ll|ff*|i |$^¥&itor$ Guide Inside! since 1961 Satiibel Captiva

Conservation Foundation owls have barren year By Pat Hnrmai for whatever reason, they were destroyed. That would have put the owl back into the The budding family at the Sanibei- estrus (fertility) cycle; she might have Captiva Conservation Foundation has had found the new box at thai time and laid the a bit of a setback. Not a single one of the second clutch. But for some reason, three barn owl eggs that have been in- possibly the weather, she failed to incubate cubating in the SCCF's owl box hatched. them." According to Dr. William Webb, SCCF According to Dr. Webb, the barn owl's Board Chairman, the eggs were opened parenting behavior is totally instinctual. after the incubation period passed without The length of the days have a strong in- a single one hatching. Two of the eggs had fluence on the owl's estrus level and when one or two week old embryos and one was the level is high the instinct is to build a infertile. A fourth egg was found crushed in nest. Once the nest is built it serves as a the box. stimulous for copulation and fertilizing the The normal incubation period for barn eggs. The presence of eggs, in turn, serves owls is 28 to 32 days. as a stimulous for incubation, which serves "It did prove one thing without a shadow as a stimulous for feeding the immature of a doubt," said Dr. Webb, "we knew we owls. had two barn owls, now we know we have a "Birds are not in love with their eggs," male and a female." explained Dr. Webb. "H the cycle is broken Dr. Webb theorized that the eggs* failure at any point along the way it's over." to incubate was due to their being laid at The SCCF barn owls are the first to have the end of the season. "The laying of four set up housekeeping in an owl box that is eggs (one-half the regular "clutch* size)," part of an Island wide program designed to he explained, "suggests that they were the determine whether or not the lack of ap- last eggs of the season. Maybe during the propriate housing has caused the dwin- summer the owl laid six to eight eggs but, dling of the Island owl population. The BIG Arts Festival - a BIG success see page 8

Photos by Mark Harm®! Teeny-weeny ballerinas see page 2

Frank Mann honored by SCCF

State Representative Frank Mann will member Malcolm Beattie; former Sanibel be honored at the 14th annual meeting of Mayor and City Councilman Porter Goss; the Sanibei-Captiva Conservation Foun- Arthur Johnson, currently serving an dation to be held at the Conservation interim term; Rose Rogers who heads the Center on Sanibel starting at 5:30 p.m. on Foundation's all important volunteer Tuesday, December 9. program; and Jane Stegeman of Captiva, The SCCF board of directors voted a volunteer nature trail guide. unanimously to make Mann an honorary The business program will also include a life member for his support of con- report on the past year's activities by servation measures. A citation will be Chairman Webb and a discussion of plans presented to him at the meeting by for the future by Executive Director B.G. Chairman William L. Webb. Olson. In addition, new directors will be elected Members and interested guests are to replace those whose three-year terms urged to attend. Parking will be at St. are ending. Those proposed by the Isabel's Catholic Church, about a mile nominating committee are former board west of the Conservation Center.

Breaking away foi Cystic Fibrosis see page 22

11, I, r, , 'Native Land scaping' Tuesday at the Center topic This week the Sanibei-Captiva Con- own Norma Jean Byrd speaking on native servation Foundation begins its second landscaping. month of "Tuesday at the Center" "Tuesday at the Center" is held at 2 p.m. presentations. This month's theme is every Tuesday at the Sanibei-Captiva "Island Landscaping" and today's Conservation Foundation Center on Saw- presentation features the Foundation's Cap Rd. The public is invited to attend. Tuesday, December 2,1986 The ISLANDER

At some point in almost every little girl's childhood (and the positions they have learned into a dance. some little boys', too), in their minds and in their hearts, For the younger children, Laurel's main concern is motor they become prima ballerinas. control. Just getting them to coordinate their legs and arms The day of their weekly ballet class soon becomes their to bend and kick without falling down is a feat in itself. But favorite day of the week; having such fun as they plie and Laurel's "babies" love it just the same. frappe in imitation of their graceful teacher. Laurel teaches the most common ballet style, the Laurel McAleer, has become, for many Island children, "French" attitude, as opposed to the Italian style which is "my teacher," as she undertakes the task of teaching her somewhat "sloppy" and the Russian style which is highly students the essence of grace and discipline through the art disciplined. The legs and arms are held differently and of ballet. some of the attitudes are also different. "They're doing it because they love it," Laurel says her Sometime in the spring, Laurel hopes to present a recital students' motives and desire to dance, adding, "they work for her ballet classes. By then, the children should be ready hard and the time actually flies by." for transformation into butterflies, flowers and bunny Two of Laurel's ballet das e for beginners, ages four ballerinas of the stage. and five, and intermedia! s, iges seven through ten. Although the classes are underway, there is still room in Although, for most of the git i, Laurel says, "it is their first Laurel's classes for any potential ballerina- experience with ballet." Sponsored by the Sanibel-Captiva Gymnastics, Inc. the To familiarize her stu arts with the rudimentary dance class schedule is as follows: Intermediate ballet elements of the dance, Laur begins her classes with a half- (seven years and up) Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 hour of "barre" exercises, title on the barre the children p.m. and beginning ballet (four to six years) Wednesday practice the "positions," le ning first, second, fourth and from 4:30 to 5:30 at the Sanibel Community Association fifth. These positions are U starting movements to begin building. Other classes are also offered in jazz, slimnastics, the more complex dance adult ballet and bellydancing. For further information After the warm-up routi the children begin another contact Laurel McAleer at 334-8526. ii i •. i,nmp,ii.ite

Jf —WIUJI— 1; . ., ilgj-

Watching as Intently »s opening night, Laurel McAleer Workouts on the barre are an iiii|>»i i.iui (MI I «f |>m tn»g il»- l> IMI I.J1(. L |H.>,IU»U;. prompts her students on their moves. Budding Ballerina: The ISLANDER Tuesday, Decembers. 1980 3


DECEMBER 10-24 Buy your Christmas tree from the Sanibel- Captiva Lions Club so that a sight-impaired person may have a happier Christmas - and life! All profits go to the Lions Internationa sight assistance programs such as eye research, leader dog and others.

Sale begins December 10 and lasts until Christmas Eve. But don't wait. Get your tree early. Where? At the usual place, on Periwinkle Way across from Bailey's Shopping Center.

And don't forget to drop off any old eyeglasses you no longer use when you pick up your Lions Club Christmas tree. Sanibel-Captiva Lions have provided hundreds of less fortunate people with eyeglasses they could not otherwise afford.

GET YOUR TREE EARLY! The younger students learn moves outside of classical ballet traditio Santa Maria demonstrates her "bunny" motion. Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER Tuesday atthe center Hazard mitigation an Island necessity By Elian Mulligan Goss warned. proaches to their flooding problems, they Sanibel Island was also sited in the slide Last week the Sanibel-Captiva Con- Therefore, he said, the solution is in did not just side step them, according to show presentation for its appraoch to servation Foundation's "Tuesday at the "planning and Intelligent land use Goss. Both Montgomery and Baltimore hazard mitigation - a fact of which Goss is Center" program presented Porter Goss, management." Goss identified the three counties, having already experienced the proud of, noting that Sanibel had done former Sanibel Mayor and Coun- pillars of comprehensive land use rage of a hurricane and the inherent something right and has been noticed for cilmember, who spoke to Islanders on the management as being environmental disaster which follows, took firm steps it. issue of hazard mitigation. constraints, economic feasibility, and toward finding solutions. Incorporation was Sanibel's first step to Before presenting his slide show, Goss community service deliveries. Goss also They found that structural controlling hazard mitigation, according to Goss. By outlined the essential issues surrounding suggested that a fourth pillar, hazard devices were not the answers, but rather doing so, it has enabled the community to hazard mitigation for vulnerable coastal mitigation, ("a look at not wasting the answer was in a non-structural ap- impose their own land use plan and to zones. dollars"), be added to the list. proach. Instead of keeping the water away implement it as law. Goss noted that hazard mitigation is an Goss often stressed the point of, 'i'How from the people, they began keeping the Sanibel now has "stringent standards" age-old concern, beginning with Noah and much private property do we want to put at people away from the water. These for the type and location of development. the Ark. Noah, foreseeing the dreaded risk?" He questioned whether a barrier communities literally relocated the house Building code regulations require flood, identified the hazard and built an island is a good place to invest in, to build structures out of the watershed areas onto development to be on pilings with the ark, therefore mitigating die problem, on, and to turn into a self-contained safer land areas. ability to withstand hurricane force winds. Goss explained. community at the risk of losing it all to the This solution has been proven to be far These standards have also instituted "Hazard mitigation is an essential part throes of one devastating hurricane or more successful than that of wasting mangrove and dunes preservation, a of coastal zone management," Goss said, tornado. emergency disaster funds to rebuild homes future limit on population and commercial adding that the two ma jor concerns for any Then, turning to the slide show, the on the same flood prone land, only to be growth, established setback lines from the coastal area are "to protect the good audience was given some constructive knocked down again when the next beach and limits on the clearing of nath quality of life at an affordable price and to advice and approachable alternatives for disaster strikes. vegetation - all steps to reduce the risk af preserve the natural resources." hazard mitigation in flood prone areas. It has also caused the communities to potential loss we could incur from a According to Goss, we are in a fast The three counties; Montgomery ounty, take a hard look at the economics of hazard hurricane or tornado. growth area. The construction of the Texas; Baltimore County, Baltimore; and mitigation, enabling them to find local According to Goss, these communities, regional airport, the completion of 1-75, the Lee County, Sanibel Island, were si sleeted funds to supply the money necessary to including Sanibel, have found "creative expansion of U.S. 41 to four lani« «"" -" n unity cover costs. The funds were found simply approaches to flood hazard planning, and tially by reassessing their priorities and by have labored progress to best fit their reallocating funds from within the com- needs." le ap- munity itself.

By Pat Harm©!

s house week and one reported missing. A man cocaine. When a motorist crossed the centerline fishing at the lighthouse pier returned to e didn't on San-Cap Rd. last Friday a garbage his car in the lighthouse parking lot to find a blue truck was forced off - traveling 112 feet, that the car's battery had been stolen, hitting a telephone terminal, rolling over and traveling another 48 feet before A $4000 boat has been reported missing : Sanibel coming to a stop. The driver was not from Lighthouse Way and two paddle I ungsters' seriously injured. reported stolen from Snug Hari [•king lot. jse of a Three bank bags containing $700 were A Sanibel resident was bitten by a ;id one at reported missing from the front desk bank raccoon that she had been feeding outside |orts, the vault at Sundial. her home and a youngster was bitten iage and several times in the face by a pet dog. Three bikes were reported found this



1609 Periwinkle Way ianibel Island. Fla. 33957 (313)472-4318 9 - 5:30 Monday • Saturday HOURS 10 TO 5 CLOSED SUNDAY Sometimes on Sunday 2365 PERIWINKLE WAY. SANIBEL ISLAND MEMBER A.B.W.A

HE MAGIC 5 LANDS Islander your Editor- Patricia K. Harmel Advertising ft Business Manager • Peter Cloud fChristmas Headquarters* Photography Editor - Mark Harmel for Reporters-Pat Harmel, Ellen Mulligan, Every Friday in January the S.S. Mark Harmel HALLMARK UNIVERSE sails roundtrip from Miami to Advertising - Bobbie Craig the Bahamas for the perfect weekend. People We Can't Do Without - Paul cards Howe, Mike Fuery, Carol Ramoudt The Bahamas are candles magical islands. When Advertising you arrive in Nassau All classifieds are SI for first 25 words or less: $2 for 26 to gift wrap Saturday morning, you'll 50 words and $2 for each column Inch aver 50 words, No have the whole day to en- charge for employment or lost and found ads. All ads must and joy the shops (with their be paid for in advance - no phone orders please. Mail to P.O. bargain prices), ride a Box 56, Sanibel Island, Fla, 33957 or deliver to 2353 surrey, fish, sail, swim, Periwinkle Way, Suite 102, Classified deadline noon Friday. GIFTS play tennis, or just find a Deadllnei secluded stretch of beach to call your own. In the News Items • Friday, 5 p.m. for evening, we stay late Classifieds - Friday noon enough for you to savor Display Advertising-Thursday, 5 p.m. family the glitter and excitement of the shows and casinos Malting Address of Paridise Island. Sanibel-Captiva Islander, Box 56, Sanibel Island, Fla. friends 33957 •frA great cruise' and home the magical islands, Location twice any other weekend. 2353 Periwinkle Way, Suits 102, Gulfside Plaza, Sanibel Island office From $149 Phono Numbers 472-5185 or 472-1418 1626 Periwinkle Way Sanlbel-CoptWa islander (USPS 481-400) In the Heart of the Island Newstand Price -15 cents Subscription Price- Lee County, $7 per year; U.S.A. 472-2995 472411r $10 per year; Foreign, $ 12 per year. Second class postage permit paid for at Sanibai Island, Fta. 33957. Postmaster: Please send form 3579 and chanqes Eva.-Sun. of address to P.O. Box 56, Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957. 2418 Palm Ridge Road 472-1856 The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1980 - Quote Unquote A copy of the following letter was given to that the stretch of the Boulevard and tion, why should public officials object? public hearings that it add the ex- the Islander for publication: Tollgate area be adequately elevated out of National Audubon's action is crass perimental storage battery concept to its flooding dangers of the hurricane seasons. betrayal of the tens of thousands of nature load management program for Sanibel. Roland Roberts, Chairman of the Board We also happily anticipate that an ac- lovers and conservationists throughout our LECO's chief, James Sherfey, was most Lee County Commission celerated effort will be made by the land who helped to buy Corkscrew Swamp encouraging in his letter to me that 2115 Second Street Commission to eliminate the galling Dual to preserve its integrity and protect its detailed their program for implementing Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Taxation problem that for so long has been teeming wildlife. their planned load management for the divisive of the normal community of in- Almost as startling as the National Islands. He also outlined his personal past Dear Ro: terests between the County and its three Audubon Society's action itself is the bland experience with the Electric Power Congratulations to you and Com- autonomous cities. reaction of state and local conservation Research Institute (EPRI> which is missioner Averill upon being selected to Be assured that CONA stands ready at officials, presumably chosen to defend our composed of investor-owned, municipally- lead the Commission in this challenging all times to support the Commission in the nature sanctuaries. Bernie Yokel, owned, and rural electric cooperative period of change in our national and local implementation of its CLUP and coor- research director for the Collier County utilities seeking solutions to technical views on the conduct of governmental dinating it with Sanibel's. Conservancy, is quoted as saying: "One problems of the power industry, affairs. test well isn't so bad, but if they were to His letter also reported that next year It was most gratifying to note in the Best Wishes, find something, that opens up...a Pan- LECO will install meterings and recording press that the policy of the new Board will (s) Urban D. Palmer, President dora's Box." Just what is the objective of devices to give it instant identification of be to focus on implementing the County's Committee of Neighborhoods Association, "one test well?" their systems' load profile. The load Comprehensive Land Use Plan so as to be Inc. Similarly, Supervisor Jerry Cullip of the management reliability throughout its more responsive to the needs and Corkscrew Sanctuary, told reporters that service area will be improved so that at aspirations of local homeowners and if a major oil field were discovered, the any time around the clock an individual businessmen, Audubon Society would have to examine circuit breaker can be closed from a We, at the Committee of Neighborhoods what it wants to do. The suggestion here remote location. To a layman such as I, Association (CONA), look forward eagerly A copy of the following letter was given to , that the entire sanctuary is in peril has this seems like a giant step towards a to the end of the period when the Com- the Islander for publication: frightening overtones coming from a reasonably automated control of mission can be misguided by cliques of nature conservator. emergencies that have annoyed us con- intransigent and self-serving staff and National Audubon Society Is the problem now really a question of sumers in the past. hired consultants. It was refreshing to read 950 Third Avenue new energy sources or simply of further LECO's letter also advised that the that the Board expects to: "be much more New York, New York 10022 bloated oil profits at the expense of our recent "Sanibel Experience" has made its conservative in granting zoning varian- environment? Why can't Florida - the management staff fully aware of the ces." Sanibel's neighborhood residents are Gentlemen: Sunshine Stale - lift its sights from the desirability of keeping us better Informed still resentful of the repeated callous The National Audubon Society's grant of sawgrass to the sun and save our of their operations on the Islands. The CO- Commission-rejection of our City Council's drilling rights in Corkscrew Swamp irreplaceable nature? OP expects to beef-up its local information pleas to synchronize development along Wildlife Sanctuary to a Texas oil firm is services. southern McGregor Boulevard with its like a mother leasing a favorite daughter Sincerely, Since the thrust of my criticism of LECO improving capacity to serve as our barrier to a white-slaver. The Sanibel-Captiva (s) Mark A. Westall at the recent public hearings on Sanibel islands' sole evacuation route. chapter of Audubon, by unanimous vote of President, Sanlbel-Captiva Chapter was to eliminate arms-length dealings Contrary to press reports, however, we its directors, wants to register its strongest National Audubon Society between consumer and CO-OP were heartened by Mike Carroll's possible protest. representatives, I believe that a more presentation of the improvement plans for Small wonder Governor Bob Graham constructive partnership has been created southern McGregor Boulevard and par- and his cabinet agreed to the surrep- by the public hearings. Let's promote that ticularly the imminent completion of its titiously arrived at agreement. If the To the Editor: arrangement. by-passing SR 869. We trust that the National Audubon Society not only ac- Lee County Electric Cooperative Sincerely, Commission will favorably consider cepts, but secretly connives at the rape of a (LECO) promptly responded to my recent (s) Paul A. Howe natural treasure entrusted to its protec- Sanibel's suggestion to Engineer Carroll suggestion at the (Sanibel City Council) Sanibel i continued page 161 tennis. Introducing •• -v •

TANGLE WOODSB®@ an Ishnii Sports Chib Tlie Ultimate Saitibel Condominium Six c6urts an kwSlbel Island. ' , • Lessons available from Club Professional; Only nine fortunate people will be able to own one of the • CdR 472-3532. outstanding Tangle Woods Sanibel Qulf front condominiums. Located on a superb 300 foot long beach on the east end of Sanibel Island, The Dunes Tangle Woods will have only two units In each of four buildings, Just tiff the Couseway on Sondcastte Road, designed to blend in with the peaceful natural setting. Sanibel. Eight units have two bedrooms and den (or third bedroom) and two baths, with Roman tub in the master bath. The 30 foot living room and the large master bedroom both open onto a deep screened balcony more than 26 feet long. The sizeable kitchen features a dinette area/All units have large ground floor storage area to accommodate a car or boat. In addition, the top floor units will each have a private elevator ->-> '**•> plus a commodious loft. The ninth unit stands alone. It is a three bedroom, two and a half bath home with Its own large screened veranda and private entrance, Owners will have the use of a pool on the Qulf side of tlie complex, fronting on pleasant natural vegetation area Lhat leads to the beach. Priced from $285,000. Application for a development perrnil has been filed with the City Home find of Sanibel. Condominium Rentals on Sanibel

This year, take the vacation €8B B*® ^**l^ " W €1 you've always promised yourself. Rent a beautiful home or condominium, some with boat dockage, for a week, a month or the season on Sanibel or Captlva. Enjoy cooling Gulf Breezes while you unwind from the pressures of crowded city living. You'll find just what you want, at FLOOR PLAN weekly rates ranging from$250 to $i,200.come see us, call, or write MAM OFFICE for list of availabilities and rates. Free brochure. P.O. Box 57 • Periwinkle Way Ppiscffla Sanlbcl Island. TL 33957 • 472-15 U BRANCH OFFICE island Causeway Road Sanibel Island, n. • 472-4121 Accommodations CAFTIVA OFFICE REALTY, INCORPORATED REALTY, INCORPORATED Andy Rossc Lane Captlva, n • 472-5154 causeway Road • P.O. Box 57 RENTAL OFFICE ICALTOR* Causeway Road I Sanibel island, R. 33957 • 813/472-4113 CMMMMMOI Sanibel Island, ri. • 472-4113 Tuesday, December 2, 19M The ISLANDER Rep. Mann pushing for Lovers Key State Rep. Frank Mann said last nomination application for submission to be pointing in the direction that develop- environmental concerns are properly Tuesday that he will personally push to Tallahassee. "We will do everything in our ment is possible on these islands and they addressed before the Coast Guard takes have Lovers Key ranked high on the 1981 power to push for a high ranking of this on have not been taking a hard line to protect any action to approve this bridge. Mann Endangered Lands Priority List, but the next state priority list," Mann said. public interest in preserving these sen- also requested the Department of Natural added that other funding sources should be He warned, however, that efforts to sitive islands," Mann said. Resources (DNR) to notify Lovers Key pursued vigorously because of uncertainty acquire the land through local or federal Corporation that the bridge and planned over the availability of state dollars for funds should not be abandoned. "We need "If the developers know up front that development may require a variance from such purchases in the future. to pursue every possible purchase option to ' there are severe problems to be overcome the state's Coastal Construction Setback "The Department of Natural Resources acquire this land for public use, because before development is feasible on these Line and that such variances should be will be asking the 1981 state legislature to there are no guarantees that state dollars islands, then we might be able to talk more acted upon prior to any bridge permit approve the placement of a $150 million will be available," he added. realistically about a fair price for public decision from the Coast Guard. referendum on the ballot for the continued acquisition," be added. "But right now, Mann asked DNR to require a deter- purchases of environmentally sensitive Mann said that he had supported the - government action has only inflated the mination on the need for variance before lands," Mann said, "and that is something local referendum to acquire Lovers Key, in price of this property." any bridge permit decision to avoid mat I am personally very supportive of spite of legitimate public concern over the Mann told Rhoads that he would support placing DNR under additional pressures to and will work actively to support." lack of a realistic price from which to public acquisition of the Lovers Key grant a permit should the bridge be begin negotiations with Lovers Key Cor- Corporation holdings when a "more allowed. "There can be no doubt that even If the voters approve the referendum, poration, "because if we had those local realistic" price was arrived a< and added if the bridge does not violate the setback Mann says, that will increase the chances funding options open to us, it would have that he would oppose the issuance of line, that most planned development that a purchase of Lovers Key could be provided a better avenue to seek some I permits by the U.S. Coast Guard for the probably would," Mann said, "and if we funded by the state, but, that funding could state or federal dollars on some sort of construction of a bridge to Lovers Key. allowed the bridge to be constructed, that still be more than a year away. "Our first matching basis if needed." In a separate letter to Coast Guard of- sure puts the pressure on DNR to be priority will still have to be to^complete_ lg L K _ 4e-a-letter to Lovers Key" Corporation ficials, Mann went on record as opposing 'reasonable' and grant a variance for some acquisitiottSffl^3ay(rC5staand other South attorney Howard Rhoads, Mann said that the bridge permits, and requested that the coastal construction. Florida projects before we undertake any Coast. Guard require a full-scale the island property "isn't worth a plugged "I think essentially the state needs to let new ones," h« added. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) nickel" unless the developers had a the developer know that construction of the Mann provided the County with the tor the project before arriving at a decision realistic chance of developing that bridge does not guarantee that a variance application forms to nominate Lovers Key on the permit application. property. will be allowed for island development," for a state acquisition, and he said that the "So far, almost all government action Mann said that such an assessment Mann added. County has apparently completed the that has been taken on this issue appears to would assure that a number of important



