
MEDICINE EARLY EARLY MANAGEMENT Early Acute Management in Adults with Spinal Cord : A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals

Administrative and financial support provided by Paralyzed Veterans of America CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine Member Organizations

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation American Association of Neurological Surgeons American Association of Nurses American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers American College of Emergency Physicians American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine American Association American Society American Association American Psychological Association American Spinal Injury Association Association of Academic Physiatrists Association of Rehabilitation Nurses Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Congress of Neurological Surgeons Insurance Rehabilitation Study Group International Spinal Cord Society Paralyzed Veterans of America Society of Critical Care Medicine U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs United Spinal Association CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Spinal Cord Medicine

Early Acute Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Providers

Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine

Administrative and financial support provided by Paralyzed Veterans of America © Copyright 2008, Paralyzed Veterans of America No copyright ownership claim is made to any portion of these materials contributed by departments or employees of the United States Government.

This guideline has been prepared based on the scientific and professional information available in 2006. Users of this guideline should periodically review this material to ensure that the advice herein is consistent with current reasonable clinical practice. The websites noted in this document were current at the time of publication; however because web addresses and the information contained therein change frequently, the reader is encouraged to ensure their accuracy and relevance.

May 2008

ISBN: 0-929819-20-9


Table of Contents

iv Foreword

v Preface

vii Acknowledgments

viii Panel Members

ix Contributors

1 Summary of Recommendations

7 The Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine 7 GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 8 METHODOLOGY


53 Recommendations for Future Research

55 References

66 Published Guidelines

67 Index iv EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY Foreword Spinal Cord Injury: The First 72 hours

n the Introduction to his 1982 text Early Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Charles Tator stated, “The early management of a patient with an acute I spinal cord injury is one of the most difficult tasks in trauma cases. During the first few days after an acute cord injury, every physician, nurse, or paramedical person coming in contact with a cord injured patient bears a major responsibility” (Tator, 1982). He added that the “final outcome of a spinal cord injury depends upon the accuracy, adequacy, and speed of first aid management, diagnosis, and treatment within the first few hours” (Tator, 1990). Our efforts to prevent spinal cord injury have borne only modest success, and the condition remains as much of a threat to life and health as ever. However, our understanding of the physiology involved is improving, and evidence is slowly accumulating to guide us in our management decisions. Is the evidence sufficient to support us in our care of the newly cord injured person? Sackett et al. (2000) delineate two distinct components of guidelines for clinical practice: first, the summary of the evidence upon which the guidelines are based, and second, the detailed instructions or recommendations for applying that evi- dence to our patients. Following the protocols developed by the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medi- cine, our panel has reviewed the evidence pertaining to care of the patient with a new spinal cord injury, focusing on the first 72 hours of injury. This care is in the of many people, from the prehospital providers first on the scene, to the spine surgeon providing definitive care, to the physiatrist initiating rehabilitation (which should begin in the ). Along the way, the team will include emergency physicians, radiologists, respiratory specialists, intensivists, and many other clinical personnel who spend varying percentages of their workweek with persons with new spinal cord injuries. This team needs to know the specific issues—and the related scientific evidence—relevant to this group. We hope that all those involved in early care will find this guideline a helpful reference. Throughout, we have adhered to the terminology employed in the Interna- tional Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (Marino, 2002). Thus, (not quadriplegia) is the preferred term for a spinal cord deficit affecting the upper extremity and paraplegia for that affecting only the lower part of the body excluding the upper extremities. The panel members have carefully considered the best evidence available in making recommendations for clinical care. We believe that these are standards to aim for, recognizing that resources may limit our reach. Our recommendations will stand for a while, until our understanding evolves based on new evidence. This evolution is part of the excitement of medicine and rehabilitation science. It remains for the reader to take our recommendations into consideration as newer evidence becomes available. We may also see great changes over the next few years as translational research suggests the careful deployment of interventions shown to be of value in the lab, which must be responsibly evaluated in humans in a controlled setting before being widely used.

Peter C. Wing, MB, MSc, FRCSC Chair, Steering Committee CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE v


s chair of the Steering Committee of the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, it is a distinct pleasure for me to introduce our 10th clinical practice guideline, A Early Acute Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury. This guide- line was developed by an expert panel encompassing the myriad disciplines that care for a person from the time of injury through the critical first few days. In fact, it is those first few days after injury that are the most crucial in terms of survival, neuroprotection, prevention of secondary complications, and psychoso- cial adjustment to the drastic change in life circumstance. Survival and preserva- tion of neurological function are dependent on an effective system of care that includes prehospital management, trauma centers, and spinal cord injury centers. Neuroprotection efforts begin at the scene of the injury with proper immobiliza- tion of the spine and cardiorespiratory stabilization, followed by accurate clinical and radiographic evaluation and spinal stabilization. At this time, there is insuffi- cient evidence to definitively support neuroprotection using pharmacological agents and other modalities such as cooling; however, this is an area where future research is expected to yield rich results in terms of improved neurological out- comes following an injury to the spinal cord. During the first few days when life-saving interventions dominate the care of the spinal cord injured individual, efforts at preventing secondary complications become vital. Certain complications, such as venous thromboembolism, primarily occur during the acute period; others, such as pressure ulcers and respiratory and urological complications, may first appear during the acute period but may also be long-term complications. Preventive measures administered during the acute phase may have lifelong benefits. On top of all this, the emotional conse- quences of a spinal cord injury are immense and affect the injured individual as well as the family. Addressing the psychosocial needs of all concerned will be a continuous process, but it is crucial to begin during the first few days after injury. On behalf of the consortium steering committee, I want to acknowledge Dr. Peter C. Wing’s expert, passionate, and committed leadership of our distinguished guideline development panel. Each distinguished panel member brought to the guideline development process an immense amount of energy and dedication for the care of people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Special thanks also go to repre- sentatives of the consortium’s 22 member organizations, who thoughtfully and critically reviewed the draft in its various forms. Their contributions were essen- tial to making this document one that will improve both the quality of care and the quality of life for persons with SCI. The development of this clinical practice guideline is dependent on the exceptional administrative support and other services provided by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. The consortium is profoundly grateful to Paralyzed Veterans’ Executive Committee, led by National President Randy L. Pleva, Sr., and to the Paralyzed Veterans Research and Education Department. Thomas E. Stripling, Director of Research and Education, Kim S. Nalle, Manager of Clinical Practice Guidelines, and Caryn Cohen, Associate Director, Clinical Practice Guidelines, are instrumental to all aspects of the development of these guidelines, from inception of the topic through dissemination. We could not do it without them. The Consor- tium is very appreciative of the Ron Shapiro Charitable Foundation for its financial support for methodological resources and the printing and distribution of this clinical practice guideline.

Lawrence C. Vogel, MD Chair, Steering Committee Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine



he Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine spans many disciplines, and we appreciate the generous support given to the process by the many organiza- T tions represented. Particular mention must be made of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, with whom we worked closely in assembling this guideline. Many of their members are on the front line of providing care to cord injured people, and we are grateful that they elected to work with us in developing recommendations to better ensure the quality of care. The guideline is the better for their input. We have been supported in this work by many, unnamed colleagues who have reviewed sections of the guideline and made helpful suggestions. Thank you all. Paralyzed Veterans continues its vital role as sponsor of this series and coor- dinator of the development process. This guideline owes much to the experienced hands and minds of J. Paul Thomas, Thomas Stripling, Kim Nalle, and Caryn Cohen, and the panel thanks them for their persistent and constructive support. viii EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Panel Members

Peter C. Wing, MB, MSc, FRCS(C) J. Stephen Huff, MD, FACEP Panel Chair University of Virginia Medical Center Combined Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Spine Program Charlottesville, VA Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, UBC M. Sean Kincaid, MD Vancouver, British Columbia Harborview Medical Center CANADA Seattle, WA

William C. Dalsey, MD, FACEP Kathy T. Lucke, PhD, RN Topic Champion University of Michigan Health System Blue Bell, PA Ann Arbor, MI

Elizabeth Alvarez, PT Lena M. Napolitano, MD, FACS, FCCP, FCCM Robbinsville, NJ Harborview Medical Center Seattle, WA Charles H. Bombardier, PhD University of Washington School of Medicine Kornelis A. Poelstra, MD, PhD Seattle, WA University of Maryland– Trauma Baltimore, MD Stephen P. , MD VA Puget Sound Healthcare System Alexander Vaccaro, MD, PhD, FACS Seattle, WA Rothman Institute at Jefferson Philadelphia, PA Mary Kate Fitzpatrick, RN, MSN, CRNP Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania James E. Wilberger, MD, FACS Philadelphia, PA Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA David Green, MD, PhD Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University Lisa Ann Wuermser, MD Chicago, IL Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE ix

Contributors Consortium Member Organizations and Paralyzed Veterans of America Steering Committee Representatives Steven Taub, MD Society of Critical Care Medicine American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Lena Napolitano, MD, FCCM E. Byron Marsolais, MD U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Margaret C. Hammond, MD Michael L. Boninger, MD United Spinal Association American Association of Neurological Surgeons Vivian Beyda, DrPH Paul C. McCormick, MD

American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses Expert Reviewers Linda Love, RN, MS American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Ralph J. Marino, MD American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists Thomas Jefferson University and Social Workers Philadelphia, PA Romel W. Mackelprang, DSW Louis E. Penrod, MD University of Pittsburgh American College of Emergency Physicians Pittsburgh, PA William C. Dalsey, MD, FACEP William M. Scelza, MD American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Carolinas Rehabilitation Marilyn Pires, MS, RN, CRRN-A, FAAN Charlotte, NC

American Occupational Therapy Association American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses Theresa Gregorio-Torres, MA, OTR Kristine L. Engel, MSN, RN, CRRN Froedtert Hospital American Paraplegia Society Milwaukee, WI Lawrence C. Vogel, MD Joan K. McMahon, MSA, BSN, CRRN University of Kansas Hospital American Physical Therapy Association Kansas City, KS Lisa L. Culver, PT, DPT, MBA American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists American Psychological Association, Division 22 and Social Workers Donald G. Kewman, PhD, ABPP Sigmund Hough, PhD, ABPP VA Boston Healthcare System–Spinal Cord Injury Service American Spinal Injury Association Boston, MA Thomas N. Bryce, MD American Occupational Therapy Association William H. Donovan, MD Association of Academic Physiatrists University of Texas Health Science Center–Houston; William O. McKinley, MD Memorial Hermann/TIRR Houston, TX Association of Rehabilitation Nurses Kathleen L. Dunn, MS, RN, CRRN-A American Paraplegia Society Denise I. Campagnolo, MD, MS Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Barrow Neurological Institute/St. John’s Hospital Samuel Maddox and Medical Center Phoenix, AZ Congress of Neurological Surgeons Mark Johansen, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD CNS Medical Group/Craig Hospital Englewood, CO Insurance Rehabilitation Study Group

Louis A. Papastrat, MBA, CDMS, CCM American Physical Therapy Association Brenda D. Johnson, MSPT, DPT International Spinal Cord Society St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center Susan Charlifue, PhD Boise, ID John F. Ditunno, Jr., MD x EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Shari McDowell, PT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs American Physical Therapy Association Sophia Chun, MD Fairfax, VA VA Long Beach Healthcare System, Spinal Cord Injury Center Long Beach, CA Sarah A. Morrison, PT Shepherd Center Special Reviewers Atlanta, GA Linda Arsenault, RN, MSN, CNRN Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Bonnie Bauer Swafford, PT Lebanon, NH University of Kansas Hospital Kansas City, KS Michael J. Bishop, MD U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs American Psychological Association Washington, DC Dawn M. Ehde, PhD University of Washington Ronald Ellis, MD Seattle, WA Swedish Hospital Englewood, CO American Spinal Injury Association Christine V. Oleson, MD S. Morad Hameed, MD, MPH University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine Department of , University of British Columbia Birmingham, AL Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA R. John Hurlbert, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS Association of Rehabilitation Nurses University of Calgary Mary Ann Reilly, BSN, MS, CRRN Calgary, Alberta, CANADA Santa Clara Valley Medical Center San Jose, CA Martin R. McClelland, MD, ChB, FRCS, FRCP Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre, Insurance Rehabilitation Study Group Northern General Hospital Michael J. Makowsky, MD Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Group West Trenton, NJ Laura H. McIlvoy, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNRN University of Louisville Hospital Louisville, KY Paralyzed Veterans of America Steven Taub, MD Paul Wrigley, MBBS, MM, PhD, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA Chief Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney Washington, DC St. Leonards, AUSTRALIA

Society of Critical Care Medicine Paul M. Vespa, MD, FCCM UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 1

Summary of Recommendations

Suspected extremity fracture or distracting Triage Protocols and Trauma injury Systems of Care Focal neurological deficit

Prehospital Triage Spinal pain or tenderness 6. EMS providers should use the combination of rigid 1. Develop appropriate guidelines for the evaluation immobilization with supportive blocks and transport of patients with potential spinal cord on a backboard with straps or similar device to injuries based on local resources. Identify regional secure the entire spine of all patients with potential trauma centers with special resources for the acute spinal injury. management of spinal cord injuries. 7. In the , transfer the patient Trauma Centers with a potential spinal injury as soon as possible off the backboard onto a firm padded surface while 2. Transfer the patient with a spinal cord injury as maintaining spinal alignment. soon as possible to a Level I trauma center, as defined by the American College of Surgeons or 8. In cases of confirmed spinal or spinal cord injury, by state statute. Given local triage protocols and maintain spine immobilization until definitive treat- guidelines relating to transportation times to trau- ment. ma centers, consider taking the patient directly to a Level I center if possible in preference to passing 9. At the extremes of age, or in the presence of a through a Level II or III center first. preexisting spine deformity, provide patient care in the position of greatest comfort while maintaining immobilization. Spinal Cord Injury Centers 10. Employ an adequate number of personnel during 3. Consider directing spinal cord–injured patients patient transfers for diagnostic studies and for repo- expeditiously to a specialized spinal cord injury sitioning to maintain the alignment of a potentially center that is equipped to provide comprehensive, unstable spine and avoid shearing of the skin. state-of-the-art care. Discuss pretransfer require- ments with the referral center. 11. Logroll the patient with a potentially unstable spine as a unit when repositioning, turning, or preparing Spinal Stabilization during for transfers. Emergency Transport 12. Consider a specialized bed for the patient with an unstable spine when prolonged immobilization is and Early In-Hospital anticipated.

Immobilization Following 13. Initiate measures to prevent skin breakdown if pro- Spinal Cord Injury longed time on a backboard is anticipated.

4. Immobilize the spine of all patients with a potential 14. Perform a baseline skin assessment on removal of spinal injury from the scene of the injury to defini- the backboard. tive care. ‘ABCs’ and Resuscitation 5. Emergency medical service (EMS) providers should use the following five clinical criteria to determine the potential risk of cervical spinal injury: 15. Provide airway and ventilatory support in patients with high tetraplegia early in the clinical course. Altered mental status 16. Prevent and treat hypotension. Evidence of intoxication 2 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

17. Determine initial base deficit or lactate level to Premorbid Spinal Conditions and the assess severity of shock and need for ongoing fluid Extremes of Age: The Mobile and the resuscitation. Stiff Spine

18. Exclude other injuries before assigning the cause of 27. In patients with SCI, be aware that bony imaging of hypotension to . the spinal column may be negative (i.e., “SCIWORA,” 19. Recognize and treat neurogenic shock. or SCI without radiological abnormality).

20. Monitor and treat symptomatic . 28. In a patient with a stiff spine and midline tenderness, suspect a fracture. Consider MRI, scan, and/or 21. Monitor and regulate temperature. computed tomography (CT) if the plain x-ray is negative for fracture, especially in the presence of , ankylosing spondylitis (AS), or diffuse Neuroprotection interstitial skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).

Pharmacologic Neuroprotection in Stingers and Transient Patients with Spinal Cord Injury 29. Every person who complains of symptoms of a 22. No clinical evidence exists to definitively recommend “” (i.e., pain and/or electrical feelings radiat- the use of any neuroprotective pharmacologic agent, ing down one following an impact) should including steroids, in the treatment of acute spinal be evaluated on an individual basis in terms of cord injury in order to improve functional recovery. circumstances of injury, symptoms, radiographic findings, and previous history. 23. If it has been started, stop administration of methyl- prednisolone as soon as possible in neurologically normal patients and in those whose prior neurologic Associated Conditions symptoms have resolved to reduce deleterious side and Injuries effects. The Tertiary Trauma Survey Diagnostic Assessments for Definitive Care and Surgical 30. Complete a comprehensive tertiary trauma survey in the patient with potential or confirmed spinal cord Decision Making injury.

Clinical Neurologic Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury 31. In the patient with acute spinal cord injury, partic- 24. Perform a baseline neurological assessment on any ularly higher cervical injury, assess and document patient with suspected spinal injury or spinal cord early and frequently any evidence of traumatic injury (SCI) to document the presence of SCI. If neu- brain injury (TBI) in the form of loss of conscious- rologic deficits are consistent with SCI, determine ness and posttraumatic amnesia. Start the assess- a neurological level and the completeness of injury. ment in the prehospital setting, if appropriate, or Perform serial examinations as indicated to detect the emergency department. neurological deterioration or improvement. Limb Injuries Radiographic Evaluation of Patients Following Spinal Cord Injury 32. Perform early stabilization of extraspinal fractures.

25. Image the entire spine in a patient with an SCI. Chest and Abdominal Injuries

26. Perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the 33. Screen for thoracic and intra-abdominal injury in known or suspected area(s) of spinal cord injury. all patients with spinal cord injury. Consider placing a nasogastric tube for abdominal decompression. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 3

Arterial Injuries 44. Avoid the use of succinylcholine after the first 48 hours post–cord injury.

34. In high-energy injuries, consider the possibility of 45. Monitor temperature, warm intravenous (IV) fluids, an aortic injury. and use a patient-warming device as needed.

35. Consider screening with CT or MR angiography for 46. Consider the use of intraoperative spinal cord moni- cerebrovascular injury in patients with a cervical toring in the patient with sparing of spinal cord spinal cord injury. function. Penetrating Injuries Pain and Anxiety: Analgesia 36. In the presence of penetrating injuries to the neck and Sedation or trunk such as stab or gunshot , perform a careful neurological examination and screen for 47. Minimize the pain of . Minimize evoked spinal injury. pain through thoughtful patient handling.

37. Remove the cervical collar while maintaining inline 48. Assess the patient’s pain, preferably using a self- stabilization to attend to major neck wounds or to reported numeric rating scale. perform life-saving procedures after cervical injury (large vessel injury or airway obstruction), as Minimize reliance on report by family needed. members, who may underestimate pain.

38. Administer local care to stab and gunshot If using a pain rating scale based in part on wounds to the spine. Provide proper antibiotic the physiologic manifestations of stress coverage; bullet fragments usually do not need associated with pain, recognize that some removal. people with SCI and higher lesions may be unable to show changes in and assessed by the pain score. Surgical Procedures Provide adequate analgesia unless specific contraindications exist. 39. Perform a closed or open reduction as soon as permissible on patients with bilateral cervical facet Consider short-acting sedation to allow dislocation in the setting of an incomplete spinal periodic neurologic assessment. cord injury. If traction reduction is not preferred or 49. Employ contemporary medical guidelines to manage possible, then open reduction should be performed. pain and distress in ventilated patients with SCI. 40. Consider early surgical spinal canal decompression 50. Consider the use of breath-controlled analgesia in in the setting of a deteriorating spinal cord injury the tetraplegic patient. as a practice option that may improve neurologic recovery, although there is no compelling evidence that it will. Consider early spinal stabilization where Secondary Prevention indicated. Patient Handling and Skin Protection Anesthetic Concerns in Acute Spinal Cord Injury 51. Assess areas at risk for skin breakdown frequently. 52. Place the patient on a pressure-reduction mattress 41. Secure the airway, support respiratory status, and or a mattress overlay, depending on the patient’s consider postoperative ventilatory support. condition. Use a pressure-reducing cushion when the patient is mobilized out of bed to a sitting 42. Maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) and perfu- position. sion with a of infusion and inotropes. 53. Provide meticulous skin care: 43. Anticipate bradycardia and hypotension during intubation of the tetraplegic patient. Reposition to provide pressure relief or turn at least every 2 hours while maintaining . 4 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Keep the area under the patient clean and 60. Treat retained secretions due to expiratory muscle dry and avoid temperature elevation. weakness with manually assisted coughing (“quad coughing”), pulmonary hygiene, mechanical insuf- Assess nutritional status on admission and flation-exsufflation, or similar expiratory aids in regularly thereafter. addition to suctioning. Inspect the skin under pressure garments and splints. 61. Initiate a comprehensive protocol to prevent venti- lator-associated in patients with acute 54. Educate the patient and family on the importance SCI who require for respira- of vigilance and early intervention in maintaining tory failure. skin integrity. Genitourinary Tract Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism 62. Place an indwelling urinary catheter as part of the initial patient assessment unless contraindicated. If 55. Apply mechanical compression devices early after contraindicated, use emergent suprapubic drainage injury. instead.

56. Begin low molecular weight heparin or unfraction- 63. Leave indwelling urinary catheters in place at least ated heparin plus intermittent pneumatic compres- until the patient is hemodynamically stable and sion, in all patients once primary hemostasis is strict attention to fluid status is no longer needed. evident. Intracranial , perispinal , or are potential contraindications to 64. is usually self-limited in acute SCI and the administration of , but antico- does not require treatment. There is no evidence agulants may be appropriate once bleeding has to support avoidance of a urethral catheter in the stabilized. presence of priapism secondary to acute SCI.

57. Consider placing a vena cava filter only in those patients with active bleeding anticipated to persist for more than 72 hours and begin anticoagulants 65. Initiate stress ulcer prophylaxis. as soon as feasible. 66. Evaluate swallowing function prior to oral feeding Respiratory Management in any acute SCI patient with cervical spinal cord injury, halo fixation, cervical spine surgery, pro- 58. Monitor patients closely for in longed intubation, tracheotomy, or concomitant the first days following spinal cord injury. TBI.

Obtain baseline respiratory parameters (vital Bowel Care capacity, FEV1) and arterial blood gases when patients are first evaluated and at 67. Initiate a bowel program as recommended in the intervals until stable. clinical practice guideline Neurogenic Bowel Consider mechanical ventilation for patients Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury. with tetraplegia. Nutrition Admit patients with complete tetraplegia and injury level at C5 or rostral to an intensive care unit. 68. Provide appropriate nutrition when resuscitation has been completed and there is no evidence of 59. Perform a tracheotomy early in the hospitalization ongoing shock or hypoperfusion. of patients who are likely to remain ventilator dependent or to wean slowly from mechanical ven- Use enteral nutrition rather than parenteral tilation over an extended period of time, unless the nutrition. treating center has special expertise in the use of Feed a standard, polymeric enteral formula noninvasive ventilation. initiated within 24 to 48 hours after admission, using the semirecumbent position when possible to prevent aspiration. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 5

Determine the caloric requirements for (PTSD), or substance intoxication and nutritional support in acute SCI using a withdrawal. 30-minute energy expenditure measurement by indirect calorimetry (metabolic cart). Social support network (or lack thereof). Cognitive functioning and learning style. Glycemic Control Personal and cultural preferences in coping 69. Maintain normoglycemia in critically ill mechani- style and social support. cally ventilated patients. Concurrent life stressors. Concomitant health problems, medical Prognosis for Neurological conditions, medications, and history of TBI. Recovery History of mental illness, including major depression, PTSD, substance abuse. 70. Within the first 72 hours, use the clinical neurolog- ical assessment as described by the International Use of psychiatric medications. Standards for Neurological Classification of SCI to determine the preliminary prognosis for neurologi- 76. Foster effective coping strategies, health-promotion cal recovery. behaviors, and independence through a variety of ongoing interventions. 71. If the clinical exam is unreliable, MRI findings or electrodiagnostic studies may be useful for deter- Use assistive devices such as head-controlled call bells, bed controls, prism glasses, and mining prognosis. communication boards. Rehabilitation Intervention Acknowledge that feelings of gratitude, uncertainty, loss, and helplessness may be 72. Develop protocols that allow rehabilitation special- present simultaneously. ists to become involved early in the management Provide medical and prognostic information of persons with SCI, immediately following injury matter-of-factly, yet at the same time leave during the acute hospitalization phase. room for hope. 73. Prescribe interventions that will assist the recovery Respect expressions of hope. Avoid direct of persons with SCI, including preventive measures confrontations of denial concerning probable against possible secondary complications. Educate implications of the injury. patients and families about the rehabilitation process Help the patient and family to identify and encourage their participation in discharge effective coping strategies that have aided planning discussions. them in the past. 74. Use nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic inter- Develop a partnership of patient, family, and ventions for orthostatic hypotension as needed. health-care team to promote involvement in Mobilize the patient out of bed to a seated position the treatment plan and optimize patient once there is medical and spinal stability. Develop outcomes. an appropriate program for out-of-bed sitting. Limit in-bed and out-of bed semireclined sitting, as it 77. Detect suicidal ideation and requests for assisted often produces excessive skin shear and predisposes . Take treatment refusals and requests for to formation. withdrawal of treatment very seriously. Acknowledge the patient’s suffering. Psychosocial and Family Issues Assess for and treat underlying depression, 75. Assess mental health in general and possible risk substance abuse, or other chronic condition. for psychosocial problems after admission and Determine the patient’s decision-making throughout acute care stay. Involve members of capacity. the health-care team as needed. Pay particular attention to the following factors: Identify patient needs jointly and establish a plan of care. Current major depression, acute stress disorder/posttraumatic stress disorder Ensure informed consent. 6 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Consult the institution’s ethics committee when appropriate. Hysterical Paralysis Consult legal counsel if the conflict continues 80. Consider the diagnosis of hysterical paralysis in or if there is any uncertainty regarding the patients with marked inconsistencies in neurologic patient’s request. findings.

Special Mechanisms of Injury Repeat the neurologic exam with great care. Consider using the Spinal Injuries Center test and review base screening imaging, such as 78. Screen for SCI in the patient with high-voltage plain x-rays. electrical injury. Consult in person or by phone with an SCI 79. Suspect spinal cord injury in any scuba or com- specialist before making this diagnosis. mercial diver presenting with neurologic symp- toms. Consult with and consider urgent transfer to Encourage the patient gently to resume a hyperbaric unit. normal function, minimizing disability. Resort to more intensive tests, such as MRI or motor-evoked potential testing, if the patient fails to improve in 2 to 3 days.

