LeadLLe Developer ManagingM Developer Ross Watson Michael Hurley

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Copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, the Warhammer 40,000 logo, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay logo, Dark Heresy, Calixis Sector, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000–2009, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All rights reserved. Published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. Product Code DHP2 For more information about the Dark Heresy line, free downloads, answers to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at I day, sothat hemaynever die. truly the Imperiumforwhom athousandsoulsare sacrifi from theDark Age Technology. of HeistheCarrionLord of armies. Heisarotting carcass writhinginvisibly withpower amillionworldsand masterof hisinexhaustible by themightof Forget thepower technology of andscience, forsomuch has It istolive inthecruellestandmostbloody regime imaginable. threat from aliens, heretics, mutants—and worse. multitudes, theeverpresent theyare barely enoughtoholdoff Mechanicus theAdeptus tonamebut afew.of Butforalltheir forces,defence theevervigilant InquisitionandtheTechPriests in arms are legion:theImperialGuard andcountlessplanetary Space Marines, bioengineered superwarriors. Their comrades Greatest amongsthissoldiersare Astartes, theAdeptus the will. Vast armies give battle inhisnameonuncountedworlds. the Astronomican, thepsychic theEmperor’s manifestation of theWarp,of route theonly between distantstars, theirway litby vigilance. Mightybattle fl The Edgeof To beamanissuch timesistobeoneamongst untoldbillons. Yet inhisdeathless state, theEmperor continueshiseternal Earth. He is the master of mankind thegods,Earth. Heisthemasterof by thewillof the Emperor hassat immobile ontheGoldenThrone of t isthe41stMillennium.For more thanahundred centuries Darkness eets cross miasma theDaemoninfested ced every ced (GM), thenread on. However,the mystery! you if are going betheGameMaster this investigation, you you’ll shouldread spoil nofurther—as the matter further. you’re If in planningtoplayanAcolyte player-Acolytes willbecalledupontoactcovertly toexplore this death have theInquisition andthe piquedtheinterest of the vast hive Scintilla.The cityof circumstances surrounding with amysteriousdeath connectedtoaforlorn districtof six evening playtocomplete. sessionsof The adventure starts group two of tofourplayers andwillprobably take three or –QuastorGeneral, Brantus Hurst,Departmento adventure forusewith The Edge Darkness isaninvestigation-based of introductory mankind.” of meat very inthe bone, ofblood and mastery inthe lies power true we have remade stars alone hands in Byhuman toasingle purpose. our turned when dreadful image. By this token more force no and mightier is itself. the Nopower ofhumanity multitudes wise know that “The greatest resource ourINTRODUCTION Holy Imperium possesses is the fathomless the thirstinggods. carnage aneternityof only andslaughter, andthelaughterof future, there war. isonly There isnopeaceamongst thestars, progress andunderstanding, thefar forinthegrimdarkness of been forgotten, never toberelearned. Forget thepromise of D ARK Munitorium Penitential Command. H ERESY . Itisintendedfora

3 IIntroductionntroduction

ORE C HATTERED HATTERED make for make cient cient time S S

ERESY c and forbidden OPE DGE H H

E ARK —the larger starting starting larger —the D THE

rst and starts with a group group a starts with and rst HATTERED TO

S cial organs to augment human cial organs OPE LLUMINATIONS I H ACKGROUND rst published demo adventure B ’s fi . HATTERED ERESY S H , then it is reasonable to assume that suffi that assume to reasonable is it then , was an actionoriented adventure that dealt with Both this adventure and and adventure this Both OPE OPE ARK ULEBOOK ROM In order to help out novice GMs a far of amount on to help out novice advice In order The Churgeon is a renegade techadept in the employ of the employ in techadept is a renegade Churgeon The Once the Churgeon’s current round of tests are concluded, of concluded, tests are round current Once the Churgeon’s excellent preludes to to preludes excellent H H adventure contained within the R will have been thoroughly questioned and tested for F for for need no D assumes tested however, and adventure, events at the Gorgonid Mine of Sepheris on the world This Secundus. from on that demo to have questioned been played follow fi to wish You of newly recruited of play. Acolytes convenience for you If can of course carry on one adventure from the other (in order). thoroughly either been have has passed heal, wounds to for during which the Acolytes will contamination. DVENTURE ltrated and secretly usurped control of Alms both a local control usurped and secretly ltrated are recommended, as each will have more than a fair chance a fair than chance more will have as each recommended, are progresses. the adventure to shine as has been included and using the rules adventure running the in the text. A and most easily most readily in root and evil takes Heresy in be they on distant worlds, places, and forgotten forlorn has become that in a place here, as or, communities isolated neglect. and slow economic starvation the victim of disaster, In the shadows of Sibellus on the of the mighty spires Hive of and decaying district called Scintilla, in a run down world has conspiracy Division, a criminal and heretical the Coscarla destitute and fearful hold. Using the as a shield populous taken needed, an individual supply ofand a ready when “material” set have lackeys and her the name of by “the Churgeon” going medical facility to conduct horrifi up a hidden cult has the tech activities, to mask their In order experiments. infi and is to further enforcers their ends, House and the area’s to in order serums to criminal narcogangs supplying chemical plans. induce their complicity in the cult’s dark She is a biosculptor cult known as the Logicians. the heretical of of (illegal) is the creation particular area interest whose serums and artifi alchemical biology. She requires live human subjects for experimentation experimentation for human subjects live She requires biology. a ready proved people of have Coscarla and the downtrodden of her servants for the lives She has no care ofsource victims. and or mutilate, experiments kill or for those her macabre of scores Coscarla’s “vanished” have her servants already a man experimental subject, abducted One such people. dying on the before to escape named Saul Arbest, managed the sparks that once discovered, is his body, It rail. transit of the and the involvement in the matter interest Inquisition’s Acolytes. —

ERESY H rst “clue” being rst “clue” ARK D ARKNESS D in your hands; in which which in hands; your in OF


DGE R is a self contained adventure intended E ORE C THE ARKNESS


S SING The adventure also a start to makes prelude an excellent obviousFor reasons, the full extent rules of Dark Heresy’s ARK DGE U This adventure is intended to as a prelude Fantasy Flight playing Games’ role game of intrigue, Millennium.adventure and horror in the This 41st adventure focuses the Acolytes being agents. “undercover” E for Acolytesfor fresh service the to Inquisition’s and can be used as a taster some of the for themes and stories thatthe game focuses on, as as, well an immersive introduction to 40,000 Warhammer the whole universe. the have already you if adventures of series ongoing an of D case just ignore the Quick Start Rules listed here. and systems cannot a sampling be repeated however here, of basic game mechanics can be found in the Quick Start suggestRules (we on page 36 that GMs print off these rules pages their use for to players as handy reference). Additional rules and GMs tips been strategically have dotted around the scenario—do sure make read through to these rules carefully. Six introductory Characters (d10) Player Acolyte dice tensided (PCs) also have been use created your for and these can be some need you’ll downloaded from the Fantasy Flight Games Other website. adventure, this than ideally and of course two per player, some willing players! As with many such investigation and interaction based and interaction investigation As with many such GM and has much of is a mystery adventure Darkness Edge The with the fi story, in common with a detective the discovery of the body of a habworker named Saul Arbest. of body of the the discovery a habworker with a number of presented different the PCs are here From further and clues in turn will generate which leads to follow, of to the uncovering them ultimately leading information, if by not stopped of science which, a conspiracy heretical many of more could lead to the deaths a great the Acolytes, people. in Edge path is no exact “right” or “wrong” there adventures, and pursuing certain Although some approaches of Darkness. Indeed, the wrong effective than others. leads will be more display oftoo force or the overt ear, question in the wrong unpleasant consequences very will have in the adventure early of the PCs as the villains of the piece will become aware and consequently come “gunning” for the investigation (like Open adventures results. fatal Acolytes with possibly and players, and involved imaginative clever, this one), reward pursuing the truth behind strange plots, secret unravelling in this fashion are conspiracies dark and uncovering events is deals with. This Heresy Dark some of themes that the core action, or indeed as this lack such adventures not to say that villains behind the plot it, as in this case the far from horror, will individuals guilty of gruesome crimes who monstrous are the setting itself In addition, is a force. to be stopped by have any As moment. at violence threatens where one, dangerous characters cerebral and more of a mixture combative a result

IIntroductionntroduction 44 fastpaced killfastpaced orbekilled confl ict. kick inat point,proving any theadventure’s conclusion ina the uncovered conspiracy must befoughtanddefeated, can theirblundering,)of thethird theadventure, partof where theirprogresson thefruitsof (orindeedasaconsequence Division districtwhere theadventure’s actionisset.Depending to explore andinvestigate thedeadmanandCoscarla areIn thesecondpart,Acolytes lefttotheirowninitiative together by onthematter theInquisition andbriefed at hand. narrated introductory sectionwhere are theAcolytes brought The adventure isdividedintothree distinctparts, thefi S notstopped,shalldoitagain.and if peopleintheprocess. thousandsof of Shehasdoneitbefore, aplague of outbreak, killingto mimictheeffects perhaps tens she intendstocover hertracks by releasing abiological agent known anddispatch themtocovertly investigate matters. unremarkable astowhat theAcolytes citizenandwillbrief is this heretical biocraft wound thisotherwise upinthebodyof Hivearea of Sibellus. The Inquisitionisinterested injusthow his sister, from hishomeinthedilapidated Coscarla Division Saul Arbest.Arbestwas reported missingover amonthago by and hasdetermined amissinghabworker ittobethat of called Inquisition haskept thebodyandincidentunderwraps, and illegal organgrafting indicative heretical science. of The examination, showed extensive surgical signsof tampering an uncommonoccurrence; however thebody, underforensic abodyontheSibellustransit rail.of This isnotinitself The Inquisition’s attention hasbeenstirred by thediscovery Part I:AmongtheMissing YNOPSIS



rst isa agents Ordos. fortheHoly lives,many aswell asproving worth theAcolytes’ asnew will bediffi sources todoso. Triumphing over theChurgeon theevilsof her minions, perhaps enlistinghelpfrom someunexpected have tobesmartsurvive andovercome theChurgeon and readily available. thiscomestopass, will If theAcolytes will fi may well force theenemyintoopenandAcolytes revealed— oneway ortheother. The thisexposure results of is exposedandthehorrors theChurgeon’s of alchemlab are whatThe of trueface lurks grippingCoscarla behindthefear Part III: The ChamberofHorrors latest victims. fi aroused theirunseenenemies, thesuspicionsof they might theTantalusof AlmsHousefortheiranswers. theyhave If will bedrawn towhat goes onbehindthepublic façade are they brawl. the Acolytes circumspect andsuccessful, If gangs, corruptenforcers, murderous dregs oreven abarroom may endupinaviolentconfrontation withlocal criminal although combat isby nomeansguaranteed, theAcolytes including interaction withlocal andfoul, NPCsbothfair things. There are opportunitiesfornumerous encountershere, evidence that eviliscoilingat somethingtruly theheartof hostage toanamelessfear, theywilluncover successful, andif fi the deadmanandgather clues asmany astheycan.They will Here travel theAcolytes totheCoscarla Divisiontoinvestigate II: TheTwilightPartCity structure, there characters are quiteafew involved, notallof motivations. Owingtotheadventure’s setupandfreeform involved intheadventure, detailingtheirpersonalitiesand Here are several importantNonPlayer Characters (NPCs) DRAMATIS PERSONAE nd themselves dragged totheAlmsHouseasChurgeon’s thecitydyingfromnd anarea of slow urbandecayandheld nd themselves fi cult but rewarding, andultimately willsave agreat ghting fortheirlives withnoescape

5 IIntroductionntroduction cient adept, gure and his gure ee. ee. Proprietor of the district’s Proprietor An itinerant scavenger and scavenger An itinerant The director of the Tantalus Alms of director the Tantalus The cer nominally in charge of maintaining nominallycer charge in Winesoaked, dishevelled and thoroughly and thoroughly dishevelled Winesoaked, A hatchetman for the narcogang for the narcogang A hatchetman A simpering, middleaged man, Locan is man, middleaged A simpering, The woman known as the Churgeon is more is more known as the Churgeon woman The Another victim of the district’s economic woes, Another victim of the district’s economic woes, table alchemistry to win over the compliance to win over alchemistry table Warden Locan: Warden Zed: Evard Fayban: Preacher Churgeon: The Sikes the Reclaimator: Sikes Hosteller Maxus Drayelok: Sybas Moran: Director “Chord” Luntz: “Chord” will be in fearwill be of to fl life her and about the corrupt enforcer offi enforcer the corrupt posting” to this “graveyard Abandoned in the Coscarla. order addict, obscura Locan is an the Magistratum, his superiors in by by ofa shadow selfcompromised since his former and long of control He is now under the direct narcogangs. the local their own. Torn with replaced and his troopers the Logicians a poor show he will make and his terror, his addiction between of of if the pretence normality encountered. with Saul He was one of cronies. Saul Arbest’sZed was drinking of and holds some of the secrets he vanished on the night that in the spending his time low He is laying disappearance. Saul’s unnoticed. and hoping to go templum, helping out supply ofadministering a dwindling alms and assistance for In truth budget. on an everdecreasing of the workers the good one on who but and ruthless killer, deceiver he is a practiced of the thin. An senior agent the mask of is wearing charity done work see the Churgeon’s rather would Moran Logicians, on on its own dead, so he can move choking and the Coscarla pastures. to greener useless religious minister of He rarely useless religious Creed. the Imperial templum and conducts faltering his small services for the leaves in spirit, he is wilfullyfaithful. maudlin and broken Sorrowful, ofignorant of the extent the suffering him. and fear around in a business has set up an impromptu Sikes techreclaimator, and ends of selling and bartering odds scrap out store burned to the district, is an outsider Sikes locals. with the impoverished there however, its troubles, from his living parasitically making meets the eye. to him than deal more is a good fi tattered is a gaunt, only hostel, Drayelok the due from the syndicate’s to take Luntz is here syndicates, his at blades and gang stubjacks and has a dozen Churgeon and fears he has is own reservations and call. Privately beck death worsening other activities (and the Churgeon’s about of the Third on the patrons out his anger toll), and is taking up taken have he and his gangers Union Hall, where Worker’s residence. himself effi presents as a cold but Moran House, techadept A renegade than human and quite insane. machine she behind the scenes ofshe is hidden the Alms House where her profi works may continue her murderous she so that of the narcogangs in the of spate disappearances experiments uncontested. The and test subjects, down to her need for fresh largely district are for her hard beginning to prove is for new stock her appetite to hide. lackeys establishment sinister and dilapidated. A psychotic obscura obscura A psychotic dilapidated. sinister and establishment and twitches, of his cold sweats in control barely addict, dregs of using downhiver has the unpleasant habit Drayelok to fund them in the night so he can rob his guests to murder his vice.

N : O S rst encounter her, she rst encounter her, ARKNESS GM D cant NPCs will react to the the to react will NPCs cant Saul’s fate is the root of this is the root fate Saul’s OF

rm but fair; don’t be afraidrm have but fair; to don’t A senior agent of the Inquisition, A senior agent OVICE DGE N E cations are the reason for the Acolyte’s the reason are cations TO Saul’s sister, Lili is a young woman grown old grown woman Lili is a young sister, Saul’s

Onceinside Coscarla’s environs the Acolytes have a free Adventures like this one can demand a little from more Although may sound it obvious, a handy notebook to UNNING DVICE R adventure like this one, you should always feel free to to free feel always should you proceed andhand to what leads about how and clues to one, this and as is you, it up to the respondGM, their to to follow, like actions appropriate. feel as When you GMing a “nonlinear” adventure embellish the details, come up with new encounters and events andhave individuals react the to Acolytes’ actions as this will always a tighter for make a sense story, of a better and, players your empowerment accordingly, for to gameall round. respond and head your in on going think be andthe required you’ll to GM feet, keep on your what’s of idea an plans The mightwhatever come up. and ideas your player’s thingskey be fi are to NPCs act or react adversely and violently if the Acolytes’ actions make this the logical outcome, and of course reward quick thinking and good ideas on the part players’ with additional clues, information and assistance as warranted. Also, than more even with linear more adventures, is it adventure the of details the with familiar be to important itself, know who is not simply so and you where doing what, but also the signifi how namesrecord and the what like go along, as record you or to recommended! heartily is far, so learned have Acolytes the If this all sounds like a fair the amount for GM, of work because something is.that’s it But at the same time, if you’re of a storyteller at heart, can it be a very rewarding game experience indeed. A The Edge of Darkness is an adventuresituation which into the Acolytes are drawn and as such, the based on an ongoing Coscarla in conspiracy the in involved characters and events theirhave own motivations with which the Acolytes, as outsiders, interact. unexpected, and can so things you to add go along as you without risk of messing own up your plot! Saul Arbest (Deceased): Lili Arbest: Interrogator Sand: Interrogator scholar and medicae. He comes across as a superior and He comes across and medicae. scholar the Acolytes charges jaded man. Sand is the one who somewhat into Saul Arbest. the investigation to undertake investigation; this missing worker’s corpse and, in particular, and, in particular, corpse this missing worker’s investigation; modifi its hidden laidoff a man on the slide, life In Arbest was from involvement. too he drank a future, and without without work his indenture, price. heavy and paid a very used his mouth too freely much, fears to who worker She is a skilled her time. before with worry the mystery goes of before Coscarla her missing brother leave the Acolytes fi when However, unsolved. these characters may actually come into play as their roles in may actually come into play as their roles these characters dependent upon the Acolytes are and how your the adventure things. approach players



7 If your players have any last minute questions about their any about last minute questions have players If your a out and have sorted themselves have players Once your “At the appointed hour, you have made your way through the way made your have you the appointed hour, “At bustling faceless masses of quarter to an the Administratum elevator service of platform set in the rear unmarked a vast and of in basreliefs half imposing building covered skulls, draped urns and other symbols ofstatue death, crowned by an immense of expected; the wizened are that you saint. It appears a weeping and pronounces inbuiltface of servitor studies you the platform’s not were As the note implied, you on board. climb as you “Pass” and for an uncomfortable make you called, and person the only group standing in tense silence as the crowds looking diverse as the last one of active control chimes servitor The throng by. and the elevator the platform boards as the hatchway descends you platform a thunderous boom. The all with you above closes for some minutes through maintenance continues downward of deep district.” into the bowels levels, the government of trepidation, they each answer the call at the appointed time, time, appointed the the call at answer of they each trepidation, farewell, possess and saying they with them any gear taking and anonymous temporary to their time, for the last perhaps lodgings. the or Scintilla, now’s the Inquisition the rules, Acolytes, particular the Dark can, in them the best you time to answer to can add you of holds a lot information website Heresy at here presented what’s or paraphrase read happening, is ofhandle on the import what the following: ght ng into the mysterious rst time as operatives of time as operatives rst

Part I: Part Missing Missing rst step on the path to fame, glory and power, or and power, glory to fame, rst step on the path ght, an unique opportunity to go far and see much, far and see much, ght, an unique opportunity to go

the Inquisition, and their briefi the Inquisition, and their he adventure begins with the summoning of begins with the he adventure Acolytes to service for the fi At last that call has come and a blankeyed courier has At last that call has come and a blankeyed Among the the Among If you haven’t played before, ensure that your players players your that ensure before, played haven’t If you Just what each Acolyte thinks of the summons, (whether (whether of Acolyte the summons, thinks each Just what “After being singled out and inducted into the service of out and inducted into the being singled the “After had imagined as you not quite gone Inquisition, things have been tested and have past life, you from your them. Removed from a few But aside questioned and interrogated. measured, to your sick that left you chambers in darkened given lectures of endless stream and a seemingly stomach codes and ciphers to been left largely have you to memorize and destroy, you given own devices. Lodging under a false name in an anonymous your on Scintilla, the capitol planet of Sibellus, in Hive the habblock for waiting time for weeks bided your have you Calixis Sector, their verdict. and perhaps, masters, the call from your a note featuring the cipher of to you delivered Ordos. Holy the containing a simple and perfunctory, within was message The instruction to come prepared time, a date and a location. The is signed offand expect company epithet—The with a single Emperor Protects” circumstances surrounding a death. a death. surrounding circumstances familiarised to play and have an Acolyte character have each they them that Tell Start Rules. the Quick with themselves the service of to recruits the Imperial Inquisition all fresh are it as Acolytes— to serve been chosen they have and that line to become front are They experts and specialists. agents, the forces against shadowy war soldiers in the Imperium’s wish to without that of corruption within and the horrors of the rule of the Golden Throne and overthrow subvert and testing they have initiation undergone Having Terra. in plain sight among the teeming concealed been left waiting, of of Scintilla, capitol Sibellus on the world of Hive billions their new masters’ summons. awaiting the Calixis Sector,

THE TRADESMAN’S THE TRADESMAN’S ENTRANCE the following: or paraphrase aloud Read T they see it as a chance to prove themselves, a chance to fi a chance themselves, to prove they see it as a chance the good fi the good or as the fi to for their player is a matter to survive), simply as a way with some measure it can be assumed, that Regardless, decide.

