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F Ja0pantingtinted Sllvr. Par O perlodlco dlerlo qua lleeja a ta .urocele el mlsvnn din en nm pnhll Sllvr. par o. I cadn. stsndo flcl a mi farhs csde din Zltie. par IM lb dl aIn I paglna I coaHsrt le I TtflH nttlme nntlctsa dal die an esnsflnl Panting tinted Ld, par If Iba i ; Ja0SWTMWEST 33RD YEAR UMEST MMfHK NR ORCKiTIN I EL PASO, TEXAS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1913. TEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT Friends Show Loyalty With PRESIDENT HUERTA SEEKING TROUBLE Floral Token of Confidence. HUERTA REJECTS PLAN HUERTA AM) MNP E HIS ISSUED OPEN DEFIANCE HOI, II UON'FF.RF.XCE SUGGESTION BY LIND Bp rirllKfliWI'mi d Mexico OS?, :Sn a. m. , Aa. IS. Provisional Pmlrifni Hirer. iMmXt ia and John I tn.i ,.. .ni rep. af m TURNED DOWN IN MEXICO CITY OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT riaiaaqif or Wilson. 9 wajt'ey St roainrnrr at a late howr L Jhr ' tonight following the report thai - xi3 that President Haerta wotald give Use I n led Ma Ira until mid- - e Re- nlghl to recognise hi edtaiat- - s Statement Reiterated That Under No Demands That His Government be ' radon under throat of rtrrini all relation. The nai.aro of ttra Circumstances Will the United cognized by Washington Authorities, oonfermoa was not revealed, bat States H 1DM characterized an cordial. Recognize Huerta. President Wilson and Insisted on Reply Before Midnight. a-- I Disappointed. By the Associated Press. NOTHINO dy 18. UNTU)omintLATER TODAV Bp thr daaoetsfaa' Washington, August ' Washington. Aug. The Huerta can senators, with very few excep- 'i Bp Tlmrn Special rorreapoadsal litem! rejection nf the tion, have upheld the hands of Pit officials were by I si. Administration Whtnglon, D. C, J: SO a. m. made the illicit Mate dent Wilson and It Is a continuation to for a ptuMwiful solution of Ihe Mel-n- of uch that yye will bo puzzled late tonight when they Aii. Nothing ofrtclal will he trVaahlngton promulgated here until sometime resolution reai'httl laic sble to carry oul our foreign policy today. In the Mexican situation, fort unataty the announcement today at least no excitement Bryan received here In official although rnwldeltl Wllsnn. Set'retary tliere haa been no disposition to draw circle rtaeactt of It. nl. II. ns dispatches that It I apparent situation and l'nnellor .lolin Moore ion line. being; Jus through press that the the stale dciuartmriit dlKOitsMd for aa aralnua as the Democrat. Htrtvln7 la Tery acute. The feeling Is that 4 nearly today earnestly Provisional President Huerta embargo on Inn hours t!ilxt'Jice of to handle the question on the shipment of John IJnd. pcraonal rereentaUve of a broad, putt loth bauds. Scccbcs by had delivered an ultimatum de- arms Into Mexico from this lYreldenl Wilson deaciiblng Ihe atti- Republican senntor have borne test! country will b repealed; thai la tude of the Huerta officials. Tiic niony to lite fad, and the utterances manding recognition of his gov- regarded a probable alternative. a ' preotdrnt. and hla advlseeH were plnlii-l- nf iicin. nn- on the floor have a, dlanxipolntrd at tin turn of events, no time shoyytl Thdti ernment in Mexico by the United r but arinmini'od that the meit-a- president's recent txmferenfe with th T taH governnttutl unuld have ttotlilnT lo entire ocuaie corouxlttew on foreign, States. t w r;n i a no v. VaT ggy tonight. Inatcsul. the American relations renullctl In a atroxtdr feeling; mrsui oomniiinliTallnn apiieallnv for a mis of which we liope wilt Secretary Tumulty at the Will Submit ta !fa larterfrraeea Kress pension of hoHttllUea and a tvynstltu. continue. He - conferring daily with, yylth Asso- - the Ualted States. tlnnal riottlon. tngether the em seiutttsrs, rears rtlleeei of party, which, White House read the By Tht dsseoielsd Vaf plinth' Htaleannnt that under no mean that the American giivernmeanr could the 'tilled States la nioilng with a vlngle patriotic pnr-Mi- se InA licnalz-- k frnm Mprirn TaVrMVwl shortlv Mealea City, Aug. Provisional cia ii xPracr' i'O u .o-- w fitv t retgnlxe the Huerta regime, hetwitoe in a tlellcate International affair. viiojuiv iivui J President Huerta. today It waa art up by an Irregular forte atal-in- tkas - realytag ta k(n,. marirtinkf inte nlinn of thr Hllfrta OOVem- " InMteaMl by PEACE MEXICO Prealdent llooa'a aata which waa bA (SOVERNOR SULErVOruEVvJRKI nf rntJtutlonal order, OFFERED communicated with Secretary Bryan. delivered ta th Mrxlraa gam. was made pnMlo tonight. ment and immediately rraairat through Joha l ind. PUrttelBH PROPOBAL TODAY. The rontapquente Mnat Now be With artlatlaa la Mrxtraa sltma-tla- a In view nf rejcotlon of Ihe sug- Mexican t'etsnle. President Wilson had retired early and was not