81. Consider referral to rehabilitation professionals once confident of the hysterical paralysis diagnosis. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 7

The Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine

eventeen organizations, including Paralyzed Veter- initiate work on two or more topics per year, with ans of America (Paralyzed Veterans), joined in a evaluation and revision of previously completed Sconsortium in June 1995 to develop clinical prac- guidelines as new research demands. tice guidelines in spinal cord medicine. Currently, 22 member organizations comprise the consor- tium. A steering committee governs consortium Guideline Development operation, leading the guideline development Process process, identifying topics, and selecting panels of experts for each topic. The steering committee is The guideline development process adopted composed of one representative with clinical prac- by the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine con- tice guideline experience from each consortium sists of 12 steps, leading to panel consensus and member organization. Paralyzed Veterans provides publication. After the steering committee chooses financial resources, administrative support, and a topic, a panel of experts is selected. Panel mem- programmatic coordination of consortium activi- bers must have demonstrated leadership in the ties. topic area through independent scientific investiga- After studying the processes used to develop tion and publication. Following a detailed explication other guidelines, the consortium steering committee and specification of the topic by select steering unanimously agreed on a new, modified, clinical/ committee and panel members, consultant method- epidemiologic, evidence-based model derived from ologists review the international literature, prepare the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. evidence tables that grade and rank the quality of The model is: research, and conduct statistical meta-analyses and Interdisciplinary, to reflect the multiple other specialized studies, as needed. The panel chair informational needs of the spinal cord then assigns specific sections of the topic to the medicine practice community; panel members based on their area of expertise. Writing begins on each component using the Responsive, with a time line of 12 to 36 references and other materials furnished by the months depending on the complexity of the methodology support group, with necessary addi- issue to be addressed; and tional references selected by the panel members Reality-based, to make the best use of the and graded by the methodologists. time and energy of the busy clinicians who After the panel members complete their sec- serve as panel members and field expert tions, the panel generates a draft document at its reviewers. first full meeting. The panel incorporates new liter- ature citations and other evidence-based informa- The consortium’s approach to the develop- tion not previously available. At this point, charts, ment of evidence-based guidelines is both innova- graphs, algorithms, and other visual aids, as well tive and cost efficient. The process recognizes the as a complete bibliography, are added, and the full specialized needs of the national spinal cord medi- document is sent to legal counsel for review. cine community, encourages the participation of After legal analysis to consider antitrust, both payer representatives and consumers with restraint-of-trade, and health-policy matters, clini- SCI, and emphasizes the use of graded evidence cal experts from each of the consortium organiza- available in the international scientific literature. tions plus other select clinical experts and The Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine is consumers review the draft document. The review unique to the clinical practice guidelines field in comments are assembled, analyzed, and entered that it employs highly effective management strate- into a database, and the document is revised to gies based on the availability of resources in the reflect the reviewers’ comments. The draft docu- health-care community, it is coordinated by a rec- ment is distributed to all consortium organization ognized national consumer organization with a rep- steering committee members. Final technical utation for providing effective service and advocacy details are negotiated among the panel chair, for people with spinal cord injury and disease, and members of the organizations’ boards, and expert it includes third-party and reinsurance payer orga- panelists. If substantive changes are required, the nizations at every level of the development and dis- draft receives a final legal review. The document semination processes. The consortium expects to 8 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

is then ready for editing, formatting, and prepara- advantages and indications, disadvantages and tion for publication. contraindications, and impact on prevention of The benefits of clinical practice guidelines for spinal cord injury complications were sought. the spinal cord medicine practice community are numerous. Among the more significant applications METHODOLOGY and results are the following: UBC performed a systematic review of the literature published since 1995 that describes early Clinical practice options and care standards. acute management of spinal cord injuries in the adolescent and adult population. Procedures for Medical and health professional education this review followed the best methods used in the and training. evolving science of systematic review research. Building blocks for pathways and algorithms. Systematic review is a scientific technique designed to minimize bias and random error by employing Evaluation studies of guidelines use and a comprehensive search process and a preplanned outcomes. process for study selection. Research gap identification. LITERATURE SEARCH Cost and policy studies for improved The literature search included both electronic quantification. and manual components. Medline (via PubMed) was searched back to 1995 for citations using the Primary source for consumer information following Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] terms and public education. and keywords: Knowledge base for improved professional 1. Spinal cord injuries [MeSH] OR consensus building. paraplegia/rehabilitation OR quadriplegia/rehabilitation Methodology 2. Acute OR early OR intensive care units [MeSH] OR trauma centers [MeSH] Retrieval and Grading OR [MeSH] OR of the Scientific Evidence neuroprotective agents/therapeutic use BACKGROUND OR emergency treatment [MeSH] OR emergency medical service [MeSH] Spinal cord injuries are one of the most debili- tating and devastating injuries, with an estimated 3. #1 AND #2 limits: publication date annual of 11,000 cases per year in the from 1995 to 2006 English, human, United States (National SCI Statistical Center, NOT reviews, letters, editorials 2006). Between 225,000 and 296,000 individuals currently live with an SCI in this country alone. In addition, two strategies were used to identify Early acute management includes diagnosis, treat- papers that may not have been indexed on Medline ment, and prevention of complications, with the by the time of the search cutoff date. The PubMed goals being to limit the extent of injury, manage search included a keyword search for the prior 6 acute consequences of the injury, and initiate mea- months, using terms indicating spinal cord injury sures to prevent predictable complications. and early acute management, with no limits; and Current Contents was searched for the past year, OBJECTIVE using similar search terms. This review is intended to provide panel mem- The Cochrane Library and the National Guide- bers developing this guideline with the best evi- lines Clearinghouse were searched for any recent dence on acute injury management and to assist systematic reviews of clinical guidelines on the panel members with assessment of the strength subject that could have been sources for further of evidence for their recommendations. United references. A manual check of the reference lists BioSource Corporation (UBC) provided method- of all accepted papers and of recent reviews was ologic support for the development of this guide- performed to supplement the above electronic line by conducting a systematic review of the searches. Abstracts from the electronic search recent English-language literature on early (within were downloaded and evaluated using the litera- 72 hours of injury) management of patients with ture review process described below. spinal cord injuries, including diagnostic, preven- tive, and therapeutic interventions. Specifically, the CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 9

STUDY SELECTION DEF were entered into MetaHub™, UBC’s relational To be eligible for inclusion in this review, stud- database of clinical trials information. ies contained none of the following exclusion crite- After 100% of the entered data were validated ria and each of the inclusion criteria: against the consensus DEFs and full consistency and logic checks were performed on the database, Exclusion Criteria the data were locked. After the data passed these Abstracts, letters, comments, editorials, quality control measures, they were used to gener- reviews, or surveys ate evidence tables, which were delivered to Para- lyzed Veterans for the panel’s review. Animal and in vitro studies A series of data elements were extracted, when possible, from each accepted study. These Languages other than English are available on request from Paralyzed Veterans. Study published before 1995 EVIDENCE ANALYSIS No trauma (e.g., disease-related spinal cord All studies accepted for data extraction were lesions) graded for level of evidence using the criteria from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Studies dealing with protocols for (www.cebm.net; accessed January 16, 2008) in cervical spine clearance Oxford, UK, described below. In addition, random- Inclusion Criteria ized clinical trials were assessed using the Jadad Studies were included if BOTH of the following Quality Score Assessment. Industry sponsorship criteria were met: was also noted. Traumatic spinal cord injury or suspected Levels of Evidence spinal cord injury in patients age 13 or older The concept of levels of evidence grew out of the work of the Canadian Task Force for the Periodic Acute (preferably within 72 hours) or Health Examination, in which recommendations for subacute (preferably within 1 week) spinal preventive health measures were tied to an assess- cord injury diagnosis, treatment, or management intervention studies ment of the supporting evidence in the published lit- erature. The assignment of levels of evidence in this SEARCH YIELD review was based on the following guidance from The searches yielded 1,227 abstracts. After all of the Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guide- the abstracts were downloaded, a level 1 screening lines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer, was performed, in which abstracts were reviewed for published by the Canadian Medical Association: exclusion criteria. The full article was then obtained I. Evidence based on randomized controlled for all accepted abstracts and for those abstracts for clinical trials (or meta-analysis of such trials) of which a clear determination could not be made at adequate size to ensure a low risk of incorpo- level 1 screening. The full articles of 275 accepted rating false-positive or false-negative results. studies underwent a level 2 screening, in which inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. On II. Evidence based on randomized controlled completion of level 2 screening, all accepted articles trials that are too small to provide level I were then eligible for data extraction. Any studies evidence. These may show either positive rejected at this level were reviewed by two trends that are not statistically significant or no trends and are associated with a high risk researchers and listed in a reject log. This process of false-negative results. resulted in 60 papers being accepted for data extraction, with an additional 3 papers being III. Evidence based on nonrandomized, controlled, linked publications (additional publications for a or cohort studies; case series; case-controlled given cohort of individuals). studies; or cross-sectional studies.

DATA EXTRACTION AND DATABASE IV. Evidence based on the opinion of respected DEVELOPMENT authorities or of expert committees as Data extraction forms (DEFs) were designed indicated in published consensus conferences specifically for this project. Data extraction involves or guidelines. the capturing of various data elements from each V. Evidence that expresses the opinion of those study and is performed by one investigator. A sec- individuals who have written and reviewed ond investigator establishes a consensus for all this guideline, based on experience, knowledge extracted data, and a third party arbitrates disagree- of the relevant literature, and discussions ments, as necessary. The consensus versions of the with peers. 10 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

These five levels of evidence do not directly Category A requires that the recommendation describe the quality or credibility of evidence. be supported by scientific evidence from at least Rather, they indicate the nature of the evidence one properly designed and implemented random- being used. In general, a randomized, controlled ized, controlled trial, providing statistical results trial (level I) has the greatest credibility; however, that consistently support the guideline statement. the trial may have defects that diminish its value, Category B requires that the recommendation be and these should be noted. Evidence that is based supported by scientific evidence from at least one on too few observations to give a statistically signif- small randomized trial with uncertain results; this icant result is classified as level II. In general, level category also may include small randomized trials III studies carry less credibility than level I or II with certain results where statistical power is low. studies, but credibility is increased when consistent Category C recommendations are supported by results are obtained from several level III studies either nonrandomized, controlled trials or by trials carried out at different times and in different places. for which no controls are used. Decisions must often be made in the absence If the literature supporting a recommendation of published evidence. In these situations, it is nec- comes from two or more levels, the number and essary to use the opinion of experts based on their level of the studies are reported (e.g., in the case knowledge and clinical experience. All such evidence of a recommendation that is supported by two is classified as “opinion” (levels IV and V). A dis- studies, one a level III, the other a level V, the tinction is made between the published opinion of “Scientific evidence” is indicated as “III/V”). In authorities (level IV) and the professional opinion situations in which no published literature exists, of those who have contributed to this guideline consensus of the panel members and outside (level V). However, it should be noted that by expert reviewers was used to develop the recom- the time level V evidence has gone through the mendation and is indicated as the “Strength of exhaustive consensus-building process used in Panel Opinion.” the preparation of this guideline, it has achieved a level of credibility that is at least equivalent to Grading of Panel Consensus level IV evidence. The level of agreement with the recommenda- tion among panel members was assessed as either Grading the Guideline Recommendations low, moderate, or strong. Each panel member was After the panel members drafted their sec- asked to indicate his or her level of agreement on a tions of the guideline, each recommendation was 5-point scale, with “1” corresponding to neutrality graded according to the level of scientific evi- and “5” representing maximum agreement. Scores dence supporting it. The framework used by the were aggregated across the panel members and an methodology team is outlined in table 1. These arithmetic mean was calculated. This mean score ratings, like the evidence table ratings, represent was then translated into low, moderate, or strong, the strength of the supporting evidence, not the as shown in table 2. Panel members could abstain strength of the recommendation itself. The strength from the voting process for a variety of reasons, of the recommendation is indicated by the lan- such as lack of expertise associated with a particu- guage describing the rationale. lar recommendation.

TABLE 1 TABLE 2 Categories of the Strength of Evidence Associated Levels of Panel Agreement with Recommendations with the Recommendations Level Mean Agreement Score Category Description Low 1.0 to less than 2.33 A The guideline recommendation is supported Moderate 2.33 to less than 3.67 by one or more level I studies. Strong 3.67 to 5.0 B The guideline recommendation is supported by one or more level II studies.

C The guideline recommendation is supported REFERENCES FOR METHODOLOGY only by one or more level III, IV, or V studies. Cook, D.J., C.D. Mulrow, and R.B. Haynes. Systematic reviews: synthesis of best evidence for clinical decisions. Ann Intern Sources: Sackett, D.L., Rules of evidence and clinical recommenda- Med 126 (1997): 376–80. tion on the use of antithrombotic agents, Chest 95 (2 Suppl) (1989), 2S-4S; and the U.S. Preventive Health Services Task Force, Harris, R.P., M. Helfand, S.H. Woolf et al. Current methods of Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd ed. (Baltimore: the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. A Review of the Williams and Wilkins, 1996). Provess. Am J Prev Med 20 (3 Suppl) (2001): 21–35. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 11

Jadad, A.R., R.A. Moore, D. Carroll et al. Assessing the quality INTERNET SOURCES FOR GUIDELINE of reports of randomized clinical trials: is blinding necessary? DEVELOPMENT Controll Clin Trials 17 (1996): 1–12. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. Sacks, H.S., J. Berrier, D. Reitman et al. Meta-analyses of ran- [email protected]; Michael Boninger domized controlled trials. N Engl J Med 316 (1987): 450–5. www.ctfphc.org/ (accessed January 16, 2008). Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer. Introduction. CMAJ 158 University. www.cebm.net/ (accessed January 16, (3 Suppl) (1998): S1–S2. 2008).

West, S., V. King, T.S. Carey et al. Systems to rate the strength New Zealand Guidelines Group. www.nzgg.org.nz/ of scientific evidence. Evidence Report/Technology Assessment (accessed January 16, 2008). No. 47 (prepared by Research Triangle Institute, University of North Carolina Evidence-Based Practice Center, under contract Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. no. 290–97–0011). AHRQ pub. no. 02–E016. Rockville, MD: www.sign.ac.uk/ (accessed January 16, 2008). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, April 2002.

TABLE 3 Levels of Evidence for Primary Research Question

Types of Studies Prognostic Studies: Therapeutic Studies: Investigating the Effect Diagnostic Studies: Economic and Decision Investigating the Results of a Patient Investigating a Analyses: Developing an of Treatment Characteristic on the Diagnostic Test Economic or Decision Outcome of Disease Model

Level I High-quality randomized High-quality prospective Testing of previously devel- Sensible costs and alterna- controlled trial with statisti- study4 (all patients were oped diagnostic criteria tives; values obtained from cally significant difference enrolled at the same point in series of consecutive many studies; multiway or no statistically significant in their disease with ≥ 80% patients (with universally sensitivity analyses difference but narrow confi- follow-up of enrolled applied reference “gold” dence intervals patients) standard) Systematic review2 of level I studies Systematic review2 of level I Systematic review2 of level I Systematic review2 of level I randomized controlled studies studies trials (studies were homo- geneous)

Level II Lesser quality randomized Retrospective6 study Development of diagnostic Sensible costs and alterna- controlled trial (e.g., < 80% criteria on basis of consecu- tives; values obtained from follow-up, no blinding, or Untreated controls from a tive patients (with universally limited studies; multiway improper randomization) randomized controlled trial applied reference “gold” sensitivity analyses standard) Prospective4 comparative Lesser quality prospective Systematic review2 of level II study5 study (e.g., patients enrolled Systematic review2 of level II studies at different points in their studies Systematic review2 of level disease or < 80% follow-up) II studies or level I studies with inconsistent results Systematic review2 of level II studies

Level III Case-control study7 Case-control study7 Study of nonconsecutive Analyses based on limited patients (without consistently alternatives and costs; poor Retrospective6 comparative applied reference “gold” estimates study5 standard) Systematic review2 of level III Systematic review2 of level III Systematic review2 of level III studies studies studies

Level IV Case series8 Case series Case-control study No sensitivity analyses

Poor reference standard

Level V Expert opinion Expert opinion Expert opinion Expert opinion

1. A complete assessment of the quality of individual studies requires critical appraisal of all aspects of the study design. 2. A combination of results from two or more prior studies. 3. Studies provided consistent results. 4. Study was started before the first patient enrolled. 5. Patients treated one way (e.g., with cemented arthroplasty) compared with patients treated another way (e.g., with cementless hip arthroplasty) at the same institution. 6. Study was started after the first patient enrolled. 7. Patients identified for the study on the basis of their outcome (e.g., failed total hip arthroplasty), called “cases,” are compared with those who did not have the outcome (e.g., had a successful total hip arthroplasty), called “controls.” 8. Patients treated one way with no comparison group of patients treated another way. This chart was adapted from material published by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford, UK. For more information, please see www.cebm.net. 12 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

EVIDENCE REVIEW expert panel also drew extensively on a substantial The studies’ quality ratings and evidence tables literature base, providing support for their recom- were prepared for use by Paralyzed Veterans panel mendations. Often, a recommendation is based on members in their guideline deliberations. Evidence older studies of SCI patients, or on studies of more tables consisted of by-study listings of extracted heterogeneous groups of acutely injured patients information. Patient, intervention, and outcome with or without SCI, studies that were believed to combinations were too heterogeneous to permit be generalizable to the early SCI population. UBC quantitative synthesis of outcomes data. independently graded these studies. During the panel deliberations and preparation of the recommendations, it became clear that the CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 13


Triage Protocols and trauma centers where trauma-trained surgeons are Trauma Systems of Care promptly available for initial evaluation and man- agement. Acosta and colleagues (1998) found that In 1981 the American Spinal Injury Associa- the first 24 hours after trauma are the deadliest, tion (ASIA) published its Guidelines for Facility and that primary and secondary injuries to the Categorization and Standards of Care. These are the leading cause of guidelines defined the components of a “system” death, underscoring the importance of prompt for medical care of patients with spinal cord injury evaluation by appropriate providers in an appro- (SCI) based on current expertise. The American priate health-care setting. Khetarpal et al. (1999) College of Surgeons document Resources for found that the presence of a trauma surgeon on Optimal Care of the Injured Patient outlines the the reduced both resuscitation time resources necessary for the provision of care to and the time to incision for patients needing emer- the multisystem-injured patient (U. S. Department gent operations. of Health and Human Services Program Support Center, 2006b) In 1992, the Bureau of Health Trauma Center Services Resources, Division of Trauma and Emergency Medical Services, published through 2. Transfer the patient with a spinal cord injury an expert consortium a document titled Model as soon as possible to a Level I trauma cen- Trauma Care System Plan. This document, ter, as defined by the American College of updated in 2006 by the U. S. Department of Surgeons or by state statute. Given local Health and Human Services Program Support triage protocols and guidelines relating to Center, outlines the components necessary to transportation times to trauma centers, con- ensure that “the right patient gets to the right sider taking the patient directly to a Level I facility, in the right amount of time.” center if possible in preference to passing The evidence is now increasing in support of through a Level II or III center first. specific levels of care and expertise for patients at different stages after injury, but for each stage, it is (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; important to carefully assess the evidence and to Strength of panel opinion–5) justify the cost of a specialized unit for that Rationale: In addition to the need to preserve patient. The additional stress on patient and family neurologic function in the possible presence of when care is far from home and friends must also an unstable spine, the relatively high frequency be considered. of associated with SCI suggests the Analysis of the etiology of spinal cord injury need for early transfer to a Level I center. Early is important not only to guide spinal cord injury and rapid access to a trauma team that includes prevention efforts but also to the design of trauma specialists in spine and brain injury is critical. triage and transport guidelines. Rapid access to imaging capability should include CT (computerized tomography) scans and MRI Prehospital Triage (magnetic resonance imaging). Level of care, volume, and outcome. The 1. Develop appropriate guidelines for the evalu- volume of patients per center necessary for higher ation and transport of patients with potential levels of competence and better outcomes has not spinal cord injuries based on local resources. been defined. Nathens et al. (2001) showed better Identify regional trauma centers with special outcomes in higher volume centers for penetrating resources for the acute management of spinal intra-abdominal injury and multisystem blunt trau- cord injuries. ma but excluded spinal cord injury. Demetriades et al. (2005) described increased mortality in patients (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; with certain major injury patterns cared for in Strength of panel opinion–5) Level II versus Level I trauma centers but did not Rationale: Regional prehospital triage proto- show any worse outcome by level of care in a sub- cols should be in place to direct acutely injured group with tetraplegia in which a 24% in-hospital patients with potential spinal injury to accredited was described. Their findings (and 14 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

the comments in the discussion) suggest that may not be a component of the regional Level I patients with tetraplegia alone could be assessed in trauma center). Transfer the patient to specialized a Level I or II trauma center, while those with mul- care when sufficiently medically stable to meet the tiple injuries, including pelvic trauma, penetrating criteria of the local specialized spinal injuries unit. thoracic or abdominal injury with hypotension, as Munro in the United States, Guttmann in the Unit- well as tetraplegia, should bypass a Level II in favor ed Kingdom, and Botterell in Canada were pioneer of transfer directly to a Level I center. MacKenzie et paraplegists who identified the specialized needs of al. (2006) showed minor but significant mortality the SCI patient. Their work led to the development differences in favor of level 1 trauma centers both of specialized centers of care in which a relatively for patients with a high (ISS) uncommon but severe and costly condition could and for those with SCI. Demetriades et al. (2006) be managed optimally with a view to limiting com- also showed better survival rates in patients with plications of the injury and facilitating rehabilita- an ISS greater than 15 if they receive Level I care. tion and community reintegration. During the Sampalis et al. (1997) showed reduced mortality in 1940s, the Department of Veterans Affairs began severely injured patients who bypassed a Level II establishing regional SCI units to meet the needs center in favor of direct transfer to a Level I center. of veterans injured during World War II. The first Their data (and, they said, those in the literature) regional SCI center funded by the U.S. government would favor bypassing non-Level I when for nonveterans was organized in 1970; 13 more the injury has occurred within the urban limits. It is were established by 1979. In 1981, ASIA published acknowledged that the resources required to main- standards for a spinal cord injury system of care, tain Level I care are more expensive and not uni- prescribing five major components of care: emer- versally available or close at . This group also gency medical services, a trauma center with SCI showed that reduced mortality can be realized in a trauma unit, a rehabilitation facility with SCI trau- regionalized trauma system that includes spinal ma unit, a follow-up system, and a viable commu- cord specialty units, although they did not specifi- nity integration activity. cally consider the outcome in SCI patients (Sam- The Cochrane review of spinal injuries centers palis et al., 1999). (SICs) by Jones and Bagnall (2004) noted that the Mechanism of injury. Helling et al. (1999) majority of complications in traumatic SCI can noted the importance of low falls (defined as falls occur in the first 24 hours, but found insufficient from less than 20 feet) as a potential cause of sig- evidence to support conclusions about the benefits nificant injuries to the head and spine. In their or disadvantages of immediate referral versus late series of 159 patients whose initial condition did referral to SICs, suggesting the need for a well- not trigger a response from the full trauma team, designed prospective study of this question. Bag- 48 had suffered head injury, 7 were tetraplegic, nall (an author of the Cochrane study) et al. also and 3 were paraplegic. Helling’s group recommend- found in a systematic review that the available ed that surgeons and emergency physicians be studies were all retrospective and observational in thorough in their evaluations and quick to transfer nature. Nonetheless, lesser levels of evidence, selected patients to trauma centers because of the especially in the more recent literature, suggest potential seriousness and complexity of injuries that early referral and transfer to SICs may offer occurring from low falls, particularly in elderly advantages (Bagnall et al., 2003). individuals. Aito and colleagues (2003) noted that pressure ulcers and respiratory complications were much Spinal Cord Injury Centers more common among patients who were treated in nonspecialized units or who experienced delays in 3. Consider directing spinal cord–injured patients transfer to a specialized unit. Aung and el Masry expeditiously to a specialized spinal cord injury (1997) showed that patients admitted to an SIC center that is equipped to provide compre- within 1 week of injury suffered a lower rate of hensive, state-of-the-art care. Discuss pre- complications compared with those admitted later. transfer requirements with the referral center. Pagliacci et al. (2003) showed a greatly increased length of rehabilitation center stay in patients (Scientific evidence–I/II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; admitted with a pressure sore. They also showed a Strength of panel opinion–5) longer length of rehabilitation center stay in those Rationale: As soon as possible, and prefer- patients originating from a less specialized early ably within 24 hours, consult with the clinical liai- treatment center. son for a specialized SCI center (which may or CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 15