II:: AmongAmong thethe MissingMissing 88 thinfaced fi thinfaced chamber beyond. Insidethechamber looking outisatall, will slowly clear totransparency toreveal aglittering steel theoppositewall of fromupper half theentrance. The mirror room’s moststriking feature isawidemirror which fi has beenlefttoppledover ononesideagainst theother. The wall, while ahospital gurneycompletewithrestraint straps (branded withunintelligible symbols)stacked against one gears. The room insidehasajumble dustymetalcrates of pressurised heavy airand opens withaloud grindingof metal door, which unsealsandunlocks withahissof needles, hover expectantly. encrusted withavariety brass instrumentsandlong of hypo While above themintheair, white apairof enamelledskulls, like frame raised abodyonsomesortof upright forinspection. Behind him,covered by amottledgrey sheet,iswhat looks aredincongruously) leather coat draped over hisshoulders. and smells faintly of chemical disinfectant. of and smellsfaintly extinguish. There isbut onepath, thecorridorisfeatureless fl icker before intolife them,while thosebehindthemwill show themtheirpath and,astheywalk forward, more will theplatform more globes off As theystep willilluminate to intodarkness. thecorridorislitandrest trailspart of off globes cherubs intheshape of holdingtorches. thefi Only awidegrey at corridor,deposited theendof litby palelumen After about fi theelevator’sAt theendof slow willbe decenttheAcolytes of ability. of ability. to character’s acompetent level challenge a reasonable for aTest posses (+0) that Challenging is Heresy Dark for Diffi baseline The for them. rating aDiffi acharacter’s Tests adjudicating in bysetting is task principle GMs The you! around ricocheting bullets alotmore diffi become easy, suddenly quite that would in diffi the equally are activities Not all normal course of eventsF be considered sense of what’s actually going on their adventure! ontheir going ofwhat’ssense actually good own GMs to the subject all Test. ofcourse is This Tested be Diffi should asuggested and is suggested the text will list what Characteristic or Skill where aTest adventure, the onin point to you. From this appropriate seems can’thand to even hope try—whichever other oronthe succeeds, simply acharacter effort and time alittle perhaps with that stating ofsimply afraid never be how and diffi appropriate to ). orunder, diceroll roll equal itself notthe –30 you to number need the is to Tested the (this number of10, modifi + or–increments to amaximum amodifi impose GM should the it, to accomplish trying are they which in circumstances OR It’s aTest whether upto GM always to the determine is the to doand trying is onwhatacharacter Depending

THE gure wearing white medicaerobes with(rather GM: T ve minutes, thecorridorendsinanarmoured ESTS cult it should be, and you should you and should be, it should cult

AND D Testeder to their score in cult and certain things IFFICULTY culty level for that level for that culty in assumed culty er of+30 or

cl with cult culty lls the lls rst a gun of somesort. a gunof its constructionandthat thebulge underhisarm be canonly reveal that theman’s leather coat concealsarmoured panelsin mysterious fi this situation andallwilltellthemalittlemore about the more themselves. The following are allappropriate Tests in they canmake ortheymayvolunteer theirdesire toknow wish tohelpthemoutby suggesting thefollowing Tests that information onTests androlling diceseepage 36. success orfailure willadd things. tothedrama of For more itisbotched orexcelledconsequences if at orwhen theTest’s what theyare attempting isimportant,diffi have,the Acolytes from far it,but rather shouldbeusedwhen case, spotfi a puzzleorrecalling someparticularinformation or, asinthis something tangible, like performing aphysical activity, solving they are dicerolls madeonthecharacter’s abilities toachieve rulesinDark Heresy, usedsetof basic andwidely inessence to introduce thegame systemforTests. Tests are themost pertinent detailsbeyond theobvious. This isagood point more about what’s going theycannoticeany onandseeif unfolding situation, itislikely your players will want toknow Given theunusualandsomewhat sinisternature the of TO TESTS) (AND ANINTRODUCTION SIZING UP THE SITUATION Lexis, order scholars. adistinguishedandfamous of and scroll insigniaonhisrobes asbelonging totheHetaireia (+0 Mechanicus.the highestorders theAdeptus of sophisticated medicalsystemswhose secrets are restricted to drones, from fashioned preserved humanskulls andfi servoskulls thehighestquality;machinespirit controlled of willidentifythehoveringsuccessful, skulls tobemedicae A CommonLore (Tech) Test A Perception Test yourIf players are novices torole playinggames, you may Tests aren’t neededforevery single actionandideathat A CommonLore (Imperium)Test the scene in their own imagination. imagination. own their in scene the of characters as it helps other. to anewgroup always do agoodthing is with This everybody (the to each demeanour and Acolyte’s description GMtheir physical included) set the fi players for Acolyte’s to other have each their with converse place for the agood be might this alternately silence, walk down and elevator the shaft down journey tense slightly This the grey corridorGM A might be passed in stony ), if successful, willrecognise successful, thesmall,stylised), if raven rst time—it is suggested that your player’s describe DVICE ne details notnoticedby acausalobserver. gure behindtheglass: : K NOW at at Routine (+20) Y OUR A at at COLYTES Ordinary (+10) cult, hasimportant , if successful, will successful, , if at at ! Challenging tted with , if , if

9 II:: AmongAmong thethe MissingMissing gures, he knows nothing of the gures, “…crushed the life out of“…crushed inside. him from the be, in a opinion would but it for? Unknown, my “What’s of surgery and other grafts were kind a less singular “There expert, but lesions and tissue stresses, by the was surgery “The don’t you Oh, concerns us. is what “But this little monster how such as I, am wondering as well that you, I’m sure “And rendered he was man has no prior criminal record, “The cial no open offi is to be a shadow investigation, “This nd out how. if and where out why can, better yet, fi you “Find At this point the players (or at least the Acolytes at any least the Acolytes at (or at At this point the players of equipment additional for them a “kit” Sand has procured word, ‘control’—neural and synaptic override, perhaps worse. perhaps worse. and synaptic override, ‘control’—neural word, possibly cavity, storage by a concealed replaced also; one lung skin removed, nerve one optic Also, for his use as a courier. awash His system’s idea why. no I’ve stomach, from his ayed fl and the like. panimmune agents, clotting with alchemic traces, painless. or not it was to whether given was care I doubt any that he guess was my cords, to his vocal In fact, by the damage to. able as long as he was screamed probably edict, just that this or the Omnissian need to know the genelore tampering Merely it is heresy. it is forbidden, illegal, is not only with this kind of a death sentence is enough to warrant dark tech the Arbites or the Mechanicus. Ordos, from the Holy round the spine of ended up wrapped and vile thing a rare some from the dusty end of habprole anonymous the stacks. off by indenture—laid invalid if ago will, some sixty days you by his sister, ago days missing thirtytwo reported now and was ofone Lili Arbest, resident than enough More habstack. the same himselftime to get agree. into all sorts of you’ll I’m sure trouble, old at most. We than eight or ten days no more are grafts These on him. nothing else have cation of and the local authorities, and no notifi involvement so a covert down hive, Coscarla’s either. here no one knows he’s far less attention than a boot through the will draw approach leads to our heretic. to kill any and be far less likely door, of Go with the grace is responsible. nd out who the Best of all, fi if be a blessing samples would oh and additional GodEmperor, them.” can procure you rate) will no doubt have a number of further questions and have will no doubt rate) put to him. anything reasonably answer Sand will happily has on the Coscarla little the Ordo up what He has looked Division and has a brief III on page for them (see Appendix his However, of history. its sorry45) and knows much recent is all facts and fi information reigning or the corruption and terror on the ground reality is for the Acolytes to do is some old he wants What there. may down the leads that trace work, fashioned ground might have a feel for what as to Arbest’s and get fate remain the facts of any conspiracy uncover and, ifhappened possible, be a would head of on a platter the heretic The involved. not something he is expecting as a bonus but considerable outcome. likely acquiesce to any demands for further won’t or but arms enough to armed the Acolytes well as he believes manpower they should be talented enough and that defend themselves, he feels to which, Added if needs be. and overcome to adapt cation: cation: “Now if you will kindly attend and pay heed, I will take “Now if heed, I will take attend and pay will kindly you ed as that of one Saul identifi has been positively body “The ago days three rail transit “Subject found dead on the midhive cause of“The in fact total systemic brought death was failure “In short this…” “Greetings Acolytes, I am Medicae-Interrogator Sand and I am Medicae-Interrogator Acolytes, “Greetings of Ordos the Holy I represent to the matter at hand. “Well now in the depths are information, you for your “Oh, yes, gure in the chamber will beckon the Acolytes up to the will beckon the chamber in gure The servo skull displays a sample jar containing a ten skull servo The Sand will causally brush aside any questions and carry questions afterward. questions afterward. unskilled labourer ofArbest, male, 23 years worker, hive age, registered Indenture, of the Tantalus ed. Formerly certifi Division, 717# Coscarla 6/23 stack chamber habitation: Sibelius. Hive southern zone, examination to the main depot. Preliminary as the car returned mortem Post death by drug overdose. at the scene suggested certain revealed however performed by the biologis forensic, anomies that necessitated our involvement. ofon by tissue rejection Said organ. an implanted synthetic graft system attempting nervous while his central to destroyed organ the immune response. overcome you are the new blood, are you not? Worthy additions to our additions not? Worthy you the new are are blood, you far be it from me to doubt my shall see, we Well war? holy judgement, eh? betters’ have Our masters all serve. that we the Imperial Inquisition of to assist us in the investigation here called you a matter of come to light. and unexpectedly has recently that interest of Mori, the house of the Lords the Templum where the dead MortemPrefecta hold court and the fallen and the lost of the then to and counted. It will not surprise you named city are great rst, to view fi here a corpse, I doubt it will be your are know you quite singular!” say, shall we but it is, THE BODY IN QUESTION IN QUESTION BODY THE fi The will voice his rattle, hand and after a static with a gloved glass into the ceiling: a small grill set issue from centimetre long whitish cord of waving glassy tendrils, still tendrils, glassy of waving cord whitish long centimetre in motion, still alive. on with his lecture, pulling aside the grey sheet to reveal sheet to reveal pulling aside the grey on with his lecture, body of human. As an adult the dissected and eviscerated will dip and bob out of he continues to talk, the servoskulls specimens in organic with messy looking sight to reappear callipers, brass in their dextrous clutched and jars, tests tubes displaying them in turn for the Acolytes’ edifi

mong the Missing 0 A II:: Among the Missing 110 passage onthetransit rail around themidhive area. them legal clearance fortheCoscarla Divisionand free devices, each asmall thick about coin,willallow thesizeof use, which hewilltalkthrough with them. the wall where hehashadprepared someequipmentfortheir thelargerdirect themtooneof storage crates linedagainst cajoled, lectured andperhaps chided themsuffi questionsareOnce theAcolytes’ answered andSandhas DOWN HIVE FORA OUTFITTING TRIP out orparaphrase thefollowing: perhaps holdforthwithotheruncertainties, free feel toread them,or theirInquisitorwillaccompany astoaskif so far or ability toaccomplishthetask,needmore weapons, orgo to passjudgement theyprove onthemtooif unworthy. where hewants, mightnotice, andanastuteAcolyte theright Ordos. theHoly of Hehasevery rightandtitletosendthem order andheisoperating alegate underthesealof investigator andwithoutironypolitely orscorn.Hiscredentials are allin them onthismission,ortoseehisbonefi investigation. them noticedmore andbecounterproductive easily tothe that fl any highqualitygearashy get displaysof willonly just what itis.” your quality, becauseinmanyconsider thisatestof ways, that’s mess. It’s achance toseehowyou performinthefi eld aswell, a out about ourdeadmanhere withoutmaking too much of question, probe,charm Seewhat anddissemble. you canfi nd that shouldbewell withinyour capabilities, facts, digoutafew you isthatyou carry outabasicinvestigation,of something simple one,amere skirmishwiththefoeatbest.Allwe are asking inadequacies! had betterdiequickly killothers lestthey withtheirshameful cannot actontheirowntohelpovercome mankind’s many foes savvy,will, cunning, courage andpurpose.No, an Acolyte that and intentare thingsbred inthebone—we needinitiative and out. No, ourwars are best waged withagents towhom action you’ll fi such worthless invertebrates wrigglingnd ascore of in theAdministratum or, Emperorsave us, theEcclesia course not.Such creatures are commonplace,turnover any rock around your master, fawning andmutteringhispraises? Of Are you tobeslavish lackeys? Simperingtorchbearers totrail What doyou imaginetheInquisitionseeksfor initsagents? so you’ll have todo... theSaintsMilitantare rightnow, allbusy the BlessedChoirs of Coscarla Pass Tokens: themcomplainthat insuffi theyare of of any If requestAny toconfi “Well, thattalk,I’msure thismatterwillbea enoughof “But Iambeingchurlish. Letmeinsteadaskyou aquestion: “Yes, theAstartesand well I’mafraid thegreat chapters of rm Sand’s authoritytobeable tosend (One per Acolyte) These (OneperAcolyte) coded des, hewillmeet ciently, he will rchy, cient skill cient and direct and unpleasant for the Acolytes. Acolytes. for the unpleasant and direct to likely are be consequences the happens discovery. this If to their techheretics ears—the are always in dread of such it comes if Logicians, the and Churgeon the are face value on aclaim such to likely take ones only the terror. fact, In power and ofdistant entity mythic Holy anear the Ordos is to whom Coscarla, in bymost lie dangerous and outrageous of servants be to the Claiming Inquisition wonder. and it of hear to come will is of course people wrong more the likely story, the the or unbelievable going to be considered more wild butthe like, whatthey to whoand be claim can an off. impression an such Deceive Test to carry a+30 award them part, to the any bonus act and look any offi upto stand will ofcourse cognomen their and observer, casual to the sell” “easy an Coscarla in appearance their makes reputation savoury Coblast’s than less specialists. other and mercenaries manhunters, tracers, couriers, guns, hive regulators—hired women in “cant” as known are Assay. Suchmenand Coblast for the agents of roving that is provided for them has Sand that coverThe identity L IES This deception is of course entirely up to them and they they and upto them entirely ofcourse is deception This , D cial scrutiny. Indeed, if the Acolytes continue to to continue Acolytes the if Indeed, scrutiny. cial AMN L IES



1 II:: AmongAmong thethe MissingMissing rst ng, ng, “A few days, no few days, “A ve key input code key ve (One per Acolyte) These (One per Acolyte) These Sand puts it. t over anything the Acolytes are t over “For sundries and bribes. I’m sure if I’m sure sundries and bribes. you “For This worn-looking brass cased dataslate cased dataslate brass worn-looking This Added as something of Added a hopeful This pouch contains 120 Thrones in contains 120 Thrones pouch This (One per Acolyte) These small portable small portable (One per Acolyte) These eld. He will also impress on them that he on them that eld. He will also impress (One per Acolyte) These are cheap and cheap are per Acolyte) (One These c is almost impossible over any real distance distance any real over impossible c is almost eld when needs be”. when eld les on the Arbasts, including pictures of pictures them and including les on the Arbasts, ts the Inquisition’s chosen, and to “deferthe wisest to chosen, ts the Inquisition’s the Acolytes are now on their own. the Acolytes are Hand Vox: Hand Money Pouch: Low Hiver’s Overcoats: Hiver’s Low Chem Lamps: Coded DataSlate: BioSample Kit: and It’s the gear up to the Acolytes they distribute how rail transit by than a few is no more hours away Coscarla 2 Armour Points (AP) of the target). If one of (AP) of the Acolytes the target). Points 2 Armour they and just what mention of and kit the scalpel makes shrug and smile saying, Sand will expected to achieve, are an at it like but try not to hack I’m not expecting deft surgery, “Well eh?” it in the jar, steak and get Grox underdone battered looking personal communication devices that use a that devices communication personal looking battered of a few for a range good are and encrypted channel, private thanks that explain will happily Sand hive. in the kilometres they are where of in the areas to signal interference the hive traffi vox going, these hand vox but station, wire by except levels, or between least. other at with each in touch will let them keep and leather patchwork tattered somewhat and voluminous garb common lowhiver are overcoats highcollared canvas easilyin Sibellus and will fi them tough and will provide also quite are They wearing. 38). on page Rules (see the Combat Point with 1 Armour and operate light provide to reaction lamps use a chemical lamps will open. Such are their shutters continuously while it or around radius metre of a three an area about illuminate light. beam of directed whitish a six metre provide found in their briefi carries basic copies of the information its them, if it is accessed without this, Sand will give which memory will be wiped. core tubes biostorage small carries three afterthought, this satchel so. or of a metre about with a range and a small bioauspex ash on the auspex will fl the indicator Set for human tissue, of in the proximity volume increasing with and whine red bladed, also comes with a long kit The tissue. anomalous 1d5–1 plus the ict scalpel (this will infl mono edge razor the fi and ignores Damage Bonus (SB) Strength wielder’s coin and used notes, loose can be resourceful,” you need more Sand will on their way. for them to get and Sand is eager gelt, other if with each the Acolytes to converse also encourage may their lives pointing out that done so, already they haven’t of other’s each least a passing knowledge depend on at well in the fi abilities their mission accomplished to get expects them to cooperate as befi in their own fi in, them he expects their report Telling car. more,” a series of maps and data about the Coscarla and (largely and (largely the Coscarla about a series of and data maps empty) fi slate The register. the Administratum from taken addresses and audio and visual recording also has basic short range a fi features slate The functions. playback (One per Acolyte) These (One per Acolyte) These and “manpower services”. Note that these are not these are services”. Note that and “manpower Coblast Assay Cognomen: Assay Coblast encrypted metal punch cards are identity markers, there is one there identity markers, are cards encrypted metal punch of for each an enforcer the Acolytes and they include tailored for self them to carry They arms allowing defence. code tag for the Coblast “bonded agents the Acolytes are signify that dubious of somewhat operation Assay”, a Sibellan mercantile specialising in tech power, not inconsiderable but repute salvage has actually been a secret the Coblast “false” identity cards, for some time. Inquisition organisation

