
4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549


Yuli Puji Astutik1, Riski Mulyana2 STIT Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb Indonesia [email protected], [email protected]


This study aims at developing and testing the feasibility of Kamishibai media as a learning medium by modifying a story adapted from Berau East Kalimantan. The research method used in this research was Research and Development (R&D) by adapting ADDIE Model of development which covered several steps namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The result of this research was a learning media namely Kamishibai by modifying it with the story of Berau folklore East Kalimantan. Based on the result of media experts’ validation, it showed that the response was 100%, while the result of material and language quality was 93%. It can be summarized that the developed media can be categorized as “Decent” or suitable to be used as a learning media. Meanwhile, the result of students’ responses towards the media developed was 81.13%. it can be considered positive of the media of Kamishibai (Japanese-Card Story) was feasible and suitable to be applicated as the learning media in speaking.

Keywords: Research & Development (R&D), Kamishibai Media, ADDIE Model

Introduction Language is considered vital for human learning English as a foreign language, communication. It is a crucial element of people can engage in international education which can be used as a tool in commerce, advance in their studies, and expressing ideas, thoughts, feelings and participate in scientific activities. It is quite people’s mind. Therefore, mastering one or reasonable because the indicator of more languages can’t be neglected by the someone who masters a language is the people around the world. As one of foreign ability in expresing it orally. Meanwhile, languages in Indonesia, English has become speaking is difficult and complicated area the most important tool for global which needs more effort and more practice communication. This is in line with in order to conquer it. (Abbaspour, 2016) (Crystal, 2009) English is global language, states that Learners of English as a foreign and it is the role of educators to raise language, in countries where English is not students’awareness about its status in widely spoken outside the classroom, often today’s world. Besides, (Valoes, 2014) that build a substantial knowledge about the the ability to communicate in multiple language through study of its grammar and language is becoming more and more vocabulary, but have difficulty in important in the increasingly integrated developing oral proficiency because their global business community. lack exposure to the language, and According to (Arroba & Acosta, 2021) experience using it. It is not easy to improve As a global language, this implies that student’s oral communication because of learning English for communicative students’ deficiency in four English skills, purposes is of paramount importance, students’ confidence and fluency. especially in countries where English is not (Kolawole, Adepoju & Adelore, 2000) widely spoken in daily activities. By stated that it is evident that poor

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 136 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549 performance in English language is a appropriate in teaching English that can product of students’ deficiency in the four support the learning speaking process, it can language skills – speaking, listening, increase the enthusiasm of student to learn writing and reading – taught and tested as English and make students more confident part of English language curriculum in especially in speaking skill. schools. Based on those reasons above, the Developing students’ skills and researchers are interested in developing competencies in speaking is crucial in students’ enthusiasm, confidence and facilitating interaction and communicative creativity specifically in speaking skill by abilities. Although the skill and ability to using Kamishibai (Japanese Card-Story) as write, listen, and read in a foreign language a learning media. The researchers analyzed are equally important, the capacity to speak students’ response by using questionnaire to spontaneously seems to be the apparent see their interest in using Kamishibai by indicator of proficiency because it allows modifying it with Folklore of Berau, East people to demonstrate the use of language Kalimantan and facilitating it with some upfront (Arroba & Acosta, 2021). In fact, in pictures on the front side and some texts of the country like Indonesia where English is story on the backside. So, the researchers not widely used outside the classrooms, formulated the research problems as (1) most English teachers do not always make How to develop Kamishibai as a learning speaking skills as a paramount priority as media to support English speaking skill?, other skills such as reading and writing. (2) How is the eligibility product of Those problems make the students find it Kamishibai as a learning media to support difficult in mastering speaking. However, English speaking?, and (3) How are student making mistakes in oral English is common interest in Kamishibai media learning in part of the learning process, especially for applied in English speaking? Besides, based EFL students because of the language habit on the background above, the researchers in mother tongue is different. formulate the objective of the study as: to For those reasons, it is important to develop the modification of Kamishibai’s enhance students’ speaking skills by using (Japanese Card-Story) media based on some stategy or media which can support Berau folklore at Ninth Grader of MTsN them in learning English. It is expected to Tanjung Redeb” give them some knowledge to increase their speaking ability and to be more confident in Methodology order that they will be active English This study was conducted based on speakers. To make English applied Research and Development design or properly, media is needed. By providing (R&D). R&D was a research method used media, teacher can support English learning to develop products, perfecting a product, and can increase students’ interest to get the and test the effectiveness of the product. information in teaching learning process. It According to (Sugiyono, 2014), the can also support the teachers in analyzing methods of Research and Development is students’ understanding in speaking. Media to produce a specific product and test the based visual is appropriate to support effectiveness of the product. From this English speaking process. It can be used as opinion, it was concluded that a facilitator in understanding the subject development research of Educational well. product was gradual. It was intended to Kamishibai is one of the examples of produce the product of the research. media based visual. Kamishibai is the media The researchers used ADDIE model that has many slides with some pictures as (Analysis, Design, Development, the tool to tell story (Novilia, 2013). Implementation, and Evaluation) as their Kamishibai as visual media is very research procedures. The steps in

