Second Regiment Volunteer Infantry.


By Hon. MARTIN A. HAYNES, late Private Second Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry and Historian of Reginnent.

LARGE proportion of the original members of the Second Regiment were enlisted for three

A months' service under President Lincoln's first call ; many of them among the earliest recruits in April, 1861. But early in May, while the regiment was still in camp at Portsmouth, orders were received from the War Department to send no more three months' troops. Most of the men thereupon enlisted for three years, this second muster by companies dating from Jun^ i to 8. The regiment left Portsmouth June 20, receiving at on the same day, and at New York on the 21st, tremendous ovations from the Sons of New Hampshire and the local authorities. The regiment arrived in Washington on the afternoon of the 23d, and was brigaded with the First and Second Rhode Island and the Seventy-first New York, the brigade commander being Col. Ambrose

E. Burnside. This constituted the Second Brigade of Hunter's division, and opened the fight at the first Bull Run battle, July 21. Colonel Marston was severely wounded here, and the regiment's loss was reported as 7 killed, 56 wounded, 46 missing. Early in August the regiment went into camp at Bladens- burg, Md., being brigaded with the Fii-st and Eleventh and Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania, under command of Brig. Gen. . During the winter of '61-2 the brigade camped at Budd's Ferry, Md., constituting the First Brigade of Hooker's division, which had been placed there as a corps of observation over the rebel blockading batteries extending several miles along the Virginia side of the Potomac. The division embarked on steamers for Yorktown, April 5, 1862, the First Brigade being then com- manded by Gen. Cuvier Grover, Hooker in command of the division, and Heintzelman of the corps

(Third) . The regiment performed the customary siege duty befoi-e Yorktown until the morning of May

4, when the rebel defenses were discovered to have been evacuated. Within an hour Hooker's division was pushing in pursuit, and at daylight the following morning impetuously attacked the rebel rear guard at Williamsburg. After a most obstinate and sanguinary struggle the Excelsior and New Jersey brigades were beaten back, when the entire Second Regiment was deployed as skirmishers to cover the line of two brigades, and maintained a savage bush fight for two hours, until relieved by the arrival of Kearney's division. The Second Regiment lost 18 men killed, 66 wounded, 23 missing. On the last day of May, when Casey was overwhelmed at Fair Oaks, Hooker's division was at Poplar Hill, a few miles distant. The Second and Third Brigades took part in the second day's fight, and June 3 Grover's brigade also advanced to Fair Oaks. June 23 five companies of the Second, with some Massachusetts troops constituting the picket line, advanced as skirmishers, driving the rebel pickets a considerable distance towards Richmond. One man of the Second was killed and several wounded in this little aff'air. Two days later the battle of Oak Grove was fought, when H^ooker advanced over the same ground, crushed all opposition, and was only prevented from essaying the defenses of Richmond by McClellan's timidity. The Second's loss was about 70 men — the heaviest falling upon Company B, which had 22 men killed and wounded out of 42. In the " change of base," Hooker's division abandoned the works and camps at Fair Oaks, June 28. At Savage's Station, the same day, the Second supported, with but slight loss, a battery posted to sweep the railroad towards Fair Oaks Station. It lost several men, wounded, at Glendale on the 29th, but its 26 SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

part of the line was not assailed at Malvern Hill on the 30th. In Hooker's movement to re-capture Mal- vern Hill, August 4 and 5, the Second had one man killed and several wounded by shell. On the evacuation of the peninsula, Hooker's division marched to Yorktown, took boats to Alexan- dria, and from there by rail to reinforce Pope, arriving at Warrenton Junction on the night of August 25. On the morning of the 27th, Stonewall Jackson's raid on our communications was developed, and the division pushed for Manassas Junction, the Second throwing out skirmishers and leading the column. Ewell's division of Jackson's corps was encountered at Kettle Run, near Bristoe Station, and driven towards Manassas Junction on the jump. On the forenoon of the 29th, Grover's brigade arrived upon the field near Groveton, where Jackson was at bay, and reported to General Sigel. Under peremptory orders to " carry the railroad embank-

ment with the bayonet," it went forward into the woods, entirely unsupported, and charged the rebel posi- tion. The Second crashed through two lines in a headlong, hand-to-hand dash, but could not hold its ground. Out of 332 men, the regiment reported 16 killed, 87 wounded, 29 missing. The death-roll was actually 35, as finally established. At Chantilly, September i, the Second covered the road, on Kear- ney's left, but was not brought into action. During the Antietam campaign, the division, now com- manded by Sickles, lay in the Washington defenses, and late in November joined the army at Falmouth. The Third Corps was now under Stoneman, Hooker commanding the centre grand division. The First Brigade, to which the Eleventh New Jersey had been added, was commanded by Gen. Joseph B. Carr. The Second's participation in the battle of Fredericksburg was confined to skirmishing, its position being

two miles below the city, and it lost but 5 men wounded. February 26, 1863, the regiment started for New Hampshire. It was given a rapturous reception in Manchester and Concord, and the men were freely furloughed to their homes. The regiment was rein- forced by 94 men recruited for the Seventeenth Regiment, and on the 25th of May set out to rejoin the army. The regiment was temporarily attached to Casey's division. Twenty-second Army Corps, for about two weeks, and then to Third Brigade, Second Division, Third Corps (Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth New Jersey, and One Hundred and Fifteenth Pennsylvania), commanded by Col. George C. Bur- ling, Sixth New Jersey. At Gettysburg, July 2, the Second was, early in the action, detached from the brigade and reported to General Graham, First Brigade, Second Division. The regiment's desperate defense of the angle at Sherfy's peach orchard made that a historic point of the field. It took in 24 com- missioned officers and 330 enlisted men. Three officers were killed and 18 wounded — 4 mortally. Sev- enteen enlisted men were killed, 119 wounded, and 36 missing. The killed and mortally wounded aggregated 56. July 23, when the Third Corps forced a passage through Manassas Gap into the Shenandoah Valley,

the Second supported the Excelsior Brigade, and the following day, deployed as skirmishers, it led the

corps to Front Royal. July 26, at Warrenton, with the Twelfth New Hampshire, it was detached from the army and sent to Point Lookout, Md., to establish the great prison camp. The Fifth New Hampshire subsequently arrived, and the district (St. Mary's) was placed under command of Gen. Oilman Marston. The regiment was on duty here until April 8, 1864, when it went by boat to Yorktown to join Butler's " Army of the James," then assembling. Desertions by " bounty jumpers " becoming numerous, four were executed shortly after arrival at Yorktown. The regiment was attached to the Second Brigade (Wistar's) Second Division, Eighteenth Corps, the brigade consisting of the Eleventh , Second and Twelfth New Hampshire, and Forty-Eighth New York. In the advance from Bermuda Hundred towards Petersburg, on the 8th of May, the regi- ment lost I man killed and 6 wounded. In the "fog fight" of May 16, in front of Fort Darling, ihe

regiment repulsed repeated assaults with frightful loss to the enemy, although its own loss was but 4 killed and 14 wounded. May 29 the Eighteenth Corps was dispatched by boat around to White House to reinforce the Army of the Potomac. It joined Grant at Cold Harbor, June i, and the Second had several men wounded by shells on that day. The next day it took part in the bloody and unsuccessful assault of the rebel position, and the regiment lost 2 officers and 6 enlisted men killed, 3 officers and 66 men wounded, and i missing.

June 9 the original men, not re-enlisted, marched from the trenches on their way home, and were dis- charged at Concord, N. H., June 21. The original Second New Hampshire fitly crowned three years of glorious service at Cold Harbor. It was also the last great pitched battle in which the regiment actively SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 27 participated. Tlie regiment was at once detached from the brigade for temporary duty at Eighteenth

Corps headquarters. From August i8 to September i it was in the trenches before Petersburg, losing more or less men almost every day. Then it reported to General Marston, commanding the defenses of the James from City Point to Fortress Monroe. It was efficientl}' employed in various minor raids until the 1st of October, when it rejoined the Eighteenth Corps, being assigned to the Third Brigade of its old division. October 27 it joined in a heavy reconnoissance near the Williamsburg road, and lost several men. In November the Twenty-fourth Corps was formed of the white troops of the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps, the Second being assigned to the Third Brigade of the Third Division. This brigade, during March, 1865, was engaged in raids in various directions in Chesapeake waters, and established the base of sup- plies for Sheridan's raiders at the White House. From there it marched with Sheridan to rejoin the main army. In those early April days when Lee's army was annihilated, the Second was in position where it had only to await the evacuation of Richmond and then march in. June 21 the Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth New Hampshire were mustered out, and the recruits whose term of service did not expire before September 30, about 400, were transferred to the Second. The rebellion having collapsed, the Second was scattered throughout several Virginia counties on provost duty. Finally, on December 19, 1865, the regiment was assembled at City Point and there mustered out of the United States service. On the 21st it started for New Hampshire, where it received a greeting commensurate with its four years and six months of heroic service. Any sketch of the Second Regiment would be incomplete without mention of Miss Harriet Patience

Dame, the faithful army nurse. Miss Dame was born in North Barnstead, N. H., January 5, 1815. In 1856 she became a resident of Concord, and at the time the Second Regiment was being organized, had already commenced her good work of caring for the sick. When the regiment left for the front, the physicians in Concord could not spare her to accompany it; but a fewdays later she joined the command at Washington, and served with it, except when on duty at some field hospital, until it was mustered out in 1865, tenderly ministering to the sick and wounded, full of courage and hope amidst the dead and dying, and always unwearied in caring for "her boys," regardless of her own health or comfort. The sincere respect and affection, not only of the men of the Second but of all New Hampshire regiments, is surely hers. In 1867 Miss Dame was appointed to a clerkship in the Treasury Department, in Washington, which appointment she still holds.

The Second New Hampshire Volunteers was attached to and joined the Department of Washington,

; First Brigade, Hooker's June 23, 1861 ; Hooker's brigade. Army of the Potomac, August 12, 1861

division. Army of the Potomac, October 3, 1861 ; First Brigade, Second Division, Third Army Corps, division, Twenty-second Army Corps, March 16, 1862 ; Department of the East, March 3, 1863 ; Casey's May 27, 1863; Third Brigade, Second Division, Third Army Corps, June 14, 1863; District of St. Division, Mary's, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, July, 1863 ; Second Brigade, Second Eighteenth Army Corps, April 23, 1864; Eighteenth Army Corps (Corps Headquarters), June, 1864; First Brigade, First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, August 13, 1864; Department of Virginia and North Carolina, September i, 1864; Third Brigade, First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, October 7, Division, Twenty-fourth Army Corps, December 2, 1864; First Independent 1864 ; Third Brigade, Third District Northeast Virginia, Brigade, Twenty-fourth Army Corps, July 10, 1865 ; Sub-District of , Department of Virginia, August, 1865. 28 SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY,


Bull Run, Va. . ;;


Second Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry.


Mustered into the service of the United States May 31 to June 10, 1861, at Portsmouth, by Seth East- man, Maj. 5 Inf., U. S. A. Organization completed, with exception of muster in of Band, June 10, 1861. The Band was mustered in August 7, 1861, at Washington, D. C, by John Elwood, i Lt. 5 Inf., U. S. A., and mustered out August 8, 1862, near Harrison's Landing, Va., by S. Lee Perkins, i Lt. 2 Inf., N.

Y. Vols. The recruits transfei-red from the 17 N. H. V., April 16, 1863, were mustered out October 9, 1863, at Concord, N. H., by Joseph H. Whittlesey, Maj. 5 Cav., U. S. A. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out June 21, 1864, at Concord, by Charles Holmes, Capt. U. S. A., retired. The re-enlisted men and recruits were mustered out December 19, 1865, at City Point, Va., by

J. Remington, Capt. and A. C. M., Dept. of Va. Each man was a volunteer appointed or enlisted for three years, unless otherwise stated.

b. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; disch. '62. Abbott, Alexander L. Co. D ; Dover age 19 ; May 10, must, in June 1, as Priv. disab. Sept. 21, See V. R. C. Abbott, Daniel B. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Great Britain ; 28 cred. Merrimaclt ; enl. '64 in '6'1, Ablett, James. Co. A ; substitute ; b. age ; Aug. 29, , must, Aug. 20, as '65. Priv. ; des. Feb. 3,

b. ; ; res. ; '61 ; '61, ; Adams, Benjamin. Co. I ; Barton, Vt. age 21 Canaan enl. May 20, must, in June 7, as Priv. des. Apr. 8, '64 '65, '63, Concord ; appreli. Feb. 28, ; disch. Apr. 14, lliohmond, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls. Adams, Charles. Co. A; b. Maine; age 26; cred. Merrimack; enl. Nov. 20, '63; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 26, '63, at Pt. Lo'okout, Md.

; substitute ; b. ; 21 cred. ; enl. Dec. G, '64 ; in '64, Adams, Charles. Unas'd Canada age ; Marlborough must, Dec. 6, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, en route to GaUoup's Isl., B. H., Mass.

; b. Jaffrey ; age ; res. Jafirey ; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos. ; uot mast, in State ; re- Adams, Charles W. Co. A 18 ; paid by

ehl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. May 28, '64, City Point, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Salina, Kan.

; age 32 res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid State ; Adams, Enoch G. Co. D ; b. Bow ; Durham 22, ; by re-enl.

May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Oct. 1, '61 ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt.

Aug. 10, '62 ; disch. May 6, '64, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Kan. See Miscel. Organizations.

; ; res. enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. '61, ; Adams, John. Co. C ; b. Scotland age 21 Manchester ; 2, 2, as Priv. captd. June 30, '62 '62, '64, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. par. July 25, ; disch. Oct. 8, to date Sept. 2, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Hanover. ;

S. ; b. Townsend, Mass. ; age ; res. Salem app. Dec. '63 ; in Dec. '63, as Adam.S, John W. F. and 31 ; 5, must, 8, Chaplain disch. to date Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Greenland. Adams, Nathaniel W. Co. B; b. Barnstead; age 20; res. Pittsfield; enl. Aug. 8, '61; must, in Sept. 20, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Sept. 20, '64, to date Aug. 28, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Pittsfield.

; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; in '61, ; Adams, Oren S. Co. A ; b. Jaffrey age 21 Troy 11, must, Sept. 17, as Priv. disch. disab. May 30, '65 '63, Concord ; re-eul. and must, in for 1 yr. Jan. 31, ; assigned to Co. C ; app. Sergt. May 1, '65 ; disch." Dec. 4, '65. P. O. ad., Marlborough. See Miscel. Organizations. res. enl. '61 '61, Adams, Samuel. Co. K; b. Portsmouth ; age 23 ; Portsmouth; May 21, ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; mis. July

'61, ; '61, 21, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. des. Aug. 10, Washington, D. C.

; ; ; ; enl. '63 '63, Adams, Thomas. Co. A b. Ireland age 24 cred. Manchester Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va. '61 '61, Adley, Lorenzo P. Co. F ; b. Chester, Me. ; age 19 ; enl. May 27, ; must, in June 4, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 1, '61 '62, '63 wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; disch. Jan. 16, '64, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. Afrioanus, Scipio. Co. G. See 12 N. H. V.

; substitute b. Edinburgh, Scot. ; ; cred. Deerfield '64 ; Ainslee, Alexander W. Co. A ; age 30 ; enl. Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 12, '65. '64, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '61 Co. E ; b. Duubarton ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid Frank by State ; re- Alden, W. ; '61, enl. May 7, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 3, as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. par. Sept. '62 ; 13, ; '63, '63 des. May 24, Concord ; voluntarily returned July 10, ; re-eul. and must, in Feb. 25, '64 ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Har- '65 '65. bor, Va. ; app. Corp. Dec. 1, '64 ; Sergt. June 1, ; 1 Sergt. Nov. 10, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, See 1 Co. N. H. H. Art. Aldrich, Arthur R. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '61, Aldrioh, Daniel, Jr. Co. G; b. Littleton; age 21; res. Littleton; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. ; uot must, in; paid by State; re- '61, enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 14, '62, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Daniel Aldrich, Jr., U. S. Navy. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Co. F ; b. Ossipee ; age ; res. Gilford ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; Aldrich, George. 19 ; paid by State re-enl. '62. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu June 4, '61, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 4, ;;;;;


Aldrich, Gilman. Co. F; b. Lisbon; age 23; res. Lancaster; enl. Mar. 6, '62; must, in Mar. 6, '62, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. '62, May 5, Williamsburg, Va. par. May 11, '62. N. f . r. A. 0. His father claimed that he was drowned in the last ; G. of June, '62, Potomac river, 12 miles above Pt. Lookout, Va. Heirs allowed pay to June 30, '62. '61, Aldrich, Lyman M. Co. I ; b. Lisbon ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 9, '64. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. 0. ad., Man- chester. Alexander, John. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

; '63 '63, as Priv. ; des. Alexander, Julius. Co. A b. Mississippi ; age 19 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, Apr. 11, '64, Yorktowu, Va. '61, 1st Class Muse. Alexander, Lucian A. Band; b. Amoskeag; age 28 ; res. Keene; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. 7, as disch. Apr. 1, '62, Doncaster, Md. Died Aug. 16, '73, Keene.

'61, ; paid State Alexander, William. Co. F ; b. Piermont ; age 27 ; res. Campton ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. not must, in ; by ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. See 6 N. H. V. '68, tr. to S. Alfast, Nelss. Co. C ; b. Denmark ; age 30 ; cred. GofEstown ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; U. " serv- Navy, Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. "State of Georgia," "Mohican," and Squanto" ; disch., ices no longer required, Aug. 18, '65, from receiving ship, N. Y.

Co. ; b. Conway ; res. Somersworth enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Allard, Lorenzo D. H ; age 20 ; 25, ;

re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Wagoner; disch. disab. Sept. 21, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Conway.

Allen, Charles. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 1, '64 ; must, in Oct. 1, '64, as Priv. ; disch. June 8, '65, Richmond, Va. 24, Allen, Charles, aZios George L. Allen. Co. A; b. New Hampshire; age 21; cred. Bedford; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov.

24, '63, as Priv. ; disch. July 17, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Wausau, Wis.

Allen, Charles H. Co. C; b. Nashua; age 19; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. Aug. 4, '63 ; gd. from des. Nov. 21, '63 ; app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; disch. Sept. 13, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va., tni. ex. P. O. ad., Auburn.

Allen, Charles N. Co. K ; b. Lee, Mass.; age 18 ; res. Rollinsford; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; disch. Oct. 1, '63, to re-enl. in U. S. A. P. O. ad.. Washing-ton Club, Worcester, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations. Allen, Charles P. Co. C; b. Amherst; age 42; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 5, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 26, '62, to date Sept. 13, '62, Newark, N. J. '64, Allen, Clark. Co. K ; b. New York ; age 18 ; cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 5,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. May 25, '65, Concord.

Allen, Edward S. Co. H ; b. Woodstock, Vt. ; age 26 ; res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.

captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; died, dis. Mar. 9, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

Allen, Frederick B. Co. C ; b. Glover, Vt. ; age 28 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 13, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 10, '61. Allen, George L. Co. A. See Charles Allen. '62, Allen, Harlan P. Co. C ; b. Nashua; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 26, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. Aug. 4, '65 Harrison's Landing, Va. ; appreh. June 17, ; disch. July 7, '65, Concord.

Allen, Heman. Co. H ; b. Claremont; age 24; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; mis. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; returned Oct. 24, '62 ; des. '63, '63 '64 '64. May 26, Concord gd. from des. June 8, ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, ; must, out June 21, ; Allen, Lester H. Co. C; b. "Chesley, Vt."; age 18; res. Alton; enl. May 28, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; must, out June 21, '64. Died Aug. 15, '88, Farmington.

Allen, Oliver L. Co. K ; b. Blue Hill, Me ; age 21 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and

captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, '62, Washington, D. C. See V. R. C.

Allen, Oscar C. Co. H; b. Barnet, Vt. ; age 24; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. Died, dis. Oct. 17, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Allen, "William. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

b. ; '63 Alson, Robert. Co. E ; Liverpool, Eng. ; age 30 ; res. Liverpool, Eng., cred. Greenland enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, '64 '63, as Priv. ; des. gd. from des. May 4, ; wd. May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; des. July 23, '64, from DeCamp Gen. ; Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H. Altland, George. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Alton, George A. Co. K; b. ; age 19; res. Portsmouth; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; mis. July '64. 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; returned ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. Jan., '64 ; must, out June 21, Amell, Theopolis. Co. A; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Antrim; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 22, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Stowe, Vt. Ames, Alpha B. Co. G; b. Peterborough; age 20; res. Peterborough; enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '61, State ; re-enl. May 20, '61, for 3 yi's. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 17, '61, Washington, D. C.

; b. ; cred. Hopkinton ; enl. Nov. 29, '64 in '64, as Priv. Ames, John. Co. A substitute ; Switzerland ; age 21 ; must, Nov. 29, des. Mar. 12, '65, Kinsale, Va.

; b. Gilford ; ; res. Gilford ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ; re-enl. Ames, John G. Co. F age 18 ; by State

'61, yrs. ,nmst. in '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Sergt. ; '03, May 27, for 3 ; June 4, captd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Mar. 8, '64, Andersonville, Ga. Ames, Theopolis. Co. A. See Theopolis Amell.

; b. ; ; cred. Concord enl. Nov. '63 must, in '63, ; Anderson, Charles. Co. A Pennsylvania age 22 ; 18, ; Nov. 18, as Priv. des. Dec. 26, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; ; res. enl. Apr. '61, for ; in re-enl. '61, Anderson, Daniel. Co. B b. Stratford age 18 Stratford ; 17, 3 mos. not must, ; May 16, '63, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; cred. Concord killed June 5, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '63 b. age cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. '63, ; des. Anderson, Henry. Co. B ; New York; 26 ; 25, as Priv. Jan. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Anderson, James. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

; Liverpool, ; 28 res. Liverpool, Kng., cred. Greenland ; enl. Nov. '63 ; in Anderson, James. Co. E b. Eng. age ; 23, must, Nov. '64, '64, " 28, '68, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy, Apr. 30, as a Seaman ; des. May 31, from U. S. S. Iroquois."

; ; b. Sweden age 23 ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. '64 ; must, in Oct '64, as Priv. ; Anderson, John. Co. A substitute ; 7, 7, must. out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Winchester.

; ; age 39 cred. Centre Harbor ; enl. Aug. '64 ; in '64, Anderson, Niels. Co. A ; substitute b. Denmark ; 24, must, Aug. 24, as '65. Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, Andrews, George. Co. A. See 13 N. H. V. Hillsborough ; age 18 ; res. Hillsborough ; enl. May 16, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. Andrews, James H. Co. H ; b. ;;;;


'62 '64 '64 ; Sergt. July '64 ; Lt. app. Corp. Not. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, 1 1, 2

Co. E, June 1, '65 ; resigned Oct. 26, '65. '64, Antoni, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Spain ; age 23 ; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 5, '64 ; must, in Oct. 5, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64, Antonie, Prank. Co. A; substitute; b. Portugal; age 21 ; cred. Brookfield; enl. Oct. 11, '64; must, in Oct. 11, as Priv.; des. Sept. 10, '65, Staiiord Court House, Va. '61, in re-enl. Appleton, William H. Co. I ; b. Chichester ; age 18 ; res. Manchester : enl. Apr. 22, for 3 yrs. ; not must, ; May '02 '63, P. 9, '61, for 3 vrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 5, ; disch. July 30, to accept promotion. O. ad., New York city. See U. S. C. T. Archer, William. Co. A; b. England; age 23; cred. Hillsborough; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 7, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 in Dec. '63, Armes, Clark. Co. H ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 21 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, 2,

as Priv. ; dishon. disch. Feb. 21, '65, ChaflBn's Farm, Va., by sentence G. C. M.

'62 '62, as Priv. ; captd. May Ashton, Benjamin F. Co. IC ; b. Dover ; age 24 ; res. Dover ; enl. Jan. 18, ; must, in Feb. 28, 5,

'62, Williamsburg, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Nov. 4, '76, Dover.

'61, ; must, in paid by State Atherton, Sanford A. Co. A ; b. Glover, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 2.5, for 3 mos. not ; re-enl. '62, Va. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Sept. 12, Alexandria, P. O. ad., Dubuque, Iowa.

Atwood, Rufus. Co. A; b. Nelson; age 31; res. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl.

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must in May 31, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Died, dis. Jan. 23, '64, Keene. '62 in Austin, Alonzo P. Co. K ; b. Great Falls ; age 18 ; res. SoiiiersworUi, cred. Soniersworth ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '65, Slanchester, Va. P. O. ad., Great Falls. Austin, Benjamin P. Co. D. See 10 N. 11. V. '64, ; ; '01 Sept. '01, as Priv. ; mis. May Austin, Charles P. Co. A b. Surry; age 21 ; res. Keene enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in 17, 9,

Swift '64 '64, ; '64, Concord, tm. ex. Creek, Va. ; gd. from mis. Jlay 11, ; wd. June 9, Cold Harbor, Va. disch. Sept. 14, See 1 N. H. V. Austin, Edward. Co. A. See 13 N. H. V. '61 '61, Avery, John. Co. K ; age 19 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. May 21, ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 15, Washing- ton, D. C. re-enl. Awe, Julius. Co. H ; b. Germany; age 31 ; res. Soniersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, 'bl, for 3 mos. ; notmust.in; paid by State;

May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June .5, '61, a.s Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 app. '04 '64 '6.5. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. July 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Sharon, Conn. '62 '62, left Ayer, George W. Unas'd ; b. Rochester ; age 21 ; cred. Dover ; enl. Aug. 5, ; must, in to date Aug. 8, as Priv. ; Concord Aug. 14, '02. X. f. r. A. G. O.

Ayers, Joseph P. Co. D; b. New Hampshire; age 22; res. Harrington; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; paid by

State ; re-enl. Jlay 10, '61, for 3 yr.s. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Piiv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. May 23, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. Bachelder, George P. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. Bachelder. See Batchelder.

'01 ; '61, Priv. ; disch. Bacon, Francis D. Co. F ; b. Ware, I\Iass. ; age 36 ; res. Manchester ; enl. June 20, must, in June 20, as disab. .Sept. 21, '63, Concord. Supposed identical with Dwight Francis Bacon, State Service. P. O. ad., Prescott, Mass.

'61, ; Bacon, Josiah H. Co. E ; b. Boston, ^lass. ; age 20 ; res. Newport ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 16, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. '01 '61, '62, Bagley, Isaiah. Co. G; b. Danville; age 24 ; enl. May 21, ; must, in June 5, as Priv.; captd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), '63, '04; Va. ; par.; des. Dec. 11, Columbus, Ohio; returned Mar. 21, sentenced to be confined at hard labor for

3 yrs. ; unexpired portion sentence remitted Oct. 24, '65. Died, dis. Nov. 30, '65, Baltimore, Md.

Bailey, Alonzo B. Co. G; b. Wolcott, Vt. ; age 22; res. Bath; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; captd. July 2], '61, Bull Run, Va. Died Sept. 12, '61, Rich- mond, Va. '61, Bailey, Edward L. Co. I ; b. Manchester ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos., as Priv. ; not must, in served '61 '61 '61, '62 in State Service until June 7, ; app. Capt. June 4, ; must, in June 7, as Capt. ; app. Maj. July 26, ; '62 '63 '63, '64. Lt. Col. Oct. 23, ; Col. Apr. 18, ; wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; nmst. out June 21, P. O. ad., AVashington, D. C. See Miscel. Organizations. '63 '63, Baker, Augustus. Co. H ; b. Bristol, .Ale. ; age 20 ; les. Bath, Me., cred. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '04, as an Ord. Seaman; sei-ved on U. S. S. "Mount Vernon"; disch. disab. Dec. 2, '64, from receiving ship. New York city. '64, Baker, Edward. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Kingston, Can. ; age 30 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 3, '04 ; must, in Oct. 3, as

Priv. ; des. Nov. 10, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. '03 '63, Baker, George. Co. I ; b. Hudson, N. Y. ; age 29 ; cred. South Hampton ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. July 1, '64 ; reduced to ranks June 30, '65 ; reported on m. o. roll dated Dec. 19, '65, as absent sick since Sept., '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, Baker, George Co. ; b. ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; app. Corp. H. B England ; age 18

Apr. 6, '65 ; Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Baker, Henry. Co. F; b. New York city; age 24; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. -30, '03; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Baker, Jacob B. Co. E ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 22 ; res. Lowell, Mass. ; enl. May 7, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '61, AVashington, D. C. '61 '61, Baker, James H. Co. F ; b. Brookfield ; age 23 ; res. Farmington ; enl. May 16, ; must, in June 4, as Priv. ; app. 2 Lt. Aug. '62 '63 '63 '64. 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. C, June 18, ; tr. to Co. F, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Fontanelle, Iowa.

Ball, Kimball. Co. b. ; ; '61, ; C ; Sutton, A^t. age 21 ; res. Sutton, Vt. enl. May 7, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State; re- ; enl. '61, May 27, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '01, as Priv. ; des. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. 1, Ballard, William W. Co. B; b. Peterborough; age 23; res. Boscawen ; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June '61, as Priv.; app. Lt. '01 2 Nov. 11, ; 1 Lt. July 11, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; Julv 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 9, '63. '61, Bancroft, William B. Co. F ; b. Hartford, Conn. ; age 22 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Sergt. May '63 1, ; 1 Sergt. Dec. 20, '63 ; disch. to date Apr. 27, '64, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Missoula, Mont. See Miscel. Organizations. '63, Priv. Barber, John N. Co. I ; b. Brownsville, Pa. ; age 21 ; cred. Dover ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, as ; des. Jan. 26, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; res. enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May Barber, Lewis G. Co. H ; b. St. Albans, Vt. age 28 ; Sutton ; May 3, 9, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. P, 0. ad., Sutton. ,;


Barker, Co. b. ; John C ; Landaff age res. '61 ; '61, ; A. 19 ; Manchester; enl. May 20, must, ia Jane 1, as Priv. captd. July '61, '62 21, Bull Run, Va. ; released June, ; app. Corp. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. June 7, '64, David's IsL, N. Y. H. P. 0. ad., Manchester.