mong the Missing 2 A II:: Among the Missing 112 THHEE TWWILIGHTILIGHT CIITYTY


1133 heir most age. T nding a safe place to do so might prove nding a safe place to do so might prove The inhabited southern portion of Division the Coscarla inhabited The given them an idea of what they are up to, the situation they the situation up to, they are them an idea of what given them. Now it’s up the Inquisition expects from face and what the life and death and investigate the goods to them to deliver of Saul Arbest. four hours around the Acolytes and they have is open before to use to their best advant left of the day cycle obvious clear leads are the dead man’s home and seeking out home and seeking the dead man’s leads are clear obvious will lead both of him missing, reported which the sister who suspicions and leads Other clues, them to the same habstack. and observations their own actions, up by will be thrown and the course they in conducting the investigation, progress and paths. of permutations a wide variety can have may take a linear list of events, than provide this in mind, rather With with each of II is laid out as a series of locations, Part much the Acolytes’ which details and encounters, its own NPCs, with. It is up to the GM may or may not visit and interact or any handle bridging material this process, to facilitate of time passage a reasonable description as needed and mark Indeed, several as they think is appropriate. within the game being human, and the Acolytes, days and nights may pass, fi will need to rest; to embellish encouraged GMs are its own dangers. to have and modify encounters more add here, the details provided and the Acolytes’ behave that to the way things in reaction things. managing they are (or poorly) how well gure gure nery and the The rest is lost is lost rest The cient time to converse or time to converse cient cials. cials. of habstacks lled with endless rows gure dressed in rags. The fi The in rags. dressed gure icker and fail regularly. and fail regularly. icker Alone in a single car, now deserted but for your for your now deserted but car, in a single Alone to a stop and the doors open car shudders rail The “Coscarla Southern Railhead. Passengers to Coscarla to Passengers “Coscarla Southern Railhead. arrived. have and you is Coscarla This Part II: The The II: Part As their journey progresses they will pass from the relatively the relatively will pass from they As their journey progresses After your players have had suffi have players After your group, the rattling carriage breaks into another vast into another vast breaks carriage the rattling group, look You and begins to slow. habvault and dilapidated in a buildings and decayed out upon a vista of vacant seen up until now, have you than any that state worse beyond. horizon sight into a dark beyond stretching save of passengers devoid platform raised onto a wide, fi huddled for a single quickly bundles themselves onboard, fl ashing a pass to fl onboard, themselves bundles quickly up a with unseemly haste and takes the door mechanism A moment later as possible. group your as far from seat servitor intones: a dull, crackling will departdisembark. in…” conveyance This in a howl of static. Twilight City City Twilight THE ACOLYTES PROGRESS THE ACOLYTES Up to this point the Acolytes’ course has been set for them, the to get and abilities now it’s up to their own initiative Hopefully I: Among the Missing should have job done. Part THE END OF THE LINE OF THE END transit hours by several will take to Coscarla journey The to change time the Acolytes will have during which car, rail and vandalised dilapidated (into increasingly repeatedly rails be repeatedly will and cognomen tokens cars), and their pass carriage dulleyed enforcers, Magistratum suspicious by checked offi looking servitors and unctuous open spaces and clean air of the government district, down district, air ofopen spaces and clean the government fi passed collapsed levels, hive whole and across fallen architectural splendours of the “good of splendours of olden days” and the “good fallen architectural fi vaults steel sky vast through The manufactora. of thunderous after kilometre and kilometre illmaintained and decayed depressed, the more further they go of the mid stretches the lower things will become; these are this outer circle run. Beyond rails these no transit beyond hive, of the Long stretches holds sway. no law where is the underhive ofjourney will be spent in the stale tainted air the wormholelike supporting bones thick within the Hive’s tunnel passageways the of deserted spaces between, voids and in the nameless black lights fl car’s before the following or paraphrase read lay out their plans, them to explore: allowing

he Twilight City 4 T III:I: The Twilight City 114 Chamber of Horrors.Chamber of against thesecases, them.Ineitherof proceed toPart III:The Churgeon orMoran andtheLogicians take direct action part),theyarousethe Acolytes’ the thedirect suspicionof decides that eitherthrough incompetence orillfortune(on and investigate or, that place further; untilyou astheGM hisdarkSaul Arbestran fate at into of theAlmsHouse events happens: fi twosouthern Coscarla Division willcontinueuntiloneof The investigation Acolytes’ the intothetwilightcityof into the darkness. darkness. into the high soar ofblack granite arches and columns purposeless seemingly and ancient while eyes, smashedwindow fi by blacked are place, habstacks where and whole tenements empty sky. asteel beneath It acold and is darkness shrouded in city, abandoned and feel ofaburied the has Coscarla AND D islands of light amid an abyssal sea. sea. abyssal an amid oflight islands mere like faltering seem railhead, transit the Union and Workers’ the as such locales around found of illumination glow, pools eerie harsh and few the afaint and radiating rockcrete buildings, ofthe cracks the in growing mould ofluminous patches from comes remains that Such light graveyard. immense some in tombstones cyclopean like stand habstacks the oppressive, and total becomes darkness Now night. the the and themselves between doors to place bolted scurry inhabitants the and falls lightlevel the power fades, the as aspect nightmarish on atruly best they can. the life to getonwith women,men and determined offrightened have look and the threadbare dishevelled, are fi heads their upand turned collars their with destinations to their silently rushing outdoors, linger few, very nordothey seem they that them around spaces darkened and vast up bythe swallowed so are butthey fact, streets. the from too briefl lasts rain ofdirty curtain as squalls of sudden chill wind, and even the occasional level atground later materialises ofwhich action the thunder, mutedinto distant is network processing air vast hive’s ofthe clamour and exhalations periodic the skies, shadowed high Far above, the in cycles. the through intermittently sparks and clatters which network, transit crisscrossed by the overhead rail lines of Sibellus’s mass is district ofthe portion southern the near skyline The haunt. worse) perhaps (and ofdregs forms halfhidden and where shapeless alleyways the clogs debris and refuse fl thoroughfares main ESOLATION As the night cycle comes on, the whole district takes takes whole district the on, comes cycle night the As in ofthem thousands Coscarla, in living people There are the along streetlamps the and poor powerThe is supply S OUNDS vacant ahundred with silently re, orstare

AND OF rstly, theymaysettle ontheideathat C U icker and cast a pale twilight, while while twilight, apale cast icker and OSCARLA RBAN D

ECAY grime y to the wash : T rmly down. They HE S IGHTS

citizen added totheroster themissingby morning. of redeyed shapes glimpsed moving inthedarkness andanother whatfear ishappening inthenightwithincreasing frequency, the derelict habs inevergreater numbers. all,they But most of them entirely. They thedregs fear andthevermin prowling should theTantalus Combine abandon its involvement with coming andgoing inthearea. They what fear willhappen the narcogangs andtheviolentstrangers who have started what of isgoinggenuinely fearful onaround them.They fear to hard times(even thoughtheseare harder thanmost),but theireconomicplightastheyare amatter used simply of Coscarlahabcitizens isthat of theyare afraid; thisitnot else togo. The key pointtoget across when portraying the Tantalus Combine) having simply andby nowhere virtueof constraint are (many stillboundby aworker’s indenture tothe are trapped intheCoscarla through poverty, amixof legal nor are theycomplicitinthetroubles thearea, but of they gaunt, oftensickly andhalfstarved lot. They are notevil, are utilitiesforsometimeandconsequently a with failing infi labour” by work designation; poorfamilies, theoldand recently, ruledby fear. Mostwould bedescribedas“unskilled diminished lot, worn downby poverty, and,more uncertainly The inhabitants theCoscarla Divisionare and of asorry THE PEOPLE OFCOSCARLA THE SHADOWED MASSES: you maywishtohave thememploy SocialSkill Tests—for players maychoose to play through thesesocialsituations or is tointeract totalkthem.Your withthemandsimply The bestway toget information from Coscarla thepeopleof T ALKING rm. They have beenlivingonareduced and foodsupply S making a clean getaway. getaway. aclean making corner, the round mutants the before wall quickly the over and up is (24/10 fi tohis Thanks =2). ofsuccess Test degrees the 24 two with passing by and characteristic rolls a14, of38. Junt’s player his beating Characteristic Strength Climb Climb the Test. skill (+0) a Challenging has and Junt a for GM calls sothe and rain, slick with highand quite wall is The ofmutants. amob toescape awall toclimb quickly trying offailure. adegree indicates aTest if 10 points each achieved. Similarly failed, is full is ofsuccess 1degree passed, score is the bywhich points 10 for every and full Characteristic Testthe tested the with of results the compare just simple: outis this working and way, this in failure and success to grade ofdegrees system as uses Heresy Dark outcomeofthings. the to determine for you a Test aguide in as how they’ve badly (or failed) to succeeded how it’s know well acharacter Often useful F UCCESS OR For Example: Junt has ducked into an alleyway and is




THE F L AILURE ne success, the GM judges that Junt OCALS EGREES



5 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity ). wage table table

, but no one , but OF

Intimidate Test Intimidate , although this may , although or EANS M nd urgent business elsewhere elsewhere business nd urgent Inquiries in Coscarla “no good’ll come of“no good’ll that” THER Ordinary (+10) Ordinary O cient persuasion they may bring forth cient persuasion they Information gleaned about Saul will paint Saul about gleaned Information Clearly thought well of by those that know of those that by thought well Clearly AND

culty of c course of is for the Acolytes action to question t. The better the Acolytes’ do, the more that people that the more better the Acolytes’ do, t. The cult (–10) Charm, Inquiry cult (–10) Charm, Saul Arbest: Lili Arbest: Getting information from the citizens of the citizens Coscarla the from Getting information a monthly bribes, out such for working As a marker RIBERY ERSUASION Diffi P vary depending on what questions are being asked and how being asked questions are depending on what vary The is made. the approach enough to draw (if lucky they are for a common hablabourer 25-30 Thrones. is about Tantalus) shifts with the work you seen this man? Have One specifi his sister. Saul Arbest or the people of about directly Coscarla is of them” which heard most will be “never from answer The the Acolytes GM might allow a generous however, quite true, acquainted with them. are to encounter some citizens who on work served have to be those who likely people are Such in the same live with the Arbests in the past or who crews suffi With habstack. some information: and temperament someone whose but him as a solid worker, hardship. with his increasing recently has worsened behaviour seen him running his mouth off and drinking Some will have Union and the Workers’ at If told days or more. seen him for ten or twenty will have is or is dead, the speaker missing he has been reported that fall silent and fi to quickly likely all of a sudden. on her than any information to get it will be harder her, with Saul as people will not wish her any ill (consider this a example, an Inquiry Test made after an hour or so of picking so of an hour or after made picking an Inquiry Test example, skill using the Charm or by area, in the market up stories and overcome with a particular individual freely to converse of strangers! armed wariness their natural has a Diffi that of shows a spread rumours and information (following) the common citizenry—rumours, from might be gleaned both true and false and opinions reports (although believed to these as to add and the GM is encouraged speaker), the by they see fi in and their fears, to them and express to open up likely are slip out. of information nuggets doing so let important B recently—mostly around been enough strangers have There some “dangerous as, as well and reclaimators, scavengers the Union—that the Workers’ sorts” hanging around be won’t but Acolytes noticed as newcomers will be to attention out unless they do something to draw singled to poorly will react residents Most of Coscarla’s themselves. penalty to Tests (imposing a –10 and intimidation threats will open up considerably with them), but made to interact A fewif circumspect a little cash around. the Acolytes spread an (worth bribes in the right place will do wonders Tests). +10 bonus or +20 bonus on interaction additional

, , , t t t s s s s s s s ” e e I I f g y yyy y y yyy g y ooo o ’s h u uu d n s, .” ’d’d lelel es es

r h d, a tototototo lk ht asasasas

us r’r’r’ ne b d a ess ndndndnd nd w elel ck mymymymymy … … d ar t is g in er hahaha at o ow o r ksks yoyoyoy ananaa r r r r s a b d d d a ow s… ey O t e ea io fi hohoho weweww kekekeke yin y e ro h . It d a a a ee outs. d one’ t t m at la w w arar re s ss h n n n n n ee a’ d r

mmm d g gegegegg d d d sw e e ce k y e us. w t ta ii ow s b b itit i ’ ur I say. knkn g r orororo ee w w e usin bbebe i i i l upupupup h m b b egeg ig ut n f Out Th erer en e eeaeaea re? e e d n ei ac c d…d…d…ddd en yy w an ana sy b coming b t t tt d d ”””” hehehe is e on h WW ose scu . t h sosososs b or locked or locked k n carl ayay n h o tt drdrdr ododododod tt y anana o o o at ? bl ll h t ininini r he W W W I wi h d ararar onon aiaiaiai w ever whwh usususus e ce e, es mem d an te t mmm h h?h?h?h?h? e ee he os or e t … sss a s,s,ss, jj fofofofofo e aw wraiths wraiths aw f t do tototo c c c t gogg t w f f f f a k m h e f j j j ehehehehehe s, scavs a scavs s,

heheheh s k ryryry l pep d I e f e e e e h an soso ’s in ac t u w w nen tt ososos i rererere ’t’t’t’t s a . T ll g bbb l y ’ w me I I I W d d d d d was hur was oro ofofof l t in the b ororororor lelele s r,r,r,r,rrr g m m m m b s, n . t t t hh t ’ veve C fi fifi fifi f b b b p e e pl e nort A in thth apapapap l t “ g n t nono e d , he s onononon ch o s s sss f ps ke it m ke He op t t t t lalllall in is p h e e hehehehhehehe anananana hehhhehe u ou opopopop ’t rest ea rest ’t is owowowow i kk e ee n d d d d d i ndndndndnd usus d

tt . s k k k she uare e co ea d d d ititititititit s as wnwnwnwn min pit k t t ro ckckckckck a ring t h t tor, Si tor, at black pit that at black oors in the ni oors there now. Leads now. there utut PePe ow .” e dre ouououou ’t’t’t o k kkk ark. N eeee t t pepepepe thththth mu olololo e b h g k a at ere it ere n d oooo h u e e ThT lelele ouououo re s Or sq n sss N N N er lh o eeee underhive—all the underhive—all ararararar tatatatata , ma wewew it i av

a h ins . td HoHHo b b o o o “ ss sss rr

and m h g th l t tt t ! s d ckckckck up acacaac t as l a k can d g g ononono ma “ h g h ac s s s h t’t’t’t’t’ rkrkrkrkrkrkrk s s d t,t,t, ai r r r e

n!n!n!n! opopopo nd… well bb ttt e r h e s s v , om s ssss

”” iii rsrsrsrs ee oro d eyeyeyey r ’t’t’t’ wo t I lalalala a a a e d owow y d d d d i i ai e b b b n enenenen scscscscscs g bl h up arco r wn nene h fi fi fi fi fi he l g. ededed nn b uiuiuiui i ev I r dadadadadada ouououou pepepepepep ngngngngng erer

n s w h e O ththth e b hin I I I apapapap ’ l eir hn lmlmlmlmlm rrr ou erer bebeb pt ononoon n ” d w too o see t

bebebeb it a “It’s th “It’s knknkn p t t t t t t t bibibb t tt t

t y . e e e eee h in at n r rats h h mymymymy ht ou do gigigigi p ill… iv s!s!s!s! ononono y … no e e rec ec re cau re hehehehehe nion ne s at o th o o rhrhrhrh d y r ni spsps You o d d d ” h g ve A mpmpmp l t m t nn er h CoCoCoCoCoCo ttt d s, t .” A A A A A . ththththththth i st tototo f h ghgghgh t t u u u tltltlt he t bububbubu ay t t ththththth A A A n n n n t re t anananan omom wa se U tt an EEE ndnd ddd ith d hihi he pepepepepe e e e ca , ,, , itititit at ou’ ououoouou u kno riririri n n nnnn U e eee s g hh hehehehehe ed T E ion ut ead Or ioioioio ll t i C om yoyoyoyo ededededed mi iii now h too tt ndndnd reg o o o as y yy n ouououo h int n n nn nn ’s ot h h h hh t t t t , , , , , i i i d in t en t bababa n , f y y y y om

w w l l to avavaa i t t t .

a shsh d rr t onono C C o cau ininin so, so, frff h hehehhh ’m t onoono , ,,, o eseseses cce eee s. T r a a f ususususus on. Em t m e w n he o w atatatat i i i i i hh ri m f ive in t ive rer s Bu m m m f y gg n a a a titit atatata ututututuu p e pow nonono now f et utututuut ndnndndndnd l o g owowowow

hhh e nini s ssss I t t r e gsgsgsgs o hehe umumumuuu caca eses mememe ed ” enenen

g g lalalala thththth ’s’s’s’s as to ee s th l . bbbbb h g wn tt , ,, rker m u s ” cc ereerere h k l l t ll

b b b b b b heheheheh ’s’s o a tt ififififif g g at em h h h hihihihihi ng e o scscscscscss t y eseseseseses inininin hohohoho ouououououooooo o lolo ndndndn knknknknkn t ss.” iti p p p t g ggg ururuur rcr b whwhwhwhwwhwh ’t rn ou i pupupp SoSoSoSoSoSo lll burnin t t h enenen rmrmrmrmrmr pppppppp i d p eseseee t t t t t t A mators r my ’t cc d ctct n,nn,nn,n,n,n,nn,n a lk l ’t se itititit s sss s rerererer t t ies me T e ininin , lolo ie thththth shshshsh e ee e dd c c . araarararaaaraar ar in y ntntnnt t t tt t g g g gg t down o igi ? ? ? ? ne cececece en edededed ririririririri ooo e e e caca ’s WoW Divisi “T“T“T“T e aaa eee drddrdrd , i waw bu d d aia riri ininiiininiinininin hahahahaha ioioioioioioioio w

wil l fofofofofof k pp ll rr yy ffr y yy t h n h nn heheheh a a kkk rnrnrn t t n’n’n’n’n’ d d dd meme dnd t ninini ououou uls rsrsrs nn n n nn nnnn iliil hell! ye lplplp w w w inininin inininini epep stst rkrk dedededed stst eyeyeyey aatat e e e e e e e adaadaadadadadaa k n n don clcl om e e e e eeeee g avavav f ’s’s’s’s’ s ss uiuuiuiuiuiui urn a nn u f ll bb hh uu i T e ort u uc e tt h h he n h UnUnUnUnUUnUUUUnUnUUU rururururururururur hohoho ououou bubububu cucucu “T“T“T“T vvava ababa ititit jujujuju lelell thththththth sesesesesseseses blblblblblblblbl frfrfrf l o “Don cyc W l hehehe th b SoS A A lulululu thth haha “I tottoto atatata go ta th s busi wowww a t r wawww “S“S“S“S“S inininin diddididi kekekk chch bebbebebe OrOrOrOr ititititi dododododo bebebebebe ananaaa thththth tththtt rere InInInInIn nqnqnqnqnqnqnqnq IIII e eeee I I I I ttttt ss ororororor s 11:1:11:11:1:111 ululuululul eseses m -- sssss sss m m m m esesesesesee cccccccc 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 rdrdrdrd sesesesesesesesess sese sss orororororoo ssss ss sss RRRRR SuSuSuSu e e e e e e eee R R R R e e e ee ee esesesesesese ese esesesese dadadada llll c c e e e oo n rerererererererre ststststststssstst ccccccccccccc ccccc ccccccccc ananananan blblblblblblblbblblbbl hh aa SuSuSuSuSuSuSuS ThThThThThThThThT TwTwTw SuSuSu OnOnOnOn StStStStStSt SuSuSuSuSuS TeTeTTeTeTeTTeTeTeTeT TaTaTaTTaTaTaTaTaTaTa

he Twilight City 6 T III:I: The Twilight City 116 abandoned anddesolate habs. kilometresthese are alltensof away through awasteland of they are alsoclustered around railhead, but afunctioning operating themaligninfl outside of uences describedhere, theCoscarlaare Divisionstillinhabited otherportionsof and battered looking quadwheelers passvery infrequently. There network, through which heavy goods, vehicles andafew transit rail serviceandasingle mainexittothehive’s arteria viable ways theCoscarla Division:theintermittent inoroutof Awareness Test Astute Acolytes, who payattention (an Looking forthe Way Out refuse, scorched wrec the stacks matter, are adifferent are andmany choked withold these broad streets, thesidealleysandgantry walks between more footandroad traffi abandoned debris, are broad andbuilt toaccommodate far thoroughfares which, while strewn witholdrubbish and presentWhilst doesn’t aproblem thisinitself on the main The practical only way toget round Coscarla isonfoot. G Coscarla solong. but herbrother, somewonder why shehasremained in a literate andskilled worker, withnotiestoholdherhere husband having diedintheblackout fi details, theywilldiscover that Liliisayoung widow, her thosetheyare for plying of canallaythefears Acolytes If Dreg andVapour Rat profi other unpleasantincidentoccurs. (See Agility Test through theworse areas must take a treadaccidentally uponwillturnouttobeamaddened dreg. going vermin that tostirupanestof rags bundle orif of you The footingistreacherous andyou never knowwhen you’re ETTING Anyone moving walk” thana“careful at speedfaster any etc. as suits the situation. situation. the suits etc. as upperhand this round) the gained has (neither reached been has a deadlock or that the Test either that decide should GM can the equal, also are Bonuses be retaken Characteristic participants’ the If success). standard (with participant with the higher ofadraw, case the the In wins. ofsuccess degree greater the make aTest onewith the and participants both case, this without them noticing), this is called an aguard passed to sneak ortrying contest wrestling arm an as (such ofanother that against directly orSkill ability onto matchtheir called be will acharacter Sometimes O PPOSED ortheywillloose theirfooting, orperhaps some A ), willnoticethat there appears two tobeonly ROUND T ESTS kage from from kage c thantheynowhandle. Away from les).