Haudcrafte 14KL Gold Overlay Jewelry

Making friends and family feel like you thought of them first is worth checking your list twice -- to make sure it includes Krementz 14 Kt. Gold Overlay. They put as much care into making their jewelry as you put in to giving it. And each piece comes with a lifetime written guarantee. You'll receive a Our collection includes chains and bracelets complete listing of for men and women, pins, pendants, tie tacs your inventory for your personal flies. and money clips. Quality merchandise, fully guaranteed. So this Christmas give Krementz 14 Kt. selected furnishings may Oe held Gold Overlay. And put everyone at the top for future delivery with a small of your list. deposit, fantastic rooms full of furniture only S1988! The Cedar Chest fine jewelry uvfngftoom the Island's full service iewelry store • 1 Sofa - scotthguaroed Ntgnt rabies 2 Twin &T? Headboards * i coordinated tow seat — scottngwrdea Oueen Sbe <«n Headboard JHewyDutyfrajnes * iCoewad Table Queen site HeavyouEv Bed t Twin Mattresses t wumtaeofts 3t,«- Siir Harre* n Fn.naari.in • limps Lanp> i".gnr Dflnlvw Ro Patio Grouping Optional Biter Our Drawing for a FREE Man's or Lady's Seiko Watch- Drawing Dec. 24th American Department Stores FLORIDA 33901 • (813) 936-8191 PM SUNDAY 11O0 AM-&O0 PM The ISLANDER Tuesday, December %, um

Sanibel residents will get a sample of HBO

Over 1,800 cable TV subscribers on Also scheduled during the free sample "HBO is distributed nationally via the and Mac Davis. Sanibel Island will see a free sample of will be entertainment specials from HBO, latest domestic communcations satellite, Future specials on HBO will include movies, sports and specials when the largest producer in pay TV. Viewers BCA's SATCOM I. from HBO's studio in " In Concert," with the singer- Cablevishm of the Islands begins a seven can see "Linda Ronstadt In Concert" with New York,'* said Valtin. "Our earth songwriter performing new and old day free preview of Home Box Office, the the pop, rock, country and western singer receive dish picks up the high quality favorites and "The Fifth Annual Young nation's leading pay cable network. The performing her biggest hits and the signal from 22,300 miles out in space and Comedians Show" with Carl Reiner , preview can be seen on cable channel 4. holiday favorite "Rich Little's 'A feeds it to our cable system." hosting our future stars in comedy. Beginning December 2, cable viewers Christmas Carol.'" Viewers who subscribe to HBO will pay a Upcoming sports on HBO will include can see original theatrical versions of such In sports, during the preview, HBO will monthly fee of $10 in addition to the regular "Women's Gymnastics: 1980 U.S. Team movies as the big box office hit "Superman present "Inside the NFL" with hosts Len cost of cable. For a limited time HBO in- Championships," a national contest bet- The Movie" with Christopher Reeve, Dawson and Nick Buoniconti showing stallation will be $10, half the regular ween America's best female gymnasts. "Rocky II" with Sylvester Stallone, "10" weekly highlights plus predicting future price. HBO's 70 hours of weekly programming, with Bo Derek, "The Main Event" with action. Programs on HBO's upcoming schedule five specials each month and exclusive fcsrbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal, "There are never any commercial in- will include "The Amityville Horror" with sporting events, are enjoyed by more than "...And Justice For All" with Al Pacino, terruptions on Home Box Office," ex- Jamesj Brolin and Margot Kidder, the five million subscribers in all 50 states, "The Muppet Movie," holiday en- plained system manager Fred Valtin, beloved musical "Fiddler O: The Roof," Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. tainment with an all-star cast of "because HBO is a subscriber supported "The (goodbye Girl" with Marsha Mason "We hope that our cable subscribers will ts, "Every Which Way But Loose" service." The programs run the gamut and Richard Dreyfuss, "The Greatest enjoy this new addition to our service,", h Clint Eastwood, "Hide In Plain Sight" from adult-oriented programming like Story fever Told" with Charleton Heston, said Valtin. "HBO is a real entertainment with James Caan, "Just You And Me Kid" "Mad Max," a dramatic story of motor- the musical classic "High Society" with alternative." with Georgt Burns and Brooke Shields and cycle gangs, to family fare like "Water Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby, "Pete's "Hero At Large" with comedian John Babies," an animated story with James Dragor ," Disney fun with Mickey Rooney Ritter. and "North Dallas Forty" with Nick Nolte

life is a celebration at any age... At McGregor Woods.

Celebration is the art of selecting the best that The Mariner Group Presents When the Mariner Group decided to develop McGregor Woods it was wfth an eye to providing only the best - a country-style neighborhood in a convenient location at a reasonable price. McGregor Woods offers a fully wooded community, from the Royal Polncianas and towering oaks that grace our entry way to the Woods sabal patms, bamboo and seagrape that grow in abundance throughout the neighborhood. And since they know that outdoors Is a lifestyle in Southwest Florida, the Mariner Group has built a beautiful recreation pavilion, complete with swimming pool, tennis courts and even a whirlpool spa. And there's a sparkling lake just right for a canoe or a small sailboat. We know you'll agree there's more to celebrate when you live at McGregor Woods. Traby. December 2, UN The ISLANDER The First Annual BIG Arts Arts and Grafts Festival

A former glmblower remlnhCCT will! Mnflet H«ye«. Art under the BIG top

Island residents and visitors alike packed flie Christmas shopping that went on for tl the grounds of the Sanibel Community better part of a day. Association building last weekend to get a More than 20 of the Islands' finest era glimpse of the many goodies offered at the smen set up shop under a huge tent offer!' First Annual BIG Arts Arts and Crafts their wares as musicians provide Festival. background music and literally hundreds The Festival, co-sponsored by flie Barrier visitors browsed. Authors, potters, weavei HaM nr<*m fnr th«> Arts and the Bank of the painters, sculptors were just a few of t HI i- I'll L i.*i • 11 iki the first annual B! \i i ii ii ml inforgettablesuccef

Duey Uber looks for the answer to a customer's question. Hie ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1M

Banker speaks to area Lions

By D.E. CooperrMer The regular meeting of the Sanibel- Christmas at a party at the Community for Lee County as it is a growth area and is true that potential borrowers tamed down at Captiva lions Club was held at the Beach- Association building on Saturday, December different from the other large cities in the one bank will also be turned down at other view Country Club with several winter 20. U.S. He said the usual four-year business banks. He feels that the smaller holding guests having returned. Final arrangements Hie wives of members of the Lions dub cycles do not apply to Lee County either. In companies will be phased out by reason of were made for the movement to a new have met to form an Auxiliary and their first the coming year he expects the unexpected purchase or consolidation, especially on the meeting place. After December 1, the Lions meeting was held at Beachview Country due to the change in political leaders and the Island. He finished with the statement that will meet at the Sanibel Community Club on November 20. investment potential. He estimates there we all need the awareness of the local ap- Association building. Central Florida Banker John Beck, of the will be a more favorable atmosphere for plications of a local bank. • Thes lions accepted the challenge of the Winter Park Bank, spoke to the club investors in the future. He feels that the high The next meeting of the lions dob will be Kiwanis Club to a softball game and also members on the general state of the interest rates will shut down some areas but on Friday, December 5 at 6:30 pjn. at the accepted the invitation to jointly celebrate economy. He did not forecast any problems not this locality. He said that it is generally Sanibel Community Association building. AtndkA of Sanibel ALL THE PLEASURABLE THINGS AN ISLAND PARADISE SHOULD BE \

1 1 ,:- & j J . 'rAm

The, ! lifestyle Available now Luxury gulf-front apartments New construction ready for occupancy 13 tennis courts, 2 lighted for night play Plus resales, offering several different floor plans, 4 heated swimming pools, one Olympic size some available directly on the Suit of Mexico 2,000 feet ol sugar-white beach and some with cabanas Nearby golf courses Offered from S81.500 to $270,000 Bahama Room — elegant guif-front dining Lost Horizon — gulf-front cocktail lounge Under Construction (Final Phase) The Refuge — casual poolside lounge Completion mid-spring 1981 Island Club — banquet & meeting facilities A few units remaining, some with cabanas Shells, Shells, Shells Offered from $193,000 to S228.000

Exclusive On-Site Sales Agent AmdkASALES ASSOCIATES, INC Licensed Real Estate Broker 1246 Middle Gulf Drive Open 7 days a week Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 8:30 A.M. • 6:00 P.M. (813) 472-4151 Ext. 3808 Later by appointment Tuesday, December 2, l»M Sound, that large shallow body of water between Sanl) and Captiva Islands with Pine Island to the east. I mink fl we would be amazed at the total Dumber of trout that i taken from those waters each year, both by commercial i sportfishtng interests alike. On a good morning or af term I've seen 30 or more trout per boat landed, but the usua one to two dozen. Knowing how many are caught won't do you much gt what you want to know is where you can find them. Bad the charts. Look over the notations that mark shal water. If it says one foot of water at low tide, that little p) has possibilities if it has deeper channels of clear wi On the bordered by grass OatS on either side. One thing that I look for are points of grass fingers. E though the water may only be a foot deep, I raise the enj and glide right on top of it, anchor there nearly high and and cast into the deeper waters bordering the shallow Trout like to patrol along the edges of this shallow g while staying m water from three, to say. 10 feet d ideailj, you should be able u> cast iiuu twa sections ui v, for fish, but sometimes you have to perch on the edge large grass flat and cast in only one direction. Either way, I would suggest working free-lined shrin shrimp imitation lures, tipped with shrimp for the results. If you do find the trout schooled, you may get or 10 before the action slows. Wait for a few minutes, t We are headed into the prime of our winter sea trout have come upon a single fish, working its way along. You break and give the trout time to move back into the fishing and it pays to know something about how trout feed will know on the second cast, one way or another. Sometimes the action never stops. But usually, then on different tides in order to take advantage of their Two things can happen next. You can go down the water a come a time when the rest of the school decides to mov schooling activity when you fish. hundred yards and really get into them, or get another your fishing hole will be empty for a time. It is relatively common to stop the boat, or wander down single fish. It's not always Oils way, of course, but the liiose shallow grass bars have caused many a boate to a pier or along a beach, make a single cast, and get a pattern seems to emerge over extended fishing trips. fisherman to curse when they have run a boat hard onfa trout on the first time out. At that point, there is no way of The trick is to find where the trout like to school, and there But, used correctly, they can point the way to som knowing if you are in for the best fishing spree of your life-or could be 10 or 1,000 trout in that school. If you don't locate a ceilent trout fishing. ' if you've found a tone fish. Chances are very good that you pocket of these fish, then be prepared to move often and be Keep in mind that all trout have to be over 12 incl doomed to catching perhaps one fish per stop. length in order to keep them. There is really no po One way to locate good trout areas is to get ahold of an up taking undersized fish anyway. Good luck out ther to date nautical chart of the area. Even if you aren't a week, and look for the edges of those grass beds. BLUE HERON CHARTERS boater, you should be able to get some use from these Experience the Islands. Fishing, shelling and charts. If you do have a boat, and your chances are best nature trips by water. Leaving from the Blue when you have one, then it's time to start circling some of Heron Apts. 642 E. Gulf Drive USCG approved. the "fishing" looking spots for future exploration. Capt. Joe Costanzo 472-1206 Most of the better trout fishing areas are in Pine Island

HARPOON 6.2-- No ordinary 20-faotai In keeping with the .tradition, the Harpoon 6.2 is Urv sinkable. This twenty-footer Is a troilerable doy cruiser with overnight and weekend capabilities. It is light weight at 1700 lbs., in- an Island Sports Club cluding its 550 Ib. fixed keel. With a 1 sail area of 210 sq, ft. - the boat is Crrf- iyn'j v 'K'i-o o 1 JQ-I&C •s'-jnti swift, stable and a delight Cull 472-2535 The Dunes Just off the Causeway on Sandcaslle Road. Fish Tale Marina Sanlbel. 'The Fomily/Fishlng Boaf Specialists" FEATURING THE SAFEST""" BBOATS AFLOAT 4634448 Behind Villa Santini Plaza/ 33C

"An OOcean Boutique" Shells From Sanihel& World Wide Coral. Cifls, Jewelry & ExoIicSea Life •Denote Shell Craft Supplies & Mirrors stronotlde Framed Shell Pictures, Oils &Ximited Prints stroneHd« We Ship 0FLOWDA OAYDATE DECEMBER Mom lu "I 3:47 AM L 1:»AMH J:«ifML 8:54 PM h QCITRUS W 4:12 AM L 10UAMH 1:4] PML 9:17 PMH GIFT FRUIT BOXES Th 5:14 AM L 11:18 AM H 4:11 PML «:«PMH F S:4»AML 12:04 PMH 4sJ7 PMl •10:07 PMH AND BASKETS ^ b:2SAML 4:58 PML •ICkJtPMH JlattOrferDayForGiiwartawl Si U JO PMH Su 1MAML 1:35 PMH 52JPML •1I05PMH Nt» • Navel Oranges M 1 ?:JSAML MSPMH SS2PML •11:40 PMH Tn ) >:11AML 2 55PMH 6:14 PML • Seedless Grapefruit » Licensed & Bonded Shipper Order Now For Holiday Delivery Conversion tabte: The above tides are for the Htfitftousepofnr of s«nibel(i convert tor Redflih Pass (North tip of Captiva), add 53 minutes to the time tf Out of Slate Call Tell Free 1 (800) 874-9063 evwy high tide. Sobtracttwomlnutesforevtrylowtide. 2 CONVENIENT SANIBEL LOCATIONS POT Captiva (stand Gulf side, subtract 30 minutes for each high tide, and! hour and 16 minutes for each low fide. 1993 Periwinkle Woy 2460 Palm Rfdo* M. For Captiva island. Pine Island Sound (Bay) side, add 1 hour and foour mfr 472-3W1 472-1991 each high tide and add 52 minutes for each low tide. STORE HOURS In between these points, gulf or bay, o.uesstimate.ahd'have good fishing or st 10 r, n*iv • Closml Sunday ilelSLANDER Why can't I ever find any good shells when I come to Pickalow «de If you wade the flats, looking far *eBs. Get a tide chart, have someone in the shop explain bowt. read it Sound familiar? I've heard it a thousand times and I'm and use it religiously, ft is getting cold in the water now with sure you have too. Hiere might just be some truth to the the temperature down into the high 70% bat you can still disappointed shelter's complaint and this week let's took at snorkle if you have the health and equipment. And Oat's one some possible solutions. way you can pick up some good shells before they ever Why aren't there any big shells on the beach? There are. I reach the beaches. Only trouble is that you have to pick a always try to explain it like this: shelling and fishing are very calm day when the waters are somewhat clear. much the same. The beginners all want big, bright shells. How come I don't find any of the shells Uke I see in the The bigger the better. The odds of catching and landing a shops? That's probably because they come from God knows 1 really big fish when you are a rookie angler are very small. where, but not from here. I have always fett it was a bit r Sfeai However, the odds of finding a large, prized shell as a novice cruel for people to wander through these many shell shops | a»*< IW 1 are fairly good. The two pastimes have one thing in com- on the Islands, then expect to walk to the beach at dawn (he ,• mon: luck. If you are on the right beach at the right time next morning and find the same. It hardly ever happens. pa_. and a big shell washes up, then you indeed have a prize. But Those shells come from all ove the world, including Sanibel, 7»pg> think about this for a moment; do the people who have good of course, but the majority are never found on our Islands collections on Sanibel and Captiva Island (and there are and never will be, I'm sorry tosay . hundreds) find big shells every time they go out? Hardly There are lots of questions that 1 would love toanswer , but ever, so the look, just like you do but finding a big shell is by for now, let's wish you a good holiday season and hope that accident, not on purpose. the shelling is good when you get to the beaches mis year. •ofty There is not one beach where you can just go and pick up (Capt. Mike Fuery offers daily sfceUjJng trips to North all the big shells you want. Keep looking, no one ever said Captiva and Cayo Costa Islands. Call 47Z-3459 for in- this was an easy hobby, we said it was entertaining, that's formation.) all. — There seem to be less shells on the beach. Am I right? — Nope. But, let me give you a little background on this. Offshore, disregarding what minor pollution problems we have, it is assumed that there are about as many shells being produced today as five years ago. Well, why aren't there more on the beach then, right? In the past five years there are probably twice as many shelters as there used to be. They used to pick up collector shells, which still wash ashore, but now, everyone is a collector and any shell is © prized. It gets pocketed and taken from the beach. Someone said there are more shelters than shells on some beaches. That's true if you go out on the weekends or major holidays. Sanibel's famous shells might be the Island's own downfall one day. When is the best time to get shells, then? I would say, if you are working the beaches, get out early. After nine in the P&J CHARTERS morning, unless there is a big storm in progress bringing in FISHING - SHaLING . SIGHTSEEING : Most Reasonl* Rotes On Th« Island hundreds of shells, you are going to be bard pressed to find Sol/ing From CMT.PAU.GAMACHE much. TIMMVS'NOOK 47M77* CAPTIVA Reservations Required

A FULL SERVICE MARINA RENT A BOAT! FISHING AND SHELLING TRIPS Route 24, P.O. BOX105 : Q Fort Myers, Florida 33908 SAIL • 17' - 21' sloops with engines, Sunfish with JS 481-3000 - m-4661 _ 34'charter with captain ^UL «BOAT$.MOrOfiS.$EftVKE.$TOItAGE BOB SABATINO %• POWa-U'-'lV,5S-llSH.P. r&*r coM*°** MAR'**- <*C. Mr* Ik USCGequipped,Biminitops. Over 20 years experience • JOHNSON OUTBORD MOTORS on Sanlbel/Captiva waters. • CRUISER BOATS BVMHWO MARINE 472-1451 • MACHO A SABRE BOATS US House -"•• •*•*» McGregor Blvd. • 3/4 Mile before Sanibel Bridge A DIVISION OF SOUTHWIND, INC.

Choose a perfect charter at

At beautiful South Seas Plantation on Captiva Island, Trispar Marine offers you a pleasure filled choice of charters. Sail the famed J-24 or a Boston Whaler 6.2 meter Harpoon sailboat. If power is your pleasure, Trispar offers a full line of Boston Whalers — from the 13 foot Sport model with 35 horsepower Johnson outboard to the V-22 with Johnson's 235- horsepower engine. Boats are maintained in like-new condition fully equipped for your safety and are fully jhsured. Charter fees cover all your needs for boating except fuel and taxes. . Fishing or water ski equipment Is also available at nominal rental fees. .Call now for reservations and rates. Telephone 472-5111 Ext. 7133 Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER

Apparently the hard and fast rule that bis partner held one of the three top hon every suit must be stopped before one can in Hearts, his team would have won Island Bridge Rules & Winners venture into the No Trump arena board easily. prevented ALL East-West teams from Although there are many bidd By Fru ud Al Christiansen The word "game" implies a recreational finding and making that No Trump game systems in use today, experts still eror contest, usually governed by set rules. In that is there. the time-honored technique called "j East- dealer the game of Bridge, the average player If only one ingenious East player had sy," and walk away with top boards, Nortli-S^lb - vnfawrable sometimes allows rules, which should been willing to taKe the calculated risk that serve only as a guide in bidding, to thwart NortJi the mental exercise of conceptualizing a S-Q J9 4 Thursday, N»v, 27 < Thanksgiving day - no gam hand and evaluating the best fit in a H-AK6532 partnership. D-S5 Friday. Nov. 28 (If tables) In the hand shown here, played in a North-South: C-J East West recent Friday duplicate game, it is in- 1. Jean and George Scott -134% S-A S-k6532 teresting to observe that every team This Week's 2. Bud Knight and George Emerson -125 H- J 10 9 H-Q8 predictably followed the "correct" 3. Martha KUdow and Fred Weymouth - 118 D- K J 8 4 3 D- 10 sequence of bidding. Ic every case but one, East-West: CKQ1VS4 C- A 9 3 2 East-West settled for a less than game bid Winners 1. Edith and Albert Whitman - 130"4 in Clubs. One team went down one in a five Z.Fran and Al Christiansen - 129% Club contract. A mostly "pat" board. S-10 8 7 3. RocheUe Manning and Joe Winterrowd -118 H-7 4 North's strategic two Heart overcaU restrained the East player from en- D- A Q97 2 Next game: Thursday, Dec. 4. 1:30 p.m. tertaining the prospect of a No Tmmp.fit. C-76 5 Friday, Dec. S, 7:30 p.m.