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 137 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549 developing the ADDIE model were as follows:

Figure 1. ADDIE model procedures (Sugiyono, 2015)

This first step was an analysis of the revisions to the developed product. Then, need for the development of models or new the researchers implemented the trial. learning methods. The researchers analyzed At the implementation stage, field the problems from the subject of the trials were carried out which were intended research. It was decided from the pre-survey to test the extent to which a product or the researchers conducted in the field. The system can be used by certain users to data from the pre-survey explained what achieve certain goals with effectiveness, students' problems in the learning process. efficiency, and satisfaction in the use of After the problems were identified, the certain contexts. The researchers took some researchers moved to the designing step. In data from the subject of the research after this step, the researchers designed the the product was implemented. The problem solving for the problems identified researchers took the data from some in the analyzing process. The next step was processes; questioners of response from the designing the Kamishibai media. For the students about the media learning by first step, the researchers determined the Google form. After those processes were material from the syllabus, then began to done, the researchers prepared for the final develop Kamishibai media and the material. step, evaluating. The next step was an expert validation In this evaluation step, the researchers process for the learning of the media. The evaluated the development product which materials were evaluated by two experts, an included content/material, the learning expert in media and an expert in material. In media developed, and evaluated the the process of the expert validation, some effectiveness and the successfulness of the mistakes should be corrected, such as developed media. In this step, the grammatical, spelling, and vocabulary. researchers clarified the data obtained from In the development step, the the students' responses by using a researchers developed the speaking Questionnaire. If the competence of materials design to solve the problem from knowledge, enthusiasm, and motivation of the analyzing process. The researchers students in learning speaking increased, it developed the design guided by the experts’ can be considered successful and if there review process. The experts gave some was no change on the results of the students’ evaluation, it is necessary to improve the

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 138 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549 product again. Development was the the researcher while collecting the data to process of making a blueprint or make his work become easier and to get the instructional media design. best result, complete and systematic Observation was a systematic analysis instrument can make the data becomes and recording of data collection. According easier to process. The observation to the observer's role, it was divided into instrument which used for non-participant participant observation and non-participant observation was intended to observe observation. Non-participant observations problems and needs in the field. The were observations made by the observer interview instrument used a list of questions without jumping directly into the members addressed to the English teacher.The of the group so that the observer was merely documentation that the researchers needs an observer. Non-participant observations consisted of the documented images of were made without using observation learning by using applications, a media guidelines so that researchers develop their design for Kamishibai learning observations’ sheet based on developments development. The researchers identify the that occur in the field.The researchers in this speaking skills of students by using English study just observed how the teacher stories in front of the class. teaching in the English learning process. Qualitative data were obtained from From these observations, the researchers observations, interviews, and comments can analyze the students' needs. The and suggestions from the validator. researchers used observation guidelines to Quantitative assessment data for product take the data (students need) from the field quality were obtained from validation of the The guided interview was used to see questionaires given to the experts of the what constraints happened in the class. The material and the expert of media, students resource in this interview was an English speaking assessment as well as student class teacher to know what problems in the response of the questionnaires of the media proces of teaching and learning. The data in by using (Google form). At the end of this this research was collected by using research, product quality assessment questionnaires. According to (Sugiono described qualitatively, so that the 2011:199) questionnaire was a technique of quantitative data was analyzed with the data collection that was done by giving a set following data: question or statement to the respondent to 5 = Very Good answer. According to (Sugiyono 2015: 329) 4 = Good documentation was a method used to obtain 3 = Good Enough data and information in the form of books, 2 = Not Good archives, documents, writing. The types of 1 = Very Poor documentation data that can be adapted by The results of the questionnaire were researchers need, it could be graphics, analyzed by calculating the percentage of pictures, numerical data, history, and values obtained from each indicator, important documents that were available namely: the total value of each indicator about the subject and social situation. In this divided by the maximum number and study, the document that the researchers multiplied by 100 % as stated by Susanto need consisted of the documented images of (2009: 75) as follows: learning by using applications, a media design for Kamishibai learning 퐹 development. The researchers Identified the 푃 = 푥100% 푁 speaking skills of students by using English P = Percentage in front of the class. f = Frequency (score obtained) According to (Arikunto 2010: 192), a N = Number of the case (maximum research instrument was a device used by scores)