These studies suffer from at least a partial Spine immobilization is adequate and secure. selection bias as shown by Amin et al. (2005) in that a delay to referral to an SCI unit can be related The airway is clear and can be maintained during transfer; consider intubation prior to to the management of associated injuries. However, transfer if PaCO2 is elevated or if ventilatory Amin et al. showed that a delay from referral to failure is likely to develop during a prolonged admission may be related to an inadequate number transfer. of appropriate beds and is associated with a longer overall time in hospital. The definition of what is an A is in place for any pneumo- inappropriate delay to referral or to transfer to an or hemothorax, especially if air transport is SIC has not been established. considered. DeVivo et al. (1990) found statistically signifi- Supplemental oxygen is being administered cant reductions in acute care and in total lengths of and ventilation (spontaneous or assisted) is stay coupled with a highly significant reduction in adequate. pressure ulcers among patients admitted to the specialty spinal center within 1 day of injury com- IV (intravenous fluid) is patent and infusing pared with an otherwise comparable group of at the desired rate. patients admitted to their spinal unit for rehabilita- Hemodynamic parameters have been tion only. Dalyan et al. (1998) showed that patients stabilized and can be monitored during admitted to an SIC within 24 hours of injury had a transport. lower rate of joint . They also showed a link between the presence of a and When indicated, nasogastric tube is in situ, the occurrence of a pressure sore, both being asso- draining freely, and connected to low suction. ciated with concomitant head injury. Yarkony et al. Indwelling urinary catheter is in situ and (1985) reviewed 181 spinal cord–injured patients draining freely. admitted to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago following acute SCI. In their review, they analyzed Skin is protected from injury due to excessive the origin of the patients from either general hospi- pressure, especially over bony prominences, tals or the acute care unit of a spinal center at such as the , that contact the support Northwestern Memorial Hospital. They found that surface, and any apparatus or debris that patients treated at the general hospital had a statis- could cause pressure sores is cleared away. tically significant increased incidence of contrac- Neurological level and completeness of injury, tures compared with the spinal center patients. as determined from a motor and sensory Heinemann et al. (1989) showed equivalent examination according to the International final outcomes for patients from specialized centers Standards Neurological Classification of versus general hospital centers passing through SCI (see page X), are documented immediately their rehab center, but the overall time in hospital prior to transferring the patient. was greater for those not coming from a specialized All imaging and other records accompany the acute unit because of the relatively longer time spent patient. in the acute unit in the nonspecialized hospitals. Length of stay may be shorter for patients with Adapted with permission from http://commons.bcit.ca/ SCI admitted to a specialized system. Tator and col- elearning/Managing%20SCI.zip. leagues (1993) found that patients treated in an acute spinal cord injury unit had a significant Spinal Stabilization during Emergency reduction in mortality, a significant reduction in Transport and Early In-Hospital length of stay, and a significant increase in neuro- Immobilization Following Spinal logical recovery (doubling of the neurological Cord Injury recovery scale). Amin et al. (2005) concluded that Rapid and safe transport of the spinal injury early liaison with a designated spinal injury center patient allows for early medical stabilization and or unit is vitally important. Scivoletto et al. (2005) institution of measures designed to preserve and showed a better final outcome in those patients potentially improve ultimate neurologic outcome. admitted to a rehab center earlier (< 30 days) than Interestingly, there is a lack of data from random- those admitted later. ized controlled trials to support the practice of Before a patient with a spinal cord injury is prehospital spinal immobilization in trauma patients. transported from one facility to another, the follow- Only level III studies are available to support the ing protocol should be completed to ensure that use of spine immobilization for all patients with a the patient’s condition is sufficiently stabilized: 16 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

suspected spinal injury. Although not supported by 5. Emergency medical service (EMS) providers higher levels of medical evidence, this time-tested should use the following five clinical criteria to practice is based on anatomic, mechanical, and determine the potential risk of cervical spinal clinical considerations in an attempt to prevent injury in a trauma patient: further, or new onset, spinal cord injury. Altered mental status. 4. Immobilize the spine of all patients with a potential spinal injury from the scene of the Evidence of intoxication. injury to definitive care. Suspected extremity fracture or distracting (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; injury. Strength of panel opinion–5) Focal neurological deficit. Rationale: Management of a patient with Spinal pain or tenderness. potential spinal injury begins at the scene. It has been estimated that up to 25% of spinal cord (Scientific evidence–I/II/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; injuries occur after the initial traumatic insult, Strength of panel opinion–5) either during transit or early in the course of man- Rationale: Domeier et al. (1999) found in a agement (Toscano, 1988). During the 1970s, most multicenter prospective study of 6,500 trauma patients (55%) referred to regional spinal cord patients that the application of any one of these injury centers arrived with complete neurological clinical criteria was predictive in the majority of lesions (Gunby, 1981); in the 1980s, more spinal patients with cervical spinal injuries of the need cord–injured patients arrived with incomplete for immobilization. The predictive value of their lesions. criteria held true for patients with high- or low- Although there is no strong clinical evidence risk mechanisms of injury. The investigators sug- to support immobilization in spinal cord–injured gested that clinical criteria, rather than mechanism patients, there is panel consensus that this should of injury, be evaluated as the standard for deciding be the initial treatment. Support for spinal immobi- whether to use spine immobilization. lization was presented by Toscano (1988), where When determining if EMS providers are 32 (26%) of 123 trauma patients experienced indeed able to apply clinical criteria to evaluate the major neurological deterioration following injury stability of the cervical spine, L. H. Brown et al. and prior to admission to the hospital due to what (1998) found that EMS personnel and hospital- was described as a lack of adequate spinal immo- based physicians have a moderate to substantial bilization. A retrospective chart review covering a agreement when determining the stability of the 5-year time span, performed in collaboration by cervical spine. Their assessments correlated in the University of New Mexico in the United States 79% of the cases (n = 451/573). For 78 patients and the University of Malaysia–Kuala Lumpur, (14%), the EMS clinical assessment indicated looked at the efficacy of spinal immobilization and spine immobilization, while the physician assess- found no significant protective effects from spine ment in the trauma bay did not. For only 44 immobilization (Hauswald, Ong et al., 1998). patients (8%), the physician’s clinical assessment However, Hadley’s review (2002) notes the limita- indicated spine immobilization, while the EMS tions of this report but also comments on the assessment did not. For individual components, dearth of sufficient evidence to support practice the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.35 to standards. Hadley presents options for neck pro- 0.81. For the decision to immobilize, it was 0.48. tection during extrication and transportation, rec- The EMS clinical assessments were generally more ommends early removal of protective devices once in favor of immobilization than the physician’s definitive management is established and notes the clinical assessments later in the emergency room, need for ongoing research in this area. erring on the side of safety during patients’ pre- A number of reports have been published over hospital care. Similar evidence does not exist for the past few decades criticizing current methods thoracolumbar injuries. of immobilization due to sporadic instances of Patients with a significant head injury are also adverse occurrences in a small percentage of at risk of spinal cord injury and should be careful- cases (Domeier, 1999). What is needed is a clear ly evaluated for the presence of a cervical cord and uniform protocol for immobilization and trans- lesion. Holly and colleagues (2002) assessed the port of patients with both suspected and proven risk of cervical spine trauma associated with mod- spinal column and cord injury to minimize further erate and severe head injury. They noted that 5% neurologic demise and reduce costs to the health- of a series of 447 patients with moderate or severe care system. head injury had sustained a significant cervical CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 17

spinal injury; 58% of those had a cervical spinal cord Rationale: A rigid backboard should be used injury, often in the upper cervical spine. They also for as short a period of time as possible for initial noted a much greater chance of these injuries in inpatient evaluation and stabilization (Vickery, 2001). patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 8 or Prompt removal from the backboard, after trans- less, and in those with a vehicular mechanism of port to an emergency department and initial spine injury. In a similar population of 41,142 patients stabilization, is required to reduce pressure ulcer with traumatic brain injury, Piatt (2006) reported that formation (AANS and CNS, 2002). For patients the of cervical injury was 8%. Provider with a confirmed spinal cord injury, transfer the vigilance is therefore required to evaluate for spinal patient off the backboard onto a firm padded sur- injury and acute SCI in patients with traumatic face, ideally within 2 hours, continuing precautions brain injury. Prasad et al. (1999) also noted the to protect the spinal column and skin. Those who predilection for injury at the C1 level in those have extended transport to the emergency depart- cervical-injured patients with a GCS of less than 5. ment or who are delayed in transfer to the intensive care unit are at increased risk of skin breakdown 6. EMS providers should use the combination of (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). rigid cervical collar immobilization with sup- portive blocks on a backboard with straps or 8. In cases of confirmed spinal or spinal cord similar device to secure the entire spine of injury, maintain spine immobilization until patients with potential spinal injury. definitive treatment.

(Scientific evidence–I/II; Grade of recommendation–A; (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; Strength of panel opinion–5) Strength of panel opinion–5) Rationale: As many as 20% of spinal column Rationale: Hard cervical collars may provide injuries involve multiple noncontiguous vertebral appropriate immobilization for some injuries; how- levels. Therefore, the entire spinal column is ever, considerable concern has arisen regarding potentially at risk after trauma. As a consequence, their prolonged use in patients with severe head complete spine immobilization and cross-body and multiple injuries. Even after a few days of use strapping is recommended in the transport of in this setting, there have been reports of occipital patients from the injury scene. and submental decubiti, raised intracranial pressure, In 1985, Cline et al. found that strapping a and increased risk of aspiration (Davies et al., 1996; patient to a standard short board was more effec- Mobbs et al., 2002). tive than using a cervical collar alone in attempt- Historically, once the radiological diagnosis of ing to immobilize the cervical spine. They noted a bony injury has been established, initial treat- no significant differences among the different ment has been directed toward spine immobiliza- rigid collars that were also tested in this study. tion, and if appropriate, spinal realignment. The Perry et al. (1999) confirmed these data, observ- first modern immobilization device—Crutchfield ing that the efficacy of cervical spine immobiliza- cranial tongs—was introduced in 1933 and was in tion was limited unless the motion of the head subsequent clinical use for more than four decades. and the trunk were also effectively controlled. It Gardner-Wells tongs became available in the 1970s appears that a combination of rigid cervical col- and largely supplanted previous devices because of lar immobilization with supportive blocks on a their ease of placement and more versatile clinical rigid backboard with straps to secure the entire applicability. Halo immobilization became popular body is the most effective method to limit spinal in the 1960s, although it was not widely used as motion following trauma (De Lorenzo, 1996; an acute immobilization device until several decades American Association of Neurological Surgeons later and now is the primary method of acute sta- and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons bilization. The titanium halo ring offers the advan- [AANS and CNS], 2002). Preexisting spine defor- tage of allowing CT and MRI scans to be performed mities must be accommodated when immobilizing and may be readily converted to an orthosis to the patient (see also recommendation 12). provide definitive treatment of the spine injury (Wilberger, 2000). Although there are a variety of 7. In the emergency department, transfer the studies of the biomechanical and kinematic stabili- patient with a potential spinal injury as soon as ty of the halo orthosis for long-term stabilization, possible off the backboard onto a firm padded there are no comparable studies in the acute set- surface while maintaining spinal alignment. ting. Effective thoracolumbar immobilization can (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; be achieved by maintaining the patient on a firm Strength of panel opinion–5) padded surface and using appropriate techniques for transfers or repositioning. 18 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

9. At the extremes of age, or in the presence of a of sheets or devices prior to the transfer, and preexisting spine deformity, provide patient preparations for procedures may require moving care in the position of greatest comfort while the patient whose spine has not been cleared. Four maintaining immobilization. or five people may be required to logroll while maintaining alignment: one to stabilize the head (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; and coordinate the transfer, two people to assist Strength of panel opinion–5) with the trunk, one person to move the limbs, and Rationale: Although there is no evidence to one person to place or remove the device itself determine the optimum method and position of (British Trauma Society, 2003). support for the head of the spine-injured person, 12. Consider a specialized bed for the patient the premorbid spine contour (which varies with with an unstable spine when prolonged age and certain spinal conditions such as ankylosis) immobilization is anticipated. and the mechanism of injury may determine the best position. Certainly, allowing too much exten- (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; sion (e.g., on a flat surface without head support) Strength of panel opinion–5) for the older person with a kyphotic cervicotho- racic spine, or too much flexion (e.g., in the small Rationale: For injured patients who have an child with a large head nursed on a flat surface) unstable spine or who may require extended immo- can increase the risk of neurologic deterioration bilization, the use of specialized beds and other after . The safest position until protective surfaces can decrease the risk of compli- imaging is completed is often that of greatest com- cations and morbidity, including skin breakdown fort for the injured person (e.g., a support of com- (British Trauma Society, 2003). Although there are fortable height such as a folded sheepskin under no studies involving spinal cord–injured patients, the head and neck of an older patient with a tho- evidence showing a reduction in complications due racic kyphosis). to immobility in critically ill and trauma patients suggests that there may be some benefit in patient 10. Employ an adequate number of personnel dur- outcomes and a decrease in costs associated with ing patient transfers for diagnostic studies and morbidity. for repositioning to maintain the alignment of a potentially unstable spine and avoid shearing of 13. Initiate measures to prevent skin breakdown if the skin. prolonged time on a backboard is anticipated.

(Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; (Scientific evidence–II/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; Strength of panel opinion–5) Strength of panel opinion–5) Rationale: Imaging and diagnostic studies Rationale: Provide pressure relief over bony during the emergency and early acute period fol- prominences every 30 minutes if it is anticipated lowing injury often require transferring the patient that the patient will be maintained on a backboard from a to an imaging table. It is essential for longer than 2 hours. Those who are reposi- to maintain alignment of the spine and also prevent tioned with pressure relief during the initial 2 hours shearing injury to the skin during movement. Rigid following injury are less likely to experience skin slides or other transfer devices or sheets can assist breakdown. Length of immobilization on a long in these efforts. No evidence was found, but ideally rigid backboard is significantly associated with the four people are involved in completing the transfer: development of pressure ulcers (Consortium for one to stabilize the head and direct the transfer, Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000; Linares et al., 1987; two people to assist with the trunk and limbs, and Mawson et al., 1988). Some degree of pressure one person to manage the device itself (British ulcer formation occurs in 30%–50% of patients Trauma Society, 2003). with new SCI during the first month post-injury, and the sacrum is the most common location for 11. Logroll the patient with a potentially unstable these ulcers. Pressure ulcers can delay the remobi- spine as a unit when repositioning, turning, or lization of patients during rehabilitation and force preparing for transfers. modification of the sitting program. Myocutaneous flap surgery for pressure ulcers is sometimes needed (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; before a patient can begin sitting in a wheelchair, Strength of panel opinion–5) and a severe ulcer can delay full participation in Rationale: Maintaining alignment of the spine rehabilitation for 3 months or longer. is paramount to prevent further injury and discom- fort. Removal from the long backboard, placement CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 19

14. Perform a baseline skin assessment on removal TraumaAlgorithm.html and www.asahq.org/ of the backboard. Newsletters/2005/11-05/wilson11_05.htm/ (accessed January 18, 2008). (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; The choice of induction agent and neuro- Strength of panel opinion–5) muscular blocking agent requires some consider- Rationale: Visually inspect the entire dorsal ation, however. Although propofol and thiopental surface of the body, with particular attention to are commonly used as induction agents in hemo- bony prominences, when logrolling the patient to dynamically stable patients, both may exacerbate remove the backboard. Document the baseline skin hypotension resulting from hemorrhage, neuro- assessment, and institute preventive measures for genic shock, and sepsis. Ketamine and etomidate any at-risk areas, such as reddened skin, bony remain viable alternatives in these settings. Keta- prominences of the scapulae, sacrum, and the heels mine, which may actually cause hypertension, (see also, Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treat- is controversial in patients with concomitant ment Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical head injury due to longstanding concern that it Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals, may elevate intracranial pressure (Wyte, 1972). Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). Etomidate provides stable hemodynamics during induction, but there is concern about the safety ‘ABCs’ and Resuscitation of its use in critically ill patients (D. Annane, 2005). Etomidate inhibits adrenal steroid synthesis (R.L. Wagner et al, 1984); P. Cohan et al., 2005) Spinal cord injury often does not exist in isola- and has been associated with hypotension and tion. Other traumatic and medical conditions of need for vasopressors, but the clinical signifi- the patient must be considered when selecting cance of this is controversial. Retrospective management strategies. As with all trauma patients, studies showing worse outcomes in patients who the acute management of a patient with SCI requires receive etomidate may be biased in that sicker rapid restoration of the airway, breathing, and cir- patients are more likely to receive etomidate at culation. induction. Until this issue is investigated further, 15. Provide an airway and ventilatory support a reasonable approach might be to use etomidate in patients with high tetraplegia early in the for induction in the multiple-trauma patient or clinical course. when tenuous hemodynamics are present. Should refractory shock develop, exogenous steroids (Scientific evidence–IV; Grade of recommendation–C; should be considered. With respect to neuromus- Strength of panel opinion–5) cular blocking agents, succinylcholine remains the agent of choice for rapid sequence intubation Rationale: Patients with motor-complete in SCI patients within the first 48 hours of injury. injury at a level rostral to C5 will almost invariably Following this time window, a nondepolarizing require ventilatory support. Intense monitoring for neuromuscular blocking agent should be used respiratory failure is warranted in all patients with instead. cervical spine injury (Velmahos et al., 2003). A If a difficult intubation is anticipated, an awake variety of management options may be employed fiberoptic intubation is an appropriate alternative, for support of ventilation and endotracheal intuba- and other methods may also be necessary (see tion (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2005). www.asahq.org/Newsletters/2005/11-05/2003 Endotracheal intubation can be particularly difficult TraumaAlgorithm.html and www.asahq.org/ in the patient with SCI, especially if the lesion is in Newsletters/2005/11-05/wilson11_05.html/; the cervical spine. In addition, intubation frequently accessed January 18, 2008.) Furthermore, an needs to be accomplished before the presence or awake fiberoptic intubation may be the preferred location of an injury can be confirmed. As a result, method of securing the airway in a cooperative everyone who needs urgent endotracheal intubation patient who does not have impending respiratory following trauma should be treated as if he or she failure, as it is possible to accomplish without any has a cervical spine injury. The goal of intubation is movement of the cervical spine, and the patient to secure the airway with as little movement of the can undergo a brief neurological exam immediate- cervical spine as possible. The standard urgent or ly following completion of the procedure. emergent intubating technique for someone with If airway and mechanical ventilatory support a presumed or known cervical spine injury is a are not required, consider evaluation of baseline rapid sequence induction with cricoid pressure and pulmonary function on admission with measure- manual inline stabilization. For further information, ment of , vital capacity, and negative refer to www.asahq.org/Newsletters/2005/11-05/2003 inspiratory force so that follow-up assessments 20 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

can be compared with the individual’s baseline trauma ICU population as assessed with various for early diagnosis of acute respiratory failure. types of monitoring and several clinically relevant outcome measures. For detailed discussion of this 16. Prevent and treat hypotension. issue, see www.east.org/tpg.asp/ (accessed January (Scientific evidence–II/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; 18, 2008; Tisherman et al., 2004). Strength of panel opinion–4) 18. Exclude other injuries before assigning the Rationale: Early appropriate fluid resuscita- cause of hypotension to neurogenic shock. tion is necessary for all patients with SCI to main- (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; tain tissue , but care must be taken to Strength of panel opinion–5) avoid fluid overload. The first treatment priority for hypotension is fluid resuscitation. The goal is Rationale: Acute SCI may be associated with to maintain optimal tissue perfusion and to resolve hemodynamic instability. Neurogenic shock (reduced shock. The appropriate resuscitation end point and blood pressure from neurologic causes) is common optimal mean arterial blood pressure for mainte- in patients with acute tetraplegia or high-level nance of spinal cord perfusion are not known. paraplegia (T1–T4), but before assuming that the Uncontrolled studies that used fluids and vasopres- cause of hypotension is from the cord injury, other sors to achieve a mean arterial pressure of 85 causes of hypotension should be investigated. The mmHg for a minimum of 7 days in patients with clinician managing traumatic SCI should be atten- acute SCI have reported favorable outcomes (Levi tive to all potential causes of hemodynamic insta- et al., 1993; Vale et al., 1997). bility, including hemorrhage, , Hypotension may exacerbate central nervous myocardial injury, pericardial tamponade, sepsis system injury. Avoiding hypotension in brain-injured related to abdominal injury, and other traumatic patients is paramount in early treatment because and medical etiologies. Physical examination and diminished cerebral perfusion pressure may con- subjective patient reports are problematic in the tribute to secondary neuronal injury (R. M. Chesnut, insensate spinal cord injured patient, and chest/ 1993). Although separate clinical data do not exist /pelvis CT or other imaging modalities for patients with spinal cord injuries, hypotension should be performed to exclude other possible should be recognized, the cause of the hypotension causes of hypotension. sought, and fluid resuscitation initiated with the goal Other potential causes of hypotension, such of treating hypotension (systolic blood pressure < as adrenal insufficiency, should also be considered. 90). Further study is needed to define ideal mean In a study of 80 patients with moderate or severe arterial pressure (MAP) and the potential role for traumatic brain injury, approximately 50% of elevation of MAP with fluids or pharmacologic patients had transient adrenal insufficiency. Younger treatment (Vale et al., 1997). age, greater injury severity, early ischemic insults, and the use of etomidate and metabolic suppressive 17. Determine initial base deficit or lactate level to agents were associated with adrenal insufficiency assess severity of shock and need for ongoing (Cohan et al., 2005). Evaluation for adrenal insuf- fluid resuscitation. ficiency with a cosyntropin (ACTH) stimulation (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; test may be warranted (Garcia-Zozaya, 2006). Strength of panel opinion–4) 19. Recognize and treat neurogenic shock. Rationale: Standard hemodynamic parameters (Scientific evidence–III/V; Grade of recommendation–C; (blood pressure, pulse) do not adequately quantify Strength of panel opinion–5) the degree of shock and physiologic derangement in trauma patients, particularly in those with SCI. Rationale: A patient with acute SCI may pre- Initial base deficit or lactate level can be used to sent with or develop neurogenic shock (Gondim et determine the severity of shock and the need for al., 2004; Krassioukov and Claydon, 2006). This ongoing fluid resuscitation. The optimal algorithms occurs secondary to sympathetic denervation, for fluid resuscitation, blood product replacement, resulting in arteriolar dilation and pooling of blood and the use of inotropes and/or vasopressors have in the venous compartment, and interruption of not been determined; further research in this area cardiac sympathetic innervation (T1–T4) with is needed, particularly for patients with spinal cord unopposed vagal activity promotes bradycardia and injury. Resuscitation algorithms aimed at achieving reduced myocardial contractility. Neurogenic shock supranormal oxygen delivery or preventing is suggested by decreased blood pressure and sys- splanchnic ischemic reperfusion injury have not temic vascular resistance with a variable heart rate been determined to be efficacious in a general response (Bilello et al., 2003; Bravo et al., 2004; CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 21

Gondim et al., 2004). Experimental data indicate Webborn et al., 2005; Price and Campbell, 2003). that hypotension and shock are particularly deleteri- Therefore, monitoring temperature is essential ous to the injured spinal cord, contributing to cord during the acute management phase. hypoperfusion and perpetuating secondary cord injury (AANS and CNS, 2002). Neuroprotection Higher levels of SCI correlate with more severe hypotension. The loss of vasoconstrictor tone in the Pharmacologic Neuroprotection in Patients peripheral arterioles is associated with pooling of with Spinal Cord Injury blood in the peripheral vasculature. In the setting of neurogenic shock, it is essential to first ensure that For decades, physicians have tried to improve intravascular volume is restored, then vasopressors final neurologic outcomes in patients following (, , ) may be spinal cord injury. Acute traumatic SCI involves used to treat hypotension (Stevens et al., 2003). both primary and secondary mechanisms of injury. The primary mechanism involves the initial 20. Monitor and treat symptomatic bradycardia. mechanical injury due to local deformation and (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; energy transformation that occurs within the Strength of panel opinion–5) spinal cord at the moment of injury. This insult is irreversible. Secondary mechanisms of injury Rationale: Cardiovascular intervention may occur shortly after the initial traumatic event and be required for patients with cervical SCI and lead to tissue destruction during the first few tetraplegia (Bilello et al., 2003). Acute cervical hours after injury. These secondary mechanisms SCI may also result in bradydysrhythmias, which include processes such as , axonal degen- may lead to hypotension and asystole (Abd and eration, and , which are potentially Braun, 1989; Dixit, 1995; Lehmann et al., 1987). preventable and/or reversible. Therefore, the con- Such symptoms are more common in the first 2 cept of targeting secondary mechanisms of injury weeks after injury. Bradycardia may also occur is a key element in the development of neuropro- and is often associated with a noxious stimulus tective therapies to improve neurologic recovery such as endotracheal suctioning. Cardiovascular after acute SCI. interventions, such as the use of vasopressors, , aminophylline, or pacemakers, are more 22. No clinical evidence exists to definitively commonly required in high cervical injury patients recommend the use of any neuroprotective (Bilello et al., 2003; Franga et al., 2006; Pasnoori pharmacologic agent, including steroids, in and Lessar, 2004; Ruiz-Arango et al., 2006). the treatment of acute spinal cord injury to Vasopressors should be chosen so as to minimize improve functional recovery. exacerbation of bradycardia. An ideal agent should have both alpha- and beta-adrenergic actions, such (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; as dopamine, norepinephrine, or epinephrine, to Strength of panel opinion–5) counter the loss of sympathetic tone and provide Rationale: Over the past several years, a chronotropic support to the heart. number of human clinical trials have evaluated the efficacy of potential neuroprotective therapies 21. Monitor and regulate temperature. following traumatic spinal cord injury; however, (Scientific evidence–I/II/III; Grade of recommendation–A; none of these studies has conclusively shown a Strength of panel opinion–5) benefit in preserving or improving spinal cord function. Large-scale, multicenter clinical trials Rationale: The have investigated the neuroprotective impacts of is disrupted in cervical and high thoracic SCI (MP), the neuroganglioside (above T6), resulting in altered GM-1, gacyclidine (aspartate receptor antago- due to loss of vasomotor control and sympatheti- nist), tirilazad (free radical scavenger), and nalox- cally mediated vasodilation. Poikilothermia results, one. Unfortunately, undisputed efficacy of these which is a state in which the body assumes the agents has never been demonstrated, and with temperature of the surrounding ambient environ- the risk of possibly severe side effects, their use ment. People with SCI above T6 may experience cannot be recommended following SCI. At this hypothermia as well as reduced ability to dissipate time, there is also no evidence for the clinical use body heat. Although no studies conducted during of hypothermia. The reader is advised to check the acute phase of SCI were found, research indi- for new therapies through the resources of the cates that impaired thermoregulation may persist U.S. National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and for years after an injury (Nicotra et al., 2006 for studies that are recruiting through the U.S. 22 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

