perlodlco dlerlo qua lleeja a ta .urocele el mlsvnn din en nm pnhll Sllvr. par o. I cadn. stsndo flcl a mi farhs csde din Zltie. par IM lb dl aIn I paglna I coaHsrt le I TtflH nttlme nntlctsa dal die an esnsflnl Panting tinted Ld, par If Iba i ;


HUERTA AM) MNP E HIS ISSUED OPEN DEFIANCE HOI, II UON'FF.RF.XCE SUGGESTION BY LIND Bp rirllKfliWI'mi d Mexico OS?, :Sn a. m. , Aa. IS. Provisional Pmlrifni Hirer. iMmXt ia and John I tn.i ,.. .ni rep. af m TURNED DOWN IN MEXICO CITY OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT riaiaaqif or Wilson. 9 wajt'ey St roainrnrr at a late howr L Jhr ' tonight following the report thai - xi3 that President Haerta wotald give Use I n led Ma Ira until mid- - e Re- nlghl to recognise hi edtaiat- - s Statement Reiterated That Under No Demands That His Government be ' radon under throat of rtrrini all relation. The nai.aro of ttra Circumstances Will the United cognized by Washington Authorities, oonfermoa was not revealed, bat States H 1DM characterized an cordial. Recognize Huerta. President Wilson and Insisted on Reply Before Midnight. a-- I Disappointed. By the Associated Press. NOTHINO dy 18. UNTU)omintLATER TODAV Bp thr daaoetsfaa' Washington, August ' Washington. Aug. The Huerta can senators, with very few excep- 'i Bp Tlmrn Special rorreapoadsal litem! rejection nf the tion, have upheld the hands of Pit officials were by I si. Administration Whtnglon, D. C, J: SO a. m. made the illicit Mate dent Wilson and It Is a continuation to for a ptuMwiful solution of Ihe Mel-n- of uch that yye will bo puzzled late tonight when they Aii. Nothing ofrtclal will he trVaahlngton promulgated here until sometime resolution reai'httl laic sble to carry oul our foreign policy today. In the Mexican situation, fort unataty the announcement today at least no excitement Bryan received here In official although rnwldeltl Wllsnn. Set'retary tliere haa been no disposition to draw circle rtaeactt of It. nl. II. ns dispatches that It I apparent situation and l'nnellor .lolin Moore ion line. being; Jus through press that the the stale dciuartmriit dlKOitsMd for aa aralnua as the Democrat. Htrtvln7 la Tery acute. The feeling Is that 4 nearly today earnestly Provisional President Huerta embargo on Inn hours t!ilxt'Jice of to handle the question on the shipment of John IJnd. pcraonal rereentaUve of a broad, putt loth bauds. Scccbcs by had delivered an ultimatum de- arms Into Mexico from this lYreldenl Wilson deaciiblng Ihe atti- Republican senntor have borne test! country will b repealed; thai la tude of the Huerta officials. Tiic niony to lite fad, and the utterances manding recognition of his gov- regarded a probable alternative. a ' preotdrnt. and hla advlseeH were plnlii-l- nf iicin. nn- on the floor have a, dlanxipolntrd at tin turn of events, no time shoyytl Thdti ernment in Mexico by the United r but arinmini'od that the meit-a- president's recent txmferenfe with th T taH governnttutl unuld have ttotlilnT lo entire ocuaie corouxlttew on foreign, States. t w r;n i a no v. VaT ggy tonight. Inatcsul. the American relations renullctl In a atroxtdr feeling; mrsui oomniiinliTallnn apiieallnv for a mis of which we liope wilt Secretary Tumulty at the Will Submit ta !fa larterfrraeea Kress pension of hoHttllUea and a tvynstltu. continue. He - conferring daily with, yylth Asso- - the Ualted States. tlnnal riottlon. tngether the em seiutttsrs, rears rtlleeei of party, which, White House read the By Tht dsseoielsd Vaf plinth' Htaleannnt that under no mean that the American giivernmeanr could the 'tilled States la nioilng with a vlngle patriotic pnr-Mi- se InA licnalz-- k frnm Mprirn TaVrMVwl shortlv Mealea City, Aug. Provisional cia ii xPracr' i'O u .o-- w fitv t retgnlxe the Huerta regime, hetwitoe in a tlellcate International affair. viiojuiv iivui J President Huerta. today It waa art up by an Irregular forte atal-in- tkas - realytag ta k(n,. marirtinkf inte nlinn of thr Hllfrta OOVem- " InMteaMl by PEACE MEXICO Prealdent llooa'a aata which waa bA (SOVERNOR SULErVOruEVvJRKI nf rntJtutlonal order, OFFERED communicated with Secretary Bryan. delivered ta th Mrxlraa gam. was made pnMlo tonight. ment and immediately rraairat through Joha l ind. PUrttelBH PROPOBAL TODAY. The rontapquente Mnat Now be With artlatlaa la Mrxtraa sltma-tla- a In view nf rejcotlon of Ihe sug- Mexican t'etsnle. President Wilson had retired early and was not awakened. itr the ... ar oay almllar aaggratlau made gestion 00ntallied In (Hymniiniloa-tln- n Bp rfrsea e t by foreign government. the ...ii.' Secretary Bryan said he had received merely cable- a Mr. Lind baa friends of Qovrrnor William r fight on hla fe. They felt thai If preeented by Mr. Ldnd, Its n W'ashlngtun, D. (".. Aug. H. farwardeg (Jan. Haertn'a anawrr to of New York, whoa Impeachment Mr. Hulscr could eatshllah hla Inno- tomorrow will constitute a Traces nf ueaatmtam were dlscernlblh grams announcing the rejection by the Huerta government Waahlngtan and la nvraltlng a regly, trial will start at Albany. N. Y., on cence he would triumph In hi fight reiteration before the world of Presi- In uffkial comment today on tha TOI.KM 18, big one Wilson'- - gg. The. ad- for settlement. In ATK NO IMF.HKKHKM T Srpt. presented Mm with a against Tammany Hall and be dent Ideas lo the Mexican crista. path of the of the American suggestions a peaceful PresMaat Haarta. ta bla rrgly, tsM floral horseshoe after hla Impeach, of the most talked of men In the government In ministration now lead to the realm ment In to show loyalty country. If guilty they admitted he of speculation wherein a variety of Secretary Bryan said tha Unites Stataa tbat ar eroulg tolrr-at- e order their the absence of official confirmation no Interfarcnae even though thnt and good wlihes for the success of hla would he pulltcnlly dead. In all likelihood today' events theories m.iy he evolved. Undoubted- mean the end of any dealings nith ly the lnhoapttab:e reception by would be made by this government. Istrrfrrance aablht ha cbametartaaa aa Though no announcement frlrngly ataglatlea. The rharanter at the Huerta official. there Huerta of the ndmlnlatraUon'a plan tha raaly of Waahlngtan ta trouble. don't care abut he baa done: was mneh talk In nffletal circles of for the peaceful bringing together of PraalSant I per- Hnartn'a note will getrrnilna the next when I see a fellow In troulil am aorry lifting the embargo on arms and the warring Mexican factions con- UNITED STATES aetteu ta tha gnaxaaia. for hlui and will Irv to hli hlui out,' The mitting the Constitutionalists lo set fronts the WashiiuTton administration MEXICO DEFIES THE lataraatloaal men left the hotel rogSthnr In the they AU those rlooa with tha Axaarlean two the munitions nf war with which with a problenf. which while not al IN NOTE LAST NIGHT TO WASHINGTON aaiknaay rafnorg cars Huuday morning They pnld their claim they ran soon overthrow Ihe together ta to admit taa rarrtn bill one man asked Is likely unanticipated nevertheless af nag H sud another the administration. It la that such dlanirblng. By the Associated Press. tba aata tbat had boas s H party If they thought they he hark n policy considered undesirable and It M will be cnrefulli was art admlttad officially by the I now up to the administration to make Mexico Citv, August 18. The United States government has gaxvraataat. nlirht The otueT man replied thai In the ornate before any action lean St tko axsbaa they 'ought to make it all right th next move on :he checkerboard "heen given until midnight tonight by President Huerta to recognize thrrr waa aa rvldrnt daalra ta aagrar SB Ill- TAKK.N INTO CIS taken and official hand are moving tre- Silil. riv Man Approached. Oil INTKHVKVTIOW. it is officially stated. ntlaaiatlr and onr waa lad ta bellev-- .MIIIIATfON mulously over the pawns. There la Huerta, that Bfr. Mad atlll a rontln-arla- TOIIY ON Id. or Itoliert l.oaery, wben fur- n specific in the public announcement as honed for oiielluod The position taken by atlmlnlstra-tlo- no dnuht that the admtniatratlon find The government is not af tba aogatlatlaaa. Those WHEN tOCATED ther, told Of the approach of the fire men tirflrUils lonlgrhf was that the a degree of consolation In the it means worklaga Has-laa- a to what course will be pursued, but it is understood that with the of tba t.i the h.iapltal. nitoii Mute has all Unit a that It haa sincerely eta administration exaraaaad aa waa my severing of all relations between the two countries. doabt "I ivnrklnx in barn Sunday friendly neighbor could do without deavored and haa succeeded In im- the ta tha government again oaealag tba morning." he aald. "when heard a ear actually using force. They pointed of the interior, who on two previous anbjart stop pressing the world with the fact that Senor Urrutia, minister for dlaruaalon. WARRANTS ALREADY ISSUED on the road fnun Mattrawan to out that front the hcwlnnlng of lite Its was to deal Flahklll village. It. desire with the Huerta has been the spokesman for the government, was the per- HUIBRTA'I ACT DIS APPOINTING. waa a Isrge touring trouble In Mexico the I'nlletl Mate, regime In a peace. Sena- occasions .nr with two mou In spirit of Pt aidant Huarta'a t llva up it. one man got agl has luatl but two alternative friend- Bacon, son chosen tonight to make the announcement fallarr and walked up Hie hill point It tor chairman of the senate ta what h rogarded aa tba asUiit af bla OF OFTICKItS td wham ly mediation or armed intervention. committee on foreign relations, made Senor refused to give out the text of the correspondence PAPERS !i HANDS was pmulhle to see the rear gsto af the No Hcntlfpcnl exists In this country Urrutia recent note. In which ha aald Nr. Mod hospital It clear today that the administration Mr. Lind and the Mexican government but confirmed the would be regnrded aa naraaan FOB Mt :il si OF THAW AND He came down and went hack 10 Justify Intervention or war, between aaa and in i.e. the bill n lh!rd time, each they say. and no foreign government had placed the United States In a taken place. Two notes from grata If ha did not balng to Mexico M l. WHO ASSISTED HIM time In eyes of fact that an exchange of notes had the proprr reporting to bla At that could question tiie --in rlflce by the attitude the the credcntlnla. togrthcr with Hue I went Into a other nations. It looks at thl Mexico have been forwarded to Washington. The first was a reply rerugaltlan of tba rcyubltr by tbe house and heard 1 idled Slate of thousands nf lives time tba car coming down the hill mid aouic one snd gigantic flnsncinl burdens merely m ire like the repeal of the embargo delivered by Mr. Lind- - This note included the demand for tlnltad Stataa. bad caaacd tha sahlla to waa yelling. I to that BARNUM ALREADY UNDER ARREST Then oABSf out and eaw to an iittrmiil dlnputo In which on tha shipment of arms Into Mexico hallrva there waa a sooalhlllty Ihgt he KEEPER tbe same man Jump sdjust recognition of Mexico. into tbe onr. I saw I nit... Kittle Is not directly a ft. mi thl country than at any time Intended to receive with fnver, In part a Ihe and demanded the tall of the other ear the cor- party, and oyer yyhlch It can have no since the Mexican situation reached The second note was sent direct to Washington at leaat, the aumtmiloa, of the n ner I and ssw this man Jump Into the jurisdiction It limit Infringing the acute stage. made before midnight. This is admlnlaf ration. Man Who Gate When ITU-on- nn the that a replv to the previous note be tened esr Ihst hsd lieen standing there. This sovereignly of another country tvlilch lat-- u INTSSRN.ATlONAt, l III DtHappcared Also Charged car soon followed There were here as an ultimatum. One official, in discussing this Itll. M. tbe other 11 la obliged by treaty to NO (Hi It It in RATTLE regarded throe men In the reur sent nf tb maintain. It aaseara, however, the Mrx- With Conspiracy. csr Ibat only lnlcic-- 1. Il was pointed said Mexico had reached the point where she either that .inn., down Hi. Tile note, that lraa anofflelnl reception Mr. I.lnd hilt ami one man In th have Slaughter 1 here Recently Was States or adopt 'of front seal driving. mil. the tiiliiti stains can Tha must how her head in humiliation before the United by Mlnlatrr af Porrlaa Affair i.aninou In Mexico Is the protection of llvra of Mutinous Troops. aceegtnnre Bp Aaaoefcifrd of defiance. The first contingency, he added, was re- aad the by the farelgn Thr HssplU! Kmploye'a Kvldaare. anil iniM-r- Financial ItMoww can Bp Thr 4aocieted Press an attitude Mr. PoiiKbkerpalr, N. V., Aug. IS. If Harry af Lind' prellnxlnnry ante It... H. t'rum. an employe" uf tb bos- - be met hv Imlesxnilllrw. Il Is bellevetl Aug. garded as impossible. waa merely nn exnraste Tbaw has not left the country lie will New Orleans, The recent of laternntlonnl h pltsl. gtii lb fullnwlug n ml nf the here, llyes can he heal protected battle to haveI. plana rourteay, due, serhaga, to a lie .n.-i.- i 00 s wsrrsnt cbarglug hlui escape reported taken Recognize Gravity of Situation. deolre af by the yyltlidrawsl of Americans from near Torr tun, waa not a battle but Prealdent Hnertn to make rec- with raaatArasy and retnrnad to the went to In s a clear bla "I the door some three or four the nn it none. To Ihls end of troop. The official said that Mexico fully regards the gravity of her ord la dcvcloglna eveats. Thaae moat alotr boapllal for the criminal mtnule before earn considering slaughter mutinous Federal was the esr down are the remotal of Rtito, pro- latlmatr with Haerta bad voiced bla Arties with Ibla end In view the road looked op ssw payment of trans- hi riling to Rmraanuel action "d the possibilities that might ensue in case the United todny when ud Tbsw niiTli an. noil the governor t'ltmpeche, aeatlmeata full 7 aad aaalterably when taken by the npreuir mart alnudlng In lb middle of the gst snd portation for the ilewllttite. visional of held States refused to recognize the republic. he atnled pabtlely aaere a Instlca Morwhauxer lasued a warrant for Illinium on Ihe side. I stayed here under fill, 000 hall ponding thai thaa week with there for ki:ntimi,nt in Conservative Mexicans, however, are unwilling to believe that aga that he would brsob aa laterfer-aar- e the arrest .if Tbaw, cbarglng bhn over a minute snd then wont to the bar maatk. arrival nf extradition paper from, eaasairwry with Keeprr Howard Harninn A atrong M'titJineiit in favor of giv- 0(1 relations and Mexico's defiant at- la the work of purifying Mexico. nesa room, and when I returned the csr Mexico. Brtto, one uf the leader even the severance of diplomatic ami fire oilier nien In making bla earape wss ('onstltutJinuillHie 011 an pitrty. to- M IN III I III M I fulng down tbe hill Bobble n il it ing the arm the t'onstltutlnnallst said titude will provoke the United States beyond forebearance. Some from Mattaawsn. came In aitb some milk and I an Id to (V. isjUMllty with the Huerta faction ex- day thai he hud received a commu- It la believed bore ware Rlck-ar- would give Nelson thnt Prealdent Klmllar warrants laauod for Mil "rtaat'e Thaw In that automobile ' ists In the senate Proe'dciil Wilson nication from northern Mexico det. of these people doubted that the government Huerta' attitude I likely ta In Knger Tboinpaou. Mlcharl mult J Batter, He replied: 'Are you sure!' aud ! ssld Is said (o he oHMved lo such a meas- crlblng the Torroon tiffnir. charge d'affaires, his passports in the tba early adoption of a policy abae-la- te r.ugrnr Duffy and Klood, I tllrec-1I01- I'Shaughnessv, the American at fVKaafa, Thomas II looked ery much Ilk Thaw I did not ure, as II not a mtnn in iIh "In place," said he, "Bo oa part mpll.-.- Keeper Bar- the first not complying with President Huerta's the of the Thaw'a alleged e Thaw get Into tba ear but I did aae H'a e, hut he ha not finally of army tvent of the United States tailed atalca who opened hospital id large portion the rebel waa everumeaf. which will I.. in. the guard tba blm sitting In tba middle uf the hsck matin up Ids mind on Ihe sithjetl. Nearly They pointed out that such action did not follow when prebably rcault la the escaped, been held , near Torreon. all of tha demand. llftlan af the gat when Thaw bsa seat." tlialrman of the f'srclgn ra near concede full official standing to Ambassador Wil- emharae ngnlnat tba Importation of without ball for examination Thursday. concentrated Durango, Huerta refused to xaa t'rum ssld he had hsd no ronrerastlon rtdatloiiH committee, wan Informed of in Ihe state of Durango, where Gen- aad ammunition by Iba rrbcla. .luetic Morai bauaer taaued tb with Barn urn hut added lie hsd ejection son several months ago. The rate alleged seen the of the mcrhaii eral 1'arransa la. The truth of that af eirknngr an New York for Tbaw aad hla five ta aad Thsw walking around tke yard by lite Huerta govrmment. He todny a of affair Is defection developed In Drew the Line. renrfcrd nnd In baahlag lompllcea after taklsg tba etldture for tke past hi- - -- tha Huerta opinion two or three mnntha and on muile tstcnictit: ih ranitH and the rehelltnoa ones, the wna expreaoed that to severs! wltneaoea this afteraooa. Sundsy roornlny; of piT-.-- id then drew the line between ambassadors having full morrow II Hon no snd Tbsw walk "WluHeter the rmull the were by Huerta will or three tar aae. The (anapirsry Sxtradltaale. ad toward the gate. nrgotlnlloll Hie tntTlcnn pinple yylll msssacred the officers and an ambassador having the power to transact only certain explanation given la aa Increased de- - "I base no opinion ... power IMatrlrl Attorney t'eagar rlalms to form on tb case." he conation of the fuel the MAI K IIRIVStH (CP. is maad far mrrraallle farataa arrauat. t'rum replied In to a question duty KILL routine business. In vie at of this precedent it possible that the la sn rhsrge sod that snawer by president ha done his full in ,, coupled wllk Ike deereaood production eitrsditsbla the prosecuting sttorney. trying bring a Bp Th' i.i may itself with still further limiting its deal- expert of lo about administration content Oliver. Thsw rsa be brought hsrk la Ducheaa .Intl.. of llie trouble in MfnuVcas, Honolulu, Aug. Aa tha result of repre- fled - al-- several clashes ings with the United States embassy, treating the American rounly. ao matter to what atate ha Thorough lavmllaatlos. I otcltcii goyernmente will rcall- i between elllseua and HM.l'IM, AMfcMJt AJf. with the warraafa, ghertff a" red I - lis olioyyli soldiers on leave In one or which ) sentative more as an agent than as a diplomat. Armed Bp Th t ...... hat the. lilted Mule- Horn bark add bla deputies left bars Pftt Intent Ion ttntanl a. uelgh- - harkdrlver wss killed. Oan-sr- May Hand Out Passports. Oareramaal Brlaslng eat Betagem sad far the eastern part nf tba eagg-tr- Alb 11, K V Aug. IS Harry K. Hiring rcpuhlh Tunstoa ordered today that post H,DlI,rlii inner Altanrr. The parly departed hurriedly aad Thaw' eeeepe from Mstleswsa stsls h gratified to mnmanders claaaify all enlletad men Mexicans close to Huerta declare that it would not surprise Up ... r. "I am particularly r iveaa the sheriff It known Ihst be bsd pltal will he the subject of s thorough ItTa pMMat realise according to the rccorda of con- IN t4s know and to hav them if Huerta was prepared to go to the point of handing their Wlahlnlsii Ana duXonmOi mm. an Important rlne which be ex- l.v ih slate Acting tioternor Ihe earneslneaa with nhtih Hcpiihll- - duit. dangnred In tbr fighting loae ahont pected to Uad to the arret of the fire (Ira anuoiiio-e- today tkst ke hsd tsskea passports to the embassy attaches and signifying to John Lind and - - - alll Ii. h ih. V accompli.,. Butler. Thosspaas. O'heafr. stsps tkst would Insure the moat rigid Dr. William Bayard Hale, another American government represen- riUtrdi. o urderx fnnu n Ituffy and riaod li..nlrr tlovernor Salser adrlaed .lohn in Mexico, that their presence in the republic is undesirable. Tb sal burli lea bsrs hat s mesgrr dr. B Riley, aiiperlnlendent of atal prlsaSTSS, tative IniimirlMl a Vow llrU,,. . Endorsements From Three States few, if any, Mexican officials believe the United States scrlptlnn of the firs ma bat are taking si s roaference lodsy. tkst lbs iavsatlgs. Apparently eipasM. laatlag Wedaaadtr. Tha fol- - lth ham a wan who ball eras k cau Hug must bs tboroiigb. wilt recognize the Huerta administration and the government action ooii, aw. i"r a imai inquiriei acre Ideal ifv I beiu Prom him the sheriff made, are reported aafe learned thnt all five men were dark, and t Similar onea come to the Morning did not become widely known tonight. It was confined largely to t lit nHtllll 1.1 N Plt.HT. Theas latter tell heir own ati four of them sre "rleaa. looking Hew are appreciated: circles and the morning newspapers, none of which pub- ad wife, Pragreoao. UiM " la Bp Tkr geaqasafed frras Tlmea dally and official and ulfe Yorker Butler described aa beta Uhltier. Tex. Aug. 13th. ltiJ. I lished extra editions tonight. on aun. niauanua In. under all feat la ketgkt. rnagbly I'ralg. Cals., Aug II Andrew Uew. and "agly looking " Hubert la. t. and Klmmsr. It. war Mgr. Kditor, Kl Paan Time. is doubt the news would be printed locally tomor- p.ka i'barls your paper tpi mm There that MBSMlg MUM UltXIM. tatpajry, naa of today s wltaaaaaa. aarloualy Injured tonight during a guu Will you kindly send me Hhre months sunset and row morning In Huerta's official family there are those who, real- Bp rse d Meets led I'm, fight al rilgnan grading camp, (bras send a bill for amount due for same, which I will remit 1 find your paper Kanrer. Colo Aug IS wkl'-- Tkaw eacapad. aa being a "man miles eaat of here, with Alexander Indispensable as to authentic border new. Am an erstwhile subscriber of izing the seriousness of the affair, are endeavoring to place it in a rnpisi . to la arge the aruj nf Iba pplaaa and aearlr six reel 111 ora a rv aan aan aa a wlndup I" a crap gam same to vrt, winner, ittua. a favorable light. tba g pair of atalaed gtaaaaa bile I A band af cowboy are in pursuit sni more AtuarUan lalarasi Iga aarilea pat ' Surprised at Publicity. organlaatlasa na latwi ay In tba is laiains I" blm." The other man af Uavle, who la reputed a had man. Albuquerque. N. M Auguat It. 112. of the astl.ja wore s strsw kst. dark sail sad wss who. It la alleged, killed a man In Huer. dellbaratlnna lots now ) ''aae Morning Times Mr Lind and the American embassy officials expressed sur- In aaaaloa sera. Tba cog- - stout. lmVB$0 aald fano rounly thr year ago Mttttfi 4 ail send me. the K.I Pasu Morning Times. I like your paper belt talked of idsred Informally at aa Saturaay, . . I' prise that any official had the matter and were inclined to Ts - aay In Houlhweat Knciosed Is money order payment of of Atnij of Khlllpplae I than tha lor HV flrera the the It n 11..- - tiordoa, proiirtatot of the ha. THIMH's MKV discredit Senor Urrutia' time limit for the United State to recog- UAaly sill Mil , My address Is II a. Ht Albuquerque. N M that tba propnoxl muild au aald option. John Mexican government. Minister of Foreign Affairs Gamboa Ul. Bp Tkt Aasertalrd Press BRUNO K 1.1 AH. nize the Saturday As. 14 Plead aad tb Calumet, Mich Aug. It. Membere : ulaaia art lagetksr shout all lb aaa said of tha eiate military board decided Uluhe. Auguat It, of the Interior Urrutia denies he made the Tfcay apsal murk af tketr tlasa la the hotel today that ihe presence of traopa In Aril. ltlt. "Minister statement a... .oa aalkoa I root The did n oa r The Kl Kl Paso. Texaa the copper mine tone la atlll I'a.o Tune. to him. The minister of foreign affairs is the only person Bp Ta Aaaasidlad about iSoir boslaeea aad urhaa I strike Km losed la a Pennant Coupon out Sunday a paper today attributed fnu aattblu nmesaary and tt ups will lea kepi hare tlentlrmeu uf responsible for statement concerning his department." Watblagtaa. Aug. IS iKararaati e. sahad aae of ikem. ha replied . i am la aad IS cents In stsmp- - for whi. h please mall me a Texas Hlate Pennant as Taaaa Tueadav Wadi haslaaaa I gat Iba out of radr tad aday tha wfler ualer your ad In Sunday a paper. Auguat 1 ggn a and 9 nun, a ijii mm ujr Mkeepekeed kar.' I keen h was klddtag Tbe Western Federation or Mlnata lth reader subscrtbatr eii'I liilliuni siaicnirui aiitl iii rour paper for Ihe pat eight montha through una of our local new ( I ass as es ta axe aad Mr Shaughney ssd sftrosfd In Qlobs your paper said ass fsolla yea Naa I am Federation of Labor (USi sylag the dealers hn and la hard to beat for good real aews statement was made to a group of i 1 sriioi Urrutia newtaiaper gotag l' tail ys abeut maslf I am s promise of Ihe financial support at bes to remain, ysur vsry rpevtfully L T uiinkh, men, including several Mexicans. J leiapvcalure a Ileal aad talai. sat a so ser use aaa is tbat urganualloa P. O. Bos 7SJ, Ulob. Axhv TWO EL PASO MORN1NO TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1913

TEXAS SOLONS THAWS TRAIL Your Plaid Suits and Dresses

ACRE LAST OfJayCVKaVn AN AN AOMOEMKNT RSACIIBD $80 tOMPlJCTstLT UNCC Mt.HT WHICH wlU IN "CUB KMCAPK PROM nd 1-- beautifully-a- other 136 Acres 3 2 Miles North Canmtillo PRISON I K.lsl MI..V PRISON plaids clean THE well-- you send them Rich Deep Black Soil, All Level. garments as if WILL SAVE THE STATE MONEY MOTHER RECEIVED II Good Shipping Facilities. LETTER to us for

SIGNED UP FOR WATER. I'lloVlDK HUMANE TRKATMKXT ITUITIVi; PROMISES TO BOON Under the first allotment from the rOR PtUSONBtW AND BlTTTIK eOIN III It AT THK COUNTRY SCIENTIFIC DRY CLEANING POINT IN OONTROVsCBHY PIAC1C NKAR PITTSBURGH ELEPHANT BUTTE DAM. methods keep alive every bit of color, life and SNAP THE ALLISON INTERSTATE LIQUOR BILL SORELY TRIED WOMAN IS VERY HAPPY OUR were in the garment when you purchased it Title Absolutely cleaning is that spots and stains Perfect Waa Finally Paaeed by the Heuate Dev. lares That Whatever Marry Does furthermore, our so thorough Yesterda y H urUpeth Court Will Be AU Right-- Meeting if' through ordinary cleaning. Part Cash, Balance Easy Terms. do not return, as often happens BUIa Am Paaaed. With Her Approval. Will take some El Paso property in exchange C. T. Canon is manager of our cleaning and pressing as part payment. Hu Th Aenisrs' Preu Mf Th associates' Pre $i Austin, Teaaa, Aug. 1. After a New York, Aag. IS. Snsdra tonight department. day of wrangling and contention In marked lbs tblrty-slxt- b hour of Hsrry Biggest Bargain in the El Paso Valley. tha free conference committee, an K. The We freedom, and the police of agreement waa practically reached to- the United Mate ssd Canada had not Our Wagois are Everywhere. Hie Same Careful Service" night whereby a penitentiary act will picked up hi trail. Tby k kin not aa H. M. MAPLE, Agent he passed which is designed to save the si rer of Stanford White or ss aa the state money, provide humane escaped lunatic, hut oa warrant I, convicts and aettle sued t I'nggbkeepri t.iday charging i treatment for 807 Mills Building. Phone 227 the Mm with consntrtng with the aged keep. many other matters that have arisen r, to the penitentiary Howard Baraam, sad the five mes with reference who managed I he asylum delivery. Oa management, tha principal contention, , suck s terhalcalHy doe New York atst that of a aalary for tha commlaalon-era- hsse Its hope of bringing shoat tbe waa decided at f 1,200. .return. Both fajHIon nf tbe ment In tha meantime the lieuten Alllaon Liquor Hill. d government at Albany El Laundry ant governor acta aa governor Thla Alli- hav promised rigid lovestlgaUoss and Paso 6LYNN LAWFUL CHIEF The Senate finally paaaed tha Is the plain Intent of tha constitu- son Interstate liquor bill with correc- th eiertlon nf every effort to bring tion. " tive amendments. The nine thirty sbout bis rupture Thaw's secinilea to- Attorney General Carmody 'a opin- civil bill will go through tonight. The day and tenlght waa abaolute. Out of Phone 470-47- 1. Cleaning Department Phone 6379 Moat SB in aa Governor 1'nder the, ion with reference to tha status of In Senate the cload of dnst wblck srlrld In tke difference the Houee and wake the governorship and tha authority la reetaurama of the hlark llmossln bearing Constitution, Nay Attorney aaya: bill the fact that run him and his Matteawan of the legislature, In connection with a saloon must close liberator from i.cnr-ra- l N'-- gov- Monday mom lug nothing tangible had of York. "After the Impeachment of the thirty also. Thla waa accepted. ernor by tha aaaembly, tha powera at nine come except a laconic letter from Thaw and duties of governor devolve upon Constitutional ConvenUoo. himself, sgsnrlag bis aged mother In Mi Thm Aitodmtnd Prm tha lieutenant governor." A move to project a consUtutlonal New York thai he d(aired real and MOTHERS reso- would, doe TO Albany. S. Y .Aug II. Llent Gov- convention swspt the House, A la time. Join her at the Thaw CUl THE WIRES ernor Martin H. Olynn la th lawful Alleged watt "lever. lution waa carried but deferred by the country place, Blmhurat. at Oreeaon, P. FROM THE FAMOUS WHITBREAD ENGLAND chief itlv of New York state, Senate and Is probably lost although In ahadlence to this plan, Mrs. Thaw pending the outcome of Impeachment Pi Thr A ttm Intel Press there Is a slight chance for It to pass. purpose to start for Crteaon tomorrow For Sleeplessness, Insomnia, Nervousness and proceedings against Governor Bulisr, Puehlo, Colo., Aug. II. racing the al- Friends of the plsn have announced mArnlng. LIKE RBVOLUTIOMSTS according to an official opinion ren- leged crime which promise to land him that petitions will be circulated among Mother Very Happy. looks that General Run Down Condition. A In Jsy, ITT N'(i dered today by Attorney county aa the voters asking for a submittal In Happy, glrllab almost. her Mr. Willi WA FOR THE Osntrsl In the penitentiary from Pueblo Tbw exhibited the hastily (crawled not Simple and Pleasant Remedy Tbomaa Carmody to Secretary the next I I of he charge of the violation of the white Democratic primary of thla from ber son whose haa cost ii it TRAINS St..!