Barker, Co. B ; b. Canterbury age ; res. ; '61 ; niust. in 1, '61, as Corp. ; captd. Thomas E. ; 22 Barnstead enl. May 13, June '61, July 21, Bull Run, Va. par. June '62 : disch. '62, as P. ad.. Maiden, Mass. ; 2, July 2, a paroled prisoner. Concord. O. .- r r See 12 N. H. V. ,

Barker, Tileston A. Co. A ; b. Westmoreland ; age 54 ; res. Westmoreland ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 nios., as Priv. ; not must.

in ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; served as Capt. in State Service from Apr. 25, '61, to June 4, '61, when app. and must.

in as Capt. Co. A, 2 N. H. V. ; disch. Aug. 25, '62, to accept promotion. See 14 N. H. V. '64 Barnard, Leonard B. Unas'd ; drafted ; b. AVarner ; age 26 ; res. AVarner, cred. Warner ; drafted May 17, ; must, in May

17, '64, as Priv. ; sent to regt. Oct. 24, '64, from Concord. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63; Barnes, George S. F. and S. ; b. Charlotte, Vt. ; age 33; res. Seabrook; app. Chaplain Apr. 17, '63; must, in Apr. 17, resigned Apr. 25, '63. P. O. ad., Bay View, Mich. See 17 N. H. V. and U. S. C. T.

Barnett, Co. ; '64 in '64, as Priv. Charles H. A ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Hebron eul. Dec. 3, ; must, Dec. 3, des. Oct. 12, '65, Stafford Court House, Va. Barney, John. Co. F. See William Dearth.

Barrett, ; b. ; ; '61, 3 ; not must, in re-enl. May 15, Charles A. Co. G Mason, Mass. age 25 ; res. Antrim enl. May 8, for mos. ;

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. May 26, '63. P. O. ad., Greenfield. See U. S. Navy. '62 '62, Barrows, Levi P. Co. F ; b. Dalton ; age 18 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 25, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; re-enl. and

must, in Feb. 25, '64 ; app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; wd. July 15, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. July 19, '64, 18 A. C. Hosp., Va. '63 Barry, Co. ; b. Nashville, Tenn. ; cred. ; enl. ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May John. D age 21 ; Nashua Nov. 27, 16, '64, Drewry's Bluif, Va. Died, wds. May 30, '64, Old Point Comfort, Va. Barry, John, 2d. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Barry, John Co. I ; b. Plattsburgh, N. Y. ; age 26 ; res. Cornish ; enl. Apr. 28, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State H. ; ; '62 re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. June 2, ; disch. 7, ; July 2, '62, as a paroled prisoner, Concord. '63 '63, Bartholomew, Rominane. Co. E ; b. Italy ; age 21 ; res. Italy, cred. Newmarket ; enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, as

Priv. ; des. Sept. 26, '64, Chickahominy, Va. '61, Bartlett, Charles. Co. C ; b. Massachusetts ; age 21 ; res. Haverhill, Mass. ; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. des. July 22, '61, near Washington, D. 0.

Bartlett, ; '64 ; '64, George F. Unas'd b. Boston, Mass. ; age 28 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. des. Dec. 17, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass.

Bartlett, James. Co. A; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Hooksett; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; sent to regt. from Chesapeake Gen. Hosp., Ft. Monroe, Va., May 9, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Bartlett, '63 John. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Hooksett ; enl. '63, as Priv. ; Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, must, out Deo. 19, '65.

Bassett, Charles. Co. B ; b. Pittsfield ; age 18 ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 16, '61 ; must, in Aug. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in '64 '64 Feb. 19, ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, ; Sergt. Dec. 7, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Hampstead. Bassett, Sylvester. Co. F ; b. Lee, N. Y. ; age 19 ; res. eul. Apr. '61, for ; Canterbury ; 23, 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State re-enl. '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Sup- posed killed. Heirs paid to Aug. 29, '62.

Basso, Charles. Co. E b. Italy ; ; ; '63 ; age 21 res. Italy, cred. Newmarket enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. Dec. '64 '65 '65. 1, ; Sergt. Sept. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, Batchelder, Co. Hiram H. F ; b. New Hampshire ; age 29 ; res. Laoonia ; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State re-enl. '61, ; May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 11, '63, Concord. Batchelder, John. Co. C b. Manchester ; ; age 18 res. ; ; ; Manchester enl. Sept. 6, '61 must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. i . disab. May 16, '63, Concord. . . Batchelder, Co. b. Sewall D. G; Concord; age 18; res. Concord, cred. Ossipee ; enl. Apr. 14, '63; must, 21, '63, in Apr.i- as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad.. Concord. > • Batchelder. See Bachelder. Bates, Sidney T. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Bauer, Albert. Co. A b. New York '63 ; ; age 19 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; disch. i June 29, '65, , Va. > > Bauer, Charles. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Baxter, Albert Co. b. P. G Central Falls, I. ; ; • ; R. age 18 res. Ipswich ; enl. '61, New May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must in re- enl. May 15, '61, for yrs. must, in '61, 3 ; June 5, as Priv. ; wd. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. gd. J y s. ;.b fromxiom mis. ; mustmusL. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad.. South Byfield, Mass. ' ' , Bayley. See Bailey. Bean, Andrew. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Bean, Beniah J. Co. G b. Thornton age res. Littleton, • ; ; 40 ; cred. Littleton ; enl. Aug. 26, '62 '6'> ; must, in Sept 10 as Priv "' wd. sev. July 2, ' '6.3, Gettysburg, Pa. disch. wds. Feb. 15, ill the ' ; '65, Field, Virginia. P. O. ad., Lisbon Bean, Burnis Co. G b. Landaff age res. R ; ; 25 ; Lisbon enl. Apr. '61, ; 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State ; re-enl May 21, 61, for 3 yrs,; nmst. in June '61, as Priv. 5, ; disch. disab. Dec. 31, '62, New York city. '63 "^ Died, dis. Jan 10 New York city. ' '

Bean, Caleb Co. b. • G. G ; Sandwich ; age ; cred. Portsmouth '62 '6'' 37 ; enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Sent 3 aq Priv ann Pm-r. ^^ ""PP' ^°' P' June '64 disch. '65, ^ ' ' 20, ; May 81, Camp Lee, Va. Died July 10, '67, Orford. ' Bean, Daniel C. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Bean, Darius Co. F b. Meredith age re.s K ; ; 21 ; Plymouth ; enl. Apr. '61, 20, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State ; re- en May 22 61, for yrs. must, in June '01, as 3 ; 4, Pnv ; app. Corp. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, ' Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch.uxov.ii. 4, J Jnneuuna '64, Providence, R. I., tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Lexington, Mass. See V. R. C. 6- , Bean, Co. C b. Hollis, Me. age res. Edward D. ; 22 Haverhill, ; ; ; Mass. enl. '61 • May 20, ; must, in June 1 '61 as Priv ann Corp. Sergt. May '63 re-enl. Jan. '64 ; 1, ; 2, must, in Feb. '64 ; ' ; 16, cred. Hooksett ; '64 app.H 1 ^>'.Lt. Juneoune 24.j, o* oapt.Cant JNov.Nov 2, '64; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Arlington Heights, Mass. ^ , Bean, Joseph Co. H b. New York; age 22 cred. Lebanon ; ; ; enh Nov. 11, '63; must, in '63, Nov. 11, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 12, '64, Washington, D. C. ' Bean, Rufus L. Co. K b. Gilford age 29 res. Portsmouth ; ; ; enl. Apr. '61, • ; 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State re- enl. May 21 '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June '61, as Corp. ; 8, ; app. Sergt. Oct., '61 ; 2 Lt. 3, Co. B, July '63 ; tr. to Co'. j i G« dismissed May 4, '64. P. O. ad.. Weirs. > Co. E b. Montville, Me. age res. Bean, William C. ; ; 23 ; South Newmarket ; enl. '61, • May 3, for 3 mos. ; not must, in re-enl May '61, for yrs. iu '61 27, 3 ; must, June 3, , as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. June 6, '63. Died Oct. 11, '66. ;;;


; ; 2;), '01, for luos. ; ; Beard, Samuel J. Co. G ; b. HoUis age 25 res. Mout Veruon ; eul. Apr. 3 not must, in ; paid by State re-

enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 9, '62. P. O. ad., Mont Vernon. '63 Bearo, Francis. Co. F ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; res. Burlington, Vt., cred. Canaan ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, iu Nov. 30, '63, as

Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Beaty, Thomas. Co. H ; b. Nashua ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 6, '61, for 8 mos. ; not must, iu ; re-enl. May 11, '61,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 5, '63, Concord. Beaver, Willis B. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Beokley, John. Unas'd. See John Buckley. Bedell, Austin. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Beliveau, Frank A. Band ; b. Stoddard ; age 23 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 4, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as 2 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. Died Apr. 28, '85, Keene.

Belknap, Chester P. Co. A ; b. Brattleboro, Vt. ; age 23 ; res. Westmoreland ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in May 31, '61, as

Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Brattleboro, Vt.

Bell, Allen P. Co. K ; b. New Castle ; age 37 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. Died, dis.. May 6, '62, Yorktown, Va. Bell, John Co. K; b. New Castle; age 24; res. New Castle; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, iu paid by W. ; State; re-enl. '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; captd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. Bellic, Alexander. Co. A; b. France; age 28; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, iu Nov. 23, '63, as Priv.; reported on m. o. roll dated Dec. 19, '65, as absent sick since Sept. 16, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Benaboo, Micout. Co. C; substitute; b. Coast of Africa; age 31; cred. Carroll; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must, in Oct. 17, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. May 28, '65, Richmond, Va. Bendehiagle, Philip. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Beneresscheia, Jop O. Co. A ; b. Germany ; age 24 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 19, '63 ; must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Priv.

wd. July 3, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Oct. 9, '64, New York City.

Benjamin, Abram. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 35 ; cred. Bath ; enl. Sept. 27, '64 ; must, in Sept. 27, '64, as Priv. disch. June 17, '65, Worcester, Mass. Bennecher, Charles. Co. A. See Jop C. Beneresscheia.

Bennett, John. Co. A ; b. New Jersey ; age 21 ; cred. Hooksett ; enl. Nov. 16, '63 ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; des. June 9, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Bennett, John H. Co. E; b. Exeter; age 22; res. Exeter; enl. May 6, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 27, '61, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K., 4 Art. U. S. A., Nov. 1, '62 ; re-enl. Feb. 11, '64 ; disch. as artificer, Feb. 11, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Exeter.

Bennett, Patrick. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 6, '64 ; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass.

Bennett, William S. Co. G ; b. Bath, Me. ; age 41 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Dec. 1, '63 ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; disch. June 6, '65, Bristol, Pa.

Benway, Co. F ; b. Compton, Can. ; age 19 ; res. Guildhall, Vt. ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Joseph. ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K., 4 Art. U. S. A., Nov. 5, '62 ; disch. May 27, '64, North Anna River, Va., tm. ex.

; ; enl. '61 ; in '61, ; Berham, Alfred W. Co. C ; b. age 32 ; res. Manchester May 9, must, June 1, as Corp. wd. July

21, '61, BuU Run, Va. ; app. Sergt. Aug. 13, '61 ; tr. to 38 Co., 2 Batt'l I. C, Aug. 15, '63 ; disch. May 31, '64, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. '63 '63, Bernard, Peter. Co. D ; b. France ; age 34 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 27, '65, Warsaw, Va.

Berry, George. Co. H ; b. Strafford ; age 42 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth ; enl. Aug. 9, '62 ; must, in Aug. 12, '62,

as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, BuU Run (2d), Va. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '64 ; Sergt. July 1, '64 ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Great FaUs. '64 '64, Berry, Samuel. Unas'd ; b. Barrington ; age 25 ; cred. Durham ; enl. Aug. 15, ; must, in Aug. 15, as Priv. ; disch. disab., existing prior to enlistment, June 12, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Epping. '63 '63, Berry, Walter. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 13, '64

appreh. May 7, '64. N. f . r. A. G. O. '64 '64, Bertrand, Emile. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 37 ; cred. Stoddard ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Sept. 23, as Priv.

furloughed Feb. 28, '65, from Hosp. Pt. of Rocks, Va. ; no record of return ; considered a deserter from Mar. 30, '65. Besker, Henry. Co. D. See 12 N. H. V. '63 '63, Bickford, Joseph. Co. C ; b. Maine ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll as absent in arrest. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; cred. ; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, Biggs, William. Co. D ; b. Somersett Co., Md. age 21 Nashua 27, 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 4, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. Biglin, Nicholas M. Co. I; b. New York; age 22; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, 2 Cav. U. S. A., Oct. 27, '62 ; captd. Aug. 1, '63, Brandy Station, Va. Died, dis. June 24, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

; age ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. Bignall, Thomas W. Co. C ; b. Acworth 21 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Corp. Feb., '63 ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V.

Vt. ; ; res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in July '61, Billings, Mark P. Co. B ; b. West Wardsborough, age 21 2, as

Sept. '62 ; des. Sept. '62, Annapolis, Md. Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; par. 4, 15,

; ; enl. '61 ; must, in July '61, Billings, Warren. Co. E ; b. Canton, Mass. ; age 34 res. Somersworth June 16, 10, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Dover. See 4 N. H. V. and V. R. C. BUls, Joseph. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Binney, Walter. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V.

; 19 res. Goffstown ; enl. May 11, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Black, Horace W. Co. C ; b. Danvers, Mass. age ; disab. Dec. 9, '62. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; des. Mar. Black, Orrin, Jr. Co. F ; b. Swauzey age 25 Swanzey 12, 13, '63, Concord. '61 '61, Black, SUas L. Co. A ; b. Nelson ; age 22 ; res. Sullivan ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 20, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md. '61 Blaisdell, George. Co. K ; b. Thornton ; age 22 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 8, '61, Bls3ensbm-g, Md.

Blaisdell, Lewis B. Co. K ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age 18 ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; mis. July 21, '61, BuU '61, Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; des. Aug. 10, Washington, D. C. ;;


Blake, Charles. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. '61, Nov. Blake, Charles H. Co. A ; b. KeeTie ; age 30 ; res. Keene ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; disch. disab. 17, '62. Died June 30, '90, Fat. Home, Togus, Me. Blake, James "W. Co. D; b. Haverhill; age 21; res. Manchester; enl. May 10, '61; must, in May 25, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 30, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. 0. ad., Brentwood.

; ; in State ; re-enl. May Blake, John A. Co. A b. Keene ; age 20 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. not must, ; paid by '61, '63, 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; exch. ; wd. sev. July 2,

Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. June 7, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. P. 0. ad., Keene. Blake, WUliam. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. Blakely, Robert. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

; '61, ; Blodgett, Calvin Co. A b. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; age 19 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in paid A. ; '64. by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21,

Blodgett, Charles S. Co. A; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 18; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 6, '62, New York City. P. O. ad., Kimball, So. Dak. See 16 N. II. V. '63 '64, Blum, Falsh. Co. D ; b. Sweden ; age 20 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28,' 63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 3,

Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 1, '65, Washington, D. C.

Bly, Blbridge G. Co. K ; b. Epping ; age 18 ; res. Epping ; enl. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Aug. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must.

in Jan. '64 ; '64 '65. Haverhill, 1, cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. July 1, ; Sergt. Dec. 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Mass.

Blye, Van Buren Co. K ; b. Epping ; age ; res. Epping ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- G. 25 ;

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 3rrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June ,25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; Sergt. Dec. 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. Bodwell, George. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V. Bogart, Daniel W. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

; b. ; ; '65 ; '65, Capt. ; disch. to date Bohonon, Daniel W. Co. E Bristol age 22 ; res. Grafton app. June 20, must, in July 4, as Dec. 19, '65. See 12 N. H. V. Bolio, EdAward. Co. G; b. Walpole; age 16; cred. Peterborough; enl. Aug. 5, '62; must, in Sept. 15, '62, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 16, '64, Washington, D. C. Bolio, Joseph. Co. G; b. Montreal, Can.; age 28; res. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May

24, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64.

Bolster, Almon. Band ; b. Jaifrey ; age 34 ; res. Keene ; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as Leader ; reduced to 1 Class

Muse. Aug. 31, '61 ; to 3 Class Muse. Dec. 31, '61 ; disch., services not needed, Jan. 20, '62, Camp Beaufort, Md. P. O. ad., K 66116 Bond, Frank H. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Bonner, John. Co. G ; b. Scotland ; age 30 ; res. MiUord ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must. out. June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Phenix, R. I.

; ; '62 ; '02, ; des. face of Bonner, William H. Co. H b. Upper Derby, Pa. age 18 ; enl. Mar. 17, must, in Apr. 30, as Priv. in

the enemy June 2, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from des. Aug. ; disch. Apr. 29, '65, Manchester, Va., tm. ex. Supposed ; 7, 64 identical with William Bonner, Co. F, 4 N. H. V. , Boodro-w, Battees. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '63, Boodrow, Frank. Co. F ; b. Champlain, N. Y. ; age 18 ; cred. Sharon ; enl. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 8, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va.

Boody, res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, ; disab. Aug. John. Co. B ; b. Strafford ; age 25 ; Deerfleld May 25, must, May 27, as Priv. disch. 19, '61, Washington, D. C. '61 Boom, Ainasa W. Co. D ; b. Richmond ; age 23 ; res. Richmond ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; inis.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; disoh. disab. Apr. 14, '63, Concord. See 1 N. H. V. and V. R. C. ; '63 '63, '63, Booth, Frederick. Co. A ; b. Italy ; age 20 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 19, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 17,

Pt. Lookout, Md. ; appreh. Dec. '63 ; des. Mar. 25, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Bottle, Joseph. Co. K; b. Italy; age 22; cred. Keene; enl. Dec. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 11, '64, York- '64 '64, '64, town, Va. gd. from des. Apr. 15, ; wd. May 26, in attempting to escape from Military Prison ; des. Aug. 10, ; from McDougall Gen. Hosp., Ft. Schuyler, N. Y.

Bouchard, Antoine. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Sunapee ; enl. Sept. 22, '64 ; must, in Sept. 22, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. without pay and allowances July 21, '65. N. f . i. A. G. O.

Bouche, Pierre. Co. F ; b. Canada ; age 36 ; res. Canada, cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. 25, '03 ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Princeton, Mass.

Boutell, b. ; res. ; enl. '62 '62, Equality W. Co. B ; Hopkinton ; age 25 Hopkinton Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 16, '63, Hopkinton. '61, Boutelle, Frank M. Co. I ; b. Newport, R. L ; age 18 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; '61, '61, State ; re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 29, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Cro- manton, Fla. See National Guards. '63 Bo-wden, Thomas. Co. D ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 22 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Bowen, Alfred R. Co. A? b. Richmond ; age 20 ; res. Richmond ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. '61, yrs. ; '61, ; Coi-p. '63 May 22, for 3 must, in May 31, as Priv. app. Dec. 1, ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam. Bowen, Frederick A. Band; b. Richmond; age 26; res. Keene; enl. July 22, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as 2 Class Muse; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. 0. ad., Keene.

Co. b. Bristol ; age res. Franklin ; enl. '62 Bowers, Charles W. B ; 23 ; Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. ; disch. Apr. 11, '64, to re-enl. P. O. ad., Natick, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations.

• Bowman, Co. H ; b. Henniker ; age 19 ; res. Henniker enl. '61 ; in '61, Henry. May 27, must, June 5, as Priv. ; wd. Ausj. 29 > b '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; des. Oct. 12, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va. ' b. res. Bowman, Henry A. Co. G ; Littleton ; age 22 ; Littleton ; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State

re-enl. '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; '61, May 21, 5, wd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 1, '61. P. O. ad., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Boyd, Joseph D. Co. I; b. Pittsburg, Pa.; age 31; cred. Strafford; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; entered '64 officers Gen. Hosp., Ft. Monroe, Va., June 9, ; tr. from Hosp. June 21, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Boyden, Co. B ; b. Industry, Me. ; age 28 ; res. Concord ; enl. '61 ; George W. May 11, must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; apn. t, lf , 1 Lt. Nov. 8, '61 ; resigned May 20, '62. See 9 N. II. V.

; cred. Concord ; enl. '63 Boyer, William. Co. B ; b. Ohio ; age 21 Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 13, '64, Yorktown, Va. ;; ;


Boyle, Fred R. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '61 Boyle, Hugh. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; enl. May 24, ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 24, '61, Washington, D. C.

Boyse, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Kingston, Can. ; age 22; cred. Nashua ; enl. Deo. 2, '64; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 18, '65, Rainsford Isl., B. H., Mass. b. Brackett, Clarence A. Co. E; Nashua; age 21; res. Antrim; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Muse. ; tr. to Co. C, July 20, '61 ; des. July 2.5, '62. P. 0. ad., Chelsea, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations. , Brackett, Lonville W. Co. F; b. Waterford, Me.; age 22; res. Milan; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. '61, for yrs. ; May 22, 3 ; must, in June 4, '61, as Sergt. ; mis. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Supposed killed. Heirs paid to July 21, '61.

Bracy, Andre-w G-. Co. H; b. Somersworth; age 18; res. Soraersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May '61, for yrs. ; '61, 27, 3 must, in June Sergt. ; '61 ; '62 5, as app. 1 Sergt. Aug. 1, 2 Lt. Aug. 1, ; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; '63 '64. app. 1 Lt. June 18, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Nashua.

Brady, Michael. Co. H ; b. New Jersey ; age ; res. J., '63 '63, 21 Newark, N. cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. '64, ; wd. May 8, Petersburg, Va. ; des. July 17, '64, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H.

Charles Co. G ; b. Wilton age ; res. '61, '61, Bragg, H. ; Wilton enl. ; 22 ; Apr. 30, for 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 15, for yi-s. '61, 3 ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 1, '64 ; must, out June 21, '64. Died June 22, '78, Gardner, Mass. Co. b. Breed, Frank T. B ; Unity ; age 21 ; res. Unity ; enl. Aug. 24, '61 ; must, in Aug. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. H, Sept.

21, '61 ; des. May '63 appreh. '63 ; 26, ; June 1, re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. July 1, '64

reduced to ranks May 1, '65 ; disch. disab. May 27, '65, Ft. Mom-oe, Va. Died July 27, '65, Unity.

Breese, John H. Co. E; b. New York City; age 23; res. Northwood ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; lulled July 2, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. b. Bremer, John. Co. C ; Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 21, '63 ; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 25, '65, Washington, D. C. Co. b. Brennon, John W. D ; Boston, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Candia ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 9, '61, Washington, D. C.

Bresnehan, James. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; res. WoUeborough ; enl. May 28, '61 ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; must. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Wolfeborough.

Bre-wster, Charles. Co. C ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 23 ; cred. Plainfield ; enl Nov. 19, '63 ; must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Priv. tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Quaker City"; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 22, '65, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa.

; res. '61, Bride, John W. Co. E b. Stratham ; age 19 ; Stratham ; enl. May 2, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. '61, '63 '64. must, in June 3, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out as Priv. June 21, P. O. ad., Durham.

Bridge, Stary "W. Co. I ; b. Keeue ; age 21 ; res. GUsum ; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Sept. 14, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va., tni. ex. Britton, James. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. " Britton, John L. Co. A ; b. Chesterfield ; age "42 ; res. Surry ; enl. Aug. 18, '61 ; must, in Aug. 18, '61, as Muse. ; app. Prin.

Muse. Oct. 10, '61 ; disch. disab. June 13, '62, Williamsburg, Va. P. O. ad., Springfield, Mass. See V. R. C. and State Service. '63 Broad, William. Co. I ; b. Plymouth, Eug. ; age 21 ; cred. Chester ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " " " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mount Vernon," Mackinaw," and Tioga " ; des. July 6, '65, from the latter vessel.

Co. E ; b. Barnstead ; age ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Brock, Orrin. 18 ;

May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Corp. ; resigned warrant Aug. 8, '61 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; ci'ed.

Somersworth ; disch. disab. Feb. 17, '65, in the Field. P. O. ad., Pittsfield.

; ; enl. '61, ; ; re-enl. Brookway, John R. Co. K ; b. Hinsdale ; age 18 res. Hinsdale Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in May 21,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 1, '61, Washington, D. C. See 18 N. H. V. and U. S. Navy. '64 '64, Broderick, Johii J. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Oct. 14, as Priv.

app. Corp. Jan. 1, '65 ; des. July 21, '65, Manchester, Va.

; ; res. FitzwUliam ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid State Brooks, Daniel S. Co. A b. Fitzwilliam age 19 ; 30, ; by

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Bun, Va. Died, dis. Oct. 19, '61, Richmond, Va. Brooks, James B. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. '64 '64, ; b. ; ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Dec. ; must, in Dec. as Priv. ; des. May Brooks, John. Co. A ; substitute Canada age 21 2, 2, 15, '65, Spring Hill, Va.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for mos. ; not must, in paid by State Brooks, Woodbury. Co. E b. Hooksett age 18 Pembroke 22, 3 ; '62, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 16, Fredeiicksburg, Va.

; ; ; ; enl. '63 must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. ; des. July Brovn, Jhon, 2d. Co. A b. Norway age 21 cred. Concord Nov. 23, ; 4, '64, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H.

; b. ; ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 8, '64 ; must, in Dec. 8, '64, as Priv. Brown, Charles. Co. B ; substitute Canada age 23 '65. entered Pt. of Rocks Hosp., Va., Jan. 5, '65 ; sent to regt. Mar. 27, N. f. r. A. G. O. Brown, Charles. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

City, J. ; age ; res. Jersey City, N. J., cred. Alstead ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, Brown, Charles. Co. H ; b. Jersey N. 21 '65. '64, ; joined Co., July '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 10, Yorktown, Va. appreh. ; 11, Brown, Charles W. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '61 '61, b. ; 22 res. Manchester ; enl. May 11, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; des. Aug. Brown, Charles W. Co. C ; Maine age ; 21 '62 Alexandria Va. '63, ; ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. May Brown, David. Co. C ; b. Sharon, N. Y. age 20 '65. 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19,

; ; cred. Dover ; enl. Nov. 14, '64 ; must, in Nov. 14, '64, as Brown, Frank R. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. age 21

Priv. ; des. May 15, '65, Spring Hill, Va. '63, ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. Died, Salem, Mass. age 30 ; Brown, George. Co. C ; b. dis. Sept. 23, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va.

22*; ; cred. Hamptou ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, as Brown, George. Co. E ; b. Troy, N. Y. ; age res. Troy, N. Y. 23,

'Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.

; ; cred. ; enl. '63 Brown, George. Co. F ; b. Springfield, Mass. age 20 res. Springfield, Mass., Langdon Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov.

30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 2, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 '61, Brown, George L. Co. E ; b. Chester ; age 23 ; res. Chester ; enl. May 24, ; must, in June 3, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, '63 '64. '79, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; gd. from mis. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, ; must, out June 21, Died Apr. 27, Chester.

I b. ; ; enl. '63 ; must, '63, ; Brown, Henry. Co. ; Orient, N. Y. ; age 25 cred. Stratham Nov. 3, in Nov. 3, as Priv. app. Corp. May 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. ;;


; res. ; enl. Sept. '62 must, iu Sept. 5, '62, as Priv. Died, Brown, Henry F. Co. E ; b. Dedham, Mass. age 23 ; Stratham 4, ; dis. Mar. 8, '63, Boston, Mass. '64, ; ; enl. '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 13, Brown, James. Co. A b. England ; age 27 ; cred. Wilton Nov. 20, Kinsale Landing, Va. '63 Brown, James. Co. C ; b. North Carolina ; age 26 ; cred. Hillsboroiigh ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 24, '64, Williamsburg, Va. Brown, James. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Brown, Jerome H. Co. F ; b. Dalton ; age 18 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 25, '62 ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. June 19, '62, White House, Va. Brown, John. Co. A; b. England; age 21; cred. Hillsborough; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. " " " " Navy Apr. 28, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Florida," Quaker City," and O. H. Lee ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 18, '65, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa.

'64 ; '64, Brown, John. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Queenstown, Jr. ; age 37 ; cred. Milton ; enl. Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, tr. Brown, John. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, as Priv. ; to U. S. '64, " " " " " Navy Apr. 30, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. State of Georgia," A. D. Vance," Potomac," and Arthur ; disch. Oct. 13, '65, N. Y.

Brown, John. Co. F ; b. France ; age 22 ; res. New York City, cred. Langdon ; enl. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as

Priv. ; des. July 7, '64, from Ward Gen. Hosp., Newark, N. J.

Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age ; res. Goffstown ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Brown, John. 19 ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in .June 7, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '64 '64, Brown, John, 1st. Co. A ; substitute ; b. London, Eng. ; age 30 ; cred. Rye ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 7, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '65, Spring HiU, Va. '63 '63, Brown, John, 3d. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Brown, John H. Unas'd ; b. Scotland ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; '61 '61, Priv. ; Brown, John L. T. Co. B ; b. Newbury, Vt. age 33 ; res. Concord enl. May 28, ; must, in .June 1, as wd. May

5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Aug. 12, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester. '63 '63, Brown, Peter. Co. K ; b. Germany ; age 20 ; res. New York City, cred. Landaff ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. entered Base Hosp., Pt. of Rocks, Va., Jan. 28, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Brown, Robert. Co. F; b. WoKeborough ; age 29; res. Ossipee; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Milton. See V. R. C.

Brown, "Wilber P. Co. B; b. Epsom; age 18; res. Epsom; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died Aug. 26, '64, Andersonville, Ga. '64 '04, Brown, "William. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 34 ; cred. Antrim ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '65, Spring Hill, Va.

; '63 ; '03, ; tr. Brown, "William. Co. C ; b. Germany "; age 26 cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. to " " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Aries ; disch. as landsman, reduction naval force, July 25, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass. '63 '63, Brown, "William. Co. G ; b. New York City ; age 25 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Deo. 1, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Brown. See Brovn. '63 '03, Brunke, Henri. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; wd. June 5, '65. '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Deo. 19, '61, Co. A ; b. Jaffrey ; age 19 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Bryant, John T. ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam Depot. Buchanan, James. Co. K; b. Prince Edward's Island; age "31"; res. Chester; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. June 9, '62, Budd's Ferry, Md. P. O. ad., Chester. See 11 N. H. V. '63 '63, Buchanan, Robert. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 7, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; ; '61, ; Co. F ; b. Cabot, Vt. age 21 res. Lancaster enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; re- Buck, Charles. ;

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 21, '62, Don- caster, Md.