National Institutes of Health (http://clinicaltrials.gov/ the efficacy of GM-1 in the setting of spinal cord ct2/results?term=acute+spinal+cord; accessed injury. Various animal studies have reported January 2008). improvements in neurologic recovery after trau- Methylprednisolone. MP has been investi- matic SCI following the administration of GM-1 gated in three large-scale, multicenter clinical (Sygen, Fidia Pharmaceutical Corporation, Wash- trials collectively referred to as NASCIS (National ington, DC). Although a single-center clinical Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study; Bracken et al., study suggested a benefit to its use when admin- 1984, 1990, 1997). The first NASCIS trial com- istered on a daily basis for 1 month following pared 2 doses of MP after traumatic SCI (Bracken SCI, the findings from a large-scale, multicenter et al., 1984); the second compared clinical trial with 760 subjects did not demonstrate the effects of a much higher dose of MP with a benefit in ASIA-impairment grade (principal those of and a placebo (Bracken et al., end point) for treated patients compared with 1990); and the third clinical trial evaluated the individuals who received a placebo (AANS and timing of initiation and duration of MP treatment CNS, 2002); and a Cochrane review failed to following injury (Bracken et al., 1997). Although find any benefit (Chinnock and Roberts, 2005). improvements in ASIA motor and sensory scores Gacyclidine. A large SCI trial in France were reported in subjects who received MP in investigated the efficacy of gacyclidine, an both the NASCIS II and NASCIS III trials, neither N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist that study addressed some of the potential confound- demonstrated a neuroprotective effect in animal ing variables, which limits the extent to which the models of SCI. A total of 200 patients were ran- results of the studies can be generalized to all domized to either treatment with gacyclidine or individuals with acute spinal cord injuries (Hurl- a placebo within 3 hours of injury. All subjects bert, 2000, 2006). For example, the NASCIS II underwent, if necessary, surgical decompression trial did not include details about other interven- and stabilization. Subjects were examined via tions such as radiology, surgical manipulations, blinded assessments over a 1-year period. Results or the extent of rehabilitative therapies, which reported thus far have demonstrated no statisti- may have contributed to improvements or recov- cally significant improved neurologic outcomes ery. Furthermore, subsequent post hoc analysis in those patients who received gacyclidine. How- failed to demonstrate improvement in primary ever, subjects with an incomplete cervical spinal outcome measures (motor scores, pinprick scores, cord injury appeared to show neurologic improve- and light-touch scores), meaning that improved ment with its use (Steeves et al., 2004). recovery with MP may represent random events, Tirilazad and naloxone. In the NASCIS II thus weakening the overall study findings (Cole- and III trials, naloxone and tirilazad were investi- man et al., 2000; Hurlbert, 2000, 2006; Short et gated for their neuroprotective properties in clini- al., 2000). cal application after SCI. Although a very small, It is also important to note that MP can have nonfunctional, motor-only improvement of one significant side effects. Both the NASCIS II and grade was seen in the group treated with tirilazad III studies documented serious complications within 8 hours from the time of SCI, no statisti- associated with MP administration, such as high- cally significant improvements were found, similar er and sepsis rates, respiratory compli- to naloxone (Bracken et al.,1997). cations, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage. MP Other promising pharmaceutical agents therapy should not be initiated more than 8 hours currently undergoing investigation include a tetracy- after the SCI and has not been shown to be effec- cline derivative, minocycline (phase II investigation tive in SCI caused by penetrating (gunshot) trau- in Calgary, Canada), and erythropoietin, the hor- ma (Bracken et al.,1997). mone that regulates erythropoiesis. In general, GM-1. The ganglioside GM-1 is another neu- encouraging basic science animal studies have roprotective agent that has been investigated for not always shown similarly positive outcomes in use after acute SCI in humans. GM-1 is a lipid human clinical studies. Additionally, it is impor- that is abundant in mammalian central nervous tant to realize that certain therapeutic interven- system membranes. Its proposed mechanism of tions may potentially worsen the natural course action lies in its ability to prevent and of SCI in research subjects; that the vast majority to induce neuronal sprouting in the setting of of therapeutic agents, although promising in ani- spinal cord injury. Although basic science investi- mal models, will never demonstrate efficacy in gational data demonstrated enhanced neuronal human trials; and that interactions between agents plasticity, regeneration, and a neuroprotective may be of concern. Fortunately, the clinical studies effect following its administration, preclinical that have evaluated the protective effects of MP, experimental data were very limited regarding GM-1, and gacyclidine have proven that large- CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 23

scale, prospective clinical trials are feasible and Rationale: In a patient who is awake and that the encouraging preclinical results for minocy- cooperative, the clinical neurological examination cline and erythropoietin can be evaluated using of strength and sensation is the recommended such models to determine their efficacy in the method for diagnosing and classifying SCI. The treatment of spinal cord injury. instrument most widely used in SCI centers for standardized assessment and classification is the 23. If it has been started, stop administration of International Standards for Neurological Classifi- methylprednisolone as soon as possible in cation of SCI, also commonly referred to as the neurologically normal patients and in those ASIA standards (see figure 1). This classification whose prior neurologic symptoms have requires a clinical examination with manual mus- resolved to reduce deleterious side effects. cle testing of 10 key muscles bilaterally, a sensa- (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; tion examination for light touch and sharp/dull Strength of panel opinion–5) discrimination in 28 dermatomes bilaterally, and a rectal examination for sensation and voluntary Rationale: Administration of MP to patients contraction. Early classifications derived from without spinal cord injury is not without risk and this examination have prognostic value in deter- certainly has no benefit. Complications of high- mining the likelihood for neurological recovery dose steroid use include increased infection rates, (see the section “Prognosis for Neurological sepsis, wound-healing complications, pulmonary Recovery”), and they have sufficient interrater , peptic ulcer disease, hyperglycemia, reliability to be used in clinical trials of strategies and lipid profile changes. It can cause severe to improve neurological outcomes following SCI. reactions in patients with type I diabetes and The neurological level is classified as the steroid-induced myopathy. Although only shown lowest level with normal function, provided all in patients with preexisting vascular conditions, rostral levels are normal. The completeness of avascular necrosis of the femoral and/or humeral injury is classified using the ASIA Impairment heads can be caused by high-dose steroid use, Scale grade, commonly referred to as the ASIA but was not demonstrated in an MRI study of score, which replaced a prior grading system humeral and femoral heads in steroid-treated known as Frankel grades. ASIA A indicates a spinal cord patients (Wing et al., 1998). complete injury, with complete loss of sensory In conclusion, MP therapy should never be and motor function below the cord lesion. ASIA B started in neurologically normal patients or in indicates complete loss of motor but some any patient beyond 8 hours from the time of SCI. preservation of sensation below the injury level, MP can cause significant side effects in the injured as determined by the presence of sensation in patient with no compelling evidence that it improves the S4–S5 or on rectal exam. ASIA C neurologic outcome. and ASIA D refer to injuries that are sensory and motor incomplete; in ASIA C, the majority of the Diagnostic Assessments for Definitive muscles below the neurological level are less than Care and Surgical Decision Making 3/5 on manual muscle testing, and in ASIA D, at least 50% of the muscles below the neurological Clinical Neurologic Assessment for SCI level are 3/5 or greater. ASIA E indicates that the neurological examination is normal (see figure 1). 24. Perform a baseline neurological assessment Because of the progressive evolution of neu- on any patient with suspected spinal injury or rological deficits, neurological examinations spinal cord injury to document the presence of should be repeated after transport and following SCI. If neurologic deficits are consistent with such procedures as the application of traction or spinal cord injury, determine a neurological reduction maneuvers to monitor for deterioration level and the completeness of injury. Perform or improvement. The frequency of repeat neuro- serial examinations as indicated to detect neu- logical examinations must be individualized, based rological deterioration or improvement. on the clinical status of the patient and on the (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; protocols of the institution, but in the first 3 days Strength of panel opinion–5) the exam will be performed at least once daily. 24 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Patient Name ______Examiner Name ______Date/Time of Exam______


(scoring on reverse side)

(distal phalanx of middle finger) (little finger)


REV 03/06

ASIA IMPAIRMENT SCALE A = Complete: No motor or sensory function is preserved in the sacral segments S4-S5. B = Incomplete: Sensory but not motor function is preserved below the neurological level and includes the sacral segments S4-S5. C = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and more than half of key muscles below the neurological level have a muscle grade less than 3. D = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and at least half of key muscles below the neurological level have a muscle grade of 3 or more. E = Normal: Motor and sensory function are normal.

CLINICAL SYNDROMES (OPTIONAL) Central Cord Brown-Sequard Anterior Cord

Radiographic Evaluation of Patients Following and effective early care of the spinal trauma Spinal Cord Injury patient. This section applies to patients who have clear signs or symptoms of spinal cord injury. Initial imaging protocols are frequently dependent on the presenting circumstances of 25. Image the entire spine in a patient with SCI. the trauma patient, the experience of the treating (Scientific evidence–I/II/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; physicians and institutions, and available resources. Strength of panel opinion–5) The goal of spinal trauma imaging is to detect all injuries using the least amount of resources with Rationale: Imaging should include a multi- the least potential harm to the patient. Accord- slice CT protocol of the entire spine to delineate ingly, cost-effective diagnostic imaging modalities the known injury and to exclude noncontiguous that allow early detection of spinal injury with a injuries. If CT is not available, perform three views high negative predictive value would ensure safe of all the regions of the spine with conventional antero–posterior and lateral plain radiographs. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 25

It is especially important to image the lower of all cases, plain radiographs were sufficient to cervical spine and cervicothoracic junction. In identify all existing spinal injuries. However, sev- the face of a known spinal injury, from 10% to eral authors found that conventional radiographs 40% of patients may show a noncontiguous injury alone could miss 23% to 57% of fractures of the depending on the imaging technique used, putting cervical spine. This significant percentage may the entire spinal column potentially at risk result in catastrophic neurologic worsening in the (Qaiyum et al., 2001; Vaccaro, 1992). peritrauma period if an unstable spinal lesion is The most prevalent initial radiographic assess- missed and the patient is inadequately immobilized. ment of the symptomatic or obtunded patient has To increase the sensitivity of the radiographic been the 3-view cervical spine series. When the assessment of the cervical spine, regardless of entire cervical spine from the occiput to T1 has neurologic status, many authors have described been visualized, the negative predictive value of the added utility of CT in the acute trauma set- a normal study has been reported to range from ting. Greater injury detection sensitivity has been 93% to 98% in several level I studies (Ajani et al., reported with CT, especially in spinal regions not 1998; Berne et al., 1999), and from 85% to 100% well visualized on plain films, typically the cranio- in level II and III studies (Borock et al., 1991). cervical and cervicothoracic junctions, or areas Although the negative predictive value of the identified as suspicious on plain cervical spine 3-view cervical spine radiographs is quite high, radiographs (Berne et al., 1999). The negative the sensitivity is much less impressive. Sensitivity predictive value and sensitivity of CT to detect rates between 63% and 83% have been reported unstable spinal fractures have been reported to by these same studies (Ajani et al., 1998; Berne be 100% (level II and III data); however, these et al., 1999). In the best-case clinical scenario, studies have used CT itself as the gold standard. approximately 98% of patients with a normal This represents a false endpoint for the true vari- 3-view cervical spine series will have a truly normal able of a clinically relevant spinal injury. cervical spine. The much lower sensitivity rates Spiral or helical CT has become a popular suggest that the radiograph series will be normal screening imaging tool throughout North America in approximately 15% of patients who have a in the setting of spinal trauma and those thought true cervical spine injury. In total, this could lead to be at risk for spinal injury. High-risk patients to the “normal” interpretation of abnormal radi- are described as those with multiple injuries, those ographs in 1 per 100 patients with a true injury with abnormal mental status, or those whose (McCulloch et al., 2005). mechanism of trauma suggests spinal injury. In a The most common cause of missed cervical recent prospective study, McCulloch et al. (2005) spine injury seems to be failure to adequately described 407 patients who underwent evaluation visualize the region of injury. This occurs most for cervical spine trauma by conventional radio- commonly at the extremes of the cervical spine graphs with or without the addition of helical (i.e., the occiput to C2 and the C7–T1 levels; CT imaging. Despite rating the 3-view cervical Davis et al., 1993). In a retrospective study, radiographs as acceptable for clearance of the Vaccaro et al. (1992) described 372 spinal injury cervical spine in 194 cases (48%), 12 of 25 cases admitted to a regional spine center where (48%) spinal injuries were missed when compared 3% of spinal injury cases were initially missed on with CT imaging. In one patient, an odontoid frac- plain films at an outside institution, and 25% of ture was missed by helical CT, although it was these were associated with progressive neurologic identified on conventional plain radiographs since deficit. Davis et al. (1993) described 32,117 acute because the fracture line was parallel to the axial trauma patients in which cervical spine injuries CT image. were missed 34 times despite symptoms. Twenty- When a cervical fracture is identified, imaging three of these 34 symptomatic patients either of the entire spine must be completed. In a study did not have radiographs or had inadequate radi- of the National Trauma Databank, more than ographs that did not include the region of injury. 190,000 patients who had sustained injuries in a Eight patients had adequate radiographs that motor vehicle crash were identified (Winslow et al., were simply misread by the treating physician. 2006). Of these, 8% had cervical spine fractures, Only one patient had a missed injury that was 5% had thoracic spine fractures, 6% had undetectable on technically adequate films, even spine fractures, and 10% had either thoracic or after retrospective review. lumbar fractures. Of patients with a cervical spine Until the beginning of the 1990s, plain radio- fracture, 13% also had a thoracic or lumbar frac- graphs were the initial imaging tools used to ture, whereas among patients without cervical assess bony injury and malalignment after SCI. It spine fracture, only 7% had a thoracolumbar frac- was reported that in approximately 50% to 70% ture. The odds ratio for a thoracolumbar fracture 26 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

in the presence of a cervical spine fracture was 2.02 the setting of a neurological deficit. Although (p < .0001). These data confirm a strong associa- more than half the study patients were eventually tion between cervical spine fractures and thora- excluded, MRI findings changed the management columbar fractures after blunt vehicular trauma of patients in about 25% of cases with a neuro- and support the practice of imaging the complete logic deficit. Currently, the American College spine when a cervical fracture is identified. of Radiology recommends MRI as the imaging modality of choice in an unconscious patient with 26. Perform an MRI of the known or suspected a normal CT and radiographic evaluation following area(s) of spinal cord injury. trauma to assess for cervical spine instability, as (Scientific evidence–I/IV/V; Grade of recommendation–A; opposed to traction-lateral as prac- Strength of panel opinion–5) ticed in some institutions (Anderson et al., 2000).

Rationale: MRI provides excellent soft-tissue Premorbid Spinal Conditions and the Extremes and spinal cord imaging and is useful in identify- of Age: The Mobile and the Stiff Spine ing the presence of specific soft-tissue injuries often seen in the setting of neurologic injury. Premorbid spine conditions may influence Often, MRI will give clues as to the causes of the pattern of injury resulting from a mechanical neurologic injury, such as spinal cord contusion force to the spine. Variations in spine anatomy as or stretch, which cannot be illustrated by plain well as the mechanical properties associated with radiography or CT. the extremes of age and with disease states can Following blunt injury, approximately 54% affect the nature of any associated injuries. of neurologically incomplete patients and 36% of complete patients will have a disk injury detected 27. In patients with SCI, be aware that bony by MRI (Rizzolo et al., 1994). MRI has also been imaging of the spinal column may be negative found to have a high sensitivity and negative pre- (i.e., “SCIWORA,” or SCI without radiological dictive value in detecting injury to spinal ligaments abnormality). and soft tissues. Benzel et al. (1996) used an (Scientific evidence–II; Grade of recommendation–B; ultra-low-field MRI magnet to evaluate patients Strength of panel opinion–5) whose physical examination or plain radiography was equivocal for spinal injury. The investigators Rationale: Not all SCI is associated with a found that 16% of patients had both disk and lig- or dislocation. In some patients, amentous disruption and that 20% had isolated SCI may result from forced extreme range of ligamentous abnormalities. spinal movement without mechanical failure of T2 fat-suppressed MRI has been shown to the spinal column. R. L. Brown et al. (2001) identify almost double the number (41%) of reported that spinal cord injury without radio- visualized contiguous and noncontiguous vertebral graphic abnormality comprised 38% of a series fractures compared to with plain films (10%–15%; of 103 consecutive patients admitted to a Level I Gupta and el Masri, 1989; Qaiyum et al., 2001). pediatric trauma center. Brown’s study suggested This implies that current imaging strategies rely- that a high index of suspicion for SCIWORA is ing solely on plain radiography to assess for non- essential when evaluating adolescents with sports- contiguous injuries may be inadequate. It appears related neck trauma or victims of . that if MRI is indicated in the setting of spinal Be particularly alert for SCI in the child who injury, a rapid MRI assessment (sagittal T2 image) may be suffering physical abuse. of the whole spine is practical to avoid missing an occult spinal injury at a distant level. 28. In a patient with a stiff spine and midline Lastly, MRI has been shown to be able to tenderness, suspect a fracture. Consider MRI, identify a high incidence (26%) of significant bone scan, and/or CT if the plain x-ray is nega- ligamentous, disk, or bony injury in obtunded tive for fracture, especially in the presence of and ventilated patients with negative plain films spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS), or dif- in the ICU setting. These findings may be used to fuse interstitial skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). further direct CT evaluation. Even when a good (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; quality helical or multislice cervical CT is normal, Strength of panel opinion–5) MRI has been found to detect spinal abnormalities, including ligamentous injuries, in 10% of high- Rationale: People in these categories are at risk patients. Vaccaro et al. (1999) found that increased risk of sustaining a spine fracture leading routine MRI screening of both conscious and to cord damage. These fractures may be undis- unconscious patients was only cost effective in placed initially and later displace, leading to delayed CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 27

onset cord damage. Spivak et al. (1994) demon- essential. Most patients with a spinal cord injury strated that relatively low-velocity falls may pro- will have other injuries requiring treatment. duce a in people with an abnormal spine that is stiff and/or stenotic (i.e., The Tertiary Trauma Survey in cervical spondylosis). The risk for a person with AS suffering a spine fracture is several times The tertiary trauma survey is defined by the greater (Cooper et al., 1994; Feldtkeller et al., American College of Surgeons as a patient evalu- 2006; Hitchon et al., 2002; Mitra et al., 2000) ation that identifies and catalogs all injuries after and/or developing spinal cord injury is 11.4 times the initial resuscitation and operative intervention. greater than in the general population. Esophageal The tertiary trauma survey begins with a compre- injury may be seen in this group in association hensive review of the medical record with empha- with cervical injury, while (less commonly seen) sis on the mechanism of injury and pertinent the potential for aortic injury exists in association comorbid factors such as age. It includes repeti- with thoracic or lumbar fractures in the ankylosed tion of the primary and secondary surveys with spine (Lifshutz et al., 2005). Be aware also of the a complete head-to- evaluation. The survey is potential for SCI in the patient with other spine- completed with an examination of all laboratory weakening pathology (e.g., rheumatoid ). data and a review of all radiographic studies with an attending radiologist. Any new physical findings Stingers and Transient Paresis will require further studies to rule out missed injuries. A standardized worksheet that catalogs 29. Every person who complains of symptoms of all injuries is completed and becomes part of the a “stinger” (i.e., pain and/or electrical feelings patient’s hospital record. At that point, a compre- radiating down one arm following an impact) hensive care plan is developed. should be evaluated on an individual basis in The timing of the tertiary trauma survey dif- terms of circumstances of injury, symptoms, fers from institution to institution, but typically radiographic findings, and previous history. it occurs within 24 hours after admission and is repeated when the patient is awake, responsive, (Scientific evidence–II/V; Grade of recommenda- and able to communicate any complaints. The tion–C; Strength of panel opinion–5) evidence suggests that further longitudinal prospec- Rationale: Unilateral upper extremity stingers tive studies are needed to identify optimal timing are the most frequent cervical spine-related injury of the survey. in football. The annual incidence has been reported to be 8% (Castro et al., 1997). Symptoms affect 30. Complete a comprehensive tertiary trauma sur- a single upper extremity and are often transient, vey in the patient with potential or confirmed lasting from a few minutes to a couple of days. spinal cord injury. Symptoms are due to a peripheral nervous sys- (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; tem injury and may involve unilateral parasthe- Strength of panel opinion–5) sias, pain, and weakness. If the patient is an athlete, return to play criteria are controversial— Rationale: Not all multisystem injuries are there are no generally accepted guidelines on detected in patients at the time of admission. Spinal return to play for athletes after stinger injuries. and spinal cord injuries may initially be missed Transient tetraparesis may imply cord injury because of a combination of factors (Poonnoose et and should lead to evaluation of the patient by a al., 2002), yet the incidence of concomitant spine specialist with appropriate imaging (Allen extraspinal fractures with acute SCI is high. In their and Kang, 2002). review of a large consecutive sample of people with new SCI from the National SCI Database from Associated Conditions and Injuries 1986 to 1995, Wang et al. (2001) found that 28% of the patients had extraspinal fractures and that 37% of these had more than one fracture site. The Spinal cord injury can result from high- or most common region for fractures was the chest, low-energy mechanisms. The most common high- followed by lower extremity, upper extremity, head, energy mechanisms are motor vehicle crashes and and pelvis. Chen and DeVivo’s (2005) review of falls from a height, both of which may cause other more than 18,000 patients with SCI from 24 model major injuries that significantly influence mortality systems from 1973 to 1999, with prospectively and morbidity. Rehabilitation can be severely ham- gathered data from the first 24 hours postinjury, pered by a concomitant closed head injury, for showed about 28% had an extraspinal fracture. example, and a careful screen for associated This figure rose to 50% for motorcyclists and 62% injuries early in the patient’s hospital course is 28 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

for pedestrians struck by automobiles and fell to in road traffic accidents than all other etiologies 3% for divers (Chen and DeVivo, 2005). Although combined. Early identification and quantification sternal fractures are most often associated with of cognitive deficits may warrant later detailed unstable thoracic fractures (the “fourth spinal col- neuropsychological assessment and facilitate umn”), Vioreanu et al. (2005) reported that spinal rehabilitation planning. Davidoff et al. (1988a) injury at the lower thoracic, upper lumbar, and cer- determined that the GOAT is a reliable instru- vical levels may also be associated with sternal ment to evaluate patients at high risk for TBI. In injuries. a series of 34 patients admitted 1.7 ± 0.9 days Enderson and colleagues (1990) found an after injury, the GOAT was administered serially injury using the tertiary trauma survey that had at the same time each day for 3 to 5 days or until been missed in almost 10% of a series of unse- a score of 90 was achieved. It provided a sensitive lected admitted trauma patients and noted that method of assessing for PTA, acknowledging that impaired sensorium or emergency surgery before although abnormalities in GOAT scoring may completion of a secondary survey were possible relate to or drugs, they still suggest the reasons for these injuries being missed. The lack possibility of TBI. of sensation in tetraplegia and traumatic brain In a study of 468 patients with cervical injury with their resulting lack of symptoms injury drawn from a population, increases the likelihood of a missed fracture. Prasad et al. (1999) showed that only 60% of Buduhan and McRitchie (2000) noted that patients those with spinal injuries at C4, C5, C6, and C7 with missed injuries tend to be more severely had a GCS of 13 or more. The investigators also injured with initial neurologic compromise. noted a high association of C1–C2 spinal injury with major . Iida et al. (1999) Traumatic Brain Injury showed that 35% of 188 patients with cervical spine and/or spinal cord injuries had moderate 31. In the patient with acute spinal cord injury, or severe TBI (GCS < 13). Brain damage, particularly higher cervical injury, assess and skull base fractures, and severe intracranial document early and frequently any evidence of hematomata were more frequently associated traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the form of loss with upper than lower cervical injury. of consciousness and posttraumatic amnesia. Start the assessment in the prehospital setting, Limb Injuries if appropriate, or the emergency department. 32. Perform early stabilization of extraspinal (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; fractures. Strength of panel opinion–5) (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; Rationale: In addition to the GCS, the patient Strength of panel opinion–5) should be administered the Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT) or an equivalent, as a Rationale: Extraspinal fractures occurring sensitive marker of TBI indicating the need for concurrently with a spinal cord injury are not later neuropsychological testing. The tests may pathological fractures in weakened bone; they are be performed serially. Early identification and fractures sustained in a usually healthy person. quantification of cognitive deficits may warrant The goal should be for the highest standard of fix- later detailed neuropsychological assessment and ation, although undisplaced low-energy fractures facilitate rehabilitation planning. (Contemporary may be managed nonoperatively, taking great care guidelines to the management of TBI may be found to protect insensate skin by avoiding encircling at www.braintrauma.org/; accessed January 11, casts and nonremovable splints. Perform this 2008.) surgery as early as possible to facilitate early reha- Patients with acute spinal injury have a high bilitation and concomitantly with any required incidence of TBI. However, Davidoff et al. (1985a, spinal stabilization if the patient is medically stable. 1985b) noted a variable rate of documentation of Rogers and Shokes (2005) and Garland et al. loss of consciousness (LOC) and posttraumatic (1985, 1986) have shown a lower rate of compli- amnesia (PTA) in emergency and subsequently in cations with early surgical treatment of femoral rehabilitation settings. Roth et al. (1989) noted and tibial shaft fractures sustained in the same varying periods of PTA in 35 of 81 spinal cord incident producing the cord injury. It is especially injured patients. Davidoff et al. (1988b) found important to maintain the range of motion of that 49% of 82 spinal cord injured patients had involved joints to provide the cord injured person TBI documented by LOC or PTA of any duration; as much independence as possible. the incidence was 3.7 times higher in those injured CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 29

Chest and Abdominal Injuries al., 2001). In a study of 722 patients with blunt undergoing FAST, 52 (7%) had 33. Screen for thoracic and intra-abdominal abdominal injury, but 15 of 52 (29%) had no injury in all patients with spinal cord injury. hemoperitoneum on their admission CT scan, and Consider placing a nasogastric tube for all had FAST interpreted as negative. Four patients abdominal decompression. with required , and 11 (Scientific evidence–I/II/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; patients with splenic or hepatic injury were man- Strength of panel opinion–5) aged nonoperatively. Clinical risk factors signifi- cantly associated with abdominal injury without Rationale: A careful evaluation for associated hemoperitoneum included , contusion, thoracic and abdominal injuries should be performed pain, or tenderness in the lower chest or upper in all patients with acute SCI. The frequency of abdomen; ; lower rib frac- associated abdominal or thoracic injuries is variable tures; hemo- or pneumothorax; ; pelvic in the literature. fracture; and thoracolumbar spine fracture. Up to Published reports have documented that only 29% of abdominal injuries may be missed if blunt 2.6% to 4.2% of victims with cervical abdominal trauma is evaluated with admission cord injury also sustained intra-abdominal injuries FAST as the sole diagnostic tool and thoracolumbar (Albuquerque et al., 1992; Soderstrom et al., 1983). spine fracture is a significant risk factor (Chiu et A higher rate of associated abdominal injuries al., 1997). has been reported in patients with thoracolumbar Ballard and colleagues (1999) prospectively spine injuries. Rabinovici et al. (1999) found sig- examined an algorithm whereby select patients nificant intra-abdominal injuries in 10% of 258 who were considered high risk for occult injuries patients with lumbar fractures associated with would undergo a CT scan of the abdomen/pelvis blunt trauma, injuries that were more likely in when the FAST exam was negative. Entrance those patients with multilevel vertebral fractures. criteria included adult patients with blunt trauma Those patients with lumbar fractures and intra- and a spine fracture (with or without cord injury) abdominal injuries also had a higher incidence of or a . Of 32 patients with spine thoracic, pelvic, and traumatic brain injuries, and injuries ± SCI, only one had a false-negative the incidence of long bone, extra-lumbar spine, FAST exam. In contrast, of 70 patients with pelvic and facial fractures was similar. fractures, 13 had false-negative FAST exams, The physical examination is not reliable in 9 patients required nonoperative management for patients with acute SCI because of possible insen- solid injuries, and 4 patients required surgery sate abdominal and thoracic exams. Therefore, for intra-abdominal injuries. other diagnostic modalities are required. In patients Similarly, Miller and colleagues (2003) docu- with cervical SCI and hypotension, first perform mented that the use of FAST examination as a an abdominal ultrasound (Focused Assessment screening tool for blunt abdominal injury in the with Sonography for Trauma, or FAST) examina- hemodynamically stable trauma patient results tion on the patient (Scalea et al., 1999). FAST is in underdiagnosis of intra-abdominal injury. Of used as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of blunt 372 patients with blunt abdominal injury, 22 false- abdominal trauma, particularly in hemodynamically negative FAST exams were identified by CT scan unstable patients to look for the presence of imaging as the confirmatory test for abdominal hemoperitoneum (Farahmand et al., 2005). Alter- injury. Six patients with false-negative FAST exams natively, if ultrasound and FAST are not available, required laparotomy for intra-abdominal injuries, consider diagnostic peritoneal lavage. and 16 patients required admission for nonopera- In the presence of a high-risk mechanism of tive management of intra-abdominal injuries. injury or of other major injuries (e.g., lower , pelvic ring disruption, intrathoracic injury, Arterial Injuries femoral fracture, or dislocation) or in patients with 34. In high-energy injuries, consider the possibility a positive FAST examination, perform of an aortic injury. abdomen/pelvis CT. The use of FAST examination as a screening tool for blunt abdominal injury in (Scientific evidence–II/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; the hemodynamically stable trauma patient results Strength of panel opinion–5) in underdiagnosis of intra-abdominal injury. The FAST examination does not readily identify intra- Rationale: Injury of the in association parenchymal or retroperitoneal injuries, and a CT with spine fractures may be produced by high- scan of the abdomen/pelvis is necessary to reduce energy trauma (Murakami et al., 1998). Sturm et al. the incidence of missed injuries (M. A. Brown et (1990) concluded that patients with one or more fractures of T1 to T8 have a statistically significant 30 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

increase in the incidence of thoracic aortic rupture. trauma patients with cervical spine fractures with or Aortic disruption ranging from an intimal tear to without an associated SCI. Vertebral artery throm- a full-thickness laceration may also be seen with bosis was present on admission MR imaging/MR blunt abdominal injury and a distractive mecha- angiography (MRA) in 83 of 632 patients (13%), nism of injury, such as may result from seat belts and 59% of these (49 of 83) had associated SCI. (Inaba et al., 2001). Urgent repair may be needed Vertebral artery was more common in (Chui et al., 1999). Rarely, pseudoaneurysms may motor-complete patients (ASIA A and B, 20%) present later (Lifshutz et al., 2005). than in motor-incomplete (ASIA C and D, 10%) or in neurologically intact (ASIA E, 11%) cervical 35. Consider screening with CT or MR angio- spine–injured patients (p = .019). The investigators graphy for cerebrovascular injury in patients concluded that the absence of neurologic symptoms with a cervical spinal cord injury. in a patient with cervical spine fracture does not (Scientific evidence–I/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; preclude vertebral artery thrombosis and recom- Strength of panel opinion–5) mended that MRA be considered in the diagnostic evaluation of these patients (Torina et al., 2005), as Rationale: Blunt cerebrovascular injuries did Friedman et al. (1995). Similarly, Taneichi et al. (BCVI), including carotid and vertebral injuries, (2005) reported vertebral artery occlusion with are now diagnosed in approximately 1% of all MRA in 17% of patients with cervical SCI, and 90% blunt trauma patients (Cothren and Moore, 2005). of these were unilateral and asymptomatic. CT Comprehensive screening of patients has resulted angiography with newer technology also demon- in the early diagnosis of BCVI during the asympto- strates high accuracy (99%) for diagnosis of BCVI matic phase, thus allowing treatment that could (Eastman et al., 2006). prevent neurologic sequelae. The optimal diagnostic method of routine screening for BCVI in patients Penetrating Injuries with a cervical SCI remains controversial. In a prospective 2-year study, patients (n = 216) 36. In the presence of penetrating injuries to the were screened for BCVI with 4-vessel cerebral neck or trunk, such as stab or gunshot wounds, angiography using the following criteria: all patients perform a careful neurological examination with cervical spine fractures, LeFort II or III facial and screen for spinal injury. fractures, Horner’s syndrome, skull base fractures (Scientific evidence–I; Grade of recommendation–A; involving the foramen lacerum, neck soft-tissue Strength of panel opinion–5) injury, or neurologic abnormalities unexplained by intracranial injuries. The overall screening yield Rationale: Penetrating injuries, such as stab was 29%, with 24 patients with carotid injuries or gunshot wounds, may cause much local soft- and 43 patients with vertebral artery injuries. This tissue damage without bony damage or instability. aggressive screening protocol of patients with blunt In a prospective multicenter review of the Model head and neck trauma identified an incidence of Systems experience, Waters et al. (1995) noted BCVI in 1% of all blunt admissions. Early identifi- that stab wounds accounted for 3% of their U.S. cation, which led to early treatment, significantly patient series. The investigators reported that 63% reduced rates (Miller et al., 2002). of 32 patients were initially noted to have motor- Cervical spine fracture patterns predictive of incomplete lesions, while 4 of 7 who initially subsequently identified BCVI and accepted risk appeared to be motor complete recovered some factors for BCVI include a high-energy transfer motor function. Peacock et al. (1977) reported mechanism with cervical spine fracture patterns, a series of 450 stab wounds of the spinal cord including any fractures of C1–C3, subluxation, and admitted to a single South African center over fractures involving the transverse foramen (Cothren 13 years, comprising 25% of their cord injured et al., 2003). BCVI screening with 4-vessel cere- patients. Although almost 30% were to the cervical brovascular angiography (in the “silent period” and cord (16% complete lesions), the thoracic cord preferably within hours or at least by the next day) was most commonly affected (24% complete). is cost effective because of a significant reduction Surgery was rarely used in this series for removal in the stroke rate with antithrombotic therapy of retained foreign bodies. Early mobilization is (Cothren and Moore, 2005; Cothren et al., 2003). usually possible. Torina et al. (2005) examined the frequency of traumatic vertebral artery thrombosis in 632 blunt CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 31

