Sunday: Wans cheer on pros, Buds 13

THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1989 JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY VOL. 66 NO. 32 Officials say flu bug won't halt classes By Roger Friedman staff writer

There is "no chance" the university will cancel classes because of a campus flu outbreak, the associate vice president of student affairs said Wednesday. Dr. Teresa Gonzalez insisted JMU won't close, despite persistent campus-wide rumors. According to Donna Harper, director of the health center, the flu outbreak hit hardest this past weekend. Since then, more than 200 students have visited the Staff photo by CATHY UDELL health center each day complaining of flu-related Flu-stricken students face two-hour waits for appointments at the health center. symptoms. The center has added extra staff to accommodate patients. Even though JMU has had many similar flu she said. This outbreak is not as unusual as students might outbreaks in the past, Harper said she doesn't think Health officials at other state universities report a believe, Harper said. "We were lucky not to have the university has cancelled classes because of normal amount of flu cases for this lime of year. something like this last year. But the year before sickness in recent years. Old Dominion University's Health Center Director that, we were hit pretty hard. People just don't "I think they may have closed down in the early Paula Deller reported only a few isolated cases. remember thai, so they think that this is unique." 1900s, but I don't know about anything since then," Carol Sudol, director of student health services at George Mason University, said the spring semester If you suddenly have these Then... there just started so, "It's too early to tell how it's symptoms... • drink plenty of water and fluids going to be." • muscle aches • take Tylenol every four hours for A spokeswoman for the University of Virginia's • chills fever and muscle aches health center estimated the center has seen only about • high fever (102° and up) • *Do not use aspirin! 100-150 flu cases this semester. But the • Take an expectorant or • headache Charlottesville community has been hit hard with the • " tired feeling decongestant • non-productive cough • get rest virus, she said. • eat something At Pcnn Slate, however, officials face a far worse * Advil is not aspirin. Anacin, Bufferin, Ecotrin and Excedrin contain aspirin. See FLU page 2 >• Carrier: growth won't hurt quality environment students feel comfortable until 1992." Carrier pointed out that "there are By Martin Romjue editor with," he said. Since 1985 when 9,580 students now $40 million in buildings coming Carrier spoke at length in his Wilson attended JMU, enrollment has risen by out of the ground just for this No matter how big JMU gets in the Hall office Thursday morning about the a few hundred students each year. JMU enrollment." Buildings under next decade, it never must lose "the Greater University Commission report, now enrolls more than 10,500 students. construction include Sonner Hall, next JMU way,"'said JMU President Ronald which calls for expanded academic Carrier said although enrolling more to Chandler Hall, and the new music Carrier in an interview last week. programs and more campus facilities, students increases university revenues, building along the quad lo be finished Carrier reasoned that if quality and tried to calm student fears about the Office of Admissions is mandating this summer. academic programs keep pace with rising enrollment figures. that next year's freshman class contain Expansion of Burruss Hall, enrollment, JMU won't be sacrificing "We're talking about enrollment about 150 fewer students than were Anthony-Secgcr Hall and the Warren what he calls "the personal feeling increases after everyone here has admitted last year. Campus Center will start within the graduated," Carrier said, referring to a "It's hard to hit enrollments on target about campus" or its reputation as a next year, in addition to construction of friendly, close-knit community that pledge he made at a general faculty every year," Carrier said. "We have a emphasizes personal attention lo meeting last October not to increase greater return of students coming back," a new business building in the Lakeside area, and a new dormitory. individual students. enrollment until 1992. He -reiterated he added, citing a rise in the graduation ' Whatever programs wc develop, the that pledge last Thursday, saying, "We rate from 66 to 76 percent during the "Anj growth should have its pi i go to must maintain the jrc going to keep enrollment steady past lOyears. Sec CARRIER page 2 >■ Page 2, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989

Flu North to speak here tonight >■ (Continued from page 1) throughout the duration of the flu in order to fight Oliver North will speak in the JMU back." scenario than JMU. Convocation Center tonight at 8 p.m. According to literature distributed by the Health Dr. Harry McDcrmott, director of Pcnn State About 2,500 tickets have been sold. Tickets are Center, students should not take aspirin or aspirin University's health services, said the flu has hit still on sale at the UPB office and can be purchased "epidemic proportions" on the school's main campus. products, which have been linked to Rcyc's tonight at the door. Tickets also are available at With a student population of 37,000, Pcnn State Syndrome. Charles Smith Shoes, Bill's Hallmark and Record Symptoms of the flu include chills, night fever, averages about 525 cases per day, including Corner. weekends, he said. An outbreak of the virus usually headaches, muscle aches, tiredness, anxiety and a Mary Necse, UPB's associate director's secretary, occurs when students return from winter break. non-productive cough. said Wednesday's ticket sales were the highest since McDermotl has worked for Penn State for 25 years Many other flu-related ailments, such as sinusitis, sales began. and has seen five flu epidemics there. "Classes have bronchitis and mononucleosis also are showing up. A pro-North rally will take place at 7 p.m. never been cancelled due to [illness]," he said. All of these illnesses require more attention and tonight next to the Convocation Center parking The JMU Health Center doesn't know what type of medication than the average case of the flu. Harper lot. flu most of the students have, but Harper suggested said. The students protesting North's speech will meet some general remedies for the symptoms. The health center is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to People with the flu should get plenty of rest, drink 10 p.m. and weekends from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Due to in the Warren Campus Center at 5:45 p.m. and lots of fluids and should continue eating. Harper said. long waits, the center might not be able to accept will march to the Convocation Center where they "The patient's strength needs to be maintained patients who show up at the last minute. will demonstrate from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m.

Carrier ► (Continued from page 1) "What frightens me more is not oversee a year-long study on how JMU on the personal attention of students,'' enrollment increases, but the should plan and grow for the future, he he said. satisfaction that what you're doing is said. Carrier dismissed charges from the eternal," Carrier said. JMU must plan According to Fred Hilton, director of •In Monday's Breeze story about the Student Committee to Review how it will help meet Virginia's future university relations, the new committee inauguration, the second paragraph Enrollment at Madison (Scream), a technological, economic and educational would include faculty, students, alumni, incorrectly stated that "bipartisan student group formed this month to demands. parents, administrators and external politics have been pervasive in'the fight enrollment increases, that JMU is The commission report, released Dec. consultants. political arena." This phrase should lurching recklessly toward escalating 15, gives JMU a direction and a "It's going to be a year before the have read "partisan." enrollments that will subtract from the framework to plan carefully for the state comes up with a broad overview," quality of student life. future. Carrier said. Hilton said. "[JMU's] is going to be a •The same Monday Breeze article There were those in 1966 who said The commission report enables JMU broad plan." quoted a statement by JMU student Gail 2,(XX) was too big," Carrier mused. He to be "a player in planning for the 21st Carrier said administrators would hold Culler, who was incorrectly identified added that during his 18-ycar century. This is an opportunity to plan campus public hearings on "what kind as Dale Culler. presidential tenure, students opposed where we want to go." of institution JMU should be in the expansion every time it occurred. But he emphasized that "the report 21st century." • Video World does not offer an "Change is inevitable. What is doesn't say how much enrollment "We won't know until we go into option to pay for videos either up-front controllable is how you respond to should be. depth to sec exactly what we need. or when the video is returned. change, and you don't just do it by The most important thing is that it "Because the slate is looking at the Customers only can pay for videos reacting," he said. now allows the Board of Visitors to set 21st Century to accommodate more when returned. Incorrect information To meet enrollment needs during the in process the organization that can students, you have the opportunity to was printed in Monday's issue of The 1990s, Carrier said JMU must use the participate in the future of higher plan the ideal campus you'd like to have Breeze. education in Virginia," Carrier said. Greater University Commission's report and get enough lead time to make sure •The same Breeze article failed to The administration will select an as a guide for more studies and policies quality is maintained while enrollment mention that Video World has 7,000 for growth. executive director this semester to increases." videos in stock. Breeze practicum in Anthony-Seeger 12, 4:30 today

