther Ritchie in honor of daughter, Phoebe Jean Lena Weinstein Betty Raskin the birth of Katherine Stowe Millicent Shapiro COOKIE YOELIN FLORAL Bernice Raiton Ruby Miller CAMP SOLOMON FUND Jack and Joanne Raiton in memory of SCHECHTER FUND get well wishes for Jeanne Newmark’s Blanche Abramovitz in memory of Rabbi Stampfer special birthday Mark Abramovitz David Goldberg Merritt Yoelin and Bobbie Mark and Leah Rubin Fred Adams Rosaline Goldberg Fields in memory of Edith Deutsch Marilyn Rogoway in honor of Florence Leventhal Katherine Angel Bertha Jones our 14 year Anniversary Norman and Suzan Joanne Raiton Jean Hasson Walter and Evelyn Wapnick Gaby Barde speedy recovery to Froehlich Surretta Miller Jerome Barde Rabbi Stampfer in memory of Irving Leopold Ralph Miller Rosalie Goodman Elinore Froehlich Lee Rothstein Anne Barthold CANTOR MORRIS AIL Walter Froehlich Gloria Bacharach Stuart and Jacqueline MUSIC FUND Fay Kessler Karen and Manny Barthold in memory of Gloria Londer Berman Judith Berdichevsky Nathan Ail Merritt Yoelin and Bobbie Margaret Gotesman Ricardo Berdichevsky Robert and Emily Ail & Fields Elaine Coughlin Lietz and Max Bloom Sons E & G SCHILLER Jonathon Lietz Bud and Bernice Gevurtz CEMETERY FUND BOOKSHELF FUND Ben and Jeanette Philan Rebecca Capsouto in memory of in honor of Janice Pitman Sam Capsouto Robert Bodner Marci Atkins good health Arlene Potter H.I. Chernichowsky George Bodner wishes Roz and Mylen Shenker Esther Ketzlach Diana Campf Thelma Geffen Mimi Sorkin Gay Chess Leah Lindenberger in memory of Sheila Stern Martin Chess Rae Halpern Marc Lowenthal Sam Shapiro David Cogan Min Zidell Thelma Geffen Shirley Gittelsohn and Gerald Cogan Clara Joseph Leon Ruvell Ernest Bonyhadi Joseph Constantine Gertrude Joseph Jo-Ann Bleich Suzan and Norman Jackie Constantine Kurt Joseph ELEVATOR FUND Wapnick Abe Davis Gertrude Joseph in memory of Ruth Wolfstone Richard Davis Max Mudrick Lee Rothstein Rhoda Leopold Jack Davis Min Zidell Bob and Carol Ginsberg GENERAL SYNAGOGUE Jean Lake Jack Resnikoff FELDSTEIN LIBRARY FUND Lillian Davis Bernice Resnikoff FUND get well wishes Richard Davis Esther Ritchie in honor of Ed Srebnik Yakov Dubinsky Ginny Jolstad Julie Brophy's new grand- Jo Ellen and Sam Miller Regina Dubinsky Nathan Sibell daughter Suzan and Norman Gertie Feves David and Xuan Sibell Sylvia Frankel Wapnick Gayle Marger Thelma Westerman in memory of Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Charles Finkel Sondra Greenberg Lena Axel Joan and Paul Sher Lynn Finkel Blossom Volchok Elliot and Suzanne Axel in appreciation of Barry Finkel Janet Maylie Benjamin Ferber Wendy Hetzler Freda Fleischman Nancy Fruchtengarten Lynn Ferber Sandy Axel Lillian Braverman CHAI/TIKKUN OLAM FUND Martha Jablon in honor of Belle Gevurtz in memory of Hilde Jacob Marci and Riley Atkins's 30th Burton Gevurtz Rose Benton Heinz Jacob wedding anniversary Leslie G. Gilbert Shelley and Julie Siegel Rebecca Eiseman Jeff & Sandy Axel & Family Joel Gilbert Irving Katz Hal Nevis's Master of Arts & Freida Glickman Randy Katz Literature Degree Nettie Maizels Joan and Paul Sher Michael Gold Libby Miller speedy recovery for LESCH CAMP FUND Sherry Clyman Samuel Miller Mary Goldhammer in memory of Mary Goldeen Max Mudrick Sandy and Jeff Axel Arthur Lesch Renee Dubroff Larry Mudrick GLADYS & JOSEPH Rosalie Lesch Alvin Goldenberg Sol Myerson FENDEL CAMP Harry Lesch Mildred Goldenberg Gerald Cogan get well wishes for Elizabeth Wolf Rachael Goldenberg Bernard Naftalin Rabbi Stampfer Rosalie Lesch Keith Goldhammer Bonnie Naftalin