Book of proceedings EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON: “SOCIAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES – GLOBAL CHALLENGE 2020” (ICSNS VIII-2020) Brussels, 22 June 2020 Organized by International Institute for Private- Commercial- and Competition Law (Austria) in Partnership with Institute of History and Political Science of the University of Białystok (Poland), School of American Law (Greece) Edited by: Dr. Lena Hoff man 1 EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON: “SOCIAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES – GLOBAL CHALLENGE 2020” (ICSNS VIII-2020) Editor: Lena Hoff man Brussels, 22 june 2020 ISBN: 978-9928-4298-8-9 Disclaimer Every reasonable eff ort has been made to ensure that the material in this book is true, correct, complete, and appropriate at the time of writing. Nevertheless the publishers, the editors and the authors do not accept responsibility for any omission or error, or any injury, damage, loss or fi nancial consequences arising from the use of the book. The views expressed by contributors do not necessarily refl ect those of University of Bialystok (Poland), International Institute for Private, Commercial and Competition law (Austria), School of American Law (Greece). 2 International Scientific Committee ICBLAS III 2015 (ICSNS VIII-2020) Prof. Dr. Helmut Flachenecker, Universität Wuerzburg (Germany) Prof. Dr. John Rowley Gillingham, University of Missouri (USA) Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfb auer, Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria) Prof. Dr. H. Ekkehard Wolff , Universität Leipzig (Germany) Prof. Em. Dr. Karl Otwin Becker, Universität Graz (Austria) Prof. Em. Nikolaus Grass, Universität Innsbruck (Austria) Prof. Em. Rolf Ostheim, Universität Salzburg (Austria) Prof. Dr. Werner Lehfeldt, Universität Goett ingen (Germany) Prof. Dr. Horst Weber, Universität Chemnitz (Germany) Prof. Em. Josef Barthel, Universität Regensburg (Germany) Prof.
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