♦££♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^e^/geze *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< *• ! Found* 1922 Pf FREE ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Editor Merlin Romjue -^♦♦♦♦| Managing editor Celhy Carey PREGNANCY 8uSmesS manager Diane Benevldee 'to th* press alone, chequered a> jj it wilh abuses, ,hf Desio/VLayoul editor Krietin Fay *r*U ii indebted Jor all the inumphs which havt been G'apnics des-gn manager ffJMM by reason and humanity over error and opprttsion TESTING Stephen Rountree NO APPOINTMENT NECESSAR Y News editor Heather Daweon l.tme* Madison Assistam news editor Jacki Hampton COMFUiTELY CONFtOEMIH. cntp*5 | features editor Laura Hunt Assistant leatu'es edito' Keith Perry TheBroen a, pubhshed Monday and Thursday "Xarrisonburg Crisis BjSirsss editor Amende Benson mornings and distributed throughout JMU *I2eM j Assrsiart business editor Laurel Wisainger Mailing address rs Thm F)reu*/m. Communication 'Pregnancy Center Sports editor Deve Weshburn Department, JMU. Harnsonburg, Va 22007. Assistant spors editor Stephenie Swaim For adverting. caJl 568-6396 For editorial 434-752S 16" CHEESE PIZZA \ Opm>or «a tat Sarah Michel oHicos. call 568-6127. 2S2 last -Wolfe Strut r I ■ .1- ■ or i-'on ed'ior Rob Morano Comments and complaints should be directed $4.59 y 'Xarrisonburg noto editor Lawrence Jackson to Martm Romjue. edaof. (with coupon) Assistant pf-o'o editor Mark Manoukian •MOURS -oiege news eMor Meghan Johnaon Tuesday 9{pon To S VM 1st topping $1, each additional I Copy editd* Carol Willey Thursday■~7{pon To S 1-M ' n .i-,ige- g lopping 75C Jennifer Roir Flip Oe Luca 9riday-9 MTo-Hpon % I . Julie Scott Neckowit; 778 E. MARKET STREET ! Bum Povinelll David WerUwiken ,| I.I 434-5375 -- i?**" ,N M,dn,oht The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 3 NEWS SGA kills bill opposing North's fee here By Meghan Johnson judicial process by destroying pertinent issue of ideology," Pedersen said. needed controversy. "Mr. North is SGA reporter documents and by unjustifiably North's speech is questionable because stimulating discussion and I think we The Student Government Association requesting others irrelevant to his the topic of his speech is, need that," he said. senate Tuesday killed a bill of opinion defense" from the bill. "Commitment, Trust and Family." SGA Legislative Vice President Tracy which would have recorded the senators' The amendment failed in that form, Pedersen also is angry about North's Humphrey agreed. "I feel that it is objection to paying Lt. Col. Oliver but Gordon then proposed changing the speaking fee. productive and constructive any time North for his speech here tonight. word "mocked" to "hurt." He also "How can anyone accused of when students rally behind any cause," The University Program Board deleted "and by unjustifiably requesting repeatedly lying to our representatives she said. "That's what college is about. reportedly is paying North $18,000 to others irrelevant to his defense." in Congress lecture to JMU students on "The bill itself was a catalyst." $20,000 for his speech in the JMU The amendment was incorporated into trust?" he asked. "It is the SGA's During the debate, Selph presented Convocation Center. SGA President Kathy Walsh with a The bill, co-sponsored by commuter petition that restated the bill of senator Mini Singh and White Hall opinion. Selph said the petition senator Tracy Selph, asked that the included 884 signatures. SGA "go on record as objecting to Mr. "If you want to get someone famous, In other business, the senate passed a North's receiving money from JMU get someone who is famous on the group of changes to the SGA senate because we do not vaguely accept Mr. constitution and by-laws, presented for North as representative of any aspect of right side of the law." consideration by the SGA's internal this campus and want to avoid the affairs committee at last week's association with Mr. North in the meeting. public's eye." — Bijan Saadatmand The requirements for candidates for But the bill defended North's right to the office of administrative vice speak on campus. president of the senate were changed so The bill was defeated 32-12 in a roll the bill. responsibility to object to this that a candidate must have completed at call vote. Two senators abstained. "I didn't want [the bill] to pass [as it frivolous use of JMU funds. least two full semesters at JMU. At least 75 students attended the was] because it would make us look "If and when Oliver North is Candidates previously must have meeting, held in the Phillips Center like hypocrites," Gordon said. convicted, the respectability of the UPB completed one semester. ballroom. The seating area was packed He said the senate should not voice and possibly the SGA will be lost," Students-at-large, the non-voting with students prepared to speak for or its support for North's first amendment Pedersen said. members of the senate, will now be against the bill. rights without supporting his right to a He quoted sources, such as The called student representatives. The hour-long debate was heated and fair trial. Washington Post and Life magazine, The changes also allow a vacancy in emotional at times. Gordon said the outcome of the vote which he said have disclosed recently the chairpcrsonship of an SGA standing Dr. Bijan Saadatmand, a JMU surprised him. "I was surprised that that North is using funds received from committee to be filled by the psychology professor, spoke against many voted against the bill," he said. his speaking engagements to help pay committee's vote. The results must be allowing North to speak. "It was close in my hall." for his defense. approved by a majority vole of the Saadatmand, an Iranian who held an Gordon was optimistic in spite of the "Thus, he will use 15 percent of the SGA executive council. office in that country's exiled sometimes harsh debate at Tuesday's UPB's funds for his defense," Pedersen Internal affairs committee chairman government, blamed North for the meeting. "A lot of wounds were said, adding that $20,000 is 15 percent Alex Gordon said, "All of [the changes] government's collapse. He cited opened, but now is the time for of the approximately $150,000 yearly were to get more democracy in the allegedly false evidence North gave in reconciliation . . . and cooperating as a the SGA allocates ihc UPB. SGA. That's what we're going to be his testimony. whole." North's trial is scheduled to begin ■working on the rest of this semester." "I will never forgive him," He said the senate should concentrate Jan. 31, five days after he speaks here. Student services committee Saadatmand said. "But for heaven's on other current projects,- including Commuter senator Bill Picard said chairwoman Vanessa Jimenez said her sake, if you want to get someone making changes in its constitution. that "whether North was wrong or not committee killed a bill proposed by famous, get someone who is famous on Sophomore Alex Pedersen said he is not the issue." Gordon, which called for improvements the right side of the law." disagreed with the decision to bring "If you don't agree and don't want to in the quality of toilet paper bought for Bell Hall senator Alex Gordon North to speak on campus. hear what he has to say, don't go," he campus use. proposed an amendment to the bill, "In my estimation, the UPB made a said. "We thought that the toilet paper was asking the senate to strike the clause, mistake," he said. Wayland Hall senator Michael just fine and we were spending our "Whereas Mr. North mocked the The controversy is "not so much an Kinsley said the speech is providing money wisely," she said. JMU to sponsor first trip to Soviet republic By Ann Eng between JMU students and Soviet citizens.citizens, as selling goods on the black market or smugglingsn staff writer Regardless of the student's major, knowledge of the drugs while in the Soviet Union,Union. Loe said. "I don't For the first time this May, JMU students will be Soviet Union will be important and useful." want a student to be arrested as an arbitrary example able to visit a republic of the Soviet Union. "I fell that this was an interesting time to visit the to the world." Dr. Mary Louise Loe, a JMU Russian history Soviet Union," Loe said. "The U.S. and U. S. S. R. During the semester here, Loe will hold professor, set up the study program with the Citizen arc beginning a new and better relationship." informational meetings to "orient the class to Exchange Council — the lour company that handled Loe emphasized that a trip to the Soviet Union is changes in the Soviet Union today," she said. Billy Joel's trip to the Soviet Union last year. not like a visit to Western Europe. Even though the "There is a relatively relaxed environment for Paperwork for the program is being handled by the Soviets have adopted a system of openness, or tourists today, although there are more serious JMU's Office of Continuing Education, which glasnost, students still must remember the influences consequences when a law is violated there than in oversees any courses offered off campus. of the Iron Curtain. Western Europe," Loe said. Loe believes the study tour is valuable because Students who want to go on the trip should realize "there [will be an] important onc-on-onc interaction the severe consequences of "playing games" — such See RUSSIA page 5 > Page 4, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989 JMU fees highest Non-Academic Fees per student in Commonwealth each semester By Wendy Warren staff writer K^ JMU charges higher fees for non-academic programs than any public college or university in the state, according to a report released in December by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. This year, JMU students arc paying $721 each semester for non-academic programs. w JMU is seventh in total attendance costs, a J combination of tuition, fees, room and board. M & Full-time, in-state students pay SI,351 per U M semester for tuition and fees, made up of a S721 comprehensive fee and S630 in tuition. In addition to that figure, full-time, non-Virginia students pay a S1,176 oul-of-statc charge. The comprehensive fee, charged by the state's public colleges and universities, are used to fund each $675.50 school's non-academic programs. $721.00 $664.25 In a similar report last year, JMU was ranked third in the amount its students paid in fees, below the College of William and Mary and Virginia Military Institute. In 1987-88, JMU students paid S651 for Staff graphic by MARSH CUTTINO fees each semester. JMU's Vice President of Finance Linwood Rose $664.25 each semester in fees. People who know what the numbers mean "would said the $70 increase is in line with increases in the JMU rose to first place in the costs survey because not make the mistake of comparing individual fees," costs of tuition and room and board. The cost of fees at VMI fell. Rose said. The suite has begun to Rose said. "What you ought to compare is what you attending JMU rises about 8 percent each year fund some of VMI's student services that arc unique pay for the package versus the services you are overall, he said. because it is a military school. provided." The differences in fees among the top-ranked The specific cost of fees is unimportant. Rose said. JMU has the best student services of any college or schools is small. Rose said. "We arc only talking "If you are making a decision about coming to JMU, university in Virginia, Rose said. "There is no about a matter of a few dollars here." or if you are making a decision about coming back .. question in my mind. If you don't believe me, go ask This year, William and Mary students are paying . you make your decision on the basis of the total the students who go to the other schools." S675.50 in fees each semester. VMI cadets are paying cost of attending JMU." See FEES page 5> r GRANDSLAM! ft Yes! Trans America Telemarketing, Inc. /& We are now open at ....has a limited number of positions a new location with for our weekend gj Dine-In Facilities! GRAND SLAM shift. Starting pay $7.00 per hour. EOE. CallTERRIat (703) 434-2311

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434-3003 624 Hawkins St. 434*1617 ^ai/i ^Designs (Pending completion of inspections) Harrisonburg, VA 22801 The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 5 Russia >■ {Continued from page 3) CEC, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, aims Leningrad, and Tallinn, located in Estonia, a Soviet to improve and clarify Soviet and American state which is trying to establish its independence. Soviets are fascinated with symbols of American perceptions of each other. The tour company was In Leningrad, the students will visit the Hermitage, culture. "Students will be walking in the streets and founded in 1962 specifically to ease Soviet and an art museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral and people will just beg them for their blue jeans," Loe American tensions. Petrodvorets, an old palace of the czars. From there, said. In each of the three areas the students will visit, the the group will take an overnight train to nearby The CEC has led tours to the Soviet Union for group will meet with Soviet citizens and speak with Tallinn, a westernized trade cooler and Baltic port. over 25 years. them through translators. The meetings will be The group also will visit private homes in Tallinn. Loe is friends with the president of the tour beneficial to the students' understanding of the After three days in Tallinn, the-group will travel to company. A professor at Middlebury College, which Soviets, due to the "language barrier in the streets," Moscow to visit the Kremlin and Armory, Lenin's had used the company, gave its services a favorable Loe said. Masoleum, and Zagorsk, a cathedral which serves as review. An bilingual American CEC representative will "the center of the Orthodox church," Loe said. "It is "Ivy League [schools] have also used CEC," Loe accompany the group throughout the whole tour. gorgeous, absolutely beautiful." said. "I figured that JMU could use CEC, too." The group will learn and sightsee in Moscow, The trip will cost $2,775.