37. Remove the cervical collar while maintaining clinical evidence of an SCI or were in traumatic inline stabilization to attend to major neck cardiac arrest, and all had spinal immobilization. wounds or to perform life-saving procedures The investigators suggested that fully conscious after cervical injury (large vessel injury or patients (GCS = 15) with isolated penetrating airway obstruction), as needed. trauma and no neurological deficit do not require spinal immobilization. Kihtir et al. (1991) sug- (Scientific evidence–IV; Grade of recommendation–C; gested a conservative surgical approach to the Strength of panel opinion–5) transperitoneal component of the injury; Simpson Rationale: The risk for cervical spine insta- et al. (1989) noted no advantage of surgical over bility is exceedingly low in neurologically intact, nonsurgical treatment and suggested the optimal awake victims in the emergency treatment protocol was yet to be established. department (Medzon et al., 2005). Quigley and Place (2006) reported an increased complication rate after surgical treatment of gun- 38. Administer local wound care to stab and shot wounds over nonsurgical treatment and also gunshot wounds to the spine. Provide proper noted that the optimal protocol has yet to be antibiotic coverage; bullet fragments usually determined. Heary et al. (1996) noted that con- do not need removal. servative treatment with antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis is all that is needed after most pene- (Scientific evidence–II/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; trating wounds to the thoracic and lumbar spines Strength of panel opinion–5) unless there is progressive neurologic deficit or Rationale: to the spine a persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak. needs surgical intervention only if gross contami- nation is suspected but not primarily to remove Surgical Procedures missile fragments. Treat any spinal instability resulting from gunshot injuries to the spine in Surgical intervention is commonly used to the usual manner appropriate to the fracture. manage patients with an acute cervical spinal cord In cases of severe contamination (transcolonic injury. This often involves reducing or realigning injury to the spine), proper surgical irrigation the spinal elements, decompressing compromised and debridement is advised, although the literature neural tissue, and stabilizing the spine. Basic science is unclear as to whether or not infection rates can and animal experimental evidence suggests that be reduced. Steroids are not recommended for early decompression of a compressed and injured penetrating wound victims (Heary et al., 1996). spine may result in improved neurological recovery; In a 10-year review of 2,450 patients with however, the timing of surgical intervention has gunshot wounds to the head or neck, Klein et al. been a subject of much debate as there are no well- (2005) found that 10% had spine and/or spinal designed and well-executed level I studies that have cord injury and that this was frequently unsus- determined if early (< 12 hours) versus late pected at the initial evaluation. Kihtir et al. (1991) decompression is beneficial to spinal cord recovery. evaluated 21 patients with transperitoneal gun- shot wounds of the thoracic or lumbar spine; 39. Perform a closed or open reduction as soon as 11 of those patients (52%) were paraplegic on permissible on patients with bilateral cervical admission and 10 (48%) had a fixed partial facet dislocation in the setting of an incom- neurologic deficit. This study also supports a high plete spinal cord injury. If traction reduction index of suspicion for spinal cord injury with is not preferred or possible, open reduction deficit in gunshot wounds. Mirovsky et al. should be performed. (2005) noted that neurologic deficit is possible even without violation of the spinal canal. Corn- (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; well et al. (2001) reviewed 1,000 patients with Strength of panel opinion–4.5) torso gunshot wounds, of whom 141 had spinal Rationale: A recent review by Fehlings and column and/or cord injuries; protective immobi- Perrin (2005) highlighted a limited number of lization was not felt to be necessary in transport- level II and III studies reporting on early surgical ing these patients, but 73 patients had complete decompression or traction for cervical spinal cord neurologic deficit on admission; 10 patients died injury. They recommended urgent decompression early from other traumatic injuries; and only 58 for the patient with locked facets. This procedure patients survived with injury is not entirely without risk. Tator et al. (1999) and/or incomplete neurologic deficit. In a 2003 reported on the attempted closed reduction of 585 study by Connell et al. of patients with penetrating cases of cervical facet dislocation, and although trauma and spinal injury, all had either obvious improvements were noted overall, an 8% rate of 32 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

neurologic deterioration occurred with early reduc- example. These authors followed 30 patients tion. Based primarily on level II studies, it appears (including an unknown number with cauda equina that patients with bilaterally locked facets and an injuries) who all experienced neurologic improve- incomplete neurologic injury benefit from an urgent ment—at least one Frankel grade—when decom- reduction, preferably within 8 hours from the time pressed from 24 hours to 1 week, while only 60% of injury (Ng et al., 1999; Papadopoulos et al., improved if more than 1 week had elapsed. At the 2002; Tator et al., 1999). Early research findings opposite end of the spectrum is the prospective, from MRI-guided reduction suggest that reduction randomized study by Vaccaro et al. (1997), who can be safely achieved despite significant disk dis- found no statistically significant difference in ruption (Darsaut et al., 2006). The risks and bene- motor score recovery in 34 patients operated on fits of early reduction should be discussed with the less than 72 hours from injury versus 28 patients patient and/or family prior to performing spinal undergoing surgery more than 5 days from injury. reduction. In this study, however, more than 20% of patients in both groups underwent posterior fusion alone. 40. Consider early surgical spinal canal decompres- These two studies illustrate the extreme diffi- sion in the setting of a deteriorating spinal culty in comparing and contrasting the large number cord injury as a practice option that may of clinical studies that have been undertaken. First, improve neurologic recovery, although there is there were significant differences in the timing no compelling evidence that it will. Consider of the . Second, in many cases it cannot early spinal stabilization where indicated. be discerned whether the surgery was performed (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; primarily for decompression or stabilization. Third, Strength of panel opinion–5) various systems were used to determine initial neurologic deficit and subsequent neurologic Rationale: In the review cited above, Fehlings recovery. Fourth, cord injuries were frequently and Perrin (2005) recommended surgical interven- intermixed with cauda equina injuries. Fifth, radio- tion for neurologic deterioration. Tator et al. (1999) ographic confirmation of the degree and extent recently reviewed current practice patterns on the of decompression was variable. Finally, varying use and timing of spinal surgery after SCI in 36 lengths of follow-up were provided. North American centers. No neurologic recovery In 2004 a large and much criticized meta- outcomes data were provided. Of 585 patients analysis was conducted involving 1,687 patients with SCI, 54% had an MRI, with 66% of these extracted from 108 published clinical studies from demonstrating or defor- 1966 to 2000 (La Rosa et al., 2004). While finding mation. Decompression with traction was attempted a highly statistically significant improvement in in 47%, but the technique proved effective in only neurologic recovery (p <. 001) with early surgery 43% of patients. Surgery for decompression was (< 24 hours), the authors found their analysis subsequently performed in 68% of all patients at invalid because of extreme inhomogeneities in the the following time intervals: studies. Thus, only the findings for patients with < 24 hours: 24% an incomplete spinal cord injury were reliable. 25–48 hours: 16% This meta-analysis suggested that early decom- 48–96 hours: 19% pression (< 24 hours) in this group resulted in > 5 days: 42% improved neurologic outcomes compared with delayed decompression (> 24 hours) or conserva- Thus, although decompressive surgery is being tive management. The authors concluded that carried out in significant numbers of patients, sug- early decompression should only be considered gesting a perception that it may benefit neurologic as a practice option, which is concordant with recovery, the timing of the procedure reflects data Fehlings and Perrin’s (2005) conclusion. from Marshall et al. (1987), who strongly advocated Since NASCIS established an 8-hour window waiting 5 days before any spinal surgical interven- for the putative benefits of methylprednisolone tion because of the risk of neurologic deterioration. for nonpenetrating injuries (Bracken et al., 1990), It is, however, common clinical practice to urgently several studies have attempted to match this window perform spinal canal decompression if the patient for spinal canal decompression. Patients with a shows signs of ongoing neurologic deterioration. bilateral facet dislocation or other reasons for acute The majority of clinical studies published to spinal cord injury as confirmed by MRI were shown date are noncontrolled case series comparing to derive neurological improvement from early outcomes to historical controls or arbitrary times reduction and spinal stabilization compared to con- to intervention (Papadopoulos et al., 2002). The trol groups. Improvement in neurologic outcomes study by Wiberg and Hauge (1988) is a common was reported in an investigation by Papadopoulos CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 33

et al. (2002) in which surgical decompression less 41. Secure the airway, support respiratory status, than 10 hours from SCI resulted in clinically and consider postoperative ventilatory support. improved outcomes. A large number of studies suggesting that early decompression may enhance (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; neurologic recovery in select groups of patients Strength of panel opinion–5) after SCI unfortunately lacks study randomization Rationale: Virtually all surgery for acute or appropriate controls. Therefore, these studies spinal cord injury requires general anesthesia are generally considered only level III evidence with an endotracheal tube. If a patient arrives in (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005). the operating room without an endotracheal tube Multiple studies have shown that if early in place, the role of the anesthesiologist is to surgery for spinal canal decompression and/or secure the airway safely without exacerbating the stabilization is undertaken, it is not associated with SCI. Intubation requires special care to ensure an increased incidence of complications (Duh et that the unstable spine remains aligned. Having al., 1994; Rosenfeld et al., 1998), including neuro- the patient awake during intubation is often needed logic deterioration, and may have the benefits of when there is a known or suspected cervical spine decreasing ventilator and ICU days and time to injury. The technique used for intubation will be patient mobilization. These shorter ICU stays dependent on the amount of time elapsed since translate into lower mean hospital costs (Rosenfeld injury, the NPO (nothing by mouth) status of the et al., 1998). Campagnolo et al. (1997) found a patient, the anticipated difficulty of the airway, significantly shorter length of stay in patients the presence or absence of a cervical spine injury, undergoing spinal stabilization less than 24 hours and the level of comfort of the anesthesiologist after injury (p = .01), with no increase in medical with various methods. Succinylcholine remains a complications such as pneumonia, deep venous safe muscle relaxant for use in the first 48 hours thrombosis, decubitus, or gastrointestinal hemor- following injury. rhage. In the Papadopoulos et al. (2002) study, the Intraoperative events, such as blood loss protocol patients spent on average 14 fewer days in requiring transfusion and generous intravenous the hospital and 29 fewer total days in the hospital. fluids, as well as prone positioning resulting in In conclusion, it remains to be determined if facial and airway , may further compro- decompressive surgery—or reduction—within the mise a patient’s respiratory status. compli- NASCIS MP window within 8 hours confers any ance may be reduced. Transfusion-related acute neurologic benefit. Although the Surgical Timing lung injury may develop. Surgical intervention of Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study to determine if may exacerbate an evolving neurological deficit there is a clinical benefit after early surgical decom- with increased diaphragm weakness. Residual pression is currently ongoing, the 1999 pilot study anesthetic agents and opioids may diminish already showed that it may be technically difficult to achieve compromised airway reflexes, including cough a surgical decompression within the proposed and gag. For these reasons, the anesthesiologist timeframe. Delays in referral, transport, and in should have a low threshold for transporting the obtaining appropriate imaging studies, along with patient to the intensive care unit with the endo- patients’ hemodynamic stability issues, appear to tracheal tube in place, even for patients who had be the most important obstacles preventing safe reasonable respiratory status prior to the surgical and early surgical intervention (Ng et al., 1999). procedure. Patients with lesions of C5 and above are particularly at risk for respiratory failure and Anesthetic Concerns in Acute Spinal will likely need postoperative mechanical ventilation. Cord Injury 42. Maintain MAP and perfusion with a balance of infusion and inotropes. Many medical and physiological issues are important to the safe conduct of a general anes- (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; thetic during the early surgical management of the Strength of panel opinion–4) spinal cord-injured patient, and some of these are discussed elsewhere in this guideline. This section Rationale: As a result of autonomic instability, emphasizes the most crucial procedures to be injuries at or above T6 are especially associated followed. with hypotension (Raw et al., 2003). Although replacement of any lost fluid is necessary, this hypotension responds poorly to IV fluid resuscita- tion, which may lead to . Main- tenance of perfusion pressure according to current guidelines could potentially be cord-sparing. The 34 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

choice of vasopressor depends on the level of the 45. Monitor temperature, warm IV fluids, and use SCI and the hemodynamics of the patient. A high a patient warming device as needed. thoracic or cervical spine injury characterized by hypotension and bradycardia will necessitate a (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; drug with both chronotropic and inotropic effects, Strength of panel opinion–5) as well as vasoconstrictor properties. Dopamine Rationale: The problem of unintended heat and norepinephrine are both reasonable agents. loss is common to all patients under general For low thoracic lesions where hypotension is anesthesia and more so in patients following a mainly the result of peripheral vasodilation, a spinal cord injury. Thermoregulation is impaired pure vasoconstrictor, such as phenylephrine, is more severely in those with higher lesions due to appropriate. cutaneous vasodilation. Intravenous fluid warm- ers, warm air blankets, and continuous tempera- 43. Anticipate bradycardia and hypotension during ture monitoring are essential to maintaining intubation of the tetraplegic patient. normothermia. (Scientific evidence–III; Grade of recommendation–C; 46. Consider the use of intraoperative spinal cord Strength of panel opinion–5) monitoring in the patient with sparing of Rationale: Hypoxia or manipulation of the spinal cord function. larynx or trachea may cause profound bradycardia or even cardiac arrest in the higher tetraplegic (Scientific evidence–I/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; patient (Raw et al., 2003; Yoo et al., 2003). Atropine Strength of panel opinion–4) pretreatment may be appropriate in patients who Rationale: Tsirikos and colleagues (2004) are bradycardic prior to airway manipulation. demonstrated the utility of intraoperative Positive pressure ventilation can cause profound somatosensory-evoked potential (SSEP) monitor- arterial hypotension as the systemic vascular ing, which evaluates the integrity of the dorsal resistance cannot be raised to offset the changes aspect of the spinal cord in patients with spinal in intrathoracic pressure caused by intermittent cord injury—and in intact patients with a spinal positive pressure ventilation. Up to 30% of fracture—who are undergoing spinal surgery. tetraplegic patients become hypotensive during Recently, motor-evoked potential (MEP) monitoring induction (Yoo et al., 2003). Intravenous volume has become more common during spinal surgery, administration prior to intubation can offset the particularly in surgery of the cervical spine reduction in cardiac filling due to increased (Calancie et al., 1998; L. Pelosi, 2002). Because intrathoracic pressure with positive pressure MEP monitoring relies on neural pathways in the ventilation, but additional vasopressor support ventral portion of the cord, it is complementary is frequently required. to SSEP in the information it provides. Some clinicians recommend both be used (Costa et al., 44. Avoid the use of succinylcholine after the first Epub 2006). While SSEP signals are fairly tolerant 48 hours post-cord injury. of volatile anesthetics, MEP quality is severely (Scientific evidence–V; Grade of recommendation–C; degraded by volatile anesthesia (Calancie et al., Strength of panel opinion–5) 1991). Intravenous anesthesia with propofol is commonly employed instead. Availability of a Rationale: Upregulation of acetylcholine monitoring program may be the major determinant receptors on denervated muscle, whether through of its use. an upper or lower motor neuron lesion, has long been known to put patients at risk of a potentially Pain and Anxiety: Analgesia and Sedation fatal hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine (G. A. Gronert, 1975). The time course of receptor upregulation is variable, but significant hyper- Recent literature suggests that pain may be kalemia is unlikely to occur in the first 48 hours undertreated in the emergency department. This following injury. In SCI patients, it is uncertain contrasts with the Joint Commission on Accredi- whether the risk of hyperkalemia ever resolves, tation of Health Care’s emphasis on patients’ rights and many clinicians avoid using succinylcholine to appropriate pain management. There is evidence indefinitely in this setting (J. A. Martyn, 2006). that undersedation may allow delirium to develop in the intensive care unit, which may enhance or at least herald later development of cognitive impairment. This risk must be balanced against the risk of respiratory suppression from oversedation CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 35

of the tetraplegic person, leading to unnecessary Rationale: Allodynia (hypersensitivity to intubation and even tracheotomy. Some patients dynamic touch) is a type of evoked pain that is with a stabilized spine may have very little pain, more often seen in patients with cervical injuries. despite a major deficit, and need very little analgesia. It is more common in those with incomplete Following spinal cord injury, patients may rather than complete neurologic lesions and may immediately experience distressing pain and sensi- be present within minutes of injury (Siddall et al., tivity relating to trauma to the cord (neuropathic 1999). For most people, allodynia will diminish pain at or below the level of the injury), the spinal over weeks to months. Allodynia can be mini- (at-level ), the spinal frac- mized by remembering which dermatomes are ture (at-level musculoskeletal pain), or from other supersensitive and avoiding brushing against concomitant injuries. Painful cutaneous hypersensi- them. It may be necessary to leave the sensitive tivity (allodynia) is commonly seen soon after parts exposed to the air. Mechanical pain will injury. In this state, pain is evoked by nonnoxious usually diminish over successive weeks as the stimuli and can be very distressing. Other abnormal spinal fracture heals. sensations, such as the inappropriate sense of being cold, may also be experienced. Chronic 48. Assess the patient’s pain, preferably using a pain, which affects up to 70% of those with SCI, self-reported numeric rating scale. has been the focus of most recent research. Rela- Minimize reliance on reports by family tively little has been written about pain shortly after members, who may underestimate pain. injury, including whether early treatment can affect later pain. It is known, however, that as early as If using a pain-rating scale based in part 2 weeks postinjury, patients may describe severe on the physiologic manifestations of stress or excruciating pain at- or below-level neuropathic associated with pain, recognize that some pain (Siddall et al., 1999). Neuropathic pain can people with SCI and higher lesions may be be difficult to measure and to categorize, and is unable to show changes in heart rate and blood pressure assessed by the pain score. more difficult to treat than musculoskeletal pain. The patient with a new spinal cord injury may Provide adequate analgesia unless specific feel frightened and distressed, having a sense of contraindications exist. being imprisoned in his or her body, especially if lesions are high and the loss of upper extremity Consider short-acting sedation to allow function is significant. Empathy, understanding, periodic neurologic assessment. and quality time spent with the patient is the (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; cornerstone of care. Worsening pain should trigger Strength of panel opinion–5) a repeat neurological examination to look for underlying sinister pathology. Rationale: The numeric rating scale is a Concomitant brain injury compounds the diffi- simple verbal method of communicating pain culty of providing effective analgesia and sedation. severity. Payen et al. (2001) described a behavioral The literature shows an increased understanding of pain scale that may assist in the assessment of the interaction between effective sedation and the pain in critically ill, sedated patients, which is physiological responses reflecting central nervous based on a sum score of three items reflecting system blood flow, but does not yet offer standards facial expression, upper limb movements, and of care in the use of specific medications. The choice compliance with mechanical ventilation. Although of agents used should be in full knowledge of these tetraplegics were excluded from the study, the responses. Readers are urged to consult Guide- investigators suggested that components of the lines for the Management of Severe Traumatic scale are independent of limb movement and may Brain Injury (New York: Brain Trauma Founda- be adaptable to all people with SCI. tion, www.braintrauma.org/; accessed January 16, Neighbor et al. (2004) showed that only 48% 2008) for contemporary advice on the care of of 540 patients treated by a trauma team received brain-injured persons. opioid analgesia within 3 hours of arrival to the emergency department. Patients at greatest risk of 47. Minimize the pain of allodynia. Minimize oligoanalgesia were those who were at the extremes evoked pain through thoughtful patient of age and those who were more seriously injured handling. (based on trauma score, GCS, and intubation). The use of standardized pain assessment tools (Scientific evidence–IV; Grade of recommendation–C; may enable analgesia to be offered at an earlier Strength of panel opinion–5) stage of management. 36 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

49. Employ contemporary medical guidelines encouraged to consult (New York: Brain Trauma to manage pain and distress in ventilated Foundation, www.braintrauma.org/; accessed patients with spinal cord injury. January 16, 2008) for detailed information.

(Scientific evidence–I; Grade of recommendation–A; Secondary Prevention Strength of panel opinion–5) Rationale: Remember that patients with a Patient Handling and Skin Protection cervical lesion will not show some of the physio- logical manifestations of pain because of auto- Maintaining skin integrity during the acute nomic disruption, yet they will be particularly hospitalization phase following SCI is critical to distressed because of the inability to communi- facilitating timely transfer to a rehabilitation set- cate either verbally or nonverbally. Guidelines ting, optimizing patient outcomes, and minimiz- from the American College of Critical Care Medi- ing comorbidities (complications). It is believed cine detail assessment techniques and treatment that the first few hours are critical because pres- options for pain, anxiety, delirium, and sleep dis- sure changes in the subcutaneous tissues may orders (Jacobi et al., 2002). lead to further breakdown. Although no clinical Although there are few data directly examin- trials were found, there is supporting literature ing the management of acute pain following SCI, and considerable expert opinion on measures to the effectiveness of a number of parenteral drugs prevent skin breakdown during the acute phase has been examined in SCI neuropathic pain. of hospitalization. For more comprehensive These include morphine (Attal, 2002), alfentanil management of skin integrity and prevention of (Eide, 1995), lignocaine (Attal, 2000; Backonja, pressure sores, readers are referred to Pressure 1992; Finnerup, 2005), and ketamine (Eide, Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Following 1995; Kvarnstrom, 2004). During inpatient Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guide- assessment of an SCI patient, parenteral drugs line for Health-Care Professionals (Consortium may be useful in the management of pain while for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). To date, no new investigations and longer term treatments are evidence has been found to change any of the explored. consortium’s earlier guidelines. Recommendations Other pharmacological approaches to neuro- 51–54 in this section are consistent with these pathic pain have been studied in patients with guidelines and expand on the acute management longer established spinal cord injury. Analgesia phase. in patients with SCI may be augmented with the Several factors contribute to the risk for skin anticonvulsants gabapentin and pregabalin. Both breakdown during the initial 3 to 7 days following have been shown to influence neuropathic pain in an acute injury. These include reduced pain sen- the chronic situation (Levendoglu, 2004; Siddall, sation due to sensory loss, brain injury, or med- 2006). Topical use of amitryptiline and ketamine ications; immobility due to motor loss; and the has also been reported to lessen neuropathic pain use of boards, collars, traction, or other devices in an open-label pilot study, although it did not that immobilize injured spinal segments during appear to be of benefit during a blinded assess- transport or until definite stabilization. The areas ment (Lynch, 2003). Further research is needed at greatest risk for pressure ulcer formation are into management of pain in the acute situation. at the interface of support surfaces with the skin over bony prominences below the neurological 50. Consider the use of breath-controlled analgesia level, such as the sacrum. The multiple transfers in the tetraplegic patient. required for imaging and other diagnostic studies during the emergency and early management phase (Scientific evidence–IV; Grade of recommendation–C; increase the risk of friction, shearing, and possible Strength of panel opinion–5) injury due to the inadvertent bumping or striking Rationale: Breath-controlled activation allows of body surfaces on equipment. Moisture and heat tetraplegic patients to control their own analgesic under the body also contribute to the risk of skin device (Jastrzab and Khor, 1999). Such patient- breakdown. controlled devices are at least as effective as Several studies suggest that the early transfer titrated intravenous injections for the relief of pain of patients with a new injury to a center with (Evans et al., 2005) and may provide a greater expertise in SCI management is associated with sense of control than would otherwise be possible. a reduced incidence of skin breakdown during Administration of analgesia and sedation is more the early acute phase. A prospective study of challenging in the presence of a TBI. Readers are 588 patients with spinal cord injury admitted to CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 37

