MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Sunny, cool, 54°F (12°C) Tonight: Clear, cold, 33°F (l0C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, 56°F (l30C) Details, Page 2

Volume 116, umber 48 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, October 4, 1996 Co-cnrricular Redesign Team Prepares for Implementation By Shang-Un Chuang recognition for their groups, and use its efficient functions." NEWS EDITOR plan and register events, said The team's "report is thorough," The re-engineering co-curricular Anthony 1. Ives G, team captain. said Senior Vice President William redesign team has started planning Assistant Director of the Campus R. Dickson '56, who sits on the for the implementation of its final Activities Complex Ted E. Johnson, steering committee. The report recommendations on student group a m~mber of the team, said that the "addresses several of the issues that management after receiving team was trying to make the have long been recognized as 'need- approval for the plans last week changes take affect as quickly as ing fixing'." from the steering committee. possible "We are ... working on "The Steering Committee is very The co-curricular team, which is establishing temporary measures accepting, pleased, and excited part of the larger student services re- that would allow groups to register .about the report," Ives said. "The engineering. effort, analyzed how for simple events quicker," he said. implementation stage will hopefully student groups manage their "We don't want students to have to accounts, receive resources, obtain wait until the project is completed to RtH!ngineering, Page 20 '- I' Forum to Solicit Student Opinion On Writing Requirement Proposal By Venkatesh Satish members will try to speak to smaller students could satisfy the yearly CONTRiBUTING EDITOR groups of students, Perelman said: communication class requirement The Committee on the Writing "We are going to try to reach as by taking courses such as special- Requirement will host a forum later many students as we can," he said. ized writing classes, seminars, or THOMAS R. KARLo-THE TECH this month for students to ask ques- classes in their department that A glimpse of the last lunar eclipse of the millennium was cap- tions and express opinions about the Plan emphasizes communication tured last Thursday night. new proposal to revamp the current The proposed changes say that Forum, Page 21 • Phase I and Phase II system. The proposed changed mandate that students would have to take a "communication-intensive" each of their fOlJFyears/at" the Institute. Burst Water Pipe Damages East Campus Rooms ["Committee P.lans to Revamp Institute Writing Requirement," By Zareena Hussain There is currently no completion date set for Augustine said that the breaking of the water Sept. 20] STAFF REPORTER the work, but students hope that it will conclude pipe could not have been prevented "There are Students will get a chance to ask Students in ten East Campus rooms will quickly. some things we can't control. It's what we're members of the committee about the spend the next several days without water and Lex Nernzer '00, who lives on the 5th .of used to," she said. proposal at the meeting, which will without parts of their walls after a water pipe Walcott had his wall tom through last Friday. The construction this week caused confusion take place on Monday Oct. 21 from bursted in Walcott House early last week. He and other affected students were told to keep in the dormitory as different messages were sent 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in room to-250, The burst pipe caused major flooding in the area surrounding the hole clear of any and out by physical plant to house residents. said Undergraduate Association some of the lower-level rooms in Walcott, a all belongings. "It's annoying, I can't clean up," Physical plant needed to di connect the President Richard Y. Lee '97, who vertical column of rooms extending from the said Nemzer. water to the dormitory's east parallel in order to is helping.organize the event first to fifth floors of the East parallel of East Atreyee Gupta '99, the inhabitant of the . repair the plumbing. Water shutdowns were "I am very happy the committee Campus. room with the greatest damage, had her suitcas- .scheduled for Sept. 28 then Sept. 30th but were decided to solicit student input. ... I . . Walcott is currently undergoing emergency es and two rugs completely soaked. So far, he then cancelled. was really impressed/' Lee said. repairs as crews from Physical Plant attempt to . has not been compensated for any damages. "I couldn't shower so I smelt bad" said . "Student input is absolutely patch the aging plumbing system. "Given the age of the building it would only Michael W. Baker 'DO, a dormitory resident. essential... Students will often At least one room on the second floor was have been a matter of time" said Bryson K. "We angered the Gods." commented Robert know tht?.problem better and have rendered uninhabitable due to water damage Kido '98, whose room suffered minor water E. Gruhl '97, another resident. different ways of approaching it," caused by the burst and the large access ports damage. East Campus residents think of all the dam- said Coordinator of the Writing drilled into the wall by the repair crews. One The break "was just a'result of old age," said ages as ordinary but needing to be acted upon Requirement Leslie C. Perelman. room adjacent to the flooded room and the two Donna M. Augustine '97, the president of East soon. After the forum, the committee rooms below were also affected. Campus. "It was a fluke." "We need some renovation." Augustine said. • Kerry and Clinton Benefit Show Sets Politics to Comedy and Music

By Dan McGuire ing with a sort of low, thudding NEWS EDITOR music with lots of bass and no dis- What would Bill Clinton, Ted cemable tune as I entered. Members Kennedy, Whoppi Goldberg, and a host of music personalities be doing Kerry, Page 13 together? To endorse Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry last Saturday evening at the Fleet Center where several thousand people had gath- ered to witness the event of course. INSIDE What makes this worthy of a story is that two members of the crowd were members of the Tech's • Immerman looks dedicated press corps, myself and ahead to new Dean's photographer Gabor Csyani. We Office position. Page 10 had managed to obtain tickets from a kind M IT graduate student and were attending because we wanted • Panhel votes down to get the feeling of what it's like to motion to bring new be part of the media big time and to figure out exactly what happens sorority. Page 18 when democrats get funky. I attended on the general princi- • Medesky, Martin, and ple that it included two inherently Wood mixjazz and rock GABOR CSANYI-THE TECH entertaining parts, music and poli- President Clinton greets a supporter while Senator Kerry addresses the audience during Saturday's tics. I was not disappointed. in concert. Page 6 ~emocratic rally at the Fleet Center. The Fleet Center was reverberat- Page 2 HE TECH October 4, 1996

Poet Wms Literature obel Prize ,,-,,__a, e en LOS ANGELES TIMES WARSAW, POLA 0 Polish poet Wi lawa zymborska, a reclusive widow whose • • seductively simple ver e has captured the wit and wisdom of every- -.-_-.-.a c ea ons day life for the past half century, has won the 1996 obel Literature Prize, the Swedish Academy announced Thursday in tockholm. By Tracy Wilkinson now I would like to see that the sub- Bosnia's Muslim-led government in Unas uming, shy and obsessively protective of her privacy, LOS ANGELES TIMES stance (of the document) is imple- Sarajevo, agreed to respect the sov- Szymbor ka had been considered a longshot for the pre tigious PARIS mented." ereignty and integrity of Bosnia- award, which wa presented to another poet, Irishman Seamus In a surprise move hailed as a The seven-point agreement was Herzergovina. Such recognition Heaney, last year. Although he is perhaps Poland's most famous critical step toward building peace the product of a day of talks undermines the Bosnian Serbs' female writer, zymborska is often over hadowed in Polish literary in the Balkans, the presidents of between the two men arranged by goals of splitting off the parts of circles by poets Zbigniew Herbert and Tadeusz Rozewicz, both of Serbia and Bosnia agreed Thursday Chirac. Expectations were low at Bosnia they control and uniting whom have been mentioned as obel contender . to open full diplomatic relations the start of the sessions because the them with Serbia. "She ha gone through a long evolution, and has reached maturi- between their two countries. two men have never had any rap- In exchange, Izetbegovic agreed ty," said renowned Poli h poet Czeslaw Milosz, a professor at the The bitter wartime enemies, port, and the brutal war that to respect the "continuity" of University of California, Berkeley, who won the obel prize in 1980. holding their first-ever bilateral Milosevic is widely believed to Serbian-led Yugoslavia. That bol- "Polish poetry in the 20th century has reached a strong international meeting, announced they would have masterminded is still too fresh sters the claim of the government in position on the European continent. zymborska represents it well." exchange ambassadors, permit their for many Bosnians. Belgrade that their state is the right- Szymborska reacted to news of her award with characteristic citizens to travel. to each other's Indeed, the presidents did not set ful successor to the old Yugoslavia, humility and humor. She granted several brief telephone interviews country without visas and open rail a date for exchanging ambassadors, which disintegrated into bloodshed from a faraway mountain retreat she frequents in southern Poland, and road connections. and all the trade and infrastructure at the start of the decade. then took an afternoon nap - with strict orders not to be disturbed. In addition, Serbian President points in the document were short Eventually, this could entitle the Slobodan Milosevic, representing on details and specifics. Belgrade government to a seat in the Yugoslavia, reiterated that state's In the Balkan conflicts that have United Nations, among other things. Judge for Oklahoma Bombing Case respect for Bosnia's integrity. followed the breakup of the old In 1992, after Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia is the federation formed Yugoslavia, signed agreements have Bosnia and Macedonia each had Throws Out Defense Subpoenas by Serbia and the smaller republic often dissolved into thin air unless asserted its independence, leaving NEWSDAY of Montenegro. deadlines were set and external Serbia and Montenegro to form a DENVER In turn, Alija Izetbegovic, presi- pressure applied continually. new federation and assume the The presiding judge in the Oklahoma City bombing case dent of neighboring Bosnia- Still, several participants credit- name of Yugoslavia, the U.N. Thursday threw out defense subpoenas for 63 government agencies, Herzegovina, recognized the "conti- ed Chirac with persuading the two General Assembly voted to exclude brushing aside a claim by Timothy McVeigh's lawyer that "there's a nuity" of Yugoslavia - that it is the Balkan leaders to reach the break- the truncated state. The United cover-up going on here." But later the judge said he would order the successor state to the Communist- through on diplomatic relations. States does not formally recognize government to respond to dozens of specific defense requests for doc- era federation of six republics that The morning meeting between the rump Yugoslavia as independent uments. bore the same name. Izetbegovic and Milosevic had not state. Information is being "withheld from us and possibly the prosecu- "Weare setting behind us the gone well, a source said. But over a However, the most contentious tion," lawyer Stephen Jones said as U.S. District Judge Richard period of confrontation and replac- three-hour lunch of seafood and point in Thursday's negotiations Matsch heard arguments on a prosecution motion to quash the sub- ing it with a period of cooperation," beef, Chirac spoke to the two presi- may have been a lawsuit filed by the poenas McVeigh's lawyers wanted to serve on the White House and said Milosevic, who chatted ami- dents, shifting back and forth, insist- Bosnian government in the World dozens of other federal offices. ably with his host, French President ing on the importance of compro- Court at The Hague accusing Serbia Prosecutors argued that the scores of defense subpoenas were "a Jacques Chirac, during a brief sign- mise and agreement. of genocide. fishing expedition." Matsch granted the government's motion to ing ceremony under eight crystal "It was like Ping-Pong," said one Milosevic had repeatedly block the subpoenas, but reminded prosecutors "you are representa- chandeliers in the official presiden- participant. demanded that the Bosnians drop tive of the whole government" and responsible for making certain tial residence the regal Elysee . "There had been no movement the claim as a condition for diplo- that information in government files is made available to the defense. Palace. in the morning and everything matic relations. "I believe we have taken a cru- seemed stopped," said a member of tn Thursday's agreement, the cial step toward the total stabiliza- the Yugoslav delegation. "Then tw:o presidents 'COmm!tteq their Compound May Inhibit Alzheimer's tion of the region." everything softened at lunch 'and ' countries ~orefrain~from "political NEWSDAY A more subdued Izetbegovic they found a formula." -. '. . -... I: and l~'gar.i!ctilhat''d'6'llot,C:bntri'bute .- A compound has for the first time in animal tests reduced the level said: "I did not come here to m~ke a Milosevic, whose Bosnian Serb to the devet'opment of 'amicable ... of the plaque-forming substance in the brain associated with speech. It is all in the document, and allies waged a 43-month war again'st relations." '. - W:' . ,'.. ;! . .~.!" t ~:". f .. '.1 • .. ~ ..: Alzheimer's disease, researchers reported. Scientists at Athena Neuroscience, a San Francisco biofechnology company, say the compound significantly inhibits the production of Social Security Errors "Shorted' beta-amyloid, the substance that accumulates in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. The compound, and others being tested, are still in the early stages of animal testing and could be available for human trials by 1998. Retirees by Over $850 Million "These compounds look like they may be able to significantly slow the amyloid buildup that we now believe initiates Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Dennis Selkoe, professor of neurology at Harvard By Ralph Vartabedlan Administration does not know how the I 970s, not today. Medical School. "This is very exciting. For the first time, there LOS ANGELES TIMES many of the additional 295,000 Although Social Security is cred- appears to be compounds that inhibit a key step in the production of WOODLAWN. MD. retirees are dead. ited with operating a fairly compe- the amyloid protein, and do so at a very low dose." In a major computer snafu, the The agency is having difficulty tent 'computer system, Gambino said Four million Americans suffer from Alzheimers, which causes Social Security Administration has locating survivors and in many that (:ongress had reduced computer modernization spending 'below the • memory loss, altered behavior, paranoia and hallucinations. One of determined that 700,000 Americans cases no survivors exist tQ accept the hallmarks of the condition is amyloid plaques, sticky fibers in the have been shortchanged out of more the money, Under federal law, planned level in'each of 'the last five brain. 0 one is sure yet whether beta-amyloid triggers dementia, or than $850 million in retirement ben- retirees are not entitled to back years. is secondary to the disease process. efits since 1972, agency officials interest on any of the benefits. The 295,000 retirees owed back disclosed Thursday. The software glitch involved the payments make up about 0.7 percent Although the Social Security formula used to calculate benefits of the 44 million Social Security .Administration recognized two for individuals who continued to beneficiaries. WEATHER years ago that there was a glitch work after they began collecting Although the average back pay- ticking in its computers, only Social Security - a small portion of ment will be $1,500, some retirees recently did it determine the full the 44 million Americans who will could get as much as $2,000 and November Preview extent and complexity of the prob- collect a total of $350 billion this others might receive only a few By Marek Zebrowski lem. year. hundred dollars. Agency officials STAFF METEOROLOGIST The agency already is making As a result of the glitch, some said that they would not know the A massive and cold high pressure system will slowly edge east- back payments of nearly $400 mil- Social Security recipients who con- range until they compute the back wards toward New England from the Mid West, cresting overhead by lion to about 402,000 retirees. tinued working did not get any cred- benefits. Saturday. With temperatures averaging about 10-15 degrees Social Security officials now esti- it in their benefit calculation for The software glitch that skewed Fahrenheit below normal, first frost of the season is expected inland mate that another 295,000 as-yet- their post-retirement income. computations for 22 years has left by Friday morning, and widespread frost - even near the coast - by unknown recipients, all of whom The error in the formula was toe agency with a shockingly com- dawn on Saturday. Gradual warming of the airmass over the next few continued to work after they began coded into the software system in plex technical problem. The basic days is forecast, with temperatures returning to a more seasonable receiving Social Security benefits, 1972 and went undetected until late software system is capable of mak- levels for early October. Thus, by Monday, under fair skies and some are owed back benefits of another 1994 when the agency's inspector ing automatic .adjustments in bene- high clouds associated with warmer air aloft streaming in from the $450 million, general and its office of integrity fits only as far back as four years, west, we'll be back to normal highs in mid 60s (16-18°C) and more "We think that the average review discovered the error. Mesterharm said. tolerable lows in the upper 40s (8-9°C). amount of back benefits is going to Programmers have written a new The Social Security benefit for- Hints of stormy weather for the middle of next week hinge on a be about $1,500 per person," said D. software code to make sure the error mula is exceptionally complex, developing low pressure system in the Gulf by late in the weekend, a Dean Mesterharm, deputy Social does not happen again. vastly more so than federal income stationary through over the western Atlantic, and an upper air Security commissioner for systems. Phil Gambino, Social Security tax computations. impulse swinging in from the west, converging on the Carolina Capes "We need to do the right thing. So press secretary, said that the prob- It makes dozens of distinctions by late Tuesday. Meanwhile, a crisp, brilliant fall weekend with early we have decided to correct this lem affected only a tiny fraction of among individuals - for example, foliage viewing well to the north is assured. down to the last dollar." the retirees who have post-retire- workers with railroad income are The agency hopes to identify all ment income. "I don't want to need- subject to different rules from those Today: Mostly sunny and cool. Bracing northwesterly breezes. of the 295,000 additional retirees lessly alarm every beneficiary who that apply to other workers. Benefit High 54°F (12°C). during the next year: . worked past retirement," Gambino calculations are particularly convo- Tonight: Clear and very cold with diminishing winds. Mesterharm acknowledged that said. luted for retirees who have had sev- Widespread frost due to ideal conditions for radiational cooling. Low they may not meet that deadline Nonetheless, the Social Security eral spouses. in town 33 F (1°C), mid to upper 205 (-4 to -1°C) elsewhere. because of the complexity of the glitch without doubt ranks among Another complicating factor is Saturday: Cold morning, then warming up to a mostly sunny problem. the most serious computing errors in that Congress has changed the daytime high of 56°F (13°C). Light northerly winds may turn into The fix will be too late for many government history, when measured Social Security benefit formula 16 afternoon sea breezes. retirees. More than 57,500 of the by the number of people and the times since 1973 and each year's Sunday outlook: Mostly sunny amid patches of high thin clouds. first group of 400,000 are dead, hav- amount of money involved. worth of back benefits must be cal- Milder highs near 60°F (14-16°C), with lows near 40°F (4-5°C). ing missed out on benefits of $34.8 Mesterharm said the glitch culated with the formula that was in million. The Social Security reflected problems that existed in effect that year. October 4, 1996 WORLD & NATION THE TECH Page 3