awakened. itr the ... ar oay almllar aaggratlau made gestion 00ntallied In (Hymniiniloa-tln- n Bp rfrsea e t by foreign government. the ...ii.' Secretary Bryan said he had received merely cable- a Mr. Lind baa friends of Qovrrnor William r fight on hla fe. They felt thai If preeented by Mr. Ldnd, Its n W'ashlngtun, D. (".. Aug. H. farwardeg (Jan. Haertn'a anawrr to of New York, whoa Impeachment Mr. Hulscr could eatshllah hla Inno- tomorrow will constitute a Traces nf ueaatmtam were dlscernlblh grams announcing the rejection by the Huerta government Waahlngtan and la nvraltlng a regly, trial will start at Albany. N. Y., on cence he would triumph In hi fight reiteration before the world of Presi- In uffkial comment today on tha TOI.KM 18, big one Wilson'- - gg. The. ad- for settlement. In ATK NO IMF.HKKHKM T Srpt. presented Mm with a against Tammany Hall and be dent Ideas lo the Mexican crista. path of the of the American suggestions a peaceful PresMaat Haarta. ta bla rrgly, tsM floral horseshoe after hla Impeach, of the most talked of men In the government In ministration now lead to the realm ment In to show loyalty country. If guilty they admitted he of speculation wherein a variety of Secretary Bryan said tha Unites Stataa tbat ar eroulg tolrr-at- e order their the absence of official confirmation no Interfarcnae even though thnt and good wlihes for the success of hla would he pulltcnlly dead. In all likelihood today' events theories m.iy he evolved. Undoubted- mean the end of any dealings nith ly the lnhoapttab:e reception by would be made by this government. Istrrfrrance aablht ha cbametartaaa aa Though no announcement frlrngly ataglatlea. The rharanter at the Huerta official. there Huerta of the ndmlnlatraUon'a plan tha raaly of Waahlngtan ta trouble. don't care abut he baa done: was mneh talk In nffletal circles of for the peaceful bringing together of PraalSant I per- Hnartn'a note will getrrnilna the next when I see a fellow In troulil am aorry lifting the embargo on arms and the warring Mexican factions con- UNITED STATES aetteu ta tha gnaxaaia. for hlui and will Irv to hli hlui out,' The mitting the Constitutionalists lo set fronts the WashiiuTton administration MEXICO DEFIES THE lataraatloaal men left the hotel rogSthnr In the they AU those rlooa with tha Axaarlean two the munitions nf war with which with a problenf. which while not al IN NOTE LAST NIGHT TO WASHINGTON aaiknaay rafnorg cars Huuday morning They pnld their claim they ran soon overthrow Ihe together ta to admit taa rarrtn bill one man asked Is likely unanticipated nevertheless af nag H sud another the administration. It la that such dlanirblng. By the Associated Press. tba aata tbat had boas s H party If they thought they he hark n policy considered undesirable and It M will be cnrefulli was art admlttad officially by the I now up to the administration to make Mexico Citv, August 18. The United States government has gaxvraataat. nlirht The otueT man replied thai In the ornate before any action lean St tko axsbaa they 'ought to make it all right th next move on :he checkerboard "heen given until midnight tonight by President Huerta to recognize thrrr waa aa rvldrnt daalra ta aagrar SB Ill- TAKK.N INTO CIS taken and official hand are moving tre- Silil. riv Man Approached. Oil INTKHVKVTIOW. it is officially stated. ntlaaiatlr and onr waa lad ta bellev-- .MIIIIATfON mulously over the pawns. There la Huerta, that Bfr. Mad atlll a rontln-arla- TOIIY ON Id. or Itoliert l.oaery, wben fur- n specific in the public announcement as honed for oiielluod The position taken by atlmlnlstra-tlo- no dnuht that the admtniatratlon find The government is not af tba aogatlatlaaa. Those WHEN tOCATED ther, told Of the approach of the fire men tirflrUils lonlgrhf was that the a degree of consolation In the it means worklaga Has-laa- a to what course will be pursued, but it is understood that with the of tba t.i the h.iapltal. nitoii Mute has ih.no all Unit a that It haa sincerely eta administration exaraaaad aa waa my severing of all relations between the two countries. doabt "I ivnrklnx in barn Sunday friendly neighbor could do without deavored and haa succeeded In im- the ta tha government again oaealag tba morning." he aald. "when heard a ear actually using force. They pointed of the interior, who on two previous anbjart stop pressing the world with the fact that Senor Urrutia, minister for dlaruaalon. WARRANTS ALREADY ISSUED on the road fnun Mattrawan to out that front the hcwlnnlng of lite Its was to deal Flahklll village. It. desire with the Huerta has been the spokesman for the government, was the per- HUIBRTA'I ACT DIS APPOINTING. waa a Isrge touring trouble In Mexico the I'nlletl Mate, regime In a peace.
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