37 centers over a 2-year period examined the 53. Provide meticulous skin care: incidence of 6 common complications within 60 days of injury (Aito, 2003). Those transferred Reposition to provide pressure relief or turn within the initial 48 hours to 1 week experienced at least every 2 hours while maintaining spinal precautions. a decrease in skin breakdown on admission. A review of retrospective studies also suggests that Keep the area under the patient clean and early transfer to and treatment in a center experi- dry and avoid temperature elevation. enced in the management of spinal cord injury resulted in a decreased risk of developing skin Assess nutritional status on admission and breakdown (Bagnall et al., 2003). Another retro- regularly thereafter. spective study examined complications and length Inspect the skin under pressure garments of stay in 219 patients with new injuries admitted and splints. to a center specializing in the management of SCI over a 4-year period. Both paraplegics (1.5%) (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; and tetraplegics (1.1%) admitted within 1 week Strength of panel opinion–5) of injury were less likely to experience pressure Rationale: Use a foam or gel pad or a bridg- sores than those admitted after 1 week (22.2% ing device to suspend the involved area above the and 17.9%, respectively; Aung and el Masry, 1997). surface to reduce pressure (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). For example, to raise the 51. Assess areas at risk for skin breakdown occiput of a patient in traction, place a small pad frequently. on either side of the back of the head, which will (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; elevate the head slightly above the bed surface Strength of panel opinion–5) while maintaining alignment (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). When a hard collar Rationale: Assess skin with each reposition- is in place for stabilization, the chin, ears, and ing, especially over bony prominences: occiput, occiput need frequent assessment. If a halo brace scapulae, sacrum/coccyx, trochanters, ankles, is used, pin sites need to be assessed and institu- and heels. When a patient begins sitting upright, tional procedures for pin care followed. If a sheep- the skin over the ischial tuberosities is also at risk skin vest is used, periodic changes will help keep for pressure ulcer formation. Frequent assessment the skin under the vest clean and dry. of skin over bony prominences and around and under any orthoses (including prophylactic com- 54. Educate the patient and family on the impor- pression stockings) is required to detect reddened tance of vigilance and early intervention in or at-risk areas early to initiate preventive inter- maintaining skin integrity. vention (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). Documentation of the initiation, evaluation, (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; and significant findings of interventions is essential Strength of panel opinion–5) to preventing progression of ischemia. Rationale: Teaching from the perspective of a partnership model from the outset of injury 52. Place the patient on a pressure reduction can help the patient with a new SCI acquire the mattress or a mattress overlay, depending knowledge and skills to achieve the best possible on the patient’s condition. Use a pressure- outcomes. Early inclusion of the patient and family reducing cushion when the patient is mobilized in the plan of care and in the rationale for inter- out of bed to a sitting position. ventions can increase their level of participation (Scientific evidence–III; Grade of recommendation–C; and involvement and decrease feelings of help- Strength of panel opinion–5) lessness and loss of control (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). Rationale: This recommendation is based on Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Prevention and Treatment of Venous Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Prac- Thromboembolism tice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2000). The Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a serious comparative study by Catz et al. (2005) factored complication in patients with acute spinal cord in an economic assessment of the man- injury. A recent examination of California hospital power costs required to turn patients every discharge data revealed that 6% of 16,240 patients 2 to 4 hours, suggesting that alternating pressure admitted with spinal cord injury developed VTE systems may be beneficial and cost effective. (Jones et al., 2005). In the absence of prophylaxis, 38 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

at least 50% of patients with acute SCI may prophylaxis Investigators, prophy- develop VTE. In the study, 92% of the cases laxis was initiated within 72 hours of complete developed within the first 3 months following spinal cord injury in 476 patients from 27 centers injury. VTE was infrequent in children, but the (Spinal Cord Injury Thromboprophylaxis Investi- incidence in teenagers was similar to that in gators, 2003). Concomitant chest/abdomen injuries adults. Additional risk factors for VTE in the were present in 24%, pelvis/lower extremity study were ethnicity (African Americans had the injuries in 5%, and head injuries in 2%. Patients highest rate), the presence of any comorbidity, were randomized to enoxaparin (30 mg subcuta- gender (males had a higher rate than females), neously every 12 hours), or unfractionated heparin and intubation. This subject is discussed in depth (5000 U every 8 hours) plus intermittent com- in Prevention of Thromboembolism in Spinal pression. Of the 107 assessable patients (those Cord Injury, 2nd edition (Consortium for Spinal with adequate venography), 65% in the enoxa- Cord Injury, 1999). parin group and 63% in the heparin-compression group had VTE, but was 55. Apply mechanical compression devices early more frequent in the heparin-compression group after injury. (18% vs. 5%, p = .03). However, there were no (Scientific evidence–I/II; Grade of recommendation–A; deaths from fatal pulmonary emboli. Major bleed- Strength of panel opinion–5) ing (defined as overt bleeding that resulted in a decline of hemoglobin of 2 G/dl, in a transfusion Rationale: Studies have shown that mechan- of 2 or more units of blood, or that was perispinal, ical compression increases venous outflow and intracranial, retroperitoneal, or fatal) was observed reduces venous stasis, but that it is relatively in 3% of the enoxaparin-treated and 5% of the ineffective as a single modality in preventing heparin-treated patients (p = ns). In summary, VTE in very high-risk patients, such as those this study demonstrated the feasibility of initiating with acute spinal cord injury (Geerts et al., 2004). anticoagulant prophylaxis early in spinal cord However, because compression is safe, it should trauma, even in the presence of other serious be implemented in all patients with acute spinal injuries. In addition, the use of a low molecular cord injury (Winemiller et al., 1999). There is also weight heparin—enoxaparin—was associated evidence that intermittent pneumatic compression with a low rate of pulmonary embolism and may enhance the efficacy of anticoagulant pro- major bleeding. phylaxis (Spinal Cord Injury Thromboprophylaxis In an observational study of enoxaparin Investigators, 2003; Aito et al., 2002). If trauma (40 mg daily) combined with compression hose, to the lower extremities prevents the application investigators found that 2 of 130 patients had of stockings or devices, consider use of a and 1 had intraspinal pump. To prevent skin breakdown under these bleeding (Deep et al., 2001). In patients with devices, review the recommendations under multiple traumas, low molecular weight heparin “Patient Handling and Skin Protection.” If imple- should be considered for prophylaxis (Geerts et mentation of anticoagulation medication or al., 2004). Pharmacologic prophylaxis should be mechanical compression is delayed by more than held for several hours prior to elective surgery, 3 days, consider performing a duplex scan to depending on the half-life of the agent. When exclude deep vein thrombosis prior to placing emergency surgery must be performed, the compression devices. administration of protamine will neutralize unfractionated heparin and partially neutralize low 56. Begin low molecular weight heparin, or molecular weight heparin. Low molecular weight unfractionated heparin plus intermittent heparin prophylaxis may be resumed 24 hours pneumatic compression, in all patients postsurgery if bleeding has been controlled. when primary hemostasis becomes evident. Intracranial bleeding, perispinal hematoma, 57. Consider placing a vena cava filter only in or hemothorax are potential contraindications those patients with active bleeding anticipated to the administration of anticoagulants, but to persist for more than 72 hours and begin anticoagulants may be appropriate when anticoagulants as soon as feasible. bleeding has stabilized. (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; (Scientific evidence–I/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; Strength of panel opinion–5) Strength of panel opinion–5) Rationale: The evidence that prophylactic Rationale: In the randomized, controlled vena cava filters are useful in patients with spinal clinical trial of the Spinal Cord Injury Thrombo- cord injury is weak. Some uncontrolled studies CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 39

have supported their use (Wilson et al., 1994), in at least 15% of patients with recent cervical while others have suggested that they are not SCI (Kirshblum et al., 1999) and may result in routinely indicated (Maxwell et al., 2002). The aspiration pneumonia. Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and The incidence of ventilatory failure following Thrombolytic Therapy specifically recommended acute tetraplegia is as high as 74%. Moreover, against use of a filter as primary prophylaxis 95% of patients with injury level above C5 and (Geerts et al., 2004). The presence of a vena cava ASIA A status will require mechanical ventilation filter is a relative contraindication to manually (Velmahos et al., 2003). Ventilatory failure may assisted cough (“quad coughing”) for clearance have onset with the acute injury or develop pro- of bronchial secretions because the filter may gressively over the first few days postinjury. become dislodged; use of a modified assisted Therefore, close monitoring of spontaneously cough technique with lateral compression may breathing patients with new SCI is warranted to be a safer choice. However, in situations where prevent acute desaturation and complications of other methods of thromboembolism prophylaxis emergent intubation. This should include frequent cannot be used, such as in unstable patients with assessment of arterial blood gases as well as serial active bleeding, a filter should be considered measurement of vital capacity, depending on level (Rogers et al., 2002; Wilson et al., 1994). Perma- of injury. nent filters are associated with a 26% to 36% frequency of development of deep vein thrombosis 59. Perform a tracheotomy early in the hospital- on long-term follow-up (Duperier et al., 2003; ization of patients who are likely to remain PREPIC Study Group, 2005), so a temporary ventilator dependent or to wean slowly from filter may be more appropriate (Morris et al., mechanical ventilation over an extended 2004). Because the risk of bleeding may decline period of time, unless the treating center has during hospitalization, patients should be assessed special expertise in the use of noninvasive regularly for early filter retrieval and initiation of ventilation. pharmacologic prophylaxis. (Scientific evidence–IV/V; Grade of recommendation–C; Respiratory Management Strength of panel opinion–5) Rationale: Although there are potential 58. Monitor patients closely for respiratory failure benefits to noninvasive ventilatory support in in the first days following spinal cord injury. persons with SCI (Bach, 1994a, 1994b, 2002), Obtain baseline respiratory parameters (vital most patients who are expected to have prolonged capacity, FEV1) and arterial blood gases when or permanent ventilatory failure undergo tracheo- patients are first evaluated and at intervals tomy. In some centers, tracheotomies are per- until stable. formed on 69% of patients with complete tetraplegia (Harrop et al., 2004). Patients who undergo Consider mechanical ventilation for patients tracheotomy are more likely to be at an advanced with tetraplegia. age, to have a higher neurological level, to have Admit patients with complete tetraplegia and preexisting medical conditions, such as lung injury level at C5 or rostral to an intensive disease, and to have developed pneumonia. A care unit. recent systematic review and meta-analysis of early versus late tracheotomy in critically ill patients (Scientific evidence–II/III/IV; Grade of recommenda- (not limited to SCI) found early tracheotomy to tion–B; Strength of panel opinion–5) be associated with a reduction in length of stay Rationale: Patients with acute SCI are at high in ICU and duration of mechanical ventilation, risk for respiratory complications. Respiratory but no reduction in mortality or hospital-acquired complications that occur during the acute care pneumonia (Griffiths et al., 2005). phase of hospitalization are a primary determinant A limited number of studies have investigated of both length of stay and cost of hospitalization ventilator management strategies for patients with among patients with acute tetraplegia (Winslow recent SCI, typically beginning at the time of et al., 2002). Although respiratory complications admission to rehabilitation and the commence- (including ventilatory failure, atelectasis, pneumonia, ment of ventilator weaning. These studies are and pleural effusions) are most common with reviewed in Respiratory Management Follow- C1–C4 level injuries (84% incidence), they occur ing Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice in 60% or more of patients with lower injury levels Guideline for Health-Care Professionals (Con- at some point during acute care or rehabilitation sortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2005). The (Jackson and Groomes, 1994). Dysphagia occurs notable finding in all the studies is that high tidal 40 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

volumes (20 ml/kg or greater) during inpatient (“T-piece”) weaning protocol for patients who rehabilitation were associated with improved are ventilator-dependent at the time of admission outcomes for atelectasis and time to ventilator to rehabilitation (Peterson et al., 1994). A detailed weaning. However, these data are limited in that respiratory care protocol is described in Respira- they are single-center retrospective reviews with tory Management Following Spinal Cord Injury: a small sample size. There are no published A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care prospective randomized trials in mechanical Professionals (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medi- ventilation for acute respiratory failure in SCI cine, 2005). Patients with markedly reduced vital that have demonstrated improved outcome with capacity typically require a period of weeks for a specific mode, rate, or tidal volume. complete ventilator weaning. Those who are A randomized, controlled clinical trial of rapidly taken off all ventilatory support but still ventilator weaning has been initiated to compare require a high concentration of supplemental high tidal volume (20 cc/kg) to low tidal volume oxygen often have recurrent ventilatory failure (10 cc/kg) in an 8-week trial. The purpose is to due to atelectasis or declining lung compliance. determine if high tidal volume is associated with It is typically more difficult to reinitiate ventilator a decrease in atelectasis and ventilator-associated use on a rehabilitation unit than to accommodate pneumonia with no increase in barotrauma or adult a patient who is partially ventilator-dependent on respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Inclusion admission to rehabilitation. criteria for this study are traumatic SCI at levels C3–C6 with ASIA A, B, or C tetraplegia; subacute 60. Treat retained secretions due to expiratory admission to the hospital between 2 weeks and 6 muscle weakness with manually assisted months postinjury; complete ventilator-dependence coughing (“quad coughing”), pulmonary hygiene, (24 hours a day) at the time of admission to the mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, or similar hospital; and ages 18–55 years. The evidence- expiratory aids in addition to suctioning. based “Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation of (Scientific evidence–IV/V; Grade of recommendation–C; the Trauma Patient” recommends that “patients Strength of panel opinion–5) not meeting ALI [acute lung injury] or ARDS criteria can be ventilated using the mode, rate, and Rationale: Although ventilatory failure due tidal volume chosen at the treating physician’s to inspiratory muscle weakness occurs primarily discretion” (Nathens et al., 2005). with higher level cervical SCI, the consequences However, in patients with SCI who develop of expiratory muscle weakness affect patients ALI (defined as PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 300) or ARDS with midthoracic injury levels and above. The (defined as PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 200), mechanical primary expiratory muscles (internal intercostals ventilation with a lower tidal volume (6 ml/kg and abdominals) have thoracic-level innervation, predicted body weight) and a lower plateau pres- so many patients with thoracic-level paraplegia sure (30 cm of water or less) is recommended. also have an ineffective cough. Disruption of A multicenter randomized trial (n = 861) docu- sympathetic input to the bronchi with midlevel mented that mechanical ventilation with a lower thoracic paraplegia and more rostral injuries may tidal volume (6 ml/kg vs. 12 ml/kg) and lower increase the vagally mediated production of plateau pressure (30 cm vs. 50 cm of water or bronchial secretions. Tracheal suctioning is often less) resulted in a decrease in hospital mortality insufficient for secretion mobilization. The 4:1 (31% vs. 40%, p = .007) and an increase in the predominance of left-sided atelectasis and pneu- number of ventilator-free days (mean ± SD = 12 monias in the first weeks following SCI has been ± 11 vs. 10 ± 11, p = .007; Acute Respiratory attributed to bronchial anatomy, with a tendency Distress Syndrome Network, 2000). Low tidal for suction catheters to not enter the left main volume ventilation should be used in all patients stem bronchus (Fishburn et al., 1990). The expi- with ALI and ARDS because it is the only method ratory aids listed above are effective at mobilizing of mechanical ventilation that, to date, has been bilateral bronchial secretions. Their use is described shown to improve survival. Patients with SCI in Respiratory Management Following Spinal who develop ARDS should be treated with low Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for tidal volume ventilation until their pulmonary Health-Care Professionals (Consortium for Spinal disease resolves, as the evidence for benefit is Cord Medicine, 2005). In particular, mechanical so compelling. insufflation-exsufflation (such as the CoughAssist Additionally, SCI-specific, single-center device by Respironics, Inc.) produces cough retrospective studies have shown shorter time to flows comparable to a normal cough, can be wean using a progressive ventilator-free breathing administered via tracheostomy or mouth, and is CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 41

well tolerated and preferred by patients over Perform oral care with Chlorhexidine deep suctioning (Bach, 1994b; Garstang et al., (Koeman et al., 2006). 2000). Additional strategies for preventing VAP include 61. Initiate a comprehensive protocol to prevent the use of endotracheal tubes with subglottic secre- ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients tions drainage and kinetic beds (Dodek et al., 2004). with acute spinal cord injury who require A group of ventilator care processes (including mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure. elevation of the head of the bed, daily “sedation vacation” and assessment of readiness to be extu- (Scientific evidence–I/II/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; bated, peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis, and deep Strength of panel opinion–5) venous thrombosis prophylaxis), called the “venti- Rationale: Respiratory complications are lator bundle,” has resulted in a significant reduc- common in patients with spinal cord injuries. A tion in rates of VAP (Cocanour et al., 2006). recent retrospective single-institution study docu- All of these strategies are appropriate for mented that respiratory complications occurred most patients with SCI, with the exception of the in 52% of patients with T1–T6 SCI (vs. 35% in 45-degree head-of-bed elevation. This may be T7–T12 SCI and 28% in thoracic fractures; Cotton contraindicated due to the risk of pressure ulcer et al., 2005). The need for intubation, the risk of formation from skin shearing; however, frequent pneumonia, and the risk of death were all signifi- repositioning may minimize skin problems when cantly greater in patients with T1–T6 SCI. These the head of the bed is elevated. findings suggest that high thoracic patients with SCI warrant aggressive pulmonary care, similar to Genitourinary Tract that given to patients with cervical SCI. Mechani- 62. Place an indwelling urinary catheter as part cal ventilation places patients at increased risk of the initial patient assessment unless con- for death and complications, including ventilator- traindicated. If contraindicated, use emergent associated pneumonia (VAP). VAP is defined as suprapubic drainage instead. occurring more than 48 hours after the patient was intubated. (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; VAP preventive strategies developed for non- Strength of panel opinion–5) SCI patient populations include the following: Rationale: Persons with spinal cord injury Maintain a semirecumbent position (that is, have a neurologic loss of the ability to void. In elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees) in the immediate period after complete SCI, the the absence of contraindications (with care lower genitourinary tract exhibits loss of all reflex not to cause shear stress over the sacrum; activity, such that is common, Drakulovic et al., 1999). even to very high volumes. Even in those with incomplete injuries, urinary retention is common. Interrupt sedation daily to assess readiness for ventilator weaning and extubation (Kress Therefore, transurethral bladder catheterization et al., 2000). should be initiated no later than the emergency department, and ideally when IV fluids are initiated. Follow accepted protocols for weaning from An indwelling bladder catheter offers the advan- mechanical ventilation (Dries et al., 2004). tages of measuring urine output accurately and preventing overfilling of the bladder. Use orotracheal route of intubation rather than nasotracheal. Urethral injury should be suspected after pelvic fracture, traumatic catheterization, or Change ventilator circuits only if the circuits penetrating injury near the urethra. Features of become soiled or if a new patient begins urethral injury after SCI include hematuria, blood using the equipment. at the meatus, or a high-riding prostate gland. Instrumentation—such as attempting placement Use closed endotracheal suction systems that are changed for each new patient or as of a urethral catheter—can further exacerbate clinically indicated. urethral injury, which can lead to long-term com- plications, such as stricture or difficulty voiding. Use heat and moisture exchangers in the In these cases, a urologist should be immediately absence of contraindications. consulted to determine the optimal treatment to establish bladder drainage and treat the urethral Change heat and moisture exchangers weekly (Dodek et al., 2004). injury. 42 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

63. Leave indwelling urinary catheters in place good short- and long-term outcomes (Gordon et at least until the patient is hemodynamically al., 2005). Consider consultation with a urologist stable and strict attention to fluid status is if priapism is prolonged. no longer needed. Gastrointestinal Tract (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; Strength of panel opinion–5) 65. Initiate stress ulcer prophylaxis. Rationale: Spinal cord injury results in a (Scientific evidence–I/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; sudden loss of autonomic control, so vasocon- Strength of panel opinion–5) striction and dilatation no longer maintain venous Rationale: Patients with acute SCI are at high return. The recumbent position and loss of mus- risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding for 4 weeks cle pump contribute to this mechanism, making or until other risk factors for the bleeding resolve, third spacing of fluid nearly universal. Hypoten- whichever is longer. Patients should not be placed sion results from the loss of sympathetic control on prophylaxis longer than 4 weeks unless other and is commonly treated with fluid resuscitation risk factors are present. and/or vasopressors. Oliguria is common in the Two strong independent risk factors for GI early period, likely as a result of third spacing, so bleeding were identified in critically ill patients patients are commonly many liters fluid positive. (n = 2,252): respiratory failure (odds ratio = 15.6) Hormonal changes have also been described, and coagulopathy (odds ratio = 4.3; Cook et al., although the onset of these changes is unclear. 1994). In a study of patients requiring mechanical Therefore, maintenance of an indwelling urethral ventilation for at least 48 hours (n = 1,077), renal catheter is preferable during the early period since failure was independently associated with an it allows for more precise monitoring of urinary increased risk of clinically important GI bleeding, output than other bladder management techniques. whereas enteral nutrition and stress ulcer prophy- Chronic neurogenic bladder dysfunction due to laxis with ranitidine conferred protection (Cook SCI often can be managed with techniques that do et al., 1999). Gastrointestinal stress ulceration is not require an indwelling urinary catheter. Readers a well-recognized complication of trauma, with are referred to Bladder Management for Adults SCI being an independent risk factor for GI bleed- with Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice ing among trauma patients. The incidence of GI Guideline for Health-Care Providers (Consortium bleeding is relatively low (2.5%–8%), however, for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2006). Some of these with nearly universal use of prophylaxis (Albert methods may reduce the rate of significant et al., 1991). Patients with cervical complete (Johnson et al., 2006). However, there injuries have consistently shown a greater risk of is insufficient evidence to determine optimal timing GI bleeding (Kiwerski, 1986; Walters and Silver, for transition from the indwelling catheter to other 1986), and animal data have suggested excessive methods, such as intermittent catheterization of gastric acid production associated with excessive the bladder. vagal tone in this group. 64. Priapism is usually self-limited in acute SCI Histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) and does not require treatment. There is no have demonstrated greater efficacy than the cyto- evidence to support avoidance of a urethral protective agent sucralfate, which does not alter catheter in the presence of priapism secondary the gastric pH. A multicenter, randomized, blinded, to acute SCI. placebo-controlled trial compared sucralfate (1 g q6h) with the H2-receptor antagonist ranitidine (Scientific evidence–II; Grade of recommendation–B; (50 mg q8h) for the prevention of GI bleeding in Strength of panel opinion–5) 1,200 patients who required mechanical ventilation. Ranitidine use was associated with a decrease in Rationale: Priapism is a common finding in GI bleeding (relative risk = 0.44; 95% confidence the prehospital setting and during the early period interval = 0.21, 0.92; p = .02) and no increase after SCI. Recognized as a sign of spinal cord in the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia injury, it is commonly regarded as self-limited (Cook et al., 1998). without need for treatment. Textbooks have previ- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) achieve a ously recommended avoidance of transurethral more rapid and sustained increase in gastric pH. catheterization, but few data support this recom- H2RAs block only one of three pathways in acid mendation. One study followed four patients with secretion and provide less potent acid suppres- priapism lasting up to 5 hours. The authors con- sion than the PPIs, which block the final common cluded that conservative management provides CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 43

pathway in acid secretion. In addition, tolerance Boadu et al., 2002). Concomitant brain injury is that occurs with H2RAs does not occur with PPIs. common in patients with SCI and is also a well- H2RAs dosing, but not PPI dosing, must be recognized risk factor for dysphagia. adjusted for patients with renal dysfunction (Welage, 2005). Furthermore, immediate-release Bowel Care PPI suspension was documented to be as effective 67. Initiate a bowel program as recommended in in preventing upper GI bleeding and more effective the clinical practice guideline Neurogenic than intravenous H2RA in maintaining gastric pH Bowel Management in Adults with Spinal of > 4 in critically ill patients (n = 359) who Cord Injury. required mechanical ventilation and had at least one additional risk factor for upper GI bleeding (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; (Conrad et al., 2005). Therefore, based on the Strength of panel opinion–5) evidence to date, both H2RAs and PPIs are safe Rationale: Loss of colonic motility early agents to use for acid suppression to prevent after SCI is well recognized. Other aspects of stress-related mucosal disease in patients with trauma, surgery, and medications may all con- acute SCI. tribute to poor gut motility and even ileus in the However, indiscriminate use of PPIs has been newly injured patient. Bowel distention and inad- raised as a possible cause of the increasing rate equate evacuation can lead to and , of Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals high gastric residuals, anorexia, poor lung expan- and the community, so prolonged prophylaxis sion, and inadequate venous return. Therefore, without clear indication does not appear to be attention to bowel evacuation early after injury benign. Most peptic ulcerations occur within 4 can prevent complications and reduce acute care weeks of injury, with the risk of ulceration specific length of stay. to SCI diminishing thereafter. Other absolute risk Once patients are fed enterally, bowel move- factors (such as premorbid peptic ulcers, pro- ments should be expected and facilitated as part longed mechanical ventilation, or coagulopathy) of routine care. The goal for patients with neuro- or relative risk factors (such as failure, burns, genic bowel dysfunction is to have one scheduled or ongoing use of ) may prolong bowel movement per day, with use of oral med- the need for prophylaxis (Albert et al., 1991; Dial ications, suppositories, and digital stimulation as et al., 2005; Kiwerski, 1986). needed to trigger the bowel movement. The com- 66. Evaluate swallowing function prior to oral ponents of a bowel program are described in the feeding in any acute SCI patient with cervical clinical practice guideline Neurogenic Bowel spinal cord injury, halo fixation, cervical spine Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury surgery, prolonged intubation, tracheotomy, or (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 1998). concomitant TBI. The procedures for the bowel program are chosen based on the presence or absence of the bulbo- (Scientific evidence–I/II/III/IV; Grade of cavernosus reflex (BCR), which is an indicator of recommendation–A; Strength of panel opinion–5) versus lower motor neuron Rationale: Dysphagia is present in 17% to bowel dysfunction. 41% of patients with tetraplegia, as determined Most patients lose sacral reflexes in the early by diagnostic studies performed at varying times period. Timing of the return of these reflexes and between the acute period and discharge from the ability to use them for functional bowel evac- rehabilitation (Abel et al., 2004; Kirshblum et al., uation is variable, but can be monitored via the 1999; Wolf and Meiners, 2003). Rates in the acute BCR. If the BCR is initially absent in a patient period may be higher. Risk factors for dysphagia who is anticipated to have upper motor neuron in these studies include tracheotomy, presence of bowel dysfunction (i.e., injury level above the a halo orthosis, anterior cervical spine surgery, cauda equina or terminal part of the conus), it and higher neurological level. Studies performed should be rechecked daily for at least the first in healthy volunteers indicate that changes in few days, and bowel care should be modified swallowing function are common with cervical accordingly if it returns. A bowel program based collars or halo vest braces (Morishima et al., 2005; on these guidelines may not be possible in some Stambolis et al., 2003). In patients without SCI patients because of concomitant injuries, prohibi- undergoing anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, tions against turning, or other complications. In dysphagia is common and has been attributed to these cases, as well as in the setting of diarrhea, soft-tissue swelling or vocal cord paresis (Frempong- a rectal tube may be a useful temporary measure until a bowel program can be initiated. 44 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Nutrition The 24-hour urine urea nitrogen (UUN) has been shown to be an unreliable measure of nutrition 68. Provide appropriate nutrition when resuscita- in acute SCI (Rodriguez et al., 1997). The negative tion has been completed and there is no nitrogen balance seen acutely in most patients likely evidence of ongoing shock or hypoperfusion. reflects an obligatory loss of muscle mass associated with paralysis, much as the obligatory loss of calci- Use enteral nutrition rather than parenteral nutrition. um from bone. Indirect calorimetry has shown that traditional calculated caloric needs result in over- Feed a standard, polymeric enteral formula feeding. The actual caloric needs of patients in initiated within 24 to 48 hours after admission, acute rehabilitation are 45% to 90% of calculated using the semirecumbent position when values and are lower among those with tetraplegia possible to prevent aspiration. compared with those with paraplegia (Cox et al., Determine the caloric requirements for 1985). However, in the acute phase, these differ- nutritional support in acute SCI using a ences are less pronounced. Adjusting the standard 30-minute energy expenditure measurement equations for SCI may provide an adequate estimate by indirect calorimetry (metabolic cart). for the initial phase (Dvorak et al., 2004; Rodriguez et al., 1997). Predicted energy expenditure calcula- (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; tions should use an activity factor of 1 and a stress Strength of panel opinion–5) factor of 1. 2 to 1. 4 in persons with motor-com- Rationale: Nutritional support is necessary plete SCI, regardless of level of injury (Rodriguez in all trauma patients, and early enteral nutritional et al., 1997). support in trauma has been associated with improved Glycemic Control outcomes. Nutrition is recognized as a necessary intervention to prevent complications and optimize 69. Maintain normoglycemia in critically ill healing in multiple trauma, , and brain injuries mechanically ventilated patients. (AANS and CNS, 2002). In these populations, initi- ation of feeding within 48 to 72 hours can reduce (Scientific evidence–I/II/III/IV; Grade of complications, improve outcomes, and decrease recommendation–A; Strength of panel opinion–5) length of stay. In spinal cord injury in particular, Rationale: Intensive insulin therapy (mainte- however, such improvement has not been clearly nance of blood glucose between 80 and 110 mg/dl) demonstrated. Enteral feeding has been shown to was associated with a significant reduction in ICU decrease gastric stress ulceration in an acute SCI mortality compared with conventional treatment population (Kuric et al., 1989), and even parenteral (infusion of insulin only if blood glucose level nutrition appears to decrease ulceration in persons exceeded 215 mg/dl and maintenance of glucose with SCI. However, in a randomized pilot study of between 180 and 200 mg/dl) in adult patients acute traumatic tetraplegia comparing initiation of receiving mechanical ventilation admitted to a enteral feeding less than 72 hours after injury and surgical ICU in a single-institution prospective more than 120 hours postinjury, early feeding randomized study (Van den Berghe et al., 2001). demonstrated no benefit with respect to infection, At 12 months, with a total of 1,548 patients length of mechanical ventilation, or overall length enrolled, intensive insulin therapy reduced mor- of stay (Dvorak et al., 2004). Parenteral nutrition tality during intensive care from 8% with conven- has not been similarly studied. tional treatment to 5% (p < .04, with adjustment Enteral nutrition, compared with parenteral for sequential analyses). The benefit of intensive nutrition, is associated with a significant decrease insulin therapy was seen in its effect on mortality in infectious complications and with a lower inci- among patients who remained in the intensive dence of hyperglycemia (Gramlich et al., 2004; care unit for more than 5 days (20% with con- Heyland et al., 2003). Enrichment with glutamine, ventional treatment, as compared with 11% with considered an option for multiple-trauma patients intensive insulin therapy, p = .005). The greatest (Garcia-de-Lorenzo, 2003), has not been studied reduction in mortality involved deaths due to in patients with SCI. Although a semirecumbent multiple organ failure with a proven septic focus. feeding position reduces the risk of VAP, this position Intensive insulin therapy also reduced overall frequently places excessive shear on the skin over in-hospital mortality by 34%, bloodstream infec- the sacrum unless a specialized mattress is used. tions by 46%, acute renal failure requiring dialysis Patients with significant neurological deficits or hemofiltration by 41%, the median number of need close monitoring of skin integrity if the red-cell transfusions by 50%, and critical illness semirecumbent position is used. polyneuropathy by 44%. Patients receiving inten- CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 45

