Lower Kingswood Residents Association Chairman: David Patel Secretary: Robert Brown Treasurer: Faye Miles VILLAGE NEWS www.lowerkingswood.co.uk SEPTEMBER 2019 Autumn Edition 2019 Inside this issue: Chairman's Report to Residents Welcome to our latest issue of Village News and Borough Council report 2 we would like to extend a warm welcome to all new DEFIBRILLATOR(S) County Council report 3 residents who have moved into the village over the One of the successes highlighted during the year was the installation of two units available Wisdom of God Church; 4 past few months. If you have any concerns about forthcoming Parish events; the village and its surroundings, the Residents’ in case of emergency need. This particular pro- Wisdom Stories Association Committee is here to try and help you. ject has taken a lot of time and effort by the Committee and has at last borne fruit. Sunday Family Fun; 5 Unlike most other local Residents’ Associations ROOTS Youth Group & These units are located in Church; Church Hall; there is no subscription payable; our running costs Monthly Coffee Circle (website etc.) are met from the revenue of the car-parks of the Church Hall and the Evangelical LK Evangelical Church; 7 advertisements in our newsletter. So please help CAMEO; Crumbs; Family support our local businesses and advertisers; if Church. There is also a Time; Strollers using the services of one of our advertisers please third unit that has been installed by the owners for Kingswood Terriers FC; 8 mention that you saw their advertisement in Gage Players Village News. residents of the Holly Lodge park homes site. Kingswood Primary School; 9 LK Baby & Toddler Group; LOWER KINGSWOOD IN BLOOM History Centre Our thanks to Cllr. Rachel Turner who has ar- organisation to oversee this project; a full update LK Scout Group; LK 10 ranged for the installation of two floral displays; should appear in the next issue of Village News. Village Fete one outside Kingswood News (Buckland Road) KW&T Horticultural 11 and the other one outside the St Marcus store PLANNING ISSUES Society Girl Guiding; (Brighton Road). There have been two recent planning applications Residents’ Association 12 that have been submitted one in respect of Committee reports Fidelity and the other in respect of ‘Highlands’. M25 noise pollution 13 Rod Ashford (in his personal capacity) organised a meeting specifically for residents of Chipstead Lane, Smithy Lane, Green Lane & Beechen Lane to discuss the application from Fidelity; since those residents were directly impacted by the plans. The application for ‘Highlands’ follows two earlier applications that had been made in 2012 and 2015. We very much appreci- VILLAGE NEWS ate the support of our Cllr. Turner has also suggested that a twice- advertisers but their ap- Once again thank you to all who have contributed yearly village clean-up should be organised for pearance in our newslet- articles and helped with both the production and Lower Kingswood. As part of this can we also ter and/or our website distribution of this newsletter. Village News is ask residents to try and keep our village tidy by does not constitute a distributed free to all households in (and around) ensuring that any and all waste is disposed of recommendation. Lower Kingswood, and this is only possible responsibly; this particularly applies to the because of the assistance given by a number of Stubbs Lane recycling centre (see article on volunteers. If you can help with distribution - in page 2). particular sharing some areas and/or providing holiday cover - please contact our Chairman. LOWER KINGSWOOD COMMUNITY & SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND FINALLY…. We should also like to take the opportunity of We are pleased to be able to report that matters thanking Fidelity International for their continued are now progressing well towards the formation of assistance in the printing of Village News. a new “umbrella” charitable incorporated & Banstead Borough Council report