; b. ; ; res. ; enl. '61, for ; '61, Buck, Simeon C. Co. G Bradford age 24 Antrim May 6, 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 20,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 29, '62, Dumfries, Va. Buckley, Dennis- Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. '63 '63, Buckley, John. Unas'd ; age 21 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Mar. 21, ; must, in Mar. 21, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '62 Buckminster, Arthur B. Co. I ; b. Woburn, Mass. ; age 15 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Jan. 17, ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as

Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; app. Prin. Muse. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Bulla, James. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. '63 Bullen, George. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; app. Hosp.

Steward, July 1, '64 ; disch. disab. Feb. 17, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va. Bumpkin, Edward. Co. B. See William H. Dunbar, 13 N. H. V. '63 Bunds, John. Co. F ; b. North Adams, Mass. ; age 18 ; cred. Sharon ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, hi Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 25, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Buntin, John B. Co. H; b. Kilmarnock, Scot.; age 21; res. Meriden ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '61, State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; des Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

F. S. ; b. AUenstown ; age 50 ; res. Manchester, cred. Manchester ; '62 Bunton, Sylvanus. and app. July 20, ; must, in July 29,

'62, as 2 Asst. Surg. ; must, out June 21, '64. See 7 N. H. V.

b. ; age ; res. Boscawen ; enl. '61 ; Burbank, Calvin M. Co. B ; Boscawen 28 May 11, must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. '62 '63, Gettysburg, Pa. '64, Coi-p. May 1, ; wd. sev. July 2, ; wd. May 16, Drewry's BlufC, Va. ; disch. to date June 21, '64, tm. ex. Died Apr. 13, '66, Manchester. b. res. Burbank, Daniel B. Co. A ; Fitzwilliam ; age 19 ; Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not in must, ; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and '62, captd. May 5, Williamsburg, Va. ; re- '62, leased May 17, '62 ; disch. May 22, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass.

b. Canada ; age 26 cred. Dublin ; enl. Nov. '63 Burbank, John. Unas'd ; ; 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. ; rec'd at Draft Rendezvous, Concord. N. f. r. A. G. 0. age res. Burcham, Joseph. Co. H ; b. , Conn. ; 44 ; Westmoreland ; enl. Sept. 11, '01 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Sept. 20, '62, Doncaster, Md. P. 0. ad., Westmoreland. See 14 N. H. V. ;;;


Burgin, "Walter S. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V.

Burgis, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. France ; age 30 ; cred. Campton ; eiil. Dec. 2, '64 ; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Burke, Co. b. St. John, ; res. ; Henry. H ; N. B. age 22 '61 ; ; ; Boston, Mass. enl. May 27, must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. captd.

June 30, '62, White Oak '62 ; Swamp, Va. ; par. Sept. 13, tr. to Co. K, 4 Art. U. S. A., Nov. 6, '62 ; wd. May 3, '63, Chan- cellorsville, Va. ; disch. expiration of term (under a misapprehension of facts), May 5, '64, Ft. Washington, Md. P. 0. ad., Boston, Mass.

Burke, Thomas. Co. A ; b. Ireland age ; cred. '63 ; 18 Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Burke, William. Co. A substitute ; b. '64 '64, ; France ; age 26 ; cred. Stoddard ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. : disch. Oct. 6, '65, Concord. Burley, Josiah. Co. C; b. Dover; age 19; res. Dover; enl. June '61 in '61, 11, ; must, June 11, as Priv.; wd. and captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. Oct. '61 '61 ; 5, ; joined Co. Oct. 19, ; disch. wds. Nov. 8, '61, Hilltop, Bid. P. O. ad., Gouic. See Miscel. Organizations and U. S. Navy.

Burnett, William. Co. C ; b. England ; cred. ; '63 '63, ; age 20 ; Concord enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, as Priv. tr. to U. S. Navy, Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S.. "Florida," "Shokokon," and "Mackinaw"; des. June 20, '65, from receiving ship, Portsmouth.

Burnham, Co. b. Pembroke ; res. ; '61 ; '61, Charles A. C ; age 25 ; Haverhill, Mass. enl. Nov. 1, must, in Nov. 5, as Priv. disch. to accept promotion, Nov. 18, '62. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 3 N. H. V. Burnham, Cyrus B. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Burnham, Moses. Co. D; b. Great Falls; age 18; res. Somersworth; enl. May 23, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; des. July 7, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.

Burnham, Co. C ; b. Jersey ; age 27 res. Pembroke enl. '61, as Priv. ; app. 2 Lt. '61 ; Samuel O. New ; ; May 9, June 4, must.

in • '61, '62 June 4, as 2 Lt. ; wd. sev. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; app. Capt. Co. K, Aug. 25, ; disch. to date June 17, '63. See V. R. C. '63 Burns, Edwin. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 13, '64, Kinsale Landing, Va.

Burns, George. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Kingston; enl. Oct. 6, '64, for 1 yr. ; must, in Oct. 6, '64, as Priv. disch. to date Dec. 19, '65, tm. ex. •

; ; '64 '64, ; Bums, Harry. Co. A ; substitute b. France age 20 ; cred. Durham ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. des. Mav 22, '65, Manchester, Va.

Burns, James G. Co. I ; b. Derby, Vt. ; age ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State 20 ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp,Va. par. Oct. 24, '62 ; ; disch. disab. Nov. 5, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Narragansett Pier, R. I. See National Guards and 1 N. H. H. Art.

Michael. Co. I ; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Burns, 24 ; '61, re-enl. May 23, for 3 yrs. ; must, m June 7, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 30, '61, Washington, D. C. '63, '64, Bums, Peter. Co. D; b. England ; age 18; cred. Dunbarton; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; des. Dec. 2, '63, Burns, Thomas. Co. A ; b. New Brunswick ; age 21 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy, Apr. 29, '64, as a Seaman; served on and des. from U. S. S. "Calypso," Mar. 18, '65. Burpee, Merrick M. Co. D; b. Sterling, Mass.; age 33; res. Winchester; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.;

des., returned Aug. 10, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Winchester.

Burrill, John H. Co. A ; b. Abbott, Me. ; age 19 ; res. Fitzwilliani ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; '61, '64 re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, ; re-enl. and must, in for 1 yr., Feb. 1, '65 '65. ; cred. Troy ; assigned to Co. C ; must, out Dec. 19, P. 0. ad., Hawlev, Minn. Burstrum, Charles. Co. C; b. Sweden; age 26; cred. Amherst; enl. Nov. 14, '63; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 13, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Co. F ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 22 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Burt, George. ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. wds. July 6, '64, New York City. P. O. ad., Lancaster.

Burton, Henry. Co. F; b. (Jerinany ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 00, '03, as Priv. ; wd. sev.

Aug. 20, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. G, 19 V. R. C, May 19, '65 ; disch. Nov. 16, '65, Buffalo, N. Y. '63 Bush, Prank. Co. H ; b. New Hampshire ; age 21 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co.

F, Mar. 11, '64 ; des. June 1, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va.

Bush, James M. Co. C ; b. Norwich, Vt. ; age 38; res. Norwich, Vt. ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. '63 '63, Bush, Orin. Co. C ; b. Vermont ; age 25 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Butler, Job. Co. A ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 18, '63 ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 26, '63, '65. Pt. Lookout, Md. ; appreh. and assigned to Co. K ; must, out Dec. 19,

Cady, George L. Co. I ; b. Washington, N. Y. ; age 29 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 21, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Calef, William. Co. C ; b. Franklin ; age 33 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Mar. 29, '64, Richmond, Va. '61, Calif, William W. Co. A ; b. Marlborough ; age 18 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 27, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. So. Fitchburg, Mass. '61, Galiff, Jonathan. Co. A ; age 44 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. '61, ; May 22,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Corp. ; wd. accidentally by a sentinel. Died, wds. Aug. 14, '61, Washington, D. C. 2, Calkins, Lorenzo. Co. D; b. Swanzey; age 20; res. Winchester; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord ; reported voluntarily at Concord ; ; sent to regt.

June 15, '63 ; disch. Sept. 15, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Westport. Calkins, William. Co. D; b. Winchester; age 23; res. Winchester; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. '63 May 25, '63, Concord ; appreh. Aug. 4, ; disch. Oct. 14, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Westport. Callaghan, Cornelius J. Co. A. See 10 N.-H. V. '61, Galley, John Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age 25 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid S. ; by

State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 15, '63, No. Chelmsford, Mass.

Came, Virgil M. Co. H ; b. North Berwick, Me. ; age ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in 19 ; paid

by State; re-enl. May 29, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '63, Concord. Campbell, Alexander. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Campbell, Andrew J. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Campbell, George. Co. B; b. New York; age 19; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 2.5, '63; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Nov. 8, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. ;;;;


'63, must, out Campbell, John. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 24, '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. ; Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, as Priv. tr. to Campbell, Thomas. Co. G ; b. New York ; age 25 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, ; U. S. jS'avy, Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Iroquois" and " Ascutney"; des. Aug. 12, '64, from "Ascut- ney."

; ; '61, ; must, in paid by State Camiey, James M. Co. E b. Strafford ; age 19 res. Northwood ; enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos. not ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 27, '62, Warrenton Junction, Va. Canney, John C. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Capron, J. Poster. Co. A; b. Keene; age 24; res. Troy; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 8 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '92, May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 22, '61, Washington, D. C. Died Feb. 3, Troy.- Capure, John B. Co. K; b. Italy; age 20; res. Italy, cred. Keene; enl. Dec. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Carey, Henry F. Co. C; b. Vermont; age 30; res. Manchester ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 29, '61, Washington, D. C. See State Service. Carl, Charles. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Carlin, Patrick. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Carlton, Pay. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '63 Carlton, Theodore P. Co. H ; b. England ; age 26 ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. llolderness ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2,

'63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va. '61 '61, Carlton, William B. Co. B ; b. Troy, N. Y. ; age 18 ; res. Laconia ; enl. May 27, ; must, in July 2, as Priv. ; wd. sev.

July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. wds. Nov.- 20, '63, Newark, N. J. ; re-enl. and must, in Aug. 2, '64 ; cred. Gilford disch. to date Dec. 19, '65. Died Mar. 27, '80, Lake Village.

Co. E ; b. Plaistow ; age 18 ; res. Plaistow enl. 25, '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; disch. by Carlton, Wilton H. ; May 3, civil authority, June 15, '61. See Miscel. Organizations. Games. See Kearns. '62 '62, Carpenter, Bbenezer. Co. F ; b. Littleton ; age 31 ; res. Littleton ; enl. Feb. 25, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 4, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '62 '62, Carr, Brackett L. Co. F ; b. Meredith ; age 27 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Feb. 23, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 28, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Supposed identical with Brackett L. Carr, Co. D, 4 N. H. V. Carr, Henry. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

I b. ; ; res. enl. '61, ; re- Carr, James R. Co. ; Hooksett age 20 Manchester ; Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State ;

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 13, '62. P. 0. ad., Manchester. See National Guards and 1 N. H. H. Art.

b. res. ; '61 ; '61, Carr, James W^. Co. C ; Poplin (now Fremont) ; age 86 ; Manchester app. June 4, must, in to date June 1, as '62 Capt. ; app. Maj. Oct. 23, ; Lt. Col. Apr. 18, '63 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died July 5, '75, Grand Rapids, Mich. Carr, John H., Jr. Co. G. See 13 N. H. V.

; ; '61 ; '61, ; Carr, Samuel L. Co. B ; b. Derry age 17 ; res. Concord enl. May 27, must, in June 1, as Priv. disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62, Doncaster, Md. Supposed identical with Samuel L. Carr, U. S. Navy. See 18 N. H. V. '61 '61, Carr, Thomas, T. Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 22 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Sept. 20, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. '64 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; disch. Sept. 16, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va. Died Oct. 31, '91, Houston, Tex.

; ; ; '64 ; Carroll, John, alias John Carson. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 21 cred. Cornish enl. Deo. 6, must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 7, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. " " Carroll, Philip S. Co. II ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 23 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 3, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 16, '68, Concord. Died June 5, '74, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. See State Service.

Co. G ; b. New Boston ; age 21 ; res. New Boston ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 8 mos. ; not must, in paid by Carson, Jacob W^. ;

State ; i-e-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth app. Sergt. July 1, '64. Died, dis. Aug. 5, '64, Broadway Landing, Va. Carson, John. Co. C. See John Carroll. Carter, Charles. Co. G; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. " Navy, Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. "Quaker City ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 21, '65, from receiv- ing ship, Philadelphia, Pa. Carter, George T. Co. B; b. Canaan; age 26; res. Concord; enlisted May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. '62 '61 ; wd. sev. and captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d),Va. par. Sept. '62, exch. ; sev. Nov. 1, Sergt. Aug. 1, ; ; wd. July 2, '64 '64 '68, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; app. 2 Lt. Co. I, May 25, ; not must. ; wd. June 8,

'64 '64, Petersburg, ; '65 '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Capt. Co. B, June 24, ; wd. Aug. 9, Va. app. Maj. Nov. 1, ; not must. must, out as Capt. Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. Carter, James H. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Cary. See Carey. '64 '65 b. ; age 25 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. 14, Casey, Patrick. Co. B ; Canada Mar. Fredericksburg, Va. Casey, Richard. Co. H. See 17 N. H. V. Casson. See Kasson. Cate, William H. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

b. Quebec, Can. ; age 25 ; res. Quebec, Can., cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. '63 Cavanaugh, Arthur. Co. E ; 25, ; must, in Nov. 25,

'64, ; app. Corp. '65; '65. '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Apr. 1, must, out Dec. 19, Cavanaugh. See Kavanah. '64 substitute ; b. Maine ; age 27 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. '64, as Priv. ; des. Ceeley, Charles. Co. B ; 3, July 24, '65, Manchester, Va. res. enl. '61, ; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 22 ; Dover ; Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Chadboum, Moses. Co. D ;

; '61, Priv.; des. July '62 appreh. '68; '65, State; re-enl. May 10, '61 must, in June 1, as 7, ; Nov. 8, disch. Oct. 20, Freder- icksburg, Va., tm. ex. Chadwick, George W. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. '61 b. Rochester ; age 24 ; res. Dover ; enl. May 11, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; disch. Chadwick Luther W- Co. D ; disab. Aug. 17, '6L P. O. ad., Dover. res. Wmchester enl. '61 b. Halifax, Vt. ; age 23 ; ; Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv. Chamberlin, Francis H. Co. E ; '62, on route wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. May 7, boat en to Ft. Monroe, Va. '62 '62, b. Lynn, Mass. ; age 23 ; res. Concord ; enl. Feb. 13, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; disch. Chamberlin George C. Co. H ; '85, El. disab.' Sept. 20, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Sept. —, Chicago, ;;


enl. '64; must, in Sept. 22, Chamma, Jules. Co. A; substitute; b. Macon, France; age 20; cred. Moultonborough ; Sept. 22,

'64, as Priv. ; diach. Dec. 19, '65, Boston, Mass. Chandler, S. Co. B. SeelSN. H. V.- David . , o . State ; res. ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for .3 mos. ; not must, m ; paid by ; Chandler, James O. Co. I ; b. Pittsfield age 24 ; New Ipswich

'61, ; ; disch. disab. '63, Concord. P. O. ad., re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Priv. app. Corp. May 28, Narragansett Pier, R. I. See National Guards and 1 N. H. H. Art. State re- res. ; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; Chandler, John. Co. F ; b. Campton ; age 22 ; Canipton ; '62, disch. wds. 15, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Corp. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; May '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Plymouth. State ; ; enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Chandler, Selden S. Co. H ; b. Enfield ; age 38 res. Claremont Apr. 20, ; '62 des. July '63, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 1, ; 10, '64. Petersburg, Va. ; appreh. ; shot for dea. Sept. 2, 9, 1, as Priv.; wd. Chapman, Joseph E. Co. B; b. Newmarket; age 28; res. Newmarket; enl. May '61 ; must, in June '61,

'62, ; 2, '62 ; disch. wds. Dec. 6, '62, Waahiugton, D. C. Died Nov. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. captd. ; par. Sept. 29, '68. Chapman, Joseph H. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '64 in Dec. '64, as Priv. Charon, Joseph. Co. C ; substitute ; b. England ; age 22 ; cred. Alexandria ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, 7, must, out Dec. 19, '65.

; enl. '62 must, in Chase, Algernon F. Co. B ; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth Aug. 8, ; Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. Died, sunstroke, Aug. 27, '62, Bristoe Station, Va. '61, ; '61, ; in re-enl. May 10, Chase, AJonzo. Co. H ; b. Hopkinton ; age 26 ; res. Hopkinton enl. May 6, for 3 mos. not must, ;

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 27, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Warner.

'61 ; must, in '61, as Sergt. ; reduced to Chase, Benjamin P. Co. C ; b. Loudon ; age 28 ; res. Manchester; enl. May 0, June 1,

ranks ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. '61, '61, Chase, Charles H. Co. E; b. Stratham; age 19; res. Strathara; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May 27,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Died Sept. 1, '61, Richmond, Va. '62; in Chase, Charles M. Co. H ; b. Somersworth ; age 20; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth; enl. Aug. 8, must, Aug. '64, 12, '62, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; May 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. June 11, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. '61, Chase, George L. Co. H; b. Groton, Vt. ; age 24; res. Henniker; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos. ; not must, iu; re-enl. May 10,

'61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died June 13, '05, Henniker. Supposed identical with George L. Chase, Co. C, 18 N. H. V. 6, Chase, George S. Co. F; b. Franconia; age 23; res. Laconia; enl. May '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State; re- '61, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, BuU Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 5, Con- cord. P. O. ad., Laconia. '61 '61, Chase, James H. Co. K ; b. Exeter ; age 23 ; res. Loudon ; enl. May 27, ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art. '66 U. S. A., Nov. 5, '62; re-eul. Feb. 11, '64 ; app. Corp. Dec. 5, ; disch. Feb. 11, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Somerville, Mass.

Co. b. Chester; age ; res. Auburn; enl. May 20, '61; must, in Ju.ne 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Coi-p. Feb., '63 Chase, John. C; 31 ;

wd. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. N. f. i. .-V. 6. O. Supposed killed. Heirs paid to July 3, '63. '61 '61, Chase, John H. Co. C ; b. Poi-tsmouth ; age 23 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Aug. 5, ; must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. ; disch. Feb. 4, '62, by order G. C. M. Supposed identical with John H. Chase, Co. H, 1 Inf., and Co. D, 1 Cav. N. H. V. '61, Chase, John Howard. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 19 ; res. Stratham ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 13, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. '61 '61, Chase, Samuel H. Co. B ; b. Exeter, Me.; age 28; res. Concord; enl. May 24, ; must. in June 1, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 19, '61, Washington, D. C. See V. R. C.

Chauncey, George H. Co. F; b. Lunenburg, Vt. ; age 18; res. Lunenburg, Vt. ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 4, '61, as

Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. July 1, '64; Sergt. Sept. 1, '64 ; reduced to ranks Apr. 12, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Cheever, George N. Co. B; b. Hardwick, Vt. ; age 21; res. Concord; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. '63 Corp. Oct. 1, '61 ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. May 1, ; captd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; reduced '64; '64 '64; '65, to ranks July 1, app. Sergt. Sept. 17, ; par. Nov. 18, disch. Jan. 17, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls. Chesley, Joseph M. Co. E; b. Durham; age 19; res. Pittsfield; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State";

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. '62 Chickering, Edwin. Co. B ; b. Pembroke ; age 23 ; res. Pembroke, cred. Pembroke ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. May 16, '63, Concord. P. O. ad.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chickering, Frank. Co. B; b. Milford; age 20; res. Hollis, cred. Hollis; enl. Aug. 18, '62; must, in Aug. 21, '62, as Priv.;

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; Sergt. Dec. 6, '64 ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad.. Grand Rapids, Mich. See State Service. Chipman, Thomas J. Co. L See 17 N. H. V.

Christenson, Andrew. Co. G ; b. Norway ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Dec. 1, '63 ; must. In Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; disch. June 5, '65, Concord.

; '63 '63, Christian, Hans. Co. F ; b. Norway ; age 26 cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Church, Freeman L. Co. E ; b. Vershire, Vt. ; age 22 ; res; Holderness ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ; by

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 5, '61, Washington, D. C.

; res. '61 ; '61, ; Cilley, George W. Co. I ; b. Wilmot ; age 27 Groton ; enl. May 9, must, in June 7, as Priv. app. Corp. Jan. 1,

'64 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad.. Orange. Cilley. See Ceeley. '63 Cirse, John. Co. K ; b. Italy ; age 21 ; res. Italy, cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64 Claire, Henry. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Goshen ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, '64, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 18, '65, Warsaw C. H., Va.

; enl. -30, '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, ; Clark, Charles H. Co. I ; b. Salisbury, Vt. ; age 22 ; cred. Stratham Nov. 30, as Priv. app. '65. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, Clark, David. Co. F; b. New Hampshire; age 23; res. Laconia; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; '61 '62. re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Oct. 1, ; des. Oct. 4, Clark, David J. Co. F; b. Gloucester, Mass.; age 27; res. New Durham; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.;

app. Sergt. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., New Durham.

; ; ; enl. '63 ; must, iu '63, as Priv. ; f Clark, Edward. Co. B ; b. Maryland age 20 cred. Concord Nov. 25, Nov. 25, urloughed from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H., from June 5, '64, to July 16, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;,


Clark, Edward. Co. C ; b. New Yoi-k ; age 18 ; res. Pembroke ; enl. May 10, 'CI ; must, in June 1, '61, as Pi-iv. ; app. Coi-p.

'63 '63 re-enl. '64 ; '64 H, Jan. 1, ; Sergt. July 2, ; and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Hooksett app. Sergt. Maj. July 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. '64 '65. Nov. 3, ; Capt. Co. A, July 11, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, Died Feb. 2, '87, Centralia, 111. Clark, Prank. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V.

Clark, Frank. Co. I ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 20 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June

30, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Vancouver, Wash. Clark, George W. Co. A; b. Troy; age 22; cred. Troy; enl. Apr. 17, '63; must, in Apr. 18, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 22, '63, Frederick City, Md. Died Jan. 1, '64, Troy. '63, '63, Clark, Harry. Co. G ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 17, '63 ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63, Clark, James. Co. D ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '64 '65. July 1, ; Sergt. May 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19,

b. Sangerville, ; ; '61, for 3 ; must, in paid by Clark, James W. Co. H ; Me. age 22 res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, mos. not ; '62 State; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. June 1, ; disch. Aug. 26, '62, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations. '63 '63, Clark, John. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 24 ; res. Lansingburg, N. Y., cred. LandafE ; enl. Deo. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as '65 '65 '65. Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. Oct. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19,

; '64 ; '64, Priv. ; des. Mar. Clark, John. Co. B ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Goifstown ; enl. Dec. 3, must, in Dec. 3, as 25, '65, White House, Va. '63, '65, Clark, John. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 27 ; cred, Epsom ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 3, Tappahannock, Va. Clark, John. Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Seabrook; enl. Oct. 12, '64; must, in Oct. 12, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, as Clark, Joseph, alias William Marks. Co. B ; b. Illinois ; age 23 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24,

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 9, '64, White House Landing, Va.

; b. Keene ; ; res. ; '61, for mos. ; in paid by State ; re-enl. Clark, Milton W. Co. A age 41 Keene enl. Apr. 25, 3 not must, ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. May 31, '63, Concord. Died Nov. 23, '88, Rochdale, Mass.

; ; ; '64 '64, ; des. Clark, Richard. Unas'd substitute b. Canada age 22 ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Clark, Richard. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

Co. B ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; disch. Clark, Theodore S. 24 Concord ; Aug. 27, must, Aug. 28, disab. Jan. 28, '63, Alexandria, Va.

Clark, William. Co. D ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 9, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 Clay, Bradley. Co. D ; age 18 ; enl. May 10, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 6, '61, Bladensburg, Md.

Co. B ; b. Hooksett ; age 23 res. enl. '61, ; '61, Clay, George H. ; Concord ; May 6, for 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 9, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. June 2, '62 ; disch. as paroled prisoner July ; a 15, '62. See V. E. C. and U. S. Navy.

Clay, George W. Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age 23 ; res. Candia ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 2, '64, Candia. Clayton, WiUiam H. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Cornelius. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age ; res. Keene enl. '61 ; Cleary, 35 ; Aug. 27, must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. Aug. 1, '63, Washington, D. C. b. Clemenson, Joseph C. Co. C ; Pennsylvania ; age 35; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 15, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. b. Clement, Abner H. Co. C ; Eollinsford ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. '61 ; May 11, must, in June 1, '61, Corp. ; as . des. as ' f a Priv. Nov. 29, '62, Wolf's Run Ford, Va. .

Clement, Charles C. Co. C ; b. Rollinsford ; age 18 ; res. Rollinsford ; enl. '61 ; May 21, must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 10, '61, near Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Fitchburg, Mass. See 3 N. II. V.

P. Co. B;.b. Moultonborough ; res. Clement, Freeman age 20; Moultonborough ; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61 as Priv.; disch. disab. July 31, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Moultonborough.

John S. Co. F ; b. Moultonborough ; age 21 ; res. ; Clement, Moultonborough enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid

State ; re-enl. '61, for yrs. by May 22, 3 ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. Co. B b. Sandwich res. ; age ; ; '61 Clement, Orin B. ; 21 Concord enl. May 27, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. Died Dec. 3 '62, Philadelphia, Pa. " ' Co. H; b. Woodstock, Vt. Clement, Wyman R. ; age 22; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid

u-eorge r. >^o. »^ ; o. noamsiora ; age ao ; res. somerswortn, cred. • Clements, Somersworth ; enl. Aug. 9, '62 must in Auff '62, Priv. '62, 12, as ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Supposed identical with George° Clements, State service. Co. b. Warren res. Clifford, WUliam. B ; ; age 21 ; Warren ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in '61, June 1, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must in Jan. '64 cred. Nslshua app. Hosp. '65 1, ; ; Steward Feb. 17, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Lowell Mass Co. C; b. Meredith; Clifbon, Henry F. age 20; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 6, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61 as Priv • a > i disch Aug. 24, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Manchester. substitute b. Clinton, Charles. Unas'd ; ; England ; age 20 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. '64 Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec 3 '64 a.s • > Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. > Co. F; b. Lyman; age res. Clough, Samuel H. 40; Stratford; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State- re-enl. '61, for yrs. must, '61, ' May 22, 3 ; m June 4, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 27, '62, Staten Isl., N. Y. Co. F b. New Durham age res. Cloutman, James A. ; ; 22 ; Farmington ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in 4 '61 • June as Priv • > des. July 3, '61, Washington, D. C. . Co. A b. Barton, Vt. age 23 res. Keene enl. '61, Cobb, Fred W. ; ; ; ; Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not • must, in ; paid by State re- '61, '61, enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Sept. 1, '61 ; 1 Lt. July 1, '62 : 0' "" resimedresignea AuffAug. 31oi, '62. Died Apr. 22, '89, Barton, Vt. . . George C. Co. G; b. Warner; age 22; res. Littleton; enl. '61, Cobum, May 7, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State- re- '61, yrs. '61, enl. May 22, for 3 ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64 See 1 N. H. Cav. Co. b. Concord age res. Milford Coffin, William D. G ; ; 25 ; ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, • in ; paid by State re- '61, for yrs. must, in '61, enl. May 25, 3 ; June 5, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. b. res. Coffin, William H. Co. H ; Wolfeborough ; age 20 ; Somersworth ; enl. Apr. '61, 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ;

State re-enl. May '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as ; ; 27, 5, Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 27, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. ;;


OofFrain, John D. Co. E ; b. Epsom ; age 18 ; res. Epsom ; enl. Aug. 21, '62 ; must, in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '6:j, '63 Concord ; returned by authorities July 17, ; des. Nov. 10, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Cofran, Kendall "W. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V. Cogswell, Warren. Co. K. See 17 N. 11. V.

Cohen, William. Co. B ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 8,

'64, ; Newark, N. J. ; gd. from des. des. May 22, 'G5.

Colbath, Levi W. Co. E ; b. Greenland ; age 21 ; res. Stratham ; enl. May 4, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 27, '61, yrs. '61, '64. for 3 ; must, in June 3, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; must, out June 21, b. Colbath, Neriah S. Co. E; Farmington ; age 26; res. Alton ; enl. May 4, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State '61, re-enl. May 17, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Mar. 9, '93, Dover.

Colburn, David Co. C ; b. New Boston ; age ; res. Goffstown enl. '01 ; in '61, as Corp. ; app. W. 21 ; May 9, must, June 1, Sergt. '03 '63 Jan. 1, ; 1 Sergt. May 1, ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Colburn, George W. Co. B. See 13 N. 11. V.

Colby, Abiel W. Co. B; b. Bow; age 28; res. Concord; enl. May 16, '61, as Priv.; app. 2 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date '61, June 1, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. July 1, '61 ; Capt. Nov. 1, '61. Died, dis.May 13, '62, Yorktown, Va.

Colby, Harvey M. Co. C ; b. New London ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 13, '01 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des.

Oct. 14, '61, Bladensburg, Md. ; ; '04, ; appreh. about 2 yrs. after des. des. June 8, Cold Harbor, Va. appreh. ; pardoned for desertion by S. O. 288, W. D., A. G. 0., dated Aug. 27, '04, on condition that he re-enl. for 3 yrs., and serve out term unless honorably disch. N. f. r. A. G. O. Supposed identical with H. Milton Colby, unas'd 18 N. H. V. P. O. ad., Clare- mont.

; ; '61 ; Colby, Moses J. Co. D ; b. Concord age 30 res. Dover ; eul. May 11, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. disch. disab. July 30, '61. Died Oct. 26, '80, Haverhill, Mass.

Colcord, Charles E. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 24 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 25, '61, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '03, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass.

Colcord, W^illiam H. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 28 ; res. Exeter ; eul. May 1, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs.

must, in June '61, ; '01 ; '02 '03 '63 3, as Corp. app. Sergt. Dec. 1, 1 Sergt. Aug. 1, ; 2 Lt. May 18, ; 1 Lt. Co. K, July 2,

wd. sev. June 5, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Exeter.