sive therapy were less likely to require prolonged and O’Connor, 1998), and there is evidence that mechanical ventilation and intensive care. Most the early clinical motor and sensory examinations of the patients in this study were cardiac surgery are highly predictive of neurological status at long- patients (63%); 4% were multiple-trauma or severe term follow-up. Early determination of neurological burn patients; and 4% had neurologic disease, prognosis facilitates clinical decision making in a cerebral trauma, or brain surgery. This study is number of areas. Patients and families frequently relevant, however, because patients with cervical request information on prognosis soon after injury. spine injuries above C5 and complete tetraplegia The expected level of disability is important in usually require mechanical ventilatory support. planning for appropriate rehabilitation services and In a second prospective randomized trial in postdischarge care needs. Functional outcomes, medical ICU patients (n = 1,200) with the same such as independence in self-care and ambulation experimental study design, ICU and hospital are directly related to motor outcomes (Consortium mortality was reduced only in those patients who for Spinal Cord Medicine, 1999). Motor and sensory stayed in the ICU for 3 or more days (ICU mor- scores from as early as the first 4 days postinjury tality 38% vs. 31%, p = .05; hospital mortality predict the degree of disability at 2 years postinjury 53% vs. 43%, p = .009); no effect on mortality (Saboe et al., 1997). Patients who are expected to was identified in the intent-to-treat group (Van have significant residual motor, bladder, bowel, den Berghe et al., 2006). Morbidity was signifi- and/or sexual impairment may benefit the most cantly reduced in the intensive insulin therapy from referral to regional SCI rehabilitation centers, group, especially after newly acquired while those anticipated to have only minimal motor injury and with earlier weaning from mechanical deficits may be successfully managed at less spe- ventilation. (Among 433 patients who stayed in cialized centers. Decisions on the medical and sur- the ICU for less than 3 days, mortality was greater gical management of some associated injuries, among those receiving intensive insulin therapy.) such as complex lower limb fractures, may also A number of prospective cohort studies have be guided by the likelihood that the patient will documented that hyperglycemia is associated with recover ambulation. adverse outcome in trauma, including increased A number of investigators have determined health-care-associated (VAP, surgical the ability to predict long-term motor recovery site infection, catheter-related bacteremia) and based on early examinations. Although earlier hospital mortality. In fact, some studies suggest investigations focused on the examination at 3 to that the relation of hyperglycemia and mortality 7 days postinjury, it appears that the examination is more pronounced in trauma patients than in performed during the first day postinjury also other surgical ICU patients. Hyperglycemia at has high predictive value in identifying complete admission has been identified as an independent (ASIA A) injuries, provided that distracting factors predictor of adverse outcome and increased are absent. Burns et al. (2003) reported that 7% infection in trauma patients (Bochicchio et al., of patients with reliable initial exams showing 2005a, 2005b; Collier et al., 2005; Garber et al., ASIA A converted to ASIA B after 1 year, and 2004; Jeremitsky et al., 2005; Sala et al., 1999; none converted to motor-incomplete status. Of Sung et al., 2005; Thorell et al., 2004; Vogelzang initially ASIA A patients who had factors affecting et al., 2006; Yendamuri et al., 2003). the reliability of the examination, such as mechani- cal ventilation or intoxication, 17% converted to Prognosis for Neurological Recovery ASIA B and 13% converted to ASIA C status. Patients with initial ASIA B status have signifi- 70. Within the first 72 hours, use the clinical cantly greater potential for neurological and func- neurological assessment as described by the tional recovery, with 54% converting to ASIA C International Standards for Neurological Clas- or D by one-year follow-up (Marino et al., 1999). sification of SCI to determine the preliminary Neurological recovery is more common and of prognosis for neurological recovery. greater magnitude in patients with initial ASIA C or D status. Nearly all initially ASIA C patients (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; under 50 years of age and all initially ASIA D Strength of panel opinion–5) patients are expected to be ambulatory, with or Rationale: Neurologic recovery commonly without assistive devices, on discharge from reha- occurs following SCI, usually in the level adjacent bilitation (Burns et al., 1997). Most motor recovery to the lowest normal level, and below the injury occurs during the first 6 months post-injury, but level in those with incomplete injuries. Substantial clinically significant strength gains effort has been made to identify reliable predictors can occur for up to 2 years after injury. of neurological recovery following SCI (Kirshblum 46 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

71. If the clinical exam is unreliable, MRI findings Many clinicians are involved with the care of the or electrodiagnostic studies may be useful for patient and are developing plans for the rest of the determining prognosis. hospitalization, if not longer. Evaluations by various members of the multidisciplinary team using stan- (Scientific evidence–I/III/IV; Grade of recommendation–A; dardized guidelines should assess the type, level, Strength of panel opinion–5) and severity of the injury to aid in the development Rationale: Diagnostic testing can provide of a comprehensive plan of care. additional information on neurological classifica- Pathways, standing orders, and protocols for tion or prognosis in patients with potentially patients with SCI that allow for the early evaluation, unreliable clinical examinations. Cord hemorrhage assessment, and treatment by physical therapists, on both early and postoperative MRI is associated occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, and with ASIA A injuries, and thus a poor prognosis speech and language pathologists immediately for motor recovery (Flanders et al., 1996; Schaefer trigger the involvement of these and other rehabili- et al., 1992; Selden et al., 1999). Although the tation team members. Early intervention by rehabil- clinical examination is the single best predictor of itation specialists may shorten length of stay during neurological improvement (Selden et al., 1999), the acute hospitalization phase by preventing sec- MRI findings of hemorrhage and edema modestly ondary complications and moving the patient more improve the ability to predict motor recovery at quickly toward discharge to the next level of care. 1 year (Flanders et al., 1996). In another MRI 73. Prescribe interventions that will assist the study of SCI, the presence of extensive edema recovery of persons with SCI, including pre- was found to provide a poorer prognosis; hemor- ventive measures against possible secondary rhage length of 4 mm or longer had a poor complications. Educate patients and families prognosis for neurological recovery at long-term about the rehabilitation process and encour- follow-up (Boldin et al., 2006). Calancie and age their participation in discharge planning colleagues (2004) used surface electromyography discussions. to measure lower limb deep tendon reflexes in the first weeks postinjury. They found that the (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; absence of large-amplitude responses and of a Strength of panel opinion–5) crossed adductor response was predictive of motor-complete status at follow-up. Findings on Rationale: Individuals with SCI present with early somatosensory-evoked potentials predict deficits in a variety of areas. The rehabilitation ambulation recovery, but they are no more accurate team is trained to help improve function and than the clinical examination of a cooperative and prevent further deterioration in many of these communicative patient (Curt and Dietz, 1997; areas. Especially vital is to initiate range of Jacobs et al., 1995). Compared with clinical neuro- motion exercises of all joints within the first week logical assessment, motor-evoked potentials provide after injury and to continue them during the no prognostic information on the likelihood of acute phase. Stretching of the joints should begin recovering strength in initially paralyzed muscles as soon as either a loss of range of motion or an (Macdonell and Donnan, 1995). increase in tone is detected across the joint. Generally, the rehabilitation discipline listed Rehabilitation Intervention below is responsible for implementing the follow- ing types of interventions. Specific responsibilities 72. Develop protocols that allow rehabilitation will differ among staffs in different facilities; for specialists to become involved early in the example, initial prescription of an appropriate management of persons with SCI, immediately wheelchair may be undertaken by a rehabilitation following injury during the acute hospitaliza- nurse, a physiotherapist, or . tion phase. Physical Therapy (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; Strength of panel opinion–5) Range of motion and strengthening exercises. Rationale: Although the initial phase of treat- Pulmonary interventions, such as pulmonary ment of newly injured patients centers on medical hygiene, percussion, vibration, suctioning, , mobilization, training of interventions to resuscitate and stabilize, this phase accessory muscles and/or glossopharyngeal can last several days. During this time, the patient pistoning breathing, cough, and deep breathing is often moved from the emergency room to the exercises; working with respiratory therapists operating room to the ICU or appropriate unit. and nursing staff. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 47

Seating and positioning. complications, allows them to make thoughtful decisions about their care, and assists them in Mobilization, including bed mobility, transfer their own psychological adjustment process fol- training, locomotion. lowing SCI. Lower extremity splinting. As early as possible, rehabilitation team members should make recommendations about Patient, family, and caregiver education. the appropriate subsequent level of care to assist both the patient and the care team with the tran- Occupational Therapy sition. Some patients who show rapid neurologic Range of motion, strengthening, and improvement or who have minimal deficits may stretching exercises. be able to be discharged to home within a few days of injury. For these patients, comprehensive Upper extremity splint fabrication. discharge planning should begin as early as pos- sible. Home accessibility, required medical equip- Positioning and seating. ment, and availability of follow-up services, such Retraining for activities of daily living. as outpatient therapy, should all be assessed. However, after the period of acute care, most Edema management. patients with SCI will benefit from transfer to a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation unit with Patient, family, and caregiver education. expertise in SCI. In these cases, it is recommended Assessment of swallowing. that team members begin to define some compo- nents of the postdischarge plan, including the Speech and Language Pathology likely residence following discharge and the avail- ability of family members and friends who can Functional and/or augmentative provide assistance if necessary. The expected communication. functional outcomes and equipment needs based Assessment of swallowing. on neurological level are described in Outcomes Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Assessment of cognitive and/or language Practice Guidelines for Health-Care Professionals deficits from concomitant TBI. (Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 1999).

Patient, family, and caregiver education. 74. Use nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions for orthostatic hypotension as Patients with SCI are subject to a host of sec- needed. Mobilize the patient out of bed to ondary complications, including pressure ulcers, a seated position once there is medical and respiratory complications, orthostatic hypotension, spinal stability. Develop an appropriate pro- joint contractures, muscle weakness, venous gram for out-of-bed sitting. Limit in-bed and thromboembolism, and upper limb pain. Many of out-of bed semireclined sitting, as this often these conditions can be prevented. Rehabilitation produces excessive skin shear and predispos- specialists, with their expertise in the use of spe- es to pressure ulcer formation. cialized interventions, such as positioning, early mobilization and functional mobility training, (Scientific evidence–III; Grade of recommendation–C; splinting, assessment for specialized equipment, Strength of panel opinion–5) and patient education, can be instrumental in this Rationale: Training to restore independent regard. Moreover, early treatment may enhance mobility, whether ambulation or wheelchair mobility, recovery and functional independence. However, requires the patient to tolerate an upright body evidence on the incremental risks and benefits of position. Secondary benefits of mobilization to an each specific intervention is lacking, and research upright position include limitation of decondition- in this area is needed. ing, a reduction in respiratory complications, a Early education of patients, families, and reduction in pressure over the sacrum, and the caregivers allows them to begin to assist with psychological reward of interacting with the envi- care as early as possible. Rehabilitation specialists ronment from an upright position. The timing of can inform patients and their families about mobilization following injury needs to be based expected outcomes, discharge recommendations, on the patient’s medical status and spinal stability. aspects of care in which they can participate, and Orthostatic hypotension is common during the goals of therapy. Education helps patients to the first days following injury, due to loss of sym- recognize the potential of pathetically mediated vascular tone with injuries 48 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

at a thoracic or cervical level plus reduced venous of severe loss, the modal response of people with return from dependent lower limbs secondary to SCI is expected to be resilience, not depression muscle paralysis. Nonpharmacologic interventions (Bonanno, 2004). More evidence-based models for orthostatic hypotension include lower limb describe a usual grief process as oscillation between compression with graduated elastic stockings and intrusive feelings of sadness, despair, and anxiety elastic wraps, abdominal binders (especially with versus feelings of numbness, optimism, and gratitude cervical and high-level motor-complete injuries), (Stroebe and Schut, 1999). These oscillations can and gradual attainment of an upright position. give rise to concerns that the patient is either With more severe orthostatic hypotension, phar- depressed or in denial, depending on which phase macologic therapy is often also needed. Ideally, is more prominent. Additionally, it appears that patients will be mobilized to a high-back wheel- having “positive illusions” and exaggerated optimism chair that can be reclined if symptomatic hypotension regarding health is normative, healthy, and probably develops, with the goal of attaining fully upright protective (Taylor and Brown, 1994). Families and sitting as tolerated. staff may need to be educated about common Skin protection is optimized if the patient sits myths and erroneous assumptions, such as that fully upright in a wheelchair with a specialized “depression is necessary” or “the absence of cushion for pressure reduction. It is necessary to depression (denial) is pathologic.” Although it is perform weight shifting to periodically relieve often necessary to give diagnostic and prognostic pressure on the skin. Patients should be instructed information, it seems prudent to give this information as early as possible to perform weight shifting in a way that allows the person to maintain hope. independently if able. Staff and caregivers should No study has examined major depression prior be instructed on how to perform pressure relief if to inpatient rehabilitation for SCI. The best evidence the patient is unable to do so. The bedside chairs we have from inpatient rehabilitation studies using typically provided in ICU environments are not structured diagnostic assessments is that major preferred, since the semireclined back may place depressive disorder (MDD) is expected in about excessive shear across the sacral skin, the seat 20% to 30% of people with SCI (Fullerton et al., cushion may not provide adequate pressure relief, 1981; Judd and Brown, 1987). When significant and postural support is often insufficient. Sitting symptoms of depression emerge soon after SCI, upright in bed with the head of the bed elevated there is a high (almost 50%) spontaneous remis- also produces shear across the sacrum, and pressure- sion rate within 1 week (Judd et al., 1989). There- reducing mattresses are less effective for this fore, MDD should be treated aggressively, but body position (Goetz et al., 2002). preferably only if the person meets standard Diag- nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Psychosocial and Family Issues (4th ed.; DSM–IV) criteria, including the temporal criterion. Although no studies have proven that Although no studies were found that were antidepressant medications are effective for MDD conducted during the initial 3 to 7 days following in people with SCI, it seems prudent to treat MDD spinal cord injury, qualitative and retrospective medically as outlined in Depression Following Spinal studies give some insight into what patients experi- Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Pri- ence during their early recovery. Initially, patients mary Care Physicians (Consortium for Spinal Cord and family members may experience feelings of Medicine, 1998). Many of the recommendations in gratitude at having survived the traumatic event. this guideline also apply in the acute management Then, individuals who suffered an acute spinal phase. These include assessment, early detection, cord injury describe a plethora of feelings, including and treatment; a supportive-educational approach; uncertainty, loss, hope, grief, anxiety, depression, use of pharmacologic agents if indicated; referral despair, helplessness, loss of control, powerless- to team members, such as psychologists, social ness, and suicidal ideation. workers, clergy members, or case managers, Several psychosocial issues may emerge within to address social and environmental issues; and this context: (1) grief and denial reactions, (2) major evaluation of the treatment plan. depression, and (3) decisions to remove life support. Early interventions focus on factors unique to Although often applied informally to the SCI the intensive and acute care environment and on adjustment process, traditional grief models recent research findings regarding the feelings and (Kübler-Ross, 1969) do not appear valid generally experiences a person with a new spinal cord injury (Stroebe and Schut, 1999; Wortman and Silver, may encounter while in the acute care setting 1989) or in relation to SCI (Elliott and Frank, 1996; (Lohne and Severinsson, 2004a, 2004b, 2005; Trieschmann, 1988). Consistent with other types Martz et al., 2005; Sullivan, 2001). Suggested CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 49

interventions underscore the need to recognize and 76. Foster effective coping strategies, health- manage uncertainty, foster realistic hope, begin the promotion behaviors, and independence adjustment to losses, bolster interpersonal support, through a variety of ongoing interventions. foster independence with assisted technology, form a partnership with the health-care team, mobilize Use assistive devices, such as head-controlled individual and family resources, assess learning call bells, bed controls, prism glasses, and communication boards. styles, provide culturally sensitive care, and detect and deal with suicidal ideation and requests for Acknowledge that feelings of gratitude, withdrawal of treatment. uncertainty, loss, and helplessness may be present simultaneously. 75. Assess mental health in general and possible risk for psychosocial problems after admission Provide medical and prognostic information and throughout acute care stay. Involve mem- matter-of-factly, yet at the same time leave bers of the health-care team as needed. Pay room for hope. particular attention to the following factors: Respect expressions of hope. Avoid direct Current major depression, acute stress confrontations of denial concerning probable disorder/posttraumatic stress disorder implications of the injury. (PTSD), or substance intoxication and Help the patient and family to identify withdrawal. effective coping strategies that have aided Social support network (or lack thereof). them in the past. Cognitive functioning and learning style. Develop a partnership of patient, family, and health-care team to promote involvement in Personal and cultural preferences in coping the treatment plan and optimize patient style and social support. outcomes. Concurrent life stressors. (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; Strength of panel opinion–5) Concomitant health problems, medical conditions, medications, and history of TBI. Rationale: People with a new spinal cord injury often experience a range of thoughts and History of mental illness, including major feelings at the same time: gratitude for having depression, PTSD, substance abuse. survived a traumatic event, uncertainty about what the future might hold, a sense of loss over being Use of psychiatric medications. unable to move parts of the body and what that (Scientific evidence–NA; Grade of recommendation–NA; might mean, and thoughts of helplessness and loss Strength of panel opinion–5) of control when unable to do things for themselves (Sullivan, 2001). Rationale: Ongoing assessments of mental Several qualitative studies suggest that what health status are essential to developing an effec- was once thought to be denial is actually an tive intervention plan. Every assessment should expression of hope, which may be unrealistic at examine both individual and family coping skills first. Almost universally, people with a new spinal and level of support. A history of previous mental cord injury state that they realized within a few health problems, such as depression, is the best minutes what had happened to them. And for the indicator of risk for the development of similar first several days, weeks, months, and even years problems in response to spinal cord injury (Con- following injury, almost everyone maintains that sortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 1998). Assess- they will walk again. Over time, with incremental ments of culturally relevant nuances help to ensure progress and recovery, this hope becomes more that care will be culturally competent (Sharma and realistic (Laskiwski and Morse, 1993; Lohne and Smith, 2002). Severinsson, 2004a, 2004b; Morse and Doberneck, 1995). Studies indicate that feelings of hope assist with a future orientation and foster the ability to move forward through the recovery process. Depres- sion, on the other hand, diminishes the future orien- tation and impedes the forward moving momentum (Martz et al., 2005). Therefore, information about the injury, the possible sequelae, and the treatment plan should be discussed with the patient and family 50 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

in a matter-of-fact manner. Care should be taken to Consult legal counsel if the conflict continues ensure that prognostic and quality-of-life information or if there is any uncertainty regarding the is based on the evidence (Bach and Tilton, 1994; patient’s request. Hall et al., 1999; Patterson et al., 1993). (Scientific evidence–I/III/IV/V; Grade of recommendation–A; When appropriate, enlist members of the Strength of panel opinion–5) health-care team to help the individual and family recall previous difficulties and identify the coping Rationale: Occasionally in the acute recovery skills that helped them through the earlier crisis. phase, patients may feel unable to cope with what These same coping skills may be beneficial in they are experiencing. For this reason, it is critical the current circumstance. Mobilization of both that health-team members be alert to suicidal the individual’s and the family’s resources will be thoughts and open to discussing them with the necessary to move through the acute and rehabil- patient. Respond honestly and sincerely if such itation phases of recovery (Dewar, 2000; Kennedy thoughts are expressed. Maintain an ongoing dia- et al., 2003). logue about the recovery process and the likeli- To ensure that the patient feels like an active hood of returning to a meaningful life after SCI. participant in the development of the treatment Emphasize that most people with SCI experience plan, incorporate the patient’s values, beliefs, a high quality of life and feel glad to be alive with experiences, and goals into the planning process the right amount of interpersonal support, the right as much as possible (Scanlon, 2003). For patients resources and equipment, and adequate access who are unable to communicate, the health-care throughout their environment (Bach and Tilton, team should ask close family members and friends 1994; Hall et al., 1999). Acknowledgment of the to create a picture of the whole person by talking patient’s suffering is an important step in establish- about the patient’s values and beliefs. Identifying ing trust in the relationship. Allowing the patient to what factors make life meaningful for the person freely express his or her feelings of grief, sorrow, with a new SCI and initiating an ongoing dialogue loss, guilt, frustration, helplessness, loneliness, and about the extent to which this quality of life could be dependency can lead to new feelings of respect for maintained contribute to feelings of hope. Involving self and others and to a greater sense of wholeness. all members of the health-care team or just a few Although suicidal ideation and completed sui- with whom the patient has established a special cide are somewhat more prevalent among people connection can facilitate the discussion (Lohne with SCI (15% and 59/100,000, respectively), they and Severinsson, 2005). are still rare occurrences and should not be con- A philosophical shift in the role of the health- sidered a normal response to SCI (Bombardier care team with patients and families has occurred et al., 2004; Charlifue and Gerhart, 1991; Krause in the past decade. Team members now provide et al., 2000). Health-care providers must balance interpersonal support while working with the patient a number of factors when considering an overt and family to establish an individualized plan of refusal or a request for withdrawal of treatment care from the outset that is based on meaningful (Kraft, 1999), including the patient’s right to self- and realistic goals (Heenan and Piotrowski, 2000). determination and the health-care provider’s duty to benefit the patient and prevent harm. The com- 77. Detect suicidal ideation and requests for peting obligations to do good, prevent harm, foster assisted suicide. Take treatment refusals and patient decision making, and ensure the fair use of requests for withdrawal of treatment very resources are paramount. seriously. Patterson and colleagues (1993) argued that personal bias and a lack of information among Acknowledge the patient’s suffering. acute medical staff concerning quality of life after Assess for and treat any underlying depression, tetraplegia influenced the decision to withdraw life substance abuse, or other chronic condition. support soon after cervical SCI. In the case of high tetraplegia, there is evidence to suggest that emer- Determine the patient’s decision-making gency personnel significantly underestimate the capacity. potential quality of life for these patients (Gerhart Identify patient needs jointly and establish a et al., 1994). Whereas only 18% of emergency plan of care. department personnel thought they would be glad to be alive after high tetraplegia, survey data show Ensure informed consent. that greater than 90% of people with high tetraplegia report being glad to be alive. Therefore, any deci- Consult the institution’s ethics committee when appropriate. sion to withdraw life support soon after SCI should be scrutinized carefully. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 51