Dear Residents streets clean and free from other people's waste. The answer is that R&BBC can, and does, take enforcement very seriously, we STUBBS LANE CLEAN UP regularly issue penalty notices to offenders. The maximum pen- In August 2018 Reigate & Banstead Borough Council cleared the alty for the illegal dumping of waste is £50,000 or 5 years im- mountain of fly-tipped household debris which had accumulat- prisonment. ed in the area behind the recycling bins at Stubbs Lane. But our enforcement officers cannot be everywhere all the time. One year on in August 2019, the rubbish had started to build up Residents also have a part to play by disposing of their own rub- again, with both household and garden waste piling up behind bish sensibly and within the law and by reporting incidents of the fence and the recycling bins spilling over with household littering and fly-tipping to the Council. waste including carpets, coat hangers and even a pair of vehicle It is important that you do not directly confront anyone you bumpers. believe might be littering or fly-tipping. If you are at a safe dis- Following an incident where a local resident was verbally tance, you could discreetly make a note of their vehicle registra- abused and physically threatened after confronting a fly tipper tion number or perhaps take a photograph using your phone's at the recycling facility, senior managers from Reigate & Ban- camera. But in the light of recent events at Stubbs Lane, please stead Borough Council's Neighbourhood Services department do remember, your personal safety comes first. decided enough was enough. Incidents of fly-tipping can be reported directly to the Joint En- A joint team from the forcement Team (JET) via the Council website: www.reigate- Council's cleansing, banstead.gov.uk or by calling 01737-276000. recycling and waste Councillor Rod Ashford departments were brought in to deep Executive Member for Community Partner- clean and refurbish the ship site. Email: Cllr.Ashford@reigate- banstead.gov.uk The whole area has Telephone: 01737-831446 now been thoroughly [N.B. Stubbs Lane photographs ©Rod Ash- cleansed, broken bins have been replaced, ford] and restrictive lids are now employed to pre- LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITIES vent the dumping of large or unwanted items. There is also new signage on the recy- A “league table” has recently been published (based on the cling bins to identify their intended contents. views of patients) on the performance of all GP surgeries in the country (a total of 6,859 for 2019). For our three local GP sur- Sadly though, it took just a couple of hours after the clean-up geries their rankings are as follows – the numbers mean the team left the area looking like new, before someone dumped an lower the better: old steam mop on the ground between the new bins. An item that could have been disposed of at County Council's Heathcote - 5,638 (a steady improvement over 2018) Epsom or waste management depots free of charge. - 5,458 (a significant decline over 2018) - 1,789 (a steady im- provement over 2018) Councillor Rachel Turner Ward Member for Lower Kingswood, Tad- worth & Walton Email: Cllr.Turner@reigate- banstead.gov.uk Telephone: 01737-812565

Councillor Jamie Paul It's Reigate & Banstead's Council Tax payers who have to foot the bill for clearing up fly-tipping on our streets and recycling Ward Member for Lower Kingswood, Tad- areas. The cost of clearing fly-tipping and litter is in excess of worth & Walton £1,032,000 per year. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01737-213296 When Councillors attend community events and talk to our resi- dents, we are often asked what is being done to keep our

Autumn 2019 Page 2 Lower Kingswood Village News Surrey County Council report

Dear Residents ‘phone down. A217/BRIGHTON ROAD  If you do by accident answer with your name and the person starts talking to you - and you don’t want to For the last two years the A217 has been a consistent ‘source’ continue - just say goodbye and hang up. Remember of complaints for residents and me personally, and I have these are criminals and have no feelings to hurt. spent the last three months yet again chasing up on highway issues. These have included the length of time it takes for  If you do end up engaging in discussion, tell them this works to be completed, abandoned signs, diversion signs conversation is being recorded for the Trading Stand- leading nowhere, flooding, etc. ards (we know it isn’t - they don’t) and just ask them where they got your number from and tell them you Residents should be aware of a major project commencing in are registered with the Telephone Preference Service November which will affect us all and over which Surrey and they could be committing a criminal offence under County Council have little control. the new data protection laws.....that’s usually enough This is the redevelopment of Junction 8 (Reigate Hill) of the to put the scammers off and even legitimate compa- M25 to increase the traffic flow up to and around the rounda- nies are not allowed to do cold-calling. bout over the motorway.  If think you have given details away, or the caller There is more detail to come out but briefly for almost 11 seems to know a lot about you and you do want to months work will be carried out, involving diversions, clo- confirm anything with your bank - wait 15 minutes sures, and narrowed lanes, etc. before making a call or use a different ‘phone from a I have no doubt that this will cause a great deal of problems different line (e.g. mobile). Remember these criminal for local people, as drivers will, in my humble opinion, divert are very clever at getting information from you, so be from the M25 and go through our villages and lanes to avoid very wary of saying anything or confirming anything at delays. all. Suffice to say I’ve raised it at several meetings, unimpressed  I suggest to elderly people that they say “my son/ with Highways (who ‘own’ the project), and raised it daughter deals with that so give me a number and I’ll with the Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Highways get them to call back in when they come home…” and now to Crispin Blunt MP, who I’m told will raise it with  There is a charity called ‘Think Jessica’ set up to pro- the new Minister for Transport Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps MP and tect the elderly and vulnerable from scams and fraud; the highest level of management of Highways England. there is lots of good advice on their website: At the last meeting various suggestions and observations www.thinkjessica.com were made, which currently await answers from Highways Finally, as the winter approaches, please think about vulnera- England. ble neighbours and, if it seems appropriate, ‘knock next door’ DEALING WITH UNWANTED/FAKE TELEPHONE CALLS to see if they’re OK.  HMRC/Police/Courts/TV Licensing etc. do not use phone calls to contact people. They only use e-mails if Jeff Harris you ask them to and give your e-mail address and, County Councillor for Tadworth, under current legislation, give permission for them to Walton & Kingswood use it. Email: [email protected]  Most unwanted calls begin with a computer dialling Telephone: 07865-143983 thousands of lines at a time in the hope one or more pick up and it’s a real person (not an answering ma- chine or intercept). Most of these scams operate in- ternationally so even when you think you are dealing with someone with a British telephone number, it

could actually be in Africa or India..... Bob Gardner  Never answer the phone with your name, if you don’t County Councillor for have ‘Caller Display’ do not confirm your name. If you & Banstead South want to be polite just say the last three digits of your Email: phone number. Anything else confirms that the num- [email protected] ber has a person attached to it. Telephone: 01737-831257  You will immediately know if it’s a fraud/scam as there will be a delay in anyone answering - so just put the