Congress Passes Bill Extending Missing Records May Document Soldiers' Exposure to Nenre Gas NEWSDAY Definition of Child Pornography WASHINGTO By John Schwartz tion and child pornography, with protect children from the evils of Defense officials say there is a mysterious gap in official Desert THE WASHINGTON POST penalties ranging from five to 30 child pornography, "what they're Storm records covering the two days at the end of the 1991 gulf war WASHI GTO years in prison. going to do is sweep up a great deal when. thousands of American soldiers may have been exposed to A new law included in the As far as could be determined of constitutionally protected activi- clouds of sarin nerve gas. omnibus spending bill in the final Thursday, no cases of the type of ty," said Daniel E, Katz, legislative Some military officials said the missing documents were days of the congressional session computer-generated child pornogra- counsel to the American Civil destroyed during routine housekeeping, ~ut others said only selected extends the definition of child phy described in the bill have been Liberties Union. pages were removed from the logs. "There's something wrong here," pornography to include images that reported. However, advances in dig- Neither obscenity nor child said one senior Army officer who spoke on condition of anonymity. do not involve children at all, ital alteration of photography make pornography are protected by the The records, kept at Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf's Central including movies that use adult the creation of such' images possi- First Amendment's guarantee of Command headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, could be crucial for actors to portray minors and even ble. freedom of speech. The legal defini- veterans who believe an array of symptoms dubbed the gulf war syn- images created on computers. "While federal law has failed to tion of child pornography, however, drome may be the result of Iraqi army chemical munitions that The Child Pornography keep pace with technology, the pur- is broader than the legal definition included sarin, mustard gas and biological agents. Prevention Act of 1996 has caused a veyors of child pornography have of obscenity because of the need to "It's becoming as big as the 18-minute gap on the Nixon furor among civil libertarians and been right on line with it," Hatch protect children from the exploita- Watergate tapes," said a senior military officer. The records might constitutional law professors, many said in a statement. tion and abuse that making child have also shed light on the Pentagon's contention that there was no of whom sharply criticized the bill Critics of the law said it would pornography entails. Child pornog- hint of sarin exposures until U.N. investigators uncovered new evi- when it was first proposed by its allow prosecution of legitimate raphy has been defined to include dence in Iraq last spring. sponsor, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, R- works, potentially including such "actual or simulated" sexual acts Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said he could not explain the Utah. The law took effect Monday films as "Kids," and could cause a and "lascivious exhibition of the missing logs. "But any suggestion that we are trying to cover up what when President Clinton signed the . chilling effect on future productions genitals or pubic area" by minors . happened at Khamisiyah is ludicrous," he said. omnibus spending bill. based on such works as Vladimir In prior child pornography cases, But the missing records may explain the lack of official Pentagon The new law outlaws ."any visual Nabokov's "Lolita." the Supreme Court stated that film- evidence. Defense Secretary William Perry conceded that some depiction, including any photo- The bill also creates an. excep- makers could still use adults pre- important records had disappeared. graph, film, video image or picture" tion to laws restricting newsroom tending to be minors in order to that "is, or appears to be, of a minor searches. It would allow such avoid exploiting children and break- engaging in sexually explicit con- searches in cases i'nvolving child ing the law. But that course of NASA Finds Important Internet duct." The law lengthens maximum pornography. action is expressly banned under the in sentences for child sexual exploita- Though lawmakers are trying to new law. Transmission Space Faulty LOS ANGELES TIMES WASHINGTON In a significant setback for the satellite industry, NASA scientists Netanyahu Returns from Summit; have discovered that a key transmission standard that is the founda- tion of communications over the Internet and corporate computer net- works does not work well in space . The discovery could delay the satellite industry's ambitious .Welcomed by Israeli Supporters. efforts to offer high-speed Internet access to companies with remote plants or offices, as well as to Pacific Islanders and millions of others By Marjorie Miller men heeded President Clinton's plea Palestinians to go out after Friday without high-speed access to the content-rich portions of the Internet LOS ANGELES TIMES to give negotiators time. prayers in marches and confronta- such as the World Wide Web. RAMALLAH. WEST BANK Aside from a few skirmishes tions with Israeli forces to continue "Allowing satellites to be a part of the Internet would provide While Israeli Prime Minister between Israeli police and their "sacrifices and martyrdom" in huge benefits to companies and individuals - if we could make it Benjamin Netanyahu arrived home Palestinian demonstrators, the defense of Muslim Holy sites. work," said Daniel R. Glover, a National Aeronautics Space from the Washington summit to a region was relatively calm The group, which has long Administration project- engineer in Cleveland who has been spear- hero's welcome from his right-wing Thursday. The emergency summit opposed the Israeli-Palestinian heading'the investigation into the problem. "But (the Internet) and constituency in Israel, Palestinian seemed to have taken the wind out peace accords, raised the specter of satellites really weren't designed to go together." Al:lthority President Yasse~ Arafat of the sails of Israel-Palestinian c(Jnflict among Palestinians with a Officials who oversee the Internet say they will oppose any solu- did not. cOJ11e,hoQ1,e.~~~llThW', . clashes, and the scheduling of a fol- warning to Arafat's police forces to tions to the problem that involve modifications of TCP that might • N~t~nyahu's .supporters lined the low-up meeting seemed to have pre- refrain from obstructing "the nation- adversely affect its performance over land links. highway from Tel Aviv to vented anotheT"immediate explosion al and Islamic forces that are deter- "It would not be an acceptable solution to degrade the current per- Jerusalem with banners thanking the of violence. mined to continue the military and formance of TCP in order to improve it for satellite use," said Fred hard-line prime minister for not The question is for how long. popular resistance." Baker, a software executive at Cisco Systems Inc. "An improvement "caving in" to U.S. pressure to make The two-day summit - the first Hamas' political base has been of TCP is a good thing, but we don't want to break it just so some- concessions for peace. Arafat's meeting between Netanyahu and weakened since it launched a wave body in New Caledonia can have better Internet access." adherents, meanwhile, roamed the Arafat after Israeli-Palestinian gun of deadly bombings in Israel in the streets of Ramallah licking their battles left more than 75 dead and spring that caused a freezing of the wounds while their leader consl!lted 1,000 wounded - failed to resolve peace process and helped Many Species at Risk of Extinction allies abroad. any of the substantive issues that led Netanyahu into office and Arafat THE WASHINGTON POST Tofiq Anda, 25, waved his left to the fighting in the first place. and his security forces won popular Fully one-fourth of the world's species of mammals are threat- arm - the one in a cast that took a As Arafat flew to Morocco, support for defending Paletinians ened with extinction, and about half of those may be gone in as little bullet in last week's clashes with Tunis and France, Israeli officials against Israeli troops. But that sup- as a decade, according to the most complete global analysis of endan- Israeli soldiers - to dismiss the openly rejoiced over the results of port could quickly turn around if gered animal species ever compiled. summit as a failure for concluding. the summit and the Islamic Palestinian police were to clash with The report, which several conservationists described as surprising only with an agreement for more Resistance Movement Hamas issued their own people. and frightening, was released Thursday by the IUCN-World negotiations beginning Sunday. leaflets from Beirut and Jerusalem After Palestinian and Israeli Conservation Union, the recently renamed international body that has Notably, however, he was not using calling for "confrontations" with security officials agreed to, cooper- collected endangered species data for more than 35 years. his good arm to throw stones. Israeli troops. ate to keep the West Bank calm, In a statement released Thursday, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbit "From here to Sunday, we have "I think this is the first prime Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak called the report "probably the most thorough scientific assessment of promised to give Arafat a chance," minister who stood his ground, Mordechai ordered some of Israel's the state of the world's wildlife ever undertaken. It clearly indicates said Anda, a member of the stood by the national interest and tanks moved back from the outskirts that, unless people of all nations make extraordinary efforts, we face Palestinian leader's Fatah organiza- didn't fold, grovel or flatter," of Bethlehem. But he decided to a looming natural catastrophe of almost Biblical proportions." tion. Agriculture Minister Rafael Eitan leave the state of emergency in This year's list is the first to evaluate all 4,600 known species of Like Anda, tens of thousands of said of Netanyahu on Israeli radio. place throughout tne West Bank and mammals, the class of animal t~at includes all warmblooded, milk- Palestinian teen-agers and young Hamas responded by urging Gaza Strip. producing animals. It finds 1,096 at risk. And it concludes that about a third of 275 primate species examined are also at risk, nearly three 1WA Crash Divers Hunt for Missing times the percentage previously believed. Indian Tribe Postpones Casino Effort LOS ANGELES TIMES Fuel Pump with New Sonar System RIVERSIDE. CALIF, An impoverished American Indian tribe says it has postponed By John J. Goldman plane has been recovered, with no Whether the special sonar will efforts to develop a casino, given the death of a Senate bill Thursday LOS ANGELES TIMES resolution to the' puzzle. All 230 be successful is uncertain. that would have allowed the tribe to expand its reservation beyond NEW YORK passengers and crew were killed in "We are hoping to get some pen- the shores of California's Salton Sea. Salvage experts working over the crash. etration," said Navy Adm. Edward The legislation would have endorsed a government settlement the crash site of TW A Flight 800 In an effort to rule out mechani- Kristensen, the on-scene salvage awarding the Torres-Martinez Indians $14 million, with which to buy said Thursday they plan to use a cal failure, divers have mounted an commander, at a briefing Thursday. up to 11,800 acres in desert resort areas northwest of their existing special low frequency sonar intensive search for a third fuel "We might get more than 8 inches reservation. designed to find bits of wreckage pump that serviceq the plane's cen- or so, but it all depends what the That new reservation land would replace trust land that was flood- buried beneath the ocean's bottom. ter fuel tank - the site of a massive bottom is. If it is silt, we may get ed - and became the Salton Sea - after the turn of the century. Investigators have been using explosion. On.e theory is that an very little penetration. If it is a But because of opposition to the bill from both Nevada senators, • high frequency sonar sensitive unexplained malfunction in the sandy area, we may get more pene- Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was unable to bypass normal com- enough to search out objects as pump might have triggered an tration. We are not sure what it (the mittee hearings and take it directly to a Senate floor vote before its small as a clam sitting on the ocean explosion. sonar) is going to give us." adjournment Thursday. floor. But a series of storms have Two other pumps - about the Kristensen said with the passage "We're frustrated, but optimistic that this will still be resolved in churned the Atlantic and caused size of large soft drink cans - have of the hurricanes, divers are finding the next Congress," said Mary BeHardo, Torres-Martinez tribal chair. sand and silt to shift, further compli- been recovered by div.ers 110 feet that portions of the ocean's bottom "We're a patient people." cating the recovery process. below the Atlantic. They show no shifted, partially burying some The sticking point was the Torres-Martinez tribe's request to build Hopefully, the sand-penetrating signs of a malfunction. pieces of the plane. a casino on new reservation land. A handful of senators initially sonar will identify key missing If the special sand-penetrating "Now the current itself has start- opposed the bill, following lobbying efforts by a neighboring Indian buried pieces that could determine sonar can identify buried or parti~111y ed to move the silt off some of these tribe and the Marriott resort hotel chain, which both opposed Torres- whether the Boeing 747 jet was hidden plane parts, it might not be pieces and we are finding edges of Martinez' gambling plans. brought down July 17 by massive necessary to mount a large-scale things sticking up on the bottom," An 11th-hour compromise by the tribe - promising to build a mechanical failure, a bomb or a dredging operation, which carries Kristensen said. "Divers will grab it casino only on land immediately adjacent to existing reservation missile. with it risks that missing wreckage (the piece) and end up with a larger property - was rejected by both Nevada senators. So far about 95 percent of the could be damaged. piece than had been exposed." Page 4 H TECH October 4, 1996