> (Continued from page 4) The resulting amount is charged to each student as JMU Athletic Director Dean Ehlers said, "We think the comprehensive fee. athletics are part of the education process. We don't The SCHEV report broke down the comprehensive do it to make a profit, but because it is valuable to These services include everything from campus fee into certain large programs, like athletics. students. recreational activities to movies shown in The breakdown was controversial for two reasons. The increasing costs of JMU's intramural sports Grafton-Stovall Theatre. Rose said. programs also inflated the athletics portion of the In addition to these services, the comprehensive Departments and programs aren't given specific comprehensive fee. Rose said. fees are used to fund athletics and a variety of other amounts of money each year, Rose said. Instead, they Another large part of the fee is used to help pay non-academic programs. must ask for money whan they need it and each outstanding debts from the early 1980s construction A large portion of the fees also funds salaries for request is approved or denied. of the Convocation Center. staff members involved in non-academic programs. This makes it difficult, he said, to estimate how Construction debts from the Phillips Center, Rose said. much each student will pay for each specific program Village area dorms, and many other facilities also are The amounts of the fees each year are determined in the upcoming year. part of the fees, Rose said. "Everything from the cast after each non-academic department ana program Also, it is impossible to compare the costs of side of [Hillcresl House] ... we still owe money writes its budget for the coming year. similar activities when schools list them under on," he said. After the budgets are approved, the amount each different departments or programs, Rose said. Many other schools are in debt from recent department and program will receive is added together The largest part of the fee is used for athletics. Each expansion. Rose said. "Those institutions that have and divided by the estimated number of students who student paid $441 for athletics per semester in the developed in recent years arc going to have higher will attend JMU in the next year. 1987-88 school year, he said. fees because a big portion of the fee •• debt." ^^•O^.^®1* p w

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UMO| u.i 1S39 eq* $! loea 669$ Jno NMOO BQlSdf] sseujsnq ozzid em 6uiujnj sis,111VO The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 7 COLLEGE CLIPS Tuition increases expected nationwide [CPS] — Tuition appears to be ready to rise again nationwide. While nothing is official yet, a look at the budgets now being considered by slate legislatures, regents and trustees around the country suggest that the price of college will be significantly higher next year. For example, Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt submitted a budget Jan. 4 to his state legislature that, if passed, would translate into a 5-perccnt hike for most Oregon students and a 10-perccnt hike for students at the University of Oregon and Oregon State University. Art Hauptman, an education consultant for the American Council on Education, said, "A 6-to 8- pcrccnt increase is as good a guess as any" for students nationwide. The College Board said tuitions for 1988-89 rose an average 7 percent over costs for 1987-88. The inflation rate in the United Stales was 4 percent during ihe same time. As a result, the College Board figured last fall, students at four-year public schools are paying an average $1,483 in tuition this year, while private Tuition continues to soar, sometimes out of students' reach. four-year college students pay an average of $6,457 per COCUG* wtss swvet year. Public two-year colleges charge an average $750, and private two-year schools charge about $4,415. Some costs for next fall already are set Colleges, get the money they need to operate from "One quick way of closing those shortfalls is to raise Baylor University students will pay 8 percent more cash gifts, from earnings on their slock portfolios, 'uition," Hauptman said. next year. The University of Northern Iowa's prices from government grants as well as from the federal Scherrens added campuses also need more money to will go up 7 percent for in-state students and 9 percent government, from students in the form of tuition, pay faculty members as much as they could make in for non-residents. At Utah State, in-state students will and from slate legislatures. private industry, to add staff and to build and maintain pay 9 percent more. At Duke University in North When legislatures don't appropriate enough their structures. George Mason, he said, is trying to Carolina, rates will rise 7.1 percent for undergraduates. finance a new science building, a new dorm and a new The great majority of schools just now are money, campuses normally turn to students to try to make up the difference. student union. beginning to announce their tuitions as legislatures Students are not thrilled by the prospect of higher ponder budgets and campus officials figure out how "Slate appropriations have been okay in the last tuition. much they need to charge students. few years," the ACE's Hauptman said, and public Said University of Arizona junior Karen Bonz, "I'll colleges consequently haven't had to impose the 9 or have to get a higher paying job. It's really hard unless The trend, however, is undeniably upward. you've got a silver spoon or something." Initial proposals would have students at the 13 10 percent increases common in the early 1980s. At a November rally protesting a proposed $156 University of Wisconsin campuses paying 11 to 12 Yet Hauptman added that students in economically percent more. tuition increase at Arizona State University, ASU depressed states — particularly where agriculture and Students Association member Brad Golich said, Loyola University of New Orleans officials are energy arc the dominant industries — may have to considering raising tuition by as much as 18 percent "Students are having to work 20, 30, even 40 hours a pay above the estimated 6 to 8 percent more in week to pay for tuition. How the hell can we do well next fall. tuition next fall. * in school if we're working all the time?" Dr. Maurice Scherrens, vice president for finance and In December, the regents who set the tuition for planning at George Mason University, said, "It is fair Even relatively healthy economics such as those ASU, Northern Arizona and the University of Arizona to say that there will be a raise in the tuition rate for in New York, California and Massachusetts are said they were impressed enough by the outpouring of fall '89. Yet I am currently uncertain of the exact suffering from tax revenue shortfalls and have to student anger over the proposed raise to lower the hike percentage of increase." appropriate less to their colleges. to $84. 'National service' might be required for aid

[CPS] — Students would have to join the In announcing the measure, McCurdy said it Students who served in the military would get a military or do volunteer work to get college would enforce the notion that "democracy is not $25,000 grant at the end of their term in the service. financial aid if a new bill introduced Jan. 6 becomes free." Students who worked in civilian jobs would get a law. $10,000 grant. As expected. Sen. Sam Nunn [D-Ga.] and Rep. If the plan passes — both legislators expect McCurdy hoped the plan would "reinvigorate Dave McCurdy [D-Okla.] said they'd introduce Congress to vote on the bill by early 1990 — citizenship" as an ideal that first was damaged legislation that would phase out all federal student students would have to serve one year in a public severely during the Vietnam war. Then, "the 1970s aid programs within five years, replacing them with service civilian job, like working in a nursing home and early 1980s featured 'me generations' more a deal in which students would have to perform or hospital, or two years in a combat branch of the interested in their own financial gain and getting some kind of "national service" in return for aid. military. BMWs than serving their country." Page 8, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989 RUSHex Theta Chi Fraternity Wed., Jan. 25 OPEN HOUSE 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Jan. 27 Game Night 7:30 p.m. Sat., Jan 28 Basketball Game 7:00 p.m. Sun., Jan 29 Brother - Rush Football game 2:00 p.m. Taco Dinner 7:30 p.m. Mon., Jan. 30 Night at the track 8:00 p.m.

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R E M B ER BARREE $16 couple available in the , h^h A ' " STATION you may just find • i the brand names vou'vebecn waning for... in our store Commuter Student Office ' »1MY... and at 1/2 THE PRICE!!! Va q ai e Sh0 -■■■ • n^ l l PWP8 Center /,r: 1790 East Market St. • Nextto Kroger ■ > - • < •• •:-' (703V432-0289 The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 9 OPINION e cB&eze MARTIN ROMJUE CATHY CAREY •■'VSO Editor Managing Editor

SARAH MICHEL ROB MORANO ^ww «c Opinion Editor Assistant Opinion Editor &5B£ >^ st^ffr Ollietalk Tonight's speech by Iran-Contra zealot Oliver North might well be the liveliest, most provocative public event to beset JMU since Hanoi Jane graced Wilson Hall with her finite wisdom in 1971. Ollie's arrival evokes intense, divergent, sometimes heated discussions among many students. But despite such raised ires, Ollie's speech is doing more for JMU than it realizes. During the past two weeks, students on all sides of the ideological spectrum organized political responses to two important elements of Ollie's visit: the University Program Board's alleged exorbitant speaking fee it's paying to North (some of which could come from our fees), and the brazen irony of a Constitution shredder facing 12 felony charges lecturing us about "Commitment, Trust and Family." Whether Ollie's visit disgusts or delights you, the fact that JMU students of differing political ******* persuasions galvanized to express opinions publicly is an encouraging indication that we're not so apathetic after all. But if campus political activity is to continue in a constructive environment, it also must be halfway have drowned in Newman Lake, giving rise to the respectable. Students headed toward the Convo Scream won't let cries get lost bloated, foul-smelling reports that provide allowances undoubtedly will encounter vocal people who either in the crowd over enrollment for even more students in the coming year. like or don't like Ollic. Arguing, debating and To the editor: This letter requires no conclusion. Support Scream if disagreeing is perfectly acceptable as long as it Tonight I really wanted to scream! First a group of you want your cry to be heard instead of "lost in the doesn't get hostile or physical. Those passionate friends and I went to D-hall for one of JMU's most crowd." exchanges of opinion are fine if kept outside .the popular meals — prime rib ■— and we wailed 25 Lee Avery Convo. minutes in a line that streamed out the double doors Scream secretary Though some students might resent Ollic for what past the 'shroom. Newman Lake contamination he did, what he advocates and how he's making Once inside, the situation showed no noticeable improvement as we paraded through the rooms in a due to lack of greek respect money from it, we can't deny his right to be heard. It scavenger hunt for any available table. And then, as To the editor: is essential that students refrain from heckling, always, we returned to the cashiers lo stand in another shouting or disrupting Ollie's speech. It's early Saturday morning on Greek Row and the line actually to acquire a slice of that oh so lender, brothers are beginning to wake up to share the wild Unfortunately, that sort of narrow-minded behavior fat-laden meat. party stories and to begin the "clean up." has characterized some speaking events at other During dinner, the thought of venturing into the As I stand on the bridge that crosses Newman Lake, universities, like Dartmouth, Brown and Yale, where library quickly was shot down by everyone as we I watch the brothers toss beer bottles, cups and cans rowdy radicals prevented such figures as Caspar considered the*- terror of once again searching in vain into the lake. They laugh as the ice gives way, Weinberger and Jeanne Kirkpatrick from finishing for yet another table. allowing the trash to sink to the bottom and collect their speeches. What's more, these institutions of We decided a post-midnight break-in probably would with the garbage from all the other "great" parties. be more profitable. In deference to the idea of working higher learning boast that they are havens of Out of lack of respeel, Newman Lake is nothing our brains, we selected 10 stress our bodies at the more than a mucky, mercury-contaminated trash pit. intellectual freedom, understanding and compassion. "modem" facilities of Godwin. At the door to the Tonight, let's ensure JMU does not follow their Newman Lake acts only as a barrier between JMU "large" upstairs weight room, we faced — you guessed housing and greek housing; most of the brothers don't hypocritical examples. it — still another line, which we conquered in a mere realize, or have forgotten, that their house belongs to Keep in mind that the most merciful aspect of the 21 minutes. JMU. Constitution is that it still grants freedom of speech So, what does all mis add up to? It means wasted There are only a few fraternities and sororities who to those citizens who despise it, circumvent it, or in time, frustration, stress and cramming in research in respeel the privilege of university housing; the rest Ollie's case, deliberately fail to apply its principles. If precious little time — and yes. even fat! could care less about the nice lakeside view, the the Constitution didn't protect EVERYONE'S free Like many other students, we were offered admission well-constructed houses and the brand-new brass to largely populated universities, but chose JMU for, speech, it would fail in its most vital democratic gutters that JMU is putting up. among other reasons, the advantage of its moderate trait. Please show your opposition to this letter by As tempting as it might be to shout, argue and get size. helping to clean the lake and by respecting JMU and This year's prospectus advertises an 18-1 its property, not by writing a letter that says , "We do all riled up tonight, don't deprive OUie of free speech faculty-student ratio. Where is that promised number? rights. Those are the liberties that enable you to respect our property . . . because . . . it's not us." Lost ... in classes of 40, 50, 60 and even more Just look at the lake and see that we need to do oppose his views and actions in the first place. students. Already gone are promises of four-year, something about it, "greek" or "non-greek." guaranteed on campus housing. The above editorial was written by Martin Romjue, Here are the days of signing lists to obtain overrides BUI Bunting Breeze editor. into already-full classes. Promises of growth freezes White Hall RA Page 10, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989