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 3 Autumn 2019 The Wisdom of God Church

community from the earliest ages and is supported by a won- derful team of volunteers, many of whom are parents them- selves. If you feel that this is a community activity that you would like to be involved in and could offer a couple of hours to each week or each month, please do speak to me or Linda Utting. Rev’d Chris Colton Priest-in-Charge - Parish of Kingswood

Email: [email protected]


HARVEST FESTIVAL – Sunday 13th October 9:30am - Family Worship at The Wisdom of God 11:00am - Holy Communion at St Andrew’s ALL SOULS SERVICE - Sunday 3rd November Remembering those departed this life at 6:30pm at The Wis- dom of God REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – 10th November 10:45am service at St Andrew’s starting at the War Memorial and continuing in the church. (No service at The Wisdom of God on this day) ADVENT - Sunday 1st December 6:30pm service at The Wisdom of God

BUILDING A COMMUNITY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE As the schools go back and various groups start up again, I thought it would be a good idea to write about some of the fantastic work that goes on in the Parish amongst children and young people. It is important for these youngsters to have a social hub where they can meet with friends and have some fun and games in a safe environment. One very important aspect of the work we do is our Award- Winning Roots Youth Group which runs in the Church Hall on the 4th Sunday of the month in term time from 5-7pm. It is open to young people who are in years 6 and above and it’s led by a Youth Worker from Surrey Clubs. The cost is £2 per session and all are welcome. This is complemented by Roots Church which runs on the second Sunday of the month in term time from 5-7pm for the same age group. Here young people will find an opportunity to share some food, do activi- ties and have lively discussions about the things that matter to them, all of which feeds in to a short act of worship at the end. For the younger children in our midst, Wisdom Stories at Tea Time provides a lovely way for younger children and their families to come together over a light tea, to sing some action songs and to hear a Bible story. For young parents getting to know what’s on offer in the village, this is an ideal introduc- tion to all those other young parents ‘in the know’ and to connect with friends and neighbours. The work we do is an important aspect to building our village

Autumn 2019 Page 4 Lower Kingswood Village News Church Hall The Church Hall continues to be heavily booked and the Church Hall Committee re- mains committed to provid- ing the best possible service and accommodation to our users. We are delighted to report that the Hall toilets will be fully refurbished at the end of 2019. This work will result in minimal disruption and those who use the hall will benefit from the updated facilities. Enquiries regarding booking the Hall (e.g. for a party or other event) can be made by calling Claire Slee on: 01737-246619 or emailing: [email protected]

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 5 Autumn 2019

Autumn 2019 Page 6 Lower Kingswood Village News

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 7 Autumn 2019 Kingswood Terriers F.C. It has been an extremely successful first season for King- swood TFC at their new home. Our youth teams and ladies’ team have continued to flourish and have appreciated the pitches available to them at the recreation ground. In June, Kingswood Ladies attended the 'Old Girls World Cup' in Soissons, France, organised to celebrate ladies’ football and the Women's World Cup. Over 200 ladies came from across the world to play football, the majority of whom had only started playing in the last few years. The day tourna- ment was a participation event, whereby 19 teams played matches in four groups. There was an award for the "Best All Round” team which took into consideration the friendliness, fun, helpfulness and general good spirit of the team and we were delighted that both Kingswood teams won this award for their group. In the evening there was a competitive event with England, Wales, Rest of the World and USA playing. Players were se- lected during the day and played for their respective coun- try. Kingswood's Sarah Chapman, Joanne Luckins and Maria Molica-Turner represented England who sadly lost to the USA in the final. The whole day was extremely special and we were so pleased to be part of it. The tournament was cov- ered by the BBC’s ‘Inside Out’, so we hope you will be able to see our ladies on the TV soon!

Following the success of the Women's World Cup, Kingswood Terriers Ladies were invited to speak to BBC Surrey Radio to talk about the success of the tournament and how it has affected grass roots football. The Women's World Cup has drawn attention to women's football and it is great to see so many new faces join our ladies’ team. The new season begins on 7th September and we look for- ward to welcoming our 11 youth teams and two ladies’ teams. If you are interested in joining or supporting one of our teams or would like to start a new team please get in touch.