C Characteristic Bonus Characteristic OSCARLA the blackout fi res ayear ago. Sheis Appendix II Opposed TestOpposed Challenging (+0) Ordinary (+10)

res and worse. wins forthe . In . In the like a–30penalty. allsuffer fi pitch black and buildings that have theirownpower supply, itisalmost illumination providedlamp lightorthepoolsof by afew rangenew problems. of Outsidetheimmediate areas of down toemergency levels, are theAcolytes leftwithawhole When thenightcycle kicks power inandthedistrict’s fades Welcome totheNight Cycle nding your way lost), aswell if asattempts at gunplayand Perception and Awareness Tests (such as 117

7 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity Map 2-1: Important Locations in the Southern Coscarla Division Coscarla the Southern in Locations 2-1: Important Map

he Twilight City 8 T III:I: The Twilight City 118 display are SybasMoran’s infact theirfi men.Only thedivision’s realof enforcers are now deadandthoseon station sitsinapermanent shuttered state lockdown. of Most A squat, rockcrete pillbox three stories high,theenforcer Location 2: The Enforcer Station has alsobeendeliberately vandalised andsmashed. process isnowentirely automated. Apublic wire voxterminas have allbeenvandalised andtorndown. inspirational slogans fortheworkers that passedthisway are smashed,thepaint fl aking andsignsthat oncecontained empty look. Rust and decayclings toeverything, windows passengers at atime, therailhead nowhas abarren and ground level. Clearly built toaccommodate thousandsof spiral staircases andgantries provide accesstothedivision’s make uptheembarkation area, while wide, ascore metal of metal platforms, winches, hoists, gear houses andsignalboxes framework riveted of girders andbeams. huge Acluster of thegroundup ahundred by metres anornate off skeletal The three railhead raised consistsof metaltransit rails, held 1: TheTransitRailhead Location the fake enforcers’ abilities tocontrol orcover up. the situation control isstartingtospiral outof forMoran, and has increased herquotatofourvictimspernight,asaresult Churgeon’s experimentsare reaching acritical stage andshe by “recycling” themintotheAlmsHouse’s foodhandouts. The experimentsarefailed then(horrifi experimentation andorgan harvesting. Waste biomatter and Churgeon’s (concealedwithintheAlmsHouse)for facility andtake thecitizenry and abduct membersof themtothe techaugmented servitors, created from hervictims, target BodySnatchers.unleashes hersquadsof These dark during thenightisbecausethat iswhen theChurgeon The reason why theCoscarla’s of somany residents disappear T uptothemnow… in.It’s Acolytes one intheenforcer sealingthe station) willbecut,effectively blocked.completely Allwire voxlines inthearea (save forthe be placedonthetransit rail andaccesstothearteriawillbe notice.until further When thishappens armed guards will reason,suspicions forany Moran willorder alockdown Snatchers ortheenforcers, theLogician’s orrouse of any battle theChurgeon’sShould theAcolytes orkill of any Body L vanishing intothedark. resistance, retrieving comrades theirfallen and met withstiff Snatchers (seepage 44).The BodySnatchers willretreat if beingpounceduponbythey riska20%chance 1d5Body of that spendoutsideandaway theAcolytes from thelight, attracting somevery unwelcome attention. For every hour HE OCKDOWN The railhead’s control room hasbeensealedclosed andthe Moving around inthenightalsohaschance of V ANISHING !

cally enough) disposed of enough)disposedof cally gurehead be foundonpage 41 own toolsforthejob. Profi lawbreaking orfi themselves are foolishenoughto give themanexcuse by overt comeaftertheAcolytes, not openly unlesstheAcolytes theymustthe deception maintain andsotheenforcers will of theysuspectthem,are mindful if to theAcolytes the wary proles. Square are occasionally given anabnormally wideberthby Test willnoticethat thetwoman footpatrols that pacethe the habcitizens anda Routine (+20)Perception orAwareness be fi attempts by toget theAcolytes information themwill out of sweeps, killing vermin anddregs when theygrow bored. Any order over theSquare thearea andmaking of periodic area ordrinking alone intheThird Workers’ Union. sometimes befoundwandering fi hazeinhischamberan obscurafuelled inthestation, can the station, stonekillers all.Locan,when notpassedoutin with hisdistantanduninterested superiors. the real Magistratum normality force of tomaintainafaçade leader, abroken obscura addict namedLocan,survives from Importantly, while theenforcers represent adirect danger The current batch enforcers have of anevilreputation with The enforcers false limitthemselves enforcing tobrutally There are twelve Logician agents posing asenforcers at rmly andfl atly rebuffed. ringfi . rst.InsteadtheChurgeon willuseher les forLocanandtheenforcers can around themarkettfully


9 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity able stains. The The stains. able gure and because and gure t in anyt in additional oors comprise a medicae wingoors and his helpers can be les for Moran ces. Like the rest of Coscarla, the building has become of the building the rest Coscarla, Like ces. This area is also an excellent place to fi place to an excellent is also area This While these food handouts are vital for the community, vital for the community, these food handouts are While than is commonly worse much truth of things is much, The to the Alms House they may not guess it, venturing Though oor is made up of large refectories, a lecture hall, kitchens and hall, kitchens a lecture refectories, oor is made up of large and the contents of of oors a chamber the gruel are horrors encounters or events you may wish to add, whether to provide to provide whether add, may wish to you or events encounters a small combat to run for the Acolytes or the chance clues extra a group encounter with a chance include might These scene. and to bully someone interesting for looking of gangers surly from a robbery tactics, enforcer handed of a display heavy rob, or for a child screaming one of woman stalls or a hysterical the in the night. husband vanished Location 6: The Coscarla Hostel Location 6: through of tenement building knocked crumbling This paint of the sign above the cracked by is marked dwellings Hostel” and is the only option in the door as the “Coscarla to the compared Even for a paid night’s lodgings. the area are the walls of the hostel is in an awfulrest state, the area, and the furnishings the plaster peeling with damp, blighted of mould and unidentifi with patches covered Location 5: The Tantalus Alms House Alms House Tantalus The Location 5: better days as a display of Tantalus the in Coscarla’s Provided building this large largesse, and benevolence power, Combine’s and oversculpted, decorated marble, green with is fronted of crest a gilded scarab displaying the Combine’s prominently ground building’s The pair of torches. burning crossed a before fl its upper fl while rooms, store and offi been closed run down, most of and have its services dilapidated adeptdown and its staff called director—an to a single reduced juniors and a few servitors to help two has but who Moran, the refectory mid point of the at the day cycle, him. Once a day, from gruel and a hunk of a bowl of starchbread protein serves a can provide run dry) to all that its vats (until its soup kitchen for the meal. citizen pass or pay the demi-Throne valid both liked, not well himself are Moran his attendants and is a cold and authoritarian fi because Moran to be blamed are Combine—who the Tantalus they represent with connections to Those woes. of Coscarla’s for much is a link between there side also suspect that darker Coscarla’s petty corruption, pay imagining and the narcogangs, Moran to the in the food shipments offs or drugrunning involved and goings comings accounting for some covert Alms House, and the Station the Enforcer’s the Alms House, between Union. Workers’ actually suspended alms shipments months suspected, Tantalus in. moved and the Churgeon Logicians the and covertly ago its upper work, for the Churgeon’s is now a front building The fl best not described… into the heart of straight for the Acolytes the enemy is walking if not careful. More they are into trouble to get way and a sure III: The can be found in Part secrets ugly on the Alms House’s Profi Chamber of Horrors. 42. found on page . vaged Inquiry fty metre

ALK Deceive Test Deceive T or TO

OCAN L t. It’s worth noting that while Locan ETTING . : G Challenging (+0) Charm PTION O S fty to a hundred habcitizens, as well as reclaimators, as reclaimators, as well habcitizens, fty to a hundred is allowed to wander, the Logiciansis wander, to allowed him keep a short on leash and there should always be another or one enforcer keeping blades a discreet somewhere nearby, of Luntz’s eye on him, a fact the Acolytes might notice. GM might he If the Acolytes can get Locan talk to them to and if the GM wishes to give them a few more clues, it is possible selfrecrimination, (but not and easy) of him out some of what is force going to on; this fear guilt, should be a between Torn let slip dark hints about what is going on, mutter the name “Logicians” or warn the Acolytes against going near the Alms House or Moran, or mutter about the vanishings or fi see you else anything and illrepaired household items, patched clothing, and food clothing, patched household items, and illrepaired vermin. cooked edible with barely supplemented rations however here, little of Acolytes worth can purchase The About an hour the people. from can be gathered information of for an listening and questioning is enough to allow 12) (See page Test dregs and a handful of cocky gang blades, will congregate here here will congregate blades, and a handful gang dregs of cocky on offer things as sal such are goods The to do business. Location 4: The Trade Location Market The Trade 4: the from of furthest the area the Square Occupying away openair pedlars, of stalls, sprawl this ragged Station, Enforcer passes for open piles is now what cook shops and scavenger At any time during the day in southern Coscarla. commerce cycle, fi tall granite statue of a winged felid. The statue is millennia statue felid. of The statue a winged tall granite was region this entire a testament to when old and headless, estate. noble’s great once a single Location 3: The Southern Square Square The Southern Location 3: of as the hub of this portion operates the Southern Square The the railhead one side by Division, it is bounded at Coscarla it, populated from out radiate roadways broad and several of this important locations and the numerous habstacks by is a fi most singular feature square’s The adventure.

he Twilight City 0 T III:I: The Twilight City 220 can make an Room Serviceat theCoscarla Hostel). likelynight, it’s theywillhave someunwelcome callers(see habit. stayinthehostelformore theAcolytes’ thanone If mind takes issuewithandrobbing hisdrug them tofund dregs, hehastaken tomurdering gueststhat any hisparanoid in league withseveral thearea’s of vilestandmostfargone developed oneparticularly unpleasantsidelinehowever, and fi Union andhewillinform hecan thegang anything bossof variant obscura. Drayelok of toLuntzat isindebt theWorkers’ just aswell. Workers’ Union,hegets very littletrade, which isperhaps and at themoment,save fortheoccasionaloverspill from the Throne anight—“lightandbedding generously included”— malformed righthand. minormutantwife—a withaskeletally thinbuild andabadly workforce hisseemingly mute, consistsof witheredlooking grandeur,Despite hisfawning pretensions of hisonly drenched withsweat, who MaxusDrayelok. callshimself with large bloodshot eyes andpaleclammy skin, perpetually hostel’s proprietor isabulbousheaded, sickly looking man unless theygo together andwell armed, andthat: the Third Workers’ Unionwon’t afterdark lethismenoutfar that even Luntz,thenarcoboss currently rulingtheroost at successon theirTest,degrees of theopinion hewillalsooffer gains thequestioningAcolyte twofrightened orif ormore their boltholesinthedark hoursbecauseof: )that the dregs seenthemhimself arehasn’t frightenedtoleave (a unless forcibly interrogated orpleadingforhisworthless life about what’s really going on.Hewillvolunteer it noneof and nocturnalmurderer, Drayelok knowsasurprising amount In hiscapacities asinformant, addict, traffi What Drayelok Knows is adrugaddict, onalong andfar thepath to ruin. certainty, from hisappearance andmannerismsthat Drayelok circumstance). Asuccessgleans thefollowing information: nd outabout hisguests, included. theAcolytes Drayelok has dozens, scores perhaps, they’re but alltooterrifi edtosay it!” to know!Spire knows there’s enoughhabproles gone missing, andno,women off… Idon’t knowwhere andIdon’t want my thenight” sinsgoing onoutintheblack of Routine (+20)Intimidation Acolytes withanenforcer,Acolytes Arbites orcriminalbackground Drayelok isaddicted tospiral black, aparticularly potent Drayelok histwelve offers double rooms at arate ahalf- of Drayelock severely SaulArbest,but if knowsnothingof pressed aboutIf what hemeans, hewillclaim (thoughhe “Red body callthem, they snatchers eyes thatcarry menand “South Coscarla’s inblood kneedeep andthere’s worse than Ordinary (+10)Scrutiny Test or Deceive Test cker withdregs torealise, with in this inthis 221

1 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity t and , or ed by ed by vagely . Succeeding Challenging (+0) Challenging nite abiding sense of dread nite abiding Challenging (+0) Perception (+0) Perception Challenging rst round of combat. rst round until the Acolytes come weeping ce, Routine (+20) Intelligence Test (+20) Intelligence Routine rm that a defi that rm to detect the dregs approach as they mount approach to detect the dregs Routine (+20) Psyniscience Test Routine nd the door ajar and the lock broken. It is a simple broken. nd the door ajar and the lock or a Assuming the Acolytes make a beeline for Saul’s chamber, chamber, a beeline for Saul’s Assuming the Acolytes make Sleeping Acolytes may take a Sleeping Acolytes may take himself will shut behind Drayelok defeated, If are the dregs open been broken doors have the main entrance Inside, behind a few shuttered noises from some muted Aside from hangs over the place, far worse than anything they have than anything they have far worse the place, hangs over so far. encountered they will fi recklessly when the time comes—more than willing to batter than willing to batter the time comes—more when recklessly if half will only retreat of dregs The down doors if needs be. or incapacitated. killed their number are Test Awareness If the Acolytes are the locks. at stairs and fumble the rickety as they of attacks round a free will get the dregs surprised, a +30 to hit any gaining them in their beds, try and murder Acolytesthe fi in surprised imsy door of his offi the fl not to be ee into the darkness, his wife will fl for him, while seen again. of point to the rest other exit the hive Southern Coscarla’s wide enough to fi tunnel entrance, roadway is a yawning During the night once. at through macrohaulers huge two steel and automated two by the arteria exit is blocked cycle, half. lower the tunnel’s down to cover drop which mesh gates sits safely inside the system for the gates only control The Station. Enforcer 717 Location 8: HabStack with decorated tenstory block grey is a boxy, 717 HabStack scarab tiers of carved and stacked surrounds window arched one along minutes walk twenty sits about stack The blazons. It can be identifi the square. from of the main roadways been vandalised haven’t signs that left of the roadway what’s with a or burned Despite a generally the locals. from directions getting by to be in as good it seems outwardly appearance, dishevelled as any in the area. an order and thoroughly been vandalised has of the foyer and much open, displaying a stuck doors are elevator The scavenged. with decorated a stairwell is by up the only way void, black stylised workers, and happy depicting active murals damaged on dispensing bounty from nobles of hive representations high and icons of the city’s powerful. of silent and devoid seems empty, building the whole doors, a Acolytes may take activity. Test Location 7: The Arteria Exit Location 7: either will confi at Room Service Room at the Coscarla Hostel to determined has if Drayelok ofIn the dead the night cycle, open the back he will the Acolytes beds, in their and rob kill of “friends”. A number door for his the number (equal to dregs ofup the stairs, +2) will stalk the hostel at Acolytes lodging to the upstairs a pass key been given having the lead one on to be stealthy will attempt dregs The Drayelok. doors by sa attack will but Acolytes’ to the rooms, the way “The enforcers are involved in it… the missing proles I involved are enforcers “The les for Drayelok and the dregs can be found on and the dregs les for Drayelok mean. Stands to reason, as anybody who complains too loudly complains too loudly who as anybody mean. Stands to reason, has vanished, soon vanishes too.” that suchandsuch pages 40 and 41. pages Profi

he Twilight City 2 T III:I: The Twilight City 222 as needed: give read totheAcolytes; outorparaphrase thefollowing get away andfl threatened. shefeels ee if from her, shewilltellthemnomore than she must inorder to looking todealwithwhoever isresponsible. questionsthatany theymighthave theyindicate theyare if will beappalled but satisfi theAcolytes.some fabrication onthepartof is mostlikely dead.Shewillrespond bettertothetruththan rightly, that sheisinimmediate danger andthat herbrother on howtheytreat her. Sheisintelligent andbelieves, quite her level cooperation entirely of withthemwilldepend Lili willseemrelieved when sheseesthe Acolytes, however Story Arbest’s Lili pict—this isLiliArbest. a rucksack toherchest. They willrecognise herfrom her woman, huddled inanovercoat toolarge forherandclutching hiding behindthebedincornerisafrightenedlooking and asingle arched window. Making poorjobof afairly eight metre by eightmetre box chamber withawater closet The following pertinentanswers are afew that shecan threaten, theAcolytes overtlyIf lieorwithholdinformation give herbrother’s theAcolytes’ herproof of If fate she entirely uptoentirely them. outofhim. hell the shescared once and only Churgeon metthe kind”. He has expensive myguess—the would be mercenaries pros, “stone enforcers are the cold and Moran that knows Luntz addition, In disappearances. cycle night ofthe cause the is to something at the Alms House and he believes that that up are they connected.” that He knows “highly and cult” nothing beyond the fact that they’re some kind of “tech organisation’s the but heknows name, Logicians, for the over have As soured time. how things them badly tell he’ll and narco-syndicates” the players in grade on to by“high put hewas which deal, endofthe his isn’t heknows much: which heknows, all them tell He will be. needs if diversions by enforcers to for “occupied” the be arrange also can Luntz place. the in locks other several door, well as as service House’s rear Alms to the entry allows that copied passkey a give them also hewill job. for the Importantly, carry can they muchammo as and shotguns with them arm and task intact. skin his and gains gotten ill his with break to make aclean him allow will top boss of the Churgeon at the Alms House. He believes this “decapitation” the to kill to them hire wants and blood for new hire are Acolytes the believes Luntz for him. toAcolytes doa“job” approach the might Luntz Snatchers, enforcers orBody ofthe ofsome disposing yet) or(better dregs, murderous Drayelok’s gangers, “dispatching” in effective particularly proven have Acolytes the that Luntz to comes word If O PTIONAL Whether the Acolytes take this bargain with Luntz is is Luntz with bargain this take Acolytes the Whether for the each Thrones 500 Acolytes paythe will Luntz E NCOUNTER ed toknowthetruth,andopen : AD EVIL ’ S B ARGAIN information ingratitude before shefl the railhead, shewillfavour themwithonelastfragment of money, providing herwithaweapon oreven escortingherto tohelpher,going try theAcolytes on.If perhaps offering as several dozen labourers angry appear tofi willhaveAcolytes somevery awkward questionstoanswer will scream blue murder justasthe work shiftreturns andthe her but “evil” inCoscarla now. to detainhershe theytry If thatSaul, only sheisindire perilandthere isnothingleftfor no reason whatsoever tostay. Shedoesnot know who took frightened thanIwas. Ihadnoideahe’d actually reported it.” the otherenforcers. Itwas strange hewas more Ibelieve even but and bySaintDrususnottomentionthisagain, especially notto down intears rightthere. Hemademeswear bytheGodEmperor then hejustwent quietandlooked like hewas going tobreak know… lost.ItoldhimSaulwas gone, angryatfi heseemed rst, Warden LocanonhisownintheSquare, helooked… Idon’t SomethingterribleI knew! hadhappened.” skin crawl. Everyone juststared blankly back atmeandIknew, Worker’s thoughtheplacemakes Uniontolookforhim,even my been gone fordays. Ilooked everywhere. went Ieven intothe BythetimeIrealised thathe’d itoff. and sleeping vanishedhe’d To behonest,Saulhadbeendrinkingalot,drowninghissorrows I’d hadacontract towork uphive andwas toowornout tocare. not awelcoming placemuch, it’s but betterthandying isn’t it?” Iask.Notbulletridden, thebaris she’ll letmestay withherif Porphyry gang syndicates. Vandalised, brutalised and District, sponsor, theSibellannarcofriend who works asascrivener inthe make adashforthelastcarout.Ihave anoldunder itscurrent The establishment greatlyin, andthenthem. hassuffered I’ll coin themasters have paidreturns andthelastrail cars come come home,foolishIknow, itsaved but my life.” anything! Istayed here last night,justonelasthopinghe’d night,Idon’tevery knowhowmany andnobody willsay On Saul’s disappearance: Why sheissofrightened: On reporting Saulmissing: The have Acolytes noreason todetainherandshehas What she’s planningtodonow: “I was frightenedtoreport himmissingatfi rst, Isaw but “To my shame,Ididn’t knowhewas gone tilldays afterwards. “Escape. I was just waiting till the work shift ets of what little Iwas“Escape. justwaiting tillthework shiftetsof “I’d mademy minduptoleave; There are more vanishings ees: nd outwhat’s 223