- - May. Mr. Carmody escspade Mitchell aet, Louis H. Phillip will n question and requesting the state i slate fc be fsmlly nearly a million dollars, and For over 100 year th greatest doctor holda that the aaaembly within more aerloaa charge tomorrow when be la Homocratlo committee to act. declared whatever Harry did would In Instituting that (n Bnglsnd hav recommended th famous Ita right Impeachment placed before the clerk nf the United The senate will not meet In execu- meet with her spproval. English Ala or Re- ses- TODAY Whltbrssd Whltbresd vTW? proceedings at an extraordinary Mints district court at Trinidad on the tive sssslon until tomorrow morning. While there was nothing to support MIT START HOWEVER nowned Stout (or started Extract) for sion. harg of violating the Mann aet. Appropriation Measures. tbe Theory thst Thaw had taken to tbe mother. Invalids and those In s run- "When the governor la Impeached IMillllps will he taken to city to- down condition. It ha given comfort to that The appropriation measures are sea, thee who hv followed the women. by the aaaembly," says the opinion. morning by fulled Mute Mar- e. thousands of grateful Whlt- morrow well under way. The Judiciary sec- cspe. declare this seems to be the most KmI.tbIs amy They Are Stnmjc bresd' Ale or Stout (M sited Extract) Is specially by women. Tour local dealer II of his powera are automatically shal E. J Jeffords to snawer a charge likely course Two routes when he left mad from tb barley, malt snd csn obtsln whit bread for you, but be (ur Ktatea government tion haa been signed by the governor, Enough to Fight Their Way ftnt suspended until ha haa been acquit- preferred by the I'nlted educational, Mstteawsn Isy open to him. One went hop and matured only In bottle snd sent not to ccpt any substitute as th famous ted nr the Impeachment proceeding through the I'nlted Ktates district at- the the departmental and Througli still Loading from England direct to America It Is Whltbread entirely different from sll eleemosynary ready to tbe Canadian border. The other la the dlgeated drammed by the court of Impeach torney's office at Denver. aectlona to be water most easily snd makes rich blood. other alea or stout, being matured In th aubmltted to the governor and the rente. It la absolutely different from all othsr bottl In England, and does not contain mlaeellaneoue By Wsser stout. English Ale or Stout, snd I consumed any artificial gas. Whltbresd la th aectlon about closed. Aboard ship In the could Activity on tb psrt of rcarolutlonlsts by th most temperate people a won- largest houa of world. Direct vote south Thsw yester- ss its Kind in us for election of United bide his time safely nnd could msks his south of jusres Wss msils known derful tonic snd blood gtvr. Doctors, Established ilines 1742. States senators waa agreed upon In wsy up the Delswsre river. The fsrt day morning by tha rutting of tb clergymen and professional men drink 1' conference and by both houses, in that the entr.nnce might mean s and Frdral tflegrspb line soutb of clssh St. Co., 27 S West Broadway, City. suring this legislation. wltk tke tiamlgrattoa sutkoritle there VIII Abnmada. The break could aot be Distributor: James Importing New York The house killed the resolution the theory Ws sdrsnced there thst looking to the appolntmen' of a Thsw'S sdrlsers would no hsve Mm Villa and Ortega ar west of tb point special appropriation committee to tsk any such rlak Dlspsscne from wher tbe wlrs wr cut. They are taken off a life raft. The uninjured precede the coming convening of the Ottsws, though not official, said If Thaw to be preparing to attack tbe Fed- survivors, crew and passengers ar Utav to con. thirty-fourt- h legislature. halted within the lomlnlon, be might be eral traina which will today being taken to Seattle on the steamer vey STEAMER SINKS No re- deported sa an undealrahic clilsen, al provisions to t'blhuabua. Jefferson and will arrive there Thurs- final action was taken with comlmsslon gard to the proposition In the senate. though If he hod a through ticket to American merchants snd day. Ktirope there would he no stopping Mm. men were b'usy sll dy yesterdsy export-lu- s Hole Torn in Bottom. Imperial Sugar Co. them on The Pa-- . souds to Juurss und losding A great hots Was torn id The bottom The bill stat authorities at Harrlslmrg, In Every Commercial authorising the settlement Indleited tkat If he csme within thst th trsin for t'bihushus. Customs bro. STATE Or CALIFORNIA WENT of ths State of California. The vessel of the Imperial Sugar company state kcrs estluiste thst ths .argo to b car- atat his esse would be referred to tbe DOWN SUNDAY MORNING and cargo, It Is said, ars a total loss. of Texas prison commission litigation attorney general's office provided New ried will amount to IIUO.OOO. They say was 1400,000. on The vessel Valued at wes finally passed. The Rlehey- - Tork asked for hia extradltfcol. Tip thst more provisions will lie carried IN GAMBIER BAY A number of horses for use on the Enterprise Byrne bill requiring railroads to fur- I'hllsdelphls pollre ssid they would thla trip of the train thsu on any of th Shushsnna trail were lost. nish cars on written demand waa fin him If New York requested. others which have gone from Jusres to The steamsr Jefferson, south- ally passed and the Galveston sea wall An Insane Fugitive. the tate capital. There will b no large Heard the wireless call of the should be first con- money bound. Safety for funds the bill waa also paaaed. The House con- Connecticut took tbe view thtt he could amount of carried. THIRTY-TW- PERSONS PERISH sinking ship and turned back to res-c- - he held There a an Inaane fugitive, l officers ssid yesterday that the to sideration. The Resources, Age, and curred in the senate amendments ad- but combined the survivors, who had tsken Justing in Massachusetts official were Inclined to possibility of meeting the passengers suffered so se court terms the Texsrkans In vicinity the hsve Management of the First think tbst nothing short Of a criminal armies of Villa and Ortega th verely from exposure It was nec Conservative (fifth) Judicial district and providing (;nliago will not delay tbe start of Vessel vn Rock that a special court to relieve congested charge would warrant his detention In of struck Uncharted la essary to take them to a hospital in National Bank attest its responsibility thst stste. the traina southward, but tbst they will Bay and Went Down In treatment condition. try, of Juneau for Second only to the to start the first the train this Seventy-Fiv- e and standing as a Secure Depositary for The Senate bill creating Lott county starch for Tham tbey Three Minutes. Crew of Men. la that for J. Butler, Roger afternoon. Thy are confidant that California, an ves- out of Duval In honor of Uriah lxitt. Richard way If an at- Ths State of Iron funds. Tkempsss, Michael O'Keefe, Rugene can fight their through, sel, waa built In Philadelphia In ISIS who built the railroad In Lower Is made. Tbey claim to have mora tha Kuffv and Thomaa Flood, the quintette tack My Th Auocialtd V crew of seventy-fiv- e Klo Grands Valley, emerged from men cannon they hsd on tb trip and carried a the whose muscle, nerve nd skill with and thsu Twenty-fiv- e many years had oar-cu- e are cordially in- House the new to stop tb Juneau, Alaska, Aug. II. men. For she Checking Accounts under name of Pat did tbe work out when ortegs tried train. or more passengers and seven the survivors, who hsd taken to Dunn county. Ide naylum Lieutenant Colonel Tulldo of the Juars vited. the walls. a members of the crew of ths Pacific clfic Steamship offices In San Fran- The Calvin bill proving that ware- These five did the "rough garrUon, will accompany th traina with work." (ore garrison aa (ar Coast Steamship company's iron cisco. house certificates shall be negotiable Tbe description of Butler tallies close- Mrs at ibe Jusrss steamship State of California perished The wracked vessel was command- wss finally paaaed In the Senate ly wltb that of an from as Moctesums snd sn escort from tbe meet at at half past eight o'clock Sunday ed by Thomaa H. Cann. Jr.. who had New York I'lty. Wllllsiu liordon, pro- t'lilhr.shua garrison will tham steamship Valencia Capital $800,000. Surplus $200,000 other Hill Passed. and return to Chlbushus. morning In Oambler bay, ninety miles command of the The Rldgell House bill proving that prietor of the little hotel at Kishvllle, Wct0SS south of Juneau, when the vassal on her last trip from Seattle to Ban Identified a of i i.i.inel Manual 'ha n, commsnder of the attai'hmenta ran be levied on property tonight photogrsph ths a struck sn uncharted rock and sank Francisco and who waa transferred aa one of hla gueata. ( Lustitiitlnnallsta st I'srrsl, will aesd One of the Strongest Banks in Texas oi persons not residents of Texas waa late proposed attack, In three minutes with many passen- to another company command when Identlfle the Mes. column to aaalat in the gers port, also paaaeJ. Huua amendments to o.oor.ilng to Villa's friends Is Kl Imprisoned In their stateroom. tha Valencia reached that thus tha Cueru II. M. rinken. a trsnsfer agent, said he Pa. steamship loft barely missing being on the ateamer dam bill were concurred In knew Butler and hi companions, all of They listed yeaterdny that Villa sent The Seattle last and was finally to Cbso several Wednesday night (or Skagway snd when ahe went eshore at Cape Beals. there panned the w h m he described as chauffeurs. messenger vis OJIusga senato bill validating days sgo with orders for him to hurry wsy points. Travel to the north Is B. C. January 22. 1S0S, with a loss "I hsve been bundling the hsggsge of unusually heavy on o( of 117 lives certain settlements on school landa the Thaw family for fifteen years," th uorlh to ssslat btui. account the The Wags.aff House bill relating stampede to ths Shushanna gold field-Th- to transfer man la quoted aa aaylng. "I.aat purser and Aasesax the extension of mortgage a I si I M DEAD? lost all his records It Teaaa Paaaeaser. liens was Friday msn know very well but who IS DY3AMITK Is Wash., Aug. Th record also given final passage. nam upon my not possible to give a complete Seattle. Ii. wuuld not give life, list of the passenger. In ths office of the Psclflc Cost The Henate adopted the House con- down here at the West Hhor ferry Answering His Description Amerksn List of Dead. Stesmablp company contsin th sddresa current resolution asking th federal t the font of West Forty second street Killed In Battle. of some of the listed among government In a big car. Following Is a list of ths dsad pangra ' to set aside the Mescaleru touring The description given by Mexican ths desd and missing In the loss of reservation for a national park. "He met Blchard V. Butler, known army officer from Chihua whose bodies hsve been Identified: THE TTBKHCLKI IIIK COMPANY Federal A. Blrnbaum. th stssmahlp Htat of California Hudapeth'a senate bill naming around here as 'Hooks' Butler, hut be was of the body of ths American Mra Mrs. were " l Angflns, California, the once iongsbnreinsn hua Mrs. Stslia Reardon. Mr. snd John Van ds counties composing sixty-thir- s Kugene Huffy. Rsn--. the rapid fire gunner killed In the Mrs. Clara Vanderlass. from Lo Angel; Blanch Frldd and Consumption will cure you. Cases given up by Judicial district and reorgan- Mlrhsel O'Keefe. Tom Floyd and Roger la two weeka ago agrees Harlan war from Portand. physician another Thompson, nil They went hei battle Mlas Lllla Ward, daughter of Ed- Miaett have been cured. Hun- ising the thirty-eig- district were chauffeurs with thst of James Msttlson, who Is Ore W A. Dyr wss from Milwaukee; dreds have been cured. Call on J. M lv away with him. ward C. Ward, assistant managsr of , final passed. known In I'sso snd Mexico as com- Mis Alice Johnson wss from Vsncau-vr- Hpangler at Orndorf( Hotel. Ha will "Now, I'm not going in say how It came -- tha Pacific Coast Steamship Can Be Cured you 'file Night Death Vslley etllm" and "Dynamite pany B. C; and Mr. C. E. Splthlll and put In touch with the company. Nclon out, hut Butler aad Thompson sad Flood B. When adjourned and tbe hoys no 81lm." Th gunner waa with Ortega' B. Ward, of Mill Lillian Norman were from Point ths senate at mid- other bsd sooner gone Mrs. Nsllis mother Bolivar, Texas night II had passed the William blue swsy thsn it keesme known sround here troop and was killed by the Federal. Miss Wsrd. aky bill from the Houss. thst they were going to get Hsrry Tksw An American who was on ons of Four unidentified women. the Houss " during bills rsgulstlng building und loan eut th Federal trains the battle Following Is a partial Hat of miss- with per- and providing for the re- says thst hs talked the Federals ing who are believed to have demption of lands sold the stste for who burled tb desd Amerlcsn snd ished : Get Your "Yale" Today taxes. Hudspeth of the Senate ,i,.i SOUTHERN PACIFIC hs say hs Is posltlvs thst It was Mst- Mlas Annls U Cassldy. Hill and Tllson f the House, R.R. tlson body. Miss May Dixon. had ssvld D. Dyer. served notice they will bring In The Fsdrral officers that ths W. minority report on the Amerlcsn was ovwr Six (sl In height. Blanche Frldd. penitentiary stoop K Harlan. bill, because) the powers and CotnpromiM' Willi of slander hulld, hsd a slight to Mlnette Num-he- salaries Hsa Kftrvtod a wore long, Lasslle Hebro, manager of th QETTKR get your Yale pennant at Times Branch r of the commlalaoners are too much re- hi nboulder and s dark by Ixsnomodve and Train Crews board, was between forty snd offlcea In San Franrteeo. mm stricted the majorltv lis ( )ne McCoy Hotel lobby today. Remember that The pro -- u iii. ii Prevents Strike. fifty years of age. J. Holms a. aucus ef the House agreed Mlas Alice Johannan. to meet Tuesday to bind pros Msttlson has figured prominently week all to In Mlas Reardon. the pennant last sold out. "Yale" might go the same support s pro for speaker of In Mexico' Internal troubles ths the nest San Francisco, Aug U- Q- W. years and took part Mlas a E Splthlll and child. legislature The Hudspeth Kl Pagj Isst three actlvs a way. Kl Pas" pennant mad and so is the Southwestern Hanger, a member of th national M stnc Ban Wad. court bill paaaed to a third reading on th id r" side the ltlO Wilson. In board of medial ion and conciliation, was on of ths rhtsfs Mlas The Morning Times has it so a com- the House of Reprnssatatlvsa II Miss Lilla Ward dlsd aflsr being country. made that who came west rscen'ly to sttempt of Mad. I., a dynamlt corps which adjustment of difficulties between plete may be MILL OSHKM MAWTrXl.t: ths kept rsilr.isd trsffto south of Juars collection had at practically no cost. Just the Southern Pacific railroad and Its dy- Hand Ironing gy .s ! at a standstill by ths burning and rtatsa at locomotive and crews announced mnt Is recruiting man In the 1'nlisd clip i lie coupon below and fill in your name and address, Cirrei. train namiting nf hrldgsa. Latter. wha (or aervlce In Mtxtco. I do Washington, D. C, Aug II. The tonight that s compromise had been ope- States senate Judiciary aladero was president. Mattlaon not kaow of ths origin of ths re- pre ent it at Morning Times Branch One, Herrington's committee today effected that fully aatlsfled sll partlss rated a machine gun for the Federal authorised favorable report on the to the controversy and averted the fight with port" nomination volunteer troop la the is a tpecisl feature at our laun- Post Utiie Street News Stand or the Boulevard Pharmacy. of William H. Bawtells. threatened strike itnayiil rebate and a year ago was o of Tucson, . oaoxt to rigxo. when the material is Arts to be United States Th main prlncipl for which th by Orosco as a spy. American Till dry, and You can get the back pennants also if you wish except Judge for the district of Artsona. Ths employes contended Is conrsded by him out eapgcially fine we hand wash confirmation frisnds succeeded in gei'lng Galas Afise lllla Br War f SB soke Texas of Bawtslls by the Bea- ths company The men protested of ths difficulty. the garment also. Ladies' the State, the new supply of which has not yet uts la expected any day. gainst the segregation or the steam I For years hs hsd been a mining (leaser Psscusl Oraaro la prrtg t fine white waists and skirts, arrived. lines system from the slsctric lines prospect..! in Maxleo and la wall take is field Is Chihuahua against Villa's sgtsnslvely establtehsd la the Ban known along tha border Cuastitulioasl army aad la r. ralrJag ssss often elaborately tucked and Francisco bay cities and elsewhere. la hlS.iaiua fr thl psfpo. serorgtsg trimmed with delicate lace, Under the term of th agreement the DEMY KJH'HUITIKU REPORT. I a report' reaching hsr. flaring la On Stale During segregation plan will be abandoned. but Ssw days he has succeeded la gat h should be sens here where rlag ssreral k sad red PENNANT COUPON August It waa coanplalsed by th trainmen, 1 passed at Fttssraix liny no Koreas Are recruit they will receive special atten- who were supported by the engineer, 1 .1 Itir, tales to auk ta trip aerthwsrd tion. (GOOD POM ANY PENNANT AN NOUNCKD) suite fog 11.80 that men who had earned preferment An Investigation of a report coming to mm Villa over Ik si I Ira North. Western railroad Ike at r, y hiwi Sulla hsr ! so through long service In ths steam from I'h.ienlx An lo th ff t that Our Wagon Will Call SlSoo Malia lev tlO.Mi trans service wsre plsred below thos the Mexican gnvrnmnt agent ar younger in the ssrvlcs whsa transfer- recruiting Mexican s..Idlers at Phoe- red to electric lines nix already hav seal men Ntnety-nt- bar ef axivar bullion th sad imported AiHtiuna lo the Juares ggrrlaon has bn made wr yetrda from Juars Tke SIS Clothes Shop Otbavr Prsastsi V testes. by th Mexican consulate In thla city. Th bullion Is valued at I7S.SO0 aad Elite Laundry at Fhosnla, has was brought to MM Paso from Chihua- Tads Ooagasa (to coves Ini - grmgl Las Angeles Aug It Kelatlvs here T. O Castlllon. kaxitary and aad rats of entitle 191 IAN ANTONIO IT. Lass a denial of report hua oa ths troep trains which reach- nutunumr PSBSBaSMle today declare thst Jack Tsrrsss, tslegraphed the 8. Oesgan Hhsa prvsassMsd at II Ma. I. high nssassg follows ed Juares last Saturday Th bullion Be By Angela school stud sat and kls Hi aaaU. tsr to oaafe or owe east ttr. Mis LiUlu Tsiiase, ssU4 oa Ik "Thar Ii no truth In ths reports nBgd to several Ai am. 1st ! CalUsr BAS puMlahed that ths Mexican govern - ma of CklhuaJaaa. i ma HiiHHHHHHHIHHHH


trains that will bring them In safety EL IT CLOMOFT and comfort from the Pacific oosst HSU. miNt UUNbHtbb to Philadelphia On at thee train, te another SPECIAL to start from Los Angela, Many Hnllday-Heh- e PURCHASE AND SALE OF I Mb from Pranctsoo and the third from Seattle, Wash. The the) l.rsage. Where Weekly leaser i orwrvEw- - trains stx'ra amwcaij will pick np mining men from all the In your hand you hold a Draws Large Using at I TtOW or AHKRKAW OHOAXt Important mining ramp In the west five-ce- The iron ooaper men of Mlnne. nt piece. German Silver Picture RATIO!"! MEETS l!f PHIf,- nl gyeets I sola and Michigan are ela planning rtatea Csfreiswesersl a apectal train to the convention and Cloudernft. N. M Aug. 11. Prank It la ea parted that at least two trains Right at the grocer's hand B. Simmons and party have Just re- Frames 25c, 50c and $1 up Chicago turned from ihe )tio Butdaem, where WILL MEET DURING OCTOBER will he made at The they csmplng day Illinois men are hoping to obtain moisture-pro- of have been several is a pack- Mr. and Mm A. fUnlsmff, nf Rl authority from Ihe stale to take with Paso, are spending a vacstlnn In Guaranteed Not To Tarnish them one of the mine rescue cars of Ctougereft. Prnmlam to IW nf Um Mnat Im- age of Uneeda He Om the state, fully equipped with rescue Biscuit. John Hendricks, special agent for portant CuaifMn In the His- and first aid apparatus and a crew of the department of luetics. after tory of Mining OrgMlMlMtti trained men. hands you the package spending s short vacation in Cloud-crof- The great coal companies of Penn- has resumed hla dullea Mr. in sylvania are now making arrange- yon hand him the coin. W. Albert rioman has been ap- Weiss was fortaiMtC beinp able Washington, ATug II Mlnlni men ments for a number of their rsrue pointed postmsater at Tulare. N. M. OUR purchase a sample line of German Silver representing the safety and welfsre of car to be on exhibition In Philadel- A Mr flomsn took the examination In morn than two and n hlf minion phia The exposition authorities have trifling transaction? January. He la an old Cloudcrofl Picture Kramcs at ;i price that enables us to offer workers and yearly output of two completed plana for a working coal hey, having worked for Bailey's you at lower prices than Mlllon dollar, trill gather In Phila- mine in the basement of Horticultural No! A remarkable one for yon pharmacy several years. them to jewelry stores delphia the latter part of Oetobar to hall, In which the mining show la t Mr Helsler. of Rl Paso, la visiting can buy them wholesale. They come in three it. nrt the slsteenth annial cnnven-ilo- n he held, and In one part of the mine have spent the smallest stun that his sister. Mlaa Minnie Helsler, who f the Americsn Mining congress there will be a realistic demonstration - spending the summer here. sizes, y2. H and 8 inch ; have colored plush hacks to discuss mining problems and to of the work of the rescuer from the will buy a package of good food; "Bill" Holden la In the itv and easel stand. The pictures in them are of fa- witnso the ftrat nailoMl dlaplay of coal companies and the United States Floyd Rste. of HI Paso. Is visiting mlnine machinery atrar held In thla bureau of mines Two or three of the and the grocer hat sold yon the at the Long cottage thla week. mous actresses. Of course any picture can be country. biggest companies In Pennsyl- Herbert Hunter, son of F R Hun-ta- r, .oil most food from la will In view of the rapid atrldea t.ln vania, that have developed the "Safety nutritions made of Rl Paao, In Cloudernft. substituted. They make ideal Christmas made hy he mining Industry and the P. W. Still and famllv hsve re- First" movements will ahow their flour as clean and crisp and to El Paso, spending the gifts. Jewelry stores would ask you $1.00 for aim. 'ft revolutionary chances In methods In moving picture. Differ- turned after grester aafety It phases summer here. our 25c size; $1.50 for our 50c size, and $2.50 for of for 'ha men. ent of thla work will also be delicious as it was when it came A good rain fell Saturday and Sun Is believed thai thla will be the areai shown by the bureau of mines. day. The rains have been very much our $1.00 size. On sale in Jewelry Department In- from oven. eat nation! rally ever held by any. "The meeting of the beat known the needed In thla section and will give dustry. With the chance have come and moat progressive mining men In the farmers s good season. They are Main Floor. problema of far reachlitc Importance the world at thla Philadelphia con- beneficial to Cloudernft. because it which will be dlacuaeed by men or vention for the interchange of Ideas NATIONAL COMPANY is cool westher thst the visitors look country-wid- e prominence. and for better efforts BKCiMT when .hey come here to spend The aafety feature will undoubted- promises to mark a new era for the theirfr vacations There Is alwarya a ly occupy a large place In both the industry," says Jama P. Oalbreath. difference of many degree between Sea Case convention and the mining ahow or secretary of the American Mining Rl Paao and ('loiidcrnft. but when exposition. The desire of the opera- congress. "The mining ahow In Itself, there are rains here the difference Display tors and mining men generally to bet- will lure every progressive operator In U much grester. En- En ter safeguard their men who work tbe country to view the latest In ma- The Sundsv arrivals at the Lodge at at In the dark underground passages has chinery and appliances. were: Parker Wllbanks, O. P.. Arm- trance trance led to a multitude of safety device Beat of nil there will be an educa- Society Girl Condemns Tango, strong. Miss Ouadnlupe Ponce. Miss and thla will be the opportunity for tional uplift for both the mining man Kathleen Torres, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. the mining man to decide for himself and the public. The mining Industry SHU H W. J Reed. Miss Verne Sharp, what Is more efficient and beat adapt- believes that publicity Is educational. Dancing Master Approves It Mrs. C. Te Sharp, Miss L. Carpenter, ed to hla work. The mining Industry in the pas: ha R. J. Csrpenter. Mrs. C F. Malladay: Mies. Lucille Cowan. P. W Hart and The west, which Is very much In- been tbe victim of misunderstanding I Mr. E. Ryan Says "lis Most Modest Whesi Indulged In Properly. While wife, P. 11 Hamilton and wife. Mr. The regulsr dsnre at the Lodge Beall, and Mrs. A. L. Lathrop, terested in 'he conservation of human and Ignorance. A a result of all a Mr It. W. Walcott. Mia Minnl life In the mines, will be largely rep- this, aerlous problems have Maiden Calls It Vulgar and Wonders Why the Police and Mm F. Donabae. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night was attended by arisen and I,. Barnes. F. ta Hunter. O. large crowd frnm El Paso and Alamo- Lackland. Miss Virginia Semple, Mlaa resented the congress mining we, are going' to attempt to John K. at and solve some Do Not Take Summary Action. Burch. Beatrice Pateman. R. W. gordo. The played several Wllma Elliott, W. Manley. Clai- how. Members the congress of them at this great national rally. orchestra Mr. of snd Reece, J. L. Hill. C. E. Oonknles, J. new pieces that were much enjoyed-Amon- borne Adama. and Mr. J. P. arrnng- - . p. Worth-Ingto- other Interested men are now Because of this general misunder- M. Brak and wife, W. C. Rann. Mrs. present were; Mr. snd Coles. Coles. Mrs. J. U. standing, lite burden of upon 'I am most certainly In favor of should It not be accepted as a proper those E. Grayson, taxation Lillian Phrsons. Mrs. Edwin Rogers, B. O. Humphreys, and Mrs. Mra J. W. P. dance in El Paso- It Is true Mra Mr L- the mining Industry In recent years the tango. If It Is danced properly," thst Mrs..J. F, Roerland. of El Paao; J. R. Mr Mra. B Bads, Ysntls snd wife, M. Morgan, 0. C. the police of many, cities have been W. Fort. and H. haa been so largely Increased In many said E- E. Ryan, proprietor of liyan's R. flfetnn. Colorado Springs; Mrs. ft, w Broaddua, Mr. Johnson, P. Prince, J. Corlatt and Instructed to arrest persons In many Mr. and " wire, Edwin C. Knlekmeyer, O. An- ' state that the mining enterprises Dancing academy yesterday. In writ- Levy, Detroit; Mrs. John (loddard, and Mrs. Jlrt.F Mr. and Mrs. have ceased operation. In an of the public dance halls for 'raging.' CTHtolland. drew. Marriage Laws others ing his opinion regarding this widely but forms of dance that are stag Johnotte Ooddsrd. Mrs. E. M Clyde. John E. Polndexter. Mr. and Mrs. undue been placed upon the Kel-le- W. handicap has discussed subject. "Public sentiment tango of High Rolls: L. W Hundseson. J- P. Coles. M. snd Mrs. J. A. H. Broaddus. a wall knosan Kl competition with opersttng un- ed are not the and dances H. 8. ststes Is largely against the tango simply kind." Tex.; Miss Dnlk Parker. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Slater, Mr. Paso real catnte and insurance man. der less burdensome this L. Carrl-sos- Is visiting his family nt conditions; and because It Is not properly danced. A young woman of El "Paso's upper Fairbanks, 8. Worthlove. and Mrs. Baldwin. Captain ami Mrs. their summer In other states a double system of Tangoing and bunny hugging are social set, who reside on Montana H. B. Thompson. Birmingham. Charles Fenton,- Mrs Kohlberg, Mr home In Cloudcroft Man's Fitness For Marriage taxation is required first upon the mo. lest when not put to the extreme. Ala.: Jnmcs J. Hill. J. A. Thomas. W. Walcott. Mra W. 8 Tllton, Misses H. P. Slater, of Kl Paso, spent the street and Is well known In select week-en- total value of the property, and, sec- In fact the two-te- waits and other circles, writes as follows, under the R. Renahaw, Alamogordo, N. M Masle Cole. .till.- Coles. Gertrude d at Cloudcroft. May ond upon the output. A careful dis- conservative dances can be made lust W. Bsehr, of the auditing depsrt-men- t I.righton, Mary Leluhton, M. Brown, George R. LeBaron. of El Paao, It Be Determined by Law name of "8oclty:" In cussion of this subject will be pre- as vulgar as the tango, bunny hug and "I dlsguest In your of the El Paso A Southwestern Vea let Altken, Mabel O'Connor, Con- Cloudcroft. read with much In El spent M. L. Morgan, of El Paso, wss reg- In many sented at the convention and after a other "rags" If they e not danced paper today on the tango the general office at Paso, stance I "a feme n, Harriett Hrynnt, a states laws hsve been Intro, the article Sunday In Cloudcrofl. istered st the Lodge Saturday night. ttuced to make It thorough discussion. It is hoped that properly. dance written by a young lady who ,,tne. Buth Morris, Ruth Crlt- conipnlsory to require L. mnnnger pur- 8cm-pl- O. B. of El a.. Is visiting the convention will agree upon a gen-er- "I have been encaged In the danc signs herself Mothers P. Hunter, nf chet. Minnie Lackland, Virginia Bad, P. men to he examined before given a e 'Sufragette.' El A his fsmtly here. theory upon which a proper sys- ing business for many years. Many and fathers whose duty It Is to watch chases and supplies for the Paso Wilms Elliott, Blldwln. Camlle license. Many men ars afflicted tem of shall be based." of the dancers who are attending the over Southwestern, who makes his head- Kibbler. Blanch Roe, Mathlas. E. Claiborne Adams, nf El Paao, la tvitk taxation their children should bar theae In registered the Lodge diseases and deformities without events giverr at my academy dance forms of dancing In the homes. It quarters In El Paso, spent Sunday Kohlberg; Messrs. Wllllford, Iivy, at kaviwlng it. others know they ars sot MIM Its ITITTIMATI'M tbe tango. Persons who sre opposed Is a moat vulgar dance and It Is a Cloudcroft. Carl Ooodman, Hnlcomh, J. Ben linn-roo- right. Regardless of sny lawn, every man to this dance should attend some of to me H. S. Fairbanks, trainmaster for L. J. Lock. Milton BJiedd, P. wonder that the authorities A system, should,, for his own benefit, be ss nesrly . the dances of the academy and wit- will allow it to I... dancsd in public the El Paso Southwestern Warren, H. allium. Robert Hnlllday, Demands Which Must he to wss In CloudcToft Sunday. perfect ubyslcslly ss possible, before Prevent strike. ness It dan ed properly and they dancing places snd also In homes. f. Cole, C. McConnell, 1. Adams, would not be so bitterly opposed to It. "I was Long Beach snd James J. Hill, of Alamogordo, spent Cox, 8. II. Claiborne Ad- - marrhige. If yen bars any Bt Tht noclotrd Press at other Sunday In Cloudcroft. allmeut, lieglo i "The tango, in my opinion, will be California cities during ths paat sum- nmsi M. la Morgan. James B. York, at once la time to gat Trinidad, Colo., Aug. ,18. Prank nil the rage In El Paso during tango "Ones" Smith. of Alamogordo, C. E. C. Knlckmeyer, Ouy cured, before msrrlsge. the mer and witnessed the and oth Johnson. Financial national vice president of the coming It will be danced , spent Sundsy iri Cloudcroft. "Ousa" I B. Williams. to- winter. er dances at a number of social func- Watt, Scott United Mine Workers of America, Is a newspaper vis- IONMI.TAIION, EXAMINATION FREK exclusively during the winter months tions I attended. Fully half of the well known man and J. A. Krakauc r. of Kl Paso, Is night formally delivered his ultima- by the select social sets. It Is all magaxlne and was formerly iting hi family week Dis- girls who attended these psrties writer this at their tum to the operators In Mining the rage among the upper social acts good re- - editor of the old Alamogordo News. home on Chipmunk avenue. Engineers l showed their Judgment hy summer trict Number IS, Comprising Colo- of the larger eastern titles. You mains to dancs wnen the tango and "Rill" Ooldsteln. of Alamogordo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunne and Miss rado, Utah and New Mexico, to the read In the society columns of the other 'rags' were on. In my opinion. was s Sunday visitor In Cloudcroft. Maggie Cotter have- returned to El effect that the operator must grant eastern papers dally how some leader Rl Paso'a upper circle will not accept W. O. Roe, who has been visiting Paso, after a month's vacation In . Do you know that th.s him and his associate, as represen- of the social sets has entertained with the tango dance thla winter and I Ills famllv here, will return to Rl Paso ioudcraf t. Mr. Dunne Is a brother tatives of the union, a conference to a tango party. fully It Monday night. of Joseph Dunne, of Kl Paso. believe that will he barred ' bank and trust company determine upon arbitration of the. "If It Is approved by the select from all social functions. J. H. Dsnlke, nf the psnsenger Mr. Davis and her daughter. Miss miners propositions. The operators social sets of the eastern cities, why "SOCIETY ' of Ihe 111 Paso A Ma tide B Davis, ,. ho have been is organized to do for tonight have not reiterated their de- Is vlrl.lng hlr. family hsrs. spending the summer In Cloudernft, claration that the conference would Miss Hsxel Shelton. hoc. ty editor have returned to their home In you all those things in not be granted to union men aa auch before dawn. There was s large clump of the under any circumstances. Vice Presi- of thlrk hushes snd the thisves msde in spending s vacation In Cloudcroft, Pr. Brunner and family. have re- which expert financial. dent Hayes declared a strike would TICK E their escape through these, but the the gueat of Mra-- Howard . turned to Ni Paao, after k month In be called Immediately In that event rattle were left behind. 80 Messrs. Miss Nena Warnock, of Alnmo-Kord- Cloudcrofl. j services are required? and union has $400,000 with UAH Hill and Sims rod up to them snd In- N. M gueat J. C. has from Kl that the Is the of Mrs. Jones returned which to finance the beginning of the spected them snd they at one. knew Howsrd Beacham. Paao, where he has spent several strike. v their search had bean reward- Howard Beechcr and J. Ren Han- weeks on account of sickness. We desire to point out 8BCRKTARY OF AGRICULTURE ed, for there were the seven head of cock left early Sunday morning for Howard Beacham has returned l,UM, DIH ll'tiHT RHOKEN. HAH RELEASED CON8ID-- l fat cattle that had been stolen from the Mescalero Indian reservation to f a business trip to Alamogordo, the fact that just as a Or. re., By Thr Assodslrd Press the 81ms rsnch. Join a party. N. M. Ketehrrald A Mil. I TERRITORY - INTERNATIONAL Kansas City, Mo.. Aug. is Heavy it Will R. Moeltch, a carrier attached The following are late arrivals at responsible engineering- -- I'l- I ft I .. showers over a large portion of Kan- BULGARIA AND TURKEY to the Kl Paso postofflce. Is spend- the Lodge: O C. Wren. Houston: pros- Col.; H. firm stands ready to years. sas, and Missouri today, with a ing his vsratlon here. J. I. Penver, Penver. P. Establlahed Seven Most Suc- pect of the continuation of rainfall Hltuatlon between Two Countries Is Ouy I. Watt, nf Alamogordo. la Brown and wife, John E. Polnde-te- r cessful snd Reliable Specialism lu El SEVERAL OF COUNTIES . handle any engineering I'aso. as Medical Licensee tonight, caused the local forecaster to VJfc Becumlug Critical. In Cloudcroft. and wife, Cleburne, Tex.; Mrs. C. H. Diplomas. sad Reaty, I,nckhart, E. Newspaper Records Show. express the opinion that the long fls Tse Atnorlatrd Pirn Miss Ruth Crltchet. of El Paso, has Tax.: Mis J. problem you may drougth la effectively broke. Heavy returned to Cloudcroft for n few days. Walker, Columbus. Mlaa.; F. H that WE POINT WITH PRIDE to our London. Aug. The Arlx.; P. 8. s wonderful auroess during past seven ruins fell In southwestern Kansas to- As Well as TIhsm- In Other States II sltustlon Mlaa Constance Ptitemnn. of Rl Schwarti, tbe Demlng. N. M ; submit to it, so will the? yeara. In whii'B we have treated auecew day. In some places the rainfall being Have Been llclt'owed 'rum between Bulgaria and Turkey Is be- Paao, Is visiting in Cloudcroft. and wife. Mr sixty-fiv- Kl la reg- T. An- fully over hundred patients of 1 1 portions Milton c Shedd. of I'aso. and Mrs Allien Smith. Ssn inches There were of Quarantine. coming critical. Prince Hald llallm. W. .serious and compllrated ailments, which Kanaas, however, where the and istered at the Lodge. tonio. Tex.; E Roberts, Dallas, nsatirea every sufferer of a positive heat the Turkish grand vlser. admits Leigh-ton- , H. Kerksy, care drougth continued unabated. At Clay Misses Gertrude and Mary Tex.; W. Fort Worth. without say 4xker1mentuig or loss of that the Turks have occupied ntmn-tik- Alamogordo, are v tailing In Tex.: H. Baldwin and wife. Jop-I- I time. Center, where the maximum tempera- of I. Vallpt Washington, Aug. The Secretary twenty-fiv- e mile south of Cloudcroft. B, Mo.; W. It Enlson. Guv I. Watt. Rio Grande ture of the year was recorded, no rain agriculture has issued sn order ef- Cssss te sa sad we will shew .mi by lbs of and other strategic points Mra It. W. Wale mi. of Kl Paao, lr 11. Hughes. F. Holland and wife, way we a, 111 fifty days. Sept. 1. releasing cattle f ires, res aad the naaaaar In has fallen for fective from on the right mank of the Marltsa Is spending tl week-in- at the Gertrude Mary tdghton. which we are carina; onr patients that our Kaln was predicted for northern quarantine for Texas fevsr ,ll sous re river; hut he explains this was don Alamogordo. N. M Csrl H Burns, I real msat i. U.I IilKFKBENT, l HKK aad Oklahoma tonight. miles In Texss, Oklahoma. Tesneasss, only for the protection of the rail- Virginia Setup!., of Rl Paso, Cincinnati. O from Kl Paso are reg- Bank & Tru$xU BETTER thaa ye get from ether Dor- Oeorgla Miss ter and South Carolina This way, which rune alone the stream. la a Cloudcroft tailor. istered: I.. M. Hartman anil wife, FOR FARMING I'l 1 I Its means that the n. turns released hsve Said denies the Turks Miss Minnie Lackland, of Kl Paso, Mrs P. II Aitken. Mia Vealet C. In eradicating llallm that be prepared to handle Bp fas Asseeinted I'nit succeeded the cattle tick, have occupied Dedeagatch. the ter arrived In Cloudcrofl Saturday. Miss Mabel O'Conner, Miss Con- A Is causa of spresdlng splene- Sure Cure for a Small Fee Chicago, III., Auc. 1" - The Chicago which the minus of the railroad on the Oulf of L. J, f,ock. Phil Warren. Howard stance Pateman. Mlaa Harriett Bry-sn- any sort of business or' National league club was today fined tic or Texss rsver In cattle. The ac- K C. t. We cure by Enos. or that thsy are advancing on Olllam, 8. H. Blnckaheer, Miss Edns Helhnrne. J Iorke. the latest sad best methods, com- tual portions of Texaa and Oklahoma e La M c, ( fSOO by the National Baaeball OumurdJIna, about twenty-fiv- miles Kinckmeyer and Robert Hnlllday Hhedd. Phil Warrrn, Howard financial problem stsrrk. Scrsfala, Bleed rsleas, Asia Louls-vll- to be released from quarantine on frr' IHseass. Epilepsy, Nerveaa mission for farming player to to 4he northwest. The ports cicarlv ere week-en- visitor lo cloudcroft Glllman. 