A View of The Town of New Castle From The River Delaware, -- Taken the 4th July 1797 -- By Ives le Blanc New Castle History Jim Meek G18-- Spring 2015 Course web site: hp://nc-chap.org/osher
[email protected] hp://nc-chap.org Currently > 3,000 pages, files and images! History, guidebooks, archaeology, maps, aerial photos, Portraits, Census and tax records Stage coaches, railroad and railroad engine manuf… Churches: Lutheran, Presbyt. Episcopal, Quaker, Methodist Women in Ft. Casimir Virtual tours Oral History, Post cards Fiber, iron and steel industries Day in Old New Castle “Williamsburg on the Delaware” Crime & punishment: hanging, scarlet leers, whipping And growing… wherever my curiousity takes me (Web storage is cheap, I like to share informaon) hp://nc-chap.org/osher Schedule subject to change! If you’re interested in a topic, Check the weekly lisng, If people want to follow up on topics, send me an email and I will try to provide links
[email protected] Tenta;ve lecture plan 1. Introducon, Why study New Castle, History to 1702, DATES, MAPS, FORTS, LEADERS, trade, food, drink, beer, English/Dutch/Swedish/Quakers, what it looked like, The Common, Architecture: Early Georgian 2. History to 1800, Shipping, pirates real and fake, privateers, the Baery, RUM, French & Indian war, Revoluon, loss of state capitol, the Market, Architecture: Early & Mid Georgian 3. History to 1950; War of 1812, Arsenal, Great Fire of 1824;NC&FT RR; Civil War, industrializaon, loss of transportaon hub; loss of county seat, Architecture: Federal 4. People to 1860; Stuyvesant, Clays, Van Dykes, Rosses, Reeds; “What Women Wore”, Architecture: Greek Revival 5.