NON-SURGICAL FACELIFTS GIVE YOURSELF A NEW FACE FOR CHRISTMAS! 1 Many factors affect the underlying tissues of your skin: nutrii j alcohol, smoking, age, and sun or wind exposure. All of these c 7 bine to affect your appearance, and can add Ifnes, sagging tis ' and literal ly years to your appearance ( A totally new concept combines laser light and electrical stimuli ARRANGEMENTS to tonlfy underlying tissues of your face. The result is a smoo Lovely silk and dried arrangements younger, healthier appearance. This non-surgical approach produces no pain, leaves no scars, on decorator wicker pieces. no chance of infection. Because the elasticity and tone of each son's face is different, everyone will react differently to Unusual accents for your home. ; stimulation-type therapy. ' Find out if you are one of the millions who will respond to this ty ! treatment. For a limited time, we are offering a free trial treatr REDUCEDFOR , Prove to yourself the amazing benefits you can gain through u this revolutionary new method! CLEARANCE t Call today for further information or to set an appointment for I free treatment! DEL PRADO CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 3319 CLEVELAND AVE. 3032 D«l Prarfo Blvd. FORT MYERS Cape Coral 936-8916 542-1800 INTERESCOMING JANUARY 1.1981 T CHECKING

When It Comes To Making Saving Convenient, Gulf Federal's New NOW Account Wins Hands Downl

Gulf Federal's NOW Account is a checking account that helps you make the most of your checking account funds by paying you 5'/«% interest, compounded daily. With the NOW Account, you have all the convenience of a regular checking account, plus you earn interest. Although you can open and maintain an account for less, a $500.00 average daily balance will earn you $26.95 over a year's time. Plus, you'll avoid $48.00 in monthly service charges ($4.00 per month when your average daily balance drops below $500.00). What's more, you can have interest from your certificate recredited directly into your NOW Account and earn 5lA% on it until you need the funds. Gulf Federal's checking account is also ideal for Direct Deposit of your Social Security and other recurring government checks. With a Gulf Federal NOW Account, as with any account, you have the advantage of the Association's Edison Mall office where you have to you a week. Vou need not wait until January 1,1981, to open your account. Gome in now! Avoid the rush. Have your checks ready to go beginning January 1,1981, arrange for automatic deposit of your interest and Direct Deposit, earn 5Vi% on your funds through December 31,1980, and get your first 50 checks, register and vinyl wallet absolutely FREE. With Gulf Federal savings accounts, the Federal Savings and Loan Gulf Insurance Corporation insures your deposits up to $100,000.00. Invest in a NOW Account — Just one more way Gulf Federal is... Federal Helping you make the most of it. The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1080 13 Today at City Council CITYOPSANlBgL 11:00 A.M. Continuation ot Public Hearing and Second Reading of an on a parcel of land located on Lot 7 B of unrecorded castaways Sub- COUNCIL MEETING Ordinance Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, MaeKENZIEHALL division, Government Lot 6, Section 11, Township 46 South, Range21 Section 4.6.1(2): Compliance with Standards of the Comprehensive East (S765 Pine Tree Drive) as submitted by Neal Thompson. 2245 PALM RIDGE ROAD Land Use Plan; Section 1.3: Economic Assumptions; Section 2.5.8 B: DECEMBER 2, 1980 1:50 P.M. Public Hearing and Second Reading of an Ordinanet3 Plan for Community Design; Section 1.5: Implementation of the Plan, Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Section! to permit construction of a 53,800 square foot shopping center at 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Klein). Approval of 3.9.1(8): Development in the Gulf Beach Ridge, to exceed vegetation i Section 25, Township 46 South, Range 22 East (Periwinkle Way on the clearing by one percent to permit construction of an eight-ear parking i Minutes of meeting of November A, 1980. Planning Commission East side of Sanibel Community Church), as submitted by Jerry Report. City Attorney's Report. City Manager's Report: lot, for use by Sanibel residents, at the intersection of Tulipa Way and, Paulsen. Nerita Street, located on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10, Block 8, Sanibel i (a) Status report by Del Pelrce, Manager of J.N. "Ding" Darting Four appointments to Planning Commission: 1 to fill vacancy Shores No. 1, Section 30, Township 46 South, Range 23 East, as sub WfidHfe Refuge, re management of Brazilian Pepper. created by resignation (Valtin) (expiration 12-31-82), 3 lo fill expiring miffed by the City of Sanibel. (b) Florida Shore and Beach Preservation membership dues, terms (12-31-80) of Winterbotham, Workman and Hagerup. 2:00 P.M. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance (c) Discussion of plans and City recommendation re widening Mayor and Councilmen's Reports McGregor Blvd. from Miners Plaza to Toll Facility. Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Section 12:00 Noon Recess for lunch 3.2.4: Ecological Zones Map, to change the ecological xone Cd) Discussion of Occupational License fee requested by John 1:30 P.M. Continuation of Public Hearing and Second Reading of an designation of Lot 11 and a portion of the North one-half of Lot 18 on Costanza. Woodring Road from Mangrove to Upland Wetlands In Section 13, (e) Reschedule City Council-Planning Commission workshop re Ordinance Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Sections 3.3.2(1) and (3): Residential Yard Requirements, and Township 44 South, Range 22 East, as submitted by Daniel R. Fuller Comprehensive Land Use Plan review. for A. Scott Hamilton. (f) Review and Discussion re Lease agreement with Lee .County 3.9.6(1) and (6): Development in the Altered Land Zone to permit a School Board for Recreation Complex, tennis court to encroach upon the required setbacks from the road and 2:10 P.M. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Consideration of a petition for relief from the commercial canal and to exceed the perm itted amount of clearing and coverage at Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Section moratorium to permit construction of an 1152 square foot commercial the Seawind Condominium, Lots 118, 119, 120 and 121, Block 3, First 3.3.1: Residential Densities, 3,3.2: Development Intensity Map, to building on Lots 6 -13, Block 1, Sanibel Center Subdivision (Section 30/ Addition to Shell Harbor Subdivision, Section 29, Township 46 Souih, permit division of a parcel of land with a duplex and triplex on it into Township A& South, Range 23 East, at the corner of Periwinkle Way Range 23 East, as submitted by David Herzog, Inc., for Porto two separate parcels, in Section 20, Township 46South, Range23 East and Dixie Beach Boulevard), for the purpose of establishing a garden Graesser, Inc. (1233 Buttonwood Lane), as submitted by John and Deborah center; as submitted by Morrison G. McQuade. 1:40 P.M. Continuation of Public Hearing and Second Reading of an Frledlund. 10:30 A.M. Public Hearing and Second Readtng of an Ordinance Ordinance Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Public Comments and Inquiries Adopting the Florida Model Energy Efficiency Code; providing Section 3.3.2: Residential Yard Requirements (3) to permit an Adjournment , compliance criteria for residential, non-resldentlal and renovated existing concrete boat ramp and » concrete block retaining wall to buildings; prohibiting the heating of swimming pools by gas, elec- remain closer than 20 feet to an open body of water, and to permit a tricity or oil; repealing Ord!nances78-27,78-28 and79-12. balcony to be constructed closer than 20 feet to an open body of water


STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL WALKER'S CONTRACTOR CANADIAN ON ALL ORDERS FOR SPECIAL Specializing in: CHRISTMAS PLANTS, Custom Piling Homes FLOWERS AND Concrete Block Construction ARRANGEMENTS $ Complete Remodeling PLACED BY DECEMBER 5 Liter From Plans to Completion 15TH Satisfaction Guaranteed! ERNIE CASSADY Plus many other Specials! Kamdy^Florist 1201 PerwinkleWay 463-0466 2330PALM BlBGERD.TAXSnnDGB PLAZA \* Mon. - Sat. 8:30-5:00 472-3125/ Open 9 to 9 472-3333 Charlotte Fisher Judy Eichter'


OVER 100 PROFESSIONAL 10 MARKETING CENTERS SALES ASSOCIATES TO LOCATED THROUGHOUT SERVE YOU, LEE COUNTY. Joseph Laenen Manager Sanibel Marketing u Center H 2353 Periwinkle Way, Unit 101 l^SfisSHHHRilliKl H Sanibel, Florida Eight Lee County Century 21 real estate firms 3 Telephone: (813) 472-1546 Yes, AAIM Realty Group is the largest resi- have merged to create the largest real estate It— - dential real estate company in Southwest Flo- sales organization in Southwest Florida. date professional services, greater coverage and efficiency thruogh the centralized business org- rida. We're members of five Board of Realtors AAIM has over 100 professionally trained anization. Our over 100 Associates will receive and their multiple Iisitng services in Fort Myers, Associates and officers and ten marketing continuous education and training through our Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers Beach centers to service all your real estate needs. full time in-house training director, making and Naples. them the most informed up to date professionals You'll find an AAIM Marketing Center near in southwest Florida. AAIM Realty Group, Inc. is affiliated with you in North Fort Myiers, South Fort Myers, Century 21, the largest network of real estate Fort Myers Shores, Cape Coral, Sanibel Island, Our 10 marketing centers provide prospective offices in the U. S." and Canada. There are Lehigh Acres, Bonita Springs and on Pine Island. clients and customers with the largest inven- over 7500 Century 21 offices and 75,000 tory of homes, condominiums, mobile homes, Associates in North America. lots, acreage, and commercial properties in AAIM Realty Group, Inc. was created through a southwest Florida. Commercial, investment AAIM Realty Group, Inc., Century 21 is desire of all involved to provide the most up-to- sales and property management will be hand- here to serve you. led by our Investment Division at the Corp- orate Headquarters at 3049 Cleveland Ave. in Fort Myers.



3049 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, Florida, 33901 Tel: (813) 337-2101 Tuesday, December 2,1988 The ISLANDER WORLD Why you're cold If the temperature remained constantly that soldiers in me tropics will spon- Home Entertainment Center SALE at approximately 85 degrees Fahrenheit, taneously consume a diet totaling about 3,000 calories daily; in the Artie or Antartic OPEN 920 S.U5thAvf. Industrial Park Cape Coral 3 DAY our bodies would remain confortable at rest or .unclothed. Fortunately, we have at 25 degrees below zero, their caloric FRt. TIIL ONLY built-in mechanisms for coping with lower intake rises to nearly -5,000 per day. 9 P.M. 54J-2I0I or 541-5501 temperatures. Less familiar are your automatic blood SAT. TILL 7 P.M. Basically, we achieve cold-weather and skin changes. Normally, blood and BEHIND MCLAUGHLIN GARDEN CENTER SUN. 12-5 P.M. comfort, in part, by generating more heat skin act as a cooling system. Hot blood in our internal furnaces, and, in part, by emerging from the internal organs is n conserving that heat. The muscles are the cooled by flowing through the skin at a rate 'CHRISTMAS SALE most important source of internal heat, of 50 to 75 gallons an hour. When you are FREE MEMBERSHIP with tht Purdi<»s«faMovi« using about 70 percent of the food energy chilled, many blood vessels in your skin LAYAWAY MEMBERS CAN EXCHANGE BUY NOW they consume at work or at play, in heat close up, reducing the rate of flow to one- NOW MOVIES FOR SIO.OD AND SAVE generation. Under normal conditions, body fifth of normal, so that your body "turns muscles produce enough heat to boil a pale with cold." The net effect is to convert SHOP US LAST FOR LOWEST PRICE... WE quart of freezing cold water every hour. your'skin from a radiator for dissipating heat into a blanket for conserving it. BEAT ALL LOCAl ADVERTISINADVERTISING!G I!! When you wave your arms or stomp your feet while waiting in the cold, you are ONLY 12/5 12/6 The important thing to remember is to SALE • FRI. • SAT. • SUN. ONLY 12/5 12/6 12/7 stoking your muscle furnaces to a still assist your body with the proper amount of HURRY SUPPLY LIMITED higher level of heat production. clothing - don't put your internal heating OPEN FRI TILL 9 ?M. • SAT. TILL 7 PJM. SUN. 12 • 5 The doctors of Florida want you to and cooling system under a strain. I PR FAMILY realize your muscles also use up more food This is a medical message from the energy in winter, so it is only natural to eat Florida Medical Association on behalf of QUANTITY LIMITED more. This increase in appetite is nothing the doctors of Florida and as a public NO DEALERS Programmable to be alarmed about. Tests have shown service feature of this newspaper. 6-1 ZOOM Video Cassette HURRY Recorder Date High Fri.Nov.21 70 Sat. Nov. 22 76 Sun. Nov. 23 80 Mon.Nov.24 80 Tues.Nov.25 78 Island Wed. Nov. 26 80 $ Thurs. Nov. 27 N< • weather SO" 60" LARGE 499 « 6 hours of recording This report is based on records kept at the Sanibel- SCREEN TV IN Captiva Chamber of Commerce on Causeway Road. STOCK ZJSHTH.BLACK-WH1TE ONLY'189 PORTABLES SONY-ADVENT JVC with power PANASONIC COLOR CAMERAS ALL WITH 6-1 NEW QUASAR -Z? '699 REAR SCREEN ZOOM LENS ON DISPLAY ELEC VIEW FINDER QUASAR-still POWER ZOOM slow motion 6 hrs. with power supply SANYO.-91c90 AND MORE only «859 19" color/remote VK 720-only'679 digital clock with 24 hr. tuner 'K 725-only'779 only'499 only », >K 730 -only '799 85 ANOSONIC with 14 day tuner rVV 3200 only '929 WEBCOR-PORTABLE only «10S0 iCA - ccO6 only '899 B.W.-5" AM-FM rtn Adult Community Built l oa Star St* id«rc<& AC-DC ONLY'179 NLAR BEAvllL •NEAPSHntPINC VIDEO RECORDERS FREE ' Nb»P F JHJNG • MIA* PtRftl 1 ('80.00 VALUE) QUASAR-14" day -1 PER FAMILY- SHARP PORTABLE WITH ANY VTR OR 5040 6 HR Search CAMERA.. .ANY 4 Only '925 B.W. 5'AM-FM MOVIE RENTALS CLOCKONLY'199 FROM OUR STOCK, QUASAR-7 day 1 PER WEEK FOR Slo-Mo/Still 4 WEEKS! II Hi-Speed only'935 j—-COUPON—j JVC - 7 day SHARP PORTABLE I Super oxide I Slo-Mo/Still-HiSpeec B.W. 5"AM-FM { T-120-6Hr. j only'950 AC-DC CASSETTE 1 Tape M2.50 I QUASAR-14 day TAPE ONLY'249 5160 6-HrSlo-Mo/ Hi Speed-Search j VIDEO ACCESSORIES More only'1095

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Our U-*own

MerreU ftushwortb of Maureen's Travel by Mildred Chamberlin, reference has just returned from Dallas, Texas, librarian. where she attended a training school All gift books will bear a book plate conducted by Braniff Airlines for Travel giving the name of the donor. Agents. The school is designed to give agents experience in International tariffs and other areas relating to the travel in- dustry. Linda Caryl Shaford became the bride of Charles Hughej Evans. Ill on Saturday, November 29, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Orlando, Florida. The Gumbo Limbo Property Owners The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Association announces that Mrs. Jackie Ray P. Shuford of Orlando. The Brooks, of 1565 Serenity Lane, has become bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. a member of the Board of Directors; Mrs. Charles Hughey Evans, Jr. of Sanibel. Brooks was elected to fill a vacancy on the fciine-member board. The bride graduated from Boston . "SELECTING SEA SHELLS" University and is a teacher in the Orange County School System. SHOWS "SALES SENSE" The bridegroom graduated from For the past several years, the Sanibel Massachusetts Institute of Technology and THE SEA SHELLS OF SANIBEL is a beautiful 44-unit com- is associated with Greiner Engineering at plex of townhouses and garden apartments located here on Library has made available a list of books one of the most beautiful Islands in the world! from which to choose from, for patrons and the Orlando Internationa] Airport. friends who wished to remember the The newlyweds will live in Orlando. The amenities of this complex include a recreation room, library at Christmastime. heated pool, tennis court, shuff leboard, and your own deeded Now, another Christmas is just around access to the shores of the GULF OF MEXICO! the corner and members of the Book Selection Committee have prepared a list -This lovely two bedroom, two bath garden apartment is that will be available early next week. The located at the end of the complex, assuring you of all the privacy you may desire. The unit is completely furnished, the list will consist of the following categories: drapes, carpeting and furniture were chosen with taste, as children's books, selected by Ruth Clark, this unit shows definite planning with outstanding decor. children's librarian; general fiction and non-fiction, selected by Freda Iurka, The master bedroom and second bedroom (both ample in chairman, Book Selection Committee; size) have space to spare and grace to match. An atmosphere large print books, selected by Harriet of restfulness prevails. re, librarian; reference books, selected The complete kitchen includes range, refrigerator, dish- washer, disposal, self-cleaning oven and ice-maker. A frien- dly room that invites you to meal planning.

A garden apartment like this is a joy to write about and a challenge to describe, as we present both quality and charm SS Cottages with this listing. ANOTHER GREAT BUY THROUGH S.R.I. & Marina $89,000.00 Furnished. On the west tip of Sanibel at Captiva Bridge A Boat with every Cottage — No Charge Full Kitchen, Tackle Shop, Live Bait, Soft Drinks COTTAGES 472-1020 MARINA 472-1334


JUST ARRIVED 1571 Periwinkle Way al wirh Dixie Bead MON. • FRI. 9-8 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 12-5 997-9400 Phone 472-1066 16 Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER Quote from page 5 FREE SPINAL A copy of the following letter was given to ning bodies might be more compassionate, the Islander for publication: and try to understand the emotional EXAMINATION problem of their constituents under the The Honorable Mayor and Coun- circumstances, and elicit by polite and cilmentbers judicious questioning the essence of the Danger Signals of The Chairman and the members of the speaker's point. Planning Commission of the City of Sanibel Instead, business proceeds, with no Pinched Nerves: further attention or thought to the 1. Headaches, Dizziness, Loss of Sleep One of the great attributes of this great speaker's point and the question is asked 2. Neck Pain. Tight Muscles country of ours, the Unites States of and voted as if the die had already been 3. Pain Down Arms. Shoulder Pain America, under the Constitution is the cast. 4. Numbness in Hands or Feet right of free speech. We, under the Con- The citizens of Sanibel, the freeholders in 5. Pain between the Shoulders stitution, are guaranteed this right, but we particular, have a right, along with the 6. Painful Joints, Nervousness must understand and realize that this right responsibilities, to be heard, loud and 7. Lower Back Pain. Hip Pain. Pain Down Legs also carries with it responsibilities, that clear, when for example some en- ensures the perpetuity of this right. trepreneur comes along with money, and Why FREE? Thousands of area residents have spine related problems which usually respond to chiropractic care. This great united country was first says that he has rights too. But what about This is our way ol encouraging you to find out if you have a problem that could be helped conceived in responsibilities, and his responsibilities? Does his rights, just by chiropractic care. It is also our way.of acquainting fin with our staff and faciiilies. prospered with the exercise of the rights because he has a vested interest, and Examination includes several standard tests for evaluating the spine and a contour analysis that were engendered through the ac- apparently no other interest except profit,™! photo as shown above. ceptance of responsibilities. This is preclude all others' rights? JusJustt what^^ While we are accepting new patients, no one need feel any obligation. exemplified in the early days as evidenced responsibilities does this entrepreneur Most insurances Accepted by the town hall meetings, resulting in the have in or on Sanibel except to dilute rights DEL PRADO CHIROPRACTIC CENTER most part, of government by acclamation. of others, which is contrary to the rights DR. WILLIAM J. MATERS This could not have been all bad inasmuch guaranteed under our Constitution. 3032 Dei Prado Blvd. Cape Coral 542-1800 as the country grew and became united, So, good people, inasmuch as I am one of and became a world power under the those that cannot adequately express Democratic form of government. myself extemporaneously, I take this Here in Sanibel, we have an open means to convey my message to you. I Planning Commission meeting, and an sincerely ask that you take a more com- PLAN TO ATTEND open City Council meeting. This emulates passionate attitude with those citizens that in essence the town hall meeting where all appear before you, and that their rights citizens exercised the right to be heard. and mine are vested in other than money, BLUEGRASS MUSIC ' It is unfortunate though, that most such as a wholesome environment, a moral persons, with an excellent point or two neighborhood, the right to live in peace and cannot adequately make these points contentment without interference by those FESTIVAL under the duress of standing before a whose only right appears to be profit group, plus the governing body. without responsibilities, the preservation- Emotionally they become upset, nervous, of wonderful Sanibel as we would like, a j ®E€. 5,6,7,1980 confused and often inarticulate. may God look over us. SEMINOLE CAMPGROUND The governing bodies simply sit quietly out of courtesy and respect, appear to be Respectfully, NORTH FT. MYERS listening, but hoping that they can get




CHOCODIIJi 12330 Palm Ridge Road oSonibel Island, Florida 33957 • (813) 472-9166 M harmony with nature.