Social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, established to provide not only for the physical or other mental health professionals on the team comfort of the patient, but also for the emotional should evaluate the patient for depression and feel- and spiritual needs of the patient, family members, ings of hopelessness and make recommendations and staff. Satisfactory resolution of this dilemma for intervention (Kishi et al., 2001). When evaluat- may require involvement of the family or friends, ing a request for withdrawal of life support, major if desired by the patient. depression needs to be ruled out as this condition may impact the capacity for making decisions. It Special Mechanisms of Injury may be necessary to treat major depression first to see if the wish to die resolves (Leeman, 1999). A small number of nonmechanical injury If, after pain, depression, and other acute or mechanisms may lead to spinal cord–related patterns chronic conditions have been adequately treated of paralysis. Although SCI is most commonly the patient persists in seeking withdrawal of life seen following mechanical trauma, it can also support, the patient’s ability to make an informed be associated with other, less often seen, insults choice must be reassessed. The decision-making to the cord. capacity involves the ability to (1) understand information about treatment options and their 78. Screen for SCI in the patient with high-voltage consequences, (2) determine how the information electrical injury. applies in the current situation and weigh the risks and consequences of each treatment or nontreat- (Scientific evidence–II/IV; Grade of recommendation–B; ment, and (3) make a choice and communicate Strength of panel opinion–5) that choice (Bramstedt and Arroliga, 2004; Gross Rationale: Arevalo et al. (1999) reported and Kazmer, 2006; Scanlon, 2003). In patients who 2 cases of injury to the spinal cord among 52 have suspected concomitant brain injury or are patients admitted with high-voltage electrical receiving mechanical ventilation, it may be difficult injury. The investigators noted that such injuries if not impossible to determine the patient’s decision- may occur with or without radiographic or MRI making capacity (Scanlon, 2003). abnormality, leading to a delay in diagnosis. Any request for discontinuation of life-sustaining Cherington (1995) described the various types treatment in a patient with decision-making capacity of lightning strikes—direct, side flash, stride must be given serious consideration (Beauchamp (ground) current, and indoor exposure—and the and Childress, 2001). However, these discussions various patterns of manifestation of the injury, may pose ethical dilemmas for the staff. Health- including the possibility of SCI from a fall caused care providers may be reluctant to honor such a by the lightning strike. Ko et al. (2004) noted request early in the recovery period following SCI that features of electrical burn-related spinal cord because multiple studies suggest good quality of life injury may be transient or may present early or after even high tetraplegia. Also, the severity and late, and may be progressive, beginning with irreversibility of the outcome being considered paraplegia and progressing to tetraplegia. MRI requires exceptional attention to informed consent may not be helpful. There is no evidence con- considerations. If possible, action on the decision cerning specific optimal treatment methods. Deficits should be delayed to give the patient and family may improve or may be permanent. Cherington time to reconsider the request. In order to assure (1995) noted that most patients with SCI from adequate informed consent for withdrawal of life electrical causes are left with a permanent disability. support, efforts should be made to have patients undergo inpatient rehabilitation, have interactions 79. Suspect spinal cord injury in any scuba or with persons living in the community with similar commercial diver presenting with neurologic injury level and go through a trial of living out of symptoms. Consult with and consider urgent the hospital in order to determine for themselves transfer to a hyperbaric unit. what quality of life is possible for them. If the (Scientific evidence–III/IV; Grade of recommendation–C; patient insists on withdrawal of life support with- Strength of panel opinion–5) out going through these steps, staff should seek the assistance of an ethics consultant or commit- Rationale: Decompression sickness should tee to help them decide whether to act on the be strongly considered when divers experience request for treatment withdrawal (Bramstedt and pain or other neurologic symptoms after diving. Arroliga, 2004). If the patient’s choice is clear and Barratt and Van Meter (2004) reported that unwavering, withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies decompression sickness in scuba and commercial may be justified ethically. If a patient’s request is divers can present as spinal cord damage, requiring honored, a mutually agreed-upon plan must be urgent transfer to a recompression chamber if 52 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

permanent damage is to be avoided. Neurologic Apple (1989) reported a series of 17 patients from symptoms may be apparent within minutes of a single center with various patterns of hysterical ascent from a dive, may be delayed, or may develop paralysis. Twelve of the 17 were male. Two of the during subsequent flight (i.e., ascent to altitude) patients apparently had reflexes affected by acute within a day or so of a dive. MRI findings are alcohol intoxication because they later returned to variable. Although recompression is ideally normal. achieved within hours, it may be effective up The Spinal Injuries Center (SIC) test may to a few days. Pitkin et al. (1999) reported the assist in this diagnosis (Yugué et al., 2004). In the prognostic value of the Boussuges scoring system SIC test, the and of the supine patient in neurologic decompression illness (Boussuges are passively flexed and the feet are on the bed. et al., 1996). The test is positive if on withdrawing support the knees stay together. Other investigations may be Hysterical Paralysis withheld unless recovery does not begin within a few days (Baker and Silver, 1987). Electrophysio- Hysterical paralysis is the name given to the logical studies, such as motor-evoked potentials condition in which there is partial loss of neurologic may also help in the diagnosis (Hageman et al., function that is inconsistent (i.e., reflexes and loss 1993; Jellinek et al., 1992; Letonoff et al., 2002). of power do not match) and/or is not associated If symptoms do not spontaneously remit, the with any other evidence of injury, such as abnor- patient may be a candidate for medical rehabilitation mality on imaging. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, with a behaviorally based or strategic-behavioral but it also meets the criteria for a conversion type of intervention. Mental health referral may also disorder in the DSM–IV–TR (text revision; Letonoff be indicated since somatizing patients frequently et al., 2002). have comorbid psychiatric disorders that may influence overall recovery of function. 80. Consider the diagnosis of hysterical paralysis in patients with marked inconsistencies in 81. Consider referral to rehabilitation profes- neurologic findings. sionals once confident of the hysterical paralysis diagnosis. Repeat the neurologic exam with great care. (Scientific evidence–IV; Grade of recommendation–C; Consider using the Spinal Injuries Center test and review base screening imaging, such as Strength of panel opinion–5) plain x-rays. Rationale: At least two promising, behaviorally Consult in person or by phone with a spinal oriented treatments exist for hysterical paralysis. cord injury specialist before making this Speed (1996) describes in concrete detail what diagnosis. staff from all rehabilitation disciplines should do to carry out a behavior therapy program that Encourage the patient gently to resume normal appears encouraging based on a case series. function, minimizing disability. Shapiro and Teasell report an enhancement of Resort to more intensive tests, such as MRI the Speed model designed for individuals who or motor-evoked potential testing, if the patient may have more chronic symptoms that fail the fails to start improving in 2 to 3 days. Speed treatment (Shapiro and Teasell, 2004; Teasell and Shapiro, 1994). Among somatoform (Scientific evidence–III/IV/V; Grade of recommendation–C; patients seen in a general medical setting, other Strength of panel opinion–4) psychiatric disorders, such as major depression, Rationale: The diagnosis of hysterical paralysis substance abuse, and anxiety disorders, are common is made if symptoms are inappropriate or out of comorbid conditions. Successful treatment of these proportion in comparison to the anatomical or comorbid psychiatric conditions is thought to physiologic function and a mental health assessment facilitate overall recovery of function from the confirms the presence of psychological factors conversion disorder (Smith et al., 2000). likely contributing to the onset of paralysis. Reflex function in such cases is nearly always normal. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 53

Recommendations for Future Research

There are undoubtedly many areas of acute Chronic pain of several types, affecting up care where further research may help improve to 70% of those with SCI, has been the focus our management of the newly-injured person with of most recent pain research but relatively SCI. The following areas were identified during the little has been written about pain shortly evidence review as needing further research: after injury, including whether acute care interventions can affect later pain. Develop a clear and uniform protocol for immobilization and transport of patients Further research is needed into the use of with both suspected and proven spinal optimal mechanical ventilation for acute column and cord injury to minimize further respiratory failure in SCI with emphasis on neurological loss and reduce costs to the mode, rate, and tidal volume, with respect health-care system. to the first days of care. Determine optimal endpoints of resuscitation Determine optimal method of weaning for in patients with acute spinal cord injury (SCI) liberation from mechanical ventilation in without neurogenic shock. acute SCI. Determine evidence-based optimal diagnostic Determine optimal methods for prevention and treatment algorithms for fluid resuscitation, of ventilator-associated pneumonia and other blood product replacement and the use of hospital-acquired infections in SCI patients. inotropes and/or vasopressors for neurogenic Undertake a prospective randomized shock secondary to spinal cord injury. controlled trial for prevention of pulmonary Study efficacy of induced moderate embolism in SCI comparing retrievable IVC hypothermia in acute spinal cord injury. filters versus anticoagulant methods of prophylaxis after SCI. The timing of the tertiary trauma survey differs from institution to institution, but typically Examine the long-term outcomes of venous occurs within 24 hours after admission and thromboembolism after SCI and their impact is repeated when the patient is awake, on recovery and rehabilitation. responsive, and able to communicate any Evaluate the risk of long-term complications complaints. The evidence suggests further of deep vein thrombosis in SCI to determine longitudinal prospective studies are needed the relative priority of deep vein thrombosis to identify optimal timing of the survey. prevention separate from pulmonary Evaluate the design characteristics, necessary embolism prevention. protocols for use and effectiveness of pressure Determine the optimal timing for transition distributing mattresses, turning systems and from the indwelling catheter to other lift devices for prevention of pressure ulcers methods, such as intermittent catheterization in the acute phase of SCI. of the bladder. Evaluate the optimal diagnostic indications Determine nutritional needs—quantity and and method of routine screening for blunt type—of the newly cord injured human. cerebrovascular injury in patients with a cervical SCI. Determine the role, if any, of enrichment with glutamine, considered an option for Determine if decompressive surgery within multiple-trauma patients. Determine the 8 hours confers any neurologic benefit effectiveness of glycemic control on early compared to closed or no reduction. (The mortality and morbidity in acute SCI. Surgical Treatment of Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study is currently ongoing to determine Develop evidence regarding the incremental if there is a clinical benefit after early surgical benefits and risks of each therapeutic decompression, but a 1999 pilot study showed physiotherapeutic intervention in the first that it may be technically difficult to achieve few days after SCI. surgical decompression within the proposed timeframe.) 54 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Define the early psychological sequelae of Describe the prevalence and natural history SCI (e.g., depression, acute stress, grief of requests to withdraw life support. reactions) that occur during the initial hospitalization for acute SCI and determine Study early interventions (probably open the best practices for the diagnosis and trials) for hysterical paralysis. More natural management of these conditions. Study the history studies of hysterical paralysis are effectiveness of psychosocial interventions needed, for example, to assess the rate and for the patient and family, including how to predictors of spontaneous remission as well facilitate psychological resilience and how as the rate of later detection of undiagnosed to provide information about prognosis in medical causes. ways that enhance successful adaptation. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 55


The following list of references includes all sources used by the guideline development panel to support their recommendations. It provides the level of scientific evidence (I–V or NA) for each graded article. A graded article is one that was evaluated by the methodologists to determine whether it met the inclusion criteria established by the panel. If an article is labeled “Scientific Evidence–NA,” it was evaluated by the methodologists but did not meet the level of evidence criteria. If a citation is not labeled, it was not evaluated by the methodologists. Citations labeled NA or unlabeled were included because the panel believes they enhance understanding of the guideline.

Abd, A. G., and N. M. Braun. Management of life-threatening Annane, D. ICU physicians should abandon the use of etomidate. bradycardia in spinal cord injury. Chest 95 (3) (1989): 701–02. Intensive Care Med 31 (3) (2005): 325–26 (Scientific (Scientific evidence–IV) Evidence – Guideline) Abel, R., S. Ruf, and B. Spahn. Cervical spinal cord injury and Amin, A., J. Bernard, R. Nadarajah et al. Spinal injuries admitted deglutition disorders. Dysphagia 19 (2) (2004): 87–94. to a specialist centre over a 5-year period: A study to evaluate (Scientific evidence–IV) delayed admission. Spinal Cord 43 (7) (2005): 434–37. (Scientific evidence–II) Acosta, J. A., J. C. Yang, R. J. Winchell et al. Lethal injuries and time to death in a level I trauma center. J Am Coll Surg Anderson, R. E., B. P. Drayer, B. Braffman et al. Spine trauma. 186 (5) (1998): 528–33. (Scientific evidence–IV) American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 215 (2000): 589–95. (Scientific evidence–V) Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network. Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes Apple, D. F., Jr. Hysterical spinal paralysis. Paraplegia 27 (6) for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. (1989): 428–31. (Scientific evidence–IV) N Engl J Med 342 (18) (2000): 1301–08. (Scientific evidence–Guideline) Arevalo, J. M., J. A. Lorente, and J. Balseiro-Gomez. Spinal cord injury after electrical trauma treated in a burn unit. Aito, S. Gruppo Italiano Studio Epidemiologico Mielolesioni Burns 25 (5) (1999): 449–52. (Scientific evidence–II) (GISEM) Group. Complications during the acute phase of traumatic spinal cord lesions. Spinal Cord 41 (11) (2003): Attal, N., V. Gaude, L. Brasseur, et al. Intravenous lidocaine in 629–35. (Scientific evidence–IV) central pain: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, psychophysical study. Neurology 54 (3) (2000): 564–74. (Scientific Aito, S., A. Pieri, M. D’Andrea et al. Primary prevention of evidence–I) deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in acute spinal cord injured patients. Spinal Cord 40 (6) (2002): 300–03. Attal, N., F. Guirimand, L. Brasseur, et al. Effects of IV (Scientific evidence–I) morphine n central pain: A randomized placebo-controlled study. Neurology 58 (2) (2002): 554–63. (Scientific Ajani, A. E., D. J. Cooper, C. D. Scheinkestel et al. Optimal evidence–I) assessment of cervical spine trauma in critically ill patients: A prospective evaluation. Anaesth Intensive Care 26 (5) Aung, T. S., and W. S. el Masry. Audit of a British centre for (1998): 487–91. (Scientific evidence–I) spinal injury. Spinal Cord 35 (3) (1997): 147–50. (Scientific evidence–I) Albert, T. J., M. J. Levine, R. A. Balderston, and J. M. Cotler. Gastrointestinal complications in spinal cord injury. Spine 16 Bach, J. R. Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation. Philadelphia: (10 Suppl) (1991): S522–25. (Scientific evidence–III) Hanley and Belfus, 2002. 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Arch Phys Med Rehabil 75 (6) (1994): 626–32. and Paripheral Nerves of the American Association of Neurological (Scientific evidence–III) Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons: Guidelines Backonja, M., and K. A. Gombar. Response of central pain for management of acute cervical spinal injuries. syndromes to intravenous lidocaine. Journal of Pain and 50 (3 Suppl) (2002): S1. (Scientific evidence–Guideline) Symptom Management 7 (1992): 1725–78. (Scientific American Psychiatric Association (APA). Diagnostic and Statistical evidence–I) Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, DSM- Bagnall, A. M., L. Jones, G. Richardson et al. Effectiveness and IV-TR. (Scientific evidence-Diagnostic Manual) cost-effectiveness of acute hospital-based spinal cord injuries American Spinal Injury Association. Guidelines for Facility services: Systematic review. Health Technol Assess 7 (19) Categorization and Standards of Care: Spinal Cord Injury. (2003): iii, 1–92. (Scientific evidence–Review) Atlanta: ASIA, 1981. (Scientific evidence-Guideline) 56 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Baker, J. H., and J. R. Silver. Hysterical paraplegia. J Neurol Bracken, M. B., M. J. Shepard, W. F. Collins et al. A randomized, Neurosurg Psychiatry 50 (4) (1987): 375–82. (Scientific controlled trial of methylprednisolone or naloxone in the evidence–III) treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Results of the Second National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. N Engl J Med 322 Ballard, R. B., G. S. Rozycki, P. G. Newman, et al. An algorithm (20) (1990): 1405–11. (Scientific evidence–I) to reduce the incidence of false-negative FAST examinations in patients at high risk for occult injury: Focused Assessment for Bracken, M. B., M. J. Shepard, T. R. Holford et al. Administration the Sonographic Examination of the Trauma patient. J Am of methylprednisolone for 24 or 48 hours or tirilazad mesylate Coll Surg 189 (2) (1999): 145–50; discussion 150–51. for 48 hours in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. (Scientific evidence–I) Results of the Third National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 277 (20) (1997): Barratt, D. M., and K. Van Meter. Decompression sickness in 1597–1604. (Scientific evidence–I) Miskito Indian lobster divers: Review of 229 cases. Aviat Space Environ Med 75 (4) (2004): 350–53. (Scientific Bramstedt, K. A., and A. C. Arroliga. On the dilemma of evidence–IV) enigmatic refusal of life-saving therapy. Chest 126 (2) (2004): 630–33. (Scientific evidence–V) Beauchamp, T. L., and J. F. Childress. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. (Scientific Bravo, G., G. Guizar-Sahagun, A. Ibarra et al. Cardiovascular evidence–NA) alterations after spinal cord injury: An overview. Curr Med Chem Cardiovasc Hematol Agents 2 (2) (2004): 133–48. Benzel, E. C., B. L. Hart, P. A. Ball et al. Magnetic resonance (Scientific evidence–V) imaging for the evaluation of patients with occult cervical spine injury. 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The Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine has published the following guidelines to date:

Bladder Management for Adults with Spinal Cord Injury Preservation of Upper Limb Functioning Following Spinal Cord Injury Respiratory Management Following Spinal Cord Injury Acute Management of : Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Presenting to Health-Care Facilities, 2nd edition Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Following Spinal Cord Injury Outcomes Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Prevention of Thromboembolism in Spinal Cord Injury, 2nd edition Neurogenic Bowel Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury Depression Following Spinal Cord Injury CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 67


ABCs, 1, 19 CT angiography, 30 Abdominal Injuries, 2, 29 Decision-making capacity, 5, 50, 51 Acetylcholine receptors, 34 Decompression, spinal, 3, 22, 31, 32, 33, 53 Adrenal insufficiency, 20 Decompression sickness, 51 Airway, 1, 3, 15, 19, 31, 33, 34 Deep venous thrombosis, 33, 41 ALI, 40 Depression, 5, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 Allodynia, 3, 35 Diabetes, 23 American Spinal Injury Association, 13 Discharge planning, 5, 46, 47 Aminophylline, 21 DISH (diffuse interstitial skeletal hyperostosis), 2, 26 Amnesia, 2, 28 Diver, 6, 28, 51 Analgesia, 3, 34, 35, 36 DVT, 33, 41 Anesthesia, 33, 34 Dysphagia, 39, 43 Ankylosed spine, 27 Electrical injury, 6, 51 Anticoagulant, 4, 38, 53 Electrodiagnosis, 52 Anticonvulsants, 36 Emergency transport, 1, 15 Anxiety, 3, 34, 36, 48, 52 EMS, 1, 16, 17 Aortic injury, 3, 27, 29 Endotracheal intubation, 19, 33, 41 ARDS, 40 Enteral nutrition, 4, 42, 44 Arterial injuries, 3, 29 Esophagus, injury, 27 AS (ankylosing spondylitis), 2, 26 Etomidate, 19, 20 ASIA standards, 23 Evidence (levels, grading), 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16–21, 23, 24, Atelectasis, 39, 40 26–52 Atropine, 21, 34 Expiratory muscle weakness, 4, 40 Autonomic instability, 33 Facet dislocation, 3, 31, 32 Avascular necrosis, 23 Facial trauma, 28 Awake intubation, 19, 33 Family, 3, 4, 5, 13, 32, 35, 37, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53 Backboard, 1, 17, 18, 19 FAST Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma, 29 Baseline neurological assessment, 2, 23 Feeding, 4, 43, 44 BCVI (Blunt cerebrovascular injuries), 30 Fiberoptic intubation, 19 Bilateral cervical facet dislocation, 3, 31 Fractures, extraspinal, 2, 16, 27, 28, 29, 30, 41, 45 Bladder, 41, 42, 45, 53 Gabapentin, 36 Blood pressure, 3, 20, 35 Gacyclidine, 21, 22 Blunt trauma, 13, 29, 30 Gastrointestinal, 4, 22, 33, 42 Bony imaging, 2, 26 General anesthesia, 33, 34 Boussuges scoring system, 52 Glutamine, 44, 53 Bowel, 4, 43, 45 Glycemic control, 5, 44, 53 Bradycardia, 2, 3, 20, 21, 34 GM-1, 21, 22 Cardiac arrest, 31, 34 GOAT (Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test), 28 Catheter, 4, 15, 40, 41, 42, 45, 53 Gunshot, 3, 22, 30, 31 Cauda equina, 24, 32, 43 Halo fixation, 4, 43 Cervical collar, 1, 3, 17, 31, 43 Hemodynamic parameters, 15, 19, 20, 29, 33, 34, 42 Chest injuries, 2, 27, 29, 38 Hemorrhage, 19, 20, 22, 33, 46 Closed head injury, 27 Heparin, 4, 38 Closed reduction, 31 High-energy injuries, 3, 29 Communication, 5, 47, 49 High-voltage electrical injury, 6, 51 Compression devices, 4, 38 Hyperglycemia, 23, 44, 45 Computed tomography (CT), 2, 25, 29 Hypoperfusion, 4, 21, 44 Contracture, 15 Hypotension, 1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 19, 20, 21, 29, 33, 34, 42, 47, 48 Coping, 5, 49, 50 Hypothermia, 21, 53 Cost-effective, 24 Hypoxia, 28, 34 68 EARLY ACUTE MANAGEMENT IN ADULTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY

Hysterical paralysis, 6, 52, 53 Noncontiguous injury, 24, 26 Imaging, 2, 6, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36, 52 Nonmechanical injury, 51 Immobilization, 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 52 Normoglycemia, 5, 44 Incomplete spinal cord injury, 3, 22, 31, 32, 41, 45 Nutrition, 4, 5, 37, 42, 44, 53 Informed consent, 5, 50, 51 Open reduction, 3, 31 Injury severity score, 14 Oral feeding, 4, 43 Inotropes, 3, 20, 33, 53 Oxygen delivery, 20 Inspiratory muscle weakness, 40 Pacemakers, 21 Intensive care unit, 4, 8, 17, 33, 34, 39, 44 Pain, 1, 2, 3, 16, 27, 29, 34, 35, 36, 47, 51 Intermittent pneumatic compression, 4, 38 Patient handling, 3, 35, 36, 38 International Standards for Neurological Classification of SCI, 5, Penetrating injuries, 3, 30, 41 15, 23, 45 Pericardial tamponade, 20 Intoxication, 1, 5, 16, 45, 49, 52 Peritoneal lavage, 29 Intraoperative, 33, 34 Pharmacologic neuroprotection, 2, 21 Intraoperative spinal cord monitoring, 3, 34 Phenylephrine, 21, 34 Intubation, 3, 4, 15, 19, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43 Physical therapy/Physiotherapy, 46, 53 ISS, 14 Pleural effusions, 39 Laparotomy, 29 Pneumatic compression, 4, 38 Length of stay, 14, 15, 33, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46 Pneumonia, 4, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 Level 1 trauma center, 14 Pneumothorax, 20, 29 Life support, 48, 50, 51, 53 Polytrauma, 28 Limb Injuries, 2, 28 Posttraumatic stress, 5, 49 Logroll, 18, 19 Pregabalin, 36 Loss of consciousness, 2, 28 Pressure reduction, 3, 37, 48 Lumbar fracture, 25, 27, 29 Pressure reduction mattress, 3, 37, 48 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 2, 5, 6, 13, 17, 23, 26, 32, Pressure ulcers, 5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 36, 37, 41, 47, 53 46, 51, 52 Priapism, 4, 42 Major depressive disorder, 5, 48, 49, 51, 52 Prognosis, 5, 23, 45, 46, 53 Mattress, 3, 37, 44, 48, 53 Propofol, 19, 34 MDD, 5, 48, 49, 51, 52 Pseudoaneurysms, 30 Mechanical compression, 4, 38 Psychosocial, 5, 48, 49, 53 Mechanical ventilation, 4, 19, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 53 PTA, 2, 28 Medical stabilization, 15 PTSD, 5, 49 Mental health, 5, 49, 51, 52 Quad coughing, 4, 39, 40 Methylprednisolone, 2, 21, 22, 23, 32 Radiographic evaluation, 2, 24, 26 Mortality, 13, 14, 15, 27, 39, 40, 44, 45, 53 Radiography, 26 MP therapy, 22, 23 Reduction of spine, 3, 31, 32, 33, 53 MR angiography, 3, 30 Regional trauma centers, 1, 13 MRI, 2, 5, 6, 13, 17, 23, 26, 32, 46, 51, 52 Rehabilitation, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 18, 27, 28, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 Multilevel vertebral fractures, 29 Research suggestions, 52 Multisystem injuries, 13, 27 Respiratory, 3, 4, 14, 19, 20, 22, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 53 Musculoskeletal pain, 35 Resuscitation, 1, 2, 4, 13, 19, 20, 27, 33, 42, 44, 53 Myocardial injury, 20 SCI without radiological abnormality, 2, 26 Myopathy, 23 SCIWORA (SCI without radiological abnormality), 2, 26 Naloxone, 21, 22 Scuba, 6, 51 NASCIS, 22, 32, 33 Sedation, 3, 34, 35, 36, 41 National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study, 22, 32, 33 Sepsis, 9, 20, 22, 23 National Trauma Databank, 25 Shock, 2, 4, 19, 20, 21, 44, 53 Neurogenic bowel, 4, 43 Skin, 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 28, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 48 Neurogenic shock, 2, 19, 20, 21, 53 Somatosensory-evoked potential, 34, 46 Neurologic assessment, 2, 3, 23, 35 Sonography, 29 Neuropathic pain, 35, 36 Special mechanisms of injury, 6, 51 Neuroprotection, 2, 21, 22 Speech, 46, 47 NG (nasogastric) tube, 2, 15, 29 CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 69

Spinal canal decompression, 3, 22, 31, 32, 33, 53 T-piece, 40 Spinal cord compression, 32 Tracheotomy, 4, 35, 39, 43 Spinal cord injury centers, 1, 14, 16 Traction, 3, 23, 26, 31, 32, 36, 37 Spinal stabilization, 1, 3, 15, 28, 32, 33 Transfer checklist, 1, 13, 14 Splenic injury, 29 Transfusion-related acute lung injury, 33 Spondylosis, 2, 26, 27 Transperitoneal, 31 SSEP, 34 Transport, 1, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 31, 33, 36, 52 Stab wounds, 30 Trauma centers, 1, 8, 13, 14, 26 Sternal fractures, 28 Trauma unit, 14 Steroid, 2, 19, 21, 23, 31, 43 Traumatic brain injury, 2, 4, 5, 17, 20, 28, 29, 35, 36, 43, 47, 49 Stiff spine, 2, 26 Triage, 1, 13 Stinger, 2, 27 Turning, 1, 18, 43, 53 Stress ulcer, 4, 42, 44 Ultra-low-field MR, 26 Substance abuse, 5, 49, 50, 52 Ultrasound, 29 Succinylcholine, 3, 19, 33, 34 Upregulation, 34 Suicide, 5, 50 Urethral injury, 41 Surgery, 4, 18, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38, 43, 45, 53 Urinary catheter, 4, 15, 41, 42 Swallowing, 4, 43, 47 VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia), 4, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 53 Systems of Care, 1, 13 Vascular resistance, 20, 34 TBI (traumatic brain injury), 2, 4, 5, 17, 20, 28, 29, 35, 36, 43, Vasopressor, 19, 20, 21, 34, 42, 53 47, 49 Vena cava filter, 4, 38, 39 Temperature, 2, 3, 4, 21, 34, 37 Venous outflow, 38 Tertiary trauma survey, 2, 27, 28, 53 Venous stasis, 38 Tetraparesis, 27 Venous thromboembolism, 4, 37, 38, 47, 53 Tetraplegia, 1, 4, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 28, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51 Ventilation, 4, 15, 19, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, Thermoregulation, 21, 34 53 Thiopental, 19 Ventilator-associated pneumonia, 4, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 53 Thoracic, 2, 14, 18, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 40, 41, 48 Vertebral artery, 30 Thromboprophylaxis, 38 VTE, 4, 37, 38, 47, 53 Tidal volume, 19, 40, 53 Warming device, 3, 34 Timing of surgery, 31, 32, 33 Weaning, 39, 40, 41, 45, 53 Tirilazad, 21, 22

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