New York Evangelist 1835-04-18
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Bf S. W. BKNEDICT A CO. DEYOTED TO REVIVALS OF RELIGION, DOCTRINAL DISCUSSION, PRifcnCAL GODLINESS, AND RELIGIOUS INTELLIOENCK. Rsv. JOSHUA LEAVITT, Editob.' ‘ WHOLE NUMBER 264. VOLUME VI—NUMBER 16. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1835. OFFICE OF THE EVANGELIST, York High Churchman’s “vinegar,” &c. W« shall then go It is an established principle, in regard to every proscribed naturs. Hit character is moral and official; yet his ed here at a delegate from the Englithto the American Bap- invite you to use the same liberty in return. We eoai'. mend you, and the people of your chat No. IM Nomoou otrett, oppotiti the Ci^ HaU. up higher, to the wars of the Barons, give a deinilcd account or depreciated race, that a drop of the despised blood vitiates nature aa God and as man is pure, unmixed, and in- tista, will think it hit duty to make inquiriea, and explain “■’ **-* 7 -7* ' -Ijm, to the care and bleatingbleeaingof of our heavenljr FatbertFather, andat... remdin your TERMS.—The New-Yosk EtskseList will be funii. .uu of the Saxon Heptarchy and the laws of Alfred, investigate the claim to equality. We shall therefore lake no notice of dividual. ,'Hii- — character- and person once passed the facts on his return, so that it will be seen how surely aflWtionate brethren iii the gospu of Chriat. tb single rabscrihere for §8 60 per annom, is advsaco, or fS 00 a the interminj^ing of Yankees with other Dutch, Irish, throggli a . 'tmUiss of accountableness, trial, and dis- slavery, and the defense of slavery, are preparing the way ei¬ the vaiious historical questions which iiave been raised about (Signed in behalf of the board,) ib^snirauoa laoaibs. sustain the official employments of ther for its own extinction by the religion of our churches, ^|»iiiOlcutinsiM«rs»«esi tothsftufaliabsrs, iMisaaaMitfiMigiM doffsrs the first aett^nnent of the Angles in Britain, trace the migra- BiHllish,English, Virginian, andaiul so on. All shall becolonized. NsY j Mailator, Intoteessor, and Savior. Y he is God W. H. MURCH, Chairman. iStisire, orjlvt new eubteriien, mast he postpaid. tioas of the northern tribes as they sueoassisely poured down W8 shall innkute a rigid search for the offspring of Yankee ' et or for the extinction of the last vestiges of all that it in their over all, blessed forever. He well deserves the name Theological Tutor, Sepnev CoUere. upon the fertile plains of Saxony, and finally endeavor to traders and travelers among the kitchens and cotton fields of religion, with which Christians in other nations can hold fel¬ London, Dec. Slat, 1835. “ Wonderful.” His person was constituted for his the south, and the Indian tribes of the west. They all be¬ lowship. learn from the individual cliaracter or peculiar circumstances work anff office, and, but for the atonement, such a Since the above was prc{>ared, the Engliah letter has ap* long to the Yankee race, and will mingle delightfully on their of the several sons of Japhet, whether it was Gonier or Ma¬ personage would not have been presented to the no¬ LETTER peered in the American Baptist, ascompani^ by the ibllow- native soil of New England- IMPROVINU THE RACES OF MEN. gog, or Madoi, or Javan, or Tubal, or Meahech, or Tiros, tice, the admiration, and homage of the universe.— From the Board of Baptist Ministers in and near ing resolution, which sltows that our British brethren ate by Perliaps some may object against our whole system of pro¬ The editor of one of the principal religious papers in New that originated such a peculiar race of beings as the Yan¬ Divest this personage of his atoning office, and he is Londont to the Pastors and Ministers o/"the Bap¬ no means convinced of ths lawfulness of eontisuei skvery ceedings, on such considerations as these: It is anti-repub¬ tist Denomination throughout the United States England has projected and seriously pledged himself to pro¬ kees. • “ wonderful" no longer. by ths ingenious sophisms which the Board of Missions lican, to array those who are constitutionally equal, into clas¬ 2. The atonement has fixed an eternal stigma on of America. mote the formation of “ an organized system of effort for the Returning from these antiquarian inquiries, so iiertinent went out of tbqir sphere to frame as a reply. and necessary, we shall ascertain the present condition of the ses and castes according to the simple accident of descent. It sin. The destruction of fallen angels, fh» expulsion Dear Brethren—W«, the members of the Board of benefit of the Irish race,” with particular reference, we sup¬ At a meeting of the board of Baptist ministera, spe¬ various cognati of the Yankee race, such as the present will necessarily break up the harmony of society. As we of our first parents from Eden, the devastations of the Baptist Ministers in and near London, desire affection¬ pose, to the moral and social condition of those natives of Ire¬ cially convene at Fen Court, Nov. 25th, 18^ the laws and customs of the kingdom of Saxony, the system of have to dwell together, we ought to cultivate mutual respect flood, &c., were but hints of God’s aversion to sin.