3 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity

he Twilight City 4 T III:I: The Twilight City 224 See page 44fortheirprofi by theappearance oneortwo of BodySnatchers inthedark. discovering what’s afoot.Ineithercasetheywillberewarded out Lili’s orSaul’s chamber that nightcycle inthehopeof Enterprising maycomeupwithaplantostake Acolytes Outs Stake on page 43. outgunned. Profi Luntz knowsthat he(andhiscrew) are outclassedand dealing withand,Moran’s killers posingasenforcers, Churgeon represents worse somethingfar thanheisusedto situation where turnfortheworse. thingscouldeasily The and Luntzisbeginningtorealise that heistrapped ina is getting outthat Coscarla isa“badplacetodobusiness” deal appears tohave soured; trade upbecauseword isdrying brought himhuge profi sophisticated chemicals of fromthe supply theChurgeon has Luntz knowsthisshouldhave beenasweet dealforhimas Boss Gang “Chord” Luntz, repercussions willensue. storming Luntz’sof operation on theupperfloor, noparticular makecommon intheUnionandunlessAcolytes apoint behaviour mightdothisanyway regardless). Such fi lethalbarfi to startapotentially is notahappy man.Afailure onthisTest couldbeenough called Cord Luntzisincharge andforwhatever reason, he used asacentre forillegal drugdistribution, anarco-boss (+0) InquiryTest However, sometimespenthere andasuccessful whatof Luntzwould dotothemfortalking tostrangers. ask direct are questions, well astheclientele aware andstaff deals withLuntz. scum, gangers andrecidivists regularly cometoarrange rooms operations. inthehallasabaseof Various drifting gang boss“Chord” Luntzandhiscrew who usetheupstairs and smashed-upaddicts. The regular only clientele are the Acolytes, fi and bullet-ridden, thebarisnotawelcoming placeforthe the Sibellannarcogang syndicates. Vandalised, brutalised establishment greatly underitscurrent hassuffered sponsor, pockets what of littlecointhemastershave paidthem.The a commonpractice that attempts toemptytheirindentures’ provided by theTantalus Combine itsworkers, fortheuseof The Workers’ Unionhallisabarandvenue that was Union 9: TheThird TantalusLocation Workers’ light acandleformy brother’s soulthismorning.” something. Ithinksaw himattheTemplum when Iwent to drink-sodden he’s fool,but beenavoiding meandmightknow friends. They usedtodrowntheirsorrows together. He’s a The Workers’ Unionisnotaplacetogather rumoursor “You mighttryandfi Saul’snd Evard Zed,hewas oneof lled withnervous gang blades, morose drinkers les forLuntz,andhisgangers canbefound willfi ts. However, astimehaspassed the nd outthat thehallisclearly being le). ght (andtheAcolyte’s Challenging ghts are ghts and haslived thislong by keeping hiseyes andearsopen.He from thetrade market. Sikes isawily, mercenary character and megre goods inaburned outtechnomat’s shop, justoff fi augmentedvermintheir crudely houndhave setupastall underhive truthbetold)andhe, histwo if “apprentices” and Sikes isareclaimator from thedistrict(from outof thedeep Location 10:Sikes’ Yard refuse, buddlelled withallmannerof rags, scavenged tech T Su Stan Te Su Th Su T O abl w h n cc ccesse st re cces o e c es e R e S ucces oro se d 2- es s m s s m a ul 2: or r s t d S e

ik o w m Ho yo a m so “I In drd ha co as dod se li Ev al “T g al nu i pr t th eith “ Bloo then wh If ut w “ i t h n e O En es o o b n l n r , isn’ gh ene e a a i t l mo t er is m me g te ag mim od o nd vev vi d wnw ss mb g ll er heh h y n at fo use g go l s e er r r oo f o

e ts t

in , t I’mM do es ’ h ou y s or s s s a tht dS e ngn t er y sts t re th s , I di e b he hi ey ers, h catter d . s rm pep d mem b In h g, in ’ tr no d l t ce es in ve eee na w i e s, at e oake m r ou eh th ur si at jus n vev ’ l rur l as ade.” i re e n t ntn O n’ it? s iki rs, g n t s t ug o nt e stand, fo rc e ‘r ono n ? ou t ith hi ni r get at

nf a dg t o or as m dd e h n a u aw it or ff sts ee i er m o g h t li l d ng We e n g r nd oro h o th iss i an oc un. er b io No ini ta n n so y es t

a h rmr ke a ed d eh a o o ry Ma os i ad sh i e ata h n ce me s ke g t t al h lal nnc m th re mem h ds d m t ll ‘ n s h a e ?” ig n e S n s Fanc s em h yo t ! l m cl in ad p rr’ ep ini a M h m heh sts I at H p , e he an S e ha p m d ata l ht si o th s I ea ud e ye er e a a lal u t fi ta r M h a t ow ’l , a th c o h ! a r tt e w l a th s dod , s e le ! nd e,e w an rer n l ou s’ nen n av c cec lk so w is ded nd in ” y an e ag e io k s wh s d o wh u da oro e n ara e h e , dr s ha ada n d av in ay as h .” in ho mem o t d nd e r g n ” h Kn n r d AlA o d is s o nen on th o ns th bl t rk d ag n g ata c ve en g an s ec t hoh ut sc yo ne tr n c th th mym ut b drd e eme r ey ac msm r t o h scs o t b oi ese u h ic he no gi k n t m y at t ar c e h t ab c y ug ey sts in u ef , o n e op e ’r rri t k n—n kek e by p f k ng g H i y um b h?h mem i on k of ede th oro e g a to y i ou ci b re ptp hth ou waw H se d ? n in nsn hih rs i r a e coc i u ri o wa t ini fof t i e tit ” s e i ad i eke as en o w , n rer l ou , i t i t ghg d n idi o so k beb t.t e nt ze n mem ana sse s w g d heh r o O of l Qu n’n ff s a ee ‘ tc s e N t he n bo ad e se a t f c a o es e hi s e th non s ns ’ s tht ‘ ab t N w a t o y o h h i s? r t h? hah s eme olo heh i . ca ai re w nd i th r s, nk e ee a w wa at h g t a ca gh o’o t, o,o th ou P “A id g heh ThT l h A a T do n’ y as on tw sts ’ , d ere a n ha u oi drd P b I w I ‘ T t o in a r tt a os l I a ‘ t lm . sn a n i t rer sa t r I te th ala ed ik eme wsw nd ’v es ng n o? nyn s lel o of h heh ar ey v eg k ’l t’t a so d g,g m A l ts l it s,s d ’s ’ y y y ’t’ f f r e e e e s s s s l t t . ,


5 III:I: TThehe TTwilightwilight CCityity “I was with him the night… the night he vanished. We were were We night… the night he vanished. with him the “I was not that at the Union anymore, wanted weren’t we Well started, vanishings really all the see, before you was, That drinking in the Union, not much you understand, just enough just enough understand, you the Union, not much drinking in know him, I didn’t blade, this gang Anyway, to pass the time… issue with takes this blade Anyway, seen him before… hadn’t know. you loud, running his mouth, very being was he Saul. Well just understand, him, not bad you and cuts goes this blade Well, we’ve boss… just a cut in the chest, enough to show him who’s times. at the manufactorum a dozen all had worse for home, but straight for heading turfed out. I was night, so we to the Alms to go that cut, wanted about moaning Saul, he was House, see if one of him up or, stitch would them sirs charity on lights were him something for the pain. The give know, you there, could see it over —in the Alms House. We understand you place home, that old though, I went shining in the dark. Me the shivers. me gives rst.” one ofSaul, he was the fi owing, ve stub ve Coscarla, Coscarla, Intimidate Intimidate or vage in is called for; if the him ed and questioned, getting Charm Test Charm or re rules). re Routine (+20) Charm Routine . A success means that he sobbingly relates his story: relates he sobbingly . A success means that When Coscarla burned in the blackout a year ago, the other ago, a year in the blackout burned Coscarla When If successfully questioned about Saul, Sikes will venture If will venture successfully Sikes Saul, questioned about junk as he has a in Sikes’ Acolytes may be interested The Sikes is quite willing to barter information for cash—he information willing to barter is quite Sikes nd Evard Zed, Saul’s old drinking partner at the Templum— partner at old drinking Zed, Saul’s nd Evard Test This small chapel to the Imperial Creed is the domain of to the Imperial Creed an small chapel This Inside the icons called Fayban. of a preacher alcoholic wreck all lit of candles, alight with hundreds tallow are and statuary friend, one for a vanished each and the desperate, the lost by is perhaps in the night. This family heard member or a scream ofthe truest and most visual indicator just how bad things become in Coscarla. have to help the victims and died for their went clerics Templum behind and his conscience has stayed Fayban faith, however, has come Now a new terror since. ever him alive been eating has come to the wilful and cowardice ignorance and Fayban’s out goes the templum and never leaves rarely He again. fore as such, man and should be portrayed night. He is a weak at into the heart of any anger Acolyte cleric should strike which encountering him. storyEvard’s Zed, one of Saul is Evard the Templum Also hiding out at with him on the was companions who Arbest’s drinking his by man plagued Zed is another night of his disappearance. conscience and once he is identifi his soul is a to unburden Location 11: The Southern Templum Templum The Southern Location 11: has an idea about what’s going on even if he hasn’t got the the ifhasn’t he even on got going what’s idea about has an sal some good has discovered Sikes full story. Acolytes sweeten the deal with cash, trade goods or a few choice goods the deal with cash, trade Acolytes sweeten as bonus to this Test a +10 or higher they may have purchases, If fl the Acolytes’ money keeps the GM feels appropriate. pertinent a talent for crouching has talking—he will keep Sikes or rhetorical anecdotes in rambling facts and leading statements all. at seeming to say much without much saying assertions, him (she came to looking he knows Arbest’s sister was that and ifhim and made inquiries herself the after he brother), to likely they are he will tell them where Acolytes pay well, fi be that’d skirts, preacher’s worthless “Hiding under that my reckoning.” fi He will sell small quantity of and ammo for sale. arms however, with developments being what they are, his self- they are, being what with developments however, should he in and he feels that is kicking instinct preservation on soon. be moving he liar when He is a skilled for free. away nothing will give of (he will meet threats needs to be and not easily intimidated anything useful get out of In order him, a violence in kind). (+0) Barter Challenging (and has a for a Throne or shotgun cartridges pistol rounds total of 30 of has a battered ammo type for sale). He also each one “star buy, and his for ten Thrones revolver stub looking now defunct”, an old autopistol with regrettably owner, careless 39 for (See page for 40 Thrones. clips grip and two a rebuilt details of fi the automatic

he Twilight City 6 T III:I: The Twilight City 226 CHHAMBERAMBER OOFF HOORRORSRRORS



? COLYTES A nd their inspiration in a ed their targets and where and where ed their targets ESTRUCTION THE OGICIANS



GAINST A ARE nd them, they will wait until the next night cycle until the next night cycle nd them, they will wait

HO banned now for severalbanned for millennia. now The Logicians are a Finding adherents through a secret network of ruthless OVING gure or dark religion, they fi W have who factions heretic of alliance an are Logicians The long beena thorn in the side of the Calixis and the nearby Ixaniad Sectors. not aroundFounded a single charismatic fi hereticalforbidden text called “In Defence of the Future: A Discourse”, Logical socalled cult, “progressive” they the favour advancement of mankind through progress and the acquisition of believingtechnology, that they should castoff of the oppression of the Ministorum, of the overthrow High and put an the end to smotheringLords of Terra constraints of the Adeptus Mechanicus. the Logicians Ultimately, aim bringto about a return the to mythic of the power Dark Age of Technology. mercantile interests and powerhungry nobles, they are a hereteks for andhaven rogue techpriests, and are highly organised and resourced. well Although no Daemonic or apocalypticforce agenda liesat their heart, the Logicians are still a phenomenally dangerousutterly callous group, in their pursuit and unceasing of power in the hunt ever for better weapons and their achieve by which tools to ends. OUNTDOWN C their tracks plan to cover been the Logicians’ It has always in the weapon a biological by with an act of mass murder will only occur This bacillus. plague ofshape a concentrated operation if their whole they feel that during the adventure or if has become their position in Coscarla is threatened untenable. M identifi have Once the Logicians they might fi a hunting party will Such to send out the Body Snatchers. of (one for each Acolytes the Snatchers Body contain several with a armed enforcer a plainclothes lead by is advised), hunters will The vision visor. a dark and silenced weapon the Acolytes with brute force, stalk and tryto overwhelm plan to They in doing so. crowds as they can avoid as long as many in a surprise of alive the Acolytes as possible capture heavy if they take team will retreat capture This attack. their fallen with them. If they to take attempting causalities, on a subsequent and try again matters fail, they will escalate they are is overwhelmed, if force their entire night. However, of Luntz or become the subject a mob by betrayed obviously their destruction protocol will instigate then Moran attack, dissolving instead (see Countdown to Destruction) before hauler cargo in an armoured and escaping their operation out escort) he has concealed for this purpose (with enforcer that anyone of killing zone Northern Coscarla— in the waste in the way. gets rstly the rstly seek


re into crowds or setting loose or setting loose into crowds re ON

cant part it what transpires and for this transpires cant part it what ed) paranoia works against them—despite against works ed) paranoia

Horrors Horrors OGICIANS nd out what lurks behind its public front. Or... front. behind its public lurks nd out what

he third part of the adventure is focused around the is focused around of part the adventure he third the answers of that secrets the Alms House and it is here to Saul Arbest can be happened to the mystery of what L Chamber of of Chamber nd out who sent them and all that they know, and at the and at they know, sent them and all that out who nd If the Logicians take the offensive in this way, Moran Moran the offensive in this way, If take the Logicians Once this has occurred, the Logicians will fi the Logicians Once this has occurred, • The Acolyte’s suspicions will have been directed to the been directed Acolyte’s suspicions will have • The • The Logicians themselves (their suspicions aroused due (their suspicions aroused themselves Logicians • The of the Alms House is location the physical In both cases, Part III: The The III: Part HE Churgeon’s hands this will not be a pleasant experience. hands this will not be a pleasant experience. Churgeon’s leaving Station, the Enforcer from matters will coordinate hands of the the defence of the Alms House to the capable and her creations. Churgeon their obvious power, they are completely outnumbered by by completely outnumbered they are power, their obvious the is under no illusion that and Moran population the local if will not last long they created they have balance of terror opening fi the enforcers have they Secondly, daylight. playthings in broad the Churgeon’s they will want the interlopers, will not be content just to kill to fi to move covertly against them and will seek to capture them and will seek to capture against covertly to move this seems a least while them outright—at than kill rather fi twofold, for this are reasons option. The viable (justifiLogicians’ T aroused suspicions are noted, once the Logicians’ As previously they will seal off (see measure as a precautionary the area and conduct their own investigations 19) page on Lockdown if they don’t them. Even has come to oppose know into who resources, the Logicians’ given is the Acolytes, it that for sure and the fact enforcement law they effectively the local “are” criminal contacts and informants they can use Luntz’s that too asking are who of “strangers” down the group to track of it only the Acolytes a matter many time before questions, exposed. are

THE TURN OF EVENTS OF EVENTS TURN THE occur: things will likely one of two Sooner or later, they will Thus Alms House and its part in the disappearances. seek to fi T found. It is also here that the key to the Acolytes’ to continued the key that found. It is also here lies. survival reason it is explored here in detail. here it is explored reason to the PCs actions) will come after the Acolytes—or at least to the PCs actions) will come after the Acolytes—or at them against work they suspect is at force seek out whichever in Coscarla. to pay a signifi likely

he Chamber of Horrors 8 T IIII:II: The Chamber of Horrors 228 vaguely counterattack. meansof safe Body Snatchers (preferably from even adistance)istheonly the Logicians fl ee. thisattack If occurs, thenburning the public buildings andthelike, causingahuge diversion while habblocks,smash thevialssystematically intheentryways of plague vials, hidden underdreg’s clothing. They willthen surviving BodySnatchers willbedressed withbandoliersof in Coscarla, cruderandblatant. theirmethodwillbefar Any Logicians couldescape. However, thegame theyfeel isup if also becomingcarriers)providing asuitable delaywhile the awidespreadhave contamination of (theinfected theeffect theplaguewith adilutesolutionof bacillus, which would completed) was totainttheAlmsHouse’s lastfoodhandout the fooddistribution, aidedby thekitchen servitors, while the normality, Moran andhistwo outthebusiness aidescarry of During thedaycycle of theAlmsHousemaintainsadeception Security andDispositions attheAlmsHouse Alms House. The following each are area detaileddescriptionsof inthe T HOUSE THE LAYOUT OF THE ALMS HE Their originalplan(oncetheirwork inthe Coscarla was G ROUND F LOOR

and hand prints. prints. hand and scratches desperate blood splatters, covered marks, drag in fi the and barely fi is horror. air The covering and suffering aplace ofunspeakable is and herlair has the Combine’s for the Churgeon where the workers, is facility stench of blood.Logicians’ unobserved takeover. The the from old bloodstain occasional the and draperies lights torn papers, scattered furniture, broken overturned and fl with condition aworse in are scrutiny, ofpublic outside S desolate feeling. fi are rooms empty largely and building’s the scale vandalised, statues and cracked tiles abandoned, and Now largely disused statuary. and mouldings with studded walls the and vaulted, and high are ceilings the marble, green afunerary with inside tiled and fronted is building Tantalus The the Combine. of to power wealth nodoubtas the and with halls enter its whohumbly leave those and to impose designed scale and architecture its building, ornate and alarge is House Alms The THE B CREAMS ROKEN The third fl third The The rooms of the fi ofthe rooms The A lthy walls and fl and walls lthy LMS T medicae asmall upas set oor, originally : S H ILES lled with dust, leaving it with a haunted, ahaunted, it with leaving dust, with lled ETTING lled with a coarse disinfectant reek, OUSE rst fl rst