Letters 1b The Editor Whi Ie there are token students on low Reorganization eeded impact committees, I think mo t students Karlo Lacked Evidence believe that they have almost no impact on I would like to respond to the column by Additional Debate decisions of any real, medium to long-term Thomas R. Karlo '97 in The Tech's extra Chairman The Tech received a copy of this letter importance. Think about the Aramark contract issue ["Office Reshuffling Endangers Student Daniel C. tevenson '97 addressed to President Charles M. Vest, renewal a few years back: Students kept say- eed.s," Oct. 2]. Karlo's column was absurdly Dean for Undergraduate Education ing "get rid of them," and MIT signed them unconvincing because he wallowed in gener- Editor in Chief Rosalind H. Williams, and Director of again for five more years. alities - some of which seemed quite out- • Stacey E. Blau '98 Administration and Operations Stephen D. Scott Centurino '94 landish - without even one specific example Business anager Immerman: to back them up. That I disagree with Karlo is not of con- Christine Chan '98 I was a bit urpri ed when I got the news release describing the reorganization of many Administrators Do "What cern; people will and must disagree. anaging Editor of the student service departments in MIT's However, I am concerned that Karlo can, Saul Blumenthal '98 administration. I was, and still am, concerned They Want Anyway write about administrators doing power grabs E ecutive Editor that there was no public discussion on the I've been reading the editorial, columns, after admitting that he's completely unin- Anders Hove G change, or even an announcement that articles, etc., in your Oct. 2 extra issue volved with the administration and student changes were being considered. The services about your dismay at the lack of student government. He did not even take the space offered by the organizations are probably the input in reorganizing the management of to ground his views in fact. Perhaps Karlo NEWSST.4FF most important aspect of students' lives out- MIT. used no examples because there are none. In Editor: Shang-Lin Chuang '98, David D. side the classroom, yet I never heard a rumor Although one might have some sympathy this case, The Tech should not have printed Hsu '98, Jenni fer Lane '98, Dan that changing them was even a possibility, let for you, and for your belief that a good reor- the column at all. McGuire '99; s ociate Editor: Orli G. alone a probability. ganization plan will gather data from all of Jeremy D. Sher '99 Bahcall '99; taff: Eva Moy G, Kyle I am sure many students, including me, those affected (after all, it's only been a year Publisher, Counterpoint • Young G, James M. Wahl '97, Christopher would have had things to say about such a or so since that vicious Total Quality L. Falling '98, Brett Altschul '99, Shawdee plan had they been given the chance. It is even Management virus was finally eradicated from Eshghi '99, Carina Fung '99, Kai-yuh the campus), I fear that you are lacking a vital Israel Letter Was Unfair H iao '99, Jean K. Lee '99, Fenny Lin '99, more disconcerting that such surprise actions insight into the nature of the situation. Here, I am outraged by a letter that appeared in Eric Sit '99, May K. Tse '99, Rochelle are being taken during the re-engineering The Tech's Oct. 1 issue, suggesting that Israel Tung '99, Frank Dabek '00, Liz Krams '00; process, when so many things are up in the to clarify things, is a comparison of manage- is not putting in a fair share of effort and sac- Meteorologists: Michael C. Morgan air. ment choices available to the administration, PhD '95, Gerard Roe G, Marek Zebrowski. I do not think that many positive changes and the outcome of each: rifice to make peace a reality in the Middle can be made by a few people in the adminis- East ["Israel Must Accept Equality In Peace PRODUCTION STAFF tration operating without the help of students Method A Accord.," Rima Askalan G]. Editor: Jen Peltz '98; Associate Editors: and staff. ot only will many wrongheaded 1. Administration decides to reorganize. I think that it is fair to say that a state can Josh Bittker '99, Jason C. Yang '99; Staff: decisions be made, but possibly beneficial 2. They invite and then have to listen to not enter into a peace agreement that does not Jimmy Wong '97, Betty Chang '98, Larry ones will meet resistance because of the deci- student input. provide some kind of real guarantees of secu- Chao '98, Yun-Ju Lee '98, Russell S. sion-making process used. 3. They do what they think is right. rity for its own citizens. Peace without securi- Light '98, Jeremy J. Lilley '99, Arthur Douglas K. Wyatt G 4. You continue to pay tuition each semes- ty is meaningless. During the Cold War, Murakami '99, Sharon Shen '99, Binh President, Association of Student Activities ter, and then ... would the United States have signed a treaty Truong '99, Hoi Wong '99, Stephanie 4a. You leave. with the USSR in which the Soviets promised Yang '99, Brent Yen '99, Douglas E. to "play fair" provided the United States uni- Heimburger '00, Zareena Hussain '00, Erica Decision Reinforces Method B laterally got rid of all of its nuclear weapons? Pfister '00, Brian T. niffen '00, Khelga 1. Administration decides to reorganize. Until last year, the Palestinian Liberation Karsten. Student Leadership Gap 2. (Skip step 2) Organization's charter held a clause that stated that its ultimate was the complete destruc- OPINION STAFF Everyone complains that MIT graduates 3. They do what they think is right. Editor: A. Arif Husain '97; Staff: David S. go on to work for Harvard grads. The facul- 4.. You continue to pay tuition each semes- tion of the Jewish state in Palestine. That clause Kelman '99. . ty and staff of MIT are in a position to par- ter, and then ... was removed under heavy pressure from the tially correct this by involving MIT stu- 4a. You leave. Clinton administration when the Labor govern- SPORTS STAFF dents in the processes that guide and shape ment ofIsrael stated unequivocally that it would Associate Editor: Erik S. Balsley G; their environment. Instead, the Institute has Notice the essential similarities? I hope notcontint.le the peace talks otherwise. Staff: Darren Castro G, David Bert '97, chosen repeatedly in recent years to rein- this helps. ~ Israel holds tile land It (j()~ tolJay becaiJse Jeremy Cohen '97, Jason Weintraub '97, force the belief that MIT students do not Gary L. Dryfoos otherwise the state of Israel wiJ} be militarily Farhan Zaidi '98, Chris Brocoum '00. • belong in fundamental decision-making Consultant, Infonnation Systems indefensible. ARTSST..JFF processes. . Alex~!1der Reznik G Editor: David V. Rodriguez '97; Staff: Thomas Chen G, Teresa Esser '95, Brian Hoffman '97, Kamal Swamidoss '97, Rob Wagner '97, Hur Koser '98, Yaron Koren '99, Daniel Ramirez '99, Stephen Brophy. AT SOME POINT DOESN'T TIoIE PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF E96 ~ ~~I.STALKeR Editors: Helen Lin '97, Indranath LAW KiCK IN? Neogy '98; Associate Editor: Gabor Csanyi G; Staff: Rich Fletcher G, Jonathan Li G, Arifur Rahman G, Jiri Schindler G, --d.J • 1 ~ Brian Vanden Bosch '96, Tiffany Lin '97, 1 ~~!! Adriane Chapman '98, Ian Chan '00, • Gregory F. Kuhnen '00.

FEATURES STAFF Hugo M. Ayala G, Pawan Sinha G, Jessica Wu '99.

BUSINESS STAFF Operations Manager: Pamela hade '98; Advertising Manager: Terri A. Wilson '99; Staff: Angela Liao '98, Melody A. Lynch '98, Jessica Maia '98, Karen Chan '99, Joey Dieckhans '00. TECHNOLOGY STAFF , Director: Cristian A. Gonzalez '99; Associate Directors: Timothy K Layman '97, Christina Chu '98; Staff: lfung Lu '97, Kathleen Lynch.

EDITORS AT LARGE Contributing Editors: Thomas R. Karlo '97, Venkatesh Sat ish '98; Senior Editor: Ramy A. Amaout '97.

ADVISORY BOARD Letters and cartoons must bear the authors' signatures, address- V. Michael Bove '83, Robert E. Malch- Opinion Policy es, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. No man '85, Thomas T. Huang '86, Editorials, printed in a distinctive fonnat, are the official opin- letter or cartoon will be printed anonymously without the express Reuven M. Lerner '92, Jeremy Hylton '94, prior approval of The Tech. The Tech reserves the right to edit or Garlen C. Leung '95. ion of The Tech. They are written by the editorial board, which con- sists of the chainnan, editor in chief, managing editor, executive condense letters; shorter letters will be given higher priority. Once PRODUCTION STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE editor, news editors, and opinion editor. submitted, all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be Night Editors: Russell S. Light '98, Jen Dissents, marked as such and printed in a distinctive fonnat, are returned. We regret we cannot publish all of the letters we receive. Peltz '98, Jason C. Yang '99; Staff: Saul • the opinions of the signed members of the editorial board choosing Blumenthal '98, Stephanie Yang '99, Brent to publish their disagreement with the editorial. Yen '99, Douglas E. Heimburger '00. To Reach Us Columns and editorial cartoons are written by individuals and The Tech's telephone number is (617) 253-1541. Electronic mail The Tech (ISSN 0148-9607) is published on Tuesdays and Fridays during the academic year (except during MIT represent the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of the news- is the easiest way to reach any member of our staff, Mail to specific vacations), Wednesdays during January and monthly paper. during the summer for S35.00 per year Third Class by The departments may be sent to the following addresses on the Internet: Tech, Room W20-483, 84 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Letters to the editor are welcome. They must be typed, double- [email protected], [email protected], sports@the- Mass. 02139-7029. Third Class postage paid at Boston, Mass. Non-profit Organization Permit No. 59720. spaced and addressed to The Tech, P.O. Box 397029, Cambridge,, [email protected], [email protected], PO TM STER: Please send all address changes to our mailing address: The Tech, P.O. Box 397029, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029, or by interdepartmental mail to Room [email protected] (circulation department). For other matters, Mass. 02139-7029. Telephone: (617) 253-1541, editorial; W20-483. Electronic submissions in plain text fonnat are encour- send mail to [email protected], and it will be directed to the (617) 258-8324, business; (617) 258.8226, facsimile. Advertising. slIbscription. and typeselling rates available. aged, and may be mailed to [email protected]. All submis- appropriate person. The Tech can be found on the World Wide Web Entire contents 0 1996 The Tech. Printed on recycled puper by Mass Web Printing Co. sions are due by 4:30 p.m. two days before the date of publication. at HE TECH Page 5

Undergraduate Association .------.MIT's Student Government------..

Voter Registration Drive Council The VA is sponsoring a voter registration drive • all next week, please register to vote! The VA is holding its first Council meeting of the term. First Floor of the Student Everyone is welcome to attend. Center Monday, Oct. 7th OCTOBER • 8pm in W20-400 7th - 11th Food will be provided

QUESTION? email [email protected] I' Page 6 THE TECH OCtober 4; 19 , ARTS MUSIC REVIEW Group pushes the boundaries between jazz and rock MEDESKI, MARTIN, AND WOOD a Radio City rockette and a profe sional vio- had never seen before. Wood switched from At the end of the show, Medeski said, linist, with lots of Brazilian and African per- electric to upright bass and back the whole "People's attention spans are so short that By Joel M. Rosenberg cu sion experience. And Wood' background night and added in a bow to boot. And while they don't want to hang around for the dig- STAFF REPORTER is jazz and classical bass, with time spent at Medeski had all of his keys and Martin had ging, they just want to hear the treasure. B ever before have I thought so highly the ew England his huge collection of the search is part of it. Otherwise you won' of a band after--hearing them for the Conser-vatory (Medeski drums, I thought Wood appreciate the treasure." first time. But Medeski, Martin, and went to EC too). The only had his four strings. Over the course of the three-hour evening Wood, who played at the Somerville high level of training is That was before the I fell in love with MM&W. To say that I rec- Theater last Sunday night before a sold-out easy to hear. encore, however, when ommend them is an understatement. They crowd, de erved it. The show was Wood used his upright have three albums out, Notes From The The audience there was like the crowd incredible. They accom- as a drum. It always Underground (Accurate), It's A Jungle In you'd find at a Phish or Dead show. But plish what bands like made you wonder what Here (Gramavision), and Friday Afternoon in unlike the Dead, and to some extent Phish, the God Street Wine fail to would happen next. The Universe (Gramavision/Rykodisc). They music came before the atmosphere. And what do - fill the time MM& W is a group to also have a new one coming out in a few amazing music it was. between songs with watch. Judging from the weeks, but Newbury Comics in the Student Their sound doe n't fall into any category. experimental material crowd at the show, they Center has been kind enough to put it in their They use the untraditional jazz combo of bass, without having it sound have the potential to do listening station for now. Check it out. drums/percussion, and organ - keyboardist like noise. When they for jazz what Weather Also, the Somerville Theater has added John Medeski uses an old Hammond B-3, play their tunes, they Report, Spyro Gyra, another MM&W show for Nov. 3. Tickets ar which gives him a huge range. "To a rock groove better than any- Chick Corea, and the rest $14 plus fees from Ticketmaster (931- 2000). guy, we're jazz. To a jazz person, we're rock. one I've seen in a long of the jazz rock fusion There's an alternative place to get tickets - We're right in between, and on the fringes of time. What was amazing people did in the seven- Songstreet Productions (628-3390), which everything," said bassist Chris Wood. about the group was their unpredictability. ties - make jazz popular with younger listeners. charges an extra $2.50 to every ticket but may These guys are no musical slouches by any Martin had total control over his kit, covering Billy Martin explained: "We'll hear stuff like, be more helpful than Tic!