8. H. Blucfcaheer. K. 0, of Kept. 1 as a result of ths order of ths Kinckmeyer. Mlaa Hrdrwele, elarged Prastats, the American Aasocltion. secrteary are as follows: has not the allghtest Intention of from El Paao. Ruth Crltchet. you. snd all Kldaey, Bladder aad Rectal while William Orayson, Jr., former abandoning Adrlanople, where Rn .1. F. Cales. of Kl Paso. Is visiting James A. Shansa and wife, Robert L aad all Special IM.iaSSS sf mrs president of the lulsvllle club, la de- In Oklahoma The county of Nowata ver Bey has an army of IKO.000 I. Is family here. llollldav L Adams, A. I, Cox. f. M barred from connection with any na- aud portions of ths counties of Wash troops which soon will be Increased If out of town, writs fully, describing tional agreement club until he has Ington. Osage and McClain. to 400,000. been reinstated by the commission. Iu Texas The counties of Fishsr snd Despite official denial. It appears Jones, of similar to ths remainder Terrell and only too probshle that the Turks are j MAV ATTEND CONGRESS. Hardeman countlea and portlona of tbe projecting. If they have not already By Thr Associated Press countlea of Crockett, gterling, Mitchell, begun, the advance acalnat Bitlcarls, Washington, Aug. IS. President Haskell and K1101. Thla release trgeg a not. of protest xgalnat which the International Specialists Wilson will go to ihe Southern Cogs quarantine Is In addition to the Itl.eoo Rulgarlan government presented to on I, .'ml merrial Congress st Mobile. Ala., lata saasr miles released March Itll, the foreign legations Sunday. This rinor llaiuiiiett Block. Crasr Tesss so ysar qusrsntlne St, aad Mess Ave. El I'aso. Texas In October If congress haa finished that tbla the has nuts sld the Turks had advanced to Entrsace 112 Mess Ave and adjourned. bean lifted In nesrly 10 000 squsrs mils a point forty five miles west of the of eattls raisin terrltrey Marltxa river and war marching to- Inc. ths beginning of ths work ef ward OumurdJIna. tick eradication In lu. I,l6 square Ilea out of the .11. 61 aquare miles In III lull ...He UN.. II fsoted havs been cleaned up and re- IHIislI leased from qusrantlne All of Teanes KJ Paaa Haa I rssd le Beeosse aadl see sxespt s small part of Marlon date far PsmIIIm. 0f fmir apjr rash pro. county, Is now released aa a result of during edutmlsO. Our rhool The New Tex. Aug 1st H was lesrned b If ths acllvs antl-tlc- campaign In Austin, would not to largaal It that tonight that la a movement was out Wm pro-- MARSHALL TRAINING SCHOOL Ever Ready" Dust- - Stale, whereas In ISO a large portion late ihar. the ht to Hag ii proflclant book ns.iii-r- of that it ss Is ths na foot have Senator (iaude heir A first elsaa fur Bnjs College trained ate U rime .cnsbai-a-s I atat. quarantln. gl annoane gov. r operator lo abort tin ml arcrylblng Afftllsts,! Hisie I itrversHj. HsU,r. t speth of Peso for pla. mth itisrsisfn, ami olber larg district. A wa.ll aipaua and htm ill. itl .na All tklril. a rosebed ley Isseaera sf liu sad Natlciaal rnor si friend ef the in la a paring BvttUloft. In. reputstio. less Clothes Line Coupon Mid toslaht thst hs sanguine that food Hess I o opeaa Kept 9 "ler rsjcalugss, writ alsrsba Trslalng Baa Aa- - toi.k m.K bhi mni ihe senator would likely Bosks a dsfl TTLI EM OMMF ai IAL loaln, Tsisa. by OOUalOI. t. T Curry, W J. Mnyea, Kre.l Ksinsctli-l- rrluelpsls Presented The t alts of bis gubernato- MlSkl base He.l.rrd iMt, Bat rial aspiration within the n.xl If"- -. S4ta Thane. Kara e4. , dsys Vauchn. N. M Auaajl. Was Hill, MORNING TIMES, AUG. 19, 1913 a ue saouated pollcessaa weal te the afteraoon si August 14th. t SAN ANTONIO FEMALE COLLEGE atlead a weddlag aod while It was la PARTICULAR PRINTING wear cam IX progress rseelvsd a front Ed Sims, mil, antosiio. thai. l PO.Nh COMPLETE A MT. a ranchman living iwalv miles from Ths sstlsfartecy Crt Wtaaissa Vears s4 Taeeatieth Vaar as I as sestessker 1. Ml. Vaughn, te com. out to his place at ballvsrsd to To rrosnvtlr To slrbcat. tks twsntlethInns year, ths cn..s. uffsrs a discount uf gjrj fur tea one that soius af sis eattls had hen Shea, suv aad set Bias .iff -- .a school yesr t thoss take, ssrull befors August Attend to It st usee tu be ear. stolen Mr Hill took ths .vsalag train retail as Write . K. MMKIso rrssMsat, glms St Case m. SUMUis A, f aha of the anas Cossptias of date will he good until t Vaughn whrs hs and wsrs to Celk.akus MartUy. aa Aaleala, Teaaa. sBcsstle asset, ant tbsy mteaed other Mr Manager lurtlM r sulrussd. AS has to do is gas sis of trace aaad brine tlsnan each so Guarantees Tuasna Hill al out to ths reach and waited Ui Use I Ircttsalsua IsrpsurtaBenl wMa sa cawil. aad you will be lor gluts to return they s asMN. the togtbr lo Scmr Petition pswsMiied with a enseals! sadirs livtatg oast ut H Pasu add alerted la pursuit f ths wen snd stol- I ursls extra fur ptsdagsi en eattls. Tbsy rod. all night aad BAYLOR COLLEGE FOR WOMEN about 4.M ss., wsrs wiles a riaased by the Stats Hoard ef Edesalloa ef Tsass as "AI freak-M- a bTAKT SAVING COf'PON SOW from Pastura As ths moos wss going H. MOHR first srsd csrtirt.atsa fur tuar rsera. srsduatra rarvlsai llfatlaaa mat. down I hay saw fwu a ahead drlvlac Cut HKAl' THE TIMES WANT APS. tin. st. s at run rsruui. nrautuui rauipua. steallem agulggti l.tul s cat t la the thtavae th.atuvslvs Rate Hardware, avtronsMBt gtsadard Acsdsiuy for tbaes not urenaiacl h, rare oa the lookout else S I a s ysrd eggs 4t vaats the and bualssas eearass. rius Arts Ususriuisut. Pr T g. Is ual Timet Circulation Department Paint and Glass. Fraak dose tu ssy Is geutk. Wat asooa had lowsrsd aad It was utter t Nations W C White S Ce. Wyuio tks Terms laaauaabla. faitbsr Isfun s I Us 'ai t "V Ukai 11'" lust lag sirssH greceiy. j fOUR EL PASO MORNING TIMES. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1119

habeas raipaa sbealnd fresa tka chief jaMIca a Baas hs saw aa epport salty to take adaaa- - aase n eras faeeraMe' t bar commercial lata rests nor Heard on the City Street the state nn behelf of soma of tneaa raillterr fcsg of tha Drnotatl party aad further hby per hut thst satlafsctlon waa hot publicly expressed, M by th ladependenoe Ha was aa ancient dried up Mexican with tha arm potdgtcsl ambition, and whssy aa further was followed recognition of ttfl long recognition of the lade dry af about vnty years sa hat tars aad la hla Day Tea- - Bp afterwards Ths r'lM'iM Bar U tba Chief jueti.e rerann bald that tha wrU of Dams traits ar passible, h simply make Mexico snd the other Spanish provinces beeves: bat ha wag still aa hs walked lata IAPO TIM kars pendenre of astir ri onrT carpus maid be ansa naked only by th lesjia proclamation of hla return tn hla flra leva die by (hs other Burn peso powers was still later The ths couaty Auditor' a office Msaday morning aad tetersd th PntfR at Kl Teisa m lat.ire. which had not authorised the aajapwaaMrn. but cards tka masquerade aad proudly addresses s hunch Uaited State waa not only the first, but for years it said: "I'm ready la go bar to laa Craoe and want i II alter F, aa asefstary of a T" Deputy suggested that at the as ska lime la an opinion dwelt upon th of Massachusetts Republicans aa Kelt... Reptibll Stead si ne Jn'm Qulney Adams ticket Auditor Metaln state fn hla letter of insthirtlbns u the mtalater ( th csuaty wag not Interested In his wants The nf the SHbRllon and tha inevitability of eaas" Vnd ths Damn. rati, psny by ket tha bettor gwvsnr Ma Angel THE TtMfg SmLPINO. Ml tax SOtTR nSWrOS ST Iha United States to thass Spanish American old msn replied that hi name waa De mar ctell war If Ike writ were to be enforred tty off for ths meat wrote: and that th eouaty had been In the practice of Address all f .masnl. atleia I the sulhdrllkM against the stats aatkorltlw ""kail Spain maintained a doubtful contest with paying the freight when he traveled aad that the KL lASO. eWt TH R aORMMI TIMES. and directed that tn writ be east to the governor arms to her dominions. It was regarded a county had recently furnished h m trsoeportallen The Escape of Harry Thaw. reer eo manifestly t.. to records showed "If the governor does not honor It," he ai4 "I have civil war. When tbei conteet became Las Cruras. Reference th gags desperate Spanish viceroys, governors sad thst oa Jans 10th last pauper trsmrportstlon to las barged my duty: th power of the Judiciary tg There a general expression of aattefartlea that dl. -general tbsmnelxee concluded trestle with the had been Issued tbls msn en tho representa- ea- br ihoui tka toantry nvr tke escape of Harry K. Indepeod-apa- FORM', API KRTIal.V; RKriUMKMTATI VKM and ihe reeponetMllty must rest oa tna Insurgents. virtually acknowledging their tion of local people thel hs waa pauper and wanted Raw Tort. C Seekwllk apes isl Aan- y. Trlbas se u live." Thaw from ths Nsw Tork prison for th criminal tha Untied States frankly and unreservedly to go to llva with relatives in las Cruras "Mow ackaowl-edgemen- coun- Oo replied giv- Insane at Mattes" an Sunday morning, and the hop recognised th fact without making their did you gst hack here'' asked McLaln "Ths so, C. Berkwlfh kperlal Ageeey.. Trlhun ernor Holden tn th chief Jiretlca. al- Is price of any favor to themsslvss. ty at Laa Cruc alwayi gives me tbtMlM ing hla reasons for hla action and maintaining his general that hla recapture may not be effected the administration C C Sssx-la- l risen incurring the dbsptessmrs of tlekete Pago you pay my war hack." re St aula. bwltk While Thaw is looked upon aa a vary agarone though at tha kaserd of to D and MMlR pnsMlnn. da measure they have taken tha lead of epnnded the traveling pauper. "Well you'll walk to Using A Spain In thla m Angeles. Bead Millar Adter fury man- - as a man more or ' Th opponent of the governor thereupon ob- who n leas of a dKnrai. ths whale rtvMtsed world." las rures this time." was tha ruling of tha deputy Tr.raliua lrnti I.e. her Barnard. baa I Mtirpay. tained sn injunction restraining tha atate treaawrer th sympathy of tha world haa he) with him very In thla itlnssul "the United Steles Incurred more auditor, aad the old man walked out, promising to O F Man. c tlllesaa, Louis Leesro. an Sana. In ,,n 'displeasure of Spain.' " It caused the ani- see Judge about It. But If he waits satll ths i B P. C. F. money largely his troubles. the ground that any man than tha tke 1st bona fit. Katbarford. and the paymaster from paying out for the Ita pur- pays again I C Tobies, layae Mc heaney. K V. Mefreckea. I In mosity of (ha Holy Alliance, for It fritstratsd county his transportation to laa Crucss Try. military operations roun-tle- a Justified mrtlng out death fo Iks Individual Port Vl'legaa, M Miller prosecution of In ths two. poses to acquire the Spsnlsh dominions In America. the old fellow win never get out of town. upon who Invades the sanctity of hi home. powers ' faovsmor Holden remove the paymaster This league embraced all th sovereigns and U 1 M' Palis And while Thaw waa acquitted charge of Bagland. one (Br Mall In whom the Injunction was served and appointed an- sf tha of Barons except Rome and aad Uiim.1 a king sn Is politics tally and nday. ene yesr Us other, who got the money from tha treaeury and murder growing out of the shooting of Stanford Ita purposes wss tn phM and maintain a hotbed of politics snd can digest more belly aad Fundi), all month. M White, tka throne of Spain and to aid with force and means thsn cantaloupes Over s year ago that portion of Pally and Sandal, tkraa months W paid the tmopa still it waa that act which led to hla convic- by and) tha recovery of the n provinces the population not satisfied with the officers elected pstly Sunday, an month Q governor tion oa a charge of insanity and hla Incarceration Tha Sunday Tlae. oka ) aar I1 Tha waa impeached aad triad Ha waa ths cession of which they were to be recompensed to administer the affairs of ths community peti- tBy rM I acquitted of sny In two la tha MstteaWan prison, where be haa remained purpose Monroe Doctrin was an- tioned for an election to abolish Incorporation. and Snndey, naa nr. nth TI mlecnnduct declaring tha Tn thwart this ths the Pall; since tragedy In by In his annual message Tha election was the lost bv Suba-rlbe- aikn fall to receive their pepr regularly counties In Insurrection and In taking military the sensational which ha waa the nounced President Monro held and aboliahers ar requested in notify- :ka rroalnees office In " t effect principal actor. That Thaw waa Insane with rag December, itll: five votes. Now they have asked for snother n Olaa ft. - addreea In full, laclndtng county aad nf tbm. but waa convicted of causing unlaw- declared tn Eylar money by "Wttk the government who have telr abolish th Incorporation and Judg tat Until by order, draft or registered lattar ful arrests, bringing troops in from and grief when he shot Stanford White, doubtless Inde- If tha carrier falls m deliver tha paper promptly, notify another state Independence and maintained It, nd whoee haa granted the petition and called the election for aa wer any nf tha shore lelepboesa. Tba circulation and violating the writ of habeas corpus He as s fan Nine mn out of tea subjected to each an pendence we on great consideration and on the Sflth of the current month. "It's a kind of re- 4 a p m hav. Pepsrtment la ofian day foa m to ordeal would hav been In that condition. But thnt principles, acknowledged, we could not view call system." aaya Judge Eylar. "which So- Sanaa) a. from 4 a. a. la I pa as. removed aad disqualified from holding offlc again Just the Thaw ha bean Insane la extremely doubtful, any Interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, corro people have adorfted. Whan they don't llko IWaVi all under ths atate sin' Telephone Prlraf branch exchange Voeserte or controlling In sny other msnner their destiny, bv th municipal officer selected they call for an r. i. Tall operator wblcfc eaaplnf or wkat d The year 1IT1 saw two gmsrnors Impeached, and th year that he haa spent tn confinement hvs aa la a111 1 any power. In any light as the election to abolish the and In man- partmant Ton ti and connection ha anada. After any Kuropean other than corporation thl p. a and nn Sundays and holidays, tka fallowing depart- Powell Clayton of Arkanaas and David Rutlar of not tended to demonstrate further evldencaa of manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward ner get rid of the objectionable officials, by taking ment- aIll aaawer street Insanity away HMO Manager god Mar ha n Ira Nebraska. the United States." their Jobs from them Ton ass they abolish - Peprtat. price TOO- Editorial was charged "i la time It probable that Thaw would have be- The United State no favor the the Job in order to put the officer out of commis- VaBI It against Oovernor Clayton that rclvd Adrsrtlslng aad flreolailnn. If of Ita recognition of the Independence of Mexico and sion The method Is unique, hut It may work all had conspired tn deprive the lieutenant-governo- r of come Insane he had remained Incarcerated. If - tha Spanish American provinces. 0 the right." Any erroneona reflections upon tka atandlng, character h is able to maHie good hla escape aeSka other or raputatlnn of any paraoa, flra ar rarporatlon, wblck his office: that ha had removed certain Judges Ille- and contrary It "Incurred the vindictive hatred of that aar appear In tha columns of Tka Tlmaa, will ba gladly gally and he had In election profit by his former miserable experience it la pos- country act. It Incurred, also, th animos- They were dlscuaalng what the nf rnrrerted upon tta balng brought to tha attention of tba that participated frauds for tha crime Mr. management and had unlawfully lasuad atate bonds for the benefit sible that tn new surroundings h may recover him ity of the Holy Alliance with the rlak of war when OHM had cost the county when Dr. Bush said: "Jim strong encounter all the power Miller, was by some nf self and yet prove himself a man. And though fail- R was not enough to who hung a mob in Oklahoma f!L FASO TKXAS, TUESDAY, AUOD8T S certain rallraada. England, England re- years ago. sny 1. 11 ure may be. his portion although ha may prove of Burope, except and though cost the state nf Texas more than Th house of representatives suspended him garded Cie recognition of Independence and the an- other man Indicted for crime In this state. Miller, himself to degenerate In pending the trial and a resolution was adopted that be a real the future, there nouncement of the Monroe Doctrine with aatlsfa-tlo- who became notorious In this section on account Impeachment of Governors. he should be locked In th executive chamber and I much general gratification felt that he I going she would not by treety, or In writing, agree of the Fraxer Miller fend at Pecos, always escaped -- In what It up an away to have another chance .that he la not to remain to stand by and sustain the United State punishment by proving self defenae or producing Tha Impaiachmcnt at Oav. William Hulzcr, who the door nailed that he could not get de- - had Ths allied power were entertaining an alibi Home of his trials I were two to hopeless Inmate of a prison for th criminally In- don. remember will ba triad on Rapt. II. nn rhargaa whkh If act. signs hostile to th Spanish American republics In Comanche county, two In El Paso, one at Fort , will raault In hla remnvaJ from mfii-a- Oovernor Clayton eeceped and Informed the which the announcement of the Monroe Doctrin Wnrth. two at Eastland, two at Vernon and at least alghth ... aa.lmg In house that h had been advised by counsel that 't caused tn he abandoned. one If not two trlala at Pecos. The coat of theae tha ,.t of tha kind th Qulncy had no power to suspend him pending the trial. Legislature During the administration of John Adams trials ran up Into the thousands of dollars and tho hlatnr nf tha Unttad Btataa. Svn wnvarnora Texai Adjourns Today. those of his successors, the United Ststes honest taxpayers 'furnished the money." Whan the articles nf Impeachment reached the and Oov Hulaar hkva baan Impeachad. but of th Ths thirty day special session of the Tsxas legis- prevented the Invasion and probable con- senate that bndy adopted rules for tha court f by by Its go .1 says M. twvan o)nly two David Rutlar. of Nebraaka. aad lator will conclude Its labors snd adjourn today, quest of Mexico Spain and Franc, "We have," Jno. Wyatt, "sent a relief Impeachment which were so stringent In the matter office and it firm stand on tha- prlnclplae of tho party to get Ed Keyset-- Maury Edwards, Mr. Ward William H Holden. of North Carolina. wro ramov-- with Ihe work for which It was assembled pretty nf tlm to be taken up In argument and in their Monro Doctrine. and Van Wilson out of tha lake near Cox's ranch. wll performed, according to fhs verdict of Oovernor In 1IM President Pierce In a special message lo W went up to Ruldoaa Sunday and that night while a gnvarnor dels) la eiiat the board of managers from the house Tha flral lmpH.chmnt nf of an Colquitt, who should b In a position to fairly Judge congress stated that '"five successive revolutions had returning home we ran Into an addition to the Pa- r reported they could not handle the case tinder aurh appearance In In course of Amarb an aiaM waa that of Charlag Rnblnaon, of the result- - Ths governor appears to be so wall made their Mexico the cific ocean. It waa a lake of water and mud which restrictions and were discharged. A eecond board a few months aad been recognised successively, each our machines could not negotiate. Dr. Brady and of Kanaaa, In llfZ. satisfied with the achievements of this special ses- S nf managers waa chosen, which reported thet t as the political power of that country by the United Jim fonklin were with me and the doctor and my- Tha flral laclalatura at Kanaaa hud authnrlaad la sion that he has statad positively that there will be very day message was had bean unable to find evidence upon which mates.'' And on ths that this self agreed to sit still and sleep until morning. But IKI an taau of fl iO.OOO bonda a) dafray current no other, and this means that any unfinished legis- published Comonfort, vice president of the republic, Conklln had sn much to talk we couldn't bass th Impeachment. On the t about that axpanaaa. faoarnr Knhtnaon, the 1 HUlf ofagtate rcommndatlon lation that la upon the calendar at the hour of final in the exercise of extraordinary powers, proclaimed sleep. Aayway at the first break of day ws backed th committee the houae dropped th matter. a provisional constitution. In 1117 federal con- up and tba atata auditor ware authnrlaad to negotiate adjournment will hasa to go over next the about a mile and managed to get out of the Oovernor RutUr was- until the of Mexico wss adopted and Comonfort wss thing. But knowing for the aala nf tha bond The only probable of Nebraska charged with regular term, which will convene one year from next stitution thst our friends ware In ther. appropriating some fid noo of state moneys to his elected president for four years beginning with hopelessly we sent a relief party out to bring them at ihe time, the beginning of tha rlvll war. January. December. It67. Within a month, as the result of a In. Maury Edwsrds Is not nf water Van own use, with ths acceptance of bribes, with unlaw- afraid and waa tha federal government, which held money In That Texas will manags to get along during this revolution, he waa driven from power and a military Wilson knows what a chart and compass are if Mr. fully giving lands company frtiat for Indiana and was authnrlaad to Invent these state to railroad tha Interim without any serious losses or embarrass- government was set up by 'General Zuloags. He Ward will explain It to him. But they are without Hloux City Pactrte selling waa expelled by General Mlraxnon, and he was. and compass rn "aafe and profltahla stoeka." and and with canals ment I patent, for Texas by not suffering materially soon chart and really feel uneasy as to In turn, recognised. safety Conklln convinced state lands and pocketing part of the proceeds. The thla any their since Jim hss me The secretary nf atate snd auditor employed at time from lack of laglalatloa. As a all of Is quick governor waa acquitted on all the chargea except In tbe meantime. Juares, who as Chief Justice that that mud sand which will rtirhert 8tevena. a Kansas politician nf soma promi- matter of fact, the state would doubtless be better of the republic, under the provisions of tba con- all of Its abaorblng qualities after being wet that of the misappropriation of th lld.OOO. On twenty-fou- nence, in conduct the negotiations. fltevens was off If the body could ba put In a stat stitution became constitutional president on the r hours. If ws hsd only hsd some appli- thla charge members of both political parties united fly ance with which to up chosen because of business relations existing be- of retirement for th next flv yeara, for there I depoaltton of Comonfort, was compelled to from cork Conklln's conversational In finding him guilty he waa of 'places when he organ w could have slept peacefully all night, as tween him and Caleb R. Smith, tha secretary of th and removed from at nothing to be gained from a multiplicity of new the capital and from a number to the government he was oblig- the frog chorus was a very soothing lullaby." floe. laws attempted maintain Interior. when the statute books are already burdened ed to leave Mexico. After many vicissitudes hs re- In 117! Oovernor Henry C. Warmoth of Louis- many Stevena failed to sell the bonds through Becre-- with that are wholly euperfloue. turned and succeeded In establ'shlng a government "Talking about pauper tranaportatlon," aays W. ; iana waa Impeached on a long llat of counts which rep- .ry Smith and finally got II. Corwln, a claim The matter of falling to rarlUtrict th state I at Vara Crag, Forsyth, who for some time had R. Brown, division agent for the Santa Fe railroad. included the forcible expulsion from to Mexico, gent, who waa connected by marriage with the office of th perhaps the moat serious of the problems that are resented the United State aa Its minister "Our general office recently made a claaa check of secretary of state, had endeavored to nettle claims of ctttsene of th our pauper list and discovered quite of the Interior, aid him. Corwln put varloue unlawful appointment, left unsolved by tha legislature, but can gst that a number Texas United States for Injuries of various kinds, and of alleged paupers to Pacific const regu- connlvanoe In tha forcible ejection of a Judge from along very comfortably travel the through negotiations for the purchase nf the bond with senatorial and congres- which had been accumulating for a. long time and larly every spring return In the fall. One chap office In order to obtain possession of his court for snd out of the Indian funda provided Tha entire Kan- sional dbRrlct as they are. as ths failure to redla-trl.-- t had amounted to a large sum. despairing of accomp- started from Denver on a pauper ticket td Albu- uss in setting aside an board, sas dslagatlnn at Washington approved nf the pur- election the offer of a tncolvss no Ins nf representation. Next year lishing anything, in Hit declared that "nothing but querque. On another pauper ticket he went on to bribe of tto.OOO to lieutenant governor P B. s. manifestation of the power of the United State Lo Angeles, where In writing. approval waa ex- w will all vol for two congressmen the he probably took another route chase Thla nbtalned at large. Just wrongs." In 1SSS he Pinchbeck If th latter would organise th atate adn- aa we dll laat year, and every would avail to punish these for his favorite summer resort, sfpme weeks later cept In the aaa of United States Senator He that give voter In the With Ine. In suspended diplomatic relations the Miram.m he ahowed up on th train at I Angeles with a ata Warmnth'a Interest and a number of charge tat opportunity to vot for congressmen In- based hla refusal nn the ground nf faar thai If three govsramsnt till he could hear from President Buch- pauper ticket to Holbrook snd by easy stages work- of Intimidation of official and offer Stevens gst hla cnmmlaelon h would uae tha money of brtbaa. stead of one, as would have been the case If th anan. Thl step by Mr. Foryth was approved by ed hie way back to Denver. About a year ago a vary Before th trial waa concluded governor's president, diplomatic relations with Mexico to buy votee tn alaet himself In the place of the atate had been readlstrlcted. and thsra la no disad- the and respectable looking old gentleman was brought to lne. term of office had expired and th senate vantage were broken off because of the 111 treatment o( the our local ticket office by the representative of n who had a majority nf only one In the state legis- ssksd th In a procedure of that kind. advice of the chief Justice regarding continuing the cltlaens of the United States El Paso charity organisation. Ths old man pleaded lature O April, Buchanan recogniied as he was broke, had only about $60 and wanted to trial. "I question the policy of kicking a dead lion." In list. Juares Thereupon linflo waa paid in a private sec- If the presence of Dr. William Bayard Hal In the only existing government of tile republic. In take his wife to thslr home tn Chicago and unless lne Chief Justice I.udellng said In retary, who procured the senator's signature through hla npinlon and the Mexico City Is objectionable to the Maalcaa govern- hi annual message In December. 1(51. he recom- he could get pauper tranaportatlon he and his wife senate agreed with him end dropped would be left on community. misrepresents! .. & the proceed- ment and people he should bs promptly removed by mended th employment uf a sufficient military here the charity of the ing. force to penetrate Into th Interior of Mexico where He got the tickets pauper tickets, and then reserv- Ths state house nf representatives Impeeched the tbe American government especially so. sines hs In 1I7 governor the government of Mlramun waa to be found, and ed Pullman bertha and at Albuquerque he and hla l Adrlbart Am, of Mississippi, Is In three officials who had ean authorised tn aell tha that country with no official atandlng. seek redress for the Injuries to cltlsene of life wife spsnt over $100 for curios, stc. On snother wss Impeached and tried by re- bonda. The secretary of state and the auditor were the slats senate, but United Ststes, contending that "Jut a well as wis- occasion our office hsrs was aaksd to glvs a hotel signed hafor a verdli-- t was randsred. Ames. a policy " Congress, sus- waltsr a pauper ticket from El Paso to Angeles convicted and removed from office, llnvernor n The new man in charge of ths government dom Justified such not Ixa governor recommendation, Stated he wss offered a Job tn city whlcn waa acquitted. of a Southern state In th days nf weather factory at Washington haa promised lower taining ths president's he the latter message. In December, 1160, he would pay him more money he was making reconetructlon, wag charged with a long list of of- temperatures In bis annual that than On November (. lf,lf. the Florida hoaee nf rep- th country thla wk. aad had aought to accomplish the object, In om in El Paso. There are many people, with mony In fenses. Including ths defrauding of the of t S3. Ig ami resentative Impeached Uovernor Harrison Read on state It that kind of acting that will endear thla official degree by treaty stipulation, with th constitutional their pockets who tour the country on charity tick-et- TS0 by giving contracts for prison I charge of falsehood and lying In official matters, of labor to personal to the people ha aerves Th man wha can glva govsramcat undsr Juarax. have before me now a warrant from tha friend without public letting, county to pay for a pauper ticket to Laa Vegas. Incompetency, of unlswfully declaring masv conspiring to slander us all the weather w want Is ths man hsvo tn October. 11(1. In th early period of the civil The Vacant a pauper sent a messenger boy for ticket the political opponent, unlawful removal of various been looking war la tba United Ststes. Franc, Oreet Britain and ths while seats In the legtalsture. of embesalement from in- for ever since ths wsather bureau was pauper waa buey patronising the Sheldon bar." officer aad th unlawful retention In offlc of Spain entered Into a convention with reference to state treasury and of corruption and bribery In .lis created. operations against for others. He alao was charged with Inciting race combined military Mexico says sppolntments. rlote ths enforcement of claims To such opsratlons ths "I observe." a local fhotel man. "that AH Is iiy Inflammatory apeechaa Is moving;.' means. I suppose This formldsbls aarles of charge was present jd aad granting a pardon Unltsd Ststes objsctsd sa being In violation of tha That that he has sold to a falnn upon 7fSe Ingratitude of Mexico. all ofath cattl his men could In par in eight aenamra, many tha payment of 13000 to a third Monroe Doctrine. They then agreed that they would rustl that for trial thers being so ttcular section of Mexico and Pancho is moving to person. The fact la unquestioned that Mexico entertains not. In the employment of measure or vacancies that sight wss a majority. Ths Impeach any aequlaltlon territory, or aay par- pastures more green I'll wager odd that be do toward tha United States a greater dislike than make of take get any ment had automatically auspended Reed from office against all advantage, nor exercise la th domestic not cloa enough to soldier train to hurt any other nations of ths world combined Tke ticular ona It. f Fom on have corns to the conclusion that the until the on. union nf th. trial. Lieutenant Gover- Turns Republican. same Is true of the othr Spanish American repub- of Mxlco any Influence Incompatible with tta pro- great Pancho Villa had rather catch at nor William H Olessnn Issued a proclamation an- N roes, lics, but their dislike is perhaps aot so pollthal independence, and. la order that their cattle than Kugaas three times elected governor of lrulat rs fight, that he likes the revolution because It enables that cherished by Mexico. That It Is utterly with- ceedings might aot seem to have an exclusive char- nouncing thai ha had taken possession of ths office Messechueette aa a Democrat, and who waa himself and hi men to live a high life of esse while a out and shows great I acter, they alao agreed to communicate a copy of the f governor, caue ingratitude estahlishsl they putting end the assembl, sdjeurned to tha for the Democratic nomination for th presi by facts. convention to ihe United State aad Invite that gov- ars aside something for a rainy day. - SHU I am willing to consider Pancho mora first of following January When the senate refused y at Balilmor Isst ysar. Oa SIM of August. 