AND oor are sticky wet in places and and places wet in sticky are oor oor, beyond locked doors and



icker icker


9 IIII:II: TThehe CChamberhamber ooff HHorrorsorrors will nitely les for the Tantalus les for the Tantalus Ordinary (+10) Intelligence Test (+10) Intelligence Ordinary A locked pair of metal doors lead from the back of the back pair ofthe metal doors lead from A locked the contents of is defi the canisters are what Realising Breaking the mirror will reveal that it is twoway glass and glass it is twoway that will reveal the mirror Breaking The Kitchens and Stores The Kitchens and Stores unsanitary. dirty and entirely dusty, are and stores kitchens The of a way little by contains surprisingly main storeroom The concentrate of protein crates for some stacked food except of has been set aside with medium. An area fungal and a vat complete with rations, a supply militarystyle of concentrated of the rest is own sets of cutlery and utensils; these (unlike is area main kitchen The clean. scrupulously are the kitchen) underneath, burners with gas soup vats huge two by dominated servitor of a pair looking ancient and decrepit beside which not in use. when sit deactivated drones with the of the rear the Alms House (locked at to a yard stores lift shaft leads upwards. a pitchblack whilst passkey), standard leading to small the kitchen side doors from several are There issues from smell of blood a palpable and pantries, storerooms Store). Protein one of them (see The Store The Protein this the kitchens, side door from the locked through Entered metal drum canisters contains a series of stacked, room box canisters are Ifheavy these ofand smells heavily blood. liquid whose red clotted a thick, pried open, they will reveal inspection will Close will be overpowering. coppery stench stamped onto the sides of codes and dates them. If reveal from data the cogitator at looked already the Acolytes have an room, the hidden tally. the code patterns realise 37). (see page Test a Fear worth The Refectory Wing Refectory The a time at up to a hundred seat to able hall is square long, This and benches missmatched set with tables battered on long, and scripture inspirational lined with are walls The chairs. from of a series hatches metal through is served Food scenes. set into the wall has been mirror cracked A large the kitchens. will Test (+10) Perception Ordinary beside the hatch—an addition. recent is a relatively this mirror that reveal a forming a false has been set into the wall, compartment that and a small is a scanning device there compact booth. Inside Use or Common (+20) Tech A Routine cogitator. portable set to these to be a bioauspex, will reveal Test (Tech) Lore the while the mirror, by pass those who from readings take contains medical and personnel fi cogitator liquidcore the cogitator’s Note that workforce. Combine’s for evidence. can be removed cell data Hall The Lecture edifying could receive the workforce so that Conceived of unquestioning obedience and the instruction on the value auditorium this austere joy of for their masters, toil tireless light source disused and has no viable been entirely has long within. still working ce and ce . Forcing Ordinary (+10) Silent Move Move Silent Ordinary (+10)

N I Challenging(+0) Security Test oors are barred and off limits. During the night cycle, and off During the night cycle, barred oors are limits. t Opposed by Awareness (35) for any for patrolling guardt Opposed (35) by Awareness When moving round the Alms House,stealth is likely Most of the internal locks and the rear door use the ETTING Tes in a position them. discover to thus requiring a total of 12 or more points of damage in in damage of an against attack hit” “automatic an as this lock—treat points the more or 12 of object & Armour with a combined Toughness value of 10, total a requiring thus breakone hit to it—although this second option is likely to be very noisy, especially ifhits break it to the lock. takes the Acolytes numerous fortunately be of the theto day, order the solid building’s construction, general abandonment and layers of dust thismake Each wishing fairly Acolyte easy. move to an make must stealthily G areThere a number that of ways the Acolytes can gain entrance the to Alms House: they could break in, use a passkey (allthe of Logician agents carry sucha key) or tryeven and entering hide among the food and for crowd conceal themselves till later. same passkey (unless noted in the location), attempting to these sturdyovercome mechanical locks is no easy task— treat this as a When food is being handed out, one of Moran’s men poses food is being handed out, one of Moran’s When oor, while a Body Snatcher patrols the ground and second the ground patrols a Body Snatcher while oor, to six Body Snatchers night, two Each hour. oors once every homonculites do not sleep. and her two Churgeon The oor. The Main Portico and Reception Chamber Reception and Portico The Main is made up of main entryway doors, a set ofThe high bronze open during columns; these doors are marble wide by anked fl within during the night. shut from and barred the day cycle oor featuring a mosaic fl by is covered the wide lobby Within, a by now mostly obscured Combine, the icon of the Tantalus to the left leads of grime and dirt. A wide archway layer thick to the right, leads to its parallel, while to the refectory area, inward two the entrance, from across hall. Directly the lecture oor ascend to the landing on the second fl curving stairways desk stands, reception them a high marblefaced and beneath adepts depicting robed tall and grim statues two by bracketed light Day or night, the waning aloft. torches holding burning is the torches mounted within the statues’ lumen globes from the dirty ofonly shadows across source light, casting long leads to a disused offi Behind the desk a doorway oor. fl elevator. cage and off is a locked storeroom to one side, citizens for their identity the desk and checks as an adept at them to pass into the refectory allowing coin, before or takes At all other times it is deserted. for meals. upper fl and the others sleep on the second (unless called away) Moran fl fl the while of sent out to “collect” the night’s subjects, crop are on the third canisters, to chemical hookedup await, remainder fl

he Chamber of Horrors 0 T IIII:II: The Chamber of Horrors 330 director’s marbletopped desk. Tantalus Combine’s symbol onthepanelledwall behindthe condition. The room isdominated by alarge mural the of the imposingchamber hasbeenmaintainedinapristine normalityhas maintainedapretence inthisroom of and Accessed from anornate locked thelanding, Moran dooroff The Director’s Chamber thelandingto wardsthe endof ontheupperfl oor. landing and,behindalocked sidedoor, astaircase leadsfrom Moran’s aides. The cage elevator from thelobby stopsonthe with scattered papers and three have beenusedasquartersby dived intocorridorsby thinpartitionwalls. are Many fi unusedoffi series of from thisfl thelanding, themajorityof a oor ismadeupof Accessed eitherasthefi The landingandtheEmpty Offi T spare charge pack. bound parchments, somedataslates andalaspistol witha Routine (+20) Strength Test locked Moran (only hasthekey) but forced easily openwitha matriculation nickelplated engineof metal. The deskdraw is stacked layers clean parchment of andasmall(deactivated) HE A quick scan of thedataslatesA quick scanof from thedesk (taking about The autoquill,neatly desk containsafunctioning F IRST F LOOR ces oraustere chambers (former adept’s) rst stopupward ontheelevator or

. Containedwithinare several ces lled will attack intrudersremorselessly untildestroyed. theChurgeon’sone of Homonculites(seepage 44),which apparatus andwhirling centrifuges, tendedby at alltimesby benches stacked with been converted into an alchemistry lab andisfi What was awashroom area at thefl thevery endof oor has Lab The Alchemistry fi that Moran haskept like asoldier’s billet. some thirtydaysago. to theTantalus Combine tosuspendnormal foodshipments will reveal areceipt thedirector’s acknowledging of request ve minutes)andasuccessful This isthelab where theChurgeon’s cover business as A smallsidedoorfrom thechamber cell leadstoasleeping to come and assist her. She will not, however, stop her work, work, her theatre. enter heroperating stop however, not, will Acolytes the until going are how things badly She no matter her. assist and come to problem vox the enforcers and the with and to Moran deal Snatchers Body remaining any dispatch shewill building, the in detected are Acolytes herwork. the If in juncture at a critical and sane from far obsessed, is Churgeon The T HE D OCTOR

IS bubb

IN ling glass crucibles, sparking Ordinary (+10)Search Test … le with lled , 331

1 IIII:II: TThehe CChamberhamber ooff HHorrorsorrors c, beyond anybeyond c,

door lies (the previous tted recently LOOR F HIRD T The two wards are draped with crude partitions made from with crude partitions made from draped are wards two The HE T Wards The Medicae with the main oor, fl the third dominate medical wards Two reception ascending to a central the lobby from elevator cage rubberised them. Curtains of semi transparent point between the lights while wards, to the two entrances the hang at slats being bled was as if power pulse slowly, and icker fl overhead a blank area reception On the other side of the ward away. door has been fi armoured on its side nearby.) blood twenty behind which plastek sheeting and torn cloth, Eight of the gurneys view. from hidden gurneys are spattered the dead bodies of occupied by currently the Churgeon’s are has sight of what The sheeting. by covered victims, mutilated is truly horrifi been done to these unfortunates holds violence or sane mind. A shelf one wall “normal” along uid suspension, while and limbs in fl organs jars of harvested comatose be found. This can “survivor” in the far corner a lone up to and is hooked scars on his chest surgical man has fresh a while and drip fed machinery chemicals, looking arcane and spools a printed sheet into next to him chatters cogitator hopper. a waiting ? TO


re or even perhaps a perhaps or even re HURGEON C THE



UST J principle goal has been theThe Churgeon’s perfection of a genetically stable, biocultured neural graftorgan control thewhich enable would Logicians rapidly create to armies of obedient soldiers and servants from healthy human stock. If perfected, the subjects retain would their memories and entirely be servitors), but Imperial common (unlike skills controlled by their parasitic implants, which also would be override to andable regulate their pain receptors, as as well some other useful tricks. Unfortunately the tissue rejection factor has been killing a huge problem, the vast majority of test subjectsentirely—although these successful were or enough her to for at best destroyingcreate the Body Snatchers. their Even theunfortunate better Saul Arbest) unreliable, suffering proved have higher ones (such as the brain deathsslow and regressions after periods of functionality. f unctionsThe Coscarla, with its ready supply of good quality subjects, opportunity anprovided excellent carry to out a large study on rejection factors and, although the fatality rate has been huge, the data raw gathered has been very promising. If the Churgeon escapes, sooner or laterstage she in her experiments… will move to the next a dealer in illegal formulas and reagents for the narcogangs for the narcogangs and reagents formulas a dealer in illegal shots or is delicate—stray apparatus is carried out. The in a fi might result smashed vessels small explosion. small explosion.

he Chamber of Horrors 2 T IIII:II: The Chamber of Horrors 332 them at theirinitialbriefi larger theforbidden specimenof bioconstruct Sandshowed mayrealiseAcolytes that thethinginchamber isafar The thinginthechamber isbeingtendedby aHomonculite. fi The oppositewall holdsasingle large transparent chamber, the BodySnatchers are hooked uptothesebetween missions. One whole wall isgiven over hangingcanisters— toaseriesof containment vessels alchemical andbewildering apparatus. energy,arcs of rack uponrack of tangle hissingandcrackling of machinery, litby corposant vapourof hangsabove thefl oor. The walls are linedwitha tooneside. Thesits off room isicycoldandaheavy mist sheet metalplating. Anopenliftshaft,covered by agrate, several withtape and partitionwalls sealedoff andcrudely domain. Itisalarge chamber madefrom knocking down Beyond thearmoured pressure dooristheChurgeon’s The Operating Theatre pressurised doorswings very slowly. something tocomeoutandthenwedge itopen,astheheavy couldwaitcutting equipment,alternately theAcolytes for the doorby force would needheavy weapons, explosives or Churgeon, Moran andtheHomonculites. Gettingthrough the befoundinthepersonalpossessionof and thesecanonly lock. Aspecialencodedaccessorkey isneededtogain entry except fortwo diagonal metalnotches at waist height—the The armoured dooris icycold tothetouch andisfeatureless The Armoured Door the following: lled withaclear fl uid inwhich fl oats alarge whitish mass. harvesting of your unworthy flharvesting of esh!” grating artifi lenses setinthewoman’s focusonyou deadface and a living woman’s stitched face toan iron skull. Glowing catches within, you theface canseewhat a remains of obscene clockwork spider. by twitching dozens mechanical of limbs, like some back isaheavy burnished metal,surrounded massof horrors. thischamber of master of Perched onthefi cogtooth pattern, who bethearchitect canonly and fi hismind. out of ribcage, isayoung man,clearly consciousand terrifi anatomical exhibit, hisheartstillpumpinginsplayed blades,ending inclusters of manipulators anddrills. instruments, fl ashing cogitator displaysandarmatures operating table, surrounded strange by allmannerof At the centre of itallistheChurgeon.At thecentre of Read orparaphrase gure, shrouded inblack robes edged withabloodred “Foolish meat! Incominghere you have only hastenedthe The cowledheadturnstoward you andasthelight Looming above himisanarrow andimpossibly tall On thetable, strapped an downandlaidopenasif The thechamber centre isdominated of by alarge cial voice issuesforth: ng. bubb ling sampletanks, gure’s ed horrors requires aFear Test (seepage 37). ensue astheymake theirbreak forit. gun battle withLuntz’s men(andpossibly will theAcolytes) network inanenforcer halftrack unlessstopped.Arunning an even more shunnedandblighted place. take hold,andastherumoursspread theCoscarla willbecome verging ontheheretical. Soonhorror andmasshysteria will to circulate astowhat themtrue, tookplace, some someof For thesouthern district,rumourswillbegin thepeopleof samplesthatany theymighthave preserved for him. performed toobadly,” beparticularly pleasedwith andhe’ll them over avox from hisownlab, willgrant that they“Haven’t thoroughly questionedabout thematter. Sand,speaking to will setfi to cuttheirlosses andattempt anescape. Indoingso, they Churgeon iskilled (orhasfl ed), heandhismenwillseek theAlmsHouseisdestroyedinsane fanatics andif orthe the building inafi before thepower chamber goes criticalandblows thetopoff fi ichor ontothefl oor andsurfaces. The have Acolytes about after thevarious tanks starttoshatter, spillingfoulsmelling around theroom asthemachinery beginstooverload. Soon the shaft. maglev systemallowing down hertoescape swiftly andsafely combat rounds) andflee downthewaiting liftshaft,herinternal programme themachinery tooverload (thiswilltake two looks like thefi opportunity totake shotsat theinterlopers withherlaser. it If attempts towithdraw theroom, totherear of givingherthe Snatchers inthechamber, toattack while theAcolytes she Homonculite tendingthebiotank, remaining andany Body will detach from her“scalpelfamiliar” herback andcallonthe The Churgeon distainsphysical confrontation attacked, andif END GAME evidence withafi will beprocessed, while forensic teamswillsiftthrough the LuntzorSikes)will benosignof andthelocal inhabitants sweep willround upeverybody who already hasn’t fled (there Magos Biologis Arbites andtheAdeptus willsoonfollow. The with thewiderhive andanInquisition-backed sweep by the theLogicians, theycanquicklydriving off reestablish contact are theAcolytes victoriousindefeating orsuccessfully If T ve minutestograb whatever evidencetheycanand get clear HE Viewing theChurgeon at herwork inthischamber of The longterm outlook fortheCoscarla willbebleak. The willbechecked Acolytes over forcontamination and Moran andhisenforcers are trained professionals not Alarms scream, electricaldischarge arcs of willcascade A re totheStation Houseandfl ee through thearteria FTERMATH ght isnotgoing inherfavour, shewillquickly netoothed comb. netoothed reball of plasma. reball of


3 IIII:II: TThehe CChamberhamber ooff HHorrorsorrors URTHER rst hand knowledge of rst hand knowledge F LOT P THE

? ND E “I’m sure we can fi nd a few suit little tasks that might more can fi we “I’m sure EVELOPING One other mystery that remains lies with the missing; remains One other mystery that with their fi In all these cases, your talents. Why, now that I think on it, I have the very thing thing the very now that I think on it, I have Why, talents. your in mind…simple job off a restful world, journey way, on the at all…” be no trouble it’ll why HE nding out more. out more. nding events, the Acolytes are the perfect candidates for the job of the perfect the Acolytes candidates are events, fi Many questions may lay unanswered at the end of at this Many questions may lay unanswered wider plans? What the Logician’s were What adventure. might fester in the wasteland or conspiracies other horrors elements in the Tantalus there of Division? Were the Coscarla to the situation? eye for turning a blind responsible Combine with the conspiracy? involved Is some faction in the Combine and the rulers the Logicians between How deepthe links do And, of Luntz) go? the likes (farof above the narcosyndicates if Luntz or the Churgeon Moran, level, practical on a more the hunt for them will continue apace. escaped, of those they records meticulous adepts kept fake Moran’s and fate, with their eventual along for abduction had targeted the merciless by been broken once their encryptions have they simply it will be noted that minds of the Mechanicus, Saul Arbest among Some six test subjects, do not tally. of the to be the most successfulthem, appearing and stable are not accounted for—where are creations, Churgeon’s they were Sand will be that by drawn conclusion they? The “Site X” as he will for study, some other locale to dispatched to be found, and the supposition occurs that it remains dub started rail on the transit dead body found Saul Arbest, who’s rather all, but at Coscarla from not escaping was all of this, home… died tryingreturn to D T : say (with some humour) settled, Sand will are Once matters

he Chamber of Horrors 4 T IIII:II: The Chamber of Horrors 334 APPPENDICESPENDICES



l l ll l s e e e y y y yy d d d dd d e,e,e,e,e, ssssssssssss ll ededee lllll ndnnndnnd uauauaua ncncncn ananananan ncncncncncnn nnenenenene ititiit caccacaca ngngngngng ee hahahahaha e tatatata iriririri rererere d d d dd d s sisisisi gegegegege isisis rararararar o ooo e lilililil s ttt spspspsp eeeeeeee t t eeseses hyhyhyhhhy wawawawaw elelelelel y.y.y.y.y p h hhh h d a r r ppp t dd ddd spspspsp itititit ititi ndndndnd a a a ntntntntntnt l n n.n.n.n.n. p p ilililil l l a ndnd ananan s.s. i i i oo ryryryry hahahaha l a ioio a a i i l lll caca w w ababababab alalalal t t .).) a owow itit r soso llll l l ll sisi .. a tatata ereer c i nanan erererer h a ss tcttt y lll iaiaiaia kikikk ssss ctctctct ududu n enen ee llll hyhyhy enen e e h h h s enenen mimimimmi pp rararara ereer ococococ kikkkk s s s s nenenne s gg m p p ss ofofofof s nsnsnsns tatatatata g cscsccsc m m m m s s s s s nnnn d d d d .... f ofofofoof s s s hahahahah veveveve ofofofof ofofofofo nn ccc ofofofof ofofofof titititi gugugugug ofofofofo ofofofof titititi c c e eeee ( ofoofofof anananan ioioioio ononon e e e e ee e ( ( ( ( r e eeee ee e ee e e ee e eeee e eee r isisisis r a a e e eee titititi y r epepepepep ururur rr g g ggg urur .. urururur ptptptptp ryryryry e.e.e.e.e ururu c y.y. ururururur uururur urururuuru urur nnn ulul i ururururur rcrc asas s nn inin nana d ererererer asas asas riririri e asas asasasasas asasas ngng rfrf urur asasasasas asas ononon n udududud asasaaa t

e didi pepe t titi ononono meme itit scsc nj ctct me meme apapapap h me we memememe meme d d or memememme meme ee i rtrt memememe asaa e o n o g rara fi A AA wewewe A p A A t A co A A A re A an A fofo A A A A DeDeDe A a

ha ) r l)l)l)l) ne their various special areas of areas special expertise, ne their various n ) l C l ned and described in a number of ways, ofa number in and described ned ways, on FeFeFe T l l ( ) i d ( ( we ti ence tion 1: ki S k g) s n ( ipip o S A a es h ig ( 4-

p sh ep n th ivia e on S ll h , this indicates the maximum amount of Damage that that amount of the maximum Damage , this indicates r ) ) ity ) istic ng ow l ) m b ap S P i te ll ug ll S) a re erc ble nt t e W B I Per W ( Ba ( S To Ag In ( P ( Will ( F N Ab We If you take a look at and compare the Acolytes provided the Acolytes provided and compare at a look take If you You will also notice that your Acolyte has a number of your will also notice that You HARACTERISTICS Ta character is defi character measure a rough provide which Characteristics including as a expressed and are of abilities physical their mental and and their Skills the better!) and (the higher score numbered defi which Talents and gifts. training differing Characteristics have they each that will see you and them individual make which and Talents Skills scores, different to play. Wounds out of action or dying. going before Acolyte can take your C and opponents Acolyte mention all the game’s (not to Each the GM) has the by controlled supporting cast of characters these are: characteristics, same set of comparable

e e h it t hen h o t uses dice so w a w

, +2 d e

e score you you e score g d h d a ma

ERESY ice an d so t d Da

“tens” and roll a e, an H d ic ie re d l be d

ARK il a Characteristic score, score, a Characteristic e te a i D ll d10+2 h w on