North's belief that he is right JMU: Break North's contract, God bless North's heroic and frightens opposing factions realize our conflict of values capitalistic ties to U.S.Ieaders To the editor: To the editor: To the editor: 1 am addressing ihc lcltcr-to-thc-cditor written by We, the students, faculty and staff of JMU, As I endlessly cruised up and down Cantrell Avenue Mike Gcclhocd and Alex Pcdcrsen (The Breeze, Ian. recognize that Oliver North enjoys the same freedom Saturday night, my mind turned to what it meant to 16). Oliver North is a name thai brings controversy of speech as wc do. However, we' find plans to bring be American. to all corners of the United Slates, including the him here ethically and financially disturbing under I thought over our nation's history and recalled Shcnandoah Valley. His name causes many to write the present conditions. names that we have immortalized as America's editorials, sign petitions, and even lead protests. But Mr. North's actions and words conflict with the greatest heroes. Gen. Custcr came to mind as being a why? T.ic reason is because Ollic North believes that values championed by JMU. Norlh has taken it upon valiant soul that died gracefully as he tried to he is right! himself and his associates to circumvent the U.S. slaughter the American Indians — a true American A number of students arc shuddering at this Constitution (written by our namesake), lied to lhat put his life on the line when America needed it. thought. These students arc thinking thai here is a Congress, and mocked the judicial process by I thought of Robert E. Lee, who fought so bravely man who has lied, deceived and misled people — how destroying some documents and by furthermore, for ihc Divine Right of the Southern States to keep can he see himself as right'.' requesting others irrelevant to his defense. Further, blacks in chains and relegate them not only to Each of these actions usually is associated with a he is to receive an undisclosed but clearly second-class citizens, but second-class human beings man who is in the wrong. Bui arc ihcy wrong if cxhorbitanl speaking fee. as well. Another great American that we all revere. people's freedom is on the line? We object to his receiving money from JMU to Then, I started to think about the heroes of today, Ollie North can justify his actions because he was support his purposes. We do not accept Mr. North the great men of our nation that put themselves out trying to save fellow Americans' freedom, which is vaguely as representative of any aspect of this on the front lines for America in limes of war, the why some people believe he is a hero! The rest of campus and want to avoid association with him in men that did not hesitale to come running to give the people lake him for the criminal that he may be. the public's eyes. their lives up for America when duly called. I thought Oliver North may have committed all the crimes he To these ends, I respectfully request that JMU (and of our vice president of the United States, Dan is charged with, but if he is found not guilty ifi court, all of the parties involved) break the contract, pay Quaylc, and of the man wc prepare ourselves for how can we as believers in the Constitution hold il Norlh no money and cancel the speaking today, Oliver North. against him? engagement. As I pulled up to a stoplight and looked over the In the future, 1 would like to ask Mr. Geclhocd and Tim Kiely war memorial on Main Street, I felt proud that we Mr. I'edcrsen to back their arguments up with more junior elected Dan Quayle as our vice president, and a swell than just opinion and guess-work. It is fine to guess undeclared of . . . good feelings rose in me as I realized North when writing a hypothesis in physics class, but 884 signatures was coming to speak to us for an alleged $19,000. when talking about the reputation of a group like the So let me say something to all of you "non-North" UPB, a little more than opinion is necessary. There people: whether you like him or not, think he's arc some ideas in their article that need lo be guilty or innocent, you should see him. Who else explained a little clearer. would the UPB get to speak to us about family, trust and commitment? We arc here at 1MU to learn and by Oliver North is coming lo JMU to speak on golly, I will learn from this-man. "Commitment, trust and family." Mr. Geclhocd and I admit I was wary of seeing Gen. William Mr. Pcdcrsen believe thai his commitment and trust Westmoreland come to speak in October and yes, I are below the level necessary to speak at JMU. did have second thoughts, but when this great man, How do they measure these two qualities? Well, Mr. this great American, told us that "Vietnam was a North told six lies while Mr. Carter told only three great American victory" with a straight face, I knew I lies, so Carter can speak here while North cannot! had learned what it meant to be American. The point is lhat measuring these two qualities is To slate the obvious, North was out there when wc impossible because there arc no standards. needed him, fighting side by side with Dan Quaylc in The main thing the UPB looks at when considering America's armed forces, keeping America safe from a speaker is student interest. The executive board any foe, whether it be a Viet Cong commando or a thought Ollic North would draw a crowd both of fans savage pistol-holder from Grenada. and opponents, which would lead lo a good lumout. Yet, as I turned off Cantrell and headed home, Controversy leads people to act and in doing so, to discovering what the high-schoolers of Harrisonburg learn. If people learn anything from the speaker, will discover any month now, I realized that some of then he has been an educational benefit. Whether it us do not understand the man and do not like him and is how to protest legally in public or how the that is our right, but it is also North's right to speak National Security Council works, learning still has CPS and make money off us, and for this we should not occurred. The UPB was not ignorant to the fact that condemn him. God Bless America. Ollie North would be controversial, they just saw a way to make a usual apathetic campus breathe some Sven Johnson life! freshman I do not even know how Mr. Gcelhoed and Mr. UPB respect of North contract philosophy/political science Pcdcrsen can argue the fee that Ollie North is being laudable, but not funding him Republican group to stage paid. These two gentlemen claim thai North is being To the editor: paid $20,000. This is 15 percent of the SI50.000 Recently, we have been witnessing a political rally to support Ollie North that SGA gave to the UPB at the beginning of the awakening and a much needed rebirth in activism. To the editor: year. This has little relevance because UPB makes so Not since a ban of kegs has such controversy been Our open-minded, campus liberals, unable to much more money in other ways. For example, if a stirred, and the protest against the ban pales in suppress their socialist tendencies, ruthlessly have m6vie sells out both shows in a night, UPB could comparison. The UPB has contracted with retired Lt. sought to rob Oliver Norlh of his American rights: make close to $1,000! The money thai goes through Col. Oliver North to come and speak to us tonight the rights of free speech and the right to make an about family, commitment, trust, etc. No matter what honest living. UPB in one year is larger substantially than our personal feelings are on the matter, we realize the JMU students should wake themselves up to the $150,000! UPB made a tough decision and they are sticking by vile methods employed by leftist groups in their The other complaint I have heard is students effort to manipulate this campus. having to pay $5. It goes back to the old saying that decision. Surely, the disclosure of the amount of money lhat North will receive would allay many Those students disgusted by the foul liberal "you get what you pay for." If students want someone concerns, but since they contractually are bound, atmosphere will be delighted to find a pro-Ollic who is little known, then they will get in for a lower they have not. For their respect of the contract, we North table presented by the College Republicans price, while a famous person requires a higher price. applaud them. today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the campus center The higher the demand, the higher the price! patio. The next time Mr. Geelhoed and Mr. Pedersen want But, when you pay lhat five dollars, you might as The College Republicans invite the student body to to put down a group, talk to the people in it before well be handing it to Mr. North. That money most gather at 7 p m. on the parking lot side of the writing. Maybe they will find their arguments are : assuredly will go for his defense. So yes, if you go, Convo in a rally to show JMU's true support for one really just a lack of information! you will be funding him directly Think about it. of freedom's greatest heroes, Oliver North. Timothy Knapp Tracy Selph Vanessa Jimenez Marcos Salinas .sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore political science international business International business communication The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 11 A GREAT NEW head first APARTMENT hoircutters COMMUNITY. Now Open On Sunday OPENING IN From 12:00-5:00 1828 South Main 433-6643 Don't wait 'til June to see and sign up for your new apartment at Ashby Crossing. By then, many of your friends will already be moving in. &btal GBodtf $h/EC/JJ?i>' Ashby Crossing is perfect for students. (All 4 Bedroom Apartments.) Only a short SVRJ'XG 7L1XQ walk to campus, dining and-sports. Unlimited Tanning 1 month $49.95 C Convenient to shopping. Plans are being 2 months $95.00 made for a great community room for Aloe Herbal Body Wrap - Lose 4-15" each wrap special parties. A pool. Tennis and basketball courts. Bike trails and a complete Safe and effective on Cellulite & Stretch rrarks, Weight and Fitness (Center. softens skin. Introductory offer - 1 wrap for only $15.00 And inside, everything to make life convenient. Large rooms. Plenty of storage. Call today for an appointment - just in Step-Saver kitchens. Private patio or time for SPRING BREAK! deck. W/VSHER & DRYER ARE INCLUDED IN EVERY APARTMENT. 207 University Blvd. 24-hour maintenance and superior 434-TON E -"?/M Snyder Hunt management. So come take a look. And make your reservations now. Ashby Crossing will be the best place to be near campus. A ONCE-A-YEAR HAPPENING 860 Port Republic Road (703) 432-1001 PRE-LEASING ANNIVERSARY SALE SOON! AT BOTH LOCATIONS OF «SUBWRY*

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One of Jamaica's most popular and influential reggae artists, Eek-A- Mouse performed for a crowd of about 250 at the Mystic Den Tuesday Night.