1111, to accede to- It- Hostile operations were with dn haa declared himself a th Osnarsl o'DorloJtn, ernment favor simply because he has up oouraga to the same adjournment Qleason It of Ihe tn to be begun la May. but before that mustered tabs sdjournsd candidate for the fourth term aa governor on th rommaadsr armies of Spala Megioo. gad IStl. tlm. enough to move. I Iturbide, France, In violation of the agreement with tbe doa't rare where hs moves Just himself to the same day. Republican ticket As Oov General ladr of tha Mexican movement so roes was a Republican Independence, gtetaa. ita purpose of interfering hs movss" Oovernor Reed for signed s treaty of peace by which United manifested meanwhile refused to surrender before hs became a Democrat. It la evldeat ha Is a it waa atlpulated ef Mexico treat Mr nam that Maxlre Should b recognise.! with th domestic affairs "I says Taw CHy, k)!a office, and asked the elate supreme court to pass man whoee politics.) prlaclplee as an Spam refused to longer with France, when noticed." of Kanaaa are net aaare than Indtpeadeat aatlon and In tha future be call- aad est "where an aay n legality proceedtnge up- ed purpose was disclosed, withdrew from Austin preacher El Feao looks more tha of tha Tha court kin deep, and any urn he might have been scratch th Mexican empire On the 14th uf November. tta thir Francs ansa left to pursue like a real city than aay ether town In Texas, gad held Reed'a peetiion and lleutenaat-g- 111. a provisional junta with agreement with her end I rasnovsd ths sd with a pin during incumbency Demo-.rsi- lavsstsd Iturbide the went to statement. ha of the i tllle of powers ef emperer: her attempt to establish aa alien monarchy la Mex sndorss thst El Pass daea ernor from office un the ground of Ineligibility The guharnatarial asd aad ea the IHk not only look like the real article, hut It Is. pos- cbslr h would hav abed gen- af May. 1(11. a constituted congress ico. As soon as ths civil war waa ended, ths United If mates supreme " elected him sible It is more tiisaaiipolltan fi-t- it City. I United court than upaet tha removal uine Republican blood. to that office, tin th of March, States dsxaaadsd that ths French army ks withdrawn than lib Frssldsni now days t lieutenant-governo- r till. army have beea hsrs two aad honestly tba sgjgj nf Oleason aa and with tha The distinguished political apostate dsclare th Monroe seat a maaaag to coagrees la which ks from Mexico aad sent sa of undsr ths gharldan I. d- - seems lo b doing mora buainraa thsn Dallas or Fort of the newly elected legislators on Ig ihe recognition of the independence of command of Uenaral to aafores th ths first 'autocratic party wrong on the tariff other Worth My opinion Is that in Houet. n aad Ms Ice other Spanish. Amen, an prayvlaaa mand if not compiled with Tke Fttrach army was ltlO will of January both houses, with vseancies filled, re Important Issues and hs and that be k largest city In Texas aad El Paso will caanot longer remain a had been fer a laag time In withdraws. ba a tagaist-- ,.,r Meed Impeachment pro revolt: sf Mexico h class second I any this I once lived In tiovn and iha mambcr of such a misguided party, It a id aaw government first re. ..g bsrsus Utah laeldealalls. "that the has deeiered Its indebted to tke United Slates for Ihs and I knew what irrigation megaa. ceedlnga were drppped may be Fags independence as a nation, and the Hi. mentioned that la at the head of a iadepudac aad that aaw there is no opposition allien of her and ealstsncs Orand Valley la the richest in th United One of tha moat Interesting isnpeechmeai to it nor a (or any day up of Statea. la ceeaa number of Massachusetts manufacturing enterprise there to make The aest aad to tha pressat time tor ths maintenance addition by the rich aotl ysu have a cllmais Mr. Anderags. Spanish Mexico not ealy that will hlaloru .ii. was that of Ueveravr William W Holden and la so permeated with th Republican ths minister to the Uaited thst Indspendsae and exhMeaee has enable the farmers of this valley to grow principle Meiee mad a vtgoroue pretest. reply to tki manifested any gratitude, but. oa tbe esntrerv. three and North Carolina la UTg Th Ku Klug of protection Ths sever four crepe every year: aad lock terri- f lscesabar. that ha haa return, to the party A ma, r a at the' vest ef protest kg John Qulaay da wha waa thea tka United States la lbs especial objest af her tory bsatk had milled a n of whlpplnga an I sf El Paas to kalp make u great." .ln .im.ei which he should have remain td a member ea ac- of stale, la uae af Lbs aklggl aad meat forea-fu- l It t a truth expressed la tbe maxims f maay In Alsmaaee enemy person by asursere and Caswell counties aad tha count of the peadlng Democratic revielon offtotal papers ever written kg aay savs la that rasas that tka bitterest a baa he to A sf the by report from Chihuahua aays that Uea. Pas. faeal aulhegiilea liad taken n avtlsa Uoteravur tariff off ias aot esc pi lag tka famous reply of Daalel whom ke a under tke graalaat obitgatleaa "It Webster oa anutker ercsstoa lo Hulaaasana. tke Au. human disposition to bete those whom they rual Orusco is about to past! up Into ths Northers Maiden uadet . t of tba legislature declared Ihe aa deep of Ike Rniag b. la the divine right of the minister lo ihe Uaited Stalee wronged and injured." snd It la also cksraoeSr-ksU- part of the aat for th purpse of looking b tries have after hat jjkg$ ouatlee to In a atau of laeurrecilon aad lasses lo prsy upos ths masse. wag an ongrea promptly dsspla Ml" Osv ra acted oa tha raooeameadatlea sf human nature to sad treat with old rrtead lien Pancho Villa, aad If th gsjsjg aaliuia to anferee order The off tear la eoa iirely it ef place la the DsaocraUc of, lb president aad rseogateed the ladepeadaaas ef soieaca tbass who have shown leniency aad forbear - tstmai party Doubt- a ssrrect there wiU probably aooa be soma g Colonel Oaorge W Mexico aad eases etker paaaak province. Bag" Mexican truly keltav that th United 'fahVad. Kirk arrested aad intprta less hs realise that fast from tba lime ha first Ths meveoaeata la and alaaa, sf all tha Baropeaa powsra. ihe toy afraid sf aad dare eat resent tks tka territory long occupied oavad asaay cIvUMuae and rsiuaad le obey writ cf be ease a BSUlieaJ turn eaat. retatved thm. but while ajasjga as lafwaaauaa at UiA -'""- run ailfrllaa, bay ksgpaStad upoa Hp cltuyens aad ibata property by laa 'irnsm uilsaslksts ELjA90 MORNINO TUESDAY, AUGUST 1913 FIVE, Efficient House- LITTLE BEAUTY CHATS Gossip of Society keeping OVRBHEARD on By PLASH HR mEAOUM By Grace Virginia Logan The Moicti. Olrl. BT MiCNRICTTA D. GRAUEL, The young Isdy who posed for Sly Tainsii Cavump. OLYMPUS llluatratlen today la a practical n W hava received aeveral requests of the (.Serge that American for omprehntve direction, for mah-m- g a MWI Mm DAILY FASMIO ButXT. tomato cataup that will keep ita girls, beca'ia they sre o fond of tak- o..d fla' or after It la opened nr Umbrella and Wives ing a good deal ef exercise, sre de- th winder' I h4 the rH. a bright ah rlter sska for red color, am veloping figures loo mseculine to be Their lovau child le white ethers mention preference for 1P1TEH RU'Virn waa watching tha brail as bobbing slong th "vh.t gift breathe In crh' en that a Milky why In a pouring rain truly beautiful darker, richer cetsup The color la rut parti- oie. toting lady Is em Htwr decided by variety ha said, a Noah cam ap. "this I your kind of weather, A ad tkua aha a sewered ma; the nf the tomatn ID "Ah." ployed as Instructor In rertsln uaed and hy the amount of apices too." school ef gymnast Kvern with length thelnlx-tur- e The aouth wind cradle ma at Mrth added and the nf time Yaa," replied tb great founder of fashions In houseboats. "' feel her la not a ma ter of an hour or I la ballad, ao each may them- oft lullabies aha tnr suit quite St os a day Ilka thla. torn people have aa Idea I'm not fond of a week, but literally u steady diet Th and; selves. If the direction below are aot seat wind carrle taara mirth rain It erring back th good old " of all sorts of sort so. kinds of To ma am entires satiafac. Bat time I wins. rainy hesith and m tier producing exer. tlrle ton win ha T tall ran. wjthr'g tba stoat Interesting kind." responded deea. pleased 10 'Tha waat wind la my lovr dear send Pltivin heartily "Why I (at so end of entertainment )ut watching The reault la a figure hoauttfulty A klaa with every breath. you additional proportioned practically perfect Tha my ones on tba umbrellas." snd north wind fllla heart with faar renueet. "B?" replied Noah. "I har never thaaght of that " It Is a figure hull on the senerotta lit vole cries 'I am nath" One peck of yet d Mil "Now there cornea 1 gay, red oae' I bat Vaans I under btgb esthetic Hn) of a Venus Jallan Durssd ripe tomatoes that. wiih no auaerfleiM heel, atlk stockings, and all that, yon know Take It from ma. Noah, rounded. ?ei - wash and oat la flesh. The shoulders sre Sloping yet Will Keterteh Aaattu BrUe- half, cook In par that's so tba kind of woman yon want to marry " sturdy Note bow gratefully the heed Mr. William VYel will entertain lha celaln kettle until "I'm not thinking of marrying." replhsd Noah, hastily. la polaed eg the neck. The arm are WmJ Auction Bridge riuh en Wednesday the jute la as. you I prettily, and pret lly formed afternoon "Wall, last M Bat was merely speaking In a general mended trscted and tha way. The woman who pi.goes around that wsy Is the rain Isn't the sort There not a scrawny or ungraceful pulp soft line in her whole body. B.ptu. Brat bar aerial who .will stand a good hard downjponr 0f domestic trouble. snd al- ni. Put through a It's Bernhar.1t the latel to decry our Tha Bi Brthr rlub of tha Flrat colander, ways sure t com along, you know. 8h'U have damp ankles and wet system of athletics for women" Hhe o- then M C. church will antartaln with a - through a skirts and tba flrat thing you know, pneumonia lb looks pretty and all denounce It as some terrible des'roy-In- claJ on Friday evening fine at tha church Slav. Return to that, but she don't wear wall In a heavy rain That sort ought always fores that slowly hut surely Is fire and add three to a taxi. And If yon th price of a taxi, you'd batter look hsrmlng u. She see In it s fateful mm Kllaakrtb Wal K.a--- take haven't Is n t only tablespoon ot salt, f oanc way." fsd thsi vpnlllng the figure At an Informal Inn hmn Riven yaa- - powdered mace, one tahleepooa ef tba other snd coaraenlng II, but doing actual terrtsy. hy lira. Vanca Stewart, tha black pepper, one teaspoon of cayenne "Now thar come one Is waterproofed clothe, rubber boot, a harm :o the health. According to her, engagement of Mia Ellaan Wala to W. pepper, one tablespoon ground cloves, foR bat, ajrd no umbrella She'll probably stomp along and get where it I devitalising and dangerous. K Ramaey waa hy hoe- - announced lha one-ha- lf allspice, ta- faddy. Keep of Faddy She a time when lasmtm Mhm tnblespoon six aba's going all right Ban aba's clear that kind. blespoons of ground French mustard wornen. I tall yon. lsad yon an awfnl Ufa. They have meals at all hours, Ing that we do not see the error of tartleepooa eff celery nur way, and do not change themi Baptist Beetete Todar. aad a crushed or so hour, ssd rv raw vegetable, and grains, aad all sorts of queer aead tied in a bad Kp the fire low women will he a "ugly" and "un- Tha Mtaalnnarv aootaty of tha Cal- gently flvn things. Ton never know whether you're horseback or afoot with such graceful" men vary Hnij.tun end simmer a: asset hour. Baptlat rhureh will meet An aabeatos pad should be placed be- If my lllustrsttnn 'an hs accepted this nftarnoon tha I It ac- at rhurrh neath the kettle o tha content will "I had entns of that sort wttb me on my trip," remarked Noah. "But as proof and think can be girl mil big girl 01 want tc for dlaruaalan will ha "At. cepted very fairly to nee H slsng ex- vary not ecorch. During the last hour the I tall you whan provlelona ran low, they stood In tba) bread Us for what- tnke gymnastics, k vhead and takl Hca." and a tntereeting program occasionally. pression, "We should worry." I On'y, use r intelligence haa baan prepared day by mixture muat he atlrred ever waa psaaail Bam. t ai for tha lha Let atahd over night in a cool place around." Therefore, little girl, middle tied to how much or hot ill le 10 take. leader, Mrs. U C. Reed. At lha con- "Now there a woman wttti a abort akirt and storm rubbers and program and In the morning remove the bag of clusion of tha rafraahmants good), big, black umbrella. She's kind that'll see you through a will be eerved by tha hoataaaaa for tha celery seed and bottle the cataup, a tbe day. Meedamea B. B hlcClintook and after adding s pint of very strong deluge And serve up three hot meals a day, and never growl that ahe D, A Laaa. vinegar. oaa't get tb wash dry " Right Goods at Right Prices o Some persons thine ihst onion adda "She looks kind ot uninteresting, tkongh." obyaeted Noah. Tueeeer A art las Brldce MecflaeT. Coral Epotage. a flavor superior to all elae. If you "You can't have everything." replied Pluvlus. "And you'd better are one of theae, Ave white MUSIC Tha Tueaday Auetlon Bridge club Th draping; of thta aklrt, the aleava small get one whoso colors won't ran, for you're sure to have storms on the DUNN'S STORE will meet this morning with Mlia onlona may be minced exquisitely fine PIANO; finish snd hsppy arrangement of silk Journey " 404 SAN ANTONIO ST. Madge Brlok. pleating on thla corsl eponse are and added to the boiling- mass. matrimonial noticeably original. Coral velvet holds A brilliant red tomato soy results "Don't you think you might find a combination?" Asked Noah, as Birthday Anniversary Pirty. In place the flat double frill of n when this recipe is uaed. A neck of Interested aa If be was thinking of Installing a harem. "Short skirts and Ml Made Fritter entertained on. Sat- taffeta which outline the shal- ripe tomatoes peeled and sliced, eigtv storm rubber whan It rains, and high heals aad silk stockings and fluffy urday at the home of her mother. Mm. J. low yoke of lace. Tha lace makes onions, minced, though these may be H. when the sun thtaag?" ..'innon, Ml. Wyoming atreet. In hnnr the scant sleeve puffs which are fin- omitted. ne cup salt. Let this stand things of tbe fourteenth anajTeraary of har birth. ished with frill of the taffeta. Theae, over night and in the morning drsln "That sort are as acaree as dry land during tba flood," obeerved t.ama were played, after wblrh refrese-ment- a frill outline the center panel on the off all the liquor, sdd two quart of Plnvlus "They don't aaem made that way. They're all oommonsense of ke cream and rata ware tarred akirt. beat vinegar, one tablespoon by Mlaa hlouae and Into the latter the of red footwear. Or all French heels," be concluded with a sigh Some Things You Ought Know About Marie Spencer. aidea of the akirt are draped, pro- pepper, two ounce of whole mustard to Thnae preeent were: lira William Ser- ducing a modish drawing about th aeed, crushed. geant. Mra. Aanicel Aronton. Joseph 3r-ate- Dorothy feet at the hack. Simmer gently, several hours and SVeweeV-e- v f. Mltaea Marie Rpenrer. This store, with Its grest stock of fresh table specialties. Is Morebead. Fanny Aronaon, Francea Dil- when thick put through a coarae aleve, add two pounds nf sugar bring; something you might to know shout, and the following lon; Raymond Owen and Billy Owen. Belen before returning to snd to Items especially mother at the boiling point once more This of the geographical 0 their home In Ardmore, Okla. may from Bodaiagtee-Be- e WeaMlnaT. be bottled or kept In a stoneware area of the country.. In ISM there Our Department Mr. Picnic Suggestion were 1,100.000 people living In terri- Delicatessen Mia Winifred Roe and Cyril Beddiag-to- Mr. D. R. Wllkee has returned We can furnish you the heat meata trill the Roae Hoaehan tory where the drink trsrflc hsd home cooked and home be married at from and Eagle Lake, My made salads in the city. Settlement Home Friday craning at A KATHBRINE GARLAND. been outlawed; In 1900 the numher where ahe haa been visiting her 1MO0.O0O; ltr, home-mad- had Increased to In HO, o'clock. Rev. Herman i. Porter of the Mrs. Horace McRae. Be a. ire to take a er yeara Klr.t M E. will perform cere- your or only eight after, the numlter rhureh, the Unfair Deception other flrelesa cooker on pi. nv 11,000.000, today mony. Mlaa Blleabeth Roe, slater ef the or to camp if you do not wish to have had doubled to and Home Boiled Ham Smoked Beef Tongue - 40, 021. TK0 persons, or a bride, will be maid of honor. Both y.mng Mr R. P. March and tittle daufh-ter.- a lunch. Flrat place In It the there are BT RUTH CAMERON. cold nne-hs- of the pnpuls-tlo- Roast Pork Fresh Potato Salad people tire well and favorably known In Marjorle. have returned from hot food whlrh you wleh for the luech, fraction of If you had to take a very long Jour- of the country, living In Kl Paao, where they hare been active In Weatherford, Texas, where they have ney and then have time to enjoy the Roast Veal Crab Meat Salad rhurrh work and bare many frlenda. been vlaltlng relative. Into a distant land to ha gone a camps ususlly les their territory. In the last flvs long, long time, perhapa forever, how and years the population haa Roast Beef Combination Salad They will make tkalr future home In you charm because ons of the party, usu- over 10,000.000, t'olumbus, N M. would like not to be told that you up many Increased a little Mr. and Mra. J. A. Hewitt of Tem- were to go a day ally mother, la obliged to give which Is more than 10 per cent of Veal Loaf Salmon Salad, etc., etc. ple, Texas, vlstlng son, until or even a few hour of tha day to the preparation of are their Utl hour before the time to start T Es- the total population of the nation Mr. and Mr. F. Ala.. Heat.. Hewitt, Mrs. Mrs. H. tha food SO per cent tnorease In num- and and D. pecially when everyone about you had you and the Mr and Mra. Frank Ainsa entertained Ballard of 1011 North Campbell known s longer IT do not take a flreless ceoker. ber living In "dry" districts Since Mest-ca- for much time that you SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. laat evening with a very enjoyable street, you were going to Journey, but Instead .00k after srrtvs st 1101 the population of the country Mama ave- tske thst your destination, you to aupper at their borne on or leaat were likely to will need tske haa doubled, while the number nf nue Tboae preaent were Mr. Mra. at take It sll or a part of the following artlclee: and Mr. and Mr. C. C. Henderson Wouldn't you say, can , Inhabitant of "dry" territory ha A. W. D. aad "But how prepared flout-- evaporated H. Ooldataln. Mr. add Mra. daughter, Mlaa Mra. Bar- I get in Why. fereale and Incressed over thlrteehfold. ' Howe, Yaeliel Flat.., Hubert Banner. Laura and ready thla little time? frulta, good of all aorta, Mra. ney Hugh.- I canned WATSON'S GROCERY will arrive home today ought to have tea, coffee, cheese In Jara, evapo from Colorado. had weeks to PEOPLE TALKED MOOT. arrange my af- rated milk and my ab- cream, rloe. ta- chil- Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Hatton passed fairs for Mr. and Mra. Will T. Owen and sence, maks all pioca, flavor HOW THIS WOMAN dren will return thla weak from through the city recently on their way Inga and apices, lus from La Cruoea to California. my preparations, Bearh. Cat where they hava enjoyed and say goodbye lard, prsssrved aeveral weeka' vlatt. to my friends?" butter, snd, R. Moramen la confined to hla And wouldn't above sll, a FOUND HEALTH Mra. F. J. William a and daughter, home, 200 Klndley street, on sccount yon htr very good quantity Sophie, have returnee from Lone; Beach of ill health. much displeased of bacon and where they he-- been for a menth'a that your fam- molaasea. Theae MAKE THE EL PASO TIMES vlalt. Mr end Mra Tnh. W.I11I11.I,. ..H ily and friends two sre very Would not give Lydia E.Pink-harn'- s family have moved from Texas street hsd kept this necessary. Ba- J Q. McNnry left laat night far Chi- to (04 North Virginia Important Infor- con, hesldea be- Vegetable Compound street. ing a tasty cago. 111., to attend tha hankera' con- o mation from AO Rest of vention. Mrs. n r. Hint .n haa returned from a you? breakfaat dlah, for Medicine I YOU to Fort Davie. Tel. , uaed for lard- COUPONS WORK FOR Olf, worse etlll. ing and frying, in the World. Mra. H. F. Wright and daughter,! auppoalng, if It - Mr. W. B. Bnli and molaaae Clariaaa. came home the laat ot tna and little daughter were poaalble. that even while you 111., came basse from La Angeles takee the place Utica, Ohio, suffered everything week from Mollne, where they laat week alept you were carried aboard a ship, ''I apent part of the aummer. after s vlalt ef a month. ef sugar In maay waye. Prepared from a female weakness after baby Von can get one of have snd without a cnanco to maks the flour will make ntufttns f aorta START CLIPPING TODAY o leaat all ,eame. 1 had numb Mr. and Mrs. O prepamtlpn. to leave a alngle griddle with th addition or Mr and Mra. W. K Arnold are being William Brlen ssd Inatructlon on the winding up and cake, spells and waa dizzy. these dainty cooking utensils by bringing sending have to a of your to a plain of a cup of rooked congratulated ort the arrival of a baby returned their home after bualneaa, to say ona farewell, were hatter vlalt ta Mra O'Brlen'a alater, M rice, oatmeal, hreed crurnba. chopped had black spot be to the TIMES Circulation Department or to Times aon at their heme on Aug II- Mra. T. atarted off on a Journey, so long Jebnaon, at the cottage Cloud-eref- that Stewed prunes or sprleots, sliced fore my eyes, my latter la no one knew when It would Branch No. 1 located in lobby of McCoy Hotel, seven Cloud-crof- end? spplee or blueberrtea. there sre A. W. Footer gone to t . back ached and I Mra tins Such things sre almost unsuppoaa-bls- enough things to make a different of coupons below, of dates to apend the remainder of tha they? was to weak 1 could the printed consecutive Mr. sad Mrs. Jekn Dyer have aren't passing hsm through the chopper snd aummer at the cottage of Mr. and returned And yet. Just thla thing la being hardly stand up. My and 40 cents or 14 coupons and 75 cents for two. to Rl Paso after s visit ta t. they srs sll good :7 short Mrs. B M Bray dor.e every day. Or some- rather, by face was yellow. thing far worse And done by peoul Appellator, ssndwlchee srs msde passing ham through the caepper and even my fingernails A houae party composed of Mleaea who denrly love thoas whom they Mrs Maurice I. Flsgg, formerly Mis trest so treacherously unfairly adding s siifgeatlon of Union peel, by were colorless and I Harriet Bryan. Constance Bateman. Hattle Small, who haa heea spending pan and ad. In a hospltsl not from her a hug s later of lemon pulp to thin had I Violet Altken. Edna Wellborn. Ruth or the aummer with her mother. Mra. far ly IHead tongue: hy dresalng .old hii diplacmnt U J. Lock, Milton Warren Hmall, at young girl Ilea on her death bed took Lydia E. t'rltehett; Messrs t'loudrroft, came dewa The nurse ibut with s little mayetinalae and ra 8hodd, Howard Oilman. Phil Warren. ta the city laat week ea rente to ber home und doctors, and her fam- para; by Vegetable ily hava known for at a uilng chopped Spantah on Blackahear. la Mmneapoilae. Minn Mrs. waa least week 01 lmj I C. Knlckmayar and Flagg E. aha cannot poaatbly Ike, ion wMh without lettuce; by mix- Compound and now am stoat, well and Mra. Altken as tha aorompauled to El Paao by her alater, that and finely iiopp-- with 'Jeorge no one haa la ing walnuts with cream haalthy. I can do all my own work and went up to tha Cloudcroft Miss Sarah Small yt told har that aha Maes adding ' chaperons about to atart on the long, long Jour- snd s little heavy rraam can walk to town and back and not get lodge on Saturday morning and e ney to and a pinch of aalt; by preparing a driving climbing Mrs that far off ahore from which filling green tired. I would not giv your Vegetable the tlma and J J. Fearee aad to have retursed no traveler returns. She la not suffer- of stoned olives and and to city from eaat Texas, they apent a eweet peppers, Compound for all tb rest of til medi- tha mountains, returning the where ing any pain, ahe think shs Is go- red both chopped fine, Sunday evening. month with Mra. D W Tucker, a former ing to belter, they they it severing )read with thin sale of cines in the world. I tried doctor's med- Bl Paaoea. gel snd do all cucumber, no--t St Hotiaton. and another can to encourage her In that thought. which grated American icine and they did me no good. "Mrs, Oaprge Rut ledge returned to tha month at the aummer resort of O. F. They ap- rlieess hsa been sprinkled; by easson Wyrlrk ea s make agonising efforts to Ing cold Masy EAJtucwiNK. R.F.D. N0.8, Utica, city from Mexico Saturday evening Devil river, meat delightful pear when they are with her crab meat with a little meat place. cheerful sauce; by paaalng cold perk and eel Ohio. H B. Steven cama down front They tell her aha la looking tmtter ery (,'loudcroft Sunday evening after and they make plan for the coming through the ' hopper and eeason-In- Another Case. a day with hla family Diarrhoea Quickly Cured aaya will with salt snd meat sauce allghtly spending faw wlnlr. Tile doctor ahe aoon by Nebo, in. wad bothered for ten "I was taksn with diarrhoea and lapse Into unconsciousness, snd th diluted with water: putting a thin "I lice of cold ahlckeg troubles doe-to- Miss Mary Uelghton. who has bean Mr. Torka. the merchant hare, per are determined to keep this up until snd a thin slice year with female and the Ollchrlat auaded me t try a bottle Cham of cold hem together, by putting a did sot help me. I was an weak snd the gueat of Mrs Roland at ef thsn. Slice of en s lettuce day a. ra- her lain.. Colic. Cholera aad Diarrhoea Ess you know, I heron lesf and nervous I could not do my work for aeveral haa whsnever think of Placing heiween th bread, by pulling that Remedy- After taking one doae of pour girl belag ao deluded, and I mmed to tha city. that a thin avMea of all. -- and every month had to spend a few it I waa I bacon and a thla cured. It also cured nthera about so important a matter. am of a days In I read ao many about I gave deb-har- chicken i.n crisp lettuce leaf dip bad. letters A and Boh Hollldey re- that It to." wrltea M. E. alck at heert. Undoubtedly they mean Just ths daintiest, handleet. moat convenient cooking utenill you have r Basra ped in .old Kren. h dreeela. by m Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable d week-en- Oriole. P Thla la not at all beet, but den t you think they ever seen. It hold jual Iwu portiona The dish la of ths vsry best turned frn .pending tha tba Ing bulled hsm. hard belled eggs, sweet I unuaual. An ordmar attack of are making a cruel mtataks? gating female troubles that got crockery. In a rich dark glased brown The alsnd la aolid coppsr in a at Cloudcroft. diarrhoea, can Invariably cucumber pick lee. ollvee, salad dreee-lag- , almost ha We cannot tell a eoul that It la to prppei and sslt. s bottle of It. It did m more good than beautiful pattern, heavily nickeled, one le large . for two peo May guaata cured by on r two doses of this be born, and It has slways seemed to anything else I ever took and now It has family. Mra. Mas and bar remedy. It ta one Parking nandwiches In paraffin pa- pie, two are nough fur a enjoyed a haaaoa party at of the moat me that te summon a aeul out ef eter- per will cured me. fee) better than I hav bo has haa bean reapenalbll-lly- . k.ep them freak far some the city Sun- preparation that nity ta rather a terrible tilt everybody tha Cloud' ruft returned 40 rltacovered. Thuaanda have teetlfled But when thai which drawa for years and toll what day evening: to Its value For sal by all druggists dsep Compound has done for me. I believe I One of the e (."a.eroIes. 7 coupons ami 40 cents; two, front out th boundless turns I MIRY 1RV Advert lsemeat sgatn we can tell ths depart- TKKHIT sot be living but for 7.r Mra. Una Weleost came down hems." wosh 14 eon pons and cents. Forwarded to out of town Sua lay where she ing eoul that It 1. about to aall hack Th nii.ii More that." -- Mr. Hbttis GngBMBTKr tT, from Cloudcroft 00 Need Olaaeeef Ash aegall Itt Me Into ternlty from which It came Drtahs Beer readers on receipt of remittance; transportation apeat a few oW - the Maa.i tiesanany, Say Nebo. Illinois. haa and I think that when we fall to do Mgure Bug e It we ehrlak solemn duty It is generslly thought charges collect. Baa Ps toman was a Bun that Qr Mlaa trice Oftemlmea mualeaan complain of B. B. Since writing th above I mam drinks mors beer than aay day vial tor at riaudcaoft. la. k of appreciation, hut la a one or there have talked with two friends sdher n. .n in th world. Thla la Instance of one who won on the mailer, aad I under If t Mr and Mra Unman C Mylea sad more admiration than h had ever hete not been too emphatic Oae a mistake Uermsny sums second Candy Special children who have boon traveling ta aaplted to A Cktlarse aalnlatsr to woman said she bad done just this The failed Stales consume 1,111.- Ma- COUPON Furopa for several month Hi reach Waah lagton waat to hear the asm thing, that her motive wee 10 soa gallon ef aeer each year. CASSEROLE New York thla weea, rine hand alas. Parttoularly waa ha aave her mother from suffering aa whl h I a hundred million gallons New, Rich Inipreaaed with I by tha roan bo or player, she would l( ahe had know that more than tier many a consume! to n Presented the wash-em- ao much ao. la fact, Jeha Burrh wag d viett r that ha offered death, which she greatly feared, was Kuaela Isada the world In lla use of Cocoanut Chewing et the Cloud, rofi lodga him a handaome easaseittent la st hand Of course this point of dietilled llejuor. aad the United China be account, State cesses e aad. with its can Caramels MORNING TIMES, AUGUST 19, 1913 a '1 never en Id alee must taken into but will have aeaa a Jugrgler." la auca aumi'tlea of gallon ai Mr sad Mr. W T l.emen viattar. who aaayld aa unieea there aome eatreme ltt,u.u thoy awallow of death H still asema to me it though th United Stat la Bret as 16c Lb. ted from Denter. ehere ich braaa pipe a you and apli U fear a Per Seven coupons of consecutive date a set. visiting aon tha Is fairer 10 let the traveler know nation and eatvnd complete Save keen their pt out again and yet tha leaopie hare aa a conaumsr vf dWtiilrd spirit, aATl KU u.M.l aaeath. regard It with a a Wk of ef the Journey hs Is to isks among the tl utter - 'O nslloa ef the eurtd the gal a Iteevr deelere of America are having mi BTURiCS START SAVING THEM TODAY. v. dattghtor Pees Set Saeaaeea Mra. T. U right aad Me . .a.Ml a deeperat fight for tha Ufa of their I a aga Villi Mane arrived the cy Sat Freak ard tents the Sueee la gfgR. M Ills a S aa --aSv traffic Elite UofectiwMry to. urday to vtelt Mm fortneir-- outer Mas at halloa, w C Whit A C. Wyom bl Th aaloen has eeea aapelled I lag graeery STT I Oaorgia Baalth They will wen net, atreet Phase far a Ii--' (rum one half of the pepeletloa and I SIX EL PA8Q MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 118. As We Journey Through Life Let Us At Least Exist by the Way Corrida. Laidcraa, rtrvore Pools thus a Ing th game far Chicago tur Blanch. Wllllama entered the Three haae hit Cravat h Home rana This was th flrat appear nc of Mill aecond round hy default on the part ARMY GIANTS WIN DOUBLE Arhoer. saler. Lagst ha. Double play WIN IN THE NINTH arrtgaa tm th earn eager at "Jake" MORE RAGE ENTRIES "f R. C. Beaver and Tnurhard woa CAN BEAT THE Hoolen and Kanbe; Underlie to Mow-la- Btahl. although h was appointed hla way hy defeating Waaler Robert Bvara to CajtMaWB ta Bair Base manager IB this el'y when th Boston of Hartford. Conn., la straight aet on hall Off Humphries l. off Bren- eleb Is at appeared her I BOX FIND TKRRRATT AWD DICMAREf Vlf. nan I. Btruck out By Brennan by TIGKRB MAKR A OARKtAON FIN- core: tv H. F IT IB POfWIBLK THAT THIRTY-Fi- t "M'li 11 Asuat'MBBT SOLDIERS lmlay 1. 1'mplree and Km I la. rDer BnetB ttet 000 --0 I F. ARK EASY. ANYWAY TOIl IK TWO HARP I'OWTBRTa. ISH AND TARR (iUll CARS WILL START l ea Ike .r Welsh Is sTsi Chicago 010 00tt 0 1 I 0 Bran,., Pittsburgh l; New York n. Retteries leennard "ni. 1tW By The dsusaUss1 Rdlent. and By Tae Jseeefaled Pre Mnrlarlty BrHts a Liner Into night, arrlgah. Russell Hhslk May Qnlnle of Com- Pret Take a Cueandy (.a me From ttw Qukm Txwv i.l.lng the Naw Aug. New snd Vancouver. A C, Aag. York. It. The W Summary Two baa hlta: Gerdner Bayard TNaam try a Score 1rmArm an Irurm- -d leeel York rhamplona their land Bcortng inning Ran Again tend Towns AR Welsh's hreskdnws. Wbtrb hss esaaed a lncrsad a Chaae (2) Rase na halls: off Bed tent pnstnonereest B Il.stgrr. Win Two (.antra by winning a dnuhla header from Athletic leers Win. la atvewt of his lightweight haul of to 4. 1. Btruck out. by Rnsaell I; Redlent with Champion Willie Bit. hie scheduled Pittsburgh today, tha scores being i 1. Umpire Rgn and Dtneen. to far taioor ly, resulted frnis s physical I. and I to I. garftaon ha bad a barkwondsmss rime BpeHel Ce I " Winning Enable header from th In the flrat game both Demaree and Making a flnlah in the Entries for th Bl argnrat with Bl while the Qmkan, ..ntennsrs rinth Inning the Detroit Tigers lei lUUR. a weak ago. Welab aad the logger en- Fort ttaysrd, N M. Aug It Th. first', Camalts yielded up ten hlta but the road race have become more numer- gsm--o- In the rare. to th "ub. the Hew the Athletics yesterday after- gaged I a difference of opinion over th B Paso Whit Sox won th first lol New York pHnher waa stronger In tha Btaasaag e bnsdred-preaa- CMsnts today preetlrelly rfnrhen1 noon by a aror of t to 4. The win- the 0Me ous during the past severs! day and roratag bout and the their western trip here this after Tsrk pinches was handicapped Wisi Leat The the National l ie pennant All that I'amnttl ning run waa scored on Moris rlty's rvt Robert H. Rhlnehart, of th speed woodsman Struck the lightweight. noon when they defeated ihe by poor 71 41 .01 were 4 ran beat them now It an nnhearil of the cairhaM of Rlmnn. tha single, with two men off basea and Dnvr committee of the El Auto club, latter retaliate, nnd before they hy a to score. Th game was atanta ateallng aeven baaea. Dee M..lns 10 Pao separated t be war roll leg ea th hy comedy The eerie f oefeete. one out. tl tit Is the opinion least twenty-five- , pair marked throughout scared In Inning on Lincoln i .110 of that at pavement I fig Welsh wss kicked Rig Jeff Tearean and Damar, al- the first The Washington Senators defeated tt possibly thirty-five- , the It visitor played and gars Byrna's St. Joseph Of and ears la his wa though hit hard, managed to pull nut single and ileal, Mclean's the Cleveland Nap by acorlng three 'It 14 Rorder-isn- the stiimarh aad aakle turned the local tram its four runs wild atngie New Omaha 4 .47 will start in the event. The He renamed training s dsy or (wo Ister. pitched a good game. with a doahl victory. Both club hit throw and viox runa In the tenth Inning. tt towns ars sll taking sn active tluilerres P. ten being York tied It In tha third on Burn's Highlanders the Topeh ,11 tl .411 Ig rsnalag on the read, egela prlned ters waa fond for thirteen hlta F!l the ball hard, at leaat hlla The defeated Bloux City Interest In th race. ht made by each team la each came. pass and Rhafer'a single. In the Browns, while the Whit Sox took It ti .Its the lajhred aakle. Paso waa charged with three errors ran Wiser TBey na, Teday. Five car will possibly start from Hltchle essralnsd Welch's ankle today Captain sst on the bench, Tor elghl Innings tha came between sixth and seventh tha 'Hants wild the game from the lied Sox. (ems Tucson. Th Tucson th Smith snd Cuba Quaker waa hard fought. on bases four runa on ha at Dwr. Cltlsen has and sfterwsrd vetoed s suggestion that Jackson filled the short stop position the and the and acorad St Jnsaph follow ing th Hay Quaker went to piece and five hits and be sea The AMKRICAt M at Lincola. urtleie regarding entrla the Kngllshmss might keep Ike Labor M. bulla directed (he team. Then tha four stolen UH'r Dea Mnlne at Wichita from city: engagement all. the Cuba scored slg ruaa. rallied two nut IB th thst after The Sox left here touaght for Pirates with Bbnix City Topeka. me s (wenty-ronn- The Brave defeated tha Reda hy and scored two na Wilson's at "Another racing rar haa been "Freddie niiipoiated Is Ing. where they play tomorrow. ninth runs In An old Bulck bout before I bees Si ckampton," tha cor of 4 to I. and the Trolley single and Mitchell s Won Pet. Tucson Somebody mhy want to read the fo- homer. Lost ; S. 17; 40 declared Rltrhle. "W were both is ex- Dodgers won two cam from tha Car- - game 71 Omaha. Denver, model h or power touring car llowing: In the second th (Hants Philadelphia It til B,i Th i ga- cellent physlcsl and tenth golag 41 or, Acffed Prttt being overhauled at th Norton condltloa A.B. R. H. o pounded RoblnaoB freely In tha flrat Cleveland tt Denver. August Denver won rage away st high speed. He Wsl the faster the XL PASO: P 41 II. and will be popping at th at ef I 1 0 0 four Inning nnd Cooper, who aleo Washington II the gam two. New that I champion I at to Oowan. I t NATIONAL r. ....II last of the series from starting line when the racers leave Fl ni I HIM finished (he flrat game, could not Chicago se tl tt tit Omaha today, 3. Conga I wipe oat that defeat of two years ago Qurtb. lb t to ton was for Phoenix thla fall. 1 atop their hatting. O'Toola prevented Boston 14 51 491 responsible Pao snd I wsut to he lust as good Oray. lb t 2lt3i1 11 of for all of tha vlaltora' "The as tough history , 4 2 Staadia the li.he. Detroit '.4 tt 4M car ha a as I SchHlts. 