Laurie and George Fendel speedy recovery for Robert and Harriet Perkel Nisl Norinsky in memory of Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Dick Goodman Nina Narinskaya Gladys Fendel Jeanette and Ben Philan Rosalie Goodman Alan Ostrow Rabbi Joseph Menashe LOUIS ROSENBERG Lorraine Lichtman Stephen Ostrow Deborah Musher BOOKSHELF FUND Jerome Greenberg Malie Parnus Tillie Kaufman in memory of Mary Weinsoft Motria Moraru Bruce and Sheila Stern Joseph Rosenberg Ruth Greenstein Israel Pereplyotchik Fortuna Menashe Toinette Menashe Leo Greenstein Leonid Pereplyotchik Albert and Bette Lynn MARK AIL CAMPERSHIP Mark Grichevsky M.A. Rabin Menashe FUND Moisey Talal Dudley Harrington Ruben and Elizabeth in memory of Rae Halpern Alfred Rapp Menashe SaraBelle Ail Larry Mudrick Allan and Judy Weingard Esther Ritchie Frieda Katzman Kurt Hamburger Esther Ritchie Laurie and George Fendel David Ail Inge Hamburger Jeff & Sandy Axel & Family GROSS CHAPEL FUND MILT HORENSTEIN MINYAN Jeffrey Hamburger M.A. Rubin in memory of FUND Josef Hanauer Dudley Paul Harrington Charlotte Greenberg in memory of Arnold and Ruth Hopfer Allen Shainsky Esther Wayne Sylvia Bloom Lotte Hasson Mike and Janice Shainsky HEALING FUND Susan Rein Edith Deutsch Bernard Shevach speedy recovery for Ida Brenner Elizabeth Heckman The Shevach Group, LLC Mrs. Lou Menashe Marlene Brenner Sue Kaplon Fanya Shor Rosalie Goodman Jacob (Jack) Frank Hanna Henner Larisa Stolyar JACOB FREEDMAN Susan Rein Inge Hamburger Raisa Shtern SCHOOL FUND Lewis Lazarus Reba Hoffman Liza Kaganov in memory of Herbert Hochfeld Mel Hoffman Lev Shtivelband Helen Freedman Marvin and Marlene Raina Israel Rita Shtivelband Howard and Evelyn Lazarus Brenda Capsouto Joe Spindel Freedman Ruth Marcus Joseph Josephs Inge Hamburger JEWS OF CHOICE FUND Marvin and Marlene Ann Josephs Melody Steinberg in honor of Lazarus Harold Kaufman Dennis Steinberg Lois Shenker for leading speedy recovery for Julian Kaufman Asya Tverye Mother's Circle Carolyn Weinstein Eleonora Litvin Khvoynitzka Gregory Tverye Ellie Gilbert Howard and Petra Boris Litvin Annette Veltman JUDITH & GARRY KAHN Shapiro Samuil Kogan Robert and Lesley Glasgow CAMP FUND MONTROSE VIDEO FUND Soia Kogan Harriet Vosen get well wishes for in memory of Boris and Galina Kogan Diane Kahn Rabbi Stampfer Nat Jackson Milton Konecke Nettie Weiner Garry and Judith Kahn Hy and Myra Jackson Renee Dubroff Dennis Steinberg JUDY ISAAC BOOKSHELF MOSKOWITZ FUND Zara Levenshtein Mel Weingard FUND get well wishes for Ber Levenshtein Allan and Judy Weingard get well wishes for Rabbi Stampfer Rosa Lindemann Irving Wieder Marjorie Solomon Riley and Marci Atkins Inge Hamburger Larry Wieder Rabbi Stampfer in honor of Anny Mandrow Joyce Perkel Winkler Victor and Sheila Levy Our 30th Anniversary Joan Fraser Robert Perkel in memory of Erica Krivoy's Graduation Morris Marger Werner Wollstein Gertrude Isaacs Riley and Marci Atkins Jerry Marger Peter Wollstein Victor and Sheila Levy MURIEL/JOSEPH UNKELES Harry Markowitz Robert Conway LEONARD BARDE CHOIR FUND Robin Kirsch Simon Koppel CEMETERY in memory of Samuel Menevitch Judd and Anne Conway ENHANCEMENT FUND Bertha Kamler Stanley and Shirley Hodes Mazal Tov to in memory of Muriel Unkeles Hyman Miller Stephanie Arnheim,Song of Rae Halpern MUSIC LIBRARY FUND Wendy Miller Miriam Award Recipient Belva Kaufman in honor of John Miller Sandy & Jeff Axel Anne Tobin Daniel Schiff's 60th Birthday Ralph Miller Frieda Tobin Suzanne and Walt Lowy RABBI GREENSTEIN Sammy Papernick's Bar STAMPFER DISCRETIONARY in memory