-- CHARM SCHOOL STUDENT . Y COORDINATOR NEEDED 0 T 0 P Student needed to work on all facets of producing II ) Charm School, a one-day lAP event. 1- A J~ Must be enthusiastic, organized, and creative. Previous N E- M participation in Charm School a plus. I( A ~ y 10 hours/week during fall semester, vJ more as needed during lAP; salary E- depends upon experience. y L , S 0 G 1 ... Contact: Rosanne Swire, x3-7642, U 0 ~ or e-mail M E- ctober 4; 1996 THE ARTS THE TECH Page 7


****:E cellent disaster. The movie is somewhat done in by ***:Good its limited scope (three characters, one set) **:Average and its near-complete reliance on dialogue to *:Poor carry the story. Still, the acting is superb, especially on Franz's part, and the screenplay • *** American Buffalo (also by Mamet) is razor-sharp. The movie Dennis Franz is a junk shop owner and ultimately resonates with a powerful message Dustin Hoffman his best friend in this well- about the corrupting influence of money on crafted film version of the David Mamet play. even the closest of friendships. - Varon The movie covers the scheme the two hatch to Koren. Coolidge Corner Theatre. steal a mysterious customer's coin collection while he's away on vacation, thus reaping ***1/2 Bound themselves a small fortune. But Bobby (Sean Bound tells a familiar film noir story - a Nelson), a local street youth, also wants in on drifter comes into contact with a sultry, dis- the deal, and the interplay between the three satisfied woman and is lured into a chain of in the hours before the planned heist leads to events that escalates into some serious vio-

James is trapped in Ms. Spider's web In James and the Giant Peach, showing tomorrow at LSC.

lence. But in this sexy, intelligent, and styl- cross between The Last Seduction, ish new thriller, the drifter is a lesbian ex-con Goodfeflas, and Go Fish. - Stephen who is repainting a vacant apartment next Brophy. Sony Nickelodeon. door to a Mafia money launderer and his restless mistress. As played by Gina Gershon **1/2 James and the Giant Peach and Jennifer Tilly, these two dangerous For James and the Giant Peach, Disney women bond immediately, and then take on brings together the team from The Nightmare the mob and the boyfriend to snatch $2 mil- Before Christmas to create another film that is lion in a caper that will leave you breathless visually intriguing and virtually oozes with as it unwinds. The production design empha- dark, surreal stop-. The story, adapt- sizes gunmetal gray and black with high- ed from the children's tale by Ronald Dahl, is lights of white, against which red blood and given the full the Disney treatment, and is full green money stand out with startling intensi- of exuberant characters and an intriguing plot. ty. Bound is tightly written, beautifully H is a fascinating film, visually appealing, and filmed, and adroitly edited to keep the ten- at only 80minutes long, it certainly won't bore Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly star in the sexy, stylish thriller Bound. sion twisting tighter and tighter. Imagine a you. -Audrey Wu. Saturday at LSC.


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To find out more about AT&T Solutions, Learn how you can join the team that's providing Attend Our On-Campus please visit our site on the Internet: Global 2000 senior executive with strategic business http://www.att.comlsolutions/ management and information technology consulting Information Session seTVlceswith an empha is on Electronic Commerce AT&T Solutions i an Equal at our upcoming MBAInformation Session on campus. Wednesday, October 9th Opportunity Employer. We'll teU you how you .can begin an exciting career Noon to 1:00 pm We welcome and -- in Consulting introducing new and emerging Tang Building • Room ES1 • Third Floor encourage diversity in bu ine and technology concepts to clients ... (Business Casual Attire) the workplace. ~-=ATQT --- Page 8 THE TECH THE TS October 4, 19 Anarchy as CollegeFes~ Soul Coughing hit Boston Events further ahead art in Marxs' By Joel M. Rosenberg show, but that's okay because nobody really STAFF REPORTER wants to dance La Bamba sober. Unless otherwise indicated, tickets for all he College Fest Way More Weekend On Tuesday, the Iguanas playing are of these events are available from is this Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. downstairs at the Middle East, which is a pret- Ticketmaster (93 I-2000). Duck Soup and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. at the ty good place to see a show. The Iguanas are Soul Coughing, MIT's spring act from Hynes Covention Center. About on Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville label, last year, will be at the Paradise Oct. 16. Marx Brothers, from Page 6 25,000 college students will pay their $6 to be which should give you a clue as to what they Tickets are $10. Stabbing Westward plays at advertised at. It's actually not bad - lots of sound like. They're actually more Tex-Mex Axis on Landsdowne on the same night at 8 ed on film. Duck Soup in particular packs ' free stuff, raffles, and Jerry Springer will be southwest rock than Jimmy. Tickets are 18+, p.m. The show is 18+ and tickets are on sale amazing quantity of gags, japes, and satires there. A few bands on hand will make the $8 before, $10 at the door. Call 864-EAST for for $10. into its 70-minute span. There is the wonder- money worth it. more information. Soundgarden is playing at Brandeis ful mirror sequence, lovingly recreated years Letter to Cleo is best, playing aturday at Don't like concerts? This weekend is your University on Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m .. Tickets are later on I Love Lucy, but never topped. There 4 p.m. Fun Lovin' Criminals will also be last chance to see Spike and Mike's Sick and still available for $18. are the brief musical bits that poke fun at the Fishbone, De La Soul, and Goodie Mob there unday at 3 p.m. Check http://www.col- Twisted Animation Festival at the Coolidge Busby Berkely musicals of the period. There Comer Theatre, located right at the T stop of the are at Avalon together on the Oct. 24 at 7, or call 859-5767 for info. is the joke about Paul Revere. And of course Jonatha Brooke and The Story are at same name on the green line. Show are tonight p.m. The show is 18+, and tickets are $15. there are Groucho, Chico, and Harpo running, the Paradise this Sunday. Brooke is awe- and tomorrow and at midnight only. There's no Also at the Avalon are the Lemonheads, jumping, and leapfrogging from one lunatic some and puts on a great show. Tickets T to take you home, but it's worth it if you have playing Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale are 10 before, 12 at the door and prob- a high tolerance for crude jokes. Buy your tick- now for $15. situation to another. ably wi II not sell out. Call Ticketmaster ets from Ticketmaster since the shows will Suzanne Vega will be playing at the All this hilarity is strung up on a plot at or go to the Paradise on Commonwealth probably sell out for these last nights. Berklee Performance Center on Oct. 27 at once too complicated and too silly to have 7:30 p.m. Tickets are selling for $20 and A venue (562-8800). As always, the Museum of Fine Arts and any independent meaning. Duck Soup can the Science Museum are free to MIT students, are available from Next Tickets Los Lobos will be at Avalon on the read as an indictment of the insanity of wa Monday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $17. It's a 21+ if none of the above options appeal to you. (423-NEXT). and a critique of the relationship between wealth and political power, but to do so is to miss much of the fun. The movie was banned in fascist Italy because it seemed to be a statement against dictatorship. But it makes HI +e -c) fun of the entire range of political arrange- ments and patriotic icons. Mussolini just didn't get it. One other artist should be mentioned when credit for the uniqueness of Duck Soup is being handed out, and that is the director, Leo do !? McCarey. McCarey learned the ropes in sile movie days, writing, and supervising the short movies of Laurel and Hardy, and eventually directing four of them. After working with the Marx Brothers he moved on to Six of a Kind with W.C. Fields and Belle oj the Nineties -CoY\t(ALt- L\Y\e- with Mae West before winning the first of two Academy Awards for directing one of the screwiest of screwballs comedies, The AwJul Truth. McCarey was more compatible with ;Z3-"LfhO the Marx Brothers' style than any of their other directors, and the perfection of Duck Soup is the proof. This space donated by The Tech

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If you have any questions, please contact Carol Labi, our Recruiting Manager 212.372.9100 Page 10 THE TECH October 4, 19 Immerman e ectso By Shang-lln Chuang groups, much like eal Dorow is out. This was in many ways a re- team of us have the opportunity to have an effect? Definitely. The basic NEWS EDITOR right now. Back then there were engineering activity, where 300 to bring together an integrated divi- tenet of re-engineering i to break With the administration restruc- no sororities on campus. I was 400 volunteers, mostly students, sion of tudent affairs that thinks down institutional barriers and look uring announced earlier this week, instrumental in the process that were involved. about supporting students in a at processes rather than functions. several key operational and admin- brought the first sorority on cam- As a result, I left resource devel- holistic way. My job is to help fig- Re-engineering had a huge impact istrati ve offices moved from pus. opment and came back to the ure out how to make that happen, on the reorganization, but to say that Senior Vice President William R. Eventually I was handling by Dean's Office to develop the and what that means on a day to it is the only thing responsible Dickson '56 to the Dean for myself what Dorow, Phil Walsh Student Center, which was literally day basis. Come and talk to me in a would be overstating it. Undergraduate Education Rosalind [Director of the Campus Activities a four year process. Students told us few months and perhaps I will a By the reorganization, the presi- H. Williams. Complex Phillip J. Walsh], and what they wanted - where they better understanding of it. dent gave us the opportunity to re ~ The new chain of command was Katie O'Dair [Assistance Dean for spent their money and what stores We are still talking about the ize what re-engineering wants to not the only change, however. Residence and Campus Life they wanted. That was a great expe- specific areas that will be falling achieve. Stephen D. Immerman, formerly Katherine O'Dair] take care of now. rience for me, and Iam hoping that under my new director of special services under Because I wa unable at the time to someone will take another whack at job. The Tech: Dickson, has been named the new adequately do the jobs of three peo- the building in 20 years because How will re-engi- director of operations and adminis- ple, I left the Dean's Office to go to there are always changes to be The Tech: The th~ngstoot make neering be affect- tration in the Dean's Office, and resource development. There, I met made. Who will do your ed? will likely playa major role in man- with successful alumni, people who When the restructuring of the old job? mefeel the most useful aging the reorganization of the are out in the real world doing inter- Student Center was completed about and satisfied oove Immerman: Dean's Office. esting things. And it wa remarkable ten years ago, Vice President Immerman: This also remains The new position caps a )7-year for me to go from seeing students as Dickson invited me to work in his There are many always related to to be seen. If you career at the Institute that has seen undergraduates to alumni using their office on a variety of special pro- issues on how the are asking me to Immerman working in areas as MIT experience to make the world a jects as director of special services. transition will student life and guess, then I diverse as the Dean's Office, the better place. A lot of them would not have been occur, and I would say that Student Center, resource develop- In the interim, the decision was visible to students because there don't know the activities. the reorganiz') ment, and re-engineering. made to move the Coop [Harvard were targeted solely to the adminis- answer to that. tion will dramati- Barely one day after Immerman Cooperative Society] out of the tration. But some of the student- cally energize re- assumed his new position, I caught Student Center and into its current related projects were buying the first The Tech: Is this the position that engineering and he lp it move up with him for a 90-minute inter- location in Kendall Square, leaving sorority house, starting Safe Ride, you have always wanted? forward. It will in some part view. Immerman, taking a break some 30,000 square feet that needed creating the Religious Activities remove the kinGS of worries peo- form his increasingly hectic sched- to be dealt with. Back then the Center, starting student services re- Immerman: What I wanted was ple have of where they will end up ule, reflected on his past experi- Student Center was often described engineering, and renovating Senior for MIT to bring these services and what the Institute will .look ences, his new responsibilities and to me as large and largely dysfunc- House. together and to allow for an inte- like. The reorganization does not how they relate to re-engineering, tional. Before I left the Dean's grated and holistic approach to stu- presuppose what .any re-engineer- and what he sees in the future of Office, I had talked to Vice The Tech: What part of your past dent development. I have always ing team is doing, and will cer- student services at MIT. Pre ident Dickson about a vision for experience will help you in your been less worried about my position tainly not take anything away the Student Center to better support new position? or title, and more worried about from them. The Tech: Can you provide a students. how effective I will be and how

description of your MIT career? The current structure is based Immerman: I have been at MIT much Ican do in my job. The Tech: Will you rema 1 largely on that vision. And this is for 17 years, and I have had the closely involved with re-engineer- Immerman: I started in 1979 as one of the great things about MIT, opportunity to work across bound- The Tech: What was your part in ing? MIT's first full time adviser for that if you have a good idea, people aries. Some of the projects that I planning the reorganization? fraternities and independent living will hear you out and try to carry it have been able to work on are not Immerman: J don't know. These appreciably different than what I Immerman: It has not been any new responsibilities will in some think I will be doing in my new job. secret that J have advocated the way make changes in my work life, I have always been involved with need, desire, and hope that we but Idon't know what these changes students, whether as a dean, fresh- might bring what is now in place will be. I have learned so much men adviser, nightline adviser, or into reality for at least 15 years. from re-engineering in such a short fraternity adviser. But this is the president's decision time and I am forever grateful for . The things that make me feel the on where the Institute needs to go. the personal growth it has offered most useful and satisfied have 1 certainly endorse it, and am me. Re-engineering is difficult, but always related to student life and excited by it. This is one of the it has allowed us to make more activities, so this is basically just a greatest opportunities we have had progress faster than' ahythi'ng I hay. homecoming for me. My guess is to make a strong statement of the seen thus far. that it is not going to be easy, and importance of student life and ser- none of us have a clear understand- vices. The Tech: What do you see as ing of where it is going. However If you would have asked me your biggest challenge in your new the expression of bringing all these whether this would happen last year position? activities into the educational fold is I would have said no. However, the a strong statement of what MIT president has thrown the boulders Immerman: To understand and stands for. It is time to support out of the way. It is a incredibly figure out how to put together a sys- MIT's mission and the needs of stu- visionary decision. And I believe as tem that supports student services dents. a community we will be able to pull fully and maximizes our resources. it off. The good news is that there are a lot The Tech: What is your new job? of bright people who care deeply What specific areas will fall under The Tech: Was the plan a result about MIT, including a lot of stu- your new job? of re-engineering? dents, and together we will figure it out. Immerman: Some of it remains Immerman: It would be a mis- to be seen. What I do know is that a take to say that. Did re-engineering Immerman, Page 11