2b I t ' the champlona from scoring In tha runs, getting two home runs, with one aa he was when be sdmlalstrred It. Won. Pet Lost 41 71 111 (he little Bulck which csme In second Woolen, c 4 2 1 t 3 TOO seventh and eighth Inninga. Teareau St man on base The batting of wast to give bins ample time to let the York 1.11 Harris at on 2. Bu- 4 0 1 2 Mow II was hit hard several Inninga, New York II It .lit featured Denver. Sacramento July After aakle heal snd be la perfect shape wbea Jackson. ! Philadelphia 4 ! for but for ffering snrtg 'indigni- 0 the Pirates failed to reap tha benefit Where They May Teday. Score: R H B all of household be meets me." , Barker, If I 2 0 Chicago It HI .443 ties Wa In sr-vlc- e Nellies, 2 0 0 II their In the fourth Philadelphia at Detroit Omaha 000 201 7 the csr pirt the rent rf Pittsburg tT .III "f opportunities 0002 I 1 0 7 tt PltUburgh had with New York at St. Louis Denver 200 021 31x t II 2 her and made nightly trlpa to MAY BOX ( BOHB. Bullerres, p I 49 I .III the baaes full a nearby resort until It was feared 4 ! none out, but failed to score There Boston at Chicago. Batteries: Hicks. O'Brien and Boiton 40 Johnson. Sheets thst she might lie down on the street. Welsh Will Met Be Able I Bill II i I 27 It 41 71 .174 were many pretty fielding fenturee, Washington at Cleveland. k: Harrla and Block. Is right Cincinnati Summary: Two base hit Harris. On one of her trip ahe to Best. II, With Rltrhle. A B. R. H P Bt. Leouls 42 7! .173 Including shoestring catchea by Mur- trld FT BATARD: I.- l Qui city only 1 n ray and Mitchell. In the two games la S; Washington, . Three base hit lien. Coffey. Har- straighten out a alley but By The 4ooaled PrtM Mandel. If I' t t By I jtasocMtrd Pre ris. Home rurss Butcher, Conga), succeeded In twisting up her Baa . 4 1 0 10 Where They Play Today . Burns made four hlta and drew two If front Franclsee. Aug. Is will hnx Fenton. lb Cleveland. August It. Wsshlngton ton (2). Btruck out By Hicks. 1. spring fork. Welsh on Sept. 18. He rlalraa bis sakle Campbell, 2b t I 7 4 PItrsbtirg at Naw York. paaeea In eight times at bat and by 1. won th flrat game of a e O'Brien. Baae on ball Har- "Now th boys In the Norton shop will be all right. On Labor Day Ritchie Pelera, p I 0 t. 1 Cincinnati al - acored five runa. ; aerteu with Cleveland which started ris, Hicks, t. Umpire Aaderaon. are overhauling old will box the beat man cas be tec a red inlaw c 0 Hi. Louis at Brooklyn. Score' H thoroughly the that I 17 R E 1 4 - here today. The game was a close car. and will all worn part by the etab here." Qragory, as I Chicago at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh .,. . 100 000 01 2 replace I It one In th first nine Innings, but In and up. race The foregoing telegram reached bare to- Dtek, of 4 9 I New 001 002 20x S tune her She will with York It t the a butting rally netted the night from Willie Rltrhle' maoager In- Oomes. 4 I Bo.tna 4. tenth regular stock rear axle and gearing. rf t Claraaaatl It Batteries Camnllg, Cooper and visitors runs and the contest. Wichita, Kan August It. Inef- dicate the lightweight champion's plans Lyons, 4 0 0 n 0 7" i ,... three However, they admit stock th By He n.j Simon, Glbeon; Demaree Mclean. 2. Boeh-lln- g fective pitching and error gave Dea that the for aad The scors was t to Pitcher gear one-ha- September contests, following the dls. Boston. An, it Roikon won from Summary Two (21. Washington, an early Molne a walkaway In aecond referred to la two aad beat hit: Burn of who aet th to one which is some gear. srrangemeat of the schedule because of 10 I t 27 IS Cincinnati today when a rain and an Three baaa Hogie season by winning eleven game of the seriea. Two home runa stock an to pros- hit: 8hafer. run: record "R. E. of this city accident Freddie Welsh, hi Score hy Innings: electrical atortn commenced In the lth Mitchell. Base on balls: off Demare atralght gamea and then lost th next and two doublea and a single ware FUhburn has pective opponent for Labor Day. game a ached-ule- entered a Voile racer will soon El Paao 24)1 000 tin inning of the flrt of , Camnlts 3. De- four h pitched, broke his losing made off Perry before there was a and San Francisco fight followers regard game. Struck out: by announce who will drive. Ft. Bayard 10 101 double header and ended tha maree 7: Camnlts I. Umpires Klem streak by winning today's game. putout In the first. This car Leech Croak aa the moat likely candidate lit With the aror standing 4 to I In fa Sjore: R H B Score: R H B Is said to be a real goer and can eas- for lb Labor Day boat with Ritchie. Summary: Two baae hit Wool gam und Orth. Dea ily rar of the locals The aecond Second Qame Washington .010 001 100 2 t 13 t Moines ..501 000 242 14 17 make ever 70 on the road. The Three baae hlta Ourts' (t), Oowan waa poatponad Until tomorrow. 101 000 10 2 Wichita .. 002 000 12 4 Veil company I aw, Campbell. Stolen bases Score: ft H. E. Cleveland ...100 ..110 i heretofore built racers PACIFIC COAST l.l Bark. Uurlng tha atorm which laated about Boehling 02Henry: Batteries: Musser. Lakaff, Faber and specials thla year because of Oray. Jackson. Fenton, Oowan. Si Plttaburgh ... 000 010 10 1 Batterl: and but twenty mlnutaa. lightning struck th 0001 Blending, Cullop. and O'Nell. and Shaw, Harrison; Perry, Scott and their Increased business en- out By Outierres 7; Petereon 4. Hi New York 203 010 S 12 2 Jamea truck snd Standing ef tb grandstand. Telegraph operatora, Ota Summary: Two base O'Neill, Wacob. larged dab. on balls Outierres : Pbtersnn Batteries Robinson, Cooper, hit line have abandoned msklng Won. Lost Pet working In the press atand on the roof, Lajole, Morgan. Three base Summary: Two base Umpires. McCIeary, Lieutenant Ba .1 O'Toole and Gibson; hit hitLeonard anything but the popular stock cars. Portland 71 tt .It. racalved alight hock but no othar Tesreau and Morgsn, Blandlng. Double (2, Jones, Sheldon. Bills, Davis. "Corbett's red Btutx will be (here Sacramento II Wilson. base hit Hunter. Home run-F- ox. tt .ill (OI.OR.Win were hurt. plays Lajole to Chapman, to Foster; Three t the starting line with Suth- Loa Angelea 17 7 .ion LABOR FBDERATIOV In Nummary Two base hit: Murray. Hunter. Double playa to Frank The visitor scored the flrat Inning Foster to Morgan to Gandll. Base Faber erland driving. The car will be com- Venice 7 70 aa by a single Three base Double Dlandlng, 1; Cullop, 1; Shaw to Sheldon; Hughes to Koerner. .lit By Th .4 Mortared a double Bchr and hit: Fletcher. on balls pletely overhauled equipped Oakland . 14 71 .474 Pre by Cincin- plays: Hersog (o ; Boehling, 3. out Struck out By Perry. E; Musser. I; and with Colo., Aug 18. A strong Maraani. Boston ovcrcama to Merkle IHetarter; Jamea. Struck th same accessories and parapher- Han Franclscg tl 71 .171 Trinidad. nati e lead In the eame Inning, a baaa Carey to Gibson; Tesreau to Wilson to Cullop. 1; Boehling, 2. Umpires Fabor, t; Scott, 2. Bases on balls otinclatlnu of tbe policy of large on ball to Maranvllle, Connelly's Merklu; Wagner to and Off Perry, f; off Musser, 1; off La- nalia as the Stuts racers which have companies of Importing Miller. Base on Hildfhrand Evana 1; been winning so many Victoria 12; armed Kin and a double by McDonald, giving I. ails kaff, off Scott, 1; off Faber, (. victories of Portland It. lato where off Robinson ti Cooper I. late. wfll carry Seattle 6; Vancouver 2. dlatrlet labor contrnv tha local two runs. Struck out: by Tesreau 6; New York, 4; St. Louie, 2. Umpire Abbott. It a different rear axle are In progress, ass contained In th. Robinson shaft and fly wheel. When gun Spokane 6; Tncoma I. la Boiton' half of the alxth lni...ig. empires Klem and Orth. fly The Aoctsd Pre the uual address of President Jobn M Myer and Connelly singled and after Topeka. I; Bloux City, S. cracks It is said that the red demon nan before tbe eighteenth annual com. St. Louis, August It. New York By The iuocirUi Pre will be able to open up SOI7THKRN LKAGCK. two had bean put out smith walked, i "hi- - l; gained In to a tune of tlnn of the Colorado Federation of Lit. St. Brooklyn a lead off Mitchell the first Topeka, Kan., August 70 2; Chattanooga 1. filling tha baaa. Mann singled, scor- 0y The AoiViafre1 Inninga Louis It Although over with ease. Nashville which held Ita opening session here to.! Preti and fifth which St. Sioux City players "C. T; Birmingham 2. ing Connelly and McDonald Then tha not overcome, visitors tak-- : made but three A. Ifallla Is riding around in A'.lanta The guards were characterised ss "lilr Brooklyn, Aug. II. Brooklyn took could the they defeated Topeka easily be- game rain came dowu In torrents and tha two games Ing the opening game of the farewell hits his Studebaker racer, the old veteran (Two scheduled.) aaaalns" who were given ample of today's double header cause Reynolds was given miserable solely game wa called. 7 series 4 to 2. Successive singles by "No. 8." Although Fallis to to defeat tbe purposes of organ 2 with St. Leoula, to 1 and to t. support. Reynolds refuses T 220 Score R. H. K t Hartsell and Pecklnpaugh waa benched by admit whether the Need Glasses Ask Segall, Me. labor." Allen and Rucker were both effective, Cook. Cree. Umpire O'Toole protesting s car will race or Cincinnati ion 000 l t 0 In opening round counted two for for the not he former allowing only tha on sdmlts that the little flyer has 877 ...IN-tl- 4 1 th four hits and pass, decision a called ball. a Phone for s Taxlcab. Need Glasses T Ask Segall. 230 Mess. Baalon the six. New York. A Malsel's single and Soore: R complete racing rear axle lying in flatter! A me and Perdu latter Doak snd Harmon a double play by Cree in the H E Los Angeles Clark; were both hit fifth Topeka 100 100 000 .J 4 which can be put on the and Harlden. hard, the Superbaa netted the bracer of t car in clinching the game by tallenders' other Stoux City 110 000 002 I I 2 leas than three days. Two baaa hits Baacher. McDonald first a double, tallies St. Louts could not bunch "It Is generally a triple and two Bingice on top of two Batteries: Reynolds. Fullerton and rumored that Three haae hit Beachar. Klolen baa hits off Ford until the laat Inning, Sweet: and Rapp. big Oldsmobile Baae on pasaes In the alxth Inning for five wheu two were out, sin- Elder roadater will be Clark. ball Ann 3; Per- after Pratt Summary: Three base hit Burns. among the entrants from this city. It AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY due I. Struck outPardon t; Ames 1. runa gled and scored with Williams, when Rapps.' la known Umpires the latter drove Into the right field Two base hit Double playa that Tatum offered the use Breunan and Eaaon. French to Mr Larry to Cochran to of his car to a local driver offer- eight hlta for five runs In the fourth seats for a homer. Austin then sin- Sweet Cochran; Cooney and AND ACCESSORIES and fifth Innings. gled, but Brief sent up an easy fly to to Smith. ed to bear s portion of the expense." Cttlraga lot Philadelphia t This waa enough Raaea on ball Off Reynolds, 2: off ! The Annotated lo win. Collins, secured from New- - ending the rally and the game. To- frctt day's game waa Mitchell's since Fullerton, 2; off Elder, 7. Struck Mow as HI Philadelphia. Aug. lit ror In- - first out By Reynolds, M.- -. eight n t; by Fullerton, 1; isalli the game his run-i- with Umpire O'Loughlln In Umplre-rO'Too- Sing today game here waa hard second and ran bases well. VynTv by Elder, I. le. eta. sal. fought Then Chicago nunougn ne fly New last week. President John- TENNIsSpiENT Automobiles for developed a mutrea a Seven son lifting pitcher's suspension HirefjQ1 ninth inning batting rally and by mak-Iti- dotlhle nlava lent Iks iu.. i...i,i... tha Lincoln. S; St. Joe. 1. AUTO STAND nine oonsecutlv cutting off many sides.' this morning. By The A Mortared pe hit, acorad sis runs on both Score: R H E runa and won the game from Phila- rapnt-iaii- Lincoln, August If". oral sua strong in tne New York 200 020 000 4 10 1 Lincoln won Playing; True) y Form the. delphia by 10 to 4. Tha visitors knock. field nulllnv nff ... a hard fought game from Bt Joseph Real Crude Paiitiae ..v.e.l St. Louis .....000 000 002 2 10 1 for Titular Honors lit TiiraiifC. e0 Alexander, who had prevloualy woo catches. Mages aleo made a wonder- - today by a score of 3 to I. Both Came alght gamea row, Batteries: Ford and Sweeney; Through WlBBBII Bt. In a off tha rubber iui unci eaten. Manager Mitchell and Alexander. pitchers were equally effective In the In Good Shape, Auto Painting In three Inning by making lx hit, lliieelns wn. not cot ,K. -- j Summary: Two base hit Cree. plnchea but Crutcher was more lib- which Included a home run by Archer, game eral with hi passes. KnApp and Daw- for objecting to a strike called Home run Williams Bases on balls dtatlngulahed By The Afociatcd Pre and two doublea. With Brennati 1. By son themselves by their pitching Off Mitchell. Struck out batting. Newport. R. I.. Aug. 18 Qoodyear-No-Rim-C- ut the next five Inninga. Phila- Flrat Game Ford. 6. Mitchell. 2. Umpires Playing delphia made a good uphill fight. A Score: R H E true to form, the real contender for Tires Score: R. H. B. and Connolly. pinch hitler took Brennan'a plaaa In Lincoln 010 002 OOx S 7 2 titular honors in Uie thirty-thir- d an- INTERNATIONAL AUTO CO.. Afeats. 116 Texas 1921 St. Louis 000 100 000 1 4 1 St. 000 001 2 1 nual championship Street. Phone the eighth and Mayer went In to pitch Phi'- - .V Joseph 010 I singles tourna- U Brooklyn 100 7 0 dHtvhuv 4. unroll. tha ninth. With one out, lot Ni By ...... ( Press Batteries: Dessau and Carney ment came through the Initial rounds Batteries Doak. Perrltt and Hllde-brnn- 7e it. today atarted a rally whtoh included doublea Detroit, August It. One man was Crutcher and 8chang. Griffith. Two without upset. Maurice E. by h and Corrldon. a home run Allen and Miller. ttaae hit Waaterstl, Dowling. Three present title holder, led the Summary Two out In the ninth tw men were on Rkbrist. MtUr Car Co. by Baler and alugle by Bvrra, Hchulte, base hits: Evans. base Morlarity shot a alssllng liner base hit Dawson (2). Home run California contingent, every member AUTO TIRES Zimmerman. Williams. Archer Moran. Three baae hit: Cutshaw. Knapp. Bases on balls Off Crutch- of which scored victorias In first and Into right and Gainer raced home er, By the a Aatoale Bt. , rasa, tag Humphries During the rally Wllllama Double playa: Mowrey to Hugglna to en- I. Struck out Dessau, f; by or second rounds. The eastern divi- " from second with th run that 6. Umpire aplked Doolan on the foot trying to Konetchy, Miller to Cutahaw; Flatter abled Detroit to defeat Philadelphia. Crutcher, Segrlst. sion. Including Clothier, ateal aecond base and Read went to to Daubert. Struck out: by Perrltt to 4. From minute It atarted Wllllama Voshell, Dabney and Wal- 1; I th AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. WESTERN MOTOR Fisft ahorutop After the vlaltora had made Allen t. Umpires Rlgler and until tt thrilling final, the game lace F. Johnson, were equally success- nine hlla In a row. I inlay Byron. ful. The pairings, however, failed to tires aucreeded waa a gruelling, desperate struggle. 400 SUM Mayer and fanned Leash. Becker was Second Game Detroit hit Plank aafely in the inn- Btaadsag el the Claaa. produce any star matches. badly Jarred raolug agalnat the lileai-h-a- s"-- R. H. B. ings that runs were scored. Dubuc Won. Lost. Pet. Of the three foreign player en- SUPPLY COMPANY ... Milwaukee 71 .110 wall after Archer' horns run and St ii - .... 011 000 0 was found for eight drives In the It tered, two were eliminated and the 0002 I Louisville 17 &4 .114 left the game Bldwell waa doubled Brooklyn .... 000 120 1 first Inninga, but after that he was third won hi way into th second ltz t It Columbus .IE7 up at the plate after Duderue caught Batteries Harmon and Wlngo: Invincible. Murphy scored Philadel- It II round. Baron Von Lorsner defeated WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Toledo 17 a foul by Humphrlee In tha alxth In- Kucker and Miller. phia's run In the opening Inning when It .4C Louis H. liobb in straight sets, but ning Urldwell threw a handful he singled, etol and came home on Minneapolis It II Ms K. Von Lorsner, I I. PASO AUTO CO. of dirt Summary Three base hits Cath-er- .lit brother. after 8ALE8 almot Into lupin O'Day fai r and Baker's base lilt In the Detroit half. Kansas City 14 tl .441 playing four fast sets sgainat B. C. J. K. Johnson, Jr., Mgr. wa Wheat. Smith. Double St. Paul 41 14 .420 ordered otf th field. to O Leary; () 'Laary Louden and Cobh duplicated the play. Wilson, defaulted In the fifth with WINTON SIX T1S N. Ochoa fag. Tel. SMS Hear to singles by Indianapolis 44 77 314 games 4 H. H. E. Whitted to Successive Baker and t to In his favor. Chicago 001 001 1 o'Leary, Oakea and an error In the pro- P. A Vile, England, lit It II to Konetchy; Cutahaw to fourth of draw Alfred m Philadelphia 000 Oil 101 4 t 0 Dauhert duced th Athletic' second tally and Milwaukee 1: Minneapolis I. Dabney aa opponent in hla Initial E. P. S. W. BUILDING liatlerlea Humphries Baae on bails: off Harmon I; Rucker they counted flqal two runa in Toledo 7; Indianapolis I. and Archer; 2. their match and loat In atralght afnglea. COR. FRANKLIN AND Alexander, Brennan, Mayer, lmlay Btruck out: Harmon 1; Rucker 4 the fifth on an error, a passed hall, Loutsvllie-Columbu- postponed. gal- N. STANTON ana -- Byron Much of the atteatlon of th AGENCY Howley. Kllllfar. ' implies and Rlgler. Collin single and Mclnnls' sacrifice No others scheduled. lery was devoted to the play of the I'hon sios C. P. HENRY. Manager Two baae hlta Brhult. Baler, LeSach, members of the Davis cup team and TKXAK I.FAOl'K. Detroit rallied In the fifth and tied the youthful entrant from the EL PASO RUBBER the ai ore Gainer beat out a bunt to TESTE POUNDS MESA PITBHEfl coast. Handles at Plank, Morlarity walked and Dubuc McLoughlln. In early VULCANIZIN- A AUTO t'laa. coming his snatch, G- SUPPLY C. ARE YOU DISEASED Won. Loet. Pet doubled. Gainer home Then ahowed the effect of hla play I'lsone No. Spg B. B SICK, Buah cracked a single to left and hard tal U Paao H"u,,to II - abroad and the aubaequrnt lack of 71 til Mnrlarlty Lrmders of halt Rlrea- Valley NERVOUS, RUN DOWN? tl .si, and Dubuc seored Strunk, league practice. He easily defeated hla op- AUTOMOBCUlB wto 71 It Ml who singled, was the only vlaltor to Hurl Baok tha Runners Up, fter ponent, Ahoa Plnchot, who, handi- Maw Yea Bleed Pateea, stldaa. Han Antonio it 14 m reaih first lute after the fifth. In a sharp AUack. capped by a lame knee, could do STUDEBAKER Rkkmrtltmm Cm Dutnk't'n Bladder sad I rlaart Troabl.T Auetle 44 14 to the ninth, after Veach filed to Strunk Nfr U. IV SO, ('ONSI'IT FKBBl nothing with McLoughlln'a Service It! San Blaaln as. IM, Fort Worth tt 71 us Gainer beat hla secoBd but and stroke The champion rnos TMB uaVBMA B --AMBHItA DUt'TOB . Sianage waa passed. Morlarity step- and howvr, Ualvton . s u 411 SALT HI V ICR VAUjKY LKAGUK. demonstrated that hi Judgment of W Cava Beaumont It ped Into the flrat ball and drove It on LONQWELL AUTO & TRUCK m a ila over M. urns' head. dletanre and angle wa not at Its SALES CO. mitt, standing lube. day of play will prob- LOOI), aad Where Soore: R H B of the t beat. Another Tat, Play Teaay. W. ably old- - form, ski. IMeea, Beaumont Philadelphia 120 2 U Pet. find him In hla tint at Houston .100 0004 t Temp . 2 again. WHITE Ob.iri.. ilea, San Antonio at Detroit 10 001 I f t f .70 rmwlc Teoa. Oalvton Balterlea Lapp, Meaa 4 I 111 William M Johnston snd Clarence COLE Auatla Plank and Dubac ble.. IAH1IO-lll- l at Waco. 4 moved the aecond Fort Worth and Stallage Phoentx t tOO Griffin into round Ml Dill at Dallaa 1 s on by opponents, J R. t Maroon defaults but t s.l.r. sumraan Two baas hit Dubuc. no beeti aag ) Klda, pla Strachen had to dsfeat F T. Freliag-huyae- a a. in. i. aad Waco ; Double Dubuc to Gainer Base American Garage t HI m HI Die. on balks Plank. S; Dubuc, J. Struck Ms raur cciel CerneaeaeVal In straight sets to kpe pace. At waeo 1. . aaaa aad All Score: out Plank. 2. Umpire O'Lough- Tenipe. de- Both Strarhan and Johnaton. who Sr. Waeo Aria, Aug. II. Tempe rhreak aad 1 0 lln and Sheridan. tested Meea la a hotly contested game in. t and defeated William Blair la Oleeaee Beaumont g y 4 the ae. nd round, had epeed '' by acor to 4. their and ABER-CLEMENT- ef Mea aad a of t Until th fifth Battel lea Hill and Crosby; o. 1. placement (actios undi r perfect con-I'i- ii S and Reynold. mil flucago inning thinga war evaa, then, wrth tl Chicago. 111 . Aug. Chicago de- iitayiag op lo th form shoan II two on. Nwtt, Tempo's catoker. Hear feated Huston 1 to today In th lammed una over the fence for In previous tournament this season. AUTO CO. to t p. mteaBuu Awatln S: (.al game a The grandstaad court haa SUPPLY VI. Initial of th visitors' farewell homer. Whit berg wa t'lhl At Auatln Score. II F knocked out lo It. Norrte Wllllama bnGus- t urner MrrsW nod eerie here: A daring double ateal in of the box in the elxth and replaced aad Ranaaa Austin 1 1 1 by gave tavo Touchsrd for tomorrow's f ea - Galveston g the aecond Collin and Chase by Goodwin who did bat little belter Byaaffa - the locale the game. new Temp Batteries- Clements aad Hugh The pitcher. La Rock, did and know what real enjoy If yea Harbin Wilson Chaee opeued atith S double and excel inn work The game waa well meal tMBtUsAH-dJ- and of yoar waa sacrificed 10 third Collin attended and much tatbualaean was ear amouata to. ingled ' ..lie. U but Chase held thrld. The shown Every Woman "Banna with us "at all La At Delia theft fulluwad e moment later Only our R. H R Is aad Dallas SHE save did Manager Carrtgan'e team Temp 110 011 0 0 BUaraaled laaald TRY A "LEE TUBE" get tlx knew about th woaatarM TN OLR RIUARUT" 1 Houston I 7 0 a ma a to third baa. Ii waa a Maea Oil 000 -- 4 t I f Batten Fond.r Baahenttil ealch by Larry Chappsll In th math Batten La.10Rock and Null; Wait Crtae and Keynolda ahull tntually prevented th Ho berg. Goodwin and Morn u. man. from winning Bugle had aaamary Btruck out by LaKock 1 singled, Furl Worth Baa n aad lit latter filed to Bodle 0; WAM berg . Ooodwlu 1 Wild At Leonard. Tax Score wis Biade great running catch path. Wht berg Pngaed ball: Mutt. k II ha caaaot Greer's .Electric Garage Kurt Worth Lewis followed with a long fly which Two baae bits Spike. Null Three tb MAkVlX, Baa eoss- eabss, bat Aatoalo looked Ilk a burner, bat Coaitskey baaa UBf Oviado. Core. Horn, ma: a U. high pruad ouUasidey rsc4 far back Null oa tsaee; Temp ssad uuep bar book Auto Supplies, & and Goodrich Tires .;, tR t. ktaa 44 1 rggatusu. H'tut I deep center aad eaaght th bail. t. Umpire- - fcUtea. RweatCa. lllll II EL PASO MORNING TIMpS. TUESDAY, AUOUgT 19. 1913 8HVEN j (WO , taka kaa .afteeed linn. tor T rbh Dew t'tah Oafaaar fa. 114 fMI tklaka tkat wltk tha aid nf Ike Ireef W I none NEW YORK GIANTS glan be ran wta rag tale sea ana IH tba IN STOCK MARKET Welverln. aaked IN GRAIN MARKET SPECIAL AfMr witnessing tan art fight at NOTICE Ja STMH-M- Notice to uit.rme. s U. re Sunday a travsNag atan who kaa s i siuruoiniii Collect of and all 8. GVt Ottid aae big fight and Tau will plaaaa take notes res delivery of nettle, IWHTNQ MOmiO Or MoORAWft f the la ta east Off SMM.I. BUYING aTxTHTUI M re I we Ttaaes rrwas that horse the coast tea remark was r Hi leal te Nm mum m t urm auk made mules that may be shipped or heard ta "It U OveHoett. BSskia. driven, belonging to Oeaaral Don rrArr of twirucrh ubtalgtag sawaey aader falsa prei eases YANCatD Ml AleONG I m BY CORN Tarraaaa. branded fnsbee. Aria, Atfg it n,iM YKTsmiAV 1 - I It was bulling ssairh. not a prlaa Kay tt, ngnt,- - IIVAs Dasgl Inaptratlag 1. Ohio 41; Bhatturh II H Tnaoaah . IWtM, CUM I'pon In fetal Profit Taking f seated of Wreeai 4'losaM a aharee l nee an I It I t be hoped that Iks Ooraaa-ata- r h5 MAsUtBrrg, Onvts Threw. rick fight win he aa Improvesal over vnwmtm Hnhrd kt 04 will authorised tn enter tha United State gi any other port i umm vallla I wn it. the stsged lest Banday A tan fur lnl.llo U. than tha ports of JuArea aad El Pago. August 14th, II 1 lb atry fa la all tke bug want I.I IS TRRRAZAI. By FRANCIBCO R. J"bn McOraw has called OB Jaft fhlrago. Itoajs- - . Receipt By Phe SMeriefed Preee I. MOLINA The White Bag will ret arn home Wet 4e-4ere- sua II Teereea ofltntr to start iwiiim this By re Press market Strang and generally Chicago. Aug. II New high rec- Attorney In PeL ataxia ev Tharaday The ssuresslon compare-tivei- I )Mr than any other member of tha j " New York, Ann II. On a naatal,0.higher Bulk t.T4yt light ord for the season were made In the guff. Up August Rill 1'rawfnrd't race will btowwtk going baylag MOTICB TO THE ORNBRAL (Hants' pitching to m iae atatloa ta sen, email volume of atseka IsllO mined ttlOfylk. heavy corn pit today after a seak opening. 1 the "Utile Napotaoa" had Siva tha advanced In all quarters of the list I7I0 rough 17 107 64. pig It Tha etaa chewed a tin advance of s Tou will please take notion that no ore excerpt myself, my twa ueatgnineat Ma 4; sona. Lata Terrasae, .; and Alberto pitching lo tha Racing aad hnwltag will be Ik winter during the tenre part of today' eeeetnn III. tn V Wheat closed a ahade lo Jr Terrasaa. and J. Fraaclaco Mnllhar, twoaly-flv- s time Jeff only ' attle Receipt market 14 cant net lower, oats flnlehed la are authorised lo sell or dhxpoea of any of my cattle, mule p.ri. in hold away la Rl Paso. Tbe The supply appeared to be event, and 1.e. horse, or weal tha route on elBht ocoaalona, but Women's Cartas bowling tesm la tbe ateady 10 I ante higher Beevee 7 aa 14 04 up at new high tubes for the other Itv atock. branded legal 7 on many of the times ha wa derrick, dls paled champions of the aeathweat andar the af the coppers and 100. Texas steer 14.71 7o, west- year, and provlelona made a net gnln ad ha waa Uftad ta allow a plnoh hit- among women's learn and r keen grangers tha market forged easily. In ern I I0T.lf; atochera and feeder of 7V to llkt. ter to oa !narted into tha proceeding match honors from the males of tke 14 4407 10; cows and heifers II 404 Bull leaders took command anon , addltlea to tbe standard issue., the oil I ftg opened and no-- because he waa not performi- II; calves 100011 after tha corn market and PJ5 and electric, stocks made substantial Bheep Receipts In.nnn the pit. Rain ng- to tha aattafartlon of hie com- tnsrket thereafter dominated by any on be galna. aleady tn atfong. Notice In the drought sirl k. n sowlhweel and and no sale made alee will recognised by ma. And any mander. Her Choice.. 011 700 440; In any In In aplte of the Improving teadenry, weatern 14 0 4 74; yearling easier cables rauaeri a weak npenlng one handling, or manner dealing any of aald atock, without A Hugh Chalmers of Detroit to Mate- r- Well. Rifle, you up 0 14.160 signed ga Ware what are traders were not Inclined to follow ATI; lambs II 1607 II; weatern 16 760 of which Influential purehaaera prompt- bona fide bill of (ale, above Indicated, will ha prosecuted by offer a rar tn the National league going to he whan you are grown upT the market oa th advance. Profit T.W. ly advantage Shorts were eager the Panhandle and Southwestern Stockmen' Asenr-lntlo- Kffie was took of Texas, and lltrher who twirled the greatest num- If t a boy, I'd by presi- taking, together with aome renewed buyera also and prlree rallied Than by 14, to the full extent of the Inw. August 14. 1111. ber of complete game Instead of tha dent; but, easing I'm a girl, I guesa bear eelllng. cut Into the day't galna, City eame a temporary reaction hut the being a rich widow la aa good as Kaaaaa Mveataeh. LUIS TKRItAZAA. player who la moat valuable to hla bringing back price In aome caaaa to By PA AM4seg Pre bulla alarted such a rush of toning By J. FRANCISCO MOLINAR. Chrlety anything. the opening level Ig the final deal- team, Matheweon undoubted- Kansas City, Aug. Hogs Re- - that price were quickly carried Attorney In Fact. ly riding In a new ing' quotations were lifted agala, hut II high year would be around BIX celpta 6.000; market 6 to 10 to new marka for the 81a" Pri.ll.ISTs ARRIOTKD at the cloae they fall ahort of tha day'a cents Mny. op auto next fall. "Bin haa opened higher. Bulk 17.1001.46; heavy 17 10 Is Beptember and December Una twenty-tw- o high flgurea. A I.46I.OOO on the firing in Attempt 06.21: packer, and butchers 17 tlona. decrease of huihel year, teajTay With Metknn Money Reporta of rain In sections where 100 In world'e supply and skirmishes for the Olanta this HaM to Have, Row. 110; lights I7.4O0I.II; pig the vlelblf en- Htartew crops had been suffering ssvarely from 0o of dry hoi weather In the near and haa lasted through aeventeen "rankle Neal, Le- 7.00 HAVE HINII. gagements, which glvea him a finish- flag, f. Frank drought constituted tha principal far. future eeemed lo he among lh. chief MANimTl gate. A. nrsger. B. York and H. tor In tha day'a rise. Cattle Recelpta 11,000: market It Is what h4ss lo hullil a city. ing average of .T7S. Matty quit twice Harris, ateady Prime fed ataere 14.40000; fa. tors animating bull aentlment. who have been engaged at Welle Fargo Express made a fur- Rnormou export clearancea of wheat Our paint and putty factory, while not aa big aa becauee ha had two, twice because hla various times In prise fights across dreaaed beef steer, 17.1001 40; western the Pearson ther decline, dropping nearly ten point for the day i. 400,00 bushels gave box factory or the shop. Knhlbrrg'a cigar factory team had an enormous lead and once the river, were arested yesterday af- a naw low In teera gOO0I M. aoiitbern steers 14.10 rsllroad and foun- record. 1104 thla etoek 01.11; some atrenglh lo that market after It keepa because McOraw wished to shove ternoon In front of the McCoy hotel sold 470. cows I16O0I.II; heifers 14,10 dries, still help along a little and the money circulating In at 0110; ere early waakneea the opening being tn Harry McCormlck as a pinch and ware taken to the polio station stork aad feeders IS ISO by large Highest and moat beautiful office building Ihe world T.IO; 1.10: easier cable and hitter. and hooked on a charge of disturb- K bulls IIIIO calves 16.600 STIU MAMCJCT. I 16 world'e ahlpment. The strength of The figure below show the num ing tha peace. It la aid that tha helped give e Bheep Receipt 1000; 10 the corn market nlao her of games alarted and completed trouble started when W. M. McCoy, Cleetag List. merket to wheat, and good aah demand manager teh cent higher Utnhl 1 00 0 7.10; year- TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO lay the tjlanis' pitchers thla season. of fistic affair In tha bull By The Aotalcd Pre ling 14.6001.60, wag an addltlunal uplifting influence. Complete ring at Juaras triad to pay the fight- New Aug. wethers I4.U06.OO; In eeaalon and Tork, II wa II. 6004.60; and feeder Demand fell off later Ihe games ers and their followers In Mexican Amalgamated 71 tockr easy. Oamea Copper .. 1.60 0 4.10. the market closed started, pitched. Pet. money. American Agricultural .. 44H After an eaay npenlng oata advanc- Crandall 1 1 1000 Lter In tha Corporation court they American Beet Sugar . Wrth l.lVeatork. ed to tie new high mark on good ware all released, and S bond American 14lw rrt buying. Matheweon ... 21 IT .772 tha Can ,. By Special wire which each one had put up was re- do pfd . ta the Tlaaea from .la hi run of hogs at Ihe yard ad- Marquard '.. 20 II 410 m I ess as 1. slew 04k 7 turned. American A Foundry . vanced provlaloua There waa a goad Demarce 1 .417 Car Fort Worth, Ang. 18 iB-ov- r CO. Texaa. Hoga January op- N gtinton PAINTPhong 5 American Cotton Oil . 41V. Invaatmant demand far VeltonaO0 St. Ames .400 Recelpta i TBM KOI Mi DRAW. 1600. five centa higher, lop buyers of r S American Ice Becurltlea . II 26 tions and shorts were Fr imme .III American 40; bulk 16.1001.16: llaht II 004 and October. Tem-ca- 21 .220 New Orleans, Ang. 1" A ten round Unseed . IVi : I American locomotive mixed II. 1001.10 heavy II 400 Wlltae t 0 .000 fight tonight between Young Denny of 6.40, plga I4 I60TIO. Billy Amer. Bmeltln A Keflnlnn "t this city and Walters of Chicago Cattle Receipt 4000. Including 1100 I waa a draw, according Do. pfd ltMIVk ting for a few week In Arkan. Totals 10 to a vote of tha calvee, steers alow, ateady. um l.66: Rev. Mr. Vermillion, paalor of lha ..IT .lit sporting writers about the New Orleans American Bugar Refining .10, DINE bulk cow y WHERE TO 10000.10; dime lower, top Baptlat occupied hla pulpit A. C. ring. They are welterweight. American Tel. Tel iburnh. American .ll 1121: bulk 14.1606.00; but stead. too morning after a three week' vaca- THE GINGER JAR. Tobacco .11 1100; bulk 13 004.60; Anaconda Mining Co ,. calves 100, tion In Bemluole, Okla. Hit atrong, top 11.16; bulk 10.600 17 60. RAILROAD NOTES Atchison . Hla Marietta Myrr. of Banta Fa, (By CMBCKEKB.) Sheep - Do. pfd Recelpta 2000; steady quality atale auperlntendcnt of Induatrlal In- Ota. you '. H moatly common, tango! Btewert, Atlantic canuara H7C.4il.24: atrucllon. th county inill-tu- t 0npbn Willie engine foreman for tke Coaat Una 12 K wether at 14.26. addresd Santa Fe, laying off nd Baltimore A Ohio bar laat week. New Silver Grill U It naught j 7 Extra 1st Bwltckman I vacancy. Hethlehem Mr C C. Lee Ivft Balurday for Talbert filling the 8teel ... 