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 139 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

The known percentage refers to the 37 students in the academic year of following rating categories below; 2019/2020. The school was at Jl. Durian III 76% - 100% = Decent Kec. Tanjung Redeb, Berau, East 51% - 75% =Decent enough Kalimantan. According to (Arikunto, 2010: 26% - 50% = Less decent 174) sample was representative part of the 0% - 25% = Not decent population studied. From the above opinion, the researchers concluded that the sample According to (Sugiyono, 2013: 80) was a technique of taking a sample that the population was a generalization area allows every element or population member consisting of objects or subjects that have to be chosen as a sample.In this study, the certain qualities and characteristics are researchers took one class as the sample. determined by the investigation or to be The subjects of this research was the Ninth studied and then drawn a conclusion. From Grade which consisted of 37 students. The the opinion, the researchers can conclude research was conducted at MTsN Tanjung Population was the subject of the research. Redeb, Berau Kalimantan Timur. The time The population of the research was the of research was conducted from 15th July Ninth grade students at MTsN Berau with 2020 to 31st August 2020.

Findings and Discussion This research was carried out in grade explain in learning process. The students Ninth MTsN Tanjung Redeb, Berau, East only took more notes in their books and Kalimantan Province. The Sample of this imitate what the teacher writes on the research were 37 students. The result of this whiteboard, rather than interact and speak research was an interactive learning media English directly. product namely Kamishibai (Japanese The discussion of assignments and Card-Story) by modifying it with Berau homework given was only explained folklore. This study used ADDIE Model verbally. This method was very traditional research procedures which cinsisted several and monotonous, it was not effective if it steps as follows: was held continuously, because it took 1. Analysis many times and made the students got a. Analysis of the problems bored. In teaching learning process, In the analysis stage, the researchers teachers rarely used learning media to make made non-participant observations, namely students enthusiast about the process of indirect observations. It was carried out by learning English. implementing observation guideline. The After doing the observations, the researchersss observed the students of researchers conducted the interview by MTsN Tanjung Redeb which consisted 37 using interview guidelines to ask the teacher members. to get to know what problem occurred in The researchers made observations by English teaching. After knowing the being an observer in the classroom. The problems occurred in the field, the researchers used observation sheet, to focus researchers concluded that the problem their observations on the learning media were the lack of confidence and enthusiasm used in teaching-learning process, and the of students in speaking English. It was due enthusiasm of students’ participation in to the lack of learning media in English speaking English. subjects, especially in English speaking The researchers found that in their practice. The researchersss found that the observation, the teacher only use students had low confidence in speaking. conventional way of teaching by using Also, the student felt bored in the process of whiteboard, markers, and textbooks to learning without media.