— ately, and with much earnestness, to commend our¬ land and their decendanta, who have become citizens of this The notice which God took of sin in the death of his selves to your candid and Christian attention. Par¬ Rev. F. A. Cox, LL. D. in the Chair, the following re* education in Prussia, a description of the Dikes in Holland, and confidence, instead of forwarding projects so manifestly country. A society has already been formed, uixler the some Son is tht'most marked and the most signal. For the solution was adopted: calculated to foster jealousy and hatred. It has the appear- takers of the same faith as yourselves, we have long auspices, for the improvement of another exteneive class of a discussion of the question of Church and State in Lng-. offended to call in the mediation of a third party— been solicitous to cultivate a more intimate and influ¬ Resolved unanimously,—“That we reemve with our citizens, regarded as a distinct and separate race. Inas¬ land, and a dissertation on the comparative merits of the that third party to be a person of high worth and dig¬ ential intercourse with you, in the hope that we might much pleasure the expressions of esteem and attach¬ Conservative and the Reform parties in the present British much as the editor of the Evangelist hapjiens to belong to the nity—and that exalted person to transact the affair of mutually benefit each other, and extend the kingdom ment, and fully participate in the affectionate senti¬ ments, contained in the letter of the American Board of “ Irish race,” being in descent only two removes from green Parliament. the reconciliation publicly before a whole community of our common Lord. We nave heard, with satisfac¬ Then we shajl come to a development of the state of the Foreign Missions, dated Boston, Sept. 1,1834; and Erin itself, this new project has awakened our special solici¬ —is a deiQODStration that the offence is regarded as of tion and delight, of the steadfastness of your faith, and case on our own shores. And here facts press upon us in elusive spirit, this notion of a peculiar excellence or a pecu¬ high criminality and demerit. This is, indeed, the of the ardor and activity of your zeal. The tokens of while we deeply regret that, in the judgment of the said tude, and should the society be found to work well, in im¬ such abundance, that we can only attend to a few, as speci¬ liar defect attaching to mankind from their belonging to a secret of men’s opposition to the atonement—it makes divine favor by which you have been distinguished Board, it would violate the Constitution of the Trienni¬ proving the race to which we belong, we hope to be our¬ al Convention to entertain our communication of the mens of the vast field of investigation which opens to our certain race. It is unevangelical, for the example of our Sa¬ too much of what they call human frailties and foibles have awakened our gratitude, and led to earnest and selves improved by its operations; and we hereby promise 81st Dec. 1833, we hope that such of our American committee, in ascertaining the condition and improving the vior, the nature of the human mind, and the experience of all —but what God calls crime and treason. Every thing united prayei, that similar blessings might be confer¬ that our readers shall reap their full share of advantage in in the atonement is a^inst sin ;—there is nothing in red on ourselves. We have rejoiced in the revivals brethren as concur in the opinions of that communica¬ state of the Yankee race. ages, concur in teaching that in otxler to do men good, you whatever improvement we may undergo. it to extenuate sin. They who see most evil in sin, you have experienced from time to time, and have not tion, will adopt eveiy means consistent with the Chris¬ The first thing that presents itself is, the prejudice they must win their confidence, and identify yourself os one In considering tlie matter, it has occurred to us further, see most worth and grandeur in the atonement: and forgotten to supplicateilieate for you a continuanceconlinuance and in¬ tian principles, to diffuse their sentiments, and thus se* have to encounter, in its various ramifications, in the amopg them. Hence our Savior became a poor Jewish me¬ that if this plan is a good one, of dealing with tlie members they who most love and admire the atonement, most crease of these blessings.