Lower Kingswood Residents Association Chairman: David Patel Secretary: Robert Brown Treasurer: Faye Miles VILLAGE NEWS www.lowerkingswood.co.uk SEPTEMBER 2019 Autumn Edition 2019 Inside this issue: Chairman's Report to Residents Welcome to our latest issue of Village News and Borough Council report 2 we would like to extend a warm welcome to all new DEFIBRILLATOR(S) County Council report 3 residents who have moved into the village over the One of the successes highlighted during the year was the installation of two units available Wisdom of God Church; 4 past few months. If you have any concerns about forthcoming Parish events; the village and its surroundings, the Residents’ in case of emergency need. This particular pro- Wisdom Stories Association Committee is here to try and help you. ject has taken a lot of time and effort by the Committee and has at last borne fruit. Sunday Family Fun; 5 Unlike most other local Residents’ Associations ROOTS Youth Group & These units are located in Church; Church Hall; there is no subscription payable; our running costs Monthly Coffee Circle (website etc.) are met from the revenue of the car-parks of the Church Hall and the Evangelical LK Evangelical Church; 7 advertisements in our newsletter. So please help CAMEO; Crumbs; Family support our local businesses and advertisers; if Church. There is also a Time; Strollers using the services of one of our advertisers please third unit that has been installed by the owners for Kingswood Terriers FC; 8 mention that you saw their advertisement in Gage Players Village News. residents of the Holly Lodge park homes site. Kingswood Primary School; 9 LK Baby & Toddler Group; LOWER KINGSWOOD IN BLOOM Banstead History Centre Our thanks to Cllr. Rachel Turner who has ar- organisation to oversee this project; a full update LK Scout Group; LK 10 ranged for the installation of two floral displays; should appear in the next issue of Village News. Village Fete one outside Kingswood News (Buckland Road) KW&T Horticultural 11 and the other one outside the St Marcus store PLANNING ISSUES Society Girl Guiding; (Brighton Road). There have been two recent planning applications Residents’ Association 12 that have been submitted one in respect of Committee reports Fidelity and the other in respect of ‘Highlands’. M25 noise pollution 13 Rod Ashford (in his personal capacity) organised a meeting specifically for residents of Chipstead Lane, Smithy Lane, Green Lane & Beechen Lane to discuss the application from Fidelity; since those residents were directly impacted by the plans. The application for ‘Highlands’ follows two earlier applications that had been made in 2012 and 2015. We very much appreci- VILLAGE NEWS ate the support of our Cllr. Turner has also suggested that a twice- advertisers but their ap- Once again thank you to all who have contributed yearly village clean-up should be organised for pearance in our newslet- articles and helped with both the production and Lower Kingswood. As part of this can we also ter and/or our website distribution of this newsletter. Village News is ask residents to try and keep our village tidy by does not constitute a distributed free to all households in (and around) ensuring that any and all waste is disposed of recommendation. Lower Kingswood, and this is only possible responsibly; this particularly applies to the because of the assistance given by a number of Stubbs Lane recycling centre (see article on volunteers. If you can help with distribution - in page 2). particular sharing some areas and/or providing holiday cover - please contact our Chairman. LOWER KINGSWOOD COMMUNITY & SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND FINALLY…. We should also like to take the opportunity of We are pleased to be able to report that matters thanking Fidelity International for their continued are now progressing well towards the formation of assistance in the printing of Village News. a new “umbrella” charitable incorporated Reigate & Banstead Borough Council report Dear Residents streets clean and free from other people's waste. The answer is that R&BBC can, and does, take enforcement very seriously, we STUBBS LANE CLEAN UP regularly issue penalty notices to offenders. The maximum pen- In August 2018 Reigate & Banstead Borough Council cleared the alty for the illegal dumping of waste is £50,000 or 5 years im- mountain of fly-tipped household debris which had accumulat- prisonment. ed in the area behind the recycling bins at Stubbs Lane. But our enforcement officers cannot be everywhere all the time. One year on in August 2019, the rubbish had started to build up Residents also have a part to play by disposing of their own rub- again, with both household and garden waste piling up behind bish sensibly and within the law and by reporting incidents of the fence and the recycling