Part of what we offer is what we have saved.'..-. Florida the way it used to be. You will experience here the peace and quiet of subtropical Florida a century ago. The spacious suites will reflect the highest sense of craftsmanship and luxury of lifestyle befitting one of the most desirable waterfront locations in the area. The opening of the sales office will be announced soon.

Elegance in condominiums.


at Pelican Bay Offered by Pelican Bay Properties, inc.. 597.7177 Ufesryte* by Can-American Realty Corporation Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER

Sanibel residents form The Company'

Sanibel residents Fran Levy, John Anspacher and Charlotte Heimann have formed a poetry reading group entitled "The Company." The former theatre and media trio have combined their talents to present the poetry tribute, "An American Islanders have either been bitten or Sketch Book." This program will feature Ouchless mosquitos! smitten by hand-made Sanibel mosquitos readings from selected poems in honor of from He Crocodile. Whichever the case, the immortal poet, Emily Dickinson, and these bigger-than-life mosquitos are in celebration of her anniversary. selling faster than bug spray in sum- "An American Sketch Book" will be mertime. presented free to the public on Wednesday, The mosquitos are handmade by the December 10, at the Edison Community Garner family from Minnesota, who also College Auditorium. The program will also craft silk flamingos and stuffed moose and consist of readings from the works of teddy bear heads. James Thurber, Edna St. Vincent Millay One newlywed couple visited the shop to and Carl Sandburg. "The Company" buy a stuffed bird for a bird cage they had presentation will begin at 8 p.m. and there received as a wedding gift, but once will be an intermission with punch served. spotting the mosquito, decided it would "The Company" has been rehearsing make a very original pet and off they went, poems for several months in preparation not giving the stuffed birds a second for their special programs and have glance! recently delighted an audience at the Lee According to Phil Johnson, owner of Qe County Arts Center with their selection Crocodile, these mosquitos have raised the from Sandburg. Take a break from the question of when a shipment of noseeums ordinary Wednesday night and come to the will arrive. Well, Phil keeps telling Edison Auditorium to hear what three everyone that the noseeums have arrived - talented Islanders are up to. but he can't find them anywhere. •E.M. -E.M.

J&BCOINS& STAMPS OINERAL ANESTHESIA We Buy Old Gold and Silver. AVAILABLE FOR EXTRACTIONS. Buy and Sell Coins and Stamps. FILLINGS, CROWNS, ROOT CANALS, ETC. Island Garage Gulf Points Square ANTON J. SCHAFFER, D.D.S. American & Foreign Cur Refxiir 875 College Pkwy. 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE 481-1956 Corner McGregor Blvd. (813)472-4318 ALSO Ft. Myers, Flo. 33907 1609 Periwinkle Way KNAPP SHOES Phone 482-7555 Sanibel Island, Fla.'33957 8-5 MOD. thru Sat. For Appointment

DIZZINESS SANIBEL STANDARD Wl MOW HAVI Did You Know That Dizzinesss Is Often Caused By A Pinched Nerve or Spinal Misalignment?

Ch Iropractic Restores Heolih Naturally


DEL PRADO CHIROPRACTIC CENTER RENT A CAR 3032 Del Prado Blvd. MON.-SAT. 472-1468 Cape Coral 542-1800


Yes, We Agree We Are In A Recession, But, We Have To Keep Our Cars Busy- So, If You Are Coming To Florida This Autumn We Have Slashed Our Rates To The Lowest In This Area. FINE ARTS

LEE COUNTY ART CENTER Wishes to buy: Glass, China, TRY US Pewter, Brass, Rugs, Furniture, Write or call anytime McGregor at Colonial 813-542-2025 Plenty of Parking Paintings, and all manner of Antiques and Collectibles

CAPE CORAL RENT-A-CAR, INC. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Tax and Insurance Appraisals P.O BOX 291 CRAFT GUILD 1051 Son Carlos Blvd., CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA 33904 just bsfor* Ft. Myors B«ach Exhibitors Limited Noon to «• 7 Doyi, Mornings by Chanco 542-2025 to Guild Members Phone 463-0086 The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1986

The snowbirds cometh

The Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of pected during the months of JamiaVy, Commerce is all keyed up for what seems February and March. At the height of the to be "the best season to date," according season, Klie estimates that 13-15,000 people ^ Walter Klie, executive director of the will be mi the Islands, and he attributes Anibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce. part of the increase to interval ownership. A Major exhibit "From Thanksgiving on, we're well So, if you need anything from the stores, Sanibel photographer Linn Major will be Ms. Major was highly honored at the 1976 booked," Klie explains, adding, "and you had better start stocking up now while the featured artist at the Art Fac Gallery City of Sanibel Bicentennial Island Land- we're just about on schedule as far as you can still move on Periwinkle Way. through this Thursday. marks Exhibition and Competition, walking Thanksgiving goes." Islanders may find themselves in for a long Ms. Major, who offers her work through away with first, second and third place in the The Chamber of Commerce is expecting season, in fact, it well may be "the best Art Fac on a regular basis, has been a' graphic arts competition - the only artist in the best tourist season ever on both ever on Sanibel." Sanibel winter resident since 1973. any category to accomplish such a feat. Islands, with 90 percent occupancies ex- •E.M. A graduate of the University of Cincinnati, -M.H,

Easy Living Fashions •AMAD for "A SHELL COLLECTOR'S PARADISE" Christmas Gift Giving Specimen Shells—Florida & Worldwide LINN 1 In Heart of the island P.O. BOX 54 2422KRIWINKLEWAY ON THE GULF ATI231 TULIPA WA 1616PeriwinkleWoy SANIBEL ISLAND, FLA. 33M7 . PHONE (813) 472-1121 SANIBEL ISLAND, FLA., 33957 (913} 472-4123 472-1958Mon. -Sot. 10-5

ACTION TV RENTALS ACTION TV > Why Buy Plasticwhen you can buy heavy-dufy Aluminum for less I RENT TO OWN 3-FOR-ONE HURRICANE AWNING NEW COLOR TV'S, MICROWAVES, WASHERS & DRYERS, STEREOS and BURGLARY PROTECTION SHUTTERS Service Included > Factory Sold-Factory actory Sold-Factory installed • . ______^^gaa Rent Applies Toward Ownership Factory Serviced and Factory WEEKLY RATES 5 yr Warranty OEUVEHD IN FACTOBT CABTON i Rolls up or down from inside or out. . Custom-made for Homes, NOt condominiums or mobile homes. Factory Trained Professional Service Free estimates with No Obligation..} ACTION TV RENTALS (PEACE OF MIND WHEN AWAY) M41 Palm B«a

4 PLY POLYESTER W/W PREMIUM STEEL BELT RADIAL W/W A78X13 SIZE B78XI3 D78XI4 P165/80R13 E78X14 P185/75R1 BOUS & rare P195/75R1 F78X14 PORCELAIN DOLLS G78X14 J205/75R1 A hundred beautiful H78X14 P2I5/75R1 hand made dolls 8 560X15 P225/75R1 kits to choose from. 600X15 P205/75R15 G78X15 P215/75R15 HWSTON H78X15 P225/75R15 STl IMOS 178X15

-CAKCORAl- -MSTfT.MYEBS- EXTRA SPECIALS /--=== WHEEL fUMIMTIKt. WHEEL, ML OMIIMTMtklWKEl BALANCE 'A PRICE ii With purchase * Can O9S Ml-W 542-5501 M4-TOJ of any 4 tires 20 Tuesday. December!. 19»0 The ISLANDER Spend aweek in solitary with someone you love •.. every year, forever*

A grand idea — sensibly priced. For $6,OOO* you and your loved one may own a luxurious beachfront condominium for your special week. And ifs yours to enjoy every year... forever. Interval ownership at Casa Ybel Resort, on Sanibel Island, allows you to match ownership of a fully furnished 2-bedroom, 2-bath vacation home to the specific week or weeks you desire.


You are invited to learn more about interval ownership at Casa Ybel...to visit our furnished models, and perhaps meet some of the owners. Our sales center is open every day... see us soon.

•Prices subject to change without notice.

For the colorful details and hard facts about Interval Chvnership at Casa Ybel Reso write: Casa Ybel Resort &> Club* P.O. Box 353 Sanibel Island • Florida • 33957 or phone (813) 472-1531 The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2. UM 21 Portrait

Art Gore

Age: 54 Height: 5' 6" Roots: Raeford, North Carolina Pleasures:"Boating, cooking and classical music - the three B's and more." Mentor "Professor J.C. Drake, now deceased, of Wake Forest. He was my English professor." Last Book Read: "The Egyptian," by Waltari. Wish: "I never have to leave this paradise." Words of Wisdom: "Love thy neighbor.

Photos by Mark Harm**

"An artist is the transmitter and the audience is the managed to complete his English major, becoming involved images of yesterday. But, "possibly my finest hour," AJ •eceiver. What good is a transmitter without a receiver?" with "other things" which side-tracked his interest instead. says today, was the publication of his second book, "Spea questions Art Gore, successful still-life photographer, in his It was Denver, in fact, that Art was side-tracked to. He Softly to the Echoes," a collection of photographs a< not-quite faded Carolina drawl. "migrated" to Colorado "cold turkey," after hearing it was companied by short vignettes reminiscing "first lovei "I've got the best job," Art emphatically explains. "Ail the "cultural center of the West." Landing a job with a little schoolboy fantasies, and gracious and rustic countr I've got to do is create beauty. I wouldn't change my life newspaper named the Barnum News, Art explains, "I was living." with anyone, except of course, Andrew Wyeth," he quips. to be paid $25 a week for writing and 25 percent of all ad- Having photographed everything from A to Z during hi 'I work 20 minutes a day - ten minutes at sunrise and ten vertising I sold." long career, Art has developed a different philosophy sine minutes at sunset," explains Art of his free-spirited career, The only problem, however, was that the paper was moving to Captiva last February. "From now on, all you'i adding, "I'll usually have a place staked out. I peek out the rapidly becoming "defunct," and no one would buy ad- going to.see from my camera is seascapes and skies," ti winda' and see what the sunrise'!! be like. If it's nice I'll get vertising. Able to tolerate that situation for only three says. in my speedboat and rush out to the spot." months, Art moved on to the Littleton Independence Always having had a love for the sea, his move to Captiv It may all seem pretty glamorous now, but Art vividly newspaper, becoming both reporter and photographer. finally fulfilled his dream. He now lives on a 37-foot Eg recalls the days when, as he puts it, "I sure did sweat my Art worked for the Littleton Independence for three years, Harbor, where he says he has become the "laughing stock < backoff." It often wasn't easy, but Art, like other dedicated "combining news reporting with photography." But after the marina" because he is always having one thing < photographers, was driven by the inner satisfaction of his that time, Art explains, he realized that, "I could starve as another go wrong with one of his three boats. work. well on my own as on the newspaper.'' So with one extra roll Life on Captiva fits Art well. After photographing durin "How glorious the feeling is when you know you've got it," of film and 150 in his pocket. Art went into business for the early morning hours. Art will "wander down to Timmy he says of his lifetime love for photography. himself. Nook to have a bite to eat, putter around the boat, t At the "ripe ol' age of 18," having completed only his first "I did portraits and weddings and literally everything 1 laundry, and then come back to wait for the sunset." semester hi college, Art was "yanked" to Okinawa, Japan, could get," Art explains of his solo beginnings. Soon after, The more Art works, the more he gets turned on by h where he served in the Seventh Infantry during World War however, he became involved in commercial photography work. He is now in the process of writing a "how to" book < [I. He then stayed on in the Reserves and went through andstarted making better money. "I've been eating well off still-life photography, and he may be commissioned to do jump school, only to be recalled for duty io the Korean War photography ever since," he says with a smile. book about the Islands. In his spare tune, Art builds she with the famed 82nd Airborne Division. Art's real claim to fame in photography, however, is his crafted chess sets. "It keeps me out of the bars," he joke Thanks to General MacArthur, his initial plan for the 82nd lifetime collection of still -life photographs; a collection that Labeling himself a "babe of the south," Art has an ihbri Division to parachute into Korea in order to reorganize reflects his sensitivity to nature and the "good ol' days," love for the easy pace of southern living, and says today, American troops was canceled, and, as far as Art is con- and echoes the unpressured lifestyle inherent uv a childhood cant do my best work unless I'm a free spirit. Life w cerned, "He saved my life." spent in a small southern town. made for living and I intend to work and play - that keei Returning to Wake Forest College during the interim Art has incorporated some of his best works into two the doctor away.'' between World War II and the Korean War, Art never books over the past few years. His first book is about the The ISLANDER The Cystic Fibrosis Bike-A-Thon By Pat Harmel Photos by Mark Hormel Nearly 70 bicyclists riding for the benefit of Cystic payable to the Cystic Fibrosis Bike-A-Thon. Fibrosis managed to raise almost $5,000 in pledges last Last year the Islands came in second in the entire state Sunday in an afternoon bike-a-thon sponsored by the for Cystic Fibrosis fundraising. Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club. Although the official winners - those raising the most amount of pledge money for their ride - won't be announced until all the money is turned in to the Bank of the Islands in two weeks, it is known that Mike Cooper cycled the longest distance - 60 miles at 18 miles an hour. Shane Cowper ranked second with 54 miles and Jose Remirez, long- distance runner, chalked up 22 course miles - after running to Sanibel from Captiva! Duffy Traucht was listed as the youngest participant and Lloyd Kyllo as the oldest. One-hundred percent of the money pledged will go to Cystic Fibrosis. A number of businesses volunteered prizes for the top money winners and the Rotary Club and Sanibel Police Department volunteered man-hours to supervise the four-and-a-half mile course. According to Rotary Vice-President Mark Webb, Bike-A- Thon chairman, participants have two weeks to collect their pledges and turn them in to the Bank of the Islands to qualify for prizes. All participants raising over $25 will receive a Bike-A-Thon T-shirt. Checks may be made

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Pelican Place Shops (Next IP Apothecary Center) 10:02 1/2 to 5:03 1/3. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY (us


VISA Breakfast 7:30-12:00 Lunch 1100-2:30 Dinner 5*>0-°:30 1625PerwlnkloWay 472-1033 Step back through the centuries this Christmas season < join us in Lindbergh Hall at Chadwkk's for our famous . Madrigal Christmas celebration. Authentic to the finest ' detail, you'll enjoy the Pro-Arte Ensemble (directed by George Cripps), glorious Renaissance costumes and instru- ments, and colorful Scottish dancers and fencers. Elizabethan dancers and tumblers will lend grace and excitement to the luscious seven course, sixteenth cenlury feast featuring ihe traditional Boars Head, Peacock, Flaming Plumme Pudding and Wassail, accompanied by assorted red and white.wines. $25 Per Person — Includes Tax and Gratuity JOINE US: December Forthe (Thursday) & Fifthe (Friday) 7:30 PM (Sharp) — 10:30 PM Limited Seating • Reservations necessary 472-5111 • extension 3312 The only runner in the Blke-a-Thnn, Jose riders

luncheon & cocktails. New Orleans on Sanibel The French chef is busily preparing for one of the moat spectacular cajun feasts of the year. "The peppers are finely diced...the shrimp is carved with delicate" precision...the sauce Is sim- m /aland Sport* Out- mering with the hint of fine wine In the air. New Orleans cooking is here. Jams tan 11AM M1PJL feih/foikiidiaon hkfilighKd Tonight is your night to sample one of the Island's truly grea Happy hour dally **9M stacy. Welcome. The Dimes The famous Thistle Lodge Ju« off the Causeway on Jandcaal* Hood j tcdatCasaYbclKe Sanibel Island. 5onlbel 473-3355 J

My friends tell me that "liTIZIAS" CONTINENTAL CUISINE

"is a must" when on Sanibel

And why nor? Look at what they offer

in Italian/French and Seafood Specialties

Lasogno • V«ol Mllonoia •Lobit.rTolls Ravioli • V.d Parmlglona • Alotkon King Crab Monicotti •V.olScdoppln. *RodSnapp«r Cannelloni • R«d Snapper En Poplllot. Spoah.tllniv.iih • Chlck.n Bromt • Shrimp Scompl LUNCH 11:30 AM - £30 PM Whit. Clam Sauce * V.al Allo Ess.x • Scollopi Allo NoopolHon DINNER AT 6 PM-10 PM Italion Sousog* Nkotbolb * Plus Combination Dinners For Two Muihiooms Featuring CREOLE & AMERICAN CUISINE To Give You A Delightful Taste MwrtSauc* Of More Than Just One Dish! AglloSOlio Best selection of hnportod and domestic > Bracliulinl wines and bears SElfCrEO AS ONE OF FLORIDA'S TOP 100 DESrAUKANrS "THIS IS A LOV'IY WAY TO SPEND AN EVENING" 81 FLORIDA reSNDJMAGATINE. AlfO Sorvlng To«r Fovorita CockWb, Wln« and SORRY, NO RESERVATIONS PINE DINING. RELAXED ATMOSPHERE CASUAL DRESS AND THE ARTISTIC PIANO STYLINGS OF JOHN VROMAN STARTING AT 7 PM Reservations 472-5700 472-2177 FEEL FREE TO VISIT "U BELLE GALLERY' j:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS ON THE SECOND» FFLOOR 3313 West Gulf Drive 1473 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Beautiful Sanibel Island - On the Gulf CLOSED -MONDAY _ 24 Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER the gallery through December 31, open house reception takes place on The first sculpture exhibition in the Friday, December 5, from 4 to 9p.m., with Edison Community College Gallery of Fine many of the artists in attendance. Art opens Saturday, December 6, with "An ms "Deep Currents" celebrates not only the Exhibition of Sculpture and Drawings b.v There will be a Cape Coral Arts Studio creative magic of these gifted artists, but Gaston Lachnise." The public is invited to exhibition and reception for "Individual the creative spirit alive in all of us. attend a reception that evening from 7 to JO Stoneware Creations" by Vera Barlow on Original paintings, sculpture, jewelry and p.m. December 5 through 26. Vera's stoneware color photography are featured, Included in the exhibition are 38 bronzes, creations include pelicans and sea gulls The exhibition continues through ranging from a few inches in height to perched on driftwood logs, unique wall December 20, and may be viewed from several feet. The focal point of the show is hangings incorporating weaving with 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Tuesdays through "Standing Woman (Elevation)," loaned by porcelain as well as bowls, plates, and free Sundays. the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasuta. forms decorated with high fire glazes. The exhibition also includes 20 drawings by Wheel-thrown works will be shown along Lachaise. Three art films, lasting a total of about 60 with handbuilt pieces. Each individual The exhibition was organized by the minutes, will be shown in the auditorium of piece sparkles with a personality of its Lachaise Foundation in Boston and loaned Edison Community College on Thursday, On Saturday, December 6, the public is own. by the Landau-Alexander Exhibition December 11, begining at 7:30 p.m. The cordially invited to this area's finest craft Service in Los Angeles. The work and films are free and the public is invited to In keeping with the holiday season, the exhibition and sale of the season. related programs have been assisted by attend. Edison Community College Chorale, a The members of the Southwest Florida grants from the Lachaise Foundation, the choir of some 30 voices will sing Christmas Craft Guild will set up their displays on the "Sculpture Today," a film from the BCC Fine Arts Council of Florida and Mr. and music under the brilliant direction of beautiful grounds of the Lee County Arts film library, investigates some of the Mrs. W. Don Kovacs. Ralph Tilden at the opening reception. The Center at the corner of McGregor foremost works of sculpture today. Two reception will be held on Friday, films are being loaned to the college by the Boulevard and Colonial Parkway in Fort Born in Paris in 1882, Lachaise was December 5, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. with the Myers from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. on December trained at the Beaux-Arts. He came to Museum of Modern Art in New York. ECC Chorale singing at 7 p.m. The Lee These will highlight the works of con- 6. Boston in 1906 following his lady-love who \ County Alliance of the Arts and the Arts Every item in the show has been created was the inspiration for his famous female temporary sculptors Giacometti and Studio co-sponsors jointly the presentation Alexander Caldwell. and produced by a juried member of the nudes. Lachaise is recognized as a pioneer of the Edison Community College Chorale. in modernism and his work is prized by The films will be followed by a tour of the Craft Guild, and represents the finest The exhibition, reception and music are workmanship in pottery, weaving, collectors and sought by museums. Gaston gallery where sculpture and drawings by free and open to the public. The Arts Lachaise died of leukemia in 1935 at the Gaston Lachaise are on exhibition/ jewelry, carving, lapidary, stained glass, Studio, a wing of Parks and Recreation, is silver, wood and other materials. Some are age of 53, just as he was beginning to open to the public Monday through decorative, some are useful, and all are achieve recognition. Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on absolutely unique for Christmas giving. The exhibition will continue through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 4533 December 31 and the gallery will maintain Gerald Nordland, author of the book Prices are reasonable for these fine Coronado Parkway. Phone 542-7714 for handcrafted articles. regular hours during the Christmas "Gaston Lachaise, The Man and His more information. Work," will present a lecture in the Edison Come see what fine craftsmanship is all holidays. The gallery is open Tuesdays - Community College Auditorium on Sun- about! There will be demonstrations of Fridays from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Thur- day, December 7at 7:30 pjn. The program crafts such as weaving, carving, etc, The sdays from 5 to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 2 is free and the public is invited to attend. Lions club will provide refreshments. to 5 p.m. The lecture by Nordland is part of the La Belle Gallery, 1473A Periwinkle Way, There will be plenty of parking. educational enrichment program of the Sanibel Island, proudly presents "Deep Gallery of Fine Art. An exhibition of the Currents," a group show of recent works work of Lachaise is currently on view in by La Belle Gallery's roster artists. An

OPENING DECEMBER 4 ISLAND PIZZA Our dough is made fresh daily ITALIAN SUBS :: PIZZA SPAGHETTI cT'S SALADS BEER* WINE TO GO . SHRIMP HOUSE EAT IN OR TAKE OUT - We don't skimp on our shrimp- 472-158! or 472-1582 all you can eat. Dinners from $3.95 7 Days 11 A.M.-11 P.M. 1630Pariwinkl

"Another find In Sanibel Is The French Corner, ANDTAVERN 2163 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel one of America's best restaurants. A bit of Paris The Big Burritoand THE FINEST FISH HOUSE transplanted.. .I've rarely sampled better French Draft Beer. Full Liquor License. IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA food."~Gentlemen*s Quarterly, 1980. Dinner 5 pm to 10 pm TRY OUR FAMOUS SHORE DINNER i 6 RestaurantFrancais Food in the Tavern 10-2 BEERSAND WINES SERVED The French Corner 472-3161 DAILY 5:00 TO9:30 by the post office on Tarpon Bay Rd. 2415 Periwinkle Way Phone 472-5276 (West end of Periwinkle, turn right) Dinner 6 to 10 Luncheon 11:30 to 2 CLOSED TUES. 472-U93



ALASKAN SNOW CRAB LEGS Open Daily 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. TONIGHT & EVERY NIGHT (Kitchen Closes 7 P.M.)