2 3 4 5 49 Yoko, et al. 10 Hubbub 14 ACROSS 51 "So there!" 11 - '~esa 1 Wigwam 52 Mythological twins 12 Famous fountain 6 ~liss d I Orsay (3 wds.) . 13 '- wrap 10 Emulates 6-Across 57 Exclamation of 18 Knave 14 1938 movie, "- disgust 19 Ancient instruments Chicago" 58 2.0 grade-point 23 Mil an's "La -" 15 Horse color average 24 Spanish man's name 16 Mrs. David Copper- 59 Environmental 25 Bandleader Shaw field science (abbr.) 26 Nuclear particle 17 Increasingly near 60 Luxury (3 wds.) 27 What old grads do (3 wds.) 66 Black 32 Baker's ingredient 20 1963 movie, "David 67 -- defense 34 Product's maker and --" 68 COme next 36 Unmatched 21 ---- de cologne 69 Harry Belafonte 37 Nobel prize-winner 22 Tennessee power song -- Root complex 70 Fenc ing foi 1 38 Take ten 23 Tension (3 wds.) 71 "The defense -" 41 Emulated Romeo 28 Bird call 44 Emulate Minnie 29 1958 movie. "God's 48 Zephyr DOWN little -" 50 \~o.rldCup sport PUZZLE SOLUTIONS FROM LAST ISSUE 56 30 "- Haw" 1 Spasm 52 One of Santa's 31 Chi nese port 2 Make bigger reindeer 33 "Three men in-" (abbr. ) 53 Rocket stage 35 More convinced 3 Popular hangouts 54 Tremb 1i ng 39 - duck 4 Borden's cow 55 Author of old 40 Metric volume 5 Macedonian city 56 Actor Greene 42 Aswan's river 6 "- Diavolo" 61 Youth group 43 Indian state 7 Charged particle 62 Chemical suffix 45 Of an age 8 like some jeans 63 Once named 46 Nefarious 9 One way to pay 64 PI'efix: sel f 47 Blubber (2 wds.) 65 French possessive ~ Edward Jul ius Collegiate CW8813

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Immerman, from Page 10 My goal is to help facilitate a transi- Immerman: It i funny because I tion and to do that in such a way to The Tech: Is this the right thing don't usually think in those terms. 1 allow the system to operate" it elf. for MIT's future? am incredibly happy for MIT, and Part of re-engineering is to remove hopeful the impact will benefit end- management, and to empower folks Immerman: Absolutely. What is less generations of students. who are clo e to the students and the central mission of MIT? Students who are here are an end- the problems . • Research, education, and public ser- less resource for the world, and we , vice. Lots of people talk about the need to be conscious of that and The Tech: Is the recent adminis- definition of education, the presi- serve them the best way we can. At. trative turnover at MIT healthy? dent gave us the opportunity to the prospect of doing that, I am make it real. I don't want to.presup- beyond happy. Immerman: It depends on who pose what the task force on student I am really motivated and ener- you ask. One set of people say it life will establish, but think about gized, and to some extent, respect- will be a constant change and flux, what the president is asking us to fully terrified about what lies before since change is needed so rapidly. do. us. It is big, it is complicated, and Another perspective is that things What does a student have to how do you make sure you are have to come to some point of sta- learn outside of .the classroom? doing the right thing? We have bility, that it is difficult to be in They learn to recreate, to socialize, daunting responsibilities. I like to this much change and to constant- and to obtain skills that are needed work, which is not uncommon in ly to have to learn new things. to be successful in the real world. this community, and for the first There are so many variables it Students need to learn how to work time in my life I felt I really is difficult for me to speculate. I , in a group, to deal with people dif- , belonged when I came 'here. think we need to be stable, but that ferent from than themselves, and to Students at MIT are an absolute joy stability will not be stagnant express themselves. They need to tQ work with. because of all the changes happen- know how to negotiate in an orga- ing around us. It would probably nization, how to participate as a The Tech: Why did the reorgani- be a mix. citizen, how to make decisions, zation happen when it'did, and was The bottom line is, students how to deal with issues of injustice, it the best time? know how to serve students be'tter time, They believe that we should describe the great skill and fore- how to balance work and recre- than we do, and you need that kind - do what needs to be done, but then thought the administration has put ation. Immerman: We will have to of input to do your job well. move up and out to provide growth. into this conspiracy. It is absurd to We here at MIT have the best evaluate that later. Right now I I don't know what will happen. Too believe that the administration has opportunity of any other university I .have to assume that the right time is The Tech: Where do you see much is going on for me to say for such well thought out and devious have every seen to allow students to. now. There are arguments for any yourself one and five years from certain .. plans. The administration and the help students realize their potential. action. You need to go with what now? students need to sit down together, That's why tying student life to the you got and assume that it is the The Tech: What do you have to understand, and figure out how to educational process is so important. right answer. Immerman: In one year, I will be say about the perennial concerns of solve the problem. The two are not separated, they are up to my elbow with organizational the administration not getting But with whom do we sit down? a whole, and should be thought of as The Tech: It s..eems recently that changes. I will also be thinking enough student input? Who speaks for students? How do integrated. This Is a very practical when MIT administrators leave a about the closing of re-engineering. thing to do in a very practical place position because of death or retire- In five years? I have no idea. I hope Immerman: We have to together you come to a point of agreement - people who are incredibly bright, ment, a majQf restructuring and I will still be doing interesting work. define a process that wiJJ help us with so many student groups with . who don't need much coaching, will realignment of their responsibilities solve that problem. Even if there is so many different views? Who use the opportunities and tools put takes place? Do you think this posi- The Tech: What positions at MIT no problem, the fact that there is a needs to be involved? These are before them and run with them. Our tion will outlast you? do you see in your future? perception that there is a problem, very difficult questions and unless jobs is to put forth the opportunities then we have a problem. I view the people are willing to be open- and tools, and then get out of the Immerman: If I do my job- well, Immerman: I literally love MIT, problem in less problematic terms minded, they will not be resolved. way. then no. And that is the best kind of and I would hope that I will be here than have been described in student Do I know how to solve these . job. If I am successful, the need for for a very long time. However, media. problems? No. Do I know how to The Tech: Are you happy about this position will not continue. But some of us believe it is not a good I have always been surprised to start? To sit down with everyone this from a personal standpoint? this is only speculative on ~y part. idea to stay at one place for a long the extent to which students and talk. Page 12 TECH Co c October 4, 199

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Visit our Website: October 4, 1996 THE TECH Page 13 Clinton Aims to Boost Kerry's Ratings with Concert

Kerry, from Page 1 folks in the stands, leaving me alone who she called "our own mhgic drag- to read over the pre materials. on" for tanding up for his ideal . of the press were pushing and hov- Democrats filtered in, waving t- Don Heiney followed, kicking ing for spaces in the cramped press shirts and signs displaying upport his section off with 'Dirty bleachers facing the stage. for Clinton and Kerry. Traditionally Laundry", which criticizes the "I think they might collapse," democratic groups turned out big, media ("Kick them when they're up, one reporter confided to me as he with union members taking up kick them when they're down ... air- skittered away. . much of the lower level. ing in the evening news their dirty Television cameramen tried to College students also showed laundry"). I nearly dropped my pen. tune their equipment .while the man- up. A reporter from United Press "I'm not using that quote," a ager of the White House press pool International and I watched as an paper reporter beside me declared. screamed at the event's staff about enthusiastic bunch of students on an The TV folks seemed happy, the accommodations. upper level took the ClintonlKerry though. They were swaying gently But I didn't really care. Gabor signs sprinkled about the arena and to the beat, trying not to disturb disappeared into the mass of photo used them to make words such as their cameras. "KERRY" and "HI". David Crosby dedicated "Help Ie sly Hoping" to Republican Crowd focused on Clinton Presidential contender Robert Dole, The general mirth rippling a move that was greeted by much through the audience turned to adu- applause by the audience. GABOR CSANYJ-THE TECH lation as President William J. Crosby, Stills, and Nash also A spotlight focuses on President Clinton crowded amidst supporters Clinton entered the arena. While the pitched in, speaking briefly about the during the Clinton/Kerry convention held at the Fleet Center concert was for Kerry, the evening environment and noting the impor- Saturday. clearly belonged to Clinton. tance of education before launching Mayor Thomas M. Menino into "Teach your Children Well". Kerry restated his dedication to the have a sense of humor?" asked kicked off the evening by welcom- environment, social projects, and Clinton. "Next thing you know, ing the President to Boston before Walsh endorses Clinton worker's rights, earning several he'll be up on the stage doing the handing the stage over to comedian The best speech, I think, was "We love you Kerry" shouts from Macarena with Al Gore." The audi- Whoppi Goldberg. Goldberg spoke made by Joe Walsh who jokingly the back rows en-route. ence cheered. onry briefly, branding as soulless the announced that he was "withdraw- "I would like to thank aU of the Clinton then launched into his republi~an candidate and expressing ing from the presidential campaign college students who attended speech. Calling Kerry and Kennedy her support for Kerry. and endorsing the incumbent." today," he said, prompting cries parts of a "bridge to the future," he "It has come to my attention that After about an hour and a half, from the assembled groups. praised their civic and environmen- some of you think that John Kerry is the Democratic festival began to get Wellesley, Brown, Mount Holyoke, tal credentials, calling them assets to not as 'cuddly' as he could be." she tiring. It was then that I noticed the and Smith, who brought signs with the state and close allies in his sen- said. "Well, I'm telling you that if group of Republicans sitting far up in their names, waved them high in the ate battles. The crowd erupted in you're going to send someone to the the comer of the arena. The spotlight air as he continued. cheers and then, just as quickly as e U.S. Senate, you don't want him to hit them once, and then Skirted the In a tip of the hat to the bands arrived, the president departed. be cuddly!" area thereafter. Every now and then, playing, Kerry noted that this time, The lights came up and there was Whoppi left to cheers and the~ prompted by some invisible force, no one at the concert was naked. no encore. I managed to re-unite with the music began. Peter, Paul, and they held up their "Weld for Senate" Kerry concluded the speech by giv- Gabor, and we ambled out of the col- Mary kicked off the concert, playing signs and cheered. Paired with their ing a bean pot to Clinton as the iseum. Concert it was not, yet some- "Blowing in the Wind)', "Where "Love the music, but I'm for Weld" president walked' up on the stage. how the event wasn't a political THOMAS R. KARLo-THE TECH have all the Flowers Gone?" and t-shirts, the entire surreal scene held Kerry noted that the pot c~ntained rally. This strange beast managed to Massachusetts Senator John F. otber favorites. my attention for some time. "something much better than combine both. Politics set to music: Kerry speaks at the Victory '96 The evening climaxed early for Kerry gave an animated speech, McDonald's. It's some of the best environmental policy and "Puff the celebration at the Fleet Center me when Mary dedicated a rendition thanking the musicians for retaining food you'll ever eat." magic dragon". Oh well, who ever last Saturday. of "Puff the Magic Dragon" to Kerry, the dream of "changing the world". "Who says that Kerry doesn't said it was easy being green?

Ni~ht(,,=-j ne see:i(s new vo!::..nte Call DEF Tlr~{ TIN

OP'.~:R.~i...{: .:~C)PER (x3-8'E',OO) . ALKAN KABAKCLOGLU Christopher J. Danielian '91 dodges past a Babson College opPonent in Wednesday's game at Steinbrenner Stadium. MIT ties at ().()• PDr an iE~!,terview. •• This space donated by The Tech

er to a e ~ f.J ~ Tech. ')"'''~ October 4, 1996 e----~-

By Orli. G Bahcall in titute affiliated with MIT through Senator Tonga opened the ded- ASSOCIATE EWS EDITOR it teaching activitie . It has con- ication ceremony by looking back The dedication of a new re earch tributed ub tantially to the Human on the thing that made it founding wing at the Whitehead Institute wa Genome Project re earch and ha po ible. Tsongas aid that the "free made on Monday. been active in genetic and biomed- enterpri e y tern that rewards inno- The new wing add approxi- ical re earch. vation and ri k and hard work ... mately 76,000 square feet, increa - The In titute wa founded 14 gave Jack Whitehead the ability" to ing the pace available for research year ago by Jack Whitehead, and create the In titute. and training by more than 45 per- the new wing is named the John, He said that Whitehead thrives cent. Peter, and Su an wing in honor of largely because of it proximity to Guest peakers at the dedication Whitehead's three children. MIT, which has "the great capacity included Senator Paul E. Tonga , Whitehead ha enjoyed a close to be innovative." MIT also pro- Director of the ational In titute of connection with MIT over the pa t vide a critical mas of young inves- Health Harold Varmus, and decade. "We at MlT are very proud tigator that provide an essential President Charle M. Vest. of the Whitehead and look forward base, "and the values of their The Whitehead In titute is a to many more years of fruitful sci- research must be appreciated," he non-profit independent re earch entific investigation," Vest aid. said. In addition to being a testimony to Jack Whitehead, Tsongas said MIT that Whitehead is "in a more funda- mental sense ... a tribute to the Emile Bustani Middle East country we live in and to the genius that made this possible."