bins spilling over with household littering and fly-tipping to the Council. waste including carpets, coat hangers and even a pair of vehicle It is important that you do not directly confront anyone you bumpers. believe might be littering or fly-tipping. If you are at a safe dis- Following an incident where a local resident was verbally tance, you could discreetly make a note of their vehicle registra- abused and physically threatened after confronting a fly tipper tion number or perhaps take a photograph using your phone's at the recycling facility, senior managers from Reigate & Ban- camera. But in the light of recent events at Stubbs Lane, please stead Borough Council's Neighbourhood Services department do remember, your personal safety comes first. decided enough was enough. Incidents of fly-tipping can be reported directly to the Joint En- A joint team from the forcement Team (JET) via the Council website: www.reigate- Council's cleansing, banstead.gov.uk or by calling 01737-276000. recycling and waste Councillor Rod Ashford departments were brought in to deep Executive Member for Community Partner- clean and refurbish the ship site. Email: Cllr.Ashford@reigate- banstead.gov.uk The whole area has Telephone: 01737-831446 now been thoroughly [N.B. Stubbs Lane photographs ©Rod Ash- cleansed, broken bins have been replaced, ford] and restrictive lids are now employed to pre- LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITIES vent the dumping of large or unwanted items. There is also new signage on the recy- A “league table” has recently been published (based on the cling bins to identify their intended contents. views of patients) on the performance of all GP surgeries in the country (a total of 6,859 for 2019). For our three local GP sur- Sadly though, it took just a couple of hours after the clean-up geries their rankings are as follows – the numbers mean the team left the area looking like new, before someone dumped an lower the better: old steam mop on the ground between the new bins. An item that could have been disposed of at Surrey County Council's Heathcote - 5,638 (a steady improvement over 2018) Epsom or Earlswood waste management depots free of charge. Tadworth - 5,458 (a significant decline over 2018) Tattenham Corner - 1,789 (a steady im- provement over 2018) Councillor Rachel Turner Ward Member for Lower Kingswood, Tad- worth & Walton Email: Cllr.Turner@reigate- banstead.gov.uk Telephone: 01737-812565 Councillor Jamie Paul It's Reigate & Banstead's Council Tax payers who have to foot the bill for clearing up fly-tipping on our streets and recycling Ward Member for Lower Kingswood, Tad- areas. The cost of clearing fly-tipping and litter is in excess of worth & Walton £1,032,000 per year. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01737-213296 When Councillors attend community events and talk to our resi- dents, we are often asked what is being done to keep our Autumn 2019 Page 2 Lower Kingswood Village News Surrey County Council report Dear Residents ‘phone down. A217/BRIGHTON ROAD If you do by accident answer with your name and the person starts talking to you - and you don’t want to For the last two years the A217 has been a consistent ‘source’ continue - just say goodbye and hang up. Remember of complaints for residents and me personally, and I have these are criminals and have no feelings to hurt. spent the last three months yet again chasing up on highway issues. These have included the length of time it takes for If you do end up engaging in discussion, tell them this works to be completed, abandoned signs, diversion signs conversation is being recorded for the Trading Stand- leading nowhere, flooding, etc. ards (we know it isn’t - they don’t) and just ask them where they got your number from and tell them you Residents should be aware of a major project commencing in are registered with the Telephone Preference Service November which will affect us all and over which Surrey and they could be committing a criminal offence under County Council have little control. the new data protection laws.....that’s usually enough This is the redevelopment of Junction 8 (Reigate Hill) of the to put the scammers off and even legitimate compa- M25 to increase the traffic flow up to and around the rounda- nies are not allowed to do cold-calling. bout over the motorway. If think you have given details away, or the caller There is more detail to come out but briefly for almost 11 seems to know a lot about you and you do want to months work will be carried out, involving diversions, clo- confirm anything with your bank - wait 15 minutes sures, and narrowed lanes, etc. before making a call or use a different ‘phone from a I have no doubt that this will cause a great deal of problems different line (e.g.
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