Delicious Hot Sandwiches .Fish, Chicken and Shrimp Dinners Dairy Queen Ice Cream Treat$ WE SERVE IT FRESH... OR WE DQNT SERVE IT AT ALL! Full Liquor License 1048 Periwinkle Way - 975 Rabbit Rd. 472-3128 OPEN 7 DAYS 5-10 SORRY. RESERVATIONS NOT ACCEPTED 472-1170 For Takeouts. The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1980 25 More than 200 exhibitors will display still hand rolled in a small replica of the December 7 at 3 p.m. Betty Haines, first Florida Symphony and Chorus Association their original works at Ybor Square's Ybor factory. violin; Rosemarie Perrotto, second violin; in recognition of Uie 20th Anniversary of biggest show to date, the Fifth Annual Ybor Square, which features four major Jacalyn Dhoore, viola., and David Gasch, that organization. The public is invited to Christmas Crafts Carnival. Scheduled arts and crafts shows annually, is open cello, comprise the group which is the attend and there is no charge for ad- Saturday and Sunday, December 6 and 7, daily from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., Mondays resident string quartet of the Southwest mission. from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., the show will through Saturdays, and from 12 noon until Florida Symphony Orchestra, with Music feature hand crafted Christmas or- 5 p.m. on Sundays. Admission and parking Director and Conductor Arlo Deibler. The naments, toys, decorations, jewelry, are free. The facility is located at 8th program will include Hadyn's Siring specialty gift items and a variety of crafts. Avenue and 13th Street in Ybor City, near Quartet in B flat Major, Op. 76, No. 4 and Ribbon and cash awards amounting to Tampa. Mendelssohn's String Quartet in E Minor, $600 will be presented as follows: $300 for Op. 44, No. 12. first place cash award; $50 for second For more information, call 334-32S6. place cash awards (four), and $25 for third place cash awards (four). Honorable The Fort Myers Beach Art Association mention ribbon awards will be presented to will hold its annual Arts and Crafts four exhibitors. Festival on Saturday, December 6, from 9 The Southwest Florida Symphony Judith Page, former president of the a.m. until 3 p.m. at their Gallery on Fort Chorus, under the direction of Arlo C.I. Florida Craftsmen, will serve as juror. Myers Beach (one block east of Estero Deibler, will present the first concert of the Currently, she is gallery director and in- Boulevard, behind the Fire Station)., 1980-81 season on Sunday, December 7, at 5 structor in fiber art at Valencia Com- Paintings will be for sale in the Gallery, p.m. at the Cape Coral United Methodist munity College, Orlando, Pla. Arts and crafts, books, art supplies, Church. Selections will include Saint- Ybor Square will be decorated for the jewelry, white elephants and gourmet Saens' "Christmas Oratorio," the holidays with its International Christmas treats will be sold outside, on the grounds. Hallelujah Chorus from "The Messiah," Tree Lane, sponsored by the merchants There will be a raffle of three framed and selected works of Randall Thompson. and located on the first and second floors of original paintings by award winning ar- For further information call the Symphony the Stemmery Arcade. The six-foot trees tists Mimi Romig, Carl Briese and Pat Eng office at 334-3256. Will depict Yule customs from countries LaVigne. Raffle tickets are 50 cents each such as Italy, Japan, Germany, France, or three for $1. The drawing will be held at Mexico and Austria. Christmas music will 3 p.m. and you need not be present to win. add to the holiday mood. . Coffee, doughnuts and lunch will be Ybor Square's Nostalgia Market, Former winners in the Young Artists' available at at the festival. housing antiques and furnishings as well as Concerts will be presented in a recital at 5 the Rough Riders Restaurant, will also be p.m. on January 4,1981, at the First United open for the convenience of visitors. Methodist Church, 4118 Coronado Park- A National historic landmark, Ybor The Southwest Florida Symphony String way, Cape Coral. Square was built in 1886 as the Vicente Quartet will give its premier public per- The concert is being sponsored by the Martinez Ybor Cigar Factory. Cigars are formance at Burdine's on Sunday, Young Artists Committee of Southwest

Superb Gulf Front Dining in The Bahama Room XNMRCII A IM&iite 0 Hotel

featuring Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner served daily Sunday Brunch Friday Seafood Buffet 11:30 A.M.-2;30 P.M. 6:00 - 9:45 P.M. if** An enticing selection of Delightful seafood specialties eggs* meats, cold cuts, including Dolphin, Oysters on the cheeses, fresh fruits Half Shell, Baked Cod, plus meats and salads. and poultry items, salads and .fantastic homemade desserts. Live Entertainment Nightly

in Now appearing The Lost Horizon Lounge 9 P.M. to 1A.M. Rick Walsh Except Sunday

1246 Middle Gulf Drive Sanibei 472-4151 n Tnnfey, December &UM IWISLANDER luncheon & cocktails, Coming at Attractions an I Imtl &pv*U Club World War I poster exhibit Sanibel adult education

"Victory 1914-1918." an exhibition of Three AduH and Community Education •Mil tr luh S7PM World War I posters, will be on view in classes are scheduled to be held at the 1 Gallery E at Edison Community College. I * Bum Sanibel Elementary School, beginning The collection opens with a public J s of i*io Couwwnv on Monday, December 1. The fee for each 12 reception on Saturday, December 6, from 7 So-uo»' 47J 3J5S week course is 96. to 10 p.m. in the Hall of the Humanities December 1 (Monday) at 7 p.m.: Building on the Fort Myers campus. "General Art" taught by Al Schmelz. The posters were presented as a gift to December 3 (Wednesday) at 7 p.m: the college by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson "Beginning German" taught by Alexandra Burgess. As a boy in Madison, Wisconsin, Englebrecht. If it happens on the Burgess and two young friends staged a December 4 (Thursday) at 7 p.m.: friendly competition to see who could find "Spanish, Beginning-Intermediate" in- the greatest number of posters. In the structed by Clara Diaz. years before radio, these posters were used as promotional material. Islands, you'll read it in Chanukka celebration

Aquarian activities The Temple Beth El Cultural Events Committee proudly presents an evening the Islander The Aquarian Center for Research & with Gadi Elon on Saturday, December 6, Enlightenment, 2749 Central Avenue, Ft. at 8:30 p.m., honoring the Festival of Myers, 332-2133, announces their activity Chanukka. schedule beginning December 4, 1980: . Israeli wines, cheese and crackers, anda Thursday, December 4: Healing study, fun-filled evening with Gadi Elon, all for 10 a.m.; Group healing, 11 a.m.; Con- $12 per person. Pack your own picnic sciousness growth group, 7:30 p.m. All basket of dairy foods only, and encourage welcome. all your friends to come and enjoy. Sunday, December 7: Meditation, 7 Gadi Elon is a dynamic singer and one of .m.; "The Christmas Star," 7:30 p.m. the most captivating young figures in the Music and narration is by Carolyn Barber world of entertainment. He began his McMaster. Ms. McMaster studied music career in the Israeli Navy where the en- with Georgine Seward Keller of New York tertainment troup soon claimed him. City and Professor Ward Abusamra at the Joining the celebrated Haifa Theater, his University of Rhode Island. She wrote the subtle and vigorous acting propelled him music and words for this Christmas in- into key roles in the class productions of spiration. Bring family and friends. Free Shakespeare and Chekhov, to the roles of will donation. Igor in the comedy "Cactus Flower," to

FLORIDA'S LEADING PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER All the news Serving All Of Southeastern United States A complete line of Quality Assured Building Systems • Commercial • Warehouse Applications A^ from Sanibel... •Manufacturing " "---1- --' • Hanger Systems to Captiva. • Recreation

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Islander your Setter Metal Building Builder STEEL BUILDINGS, INC' 2942 Palm Avenue Foft Myers, Florida 33901 813/334-1051

THE SHRIMP LESSON Contrary to popular belief, shrimp do not grow into small, medium and large sizes. After they are caught they are graded by weight. The largest shrimp available are called U-10's (under 10). That means that 10 shrimp equal 1 Ib. The grading continues up- wards in sice incrementsof S; 1015s (about 12 shrimp will equal t Ib.), 1620s, 21 25 and up to 120-130s (those are tiny shrimp). The more shrimp per pound, the less they cost, that is because you are buying more shell and tail which is not usually eaten. At THE TIMBERS, we buy only 10-15 size shrimp from Ft. Myers Beach, to use in our entrees. This means you get more shrimp in our baked stuffed shrimp and shrimp scamp). They cost us a little more, but they taste a whole lot better.

FRESH FISH-CHOICE STEAKS-COCKTAILS Breyers&Haagen Dazs 24 Delicious Flavors

FULL LIQUOR LICENSE , Open 7 D*y£ lt30 - 9:30 975 RABBIT RD. 472-3128 OPEN 7 DAYS 5-10 ApotKecary Center SORRY. RESERVATIONS NOT ACCEPTED 2460 Palm Ridge Rd. ThelSLANDER Tae^v, December 2,1980 „ 27

the lead in the Moshe Shamir's "He The Salvation Army requests that those Estate Post-License Course for Re- extravaganza, adapted for the stage by Walked Througn the Fields" and to many individuals who "adopt a family" or Certification. This 14-hour course will be Charles Jones of the Omaha Community other challenging roles. otherwise give aid directly, notify The held December 2,4 and 6 at a cost of $12. To Playhouse, will be presented at Fort Myers It is this background as an actor, which Salvation Army at 334-3745 in order to register, call 481-4434 at Edison Com- Exhibition Hall. "We're very excited about imparts such power and stirring dramatic avoid duplication of gifts, enabling others munity College. bringing "A Christmas Carol" to Fort quality to his singing. He has woven his to benefit from the Christmas Cheer Myers. I think it should prove to be a many experiences into the rich fabric of program. highlight for many families during the his concert appearances all over the world. A traditional holiday Christmas season," says Sue Godfrey of They have enabled him to impart such the Fort Myers Exhibition Hall.. power and - authenticity to his in- ECC offers adult classes South Seas Plantation and Chadwick's Complete with a full company of 35, the terpretations as to shatter barriers and lift show features set designs and special stage his audiences to the heights of iden- The Division of Continuing Education at Restaurant will present the Fourth Annual Edison Community College will offer three "Ye OWe Madrigal Fearte," on December effects created by noted designer James tification with today's surging moods and Othuse. The set and special effects were stirring times. classes beginning in December. These 4 and 5 (Thursday and Friday). Featuring classes are non-credit and are offered at a the Pro-Arte Ensemble directed by George designed with meticulous detail to recreate minimal cost for all area residents. Cripps, this evening of pre-holiday the world of Dickens' England of the 1800's. A seminar titled "How to Communicate" festivities will include an elaborate seven Among the special effects included in the Christmas Cheer Service will be held in the ECC auditorium on course meal including assorted red and show will be a 16-foot human puppet as the December 4 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. This white wines. Authentic to'the finest detail, ghost of Christmas Future and a bed which The Salvation Army wiJl be taking ap- v.orUsiiop it. a pan of programs preEeniSi5 the Pro-Arte Ensemble's glorious has fryen rigged lo mysferitsiisSy move plications for its Christinas Cheer Service primarily for people involved in the ser- Renaissance costumes and instruments, in about Scrooge's bedroom. from November 12 until December 10, at vice industries in Southwest Florida. C. addition to colorful Scottish dancers, Tickets for "A Christmas Carol" are its special Christmas Headquarters, IMS Michael Turner will present the course fencers and tumblers, will perform to the available by phoning 334-4SS8. Sutlon Street, Port Myers, Monday which will stress assertive com- enjoyment of each guest attending. through Friday, from 9 a jn. to 12 noon and munication. Turner received his Master's from 1 pjn. to 5 p.m. Volunteers will assist degree in Counseling Psychology from Among the features of the Sixteenth Nature Center sale applicants for the Christmas Cheer gifts of Georgia State University. The course fee is Century feaste will be the traditional Boars food baskets and toys in preparing the $8 and participation is limited to 36 Head, Peacock, Flaming Plumme Pudding Come to a Saturday sale at the Nature applications. reservations. For further information call and Wassail. The combination of fine Center, Ortiz at Colonial, on December 13, 481-2121, extension 235 or 236. entertainment and food, along with festive from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Based upon last year's figures. The Christmas decorations and carols, have Army expects the number of applicants to Plants, clothes, toys, books, furniture A three week class called "A Financial made this event a popular one each year and much more will be available. exceed 1,800. PUnning Primer" will be conducted with area residents. The Nature Center is collecting items for Gift contributions to this program are through the Human Resource and Seating is limited, and reservations are this sale from now until December 13. greatly needed and may be delivered to Development Activities at ECC. Michael requested. Total price per person is $29, Anyone who would like todonate , can drop The Salvation Army headquarters at 2400 D. Billy, account executive with Dean which includes tax and gratuity. Group their things off at the Nature Center or call Edison Avenue, while donations may be Witter Reynolds, Inc., will conduct the tables seating eight persons are available. 332-2206 and a volunteer will pick it up. mailed to P.O. Box 1949, Fort Myers, course December 4 through December 16. Reservations can be made by calling the Donations are tax deductible and wilt be Florida 33902. The Army says, "We will The class will meet Tuesdays from 7 p.m. strive to see that no family or child shall go information center, 472-5111, extension acknowledged with a letter upon request; to 10 p.m. and the cost is $10. Topics for 3312. without Christmas." discussion will include individualized The Army suggests that applicants financial planning, fundamental vs. submit their requests as quickly as technical analysis, recognizing long-term A holiday tradition possible so as to avoid delays in application investment opportunities, tax advantage processing. Those applying after investments, the stock market and how to The national road company of the new December 10 will be required to submit a minimize taxes through financial plan- musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A note from clergyman, employer or ning. Call 481-8428 for further information. Christmas Carol" will be in Fort Myers on caseworker as to need. Thursday, December 11. This live musical 1 Also offered in December is the Real

House gstau since

CHATEAUX-SUR-MER Gulf front lot, 100 ft. on beoch J$250,000


lot. with water hookup, 1/2 acre „ $55,000

CARDINAL RIDGE one of 1.2 acres, with water hookup_ .. $32,500

GIHLF PINES, greenway lot V inina SANIBEL BAYOUS, lagoon lot. $23,000-30.000

Large lot near beach easement $20,000

REGISTERE-DJJEAL ESTATE BROKER 5:80 - 9:30 SUM: - Sv ASSOCIATES: Edmond G. Kanrad, Eva Pearl Cook Dona E.BrontUy. Edmund O. "Ed" Ust 472-114.1

XSL m Tuesday, December 2,198* The ISLANDER view Men's Association the winning team Lee County Women's League at plus six was Ray Martorelli, Dave Wooster, Frank Rosen, and Jim Esson. Finishing in second at puts five were Mac Division B Standings Division A Standings Golf McClintock, Walter Schmidt, Bob Dormer, The winning team at the Beachview and Ray Ware. The high individual award Dunes 24 4 FM Racquet Blue Women's Golf Association outing last week went to Frank Rosen with a score of plus FM Racquet 17 7 CasaVbel was comprised of Betty Puff, Forestine seven. YMCAl 16 8 Rangoon Dean, Thelma Hilton, and Herta Howland The team of Hertz Pryzant, Mark Rubin, Cape Coral 13 11 FM Racquet Red Players on the second place team were Eben Joy, and Elmer Daiiey was on top of Cypress Lake 15 9 YMCA Ethel Ketchan, Erna Mikulic, Barbara the Beachview Men playing out in the cold Estero 12 12 Lehigh Acres Fates, and Patsy Essen. on Saturday. The winning team finished Rangoon 18 10 Cape Coral Coming closest to the pin on the fourth with a plus three. Landings 6 14 Landings bole was Thelma Hilton. Following two strokes back were two Bonita Beach 7 17 teams at phis one. Both the team of Al YMCA2 6 18 Bavaria, Ray Howland, Hugh Crider, and Lehigh Acres 4 Winning the best ball foursome tour- John Porster and the team of Bud Ristow, nament played by the Dunes Women's Golf Carl Wagner, George Fletcher, and Ed Division B Results Association was the team of Betty Puff, Curtis finished second. The high individual Phil Morseman, Dot Seabrooke, and Pearl play atplus four was Jim Esson. Polk-Hodgkinson&4,6-1 Vasko. The new member of Beacnview's Hoie- Iteland-Ridall 7-5,4-6,6-4 in-One Club is Bob Netfa. He made his Andrews-Waterhouse 6-2,6-2 perfect shot at the 173 yard seventh hole, Pavelka-Vernon 3-6,6-1,4-6 At Tuesday's tournament of the Beach- teeing off with a three iron.

We got our money's worth —and then some.

This is great! we're playing tennis and golf, taking it easy on the beach, doin' a little sailing, dancing at night and we're not spending a bundle.