Co. b. ; '63 ; '63, ; B ; Nova Scotia age 22 ; cred. enl. des. Cole, John. Goffstown ; Nov. 25, must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. May 22, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Cole, John H. Co. C ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '01, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. must, out June 21, '64. See 18 N. H. V. '61 Cole, Micajah S. Co. C ; b. Canaan ; age 20 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 3, ; must, in Aug. 14, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, '63 Nashua ; returned July 19, ; des. Nov. 10, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Supposed identical with Micajah S. Cole, Co. F, 6 Inf., Mass. Vol. Mil. See Miscel. Organizations. '62 '62, Cole, Uriah W. Co. H ; b. Somersworth ; age 42 ; res. Dover ; enl. Feb. 14, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Coleman, George H. Co. K. See Sellick Slawson. '63 Coleman, John. Co. A ; b. England ; age 31 ; cred. Manchester ; eul. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va. '63 '63, CoUard, Samuel. Co. D ; b. Newburgh, N. Y. ; age 21 ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. F, 20 V. K. C, Apr. 26, '65 ; disch. Sept. 25, '05, Philadelphia, Pa. '03, Colligan, Michael. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 25, '03 ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; wd. June

3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Nov. 9, '64, from Ward Gen. Hosp., Newark, N. J. Collins, Edward W^., Jr. Co. I; b. Croydon; age 22; res. Cornish; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 10, '01, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Cor- nish Flat. CoUins, James. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Collins, Proctor. Co. H; b. Bradford; age 32; res. Hopkinton; enl. May 7, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 9, '01, '01. for 3 yr.s. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; must, out June 21,

; ; enl. '03 ; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; wd. Collins, Thomas- Co. I b. Antwerp, Holland ; age 23 ; cred. Newmarket Dec. 2, 2, '65. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19.

28, 64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Conley, Edward. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Conlon, Patrick. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

; 22 res. Manchester; enl. 9, '01 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must. Connell, Andrew M. Co. C ; b. Montreal, Can. age ; May out June 21, '64. Died Aug. 20, '71, Cambridge, Mass. Connell, John W. Co. G. See 13 N. H. V. Connelly. See Connolly, Conolly and Kennelly.

res. Pembroke; enl. Apr. 24, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State; Conner, Joseph B. Co. I; b. Sanbornton; age 34; ; '01, '62, Doncaster, re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 7, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 21, Md.

; ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Conner, William H. Co. H ; b. Ossipee age 19 ;

'61, ; '61, Bull Run, Va. Died July '61, Center- re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. captd. July 21, 31, viUe, Va. Cormer. See Connor. Connolly, Edward. Co. D. See 10 N. II. V. Connolly. See Conolly.

; '63 must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Pnv. ; des. May '05, ; ; cred. Concord enl. Nov. 23, ; 2, Connor, John. Co. A ; b. Ireland age 22 Boston, Mass. Connor. John. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Connor. See Conner. Connors, John. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Conolly, Timothy. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Dunbarton; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '03, as Priv.; des. Jan. 5, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. Conolly. See Connolly. '01, Converse, Granville S. Co. I; b. Gilsum; ago 18: res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 28, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '04. enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv.; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Leominster, Mass. ;;


; ; ; '61, nios. ; not must, in paid by Converse, Levi N. Co. A b. Marlborough ; age 31 res. Marlborough enl. Apr. 25, for 3 ; '62; Lt. State; re-eiil. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, '61; 2 Lt. July 1, 1 21, 24, Aug. 31, '62; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Capt. July 2, '63; disch. June '64; re-app. Capt. June '65. '64 '64 '65 '65 ; as Dec. 19, ; must, in July 5, ; app. Maj. May 18, ; Lt. Col. Nov. 1, ; not must. must, ont Maj. '62 Converse, Nathan P. Co. B ; b. Woburn, Mass. ; age 22 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 12,

'62, as Priv. ; disch. June 6, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Conway, Joseph. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 18 ; res. Boston, Mass. ; cred. Alstead ; enl. Deo. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. Died Jan. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Cook, Herbert E. Co. D; b. Winchester; age 19; res. Winchester; enl." Sept. 11, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; re-enl.

and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Milton ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Cook, James A. Non-com'd Stafi ; b. Cornish ; age 47 ; res. Claremont; enl. June 18, '61 ; must, in July 2, '61, as Cora. Sergt. app. M. '62 disch. to '63. Q. June 9, ; accept promotion, to date Aug. 12, See Miscel. Organizations.

Cook, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Goshen ; enl. Dec. 6, '64 ; must, iu Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass.

; ; '61 ; '61, ; '62, Cook, Mark P. Co. F b. Milton ; age 21 res. Favmington ; enl. May 16, must, in June 4, as Priv. mis. Aug. 29, '63. '76, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art. S. A., 1, '62 ; des. July 12, Died Mar. 20, ; U. Nov. Wolfeboro'. Cook, WiUiam. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

'61 ; '61, Cooledge, William P. Band ; b. Hillsborough ; age 23 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. July 22, must, in Aug. 7, as 2 Class

Muse. ; must, oixt as 1 Class Muse. Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va.

Coolidge, Co. A ; b. Troy ; age ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Greorge. 28 ; '80, May 22, '61, for 8 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 19, '61, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 8, Akron, O.

; '61 '61, Cooligan, Abel "W. Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 29 res. W^inchester ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; wd. July 1,

'62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; des. ; appreh. July 2, '63 ; disch. Sept. 13, '61, Bermuda Hundred, Va., tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Winchester.

Cooper, Charles S. Co. B ; b. Barre, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 11, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; captd. '02 '62. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. May 11, ; disch. as a paroled prisoner. May 20, See 16 N. II. V. and U. S. C. T. ; '63 '63, Cooper, Henry T. Co. D ; b. Pittsfleld, Mass. ; age 21 ; cred. Goifstown ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. July 7, '64, White House, Va.

; '61 ; '61, ; Cooper, John D., Jr. Co. B b. Mendon, Mass. ; age 33 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 13, must, in June 1, as Corp. app.

Sergt. Sept. '61 ; 1 Sergt. Nov., '61 ; 2 Lt. July '62; 1 Lt. H, '62 wd. sev. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), 1, 11, Co. Aug. 1, ; Aug. '64 '65. Va. ; app. Adjt. June 18, '63 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Maj. June 21, ; Lt. Col. Mar. 1, Died Oct. 30, '65, Baltimore, Md. Copeland, David B. Co. G; h. Massachusetts; age 23; cred. Deering; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '6.3, as Priv.; wd.

sev. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. May 31, '65, Mauchester. P. 0. ad., Woburn, Mass.

'61 ; '61, '63, Corbet, Andrew. Co. H ; b. Ireland; age 26 ; res. Mason ; enl. May 9, must, in June 5, as Priv.; des. May 5, Con- cord. Corbett, Michael. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '63 '63, Corcoran, Michael. Co. G; b. Ireland ; age 24; cred. Manchester ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '05. '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '64 ; reduced to ranks Apr. 6, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '61; '61, Corey, Amos L. Co. D; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 24; res. Marlborough; enl. Sept. 9, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; wd.

May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 2, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Swanzey. '61, Corliss, Charles F. Co. F; b. Meredith; age 19; res. Meredith; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 27, '61, Washington, D. C.

b. ; res. enl. '61, ; ; re- Corliss, Joseph G-. Co. F; Meredith ; age 18 Meredith ; Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, dis. Mar. 4, '63, Concord.

Corliss, Co. I ; b. Vermont ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Leonard B. ; '61, '62 re-«iil. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must. in June 7, as Priv.; tr. to Co. A, 2 Cav. U. S. A., Oct. 27, ; disch. Apr. 5, '65, Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., tm. ex.

Cornell, William. Co. F; b. Long Island, N. Y. ; age 18; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 24, '64, "Wliite Hall, Pa. Comer. See Korner.

res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, Corser, Hamilton P. Co. B ; b. Boscawen ; age 22 ; Welsster May 11, must, in June 1, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 19, '61, Washington, D. C. See 14 N. II. V. '61, Corson, Monroe J. Co. D ; b. Milton; age 22 ; res. Milton ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 22, '62. Died Jan. 27, '64, Milton.

Cosgrove, Bernard. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. 15, '64 ; must, in Oct. 15, '64, as Priv. disch. May 29, '65, Camp Lee, Va.

b. ; ; cred. ; enl. '63 Costello, John. Co. E ; Canada age 21 Manchester Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.,

Cotton, Benjamin P. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Orange ; enl. Oct. 4, '64 ; must, in Oct. 4, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. 0. ad.. Auburn, Me.

Co. b. ; age ; res. ; enl. '61 ; Cotton, John P. B ; Northwood 21 Northwood May 25, must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Northwood.

Co. B ; b. England ; age 27 cred. Plainfield enl. Nov. '63 Coughler, ; ; 23, in Thomas. ; must, Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. : des. Feb 21, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Co. I ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age ; res. Canaan ; enl. May 18, '61 ; in '61, County, Dennis. 21 must, June 7, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 1, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Rumney Depot. See 1 N. tl. L. Battery.

Co. B b. Boston, Mass.; age res. Canaan ; enl. '01 ; • County, George B. ; 24; May 27, must, in June 1, '61, as Priv tr to 57 '64, Co., 2 Batt'l I. C, Sept. 9, '63 ; disch. May 26, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. Courser. See Corser. b. res. Cowee, Joel, Jr. Band; Gardner, Mass. ; age 35; Gardner, Mass.; enl. July 22, '61; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 3 Class Muse. ; disch. Nov. 19, '61. P. O. ad., Gardner, Mass.

Band ; b. Gardner, Mass. ; age res. Gardner, Mass. ; enl. '61 Cowee, Webster. 29; July 22, ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 2 Class '62, Muse. ; must, out as 1 Class Muse. Aug. 8, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Gardner, Mass.

Co. C ; b. Holderness ; age 22 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in '61, Cox, Lemuel M. June 1, as Corp. ; must, out as Priv. June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Cedarvale, Kan. Co. B; b. Ireland; age 31; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Coyle, George. Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp '65. ^'^. July 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, * ;;.;


Ooyle, Thomas C. Co. D; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 24 ; enl. May 10, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Piiv. ; disch. disab. May 11, '63, Ft. Constitution, New Castle. Died Jan. 31, '92, Gardiner, Me.

Crafts, Homer M. Co. I; b. Ilolyoke, Mass.; age 24; res. Claremout; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. '61, '61, ; May 21, for 3 yra. ; must, iu June 7, as 1 Sergt. ; disch. disab. May 28, '62. Died Aug. 13, '72, Northampton, Mass.

Crafts, Welcome A. Co. F ; b. Milan ; age 26 ; re^. Milan ; enl. Apr. '61, for .3 ; ; re-enl. 26, mos. not must, in ; paid by State Alay '61, for 22, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; disch. Oct. 12, '61, to accept promotiou. See 5 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations. Crague, John M. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Co. Craig, Allen A. A ; b. Canada; age 41 ; cred. Keene ; eul. Aug. 16, '62 ; must, iu Aug. 2.5, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 30, '63, Concord. See 14 N. H. V.

Craig', George W. Co. C ; b. Meredith ; age 27 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 10, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Cram, Albra D. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V.

Cram, Henry O. Co. G ; b. Meredith ; age ; res. Carroll ; enl. Apr. '61, ; ; re-enl. 21 29, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu June 5, '61, a.s Muse; tr. to Co. E, May 1, '63; must, out June 21, '64. Cram, Shepherd B. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Crawford, Luman J. Co. E ; b. Burlington, Vt. ; age 26 ; res. German Flats, N. Y., cred. Greenland ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must.

in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 26, '63.

Crawford, Thomas. Co. F ; b. Bridgewater ; res. ; '62 ; '62, ; age 37 ; Colebrook eul. Jau. 30, must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 17, '62, Baltimore, Md. Cristjan, Marten. Co. D; b. Sweden; age 20; cred. Dunbarton; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 10, '64, Yorktowu, Va.

Cronin, Jeremiah. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; cred. Hart's Location ; eul. Oct. 20, '64 ; must, in Oct. 20, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Cronin, Timothy. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Crocker, George B. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Crosby, John. Co. C ; b. New Brunswick ; age 30 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to " " " " U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Colorado at!d Sassacus ; des. from receiving ship, Philadel- phia, Pa., during fourth qr. '64.

Cross, Ezra. Co. D; b. "Boston, Mass."; age 19 ; res. Rochester; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 ruos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May 10,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Butteville, Ore. See 1 N. H. Cav.

; '62 '62, ; Cross, James M. Co. D ; b. Rochester ; age 19 ; res. Dover, cred. Dover enl. Aug. 5, ; must, iu Aug. 12, as Priv. disch. disab. Apr. 14, '63, Ft. Constitution, New Castle.

Crossley, John R. Uuas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 32 ; cred. Hebron ; enl. Dec. 6, '64 ; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass. Croto, Nelson. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, Crowley, Peter. Co. B substitute b. New York age 19 ; cred. Hopkinton ; enl. Dec. 3, must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. des. Mar. 14, '65, Fredericksburg, Va.

Crowley, Timothy. Co. G ; b. New Brunswick; age 18 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 16, '63 ; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv. ; wd.

May 16, '64, Drewry's BlufE, Va. ; disch. wds. Jime 2, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., IJostou, Mass.

; ; ; '64 '64, as Priv. ; des. Crowly, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England age 24 cred. Landaif enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Cruden, George. Co. D; b. Scotland; age 19; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 22, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Crystal, Samuel. Co. D; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 23; cred. Nashua; eul. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 29, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; enl. '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. Culliver, Andrew. Co. I ; b. Sweden ; age 20 cred. Newmarket Nov. 30, 30, S. Na^-y Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Mount Vernon" and "Tacony"; des. July 29, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass. Cummings, George. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V.

; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Cummings, Thaddeus. Co. A b. Fitzwilliam ; age 19 ; 25, ; '62, State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 12, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Fitchburg, Mass. Cunningford, Andrew. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; ; enl. '63 must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; must. Cunningham, James. Co. P ; b. Canada age 23 cred. Manchester Nov. 30, ; 30, out Dec. 19, '65. P. 0. ad., Minerva, N. Y.

; ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Curley, James. Co. K ; b. England; age 25 cred. Manchester Aug. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; enl. '61, for not must, iu re-enl. '61, for Cvirrier, Andrew J. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 27 res. Exeter May 3, 3 mos. ; ; May 25, '63, '64. ad., Exeter. 3 vrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. O.

; enl. 28, '61 ; mast, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Currier, b-eorge. Co. G ; b. Wilton ; age 19 ; res. Peterborough May Jan. 24, '62, Camp Beaufort, Md. enl. '61, for mos.; not must, in; re-enl. Currier, George D. Co. H; b. Meredith; age 2i; res. Thetford, Vt. ; May 6, 3 May '61, C. 13, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 6, Washington, D.

; res. Strafford ; enl. for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 Currier, James H. Co. D ; b. Lowell, Mass. age 19 ; '61, ad., yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, Washington, D. C. P. 0. Epping. Cushing, John. Co. C; b. Manchester; age 18; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 16, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. '64 '65 '65 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; re-eul. and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. Mar. 19, des. Sept. 7, '65, Tappahanock, Va.

; age ; res. Troy ; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Catler, Frederick P. Co. H ; b. Lexington, Mass. 44 disab. Mar. 26, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. '61 '61, ; 40 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. Cutler, Hiram. Co. B ; b. Industry, Me. a^e '62, P. ad., Hopkinton. See 29, '62, Bull Run (23), Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 19, Washington, D. C. O. 18 N. H. V.

Bartletfc ; enl. '64 '64, Dailey, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Oct. 12, ; must, iu Oct. 12, as Priv. N. f r. A. G. 0. '63 '63, Dailey, Peter. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; wd. May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. Died, dis. June 19, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. '63 '63, Daley, Charles. Unas'd ; b. St. George, Me. ; age 21 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 11, '63, Long Isl., B. H., Mass. Daley, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Goshen; eul. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. 44 SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

'63 '64, Daley, Louis. Co. I ; b. France ; age 29 ; cred. Stratham ; enl. Xov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Oct. 27, Fair Oaks, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; '61, ; iiot paid by State Dame, Oliver M. Co. F ; b. Concord age 18 res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos. must, in ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; re-eul. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Com. Sergt. June 24, '64 ; 1 Lt. Co. E, May 20, '65 ; tr. to Co. A ; resigned Sept. 25, '65. Died Mar. 20, '72, Va.

Dame, Richard. Co. ; b. Scotia ; 23 cred. ; enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; deis. Apr. D Nova age Goffstown ; must, Nov. 28, ; Nov. 27, 9, '64, Yorktown, Va. ,

Damon, Georg-e Co. I ; b. Vermont ; age 26 ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by; State B. Manchester 22, ; ;

' re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 12, '63, Falmouth, Va.

Damon, Co. ; b. ; age ; res. (Fisherville, eiil. '61 ; must, in George H. B Hopkintou 23 Boscawen now Penacook) ; May 13,

June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct., '61 ; killed June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va.

Dandon, Co. ; b. ; ; ; '63 '63, Priv. ; des. Anthony. A Wisconsin age 18 cred. Concord enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Dec. 26, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Dane, Co. ; b. Andover, ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Joseph. K Mass. age 42 ; res. Chester enl. May 21, must, in June 8, as Priv. disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62, Camp Beaufort, Charles Co., Md. P. 0. ad., Chester. Danforth, Charles H. Co. B; b. Weare; age 26; res. Hillsborough; enl. Aug. 9, '62; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv.; disch. June 6, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Hillsborough.

Danforth, John. Co. B; b. Deering; age 34; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 8, '62; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv.'; wd. Aug. 29, '62, BuU Run (2d), Va. ; wd. sev. and mis. July '63, Gettysburg, gd. frona mis. ; disch. June '65, Richmond, Va. 2, Pa. ; 7, P. O. ad.. Concord.

Danforth, Johnson N. Co. B ; b. Weare ; age 19 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, wds. Oct. 5, '62, Alexandria, Va. Daniels, Frank. Co. D; b. Rhode Island; age 21; cred. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Daniels, John S. Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 21 ; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 9, '62 ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as '64, Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. May 17, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Danielson, Nathaniel M. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 23 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ;

by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 17, '62 ; appreh. ; mis. July 2, '63, Gettys- '65. burg, Pa. ; gd. from mis. ; des. Jan. 15, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. ; returned to duty June 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Portsmouth. Darling, James A. Co. G; b. Antrim; age 25; res. Dublin; enl. May 2, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 15, '61,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64.

Darling, John G. Co. A; b. Keene; age 21 ; res. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl.

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. July 25, '62, Balti- more, Md. Died June 29, '64, Keene. Darmeady, Michael. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Dasoomb, Co. ; b. Hillsborough ; res. Greenfield enl. '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. ; app. 2 Edmund, G age 23 ; ; May 15, '62 '63. Lt. Sept. 1, ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 13, Davis, Amos. Co. D; b. Eastport, Me.; age 44; res. AVinchester; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 1, '62. Davis, Charles. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. Davis, Daniel S. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Davis, Co. E ; b. Fairlee, Vt. ; ; res. Orford ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not in paid by State ; re- Daniel T. age 21 22, must, ;

eul. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. See Miscel. Organ- izations.

Davis, David 0. Co. D ; b. Alton ; age ; res. Durham; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. 30 ;

May 10, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Sept. 19, '62, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. 0. ad., Newmarket. See 5 N. H. V. '63 Davis, Edward. Co. G ; b. New York ; age 23 ; res. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., cred. Cornish ; enl. Deo. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, '63,

as Priv. ; confined at Camp Hamilton. Va., May 9, '64 ; released July 28, '64, and sent to Bermuda Hundred, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, Davis, George Co. A ; b. Roxbury ; age 19 ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid State G. ; by ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 12, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Marlborough. 9, Davis, Harrison L. Co. F; b. Winchester ; age 18; res. Hinsdale ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 20, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Franklin. '61 Davis, Hazen, Jr. Co. C ; b. Londonderry ; age 22 ; res Aubm-n ; enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2,

'63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died July 29, '79, Manchester.

Co. A ; b. Worcester, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in re- Davis, James. paid by State ; ;

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 81, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 9, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Davis, James. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

b. Troy, ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for ; Davis, James. Co. D ; Me. age 19 ; Dover 17, 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 1,*'61, yi-s. ; must, in June as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 23, '63, Concord. See V. R. C. '61, Davis, James M. Co. I ; b. Newfield, Me. ; age 26 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. '61, yrs. ; '61, Priv. ; des. '01, May 23, for 3 must, in June 7, as Aug. 2, near Washington, D. C. ; returned Oct. 31,

'64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '61 Davis, John. Co. C ; b. Manchester ; age 28 ; res. Auburn ; enl. May 10, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61,

Bull Run, Va. ; exch. ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad.. Auburn.

; ; ; res. ; enl. '01, Davis, John W. Co. I b. Birmingham, Eng. age 21 Claremont Apr. 20, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; 21, 7, State; re-enl. May '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released; must. out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. See Miscel. Organizations.

b. ; res. enl. '61 Davis, Martin V. B. Co. C ; Loudon ; age 23 Pembroke ; May 13, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 28, '61, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad.. Concord. See 1 N. E. Cav.

Davis, Martin V. B. Co. D; b. Westmoreland ; age 23; res. Winchester; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 19, '63, Concord. Davis, Nathaniel D. Co. A; b. Keene; age 29; res. Winchester; enl. Apr. 2.5, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in paid by State; ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 4, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 4, '63, AVinchester.

; res. Winchester enl. '61 ; O.'vil Co. D ; b. Syracuse, N. Y. age 18 ; ; Sept. 3, must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. Davis, F. ; wd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. enl. '63 Davis, Samuel. Unas'd ; b. England ; age 37 ; cred. Concord ; Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. N. f . r. A. G. O. ;.;


Davis, Sidney. Co. G; b. Canada; age 42; res. Bolton, Can., ored. Lisbon; enl. Deo. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; wd.

sev. Aug. 25, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. to date Mar. 19, '65. P. 0. ad., Mansonville, Quebec, Can. '04, Davis, William. Co. B ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 30 ; cred. Lyndeborough ; enl. Oct. 3, '04 ; must, in Oct. 3, as

Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Davis, William. Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 28; cred. Manchester ; enl. Oct. 21, '64 ; umst. in Oct. 21, '64, as Priv.; disch. May 28, '65, Camp Lee, Va. Davis. William H. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Davis, Ziba L. Co. H ; b. Baltimore, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. Sept. 1, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2'd), Va. tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Dec. 6, '62. Died, dis. Jan. 12, '63, Falmouth, Va. '63 Day, Freeman. Co. D ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 29 ; cred. Hillsborough ; eul. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 1, '64, from hospital. '63 Day, Freeman P. Co. C ; b. Baltimore, Md. ; age 33 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. " Quaker City." Died June 7, '65, on board hosp. sliip Po- tomac." '62 '62, Day, Morrill C. Unas'd. ; b. Cornish, Me. ; age 30 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 25, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 31, '62, Concord. '62 Day, Oliver P. Co. H ; b. Cornish, Me. ; age 44 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 2.5, ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 16, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Apr. 14, '84, Concord. '61, Dean, John. Co. H ; b. Claremont ; age 25 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 17, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. Parsons, Kansas. See State Service.

; b. res. ; enl. '61, for 3 ; must, in ; re-enl. May Dearborn, Calvin L. Co. E North Hampton ; age 23 ; Exeter May 4, mos. not

22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 16, '61, Washington, D. C.

; ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; Dearborn, Frederick W. Co. C ; b. Manchester age 18 ; res. Manchester enl. May 9, must, in June 1, des Jan. 29, '62, Budd's Ferry, Md.

Dearborn, Co. K ; b. New Yoi-k ; age ; res. Candia ; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; Horace L. 22 ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 12, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Dearborn, John P. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 22; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; jjaid by State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.*; mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; gd. from mis. July '63 '63 '03 '64. 7, ; app. Corp. Sept., ; Sergt. Dec, ; must, out June 21, P. 0. ad., Norwood, Mass. '61, '62, Dearborn, Lewis H. Co. C ; b. Epsom ; age 19 ; res. Pembroke ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. May 5,

Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 25, '62, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Hopkinton.

Dearth, William, alias John Barney. Co. F ; b. Stewartstown ; age 19 ; res. Dalton ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in

paid by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 5, '62 ; disch. May 27, '64, North Anna River, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. West Stewartstown. See 1 N. 11. 11. Art.

Co. ; b. New York ; age cred. Greenland ; enl. '63 ; Nov. '03, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Decker, Isaac. K 35 ; Nov. 4, must, in 5, U. Navy " " " Apr. 28, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. St. Lawrence and Sassacus " ; des. Oct. 31, '64, from latter vessel. Decker, John 0. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

b. ; '02 ; '62, Deets, George C H. Co. E ; Uxbridge, Mass. ; age 19 res. Gilsum, cred. Gilsura ; enl. Aug. 20, must, in Aug. 21,

as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 2, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Gilsum. Demarse, Joseph. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Co. D ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age ; res. Strafford ; enl. Apr. '61, for ; re-enl. Demerett, Enoch P. 28 27, 3 mos. not must, in ; May

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. Died Aug. 11, '62, Newport News, Va. Demeritt, George W. Co. B; b. Nottingham; age 27; res. Newmarket; enl. Mav 10, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd.

June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. See 18 N. H. V. Deming, Asa. Co. E; b. Connecticut; age 28; res. Winche.ster; enl. Sept. 8, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 7, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. 0. ad.. North Audover, Mass.

Co. B ; b. Illinois ; age ; cred. Antrim ; enl. '63 '63, ; Dempsey, Thomas P. 21 Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. des. Apr.

12, '64, Yorktown, Va. ; appreh. May 3, '64 ; des. to the enemy Oct. 19, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va.

Denacre, Albert. Co. B ; substitute. See 13 N. H. V.

Co. G ; b. New York ; age 26 ; res. Rochester, N. Y., cred. Langdon ; enl. Dec. 1, '63 in 1, '63, Denike, Frank. ; must, Dec. as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Florida" and "Quaker City"; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 21, '65, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa. Densmore. See Dunsmore.

Derby, Isaac Co. A ; b. Fairlee, Vt. ; age 25 ; res. Westmoreland ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by W. ; '61, State ; re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Corp. ; wd. sev. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 11, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Charlestown, Mass. See V. R. C. Derome, Edward. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. Derwin, Joseph. Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Andover; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65. Deshon, Stephen M. Co. D; b. Wakefield; age 24; res. Wakefield; enl. May 10, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app.

Corp. Sept. 1, '63 ; must, out as Priv. June 21, '64.

Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age ; res. (FisherviUe, ; Desmond, Daniel. 33 Concord now Penacook) ; enl. May 20, '61 must, in June 7,

'61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Jan. 9, '81, Togus, Me.

; ; ; ; '64 ; Devere, Claud. Co. B ; substitute b. Nova Scotia age 31 cred. Errol enl. Oct. 4, must, in Oct. 4, '04, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 30, '65. Devine, James. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Dewey, Jesse E. Co. I; b. Hanover; age 18; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. '61, for 3 yrs. ; in '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. '62 May 22, must, June 7, 21, ; Sergt. July 1, '03 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Lebanon.

; b. ; ; '63 Dexter, George. Co. C Red Hook, N. Y. age 21 ; cred. Manchester enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. : des. Mar. 3, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Diamond, Levi Co. H ; b. Hopkinton ; age 15 ; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton ; eul. Aug. '62 '62, W. 23, ; must, in Sept. 2,

as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. Diamond. See Dimond. Dible, Benjamin. Co. G; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 23; cred. Hollis; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; reported

on m. o. roU dated Deo. 19, '65, as absent on detached service since July 20, '64. N. f . r. A. G. O.

Dichario, Pietro. Co. K; b. Italy; age 36; res. Italy, cred. Keene; enl. Dec. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; des. and

appreh. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Dickey, David G. Co. B; b. Deering; age 24; res. Deering; enl. May 20, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 23, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Lyndeborough. ;


Dickey, Lyman A. Co. I ; b. Vermont ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 8 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; '63 re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; in '61, Priv. ; '62, (2d), ; Corp. Jan. 1, must, June 7, as wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run Va. app. ;

Sergt. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Wilson's Crossing.

Dickey, William. Co. B; b. Deering; age 83; res. Deering; enl. May 14, '61 ; must. in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Prin. Muse.

Oct. 10, '61 ; last appears on roll dated Apr. 10, '63. N. f. r. A. G. O. Died Jan. 3, '88, Chelsea, Mass. in re-enl. Dillon, Michael A. Co. G ; b. Chelmsford, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Wilton ; enl. May 6, '61, for 8 mos. ; not must, ; May '62, 15, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull liuii (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 18, Alexan- '62, dria,Va. ; Oct. 10, '89, awarded medal of honor under resolution of Congress No. 43, approved July 12, and section 6 of act of Congress, approved Mar. 3, '63, for bravery in action May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va., and June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. See V. R. C.

; ; '62 Aug. '62, as Dillon, William. Co. G b. Chelmsford, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Wilton, cred. Wilton enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in 21, '64, Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to Unas'd Detachment, V. R. C, May 5, '64 ; disch. wds. Sept. 5, Washing- ton, D. C. P. O. ad.. Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. See State Service. '64 '64, Priv. app. Com. ; ; ; enl. Jan. in Jan. as ; Dimond, Charles W. Co. C ; b. Concord age 21 cred. Jaffrey 27, ; must, 27,

'65 ; I, '65 ; tr. '65. identical with Charles W. Sergt. July 9, 2 Lt. Co. Oct. 17, to Co. E ; must, out Dec. 19, Supposed Dimond, Co. D, 16 N. H. V. Dimond. See Diamond.

; ; ; ; '61, ; in State ; re-enl. Diven, Francis. Co. G b. Scotland age 37 res. Milford enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, ; paid by

May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. gd. from mis. Aug. 20, ;

'63 ; must, out June 21, '64. See 14 N. H. V. '61, re-enl. '61, for Dix, Charles H. Co. G ; b. Mason ; age 21 ; res. Mason ; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; May 17, 3

yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '61. P. O. ad., Lakewood, N. J. Dockham, Daniel. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

Co. ; b. ; age 54 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid State re- Doe Joseph A. K New Durham May 7, ; by ;

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 21, '62, Hosp. 3 A. C. Died Feb. 9, '76, Gil- manton. Does, John. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Dolton, James. Co. D; b. "Dixon"; age 30; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 19, '63, must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Priv.; des. July 9, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Don, John. Co. C; substitute; b. Newfoundland; age 24; cred. Unity; eiil. Dec. 2, '64; must. in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 17, '65. Donald, Thomas W. Co. F. See 12 N. II. V. Donaldson, Frederick W. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V.