Seminar Whitehead Aims to Educate presents The Whitehead dedication marks the beginning of a very exciting era at Whitehead, important to research Professor Irene worldwide, said Director of Whitehead Gerald R. Fink. Gendzier Foremost, Whitehead is a "place to nurture young minds and foster GABOR CSANYI-THE TECH Department of Political Science innovative science," Fink said. Dr. Harold E. Varmus, Director of the NatIOnal Institutes of Health, "One of the reasons behind the delivers the keynote address at Whitehead Institute's dedication Boston University meteoric rise of the Whitehead ceremony held on Monday. He spent his sabbatical year at Institute has been our ability to sup- Whitehead, and played for Biohazard, its intramural softball team. port new ideas at the very earliest dents, and many disciplines," he incredible what a community we stages of development- taking a said. have fonned," Whitehead Professor chance on brilliant young scientists Varmus also said that the tone of and Director of the Human Genome le~ eager to extend the boundaries of the work at the Institute was unusqal Center Eric Lander said. their chosen fields," Fink said and powerful. The most satisfying part of his "The new facilities will ensure The environment fostered here is time here, Lander said, has been that our young researchers continue one "in which serious work is done "watching young scientists launch to have the tools and resources they in playful manner," he said. n~w projects and gI:ow into intema- Tuesday, October 8, 1996 need to pursue novel ideas- solv- "Science at Whitehead is a playful, tional leaders. The secret: Never let- ing basic science problems in ways joyful activity that incorporates fun ting on what might be impossible." 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. that yield practical benefits for all of with seriousness," he added. Faculty members also agree that E51-095 us," he added. Professor of Biology Gene science at Whitehead is fun. "People' "Today we dedicate the new Brown, who served as chair of the here strive to be the best because 70 Memorial Drive wing to the young scientists of the Department of Biology when they love it," said Whitehead next generation that will make our Whitehead was created, recalls the Professor Terry Orr-Weaver. The Cambridge lives and the lives of our children support of the faculty in building the Orr- Weaver lab will be expanding better," Fink said. new Institute. and moving to a space in the new OPEN TO THE PUBLIC NIH Director Harold Varmus' "We knew all along it would be wing. Sponsored by the Center for International Studies keynote address attributed the a huge success," Brown said. "It is growth of the Whitehead family to great to have the really top notch Undergraduate learning stressed several factors. professors in Whitehead" as part of Undergraduates 'working in Whitehead's "strong linkage to our faculty. Whitehead laboratories were also MIT offers prestige, wonderful stu- "In my 14 years here, it is invited to the dedication. They expressed enthusiasm about the opportunity to be a part of the lead- Massachusetts Institute of Technology ing res.earch institution and the Whitehead family. "Whitehead is a great place- we are very pleased that faculty at THE DA.V~D J. :ROSE L£CTU:RE ~N Whitehead are so involved with undergraduate education at MIT," said Sarah Tegen '97, president of the biology undergraduate student NUCLEA:R TECHNoLoay association. "Whitehead has been undoubted- ly the most rewarding academic experience I could dream of," said Edmund T. Karam '98, a DROP stu- NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION dent in the Lodish lab. AFTER THE COLD WAR by ALBERT CARNESALE PROVOST OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MA

4:00 PM MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1996 BARTOS THEATER Lower Level of Building E 15 Wiesner Building, 20 Ames Street . Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 reception immediately following

Sponsored by: The Department of Nuclear Engineering The Alpha Nu Sigma Honor Society This space donated by The Tech October 4, 1996 THE TECH Page 16 THE CH O~tober 4, 1996

brakes and pull the wheel hard to the right, the sounds

of horns blaring from every direction. OK,that one was too 'Close,wa:y too close. That other driver didn't even look before changing lanes. They call them the express lanes, but you think "extinction lanes" is really more appropriate. Today seems worse than usual. Almost like it's Celebrate Driving Month or something and you're in the

psychotic parade. 1\[0 matter. You'realmost at the restaurant. A. ) very chic, very you-know taurant that youcannot afford. It is here that you are meeting your . ';'~l1tntioned fri~nd whosecousin twi~~~removed:~in town. Cousin needs a date. Cousinis just right for you! yourfr1end claims. Sure. That's what your friend said about.DreamDateY t ,

J.(."<- last month.The dream ended at the police station. Don't ask. "Sorry," you tell your friend, "I'm booked." end laughs. ]Tiend kno~,You are , .ur later you're cruising for .~.,,;~~... . {~ parking. ]'ive blo . enly, you see it ....b.. space....4- it be? Time left on the ,.,ick your arm out the


backup. SUddenlyout pf cally •

. }

a police officer materializes. She gestures at Mister Sports Car., "Movethis vehicle now,sir." YlisterSports Car argues, but the po1i~;i ,.< >'~:~i\'j, officer is firm. Youwatch as l-lister Sports Car reluctant~>': I) '" ''';-::>-: away. Yousmile. Log off. Powerdown.Parallel parking is/t. , -;:


MIT Class of 1997 Career Fair, Friday, October 11, 1996 DuPont Athletic Center, 10:00 AM • 4:00 PM Come see us and bring your resume. MiclOSOft"

() 1996 Microsoft CorporatIOn. All rights reserved. October 4, 1996 HE TECH Page 17

Sigma Kappa House " May Ope in Fall '97

By Uz Krams There "has not been any reaction yet" to the proposed move by the Sigma Kappa sorority recently community, Juneja said. But the started the process of confirming the attempt should be made easier with ,yo' location of a permanent home for its the presence of the two existing r>tk; members. sorority houses. The Institute finds possible loca- The sororities are given opportu- tions for sorority houses and then nities to choose houses in the order presents the groups with building of their establishment at MIT. choices for their approval. Kappa Alpha Theta is the next After consultations, SK has cho- sorority in line for a house. sen the property at 480 gnhf~liespeed. hdighhfgP Commonwealth A venue, an apart- ment building next to Alpha Chi .eed. high spee • Omega's house and across the street from Alpha Phi's house. Hurry - sign up to talk to a Continental Representative The building was originally about a position in our high-speed data group on 10/17. zoned for residential use and con- Highway! service, a new cable ,Positions now available in our broadband tained mostly apartments. It also service available exclusively from Internet Services Group include Applications had a florist shop in the basement Continental Cablevision, is the Developer and Network Engineer. and a fortune teller on the first floor. HIIIQ H WAY 1 first generation of affordable, high- Tara L Fernando '97, the presi- speed Internet services for residential customers. We'll be on campus on October 17th. So sign up dent of SK, said that the sisters were right away. and show us you're comfortable with "really excited to have a place of Be part of the team that's developing compelling high speed. their own." Stevie Ace Flores. /-. applications and services for this new broadband The SK Housing Chair Anita S. Killed by a drunk driver Internet service. Developers motivated by Check Continenul out at and Juneja '98 said that the house would Highway I at on March 23, 1993, on Padfic Coast applying the latest technologies to real-world be an asset to the chapter. Highway in Wilmington, Calif. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer M/F/HN. SK currently occupies the base- applications are the ideal candidates, as appli- ment and part of the first floor of the Ifrou don't srop yc*irfriend cations for Continental's network will need to be both cutting-edge and deployable on a large scale. graduate dormitory Ashdown from driving drunk, 'who will? ~1.i~- Continental Cablevision House. Once the sorority women Do whatever it takes. move out, the space will revert to house graduate students. The anticipated changes are in This space donated by The Tech line with the original agreement between SK and Ashdown, said Phillip Bernard, a staff associate in AMSTERDAM Residence and Campus Activities. ATLANTA SK members moved into McKinsey Cotnpany BARCELONA & BEIJING Ashdown last year after the closing BERLIN of Huntington Hall dramatically BOGOTA increased undergraduate crowding. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BOMBAY The relationship between SK and BOSTON Ashdown has been "really wonder- BRUSSELS ful" and there were no problems BUENOS AIRES during the stay, Bernard said. CARACAS SK was supposed to stay for two CHARLonE years and afterwards the space CHICAGO would slowly go back to house only CLEVELAND COLOGNE graduate students. COPENHAGEN "Ashdown did not want this to DALLAS be a permanent thing. They did not McKinsey & Company, DUBLIN want the undergraduates to take DUSSELDORF over," Bernard said. a leading international management FRANKFURT The rising numbers of women in GENEVA entering class and the increasing consulting fIrm, cordially invites GOTHENBURG number of requests for all-female HAMBURG HELSINKI housing has added emphasis on the all 1997 bachelor's and master's HONG KONG search. HOUSTON On-campus houses had done a degree candidates to learn more ISTANBUL good job at accommodating these JAKARTA requests and they would continue to about our 2-3 year JOHANNESBURG do so in the future, Bernard said. LISBON LONDON Sorority may move next fall business analyst program. LOS ANGELES While the sorority was still in the MADRID MELBOURNE early stages of getting the house, MtXICO CllY there was hope that the sorority MILAN could move in to its new facilities as MINNEAPOLIS early as the fall of next year, Juneja MONTERREY said. MONTRtAL The house as currently envi- MOSCOW sioned would accommodate 24 peo- Please join us at our booth MUNICH ple. Juneja did not know the exact NEW DELHI costs, but said she expected that NEW JERSEY at the Class of 1997 Career Fair on NEW YORK they would be comparable to the ORANGE COUNlY • other sorority houses. Friday, October 11. OSAKA Much of the time between now OSLO and next fall will be used to secure PACIFIC NORTHWEST government and community PARIS approval for the site. The communi- PERTH ty's opinions are an integral part of PlnSBURGH this process. PRAGUE ROME We look forward to meeting you. SAN FRANCISCO sAo PAULO FREE JOB DATABASE SEOUL SHANGHAI FOR MIT STUDENTS SILICON VALLEY STAMFORD Visit JobTrak, a password STOCKHOLM protected online database STUnGART where employers post jobs for SYDNEY TAIPEI MIT students and alumni. • TOKYO TORONTO • Go to VIENNA • Select Job Listings WARSAW • Select MIT from list of schools WASHINGTON, D.C. ZURICH

Access is automatic from an account. For a pass- word (off campus), send your name, course number and year of graduation to • [email protected] . Page I THE TECH October 4, 1996 t Who can offer co ege graduates so id wor experience, management opportunities, trave e to exotic places and the opportunity to make a difference in the world?

By May K. Tse On the whole, it was felt that now The Peace Corps. Unlike some of STAFF REPORTER was not a good time, because inter- your other job prospects, Peace The idea of bringing a sixth est was not high enough," said Corps has 3,750 openings avail- sorority to MIT by extension has Christina A. Ildebrando '99, Kappa been under discussion since last Alpha Theta's Panhel delegate. t able and with numbers like that tenn, but the idea was finally voted The motion to bring a new soror- there is more than enough down by members of the ity onto campus was first made last opportunity to go around. Panhellenic Association last month. year, after unusually high number of "A meeting to discuss extension women rushing. to a new sorority on campus was "As the number of women com- To learn more about how Peace held last tenn on May 13, and one ing to MIT increases, pledge class Corps will put your knowledge was held this tenn on September 4. sizes increase," Ildebrando said. "A and skills to work, visit us on The actual vote took place on new sorority would give more September 12, but the motion was options so more people can find a campus at the location(s) below denied," said Panhel President group they're happy with, plus it or visit our web site at: Laura L. DePaoli '97. would decrease the number of those The vote was done by a written with no bids." secret ballot, with one representa- "Anyone who wants a bid should tive from each of five MlT's five get a bid. If chapters grow too large sororities voting. In order for the and a lot of girls don't get bids, this t INFO MEETING: OCTOBER 8, 6:00PM - 8:00PM motion of extension to pass, four isn't what we want. A new sorority ~ out of five Panhel delegates needed would give another option," said ROOM 4-149 to vote in favor of it, but the count Julie A. Townsend '98, Alpha Chi fell short. Omega's Panhel delegate. "I was not really surprised, INTERVIEWS: OCTOBER 9, 8:30AM - 5:00PM because no one really said anything Poor rush affected vote CAREER SERVICES at the September 4 meeting," said This year's rush results might Lauren B. Klatsky '97, president of have affected the voting that denied Alpha Epsilon Phi. The lack of the extension. interest is in part due to the slower "In light of how rush went this PEACE CORPS. THE TOUGHEST -JOB rush experienced this fall as com- year, I feel that the delegates voted pared to last fall. accordingly," said Julie J. Muyco YOU'LL EVER LOVE! "There are several pros and cons. '98, Panhel executive vice-presi- dent. - "There was some concern t' [among the sororities] that the num- ber of pledges was lower than last year's," Klatsky said. "If there's a new sorority, and the number of women rushing does not increase, then all the sororities will be hurt, including the newest one," Ildebrando said. Another drawback is that "small- er pledge class sizes would bring about concerns for those who need to fill sorority houses," said Jeanette E. Chian '98, Alpha Phi's Panhel delegate. • Alpha Phi and Alpha Chi Omega are the only two that currently have houses, and Sigma Kappa is in the process of getting one [see story, page 17). "It seems like the trend of high numbers from last year was a fluke. This year seemed a lot different. If we had a rush like last year again, then I think it'd be time for a new sorority," said Tara L. Fernando '97, president of Sigma Kappa. There was agreement as to when that time would be. "The right time • for a new sorority will be when pledge classes are consistently larg- er, and everyone has a comfortable •I number of sisters," Chian said . For the moment, any discussion of a new sorority is closed, but if a member of Panhel makes a motion of this type again in the future, Panhel will reopen the discussion and once again look into the issue. "The earliest time [Panhel will discuss an extension again] may be .J next year, but my guess is that it won't be that early," DePaoli said. 1 EN DRINKING CALL A FRIEND. ' OR GET ARIDE WITH A STRANGER •.

