New York Evangelist 1835-04-18
Bf S. W. BKNEDICT A CO. DEYOTED TO REVIVALS OF RELIGION, DOCTRINAL DISCUSSION, PRifcnCAL GODLINESS, AND RELIGIOUS INTELLIOENCK. Rsv. JOSHUA LEAVITT, Editob.' ‘ WHOLE NUMBER 264. VOLUME VI—NUMBER 16. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1835. OFFICE OF THE EVANGELIST, York High Churchman’s “vinegar,” &c. W« shall then go It is an established principle, in regard to every proscribed naturs. Hit character is moral and official; yet his ed here at a delegate from the Englithto the American Bap- invite you to use the same liberty in return. We eoai'. mend you, and the people of your chat No. IM Nomoou otrett, oppotiti the Ci^ HaU. up higher, to the wars of the Barons, give a deinilcd account or depreciated race, that a drop of the despised blood vitiates nature aa God and as man is pure, unmixed, and in- tista, will think it hit duty to make inquiriea, and explain “■’ **-* 7 -7* ' -Ijm, to the care and bleatingbleeaingof of our heavenljr FatbertFather, andat... remdin your TERMS.—The New-Yosk EtskseList will be funii. .uu of the Saxon Heptarchy and the laws of Alfred, investigate the claim to equality. We shall therefore lake no notice of dividual. ,'Hii- — character- and person once passed the facts on his return, so that it will be seen how surely aflWtionate brethren iii the gospu of Chriat. tb single rabscrihere for §8 60 per annom, is advsaco, or fS 00 a the interminj^ing of Yankees with other Dutch, Irish, throggli a . 'tmUiss of accountableness, trial, and dis- slavery, and the defense of slavery, are preparing the way ei¬ the vaiious historical questions which iiave been raised about (Signed in behalf of the board,) ib^snirauoa laoaibs.
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