Co. b. ; cred. ; '63 '63, ; Donnelly, Charles. B ; New York age 19 ; Manchester enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. des. Mar. 30, '65, while on furlough. b. '63 Donnelly, John. Unas'd ; Ireland ; age 35 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 12, '63, Boston, Mass.

Donoghue, Frank. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Chester ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 7, '65, Montross, Va.

Co. b. "Burke" age ; cred. enl. '63 Donovan, James. D ; ; 18 Duubarton ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 9, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. K b. Northfield age ; res. ; enl. '61 ; Doolittle, John Edward. ; ; 18 Winchester Sept. 3, must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. des. Sept. 30, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Dorcey, Frank. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Co. F ; b. Alton age 18 res. Alton enl. '61, for ; Charles H. ; ; ; May 4, 3 mos. not in Dore, must, ; paid by State ; re-enl. May 16, yrs. 4, '61, for 3 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; app. Corp.; must, out June 21, "64. P. 0. ad., Alton. Dorsey, Frank. Co. B. See 12 N. H. V.

alias William Dorsey. ; b. ; ; Dorsey, John, Co. F Pennsylvania age 21 res. Lancaster, Pa., cred. Canaan ; enl. Nov. 30, '63

in '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. '64, ; ; must, Nov. 30, 11, Yorktown, Va. appreh. app. Corp. Jan. 1, '65 ; Sergt. June 25, '65 must, out Dec. 19, '65. Dorsey, John H. Co. B. See 12 N. H. V. Dorsey, William. Co. F. See John Dorsey.

Co. b. Lancaster age ; res. Lancaster enl. '62 Douglass, Ira G. F ; ; 35 ; Feb. 10, ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 12, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.

Dow, G-eorge B. Co. F; b. Moultonborough ; age 18; res. Moultonborough ; enl. May 6, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid

by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July '61, 21, Bull Run, '62 : Va. ; t-par. Mav,ji ' disch. July 4, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Tilton. See 12 N. H. V. , Downey, Andrew. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Downey, James. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Downing, Joshua. Co. H; b. Boseawen; age 40; res. Hopkinton; enl. May 10, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Wj-shington, I). C. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age cred. Winchester enl. 3, Downing, William. 21; ; Dec. '64 ; must, in Dec. 3, '64, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. b. res. Calvin C. Co. D ; Rochester ; age 27 ; Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not Downs, must, in ; served 11 days

in State service ; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Ports- '64, '65. mouth ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19,

F. and S. ; b. South Norwalk, Conn. ; age ; res. ; Downs, Charles A. 39 Lebanon app. Chaplain Oct. 29, '62 ; not must. declined appointment. P. O. ad., Lebanon.

Co. K ; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 18 ; res. South Berwick, Me. ; enl. Downs, Charles W. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must. '61, in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; killed '62, ; May 5, Williamsburg, Va. Drapeau, Francis. Co. E. See Michael Drapeau.

Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. Canada, cred. Rochester enl. '63 • Drapeau, Michael. ; Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. July 6, '64, Washington, D. C. Dreggs, John. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Co. C ; b. Maine ; age 28 ; res. Haverhill, Mass. ; enl. '61 ; Dresser, Charles. May 21, must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61.

Co. b. Maine age 25 ; res. Haverhill, Mass. ; enl. May '61 ; '61, Dresser, John C. C ; ; 21, must, in June 1, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '62 '62 Oct. 1, '61 ; Sergt. Jan. 25, ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, ; des. Dec. 1, '63, Alexandria, Va. " " res. Dover enl. '61 Co. ; b. Ossipee ; age 19 ; ; June 1, ; must, in '61, Drew, Dana L. D June 1, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Northwood. See Miscel. Organizations. ;;


'63, Drew, Jedlkiah K. Co. I ; b. Hooksett ; age 18 ; j'es. Concord ; enl. May 22, '63 ; must, in May 22, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 13, '63, Pt. Jvookout, Md. '61, re-enl. Drew, Martin Co. D ; b. Wakefield ; age 28 ; res. Dover ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; V. ;

May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Dover. See 6 N. H. V. and V. R. C.

; ; '61, ; in re-eul. Drew, Warren. Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age 18 res. Somersworth enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, ; May

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. '61, for Drown, Leonard. Co. E ; b. llehoboth, Mass. ; age 41 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. as Priv. Apr. 18, '61, 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; app. Capt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date June 3, ;

as Capt. ; killed May 5, '02, Williamsburg, Va.

; re-enl. Drummer, John Co. A ; b. Keene ; age 20 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '01, for 3 mos. not mu.st. in paid by State ; A. ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 9, '61, Charles County, Md. '01 '01, Drummer, William C. Co. F ; b. Keene ; age 17 ; r^. Keene ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; wd. and mis.

July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. N. f . r. A. G. 0. Ilea-s paid to July 2, '63. '63, Dubois, Joseph. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

; ; '63 '63, ; '64, Duolan, Moses. Co. D ; b. Canada age 21 cred. Hooksett ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. wd. June 3,

Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19, '05.

Duolan, Co. D ; b. Canada ; age 22 : cred. Hooksett ; enl. '63 must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. Peter. Nov. 13, ; 19, '65.

Dudley, John P. Co. E ; b. Brentwood ; age 18 ; res. Brentwood ; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. 1 '62 '64. Sergt. Aug. 1, ; must, out June 21, Died Mar. 11, '90, Winona, Minn.

Duffy, Nicholas. Co. (i ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; res. Boscawen (Fialierville, now Penacook) ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not

must, in ; re-enl. May 15, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. ; re-captd. Apr.

12, '05, near Salisbury, N. C. ; disch. Aug. 22, '65, Concord. P. 0. ad., Tilton.

; '64 '04, ; Dugan, Henry. Unas'd substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Wilmot ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass.

Dunbar, William A. Co. C ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 26 ; crejl. Dover ; enl. Dec. 1, '64 ; must, in Dec. 1, '04, as

Priv. ; des. May 14, '05, Manchester, Va. Dunbar, William H., alias Edward Bumpkin. Co. D. See 13 N. H. V. '03 Duncan, Peter. Co. D ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 17, : must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy " '65. Apr. 30, '04, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on and des. from U. S. S. Calypso," Mar. 8,

Dunham, Bdson J'. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; res. Grafton, N. Y., cred. Dummer ; enl. Oct. 12, '64 ; must, in

Oct. 12, '04, as Priv. ; drowned Feb. 22, '05, in the field, Va.

Dunklee, Sylvester C. Co. G ; b. Amherst ; age 18 ; res. Hancock ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 15,

'01, for 3 30-8. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Apr. 11, '71, Peterborough. '62 '62, Dunklee, Sylvester J. Co. G ; b. Ludlow, Vt. ; age 43 ; res. Hancock ; enl. Nov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 8, as Priv. ; disch. wds. Dec. 5, '64, Brattleboro, Vt. Died Dec. 5, '87, Allegan, Mich. '01 '61, Dunlap, Whitney. Co. K; b. "Antrim, N. H."; age 31; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 9, '63, Concord. See V. R. C.

Dunn, James P. Co. I ; b. England ; age 22 ; res. Otter River, Mass. ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-eul. May 9, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 21, '61, Bladensburg, Md. '63 Dunn, John. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 29 ; cred. Bennington ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '03, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 12, '64,

Yorktown, Va. ; appreh. ; des. Sept. 1, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. Dunsmore, Andrew M. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Dunton, William. Co. A ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 37 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Corp. ; wd. and mis. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Bun (2d), Va. gd. ; from

mis. ; disch. wds. Nov. 6, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam. Duprais, TaflU. Co. E; b. St. Seymour, Can.; age 20; res. Canada, cred. Rochester; enl. Nov. 25, '63; must, in Nov. 25, '63,

as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '60. P. O. ad., Brunswick, Me. Dupree, Emile. Co. C; b. France; age 32; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv.; des. Sept. 25, '64, Chickahominy, Va.

Duprey, Baptist. Co. F ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; res. St. Paul, Can., cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '03, as

Priv. ; des. Oct. 15, '64, near Chaflin's Farm, Va. gd. f]-om des. ; must, out Dec. 19, '05. ; '03 '03, Durand, Adolphe. Co. B ; b. France ; age 29 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; wd. May 14,

'64, Drewi-y's Bluff, Va. ; des. July 24, '64, Pt. of Rocks, Va. Durgin, Abner F. Co. E; b. Concord; age 21; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos.; not

must, in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in from Ports- ;

mouth, Jan. '64 ; app. M. Sergt. '64 M. June 24, '04 ; disch. to date Dec. '65. P. ad.. 1, Q. Feb. 1, ; Q. 19, O. Concord. '61, Durgin, Hiram F. Co. E; b. Springfield; age 19 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos.; not '61, '61, '62, must, in; paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, as Sergt. ; killed Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. '61, Durgin, John H. Co. D ; b. Northwood ; age 22 ; res. Dover ; enl. Apr. 17, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; served 12 days in

State service ; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; des. May 25, '63, Concord; gd. from des.; disch. Nov. 1, '64, Chaffi;i's Farm, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. West Hampstead. '64 Dushan, Albert. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Sorel, Can. ; age 19 ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 8, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Dustin, Jonathan B. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Duston, George A. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Duston, Joseph H. Co. G. See 17 N. H. V. '63 Duval, William. Co. G ; b. New York ; age 23 ; res. Champlain, N. Y., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 8, '64, Washington^D. C.

Dyer, Albion. Co. D; b. Biddeford, Me. ; age 19; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; served 11

'01, yrs. ; in June '01, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. days in State service ; re-enl. May 10, for 3 must, 1, Eagan. See Egin. '01, Co. F ; b. Conway ; age 20 ; res. Conway ; enl. May 2, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Eastman, Charles H. ; '64. enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '01, as Priv. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad.. New York City. '61, for Eastman, Frank A. Co. H ; b. Royalton, Vt. ; age 23 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 4, 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl.

May 11, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Juue 5, '01, as Priv. ; killed July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ;;


'64. : ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, Eastman, John L. Co. B b. Concord age 28 ; enl. May 27, must, in June 20, '61, in paid by ; ; ; enl. Apr. for 3 mos. ; not must, Eastman, Moses L. Co. I b. New Hampshire ; age 23 res. Manchester 22, ; '61, par. disch. July State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; ; 2, '62.

; ; Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not Eastman, Philip 0. Co. E b. Boscawen ; age 18 res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. 20,

must, in; paid by State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Wagoner; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '65 '65. '64 ; app. Sergt. Nov. 10, ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad.. Concord. '61; '61, Priv.; disch. Eastman, "William. Co. H; b. Springfield, Vt. ; age 43; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 12, must, in Sept. 17, as disab. Sept. 20, '62, Falmouth, Va. P. 0. ad., Swanzey. See V. R. C. substitute. Eaton, Almon. Co. B ; See 13 N. H. V.

; b. ; " " ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Eaton, John, Jr. Co. E Corinna, Me. age 22 Apr. 22, ;

to May 21, '61, -when re-enl. for 3 yrs. ; no record of service under 2 enl. ; re-enl. Aug. 6, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Aug. 6,

'01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 20, '63, Providence, R. I. P. 0. ad., Manchester. See 4 N. H. V.

; b. ; res. Bennington enl. '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; des. June Eaton, John H. Co. B Bennington ; age 19 ; May 14, 1, 10, '61. Supposed identical with John H. Eaton, Co. K, 5 N. PI. V.

Co. ; b. ; ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Eaton, Orleans S. A Winchester age 28 ; '63, eul. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 27, Concord. P. 0. ad.. West Swanzey. Eayres. See Ayers. '61; '61, as disch. Eddy, George P. Co. A; b. Chesterfield; age 21 ; res. Chesterfield; enl. May 22, must, in May 31, Pnv. ; disab. Feb. 7, '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Athol Centre, Mass. '62 Aug. '62, as Co. ; b. Deerfield ; 19 res. Pembroke, cred. Pembroke ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in 12, Edgerly James B. B age ;

Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

Co. ; b. ; 22 cred. ; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; des. June Edwards, Charles. B New York age ; Concord 5, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Edwards, Charles "W. Co. K. See 13 N. H. V. '63 '63, b. ; ; cred. ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Pnv. ; des. Sept. Edwards, Gongon. Co. D ; France age 26 Goffstown 3, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va.

; ; ; '63 ; must, in '63, as Priv. ; des. to the Edwards, John. Co. D b. Scotland ; age 20 cred. Concord enl. Nov. 20, Nov. 20, enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Chaffln's Farm, Va. '68, ; b. ; 26 cred. ; enl. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; des. Edwards, William. Co. F Boston, Mass. age ; Nashua Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va.

; b. ; ; cred. ; enl. '63 must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. ; executed for des. Egin, John. Co. A England age 21 Concord Nov. 23, ; Apr. 15, '64, Yorktown, Va.

; ; ; ; '64 ; in '64, as Priv. Egmont, Louis. Co. C ; substitute b. Nova Scotia age 24 cred. Sutton enl. Dec. 2, must, Dec. 2,

app. Corp. May 1, '65 ; disch. May 29, '65, Camp Lee, Va.

; b. Salisbury ; res. Fisherville (now Penacook) ; enl. May '61, for 3 mos. ; not 'must, in Elkins, George S. Co. E age 18 ; 1, ; '62, paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 2, Washington, D. C.

; ; ; ; '03 '63, wd. Elliott, Charles. Co. G b. Oswego, N. Y. age 21 cred. Manchester enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; ' June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 24, '64, Washington, D. C. Elliott, John A. Co. H; age 18; res. Boston, Mass.; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; captd. June 30, '62, '62 '63, D. White Oak Swamp, Va. ; par. Sept. 13, ; des. June 11, Washington, C. '61 '61, '63, Ellis, David C. Co. H ; b. Richmond; age 33 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; des. Feb. 1, Falmouth, Va. ; returned June 15, '64 ; disch. Apr. 4, '65, Richmond, Va., tm. ex.

; b. ; res. Exeter ; enl. '61, for mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. '61, yrs. Ellison, Prank. Co. E Durham ; age 18 May 4, 3 May, for 3 '61. must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. by civil authority June 19, Ellsbaok, Gustave. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Co. H ; b. Keene ; age 23 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Emerson, Albert A. ;

re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. See 7 N. H. V. Emerson, George. Co. A. See 13 N. H. V. Emerson, George C. Co. B; b. Caudia; age 23 ; res. Candia; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; captd. July

21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; exchanged ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va.

; b. ; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, Emerson, Henry H. Co. D Dover age 19 Dover May 10, must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 21,

'61, Bull Run, Va. par. June 2, '62, VVashington, N. C. ; disch. as a paroled prisoner Jime 30, '62, ; Concord. See 10 N. H. V. Emerson, John A. Co. E; b. Bristol; age 18; res. Bristol; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos.^ not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released Feb. 16, '65 ; disch. May 2, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Farmington.

; b. Deerfield ; age ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Sept. '61 ; Emerson, John A. Co. K 21 2, must, in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. ; captd. May '62, 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Deerfield. See 9 N. II. V. Emerson, Quincy A. Co. A; b. Walpole; age 19; res. Walpole; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. '64 ; '64 1, app. Corp. July 1, ; Sergt. '65. Feb. 1, '65 ; must. out-Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Keene.

Co. b. Finland ; age 22 cred. Concord enl. Nov. '63 Erickson, John. A ; ; ; 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, tr. S. Apr. '64, " " Cold Harbor, Va. ; to U. Navy 29, as a Seaman ; seiTed on U. S. S. North Carolina and " Chicopee " disch., services no longer required, Apr. 26, '86, as Quarter Master.

Co. b. Russia ; age 82 cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. '63 Eusemof, Alexander. F ; ; 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 31, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. ; b. Gilsum ; age 22 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, Bvardon, John W. D 9, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 19, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Keene.

Co. b. Boston, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Chester; enl. May '61 ; Everett, Aaron. E ; 20, must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 1, '03, Falmouth, Va. C. res. Everett, Henry H. Co. C; b. Wilmington, N. ; age 19; Manchester; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; '64. wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; must, out June 21, P. 0. ad., Manchester. "19"; res. Chester; enl. 20, Everett, Joseph. Co. E; b. Chester; age May '61 ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '61, Washington, D. C. See 8 N. II. V.

; b. Stoddard ; age 20 res. Stoddard ; enl. Aug. '61 ; '61, Fairfield, Freeman W. Co. A ; 24, must, in Aug. 24, as Priv. ; wd. June '64, Petersburg, 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Aug. 24, near Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. Meeker, Col. See 1 and 18 N. H. V. ;;


Parington, Co. H; b. Walpole; age 18; res. Clareinont; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by George H. ;

State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. July 14, '61, Georgetown, D. C.

Parley, Bernard J. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 39 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 13, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 23, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md. '03 Parley, George. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 33 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; returned to U. S. Navy as a deserter therefrom, Feb. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept.

Parmer, Augustus B. Co. B ; b. Manchester ; age 27 ; res. Bow ; enl. May 11, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 Oct. 1, ; Sergt. Aug. 9, '62 ; oaptd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; released Sept. 5, '62 ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Har-

bor, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; must, out June 21, '64. See 18 N. H. V. 6, Parmer, Lucious. Co. H ; b. Londonderry ; age 19; res. Manchester ; enl. May '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; re-enl. May '61, 13, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 25, '61, Manchester.

1). '03 Parmstron, Alxs. Unas'd ; Sweden ; age 25 ; cred. Bow ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, '03, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '62, Parnam, Charles R. Co. C ; b. Manchester ; age 21 ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Muse. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29,

Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 7, '62.

Parnsworth, Albert J. Co. G ; b. Dublin ; age 19 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl.

May '61, for 3 yrs. ; in '01, ; '62 '63 ; 64. 15, must, June 5, as Priv. app. Corp. Oct. 1, ; Sergt. Sept. 1, must, out June 21,

Parr, Co. A ; b. Chesterfield ; 17 res. Chesterfield ; enl. '01, for 3 ; not in paid by State Charles M. age ; Apr. 25, mos. must, ; '01, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 17, '62, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., Chester- field. See 1 N. H. Cav.

Parr, Co. G ; b. Littleton ; age 20 ; res. Littleton enl. as Pi'iv. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Evarts ; 20, W. ; ;

app. 1 Lt. June 4, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. Jan. 1, '62 ; wd. sev. May 5, '62, WiJJiamsburg,

Va. ; resigned Sept. 4, '62. See 11 N. II. V. 4, 4, Parrell, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Prince Edward's Island; age 22; cred. Freedom ; enl. Oct. '64 ; must, in Oct. '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Farrington. See Farington.

Parrow, Sidney Co. I ; b. Woodstock, Me. ; age ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by A. 21 ; State; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad.. West Manchester.

Passett, Joel B. Co. E ; b. Fitzwilliani ; age 34 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Sept. IC^ '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct.. 28, '62, Portsmouth Grove, H. I. Died May 11, '64, Jaffrey. '61 '61, Passett, Luther W. Co. E ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 29 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Sept. 4, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; killed Apr. 2, '62, Evansport, Va. '04 '04, Pearn, Williami P. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 22 ; cred. Grantham ; enl. Dec. 0, ; must, in Dec. G, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '04, Boston, Mass. Pelt, George D. Co. G; b. New Ipswich; age 20; res. Temple; enl. Apr. 30, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 15,

"61^ for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, wds. Nov. 6, '02, Fairfax Semi- nary, Va.

'01 '01, ; Corp. Pelt, James W. Co. A ; b. Sullivan ; age 19 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Sept. 0, ; nmst. in Sept. 17, as. Priv. app. Dec. 1, '03; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '04; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, '04; 1 Lt. Co. G, May 20, '05; must, out Dec. 19, '05. P. O. ad.. South Ashburnham, Mass. Pernald, John. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. '61 '01, Pernald, William H. Co. G ; b. Durham ; age 35 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. May 24, ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; app. '63 '64. Corp. Sept. 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. Pernandez, Louis. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; '03 ; in Dec. 2, '03, as Perris, Cyrus E. Co. H b. New York ; age 18 res. Plattsburg, N. Y., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 2, must, '04 Priv. ; wd. May 18, ; disch. Dec. 4, '05, Fredericksburg, Va. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Wis. Pife, Elmore R. Co. C. See 17 N. II. V.

; ; ; enl. '01 ; must, in June '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Pife, Henry C. Co. C ; b. Pembroke age 23 res. Pembroke May 13, 1, July 20, '61. P. O. ad., Suncook. '62 ; ; enl. Aug. ; must, in Aug. 9, '02, as Priv. ; wd. Pife, John. Co. C ; b. Pembroke age 24 res. Pembroke, cred. Pembroke ; 8, sev. Aug. 29, '02, BuU Run (2d), Va. Died, dis. Dee. 24, '02, Ft. Lyon, Va. Pife, Micajah N. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V.

and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Portsmouth; tr. to 159 Co., 2 Batt'l V. R. C.; disch. Dec. 11, '05, David's Isl., N. Y. II. '61, in paid by ; ; res. Charlestown enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, ; Finnigan, Thomas. Co. II b. Springfield, Vt. age 21 ; ;

'61, ; '01 ; '63 must, out State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. app. Corp. Oct. 1, Sergt. June 1, ; June 21, '04.

; cred. Manchester ; enl. Oct. 22, '64 ; must, in Oct. 22, '04, as Priv.; must. Fisette, Louis. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 out Dec. 19, '05. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Fisher, Edward. . „ , '01 '01, as wd. June ; ; res. Nelson ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 9, Priv. ; 3, 64, Fisher, Sumner P. Co. B ; b. Nelson age 18 See State Service." Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Sept. 9, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Munsonville. '63 '63, ; cred. Brentwood eul. Dec. 2, must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; des. Fisher William. Co. I ; b. Saxony, Germany age 23 ; ; ; ' Feb. 3, '04, Pt. Lookout, UA. age cred. Fitzwilliam; enl. Aug. 30, '62; must, in Sept. 18, '62, as Priv.; wd. July 2, Fisk, John B. Co. A ; b. Vermont; 33; '03, I. '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. wds. Dec. 30, Portsmouth Grove, R. '61, ; ; ; app. Apr. '61 ; must, in June 10, as Lt. Col. ; resigned Oct. Piske, Prank S. F. and S. ; b. Keene age 35 res. Keene 30, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. P. O. ad., Brook- 23, '62 ; Bvt. Col. and Brig. Gen. U. S. V., to date Mar. 13, line, Mass. Fitch, George W. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. '61, captd. July '61, Pitts, John L. Co. B; b. Candia; age 20; res. Candia; enl. May 14, '01; must, in June 1, as Priv.; 21, Bull Run, Va. par.; returned to Co. Oct 24, '62; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., ; Candia. Fitzgerald, Michael. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Fitzgerald, William. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 19;' res. Manchester; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, Alexandria, Va. Flanagan, Michael. Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Newbury; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must, in Oct. 21, '04, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '05. P. O. ad., Cambridgeport, Mass. '61, Flanders, Harry J. Co. II ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May

20, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '02, Boston, Mass. ;;


Planigan, George. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. by ; ; ; ; '61, inos. ; not must, in paid Fletcher, Charles W. Co. F b. Pittsburg age 23 res. Lancaster enl. Apr. 22, for 3 ; C. P. O. State ; re-eul. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. July 21, '61, Washington, D. ad., Sioux City, Iowa.

Fletcher, Frank Co. G; b. Bennington ; res. '61, ; in re-enl. 24, A. ; age 23 Antrim ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. not must, ; May '61, '64. for 3 yrs. ; jnust. in June 5, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, Flinn. See Plynn.

Flint, Henry A. Co. F ; b. Norridgewock, Me. ; age ; res. Laconia ; enl. '61, 8 nios. ; not must, in paid by State 23 Apr. 19, for ; ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '01, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Sergt. Nov. 1, '63 re-enl. '64 '65. and must, in Feb. 19, ; wd. June, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. June 24, '64 ; cashiered Feb. 4, P. O. ad., Island Pond, Vt. See 1 N. H. Cav.

Flood, Co. substitute ; '64, ; Martin. D ; b. Ireland ; age IS ; cred. enl. '64 ; as Priv. must. Stratham ; Dec. 6, must, in Dec. 6, out Dec. 19, '65. Floyd, Andrew. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. '62. Floyd, Charles W. Co. E; b. Fremont; age 18; res. Exeter; enl. May 1, '61 ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. 26,

Floyd, Samuel. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 37 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 11, '61 ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62, Camp Beaufort, Md. See V. R. C.

Flynn, Daniel. Co. C ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Plainfield; enl. Dec. 3, '64; must, in Dec. 3, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65. Flynn, Michael. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Flynn,- Peter. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Flynn, William.. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 19, '63; must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Priv.; des. from hosp. Nov. 19, '64. Follett, Francis A. Co. F; b. Centre Harbor; age 19; res. Centre Harbor; enl. Apr. 24, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid

by State; re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; must. out June 21, '04. '62 '62, Folsom, Asa. Co. B ; b. Ossipee ; age 33 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 7, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. ; wd.

and oaptd. Aug. 29, '62, Bvill Run (2d), par. Sept. 6, '62 ; disch. wds. Mar. 5, '63, Baltimore, Md. Va. ;

Co. F ; b. ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Folsom, Peaslee H. New Hampton ; age 27 ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '02, Doncaster, Md.

; '01, re-enl. Forbush, AlDbott A. Co. G ; b. Peterborough ; age 21 res. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; '61, May 24, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. June 5, '64, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. Forbush. See Furbush.

Ford, B3rron K. Co. I; b. Orange; age 22; res. Orange; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 29, '01, Washington, D. C. Forrest, Edward W. Co. H; b. New York city; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 12, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; '65 re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64: des. to the enemy Nov. 19, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. ; returned Nov. 15, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

30, ; State; Forristall, Jonas. Co. A; b. Fitzwilliam; age 21 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. not must, in; paid by

re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yis. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 20, '62, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va.

Foss, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Sandwich ; age 18 ; res. Sandwich ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 14, '61. Poss, Samuel A. Co. D; b. Barrington; age 24; res. Barrington; enl. May 20, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. July

2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Foss, Solomon W. Co. D; b. Barrington; age 21; res. Barrington; enl. May 22, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 5, '03, Washington, D. C. Foster, Charles B. Co. G; b. Bennington; age 18; res. Bennington; enl. Apr. 29, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May '62 '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Pi-iv. ; captd. June 28, par. July 19, '62 ; exch. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 15, ; '64 I, ; cred. Portsmouth ; nmst. out Dec. 19, '05. P. 0. ad., Manchester.

; enl. '62; must, in '62, Priv. Died, dis. Foster, James. Co. H; b. Hopldnton ; age 18; res. Hopkinton Aug. 12, Aug. 12, as Jan. 26, '63, Falmouth, Va. '61, Poster, William H. Co. II ; b. Hopkinton ; age 21 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May

II, '01, for 3 yi's. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 11, '03, Hopkinton. Fowler, Barnet H. Co. C; b. Shipton, Can.; age 33; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, '01; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; des. June 30, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.

; ; res. ; enl. Apr, 25, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Co. ; b. Boston age Amherst Fox, John M. G New 26 ; '64. enl. May 25, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. 0. ad., Mont Vernon.

; ; enl. '63 ; '68, Fox, William". Co. A ; b. New York age 21 ; cred. Concord Nov. 20, must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; des. May 29, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Foye, James H. Co. F; b. Berwick, Me.; age 23; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '01, '61, State ; re-enl. May 2?, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Newton Jot. See 4 N. H. V.

; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for ; '61, Francis, Daniel S. Co. H ; b. Bradford age 18 ; Sutton 29, 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 20, '63, '64. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, b. France; age cred. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 2.J, '63; must, in Nov. 23, Priv.; Francois, Pierre. Co. A ; 21; '63, as must, out Dec. 19, '05. Prank William H. Co. G; b. Germany; age 28; cred. Manchester; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '03, as Priv.; nmst. out Dec. 19, '05. 8, 8, Franklin, Paul. Co. D; substitute; b. France ; age 21; cred. Plainfield; enl. Dec. '64; must, in Deo. '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '05.

b. Scotland ; ape ; cred. Bow ; enl. Nov. 19, '03 ; must, in '03, ; Fraser, Alexander. Co. D ; 37 Nov. 19, as Priv. app. Corp. '64, '64 Mar., '64 ; wd. June, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, '64 ; tr. to Co. I Sept. 1, '61 ; app. 1 '05. Lt. Co. K May 1, '05 ; must, aut Dec. 19,

; ; b. S. ; age ; cred. ; '64 Frazier, William. Co. C substitute Pictou, N. 21 Wolfeborough enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 7, '64, as '65. ' Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, Frederick, John. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Co. b. Brunswick ; age 22 cred. Nashua ; enl. '63 '63, Freeman, Charles. D ; New ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 0, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Co. b. Salem, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Hinsdale enl. Sept. '61 ; in '61, Freeman, Nathaniel. D ; New ; 7, must, Sept. 17, as Priv. '64, app. Corp. Oct. 1, '62; Sergt. June 1, '63; wd. sev. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 20, '6-4, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. ;;


French, Charles L. Co. C; b. Merrimack ; age 19; res. Manchester ; eiil. May 10, '61 ; must, in .June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. June '62, White '02 i-e-enl. 30, Oak Swamp, Va. par. A\ig. '04 ; ; 5, ; and must, in Feb. 19, cred. Portsmouth ; disch. Aug. 25, '65.

Co. b. res. ; 6, French, George W. E; Stratham; age 20; Stratham eul. May '61, for 3 nios. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 28, '61, for '61, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '01, Washington, D. C. J^ied Mar. 10, '62, Stratham.

French, James L. Co. H ; b. Dresden, Me. ; age 26 ; res. Concord ; enl. Feb. 13, '62 ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; disch. '65, Mar. 1, ChafRn's Farm, "Va., tm. ex. Supposed identical with James L. French, Co. F, i l>f. H. V. French, Joseph. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. French, Co. F b. res. '61, Osco ; Rumney ; age 25 eul. ; H. ; Apr. Warren ; 30, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 22, '61, for yrs. ; '61, 3 must, in June 4, as Corp. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Warren. See 1 N. H. H. Art. Frey, Co. b. '63 George. D ; Germany ; age ; cred. ; 21 Amherst enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. June 2, '65, Manchester.