Brad and I have our own place here on the beach at South Seas Plantation :for two weeks every year. Plantation Beach Club sells interval' owner- ship and we were able to buy lust what we could use arid afford. We've fixed the cost of ourvacatkms and didn't let ourselves get'tied down. PLAN AHEAD t!y«i»ul to build You see, there's this exchange program that lets us trade our vacation SiMUrtMr l time at South Seas Plantation and go to other resorts around the world. Now la the tlnu to So, not only can we travel, but we're not tied down to taking our vacation tne same time every year. i THINK DEADLINES JANUARY 31,1981 Our friends Rob and JoAnn are also owners here, and is the recommended deadline we've planned to spend one week here next spring and then' for submitting all go to Acapulco together. We really look forward to the building applications under the new vacations we can now afford to take. Rate of Growth Ordinance. Sanibel Homes has the expertise to handle We figure we'll get our money's worth in a couple of years these procedures for you. — and then no matter what inflation does — we'll still be Forfurther information taking first class vacations every year. call (813) 472-2881 Modal home open 9 lo 5 Monday • Saturday I to 5 Sunday PLRJNIWFiejSI BEftCfl CLUB visit our furnlsned model at Soufti Seas Ptanration, Our brochure has all the facts - get yours today by on Captive Island — fust drop by the information Cen- phoning (813) 472-4435, or writing Plantation Beach ter next to Chadwick's Restaurant for your special Club, P.O. 80X217, Captiva I si ana Florida 33924. Office and Model -1028 Sand Castle Road .:aSS"V, See our model villa, furnished by Robb& Stocky, "".""'' Open9AMto8PMEveryoay « sanibel. Flwida 33957 ,. .. The ISLANDER

Things to The Island do & see LIGHTHOUSE Located at the Eastern tip of Sanibel, the historic Lighthouse is very close to the Sanibel fishing pier, which offers not only excellent fishing but a Almanac lovely beach and an unexcelled view of San Carlos Bay. J.N. "DING" DARLING ISLAND CINEMA Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 NATIONAL WILDLIFE Located at the rear of Batit Exhibiting original REFUGE, Sanlbel-Captlva store In the Island Shot photographs and craftwork. Road, (472-110) Center at the interseetlt-. .. The Refuge conducts wildlife Periwinkle Way and Tarpon Bay Artisan Shop, Nutmeg village, drive tours on Tuesdays and Road. Phone: 472.1701 or 472- 2607 West Gulf Drive, (472-2176) Thursdays at 9 a.m. Meeting 2192. Open Monday through place is at the entrance to the Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. wildlife drive. Featuring Florida artists and ART GALLERIES ;clu! OBSERVATION TOWERS: The Bailey Tract of the J.N. The Photographer's Gallery, "Ding" Darling Sanctuary, 1554 Periwinkle Way, C472-5777) located a quarter mile down Open Tuesday through The Art Oailary, at the Tarpon Bay Road after a left Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Treehouse Gift Shop on S.W. turn off Periwinkle. Exhibiting fine.photographs to Captlva Drive across from The Landlubber Restaurant, the public. South Seas Plantation (472-1850) 1619PerlwinkleWay. Open Monday through Sunday School House Gallery, Tarpon from in a.m. to 5p.m. Featuring SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CON- Bay Road, (472-1191) t of local artists Mlml SERVATION FOUNDATION Open Monday through Romlg,. Joan Burr, George (SCCF), Sanlbel-Captiva Road, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Weymouth, Helen Sparkes, (472-2329) Featuring art exhibits. Closed Sheila Tardowsky, Linda Dedicated to the preservation Sunday. Rademaker, William A. Hale, of vegetation and wildlife on the Maybelle Stamper, Rachel Islands. The Foundation offers Tke Wheel Gallery, 1524 Motsan, Lots Grossman, Tom many exhibits plus nature tows. Periwinkle Way, (472-4330) Waterman, Kay Cooper. Also Admission for non-members Is Open Tuesday through featuring stoneware by Emmie $1 for adults and 50 cents for Saturday from 10 a.m. to S o m children. During November, the . Featuring clayworks by » tours will begin at the Center at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday Periwinkle Way _., through Friday. After Open Tuesday through Sunday November 22, the Center will be from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. open on Saturday. Visitors may ArtFac Gallery, 1428 Periwinkle Closed Monday. Featuring also take self-guided tours from Way, (472-3307) original fine art by national and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open Monday through South Florida artists. Bait Bailey's General Store, Island Shopping Center, Periwinkle Way (472.1516) The Bait Box, 1037 Periwinkle Way, (472-1418) Also tackle rentals. The Reel Eel, Sanibel Center Building, Periwinkle & Casa Ybel Road, (472-2674) Charter Capt. R. Stewart South. Also snorkellng equip- ment and beachwear. Fresh seafood available. Beer am!:

SHOPPING you drive or cycle along. shop and gallery. Sanibel Is a veritable shop- Photographic supplies, bait and At -the intersection of per's paradise. Tasteful tackle, deli foods, fresh seafood Periwinkle Way and Tarpon Bay boutiques and casual Island and baked goods, knick-knacks Road, you may choose Instead to shops join forces to present and what-nots can all be found turn right and follow the signs to visitors with everything • and along the drive to the in- the Tarpon Bay Marina, where anything • a vacation shopper tersection of Periwinkle Way you will find a cluster of quaint could hope for. and Tarpon Bay Road. Along the shops overlooping the back At the Lighthouse (Eastern) way, shopping centers such as toy...Some antiques, shells and end of the Island, Punta Ybel Plaza and The Sea Horse Shops Periwinkle Place and Tahltian clever clothes can be found here, are right across the street from Gardens offer a variety of island as well as a great seafood each other, providing a variety delights. sandwich and soft drinks. of products that can cure your Palm Ridge Road, the The spectacular ride to sweet tooth or tickle your shell Periwinkle Way turn-off to Captive, with Its lush foliage and finder's fancy. Need a good Captive, offers several new enchanting view of the Gulf, Is haircut or coiffure? You can get shopping centers featuring well worth a days outing. It in either of these shopping everything from imports to gift Talented artists display their centers Mostbusinessesopenat shops for the discriminating works in one roadside shop, o a. i and close at 5:30 p.m. shopper, plants and shells, a while others feature some nifty This h aids true for many island sandwich shop, Ice cream gifts for Grandma to take home storest , although during the parlour, plna parlour, boutique to little hands as a pleasant winter season, some are open shop and the Island Apothecary hodge-podge of remembrances evenings. pharmacy. from these barrier Islands. Tall Australian pines shade At the Tarpon Bay-Periwinkle Whether for shopping, or Periwinkle Way as the shopper Way intersection, the Island merely browsing. Island shops travels west along -this main Shopping Center features the offer a surprising variety - from thoroughfare. This stretch of Island's only supermarket, dry one-of-a-kind collectibles for the road Is truly a shopper's cleaners and movie house. discerning shopper to postcards paradise! it's all here...the fast A left on Tarpon Bay Road for the simple souvenir hunter and not-so-fast eating spots, takes the visitor past Sanibel's and of course, for all, shells, casual and elegant boutiques, original school house, which now shell jewelry, shell lamps, just hand-wrought jewelry, craft holds original Island water- plain shells....the most beautiful designs, shell shops and balms colors and woodcuts. Then on to shells In the world from the most for health produce fanatics. West Gulf Drive and westward beautiful shelling beaches In the Shopping Watch to your right and left as to an Interesting little artisan's world. Marinas

f the Nature guides 14--1B' fishing skiffs. Fresh Isler The tours start at the Island a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days. - Cinema In the Island Shopping MarK "Bird" Westall (4».pie> Captains Ted Cole, Bill Twin Palms Marina, Sanibel Center and last approximately 3 Offering a choice of canoe sartrell - fishing, shelling and Captiva. Road, Captiva (472- hours. There is a charge of Slu trips on the Sanibel River, ilghtseelng guides. Call 5800) Open 7 days. per person, with a minimum of 3 through the Wildlife Refuge, or Captains Butch Cottrill and people. For further information, to Buck Key. Trips last ap- Arrei Doane, fishing, shelling reservations and exact starting proximately 2Vj to 3 hours and and sightseeing guides. Bait- " es, call the Macintosh Book the charge is $15 per person. tackle-sear. Tackle for rent. -eat the above number. There are discounts available, House, Division of South- Boat rentals: 15'15 h.p. skiffs however, so Inquire about them wind, Inc. Boat Rentals at and 15'-35h.p. skiffs. George Campbell (472-21W) when you call the above number Sanibel Marina (472-2531) Open Offering two tours - one by for Information and reser- as aa, Sae land and one by sea. The land vations. Power: 1S1V (5511 p) Captlva Road, Captiva (47 tour takes guests through USCG equipped, blmini top- 5161) Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., wildlife habitats. It leaves on Capt. R. Bartholomew <472- s.Saili Sunfish, 17-.21' day sailer Tuesdays and Thursdays and 077) Sloops with engines to a 34' Dock Master Larry Gill; takes approximately 4 hours. Offering aquatic nature tours charter slo Captains Mike Fuery, Duke The charge is S» per person, with through the waterways of Comlossy; Sells, jerry Way, Larry Gann, a minimum of 3 people. The Sanibel, Captiva, upper Captiva fishing, shelling and sightseeing aquatic tour starts Friday, and Cayo Costa with lunch at Blind Pais Marina, Sanlbel- guides. Bait-tackle-gear. Tackle December 26 and takes par- Cabbage Key. Participants may Captlva Road (472-1334) Open for rent. Boat rentals: 15'-25 h.p. ticipants to Cabbage Key for also go for nature walks on 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, open skiffs. breakfast and for walks through barrier islands, if they choose. Sundays 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cayo Costa or other embryonic You have your choice aboard Bait-tackle-gear. Tackle for South Seas Plantation Marina, barrier islands. Call for either a 34 ft. Cruiser or a 24 ft. rent. Captiva (472-5111) Open to the reservations and further details Open Fisherman (with high Boat rentals: 16--4 h.p. fishing public; Hours: Ba.m. to6p.m.,7 at the above number. freeboard). Call tor reser- skiffs. days. vationsand further details at the Harbor Master Don Starr ; above number. Tarpon Bay Marina, at the north Captains Doug Fischer, Baughn end of Tarpon Bay Road (472. Halloway, Chic Kennedy, ... _ _ .... aend George Lewis Weymouth 1473- 1323) Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 fishing, shelling and sightseeing Cayo Costa, with lunch at guides. Charter sailboat with Cabbage Key. Departure time is Wildlife artist and guide...Is Capt. Kandy White and Capt. Captain Don Prohaska 9:30 a.m., return at 3:30 p.m. now conducting bird walks to Dave, fishing, shelling and available. Call for appointment. Call the above number for ornithological hot spots on sightseeing guides. Marked Boat rentals: Power: Boston j and further in- Sanibel. Call 472-4600 for cane* trail. ftalMackle-gear. Whalers.Sailboat rentals plus formation. reservations. Tackle for rant. Beat rental*! off short tailing school. Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER

Community Association of Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of SERVICE STATIONS Island Garage Commerce 1609 Periwinkle Way, 473-4318 Dinner meetings held af 6:30 Board of directors meets the Island Exxon Open Monday throu p.m. the first Tuesday of each second Monday of each month at Saturday 8a.rn.tos p.m. 34.hc month from October thru June 8 p.m. at the Chamber of 2435 Periwinkle Way, 472-2012 Clubs & Organizations at the Association's Hall on Commerce building Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday periwinkle Way. For in- Causeway Road. through Saturday. Service formation ca 11 the off ice Monday garage open B a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 South Seas Plantation thru Friday at 472-2155 from 10 Captiva Civic Association days. At the entrance of South Se Sanibel Swim Team * a.m. to 12 noon. Board of. governor? meeting SanOel Plantation on the left side of t . Thursdays t:W . For further Inferno on the first am! iJ.irri "i^sca f Station road ;=-M w'cr- the Seeun p.m. and every Friday at 7:30 Dick Noon at 472-2313. Committee of ^.gnberhoodt each month at 10 a.m. af 1015 Periwinkle, 472-1878 Guard iidi ion, Captiva, 4 p.m. at the Sanibel Community Association, Inc., (CONA) Captiva Community Center. Open 7 a.m. to5 p.m. Monday Slll,Ext.3384 Association Building on Meetings held on the second hrough Friday. Saturday 9a.m. Open 7 days from 8:30 a.m. Periwinkle Way. If someone Sanibel-Captlvi Gymnasile a. and fourth Thursday of each to 4 p.m. needs a partner call 472-182* and Ballet month, 10 a.m., at 1027 Kings Coconut Co-op noo>n'tol2l3oTmf0r '""* ** we'll try to make arrangements. Pall sessions includes: Sep. Crown Drive. For further In- Meets every fourth Tuesday L.. Sanibel Standard tember, October, November & formation, call 472-131*. 7:30 p.m. at the Conservation 1015 Periwinkle, 472-2125 Bridge for Fun December. Registration is held Center on Sanibel Captiva Road. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Bridge players will have an at the first class. Classes begin Committee of th* Islands through Friday. Closed TAXI opportunity for competition on Monday, September IS, and «id on the third Tuesday of each month at the For more, information call: American Business Women's Wertn month at Legion Hall located on Sanibel. Linda Horak, 472-2583. Association Service with a smile Captiva Road. 471-9979. Meets the second Thursday of Alcoholics Anonymous every month at 6:30 p.m. at the - and bring Closed, discussion meeting on Beachvlew Country Club. uestlons and South Wast Anglers Club Tuesdays at S p.m. Open Eizabeth Hunt (Membership Meets the second Tuesday of meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Chairman, 472-1537), Bev each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Meetings are held at St. Michael Deynier (Hospitality Chairman, Moose Hall on Parkmeadow and All Angels Episcopal 472-1971). Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Drive (off U.S. 41 In Fort Church located on Periwinkle Meetings are held the third Myers). Admission is free and League of Women Voters Monday of every month at the visitors are welcome. Call.472- Meets the third Monday of Sanibel Community Center at 8 2685 for i nform ation. each month at The West Wind Meeets Fridays^ 8 p.m. at St. Inn at 9:30 a.m. Call Louise Sanlbel-Captiva Chess Club Michael and All Angels Johnson at 472-5576 for more Sanibel-Captiva Art League Meets every Sunday at St. Episcopal Church located on Holding outdoor painting: Michael and All Angels periwinkle Way. For in- workshops on Thursday mor- Fu^opal Church, Sanibel, at 2 formation call 472-4427, 472-3488 Kiwanls nings from ? 3.m. to 12 p.m. Call .. :. Ail thosa interested, please Meets every Wef«ssday, r -K 4T?4594f6i:; a.m.- at Scots <.-s ^stauraw ••awer Squadron of Sanibel c^d located on Pe'Ws'-ye Way. Barrier Island Group tor the captiva Arts

Dining on Sanibel Dining on Captiva Jacklln's Island Hout* The Landrubber 0, 1*19 Entertainment In the lounge The Mucky Duck a, Andy Rossi Restaurant +, Ramada Inn, on Periwinkle Way (472.3733) Tuesday through Sunday, 8:30 Lane (turn left off Sanibel KEY: AE • Amarkan expew IheGulfatTulipa (472-3375) Breakfast and lunch served p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Monday sacs Captiva Rd) (472-3434) DC- Diner's Cluh Serving breakfast dally from 7 from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Nights: Football and Marching Mexican cuisine, sandwiches Directly on the Gulf with i MC-MMrCUg a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Lunch 12toi Thursdays. Dinner served from Society, free hot dogs. Casual and ice cream. Open Tuesday screened-In porch for outdooi p.m., salad bar, hot roast beef, 5:30 to 9 p.m. Omlettes, pan- dress. MCAE, VISA. through Sunday from 11 a.m. to dining. Lunch served 12 p.m. h hamburgers. Dinner 5 p.m. to cakes, sandwiches, ham- 5 p.m. Casual dress. MC, VISA. 2:30 p.m. Monday thru Satur 9:30 p.m., offering a complete burgers, fishburgers, shrimp day. Hamburgers, fish & chips selection of salads to enjoy with Sundial +, 1256 Middle Gulf your entree: tossed salad. dishes, ribs and steaks. Casual The Bubble Room 0, Sanibel- homemade clam chowder Chef's salad. Salad du Jour, dress, MC' VISA. While there, Drive (472-4151) Captiva Road (472-5558) sandwiches galore and Che together with a variety of hot climb the Landlubber Tower for Superb Gulf front dining at the A little Island hideaway of salad. Dinner served from < Cafe Orleans 0, In The French and cold specialties. Hot one of the best views of the Bahama Room. Serving break- from the beaten p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday thn Quarter, 1473 Periwinkle Way popovers plus a full selection of fast 8 to 10:30 a.m., lunch 11:30 Saturday. Featuring Englist (472-5700) coffees and desserts. Enter- a.m. to 2:30 p.m., dinner 5:30 to meat pies, shrimp in beei Featuring fresh shrimp and tainment in the lounge Tuesday 9:30 P.m. Seafood buffet on batter. Bar open daily. Casua bouillabaisse. Open 6 p.m. to thru Sunday from 9 p.m. to 1 Rabbit Road & Sanibel -Captive Fridays from 4 to 9:45 p.m. dress. No credit cards are ac 9:30 p.m. Live piano music Sunday breakfast buffet 7 Road (472-3128) Sunday brunch from 11:30 to cepted. starting at 7 p.m. Closed Featuring fresh caught fish 2:30 p.m. Open 7 days. Enter- Monday. Casual dress. MC, daily. Grouper, swordflsh, tainment at the Lost Horizon Timmy's Nook 0, Sanibel VISA. shark, sole, trout, mackerel and Lounge from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. scrod In season. Also prime ribs MC,VISA,AE. Chadwick's +, at South Seas Directly on Pine island Sound, Coconut Grove +, Island Quarterdeck of Sanibel and choice steaks. Extensive Plantation, Sanibel.Captiva this restaurant operates its own Shopping Center (Intersection of Restaurant 0, 1625 Periwinkle wine list. Open 7 days from S to Putting Pelican at the Beach- Road (472-314D in the Gulf, sup. periwinkle Way fc Tarpon Bay Way (472-1033) 10 p.m. Dress casual. MC,. AE, view Golf Club +, 1100 Par View Award winning dining and Road) (472-1306) Seafood and steak our Drive (472-4394) Seafood, steaks, salad bar. specialty! Fresh and different Specialties are Bogie burgers, of Florida's top 100 restaurants Serving "Gourmet Greek" dishes at the Fisherman's Scotty's Pub +, 1223 Periwinkle sandwiches, "chip shots" by Florida Trend Magazine. basket, fried clams, home made cuisine Friday & Saturday. Table. Lunch and dinner Way (472-1771) (baked potato fried), salads Serving breakfast 7:30 to 10 daily specials and home made Regular menu and children's specials, every day - steamed Featuring "Groaning Board" served in glass potting bowls, a.m., Monday thru Saturday. pies. Docking available. Very menu also available. Happy shrimp, all you can eat on lunch daily from 11:30a.m. to 3 and Islander drinks. Open? days Lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. casual dress. Open n a.m. to 2 hour daily In the Ioungefrom4to Tuesday and Monday nights. Monday thru Saturday. Dinner a.m. Lunch 11 a.m. to S p.m. Breakfast served 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sandwich makings, plus til 4 p.m. Breakfast served from 6 p.m. Hot and cold hors hot and cold buffet. Dinner 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Hot and cold served from 6 to 10 p.m. daily, Dinner 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. No d'oeuvres. Open 6 days from 11 p.m.; lunch served 11 a.m. to lunches ser ipagne Sunday credit cards are accepted. 2:30 p.m., and dinner served served from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. lunches served til 3 p.m., a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Sundays. Fresh fish, fresh Western beef, cocktails til VISA, MC, . _ . . a.m. t- * - - Casual dress. VISA,MC. from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Closed AE. South Seas seafood t Wednesday. Open Sundays from "Super Chef Specials" nightly. Friday from 6 to 10 p.m; south Tween Waters Inn +, Sanibel. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 9:» Seas Polynesian buffet on Captiva Road (472-5161) Duncan's Restaurant ft Ice p.m. Casual dress. MC, VISA, Open 7 days. Serving break- Cream Parlour, Periwinkle Tuesday from 6 to 30 p.m. fast and lunch 8a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Place Shopping center. Entertainment nightly except Dinner served 6 p.m. to 9:30 Periwinkle Way (472-2525) Monday from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Featuring fresh local fish, Serving hamburgers, fish The "Letmas" +, 3313 West a.m. veal francalse and fresh cut Sandwiches, daily luncheon Gulf Drive (472-2177) meats. Rolls and pastries baked specials, large variety of flavors Gourmet Northern Italian- _ _rselal 0, Captiva on the premises. Seafood buffet En ice cream. Open 11 a.m. for French-elegant seafood cuisine. Village Square, Sanlbel-Captlva Fridays nights. Prime rib at lunch, dinner and snacks 5 p.m. Veal, poultry, stuffed steak, Road (472.3035) their best Saturday nights to 9 p.m. Closed Sundays. Casual pasta and cheese dishes. All Open 7 days from 8 a.m. to 4 Traditional Captiva brunch dress. MC, VISA. dinners Include Neapolitan p.m. Breakfast served. served Sundays from 10a.m. to I antlpasto. Also cooked-to-order Featuring gourmet sandwiches p.m. Happy hour Monday thru Dunes Clubhouse, 949 Sand- combination dinners for two. and salads prepared to order. Saturday from 4:30 to 6 p m castle Rd (472-3355) Open 6 days from 5:30 to 9:30 Wine, beer and cheese. Casual Football Saturday, Sunday & p.m. Closed Sundays. Casual dress. No credit cards Monday night. Collared shirts An island sports club and slacks required. MC, VISA. dress. MC VISA. cepteo delights. Open 7 days from 9 a m til 10 p.m. Lunch served Lighthouse Restaurant 0, 342 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Happy Periwinkle Way (472-9976) Take-out only hour 5-7 p.m Casual dress. MC, Serving breakfast 7 a.m. to 2 VISA. p.m., waffles, pancakes, French B-Hive, Periwinkle Way (472- Health ft Happiness, Inc., Next toast. Lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1277) to Baileys General store, Island Lighthouse specials, sand- Shopping Center, Periwinkle F a. B Oyster House 0, 2163 wiches, salads, deli & tuna Crab, shrimp and lobster Periwinkle Way (472-5276) melts, chowder, soups. A combo subs, sandwiches, Way (472.3330) Serving dinner only, from 5 variety of egg dishes and "Kays quiche, homemade coleslaw and Open Monday thru Saturday p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 7 days. Fresh Delight" with a "Sanibel potato salad. Open Monday thru from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. raw oysters and five oyster Sauce." Casual dress. No credit Eat in or take-out Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Featuring tacos, hot dogs, chili dogs, soft drinks, frozen yogart entrees are the specialty of this cards. Burger Empori The Old* Post Office Deli, Open Sunday from 9 a.m. to- 2 seafood house which also comer of Tarpon Bay Road and p.m. C ma y features shore dinners and fresh Periwinkle Way ( ferert topp?ngs. ""'* " ""' The Nutmeg House, 2761 West Steaks, chicken, fish, knls periwinkle Way (472-6622) Bailey's General Store, Island fish. Casual dress. MC, VISA. Gulf Drive (472-1141) and pretiels, burgers, chill, hot A variety of delectable Shopping Center, Periwinkle The French Corner 0, next to dogs, frozen Ice cream. Cold Huxter's Dell, Periwinkle Way the Post Office on Tarpon Bay Fresh Veal and seafood sandwiches made with Way (472-1516) beer. Open 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. homemade rye, pumpernickel' Fried chicken, hot cobblers, Sandwiches, Bar-BQ Road Sunday thru Thursday. Friday, or white and served with chips Salisbury steak, salads, dally sparerlbs, roast beef, assorted Specializing in French from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.n.. Saturday and Sunday, 10:30 to s & pickets. French pizza, salads specials. Open Monday thru salads and sandwich makings, cuisine. Serving luncheon 11:30 Champagne brunch every and deserts. Beverages also Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. fried chicken and homemande a.m. to 2 p.m. (Closed Sunday from 13 to 2 p.m. include Perrier, apple luice, Sundays open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Key Lime pie. Open 7 a.m. to n Tuesdays). Serving dinner • • dress expected. Appropriate dr< Buttonwood Bar-B-Q, Sanibel- beer and wine. Takeout p.m. 7 days. MCVISA.AE. Captiva Road (next to the "Beach Boxes" available. Reservations recommended, Santlva Mini-Mart) (472-1910) Monday thru Saturday from 11 the entrance to South Seas island lee Cream, Apothecary 472-1493. Casual dress, MC, Th* only barbequ* on Sanibel. a.m. to 8p.m. Closed Sundays. Plantation, Captiva Island, next Center on Palm Ridge Road VISA. The Thistle Lotffle at the CM* to Chadwick's (472.5111) (472-4033) Ybel Bex* ft Racquet Club +, Featuring delicious ribs, You'll find cold meats, Harbor Hows* 0,1344 Periwinkle 3255GUH Drive (472-3145) homemade soups and desserts. Dairy Qm way (472-1.... cheeses and luscious salads for a Way (472-1242) Enjoy Gulf front dining In this Carry-out available. Open for spur of the moment buffet or Fresh broil**seafood, sanibel authentic reproduction of a late lunch and dinner from 11 a.m. to Open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days. picnic. A wtde selection of wine, SI Ben, periwinkle Way (472- specials Csauteed shrimp or Victorian Sanibel mansion on Sandwiches and soft lee cream. champagne, Itquours and scallops) and scrumptous land' th* beach. Creole, Ca|un, New Char-broiled burgers. cordials are all available. French gourmet cuisine •> 'sea' specials, fresh lobster Orleans specialties. Luncheon Joey's, 1030 Periwinkle Way prepared to order. Most entrees Dally. Lauded In the New York served from 12 to3 p.m. Dinner* {472-5500) The Sab Shop, Across from the include salad. Open 9:30 a.m, to Times, Chicago Tribune, to 10 p.m. on Sunday, a New Serving breakfast, lunch and 7:30 p.m., 7 days. National Observer, Atlanta Orleans style breakfast Is fire station on Palm Ridge Rd. dinner. Open 10:30».m.to7 p.m. Featuring Italian subs, (473-5374) Tarpon Bay Marina, Located at Journal, and others. Dinner served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 7 days. Hamburgers, hot dogs. salads, pizza and spaghetti. th* and of Tarpon Bay Rd. (473- Entertainment nightly In the Large variety of subs mad* to 3196) lounge from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Homemade breMs. Pizza dough your order, some salads. Cold J mad* fresh dally. Beer and wine Closed Me* --~.— soft drinks and beer. Open from n from 7 days from 7 a.m. to go. Open U a.m. to 11 p.m. 7 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed rp.m. Fresh seafood and required. W sandwiches. MC, VISA. Ike ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1980 capt. Ksporania Woodring, The Capt. Mike Faery, Twaan Bait Box, Sanlbel...472-UU water* Marina, Captlva...472- Rentals of all kinds Capt.DawCaso...4R.27tt Hi"" * «r 473.3459 Capt. Herb Purdy ...472-1 «t Capt. Duke Sells, Twatn Waters Capt. Bob Sabatlno...47M451 Marina, Captiva.. .4714U1 or AUTOMOBILES Capt. Ted Cole. Sanii 471-54*2 Marina,..472.2723 Capt. Jerry Way. Tween Wiitars Marina, CapHva...4»- Martna...