14 statTAA kvi kythim; ik hfst J. J. extra awttchman for Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt NtHKKIH. and lh Sacramrntoa Mr. South H Paao Btrert. Nett to Learn fkUoois. Maybe; but tby dance It. II en- the U. H. A B. A has returned to El Canadian Pacific Oliver Lee and she will make the IlKN and WAII, Proprlct. Faao from Valentine, where be ha been Central Leather I!.! 11 .lit New York Metal. tire trip on hoteehack. What do you think of the "ragaf" "si By Th Associated Pre Mlaa Han. lei son of Ki Paso, Is working for the past week. Cheaapeake A Ohio ., ITVk Jelc New York. Aug. II. Copper dull, lb guest of Miss Brownlee for J. Arnold, fireman for tbe 11. H. A B Chicago Great Weatern .. ... Lina Send In your opinion to Olager. A, 1V standard spot and futures 10. a ha been aalgned to tbe en- Chicago, Mil. A St. initial few days. Ml tit- nlgbt lead Paul. .107 Tin easy, apot 16; apent BUST vt i IN riTT. gine regnUrly. Chicago A North Weatern.. .. 14140641 August Maatet Jack Wolff, who has aa Ordered. I That suffragette certainly .120 41.16041 60. Ihe past three months visiting his FLORENCE CAFE Bres Cklaeee lllskes passenger engines Colorado Iron A Fuel . OraJeee All Hours. Day or i,tot glld One more of tbe new II l ead ateady. 14.7004.10. grandmother, Mrs. Orrln A. Foster, and U. 11. Consolidated One . 2W TEXAS STREET VIK rtlT, rreprleter. for the El Paso division of the tk III Beplter quiet. I6.76 Mr. Mrs H. Hague, But many orn Producta . and Harnld have there are other supporters of 8. A. bas arrived end there is one mora II Iron ateady; No. Northern 111 00 home Boulder, Colo. In No. KM. Delaware A Hudson" . ... .167 returned lo El Paao. to come 1610: No : Northern 11.00 No. Mra. Urant Mcllrrgor (nee OUle Tralnor, engine foreman on the Denver A Rio Uranda.. .." i16.O0 J. J. Do pfd II Southern III 16 tl 16. 10; No South- Parka) of Lake Valley, la Stilting her say, U. H. B. A , . (ju to Pbil Young's Cafe EAT AT Everybody's dola' it." they aad nlgbt coach engine of tbe A It ern soft 116. 11016. 60. .Inmes Pne nnd Mis. Orrlrk hla reason tango la la off A. B. Snyder I Distillers' Becurltlea .. 14 siller. Mr. the populsr. laying sick and ewe Metcslf. of Mesllls. ror your Lunch, Encl.ll id Chill The Newest um! Best Restaurant filling tbe rscanry. 2Va Bat- and Betine H it and cold lunches at Do, 1st . . New York Silver. Mrs H. D Bowman entertainer They may laugb. knock and pass lswa Tbe O. H. A 8. A. worked sn estrs en- pfd. . . . . 47 all konr. Agent rlein Cincinnati Do, . . By The 4 sandaled urday aflrrnnon In honor of per nice, Club House Cafe If they will, tbe re- gine yesterday end Marry (Punk) An- tnd ofd...... Prr Beer uii draft. but skirt will ITVt New York, Aug. Mlaa Rleanor Lyon. main with US was (he foreman In charge, and E. General Electric 1424, II Bar sliver IIV4. Frank Poy and Dob Oang, Props Still. drews nev. oi to bi:n iwKr.SFV ta W. and J. C. Qreat Northern pfd.".'.'.'.!. "" Mexlcsn dollar 47. oi Btnltb has returned 31T k Past 109 B. I'AKO ST. Csrrtgan. J. Minor Hicks .127 'Fa, spending a few dtiye In Bl II There la a long road from were helping on tbe crew. Great Northern Ore Ctf. Santa after virtue .to Illinois 214 gt. Una Mesllla Park aa tha guest of Ruv Hun- rice tiut the road bas no turning front J. W. Oerrsld, helper on the night coach Central .107 I. Metal. Intei borough- Met St: Loul. Aug II. Lead higher 14 10 ter Lewis. vice 10 virtue engine for tke 0. M A 8. A., Is laying oft . H Do, pfd J . ' 0 4 70. Spelter atrong. Word ha been received here of the aad will leave this evening on No. in for ,! . II marriage of Homer Hlrsch, a former " I wonder what make rar voice ao Houston on committee work. W. B. Ham- Inter Harvaatar . .. , 1014 e pfd. ." ""' WOL MARKKT. Agricultural college studsnt. and Mlaa beaky thla morning" eatd Ed Levy, a Be ilton Is filling the vacancy. . II Florence May Johnaton. of Duncan. bteesrd into tbe Del Norte bar yesterday. Read, International Paper' J. J. engine foreman on the nlgbt International '.."',!",! Arls. Mr and Mr, in. n will realde BANKING BY MAIL "Too mucb corn lulc last night," re- rip track engine for the 0. H. A 8. A.. Pump ...111!'."" 7 84. I.ol. Wool. atuat a easy to open a savings account with us aa though you plied Kansas City Southern liy Thr Asaocle'frd f'reia in Clifton. Aria, where, he has bveu tbe cheerful ldlet. Is laying off for sixty duys, snd will ,. . 2V employed year lived next door. Oaa . St. Aug. II. Wool ateady; for several in a few days for New Orleans Extra . 4 4 J .' ' ' J .' V Mr Mary F Wlnnlngham. dean of WK PAY per cent Interest compounded Twice Every Tear. Wo Things to worry about Tbe saloona Engine Robinson Is Iehlgh Valley , 152V4 northern and wastsru mediums 17010; Foreman filling the women nt the Agricultural collage, be do bavdnces under Drpnallnr'a Hie Texas win coutlnue to close at ft and there vacancy. Louisville A Nashville 124 slight burry 140I4V,; flus burry 160 the l.unranty l.n of State of Minn., ....'."" 16 returned from Missouri, where he I is no Indication of aa extension of C- 8t. P. A Sault at,' M.ll". V. aad are a Guaranty 'uml Hank as provided by sach time Be India, brskesjkin on the El I'aso ,tmi penl the summer visiting lea. during the winter months Kin. on local for tbe A., T. A F., Missouri, Kaasaa A Texaa . Our plan, in addition In being ounvenlrnt. la aafe, proflutblo aad sad 8. 23Vt Mrs Mdver of College re- Is laying off a few Mlaaourl Pacific COTTON MARKKT. Btate haa Ubaral. Nobody has ever low! a a Stale Hank In Texaa. for rtlps. ii . turned from her vacation, apent In Uullar In The Mexican government kaa with- Kid Healb, engineer for the Bsnta re, National Blacult """ 122S Write loclay for our free tMeoklet -- BAN KIN O BY M VII." or from National New Berkeley, Cel., where her daughter. drawn tbe national shooting tourney baa reported for duty, relieving Extra Lead .... '..!'..!" . 4 York en. simply aiall your depiaxll. to i.e staged at Camp 1'erry, Ohio. They Engineer Nat'l Kya. of Mexico, Ind'pfd"! By Th, A'tarlHtctl Prr Mlaa Ivander. attended the university Shakespeare 14Vk Mr of KI I'aso. will soon he are losing a golden opportunity to learn H. M. Sweeay, general grievance man Ney Tuck Central Naw York, Aug. Cotton Ruatare t II the guest ..r J. C EL PASO BANK & TRUST COn El Pabo, Texa. bow to shoot. I for A. T. A 8. was in Banmarclal New York, Ont. A Wesisrii quiet; middling upland Hi. 00. Mr. Davldion. the F. 2Bta Mrs. Dean Hlnodgnntl la visiting rela- for a few daya on buaiueaa. He will atop Norfolk A Wssiern Va 112.:;. .10 tives and friends In Missouri Tbe fight scheduled for off along tk line and pay visits to tbe North American 7av Day Labor will be postponed, owing to lodge. Northern Pacific '.','.""' . UVk re- The lie fact that WHab sprained bis wrist Yesterdsy the Texaa A Pacific started Pacific Mall 21V Cure Doctor- - Well, you cently while working out with bis spar- to werk al Itbe car men and abop men nine t'ennaylvauia ".!.."!! .111 and did tke hi ring partner. It will probably save hi in hours a day on account of tba Increased People Oaa TOREMOOELGHURGH temperature ? . 1124 yes, put ba- ft. nu getting a sprained hack kitting the business i'lttaburg, O. C Bl. Wife Oh. lr; f the floor. Louie...... " . II rometer on 'I cheat an' It goea up to W. K. Relly. fireman for the El l'aso Plttaburg Coal . lo very dry, ao I frtihea irg I tiuart o' A Southwestern, haa reported for duty Preaaed Steel Car ,.! 24V. YOUR SUMMER TRIP? I I PLAN A beer, now e'a gone tn Tea, Mnhle. tbe only parsons kicking after a few days off. Pullman Palace Car AS rill i s BAITIHTK an' work. the disqualification .164 shont of Kowser are B. Hepworth, freight fireman on the Reading .U0H M vim OF IMFBOVKMKNTN these who have never witnessed a fight 11 east end uf the XI Paso A Southwestern, Repubic Iron A Steal 14 WASHINOTON. D. .. $74.55 ItolM) THIP outside of the Juare sreas. be C reported for duty. io pfd ., . H ustom Assay Office TVI.L' LAJI rAUaw, OA. ROUND I KIP Taylor, for A Pa- J. fireman tbe Texas Rock ialand Co. l"V High Jichool Lllnrary Soclely CRJTCIIETT Fi:iH.r.S, i sUCAOO, ILL. ll)IM) riup Cy Bevmore has been released by the cific, Is laying off and Extra Fireman Do. pfd ...! . 2IV4 Interesting Program for Bucccaaur lo Hughe A CrltcheU. liOFIBYllaUK, KV ..u lit) KOIM) TIUP Buffalo club because he smashed s player Harrison la filling the vacancy. gt. A Louie abut Frau, Id pfd . 10Vi .teas yora ( lu inl-- i .41 II urglata : I .."... In the fa.e The player called Cy a dub Mr. and Mrs. fC. B. (Inodall. the former ' xl Friday Mghl. ula iitinvmm, mi ROUND T1UP Seaboard Air Line ., . and he resented It. Tbe truth day for tbe O. II. A 8. I14 AGENTS FOll ONE BniPPFllB IMlhlllN, MASH 1 1 Hill N I) TIUP hurt. the angina harder Do, pfd , .(.. A., are parents of a girl baby, born 46' 10 ban FraiKlM-- Bl. 1)1 rROlT, Mil II HOI M) tke So Sheffield Steel A Iron' speaaV $.!. TIUP - ' I By T gpeclol at T According to pre report, Weshlng- last Saturday. lairt Com Bell Phone 124. tVOVtS, Mil . .' Southern Pacific " . . ft. ROI M TIUP H 64 . Thi Hat- Hallway La Cruce. N Aug. II m mo lO.gft HOI Ml I HIP Soutliru UVk I hiMs of .as crutea are prepariii . ".. Do. pfd . lifts .NEW YOlUi, N. Y h., BOUND TIUP , nS reinmlel and Improve their chur. Tenneeaee Copper . UVk and avenue Th OPEN ALL NIGHT Thla w THE CB- - Texaa A Pacific orlgg tret niranda ess,, CII1II Interolr walla and the celling will r Prascrlptlon Filled and Delivered e.t.l las, a I'nlon Pacific .164V4 woodwork ever as pert. calve freah tinting and the at Any Time Pay or Night. tbe Do. pfd Kvi be rrpalnlad and var Realty aad seata will Mall Orders Filled Promptly. 1'nlted Stales . 7S nlabed Impruvementa will be made fe WMA- Texas Pacific ST. SSSS A - I'nlted Statea REGIS Rubber II a uaw in the windows and front will A. E. RYAN & CO. I'nited Statea Bteel . IVi feg The grnunda aurroun.l ."TEXAS Do, pfd Installed Drnggisia. E L PaSo I0SI4 ii, tbe building w 111 be Improved 1'tah Copper . IH The High sVauol Lltsraiy aagtoty will Virginia Carolina Chemical Ito present the following prugram Friday Wabash a evening. August If: Do. pia l Music, achool orchestra: aelect read- Weatern Maryland 41 ing, Margaret Lutwtler; carrent events, Summer Reductions on Alfred Benjamin Weatern Colon 47 Joe Bllrkenetaff achool credit fur Weetlnshouee Blectrlo TIM home work. Mean r Huater; vocal aolu. Hand Wheeling A a k. km. u Mtaa Cdltb Hurkc select reading, Mis SUMMER TOURIST Made Clothing Total sales for the day IIT.tag aharaa. Iva O. Knglerighl. original story. Isa- bel Bruwn. i sella IteB. Maxine lens BEGINNING SATURDAY, JULY 5. At MX. villi hi M ISKET. piano aolo, Katharine Uhnixii debate $40.00 Suits, now $30.75 'Resolved, that the entire public e. h.. FARES Suit's Clvelag Mlalag. aytm of the I'nllad Btatea abouldglai 35.00 Suits, now 26.75 By rr 44.0 ..... J Prra maintained and controlled at Ihe Suits, Boston, Aug II. of thr gov.rnmenl." sfflrmallve. 32.50 now 24.75 Altou . . v II 4 Ralph Will Clarence Adair, negative. ON SALE DAILY 30.00 Suits, now 22.75 Amalgamated Copper 74 Patrick V Oeriett, Ro P. Bean. The Amn Zinc Iead A 8m !i public Is Invited to attend all tbe so- 28.50 Suits, now J 21.75 Anion. ..11. met la ciety meeting Until September liOtli. 1913. Low round trip fares floe. A Con. Cop A All. Mg 1 Dr. Hurlraton Mtalon. af hi Paao, and points. Final 27.50 Suits, now , 2075 Calumet A Arbiona (4 apent part u( laat wreh In thla city on to all principal Lustern Northern 25.00 Suits, now 18.75 Calumet A Heels Hi buaiueaa limit October 31st. Centennial It Benutor nd 6lrs John Bowma and return Copper Range Con. Co 22.50 Suits, now 16.75 40 their little daughter, of Alamoaoi.lo. New . .$85.85 Keat ftulte Cop Mine pent s couple of day with Hsnator and Denver . . .535.00 York. 20.00 Suits, now 18.75 Pranklin 4 II M Mr Mra Bow- . . . . Ilia Hull. and City . 40.63 Boston 95.15 Utrou Conaoidated man were .t. to their home from Kansas 18.50 Suits, now 14.78 . Oraavby Conaoldalad ggu California Diverse St. Louis . . 52.65 Liberal Washington . 74.55 16.50 Suits, now Ureeae Cananea Dr I c oden, of Shalein. near I Aa , 11.75 . . 57.15 Baltimore . . 74.55 lale II v.. II,- K'opperl Cruoea, has put chased a Ford car from Routes Chicago . Stopc.vers 15.00 Suits, now 11.75 l . 14, W D . . . . 68 15 Kerr ake Ike local aganl. Newton. Cincinnati . . 64.05 Detroit Ma Like Copper 4 V, Mia i: II ii-- it n entertained a No for Alteration. nadanliaa am "Strteuiue" . 39.35 bin La Belle Copper 14 few fnende at her hoaa aa the Memphis . . 44.70 Hot Springs Nevada Conaolldaied 1144 iridav afternoon The gueal laat ' Mian mm ware Miamea 64. J. Vlljoen. Baiaeel It yoar vsynatloa stsurt as Use Moha 42 V, Itla. h.ud, II H liawaum aad Abba h'lple Kynn. ell ( La Msae N M II Waltei B Mcyarland. superintendent LIMITED a GOLDEN STATE of noula at mil. City, hss (pent ease saany Isuura lo a', avoal daye la tbks sdty. Ha addreeeed aad ii the ftoaa Ana . maty laalltata. T. kaa from a KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. LOUIS AND THE EAST w lilsiti .ou returned MEM I'M IB. IK vi.ii in liuiley. N M DIKVXTr U2I AND THROUGH BI.KKPk.Ka TO II The women of the ailiell church Wmm n tl Houlevs. VAM PUoae 6t4 or 5&1. or all ttiy IVkr Offers A Buslon kiln held e eueful cake sale on Bat. HiUlk... I) UAINtlt Bl I1JUM. Fa-if- 'k Vt -- . urda at Frseaaan and lalker gr KKB .ilU) AKJUCN. imnl Aaaaa. D MkU H IC430. O. T. a. 3m e I?, eery au rmrta of us worsav 4 Mr rrsnk Haw ley aad da ugh w k kiudva a M.o ms May, ars via- - EIOHT EL PASO MORNING TIMES. TUg8DAY, AUGUST 19, 113. Seccton Castellana de Interes General para los Mexicanos luanalaa eatuvleron todo at dla ocu Maleo para a loa Eata- pauos en em barm r y registrar los doa Uatdaa, eoana rapraaentaca eapa. HUERTA AMENAZA em barque de provlalonea para 0 rial da Wlnyon qua aa llegan a OCASION huahua; dlcn la eutna "Bl ladapandlanta" llama la atan-- . AVISOS DE 1 00. 090 ea eapera qua SUGAR DEBATE da Atinque ion da Huerta BOara al ho da qua ae emharcjiien maa men an. las para her Hala aa aa "agate" qua trabaja por -- Caaa t el atiasls iinlento de la apltal del BE AOOTAMOW TO DOB LOB ME la TARira PAMA I.OB StrhCIOB CUM. DB TBNTA It wotab ai. .nn n- - Katado Interv' ion. Anna euartos. cdntrloa. rente barets. tamo tos TACIT-CO- B Loa oflrlalee da qua DIOB EN MEXICO I BBS . le 11 l San Antonio flt. .. NO MI Hl Wll XVI U I N JuAres dlran al palahra. tea.., enruanlro en Oallego con Villa y TREE BTOAB WAB TEXT OT THE I palahraa. BBS VBS . fc MENSAJES CORTOS 1109 TARDK. MCRKNTnHIAN Ortega no perturbara qua loa Irenes DIBTX'aattO- -t IX THE SEN- I lines si WSS TENEMOB IXITEB ea Oovernmsnt tleguan a au destlno y para el efecto Para maAapa ae eapera n arontm Hill lota, al o Toro ntal Phons 19? t a flit cada tit hoy por la tarde deberi aaltr al pri- mlentoa Intrreaantea illre ag ae- lat Lay de CaJfornAa. ATE YESTERDAY !2T y tt mensualea No hay mer tren. .. federalaa tlenan Washington. D. C, Aug. II. Bl go- al contrlbuclonee. Ventran a qua cretarlo Bel praetdeiiie Wllaon. BENORAB AOENTES psra vender BRAN EXPECTACION EN MEXICO an dleptitarAn a ruatqulera blerno da los Estados Unldoa faclll-tar- a eepeelalldadee de nlfloe y aefloraa. nuestra oflclna y loe moartrareBBOs. al peso da loa trenea, porque tlenen ana Cor re de Prneba ea la lay AganteB actlvos 104 calle Han Antonio. Austin Marr. maa anldadoa y major artlllerfa qua REPUBLICAN MEMBERS SPEAK Buenos vendedorea Telegrama especial para el Tlmee de aequlstcton de tlarrae en Califor- para Bl Paste y territorlo adyaeente. ruando fueron ataradoe an Kancharfa Waahlngton, p. C Agoato nia, pare la dene NECEBITAMOS agsntea de 9) Ita cnnstdorn la rrepucl de Ifnerta por Toiiblo Ortega. II t'a Intctatlra venlrde Contrato liberal. Buan dlnero. til notable peelrolamo ae ha notado hoy unu repreaentante Japonea. Trust Building. J. R. Purcell. H9 a Florence BL Cuarto I. rami) un roniplnilcnt" cm H to Kl CaH. Fulldo va a acompefiar a acerca de la crteie El ra- Bl presidents Wilson htso publico loa tranaa una mexlrana. DEMOCRATIC SCGAR TBOORAM Washington. ion fuerta eacolta da la mlno de la admlnlstraclAn dearanaa hoy que talss el estado ds la sitea-clot- SB TRABPABA una caaa comerclo en TRES CCABTOS para Ueada a aglets a. Mrnin de guarnhlrtn JuAreg Moetesu-m- a de haata en el aspeculacldn en rt.. t- VIGOROUSLY ASSAILED BY y un y serAn relno da la on aunto bueno oon Presidio eettrlcs. allf encontradoa loa ide una vartedad da leoriaa pueden anexo. con contrato por un ato. Bn LOAN TRCST CO., por otra eacolta qua vlenen da ear que BRIBTOW AND SMITH 701, 314 Mills St. Telesrrarri" especial para el Tlman Chihuahua. enrtaeltaa tndudablemente CoaretKton de Viteiawoa. la calle 6a. y Campbell No. darkn M'slco, Agnetn ID F.n doe notaa la mala voluntad de Huerta a loa Agoato Bl Inform es. Kl Corl. 'ban parera qua va a de paclflcactAn del goblerno Denver. II. ejerclto de mensualee y 1100 al contado llegadaa a Washington nwli al parte an loa tra- veteranos y da Fillplnaa. formado da til 4 euar- el ataque da a faccto-aa- a DEBATE CONTINUE SEVERAL DAYS propledad una cas da ladrlllo. da d din al goblerno de naa, puaa la amerirano trayendn laa doe guerra EapaAa. MY PARA VENDERSE Una liuert.i Villa ha mandado orden un do I vsteranoe ds la de oounty. tO tos, cerca del tranvhv. Preclo 11190. Cnldoe haata la media que a acuerdo enfrenta a la ad hoy on en la Smelter El Paao los Eatadoa de ayude al ataqua da loa trenea. loe a anee tinier una eoavenclon aqtrl. rlnema-tograf- o J. B. Paden. gerente ds vsntaa hoy qua la extlenda al nlatracldn de Eat doe ITnldoa Mlllaree d delegados cuartaa, t salonaa. Tlenda noche da para un prnblema, el qua no aa de todaa partee y J. Ouader-ram- HAWKINS BROB a I I, mlentras eta by Repub- - salon de balls. reeonortmlento. o rompr4 laa IXACO KIN AMITKIIO. preaente unldo eatA aln embargo in de loe Estados Unldoa han tenldo eu the Prop. Veaae nuestra llsta. dlplomAtlcas. deseable e Intranqulllsador. repreeentaclon en la convenclAn. Uoana Win All Be Voted Down CI Br. ITrruMa, minlstro da He lil. nilfl.a al Amerkann Q-- Re Ahora ea cuando la admlnlet radon wTieti Presented. SB VENDE una caaa coa comerclo tqCIERS UD. OAHAR DINKRO? fue qulen hablo an repreeen-tacid- ulto Muerto en Bancherla. va el tuego que Bl Caao Criminal Mounday y coa 419 & Vir- Ocnrra Ismsdtslsmsnts al 211 8. Mia-to- n a moveree en tlene aeredltado corral. St. y vea s Jorge Vlllegsa qnlan is da Huaita y da au gablnete, La daacrlprtdn dada por loa delante. Bast Las Vegas. N. M Agoato ginia y la. O. C. Vaequsfnr y a It. dara detslhrs sxpllcacloaee pars manlfeetando qua una nota envlada del it., maslcano aa Chi- No hay duda que la admlnlstrarldn Clnco nuavo mexicanos han aldo Bp Th AnHatft Press obteaerlo. No plerda tlempo. Vers hoy 4 cuar-to- a Waahlngton arm ronteslnclon al men-anl- huahua acerca da la muerte del enruentra un grado de conauelo en como teatlgos ea el julclo WashlDgten. Aag. 1A Free sogsr wss OPORTUNIDAD SBOUBA rolamo. da Wilson pressnlado por al az- - amerirano qua manejaba la la conclencla de que la admlnlatrarldn Mounday de Topeka entra loe qua se tea text of the tariff debate In the aeaate ds adobe blen oonstruldoB. en Ds t s H A. M trohernador Llnd y la otra era una ametralladorn de loa rebeldaa da To- amerlrana ha tratado de corresponder cuertan Oeorge Morrison, Ingenlero today. Republican member aaaalllag the una eequlna. cercadoa y con cobertlxo, rn, a 6B9. drmand:i rara el Inmedlalo reconool-snlent- n k. urtega. rolnrlde con el cuerpo con el goblerno de Huerta de una del Condado; A. A. Sena, antiguo Democratic proposal to pet augar on tbe cerca ds una buena earuela, VENDA SUB MUEBLES por todo lo Huerta. de Jamea Mattlaon. conocldo an El parfflca como lo ha demoetrado de pollria, l.ula Armljo de eata frss Uat la ltls, predicting tbe ral? nf Qulen ae Inters ae dlrtjaae a OPORTU-NIDA- que valen. Estofas ds todaa clssaa. de c on dearu-hrl- r Paao el aobrenomhra da "Bl Klaco ante el mundo. Henlng periodlet the Levtslsaa ra a augar ladaatry and tbe SEOURA, cargo el Tlmee. linoleum, refSlgeradorea. Kl mlnlatro I'rruUe no qulao eluded; H. B. de - cslentonea. del Valla da la Muena" o al "Ptaoo El aenador Bacon, prealdente del Albuquerque y Otmsshaw ayud- - "gobbling- np" by las trust of the domes- Llama mlamo. Phone 4997. todo el contenldo de la Ha Ira ahora Gl el Hr. IMnamltaro." dice que eata ronilte de relarlonea exterloree dljo ante del eboga to de Dlatrlto del o tic beet sagsr ladastry of the country. TEH RENOS EN LA MESA a It TEXAS FURNITURE CO. camblada enlre fue muerto an por loa hoy que ha Colo Menatora Rrlstnw, nf Michigan. Paao. Dot aecclonee y el m ro de ReJ art ones de Tancherla la admlnlatraclAn de Santa Ke. Smith millas de El 4tt a El Paso St. Unit Intel fedtralaa. rado a los Eatadoa Unldoa en una Aterlln. Hmeot, Lodge sad Cummlna led de 40 acres cada una, ds buan nival, M'slco; paro dljo que dtiha I n amerirano que converao con loa aetltud defenalva ante laa otraa El rmhajador amerirano. la the sttaeh on the augar schedule, which a 12.00 por acrs bonus. BE BEPAIUN Hli'ici.KTAS Armeres habla tenldo lugar. f.d'ralea deapuea de lo da Rancherla Parece que en eate momento blda fair to bold the attention nf the JAY T. KNOX sxpertoa Heparan. mea ds todaa claaea ." ronaldera la respuesta del upo pur mtemoa que e Londrea, Agoato It. Bl ambajador 143. "INTERNATIONAL SHOP." Anil elloa ameri- que en cualqulera otro es bueno asnste for aereral days. Nd time has been 20 Mills St. Phone SO? goblerno 1e Huerta al goblerno o rano que enterraron fue Mattlaon. revocar el embargo de embarque de amerlcano Walter Hlnes Page eata fixed for s rote on the Democratic rates Phone ISM 8. Stanton. romo un ultimatum. Un Loa federalea dlcen que al amerirano armas a Mexico deede que la sltua-rIA- n tarde estuvo en la oflclna de or amendments proposed todsy by Samtor CINCO PESOS DIAKIOS Be gansrA goblerno dljo anorhe qua que como eel extertores y expresA la pena del Ud. at se a un negoclo fAcll San Antonio taller de llmplar, alto del enterraron era de plea se ha empeorado hace tlempo. Rrtstow, wblrh would prorlds for s dedlca y habla lb'. el ttempo en que Mexico de altura, alto y flaco. Tenia un El aecretarlo Tumulty, del presi- goblerno amerlcano por el reslente grsdusl reduction of tbe tariff an refined y productlvo en la frontera de plauchar ropa garantltando nuestro y s Bp debln anportar una humlllaclon ante decalmlentn de hombroa, con dents Wllaon, manifesto en la Caaa ataque hecho por el da augar until the figure would reach tl.TS y Nuevo Mexico con la repflbllca trabajo. LlAmenoe al porter amerlcano o blen adnp'.ar harha larga y romo da 45 a 60 afloa. Rlanra que algo muy Intereaante se los Estados Unldoa en Mexico, Henry s hundred pounds le 1919. veclna. No plerda maa su tlempo; por ella- - Telefuno 3720. Ill A Rn la venga a ViUegaa. Mills BL ern una sctltud de defensa. prlmera revolucldn da eapera para manana. Lane Wilson. El Incidents parece que Tata AsaeadBaeate Dawn. la oflclna de Jorge Be dice que la ecniilBeene le para Mattlaon torao parte Importante, ha quedado completamente cerrado. S. Stanton St. Ill, sucursal ds El obi el que deten-oiaV- a Democratic leaders announced tonight y CO. demandaa del e fue tomo a au cargo la CUMPLIMOH CON EL DEBEB Paao Morning Times, plda lnformas ODOM'S TRANSFER r'er cone'derar laa y that the Brlgtow amenduenta wonld be ganarse y WlUon aon Imposlblsa. de trenea al aur de JuArea la Continue ds como va a hacer para Entrega mejor violento. pro deatrurcldn del ramlno da flerro y EI del Eanbarqoe. de la lurha. voted down snd thers woeid be no Demo- lo CINCO PESOS DIARIOS. Phone 1064. BCD da loa puentee. Maa tarda cuando la Vrman PmbaMcmente ae HarA. Albany. N. Y., Agoato It. Continue cratic rotas east agnlnat the meaaurs ax. der l, NOTHIA I N Washington si tos Bres. W. Sulxer cept tbe Lnuislaaa members, Thornton revolucldn de Orosco fua arraatado Washington, D. C, Agoato IS. La conflloto sntrs Th romo eapla del goblerno. For mu- y Martin H. Olynn, acerca de la snd Rsnsdell, who gsre notice of their city park and ate scraps Isft fired a fusillade from two pistols, killing Haala media norhe no hahlan llrgado admlnlstraclAn permanece optlmlatas Intention to the Democratic caucus. Into a Hta ch oa afloa fue un proapectador de acerca de la altuaclAn mexlcana. .pero ds la gubernatura ds Nueva by plcknlokers and slept under the Dorothy Dunbar, proprietor of the hotel, hoi rietallr del mmblo tie notaa. mknaa y blen conocldo en fron- - espera que haya Senstor Rrlatnw declared that tbe and wounding two others. toda la aun eapera notlclaa del envtado espe-cla- l York. 8s un choque trees at night. She washed her linen Tuagren Ita Telegram cwpeclal para del Tiroes. tera. los partldos eata Se ha American Refining rompeay, which atart-e- d escaped. John Llnd sobre la nota que enire tarda. years ago con- in the lakes. Washington, D. C . Agosto it. aalgnado un en out aereral to aaciirs On corsage plnnsd a nots Tungren refused to leave the hotel when 'lego muy porn ahora eetA en manoe de Huerta. departamento lugar trol of the best anger fertoiiea, aban- hsr was Anoche Informaddn DHAMA KANGIUKXTO Hoy el aenador Bacon conferencIA para tener las conferenclas sn el ter-c- rssdlng: Mrs. Dunbar naked him to go. Instead, acerca del camblo de "notaa ontre el doned the movement beraoae they found It he drew two pistols and ordered her to con el prealdente. piso del capltollo debldo a que el would be to Indus- "It was bad enough before, but then by goblerno de loa Eatadoa I'nldus y el i h la Famllla I'rrrrlo Por "eaaler deetroy this Now even stand sgslnst tbe wsll. Four men In sa "Hemos rumpltdo con nueetro gobernador Bulaar no ha querldo try by a free tariff than by buying up I could walk. I can't look all Oral. Huerta. o Aaewtnato. dljo Bacon, "hemoa dtacutldo que los mlttngs tengan lugar el " for work." adjoining room were called out and lined sua El gecretarlo Bryan dljo qua habla tbe stock up with her. After robbing the men, NUeva Tork. N. V.. Agoato 1. Loa las objecclones y al mundo entero he- segundo plso. Senator William Alden Smith, rigorously She explained by this that she meant cablegramaa raferentaa a qua cuerpoa Bra. Mary y em- Tungren compelled the woman to go to her radbldo de la Lake aua mos mostrado nuestraa Intenclones El Sr. Olynn, qus actua como gober- aupporting the Bristow amendments, de- that she waa too footsore to seek il laa augna lonea del prnaldente Wl'.aon. ruatro nlAoa, Horario, Walter. Stella amlatosas y no es culpa ntfaetra si v ployment. trunk and get I1W. Then he began firing y nador, el aenador Robert H. Warner clared: both pistols. preaentadaa por el repreaentante Llnd, Dorotea. fuaron encontradoa nuestraa sugestlones son rechasadas." que deeempeflar el pueeto Beet Sugar. Xhs hospital physicians promised to mutlladoa. qulere de Btraagle al irohlerno de Huerta hablan aldo Ademna de elloa Hubo una dlscuslAn acalorada vice gobernador y el A. B. find work for the girl If she recovered. paro debldo a que no havhlii an hallo el marldo y padre, Henry el del embargo de senador "I venture tbe aasertion thst neitber the THE MORNING TIMES has jam IB. lerantamiento Smith proyectan tener una conferen- American Sugar Refining company nor sny tailed a Privet Rxeaasg, aad Haass . Lake, muerto, elendo antea Jefe de armaa. El Bacon dljo que lnformarln oflrlal no pudo hacar aenador wishing to telephone, instead ef sail-la- g nlnguna un reatanrant. eeto se en caao de que fraca- - ce. of Ita owners ba any beet declaraclon. harla Bl gobernodar Sulxer estA reauelto sagsr stock since tbe Democratic party U. S. ARMY ORDERS for the old a am tears, plaaaa call for Kl prealdenta Wllaon no aupo del I'arece con todaa laa aparlenclae aaran las propnslclones de pax. Dumber SBM or SBS1. aaui tell the opera- que ae aulcldaron. l.u admlnlstrarlAn tomarA a eatar preaente en la conferencla la came Into power and will not buy any un- tor whfteh Dsoartmeat yea wish, aad ultimatum da Huerta por haher ae tamblen you paaasd your bill your By Lai tragedla prohablemente aeon-tacl- d paaos proploa que ae eepera con gran Interes. til bare and The Annciated Press eoBBortloa will be rnade. From 9 p. n ana apoaantoa y no para la adecuada a retlrado anorhe el Juevea paaado. Loa cuerpoa tbree years of atrangnlstlon bare d Washington, Aug. IS. Major David lo m. the followlBg departmoats aa le deaperto para hacerarlo aaber. del Dr. Hale, representante will aaawer direct: snrJO, de la madre y loa nlfloa ealaban en la especial del prealdente Wilson. REOIBTRO CIVIL. the beet augar men and teamen Baker, Jr., adjutant general, will Editorial! 451. doualy reduced the price of their stock " Advertlslns and Clrealatlee. ATACARAN IXM TRKNK8 cum; loa de laa nlnaa en el plan. En Como si Dr. Hale no tlene n will proceed to Hot Springs for treat- todoa ae aeftalea de tlroe nflclal, perlAdlcoa BE CAB AN David Ortegon y "If the lndnstry Is going to be mined." ment. encontraban loa da Williams, "why TWO TEXAS HEROINES. y en algunoa mueatraa de haber aldo lo Leonardo Cooper. Enrique VUlanue-v- a ssked Senator should the DeWItt C. Orubbs. La l6n l aJntrArk-- Mexico han hecho bianco de aus a First Lieut. InterrufM ra el Cara-vlt- o stork be bought then?" I'rtiM-lpt- . herldoe con navaja. Latk aetaba en ataques. y Maria Amaya. Abraham Sixteenth Infantry, will proceed to le Tale un en un aangra "Because the Democrata' leese of Btf The AHodattd Prim loa rlnron charm de con y Oorgonla Hernandes. Oonxalo Letterman General Hospital, Presid- Clerta artlvldad de parte da una herldaa en y power," replied Senator smith. "Is hut Stockdale. Tex., Aug- 18. Allle ae ha noUidn deada la cabeia de arma DERBOTA DE LOH REBELDEB Florea Romana Beyanona. Carmen io, Ban Francisco, for treatment. coratlturlonallataa blanca, Eata ha en una condlcldn de Leyva y Alvsrado. temporary and there will be a reaction." Burrts, fifteen years old and sla- ayer debldo n que laa Ifnea teleara-flca- a Sara power la Col. John Bellinger, Quartermaster her Inconaclencla y apenaa podlu nacier-o- n "If this party'a lesss of tem maxl'-nna- fueron cortadaa articular Kalen Refuerxos Para el Camnamento NACIMIENT08 El dla 15 corps, will repair to thla city for ter, Annie, twelve, leaped Into the al palahra. Todoa loa mueblea oataban gemelos a la Bra. de S. Es- porary, William returned aur de Villa Anumada. creyendoae onHtlturtiiiiallHta en Abaaolo. doe "why picture all deapalr? Why not temporary duty, thence to proper river near here today to gave volcadoe y laa paredea llenaa da aan- Eagle Pass. Texas, Agoato Los trada, 3117 Bassett. Un nlfto naclA thla their que eato ea el preludlo del ataque de gra. hoapltkl It. pasa tbe bill, turn the Democrats oat, re-- station. who waa endeavoring to loa trenee. que ran a aallr da JuArei Lake fue llevado al en ronatlturlnnallatas fueron derrotadoa a la Bra. de Francisco Peres, calls Major Robert R. Ttaymond, Corps fther rescue donda loa mtdlcoa creen que morlra. que Man- establlib your lines sud go ahead? Jackson, sixteen, from hoy o manana, por Villa o por loa en tree dlaa de batalla hubo en Missouri. Un nlflo a la Sra de Republican senatnra unanimously of Engineers, will proceed to the Arthur drown- Hegun lo que dlcen loa vaclnoa era unoa H11U The hombrea que le quedan a Torlblo Or- pobhtclAn de Abaaolo hace uel Eacajeda calle contended thst tbe proposed rate would Walter General Hospital, District of ing. The girls and Jackson lost their tega que raclhlo tin excelente padre no dado a la cuantoa dlaa, como a clen mil laa de Columbia, unit derrota terrible Bu a not cheapen sugar to tbe consumer for treatment Uvea. Burrls was rescued by a n no eap6ea era como de frontera. Se retlraron ayer diclen- - Llega en ComialAn. Kancherlit haee murho. anna de y y Abrogate Reciprocity. Loa omerlnntea y loa agentea edad el de cuarenta do que no tenlan suflrlente parque El tenlente Walter H. Nell! del 13o ROBBERY AND Mt'KDEB. erby. clnco afioa. No ae aabe la cauaa para conteetar a los disparos ds los de cahalleria, regrssA a sus cuarteles Senator Cummlna said the removal de eete drama. Cerca de 7,000 hombrea M.. the sugsr duty In 1010 would tend THE MOBNINO TIMS9 waa Jest in- fedrrales. generates de Columbus. N. de preaent treaty Oregon Bad Maa fjeta la Hla Work aad a Private Rxehaag. eatuvleron tomando parte en este en- - el mayor sbroaste tbe reciprocity Reoapes. staller aad the OROZfO fO.NTRA VILLA. donde partlrA para ests. EI It would wlshlns to telophase, instead of coll cuenlro. del cuerpo me- wltb Cnbs, because sstabllah By The numbers, plaaaa listed Un Amigo Borracbo? William R. Eastman Cubsn sngsr preferential, chief Attnrtatrd PrtM last for tbe old call for LTnae No se sabe el numero de los muer para que se the the Everett, Aug. IS sees or SMI, tell the opera- Kl (ieneral ae Prepara Sallr dico ha recibido Ardenes of tresty. He rslaed the Ore.. Edward amber aad Para de to y herldos, psro se han traldo al- preaente en el Fuerte Bliss a cumpllr nroTtalon tbe aged thirty, a atatlonery engineer tor which Departaneat yoa wish. Bad Bl aal fuere harA una obra de ( hlhualiua. gunoa a Nsgraa. question, however, whether tbe proposed connect loa will be mass From 9 p. herldos Pledras una comlslAn. pre- - at Index, thirty miles from Everest, lined El Oen'eraJ Paacual Oroaco eatA ha-- - El lsw or the treaty enventually would to 9 a. m. the fallowtaa; aaparlmsati Cartdad DAndole Corl. Jesus arransa. hermano up five peraons against tbe wsll of tbe wUI aaawsr direct: SSSS, Editorial; SMI. seta todaa laa prepararlonea para del Jefe de loa const Ituclonaltataa, ha Murto en vell. Grsy hotel todsy snd after robbing them emprender Chihanhua. Senator Lodge, who said be drafted Advertising aad Irculatloa. una rampafia contra aalldo violentamente con resfuersos. que el correo del Kranclaco Villa, eegun loa Informee Ests sncuentro dlcen loe federates Haata ahora viene portion of the Cuban reciprocity treaty "AURMINO" pie vlenen de Chihuahua. Orogco que hace que los letaa eur ae supo la muerte del Sr. Jesus declared that the impending bill made sn constitutional perlodlsta que mllltA on augar eatA rerlutando gente con eate propd-alt- ae retlren del centro de au capital y Maria Oarsa, Immediate reduction In tbe duty OFFICIAL UNION STATION RAILWAY TINE CARD Remedto qua ae ha aitadu uaando y ya ha podtdo enllatar baatantaa que Pledras Negras quede lejos del slsmpre en contra del goblerno de of approslmately twenty cents s hundred maa de aAoa run Immhree en la y Madero. Hombre UuatradA y pounds on sugsr. t din reiulladoe capital del Eatado. ceatro de operaclones. Dlas lust Tebte . e, Kf festive Jaae a, 19U. (MeeBteia Tlaae Oaly.) vardaderanienta maravllloaoe. l'arece que harA au vlaje por el ferro-carr- El gobernador Carranxa durante modesto alempre vvlA pobre. como Treaty and Bill. Noroeate para encontrar a Villa varlaa semanas ha estado lajos de la toda loa que en Mexico se dedlcan a Senator Wtlllama also inaleted'that there "AURMINO" eonvlarte a loa el Dlatrlto de was no conflict between tbs treaty and tbe B Paao A Boutb west System. rn Oaleana. frontera an los alrededoree ds escrlblr con convlcclAn. Nwiiu borrarhoa en hombrea utllea y y bill. The treaty, be aald, applied to all rroai North and asst. Axrlva For aud atasi. Depart. sn camlno de la eluded de 1 CsllforBlan .. u .jasui M kvuuaaa hlxprsss . 