Photos by Cathy Udell The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 13 So, do the 49ers play Budweiser next week? By John R. Cralg no one could seem to put points on the board. It was staff writer a defensive struggle, something not even the best Remember that little football game Sunday? prognosticators concluded, stumbling over The game within the themselves talking about how high-scoring the game It — Super Bowl XXIII — is now over, but I would be. remember it well. Our suite was packed with people game — Bud Bowl I like lough, hard-nosed games, so I was enjoying ready and eager to stare at a screen watching 22 men it. By John R. Craig hit, bash, smash, stomp, punt, pass and kick each staff writer other. My friends and I began analyzing the game and how no one could put the ball in the endzone. Sure, there There was a wide variety of activities going on in The game Sunday was great — and the Super were some big plays, but all we wanted was for and around the suite — the least of which seemed to Bowl wasn't too bad, either. former JMU standout Charles Haley to make a big be the game. Assembled were five guys, each of "Bud Bowl I," the multi-million-dollar play. whom had at least a passing interest in the game, and Anheuser-Busch ad campaign that ran alongside one other suitematc and his girlfriend, who appeared Most of us knew Haley was starting as outside Super Bowl XXIII, featured the matched interested in something else. linebacker for the '9crs. But then there were those of longnccks of Budweiser versus Bud Light in front The prc-game show provided profiles of the teams us who didn't even know what a linebacker was. of 90,002 can-fans of the respective beer. and the city, and even featured the ever-popular — and The commentators didn't share our interest, cither Both teams from the BFL came in with prestigious — NFL Talent Challenge. Five current — they focused in on Haley a few times, but never identical 16-0 records. It was touted as "Thunder football players displayed their off-field "talents." really mentioned where he was from. vs. Lightning," and the ad campaign slogan read, Four sang and one did bad impressions for $50,000, Incidently, this was the second consecutive Super "This Time It's For Real!" which went to charity. Bowl where at least one starting player had attended The game ran during six 30-second The two hours were not your average prc-game JMU. Anheuser-Busch spots, one of which ran during With little happening on the screen in the second the pre-gamc show. Two ran during the first show, to say the least. Now that the reports were over, we were ready for the kickoff. Just before team quarter, we focused our attention elsewhere. The five quarter and one followed in each of the remaining quarters, complete with the score displayed at the introductions, one guy suggested that we go to D-hall of us turned to criticizing the replays, the end of each commercial. for dinner. sportscasters and the play selection of each team. "Arc you crazy?" I blurted out. 1 hadn't missed a Boyfriend and girlfriend turned to each other. Armed with a scorccard available at Bud Bowl I game all season and he wanted me to spend the first We also decided it was time for food. It was almost store displays, fans were asked to keep score of quarter in the burger line. I wanted to see a football as important as the game itself — I mean, what the game. Then they were to send in completed game, the football game, not participate in the Lucky Super Bowl would be complete without chips, dip, entries for a chance at the $100,000 available in Times contest. tacos, burgers, pizza, cookies, nachos, hot dogs, prizes. As Bud Light made a heady kick off, the So, of course, we sat there after that little salad, popcorn, pretzels and sandwiches? Any interruption, and soon came kickoff time. After we combination would do, but I think they all did. commentary from announcers — all named "Bud" — included such notable puns as: "The cans go had adjusted the picture and taped the antenna to the This, for me, was classic. There we were, a bunch wild," "This looks like a real brcw-haha," and. wall, we were set. of friends together at college watching the game with Bud Light vows to "kick some Bud." One of the guys, upon returning from the snacks, beverages and pizza. The only thing we had When things slowed in the Super Bowl, the bathroom, announced that there was someone actually to worry about was spillage due to the surrounding Bud Bowl took up where it left off, making up taking a shower during the game. How's that for tremors. for the lack of excitement. dedication? In the first quarter, both teams moved the ball, but See GAME page 14 > Bud Light scored a touchdown in the next ad as owner Spuds MacKenzie looked on from his luxury sky box. Bud Light players went around giving "high six" congratulations. But the King of Beers came back in the second quarter. They, of course, had a secret weapon, which they called in on fourth-and-goal. "The Freezer," a 32-oz. bottle, simply barreled his way into the endzone. The next ad came midway through the third quarter. As Bud dropped back to pass, a Bud Light player intercepted the ball. A takeoff on chalkboard play analysis wound up in crazy, meaningless squiggles while the cans in the stands did the wave. Things were heating up in Miami, but in the Bud Bowl, the game was put on ice in the final commercial. There, Budwciser's place kicker, Budski from Budapest, lined up to kick a field goal with two seconds left. The kick went up, bounced off the crossbar, against the upright, and fell through for the winning score. Bud tapped Bud Light 27-24. And the game was much more than just fun. According to a USA Today survey, the commercials ranked sixth, eighth, ninth, 10th and ISth of all the , adding up to a pretty good day for Anheuser-Busch. But with one 30-second spot on the Super Bowl telecast going for $675,000, Anheuscr-Busch's final bill was more than $4 million. Staff graphic by MOLLY GASTON Page 14, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989 Game ► (Continued from page 13) A commercial during the third quarter p.m., 5:20 p.m. finally brought "the boyfriend" to life. THURSDAY Beaches (PG-13) — Valley Mall Whenever there was a big play on Sitting on the couch, oblivious to Risky Business (R) — Gratton- „ Loews Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 3:45 either side of the ball, the stomping in everything else, he snapped from his Stovall Theatre, 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. p.m., 7:10p.m., 9:30p.m. the room above or the banging of the trance and asked what music was Rain Man (R) — Valley Mall Loews Mississippi Burning (R) — Loews floor underfoot echoed and made us stop playing in the commercial. (This is the Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., Theatres, 7 p.m., 9:25 p.m. — no, not to marvel at this American same guy who, when asked the name of 9:30 p.m. The Naked Gun (PG-13) — Loews Twins (PG) — Valley Mall Loews Theatres, 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. sport — to retaliate, of course. the Bengals' rookie running back with Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 3:35 p.m. 5:35 Accidental Tourist (PG) — Loews As halftimc approached, the score was the funny name and dance, replied, p.m., 7:35 p.m., 9:40 p.m. Theatres, 7 p.m., 9:20 p.m. 3-3 and they had just a plethora of "Z'ggy-") Talk Radio (R) — Valley Mall Loews activities planned. I Theatre, 1:30 p.m., 3:35 p.m., 5:35 SATURDAY "" The NFL Talent Challenge winner Finally, excitement... on TV loo. p.m., 7:40 p.m., 9:45 p.m. was announced — and as if that wasn't Cincinnati scored on a kickoff return Cocktail (R) — Grafton-Stovall Beaches (PG-13) — Valley Mall enough excitement — there was the to take the lead, and from down the hall Theatre, 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Loews Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 3:45 halftimc show "Bebop Bamboozled,'' a came Bengals fans doing the Ickey — Rain Man (R) — Valley Mall Loews p.m., 7:10 p.m., 9:30 p.m. 3-D "extravaganza." not Ziggy — shuffle, even if he wasn't Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., Accidental Tourist (PG) — Loews But if you didn't have the 3-D glasses the one who scored. 9:30 p.m. Theatres, 7 p.m., 9:20 p.m. required to get the full effect, the Now things became interesting. We The Three Fugitives (PG-13) — The Naked Gun (PG-13) — Loews Valley Mall Loews Theatres, 1:30 halftimc show probably wasn't quite as began to get edgy. Only four times had Theatres, 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., interesting. teams come back in the fourth quarter Deep Star Six (R) — Loews 9:45 p.m. I had our only pair of special specs, to win the Super Bowl. Could it be Theatres, 7:40 p.m., 9:35 p.m. which we passed around the room. The done a fifth? Oliver and Company (G) — Valley effect was almost there, more of less. FRIDAY Mall Loews Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 3:30 Well, we all know the 49crs came p.m., 5:20 p.m. We never did really figure out what back and took the trophy. The guys Cocktail (R) — Gratton-Stovall Twins (PG) — Valley Mall Loews magician Elvis Presto and company down the hall paid'us a return visit to Theatre, 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Theatres, 7:35 p.m., 9:40 p.m. were trying to do. assure us that San Francisco was their Rain Man (R) — Valley Mall Loews Beaches (PG-13) — Valley Mall And as if 3-D wasn't enough to pique "true team." Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., Loews Theatres, 1:30 pm., 3:45 p.m., your interest, then it had to be the Sure. 9:30 p.m. 7:10 p.m., 9:30 p.m. excitement of "Bud Bowl I." This But whether you cheered for the 49ers The Three Fugitives (PG-13) — Mississippi Burning (R) — Loews marketing masterpiece brought just as or the Bengals, the Super Bowl is more Valley Mall Loews Theatres, 1:30 much abuse to ceiling and floor as did p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., Theatres, 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:25 p.m. than just a football game. Super Bowl the game itself. 9:45 p.m. The Naked Gun (PG-13) — Loews Sunday is an American holiday that — Twins (PG) — Valley Mall Loews Theatres, 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:30 As a whole, the commercials were although unofficial — still has more Theatres, 7:35 p.m., 9:40 p.m. p.m., 9:30 p.m. better than average. I guess they had to flair and flash than July 4th and New Oliver and Company (G) — Valley Accidental Tourist (PG) — Loews be, considering the prices companies Year's Eve. Mall Loews Theatres, 1:30 p.m., 3:30 Theatres, 4 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:20 p.m. paid for them. I can't wait 'til next year.