LEACH ACCESS SPEED LIMITS County Sheriff's Department. BANKS FISHING Kanlbel has miles of public There are varying speed Driving or parking a motor While no li is required lulf-front beaches, any one of limits (20-30 . m.p.h.) as one vehicle or moped on the bike Bank of the (stands, 1699 for saltwate... r j, fishing It rtiich is only minutesfromyour comes across the causeway, and path is strictly prohibited. ,PeriwlnkleWay,472-4141 . fhreshwatet r ponds or the Sanibe Jdging. Lighthouse Point Is a there Is a very good reason tor Violatorswlllbetlcketed. Hours:MondaythruThursday River requires a Florida fishing tretch of Federal land on the them...to preserve the bridge am 2 pm license - available at Bailey's Eastern tip of Sanlbel Island, supports from strain and stress. Open Tu Thursdays, Drive-In Window: 8:30 a. General Store on Periwinkle nd from there, the Gulf beach This speed limit Is strictly en- Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 Way. The fee Is $6.50 for resident i accessible again at the end of forced with the use of radar on a Sanibel Public Library, Wednesdays evenings, 7 p. and Si 0.50 for non resident. Wnax Street, at Tarpon Bay 24-hour basis by both the Sanibel Intersection of Palm Ridge and 9 p.m. Saturdays from 9 a. :oad, at Bowman's Beach Road Police Department and the Lee Florence St., 472-2483 Fridays Indoors: 9a.m.-2p.m. MINIMUM LEGAL LENGTHS: off Sanlbel-Captiva Road) and Blue Fish- 10 inches • timer's Beach, which Is Closed weekends Flounder - 1T inches >eated at Blind pass, between Grouper - 12 Inches anlbel and Captiva islands. For your Information Bank of the Islands Branch Mackerel - 12 Inches On Captiva Island, public Office, island Shopping Center, Mullet- 12 inches each access can be found at 2449 Periwinkle Way, 472-5173 Pompano. 10 inches urner Beach (which has public Hours :Monday thru Thursday 9 jellifies) or further north, just Red Fish- Winches ast the entrance to South Seas Snook- . 18 inches 'lantation. Trout- 12 Inches .NOTE: STATE LAW BICYCLE RULES •ROHIBITS NUDE SUN- If you're not used to a lot of IATHIHG ON ALL FLORIDA bicycle traffic, watch out for it IEACHES. VIOLATORS WILL on Sanibel. The extensive net- IE PROSECUTED. work of bike paths on the Island is clearly marked along the edge of the road. Observe caution when driving near the bike path. Inhibited am. . A State law and City Ordinance l|oys a beach fire, the Sanibel combine to PROHIBIT Ire Board has signed Into law PARKING OR DRIVING ON n ordinance prohibiting open DOGGY OCS ft DONTS THE BIKE PATH. MOPEDS each fires. Prior to the or If you're visiting Sanlbel with ARE NOT PERMITTED ON I nance, a permit was the family Fldo in tow, all the THEBIKEPATHS. ecessary for a beach bonfire, better. All family members can Planning on spending some ut as of July IB, I960, it is now en|oy Southwest Florida sun and time on a bike to enjoy the legal. An exemption to the surf. The Chamber of Com- island sun and sights? Make rdlnance is a fire in an ap- merce can tell you what ac- sure your vehicle is equipped roved cooking container (not to commodations are available for with a bike flag, horn, good xceed 48"X 24" X 12" deep with families with pets. Reitiombor: brakes and a light foe night n extruded metal grill] for non- wherever you are, clean up after riding. Under Florida law, wnmercial. food preparation. your pet! The friendly remin- bicycle riders have the same his type of container will be der...."Leave nothing on the rights and responsibilities as Mowed on the beach without a beach but footprints"....applies motor vehicle drivers. ermit. After you have had your to dogs, too. There's no leash each party, it Is recommended law on Sanibel, but of course an Drive Safely) lat you assume the respon. excitable or unruly animal Is HELP! ibillty for the cleanup of any better off when controlled with a ebrisor litter Inyour area.

ATORS 472-1, - edlng - BABY-SITTERS in the Sanlbel City Sheriff: 332-3451 at only illegal (violators oi me Ambulance: Service 936.3600 iw are subject to a fine of up to - 472-4616 Paramedics: 4721717,4721414 500, or up to 60 days in [all, or Island Apothecary; 472.2768(24- Mh), but can be extremely - 472-4151 Hour Emergency Service) ingerous. Alligators can run 45 C.R.O.W. (Care S Rehabllitlon i.p.ti., so if you're close enough n - 472-53]!, Of Wild Life): 472-3644 i feed an alligator, he's close (Emergency care for Injured lough to feed on you. An Island wildlife) illgator fed for fun loses tils itural fear of r mersency Numbers: . Connie Barbour - 472-5634, 472-5525 Weekdays after S p.m. and 472-3111 SHELLING COPYING MACHINES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE anytime weekends The City of Sanibel Resolution VISITOR'S INFORMATION Sitters Of Sanlbel- 472-9480 (ARNIN6I SAFEGUARD limiting the taking of live shells Sanibel Public Library SERVICE OUR VALUABLES. DISASTER ALERT: 716 Palm Ridge Road (Inter- Anyone wishing to be registered In order to protect your species is one to be scrupulously section of Palm Ridge Road and Chamber of Commerce Building should call the Islander at 472. Suable possessions from theft, obeyed. As a matter of fact, In Florence St.),472-2483 on causeway Road Radio Station WRCC, 103* FM, is recommended that you order to preserve Sanibel's 518S and the Chamber of broadcasts details of any Sanibel Commerce at 472-iotO. Call the emergency, such as hurricane AKE THEM TO A BANK OR beautiful shelling beaches, most Captiva Memorial Library 472.1080 OTEL VAULT FOR collectors refuse to take any live Chamber of commerce for alert, or any other disastrous Open Monday thru Saturday additional names of reliable occurrence that might affect ^FEKEEPING. Do NOT leave Island residents. Sanibel or Captiva.

Sanibel Fire Control District Co mm issioners' meetings Spirits R&B Liquors jovernment held the second Tuesday of Next to Huxters, 1205 Perlwinl anibel City Council every month 1 p m at the Fire The Reel Eel Way (472-3333) Meetings held monthly on the House located on Palm Ridge Sanibel Center Building, irsi, third and fifth Tuesdays,9 Periwinkle & Casa Ybel Road .m. at MacKenzie Hall, located (472-2674! Saturday, Captiva Fire Control District 5undays, noon to 7 p.m held the second Tuesday of The General Store at South Seas Plantation ianlbel City Planning Corn- Captiva Community Centeer, (Next to Chadwick's) Captit Gore Road. (ear Bailey's General Store, (472-5111,Ext.3307) Meetings held monthly - "• - Captiva Erosion Prevention wines and beers. Open 7 days 9 District beer, wine, mixes. n me 3-Star complex at the Meets the first Monday of hrough Saturday, S A series ' of wine tasting ntersectlon of Tarpon Bay Road each month at 10 a.m. at the .m. Sundays, noon tot parties is planned for the Winter ind Palm Ridge Road. Captiva Community Center. Tuesday, Decembers, 1980 The ISLANDER


WESTERN UNION: Bailey's store Turn right off Periwinkle Way Island Shopping Center onto Tarpon Bay Road. Periwinkle & Tarpon Bay Road Open 8:30 a.m.to 5p.m. Monday Monday through Saturday, 8:30 through Friday. Closed a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sundays, 9 Saturday and Sunday, although there is mail delivery on Saturdays.

PUBLIC REST ROOMS: .Left hand, side- of Sanibel. Captiva Road just entering Sanibel Pishing Pier Captiva. (at the Lighthouse end of the Open B:30a.m.toSp.m.Monday island) through Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday, although Turner's Beach, Captiva there' Is mail delivery on (at Blind Pass, between Sanibel Saturdays. and Captive)

To your health churches White Sanibel and Captlva CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN have no hospitals, they are served 24 hours a day by a team Hairy G. Kalr, D.C., P.A

|H4 1740 Periwinkle Way petence. In the event of an «"- 4T3-2U4 emergency, they will call upon Worship Services 9:00 a.m. 4 the Air Four Ambulance, which OPTOMETRIST 11:15 a.m. transports patients to the Church Classes (adult & KSff hospital of their choice in the Robert G.LeSage, O.O. children) 10:15 a.m Sunday Mass B:30and 10:00 a.m. Fort Myers area via helicopter. Bay Wind Plaza Friendship Hour follows both Saturday Evening Mass S-.X The paramedics are based st 1402 Palm Ridge Road Daily Mass B:30a.m.and5:3. the Fire Station, [ust off 472.4204 Covenant Choir (grades 4-B) 9 p.m. Periwinkle on Palm Ridge Vigil Mass preceding Holy Day Road. Phone 472-1717 or 472-1414 Chancel Choir (adult) 11:15 a.m. or 936.3600 VETERINARIANS service Holy Day Mass 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Drs. Paul & Phylls Douglass, St. Michael and All Angels Confessions Before each Mas.* _ .V.M. Episcopal Church and at 3:30 p.m. Saturda; 1042 Cypress Lake Drive The Rev. james D.B. Hubbi Jean W. Gmtry.M.D., P.A. Fort Myers Rector !250PeriwlnkleWay Animals can be seen < David E. Dodge, M.A. 472-4188 Sanibel Tuesdays and Frlda; Organist-Choirmaster Pastor, Jamie Stllsen beginning at 1 p.n.. Periwinkle Way Wegryn Medical Center Arrangements should be made 471-1173 Stanely P. Wegryn, M.D., FACS by calling 481-4746 47I-33M (Annex) Sunday: •—sssr— Holy Eucharist, Rite 1 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Eucharist (m Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. StephanS. Halabis, M.D., FACS Sunday Evening Worship 7 p.m. 1436 Palm Ridge Road 9:30 a.m Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 472-3163 9:00 a.m Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ MEDICINB ft SURGERY 472-TS19 Dr .Theodore Holland Open Monday through Friday, Community Association John Colluccl, O.O. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday, 9 Captiva Chapel-By-The-Si Island Medical Clinic Periwinkle Way Temple Beth-II Dr. James W. Kennedy 2400 Palm Ridge Plaza 471-411* Rabbi Solomon Agin Services Ua 472-5974 Sunday Worship 10:30a. 1711 Del Prado, Cape Coral Corner Drugs (•land Shopping Center Sunday Children's Religious Periwinkle Way and Tarpon Bay School 9:30a.m. The Rev. Fr. Arthur Kontin Friday Evening 8:00 p.m. Cypress Lake Drive Roger A. Dunptiy, D.D.S. 472-4149 William J. Shorack, D.D.S. Open Monday through Friday, ~ Wind Plaza 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday, 9 : Palm Ridge Road a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m. 'saw to 4 p.m. (No pharmacist on 481-7493 Fort Myers duty on weekends).

ARTISAN SHOP J CAPTIVA IROSION ISLAND FINANCIAL NUTMEG VILLAGE * DISTRICT 2807 West Gulf Drive SERVICES, INC. Sanibel, Florida 33957 WILL HOLD THEIR MEETINGS Provides on o year round basis: lusivefy American-mode Designer GGifts ON THE FIRST MONDAY • ACCOUNTING and Paintings, featuring Florida OF EACH MONTH, STARTING AT • TAXES Artists and Craftsmen 10:00 A.M.AT CAPTIVA Open 10 A.M. to5P.M.,Mori- Sat. Pelican Mac* COMMUNITY CENTER. 2440 Palm Ridge Road Sonlb«l. Florida 33957 (813)472-1439

House of i

distinctive gifts, exquisite decorative accessories, artistic jewelry FEATURING for CHRISTIMAS

Award winning in-depth reporting- ler


Address: :

Local $7 per year USA- $10 per year Foreign $12 per year In the Heart of The Island Shopping Center 1632 P«rtwlnkl» Way, Sanrbet 33957 Mail to: The Sanibel Captiva Islander, PO Box 56, Sanibel bland, fla. 33957 Nancy Van Til 472-2291 me ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1980

SANIBEl HEADQUARTERS IE AT PALACE FOR ALL YOUR Sanibel's Only Prim* Meal Market REAL ESTATE NEEDS Homemade Quiches, Lasagna, Pasta, Eggplant Parmiglana, Scalopplni and Dolly SpsKlali Palm Ridge Place Mbn.-Sat. 9:30 am -7:00 pm 2330 Palm Ridge Rd. Next to Farm store 472-9181 Shell Lamp JUST ADD SHELLS * OTHER STYLES AVAILABLE and new home construction HOMES SANIBEL ESTATES: 2 pod elevated home on very large lot, on canal 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, guest quarters in separate pod. Private beach access; boat access; $139,000.

BEACHVIEW COUNTR*«|)Q>EAUV,LLE model - includes carpets ^wUr vinyl and wet bar, $156,742.

BEACHVIEW COUNTRY CLUB: AMESBURY model - includes carpets and vinyl - gulf course view $173,480. CONDOMINIUMS

' NOW OPEN MON.-SAT. 9 AM-? PM SANIBEL ARMS WEST. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 , EXCEPT SUN 10 AM 6 PM 472 2374 > porches. Beautiful view of golf over courtyard Eost Office (813) 472-1566 from both master bedroom and porch. Un Captiva Road * Andy Rosse Lane *< 1207Periwinkl»Woy furnished. $135,000. Huxter's Mortal Place McGregor Branch (B13) 481-0017 66S5 McGregor Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 33907 LOGGERHEAD CAY. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. View EVERYDAY IS A HOLIDAY of gulf from porch. Furnished. $135,000. WHEN YOU RENT THROUGH S.R.I.

CONDOMINIUMmniunMS DUPLEX UNTIL 12/15 SEASON Blind Pass S250/wk. up $450/wk. up LAGOON ESTATES: Custom built MICHJGA I p.o. iox »oi SSS («u) WS-MOS Compass Point (350/wk. up $600/wk. up home. Three bedrooms, IVi baths, unfurnishe. Gulf B#ocri $300/wk. $600/wk. includes carpeting and appliances on one side ST.JAM6SaTY.n.SJ»5* (tlS) 2M-WW | Kings Crown • 2 wk. i $250/wk. $S50/wk.up Lighthouse Point $275/wk. $600/wk. Two bedroom, 1 bath, includes carpeting, drape Loggerhead Coy S225/wk.up $4S0/wk.up and appliances on other side. Property he WATERFRONT HOMES $350/wk. up $65O/wk. I 2 bedroom. 2 bath located on lagoon ' Sondpebble *225/wk. $450/w. hurricane shutters and tool shed. Remorkabl I beautiful v,.w. dock, C/H/A, firoploce.l Sandpiper Beach $300/wk. $650/wk. rental record. $135,000. | beomed ceiling, oil for |u«l $77,500. Sor.ibel Arms-Dock $175/wk.up $310/wk.up SonibelArmsWost $225Avk. up S425/wk. up Aore Florida Living from this new 2 Bedroom2| Soyano $325/wk. up $700/wk. up Sea Winds-Dock $225 wk. $350/wk.up Custom Home. ~A oedroom, 2 bath CBS partly f I Bath Cedar Stilt home in St. James City. I $400/2wks. f3S0/wk.up Spanish Cay nished. Directly across from beach access on I C/H/A. Jen-aire stove, fireplace, hand layedl Sundial $225/wk, up $400/wk. up Surfsido $2S0/wk. $450/wk. Gulf Drive. Lovely landscaping. Many extra I kitchen tile floor, two poaches, sun deck, all I $650/wk. Tarpon Beach Club laundry room, hurricane shutters, ceiling fai I on a beautiful lot with intersecting canals! Tennisplac* $190/wk. $350/wk. Wilros of Sanibel 3/3 Funn.On*mo. min.$2400/mo.uf> accent lights. Good Rental. $155,000. J $95,000.00 White Sands (Includes cabana) $400/wk. $e00/wk. I MOBILE HOMES - WATERFRONT I CHRISTMAS RENTALS ISt. James City-2 bedroom. 1 bath, furnished, I 10% di*countf«r 4 weeki or longer 160 x 160 waterfront canal lot, carport H STILL AVAILABLE • separate garage. Excellent condition. | HOUSES HOMES AND CONDOMINIUMS Gulf front 2/2 Den $300/wk. »57S /wk. I Flamingo Bay 2 bedroom 1 •/, bath, furnished. I GulfFront4/3 J735/wk. Shell Harbor-Pool, Dock $350/wk. £650/wk. 160 x 90 waterfront canal lot. nice home at I Sanddoilor 3/2 Pool, t)ock$400/wk. $750/wk. LOTS | $35,800. Captiva wat«rfront 3/2 T«nnis Court. Pool. dock. Gulf occ«» $450-$550/wk.$750/wk. SHELL HARBOR SUBDIVISION, on canal, $62,00- 1st. James City 2 bedroom, 1 bath furnished.! BEACHVIEW COUNTRY CLUB, on golf cour! 170 x 125 waterfront cand lot, an exceptional | NEW LISTINGS from $40,000 SANIBEL ESTATES, on canal with access to b " """WATERFRONT COTS GumboLimbo2/2mo,,r^ $120(Vmo. and gulf. $34,000 Shelt Harbor 3/2 Pool, Dock ilSeawalled, commercial. 2 lots in St. James I (F h f Glf) $2600/mo. GUMBO LIMBO. 100 x 135' on Sanctuai •City, zoned C-l - $35,900 each, 80 x 120 each | $21,500,wilhlerms llot. Terms. *J1500/mt>. 'SUPER DISCOUNT FOR SEASON jCommercial lot in St. James City zoned C-l -1 Casa Bella 2/3 $)000/r |lO0x 130. $33,900. Term.. Gulf Front 3/2 Unfurn (six-month leas* available) $750/m d lot on 8th Ave. w/boat ramp. 80 x II 12, $35,500 with terms. ANNUAL LEASE • Fresh waterfront canol lots, 80 x 1 S350/mo. HOMES 1 $11,500.00 each with terms. S400-S450 rr OFF-WATER HOMES SS50/mo. REALTOR I New 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 1V4 c $1200/mo I fMneland. $60,000.00. Dlnkins Bayou Efficiency WOO/mo. inc. u OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK YES WE HAVE RENTALS "YOUR SECOND HOME IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY" Mon.. Tues.. Wed, evenings till 7 OPEN HOUSES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30th Joan U. Good-Realtor 950 Periwinkle Way Jane! G. Klebowski - Red Her Associate at Lindgren Boulevard ROBERTS ROAD-PINELAND E.M. (Peggy) Parcel Is, C.R.I. - Realtor Associate FOLLOW THE SIGNS - Pomelo A. Den son. Lie. Sales Associate 472-1506 Ti*»iUy,DecemberZ,m« SANIBEL'S COMPLETE