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 140 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

b. Analysis of Learning Material Japanese-Card learning media. Researchers After knowing the result of previous were looking for folklore originating from analysis that learning media was needed by Berau, East Kalimantan as the local students, the researchers analyzed that the wisdom. suitable learning media was Kamishibai The researchers used one of Berau which has a theater stage. Folklore as their material to be developed From the syllabus, "" about modified. Furthermore, the researchers text was suitable material in looked for the reference of Berau folklore Kamishibai learning media. So, the under the title “Cerita Rakyat Paser dan researchers developed the media by Berau”. There were several media needed modifying the story displayed in it. The for developing Kamishibai (Japanese-card) researchers adopted a Folklore originating as the learning media, among others: from Berau, East Kalimantan under the title a. Design of Characters Palui and Ngungu. From one of Berau folklore that had 2. Design been taken to be developed, the researchers The next stage was designing the product made characters’ designs that were tailored concept. The design activity began with the from the information of the story, the process of searching story material, which background of the place, and other details would be displayed in Kamishibai needed. Table1. Characters’ Design Title: Si Palui and Si Ngungu Characters Characteristics of the characters SI PALUI Kind Energetic Diligent stupid Strong SI NGUNGU Kind Energetic Diligent stupid Strong Parents Patient Wise and loving Giant Granma’s Cruel

Based on the in the story, the details needed in the story. The first researchers made the rough image of the character’s design was as follows: appropriate physical appearance and other

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 141 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Figure 2. The First Characters’ Design

a. Software IbisPaint X android create character images and the of each application story. Application display as shown in The Android-based ibisPaint X software picture 4.2 and was an application that researchers used to

Figure 3. Ibis Paint Application

b. Bhutai (Theater Stage) and size of the Buthai related to the The making of Bhutai (Theater Stage) researchers’ need and the right material was was done to be used as a tool in displaying wood and the size was 28 x 35 cm so that it the story in Kamishibai media. The was easy to carry. researchers decided to select the material

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 142 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Figure 4. Buthai Stage.

Figure 5. The Back Side of the Buthai Stage.

c. Card Picture Display (Bhutai). This was the picture of the Card Kamishibai used a card story which story and it was used Cover Paper size F4. was put in the inside of Theater Stage

Figure 6. Front Side Picture of Card Story

Figure 7. The Back Side of Card Story 3. Development of “Bhutai: the theatre stage” has to meet the a. Development of Media criteria of “handy” or it can be carried Kamishibai (Japanese Card-Story) everywhere without any difficulties. Media was developed from the original These were the instructions in using version so that it can be adapted to MTsN Kamishibai. Tanjung Redeb, Berau. The phisical aspect

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 143 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

1) Card Story was F4 paper 21x33 cm in . Avoid standing directly size. behind the stage. 2) Create the card in correct numerical 4) Begin the Kamishibai performance order. The numeral of each card should with the use of the traditional be in the lower right corner of the “Hyoshigi” the wooden clappers colored instruction. Insert the cards as a 5) Open the Bhutai doors one by one and pack into the stage. tell the story 3) The opening of the stage, was from 6) The text for Card 1 is on the back of the from the right side where the card need last card, after you finish to read the to be inserted. Sit or stand on that side card slide it out to the right and put the of the stage to make it easier to pull the backside of the Bhutai, and continue cards out. Use your right hand to do telling the Kamishibai story In this this. Try to keep eye contact with the way, and finish the story by putting “The End” card.

Table 2. Instruction to Numeral Card Story of Kamishibai

Front of the Card Back Of the Card Picture 1 Text 2

Picture 2 Text 3

Picture 3 Text 4

Picture 4 Text 5

Picture 5 Text 6

Picture 6 Text 7

Picture 7 Text 8

Picture 8 Text 9

Picture 9 Text 10

Picture 10 Text 1 b. Modification of Story where the researcherss chose one story to be As explained on the above media translated into English and used the suitable development points, the researcherss language for junior high school students. modified the Kamishibai media based on c. Result of Validation the story. Researchers chose a folklore as After the media has been designed and the material because it was following the developed the next step was validation of English syllabus of class XI SMP, namely the product by experts to obtain criticisms "Narrative Text" material and following and suggestions to know whether the Kamishibai media as storytelling media. In Kamishibai learning media developed was selecting the original folklore, the feasible or not to be used at schools. This researchers adopted a story from a book, validation stage was carried out by three

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 144 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549 validators, 1 expert for validating the Media and 2 experts for validating the material. 1) Validation of the Media Table 3. The result of media expert validation. Indicator EV 1