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Richmond nips Dukes, 70-67 By Matt Wasniewski Atkinson missed a last-second staff writer desperation shot to send the game into RICHMOND — Call them the overtime. "come-from-behind kids" who came up JMU's Barry Brown put Eric English a little bit short. on the free-throw line with 4:24 lwft in The JMU men's basketball team lost the extra period, committing his fifth in overtime to the Richmond Spiders personal foul. English promptly 70-67 Wednesday night. connected on both shots for a 58-56 The Spiders' record goes to 6-0 in the Richmond lead. Colonial Athletic Association, while The two teams traded baskets before the Dukes fall to 3-3 in the CAA. Richmond's Jim Shields hit a turnaround jumper at 2:42, to give the Things seemed bleak when at 1:11 Spiders a 62-58 advantage. remaining in regulation, Anthony JMU regained possession on a Cooky threw a cross-court pass over Cooley steal at 2:11 and he was fouled William Davis' head. The Dukes at that by Atkinson, his fifth foul, as he drove time were down 54-49. But JMU got to the basket. Cooley hit both free the ball back and Ken Hallcck was throws to cut the marging to 62-60. fouled by Ken Atkinson with :46 With 1:57 left, Alan Dorscy stole the seconds left. ball from Shields at mid-court. But Davis was called for a charging foul, Halleck hit his two free throws to sending the freshman to the bench with close the gap to four points. his fifth personal foul. The Dukes regained possession With :49 seconds remaining, following a Richmond miss and got the Ferdinand hit an open layup under the ball to Athony Cooley, who attempted basket to cut the score to 64-62, but" a three-point shot. The shot was short that was as close as the Dukes would but Cooley got his own rebound and come as Richmond hit its last four free managed to throw the ball back out to throws to put the game out of reach. Davis, who buried a three-pointer to Davis led all scorers with 22 on pull the Dukes to within one at 55-54 8-of-17 shooting. Cooley grabbed 16 with :29 seconds left. boards, helping the Dukes outrcbound the Spiders 35-28. On the night, the Seven seconds later, Cooley fouled Dukes shot 47 percent, while Richmond guard Benjy Taylor. Taylor Richmond 50.9 percent. made the front end of his free throws as The Dukes return to action Saturday the Spiders increased their edge to night as they take on the George Mason 56-54. Patriots. The Patriots feature of of the Kenny Brooks brought the ball back CAA's premier players in forward upcourt, and with seven seconds Kenny Sanders, which should provide remaining, passed the ball in to Claude the depleted Dukes' frontcourl with Ferdinand, who was all alone in the another tough challenge. Tip-off is paint. Ferdinand juked one defender and Staff photo by ANDREW RICCOBONO. scheduled for 7:30 at the Convocation hit a layup to tie the score at 56-56. Claude Ferdinand dunks In JMU's win over William and Mary. Center. JMU repels pesky Spiders to remain atop CAA By John R. Craig Gaitley. "[The Dukes] are unbelievable, points. the score 61-45 and break the game staff writer the way they were shooting, they are "We would really be remiss not to wide open. A Dudley steal and and Eric Vazzana going to beat a whole heck of a lot of take advantage of [Dehn-Duhr's] size subsequent three-point play ignited the staff writer teams in the top 20." advantage," said JMU head coach Shelia run to send the Spiders packing. All The JMU women's basketball team Once again it was the Carolin Moorman. "My only concern was that five JMU starters scored during the run. answered as to who is the top team in Dehn-Duhr/Missy Dudley show for when you get those shots in tight, The Dukes' stellar man-to-man the Colonial Athletic Association by JMU as the duo combined for 44 of the you've got to stick them in there." defense forced the Spiders into several whipping Richmond 73-57 Wednesday Dukes' 73 points. Dehn-Duhr was The Dukes look a 37-31 advantage bad shots and produced a number of evening at the Convocation Center. The unstoppable in the middle of the into halftimc after Dudley knocked Richmond turnovers. win upped the Dukes' record to 13-2, Richmond zone all evening, pumping down a three-pointer with :03 seconds 5-0 in the CAA and gives JMU sole in 21 points, and also two-handed remaining. Diane Budd sparked the "I thought our defense was good," possession of first place in the CAA. dunked in the JMU prc-game warmups. JMU offense in the first half by coming Moorman said. "The one thing I would The Spiders dropped to 12-3,4-1 in the When the Spiders did manage to off the bench to chip in seven points. like to see us do against Richmond in CAA. The loss also ended Richmond's collapse back on the JMU center, Richmond attempted to pick up the the future is to just step up the eight-game winning streak. Dehn-Duhr was able to find the tempo in the second half, but the Dukes pressure. They are a very patient and "We've closed the gap as to where we sharp-shooting Dudley, who set a JMU would let them get no closer than five disciplined team, and if you allow them compare with James Madison," said record with 5 three-point baskets. points. With just over 13 minutes left, to walk the ball up the court, they arc Richmond head coach Stephanie Dudley finished with a game-high 23 JMU exploded with a 13-2 run to make going to run their patterns effectively." Page 16, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989 Public spotlight burns Driesell At 6-fect-5, Lefty Driesell is a big towel and Bobby's blowups. A new of 51 — of his players received their target for critics. He's bald and doesn't attraction was needed, and Driesell again bachelor's degrees. Six players who did not graduate ciirrendy play in the NBA. speak the Queen's English all that well. would be brought in to fill the bill. But (upcoming events in JMU sports) Infrequent is the news conference where this time, it was his off the court affairs Driesell also has coached two Rhodes scholars, including Tom McMillan, a he doesn't fumble for the correct that drew the media spotlight. MEN'S BASKETBALL pronunciation of some word. Hoopolah, Allegations of recruiting violations, former star for the Washington Bullets Saturday — George Mason at JMU Hoophola, Hoopholler . . . It's threats against a female student at and current Maryland Congressman. Yet [Convocation Center], 7:30 p.m. pronounced Hoopla, chief. And his self Maryland allegedly raped by one of despite these impressive statistics and deprecating sense of humor invites Driesell's players, and reports linking public attention, Driesell's care for his WOMEN'S BASKETBALL attack. Driesell to a massive cover-up of the players and their welfare is only often Saturday — JMU at George Mason "You don't have to have a whole lot details of Len Bias' death filled the front realized by his former standouts. [Fairfax], 7:30 p.m. of native intelligence to graduate from pages. "Lefty was always encouraging me," college," Driesell said. "I graduated However, despite all the headlines, McMillan said. "He wanted me to run MEN'S SWIMMING from Duke, and I'm not that smart." few followups were ever published. The for student-govemment president even Saturday — Shippensburg at JMU But beyond all of that, Driesell is a reason? Corrections and stories though he had to realize that would [Godwin Hall], 1 p.m. « personable, agreeable kind of fellow. He probably have taken something away involving acquittals from charges just WOMEN'S SWIMMING lakes the time to sign autographs and don't sell papers. And besides, Driesell from my basketball game. He was very, very interested in making sure the Friday — JMU at William and Mary shake hands in the hotel lobby, airport doesn't mind, right? Wrong. [Williamsburg], 6 p.m. lounge or after a game, even after one athletes got good educations." he's lost. One on one, he'll start up a But according to former Maryland COMMENTARY forward and current New Jersey Nets MEN'S TRACK conversation with complete strangers Friday-Saturday — JMU in Eastern star Albert King, Driesell provides and talk their ears off. Kodak Invitational [Johnson City, So why does the press nag at him? more than just encouragement. Tenn.], TBA. "Well . . . aw, shucks, you know." "Playing with Coach Driesell was a Dave Washburn great experience," King said. "He is a Ever since his days in Cole Field Matt Wasniewski WOMEN'S TRACK House, the Lefthander has been a very fun-loving man; then again, he Friday-Saturday — JMU in Eastern could be a very disciplined man. That's constant source of media amazement. Outwardly, it seems Driesell lets the Kodak Invitational [Johnson City, After all, this ol' country boy just something that you always need, Tenn.], TBA. press' words of admonishment roll off discipline." wasn't suppose to be able to come up him like a well-executed give-and-go. And discipline is exactly what MEN'S GYMNASTICS with the kinds of game plans that But make no mistake about it, the big Driesell has brought with him to JMU. Saturday — JMU in Shenandoah would leave the likes of Dean Smith guy pays attention to what the press In May, Driesell discovered Kcnnard Valley Invitational [Godwin Hall], and Norm Sloan scratching their heads. has to say, the good and the bad. Winchester, the Dukes' top returning noon and 7:30. But the Atlantic Coast Conference The "good" has come all too already boasted a number of talented scorer and rebounder, allegedly had infrequently for a coach who has been WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS head coaches and the media needed among the lop of his profession for stolen a $15 video cord from a local department store. Upon an Friday — JMU at Maryland something different, a personality, they nearly three decades. He has amassed [College Park, Md.], 7:30 p.m. said, a side show in reality. And 535 wins, participated in NCAA-post investigation, Driesell suspended Driesell, with his straight-to-the-point Winchester for what would have been season play 14 times, and achieved the his final season. ARCHERY style, his famous right foot stomp and lofty distinction of being one of only Saturday — JMU in Pennsylvania More recently, Driesell spoke out in notorious victory sign to the Maryland four college coaches who has 500 career Indoor Tournament [Murrysville, opposition to Proposition 42, and students after each win, fit the bill victories, averaged 20 wins per season Pa], 9a.m. reiterated his desire to create a rule that perfectly. and won 70 percent of his games. would prohibit all freshmen from being But as the 1980s rolled in, stories of Driesell's influence on his players has FENCING eligible to play varsity basketball. coaches' sideline antics became not been I mined to the hardwood Tonight — JMU at Mary Baldwin Ironically, Driesell's leading scorer this [Staunton], 7 p.m. commonplace, especially with Tark's though. At Maryland, 84 percent — 43 See LEFTY page 17 >• Archers win Walker fifth

ACTIVITIES — Wallyball on Feb. 8 in Godwin 344 at 5:30 pm. Play begins Feb. 12. The JMU men's and women's archery The JMU men's 3,330-meter indoor teams opened the 1989 season on high ROLLER SKATING — There will track relay team established a school be a Roller Skate Night at notes as both teams posted victories in record with a sizzling first place time of Skatetown USA Feb. 16 from OFFICIALS CLINIC — There will the D. Hutchinson Invitational Saturday 7:47.03 Saturday in the Santee Marriott 7:30-10 p.m. Admission is free with be a clinic for all Wallyball officials, in Winston-Salcm, N.C. The Dukes Invitational in Blacksburg. The a student ID. Skate rentals are held Feb. 9 at 5:00 pm, in Godwin defeated North Carolina State record-breaking team was composed of available. 213. 1,607-1,380 in the men's competition juniors Terrance Sheppard, Desi Wynter before throttling N.C. State 1,581-868 and Jeff Fritz and sophomore Claud BASKETBALL FREE in the women's division. Gibson. THROWS — Sign ups will be held CO-REC BASKETBALL 2 ON JMU's Michael Dewey grabbed the Feb. 1 in Godwin 213 through for 2 — Those interested in playing lop spot in the men's college division . JMU women's track hurdler Davida the free throw competition. Sign co-rec basketball 2 on 2 may sign up and placed second overall with a score ups will be permitted on the day of through noon on Feb. 15, in the Walker continued to expand on what of 558. Junior Mike Glavine finished has been an impressive freshman season the event, up until 10 minutes prior Recreational Activities Office In second for the Dukes in the college to the competion. Godwin 213. Play will begin on Feb. by pacing the Dukes in the Santee division, while senior Tom Hoffman Marriott Invitational Meet Saturday in 19. look third. BASKETBALL HOT SHOTS Blacksburg. Walker placed fifth in the — There will be a Hot Shots In the women's draw, JMU senior 55-meter hurdles with a time of 8.37 competition Feb. 6 in Godwin gym . JOB OPPORTUNITIES — Earn Kim Arehart shot a 538 to win both the seconds. Sign ups will be on that day up until money while having fun as an women's open and the college 10 minutes prior to the competition intramural wallyball official. No divisions. Sophomore Maureen in Godwin 213. experience necessary- we train. For McGuirl was runner-up in both JMU's other top finish came from more information contact the divisions with a score of 529, while sophomore Patricia Ritter, who won WALLYBALL — There will be a Recreational Activities Office, in freshman Christina Preston placed third her heat of the mile run with a time of team captain's sign up meeting for Godwin 213, at x6669. 5:12.3. L l.klKlilll •i.lltktliti ...... !W The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 17 Lefty (Continued from page 16) season and having to play the past three season is William Davis, a freshman. games without two of his most "I think ... if the NCAA wants to effective inside players, Driesell has the do something to help academics in Dukes at a 11-7 clip, one more win college, they should not let freshmen than JMU had all of last season. play varsity basketball," Driesell said. I But unfortunatley, the media has not don't care whether the guy has 700 the changed with Driesell's address. He is or 1,400 [on the SAT], he shouldn't be still referred to as corrupt and inept, and playing varsity basketball as a is occasionally the butt of some freshman. That way, you'd get a better cartoonist's joke. However, Driesell graduation rate." continues to take it in stride, knowing As for Driesell's on-court that comparisons of him to such things accomplishments this season, the as candy, which is supposedto be sweet statistics speak for themselves. Despite in the short run, yet bad over the long boasting only one player who averaged haul, are simply tasty on the outside, more than five points a game last with nothing at the core. ,^ori*o. Sure Tan *«n 1& 1106 Reservoir St. 434-1812 ©to SPRING BREAK SPECIAL! 10 visits $25, 20 visits $40 Only UVB ray will protect against SUNBURN