Friend, Franklin. Co. H ; b. Cambridgeport, Mass. ; age 22 ; ros. Clai-emont ; enl. '61, ; Apr. 20, for 3 mos. uot must, in ; paid by re-enl. State ; May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, but June 21, '64. Died July 3, '88, West Rox- bury, Mass. Frigurig. Peter. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Frink, Oscar T. Co. E; b. Marlborough; age 22; res. Chesterfield; eul. Aug. 26, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 19, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Chesterfield. See 1 N. 11. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

Frontine, John. Co. K; b. Italy; age 25; res. Italy, cred. Keene ; enl. Deo. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 11,

'64, Yorktown, ; '64 '65. Va. appreh. Apr., ; must, out Dec. 19,

Frost, Harmon. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 25 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. Oct. 12, '64 ; must, in Oct, 12, '64, as Priv. sent to regt. from Concord, Oct. 24, '64. N.'f. r. A. G. O. Fry, Henry. Co. D; b. England; age 20; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy 30, Apr. '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. " Quaker City," "Ohio," and "Squaudo"; disch., services not re- quired, July 1, '66, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa., as Coal Heaver. Fucke, Henri. Co. F; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64, Fuller, Amos. Co. C ; b. Vermont ; age 29 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, '6S ; must, iu Nov. 25, '63, as Pi-iv. ; des. Jan. 25, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 Fuller, Frank. F. and S. ; app. Q. M. May 3, ; not must. ; resigned June 3, '61 paid by State for service from May 3 to ; June 3, '61. Furbush, James C. Co. C; b. Windham; age 33; res. Londonderry; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. July 29, '61. Died Mar. 24, '79, Greenville. Furtaush. See Forbush. '63 '63, Gainer, "William. Co. G ; b. New York city ; age 18 ; res. New York city, cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1,

as Priv. ; des. ; appreh. ; furloughed Nov. 1, '64, from 18 A. C. Hosp., Pt. of Rooks, Va. ; failed to return; considered a de- serter from Dec. 1, '64. Gaines, Edgar. Co. F; b. Pittsburg; age 19; res. Pittsburg; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '64 May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 5, '62 ; re-enl. Feb. 11, ; des. Mar. 23, '64, -while on furlough.

; ; enl. '63 must, '63, ; Gallagher, Henry. Co. A b. New Brunswick ; age 31 cred. Concord ; Nov. 23, ; in Nov. 23, as Priv. des. Jan. 25, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Gammon, James T. Co. K; b. Portsmouth ; age 19 ; res. Portsmouth; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, as Priv.; wd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; released; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; app. Corp.

June 1, '64 ; wd. June 4, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 20, '65, Concord. Died June 28, '87, Portsmouth.

Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; eul. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; uot must, in paid by State ; re- Gannon, Thomas. 40 ; '64. enl. May 21, '61, for 8 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Pi'iv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; must, out June 21, Died Nov. 30, '72. Gardinar, Thomas. Co. E; b. England; age 20; cred. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; reported on m. o. roll dated Dec. 19, '65, as absent sick since May 20, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, Gardner, Orrin S. Co. I ; b. Derby, Vt. ; age 37 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 24, '63, Concord. Gardner, Peter W. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '61 '61, '62, Garland, Wingate. Co. D ; b. Farraington ; age 22 ; enl. May 13, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, Williams-

burg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 17, '63, New York city. Garroty, Patrick. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. '63 '63, '63. Gartley, John. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. IManchester ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 19, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 5, '61, Garvin, Co. G ; b. Bristol, Vt. ; age 23 ; res. Landafi: ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 inos. ; not must, in paid by State Orlando W. ; '61, '64 re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Muse. ; re-enl. and must, in as Priv. Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Sei-gt. July 1, '64. Died, dis. Apr. 1, '65, Concord. '63 Gates, George. Co. I ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 20 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. .30, '64, as a Seaman; served on U. S. S. "State of Georgia," "A. D. Vance," "Baltic," "Potomac," and "Cowslip"; des. Dec. 16, '65, from "Cowslip." Gault, William H. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '63 '63, Gaylor, James. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Epsom ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; killed May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. Geralls, William H. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '61 '61, Geri'ish, Benjamin F. Co. D ; b. Dover ; age 21 ; res. Dover ; enl. May 10, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. Died, dis. June 2, '64, Yorktown, Va. Gerrish, Hiram F. Co. B; b. Boscawen; age 21; res. Concord; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.

June 13, '61 ; disch. June 5, '64, City Point, Va., to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Concord. See U. S. C. T. and Miscel. Or- ganizations.

Gibbs, Augustus. Co. A. See 12 N. H. V. " '63 '63, Gibson, John. Co. D ; b. New York ; age 19 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; furloughed Oct. 31, '64, from 18 A. C. Hosp., Pt. of Rocks, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61 '61, Gilbert, Charles N. Co. H ; b. Warren, Mass. ; age 29 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62, Doncaster, Md. P. O. ad.. Ware, Mass. '63 '63, Gilbert, George. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Quaker City"; tr. to U. S. S. "Princeton," May 16, '6.?, Iml

never reported on latter vessel. N. f . r. Navy Dept. ;;


'63 '63, dis. Aug. Gilbert, George. Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Webster ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, as Priv. Died, 6, '61, Pt. Lookout, Md.

'61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 2, Gillispie, Samuel J. Co. B ; b. Hampton ; age 20 ; res. Candia; enl. May 27, must, June 1,

'62 ; '63 '64 Sergt. '61 ; drowned June 13, '65, in James river, near Mauclies- appreh. Dec. 13, ; app. Corp. Dec. 1, ; Dec. 7, ter, Va. '64 '64, as Priv. app. Gilman, John. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Clarksville ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Oct. 15, ; '65. Corp. May 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19,

; '62; '62, Priv.; disch. GUson, Henry M. Co. K; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 21; res. Fitzwilliam enl. Apr. 1, must, in June 8, as di.sab. Apr. 21, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam Depot. '64, yr. mu.st. in Oct. Gilson, William. Co. D ; representative recruit ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Croydon ; enl. Oct. 8, for 1 ;

8, '64, as Priv. ; disch. Oct. 20, '65, Fredericksburg, Va., tm. ex.

b. ; res. Haverhill ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Glazier, Van Buren. Co. G; Haverhill age 19 ; 24, ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lisbon. '61 '61, Priv. tv. to Gleason, Aaron R. Co. F ; b. AVaiTcn, Vt. ; age 27 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, iu Sept. 17, as ;

101 Co. 2 Batt'l L C, Jan. 5, '64; diSch. May 18, '64, to accept position as Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. ; served by contract as Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. (civil appointment) from May 18, '64, to July 22, '65. P. O. ad., Keene. See 14 N. H. V.

; ; res. ; eul. '61, ; must, in paid Gleason, Charles E. Co. K ; b. Plymouth, Mass. age 23 Portsmouth Apr. 18, for 3 mos. not ; '61, '61, '63 '64. by State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Sept., ; must, out June 21, Gleason, Henry. Co. B. See 13 N. IT. V.

; ; ; ; '61, for ; in by State Gleason, Joseph H. Co. I b. Maine age 21 res. Manchester enl. Apr. 22, 3 mos. not must, ; paid '64. re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '63 ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

; '61 ; '61, ; Godfrey, Bd'win J. Co. B ; b. Candia; age 21 res. Candia; enl. May 18, must, in June 1, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 19, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Candia.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, Godfrey, John. Co. C ; substitute b. Montreal, Can. age 23 ; cred. Milton enl. Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. .des. to the enemy Nov. 7, '64, Chaffln's Farm, Va.

'61 ; '61, Godfrey, John S. Co. K ; age 42 ; res. Hampton Falls ; app. June 4, must, in June 8, as 1 Lt. and Regt'l Q. M. ; disch. Oct. 31, '61, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations.

Co. F ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age ; res. Ossipee ; enl. May 4, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Goldsmith, "William H. 21 ;

State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3yrs. ; must, iu June 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; re-enl. and

must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '64 ; wd. June 7, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 14, '65, David's Isl., N. Y. H. P. O. ad., Salem, Mass. '61. Goodrich, Bd'win R. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 32 ; app. June 20, '61 ; must, in Aug. 27, '61, as 1 Lt. ; disch. Aug. 31, See Miscel. Organizations.

Goodrich, Michael. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, '64 ; must, in Dec. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 25, '65, White House, Va.

Goodrich, Co. H ; b. Cambridge, Mass. ; age ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in William H. 18 ;

re-enl. May 11, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Wiu- iield, Kan. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Goodwin, Aaron. Co. B ; b. Haverhill ; age 20 ; res. Salem ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must in ; re-enl. May 15, '61, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. Aug. 17, '63, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. 11. Goodwin, Andrew J. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Goodwin, Charles B. Co. B; b. Henniker; age 24; res. Henniker; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 20, '03, Newark, N. J. Died Sept. 26, '78, Henniker. '61 Goodwin, Blisha L. Co. H ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age IS ; enl. Aug. 26, ; must, in Sept. 10, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '62, Doncaster, Md.

Goodwin, Ezra O. Co. D; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 20; res. Dover; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not miast. in; re-enl.

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; Corp. '62 May app. Sept. 1, ; Sergt. '62 '63, re-enl. '64 Sept., ; wd. sev. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; and nmst. iu Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth ; wd. June 3, '61, Cold

Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va. P. O. ad., Dover. " Goodwin, George P. Co. H; b. "West Lebanon, Me."; age 25; res. Somersworth " ; eul. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos.; not

nmst. in paid by State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '61, Washing- ; ton, D. C. See 5 N. H. V. res. '01 Goodwin, Hiram S. Co. B ; b. Concord ; age 19 ; Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. May 15, ; must, in June '64. 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, out as Priv. June 21, P. O. ad., Denver, Col. '61, Goodwin, John Co. H ; b. Athens, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by H. ;

State; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv.; dishon. disch. Nov. 27, '74, to date Dec. 25, '62. '61, Goodw^in, Wentworth. Co. F ; b. Acton, Me. ; age 34 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. '61, '63, May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, as Wagoner; des. June 10, Washington, D. C. ; returned Jan. 28, '64. Died, dis. Nov. 27, '64, J't. Monroe, Va.

I ; b. ; 24 res. cred. enl. '63 Goodwin William H. Co. Vermont age ; Vermont, Bath ; Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.

des. Mar. 10, '65 ; repprted under President's Proclamation May 10, '65 ; disch. May 11, '65, Concord.

; ; enl. '61 Goodwin, William H. Co. K b. Portsmouth age 26 ; May 21, ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and mis. Aug.

'62, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. wds. May 21, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. 29, ; '61,i George Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age 27 ; res. Allenstown ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in paid Gordon, W. ; '61, '61, by State ; re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, m June 10, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Maj. June 10, '61 ; 2 Lt. Co. I, July 29, '62 '62, '61 ; 1 Lt. Co. D, July 8, ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Capt. Co. I, Sept. 1, '62 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettys-

burg, Pa. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Henry M. Co. E ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 24 ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Gordon, ; ;

'61, ; '61, Sergt. ; '61, re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. must, in June 3, as wd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; wd. and mis. Aug. 29, '62,

mis. ; must, as Priv. June '64. P. Bull Run (2d), Va. ; gd. from out 21, O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

; b. York, ; ; res. Portsmouth ; '61, Gordon, Joseph B. Co. K Me. age 23 must, in June 8, as Priv. ; captd. May 5, '62,

Williamsburg, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, '62, Washington, D. C. See State Service. res. Gordon, Sylvester M. Co. C ; b. New Hampton ; age 20 ; New Hampton ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. Died Aug. 16, '61, Meredith.

substitute ; b. Canada ; age ; cred. Grafton enl. '64 Gorman, George W. Co. B ; 21 ; Oct. 4, ; must, in Oct. 4, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Gorman, John. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Gotting, William. Co. A. See 10 N. 11. V. Jlerrimack, Gould, Charles O. Co. B ; b. Hollis ; age 44 ; res. cred. Merrimack ; enl. Aug. 14, '62 ; must, in Aug. 25, '02, as

Priv. ; wd. sev. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. gd. from mis. ; killed May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, ; Va. ;;;;


Gould, Daniel W. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; res. ; eiil. '01, ; Gould, Daniel W. Co. G ; b. Peterborough age 22 Peterborough Apr. 26, for 3 mos. not must, in ; re-eul. '61, May 15, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, m Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 28, '62, New York city. P. 0. ad., Chelsea, Mass.

Gould, Gilman Taylor. Co. G; b. Peterborough; age 24; res. Peterborough; eul. Apr. 26, '61, for .3 nios. ; not must, in ; re-

enl. May 15, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu '01, as Priv. ; '63 ; Sergt. '63 re-eul. in June 5, app. Corp. June 20, Sept. 1, ; and nmst. '64 '05 Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app.l Sergt. July 1, '01 ; 1 Lt. Co. F, Feb. 5, ; must. out Dec. 19, '05. Died Mar. 15, '70, Chelsea, Mass. '01, Goulding, Charles H. Co. G ; b. Millbury, Mass. ; age 24 ; res. New Ipswich ; eiil. May 24, 'Ul ; must, in June 5, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 8, '61, Washington, D. C. Gove, Hiram. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V.

Gowdey, EdTwin M. Co. F; b. Claremont; age 27; res. Claremont; eul. Aug. 18, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 20, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Claremont. See Miscel. Organizatious and State Service.

Grabe, Frederick. Co. E ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 19, '63 ; must, iu Nov. 19, '63, as Priv. ; killed May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va.

Co. E ; b. Scotland ; ; cred. ; enl. '03 '03, as Priv. ; Graham, George D. age 33 Wilton Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, must, out Dec. 19, '05. Graham, John C. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Graham, Robert. Co. D ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 13, '03 ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 9, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Grandley, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 22 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Dec. 2, '04 ; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass.

Grandy, Emery Co. A ; b. Alexandria ; age ; res. Marlow ; enl. Apr. 29, '01, foi- 3 mos. ; not nmst. in paid by State W. 18 ; ; '61, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Wagoner ; must, out June 21, '01. Grant, William. Co. D; substitute; b. England; age 32; cred. Newton; eul. Nov. 10, '04; must, in Nov. 10, '04, as Piiv. nmst. out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad.. New Brighton, N. Y.

Co. b. Germany ; ; '63 '03, Grapar, Frederick. D ; age 20 ; cred. Hillsborough enl. ; tr. Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 10, as Priv. to " U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. Nov. 11, '04, from U. S. S. Calypso." Grapner, Theodore. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. ' .

Gravlin, Co. E ; b. Highgate, Vt. ; res. ; '61, ; Peter. age 20 ; Duubarton eul. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, iu paid by ; State ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '04.

Gravlyn, Francis. Co. D; age 21; enl. June 1, '61, at Portsmouth ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 11, '62, Alexan- dria, Va.

Gray, Clarence S. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 22; res. Portsmouth; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '01, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Kingston. See 17 Inf. and 1 Co. H. Art. N. II. V. and State Service. Gray, Wilson. Co. D; b. Stark, Me.; age 27; res, Strafford; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 10, 'lil, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Aug. 11, '01 ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 30, '62, Concord. See 18 N. H. V. Gray. See Grey.

Greeley, George P. F. and S. ; b. Nashua ; age-28 ; res. Nashua ; app. Asst. Surg. May 3, '61 ; resigned June 3, '01. See 4 N. 11. V. Greeley, Joseph. Co. D; substitute; b. Newfleld, Me.; age 28; cred. Daltou; enl. Oct. 14, '01; must, in Oct. 11. '04, as Priv. disch. May 23, '65, Richmond, Va. P. O. ad., Dover. Green, Daniel H. Co. G; b. MiUord; age 26; res. Milford; enl. Apr. 2'), '01, for 3 mos.; not nuist. in; paid by State; re-eul.

'01, yrs. '61, ; '63, May 25, for 3 ; must, in June 5, as Priv. wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '01 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Mont Vernon.

Co. ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 23 res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. enl. '63 '0 Green, James. F ; Canaan ; Nov. 30, ; must, in Mov. 30, !, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 3, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md.

b. ; Green, John. Co. H ; Philadelphia, Pa. age 39 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, '08 ; must, in Dec. 2, '(i 5, '04, " " " " as Priv. ; tr to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mouut Vernon," Mackinaw, and Tioga ; disch., services no longer required, May 10, '06, from " Tioga." Green, Thomas. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Co. b. Newark, J. ; cred. '03 Green, William. D ; N. age 20 ; Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 9, '04 near Petersburg, Va.

Greenhaugh, James. Co. D; substitute; b. England; age 32; cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 8, '64; must, iu Dec. 8, '61, as Priv. des. Sept. 25, '05, Warsaw, Va.

Co. substitute ; b. Canada ; cred. ; '04 Ceril. D ; age 20 ; eul. Greenwood, Portsmouth Deo. 0, ; nmst. iu Dec. 0, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Greenwood, Mark True. Co. A; b. Dublin; age 22; res. Marlborough; enl. Apr. 25, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State re-enl. '61, for yi'S. ; iu '61, ; ; May 22, 3 must, May 31, as Pnv. disch. disab. Sept. 25, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Dicil Feb. 18, '75, Fitchburg, Mass. Gregg, W^illiam. Co. A. See John Robertson.

b. ; ; Gregory, William H. Co. A ; Woodstock, N. Y. ; age 39 res. Keene enl. Sept. 2, '01 ; must, in Sept. 9, '01, as Priv. disch. disab. Sept. 25, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Grey, Benjamin. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 26; cred. Goshen; enl. Dec. 6, '04; must, in Dec. 6, '04, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '61, Boston, Mass.

Edward. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Franconia ; enl. Oct. 12, '04 ; must, iu Oct. '01, Grey, 12, as Piiv. ; app. Corp. May 1, '65. Died, dis. Aug. 18, '05, Warsaw, Va. Grey. See Gray. Co. b. cred. 27, Griffin, James. C; New York; age 35; Manchester ; enl. Nov. '03 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. 15 Griffin, Simon G. Co. ; b. Nelson ; age 37 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Capt. '01 June 4, ; nmst. in to '61, '01. date June 1, as Capt. ; resigned Oct. 31, P. O. ad., Keene. See 6 N. II. V. and Miscel. Organizations. ;' ; b. Ireland cred. ; '03 Griffin, William. Co. E ; age 23 Concord enl. Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, '03, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct.

1, '04 ; Sergt. Dec. 1, '04 ; disch. May 25, '05, Camp Lee, Va. '61, Griffin, William H. Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age 30 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ;

State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv.; app. Sergt. July 15, '01; disch. disab. July 29, '6:i, Concoi'd.

res. ; enl. '61, for 3 ; in ; Grout, Galen A. Co. H ; b. Acworth ; age 22 ; Acworth Apr. 20, mos. not must, ; paid by State re-enl. '61, '61, '61, '62 May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; par. May 28, ; disch. as a paroled prisoner July 2, '62, Concord. See Miscel. Organizations. ;';


Grout, Lucius B. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

Grover, Charles Co. D ; b. Barrington age ; enl. '61 ; A. ; 21 May 23, must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williams- burg, Va. re-eul. '64 ; and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Portsmouth. Died, dis. Oct. 10, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Co. F ; b. Boston, Mass. ; cred. ; '63 Grundy, Frank. age 23 ; Nashua enl. Nov. 30, ; must in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Guast, Charles. Co. E; b. France; age 31; cred. Wilton; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 15, '64,

Yorktown, Va. ; appi'eh. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 23, '64, near Chafiin's Farm, Va. Guillow, Gleneira J. Co. C; b. Gilsum; age 23; res. Gilsum; enl. Sept. 13, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 12, '04, Wilson's Landing, Va.

Gunnison, Norman. Co. I; b. Charlestowu, Mass. ; age 24; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in E. ;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yi'S. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 7, '63, Philadelphia, Pa.

'63 ; Gnnther, Augustus. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. tr. to Co. E, Feb. 8, '64; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Gunther, WUliam. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

; b. " ; '61 ; '61, ; Guyon, Joseph. Co. H New York " ; age 21 res. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 12, must, in Aug. 12, as Muse. des. June 11, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O.ad., South Boston, Mass. See 1 N. H. V. Hackney, Felix C. Co. P. See 12 N. H. V.

Hadley, Andrew J. Unas'd ; b. Leominster, Mass. ; age 22 ; res. Sharon ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Hadley, Darius. Band; b. Peterborough; age 19; res. Peterborough; enl. July 22, '61; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 2 Class

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Everett, Mass.

b. '61 ; '61, Hadley, Ethan, Jr. Band ; Peterborough ; age 33 ; res. Keene ; enl. July 22, must, in Aug. 7, as 1 Class Muse. ; must. out as 2 Class Muse. Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Chicopee Falls, Mass.

Hadley, George. Co. C ; b. Vermont ; age 23 ; res. Northfield, Vt. ; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '62 Oct. 12, ; des. from hosp. Dec, '62. 7, Hadley, George W. Band; b. Peterborough ; age 22; res. Peterborough ; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. '61, as 1 Class

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Hadley, Sylvester B. Co. B; b. Gilmanton; age 20; res. Concord; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. '62, June 25, Oak Grove, Va. ; des. Dec. 22, '63, from Summit House Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. F ; b. St. Sylvester, ; '61, ; James. Can. age 27 ; res. Dalton enl. Apr. Hagan, ; 22, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, yrs. '61, ; for 3 ; must, in June 4, as Priv. app. Corp. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out as Priv. June 21, '64.

Co. G ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; res. ; '61, Hagan, John. age 23 ; Whitefield enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; State re-enl. '61, for '01, May 21, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Hagan. See Hogan. Hahir, James. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Isaiah P. Co. E ; b. Madbury ; age ; res. ; '61, Haines, 38 Exeter enl. May 1, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. ; must. '61, in June 3, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '63 ; must, out June 21, '64. Haines. See Haynes. " Charles E. Co. D ; b. Exeter ; age " 15 ; res. ; enl. '61 Hale, Exeter June 1, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Muse. ; disch. Aug. 28, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 8 N. H. V. Co. E b. Exeter Hale, John H. ; ; age ; res. ; '61, 18 Exeter enl. for ; May 2, 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as 3, Muse. ; disch. Aug. 28, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. 0. ad., Fall River, Mass. Haley, James. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. Michael C. Co. H b. Haley, ; England ; age 23 ; res. Mason ; enl. '61 ; May 9, must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; aipp. Corp. Jan. '63 1, ; des. May 5, '63, Concord. Hall, Albert L. Co. I; b. Blue Hill, Me. res. ; age 21; Cornish; enl. Apr. 28, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. May 21 '61, for yrs. must, '61, 3 ; in June 7, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, '62 Bull Run, Va. par. May 24, ; disch. ; j i July 2, '62. P. O. ad., Newport. > Co. D substitute b. Hall, Charles. ; ; Liverpool, Eng. ; age ; cred. '64 21 Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, 4 '64 in Oct. as Priv ' des. Nov. 20, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. Hall, Edward. Co. I b. Walpole age res. ; ; 19 Claremont ; enl. ; Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State ; re-enl May 21, 61, for 3 yrs. must, in June '61, ; 7, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. D, 2 Cav., U. S. A., Oct. '62 27, ; dis^h. Dec. 6, '64, Camp Hall, Frederick. Co. E ;b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as ; Priv. ' des. Julv.' _'0, 1)4, from hosp., Willet s Point, N. Y. ' ' Hall, Isaac G. Co. D b. Dover age res. ; ; 34 ; Dover, cred. ; '6'' • Dover enl. Aug. 9, '62 ; must, in Aue. 12 7'' ' as Priv tr tn Co., 2 Batfl, I. C, Jan. 15, '64 disch. '65, ^ ' ; May 22, Baltimore, Md. P. (). ad., Dover. Hall, Jacob. Co. D b. Barrington age res. ; ; 28 ; Barrington; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in 1, June '61, as 1 Seret. ; cantd. Julv Bull Lun, Va. released 21, 01 ; returned to duty '62 ; Aug 25, ; app. 1 Lt. Co. E, 7, '63 May ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettys-ucui-jo j > j , burg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Rowley, Mass. > , Hall, Morono J. Co G;lj. Sheffield, Vt. ; age 19 ; res. Lisbon; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State "'^^'*-"^ ''' "^""^ •5' "^l' ^'^'''' wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, '6^Washfngto.ri).c! wds. Sept. W, Hall, Newman Co. G; b. Springville Pa.; age 29; i^s. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 26, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. °}' "' "' ^^ P"^- D'ed, dis. Dec. 11, '62, Washington, TT n, ^i7- l^' ^n V""'; ' ."^""f "V7""^ D. C. Hallan, Michael. Co.E; b Boston, Mass. age res. ; 21 ; Boston, Mass., cred. Hampton; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25 '03, as Priv. delivered to ; Provost Marshal General Jan. '64, 21, by order War Dept N f r A G O Hamilton Alvan Co. II; b Great Falls ; age 18; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; "not must, in; paid bv "•"'' V02,WilliamLburg, ^i^^^S: S;J^i^2l-VrSp1ng/arMl'"' " ^'- ""'' Va.; discli. disal^ Joseph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Hamilton, Canada; age 26; cred. Centre Harbor; enl. Dec. 6, '64; 6 must, in Dec. '64"*, as.u. '04, . Pnv. ; des. Dec. 10, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. IL, Mass. Hammond, Edgar. Co. F. See 17 N. II. V. Hammond, John Co. A; b. Winchester W. ; age ; res. 25 Winchester ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid bv btate; re-enl May 22 '01 for 3 yrs n.ust. in 31, ; May '61, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; re-enl. and must in Jan. 1, 64; app. Sergt. July 1, '64; 2 Lt. Nov. '65; 21, not must.; must, out as Sergt. Dec 19, '65. P. O. ad AVinin Chester. •, . Hammond. See llarmond. Hampton, William. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Hancock, John. Co. G b. Canada age ; ; 23 ; cred. IloUis ; enl. '63 ; '63, Dec. 1, must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 12, '64 Pt Lookout, Md. ' ;;;


Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age ; i-es. Lewiston, Me. ; eiil. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in i^aid by State Handerson, John. 24 ;

re-eul. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 8, '63, Gettysbm-g, Pa. Handley, John. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '61, Hanlon, Michael. Co. 11 ; b. Ireland ;. age 19 ; res. Abington, Mass. ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 0, as Priv. ; des. June 19, '61, Portsmouth. '63 '04, Hann, Frank. Co. F ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '03, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 5,

Pt. Lookout, Md. ; ad. from des. Jan. 28, '64 ; discli. Dec. 4, '65, Fredericksburg, Va.

; '61, ; Hannaford, Abial A. Co. II b. Winchendon, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. not must, in ; le-

enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; disch. Dec. 25, '65. P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass.

Hannaford, Alonzo M. Co. G ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re- '61, enl. May 15, for 3 yrs. ; must, in .June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '63 must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., lloodhouse. 111. Hannaford, James M. Co. G; b. Sutton; age 28; res. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. Aug. '61, 24, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Aug. 24, '01, as Priv. ; disch. Aug. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va.,itm. ex. P. O. ad., Dublin. Hannigan. See Henaghan. Hanscom, John H. Co. B; b. Roxbury, Mass.; age 20; res. Newmarket; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1,'61, as Priv.; -wd.

sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Dover.

Hanscom, John H. Co. D; b. Somersworth ; age 18; res. Soraersworth ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May

10, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Dover.

Hanson, Albert J. Co. II ; b. Lee ; age 22 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- ;

enl. May 27, '01, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug. 1, '61 ; Sergt. Sept. 1, '62 ; wd. July 2, '63,

Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. 1 Sergt. Dec. 19, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan, 1, '64 ; app. 1 Lt. June 24, '64 ; Capt. Nov. 3, '64 must, out Dec. 19, '65. Died Sept. 9, '92, Kansas City, Mo.

Hanson, George R. Co. C ; b. Stowe, Vt. ; age 25 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 10, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. Oct. 12, '62 ; des. Jan. 26, '63, near Falmouth, Va.

Hanson, Harland P. Co. H ; b. Lebanon, Me.; age 21; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid

by State ; re-eul. May 27, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 3, '02, Bristoe Station, Va. P. O. ad., Saco, Me. Hanson, Jens. Co. F. Seel2N. H.V.

Co. B ; b. Concord ; age 18 res. cred. Concord enl. '62 ; '62, ; Hanson, John. ; Concord, ; Aug. 0, must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. wd.

Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Apr. 7, '65, Coucord. Harden, Henry. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Hardison, John P. Co. D; b. Maryland; age 23; res. Somersworth ; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; must. out June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

Charles T. Co. I ; b. Manchester ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in paid by State Hardy, ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; in '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Cav., A., '02 disch. '61, must, June 7, Co. B, 2 U. S. Oct. 27, ; Dec. 0, Camp Russell, Va., tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Washington, D. C. Hardy, Cyrus B. Co. A; b. Dublin; age 44; res. Marlborough, cred. Marlborough; enl. Dec. 8, '63; must, in Dec. 8, '63, as

Priv. ; disch. Dec. 21, '65, Concord. Died Feb. 6, '78, Marlborough.

Harlo"W, Albert. Co. B ; b. Minot, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Candia; enl. May 18, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 1, •61, AVashington, D. C. 2, Harming, Henry B. Co. D; substitute; b. Newfoundland ; age 22 ; cred. Landaif; enl. Dec. '64; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Jan. 1, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va. 11, 1, Harmond, Charles. Co. B; b. Roxbury, Mass. ; age 23; res. Concord; enl. May '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv.; wd. '64. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out June 21,

Harpell, John. Co. E ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 19 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 1, '05, while on furlough. Harper Thomas. Co. I; b. New York city; age 25; cred. Dover; enl. Dec. 1, '03; must, in Dec. 1, '03, as Priv.; des. Aug. 10, '64, from Chester Gen. Hosp., Chester, Pa. Harriman, Allen O. Co. F; b. Albany; age 18; res. Conway; enl. May 2, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '65. enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad,, Berlin. Harriman, Moses. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V. cred. enl. 11, in 11, Harrington, Michael. Co. D; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; Eatou; Oct. '64 ; must, Oct. '04, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

; ; ; cred. enl. Dec. '64 ; nmst. in Dec. '64, as Priv. ; des. Harris, Henry. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland age 22 Sauboruton ; 6, 6, Dec. 10, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass. '63 '63, Harris, John. Co. E ; b. New Brunswick ; age 25 ; cred, Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; dishon. disch. Jan. 20, '65, by sentence G. C. M.