Autumn 2019 Page 8 Lower Kingswood Village News Kingswood Primary School Although a new academic year has begun, I would like to start with mentioning the end of summer term production ‘Wind in the Willows’ that the children performed in the Church Hall. The children were great with wonderful singing and acting and you could really see the genuine enjoyment and sense of achievement the children gained from this musical. My thanks must go to the staff, who worked hard for this event. Focusing on the next academic year, our school priorities in- clude: To embed consistently good practice across the school in I would firstly like to welcome the new Reception children English and maths and any new families to the school who have started the To develop the enjoyment of reading and improve reading school in September. progress across the school I would also like to welcome new staff who join Kingswood To develop expertise and skills in leaders to drive improve- this term: Jenny Smith and Emma Day who will be teaching in ment to the Kingswood curriculum the infants, and Olivia Bathe, who starts in the Juniors. Finally, if anyone is interested in hiring out the school hall or On a sadder note, David Haine, an ex-governor, died in July. grounds for any specific events please contact the school David made a huge contribution to the school being chair of office. As I have written in other issues, the school is always governors for 13 years and then remaining as a governor for a looking at ways to work alongside the community. If the further 4 years. He was also involved in my appointment, school could benefit the community more, I would welcome giving me the opportunity to lead this fantastic school. any ideas. Over the summer, we had the back playground completely re- Duncan Steele surfaced with new drainage channels built-in and playground Head-teacher markings. This certainly went down well with the children who like the look of it! Lower Kingswood Baby & Toddler Group

Come along and play at the Lower Kingswood Baby & Toddler Group! Our weekly playgroup boasts an array of soft play equipment along- side a wide range of early years toys and an ever-changing creation station to encourage imaginative and social play amongst your little ones. We also offer a dedicated corner for babies and crawlers to enjoy safely. Our friendly and informal group welcome parents and caregivers with unlimited refreshments plus the odd sweet treat too! Chil- dren get to enjoy a snack and sing along to finish each fun- filled session! Thursdays (term time only): 10:00am to 11:30 am £2.50 donation per family Play suitable for 0-5 years old Church Hall, Buckland Road, Lower Kingswood (parking availa- ble on site) If you would like further information about our sessions, please contact us.

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 9 Autumn 2019 9th (Reigate) Lower Kingswood Scout Group www.9thReigate.co.uk The 9th Reigate Scout Group is “officially amaz- ety of outdoor activities in- ing” and it was confirmed on the 24th June that cluding: orienteering; archery; your Scout group are the proud holders of the caving; sailing; and visits to Guinness World Record (GWR) for the largest the local woods. envelope mosaic (Logo). To mark this momen- We start the Winter term with a session around the campfire tous occasion the scout group met on the hottest day to un- with one of the Reigate Area Rangers. We are also planning veil the GWR certificate, which is now proudly hanging in the to work on our Home Safety and Fire Safety badges during Scout hut. We toasted our success with prosecco for the this term, and have some more relaxed evenings planned adults and lemonade for the children and some delicious cup- including a pyjama day and (much requested) pizza evening. cakes. If you have children and young people who would like to join This term the Beavers are developing their teamwork skills, in the adventures… helping the community by litter picking on the recreation ground, learning to make friendship bracelets and challenging themselves. We are going on a chip shop hike and com- Beavers (6 & 7 years) Thursdays 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm pleting our international badge with one of our leaders who attended the World Scout Jamboree in America in July. In July 2020 the colony will be losing 2 of its leaders and Cubs (8 to 10½ years) Thursdays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm therefore we are looking to recruit a couple of adults to take

over. If you are interested, please contact Alan Slee for more information. Scouts (10½ -14 years) Fridays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Towards the end of the summer term the Cubs spent most of their sessions out of the main hut. They enjoyed a wide vari-

Lower Kingswood Village Fete 2020

The Government have announced that the Mayday Bank Holi- We usually have a theme for the fete and it maybe for next day Monday in 2020 will be moved to Friday 8th May so that year it could be something relating to VE Day – or not! If you the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe 8th May have any ideas for a theme, for attractions and maybe you 1945) can be celebrated nationally. Mayday Bank Holiday are reading this after the first meeting has taken place, do Monday is a special day in the Morris Men’s calendar when please speak to anyone who runs a group in the village – traditionally they dance to welcome spring and hope for a there are around 14 groups which take part – usually includ- good harvest and great fertility! The Morris Men had re- ing Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, King- quested the Government to reconsider their decision to not swood School, Wisdom of God Church, Church Hall, Mogador change the day. However, we now know that the Bank Holi- Rangers, Kingswood Terriers, the Old Pheasantry, Kingswood day will be on FRIDAY 8th MAY 2020. W.I. The planning for next year’s fete possibly on Saturday 9th So...... ideas, suggestions and your help wanted! May will start a little earlier than usual with the first meeting

held on 18th September. We have decided to have it earlier in case we find we have difficulty in booking various attractions – Punch & Judy, roundabouts, laser games, Zorbing football such as we had this year, or whatever else - just in case book- ings have been made for national or other local celebrations.

