A Fond Farewell to Rabbi Rachel Safman

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A Fond Farewell to Rabbi Rachel Safman Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Norwich, CT 06360 Permit #329 Serving The Jewish Communities of Eastern Connecticut & Western R.I. CHANGE SERVICE RETURN TO: 28 Channing St., New London, CT 06320 REQUESTED VOL. XLVI NO. 11 PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY JUNE 5 2020/13 SIVAN 5780 NEXT DEADLINE JUNE 12, 2020 16 PAGES HOW TO REACH US - PHONE 860-442-8062 • FAX 860-540-1475 • EMAIL [email protected] • BY MAIL: 28 CHANNING STREET, NEW LONDON, CT 06320 JFEC Annual Meeting – June 18 The Community is cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting maintain security for those at- tending. In addition to the emailed in- of TheBy theJewish time Federation you read this of Eastern article anConnecticut email invitation on Thursday, will have June been 18, vitation to the Annual Meeting sent2020 to at the 7:00 community. PM via Zoom. If you do not receive the email and would like recipients will be given access to attend the Annual Meeting, please email [email protected] and we to the Federation’s 2020 Com- will make sure you receive the invitation. munity Report which is being Highlights of the meeting will include remarks by U.S. Representa- published online this year for the tive Joe Courtney, an address by TED Talk Rabbi Elan Babchuck of Clal, an introduction of the Federation staff, a Young Emissary report by Roi Federation leadership and Refaeli, and reports from Board President Romana Primus and Execu- stafffirst time.look forward to seeing you tive Director Carin Savel. During the Federation’s Annual Meeting the following community members will be nominated as Directors for a three-year term ending all on the evening of June 18 at 7:00 PM. Landesberg, Sarah Rogovin, and Barbara Sahagan. Carol Curland will June 30, 2023: Jo-el Fernandez, Evert Gawendo, Judi Glickstein, Elyse- tobe resignnominated recently for aand one-year Tom Smith term has ending been June nominated 30, 2021. to Allcarry Board out theOf remainderficers’ terms of expire Maier JuneFein’s 30, term 2021; and however, must be treasurer,voted in. Maier Fein, had The invitation will provide a link to register for the Annual Meet- ing. Once you have registered a Zoom link that includes meeting I.D. From l-r Yair, Daniel, and Sasson Robinson with Rabbi Rachel Saf- and password will be provided. A telephone number will be provided man. Not pictured is the youngest member of the family Talya Rob- if you can only join by phone. Registration is necessary to make sure inson and the matriarch, Edie Safman. there is an identifiable quorum so Directors and Officers can be elected during the meeting. More importantly, it is necessary to A fond farewell to U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney Local teens Rabbi Rachel Safman awarded By Artie Dean Rabbi Rachel Safman is leaving New London’s Congregation Beth Rosenberg Helping those at risk with El as of June 30, 2020. The community has known for quite a while, scholarship fond farewell is upon us. Rabbi Safman proved to be a particularly able 2 critical programs leaderbut with during her finalthis bizarreweekend pandemic, slated for as Junea viral 13 curtain and 14, descended the time uponfor a The Rabbi Rosenberg Tikkun our country. Olam Scholarship Award Com- Operation Cool Down & Pledge 2 Protect Normally a departure of this magnitude would warrant a robust mittee has selected Trevor For- To those of you who have not yet donated, your support is vital. To send off. Instead we will wish Rabbi Safman well on her next adven- nara, Ellanora Lerner and Jar- donate to any or all of our projects – Operation Cool Down, Pledge 2 ture by Zoom. ed Linder as the 2020 honorees. Protect and/or Food Pantry, please visit our website https://www. Since its inception in 2016, the jfec.com/ or make your check payable to JFEC and remit to 28 Chan- Award Committee has only once • Mark your calendars: June 13, 10 AM -- ning St., New London, 06320. Be sure to let us know in the memo line selected multiple recipients of Rabbi Safman’s final Shabbat Service at Beth El where how you would like us to use your donation. she will be honored the Scholarship Award. This To anyone who needs help in this crisis, please reach out and let us year’s honorees are all so de- • Sunday, June 14, 4:00 pm. Farewell celebration with memories of our time together. serving, that the committee was A new addition to the Federation’s roster of projects is Pledge 2 unable to choose just one from • Both services held on Zoom (link not yet available) Protectknow at which860-442-8062. was launched We will two be weeks there. ago. This initiative will pro- these three amazing graduates • Deadline for submissions to the memory book is June vide protective masks for staff and residents in our local nursing who each epitomize the mean- 16, 2020 homes. It’s a part of the JFEC Community Relief and Recovery Fund ing of Tikkun Olam! • To perform at the Farewell Celebration