of DISCRETIONARY FUND Mitzvah FUND Mary Capeloto in honor of Elaine and Mel Ball get well wishes for Rosalyn Menashe The Elders for hosting our Malca Muskin Bernice Menashe David Menashe family during Melissa's Bat in memory of Thelma Geffen & Harry Wilson Solomon and Rosalyn Mitzvah Anne Tobin Rabbi Stampfer Menashe Julie and Tom Diamond Earl and Dale Oller Jeff & Sandy Axel & Family Victor Menashe Rabbi Greenstein SAPERSTEIN CHAPEL Sue and Elliot Axel Joseph Rosenberg Mark & Jennifer Kalenscher FUND Gloria Bacharach Ruth Blum in memory of get well wishes for Bev and Stan Eastern Renee Holzman Sylvia Bloom Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Sandey and Del Fields Lazarus Rosenberg Rick and Sharyl Vagy Taya and Ron Meyer Thelma Geffen & Harry Wilson Ruth Blum David Davis SHORESHIM FUND Bev, Ian and Devin Getreu USY TRAVEL FUND Delphine Davis in honor of Jean and Milton Hasson in memory of Harold Goodman Jordan Epstein Priscilla and Tony Kostiner Lee Rothstein Rosalie Goodman The Zietzer Family Marv and Leah Nepom Bev & Ian Getreu & Family Vally Najman Toinette and Victor Thelma & Stacie Newson Herbert Saxe Al, Rosanne, Tory & Menashe Shirley & Jerry Nudelman Chuck and Harriet Saxe Juliana Levi Debbie and Jordan Plawner Dale and Earl Oller WOMEN'S LEAGUE RABBI ISAAK our 40th Anniversary Gary and Sylvia Pearlman SCHOLARSHIP FUND DISCRETIONARY FUND Earl and Dale Oller Richard and Mary Peizner in memory of in appreciation of SHORESHIM SHABBAT Debbie & Jordan Plawner Harry Schneider Rabbi Isaak SPONSOR Joy Rabin Jennie Schneider Rae, Jeff, and Randy in honor of Frieda Tobin Bob and Marla Weiner Goldenberg Olivia Morrow's 1st Birthday Rick and Sharyl Vagy Martin Wexler Rabbi and Carol Isaak Jason and Tanya Morrow Suzan & Norman Wapnick Estelle Wexler Wendy Kuttner SHULDMAN KIDDUSH Al and Judy Weingard Jeff and Francine Reingold FUND in memory of Rabbi Isaak's effort for the in honor of Bernard Hasson Oregon Food Bank my birthday Janet Hasson Dana and Steve Sirkin Stuart Davis Minnette Salmenson in honor of Ella Ostroff Ian and Bev Getreu Rabbi Isaak Erika and Rich Meyer Leonard Subotnick Laura and Miriam Feder in memory of Molly Bodner Lesley Isenstein Irwin Freedberg STAMPFER LECTURE FUND in memory of Deborah Freedberg get well wishes for Sylvia Bloom Rae Halpern Rabbi Stampfer Al and Judy Weingard Earl and Dale Oller Barb and Jack Schwartz Jennye Checkman Peter Kuttner Gayle and Jerry Marger Harvey Checkman Wendy Kuttner STRAUSS YOUTH ACTIVITY Goldie Paikin Eva Lack FUND Susan Abravanel Jeff Edmundson & Eddy get well wishes for Annette Veltman Shuldman Ed Srebnik Larry and Linda Veltman Helen Weisz Rabbi Joshua Stampfer RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Henry Weisz Naomi and David Strauss in honor of Miklos Weisz SYLVIA PEARLMAN FUND Susan Bernstein for reading Ella Ostroff Happy Father's Day Torah and Haftarah on Pesach speedy recovery for Steven Kahn Pearl Bernstein Eddy Shuldman Fran and Vince Lucchesi Dayle Maizels-Tyrrell Milt and Jean Hasson in memory of Chanan Van Herpen SOBLE RENOVATION Sam Schwartz in memory of FUND Gary and Sylvia Pearlman Sam Schwartz wishing good health to TIKKUN OLAM FUND Lawrence Schwartz Shirley Hodes in memory of ROBBIE BALL MEMORIAL Shirley & Jerry Nudelman Joseph Ruimy FUND FOR DARFUR SONIA NUDELMAN Daniel Ruimy in honor of FLORAL FUND TOINETTE MENASHE Elaine and Mel Ball in memory of BKSHELF FUND Nina and Elliott Arron Albert Nudelman get well wishes for Jerry & Shirley Nudelman Rabbi Stampfer Phillip and Sandra Rosalyn Menashe Nudelman