Autumn 2019 Page 10 Lower Kingswood Village News Kingswood, Walton & Tad- 1st Lower worth Horticultural Society Kingswood

LATE SUMMER SHOW Guides 24TH AUGUST Our last and busiest show CALLING ALL GIRLS WHO ARE 10-14 YEARS OLD of the year was held on Saturday 24th August, Do you like making new friends? Do you like learning new supported by 84 mem- skills? Do you like camping and cooking on fires? Do you bers and guests with 194 have a creative streak? Do you like acting? Do you like entries. working together to complete a task? Do you like new and Winners were presented active games? Have you thought about becoming a Guide? with their cups by our Every Friday evening (during term time) we aim to give girls President, David Finch: between the ages of 10 and 14, the chance to develop their Bonsor Summer Cup – John Barlow/Linda Rowles individuality, grow their life skills, while making new friends and getting involved in the community! William Fitch Cup – John Barlow/Linda Rowles We had a fantastic time at our summer camp at Picketts Corfield Cup – Sarah Azhashemi (our new Show Captain) woods in July, we enjoyed lots of fun activities at Blacklands Allnutt Ladies Cup – Jane Scott Farm, cooking on our fires and a day out at the llama park! This term we look forward to getting stuck onto more of our Strachan Cup – Jane Scott new programme badges, an exciting Halloween and Christ- Songhurst Cup – David Peterken mas cushions! St James Cup – John Barlow/Linda Rowles Does this sound like something you or someone ages 10-14 would enjoy? We would love to have you come along and Rutheven Bowl – Luke Patmore meet us and discover what we do and help our unit grow. Durlacher Cup – John Goddard We are happy to welcome you to any evening meeting at Sam McGredy Plaque – Peter Andrews 7:00pm on Fridays (during term time) at the Church Hall in Buckland Road. We also presented cups to those individuals who gained the most points throughout the year in various classes: If you would like to find out more, please contact our lead- er. Chinthurst Cup – Luke Patmore

William T Smith Cup – David Peterken Fawcett Cup – Jane Scott The Domestic Cup – Rose- mary Skilton Joan Clover Photography Cup – Sue Hasler A full description of the cups can be found in our Show Schedule and also on our website: www.kwthortsoc.co.uk The AGM will be held on Wednesday 6th November at the Church Hall of Christchurch United Re- formed Church, Walton on the Hill. Our next Show will be held on Saturday 4th April 2020.

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 11 Autumn 2019 Residents’ Association Committee reports

A Meeting of the Committee took place on Tuesday, 8th Janu- Chairman recommended that all such instances should ary 2019. In addition to Committee members, Councillors be reported to the Police. Rod Ashford, Bob Gardner & Jeff Harris were in attendance.  It was reported that a person from the village had re- Councillor Ashford reported on: cently been convicted of drug related issues.  Updates regarding three recent planning issues. Councillor Gardner reported on:  Cllr. Ashford commented on the apparent blocked  The state of the Stubbs Lane recycling site was again drains in both the Stubbs Lane & Chipstead Lane are- reported; Cllr. Gardner undertook to raise the matter. as.  It was reported that a car with no number plates ap-  Cllr. Harris noted that such issues should, as far as peared to have been “dumped” for some time near possible, be reported on-line via the Council’s website the junction of Smithy Lane and the A217/Brighton and Cllr. Gardner added that the County Council were Road; Cllr. Gardner stated that details should be now employing new contractors to deal with this and passed to the Parking Manager for attention. other highways maintenance work.  Cllr. Gardner reported that current County Council  The Secretary noted that the local elections would works included road refurbishment, vehicle counts take place on 2nd May and that three Borough Council- and road widening at the Reigate Hill roundabout. lors would be elected to the new ward of Lower King-  It was reported that two telephone boxes in the vil- swood, Tadworth & Walton. lage had been vandalised; Cllr. Gardner stated that, Councillor Gardner reported on: whilst noting that they were not apparently being used, he would deal with the matter.  The continued dumping of rubbish at the Stubbs Lane (& Tattenham Corner) recycling sites and on common  It was reported that the bus stop by the Wisdom of land, which continued to be a major problem and had God Church was in a rather dilapidated state; Cllr. recently been cleared. Cllr. Gardner added that four Gardner stated that this was the responsibility of the individuals had been caught on CCTV. Borough Council.  It was noted that the works at the Fidelity site were  It was reported that speeding traffic in Chipstead Lane causing problems in negotiating the nearby footpaths. continued to be a problem, particularly given the prox- imity to the playground where the fence needed re-  It was also reported that no traffic count report had pair. Cllr. Gardner noted that, whilst speed checks had yet been received for Chipstead Lane and that the been taken, there was a problem in catching offending footpath was being encroached by hedgerow foliage. drivers travelling along this type of road; there was Councillor Harris reported on: also the issue of the footpath requiring widening.  The cutting of foliage around street lighting. He added Councillor Ashford reported on: that both he and Cllr. Gardner had been involved in  One particular instance of building works being carried washing down various dirty road signs. out which was both causing nuisance to nearby resi-  In response to a query regarding the number of vehi- dents and also apparently not adhering to the plans as cles exceeding the speed limit of 40mph on the A217/ originally submitted. Cllr. Ashford added that the situ- Brighton Road, Cllr. Harris indicated that an average of ation was being monitored by the Council and asked 1,000 vehicles per month were identified by the aver- to be kept advised of any further concerns. age speed cameras.  Cllr. Ashford provided an update on a particular plan- ning issue and raised the issue of whether or not plan- ning permission was required for the building of a spe- A Meeting of the Committee took place on Tuesday, 12th cific wall. Cllr. Gardner noted that, provided it met March 2019. In addition to Committee members, Councillors height requirements, such permission would not nor- Rod Ashford & Bob Gardner were in attendance. mally be required. Crime report:

