April, 1904 28 33Rd Place, Chicago
%trtb annual Ortoonerer Ilumber Published monthly April, 1904 Price, Tine Cents Uolume Seven 3$ Cents !lumber Tour 28 33rd Place, Chicago a Year. `let a /Little Zunebine fin 4. 'a 0 :Vag 9.P 7 fo 14S400p4ituasf fool ausaff-,r 'olvano 'vvi umsvAl .tico2s 40114M1-4 **VD 1110if 9,47 Supulatpv ow up pupas. dopulA4-7 TtVJS 23I330 IVOR Zan SRI 30 SIIRRPIRbt 1Ia NR}IVISMRIA, An Illustrated Monthly :Journal Devoted to Charitable, Philanthropic, Health and Soul=.5aving Work. Entered at Me Post Office at Chicago, Ill., as second-class matter. Volume VII CHICAGO u APRIL, 1904 Number 4 THE LIFE BOAT. myth. To such this LIFE BOAT should be an evidence to the contrary. In order to enable Yearly subscription 35c us to send 50,000 copies of this number to In clubs of five or more to one the prison cells of America, poor women have address 25c sent us the little pittance they earned in Ten cents additional to foreign countries. weary toil at the washboard. More than one little girl has gone without a doll, so that Address all orders and business communica- some prisoner might read this LIFE BOAT ; tions to THE LIFE BOAT, 28 Thirty-third place, many an invalid for the same reason has dis- Chicago, Ill. pensed with some little tempting luxury; children have denied themselves the pleas- ure of candies, playthings and trinkets so that HAVE CHARITY. they might help pay printers' bills on 50,000 MONNIE MOOSE LATHAM. Tell me not some hearts are dead LIFE BOATS to be sent to as many prisoners.
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