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Market Square East DONT GET LEFT 0UT1 RESERVE YOUR UNIT (OR ROOM) SMOKE 1655 E. Market Street AT OLVLM\LLVlLL!\(3rHont>urg. Vltgk-lj ?2t01 February 28, 1989) Lasting • Management • Sola* Page 18, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989

Getting the dirt on 'Burg laundromats By Jeff Reiser staff writer If you're tired of waiting an hour to use the . washing machines in the dorm or fed up with having your clothes remain soaking wet after two dryer cycles, there might be salvation for you. \ An alternative to putting up with dorm laundry rooms is checking out one of the^bcal laundromats. Green's South Main Laundry, Southampton Coin Laundry and Preston Dryclcancrs and Laundromat all are convenient to-campus by bus and stocked with enough washers and dryers to eliminate the waft. Green's has 38 washers and 22 dryers. Southampton is equipped with 42 washers and 19 dryers, while Preston's has 24 small washers, 2 large washers and 15 dryers. Preston's waiting area, decorated with wallpaper and pictures, resembles a living roomf-according to manager Don Morris. "I get a lot of comments from customers about how nice our lounge is," he said. Green's offers cable television and a snack area. Southampton has a wide assortment of magazines. While lounges in laundromats make customers' waits more comfortable, employees of the three establishments didn't see them as their business' biggest selling point. "Probably the biggest advantage that we offer over laundry rooms at a dorm or an apartment complex is that our dryers are much belter. They're larger and they're computerized," said Kalhryn Green, owner of Green's Laundry. According to Edith Simmons, manager of Southampton Laundry, the special feature of her Staff graphic by ESSEN DALEY establishment is Southampton's dry cleaning service. "We don't take responsibility [for damage], but Students fed up with waiting for a dorm machine or The cost of this service is $8 for eight pounds of we'll do anything to try to help the customer," living off campus without access to washers and clothes. Morris said. "We'll take the clothing and treat it with driers take advantage of the three area laundromats. Preston keeps an attendant on duty during all chemicals from the cleaning department." JMU students are responsible for about one-third of business hours, and the laundromat is connected to a Southampton's business, Simmons estimated. drycleaning service. Both features are a big asset to Having an attached drycleaning service also allows Although Green was uncertain about what customers in case a problem arises, Morris said, such customers to have shirts pressed on the spot or have percentage of her customers are JMU students, she as a customer accidentally leaving a pen or crayon in drycleaning done while laundry is in the washers, a pocket. Morris said. See LAUNDROMATS page 19>- Business frat provides 'common ground' these activities as possible. opening in the office and came to JMU Delta Sigma Pi initiates must go By Margie Corbin These activities include inviting staff writer lo offer interviews to the brothers. through rushing and pledging in the speakers from the business world and Another advantage of being a member same fashion as those students who What do the Katherine Ortega, louring areas such as the New York of Delta Sigma Pi is having something wish to beome members of a social treasurer of the United States, John Stock Exchange. in common with future business fraternity or sorority. The rush period Small, chairman and chief executive Community service represents associates, Armentrout said. \ lasts for approximately 2 1/2 weeks and officer of Proctor and Gamble, and another important aspect of brotherhood "Business meetings in the real world includes a professional activity, a picnic William Howell, chairman and CEO of in Delta Sigma Pi. The brothers read can be hard if you don't know and a wine and cheese party. J.C. Penney Co., Inc., all have in for the blind at WMRA, help clean the anybody," she said. "Delta Sigma Pi common? Asbury church in downtown gives people a common ground and "A lot of people think we don't have I a structured rush period, and that's not All are alumni of the largest coed Harrisonburg, and participate in softball allows you something to talk about — true," Armentrout said. "We have the professional business fraternity in the games through the Big Brother/Big then you can go on tangents about same guidelines as the social Greek world — Delta Sigma Pi. Sister program in Harrisonburg. other subjects. system ... this isn't just a club you With 175,000 members nationwide Making professional contacts is seen "It fosters a great sense of camaraderie sign up for." and 444 current alumni of the JMU as one of the biggest advantages of .in the business world," Armentrout Once bids are extended, the pledges chapter, there are now 70 Delta Sigma joining Delta Sigma Pi, members said. added must conduct interviews with all Pi members here. "You have to know your stuff, of Although professional activities are current brothers, attend weekly According to JMUs chapter president, course, but the contacts definitely considered most important among meetings and organize and attend pledge Joe Walsh, and chapter adviser Dr. help," said Missy Armentrout, vice members, Delta Sigma Pi also enjoys retreats. Pledging lasts 10 weeks. Don-Rice Richards, Delta Sigma Pi president for pledge education. She social activities. In the winter, the "Delta Sigma Pi has a lot of diversity stresses participation in professional noted one case in which a JMU Delta brothers go on a weekend ski trip, and — we draw members from all of the activities. Richards said members are Sigma Pi alumnus, an employee of (he each semester there is a formal banquet encouraged to participate in a* many of Gcner^ Accounting Office, knew of an and a party at the JMU farm. SeeFRATpagel9>- L The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 19 Laundromats >■ (Continued from page 18) [household] chores," and can, use the time to study, said her "business definitely goes down when JMU is read or watch TV in the lounge, he said. Super Bowl Indicator ties not in session. JMU makes this town." At Green's, it costs 60 cents for a wash cycle, 75 At Preston, Morris said his clientele is split "pretty cents to use a double load washing machine, SI.25 NFL win to stock market for a triple load, and 25 cents for a dryer cycle. evenly" between students and Harrisonburg residents, The 49crs emerged victorious, but the biggest Southampton charges 75 cents for a wash cycle, SI but the two groups wash clothes at different times. winners to come out of the Super Bowl could be for a double or triple load, and 25 cents for a dryer investors in the stock market. "We get quite a few students in the evenings, after cycle. According to the Super Bowl Indicator, the stock classes are over. Most of our customers during the Use of a small washer at Preston is 75 cents, while market goes higher when a National Football day are housewives," he said. . one of the large ones costs $2. Dryer cycles come in League team wins. When a team from the Prices at all three laundromats arc higher than the either three- or eight-minute cycles, which cost 10 cost of using university-owned machines in residence American Football League wins, the market spirals cents and 25 cents. downward. halls, but Morris believes the added expense for Green's hours Monday through Saturday are 6 a.m. While some Wall Street analysts dismiss the students is justifiable. until 9:30 p.m. Sunday hours are 6 a.m. until 8:30 theory as an amazing coincidence, the Super Bowl "[Cost] depends on how much you think a person's p.m. Indicator has coincided with both the Dow Jones time is worth," he said. A housewife who could use Southampton is open Monday through Saturday average and Standard & Poor's 500 index 20 of the the waiting time to accomplish other chores at home from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m., and Sunday 8 a.m. until 5 past 22 years. would be better off to do laundry at home, Morris p.m. Other analysts express jealousy over the said. Preston is open Monday through Friday from 7 indicator's track record. But for students, a laundromat "makes a lot of a.m. until 10 p.m. Weekend hours arc Saturday 8 "I have always hated the Super Bowl Indicator sense because they're not so directly tied to other a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. because of its accuracy," said technical analyst Lynn Elgcrt, publisher of the Lynn Elgert Report. Frat And though she tries to remain a loyal San > (Continued from page 18) today, he said. Francisco fan, Elgcrt admitted she's been "bearish business department, not just one or two areas," One of the JMU chapter's accomplishments about the market lately." Armentrout said. "Our members try to project the includes winning the Monroe M. Landreth Award, business-like air and attitude of someone ready to presented lo the regional chapter that most Maternity wear to be leased launch into the business world." exemplifies the spirit of Delta Sigma Pi. Richards, an alumnus of Delta Sigma Pi, became Pregnant executives tired of buying a wardrobe to The JMU chapter, lota Kappa, has won the award the chapter adviser in 1980, six years after the JMU wear for just nine months now have a choice. for two of the five years it has been offered. chapter was founded. When Richards attended the Thanks to ProCreations, women can now lease University of Missouri, he was a member of both Delta Sigma Pi is open to any student in the custom maternity wear in styles ranging from Delta Sigma Pi and a social fraternity. school of business, and spring rush already has casual daywear to all-out dressy. At that time, the professional fraternity was strictly begun. Anyone interested in participating in rush can Donna Smith, creator and president of the male and was significantly less social than it is still do so by contacting Joe Walsh at 433-8059. company, is a former fashion consultant.

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L The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 21 COMICS CALVIN AND HOBBES B/// Watterson THE FAR SIDE— Gary Larson


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"I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that. sir.... The former president could spin 26 times before stopping.''


