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{ $: . $,: * *,: ax , $: $ ,,',$, ; l* * ? *r. s $ Ctr .:],.,l, ,tii{i I l'iittfi i tiitt* * ;ii t f . ' --" i] Mountains blt Cong Wenzhi PUBLISHED MONIHTY !!! ENGILSH, FRETIICH, SPAN|S}I, ARABIC,'cHrNG GERMAN, PoRTI,GUE5E AND cHlNEsE BY THE cHtNA WELFARE INsirrurE tsooNc Llnci, -CHArRrtiiiirl vol. xxx No. 7 JULY 1981 Artic tfie /l,{onth CONTENTS SOONG CHING LING 60 Yeors of the Chi- Named Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic nese Communist Porfy of China 3 Becomes Member of Chinese Communist Party a Speech: in Equality, For Peace 5 Canadian Award Marks Friendship 4 Politicol qn From Mill Hand to Minister 6 Thoughts on Thoughts on an Anniversary 10 Anniversory Major Events ln the Chinese Communist Party's 60 Years 13 Sidelights in Chlno, old ond Economic Shanxi Province China's Largest Coal Base 16 Economic Results- in 1980 (Charts) 24 throughout. Poge f0 Workers' Living Standards in Tianjin 45 Wang Jinling, the Soybean King 57 SOONG CHING IING Educotion/Scien ce Eminent stoteswomon becomes member ol the A Liberal Arts College Founded by the People 60 Chinese Communist Porly ond Honorory Choirmon Xiamen (Amoy) University's Overseas Correspondence of the People's Republic of Chino. 'lln Equolity, For College 33 Peoce", her most recent speech. Mount Gongga Biologists' Paradise 34 - From Textile Worker Minister Culture to 2,000 Years of Chinese Pagodas 27 The textile worker Hoo Hongkong Photographer Exhibits in Beijing 42 Jionxiu, obout whom Tianjin Collectors Donate Art Treasures to the State 62 Chino Reconstructs first wrote in 1952 wtren Medicine/Society she wos o girl of t7 ond A Woman Plastic Surgeon 32 imented o new method Active Life for the Handicapped 48 in cotton spinning, wos Sports Meet for the Blind and Deaf-Mutes 50 recently oppointed Chino's Minister of Tex.
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