1 ll w ro e ct t o h h i r fl t ig ed one n ld on ghting a shadowy war to keep to keep ghting a shadowy war m ou ht i , in order to do this you roll two two roll to do this you , in order he r 3 g w t a you d Test er to that score, depending on the score, er to that an Test ing you 3. equal to or under equal rst rst that E h ice Rules Rules fi g a 5


y is in d PL PLE k omet d re s le e: A laspistol mi u sa M e o h ol plp ngng y AM r titi en ma ama XA X ve oooo on t Appendix I: Appendix EE ExEx shsh 5 ha E Wh dice, culty of what you are trying to accomplish. are you culty of what Sometimes you will be asked to roll a d5, if you don’t have don’t a d5, if have you to roll will be asked Sometimes you The game also uses dice for other variables such as weapon as weapon such other variables also uses dice for game The This game uses ten sided dice (d10) and it is recommended (d10) and it is recommended uses ten sided dice game This Quick Start Start Quick YOUR ACOLYTE ACOLYTE YOUR of an Acolyte—this on the roll is take you Heresy In Dark in service all title for the many differentthe catch agents fi are of the Inquisition who Your its many enemies. safethe Imperium of from Mankind Like most other roleplaying games, games, most other roleplaying Like THE DICE AND MAKING THE DICE TESTS one handy (yes such things do exist!) roll a d10 instead and things do exist!) roll such one handy (yes up). half (rounding the result Damage, in this case you simply roll the number of simply dice roll case you in this Damage, result. your the totals and that’s add indicated Diffi usuallya modifi with dice to generate a number between 01 and 00 (100), reading 01 and 00 (100), reading a number between dice to generate ofthe results of one as “units” the dice as “tens” and the other with can tell the dice apart!) its handy if you is why (which the aim of rolling to determine chance of your character succeeding at an action an action succeeding at character of chance your to determine outcomes. and events of lots other viable and to determine sided dice of ten different least two at have player each that dice in the game roll you Most times when to play. colours a will be making you

pendices 6 p AAppendices 336 Characteristic associated withthat Skill. Test theSkill your istrained Acolyte in you Test simply the it (forexample, Dodge isanAgilitybasedSkill). Inorder to aparticularCharacteristic whichoperates off isnotednextto particular fi listed inmetres andequate toHalf/Normal/Charge/Run. combat systemtodefi such asthecombat system. your Characteristic scores are highlighted,thisnumberrepresents S our demowe canlimitthemtothefollowing: play. Fate Points canhave usesbut many forthepurposes of Fatenumber of Points which theycanspendeach sessionof on theirshoulders. Inorder torefl ect this, each hasa Acolyte Chosen menandwomen, have Acolytes destiny thehandof F no escaping asevered head!Etc.) you are someutterly terrible killed outright,orsuffer fate (so regain 1d5lost Wounds when you have beeninjured, unless it worse! Test failed Any ever mayonly have onereroll. Test.failed However, you must take thesecondresult even if KILLS ATE Your Skills, hasasetof Acolyte each representing a You your of many willalsonoticethat the“tens”digitof Your Movement alsohasasetof Acolyte rates usedin the The SecondChance: It was Just aFleshWound: or escaped from. from. or escaped destroyed is opponent that until opponent, of afrightening case the orin thing, frightening to the proximity in while of–10 penalty to ongoing an Tests subject are to all they below their Willpower Characteristic), if they fail this Test to or equal tensideddice to getanumber two score (rolling noted in the adventure) they must Test their Willpower is confronted bya simplifi something that However, we use demoadventure causes rules. for this main the Fear (this in Heresy, covered are detail Dark and in in confront must will be Acolyte an that things all are corruption Fear, and horror F Characteristic Bonus EAR to th 1d10+1+S Some E ta e resu

X l.

AM training,eld of education orexpertise. Each Skill ! Test. Fear ofthe ed version your Acolyte When h l an t, t d P h to B. L en This tells E a h dd an theyare,ne howfast theserates are you d weapons stat You mayuseaFate Point toreroll a r SB , thisisusedincertaingame rules y o

u ( St to You mayuseaFate Point to re r ng oll t e h B 1d10 a t h at on t us h ) e to nd a ir D g iv dd am e + a age fi 1 na to is l


7 AAppendicesppendices ict ! Immediately ! Immediately Damage points scored against a against points scored Damage Righteous Fury age. icted educe this Damage by your target’s Toughness Toughness target’s your by educe this Damage ict. icting Damage Damage icting If you are using a close combat weapon you may add the may add you weapon combat using a close are If you If you roll a “0” (a “10” in other words) on your Damage Damage on your (a “10” in other words) a “0” roll If you Getting Hurt (and Killed) (and Killed) Getting Hurt hurt then they are to 0 Wounds is reduced character If your to –5 If reduced they are suffering a –10 to all Tests. badly, out and are been killed then they have or more, Wounds of game. the Infl the weapon’s roll successfully target, you hit your When Damage. R the (AP) they might have, Points Bonus (TB) and any Armour caused them have you is how many points ofresult Damage their total Wounds). this number from (they remove of Bonus (SB) to the amount Strength of damage your value infl you dice, you may have infl may have you dice, roll another attack Test, if this is also a success, you infl you if a success, this is also Test, another attack roll 1d10 dam and additional cumulative. are character

e eded vage h asas soso b , b isis thth l l g ilil ng rst round ofrst round rere sksk ed version to ed version est. StS m m 2 2 T wiwi e 3 he S

e t as s ght otherwise ends. ght otherwise ends. h ss h T es pap . l rr a to nan J caca 323 ic, ic, e OMBAT st thth an ri rst, then the next highest score rst, then the next highest score s h C te t oso ac ss lel arar acr r FOR o ChC

imimi o h to swsws

EEEE l gtgt o oo tt LLLLL t en uaua PPPPPP tststs trt offers detailed and fastpaced rules for sa ULES eqeeq S

S S l ll anananan MMMMMM hehehehe olol w w w w tt R AAAA t r r eseseses t ERSEY stststs XXXXX onononon rrrrrrrr H EEEEEE JaJaJaJaJa upupupup mumumumu rst round). rst round). UICK The combat rules assume that your enemy in any given enemy in any given your rules assume that combat The Combat then occurs in the order of Initiative, the character the character of Initiative, then occurs in the order Combat Some Skills everybody can do (or greater or lesser degrees), lesser degrees), or can do (or greater everybody Some Skills ALENTS ARK ght is aware of what’s going on and is attempting to not on and is attempting going of what’s ght is aware combat, including a great many options covering different many options covering a great including combat, and critical effects, parrying, body locations types of damage, and manoeuvres numerous as, as well types, oflots weapon a simplifi are here rules presented The actions. those found in the rulebook. combat only (your surprised opponent can do nothing during opponent can do nothing during surprised only (your combat this fi get shot/hit etc. If you catch a target completely unawares or completely unawares a target catch If you shot/hit etc. get during the fi a +30 to hit gain you surprise, by Making An Attack Attack An Making (WS) Skill pass a Weapon must you an attack, make you When (depending on the type of weapon (BS) Test or Ballistic Skill target. to hit your using) in order you’re that fi The Combat Turn Turn The Combat 1d10 and At the beginning of all participants roll a combat, Initiative this is there result; their Agility Bonus (AB) to the add combat. for that score fi goes with the highest score it in turns to act (see Actions) until all takes and so on. Each turn. done so; this completes a combat have those involved continues turn after turn (using the same Initiative combat The until one side is victorious or the fi order) D Q T this wide of ability, special areas innate expertise or are Talents to enter a homicidal frenzy, the ability from ranges category cybernetic implants of or the powers to manifesting psychic A list of the effectsthe techpriests. of pertinent Talents some the end of Rules. Start can be found at these Quick even if they aren’t trained in them. These are called Basic called are ifthem. These in trained they aren’t even written next to them. When “Basic” the word and have Skills score the Characteristic simply halve you testing a Basic Skill, Testing. are you

pendices 8 p AAppendices 338 The following are all Actions you cantake incombat turn: Actions attack you if were unaware completely thedanger. of the hitsothat nodamage isrolled. You cannotdodge an attempting aDodge Skill Test toget theway, out of negating attackreact onceperturntoasuccessful madeonthemby In addition totheiractioninagiven turn,acharacter can Reaction out of action. out of reduced to0Wounds are assumedtobekilled orotherwise TaT Note that NonPlayer Characters (NPCs)andantagonists OtO ini StS ReR Ru ChC Ai AcA NaN blb to an a m lo he n/n ara n ti o mem l c e / d ad c e ge on r Ev d ov upu n AcA o 4-4 p o ad ere c /G/ r tit f e i 2:2 G e e on ct n ete A s . A

ct io tu coc ono beb GMG to OtO ana st or Yo th tot an (s( ReR su tu oto fu RuR mme lo co mo op ChC ag bob opo ai AiA DeD o s u u h o n n n e om e an mi M ngn t rn rnr he m r ll ei ff d m:m ai mb mp a d ara nsn u lyl po pop nu lol heh n/n n tr d ar ve i m r sc r er r el a dad nsn e ct , s b p iv ngn yo in r a es to a ad B e a cac ge v n l aka r s ne ne t a s r ded o Ev lel un at oa a tot ri lll r ioi rar e t e g a f s rdr t e at u n Ac on i a : n Ac f owo we : Yo x , e – nt nt th ptp p sc n. ewe ng yo in d ada ni – y p w Yo m e mim c g w ini g aca 202 y ge ti m i ana ri n em ere m

ti d tot ng apa an a i s th u e: ede c o r s n on u u m o ono gh pt o in ou un ti d s ov ffo sp t c yo y Y p i on h m em ov ece so d at n s . fi a can ru on ca in io

s n on rmr ave s: t ov r ne en e , orsiz g ena n ou ini ) ot u m ono pe in s . g n re tt . Y n)n tat —t h s t

er tack the o d d ra Y . heh a in acks a t, can g mov kek Unti e dsd . ara mam o ouo l i xt y a tet d ty. ng a r h r a th n e at a l a s o

+1 h ou oa a s i ndn m is o y c ofo eve ( a AAc y d isi c m r f cu b l in tt s n e d om i ta g m r 0 is f u d rect eral “r a ay ou un a g ac ti a g your mb r n t r m kek y ai i a n me ain ea yo on ep bo ov k Ac a ba w r up you n t ta n s ot in r l l”l er ur rer tr s y Acti st s l ch ttt e nus t t a +1 k ou ea e nex ev t at at c e es so em y e n t se f ast tu yoy yo yo d ar im ti u m lo p f ere nd o i i me ntn ee rn o on on ou an ge uru ur ur ptp as se n e al ee, 4 0 n n n o s s r t t ,

number of hitsequaltotheweaponsnumber of Semiautorate). an additional hitismadeagainst thetarget (toamaximum two successmade ontheBSTest degrees of (seepage 26) the numberlistedinrate fi of When theseweapons fi description asS(single shot)/SemiAuto rate/Full Auto rate. A weapon’s rates fi different of Some Additional Rules forGunplay armour alsohasthePrimitive quality). Armour Points are doubled against theirDamage (unlessthe diffi thetwohighest result of dicerolled. weapon withthisquality, roll anextra 1d10 andpick the gouge, rend andshred, when rolling forDamage witha illustrate this, two are present intheadventure: etc. and others, such asenhancedarmour penetration oraccuracy Some weapons have very particularorunusualqualitiesthan W hitsequaltotheweaponsnumber of FullAuto rate). an additional hitismadeagainst thetarget (toamaximum each successmadeontheBSTest degree of (seepage 26) T Full Auto SemiAuto Primitive: Tearing: culty inpenetrating advanced armours anddefences, and Sh Te W a S Po Lo a EAPON n e bl ea mi d ort int n r m g p F D e -A R on u Bl Range ARK ll A u 4-3: an s an Weapons withthisqualityhave atendencyto tomat ge Q attacks benefi u H k attacks benefi Certain lowtech orlowimpact weapons have to ERESY G UALITIES ic un bo l that isle S De d i a b se S ad i t Sh – up i Sh uses a number of weapon usesanumberof qualitiesto re, theyexpendammunition equalto pl ist f thes f n s o h hoo o e 1 ve c re ds c totw me oo oo nu 0 u e ay ver ver l sc lo e d ar ra rs c a t from a+10tohitandforeach pe s tin ti ti r wea se ri me t e t from a+20tohit,andfor l +

ng ng s to the ra i ho d na of re (RoF) willbenotedintheir c ptp an g


f h 30 ss t tr ic b a a a fi t lt oto ot om re forthat mode. fi po ge io es ef r e w it w y w w f e b s ere e ha or . n a th ns a n to bab ea a in ea on w g as ea s waw a w e at n a s h e r po a t wa po h t po fi is us t re d of o ap o ha

wi it heh y e d ri p he f n n y c e t . n is t id ng (u t t e lf ir th at u ap o he ag f tat s h t t ata p a s a nl ad e a t a t s t (t( hi a ncn ab ai he w t uc t tt w es t he heh hi t t ds c t. ns s aca ar ar e le eae w cec s s c

s s w g s a geg t ge o k g su s tht o pop mum sss u e ea a hoh a un f o Ac ts a ff t + ioi ey u n ta f fi n o pop up a

st t er ot ). + rir n o ti t rg t a ana i ha b g s 10 n’n ng n er on t oro t re et 0 d o e e a s t )


9 AAppendicesppendices 10 10 10

Wounds: Wounds: Wounds: le RAYELOCK D AXUS le le

M ED 3/6/9/18 3/6/9/18 3/6/9/18 Unarmed (1d5+1†, Primitive). (1d5+1†, Primitive). Unarmed Z None None None RBEST : Unarmed (1d5+1†, Primitive). (1d5+1†, Primitive). : Unarmed Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). (Primitive). Training Melee Weapon Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (Per), Awareness : Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). (Primitive). Training : Melee Weapon Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium, Common Lore (Per), Awareness Awareness (Per), Carouse (T), Common Lore (T), Common Lore Carouse (Per), Awareness Drab citizen’s garb, 1d5–3 Thrones, Tantalus Indenture Indenture Tantalus Thrones, 1d5–3 garb, citizen’s Drab A 4 Thrones, drab citizen’s garb, Tantalus Indenture Indenture Tantalus garb, citizen’s drab 4 Thrones, 28 Thrones, a battered writing kit, several changes of changes several writing kit, a battered 28 Thrones, OSTELLER VARD ILI 20201 8303028332526 20201 20203 6303021302630 20203 20203 o303033323634 20203 WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Hosteller Maxus Drayelock Profi Drayelock Maxus Hosteller Evard Zed Profi Zed Evard Lili Arbest Profi Skills: (Low +10, Speak Language (Fel) (Int), Deceive Underworld) Movement: E Movement: Skills: (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (Imperium) (Int), Speak Language (Int). (manufactorum worker) Talents: Weapons: Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: cognomen. H (1d10+3† Primitive). Primitive). (1d10+3† Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: cognomen. L Movement: Skills: Skills: Trade (Low Gothic) (Int), (Int), Speak Language Literacy (Int). (manufactorum worker) Talents Weapons Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: book and some family picts jammed prayer a worn clothes, into a rucksack. 10 Wounds:

es most of Coscarla’s es most of Coscarla’s le ORKER W le exemplifi AB H 3/6/9/18 Unarmed (1d5+1†, Primitive) or bludgeon or bludgeon (1d5+1†, Primitive) Unarmed Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). (Primitive). Training Melee Weapon NPCs and and NPCs Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (Per), Awareness Appendix II: II: Appendix OSCARLA 20203 o303020302530 20203 Antagonists Antagonists WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Coscarla HabWorker Profi Coscarla HabWorker downtrodden and fearful population, they are ordinary men and fearful ordinary they are population, downtrodden times with little more of hard enduring the worst and women, to sustain them. to survive than faith a desire and C profi following The THE INHABITANTS OF THE OF THE INHABITANTS COSCARLA DISTRICT Movement: Skills: or (labourer (Int), Trade (Low Gothic) Speak Language (Int). etc.) manufactorum worker Talents: Weapons:

pendices 0 p AAppendices 440 and thevulture’s gleam intheireyes. distinctive patchwork overcoats, bags theirmany andtrinkets they can,andare distinguishedfrom easily thelocals by their scavenge andpick over thedistrictfor what thebonesof Little betterliked thanthedregs, thesetypeshave cometo S Movement: W hip fl ask fi Gear: Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. Weapons: Talents: Language (LowGothic, HighGothic)(Int). (Fel) +10,Literacy (Int),Performer (Orator), (Fel), Speak Common Lore (ImperialCreed, Ecclesia Skills: P keys, handlamp, 7Thrones. Gear: Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. Weapons: Talents: Gothic) (Int),Trade (Int). (Hostelry) and anobscura injector inhiscoat pocket. Points) withtarnishedrank insignia,unloaded sub automatic, Gear: Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. baton (1d10+3†Primitive). Weapons: Weapon Training (SP),PistolTraining (SP). Talents: (Int),Speak Language(Judgement) (LowGothic)(Int). (Imperium, Underworld), (Fel) Inquiry andScholastic Lore Skills: Scavs andRagPickers Profi Warden LocanProfi SB gItPrW Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS 02 03 02 02 30 25 30 20 30 30 30 20 20 26 20 30 22 26 31 30 21 23 CAVS REACHER ARDEN Unkempt clerical robs, asilver aquilaonachain anda soiledbut Badly oncegood qualityclothing, hostel Dirtyanddishevelled enforcer fl ak coat (2Armour Awareness (Per), Carouse (T)+10,Charm (Fel), Awareness (Per), Carouse (T),CommonLore MeleeWeapon Training (Primitive). MeleeWeapon Training (Primitive). MeleeWeapon Training (Primitive, Shock), Basic

