st.olafWiNtEr 2013 GLOBAL CITIZENS GOING TO EXTREMES OLE INNOVATORS ON ThE COvER: Vanessa trice Peter ’93 in the Los Angeles studio of paper artist Anna Bondoc. PHOtO By nAnCy PAStOr / POLAriS ST. OLAF MAGAzINE WINTER 2013 volume 60 · No. 1 Carole Leigh Engblom eDitOr Don Bratland ’87, holmes Design Art DireCtOr Laura hamilton Waxman COPy eDitOr Suzy Frisch, Joel hoekstra ’92, Marla hill holt ’88, Erin Peterson, Jeff Sauve, Kyle Schut ’13 COntriButinG writerS Fred J. Field, Stuart Isett, Jessica Brandi Lifl and, Mike Ludwig ’01, Kyle Obermann ’14, Nancy Pastor, Tom Roster, Chris Welsch, Steven Wett ’15 COntriButinG PHOtOGrA PHerS st. olaf Magazine is published three times annually (winter, Spring, Fall) by St. Olaf College, with editorial offi ces at the Offi ce of Marketing and Com- 16 munications, 507-786-3032; email:
[email protected] 7 postmaster: Send address changes to Data Services, St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave., Northfi eld, MN 55057 readers may update infor- mation online: or email alum-offi
[email protected]. Contact the Offi ce of Alumni and Parent relations, 507- 786-3028 or 888-865-6537 52 Class Notes deadlines: Spring issue: Feb. 1 Fall issue: June 1 winter issue: Oct. 1 the content for class notes originates with the Offi ce of Alumni and Parent relations and is submitted to st. olaf Magazine, which reserves the right to edit for clarity and space constraints. Please note that due to privacy concerns, inclusion is at the discretion of the editor. st.olaf features Global Citizens 7 By MArLA HiLL HOLt ’88 St.