 It was reported that there had been recent instances A Meeting of the Committee took place on Tuesday, 14th May of commercial vehicles being broken into in one part 2019. In addition to Committee members, Councillors Rod of the village along with potential anti-social behav- Ashford, Bob Gardner, Jamie Paul & Rachel Turner were in iour by youths in the Recreation Ground. attendance.  Some instances of a young door-to-door salesman (?) verbally abusing householders were reported, the Autumn 2019 Page 12 Lower Kingswood Village News Residents’ Association Committee reports (continued)

At the start of the meeting, the Chairman welcomed the two ning issue. new Borough Councillors (Cllrs. Paul & Turner) who, along  Following a query regarding the apparent non- with Cllr. Ashford, represented the new ward of Lower King- collection of refuse from one particular road, Cllr. Ash- swood, Tadworth & Walton. Later in the meeting the two ford stated that the Council’s refuse lorries are new Councillors took the opportunity to formally introduce equipped with facilities to “log” collections made. themselves. Crime report: M25 - noise pollution  It was reported that there had been a recent instance of a noisy & speeding motorcycle which had then been The Residents’ Association have received details from Tad- apparently abandoned before being subsequently re- worth & Walton Residents’ Association detailing their support moved by a van; such instances should be reported to for an “e-Petition” to ask our local Council to work with the Police on the non-emergency 101 telephone num- neighbouring Councils and local MPs to encourage Highways ber. England to do something about the level of M25 noise. With- out doubt those residents in the south of Lower Kingswood  It was again reported that some commercial vehicles are also adversely impacted by the level of noise from the had been broken into in one part of the village. motorway. Councillor Gardner reported on: “The petition link is as follows and it closes on 9th October; if it  It was noted that the car and van apparently receives more than 400 signatures it will trigger a debate at “dumped” near the junction of Smithy Lane and the the Full Council on 31st October: A217/Brighton Road had now been removed by the https://reigate-banstead.moderngov.co.uk/ Council. mgEPetitionListDisplay.aspx?bcr=1  Cllr. Gardner provided an update on enforcement ac- “Please contact George Curry with any queries or comments tion being taken by the County Council in respect of an and to receive an electronic copy of the link that you can cir- encroachment on Council owned land. culate as it’s quite hard to find on the Council website.  It was reported that speeding traffic in Chipstead Lane “The petition reads as follows: continued to be a problem; Cllr. Gardner added that Cllr. Harris had a speed gun but local volunteers would “Noise Pollution from the Junction 8-9 be required to utilise same. “According to EEA Report No 10/2014 Noise Pollution is a  It was reported that Tealby Close is an unadopted road growing environmental concern. The adverse effects can be and thus is not provided with a grit bin, notwithstand- found in the well-being of exposed human populations, in ing that the entrance is steep and can be treacherous the health and distribution of wildlife, in the abilities of our in icy conditions. Cllr. Gardner added that the County children to learn properly at school and in the high economic Council no longer adopts private roads. price society must pay because of noise pollution.  It was reported that the timing of the pedestrian “Highways England is responsible for the M25 Motorway crossing lights (by ‘The Fox’) is still not consistent. and has recently pledged to reduce noise pollution. It has announced it will take steps to cut noise levels in more than  It was also reported that the pot holes at the ap- 1,000 areas close to motorways and large A-roads by 2020. proaches to the pedestrian crossing were apparently Furthermore, the organisation says it has adopted the policy not deep enough and therefore did not meet the crite- of installing quieter road surfaces wherever possible. ria for repair. We, the undersigned, petition Reigate & Banstead Council to  The issue of the recent tree-cutting along the A217/ co-ordinate with Mole Valley DC, Surrey CC, Crispin Blunt Brighton Road was raised and Cllr. Gardner noted that MP, Paul Beresford MP & Chris Grayling MP and write to this was an issue between the County Council and Highways England highlighting Residents’ concerns about Skanska since the cutting allowed better coverage Noise Pollution from the M25, specifically referencing mo- from the street lighting. He would discuss the issue of torway resurfacing of the atypical concrete slabs installed further tree cutting with Cllr. Harris. between M25 Junctions 8-9 and requesting additional man- Councillor Ashford reported on: made sound barriers and tree planting along this section of motorway to protect residents. We also call on Reigate &  Cllr. Ashford provided an update on building/ Banstead Council to consider how it can combat noise pollu- renovation works being carried out which was both tion from roads directly via planning policy or other powers causing nuisance to nearby residents and also appar- under its control.” ently not adhering to the plans as originally submitted; he also provided an update on another specific plan- Lower Kingswood Village News Page 13 Autumn 2019