7 .44 a u. del reapato de todA al RKM'KXTK imports, guaranteeing Cuba a preferential illy mundo. Hl'KllTA Mexico. He fugo del ar.ll. t Ooldsu otats Limited... o.JU pUl 4 uuiJeu blat Limited .... .12:40 pui Be puede SKfRETA-MENT- but not preventing a change of tariff rates 2 -- apllcar Nueva York. Agoato. 14. La Bra. tt Kauaaa City Express ... .. b. 10 pui Csllfornlan . :oipia o con la voluntud del So Qalere lnfluencla Nlngnna en Loa Mega un veterano. br lsw. From tas wset. t or lb WsL Maria Copley Thaw redblA hoy una will 4k Ea Inofanalvo el ague Aauntoa tie Mexico. Tracy Richardson, que con la co- Tndouhtedlj." he sdded, "tbe bill M kv. C. Kxprcaa from Arlsoos. 7:00ata 0 Xucaoa Mall Express... . 7:30 ant initio de su hljo, Harry, dlclendole que notice Mall k Express S3 C. y Mexico, Agoato lumns de Campa en tlempo ds la carta give Cubs the right to serve t Tucson l:Apu h. Exprsss to Alisons. .10 .19 pro verdadrramenit- aflrat an aua It. El prealdente se habla eecapado del Aallo Mattea-wan- - abrogation of the treaty If ebe wsnta to .Clesdcrefl rbaduls baaaoB la Is Leave El i'aao DaUr. No provlalonal inert a contealando hoy rsvoluclAn de Orosco mansjA una 7 :4a m., 19 a. w. ; ar. .to p.m. plerda tlrmpo en a y Thaw dice que harla e) ltlmo take that view of it. Hut una may con a Aumogordo, Cleuderof t .U Returulug laare Cloud la nota que la fue ametralladora en Rellano Villa Lo 11:99 P. m. daily, xopt Sunday ; Aiamogoruo, o .jo p. m., kU a uaar rate maravtlloro rerlantemente - para su pueblo sa gets msay things in croft arrlvs Paso por el pes en contra, de loa federalea man- esfuerso tr a Elmhure; elude, abe other as. Oa u rosy, Kl J :4S pldalo U..y mlamo y envladn Br. Mini, ra- rates, Is to In 9:10 y. bat iralua ltas Paao a. m. aad tftp. m.. arriving ti uao toda claae de dadoe por el Oral. Trucy Aubert, ae en Pennsylvsnla. st preferential tbst It her da aua merlt.ii - El Intervencldn t keep tresty snyhow vlSgTt PssiU h? p. a? " " Ua aeadtroft s.u dinars en loa aauntoa mexlcanoa nl encuentra ahora en El Paao, deapuea terest this ua" que gaata en en Texas. Sterling aald agitation for 9aata As B, tm. w a k aa "AURMINu" no cualqulera augeatldn por go- de haber sldo herldo en Villa Lopes Ganado mexlcano Senator the nets. n a hecha from From tbs North. i. ... Noitt, aa dlnaro pardldo. PRECIO Bl.OA blerno extranjero. Sr. atraves de la caja del cuerpo sin que Marfa, Tex.. Agoato Mil caba- free augar bad deterred cspltsHats arrlvs. in. El Llnd ha It. augar la 8onth MB Mexico 10 .1) am nw ibicago Mail la caja. rablegraflado In ronteataclon del pre- hublnra guardado cams debldo a su ses da ganado cruaaron hoy por Pre- erecting beet factories eager ..... fast y Dakota. Senator Walsh of Montsns. ex hla Kl t'aso ... i.nas al K C. Chicago psassagsr... sm aldente Huerta ul goblerno de Waah- - magnlflca complexlAn juventud. sidio para la plasa de El By Tabrlcado dnlcamenta por la embarcadss preaaed iie belief msny projected tBostaara ParUle ltlrhardson aunque no eatA Paao por la compafila Cameron Cattls thst Westbound. EasiUou MERCANTILE MTO. EXPORT beet sugsr la the west bsd been 1 o 03 am CABECK DE PI'NDAMKNTt) a volved a tomar parts en lss Co. Dos carros de novtlloe y doe de fsrtorles Csltfornlse a caiifuruia Vast Mail.. ar. Co. P. O. BOX (12, NEW YORK. de Mexico dice que Is agra- - keet fr.ioi entering tbe field "by tbs v buaaat Hipress 0 M ata 9 bunaet Mall .It. 40.0094laa rontlsndua rabraa de Angora fueron embarcadas buua.1 Exprses ...... 4 aia II. A. - ( en blen de la llbertad powera that he" In the best sagsr Indus 7:iusm Uoldsn mat Limited sr. U :20 pm Ia Que DUr- el onnl Mexk'ann en da luchar de de Marfa loe dlas anteriores. Uoldan Stat Limited 4 :uU pm x CallforuUa - IIUH-n- Eate fue durante try. I .at. 2:42 pm Art. un pueblo. amerlcano de loe novlllos aa vendlsron sn 7 buatet Mall urn 10 tiuueei Kxprae sr. Ignaclo Perte 7 1U s.oupiu DE VKNTA KN LA El conaul mexUrano da del conocldo capltan California Fast Mall .ar. :0C pm kl Buusst Kxprsea 940 pm Phoenix. que tamblen flgurA en la cantldad de ISO. MBXirAN Mtm koxaa A Pasaifte Haxlwar. l. Aria , dice: "No hay nada Outlerre. la him de clerto rebellAn de Orosco. Weatbonad. ArrlTB. Ksstbousd. la notlcla de que el goblerno mexl-ran- - rn Ai'irstidos Tor RlAa. Gaea Phaamlx U Caafsa- With Oas- - t East Express 30 am 4 East Expreu ESVi por from . I Rio Grande mad loa de sua aganlea haya eJ y s (.anuoa nan 9 :49 p. 9 Csnnon Ball Farmacia una do an Qua se le apUque as. Jesus Sanrhex Aurellano Florea raasa. Hallways of T:Usm eatado or reclutar gente - mayor par rifle que By tpeoisl Coevrrposdml haUoaal Meats. para mandarin a Mexico." Tal fue el Maxlco. Agoato It. La parte fueron arreetadoa Ttmrt From tbs South. Arrive. Eor tbe Booth. n . Sa. at BtanliHi. I Paao, go- y 19. 7 U0 Teaaa. 'mi,, nflclal preaantado por el con- da loa perlAdlcoa loealae plden al en la calle de El Paao Thoenlx. Arts Aug. J. L Moralea. 171 PaiMDger from Juarea am s Mexico City Mall A Bxpr 7 .1 PtHHto 7ua. O. blerno ae la apllque el de la El prlmern ds qusja ds que a prominent Me I. .m merebaaS of Phoe- T Msxico city Man a bxprasa is pm ziu Jusrss Passsager 4:90 am aul en Phoenix. Sr. T CaatlllAn. It Service iatesraptad by rsTolulloe. Kala daclaraclAn ea al resultado da al' DC, Wm. Bayard Hale, Floree lo golpeA mlemtras eataba nix, baa baea absent from home the paat ( l Mi l W I IIIJO csrvesa. ha Msaloo ksHssj. una InveatlgarlAn levantada por ae qulen durante mucho tlempo ha con unas botellss de ten day a. It waa learned today has rom the South. laa botellas OS IS! f For the South. dublerno mexlcano a eete reapaeto. Inveatlgando las condlclonea de cuando fueron arraatado one to Mexico to confer with SSI 4 Paawnger from Juaraa 9:29 am I 1 Chihuahua Mall a Bib B romo prusba de los t 7 fueron llevadas Csrrsnss ssd isadsrs ef the t Chlliuukua Mall A Express pm t Jsaras Pssngsr pa gopae. movement relative to the appoint- Kerrlr Interrupted br revoluttoe. I as- ment of S rousul for Aria. ma an. to A Los Suarrlptomi sist tbe growing numbers of Canslltu-tlonall- Supllcames a nuastroe nuevoa fsllnwers In this Moralea auscrlptoree que cada via qua left hefe by aatomoblla for the south, no eea entregado el Times oon later hoarded a tralu aad waat through GRATIS oportunldsd. en laa prlmsraa Kl Paso. rrossla tbs Hi" tlrsads at Kagle bores da la raafiana. ae slrvaa Psss. making his wsy theut-- t Tarraoa Mi Ukii iMlUng blm shortly M Sl.e. H9S a . 1 llamar al telefuno 1019 a Word wss received bars trutu Mcmm iBjiBislsssil Make gf'-- ae lee envlarA. before crossing late Mexico, aaylax every, a note Un Bote de a Libra Cafe Tenemoe n naajeroa eepeclalee thing waa O. K He had seam saversl para eete objetu. tenders wha favored the sppotutmeat. sad zjtz, rsr-ajj- ; ahould the conaulsle ha sMahllahed he will far TO USE OUJi mm mmr "Embajador" Con Un Los Coeampradoras. bsve a Urge follewlag. ss sympstby tar I i Is Se dice que D. Luis Tsar rasas va a Csrrsess and hla fellowara persegulr sn faleoe svsry day Classified Column Texas a todoa lod gnu. gWALtsOWBD POISON. Anuncio En El Times agentea que andan usurps ado su Eeto lo ha notlftcado a laa firms BkVa ta a I tfv aeoclanee genaderee de Texas para BaM taaalh f Qon cada pago al contadn de un anuncio de qus nlnguao ds loa sgsatee pueda wKen gou have gg The AuvUtut Press any 75 en la oficina vender a minus qus eetea nuthortaado be centavos recibido del Timet o ei para alio. New York. Aug. If "I've tried la sucursal Num. 1 (Entrada del McCoy) get work, hut there waa ae way oat Hotel except dlagrare, 1 waat to dls A poor URAXD IK, l 11 sXACKg. thing you want se conseguira un bote de caf "Embajador" girl i. be good la New York." said to ga re asasststssl frees Elisabeth Heath, aa slghteaa-yaar-o- gratis. orphan aa aha awallowad potaon la view Balsas N H, Aug. 11 Per the asc- of a erewd la Stuveyeaat park tonight : o sell Eata es una corhbinaci6n anun-xi- Hamp- wish buena In bletory nearby hospital, or MJ Un end to inn the of New he waa rushed ta a en el Times da magnificos resultados y el cmH shire, the Urand Ctraelt atssts this whsre It was said she had a ckaaoe far weak AU the tag eta "Enibajador" produce la mas deliciosa bbida. at .iui., The girl aald her mother died In bias. Cos. Murphy. Users. C W An Ban PraaeUoo last March Than Mlaa Todos los que han probado el caf "Eirvba-jador- " drewe and othere nave arrived frosa Haath galharea together her small que es y a Uds Detroit The maetlag op as tomorrow aad raaae to Nsw York, reach taben bueno igualmcntc aud olaass Betsresay log bare about a month ago She triad let agradari. Oa the eaealag day the main to flag empieyaaeet but waa uaauoceaa- are tas Maw KngUad aad the ful aad finally waa without maer to pay Cor her bsdglag. Thea aha waat I El. Paso Morning Times EL PASO MORNING TIME3, TUESDAY, AUQU8T It, 9t NINE WANT AD HOROSCOPE tawmltig blocks from r O Cia get ffonMsluel CliaaiCM Agents Wanted 10 loaning wetar New place TIMES BRANCH Aroctrr hl 14 "Mti fi,l--- .', Bawtlag roam ... Ave Rent ITe, Thla la aim of the kwt sigas In tk 8 ra Black P n transient pi. LIVK AGENTS wanted for readr seller side Alt hotisekeentnenil. r. Eodlae ta he te laea, in eey alew place A home pksca :.V.v repeal-- 1 OFFICES hern under It whlrk deadf Sura r Liberal cnmndaelon 38 Rooms blncka from r II 14 prlrat. linn n sign aar an rrom ii Addreaa The , O. 111, tke of rta muuiaaee Jala Dating Ca P. Bea jr. For convenience iMtrmi a u Angnat ar 14. North aide. htm Tbe Tlwes offices IS hrench Lee people are Had keened neroi,e aide rloee In I T0 I". f the foilowlag plaeee- e evmpattietlc No gaa, and atmagly magnet light, wstev bill te pay . koj. txvhhy Motel McCoy. Clgir Tka, Running Sllta i " panp'e mi would give np all water. f.,wl beda .... lrrtl Salesmen Wanted Man, reraer Tim street "d Mata cemfeti and area tbetr Uvea to cere far rami; Rlthianil Drug Store. High aad eiene Ike aick. Tka finest surgeons SAlSshLAN WANTED HeaMb laear lend Park Paan Drng Store. mrt . a 21 Ess ri aad physicians the warld kas keowa Phone tS lo weekly benefit coat II per For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate 81 "n Alameda atreet; Boulevard Draf bare been barn under alga. CTEEL (HREER month Big mne, to aa leeman Prog, Store. Boalevard street tkle Relief and Florence They akaa keve lata I tire aataree reaslve Aeanelatlnn. 8nutheeatern BUNOALOW ON CORNER. paoeeas ao sad Life Betiding. Dept Ne I, Waal eds aad subscriptions taken much magnHlam that their Dallas. Tetee No there I SI preaence la rait w he tkey go yoa looms aad basement, "il foot rarer Fa. Situations Wanted 11 For Sale Real 21 nly tke ker1ff will get It ir doa't. raraar, aear Lama arhoul. mlae women or tkle alga are Jnltg Mar- Estate B Paden. sales ana eager Don't Sentiitl Hand Goods 24 bargain M.aOO.00. with amall caak lowe. Mary Mannertna. Bllaabeth Htnart WANTRD By poaltlnn Caa lake II k l K NS It IS tkle Ward. Paeawaa Plea emit, paymeat , fja" men. lam In charge of rooming koiiae, or rkamber house-bol- City Real Batate oaly rrenklln. R,.,M go. Horace WANTED To bay furniture sad FISK RAMSEY REALTY CO MESSENGERS Flat, her meld work. Good refer Addreaa gilt good; hlgbeet caab prlee pild. and r rank Munaay N hell 4 ROOM BRICK. Il0ta Highland Park. Office work imp NICK INCOME Rio Grande Hardware aad Fura. Ca. I I. wall farored ky plaae Apsrtmeat 81. Faay terma. EIGHT noOMS AND BA8KMF NT WILL CALl FOR for property Will trade Phoae BROS. .'",''!;n changeo USorera TO DM MAN waata poaltlnn lerl ol fer amall tract of valley laad HAWKINS Furnace best, heautlful konae. one block lit to eeerrb rbe iv..n( Art. the iilvlng. anvtklng I, H. 8012 a from Sunset school sell WANT ADS. coming week Appreetleee N. II M. MAPLE CASH OR TRADE Wa want rour t'sn tor 11.080 will do well to Bllaa M Pbeae 8tt7 Paean 887. an Mm, Btn end hand furniture ef all under market valae; eaay terma. Whan yon cenobt bring ne tend wiTUt Wtmt A Phone 1108. Fouta Elaklar. your Want Ad to Tbe Tlmea ofrira. Ad "r The great world of workers have thalr REALTY CtX Juet phona (ha Ad- ability aad aiperleare for aala aad the SELL at' OUR FURNITURE for Its NN aa4 aak for all BT NEAR vertising Deperlmeat (808 aftar p. finding of tka right market for their la worth. Hang ta atdvee. sll kinds; baat-er- RIVER HIGH scHooi m ), and arc will send a meeeooger Help Wanted Male 7 bar la nam uf tka Important provtncaa ef RUntoE Bargaitss toy llaolaom. lea bnies, refrlgaratora. pressed brink, aouth frMIt, the Colnmae 408 thglB) reel, apleadld for H. Thara'a na aitra eherge Toa Waet Call today. Teiaa Fura. t o, B. El FOR TRADE 8 room brtek oa Boule- keaae. eholee Imply pa y tka hay for Iba ad. at Paao. Fh na 4. "i7 owner forced to sell, prlee, 11.800; WOMAN atenograr-J-er-rler- etore, W. M Graal S dsraar vard. Will trade tor smaller cottage the rata if a cam a ward. Na ad HAW wortk lent It .us. Terms to .tilt. 38 fBS; wlremra. Aria., ti.tO, 2nd A room tehi on WB BUY, KINS IIHOS it eat tkaa mil, Caak muat bra. For Rent Houses t.i foralaked house two aall aad siehange arend band FISK RAMSEY REALTY CO tka ad. akort orders. N. M.. goo; power It Mis Cheap at f00. Oar price 8800 furniture. C. L Krvln 8s Co, lit 8 plant engineer. X. M mo.; Positively never occupied by 187 lion sick Stanton St Phone A I 120, ; new. 4 room bungalow or NEW PAR MFN r HOUSE Aria., b r wa'tiwaa. N. M. (30. : FOR RENT Beautiful cottage. t.VH Wyo- N. M , weak. A All HAWKINS BROS Nine apartmenta. floors, wsltreas. ( ming Flee aad flowers, front beaatlfal brand aew, modern bunga- kinds or furniture. We Homes Our Special!) laborers sad tearaaters. R. n work, N. aad back. Newly renovated; north low la Grand View. Will take some lots pay more for your goods tesn any firm disappearing beds, sleeping porches, al- M., $3 to 2(1: free aad 808 8. ways fare. east front. Apply Bid N. Oregoa. Pkoae in iraoe at part paymaat. Look Into this la tka city. El r in. Waatern 4 never full aad waiting Hat. Few thous- Care, aV t'o. WILL TRADE bungalow, rooma. Advertising Rate FALL MITCHRLL, 8718. nerora aomehody beats yon to It. Furniture Phone 1482. floora, and cash, rent will pay oalance. e BBj Ban 8 ocrapled, aoutb rroat.bardwood Fraaclaco reeaeal porch 11880 Will trade for Investment. E euM tailed M04. n room houae A WANTED To buy, aell or trade. CLASSIFIED LI NEBS. far. 180.00 beautiful modern aaal front cottage. cant lota. REALTY CO. - room rur nouae oo en mr thing In household good! Phone hum iwo ion Ange nt., going t7ii M. HAWKINS BROS. 4 room house Ton It 107 Stsnton lepet word aark Insertion far. 400" can't duplicate at WOO Mnn FOR SALE new. wore EMPLOYEB8' CLEARING BOOBS. 4 room fur. apt to 00 4 aootn Penr lota la ir eaca i insertion!. NEAR SHOPS room houae. Highland Park L (j Oeter. Amarlllo, 4 room unfurnlahed houae in 00 Take a look an apartment house 25 front, fenced, on Wyoming 180 dowa, Mlae N. 4 it site Legal Notices no ad. taken for laaa tkan 38 eeola. superintendent, M. Muat apaak room unfurnlahed houae 26.00 we rnr at least anon i 11.1 monthly, tloeit Start to ease. J. Engllak. I R K nit, its aad rath muat accompany tka ordar. A ItROS MARKET VALUE. NOTICE OF STOCKIIOLDT.RS' A N I B Piden, salea manager. Display advertlalag aa claaalflad psge, Man or woman atenograpber, wko can DIRECTORS' HAWKINS BROS. doubl price. No permitted. take dictation In Bpanlak MKI.TI.NG cut! Wa need llailnga oa all clauses of prop-art- Notice la hereby given that the reguls LEQAL ADYe.KTlsl.NO. Man and wife aa 1 ONE SIX ROOM BUNGALOW waiter aad cook, aama We I annual meeting wf tin- stockholders ef the SOUTH FRONT LOTS on Tularoea St Legal advertising at rataa. place. haven tba time to bunt It up 1233 IIMO.OO local We have to give Kl A Northeastern C 13.V) each, on monthly piymenta. Beata modern. Huttoa St. Powerhouse N. M., our attention to buyera Piso Hslllosd englnaar, ItfJO mo. If you want to aall something ring s anvlnge bank. cash, balince Ilka rant. DIBTLAY AD. SPACB. Maa or wo ma a cook, X. M. Just HAWKINS BBOS. Opaa rata, waak daya, par lack, oa up. W. W. LEWIS. flat office .if tha company at No. 818 El Paao Phone .444. 408-- W Caples Bldg. column wide, eaa a Inaartioa. 80c. EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOTJBB. WANTED IN SUNSET REIOHTB-- l! Same, Sundays, aacb Inaartlon. 78c. SS & Southwestern building. El Paao, Teiaa, S commencing at 30 o clock a. tn Wed room home at once Standing Dleplay Advi.. per lack, EEL (SKEEIR HAWKINS BROS. par month. 18.00., WANTED-BO- T WITH MOTORCYCLE Vhnne 8078 411 neediy. Sept 10th, lull, and upon the FOR RENT. Meaa Ave adjourn-men- LOTS of dlaplay Foil MEM8ENOER 8ERVICE. CAN A aame date. Immediately upoa Contract! for larga amount! room flat, 1008 N. Florence 89000 BRICK HOUSE on JTVas ft. In business property Will trade or people are placing ada at Branch Ne. Adv. spscs or readers aubjact to discount. MAKF FROM tl.M) TO $3.00 PER DAY 10 Eaat Kl Paao. oa warn of anch atock lioldere' meeting, tkere room houae, ateam heat, 1118 Ore St. lino win regu equity for valley laad Income nearly and are satlafled with results. Tea APPLY CACTUS MESSENGER SERVICE. 75.08 caab and (20 pay month Thla a bar- be held at the ssute piece Ihe 324 Montana la Isr annus! meeting inuo monthly. win in, ten. READING NOTICES. MILLS 8T. 8 room houae, 80.00 gain. of the bosrd of dlrec BROS Tura reading matter, aack Inaartlon, furnished tors of such company for Ihe election of HAWKINS par Fire Inauraace. Notary Work. AUSTIN 4 MAR ft year, ATTENTION. line, 25c. WANTED Good bamberger Pbona 441. 200 its orrtters tor the ensuing and tbe SALE BY OWNER -- 6 corner lota Local., par line, oft, Insertion, lie. cook on lot; Texas St. transaction of such other buslaeaa aa may FOR Power Proposition Coil, Timber end CO. alao rooks, waiters aad flunky for J. H. SMITH SONS HOUSE, 2 loti on Blv for tile, come before tbe board. and 4 room houae, trees. Oa car llae. Fire t lay F'ur sale. scree of coal EX PASO TIMER or will for IHrgo Estr-ll- n HI, tto J.'i Puhllebars El Taao Morning Tlmea. dining ear No. 8, or will aall dining trade San propertv. A. L HAWLEY. Secretary. snd Tullroil. land. in tulles of ten tbouaand car privilege. TANDY, with PARK BROS. horae power consumption, ami about 380 El Paao, Teaa Anawer quick, W. A. La Two full lots In Clair, RARGAIN for cssb mile- - of El Paao. that haa over tea mil- Carnlral Oroonda. 240 ACRES near Cloudrreft. 20 acres In Grind View near Ureal car Phone lion feet, board measure, of merchantable LET I S raat your bouse vor you Wa cultivation, fine timber, to tnde for El 4883 timber standing up. ui aame, and four-fo- Fraternal WANTED Large. American boya with have a large list of good tenanta Pno property. .f i.e.i Ore clay underneath In 4i atraia wbaela. Can make from fl.M to H per waiting. TANDY, with PARK BROS To LOWER VALLEY LAND sere trsets Can be purchased at n hsrgsln No com- KL LODGE NO. 180. A. F. A. M. CO. tbe Sheriff or any Constable of El per a. re PASO day Apply to Cactus Meaaeuger Service, ANDERSON FILLER REALTY Paao Couuty, at law Fronta Rio Grande mission or middle man need apply. Ad- Begular meeting! fleet aad 324 Mills 1 and I Bldg. Pkone 48L Greeting; la very fine. Will lake aome trade, St. Buckler 2 ACRES, S inilei down villey. on rnid. Catherine Itoaa. administratrix of tbe and dreaa "oners. P. 0. Boi No. 84. Pres- third Wadnaadays of aaob Will ef. M Lowry. Beaumout, Tei ent!, month DO YOU WANT TO RENT tike horae and buggy as part pay. or H. G Suae, deceuaed. hating Arli.mi WANTED Man wife, no TANDY, ac- V. IS. W. M. and children, or A bonaa, rooms, deaa room, la say. with PARK BR08 filed hi our rotuit; court her final Ware. good single man to work on farm, fact count of ibe condition of ibe aald FOR SALE. near thing? Wall, when you are down town ceiate of StloOXMSI. Iteming Phone 980. 80S Mills Building. HOURS, lots, 1400 B Nan H. t; Rosa, together wilb uu Inst go 'round to Braach Ne. 1 of Tba Twenty-roo- brick tenement honae, en kllaaourl atraeta. Tlmea and give your ad. htm). Mo caak. aiipllcnlloii to bo dlacbargod from 'aeo aad WANTED Every man wko It will receive TANDY, with three lots, corner Fifth sad Taya striata, klaaonie Relief Board, haa anything prompt attention, and prove good In- PARK BROS. udmlnlatratorahip. to to 1 a T0.00 per month. Terma. loun: 10 a. m. to 13 m. advertlaa call at Branch No. at vestment. You are hereby commanded, that by rentius 'or Tba Tlmea when you are down tow. publication of thla writ fur hi least twiu- Itioo.oo. y dayi In uewspiper prluleil lu ibe Twenty-roo- brick tenoment house an burnished Kooms For Sale 18 room hotel, two lota, corner Fourth aad St. Vreia WANTED Carrier boya Good wagea FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE thoroughly furnished Cin he Renting for 170.uA par mtnlh. SPECIAL TREATMENT. bought at a bargain Thla il Its. for bright, honeat boya. Must bare For Rent 16 Because of ilckneu our client ilcalrea for ii. .. hetllemeul uf suld estate, lu in Terma. K P., bicycle or horse. Apply De- to aell one of the heet morning houaea nlty. 11.800,00. C. N. BEECH Mgr. Circulation In and contest the ssroe If Ihey aee Oaa para story VIAVI z&RB Mean Are. Phono. partment Tlmea before 8 a. m. or aftar the city. 2d ro,.ma. nicely furnished, or before September term, brick. Two Iota on Tayi street, between Fifth fi proi'ti, oh tbe Uilnd, I huriraln at Ill.Vai p. m. doing a good transient business, In a lliu. of aald county court, commrmliig I,. and stun atreeta, IL.VIOUO cash. Special price a For Rent-- 4 room furnished district for few daya. aad to be bolden nt tbe conn bouse of apartment, modern and up to JAB. J WATTS. WANTED I TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 701 CA8SIDY A ADAMS county. In Kl 454 Real Estate Dealers 27 For s Army: Ablehodled salt! the CHy of Paeu. en tn dale. Beat and lloel lie III .fill 104 Ban Franclaco St. Pbone unmarried men between agaa of 18 and Magoffin. Phone- 8102. the lat diy of September, A, D. 1013, ... r FOR SALE BUNGALOW HOME. Ihe eltv 86; cltlseos of United States of good when said account ami application Mill For Sale aerea up the valley, character and temperate habits, who eaa In Grnnd View.. 5 rooms, modern, all be uc Lea on by aald court. ' the In Only 4' In cult Ivn ton Only IM apeak, read and write the Engllah lan- - built features. 13'Jio, 800 Given under my bnntl and sent of said W. W. LEWIS FOR SALE. casb. balance to suit. In or court, at mr office tbe city El Room 410. Caples Bldg. h room houae ou 4 corner lota. Portlaud CABSIDY ADAMS Paao, tbla 4th diy of August, A. D. I'UV eaay porcb. Pbone .1070. Fh .ne 4444. Ave. Fine view '.'' terma. PARK W. PITMA.N. 8 room. N Virginia St 14300; eaay GOLDEN HILL HOME Clerk, County Court of Kl Palo County. Paving all paid. Fine ea F YOU are looking for rooms or spart 7 rooma, 2 lota, 84700; terma. it. Help 8 fine vlaw, food 1'ssaa. d room houae, rluee In ou Tens St. Wanted Female meats, call Room Directory. Pbone rrma. P., CH1S Deputy. 4082. ARANDA. JR leuou . terma. CABBIDY S AikAMS. Issued this 4th day uf Angus). A. D. tl room houae, N. El Paso St., 843011; WANTED Woman for cooktnr and a 1811 terms. era! housework. No washing Address TWO or three partly furnlahed rooms. 413 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME. PARK W PITMAN, 8. Ochoa. you A piece of warehouse property peylttg soi ooo, i lly. If want aomethlng really different Clerk, County Court of El Psio County, s per cent on the Investment. IJO.tiUU: In a houae tbla will atirely please you ; TWO elegant rooms, coanect TrNhe. terms. furnished, located In Sunset Heights, near car line; 2 ily t Deputy. 3 tng; private bath; heat part of city. PIS HiS ARANDA, JR., A piece of Improved property within full lots; paved, street. Price (hAoO. terma A true copy, I certify bote), lofl.nntl Lost and Found 12 Mesa. to OOOD PLACE In East Alpine Will take block! of ike new Renting suit. Therefore if Interested In tho PEYTON J. EDWARDS. or rnr per terma. purchase of a borne, do not delay. Pbone good automobile "aaaenger tranafer li'e month: A. 1'. BROS LOST Large Augora cat. Sherltt of El Paao County. Hoi 441, Alpine, Fire Insurance Nutnrv Work. ,Keal Estate and white One tor appointment. Autos st your service. By N S OOOD. Deputy. In pari Tel. luauruice.luusMorehouse Block. I'bona lUi. blue eye and other green. Finder plaaae Phone 441 Teiaa. CAS8IDY at ADAMS. 18u nerea rich II SMITH A SONS. return to old W. Boulevard Ave. aad re Phone B20. LITTLE LESS lhan pralre J. FOR RENT Clone la. 8 nicely furulshed Ill Mills St. land, Improved, fir sale. Patented In ceive suitable reward. water, wind- housekeeping rooms. Gne for cooling. given Croiby County, Tel. Oood Klottrir light, telephone aqd other kome ARTESIAN WATER AT COLUMBUS. Notice la hereby that the regular mill Mile r Cone village. (load LOST In El Paso or Juares, Saturday A flow ef Artesian water haa been annual meeting ol the stockholders of the a. ii. church. Want tn sell because In FOR SALE Rv proprietor at the entai- courenleaces. No children or Invalid. Just Co or .ola. morning, book thirteen American or 800 N. developed nenr Coluinbua, New Me., In Fl Paao a Snutbaeatern Rullroail Cheap, easy No El Pasn County. 30 rooms. 3 aaloona, Stanton St.. cor. Boulevard. a organised other hualneaa. terms ler. United States Expraaa Traveler's checka. the lower Mlmbrea Valley, 74 miles from Teiaa, corporation under the agenta In It Write, gel Fill particular!, mereinlile diuce bill. J. Guader- - El Paan. tee as or lawa or the atnte or Teaaa. will lie held Reward. Coo. A. White, 1807 N. Oregon. FOB RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms. Better write ua for or R. E. Raunda, Drinlng. N M with bath, for light housekeeping. On prices on landa and rellnqnlehmenti In at tbe office the company at No. dlfi El Douglas. the artesian district. It would nlao pay Paao 4V South Western building. El Paso, STRAYED OR STOLEN Black stallion. Fort Rliss car Una. MM Call iv, coinmeoclng 10 m. NbWMAN at LYONS, 8 Amer. Bank Pbone luwl. yon to buy a few towa lota before the m st o'clook a. lug. Mexico una vi weighs about BOO pounda. White bind prices are raised. Wnlnesdsy. Sept. 10th, 1013, and upon tba tie and loans. Tel. feet, branded B. It. left bind leg. Notify FOR RENT Newly furnished apartmenta. COLUMBUS TOWN8ITF, CO., aame date, immediately upon udjournment El Paso Classified Business Directory Yeltoo Paint Co. Phone 1247, aad receive 418 Roberta-Bande- r Building. of siicc stockholders' meoetlng, there Alao single rooms. 811 N. El Palo St. he held ut the same place the regular reward. 25J8. Phone FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS will hue annual meeting of the hoard of directors one of the beet pitying apartment build- of such company for the election r Ita Business Chances 6 ings on W Mlsanurl. Phone 084. officer! for tbe ensuing year, and the Adding Machines. Junk Dealers. trsnsactlnu of such other huslneaa is msy EL IRON at METAL loOS KALE Fine In seeking; full measure of remunern-ttoa- , come before the board. 3l Mills St PASO CO.. Be, Foil building alte for rooms. S10 Rio yt ALTON Adding Machinal. In acrap fronting on paved atreet, FURNISHED E. Grande. employee In many lines A. L HAWLEY. Secretary. Antonio. Dealere Iron, rubber, with ; look to the copper, la Pbone !S4. Phone 2482 rcferencea. to point way braas. honea, etc. Bell 4380. track rear. Wants the to opportunity. THE STATE on TEXAS To tha Sheriff or i.ny Cutiatuhle of El Bicycle and Repair Shop FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE Good pa- FOR SALE BY OWNbR 40 acre farm. 1'aao County, Greatlag; Mercantile Agencies. 4 ying dairy. JlO.oto wilt haadle it. Will H mile from Otis, miles from Csrla-bi- Yon are hereby commended to auinmon re- trade for amall farm you N. M. 2 acres In 20 nerea WE CAN FIX IT SHOP Paraaoli State what HOUSEKEEPING bedrootua, cloaa la. orrbard. J. II Clober, Jr. by msklng pulillcutlon covered, keys fined, guus IOCAI. MERCANTILE AGENCY, Special Notices 26 have. H. A. 8., care Tlmea In alfalfa All under government Irri- of lu locks snd Bo children, dnga nor Invalid!. Phone gation. thli Cltitlou nine each week far i. 847 Myrtle. Pbone AI5. neports and rittlog of Individual!, 40111. Ml Meaa. Fine well witer, wind mill, four aiircesslve wwgke prevlnne to Hie re ran. ONE HALF Interest In Members uf the Nstlonil Akaa. FOR " n Meaa Are. finest Ibe best business cement tanks and hlg reservoir, all fenced, luru day hereof lu souis nuxapaper eiperts or Agencies. UU lu Kl Paao apartment. In town. 8201 you for hogs or Price BICYCLE WORK doni. gunsmith Mercantile I.Hutloii for If call around will NEATLY furnished rooma. 80S N. Oregon. stork. H00 linn In your Counl). to appeal ut tba or International HARRY MAN, Mgr. I'bonc US4. you. say cash, balance on easy terma. Phone rdKU. and all kinds repair. PATE show You will ao youreelf. 120 nnt regular term el the County Court Shop. Phoue 13S4. BtiT 8. Btautou. Herald Bldg. Brosdway, opp. Majestic. lilo N Campbell St., Kl Pain, Teiaa. of El Paao coi.aly. to be bolden at the FOUR WAOON8, kimoat new; 1 float, 2 Court ii ... ii ... r in ibe of Kl 1 city Jersey mllcb cows. buggy and FOB SALE Small Paso, Teiaa, on tne .'Irst Monday lu 1 team bursas brood mare. ciiellent paying Packing. and (.'1011 NICE, newly papered housekeeping suites September, Itilll, tba same being first Cleaned. me KITS. caab. If bought at once. Ad- tin Carpets I'h. dress K. I. care Tlmea. very reaaouable. Hunay South. Pbona Unfurnished Rooms day of September, I'M:; then uud there COUIlH jpSaWw "by lieuar belt the glob to answer a petition In aald TIMES ADD get you know is. bun Tesaa. filed Court Trinafer. aturaga. Phone resulta. and IF you have (IO.Oisi cash In Invest, wa For Rent 17 on Hie 2dtb day ut July.'I. In a ault DU BANO U WELLBORN. Branch No. 1. la McCoy Hotel .. it. the propual-tlo- iiuiuhered on the mil Carpet renovatore and upholsterers lobby, la convenient to you. Place y jut have an uauaually attractive .aid to make you. Investment ROOM at 311 for No. Itaks. wherein The First Nslluual Steeiu or vuruum cleaalag. ad" there and It will appear la Tka Tlmea carries lilMMss Teiaa It. I'., Pressing and Cleaning. salaried poaltton If desired. Addreaa 8hn, tent after Aug. lat. Enquire at Jan. mk .f El I'sso, Tens, la Plalntirr. the following morning. kins Co. and J. H. Clober. la Drciidaal. aud care Tlmea. OUTSIDE COOL ROOMS. Piano Jr. PHONE BhO for or .KMj petition alleging that plalntirr Ii a cleaning preaslag. IN A HURRY Regulars aud Traoelruta. aad up. Dentists. Tei Tailoring Co. W. W. will aee yonr II HOTEL, corporation duly Ineorporeied ami haa lis Oet ODOM'M TRANSFER CO. lewis that wants si 'il' place of buelneaa jn r.l Paso County, To Haul It. Pbope 1064. are atteaded to. tWi Sau Autoulo H.I 20 Dr. Burton, Denttat, MHIa Bldg. you Board and Rooms thai del,mien; residua lu tha If are la the market to bay, aall or cityin,of Chicago. Ill tbul on March II. Plumbers. rent, ring HOTEL CARMEN. 818 Baa Francisco. aus B. Bldg 13 Newly furnlahed. Kuaaing water ll'ia. defendant eieeutud ami delivered In DR. MclNToSH. Dentin, A. Miscellaneous plalnllff bla promissory note In writing CO. Mummer rates, bOc. 75c and 81.0U. AY, Mllla TBY CITY PLUMBINO Better 4444 for 18311. dated March 14. 1818, paybble to USB. HltoWN at UALLOW t plumbing for leea. Phone 3104. 811 N. WANTED Middle aged married ceuple ol rooms. 828 Pruapoct. FOR RENT Nice, cool, the order of plaintiff, due lu ihlrty daya Uliig Phone ned. Campbell FOR SALE OR TRADE Confectionery modem rooms, Ite date, payable ut s of- to take care uf furnlahed rooms. with or without bosrd. Phone, hot suq after plaintiff A. A., aud luucb builneea: will 2 or fice hearing Intern! at the rate or 10 E Times. a good cold bsths. 811 N. Oresoa. N NATION'S PLUMBINO lots aa part pay terme. Phona per cent pgr annum fresa maturity uutll 831 N. Campbell 8t. per Furniture Repairing. u I. WELD broken oven deors, store lt WILL CONTINUE giving meala through paid, providing for lu cent legs, Irou bed parte, machine lege or WHY I'Al ritravagant hotal rataa) The oa tba amount aaaalal if pluted PRONTO PLUMBERS. Sofi Teiaa. Phot FOB SALE Retail grocery a small ibe aummer 20b peon. Picking: F. M Bagge Pk. 83TB any brokru metal part of anion, gaa la Bamoaa. N. ktlantua. Homelike. in tba banda of im aliuruey for collec- Furniture 1UU1 Work guaranteed farm liuptenieuta. eu-- Brokee growing town, doing good buelneaa. ocoBoialral, saultary, ample bathing tion: that on aald date, defvuiluni bicycle near El Paao. Building, atock and facilities. Rsion iti to a day; (Q NOTICE. plaintiff ss security for tbe EIIOLD goods parked, sioisd aud and frames braaed aad cents with llt'l repaired, uphola rslurorced. Stock added to wore parts all uaw. All for sale at lavolca to 18 a wick ; 112 lu km i month. Tba Conveleecent Home for Tubercul- payment of aabl note, sud alga by the hipped Furniture Addreaa W.. cara Tlmea. oma la piepsred to a erod and flnlahed. Antique! buusht sad subjected t friction. bow take limited terma of aald note and for the purpose Esct'y Storage Warehouse. EL PAlo W NO CO.. number of bed pailenta. Home-Ilk- of securing the payment ut said note . id B L. Dialel Fura. A Mall. lu N. Kanaaa St. and careful ouralng under gsve plaintiff a Isaac upon, una die. KL PASO TRUNK tka aapemaion of Mra. Mcavliiaey, for uioud tlruj a hlil. Is located lit El Paao waiebuuee, aafest Rooming Houses For ROuMb. 118 Mills oaa marly of lioniau Sanltortum. Iti There la hardly a pbaaa of Ufa the FAYET'tE at. the Sep.. County. Teias, is the pnsaeeelon of Hairdressing Parlors. lower rstes. Bell 1U04. block from f. u hue. The. par day rite building .or roaesleiceati Tel 4081 la of ihe market value In aewda of which are aot reflected la tba Sale 35 paaaee Plalntirr. and Want Colunina. tJ sud up weekly. Fort Bllaa car door. Fl Paso Count), Teiaa, of Iba sum of BOOMING HOL'kB FOR MALE. 1130: that thereby drfrudaat became lia- ROOMS WITH pwV Sheet Metal IT IB KABX 7 rooms. 1 blocks from P. O All ELECTRIC FANS ble aad bound to plefutlff and Works. Wken you are down town to drop la at A dandy house neat i.. inland te pay plulnlirr the auai of No and place llttkt tianslem I'HIV ATE BATHS For Rent Apartments 18 money In aald a iii WiiliKM oanersl Braark aa ad. Price o&0 11 on luenttoued aole, together Jevelers. Hill lll.l tl PER DAY lib Interest Iheel airiil counselors uf sil kinds. PARK BROS TRAVELERS HOTEL R H NT- - Brand new fur- 648U. Go to tke Kanaaa wagon yard to get Foil and newly hei eon Sal Iff h as pland laid II muiuapiioge. 411 Teisi St. Phone Have What You Win. iX9 SAN ERAS' I SCO S 1 r um, suite, vaa'H ES claeaed 4uc. i". good service, good lorral, good alalia nlahed cloee la. 816 X uiys for rollee, f old r and up Campbell Phone .'I33. wuirauted. CavaB t ana pleut room te date. 12 ROOM ROOMING Hot MK. dowa towa. Hob and o pay them tba Denver Jewelry U hau wurk. koraa shoeing our apeclalty agp. ,. said tale i, Good location Rent 08B; You attoroey'a la note. 81. Bring rour rrlpplea. guarantee to make terma. 