Drinking and riding can lead to a loss of license, a conviction, or even worse. When you drink, get a ride with a friend. It's ~ the best call you can make. IIOTORCYCLE SAFETY F An This space donated by The Tech f ( THE TECH Page 19








The Boston Consulting Group invites all MIT Ph.D. students to a presentation:

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The Boston Consulting Group is an international leader in management consulting. Our mission is to help our clients attain uncommon success by capitalizing on opportunities for growth and improvement.' At this presentation we will discuss two examples from our practice and describe opportunities in management consulting at BeG for Ph.D. students. ..~. . OctoBer 4; 1996 SURF FOR A LIVING s CS EE MIS MAJORS

Re-englneerlng, from Page 1 ally, she said. INFORMATION SESSION with r----~IO~ Another interim measure "we are be started by the end of this semes- looking into implementing is the ter." paying for Campus Police deta' Ziplink Internet is a nationwide, full-service Internet Services Provider. Ziplink provides high through student groups' MIT quality, affordable Internet access, as well as high bandwidth connections, ISDN, Web site hosting, Interim steps to help groups accounts," Ives said. "If this is and Web site design. In addition, Ziplink is innovative Internet affiliate programs provide added "We will be working in the next established, groups can get the same value business opportunities to prospective agents and resellers. few months to start the interim discount without using checks or steps" mandated by the team, said cash." Ziplink Internet was formed by the management team that built Message Center USA into the Assistant Dean for Student The team has already started nation is third largest paging company. With over 35 years in telecommunications services, the Activities Katherine G. O'Dair. talking to student government founders of Ziplink recognized that the Internet will have a profound influence on the way that we "These steps will reduce the time groups such as the Undergraduate work and live. Ziplink is network and services are designed to meet the rapidly changing, needed to register for an event for Association and the Graduate demanding communications requirements for individuals and businesses today. Ziplink's V.P. of 50 percent of the student activities." Student Council to get input on the "The interim steps are meant to best way to proceed with these Operations and Finance is an MIT graduate and will be on hand to answer questions. be temporary measures that will plans, Ives said. serve to benefit student groups while the implementation phase is Team recommends new database being planned," Johnson said. "The One of the ideas being brought I Partial list of Position Available I steps will hopefully save a lot of forward by the team is a student time and work for the student activity database which will contain' • Customer Service Specialists - Administrative Assistant groups." the information on the financial • Peri/SOL Programmers • Director of Marketing "We are also currently investi- operations and event management gating the possibility to obtain a of activities. .Tech Sales Consultants • Call Center Manager blanket license for Institute facili- Student groups will also be • Unix Administrator -LAN/WAN Specialists ~~J ties," O'Dair said. Student groups assigned their own individual MIT currently have to obtain one day bank accounts instead of being a .Sales Trainer • Management Opportunities ZIPLINK licenses from the city of Cambridge part of the general account for stu- • Financial Analyst .Technical Services Specialists NT ERN ET if they wish to hold events on cam- dent activities, as is currently the pus. A blanket license, if obtained, case, Johnson said. Activities may will allow the Institute to obtain a also choose to have accounts with For further [email protected] license for a long period of time, outside banks. and save the student groups the time The changes to the system will http to obtain one day licenses individu- allow groups to review their finan- cial status 24 hours a day instead of t waiting for their statements to arrive once a month, Johnson said. Activities also will be able to place electronic requests to spend money. The final recommendation calls for the creation of a Central Allocations Board, which would be led by students and consist of WE INVEST administration and staff members as well, Ives said. The board will provide a list of funds available from academic IN THE BEST. ~ departments in the central database. Students may still request funds from individual departments under /7 areer .decisions should be made prudently because they the new system. The new system determtne your long-term future. When you join us, the will also permit students, faculty, C and staff to look at and request Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd available space online. (GIC), you are making a prudent decision which gives you good Activities will be able to do long-term returns. We are the largest global fund management event registration, such as reserving equipment needed for the event, at company in Singapore. A career with us means prestige, challenging the same time that space is reserved and interesting work,financial rewards and excellentcareerprospects. for the event. Groups will also he We also provide the global exposure and training which few others able to choose if the event will be listed on a master social calendar, can match. Johnson said.

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Wanted: Programmer for Artificial teams to produce state-of-the-art sports games for the PlayStation and future platforms. Intelligence Project.Oft-campus firm is • Travel Proposal looking for MIT student to work on an artificial intelligence programming Spring Break '97'! Cancun, project.Student can work on campus, Bahamus, Jamaica & Florida. Forum, from Page 1 Campus reps group organizers PlayStatlon Program'mer on their own schedule, and e-mail & earn free trips & cash ...Call us today • Very strong (/C++ program code to us.Approx. 10 hours 1-800-700-0790 • Strong AI, 3D, or physics programmIng 'a plus incorporate "practica," six-unit sub- of work per week would be required. jects that integrate communication • 8A in Computer Science or related field Hourly rate will depend on experi- Free Trips & Cash! Rnd out how hun- • Interest and knowledge of competitive sports a plus skills with ,the material in a tradi- ence. (800) 521-4518 dreds of student representatives are tionally technical field. already earning free trips and lots of ' , cash with America's #1 Spring Break . The details of the proposal will Part-time job near Harvard.Top rates be finalized during the fall and company! Sell only 15 trips and trav- Sony Interactive Studios offers excellent salary, innovative profit sharing & bonus.Ten to twenty flexible hours el free I Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, program, and complete benefits package. would then be submitted to the fac- per week for the U.S. office of a Jamaica or RoridalCampus Manager "'" ~" ~ ulty for approval. British College.Work includes internet positions also available. Call nowl The pl~m would only affect Take a break student travel (800)95- If you're interested developing the next generation of leading sports and telephone student outreach and future students, since it would take BREAK! garnes, please send your resume, or look for us on-campus at the: .counselling for environmentally- approximately seven years to create oriented study-abroad program. all the subjects the new system • Information • Massachusetts Institute of Technology Career Fair in the Du Pont Athletic. Applicants should have an interest in would need. Center on Friday, October 11, 1996 lOAM to 2 PM. international education,and good Galaxy TeleCards - Free Phone Card Long [email protected]/minute. < computer,internet,telephone and Student opinions mixed Anytime,anywhere in the continental • Massachusetts Institute ,of Technology Ort-Campus Recruiting Date in the interpersonal skills. Ruency in Asian While the proposal is -still taking U.S.,Alaska and Hawaii e-mail:rdro- Office of Caree! ~ervlces on Thursday, October 10, 1996 9 AM to 5 PM. or Middle Eastern language a 'plus. [email protected] shape, students state that the plan com .com/ -rdrod rig/tele1. html [email protected] Box CJ. Cannoy ....~ has some benefits, but also some Distributorships also available. 1393,Boston,MA 02117.617-497- possible pitfalls. clo Sony Interactive Studios America 5056 "I'm very glad they are'taking a International Calling Card, Low 10075 Barnes Canyon Road Rates to all countries.Japan proactive [stand] on improving the Healthy men needed as sperm San Diego,CA 92121 $0.61/min., Taiwan 0.84, UK 0.39, donors. Help others and earn up to communication skills of MIT stu- Germany 0.55, Hong Kong 0.65, [email protected] dents," Lee said. $120/wk.Must be between 19-34 & France 0.54, India 1.26, Australia "It would be good because 5'9" or over. Call 497-8646 to see if 0.48,China 1.66, anywhere USA you qualifylCalifornia there's the outside impression that 0.25, more. Call 1-800-624-1632 for Cryobank, Inc. ,Cambridge Info . ,we don't have any humanities [at • MIT] ... Obviously you're going to be writing reports or proposals your whole life," said Christopher S. McGuire '00. "I think writing is an important part of communication. Reading a PRINCIPLES ol SOU NOR E T I R E,lV\ E N TIN V EST I N G book in equations isn't good enough. I think courses that are in your major 'and allow you to write at the same time," work best to help students express themselves, said Robert W. LaChance '97. Some expressed concern over th1e""Chnge a d fe't that'lf,e uiTing ';IJ ?!-'.L J _. h (1Jl-; V'" r • ...,.JI cenam wn ng asses ou d res nct • th~lr' ch~{~es of huma~ities cours'es. " "I wouid 'defi~iteiy prefer the current system. Four, or even two or three more classes, take a good chunk of time from taking more general humanities classes. I'd rather have the writing be a part of the current humanities classes,': said Matthew S. DeBergalis '99 "I don't think it's useful to have courses devoted specifically to writ- ing. I would not want to take four classes out of a constrained set of humanities classes. You don't get enough variety if you choose only four writing. classes," said Hussein M'. Waljee '97. . "I'm concerned about the nega- tion of other HASS .[subject areas], like music and philosophy," said EXERCISE REGULARLY AND YOU Avi C. Weiss '99. "If you pass Phase II, you C,OULD LIVE LONGER. should have the basic skills [to write reports]," and this is the main writ- INVEST REGULARLY SO YOU ing ability that students need, said Marlon D. Shows '97 . CAN AFFORD TO.

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• This space donated by The Tech , Page 22 THE TECH PORTS October 4, 1996 e _~_e c g to Second Win, o en's Rugby Tops Wellesley By Roger Crosley team defeated Boston University SPORTS INFORMATION DIRECTOR 4-3. The Engineers' victory over By arlanne Bitler a strong head wind. Wing Jennifer Joy G added a MIT wide receiver Trent Redman the Terriers was the first time in TEAM MEMBER third try in the second half, and Woodring also ran in '97 and running back Troy Gayeski five years MIT that topped BU. The MIT women's rugby football club rucked to for a score. '98 have been named to Last Friday, the Engineers over- the second victory of its season Saturday, beating The second half was more difficult for MIT, but the Eastern Collegiate Football came Babson College with a score archrival Wellesley College 27-0. Wellesley was unable to score despite being inside Conference of 6-1. Back at wing after a season of rehab, Jennifer Joy the 22 line several times. MIT was able to fight them Weekly Honor blew past the opposition twice in the first half for back with the aid of powerful mauls and strategic Roll for their Women' tennis at 5-1 several tries. MIT's pack dominated the scrum and Sports kicking. play in Sat- The MIT women's tennis team line outs leaving Wellesley with little room to MIT won the second game handily with a IS-{) urday's last- also has started quickly. After an maneuver. final score. Tries were scored by Woodring at scrum Shorts minute 22-25 opening match loss to Skidmore Crunching tackles by Crystal Harris '00 also loss to Western ew England College, the women rebounded to a helped shake up the opposition. A third try was half, Dana Ayotte G at wing, and Bitler at center. College. 5~ I record including a 9-D shutout scored in the first half by inside center Marianne Solid scrums and strong offensive pressure from Redman had seven receptions for of rival Worcester Polytechnic Bitler G after a well-executed switch with fly half the backline kept the Wellesley team on its toes. 109 yards with touchdowns of 57 Institute on Saturday. Sara Woodring G. MIT's next horne game will be against and 22 yards. The score at half time was 17-0, with scrum half Providence College next Saturday at II a.m. on Gayeski carried the ball 36 times Track teams running strong Karen Willcox G converting on one try in the face of Briggs Field. for 131 yards and a touchdown. He M IT runners Lauren Klatsky also returned a kickoff for 25 yards '97, and Jani Eisenberg '98 placed ») and threw a 26-yard pass for a fir t first and second in last weekend's down on a fake punt. Rhode Island College Cross Country Invitational. Klatsky cov- Men's tennis beats BU Week Six Brocoum Stands 23-'16 ered the 3.1 mile course in 20:02, The MIT men's tennis team is with Eisenberg finishing seven sec- Brocoum, from Page 24 ain't dat good. The Packers are San Diego and Denver are going off to a 4-0 start. Last week, the onds later. coming to Chicago from up in to have a good time getting to know Additional author's note: Any Green Bay and da Bears better look each other real well this weekend. games decided by less than a touch- da heck out. Take Elway. down which I call correctly take Oakland's season looks spec- San Francisco and St. Louis. I'm incredible skill. Any such games tacular when you compare it with taking a chance with this one: 4gers. WELCOMj &ACI' which I lose can be explained as a the Jets' season. Unfortunately for Houston and Cincinnati. I ~(J cSelv(J(J~. terrible case of bad luck. the Jets, Neil O'Donnell, their reg- flipped for it and the penny landed ular starting quarterback, is the on its edge. Take Houston. 0 ....------To ke a Bre k ------, The picks, week six starting quarterback again this Monday Night Brawl for the • Garber Trovel Welcomes you back with the I know New England is the . week. Ages: Pittsburgh at K.C. on home team, and I know I'm going to Miami has had a bit of a quarter- Monday Night. Wow. For obvious lowest prices anywhere, anytime, guaranteed. get run out of town for this one 'back controversy, but it pales in reasons, I am looking forward to but. .. take the Baltimore Browns. comparison to Seattle's internal this game. Both teams are gritty and • let our Trovel professionals treat you to the new Atlanta is bad, very bad. Take controversy over "How to win foot- powerful. Pittsburgh will be more and exciting offers you have been waiting for. Detroit in a romp. ball games." powerful. Jerome Bettis, Kordell Carolina and Minnesota both had Indianapolis at Buffalo. Don't Stewart and Pegram will be way too disastrous games last week (as miss this one. Well, actually, never much for the Chiefs. The Steelers noted above). Being a Minnesota mind. I forgot the Bills aren't that are quietly assuming the position as fan ... barely ... I will go with the good anymore. AFC leader in preparation for The Vikings' experience to triumph over Jacksonville over the Saints, just Show .. Cambridge • 1105 Massachusetts Ave. (617) 492.2300 the expansion Panthers in the because if New Orleans won it Last week~s record: 8-5,. sea- Metrodome. would tarnish their perfect 0-5 son record: 23-16 (yes that is over Da Bears are da Bears. Da Bears record. 500, thank you.~ery mu~h).