Autumn 2019 Page 14 Lower Kingswood Village News Gardiner on: 07775-425301 or email: [email protected] - website: Business Directory www.inspiringbirths.com

KINGSWOOD PLASTERING & CONSTRUCTION A P S GAS & HEATING Plastering, screeding, extensions, loft conversions, kitchens, bathrooms - the best quality work at Central heating, other household gas work & plumbing (including kitchens & bathrooms); Gas Safe competitive prices. Contact: 07930-647040 or email: [email protected] registered engineer. Contact: 01737-245798 or 07956-232485 or email: [email protected] KINGSWOOD VILLAGE CLUB Friendly village social club offering entertainment (snooker & darts) with draught beers & drinks A WOMAN’S TOUCH well below pub prices. New members welcome and two halls with bars available for hire. Contact: Exceptional lady decorator– attention to detail we all crave. Contact: 07814-013077 or email: 01737-832082 [email protected] LANDSEER HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS BARR CO – solicitors Local company with expertise in painting and decorating, plastering, tiling, building works, and Specialist solicitors in all areas of employment law – for both employers & employees. Green repairs. Member of the Federation of Master Builders for 15 years. “We do it all, big or small”. Lane, Lower Kingswood, KT20 6YB. Contact: 01737-833850 or email: [email protected] - Contact Phil Twiddy on: 01737-831172 website: www.barrco.org.uk LET YOUR BODY TALK BUTTERCUP & DAISY CHILDMINDERS Personal Training & Pilates to enhance the quality of your life. A leading trainer with over 15 A warm, safe and friendly environment; where children will experience lots of activities & enjoy- years’ experience; based in Kingswood serving a 10 mile radius. Contact: 07916 275136 or ment and you have peace of mind. Contact: 07761-808272 or 01737-833087or email: email: [email protected] - website: www.letyourbodytalkuk.com [email protected] LIL DRAGONS – for children 3-5 years old CHOI KWANG DO Improve your child’s confidence and social skills while having fun and exercising at the same time. Full time martial arts centre in Redhill, offering classes for children & adults from 5 to 101 years Contact: 0800-298-7096 - website: www.eackd.com old! Get fit and learn to defend yourself. Contact: 0800-298-7096 - website: www.eackd.com LITTLEYEARS CHILD DAY CARE SERVICES CHRIS – 1st CLASS DRIVING SCHOOL OFSTED registered childminder with full and part time vacancies, ages 1-8 years. First Aid & CRB Free first lesson for all, fully qualified, patient, high pass rate, competitive prices. Contact: 01737- accredited. Committed to providing a safe, happy, fun & stimulating home from home environ- 223034 - website: www.chris-1stclassdriving.co.uk ment for your child. Contact: 07787-548477 or email: [email protected]

CINDY KIRKLAND AT CREATIVE WORKS LOCAL QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN A fresh & exciting floral & garden design service based in Kingswood. We are fanatical about all For the small jobs other electricians don't want! Sensible hourly rate. Call Mike on: 01737-830508. things floral design and garden design and provide an infusion of ‘Creative Inspiration for Living in If answer machine, please leave a description of work & your number and I will return your call. Style’. Contact: 07976 449681, email: [email protected] - website: www.ckworks.net MALBY PHOTOGRAPHY - children and pet photography DECORATING SERVICES Creating memories that will last a lifetime; local photographer, based in Lower Kingswood. Con- Interior/exterior decorating, fencing/garden work/handyman services etc. Contact Tony Richards tact: 07831-173773 or email: [email protected] - website: on: 07717-008693 www.malbyphotography.co.uk