; res. Harrisville; enl. Aug. '61 ; nmst in '61, as Priv.; Harrop, Mark. Co. A ; b. Staley Bridge, Eng. age 25; 19, Aug. 24, des. Apr. 29, '63, Concord. See State Service.

; ; '03 ; must, in '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Hart, John. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 30 cred. Bow enl. Nov. 14, Nov. 14, U. Navy Apr. 30, disab. '64, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. "Aries"; disch. Aug. 22, Norfolk, Va.

; ; res. Lyndeborough enl. '61 must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. Hartshorn, John A. Co. G; b. Lyndeborough age 21 ; May 20, ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Hartwell, John E. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. '64 age 29 ; res. Jaffrey, cred. Jaifi-ey; enl. Mar. 31, ; must, in Mar. 31, '64, as Hartwell, John H. Co. A ; b. Massachusetts;

Apr. '65 ; to Batt'l, ; Pj-iv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to 168 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, 17, 159 Co., 2 V. R. C. disch. Dec. 11, '65.

enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not inust. in; re-eul. May 11, '61, Harvey, Abner P. Co. II ; b. Warner; age 20; res. Warner; 30, '63, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 13, Warner. Harvey, Charles L. Co. C; b. New Ipswich; age 33; res. Chesterfield; enl. .A.ug. 29, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 29, '62. P. O. ad., Winchester. See V. R. C. '61 '61, Harvey, Edward W. Co. A; b. Walpole; age 18; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. ; disch. by civil authority Nov. 12, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Harvey, James. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. 4, 4, Harvey, John. Co. D; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. '64 ; must, in Oct. '04, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65. '61 '61, Harvey, John. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 33 ; res. Portsmouth; enl. May 21, ; must, in June 8, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr.

21 , '62, Budd's Ferry, Md. Died May 26, '73, Portsmouth. Supposed identical with John Harvey, State sei-vice. ,;;


Harvey, Richard. Co. E ; b. England ; age 30 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '68, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 9, 'G5, while on furlough. Harvey. See Harvey. '61, captd. Hastings, Alfred S. Co. B; b. Ilopkintou ; age 33; ves. ITopkiuton ; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 1, as Priv.; July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa.; released; joined Co. June 21, '64; must, out June 21, 'C4. Died Apr. 13, '81, Hopkinton. See State Service.

Hastings, Cornelius. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 21 ; res. Manchester; enl. May 14, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 2!), '62, Hull Bun (2d), Va.; must, out June 21, '04.

Hatch, Daniel F. Co.lv; b. North Yarmouth, Me.; age 32; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in;

paid by State; i-e-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nuist. in June 8, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 9, '61. Hatch, Horace J. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Hatchingate, John. Co. E. See 12 N. II. V. Haviland, Hugh. Co. G. See 10 N. 11. V. Ha-wkes, Harrison F. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. '64, Hayden, Thomas. Co. E ; substitiite ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Nelson ; enl. Dec. 7, '64 ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Hayes, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Concord; age 24; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 6, '62; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as Priv.; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Concoid.

Hayes, James. Co. C ; b. Scotland; age 40 ; res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Aug. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. and captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Jan. 16, '64, Richmond, Va. '61 Hayes, John O. Co. D ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Milton ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, yrs. '64. for 3 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; released ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad.. West Lebanon, Me. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '64, Hayes, Thomas. Co. G ; substitute ; b. England ; age 18 ; cred. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 10, '64 ; must, in Oct. 10, as Pi-iv.

app. Corp. Nov. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Haynes, Alba C. Co. G; b. Weutworth; age 18; res. Rumney; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; cred. Wentworth ; app. Sergt. '64 July 1, ; disch. to date Dec. 19, '05. P. O. ad., Lancaster. Haynes, Ed'wrin D. Co. II; b. Lanca.ster County, Pa.; age 30; res. Grafton County, cred. Lisbon; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; app. Coi-p. Sept. 1, '64; Sergt. Nov. 1, '04; 1 Sergt. July 1, '65; 2 Lt. Co. D, Aug. 23, '05; must. out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Nat. Soldiei-s' Home, Va. '61, Haynes, John. Co. K ; b. Newbury ; age 31 ; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 7, Wash- ington, D. C. Supposed identical with John Haynes, F. and S., 10 N. H. V.

; ; '61, ; Martin Co. I b. Springfield ; age 19 ; res. Manchester enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; Haynes, A. ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Lakeport.

Haynes, Wells C. Co. B; b. Candia; age 22; res. Candia; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Coi-p. ; wd. and captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Oct. 8, '61, Richmond, Va. Haynes. See Haines. Hayward, Allen B. Co. A; b. Rindge; age 22; res. Swanzey; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

app. Sergt. Nov. 1, '62 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. 1 Sergt. July 3, '63 ; wd. sev. tlune 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. disch. July 22, '64, to date June 21, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. '61, '61, Hayward, Henry. Co. D ; b. Manchester ; age 22 ; res. Dover ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '01, '62 '02 '64 for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Sergt. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Aug. 11, ; 1 Lt. Co. D, Aug. 25, ; Capt. May 25, ; not

must, as Capt. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

b. ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; Hayward, William A. Co. A ; Rindge age 26 ; Swanzey Aug. 19, must, in Aug. 24, as Priv. wd. June

30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; wd. and died, wds. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va.

Co. A ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; age 31 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Haywood, Silas L. ;

State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt.; 2 Lt. Sept. 1, '62; 1 Lt. July 2, '63 must, out June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Minneapolis, Minn.

Eugene G. Co. I ; b. Rhode Island ; age 18 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Hazewell, ; '61, '01, State ; le-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; tr. to Co. D, 2 Cav., U. S. A., Oct. 27, '62. Died, dis. Apr. 2, '63, David's Isl., N. Y. H. b. '61, Head, Alvah K. Co. D ; Bradford, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Lee ; enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '01, for '61, '62 '03 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug. 8, ; des. May 25, '63, Concord ; appreh. Aug. 4, ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Detroit, Me.

Co. b. ; ; '61 ; Head, Orin M. B ; Exeter age 26 ; res. Exeter enl. May 27, must, in July 2, to date June 20, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Oct. 14, '01, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Allegheny, Pa. See 8 N. H. V.

Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 24 res. Concord (Fisherville, Penacoolc) '61, Healey, William. ; now ; enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos. ; not must.

in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in '61, ; June 3, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 5, '63, Concord.

Co. b. Boscawen ; res. ; '61 Heath, Charles N. B ; ; age 25 Webster enl. May 27, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 4, '62, Yorktown, Va. ; aippreh. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord gd. from des. ; disch. May 25, '65, ; Camp Lee, Va. P. O. ad., Salisbury. b. Heath, Franklin W. Co. D; Ossipee ; age 18; res. Ossipee; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. May '61, for yrs. must, in '61, 10, 3 ; June 1, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Ossipee : must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. 0. ad., 0.s.sipee. b. Heath, John. Co. C; "Great Falls"; age 21; res. Holderness ; enl. Aug. 22, '61; must, in Aug. 22, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 16, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Rumney. See 1 N. H. H. Art. Heath, Orin. Co. C. See 17 N. II. V. Co. b. Ossipee; res. Heath, Simeon M. E; age 23 ; Dunbarton ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in '61, ; '61, June 3, as Priv. mis. July 21, Bull Run, Va. gd. from ; re-enl. ; mis. and

must, in Jan. 1, '04 ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '61; disoh. disab. Jan. 12, '65, Concord. Heath, Thorn like P. Co. I; b. Boscawen; age 28; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. '61, for '01, ; May 22, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Sergt. ; disch. Sept. 21, '62, near Fairfax Seminary, Va., to accept promotion. P. 0. ad., Manchester. See UN. H. V.

Heaton, Albert W. Co. A; b. Sullivan; a^e 21 ; res. Marlow; enl. Apr. 25, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '61, '61, enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. May 25, '62,

. Mill Creek IIosp., Pa.

Heaton, George S. Co. A ; b. Keene ; age 20 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ; by State ; re-enl.

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May '61, as Priv. ; captd. July '61, par. '62 31, 21, Bull Run, Va. ; Jan. 17, ; disch. disab. Aug. 15, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Portsmoutli. See V. R. C. ;; ;


'8.3 Heidenn, John. Co. G ; b. Pi'ussia ; age 30 ; cred. Ilollis ; eul. Deo. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; dea. Feb. 9, '05, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. 0. ad., San Francisco, Cal. Heineocius, Eugene. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Hemphill, Loren D. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. b. Henaghan, Patrick H. Co. B; Windliaui, N. Y. ; age 28; res. Newmarliet ; enl. May 28, 'CI; must, in June 1, 'CI, as

Priv. ; wd. and died, wds. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. Henderson. See Hauderson. Hendrick, John. Co. F; b. Sweden; age 18; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 19, '63; must, in Nov. 19, '6% as Priv.; tr. to U. S. iSavy Apr. 28, 'C4, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Commodore Perry" and " Yantio"; disoh., services no longer required, June 23, '66. Henefln, Michael. Co. E; b. Connecticut; age 20; cred. Deering; enl. Nov. 16, "63; must, in Nov. 10, '03, as Priv. ; des. Apr. > i . 11, '04, Yorktown, Va. > Herbert. See Hobart. Hervey, Francis H. Co. E; b. Exeter; age 24; res. Exeter, cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 15, '02; must, in Sept. 13, '02, as Priv.; app. Q. M. Sergt. Sept. '64 Lt. '65 1, ; 1 Co. C, May 20, ; not must. ; discli. as Q. M. Sergt. June 12, '65, Mancliester, Va. P. O. ad., Exeter. Hervey. See Harvey.

Hesse, Richard. Co. H ; b. Ireland age ; res. ; 40 Montreal, Can., cred. Alstead ; enl. Dec. 2, '03 ; must, in Dee. 2, '03, as Priv. app. Corp. July '84 1, ; Sergt. July 1, '05 ; reduced to ranks Sept. 30, '05 ; must, out Dec. 19, '85.

Heustis, Aristides. Co. A b. ; ; ; Westmoreland age 28 res. Westmoreland enl. Apr. '01, ; in ; 25, for 3 mos. not must, ; paid by State re-enl. '01, ; May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 23, '82, Philadelphia, Pa. Heywood. See Ilayward.

Hibbard, Co. ; b. ; David M. G Monroe age ; res. '61, ; Lisbon ; enl. Apr. ; re- 20 25, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State enl. May 21, '61, for yrs. '01, 3 ; must, in June 5, as Wagoner ; wd. July 21, '01, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. May 28, '03, Concord. P. 0. ad.. Canton, Mo. Hibbard, Joel B. Co. G; b. Haverhill; age 22; res. Haverhill; eul. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- enl. 'CI, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 10, '01, Washinaton, D. C. P. O. ad., Canaan, J' b Vt. Seel3N. H. V. > . . Hicks, Levi. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. • Hicks, Royal. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Higgius, William. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. b. Hildreth, William W. Co. A ; Hinsdale ; age 22 ; rea. Hinsdale; enl. Apr. 20, 'CI, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; re-enl. '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '81, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Springfield, Muss.

Hiliker, Charles. Co. E ; b. Ohio ; age 18 cred. Concord ; enl. '03 '03, ; '04, ; Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. des. Aug. C, near Petersbiu-g, Va.

Hill, Charles Co. D ; b. Lynn, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Mass. ; enl. 'CI, ; re-eid. G. Lynn, Apr. 24, for 3 mos. not must, in ; May 10, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Muse. ; disch. Aug. 28, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

Hill, Clarence Co. H ; b. Peterborough ; age 22 res. ; enl. '01, ; in re-enl. ISIay M. ; Ilenniker Apr. 23, for 3 mos. not must, ; 9, 'i)l, for 3 yrs.; must, iu June 5, '81, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Portsmouth; des. June 28, '65, Man- chester, Va.

Hill, George. Co. D; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 5, '04 ; must, in Dee. 5, '04, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Hill, George Co. K ; b. Deerfield ; age ; res. Deerfield enl. '61 '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July B. 24 ; May 21, ; must, in June 8, 15, '81, Washington, D. C. Died Dec. 18, '76, Plaverhill, Mass.

Hill, Co. B b. Meredith ; res. enl. '62 ; '62, George H. ; ; age 25 Concord, cred. Concord ; Aug. 12, must, in Aug. 12, as Priv.

wd. June, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 7, '65, Richmond, Va. P. O. ad.. Concord. '01, '62, Hill, Harvey. Co. C ; b. Manchester; age 20 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. May 5,

AVilliamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 12, '62. See V. R. C.

Co. F ; b. England ; 28 cred. ; enl. '83 '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '84, Hill, Henry. age ; Bennington Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, Yorktown, Va.

b. '61, ; ; re-enl. Hill, Jacob W. Co. K ; Deerfield ; age 20 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ;

May 21, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, '62, Falmouth, Va.

Hilliard, Henry S. Co. F ; b. Colebrook ; age 23 ; res. Colebrook ; eiil. May 2, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ;

re-enl. May 22, '81, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Mar. 5, '83, Concord, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Lancaster. See 5 N. H. V. Hillsgrove, John F. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Hilton, James. Co. C; b. Nova Scotia; age 22; cred. Goffstown; enl. Nov. 25, '83; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Pviv. ; des. Jan. 1, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Hinds, Charles J. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Hines, John D. Co. G; b. Franconia; age 23; res. Franconia; enl. May 8, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '64. enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Kingman, Kan. '63 '63, Hitchins, Joseph. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 28 ; res. Lockport, N. Y., cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as Priv.; tr. to Co. F, May 1, '64; disch. May 12, '65, Concord.

Hiz, Curtis. Co. G; b. Plaverhill ; age 20; res. Haverhill; enl. Apr. 20, '81, for 8 mos.; not must, in; paid by State ; re-enl. '61. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '81, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '83, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '61 '61, Hoagg, George M. Co. G ; b. Moin-oe ; age 21 ; res. Franconia ; enl. May 6, ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '62 '64. Oct. 1, ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, Hobart, Jeremiah. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Hobbs, Johil F. Co. II ; b. West Sanford, Me. ; age 18 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ;

State ; re-enl. May 27, '81, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 27, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; reported, '65, under

President's Proclamation ; disch. May 15, '65, Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass.

Hodgdon, Harlan P. Co. K; b. Georgetown, Mass. ; age 25; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. See 10 N. H. V. Hodgdon, Rufus B. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Hodgdon, Timothy E. Co. L See 17 N. H. V. Hodgkins, Daniel Co. b. G. G ; Ludlow, Vt. ; age 19 res. ; ; '61, ; Alstead enl. Sept. 5, '81 must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; killed May 5, '82, Williamsburg, Va. Hodkin, George H., alias William : b. White. Co. E Dracut. Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Temple ; eul. Sept. 9, '81 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; wd. '62, May 5, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. May 12, '63, Ft. McClary, Me. P. 0. ad., Temple. ;;


Hodskins, William H. Co. A ; b. Townsend, Mass. ; age 28 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 ; must, in paid by mos. not ;

State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 21, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. '63 Hogan, Edward. Co. G ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 22 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. lo, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Hogan, Michael. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Hogan. See Hagan.

Hoitt, ; b. ; ; '61, ; James W. Co. B Nottingham age 18 ; res. Northwood ; enl. May 25, '61 must, in June 1, as Priv. disch. disab. July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

Hoitt, Joseph T. Co. IT; b. Deerfield; age 27; res. Deerfield ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, aa Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 16, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Died Aug. 5, '64, Audersonville, Ga., while a member of Co. H, 2 Jlass. 11. Art. Hoitt. See Hoyt. '61, Holbrook, Charles W. Co. K; b. East Cambridge, Mass. ; age IS ; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; disch. by civil authority Dec. 14, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md.

Holbrook, Henry. LInas'd ; b. New Castle, Me ; age 28 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 3, '62 ; must, in Sept. 3, '62, as Pi-iv. ; des. Sept. 12, '62, Concord.

Holbrook, ; b. ; ; '61, ; ; Samuel P. Co. A Surry age 21 res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State re- ; enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yis. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '63 wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; a-y>]\ ; Sergt. July 2, '63; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; cred. Walpole ; app. 1 Lt. June 24, '64; Capt. Co. G, Apr. 1,

'65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Keene.

Holden, Co. A ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; ; res. enl. '61, for 3 ; must, in paid Jonathan M. age 25 Keene ; Apr. 25, mos. not by ;

State; re-enl. Jlay 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 19, '61, Washington, 1). C.

Holden, b. ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Wyman. Co. B ; Dracut, Mass. age 21 res. Concord ; enl. May 13, must, in June 1, as Priv. captd. July '63, '64. 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; par. ; must, out June 21, P.' O. ad.. Bethel, Vt.

Holman, Co. 11 b. Biddeford, ; ; '61, ; in John F. ; Me. age 25 ; res. Somersworth enl. A-pv. 25, for 3 mos. not must, paid by ; '61, State ; re-enl. May 27, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Aug. 16, '61 ; wd. sev. Aug. 21), '62, Bull

Run Q2d), Va. ; app. Capt. Co. C, Sept. 2, '62 ; vacated commission June 18, '63, by acceptance of appointment in I. C. See V. E. C.

Holmes, Andrew J. Co. H ; b. Hopkinton ; age 37 ; res. Andover, cred. Andover ; enl. Dec. 5, '63 ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; disch. May 11, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va., to accept promotion. See 10 and 16 N. II. V.

Holmes, Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 28 res. enl. '61 ; '61, 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Charles. ; Hopkinton ; May 11, must, in Jane 1, as

Lt. July 1, '61 ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch., to accept promotion, Nov. 11, '61. P. O. ad., Jacksonville, Fla. See Miscel. Organizations. Holmes, Michael. Co. D; substitute; b. Leland; age 21; cred. Hinsdale; enl. Dec. 3, '64; must, in Dec. 3, '64, as Priv.; des. July 19, '65, Manchester, Va.

Holmes, Willard M, Co. C; b. Boscawen; age 34; res. Manchester ; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app.

Coi-p. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Webster.

Holt, Amos. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 38 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 18, '63 ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 15, '64 " " ; tr. to U. S. Navy May 3, '64, as a Seaman; served on U. S. S. Iroquois," Ascutney," and "Don "; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 8, '65, from " Don." '03 '04, Holt, Charles. Co. E ; b. Michigan ; age 21 ; cred. Bow ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, "63, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 10, from Gen. Hosp., Chester, Pa. '01, '61, Holt, Charles P. Co. G ; b. Antrim ; age 20 ; res. Antrim ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 24, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, WiUiamsbui'g, Va. ; Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wda. Oct. 31, '62, Washing-ton, D. C. P. O. ad., Antrim.

Holt, Harvey. Co. I ; b. Lyndeborough ; age 20 ; res. Lyndeborough ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Holt, Henry. Co. P; b. England; age 25; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 12, '64,

Yorktown, Va. ; appreh. ; shot for des. Apr. 15, '64, Yorktown, Va., by sentence G. C. M. '63 '63, Holt, Jonathan B. Co. G ; b. Goffstown ; age 18 ; cred. Weare ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '65. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19,

Co. A ; b. Dummerston, Vt. ; age 27; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Holton, Henry. ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yi's. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Muse. Died, dis. Mar. 19, '63, Keene. Hooker, Edward, alias William Murphy. Co. C; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Epsom; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, '63, '64. as Priv. ; returned to U. S. Navy as a deserter therefrom Feb. 27, N. f . r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. Hopkins, George F. Unas'd; b. Chesterfield; age 23; res. Chesterfield; enl. Aug. 26, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. 0. ad., Keene. See 1 N. H. V.

res. enl. '61 ; in '61, ; des. Horn, Stephen B. Co. C ; b. New Durham; age 18; New Durham ; May 27, must, June 1, as Priv.

'61 des. 28, '63 ; returned to duty Apr. '64, to make good time lost by desertion ; must, out July 2, ; gd. from Dec. 1, Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Farmington.

Horne, Horace B., alias George Jenks. Co. B ; substitute. See 13 N. H. V. Home, James M. Co. H; b. Somersworth; age 20 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth; enl. Aug. 8, '62; must, in Aug. 12,

'62, as Priv. ; disch. Jmie 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad.. Great Falls. Hornsby, Thomas. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '61; '61, '02, Horton, George G. Co. E; b. Surry; age 21 ; enl. Aug. 26, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; des. June 20, Seven Pines, Va.

b. St. Croix, C. E. ; age ; res. Bethlehem ; enl. May 6, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Houle, John B. Co. G ; 20 ; ; ' '61, '64. re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 1, '03 ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., New Floss, Ontario, Can.

b. ; age ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State House, James M. Co. I ; Maine 20 ; ' ; '61, ; '62 '02, re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. must, in June 7, as Priv. app. Corp. May 28, ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), '63, '64; 21, Va. ; app.'Serg-t. May 1, '63; wd. sev. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa.; app. 1 Sergt. Jan. 1, must, out June '64. P. 0. ad., Washington, D. C. Howard, Albert. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; cred. Milford ; enl. '63 ; '68, ; Howard, Charles. Co. E ; b. New York age 23 Nov. 13, must, in Nov. 18, as Priv. des. Apr. 12, '64, Yorktown, Va.

b. ; age 21; res. Nelson; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. '61, as Priv.; re-enl. Howard, Charles A. Co. B ; Nelson 9, and

'64 '64, ; app. Sergt. '64 ; disch. '64, must, in Jan. 1, ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. July 1, Nov. 23, Varina, Va., to ac- cept promotion. P. O. ad., INIarlborough. See U. S. C. T. Plainfield; enl. '61, Howard, Charles F. Co. T; b. Grantham; age 21 ; res. Apr. 23, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; '61, '63, '03, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, and died, wds. July 18, Gettysburg, Pa. ;,;


; ored. jManchcster eul. '03 '63, i'riv. ; iiiusl. Howard, James. Co. C ; b. Albany, N. Y. age 19 ; ; Nov. 27, ; must, iu Nov. 127, as out D.'C. 19, '05. Howard, .John. Co. F. See 12 N. 11. V.

; l!i ; oiil. ; '01, Howe, Frank E. Co. G ; b. retorborougli age res. referboroiigh; .Sept. 10, 'Ul must, iu Sept. 17, as I'liv. C!ii>M. betwceu June 21 and 23, 'C2,".Sevei'i Tines, Va. Died July 1, '62. '03 '03, Howe, George. Co. E ; b. Germany ; age 23 ; cred. Euileld ; eul. Nov. 11, ; must, iu Nov. 11, as I'liv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated Dec. 10, '05, as al).sent sick since ,\pr. 18, '01. N. f. r. A. G. (.). 20, Howe, Lucius T. Co. A; b. Windsor, A^t. ; age 22 ; res. Keeue ; eul. Apr. '01,for 3 mos. ; not nuist. iu paid by State ; re-cid. ; 22, May '01, lor 3 yrs.; imist. in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. Sept. 1, '01; disuli. disab. Slay 31, '02, White Oak Swamp, Va.

Co. F ; b. enl. li), '03 nuist. 11), '63, I'l-iv. ; Jujie 3, Howes, James. England ; age 27 ; cred. Concord ; Nov. ; iu Nov. as wd. '0!, Cold Harbor, Va. ; discli. disab. Jlar. 18, '05, Pliiladelphia, Pa.

Howison, Edward B. Co. F; b. Shipton, Can. ; age 18; ored. Haverhill; enl. Aug. 27, '02; uiust. in Aug. 30, '02, as Priv. des. -hnie 27, '03, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Elmore, Vt. '02, Howison, .James. Co. F ; b. Drummoud County, C. E. ; age 11 ; cred. Ilavcihill ; eid. Aug. 27, '02 ; nuist. iu Aug. 30, as '03, Pi-iv. ; des. June 27, Washington, D. C' Hoyt, Charles W. Co. G. See 17 N. II. V. '02, a.^ Hoyt, Francis S. Co. B; b. Bradford, Vt. ; age 21; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 9, '02; nuist. in Au,;. 12,

Priv. ; captd. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, I'a. Died IVfar. 17, 'Hi, Raleigh, N. C. '01, Co. II ; h. llillsborougli ; '01, 3 nios. ; in re-cnl. May 9, Hoyt, Hugh. age 22 ; res. Hillsliorough ; eul. May 7, for not must, ;

for 3 vrs. ; must, iu June 5, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 20, '01, liladeusburg, Md. Hoyt, John W. Co. E. See 12 N. II. V. Hoyt. See lloitt. '02; '02, Priv.; disch. Hubbard, Daniel R. Unas'd; b. New London ; age 22; res. Warner; enl. Aug. 9, must, in Aug. 9, as disab. Feb. 9, '01, Alexandria, Va. i'. O. ad., Meredith. Hubbard, Delevan G. C.>. F. See 17 ?<". II. \. '01, di.sali. Co. E ; b. res. ; enl. Sept. '01 ; must, in Sept. 11, as Priv. ; disch. Hubbard, Delos. Hinsdale ; age 20 ; Winchester 9, .Tune 9, '03, Concord. '01 F. S. ; li. ; res. Mancliester ; app. Surg. May 3, ; not umst. ; resigned appoint- Hubbard, George H. and Ilopkiutou age 37 ; June '61 '01 '(il Sept. '01. See Oi-gani/,ations. ment 3, ; re-app. June 1, ; must, in June 10, ; disch. 30, Misccl. S, '02; ujust. iu Aug. Hubbard, Jared P. Cn. B: b. Somei-sworth ; age 27; ]-es. Somersworth, cred. Somersworfh ; enl. Aug. '1)2, 12, as Priv. ; app. .Sergt. Jan., '(i5 ; disch. June 9, '05, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., (heat Falls. 22, Hubbard, Joseph A. Co. I ; b. New Hampshire; age 28; res. Manchester; enl. as Priv. Apr. '01, for 3 uios. ; not must. '01 '01 '01 in paid bv Siate ; re-eiil. '01, yrs. ; 2 Lt. June t, ; must, in June ; app. 1 Lt. July 29, ; ; ^hiv 22, for 3 app. 7, Ca].l. July'2(j, '02 tr. '02 '03, Pa. |_ to Co. 1?, Oct. 12, ; killed duly 2, Gettysburg,

I ; '01, for ; must, in; paid I-Iu.bbard, Luther P., Jr. Co. ; b. New York ; age 21 ; res. IManchester eid. Apr. 22, 3 mos. not

22, 'I! 7, by State; re-enl. May 1, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '01, as Priv.; app. Corp. July 10, '01; resigned warrant May 2.-^, '02; nuist. out June 21, '01. Hudson, Thomas. Co. D; substitute; b. England; age 19; cred. ClarksviUe; enl. Oct. 17, '04; nuist. in Oct. 17, '01, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

'01 '61, ; sev. Hudson, William.. Co. C ; b. Chestei-, Vt. ; age -10 ; res. Manchester; eul. iMay 9, ; must, iu June 1, as Priv. wd. '03, '01, July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to 1 Co. (afterwards 130 Co.), 2 Batt'l, V. K. C. ; to Co. I, 9 V. U. C. ; disch. June 0, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Caudia. Huggins, Aniasa S. Co. B. See 13 N. II. V. '03, Hughes, William. Co. F; b. Seotlaml ; age 22; cred. Nashua; euL Nov. 30, '63; nui.st. iu Nov. 30, as Priv.; des. Apr. 11, '61 ; gd. from des. Apr. 17, '01 ; sentenced by court martial to be shot to death, and G. O. 12^?, Dept. of Va., directs Chat he lie shot to death -within IS hours after order is read to him. N. f. r. A. (r. O.

HunklDS, Co. I ; h. Sanboruton 33 ; res. iMancheslei' ; enl. Apr. '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, iu paid by Stale Moses A. ; age 22, ; ; re-eid. '01, '01, 1). a

as Priv. ; disch. Apr. 27, '07, to date Dec. 19, '0.5, Boston, Mass. P. O. ad., Bridgeport, Cal.

'01, ; Huntress, Charles B. Co. K ; b. Worcester, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Poi-tsmouth ; enl. .\pr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, iu paid ; liy State; re-enl. Mnx 21, '01, for 3 yrs.; must, in'june S, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 20, '02, Alexandria, Va. Hurd, George. Co. 11; b. North Berwick, Me.; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Feb. 1:), '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 28, '03, Boston, INfass. '' "01, Hurd, Nelson. Co. G ; b. France; age "10 ; res. Petei-bo]'ongh ; eul. Apr. 27, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; re-eul. May 24, for yrs. '62 3 ; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. ; wd. and oapt'l. July 21, '01, Bull Run, Va. par. May 28, ; disch. wds. June ; 3, '03, Concord. See V. II. C.