28 will Hud the Want! f the gieeieat t bit plain Specialist For Cures. 81 HO Autos and Accessories In bo sting people who tkom go Plain shoeing Horaaa laalaiaace wish to aald w i s bur , malnapiinga. PARK BROS rent a furnished flat or lole a it cteaBOd. waated to board sad single drivers tu Will Show You This Place apsrtiueat Healed. tae Dstals, lie. All "rk guarau. No PHLn toning, no Inking. Is Mere. ' Pkoae 4240 W. H. Livlageleas. koala punctures laetaatlv and d n't'.f laShj break. 1,1. I I V noli teed yeera. tiveeta Jsnairy kouae. Ilimoeopaiklelaa. automatically Duea aol Injure rubber MA R F It APARTMENTS If Jtou praya3 lb defa i t, BOOMING Hoi MK. N aide A per are up nan Auloi.lo St The Wsnis are time saver a They point ud larreaaea the lite uf '.he tire forti leokiag ur to date apartmenta and aaawer Its petition, that It have way dandf home plate Rleg rooma Price eat. Ballafaellon guaranteed or money i boat the Marguerite Birtctly to the direct, quit ef Joing i tTOO down. rou 'in Judgment f its del.t Inlereet, robts, reouag visas Boat lecatiea la towa. free, Line. sisli) tailigs inai, gelling baa PARK BROS Inqulae a. snd the foreclosure of Its Auto Stage Sign Painting. eoiDloime.. hiring. building, selling. AParlmaai mortgage lien na sel l nui and tmit eild ii banging BOOMIMI II ol rlag ne Ue,reed lo be aold "cording to vaLoUl. lu 1'UOk.NlX 24 rooms, 14 law for the payment of sild aot via Auto. paweugir cars leave aerate all outside Rent $108. For Sale Miscellaneous 23 For Sale Livestock hkcii lull Pkeaa ttiale Let be Good kaaae. bloeka Herel a fall aet. but have rod before filobe duly. JUm. k boura. Mski O t Court, regu- Dominion Hotel. Olobe Olle FOR SIONS or ae from P. Price) uu caab taksa It 1 or rween . HHt. ti,sa I and La raves lid it In ifurriaid ueit. at street bulletins Hay. ODOMM TRANSFER CO. FURNISH! Nun of otlage lOtl well, with yens Valisy Auto Ntsge Lloe ward Plions jut. Cream of the towa M eperale lee lar tana, thla return Deliver Ii Right. for sale at hargaM tnt man It thereon, showing low you bate IUA4 PABK BROS eiocutrd Ik lie Bole Agenla. He Tbem. rOt'S boraea. wagoa Iba aama. SHANCU KO I ud haraeaa. Must Wltaeaa. W Clerk or Ihe la be aold (oraer Kaaaaa bwcoid Path ftOeWH-l- . MAIL LINE. HIMIMINll Of Tha Tlmea la located the MeCef aad County Court of J'l (sio County. Wllll.oo Uoe- - Typewrittrs. Hill II Hetal lobby Ycu will f tka same Pkeoe 4a40 Dally psa.eugei service ioeving Professional 21 rooms, 2 blocks from P laltei Gtveu nadai ay head and aeal or aald and jt a 0U a. ui srvi.s aad aama euurieoue atlaatloa Court, at orflee II Ihe City of Kl ell lairlsuiu ISO You cai get 8 more va do at ear mala office ea Paao. Hi at I. ...ud Laval Bougd Typewrite office Supply Cu All uaeket Price 1BU 878 down there that fen Tesas, tbla. the lath day or July, mi Arrive sold, rsuted and repaired. 214 Mllla 84. 8 Oregea 84. PABK W Arrive 883 PARE BROS Wanted to Buy. 14 PITMAN. Ho. will 1 tt p ha- Phou. Bole Agenta. Bee Thai Clerk. County Court Fl Paso County I 40 p. as, my ll .00 a. Pk ache WANTED- - To buy reomkag houae. aet joms l nee Il at a. m Tiuuls I IS p m BOOMING HOI ME Money to Loan iis 13 S) Wanted to Rent IS mora taaa in reams sad ae laaa taaa 10 tl U i. II solo m. r neat ass , 11 au a m Window Washing. kouns ' Muat be cheap and do in Mra. Tucker, TUB MOEIINl, TIHF. haa PANTED Basall house wlthti llftea 10 HtXiwN he. II tatsi MONEY TO LOAM ea u Real batata Jaal hi. mlaulee' uf poatofflie. or otuer reliable aoeurtty a Prt.ate kaibaaga, aad Ik... V. ANTED-- Wlndos aaik palag t wlaklag laeegboeo, ( ra. hslsni-- lu monlhlv lu.leilion, MT FRANKLIN LOAN TRUST CO le laaeead aall live luiatloa. price aad teraaa. Ti Uiiiu.orpvraiesf WANTED To bay email dlamead Maat lag lei Iba eld eaaikaia. elea.e call fat 408 rO ae aawi. eaa sen tee khaser. Times Office 21 HO' iMa Brut I loft 188 Pheae 4444 Rooma t spies Bldg he bargain Adores. Dtamaid. rare easia re. oae 110 10. limi- BOOMS Uc Baa r liMee, raw Wteh, ead s" air. Veterinary Surgeons. n Ruaalag eaUr MM Tiaaaa will be Fewee a , polita. Me per mile 8u iba bag. Big mmm fursUhed at BtMlMS N aide ...... ITSt MONE1 oa Mew. ts riBTern LOANED furniture. tha fell. -l- ew eaetsrvsw;. rree ei. sss csrrieo Addreaa partaausara so A. M, Bet hies PABK BKtia or other good aatarlir visas IV. you make U s kailgaji u seed tha Ave. PbeaM aB 888 B. Orwjea mesai. SajvRabie Loom Co. Ill Trual Waal Ada every dag I gen HoapitaJ far bera TEN EL PASO MORNING TTME3, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1913 property. Mr. Nawy'r uggstd that RRIEF CITY NEWS. a spat King cop he asked for WOULD SEAT CUnON L The following notice to high arhool ( Advert lewieat rtwerarr pro.ram patrons waa snthorlsed by th hoard. pros- ArUrVe on P Paeo The wonder why The hoard draw up notice to op program at tho weekly sometimes pective high arhool studept urging Rl Paao erene and aa article concert by th Second 17. S. cav- - s flglsl Ores' tree Alahsavxa tve eve kcsrsAsVp Besii'iful were 4 HCIKNTTm ((riM 1. F1RXT them tn ese the principal within the "Kl ro. the airy band at Clevesand Hquer I s on o t a m.s.1 St J p. WE arrange all de In the first of the paw tonight 4 made next two week and lsns will be as follows: Hnasl Capital that can be trm ix mnuiVRMKNT tails of their elaaatflratlon All name Texss A Partfki Monthly magasla. I March. Under the Doubt 4 of prospective first veer students are The railroad has ahollafled Ha quart- Baglo Wsgner 4 desired by the principal erly magaslae and In Ha place will A Inn Vnm tn Vlave Physical particularly i. Overture: The Bestttlful ffe Aavae4ed PrvsJ to look like new is thrown at nnce. Ha will be at the high lapue the monthly. Oalafaa MMppe. 4 Wsshl agsen. fight te Cnltnrc Tangftt TTircntgricml W a. Aug. It The l.. arhool every day frnm If o'clock t Bong: IS) The Bong 1 4 seat Het try l Clsylon ss eenetor from e BMfj. junk Many )mrwt Mrtam-- ijo.sii.-- m until noon. and. tf necesaary. In Dr. Chert. Dentist, Mill Heard one Hnndsy Morn Alabama, began In earaeet today. A away or sent to a dealer. Tho afternoon Clllaon statement by genator Boblnenn of Ark Try Os Apia Bar Tap get A circular letter tn parent and the new Departed Days anaaa, upholding Governor yReaPa Ba- of household goods that are dis- stu- T. T. Prep. rhiT lh .... pieces Matter f Importance were guardian, explaining how tha the beet Keleh. Root. .- llon In appointing, a soeeeeeor to th cussed and passed upon bv the chool dents' hours after school may be 4 Tone late Neaetor Johnston becsms ywbie Roh A Baa BMg. Grand Heleotion or need refinishing appear al a meeting night. It wisely supervised, to the end that Dr r..t. dentist. 4 Root. early today, and at ths close of th scratched wm rtc to atil a scientificlt course sludtea may yield the hlgheat results. 4 eeeelon Menslor Rsnkhesd of Alabama High ( Has "totartew. I Fantaste: Creme de la be to the school csrrlcnllum. and h prepared" nan!? Now fast Creme Tobanl asked permission for the public print- worn out. By our methods they can teach phvslcsl In all hy V. i in rnlture the T report submitted Auditor ih Clerk Park W. Pitman aald Bxcerpls from. Oh, Oh. ing of legal opinions upon which the E Sawyer show that the total fixed yesterday evening that his office had Delphln fjaryll w governor haesd bja action of new goods. The question of providing tin ore belonging to twen- Claytna'a made to take the place property and equipment telegraphed the name nf about Kspsnol: Boretls 4 Senator Bank head said Mr. for thai pan of the arhool be- at the end of as TMsrch Ia to the yr the ec'vool department ty asplranta for commissions, 4 Gsllnnl. 4 credentials would be presetnted fore the sre received, a period In ' Rl crnWy to time had not July amounted vslu " public for Paao 4 B. D4- - 4 enete later, but that th during which the hoard's coffers sre treas- dur- Chief Musician A. Dapp, Our work will be recommendation enough. that the amount of cash with the secretary of state at Austin 4 been fined. emptv. wa considered, and a com- totaled $J1.-12- . It day rector. "A In the eenate urer on the same data ing Ihe day. waa tha last at 4 situation exlete Call and inspect it. mittee wss appointed to nlder It 4f. and that there are city appro- this term of the leglslefnre for the which will require a moat careful and further and report at th nat meet- - priating amounting to 111. til. tt un- appointment of notaries. There ar 44444 thorough consideration, he told hla "The collected. now more than 20 notariea public .nlleaaucs The governor nf Alebama purchlnri Ment anthnr-Ita- warrant on county. haa no pride In the opinions conferrde." btiy two portabletil Against this there are In city and to arhool the fund of II.ItT.ff. The Alabama eaaa Is th flrat to test hmi to take rare r.f the overflow, melntalnanre AMUSEMENTS governor a Daniel Furniture Hospital audited vouchers. !.SfT.70; bills Join the Carina Club. (Advertisements ) the authority of a to fill and severel learhera were alerted to outstanding and Heme of de- vacancy since the direct election amend- fill created tiv resignations IK.tM; adopted. vrncl preciation and maintenance The awalleat bar In tows. Flncet good What's Doing at the Alamo? ment lo the constitution wss The meetlna; w held In the Rallev for the month of July were at the Oesa. The contest centers sround ths In- school, with Pt. K ft. Irvln. presl-den- Todavy. terpretation nf the concluding words Factory il.ift.M. "Psthe's Weekly" always a big fea- and Mattress In the rhalr. The members Dr. Cameron. Dentist, tin Msaa Ara of the new smendment to ths consti- preaent were Messrs. Moriran, A- ture, with ua today. tution, providing thst the amendment u "Tha tlre.ii Raymond," himself ndre. Adam and MoCllntoch f Canned (JcksiI for Texaa. and ahall not be so construed as to effect 1025 P 412 perlntendant R G Tlgh and l POSSE SEEKS A HOLD-D- MAN from the marvelous mysterious land the election or "term of any senator" Myrtle Ave. Phone A II Hughey. ..f the High A freight ship loaded entirely with of mystic. Bee this great sleight of rhoaen before It become valid as part arhool, were alao preaent. tanned gooda for Texas Balled Jaet hand performer. He will delight you of the constitution, genator Roblnaon Storage is Our Specialty." week from Baltimore, Md for "Packing and The following appolntmenta and Spurs with his magic asserted In his statement that there reelenstlneie went throuah- Mine Offer of Reward arordlng to y message re- "An Old Man's Ixivs," a beautiful were decisions holding thst "the term .fjeorirlnla Adam, appointed at $S searchers After Montoya Ban- ceived by W. C. McCormlr. general drama of true life and a pretty ttory. of office" does net end with the death a month; Ada.Davl. resignation ac- dit. Who ...t Away With ft I agent for the Bunaet Central lines In You will feel good to know the good of the occupant but that the trm con- cepted, Mr, flertrtide AlHo being ap- this elty. The vessel, a Morgan liner, In thta world that la yet still left. tinues for th atatutory period. pointed to fill her place at TR n wll reach Oalveston next week and Matinee dally. Advertteement. VITAL RECORD month; Mlaa May Quatermnn'a resig- A Mexican hold-u- man operated a large part of It cargo will be Mlaa Maud belonging to IN THE COURTS nation accepted, nnd In a store and aaloon hipped to Ei Paao and this vicinity. Reservation for season tlrketa for MARRIAGE I K T ASKS. LAND! laarrk appointed to fill her place at Joe Hplrey at Montoya, mile west Kl Pasxi theatre for sale at the office In- The following marriage licenses on tha will cost I7R a month; resignation of Mlaa of this city, at f :o o'clock laat night, Dr. Oarrstt. stomach. Intestines. of Crawford theatre this morning. Thirty fourth Dhstrict Court lnterurcn en, Rnh-- rt were Issued yesterday by the county more next weak. Tou are Winifred Roe accept and Mlaa and got away with $41, The robber ternal .leaaes 403 Wanner. Opening attt action, "Bought and Paid Dan M. 'Jackson, Judge. Htrlnger appointed to fill her K. vs. clerk: going to buy anyhow why Ethel waa maaked with a white dotted for;" Sept. 2f-J- Utile Williams et si Frank ptgee at STo per month; Catherine handkerrhlef Hplrey offered reward Dr. Broneon. By. Car. Ill Mill Bid B. Cotton et al, suit to remove cloud HABKDRA - BUftTILteOS Man- not save that much by buy- Harper resigned, and I.tiry Hoard ws of f0 for Information concerning the from title; from Culberson county; uel Habedra and Maria Bustlllos- ing NOW? appointed to fill the vacancy at ISO posse Immediately Imported Beer on draught at tha Oesa. HALAZAR - MARANJO Pablo man and a was FORT BLISS NOTES filed. Maranjo. a month. formed to pureue the thief. J. a. N vs. Jose M. Esea Salaxar and Klolaa Garcia ROMERO-DEMER- Ro- TOBIN d Many at Seevleea. Oregorlo The third In the Iioiiglu The robber Is said to have entered Teal First Ueutensnt Walter H. Nelll, Jeda; trespass to try title and dam It ages; mero and Beatrla Dnmero. mtesrurban Land arhool la atlll without a teacher nnd the store Just after Hplrey left to lievii.ii serrices conducted hy the Troop M. Thirteenth cavalry, returned filed. Santiago the filling of the va- go to The Mexlran point- nf the Ksst Kl Pasr. HspflM rburrh Is v Headquarter. tba board left I'anutllln rsterday to his troop headquarters at Wilson and Ana Rodrlgueg. cancy to the superintendent. Iaura ed a gun at the negro porter, the ii tent adjolnlns the rbiirrb, sre meeting N. M. Case t'oomhus, He will depart for the Setting. B I! 8TI IJJR- - ESP I N OS A Reyes Nelson was (riven leave for one month only one In the store and demanded with much sneceas. Two conversions east in a few daya on a three months' Mopday, September 15. I Buatlllos and Plorencla Esplnosa. and Lee Walton for two month. money. The porter called to flplrey's tisve teen msde. snd tbe attendsnre ha leave of absence. S9 SO Austin A Marr. Mundy. Mary E. t'ampheH' resignation waa mother, who was In a back room, to been large. Services will tie conducted Major William R. Eastman of th t147 Gomes, vs. Morango. Independent accepted bring out the money. Hhe did not this evening In the Skat The meetings Medical Corp, attached to the Thir 720f Bowman, vs. Conrcheane. Rnvras. Assay Office will eonlluue alghtly for aa Indefinite following were (Mien on r Needed. fully understand what waa happen- teenth cavalry Columbus. N. M.. bss 711S Pumphrey! ve, Moeller The births recorder period. at yesterday city depart- Superintendent 'Tlghc spoke of the ing and came out to Inquire The been ordered to Fort Bliss for tempo- Thursday, Sept If at the health W Zee Or tarseers Auag sd ment office: illmmm course to be u"-- to the students of bandit demanded the money of hvr, rary duty. He ha been relieved at (fS4 Prewltt, vs. Postal Tel. Co. Seasale I Bldg. A. Upon. Bullion the High school this year, and but she doe not understand Span Or. Anna Beum, Buckler ' '.ii urn bus by Lieutenant Sidney L 2641 Bell, vs. G. H. A & A. . BARRON To Mr. and Mrs. neJaad SseerrW Were a 8(14 Au- Sgessrtg. that a scientific course be Ish and hesitated. The robber knock- Chappel, Medical corps, who haa been Barron, Texaa and Pacific. p 0 fJOI Bg Hr that to hi tnlnd her down, took the money, Dr. Jamleaon. Sktn vs. O. H. A A. gust S, a daughter. OfBee sDd laboratory: added. said ed (IS Mill stationed at Fort Bliss. t7f Brosby, 8 Kl Paao haa a field for that line Of amounting In $41, and ran and Kectal diseases Bldg. Captain Broeat D. Hcott, commander (Non TUTTLE To Mr. and Mra. John R. Resident.) 100 14, son- study. With the mine surrounding of Battery C, Sixth Field artillery at 7076 Buck, vs. Abrams. Tu(tle. Granna. August a IO. TEXAS. the city, he said, there ought to he VOTKS NLMBBR MILLIONS. Needing Olassea? See Dr. Hortnn. s Fort Hllss. haa been ordered by the ESTRADA To Mr. and Mrs. Sara-f- a Co.. Bldg. 15, a preparatory course fitting the stu- Fetr Jeweler, Herald War department to proceed to Fort BACK FROM K T. CONCLAVE. F.strada, 2117 Bassett. August dent for a purely technical Institute. naiailsslnsers atlll l.abarlag to Taba-laaa- ) Riley. Kan., for temporary duty with a son. Assayer and Call Pomeroy. 1444. Choice livery. Chemist He added that the present plan Is to Itesutt nf wales Slip oateat. Phone the remainder of the regiment. He Harry A. Carpenter Brings Entertaining rigs, back, hsggsge and freigbt transfer. BTTRJAIi have the academic course governed Between twelve nd fifteen million 111 return to Fort Bliss after the Merles of National Meeting. PBRMIT8. GEO. W. CAMERON hy the requirements of the t'nlver-aft- vote were cast during the cloilng days completion of hla duties at Fort Riley There were eereral feature of the tri The following burial permits have Representative For Shippers to th of Texas, but that many more ef the Morning Times ssles slip con- PERSONAL POINTS and will reaume command of tha bat- ennial conclave uf Knlghta Templar that been Issued by the city health de- Kl Paso Smelter. elective courses will be established. tery. particularly pleased Rl Paao Sir partment : test, becsuse of that rxtremsly heavy tbe WW San Francisco St.. El Paao, As already noted It was decided 10 n un- Military prlaonera Knights who It week," aald Texas vote the ballot i..ner were H. Oreenherg left yeater4y on at Fort Bliss who attended last ENDE Henry End, 45, Washing- add physical and calisthenics even- !, have been convicted of charge Hnrry A. Csrpenter, past grsud com. P. O. Bos ads. culture able tn complete their work last vveeka' buslnes and pleasure before ton park, August t. to course In all the schools. ing. three the court ordered mender of tbe Orand Commandery of S the After counting thousand nf Chicago, III., nnd Jopiin. Mo. martial have been GARCIA Ascension Garcia, aald he considered that one vote adjourned rip to transferred from the guard house to Texaa, who kaa lust returned from Den- 17. the crimmltiirrs st M. manager or years. 1204 South Oregon. August of the greatest advances In the edu- midnight until morning when the Frank Mtirchlson, the United Btatea military prison at ver. "Among them were the monstrous this A Trust company. interment. In Catholic Concordia. El Paso Distilled Water Co. cation of Kl Peso's children, and counting will be resumed. Ihe Texas Bank Alcatras, Cai. The prlconer who will parsdr, several mile long, th magnificent ROBINSON Forest Hugh Robin- left on Golden Hlate limited yes-- to hoped to Be the day when the Idea The secretaries nf the varlnus s the be taken from Fort Bll are: George electrical display and the bauquet the son. 1 year. J months, 17 daya. died Water Oooleirs Fumlahed. tsydstj St. Mo., to a of en- would be expanded until field day In competing for tho prise acted for I.ouls. attend Fitsgerald. Irving Pruimak. John officer and members the grand August 17- Interment In Evergreen which all the scholars would partlcl as bullot Judges. When counting Is re- banker' convention. Max Coaman, L H. Jordan, K. P. campment." cemetery. phone gone on pale were regular event. A special sumed today the Judges will be on W. E. Dudley ha to Chicago. Kroll. H. H. Horton.and John Abbott. Mr. Carpenter waa one of tbe aldea GOMEZ Mrs. P. Gomes. 75, Vsl 489 teacher Is to be hired for physical In- hand- Mr. M. J. Flagg left yesterday for tb staff of Begad Marshal Samuel P. Vede addition, died August 1C. struction. The ale slip contest waa Inaugu- Kansas City, Mo. Phon S77 for a Taxlcab. I'.ichran. of is fifth dlvialon of tbe pa- MONTOYA Andrea Montoya. 1110 M. Chicago, 111., rade. He hj Hie flrat El to re- It agreed by members pres- rated eight week ago by the Morn- Kalllson left for Pon Thirty-fourt- Auguat 10. was the I turn from convention. The other East spac-ta- ing Time, and proved one of the yesterday. lit IMYKHTKKN l.AVH IN COAL. th ent that the high school need l In Colorado Interment In Cathollo Concordia. k rentes! succSaaea of It kind yet Lieutenant Robert Bterrett of tne are taking vacation the LONG WELL'S TRANSFER attention from the board, and and some nf them bsve gon launched by a newapspcr The win- H yesterdsy oepplj Urn th tail Bees Received Free mnuntalna strenuous efforts to Increase Its ef- id ilry left for Fort DEATHS. 1 ner of the unnteit will receive tlOO, Dawaea Mlaa. east. Phone ficiency and It value to the commun- lenvenworthi Kan. The dlvialon made up of th SO WELL. Benjamin Sowell. aged second highest, 11(10; third highest, $76, A shipment of 50.000 tons coal fifth Automobiles, Hacks, Livery. ity. To this end Ttr and e Mrs. C. Holmlck and daughter nearly of cnmmunderles of Texas. Michigan and 41 years, died Sunday night at 1 lrln and the fourth highest, - a supply Auto Baggage Adam were appointed aa a have gone lo Chicago. month' for tba El Paao A Mlsslaatppl. says the 1004 Boulevard- He Truck. --e Stun western system hue been received tn Mr. Carpenter that o'clock at East Light Heavy special committee. Mr. Li. E. Hehr from of Rl I'aao I'omrotndery No. 18 came to El Paao two weeka ago from and Hauling. WASHINGTON PAW .N BROKER this city during few days' by banner A motion was passed authorising 1. on Angeles, Cal. the last the was the only from Texss In tbe persde. Safford. Aria., hla home. He waa a auperinten-den- railroad from the cos! fields in Tinker, supervisor of the J i: lockhart. t Dswsoa He speaks especially of banquet tn of Knights of Pythias Kdward Toll Hou-- c t altant New Mexico. Already 1IA7 carload of the the members the lately propaganda of the Kl oiiiinlt' He Contribut of the Chihuahua smelter, who supreme grand officers, which was laid In the Woodmen ng. the World. The first i 1. bsye arrived in this city over E. and Paao A Southwestern railroad to lec- ed to oil .mil. was In charge of the party of Ameri- col tbe Kl Jebel Shrine temple for 400 guests service will bs held at Ill TSr o res can women who came from Chihua- 1' A S. w and there are still 14 car funeral ture before the pupils on the evil of lo, by the Sir Knight uf Denver. Denver Simmons Carr's undertaking H Wustilngtuu. Aug. 18. Isaac llcid- - hua on the Federal troop trains laat nis tn come. These will be here In s to- ajftUg playing around railroads. ' maintained Its reputation for entertaining chapel. 70S North Stanton street, nhelm r u Washington o ivnhrnlrar Friday, will return today to Chihua few days. saya. will be Finance difficulties with which tho The cosl which now national convention. Mr Carpenter day at 10 o'clock. Interment testified today before the House loh- - hua on nut- of the provision trains cars, sre unloading plot In Ev- hoard have to contend were discussed. on the coni storsge tracks of tbe rail- In the Knlghta of Pythias iv hlch will go south over the Mexican Yewterclay'ri Reality - The hoard has the problem of run- committee about ihe erfnrts of road, extend for nearly mile Transfers. ergreen cemetery- the stlonal railroad. through th L. ning the schools from the opening broker to defeat the loan shark yards, and 45,134 tons. In Addle Byles to Rollo Bruce, east MM. He T O Rpencer. agent for the El Paso contain tbe fi, ft, BACK. day until January', when the tax raid he contributed about shipment atlll due there will he feet of lot all of lot the west MAB.FA CAME 1 1.500 Southwestern system at Tucumcarl, about 7 are collected. Audreas. Morgan and to ii fund raised by another 7000 tnns. Ii. I.. Oorton, foreman In tbe feet of lot 7, buock t3, Franklin McCltntuck were appointed to take broker. tlnnrge D. Horning. Ha M, Is In the city spending a few Heights. S4000. By Timrt ggeell Cerrsososdrsl days with his brother F. C. Spencer. yard. Is superintending tbe unloading of a up the question wtth the mayor, to thought about $l.fi0 of a total of coal with a force of thirty men. Jaf F. Knox and Besale Knox to Fort Stockton, Tex., Aug. Is. Is Miss 8. Q. t. i.i. of Peoria. 111., tbe Marfa came see cannot be devised 13,7(0 raised, went to lawyers ob- T. Smith, of section IS, eloaely played game here. if a method and Is hotel. Tbe IIk supply at coal la heiag James all by primers He would not awear, how- at the Orndorff at time of tbe year block tin public school land). fftOOO. back at Knrt Stockton and heat them to meet the situation. A. TV of tbe Turquoise tained tbla because of ever, that lindane Texas F- 3 to 3 score. St Joseph's Academy Auditor (lawyer waa Instructed to the total amount had not .'si." rou- tbe cosl business being slack and It la N. Halt and A. J, Fullan to James company. Hsu Francisco street, la t a young recruit from th Texa purr-haa- two portabla one room been greater than $3,760. oth- tbe beat time to move Smith, 20 21. illicit, With tined to his bed, sfter harlng gone through It all of sect ions If. and good game for Marfa building. They will be put up In er pawnbrokers, he aald. be called on block 2; section ft and 7, block 3, and league, hitched s very paluful nperatlon Hnndsy. and let hla rival down with two hit, part of the city where extra Hepreuentatlve McDermott In hi of- Is' Ills of Women. 24. 1, public 704 N. El Paso those Jobn W. Cols nf Terrell. Tel . tbe aectlon block school land. striking nut fourteen Marfa playa Fort St room Is moat needed and moved as fice twice but hud not dlacuaaed A Many women miserably from tha guest of Mr. and Mn D lludion. suffer $6000. Htockton one more game and then leave exigencies require Bach building will loan hurk legislation with ex. chronic constipation, caualng nerv- H. 8. him apt Frank Qraham returned to hi Monte Boomer and Etta on a three week trip through Texaa aocommodate forty children, and they casually. home at Denver. Colo laat evening ousness, dlsalness and sallow com- Boomer lo Janus T. Smith, easterly S are to cost I960 after apandlng aeveral daya with plexion. They will find that Cham- feet and f Inches lot 4 ft, all of lot 47, Yesterday's Building Hermits. A select day school conducted by It was decided to ask the city to Imp.. imii to llyspeptlca. friend and relative In till city. berlain's Tablets invariably bring re- and wealerly feet and 7 lnchea lot the Sisters of Lurtstlo. ' easy It Lelly; an adobe. Lot IT. take over the grounds of the school Bear In mind that Chamberlain's George I. Kinney, of Roawell, N. M lief. These tablets are to take 4t. block 7 Sunset Heights, f 100. Plton Classes Will Be Bessaard ge)t 2. It effect- 41. Hill street. $100. houses and care for fhem as doc Tablet Improve the appetite, Is regtstsred at tbe Paso del Norte. and pleasant to For sale by J. K Hawklna to Jay F. Knox, sec block 11 Crawford; rear porch and r'or particulars apply to Mother the public parka. It was argued strengthen the digestion and regu- druggists. Advertisement. tions b and ft, block 3, public school J J 13 17. block It, Sun Superior. that the city is equipped to do this, late the liver arc bowela. Juat what Mil. I.Klt'S SHOWI ARK H BBC. land. flO. hath- lota It and i mow w OCCAM. Heights addition. 1700. and could handle the additional you need Kor sale by all druggists -- iff. in Jay F. Knox and Beaale Knox to set grounds without extra expanae. Advertisement t'aratval Attrartlaa al feeead aad E. Hswltt Rogers: bungalow; tot Bet Ml James T. Smith, aectlons 5 snd I, Superintendent Tlghr waa authoriz- t By When 8he Refused to era te Lev. 11 and 31. block 7S, Esst El Paso ad Saata Fe eatrectrd Moeae. ere block 3. public school land, f (000. upon police at hi dis- CAMP PKRRV Mil l i lag 12000 ed to call the RtORKS. O. I. B. MarsJuezito Cal-- dition. when the spooning nuisance, J. Miller' combined abowa opened B The Associated Pru ('alnan and i Armunalls; adobe dwelling cretion for a week's performance last night on your to her Ware, lota 3 niaa which has been reported to the Kg fas Aisfdalea Vast Sun Francisco, Aug. I. "What did Francis Plcdraa and Corona street, f SO. Loretto Academy Cawp Perry the lot al the corner of Hecond and husband do to you?" aaked tbe deak and 4. block 124, Kast El Paso addi dwelling on 11. board, become troublesome on acbool n. Aug IS. Record ahow con- D. C. Gsrcta; lot breaking Hanla Fe The are under of Mrs. H Martin when she Inquired tion. IS700. 1100. Under the direction of mark were recorded In the local lodge uf Loyal block 10. East El Paso sddttlon. the third day nf the Nallousl tract with the ths st police headquarters today bow to get Grand View Building and Loan Rifle associ- Order of Moose. a wsrrspt for her Sisters of ation matches her Perfect acorra hushsnd. ompany to Grand View Realty com Loretto. were made In The Miller ahow come highly recom- "He threw me off th rllff lato tb pany, lota 29 and 30, block 47, Grand a number of Instannea by pre " Bergesnta'C II mended, both the and public ocean. answered Ibe young women. View addition. 1221.11. Las Cruces, New Mexico AIRDOME Wolturd and H T organisation I meeting going away to arhool TONIGHT Peteron of Oregon. In The with the calmly Government Hill Co., to Mra. Lu- When mark the enlisted beat of aureee through the great south- wltb men' match, shooting as a team, She was estranged from her husband, ll. Allen, loia 16 aad 1C, block 1, the clothing aa Boarding and school made west. Thos McMIUIn. chirr of police sio- tn walk wltb day twenty. six consecutive on hut last night cousented Grand View addition. 32S. bullseves the of Albuquerque, say: "It Is clean and him to the heaeh. They tslked ovec their 100 yard range, a new mark In this for young ladies and little event. At bright aa a baby'a flrat tooth," Mr. differences until they reached tb Cliff Ellis Rubber Stamp the end of the surprise firs Miller In poasesslon Jenkins Strike oil. girls. For particulars ad- nisi, h fifteen men were ha hi letter llouee ' oil which Is giving out tried at ten wrlttsn to him by McMIUIn which So vou won't me bark!" asked tb An gusher 8. Oregon St. rive of these mad lake from 3,000 to barrels of oil 110 dress Mother Superior. "The Altar flftssn atate that during th two en- huabaud. The final winner. Hnbert Hpears, made gagement wsk' per dsy waa atruck a few weeks ago twenty bullsvyee in at Albuquerque ant single lira Martin aald ber mil aegsattoa was succession second complaint braakara. on the property at Manafleld de Soto, waa by K. was mad from th how thst of trugallng la th at tb OF wn J Lavughll of grounds foot uf tbe In Louisiana, belonging to Ben F. Massachusetts. an eighteen-yea- .lift police In old The smusrmsnt loving public nf Kl Edward Hmltb. wko happened to he Mar Jenklna. former chief of El hoy with nineteen consecutive bulls- Paao. Mr. Jenkins returned yeater-da- Hpears Pan have an opportunity tu attend and gaslag aa the esnds. brought ber tn shore might have made s more escaped from Louisiana and stated that Imposing reoord as witness on of the cleanest lot of uakurt. Tb bushaad pro- he quit when as- shows aad riding device that has svar the gusher waa on of the moat Friendship sured of winning ductive In the stale of Louisiana. STATE NATIONAL BANK by been offered a carnival company prop- Miller's 1. Wild Another well was struck on ths ourtuVmvo al.... Animal cirrus Is being pumped. Mr ESTABLISH TI Four Act Drama WHi r'oun.len la in m. it worth th trouble of walk- erty, but this APRIL. IMS. The Implicit Advice Jenklna will visit his family for a fsw eonridence that many ing mile to witness. La Clan Colered Aunt Sally's OAPfTAX, BSCRPLIS AJfD g people have In Chamberlain Coll. Mtnatrete. Treat's great "thre days In this olty before returning to frtOFITsi Cholera and Marrhoea Remedy I how. Wars circus. Baby lion being to Beauty Seekers ths oil field founded on by a year Admission their experience In the trained twelve old girl, th up Including Interest Paid on Savings Accounts uae of that remedy and knowl- circus. .Parker's big All Jury script to and their six thousand K C. P "My kiu beraaae so psld edge of the many ourea dollarwlr Carry-- All. aad Ferrle say: Treasurer's number 11014 will be C remarkable Wheel summer, snd this s attracts to- - of- ft. afORBHEAD. Preside! JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. 10c, 20c, 30c of colic, diarrhoea and dyeenlery with legitimate coaoaaalona all gu Sreasy on presentation th Trasurer'a that to dirt thai I aav aa awful tlm M. BASSETT. Vie Preudant GEO. D. FLORT. Ctahlar. It ha effected Kor sale by all drug-Tts- naahs on big round ef plaaaur. fssplsg mr face .less leeklag Css yea fice. a Ad vert Isemenl. sugaest .thing I The method aa - J D. fONDIR, - 1. GILCHRIST. Asst. Cashier. all County Treasurer, Pltof NIX WVIKH I s, ns. tlousd lo reply to fclolee will eieiveau tbls coadlilaa t Advert laement.) C. Show, D. K A rlus "How caa I get rid of HhrV Ctmbimi Phoenix. Arts. Aug If Tha crswsfeet sad w risk lee about the mouth I i KHKMrT activii: Phoenix Water Users' association coraeret" ke s wsak lotto prepared by gg ..... wmmtM ie UNDER AUSPICES passed a resolution at a meeting of Uleeolvtag o. powasred saiolli I V, ii. i lord Pre the board of governura today asking pt slick bssel Tbls lightens Ik skla, Washington. Aug. K- Currency forest aarvlce lo taaue no more teudlug tn die perse siliflss aad It insurgents' coallnued their attack oa ths tonic effect Is more temporal currency Loyal Order Moose permit to aheep men to grase "My tba ths administration bill la tha their Klslse ss freckles sre were Rep- The Two Republics life Insurance Company flock on tha water shed of the Verde Ikes vsr thai yeer. evade doubly eeaayk - houae lteaiocrat caucus today. rUer and creak Such paatur-as- - u .lie b, a pallid ompb Iloo I Ho 1. resentative Calloway of Texaa. Bowdle Una ay ft haa cauaed e ronton aad Impair-nen- t cure I" Ask yoar drsggtet far aa of obi., aad others ulked against the PASO. TEXAS. BIG of ouace of serauUasd wss, apply algkti; Weaver of the perrenlal supply from th removing bill, while Hpreautatlvcg Ilk .old .ream la lae aralag Vir- A. two streams that feed the diversion wiib sunn water A the wax graduellv Oklahoma and Brown of Wee. KRAXAUBB, Preetdeat dam al Granite eut) nine aud bralrsJy absorbs lb erfacted cu ginian, members of ihe banking and CARNIVAL as lie above here lion aagi-- i ii. ie. not oaly will tb freckles vsuuh currency commute, defended It. Two tool Mtn Wanted to Soli Pollcits Thst Guarantee Protection endorse the ii. water but tar aew aad yeaagev skis wklch ss i.euli waa a further delay In tak set s healthy ester. Prub net h Hl'sntlJ. LOUIS ST. J. THOMAS. Second and Santa Fe Fark.or's fsssa rr I . AU and agar Ths ahsep angry at bears sill hare lual up the measure for amendments apt ef Ageata He Wiksal. ably ywu vf til ael seed tu tuatiaue tree! may aad Oea'l Mgr. 10 SHOWS- - in action aad wl seal a weak or mere. and general debate aot ha 10 IKVIM I, M VI ulsU I a. lo Washington, I la kaucue tomorrow.