DEXTER CONTRACT SERVICES Ltd POOCH PARLOUR – dog grooming Surrey’s painting specialists. Contact Wayne Freeman (projects director) on: 01737-233513 or Over 30 years experience; we groom/bath/clip. Contact: 01737-841010 or 07831-621227 07590-106375 PRIORY PROPERTY SERVICES – for a quality finish and a reliable service every time DIANA MURRAY INTERIORS – bespoke curtains & blinds For a complete range of interior & exterior property services including painting & decoration, Free, no obligation initial consultation in your home. Quality soft furnishings made in fabric of fitted kitchens, wooden floors, carpentry, fencing and garden maintenance. Contact: 07831- your choice. Contact: 07939 028670, email: [email protected] - website: 525459 or 01737-240611 www.dianamurrayinteriors.co.uk RED CARPET ENTERTAINMENTS DISCOTRONICS – computer sales, upgrades & repairs We provide entertainment acts for parties, weddings etc. and can also provide discos, live bands An upgrade of your computer could give your PC a new lease of life at much less cost than a new and tribute acts. Contact Susie Homes on: 07958-478620 or Ray Lowe on: 07852-351620 or email: replacement. Contact us for details and free estimate on: 01737-833254 or email: [email protected] - website: www.redcarpetentertainments.co.uk [email protected] – also see main advert in Village News S.D. SERVICING DIVINE FOOTCARE Ltd Mobile mechanic. Contact: 07877-107246 Mobile qualified foot healthcare practitioner able to advise and treat calluses, corns, verrucae, fungal & thickened nails and medi-pedicure. Contact: 07850-049750 or email: con- SEETHRU WINDOW CLEANING [email protected] - website: www.divinefootcare.co.uk Residential & business. Contact: 07877-107246

THE SHARPENING STONE - mobile sharpening service DOG COMMUNICATION - adult dog socialisation classes We sharpen a wide variety of tools and equipment such as: scissors, knives, chisels, gardening Socialise your dog in a secure controlled environment with teaching dogs - dogs that help other equipment and more. As a mobile service we come to you, at your convenience. Contact: 07843- dogs to learn social skills. Contact: 07831-173773 or email: [email protected] - 891395 or email: [email protected] - website: www.thesharpeningstone.co.uk website: www.dogcommunication.co.uk THE SMART LOFT COMPANY DUVAL PRODUCTS STORAGE EQUIPMENT Ltd Specialising in loft conversions and extensions in Surrey. Contact us on (office): 01737-831460 or Suppliers of shelving, racking and associated equipment for over 50 years - 80 Brighton Road, (mobile): 07711-780547 or email: [email protected] - website: Lower Kingswood, KT20 6SY. Contact: 01737-832568 or email: [email protected] - www.thesmartloftcompany.co.uk website: www.duvalproducts.co.uk th STONEMAN FUNERAL SERVICE – 5 generation family funeral director Local offices at Redhill (01737-763456), Reigate (01737-243164) & Tadworth (01737-814406) – FOCUS CARPENTRY also see main advert in Village News Creating bespoke solutions around the home. Quality workmanship designed to make you home

more functional & investing in your property. Contact: 01737-830956 or 07545-325040 - website: THOMAS PLUMBING & HEATING www.focus-carpentry.co.uk Boiler & central heating installation, servicing & breakdown and plumbing work from tap washers

to bathroom installation. Gas safe registered. Contact: 01737-832836 or 07834-607082 or email: FREELANCE EQUINE GROOM [email protected] - website: www.thomasplumbing.co.uk All yard and stable duties undertaken, riding, lunging and accompanying private horse owners to

shows & competitions. Call Rob on 07789-687358 or see my Facebook page ''Rob The Groom'' TOP HAT STAGE & SCREEN SCHOOL SURREY

Every Friday during term time at Kingswood Primary School 4:30-7:30 “no experience necessary HAIR BY EMMA just bring your enthusiasm”. Contact us on: 01737-831184 or email: sur- Mobile Hairdresser: 07984-497690 [email protected] - website: www.tophatstageschool.co.uk

HAPPY PARENTING – supporting you through your parenting journey TROPIC SKINCARE AND MAKEUP Sleep consultations, behaviour advice, as well as baby massage and relax kids classes. Contact: Offers a range of natural beauty products which are vegan, cruelty free and gluten free. Take a 07528-772608 or email: [email protected] website - www.happyparenting.co.uk look at my shop website: http://tropicskincare.com/shop/jogosling or for questions and/or a

catalogue contact: [email protected] HARRINGTON CARPENTRY – carpentry & fencing specialists Based in Kingswood, we specialise in all aspects of domestic carpentry & fencing. Contact Kevin Harrington on: 07720-299250 or email: [email protected] WHY NOT FEATURE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS IN THIS SPACE?

HYPNOBIRTHING® - local antenatal classes ® Classes with a difference for couples; HypnoBirthing the mongon method allows women to use Please contact our Chairman for further information their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing. Contact Leila

Lower Kingswood Village News Page 15 Autumn 2019