call Beth El by which has been funding critical needs in our community. It is unclear at this time, June 8 at 860-442-0418 whether we will be able to hon- our efforts-- for every mask we buy, they will donate a second one. As you all know, houses of worship were closed by executive or- or in person Trevor, Ellanora and ThatMany means thanks every to dollarPacific youLink contribute Institutional to Supply,buy protective who is matchingmasks is der of the Governor two months ago. I compliment Rabbi Safman with Jared. However, The selection doubled in value. converting (no pun intended) Beth El’s gatherings to virtual services committee hopes its pride in - without missing a beat. The Rabbi credits the easy transition with a their accomplishments is dem- ern CT has distributed through its Operation Cool Down program decision she made during her second year in New London to set up onstrated in this written tribute. betweenEvery 25-30summer window for the airpast conditioners 17 years, the to Jewish low income Federation frail ofseniors East RABBI CONT. ON PG 5 LOCAL CONT. ON PG 9 HELPING CONT. ON PG 14 2 THE JEWISH LEADER, JUNE 5, 2020 Jewish Together 130 Jewish groups pledge to fight racism Virtual community and informative By Josefin Dolsten, JTA The letter urges government Dozens of American Jewish groups have pledged to work to end and law enforcement to investi- resources, powered by The Jewish systemic racism in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing in Min- Federations of North America neapolis. institute sweeping reforms in law - enforcementgate the officers and involved the criminal and “to raged” by the killing of Floyd, a black man who died in police cus- justice system.” through it all, we can still stay together with our Jewish community todyIn last a statement week. His on death June and 2, 130those organizations of other African-Americans said they were at“out the – itThese might arejust difficultneed to betimes. virtual. Staying So, the apart Jewish like Federations this isn’t easy. of North But hands of law enforcement have led to protests around the world. the black community and other America has put together this website of curated resources and expe- Americans“We pledge to seeto join through forces these with riences. too long been targeted by police and have suffered rampant racism changes to law enforcement, end and“We unfair stand and in uneven solidarity applications with the ofblack the communitylaw,” the statement that has reads. for far systemic racism, and work for a The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body that sets more just American society,” it connect,Whether learn, it’s share,for yourself, or help. your If you’refamily orlooking as a professional, for something we that’s hope consensus on issues for American Jewish public policy, organized the says. notyou here,find what please you’re get in looking touch! forThe – linksfrom belowvirtual can Jewish be found events by ways typing to letter. Signers include the Anti-Defamation League, National Council Jewish groups across the de- in your browser – https://jewishtogether. nominational spectrum have Jewish Daily - A Jewish communal unity video series and Reconstructionist movements, and groups representing Jewish condemned Floyd’s death. Curated Resources - Resources for the self, the team, and the Jew- communitiesof Jewish Women, nationwide. national organizations of the Reform, Conservative ish world Virtual Meetups - See times and dates for a curated calendar of virtual gatherings Nonprofit Loans - Keep the holy work going even in changing times Everyone counts: We are counting on you! Here in Eastern Connecticut the JFEC works to support, sustain and revitalize Jewish life. But we can’t do it without you. Send in your donation today. Candle Lighting for Eastern CT area Friday, June 5 • 8:00 pm Friday, June 12 • 8:04 pm Friday, June 19 • 8:07 pm Friday, June 26 • 8:07 pm Protesters march in New York in response to the death of George Floyd. (John Lamparski/SOPA Images/ LightRocket via Getty Images) National Award Winner of the Council of Jewish of Jewish Federations as the Outstanding Small Cities Jewish newspaper. Published every other Friday for the dissemination of Jewish news and views by the Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut, 28 Channing Street, New London, CT 06320, 860- 442-8062. Managing Editor ............................................... Mimi Perl Layout Editor .................................................... Jen Gault Social Editor ..................................................... Freida Katz President .......................................................... Romana Strochlitz Primus Executive Director ............................................. Carin Savel Mailing Volunteers ............................................ Mimi & Milt Seed, Marlene Siegel .......................................................... Gerald & Marilyn Rubin Advertising: Call Mimi Perl 860-442-8062 or [email protected].
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