. ~ Greater Boston American Heart ~ .AssociationSMV We invite all Fighting Heart Disease and StrGke MIT Seniors HEALTHYtCHOICE. to get to know our people :;! &• ('l) 0 and career opportunities • Q ~ (") ~ R' l"""'t'- ~ ~ ~. C/".) ~ 0 g. ~ ..._~. ) ----- ~ (1) M- ~- ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ "'~ .~ ~ 0 ~ Ii ~ CJ1 ~ ..... p... : == -So ~ t'b ~ ~ ~.... ~ ~ C!) J~~ C!) INVESTMENT BANKING OJ

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This space donated by The Tech ~ October 4, 1996 THE TECH Page 23 Gurus Look Toward Exciting Baseba: 1,Hockey, Football

By Grant Smith, AnuJ Mohan, have the capacity to behave like fresh off a Hart MVP Trophy perfor- The Pittsburgh Penguins are a team that will hit, fight and bang and Tosh Demsey kindergartner (or wor e). mance and with the powerful Legion team in trouble. Year after year, head around. The problem is that Finally, what would an article of Doom, wa poised to lead his they lose talent and get older, and with the loss of eely: Reid and As major league baseball enters about baseball be without playoff team to a breakthrough year last year after year they continue to bat- MacEachern the team's scoring is its econd postseason ince its infa- predictions? This year we expect a year. Hextall looked good in net, and tle. Lemieux and Jagr are indeed remarkably thin. mous strike, we think that it is about rerun of the politically incorrect Bobby Clarke's trade as GM sug- form~dable, and edved has finally As a result, they'll need strong time to look at the changes our World Series between the Atlanta gested orne sort of hypnotic power. found a system which can benefit goaltending to survive. Oh, and for • national pastime" has undergone in Braves and the Cleveland Indians. However, after a strong closing from his skills. Al Iafrate fans who are upset about • recent years. Thus we present a Once again, the Braves have the and tea ling the top spot in the east However, trading Sergei Zubov his trade to San Jose, sometime last brief breakdown of baseball as it best pitching in the majors and the on the very last day of the season, to Dallas for will not week, he stopped training with the exists today. Indians have the best hitting in the bolster the offense, and the cup Sharks due to pain in his knee. majors. The old baseball adage that years are indeed over. Baseball: the good "good pitching beats good hitting" The Detroit Red Wings need to ew offside rule to change game The revised playoff format, . will ring true again this year as the The old baseball do something quick to resolve their The delayed offsides rule is now introduced two seasons ago, which Braves defeat the Indians in seven downward spiral. Four Russians did officially gone. For the past seven allows eight teams to advance to games. adage that "good not work. Five Russians did not years, the defensemen have been postseason play has created exciting pitching beats good work. Keith Primeau wants out. able to dump the puck into an offen- pennant and wild-card races, allow- Hockey season looks exciting Rumors urround Sergei Fedorov. sive zone despite stranding players ing even Red Sox fans to have hope The new hiUing" will ring This team can rack up as many wins offsides in the knowledge that the in the last week of the season. season is just around the comer, with in the regular season as it wants, but forwards can negate the offsides by Unlike many professional sports, games beginning this Friday, and true again this year it will not mean a thing .without the clearing the zone. baseball is one where parents can coming off the excitement of the playoffs. This is no longer the case. take their children to a game without world cup, it's time to note the teams as the Braves defeat Under the argument that this rule • having to take money out of their to watch in the new year. Team on the rise has reduced the talent of HL college fund. Despite a few bad The usual flurry of off season the lrulians in The Ottawa Senators look to be defensemen by allowing them to be apples, baseball offers some of the trades and signings and the addition seven games. an up and coming team. We are lax on stickhandling skill, an best role models, like Mo Vaughn of the Phoenix Coyotes has shaken serious. Enough years at the bottom immediate whistle will be blown id and Cal Ripken, who are conscious up the league a fair bit and should of the league and those number one any players are in the offensive of J e youths who look up to them result in some exciting play in the_ draft picks have to produce. And zone when the puck is sent in. and do not cease to remember that months to come. they ran into a very hot Florida team judging from the end of last season Watch for more turnovers and baseball is a game for the fans. One of the tecr..~<;towatch in the and couldn't overcome the rat. and from the pre-season games, this breakaways as defensemen are left upcoming season IS the Colorado Lindros' failure to take over will be a breakout year. high and dry. Baseball: the bad Avalanche. These Stanley Cup leadership of Team Canada in a Alexandre Daigle's starting to This season's offensive explo- Champs were well deserving of convincing' manner places the onus develop (finally!), and Daniel Avalance should win again sion has led to record-breaking their victory and have lost very little on him to produce this year. Further Alfredsson's Calder (rookie of the A year ago, when we picked the home run statistics while ERAs of their' cup-winning core. One sore keys to success, the play of John year) trophy was no joke. Now with Avalance to win the cup, we had the under 3.00 have become nearly as spot is the loss of backup goal ten- LeClair, and Clarke's ability to find some leadership from Yashin and distinction of choosing the winner • rare as a triple play. der Stephane Fiset, but with St. a money goaltender . strong youthful goaltending from without seeming like we were jump- Some fans may view the upward Patrick in net, much can be forgiv- Damian Rhodes, this team will ing on a bandwagon. So this year, Some teams sinking in ranks spiraling scores as an improvement, en. # almost make the playoffs (yeah, ris- while we again feel the A valance but we think there is something The N~w York Rangers are The Florida Panthers are begin- ing slowly, but just wait a couple will top the Flyers in the finals, it is wrong when the scores of baseball another team to watch. What will ning to look more and more like the more years). unfortunately nothing new to people games can be easily confused with Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier New Jersey Devils. Riding on the who have heard the same prediction the scores of football games. be able to produce together? In any strength of a hot goaltender and a The home team: the Bruins time and time again. Also, although the strike is over, event, the Great .One will be fantas- strong defensive system, a team The will be enter- But in the end, the Red Wings the players and owners have yet to tic in the Big Apple. His rejuvenat- with substandard scoring ability taining this year, at least you can say are too soft, the Penguins too thin, come to a labor agreement, and the ed look and tremendou~ insight into beats the Bruins, 'Penguins and that about them. The addition of play- the Blackhawks without enough lack of a real baseball commissioner the game could help the Rangers go Flyers to make it to the Stanley Cup ers like Trent MacLeary, , punch, and the Panthers without has left the future of baseball uncer- far. Finals, only to fall apart the next and Troy Mallette will bolster promise. A season full of hockey tain. The soon-to-be-implemented The defense, anchored by the year. We have a remarkable sense Tocchet"s valuable addition of grit. awaits, however, and that is reward interlea9ue play will break' base- likes 'of Leetch, Beukeboom, and of deja vu going on here. This will be a rough and tumble enough. I ball's 10HgLstahliing-'tradition '~f Samuelsson will also help the team keeping the American and National tremendously. Richter's goaltending Leagues separate until the World in the World Cup, as in '94, illus- Series. trated that a team will rise and fall with its goalie. Baseball: the ugly Both S1. Louis and Toronto dis- The disgraceful quarrel between covered that a team built on players Roberto Alomar and umpire John who could have won a cup five Hirschbeck which began with years ago is a team with a very Alomar spitting in the face of shaky foundation, and age cout"d Hirschbeck and followed by Alomar very easily catch up to this team. remarking that Hirschbeck has Watch for injuries and wear and tear ATTE TIO changed since his son died (and to rip this team apart, or else for a resulting in Hirschbeck charging at very strong contender. Alomar while threatening to kill The Philadelphia Flyers are a • him), proves that grown men still team in transition. Eric Lindros, STUDE TS! 2 DAYS ONLY! GMAT-GRE-LSAT-MCAT $5.00 CABLE THE • PRINCETON REVIEW INSTALLATION MEETS ON THE Now is your opportunity to get cable installed for only $5.00. That's a $17.33 savings. And for only $11.30 a month you can receive over 20 cable chanI]els including ESPN, CNN, BU CAMPUS! 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e g ~Team e eats BU Ge ts

By Chris Townsend opposition's 22-meter line. TEAM MEMBER Just before half time right wing La t weekend, the men's rugby Will Logan '97 added another tick team chalked up their fourth traight to the score sheet, running over in win of the fall ea on, beating the the comer following a serum. Boston Gentlemen 38--5 under diffi- After the break the Boston cult wind conditions. Gentlemen carne out fighting. With MIT won the toss and decided to strong ruck-and-maul play they put start the game with their back to a MIT under a lot of pressure and strong wind. They used the gusty were rewarded with a push-over try condition to their advantage, with after just a few minutes. Visiting Scholar Christopher They were not able to sustain Bruneton kicking tactically to pen this level of play, however, and for the opposition deep into their own most of the remaining half the game territory for most of the half. was fairly even with a tit-for-tat The forwards played well, with exchange of possession. Just before ." rookies Fernando Vargas and Tim the end MIT stepped up a gear once Braier adding solidity to the attack. more with Price running in two Possession was efficiently used by more tries following excellent sec- the back line, which by half-time ond-phase play from the forwards. THOMAS R. KARLO-THE TECH had run in four tries and amassed a After the final whistle, the Gents Lynn K. Yu '00 races for the ball near the goal in last Thursday's field hockey game against Nichols twenty-six point lead. captain said ruefully that clearly College. MIT won 3-0. In the third minute of the' game gone were the days when his team Bruneton received the ball and man- could always look forward to win- aged a beautiful. shot into the comer ning at MIT. Field Hockey Drops by Two Games of the opponent's try area. Left Beaver coach Stephen Wilhelm wing Chris Kantner '97 gave chase was pleased with the team's perfor- By Laura Williams of la t year's 10 t to Amherst during The games were very even and outsprinted his opposite number mance. "At last we are combining TEAM MEMBER the postseason. matches, and both teams played to touch down for the opening try. intelligent forward play with real After losing a tough battle to During the last 12 minutes of extremely well. Down 1-0 at On the fifteen minute mark the style from the backs," he said. Springfield College Tuesday night, play, the team stepped up the inten- half time, MIT had several ball moved to the MIT back line fol- This coming Saturday, the the women's field hockey team lost sity level and played in Amherst's chances at goal but couldn't find lowing some blind-side forward dri- Beavers will defend their record another hard-fought contest against defensive end almost the entiTe the net. Amherst came out and ving, and Huw Price charged over against the Dinosaurs in a match the undefeated Amherst team 2-1 time. With only 34 seconds remain- scored early in the second half ,the try line to score. that will decide the winner of the Tuesday night. ing, Katherine Merilees '97 scored to go up 2-0, before MIT got the Mike Fife G gave the team its Bo ton social league. The Engineer knew that this to bring the team within ony, but game back under control and third score with a darting fun at the would be a difficult game because MIT could not finish the rally. scored later on in the second half. The rally was not enough, < however, and MIT lost. Brocum Ponders Football The team was not wholly dispir- ited by the loss, however. The UPCOMING HOME EVENTS ' team's new members held a "Freshmen Psyche Day" party for Matchups for Fall ~~~on the team. Members of the Class of Friday, Oct. 4 - "I I:; J ur "jO ( )(;. )'1(" U <' 2000 hung a banner with the names By Chris Brocoum since Marino shou be ack In a Men's Tennis Division III Championship Tournament, TBA. of all of the players and coaches on SPORTS COLUMNIST few weeks and they have had an off the fence around the field. They also With the season finally in full week to prepare. The Eagles, on the aturday, Oct. 5 decorated the team's locker room swing, several teams in the NFL are other hand, are looking at a serious Football vs. Stonehill College, noon. and gave good luck charms to probably already looking at their sit- speed bump. In desperation, there Women's Sailing ew England Singlehanded Championship, 9:30 a.m. upperclassmen. uations with has even been talk of signing Women' Soccer vs. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 3:30 p.m. The women's field hockey team wistful eyes, Randall Cunningham to a contract Men's Tennis Division III Championship Tournament, TBA. now has a 3-2 record for the season. namely the pre- for the rest of the season. Water Polo Alumni Game, 4 p.m. The team travels to Worcester viously surging This is unfortunate for the NFL Polytechnic Institute tomorrow to Dolphins and because these two teams seemed begin their conference play. The Eagles, with Dan Marino and destined to become major power- unday, Oct. 6 next home game will be Tuesday Rodney Peete down with serious houses in their respective AFC and Women's Sailing ew England Singlehanded Championship, 9:30 a.m. against Wheaton College at 4 p.m. injuries. NFC Eastern divisions. You can be on the turf. Miami isn't in quite as bad shape sure that Dallas, Washington, and Indianapolis are breathing easier. This weekend has a few key match ups between AFC division leaders, and their results could prove extremely important corne Software Engineers playoff time. Indianapolis at December Graduates Buffalo, San Diego at Denver, and a classic on Monday night with Information Session Pittsburgh at Kans~ City make up a Wednesday, 10/9 at 6:30 - 8:30pm blockbuster weekend. All these Room 4-149 teams can take the opportunity this weekend to make a statement about Interviewine who will be the team to beat (other Thursday, 10/ Ii) than Pittsburgh, of course, which is the team to beat). You see a challenge and find a way to overcome it. You imagine a solution and do The Jets, New Orleans, and whatever it takes to implement. it. Sometimes you're an engineer. Sometimes you're an explorer. But no matter what, you're always an entrepreneur. Atlanta will themselves be dead- locked in a grueling contest to These are the qualities we look for at DSC Communications. They are the same establish who will be distin- characteristics that have enabled our rapidly growing organizatioo to become a guished as the worst team in the leading designer, developer, manufacturer, and marketer of digital switching, trans- NFL. Unfortunately, Tampa Bay mission, access, and private network systems for the always dynamic telecom- has the weekend, off. But then, munications market. Ifyou're prepared to make a difference by engineering inven- they could barely compete in the tive ideas and exploring new possibilities, start a new adventure with DSC. Bud Bowl. Minor cruel comment: Dallas is For more information on DSC, or to schedule an interview, please contact one lucky 2-3 team. The way Philly your career planning and placement office or contact us directly at: played defense last Monday they DSC Communications Corporation, College ReJations Representative, 1000 Coit should have won the game hands Road, Dept. LS/MIT, MS HRPB6, Plano, TX75075-5813; fax (972)477-8733; or e- down. . mail [email protected]. You must be a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to accept empioyment in the U.S. DSC does not typically sponsor individuals for the Major cruel comment: purpose of obtaining visas. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V. Minnesota stinks bad. That funky smell 'wafting off the river was no busted sewer main, it was the jet stream straight from the Twin Cities with a touch of rank left over from New York. The Giants? DSC Author's note: Due to three ridiculous games (one in overtime) COMMU decided by a total of 10 point, I was 8-5 instead of a stellar 11-2. For what it's worth, I wanted to point out that I got shafted.

Brocoum, Page 22