None None lled withfortifi None AND Unarmed (1d51†,Primitive). Hatchet (1d102†Primitive). Unarmed (1d5+1†,Primitive) orchastisement 3691 3/6/9/18 L F R OCAN AYBAN AG P le ed wine. ed



rchy) (Int),Deceive Wounds: 10 dangerous thanhelooks. a slingunderneath onearm andisagood dealmore and spry and bags. Heperpetually carriesapumpshotgundangling on a seemingly disordered jumble harnesspockets, of toolbelts layer afterlayer scavenged of clothing. Heisalsocovered in the truedownhiver, build andhiswiry ishidden beneath middle Sikes isashrewd sharpeyed faced, indeterminate manof S pistoliscarried. 6 bullets if Gear: (Arms 1,BodyLegs1). Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. (15m; S/–/–;1d10+2;Primitive; Pen 0;Clip1;Rld3Full). ablack50% alsocarry powder pistol Weapons: Talents: (exlabourer worker orexmanufactorum etc.) (Int). (Int), Search (Per), SpeakLanguage (LowGothic)(Int),Trade Skills: Movement: mutants andthelost existing scavenging onthefringes of numberless addicts, morass of wasters, madmen, petty Dregs are thelowest thelow inthehive, of afaceless, D spyglass. Plustwo reloads forhisshotgun. an olddataslate withacracked case, awater bottleanda tokens, 30Thrones, ascavenged andrepaired matriculator, Gear: Legs 1) Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. Clip; Rld2Full),hammer(1d10+2†;Primitive). Weapons: (Poison). Weapon Training (Primitive), PistolTraining (SP),Resistance Talents: Prospector, Technomat), Survival (Int). Cant, Dark Hiver) (Int),TechUse (Int),Trade (Rag Picker, (Per), (Per), Scrutiny SpeakLanguage (LowGothic, Gang (Int), Intimidate (S),Navigation (Underhive) (Int),Search Underhive, Imperium,Tech) (Int),Deceive (Fel), Evaluate Charm (Fel), Climb(S),CommonLore (Underworld, Sibellan Skills: Movement: Sikes theReclaimator Profi SB gItPrW Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS 83 34 44 03 33 37 40 40 34 40 33 37 28 IKES OWNHIVE Scavenger rags, trinkets, odds andends, 1d5Thrones, Various tools, trinkets, oddments, spares, charms and Awareness (Per), Barter(Fel), CommonLore (Imperium) Awareness (Per), Barter(Fel) +10,Carouse (T), age. He He age. MeleeWeapon Training (Primitive). BasicWeapon Training (SP),LightSleeper, Melee

Leathers orscavenged gear Missmatched scavenger’s garb (Arms 1,Body THE Bludgeon or staff (1d10+3†Primitive) Bludgeon about orstaff PumpShotgun(30m;S/–/–;1d10+4;Pen 0;8 3691 3/6/9/18 3691 3/6/9/18 R has thegreyish pallor andcolourless hairof D ECLAIMATOR REG


Wounds: Wounds: 10 11 441

1 AAppendicesppendices 13 10 Wounds: Wounds: Moran’s Adepts are identical to Adepts are Moran’s le le

ORAN ce, microbead vox, a passkey and one of the a passkey vox, microbead ce, 3/6/9/18 3/6/9/18 le, however they lack the they lack however le, Autopistol with silencer (15m, S/–/6; 1d10+1; Autopistol Autocarbine (60m; S/3/10; 1d10+2; Pen 0; Clip 0; Clip (60m; S/3/10; 1d10+2; Pen Autocarbine Moran wears a mesh bodyglove under his robes, under his robes, a mesh bodyglove wears Moran Guard Flak Armour (All 4). Armour Flak Guard M Basic Weapon Training (SP, Las), Melee Weapon Las), Melee Weapon (SP, Training Basic Weapon Basic Weapon Training (SP, Las), Melee Weapon Weapon Las), Melee (SP, Training Basic Weapon Awareness (Per), Command (Fel), Common Lore Common Lore Command (Fel), (Per), Awareness Awareness (Per), Climb (S), Ciphers (Logician) (Int), (Logician) Climb (S), Ciphers (Per), Awareness Alms House director’s heavy dark emerald robes and robes emerald dark heavy Alms House director’s Enforcer uniform, two spare clips for each weapon, weapon, for each clips spare two uniform, Enforcer YBAS 35 42 35 35 35 35 35 40 30 35 35 35 35 35 30 35 35 30 WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Sybas Moran Profi Moran Sybas Logician Agent Profi Agent Logician S Movement: Skills: (Int), Deceive Underworld) Tech, (Imperium, Military, (Ground (Ag) +10, Drive Demolition (Int), Dodge (Fel)+10, (WP), (S), Interrogation Intimidate Inquiry (Fel), Vehicle), (Low (Ag), Speak Language Silent Move Scrutiny (Per), Gothic) (Int). Talents: Las). (SP, Pistol Training (Primitive), Training Weapons: knife (3m; combat 0; Rld Full), monoedged Clip 18; Pen 2 AP of protection). 1d5+3†, Ignores armour Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: him an AP of Body 3, Legs 3. 3, Arms providing Gear: of offi gorget autopistol spare Two chambers. to the surgical accessor keys clips. Movement: Skills: (Int), Deceive Tech) (Imperium, Military, Common Lore (S), Interrogation Intimidate Vehicle), (Ground Drive (Fel), (Low Gothic) (Int). (Ag), Speak Language (WP), Silent Move Talents: Las). (SP, Pistol Training (Primitive), Training Weapons: 0; S/3/–; 1d10+3; Pen (30m; automatic 30; Rld Full), stub (1d10+3†; Primitive). baton Clip 9; Rld Full), chastisement Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: hand lantern, mask, photovisor, respirator vox, microbead Alms House passkey. Agents: Note—Moran’s this in profi greengrey instead they wear and armour, weapons enforcers and Combine insignia of with the adept’s the Tantalus robes 0; Clip 9; Pen auto (30m, S/3/–; 1d10+3; they carry a stub all times. shoulder rig at Full), concealed in a Reload 8 3 Wounds: Wounds: re, loud noises etc.), noises etc.), loud re, cient. There are fourteen are cient. There

le le

GENT AT A R 3/6/9/18 4/8/12/24 Bite (1d5+1†; Primitive). Bite (1d5+1†; Primitive). None. None. Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). Weapons: Weapons: (Primitive). Training Melee Weapon None. None. Bestial (subject to Fear from fi from to Fear Bestial (subject Awareness (Per) +10, Climb (S) +20, Concealment (Per) Awareness Filthy rags, soiled trinkets and keepsakes. and keepsakes. soiled trinkets rags, Filthy APOUR OGICIAN 18 18 25 25 26 16 25 20 10 22—1 31030113513–– 22—1 WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Downhive Dreg Profi Dreg Downhive Vapour Rat Profi Vapour society. Filthy, illconditioned and often diseased, dregs are are dregs often diseased, and illconditioned Filthy, society. such not simply feared, shunned and because ofbroadly what because they but might do, people and degenerate desperate nothing to loose. have Solitary scavengers and carrion eaters, these mutated vermin vermin these mutated carrion eaters, and Solitary scavengers can taste of blood The to the unwary. dangerous can prove and kill and they readily them into a feeding frenzy drive to be almost they appear at, to look Vile their own kind. eat with unnatural as they blend esh glistening fl their wet skinless, ease into their surroundings. V Movement: Skills: Awareness (Per), Carouse (T), Common Lore (T), Common Lore Carouse (Per), Awareness Skills: (Fel), Deceive (Int), Concealment (Ag), (Underworld) (Low (Ag), Speak Language (S), Silent Move Intimidate Gothic) (Int). Talents: as (treat pipe shivs and rusted blades axes, clubs, Improvised 1d1o†, Primitive) Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: Lean and hard looking men, Logician agents are trained trained are agents men, Logician looking Lean and hard calm, ruthless and effi professionals, district, two in the South Coscarla currently agents such acting the Alms House and the remainder posing as adepts at detachment. enforcer Magistratum as the area’s L Movement: Skills: (Ag) +10, Swim (S). (Ag) +20, Silent Move Talents: Traits: (if they Frenzy Quadruped, Size Puny (–20 to hit), Feeding in the +10 to attack they gain with their bite, ict Damage infl round). next combat Weapons: Bonus. Strength †includes

pendices 2 p AAppendices 442 443

3 AAppendicesppendices 17 Wounds:

le AMILIAR c, surgical and technical equipment, and technical surgical c, c in motivation. While she makes for a she makes While in motivation. c F 3/6/9/18 Scalpeltipped augmetic hands (1d10+5†), Scalpeltipped augmetic hands (1d10+5†), HURGEON CALPEL None (All 4). Numerous, including Pistol Training (Las), Melee Pistol Training including Numerous, Various implanted systems, including full including life support, implanted systems, Various Awareness (Per), ChemUse (Int) +10, Ciphers (Per), Awareness S C Various scientifi Various HE HE 25 25 40 45 38 48 35 55 20 WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel The Churgeon Profi T the scalpel familiar is a back, its mistress’s from Detached of metal with scores construct of whipthin glittering spiderlike most ending in some sort of drill, needle or metal limbs, via an underslung the Churgeon by and is controlled blade, fangs and equipped with dripping hypodermic human skull speed with shocking It moves lenses for eyes. multifaceted its blades dismantle anything it can get and will bloodily living Despite possessing no visible of gore. into in a shower heavily and bleed a child like it will scream components, destroyed. when THE HIDDEN HORRORS HORRORS HIDDEN THE T systems and with cybernetic augmented heavily Very of mask is the rictuslike esh living fl her only visible implants, brain. houses her living that skull to the metallic attached skin doesn’t left sanity behind, she recognise Long since having believing them compulsions, macabre her own sadistic and scientifi to be purely in physical she has no interest vicious and tough combatant, if seriously continue her work ee to seek to fl and will struggle threatened. Movement: Skills: Cult, Tech, (Machine (Int) +10, Common Lore (Logicians) (Int) (Int), Logic (Archeaotech) Lore Imperium) (Int), Forbidden (Ag), Scholastic Vehicle) (Grav +10, Medicae (Int) +20, Pilot (Low (Int) +10, Speak Language BioSculpt) (Chymistry, Lore (Int) +10, (TechnoCant) Tongue (Int), Secret Tech) Gothic, (Int) +10. TechUse Talents: Fearless. (Primitive), Training Traits: 4), Dark speed y at (can fl suspensors augmetics and maglev plating. Sight and armour Weapons: (30m; S/–/–; 1d10+2 E; Pen implanted las mechadendrite 0; Clip unlimited). Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: systems. and cogitator implanted auspex, vox 10 12 Wounds: Wounds:

nger rings, personal rings, nger le UNTZ ” L

le HORD “C ANGER 3/6/9/18 3/6/9/18 OSS -G Blade (1d5+3†; Primitive), Stub Revolver (20m, (20m, Revolver Stub Blade (1d5+3†; Primitive), Blade (1d5+3†; Primitive), stub revolver (20m, revolver stub Blade (1d5+3†; Primitive), Gang shreds (Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 1). (Arms Gang shreds Flak Jacket (Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3). (Arms Jacket Flak B Basic Weapon Training (SP), Melee Weapon Training Training (SP), Melee Weapon Training Basic Weapon Basic Weapon Training (SP), Melee Weapon Training Training (SP), Melee Weapon Training Basic Weapon Awareness (Per), Carouse (T), ChemUse (Int), Common (T), Carouse (Per), Awareness Awareness (Per), Carouse (T), ChemUse (Int) +10, Carouse (Per), Awareness Ragged clothing marked with gang colours, glyphs glyphs colours, gang with marked clothing Ragged High grade ganger’s garb marked with numerous kill kill with numerous marked garb ganger’s High grade ARCO ANG 32 28 35 30 33 20 30 25 20 36 37 35 38 33 35 35 38 34 WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Narco-Ganger Profi Gang Boss “Chord” Luntz Profi Luntz Gang Boss “Chord” N made ofSibellan underworld, the the blight are Narco-Gangs criminal scum with are They and petty thieves. up of cutthroats payoff to the next but or drug hit. Narcogangers no loyalty hivers. the lower by hated are G Movement: Skills: Dodge (Fel), (Int), Deceive Underworld) (Imperium, Lore Gang (Low Gothic, (S), Speak Language (Ag), Intimidate Cant) (Int). Talents: SP). (Las, Pistol Training (Primitive), Weapons: 0; Clip 6; Rld 2Full). S/–/–; 1d10+3; Pen Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: spare two injector, an obscura 1d5 Thrones, scores, and kill revolver. for stub reloads Movement: Skills: (Int) (Imperium, Underworld) Common Lore Command (Fel), Vehicle), (Ground (Ag), Drive Dodge (Fel), +10, Deceive Security (S) +10, Scrutiny (Per), (Int), Intimidate Evaluate Gang Cant) (Int). (Low Gothic, (Int), Speak Language Talents: SP). (Las, Pistol Training (Chain, Primitive), Weapons: 2Full), custom hand 0; Reload S/–/–; Clip 6; Pen 1d10+3; 0; Rld 2Full) cannon (20m, S/2/–; 1d10+5; Clip 4; Pen Bonus. Strength †includes Armour: Gear: fi and iron silver cognomen, fake glyphs, 30 Thrones, injector, obscura auger, small chemtesting vox, weapon. for each reloads two

pendices 4 p AAppendices 444 unnaturally beneath theiralmosttranslucent skins. Their in tattered clothing andtheirwaxy fl esh writhesandpulses from hive workers stoleninthenight. They are clad partly experiments insyntheticgrafted control organs and made The Body Snatchers are theChurgeon’s theresult of failed T Movement: theirtwistedcreation.cruelty isnomere accidentof or capacity fororiginalthought,but theirviciousnessand gurgling pipesandchemimplants. They have noreal free will cataractwhite eyes andemaciated bodiesstudded with distorted creatures tolook at, withcancerous weeping fl esh, vatgrown flesh andstolenhumanorgans. They are horrifi biological constructsbuilt usingforbidden sciencefrom The Churgeon’s two Homonculiteassistantsare gholem— T Movement: breather masks andchem rigs, passkey andaccessor key. Gear: †includes Strength Bonus. Weapons: a Fear Test). Traits: Talents: (Low Gothic, Tech) (Int), Trade (Butchery). Skills: Gear: Armour: †includes Strength Bonus. (1d10+4†; Tearing). Weapons: to hit),Dark Sight. Multilegged (bonusmove already included) SmallSize(–10 Traits: Action), Fearless. Talents: Sprint,SwiftAttack (itmaystrike twiceasanattack (Int) +20. Skills: Homonculite Profi Scalpel Familiar Profi SB gItPrW Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS 82 04 02 02 10 20 30 20 30 40 30 20 28 40—303036203840–– HE HE None. B H Awareness (Per), ChemUse(Int)+10,SpeakLanguage Awareness (Per) +10,Dodge (Ag),Trade (Vivisection) Bloody aprons, stainedmedicaerobes, cloth sewn-on Fear thesefoulcreatures (viewing causesalltomake Natural Weapons, Machine (3),Armour Plating, Melee Weapon Training (Chain),Fearless. ODY None (All5). ChainCutter(1d10+2†;Tearing). Various surgical blades, needles, drillsandsaws OMONCULITES 3691 3/6/9/18 6/12/18/36 S NATCHERS le le

Wounds: Wounds: cally cally 12 8 if neededandtimeallows.if Snatchers, but canconceivably make more from fresh victims As theadventure begins, theChurgeon hastenBody through which implantedaugmeticeyes glow adullred. their headshave beenencasedintaunt,stitchedshut masks to stoptheiroverpowered fl esh from apart and tearingitself joints andfi unfortunates are lacedwiththesyntheticcontrol tissue. Note: only). Gear: †includes Strength Bonus. Armour: Weapons: silent monstersinthedark causesaFear Test). Armour, Dark Sight,Fear (beingattacked by thesedeathly Talents: Tracking (Int)+10. Skills: Movement: Body Snatcher Profi SB gItPrW Fel WP Per Int Ag T S BS WS 51 04 01 53 08 30 25 17 20 40 50 15 25 The spine, brainstem andnervous these systemsof Awareness (Per), Climb(S),SilentMove (Ag)+10, Internal MicroBead (toreceive/relay instructions Fearless. Traits: Natural Weapon (Fist), Natural None(All3). Augmetic Fist (1d10+5†). ngers have beenreenforced withmetalbracings 226– 2/2/6/– le Wounds: 14 445

5 AAppendicesppendices ects

ff cant adverse e

fi ered deprivation, disaster and a

ff res during the recent Rienholt Blackouts (the res during the recent Rienholt Blackouts

fi ected hive zones), although the long term withering of the ected hive zones), although the long

ff ectively a waste/scav zone and the viable population is now ectively a waste/scav zone and the viable

ff Handout Handout ering a long, drawnout death and is kept going only by its own

ff /789/9870001 Preparation: Autosavant Dal Maxentia /789/9870001 Preparation: ∑≠Ω ects on several districts of the Sibellus and Tarsus Hives, formerly under ects on several districts of the Sibellus and Tarsus Hives, formerly under

ff COSCARLA DIVISION BRIEFING ective economic and monetary input to the region is now negligible.

ff ectively as a cohesive organisation or political entity.

ff Appendix III: Player Player III: Appendix ned to smaller subzones clustered around transit and utility access points. ned to smaller subzones clustered around

fi ectively crippled and lawlessness, poor social cohesion and poverty all exponentially ectively crippled and lawlessness, poor

ff Attribution: Interrogator Omardha Sand Attribution: Interrogator Obscuro Calixis/Covenant Sibellus/Chamber Ordinanator: Conclave a catalogue of counted sins” TFTD: “History is but Reference/Subject: Coscarla Division, (Geo/Dem) Designation: Workers Habitation Zone Coscarla Division, (Geo/Dem) Designation: Reference/Subject: Hive Sibellus Lower MidTiers, Landward Quadrant, Locale: Mastraven Zone, Hive Co/Ord: 2345# Coscarla being one of seventeen e Addendum) had begun to have signi fortunes of the Tantalus Combine, (see long before that calamity. Administratum revaluation of its status (projected The Coscarla Division currently awaits 37 years standard), but unsubdata indicates over due process time until preliminary ruling: 60% of the Coscarla is now e con loss in status thanks to a series of misfortunes and incidents. Primary among these have loss in status thanks to a series of wild been the damage caused buy unrestrained The division’s population is also in catastrophic decline, its infrastructure remains The division’s population is also in e Geohistorical and Demographic Overview: Geohistorical and Demographic of Hive Sibellus on the Sector Capitol world of The Coscarla Division is a subdistrict was once the splendour of the House Coscarla Scintilla. Built in the remains of what square conglomeration of warrenlike Estates, the district is a seventy kilometre that has grown up between the vast ruined tenementhabs and their attendant infrastructure past. arches and fallen statuary of its noble relatively prosperous midhive district, predominantly The Coscarla was until recent years a but has since su populated by indentured labour classes, increasing year on year. Addendum: [The State of the Tantalus Combine] nobility has The Combine, a longstanding cartel of several Houses Minoris of the Sibellan power has been seen a drastic decline in its fortunes over zthe last decade. Its fall from damage to its brought on by hostile competition from the SkaelenHar Hegemony and severe popularly as assets and prestige endured during the period of intrigues and vendettas known the “Vthorran Promenades” [cert.ref: Activities of the Lucid Court]. The resulting e the Combine’s sway, have been profound. In the Coscarla Division where Tantalus was the the Combine’s sway, have been profound. In the Coscarla Division where Tantalus of skilled majority power, the Combine has sold on the indenture contracts of thousands debts. As workers and the labour force that remains now works only to meet their master’s the district, a result, whole swathes of families have been uprooted or have deserted from thus the e The Tantalus Combine is su It has ceased to fading inertia and the legal wrangling over the disposition of its carcass. exist e

pendices 6 p AAppendices 446 447


Edge of Darkness is an investigation-based introductory adventure for Dark Heresy. A mysterious death in a forlorn district of the vast hive city of Scintilla draws the attention of the Inquisition, and the Acolytes are dispatched to discover more. To expose the truth, the Acolytes must confront corruption, heresy, and betrayal.

An introduction to Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, the grim darkness of the far future.

A set of basic rules are included to help players and Game Masters become familiar with Dark Heresy.

Flexible adventure paths give your Acolytes numerous ways to succeed.