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colored paper one sided .04 .: Wintergreen • two sided .06 For special discounts see your campus representative. 11x17 white paper one sided .05 two sided .07

colored paper one sided .06 two sided .08 The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989, page 23

Country Shoe Repair - Men's heels $5, 1/2 soles God/Chris - Thanks for keeping me warm 8 my head Follow The Flamingo To Fun-Filled Florida! Spring FOR RENT $10/pair. Lady's lops $3/pair. Dextor shoes $39.95 intact. It was well worth a dollar. -S. Break '89, Daytona. Go with the experienced ones' lo $49.50. Port Rd. east to 708, left 1.2 mile. Phone Randy & Carmen, 433-3433. Month To Month Lease - One 8 two BR Apis New & 289-6740. Dave K. - Look up at the girls you're sitting with. almost new. 4 blocks from JMU on Dutchmill Ct. From We're more exciting than The Breeze. Love, L&T. $315 434-2100. The Widow Kip's B4B In Ml. Jackson - Bedroom Ski Club Showing Outrageous Ski Mm, "The Good, the fireplaces, cozy cottages. $55 for 2 including Planet Earth - Without God, It's A Vicious Circle. The Rad S the Gnarly." Feb. 6, G/S, 9:30 pm. $1.50 breakfast. Call (703) 477-2400. Houee For Rent - Quiet neighborhood. 2 BR. Lutherans. non-members, members free See our ad next Breeze $425/month plus utilities. Available mid-February, 6 , for details. month lease. 289-9316, leave name * number. Typing, Word Processing By Professional Secretary. Interested In Performing With A Production Call Liz Middleton at 289-9954. Company? Dancers, actors, specialty acts, musicians Bluestone's Odd-Bad Feb.11.9 pm -1 am, Holiday Inn. Squire Hill - 1 BR, available immediately $300 plus Typing Service - More than 20 years experience For more info, call 343-2593 4 ask for Gregory Cheap tickets from Had Council or at door. utilities. Call Tim at 432-9205. $1 50. Mrs. Pnce, 879-9935. JMU Ski Club Sponsors Monday Midnight Madness at Hush IN- Honor Among Men.- Massanutten Jan 30, 6-10 pm. $5 lift, $5 rental, free FOR SALE Word Processing - Disks saved 6 months, delivery lesson. Need coupon, pick them up at WCC info, desk or arranged Call 234-8863. call xlSKI. Congratulations To The Newly Initiated Brothers of 1975 Corvette - 350, AT. T-Top, 87,000 actual AXA - You guys are the best. Love, The Little Sister Rush EN- Honor Among Men. miles, original. $6800 or make offer. Call (703) Let Me Type Your Papers. Call 432-1975. Pledges. 248-5412. Jay Shaver- Happy Birthday "Shave that thing" you Word Processing - Reports, letters, resumes. Call Bake Sale! Today & Tomorrow - Keezel lobby 10 to 2, Compact Stereo - Price negotiable. Call Alex at Susan Hewitt at 432-9027. Culpeper stud. The Guys x5524. treats 25c each or 5 for $1. Please support the English Club. Making A Decision About An Uplanned Pregnancy won't You Hate Yourself For Loving Him - Lt. Col. Oliver North, Convo, 8 pm, Thursday. Jan. 26, $5 HELP WANTED be easy. First, give yourself a little time Look at all Paula Schuler A Vkki Harris -Beat GMUI Happy your options from all the angles Weigh the pros & cons Birthday P.J. Overseas Jobs - $900 to $2,000/mo. Summer, year carefully. Above all, be honest with yourself. JMU Rocks On Tapes featuring campus bands coming round. All countries, all fields. Free info. Write UC, PO Remember, the best choice is the one that's right for nexlweekl Sheesh - This bud's to you. Soon you'll be drinking one Box 52-VACM, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. you. We offer family planning, counseling & first too. Hang in there "kid. Bahbrah trimester abortion services because we believe a Don't Wait, Tan Now At Tropic Tan! Call 434-TANN. Income Opportunity - Sell name-brand products. Paid woman should have a full range of options available to Happy B-Day Heather - Happy Belated B-Day Kim! commissions. Bonus incentives. Free kit. Order now! her. Call us if we can help, confidentially of course. Does The Outdoors & Snowdrifts Excite You? Learn You've been the best roommates! Love Always, Mindy. Merit Company, 5506 Windward Dr., Racine, Wf Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services, how to capture those moments on film in UPB's Basic 53406 Hagerstown, Md. (301) 733-2400. Collect calls Nature Photography mini-course. Why Would Anyone Want To Go To Jersey? accepted. Summer Job Interviews - Average earnings $3,100. Defend Yourself From Assault - Call 434-8824. Ask Gain valuable experience in advertising, sales & public for JMU Martial Arts. Congratulations To The New AT"A Pledges! Love, relations selling yellow page advertising for the James WA Madison University Telephone Directory. Travel Desperately Need A Room! Quiet, non-smoking female JMU Rocks On Tapes featuring campus bands coming AI-A Sisters. opportunities. Expense-paid training program in seeks own RM for Fall '89 in a house, apt., etc., within next week! Chapel Hill, NIC Looking for enthusiastic, goal-oriented walking distance of campcs Ca'l Diane at 43? 9303 Rush AXP - Free food & drinks all week students lor challenging, well-paying summer job. Some Battery Supply Inc. - Brand-name quality at wholesale internships available. Interviews on campus Thursday, Roommate Wanted - Desperately need a male/female prices. 434-5155 Feb. 10. Sign up at your career placement office. roommate for 3 BR townhouse. $125/month. Call Tammer Lane - See the brutally wacky debut of JMU's Brett or Todd at 433-4907. Milhe - It's flamingo season' Wanna go hunting Ihis newesl group at the Amnesty Groove a-Thon. PC Bartender Doorman Wanted - Weekend work Apply weekend? Mschel Ballroom, 8:30 tonight. . at the Train Station Restaurant PERSONALS Ride The Home Run Shuttle Bus Service To Northern JMUftOpJeToo. Cocktail Waitress Wanted - Weekend work Apply al How To Place A Classified Ad - Class tied acs must oe VA. Leaves even/ Friday at 6.45 pm. For more info call Learn Self Defense - Mondays & Wednesdays, 7 pm, the Train Station Restaurant. 1-800 289 RIDE The fast way to Nothern VA. in writing and musl be paid in advance The cost is $2 Godwin Wrestling RM. New beginners may start each for each 10 word increment (1-10 words=$2; 11-20 night throughout the semester. Waitresses Needed - Lunch shifts available. Apply in words=$4, etc) Deadlines are Friday noon for a KAP-The newest greek fraternity at JMU. KAP person at Jess' Lunch. Monday issue; Tuesday noon for a Thursday issue. Also, wants you to help make JMU the newest KAP colony JMU Rocks On Tapes featuring campus bands coming your name and phone number must accompany your ad. next week' Resort Hotels, Cruiselines, Airlines & Amusement For into call x4993 & ask lor Greg or Brian. Attention BBA's - Only 36 days until KW! Can't waiti Parks - Now accepting applications for spring & A Tradition Of Excellence summer |obs, internships & career positions. For more MJC Balloon Attractions - Harrisonburg's newest balloon info & an application, write National Collegiate company offering nylon & latex balloons at reasonable Rush IKE Recreation Service, PO 8074, Hilton Head, SC prices. 433-2110 Rush IKE Village Semi-Formal - Jan. 28. Holiday Inn, DJ, cash SERVICES bar. Transportation provided Tickets in Chapp Hall AXP Rush - Don't be left out, contact Drew x5507. Tau Kappa Epeion Fraternity X61 29 during duty hours. We Do More Than Just OH Changes At Jiffy Lube' For For A Nighl To Remember - Village Semi-Formal at Can You Write? Learn how to do research & write the Holiday Inn. all your vehicle's fluid services see us across from RushriK* research papers in a UPB mini-course Va'ley Mall Count Down To Spring Break - Start your tan now 8 Horizon Sure Tan is your professional tanning center. Open House: Thursday, 7 pm Thursday Night - Get your TKE rush pass & meel the look great! Call Tropic Tan at 433-TANN. Both UVA & UVB rays, all are stand up No brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon, 8 pm. appointment necessary. Phone 434-1812 or stop by For Rush Calendar, Call Dave (433-8512) . Rush TKE - Rushees welcome to a rush kick off party 1106 Reservoir St. Got The Cold Winfer Blah's? A session at Tropic Tan Go Greek -Opte Did! is like wrapping up in a warm blanket! Call 433 TANN w* Zeta. Fit, Jan. 27,10 pm at TKE. Battery Supply Inc. - Brand name quality at wholesale Dont Be Foolish - Rush AXP. Contact Drew x5509 for Lt. Col. Oliver North - You love him, you hate him. you prices 434-5155 Rush details. love to hale him Convo, 8 pm, Jan. 26. $5 Valley Auto Glass - Auto & truck glass, mobile service Pi Kappa Phi Call 432-0949. Opie -Please take me to the Village semi-formal. Wanna Party? Watch for the party animals. Spring RSVP, xBetty. Open House Tonight At 7pm Typist For Hire - $1.25/page. Get a professional job Break, Daytona. Go with the experienced ones' Randy I Cone. Call 433-5750. Carmen, 433-3433. You Know What's Going On Saturday Nile? The Village Semi-Formal. For Information, Call Dave Rermyson 433-8512

Sherry - Why don't you just.have a Happy Birthday! J&C JMU Rocks On Tapes featuring campus bends coming next week! At The Mystic Den Reagan's Out/Olie's In - Catch the last stop on the TransAmerica Friday Reagan Administration Tour. Tonitel The SuahNi River Bros. Rain Woman — You're right and I'm an excellent boyfriend. Thanks. Have fun. Telemarketing, Inc. From Fvchfflond Kevin Morrison— I am sorry that you are so sick Drink hgs full and part-time employment opportunities Special Guests... Glass Onion orange juice and eat lots of chicken soup. for enthusiastic individuals. KI Brothers - Thanks for "Dungeon Night" Recovery Jetytish Blues Band • Limited openings on • Bonuses was tough, but revenge will be sweet! Love, The Special day shifts » And a chance to grow Guests. ___^ at Mystic Den in a 90 Billion Dollar Girls - Only 39 days left until Spring Break Look good Tonight! • Evening shifts available. n Ft Lauderdale Call la'e Nile AeroDic; 433 6762 •Good starting pay. industry! Ski Club Showing Outrageous Ski Mm, "The Good, the JMU Ski Club Sponsors Monday Midnight Madness at Rad & the Gnarly." Feb. 6, G/S, 9:30 pm. $1.50 Massanutten Jan. 30, 6-10 pm. $5 lift, $5 rental, free non-members, members free. See our ad next Breeze lesson. Need coupon, pck them up at WCC into desk or for details. call xlSKI Bluestone's Odd-Ball Feb. 11,9 pm -1 am, Holiday Inn. call Sandi at (703) 434-2311 (EOE) Susan - Happy 2nd Anniversary I love you Sam Cheap tickets from Hall Council or at door. ! Page 24, The Breeze, Thursday, January 26, 1989 Now HIRING DRIVERS Personal Check Policy -20C additional charge -must show valid driver's license and local address when presenting check. FOUR STAR PIZZA

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