Item 1 5

Item 2 5 Item 3 5

Item 4 5

Item 5 5

Item 6 5 Item 7 5

Item 8 5 Item 9 5

Item 10 5

Total 55

Average: 100 %

From the results of the validation, it confidence, and interest of the students in can be seen that the score was 100%. The learning speaking. percentage showed that the media of 1) Validator of the Material Experts learning can be categorized as "Decent" to The expert validators of the material were be used as a media learning to support English lecturers of Muhammadiyah Islamic College Table 4. The Result of Material Experts Indicator EV 1 EV 2 Item 1 5 5 Item 2 5 4 Item 3 4 5 Item 4 5 5 Item 5 5 4 Item 6 4 5

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 145 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Item 7 4 5 Item 8 5 4 Item 9 5 5 Item 10 4 5

Total 46 47 Average: 93%

Based on the result of the table Before the researchers used the media of above, the percentage of Material and learning to find out how students responses Language quality was 93%, it can be towards the Kamishibai media, the categorized as “Decent” to be used as a researchers started to provive the narrative media-learning to support English story based on Berau folklore. After it was speaking. The researcherss also got enough to provide learning material in the feedback, from the expert validators. classroom, the researchers then introduced 4. Implementation Kamishibai (Japanese-Card Story) to the After the learning media was properly students. The researchers started to explain revised, the next stage was implementation. how to use it, then started to tell the story in The Kamishibai learning media was used in front of the students. From their findings, it teaching and learning process. The can be seen that Kamishibai media can implementation was carried out at MTsN facilitate the students to be more active in Tanjung Redeb Berau East Borneo in 2020. English lessons and can also motivate them Before this product was implemented to the to speak. students, the researcherss got the validation Furthermore, to determine the category from the two experts of materials and one of responses given by students, the expert of media. After the product was researchers used the criteria according to validated by the experts, the researchers Khabibah (2006). ready to try out the product to the students. 85% ≤ response = very positive (very high) There were thirty-seven students of XI B 70% ≤ response <85% = positive (high) Grade at Junior High school at MTsN 50% ≤ response <70% = less positive (less Tanjung Redeb, Berau. This trial was high) conducted to know the response of the response <50% = not positive (not high) students towards Kamishibai (Japanese card-story) media.

Table 5. The Result of Students’ Responses toward Kamishibai (Japanese-Card Story) Indicator Percentage Criteria

1 91.89% very positive

2 85.14% very positive 3 83.11% Positive

4 77.03% Positive

DEVELOPING KAMISHIBAI (JAPANESE CARD-STORY) MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING 146 Yuli Puji Astutik, Riski Mulyana 4rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 4, 2021) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

5 77.03% Positive

6 79.73% Positive 7 87.16% very positive

8 83.16% Positive

9 83.78% Positive 10 83.78% Positive

11 83.78% Positive 12 73.65% Positive

13 75.68% Positive 14 78.38% Positive

15 73.65% Positive


5. Evaluation Conclusion At this evaluation stage to find out how Based on the findings of this research effective the Kamishibai media (Japanese- it can be concluded that this Kamishibai Card Story) as a medium of English learning media was useful to be applied to learning, The researchers tested it to thirty the students as the result of students’ seven students of XI B at MTsN Tanjung quistionaire showed about 81.13% of the Redeb, This test was evaluated to determine students gave their positive responses. The students 'interest on Kamishibai learning result of the expert validation also showed media. that the result of the validation of the media To find out whether Kamishibai media expert was 100% and the result of the (Japanese-Card Story) can attract students' material experts was 93%. It can be interest as a learning medium and can considered appropriate to be applied.. motivate students to be more confident in speaking English. The researchers gave the References questionnaires to students to measure the [1] C.O.O. Kolawole, A Adepoju a O. response of students' interest in Adelore Trends in secondary school Kamishibai's learning media. students' performance in English The results of the speaking or oral Language Paper 1 Afcican Journal of test were compared with the oral test results Education Research, 6 (1 and 2) pp. from the teacher. From the result of the 54-59, 2000. questionnaires, it can be seen that the results [2] J. Arroba a H. Acosta, Authentic of student responses through Google Form digital storytelling as alternative was 81.13% that means the score was high. teaching strategy to develop speaking Then the researchers sumarised that skills in EFL classes. LEARN Journal: Kamishibai was feasible as a media of Language Education and Acguisition learning speaking Research Network, 14(1) pp. 317-345

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