AIMM REALTY GROUP, INC. REAL ESTATE Sanibel Marketing Center | Fantasy island 2353 Periwinkle Woy (Behind the Burger Emporium) COMPANY Property Sales NEW LISTING-UNIQUE & Miini^Sci iieni ( x>rp. Coll: 472-1546 OPPORTUNITY SALES, SYNDICATION. SHOUT * LONG TERM RENTALS, HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE. HOW 1 COHDO MAINTENANCE. NEW CONDOMINIUMS Newly built CBS home on REPAIR 1 REMODELING, LAWN 4 LANDSCAPE SERVICE. \ the ground in Gumbo Lim- ABSENTEE INSKCTION, ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT trifle Hickory Boy • New waterfront condominium in Bon Ho / bo. Connot be duplicated beach. Very few remaining- Call today. CONDOMINIUMS under land use plan. 3 Fisherman* Whorf • New 2/2 units available now. From bedroom, 2 bath, porch Pointe Santo de Sanibel A-2 $64,500 on Pine Island sea-walled canal. and a doubJe garage. Total A fully furnished condominium tastefully decorated in soft blues and greens with a captivating gorden view of the Gulf of Burnt Store Mortna - New Condominiums located on Charlol- living area 2,125 sq. ft., Mexico and the pool. Just steps owoy ftom Sonibels finest t. Hcrbor. sliding doors in living room shelling beach. Spend one night and you'll want >o slay look our on fenced garden forever. And you con for only $195,000. area. Contract for deed Spanish Cay • New listing-First Floor 2 bedroom-2 bath Great Pointe Santo de Sanibel A-22 possible. $95,000.00 un- view af the canal beautifully furnished owner will help will The view of the lush grounds and pool is complimented by the sight ond sounds of the Gulf of »yxico, lopping against the financing $95,000 furnished. beoch just o few steps from - QVS*. This second floor beau- SANIBEL BAYOUS ty is fully furnished with ihi^ white pile carpeting and pastel Kings Crown - Call about a unit on the beoch with a fantastic Nature lovers, build your blue furnishings. Must be seen to br ,/-metaled. Priced at view of the gulf-newly furnished-$275,000 $200,000. Financing ovoiloble. dream home on this heavily vegetated lot on a Pointe Santo de Sanibel - A-31 SPANISH CAV New listing. Upstairs l bedroom unit smartly this lovely Iwo bedroom, rwobji, 3rd floor corner apartment furnished. Great view of th* canal. $67,900 beautiful fresh water lake. has a spectacular view °£jK\V-' and Gulf °f Mexico. Fully Seathellt - 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Furnished. Great Buy at All the utilities are un- furnished, has a tremerO%T rental history, large ossumoble $79,900. derground including 9.75% mortgoge. Price $190,000. sewer, for available 1 Pointe Santo de Sanibel B-47 SPANISH CAY - First Floor unit on* bedroom. A view of the hookups - close to the gulf canal from Ihe screened porch, short walk to the beach. A spectacular two bedroom cc«^' penthouse featuring a uni- beach. Buy now for only Near the golf course. Newly fjrnished $66,900 que wrap-around view ^Jpn^-i of Mexico, a privole roof- $18,500.00. top sundeck and deco^ J* • touches to please the most discriminating. Sundial • New listing. Gulf from. Call (o. details. ISLAND BEACH CLUB Complete with furnishings for only $249,000 Financing available CANAL FRONTAGE 2 bedroom, 2 bath pen- thouse overlooking court Pointe Santo d^anibel D-34 San-Cop Hood . Two large lots on canal. 5 min. from Boy. yard and pool area. Living Only $34,500 eoeh. and dining area com- Two bedroom, two bolh,%H floor, tastefully furnished - Great Gulf view $169,000 Huffy? It won't last long. bination, screened porch. ADDITIONAL LOTS Amenities: pool, shuf- Sanibel Surfside fleboard, 2 tennis courts This three bedroom. 3'/3 both with over 3.000sq. fi. fealureso are offered in this Gulf living room, dining room, family room, 21 x 22 ft. screened West Gull Drive 200 x 250 Lot Located 600 feet East of Rabbit lanai. Two, 8*12 storage oreos. Two covered parking spaces Rd. with Deeded access to Beach. Only $63,000. Front complex. and one large cabana with both. All furnishings and more ore $147,500.00. included fn Ihis one of a kind gulf view condominium. The Old Rocks • Two .'large, well vegetot.ed lots with survey BOAT LOVER'S ^330.000. Owner financing available. jerc lest. $32,000 ond$35,000 terns. Surfside #12 The Dune* • Includes, house plans survey, and perc test, PARADISE Outstanding three bedroom, two bath first floor1 unit with over reduced to $24,500.00 ark that sailboat or yacht 2,360 sq. ft. Features large wrop-oround Screen porch with ex- Sanibel Bayous • Good privacy. $20,000. it your back door with... cellent gulf view, low density project. Partially furnished $241 000. Reduced for quick sole: $230,000. Jew of the bay. This two eel room home has a solai Sanibel Arms West D-2 eated screened pool, This may be your last opportunity to acquire a GULF FRONT Seagote • Beautiful large lots at the extreme end of West svely landscaping with two bedroom, two bath fully furnished condominium for un- Gulf Drive. All water hook-ups ; lid. Two easements to Gulf. prinkler system, shuf- der $200,000. Ground floor, beautiful shelling beach outside your door. Booked solid through next season. will produce Tennis lo be provided. Comes complete wilh a common eboard court on a quiet wilderness park, lagoon and canoe trails. From $52,900. close to $10,000 income this winter season. Priced ot only u I-de-sac location ir $150,000. Fully equipped & ready to go. Shown by ap- HOMES opular Shelt Harbor. Fan pointment only Dunes . New 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Real wood siding. istic island living. Reody !or occupancy early next year Terms available Town & River Estates $H7,0On Three bedroom, split floor plon, cathedral ceiling, lonio, pool, DUPLEX double car garage, 2500 sq. ft. Fully furnished $149,500. 984 Sandcastle Rd. in the Dunes. 2-8R. 2-Balh with loft. Tennis, BUILDING LOT golf, pool and only 300yordsfrom the boy: $115,000— terms. LOT 24, CALOOSA SHORES Build your Fantasy Island dream on this lOCxIOff water front INVESTMENT CORNER lot on Ihe edge of the Ding Darling Sanctuary with direct oc- cess to Son Carlos Bay. Drive by and lake a look. It can be yours for iust $35,000 Financing available. targe Tract plus 6 lots- Great investment for a builder - COMMERCIAL terms-calltoday. 24.9-acre?»'on intro cocslal. Palm Island anibel? We have CONVENIENCE GROCERY STORE Golden opportunity to acquired going, profitable grocery Ocean Front • development property in the Keys . One 10< ficiency/motel type of iri Cape Coral. High volume location. Hurry, this will not lost units - One 38 units. Will show excellent profit returns Wil fering consisting of 6 unit long! $6a,000. handle all details. 5 efficiencies and 1 motel WE NEED SALES ft RENTAL LISTINGS unit on over an acre of RENTAL - land. Located in an ex cellent area. $185,000.00. Call Us For Alt Your R*ntal Needs Weekly Rentals At Blind Pass. Also Furnished One-bedroom condo on canal. Available now. For Seasonal or Weekly

ATTENTION CONDOMINIUM OWNERS We hove many anxious buyers - if you are interested in Fantasy Island selling your unit please call us collect. 472-4195 or 472-3133 Property Sales Call: 472-1546 Main Office Branch Office 455 Periwinkle Way 2427 Periwinkle Way & Management Corp.

EXECUTIVE SERVICES, INC. .O. Box 210*2402 Palm Ridge Rd. •Snnibel Wond. Florida 33957 David L. Schuldenfrei Realtor AIMM REALTY GROUP, INC. A ' The Professionals" Sanibel Marketing Center 7,500 Offkcs To Serve You 472-5021 Sanibel Island. Florida 33957 CALL: 472-1546 DAY OR 482-26)1 EVENINGS out of state (800)237-5146 The ISLANDER Tuesday, December 2,1980 472-5185 Island Classified

ewrateseffi July If, If Help I Help I Real Estate I Services I For Sale $2.00-26-50 words t2.00-eachcolumn Inch over SO words Wanted I Wanted " " " If billed: FOR SALE: Sanibel island. SI.OO-25 words or less Beautiful, new 3-bedroom, 3- GREAT FOR A RENTAL S3.00- 26-50 words bath Duplex. Convenient KENBRE DOG UNIT! White leatherette sleep $3.00 -each column Inch location, private boat dock, pool over 50 words GROOMING & white dinette set. Call 472-3729. DESK CLERKS needed for Ft. & tennis court. $130,000. Call Myers Beach Resort. Part-time Boutique of Sanibel Is looking (305) 666-4104 or write: 6440 S.W. 12-2 No charge for 134 Dr., Miami, FL 33156. 1530 PER IWINKLEWA e mp toy ment or hours, good starting salary. Call for a qualified assistant Susan at 472-5177 for Interview. manager & 2 full time sales 12-9 FOR SALE: 15' Woodson O.b. lost & found ads. persons. Excellent pay, fringe 472-1898 power boat, trl-hull, no motor. Deadline noon Friday benefits. Please call Monday, CONDO FOR RENT: Water- New blue canvas top, 1 yr. old. FULL TIME SALESPERSON 481-6500 for interview. front - 3rd floor, luxury Punfa Chrysler controls, steering controls, running lights, walk- for office supply store. Includes TFN Rassa condominium. Large 2- outside sales and deliveries. Call bedroom, 2-bath apartment, all thru, seats 4. Make offer. 472- . Or mall to: S296. kanllwl-captlva Islander 472-2995. POPULAR GIFT SHOP On appliances including washer & MR. STEAMER i P.O.S* Sanibel has a sales position dryer. Amenities, Including 12-2 ' Santbel, Florida ma available 3 days per week. lacuzii, swimming pool & tennis CARPET CLEANER LOOKING FOR AN EX- Pleasant working conditions court. Unfurnished $450 per FOR SALE: Beautiful '79 PERIENCED MANAGER for with nice pay plan. Bridge tolls month. Call Punta Rassa 472-1040 customized Dodge Van. Low motel, hotel or condominium. paid. Contact Bonny, 472-2876. Realty, 481-2042. mileage - excellent condition. Many extras include: cruise Write: P.O. Box832,Sanibel, FL TFN Emergency 472-1059 33957.' All inquiries confidential. 12-2 control, heat-AC, custom visor, TFN fog lamps, AM-FM stereo and PERSONS WANTED for cassette player, etc. Call after 6 grounds maintenance work. Full LETIZIAS RESTAURANT on p.m. 549-5035. time. Start S3.50 per hour. Call NAVE 12-30 Sanibel island, now taking days 472.5111, Ext 3309 or applications for (1) dishwashing stoblished shopping ce machine operator, (11 bus PLUMBING TIFFANY LAMPS! Closed Lost person, (1) kitchen helper, (1) TFN >r shops or office restaurant, must sacrifice service bartender & {1} pantry Phon*472-I858 2242 Periwinkle Way cheap. Real handmade stained person. Top salary & meals * SITTERS OF SANIBEL needs for Information 472-1101 glass Tiffany-style hanging gratuity, toll paid, Insurance experienced babysitters for lamps ISO pieces each lamp, 20" & Found program available. Call 472-2177 Sanibel. Choose your own hours. Sanlbet diameter. 5210 Cleveland Ave., between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Ask For Information call Joanna across from Airport. Saturday for Dick Bridges. O'Keefe, 472-9480. fromlla.m.to3p.m. ^ TFN TFN HAVING TEA OR GOLD-FRAMED GLASSES DISHWASHER. Excellent WANTED; Waiters-Waitresses. Wanted LUNCHEON? ' FOR SALE: Men's Full, S10-S- Host & Hostess, dishwashers. INEXPECTED COMPANY LTD, 12-Speed, 27" Wheel Bike; lost on beach near Casa Ybel on salary. Must be reliable. Apply Tollpald.472-3275. Sunday, October 26. Call (B13) in person, F& BOysterCo.,2163 DROP BYT head lamp; Kirtland seat baa; Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. speci kick stand. Like new. S425 value 526-7107 collect. II "D" for $250.472-3327 after 6 p.m. TFN WILOLIFE ARTIST, TFN FRONT DESK NIGHT CLERK 12-2 THISTLE LODGE 11 pm. to 7 a.m., pay & benefits LYRICIST, AUTHOR seeks two IND: Darling little black & discussed. Possible housing. weeks room privileges on ' cat, 10 weeks old. RESTAURANT on Sanibel, now Call for appointment. 472-5161. taking applications for in- Sanibel-Captiva In exchange for the Silver Witch on terested cooks and dishwashers. artwork, lessons, etc. SWIMMING LESSONS: Be, 75,000 miles. $1,750. Individual or group. Call Lou Fine opportunity for future- Donax, Sanibel, F TFN minded people. Excellent pay, Appell at 472-1159. bonus, meals and Insurance LOSTt Pure white, half Persian benefits. Toll paid. For in- WANT TO RENT a small un- FOR SALE: Bentwood rocker, male cat, medium size, with terview call Mr. Raven, 472- brand new condition. S50. blue eyes. Has been injured furnished apartment for a senior COLONTHERAPY 3145. Real Estate lady. Has good references. Call Antique steamer trunk, rounded recently andpartlailyde-furred. top. $50. Call 472-2163 9 a.m. to 6 Wearing white flee collar, TFN 472-1CO1. declawed and recently neutered. Pm -Call after 4 p.m. S49-9919 EXPERIENCED Rough & TFN TFN finish carpenter needed f established firm In the S BRAND New POOL HOME FOR SALE: Queen-size bed, Fort Myers Beach area. Steady FOR RENT Luxurious 3- Sertapedlc Deluxe, mattress employment, good starting and box spring with frame • very bedroom, 2-bath pool home right NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING good condition, SI 00, Also, salary & company benefits on golf course overlooking lakes. Situations offered. Call Susan or Katie for Help interview, 472-5H7. Polynesian style. All furniture in HEALTH OASIS (green) with rods for 9-foot TFN rattan & wicker, Tahitian prints. -DRAGON Pt AIA- wide, 6>/:-foot high opening + 15X 30swimming pool,hugesun matching quilted spread for FULL OR PART TIME HELP deck. Near bay and best Gulf PHONE 939-1023 NURSE-COMPANION prefers redecorating'. 472-1996. Wanted wanted. Apply in person at the beaches. Monthly or Seasonal - hours but will consider live-in Gulf Station on Periwinkle Way. Ralph Penalver (305) 442-4748; situation. Good references. Call 12-2 Nophone calls please. 226-5326. 12-2 472-1001. PINE CONE CRAFT DIREC- TIONS, elegant thrifty Christmas gifts. Bonus wild APPLIANCE REPAIR PER- POSITION OF SANIBEL WE WOULD LIKE TO EX- PAINTING WORK wanted, 1 grapevine wreath instructions. ' r Sanibel Island. Good COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CHANGE your Florida property years experience, reasonable S! SASE, Pine Cone Lady, 120 ay toll. Call Mike SECRETARY to be open soon. (to sleep 4) from Dec. 21 • Jan. 3 Aspenwood, Chagrin Falls, Ohio for our Bloomfield Hills, Call 6931954. ays, or 4«2-06B2 Approximately 15 hours per 4402!. week. Some typing skill, interest Michigan home with new, large in working with public swimming pool and two cars necessary. Will train. Write; during 3 weeks in August 1981 P.O. Box 76, Sanibel 33957 or call (while we are in Europe). 472-9480 Please call (313) 855-1789 If 472-2155. interested. Experienced, Reliable 12-14 \ 0. Babysitters Available THE OLDE POST OFFICE * ' 24 - Hour Notice "CALL FOR CALL"- sr- for all shifts. Call 472-6622. now available, part-time, for "MR. EXCHANGER" Reqvested. , __„, Sanibel Resort. Call Susan or Exchange problems for benefits TFN Katie at 472-5177 for interview. or (money) St. Ralph Call, TFN realtor (813)473.4127. MAINTENANCE PERSON TFN needed to work at Island resort, DELI CLERK, full time, day & full time, year round. Many evenings. Toll paid, Sanibel, benefits Including housing. Huxters Market, 472-3305. Apply in person to Mr. Harold TFN FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2- Dawson, The Colony, East Gulf bedroom, 2-bath 4th Floor Dr., Sanibel. SALES PERSON needed for condo, beach, pool, tennis at clothing store on Sanibel. Loggerhead Cay, fully fur- TFN Guaranteed 45 hours per week, nished, excellent condition, hospitaiiratlon, 2 weeks paid phone (517) 323-9232. HOUSEKEEPING PER- vacation, good pay. Call 472- 1516, ask for Rosalie. 12-30 iamtEL needed for Island ^Vre weekends. Insurance, gas TFN DUPLEX, CBS, FOR SALE: 6 allowance, toll paid, $3,50 hr. to .years, 2-bedroom, 2-bath each start, 2 wk. paid vacation. Apply COSMETOLOGIST experienced side, one fully furnished, lan- 3038 CLEVELAND AVE. in person to Mrs. Eileen in full service salon. Full or part dscaped lot, excellent location Dawson, The Colony, East Gulf time, captiva Island. 472-5111, on West Gulf Drive. Private (Across from Morrison's Cafeteria) Dr., Sanibel. ex*. 3311. beach access. Call (813) 472- TFN TFN 12.1 CALL 1337-22231 CALL LADIES: Mary Kay says have WANTED: Waitresses or your own business. Enter the waiters, cooks and dishwashers. PLANTATION BEACH CLUB world of Mary Kay, have fun Good Pay and benefits! Call Interval ownership • condo at and make money too. Work as Harry, 472-3733. South Seas-Captiua available much as you want or as little as weeks 21-22 (last week of May, you want. It's up to you. Make first week of June - Memorial $100 a week or 1500 a week, THE TIMBERS RESTAURANT Day always included). Gulf whatever your needs are. Is now taking applications for frontage, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, all Beauty consultants are needed dishwashers and bus persons. South Seas privileges. Prices: on Sanibel Island. Who knows, Apply in person at The Timbers, S5,995 per week or 111,500 for maybe you can win a Pink Rabbit & Sanibel Captiva Road. both. Call 1-904-862-45*7. Cadillac. Give- it a try, what 472-3128. Save a bundle! have you got to lose? Be In- TFN havendent yo . There's a place In dependen FOR SALE: Captiva Island, SUNDIAL BEACH A TENNIS total luxury. Just completed 3- Information call 549-3827. RESORT is accepting ap- bedroom, 2-bath beautifully plications for the following decorated 2-story loft piling TFN positions: home with Gulf beach 8. bay RECEPTIONIST- Front desk clerk, bell man, boat dock. Tennis courts 8, pool, SECRETARY, Full and part bus people, dishwashers, fireplace, carport. S250,OO0 time work. Good starting salary reservations - days & nights. d bfit Cll Contact Personnel, 1246 Middle formation call (305) 666-4104 or Buy, sell and trade Gulf Drive, or call 472-4151, Ext. write: 4440 S.w. 134 Dr., Miami, the TYPISTI Experienced on word DUPLEX APARTMENT FOR processing equipment helpful CABBAGE KEY ISLAND but will train. Call for interview, Position available for depen- RENT: Two-bedroom, two-bath, Golfside Realty Inc., 472-3165 dable all-around cook. Room, completely furnished, laundry Island Classified TFN room, beach access across West Gulf Drive. $950 per month. Available Nov. 15. Call (813) 472- way 1705. Tuesday, December 2,1980 The ISLANDER

Two acre bayfront j, estate ;' . A • ••. with old world charm

This truly unusual Captiva home has great charm and a character all its own. Four bedrooms, three baths with ceramic tile floors, small office, hobby or storage room, large kitchen, unusual carved entry door, many closets; these are just a few of the features that set this home aside from the ordinary. Add to these a truly estate size living room with a fireplace framed in antique tiles, a firewood storage area next to the fireplace that is fiiled from outdoors, and two storage areas off the living room. Bedroom doors are double thickness for sound-proofing, an unusual window treatment permits planting between windows and screens: All are part of the charm of this rarf offering. Wooden dock on the bay, enclosed garage and Gulf beach easement help .1. .1 • .In i i. . ni you have been seeking. Unfurnished, $325,000. PrisciHa

m REALTY, INCORPORATED O MM1OMKI - I •). Box 57 • Periwinkle Way - nibel Island, FL 33957 • 472-1511 I1H1V II OIIK I - Causeway Road • Sanibel Island, FL • 472-4121 CAPTIVA OFFICE — Andy Rosse Lane • Captiva, FL • 472-5154 RENTAL OFFICE - Causeway Road • Sanibel Island, FL • 472-4113 Member: Confederation of International Real Estate