Useful websites West Council Citizen’s Advice Bureau Macmillan Caring, supporting... Sue Ryder Welfare Benefits Out of Hours Doctors Westcall 111 Newbury Breast Care Support Group Useful Contacts Mobility Aids Marie Curie ShopMobility 01635 523854 Crossroads Care Stair Lifts (purchase or hire) 14-21 Time To Talk Acorn Stairlift 0800 326 5199 AST Services Ltd 01753 654879 / 07973 669115 This leaflet is intended as a guide and not as a recommendation. Details are accurate at the time of going to print. July 2018 Stannah Stairlift 0800 715 455 Day Therapy Sue Ryder Day Hospice 01635 273725 (Information & Day Therapy Centre for people with For further information cancer & other life threatening conditions). Director of Operations Newbury Cancer Care We’re here to The Rosemary Centre Transport West Berkshire Community Hospital help you Cabco 01635 333333 (Taxi – also takes wheelchairs) RG18 3AS

Newbury Cancer Care 07717 783811 t. 01635 31542 Volunteer Centre West Berks 01635 49004 e. [email protected] Blue Badge Parking 01635 42400 Your local cancer charity providing support and Here to help you... information in West Berkshire Patron: The Countess of Carnarvon | Charity Registration No. 1157796 x Helping you with the day to day...

Advice and Support Home Meal Delivery Patient Information AGE UK (Berkshire) 0118 959 4242 Frozen Foods 0800 652 2911 Patient Information Point 01635 273324 (Information, support & essential services for over 60’s) – West Berkshire Community Hospital Oak House Foods 0333 370 6700 Citizens Advice Bureau 0300 222 5941 Sue Ryder 0845 050 1953 – West Berkshire Newbury & District Crossroads 01635 30008 Guide to Financial Support (Trained care workers will allow carers a break) Job Centre Plus (Newbury) 0843 816 6266 Police/Ambulance/Fire Emergency 999 Newbury Cancer Care 01635 31542 Pension Service (home visiting) 0191 216 8050 Non emergency 101 Patient Advice & Liaison Service 0118 960 5027 The Pension Service 0800 731 7898 Princess Royal Trust Carers Service 0800 988 5462 (Advice, information & practical support for unpaid carers) Financial Grants Adult Social Care Social Services 01635 503050 Newbury Breast Care Support Group 0779 500 3040 Macmillan Benefit Support 0808 808 0000 Out of hours 01344 786543 Sue Ryder 0845 050 1953 Newbury Cancer Care 01635 31542 Counselling Hospitals Surgeries The 0118 9713 252 Time to Talk 01635 760331 Churchill Hospital 0300 304 7777 Burdwood Surgery 01635 868006 Relate 0118 987 6161 Duchess of Hospice 0118 955 0400 (relationship difficulties) Downlands Practice at Compton 01635 248251 Great Western Hospital Swindon 01793 604020 Samaritans 01635 42452 / 116 123 Eastfield House Surgery 01635 41495 John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford 0300 304 7777 Falkland Surgery 01635 279972 Royal Berkshire Hospital Reading 0118 322 5111 Emergency Alarm Systems Surgery 01488 682507 Sue Ryder Nettlebed Hospice 01491 641384 AGE UK Alarm Service (Aid-Call) 0800 030 4385 Surgery 01488 658294 West Berkshire Community Hospital 01635 273300 Sovereign Housing Association 01635 572220 The Practice 01488 71715 Marie Curie Nursing 0800 634 4520 Strawberry Hill Medical Centre 01635 917917 Macmillan Cancer Equipment Loan Information Centre 0118 322 8700 Medical Practice 01635 867171 British Red Cross Society 01635 40081 NHS 111 Woolton Hill Surgery 01635 253324