Hurd, Warren H. Co. A; b. Kecne; age IS; res. Keene ; enl. A]ir. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, iu paid by State; re-eid. ; ]\lay 22, '01, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; captd. June 30, '02, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; exch. ; app. Corp. '03 Jan. 1, ; discli. Dec. 22, '03, to accept uromotion. P. O. ad., Anthony, Kan. See U. S. C. T. Hutchins, Marshall. Co. C. See 10 N. II. V. Hutohins. See Hitchins. 5, Hutchinson, Albert. Co. b. East res. Frauconia; enl. June 1, '01 ; must, in June '61, as Priv.; killed G; Wilton ; age 22; Ang. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. '62; in '02, Hutchiusor,, Isaac Newton. Co. G ; b. IMilford; age 18; res. AViltou, cred. Wilton; enl. Aug. 5, must, Aug. 21,

as I'riv. ; app. Corp. July 1, '01; Sergt. Sept. 1,'0I; 1 Sergt. Jlar. 18, '65; disch. June 9, '6-5, Manchester, Va. P. 0. ad., M'iltiMi. See State Service. Hutchinson, James W. Co. G; b. iJilford; age 22; res. Wilton; enl. Apr. 30, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, iu; re-enl. l\Iiiy '61, for yrs. 15, 3 ; must, iu June 5, '61, as Priv.; must, out June 21, '64. Died Nov. 2, '85, Wilton. ;;;


in '61, as Priv. wd. Hutchinson, Timothy N. Co. G; b. Milford; age 21; res. Haverhill ; enl. May 2i, '61 ; must, June 5, ; '64. P. (). '63, gd. from mis. ; must, out June 21, Aug. 29, '02, BuU Run (2d), Va. ; wd. and mis. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; ad., Bridgeport, Conn. '61, as ]\Iuso. re- ; ; enl. Sept. 7, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, ; Hutton, James A. Co. C; b. Carlisle, Pa. ; age 21 res. Portsmouth '65 2:-J, '6o must. '64 Sept. '64 ; 1 Sei-gt. June 18, ; 2 Lt. Aug. ; enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Corp. July 1, ; Sergt. 1, Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. out . ^ „, ,„, t.^ as Muse. '61, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; must, m Sept. 23, 61, ; ; enl. Sept. 7, Hutton. Samuel. Band ; b. Manchester, Eng. age 18 cred. orts- ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, 64 ; 1 June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. par. Aug. 3, '62 tr. to Co. D ; captd. ; '65. mouth ; must, out Deo. 19, Hyde, Thomas C. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V. Hynes. See Hines. Ingalls, "William B. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. , . ,„ ^ ,^ ,o, must, in Oct./w b. ; age 38 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. Oct. 10, 64 ; Ing-erson, Hiram, alias Stephen Smith. Co. G ; substitute ; Canada '65. 10, '64, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Lyman. '61, must, in paid by State re-enl. ; ; res. ; enl. May 1, for 3 mos. ; not ; ;^ Isham, Charles H. Co. A ; b. Surry age 18 Walpole '61, 2.5, '02, Grove, Va.; disch. disab. l

Priv.; app. Corp. May 1, '65 ; disch. Oct. 20, '65, Fredericksburg, Va., tm. ex. Jackson, Willard A. Co. L See 17 N. H. V. Jacobsen, Carster. Co. G; b. Denmark; age 21; cred. Manchester; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '03, as Priv.; app. '65 "65 '65. Coip. Feb. 1, ; Sergt. Apr. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, '63 '03. Priv. James, John. Co. I ; b. East Kingston ; age 18 ; cred. East Kingston ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as ; app.

Corp. Jan. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63, James. "William. Co. C; b. Leland ; age 20; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 27, '03; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; des. Jan. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Jameson, Edward C. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

; '63 '63, Priv. ; Janoho"wr. John. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 28 ; cred. Manchester enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, as des. Dec. 7, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Janvrin, Joseph E. Co. K; b. Exeter; age 22; res. Exeter; enl. May 21, '01; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; disch. to date Nov. 30, '02, to accept promotion. P. O. ad.. New York city. See 15 N. 11. V. Jaquith. Dana S. Co. A; b. HoUis; age 25; res. Jaffrey; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '64. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '01, Bull Run, A''a. ; exch. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad.. East Jaffrey. '63 '03, Jeffries. "Wallace. Co. A ; b. England ; age 28 ; cred. Merrimack; enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Jenness, Henry Orin. Co. D; b. Wolfeborough ; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. '64. May 10, '61, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Juno 21, Died Feb. 24, '74, Nottiugliani. '63 '63, Jenson, Jens. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 20 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 19, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 14, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va. '01, Jewell, Elbridge B. Co. A; b. Winchester; age 23; res. Winchester ; eiih Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-eul. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '01, Washington, D. C. See 5 N. H. V. Jewett, Charles E. Co. F; b. New Hampshire; age 23; res. Gilford; enl. Apr. 20, '01 for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Jillson, Anson R. Co. A; b. Richmond; age 21; res. Swanzey; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 22, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61, AVashington, D. C. See 2 IJ. S. S. S. '01, Co. F ; b. Ireland; age 27 ; res. Stratford ; enl. Apr. 28, lor 3 mos. ; not mast, in paid by State ; re- Johnson, Bernard. ;

enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '01, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64.

; cred. Concord ; enl. '68 must, '63, Johnson, Charles. Co. A ^ b. New Brunswick age 23 ; Nov. 23, ; in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; app. '64 Corp. July 1, ; des. Nov. 14, '64, Hampton, Va. Johnson. Daniel. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. enl. '61, George O. Co. K; b. Raymond; age 18; res. Raymond; Apr. 18, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Johnson, ; ; '61, '64. re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '01, ; b. Hill ; age 27 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid re-enl. Johnson, George H. Co. I ; by State ; disab. '02, May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Sept. 30, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., JManchester. Johnson, Guy W. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '04 b. ; age 22 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in '04, Johnson, Henry. Co. D ; substitute ; Denmark Oct. 8, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 13, '65, Warsaw, Va.

; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not Co. A ; b. Walpole age 22 ; 25, must, in paid by State ; re- Johnson, Henry H. ;

'61, ; disch. disab. July '01, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Corp. 29, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. Mount Vernon, Ohio. Johnson, James. Co. A. See ION. H. V.

; age cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. '03 ; '63, Johnson, James. Co. D ; b. Lancaster County, Pa. 19; 27, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. des. July 9, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. '04 ; '64, ; ; age Oct. Johnson, John. Co. D substitute b. Sweden ; 31 5, must, in Oct. 5, as Priv. des. July 1 9, '05, Manchester, Va.

; ; age ; cred. Hampton Falls '64 '04, b. Brunswick 21 ; enl. Deo. 2, ; must, in Deo. 2, Johnson, John. Co. E ; substitute New as '05. Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, ;


'63, Johnson, Joseph. Co. H; b. Atkinson; age 21; res. Atkinson, cred. Iloldeniess ; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, as '65. Pi'iv. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, Johnson, Peter. Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Deo. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '6*1, as Priv. des. Sept. 14, '05, Warsaw, Va. '63, Johnson, Peter. Co. G ; b. Holland ; age 26 ; cred. Nashua ; eul. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " " " " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Florida and Qualcer City ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 21, '65, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa. Johnson, "William. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

; '63 '63, Johnson, William. Co. D ; b. Somersett County, Ind. age 21 ; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 30, '65, Washington, D. C. Johnfcon, William. Co. D; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 30; cred. Grantham; enl. Oct. 6, '64; must, in Oct. 6, '64, as

Priv. ; app. Sergt. Nov. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, Johnson, William. Co. H ; b. Prussia ; age 27 ; res. New York city, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as

Priv. ; des. Oct. 15, '65, rredericksburg,Va. Johnson, William. Co. K. See Edward Conley, 12 N. H. V. '64 '64, Co. E ; substitute ; b. ; ; cred. Plaistow enl. 5, must, in Dec. 5, Johnson, William H. Manchester, Eug. age 23 ; Dec. ;

as Priv. ; des. Sept. 14, '65, Warsaw, Va. Jones, Burleigh E. Co. B; b. Cornish; age 21; res. Hopikinton; enl. Aug. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 20, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 25, '62, Oalt Grove, Va. Died, wds. July 1, '62, on hosp. ship " St. Mark," Hampton Roads, Va. Jones, Charles. Co. F; b. Boston, Mass.; age 18; cred. Enfield; enl. Nov. 11, '63; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv.; des. June 4, '64, from Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H.

Jones, Charles B. Co. D ; b. Milton ; age 18 ; res. Milton ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '01, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Feb. 1, '63 ; Sergt. Nov. 27, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. 1 '64 '65 '65. Sergt. July 1, ; 1 Lt. May 20, ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Wis.

Jones, Charles H. Co. C ; b. Nottingham ; age 18 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Sept. 2, '61 ; must, in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. ; des. May '63, 24, Concord ; appreh. ; disch. Aug. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P. O. ad., Groveland, Mass.

; '61, Jones, Christie L. Co. D ; b. Milton ; age 19 ; res. Milton ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. not must, in ; re-eul. May 10, for '61, '62 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; mis. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. July 30, ; re-eul. Aug. II, ; '62 iu '62 '64 '64 ; must, Aug. 19, ; wd. June, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Co#p. July 1, ; Sergt. Sept. 18, ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Milton. Jones, George A. Co. E; b. Concord; age 20; res. Concord; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, iu paid by State; re- ;

enl. INlay 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Dec, '61 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 8, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Jones, Henry L. Co. G; b. Washington; age 18; res. Washington; enl. May 9, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May 15,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 14, '61, Hill Top, Md.

'63 ; '63, ; Jones, John. Co. D ; b. Newfoundland ; age 24 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. des. Jan. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 '63, Jones, -John. Co. F ; b. New Brunswick; age 25 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 4, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

b. ; res. ; enl. '61, ; in re-enl. '61, Jones, John W. Co. E ; Rye age 18 ; South Newmarket May 3, for 3 mos. not must, ; May 7,

for 3 yrs.; must, in Jime 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died Nov. 1, '64, Andersonville, Ga. '61 '61, Jones, Jonathan, Jr. Co. F; b. Alton ; age 42 ; res. Alton ; enl. May 23, ; must, in June 4, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 16, '63, Concord.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Jones, Josiah. Co. E ; b. Roxbury, Mass. age 18 res. Stratham enl. May 8, must, in June 3, as Priv. disch. disab. May 12, '63.

Jones, Luther D. Co. B; b. Deerfield; age 22; res. Hopkintou ; enl. Aug. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 1, '01, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 31, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. Concord. See State Service. '64 '64, Jones, Patrick. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Goshen ; enl. Dec. 0, ; must, in Dec. 6, as Priv. ; des. July 1, '05, Manchester, Va.

Jones, Samuel. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Newfoundland ; age 26 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, '64 ; must, in Dec. 5, '04, as

Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, Jones, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June

30, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 8, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. 11, 11, Jones, Thomas. Co. E; substitute; b. Scotland; age 27; cred. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. '64 ; must, in Oct. '64, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65. Jones, William. Co. D; b. Wales; age 25; cred. Bedford; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Nov. 30, '04, from hosp., Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Joslin, Henry H. Co. H ; b. Jaffrey ; age 21 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Sept. 10, 'Ol ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 20, '62, Donoaster, Md. See 14 N. H. V. b. res. Jaffrey; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in paid Joslin, Joseph H. Co. A; Jaffrey; age 21; 25, ; by State; re-enl. '64. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Dec. 1, '63 ; must, out June 21, '61, Joslin, Joseph R. Co. H; b. Jaffrey ; age 26; res. Jaffrey; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 16, '63, Concord. See 1 N. H. Cav.

Co. G; b. Sharon; age 29; res. Mason ; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '03 Joslin, Levi J. ; must, out June 21, '64 P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me. '61, Co. ; b. Surry ; age 25 ; res. Surry ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-eid. May Joslyn, John K. A ; '61, '61 '04. 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Kansas City, Mo.

; age ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in Joy, Samuel M. Co. H ; b. North Berwick, Me. 20 25, ; paid

'01, ; '61, July '01, Bull ; bv State ; re-eul. May 27, for 3 yrs. must, in June 5, as Priv.; captd. 21, Run, Va. ; par. exchanged O'ct. '62 disch. disab. June '03. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 1 Co. N. H. 11. Art. 25, ; 23,

; enl. '63 '63, ; Judd, Michael. Co. F ; b. New York ; age 21 ; cred. Concord Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Junghaus, Gustave, Co. C. See 10 N. II. V. Justice, Robert. Unas'd. See 3 N. H. V. iCaime. See Came.

; ; enl. '63 must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; must, out Kaiser, Albert. Co. B ; b. Prussia ; age 22 cred. Manchester Nov. 24, ; 24, Deo. 19, '05. P. O. ad., Portsmouth. '01, re-enl. '61, Kane, Peter. Co. D; b. Rochester, N. Y. ; age 27; res. Dover; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, in; May 10, '89, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 21, '02 ; accidentally killed Dec. 9, Jersey City, N. J. ' ;;;


Earr. See Can-. Kaskie, Samuel. Unas'd. See 11 N. H. V.

Kasson, Harry B. Co. B; b. Newbury, Vt. ; age 21; res. Haverhill; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not iiiust. in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; captd. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Aug. 12, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

b. ; ; '61, Kasson, William W. Co. B ; Newbury, Vt. age 27 ; res. Haverhill ; enl. I\lay 27, '61 must, in June 1, as Wagoner disoh. disab. Mar. 3, '63, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., East Sonierville, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations.

Kavaoah, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Bridgewater ; enl. Dec. 6, '64 ; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Kavanah. See Cavanaugh.

Kearns, Patrick. Co. H ; b. L-eland ; age 29 ; res. Natick, Mass. ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Keegan, Michael. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 28; cred. Epsom; enh Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Keenan, Thomas. Co. B ; substitute. See 13 N. H. V.

Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. enl. '63 '63, ; tr. S. Kelley, David. 21 Nashua ; Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. to U. Navy Apr. '64, as a Seaman " " '65, 30, ; served on U. S. S. Aries ; des. July 29, f]-om receiving ship, Boston, Mass. Kelley, John. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Kelley, John. Co. C. See 10 N. II. V.

Co. K ; b. England ; age ; res. Manchester, cred. enl. '63 ; must, in Dec. '68, as Priv. Kelley, John. 30 Canaan ; Dec. 3, 3,

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Nov. 10, '64, while on furlough.

Kelley, William. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

19, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Dee. 19, '65.

Kelley, William J. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 18; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3,

'64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. from Mount Pleasant Gen. Hosp., AV'ashington, D. C, June 16, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. B ; b. Great Britain ; res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; accident- Kelliher, Michael. age 23 ; Newport May 18, must, June 1,

ally wd. ; disch. wds. Aug. 9, '61, Bladensburg, Md. '63 '63, Kelpie, James. Co. I ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 20 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; turned over to Provost Marshall Apr. 30, '64, Williamsburg, Va., as a deserter from U. S. Navy. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. '61 '01, Kelso, William C. Co. C ; b. Dan vers, Mass. ; age 35 ; res. New Boston ; enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; must. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Goffstown.

Kempton, Willard C. F. and S. ; b. Croydon; age 24 ; res. Plainfleld; app. Aug. 16, '65; must, in Aug. 26, '65, as 2 Asst. '65. Surg. ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Sanford, Me. See 15 N. H. V. and U. S. C. T.

b. ; '62 '02, ; Kempton, Willard H. Co. B ; Croydon ; age 20 res. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 11, as Priv. wd. June '64, '64 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; disch. June 9, '65, JManchester, Va. P. O. ad., Pieed's Ferry. b. '01, Kenaston, Edgar D. Co. I ; Vermont ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; '61, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 4, '62, Camp Beaufort, Md.

Kenaston, Edwin R. Co. I; b. Woodbury, Vt. ; age 33; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must, in Aug. 12, '61, as Priv.; '63, wd. sev. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to 143 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 10, '64 ; disch. Aug. 27, '64, Baltimore, Md., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ohio. Kenaston. See Kennison and Kiniston.

Co. B b. Concord ; age res. '62 Kendall, John A. ; 22 ; Concord, cred. Concord enl. '62, ; Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. disch. disab. Sept. 19, '62. See U. S. Navy. b. Kendall, William G-. Co. C; Bedford; age 21 ; res. Bedford; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. Died Nov.

25, '61 , Budd's Ferry, Md.

Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 33 cred. enl. '63 Kennell, John. ; Merrimack ; Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11,

'64, Yorktown, Va. gd. from des. July '64 ; '64 '65 ; 29, app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; Sergt. June 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Patrick, n/tas- William Smith. Co. ; b. Nova Scotia ; Kennelly, E ago 22; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '03, as Priv. ; disoh. disab. Aug. 30, '64, Willet's Point, N. Y. H. Died Sept. 18, '64, Boston, Mass.

Co. G ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age ; res. enl. ]\lay '01, Kenney, John. 24 Mason ; for ; 1, 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl. May 20, '01, for '01, 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Milford. Co. B b. ; York; age Kenney, Thomas. New 21; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv.- des"-•=• . Feb. 8, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. . , Co. F b. Ireland res. Thomas. ; ; age ; Stewarlstown enl. '61, Kenney, 21 ; Apr. 20, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. May '01, for yrs. must, '01, 22, 3 ; in June 4, as Priv. ; mis. July 2, '63, (Gettysburg, Pa. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. H; b. Concord, Vt. age res. Kennison, John. ; 28; Concord, Vt, cred. Cornish; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec 1 '63 as ' Priv. ; disch. disab. May 12, '64, Williamsburg, Va. ' Kennison. See Kenaston and Kiniston. Kenniston. See Kenaston, Kennison, and Kiniston. Kenny. See Cauney.

Kerby, Thomas. Co. K ; b. England ; age 27 ; res. Iloston, Ma,ss., cred. Canaan ; enl. '63 Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 8, '03, as Priv ti-. to U. S. Navy Apr, '64, as a Seaman served " " 30, ; on U. S. S. Quaker City ; disch., reduction naval force Au'o-. 21 '65' "' ' from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa. »' ' ' Kerley. See Curley.

Keyes, Franklin L. Co. B; b. Lee, Mass.; age 28; res. Concord; enl. May 16, '01; must, in 1 '61 • June as

Co. D b. Dresden, Me. age 18 res. enl. '01 • Kidder, Alden T. ; ; ; Somersworth ; June 1, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. captd '61, '64. ' July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Somersworth.

Kidder, Samuel A. Co. C; b. (Joffstown; age 18; res. Goffstown; enl. May '61 • 9, ; must, in June 1, '01 as.is mv.Priv musi.mnql- nnt , oui June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Goffstown Centre. See 1 N. H Cav. , , Kiley, Joseph. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Killen, Henry. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. Kimball, Benjamin. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Kimball, Charles H. Co. K. See 17 N. 11. V. Kimball, Hubbard S. Co. F; b. Vermont; age 25; cred. Frajikliu; enl. Nov. 17, '63: must, in 17 '03 . rii=ni, Nov ., uo, dsas j.iiv.Vviv ciiscii. disab. Dec. 13, '64, Willet's Point, N. Y. ,

Co. E substitute b. France ; age cred. Danbury ; enl. '64 • King, Anthony. 23 ; ; ; Dec. 8, ; must, in Dec. 8 '64 as Priv mnaf out Dec. 19, '05. Died May 18, '82, Carson City, Nevada. King, Asa J. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. King, John. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 28; cred. Errol; enl. Oct. 5, '04; must, in Oct. 5, '04, as Priv.-' must out Dec. 19, '65. ;;


'63 '03, King, John H. Co. F ; b. New York ; age 19 ; res. Worcestw, Mass., cred. Langdou ; eiil. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. .30, as

Priv. ; des. Feb. 2, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. '03 King, Louis. Co. E ; b. Cauada ; age 20 ; res. Canada, cred. Rochestei- ; eul. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, '03, as Priv. ; disch. to date Sept. \i, '05. P. O. ad.. West Bay City, Mich.

King, Thomas. Co. E; substitute; b. London, Eng. ; age 21; cred. Freedom; enl. Oct. 4, '04; must, in Oct. 4, '04, as Priv.; des. Sept. 14, '05, Warsaw, Ya.

King, William S. Co. K ; b. Franklin, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. West Newbury, ]\lass. ; enl. May 21, '01 ; must, in June 8, '01, as Priv.; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '62; Sergt. June 30, '03; wd. July 2, '03, Uettysburg, Pa.; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ild., Nat. Home, Togus, Sle. Kingsley, Charles W. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Kiniston, William H. Co. K ; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. May 8, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 8 yrs. ; nmst. in June 8, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 4, '01, Wasliingtou, D. C. Kiniston. Co. K. See Kenaston and Kennison.

Co. F ; b. Boston, Mass. ; '03 '03, ; Apr. Kirnen, Thomas. age 19 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, iu Nov. 30, as Priv. des. '64 '64 6, ; appreh. ; returned to duty July 27, ; reported on m. o. roll as absent sick. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. F ; b. Ireland ; 32 cred. ; enl. '03 '63, ; Apr. 12, '04 Kimey, John. age ; Sharon in as Priv. des. Nov. 30, ; must, Nov. 30,

Joined from des. July 29, '04 ; des. to the enemy Nov. 4, '64, ChafRn's Farm, Va. Klemeier, Henry A. Co. F; b. (Jermany; age 20; cred. Concord; eul. Nov. 19, '63; must in Nov. 19, '03, as Priv.; reported on ui. 0. roll dated Deo. 19, '05, as absent sick. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Knapp, John. Co. F ; b. Franklin ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. '03 in '63, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 4, '05, Nov. 30, ; must, Nov. 30, Fredericksburg, Va. P. O. ad., Campo, Cal.

Knight, John W. Co. K ; b. Burrilville, R. I. ; age 21 ; res. Dublin ; enl. Mar. 25, '62 ; must, in June 8, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Litchfield, Minn.

Knight, William T. Co. ; b. Northwood ; age 19 ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by E ; '01, State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 24, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Supposed identical with William T. Knight, Co. B, 12 N. H. V. Knights, Robert. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Knops, Bartholomew. Co. E ; substitute ; b. France ; age ; cred. Unity enl. Sept. 22, '04 ; must, in Sept. 22, '04, as Priv. 40 ; disch. July 20, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. • Kohen, Jacob. Co. B. See 18 N. H. V. '63 Korner, William. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '03, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Kuse, Nathan B. Co. E; b. South Newmarket ; age 19; res. South Newmarket; enl. May 3, '61, for mos. ; uot must, in ;

re-enl. May 25, '61, for yrs. ; '61, ; '68 '08, 3 must, in June 3, as Corp. app. Sergt. May 1, ; wd. .July 2, and died, wds. July 81, '68, Gettysbuig, Pa. '61, Labounty, W^illiam A. Co. F ; b. Canada East ; age 26 ; res. New Durham ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ;

by State ; re-enl. May 16, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull llun (2d), Va. Died, wds. Sept. 16, '02, Alexandria, Va.

b. '61 ; '01, ; Ladd, George W. Co. B ; Alexandria; age 22 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 27, must, in June 1, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Ruu (2d), Va. Died, wds. Sept. 25, '62, Georgetown, D. C. Ladd, Hiram K. Co. G; b. Haverhill; age 19; res. Haverhill; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '61, '62 '63 enl. May 21, for 8 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. Jan. 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. I, July 31, ; tr. to Co. G, '03 '04. Sept. 1, ; juust. out June 21, See 18 N. U. V. '68 '63, Lague, Joseph. Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. Canada, cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, iu Nov. 25, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Lahey, Dennis. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Laighton. See Leighton.

; ; '63 '63, dis. Lair, George. Co. A b. Maine ; age 88 cred. Webster ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. Died, June 24, '64, Hampton, Va. Lake, Benjamin J. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 28; res. Portsmouth; must, in June 8, '61, as Wagoner; captd. May 5, '02,

Williamsburg, Va. ; released; disch. as Priv. May 22, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Portsmouth. See State Service. Lambert, John H. Co. E. See 17 N. H. V. Lamble, William. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 ]nos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Lamprey, Daniel. Co. E b. Concord age 27 Concord 25, ; '02 '62, enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 1, ; wd. June 25, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 10, '02, Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad., Hopkinton.

; res. enl. '01 ; must, in June '01, as Priv. ; wd. June Lamprey, Horace A. Co. B ; b. Groton ; age 19 Concord ; May 27, 1, 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '02, on hosp. boat " St. Mark."

; ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Lamprey, John. Co. E b. Concord age 22 Concord ; '01, '62 '64. ad.. May 21, '61, for 8 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Priv.; app. Corp. June 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. Concord. See V. R. C.

; ; ; enl. '01 ; in '61, as Priv. ; sev. J>ily Lamprey, John L. Co. B ; b. Gilmanton age 20 res. Concord May 11, must, June 1, wd. '64, 2, '68, Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to 186 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Mar. 15, '64 ; disch. June 28, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Law- rence, Mass.

; ; ; enl. '63 must, iu Nov. '03, as Priv. ; des. Apr. Landress, Charles. Co. F b. France age 83 ; cred. Nashua Nov. 30, ; 80, 12, '64 '64. '04, Yorktown, Va. ; returned July 29, ; des. Sept. 28, '63 '63, '63. Lane, Henry H. Unas'd; age 20; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Apr. 6, ; must, in Apr. 7, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 29,

Island, ; ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '03 ; must, in Nov. 28, '03, as Priv. ; must. Lane, John. Co. D ; b. Leug N. Y. age 33 out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Eugenia, Or. '61, in; Lane, Nathaniel F. Co. A; b. Swanzey; age 22 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, paid by State ; re- '62, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; killed May 5, Williamsburg, Va.

Hampshire; age 21; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Lane, Perkins C. Co. I; b. New ;

; '61, ; tr. A., Oct. '02 disch., State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 8 yrs. must, iu June 7, as Corp. to Co. D, 2 Cav., U. S. 27, ; as Priv. Apr. 7, '65, Annapolis, Md.", tm. ex. P. O. ad., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Lane. See Layne. Lang, Charles A. Co. B; b. Georgetown, Mass.; age 22; res. Boscawen; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 1, 'Ol, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 31, '01, to date July 29, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Harrison, Me. '63 '03, Lang, John. Co. F ; b. Finland ; age 26 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 19, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Na^-y " " " " Apr. 30, '04, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Victoria and Malvern ; disch., reduction naval force, Oct. 24, '65, from " Malvern." Lang, Lowell Y. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. ;;;;


'61, Lang, Thomas M. Co. B; b. Georgetown, Mass.; age 26; res. Boscawen; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv.

app. Corp. Dec. 1, '61 ; wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. wds. Mar. 13, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. 0. ad., Concord. '61, Adjt. June 4, Latlgley, Samuel G. Co. I; b. Nottingham ; age 36 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, as Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. and

'61 ; ninst. in June 7, '61, as 1 Lt. and Adjt. ; resigned Oct. 7, '61, to accept promotion. See 5 N. II. V.

Langmaid, Joseph G-. Co. ; b. Harrington 26 res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; disch. Aug. K ; age must, ; Lee Aug. 27, Aug. 27, 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tra. ex. P. O. ad., Lee.

Langtry, George. Co. H ; b. St. Johns, Can. ; age 29; res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. May 27, '61; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv.; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Died July 31, '61. Lanphere, Orlando M. Co. A; b. Dublin, Jr.; age 20; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 19, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 24, '64, Concord, tm. ex.

Lanson, William. Co. K ; b. New Hampshire ; age 22 ; enl. Dec. 8, '63, at Concord ; must, in Dec. 8, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 15, '65, Heathsville, Va.

Lantot, Dalfls. Co. P ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; res. Canada, cred. enl. '63 ; in '63, as Priv. Hillsborough ; Nov. 14, must, Nov. 14, must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Attleborough, Mass. Lapiere, Prank. Co. K. See Jean Pierie.

Larion, Peter. Co. F ; b. Champlain, N. Y. ; age 19 ; cred. Sharon ; enl. Nov. SO, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, '03, as Priv. Died Aug. 1, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va. Larson, John. Co. D; b. Norway; age 38; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Ajjr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va. '63 Larson, Peter. Co. C ; b. Norway ; age 25 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '03, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Co. A ; b. ; age ; cred. ; enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, Laskey, William. Norway 24 Concord Nov. 24, ; must, Nov. 24, '04, Yorktown, Va. Laura, Lewis. Co. K; b. Canada; age 33; cred. Cornish; enl. Dec. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, •65. P. O. ad., Hermon, N. Y. '63 '63, Laurell, Levi. Co. H ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Bath ; enl. Deo. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Pi'iv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 21, '64, Chaffln's Farm, Va. '64 '64, Lavaile, Stephen. Co. F; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. New Hampton ; enl. Dec. 6, ; must, in Dec. 6, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Lavine, Edward. Co. E ; b. Burlington, Vt. ; age 25 ; res. Newton ; enl. May 17, '61 ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 29, '61, Washington, D. C.

Lavoy, Joseph. Co. I; b. Woodstock, Vt. ; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by '61, '02 State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, 2 Cav., U. S. A., Oct. 27, ; di.scli. Dec. 7, '64, Camp Russell, Va. P. O. ad., Claremont.

b. ; res. enl. '61, ; State Lawrence, Alanson R. Co. A ; Roxbnry age 10 ; Roxbury ; Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan, 14, '62, Charles County, Md. Co. A; b. Troy; age res. Troy; enl. May 2, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in paid by State; re-enl. Lawrence, Center H. 25; ; '61, '61, '61 '01 May 22, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, as Sergt. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Aug. 21, ; Adjt. Oct. 26, ; disch. Oct. 31, '02, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. See Misijel. Organizations. res. '01, in re- Lawrence, Charles B. Co. G; b. Newburyport, Mass.; age 22; Antrim; enl. Apr. 27, for 3 mos.; not must, ; enl. May 15, '01, for 8 yrs.; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64. Died, dis. June 9, '65, Rich- mond, Va. '63; '63, Lawrence, George. Co. C; b. Cornwall, Vt. ; age 23; cred. Epsom; enl. Nov. 27, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; des. Nov. 10, '65, Tappahannock, Va. Co. I; b. New Hampshire; age 33; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in paid Lawrence, George F. ;

by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '01, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass. Lawrence, Houghton. Co. D; b. Troy; age 42; res. Troy; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 11, '02. Died Apr. 10, '84, Troy.

; b. Vt. ; age ; res. Manchester enl. '61 must, in '01, as Sergt. Lawrence, Richard A. Co. C Mt. HoUy, 25 ; May 9, ; June 1, disch. disab. July 29, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Manchester. See 1 N. E." Cav. Lawrence, Stillman C. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Co. res. Portsmouth enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. Lawson, William H. K; age 34; ; 8, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Layne, Simon. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Clarksville; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must, in Oct. 14, '64, as Priv.; des. Oct., '65, Fredericksburg, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester. Layne. See Lane enl. '61, Leach John H. Co. F; b. Moultonborough; age 24; res. Moultonborough ; May 6, for 3 mos.; not nu^st. in; paid by ' ; '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. '61, State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June 4, 21, Washington, D. C. Lear, Nathaniel M. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 24; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 22, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '61, '61, State; re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, Washington, D. C. Died Apr. 7, '71. res. enl. '61 must, in '61, Leamard, Arthvir T. Co. E ; b. Chester ; age 22 ; Chester ; May 20, ; June 3, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Aug. 10, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Derry. '61 ; b. Boston, ; 18 res. Manchester ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. Leary, Jeremiah. Co. C Mass. age ; ' '04, '04 '65 1, '04 cred. Portsmouth ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, ; Serg-t. Jan. 1, and must, in Jan. ; ; '65. '67, 1 Sergt. Nov. 1, '65 ; nmst. out Dec. 19, Died Nov. 25, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. '61, ; b. Palmyi-a, Me. ; age 19 ; res. Palmyra, Me. ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in Leathers, Alphonso D. Co. D ; re- '61, '61, Bull enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, Run, Va. ; released; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '03 June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Dover. ; must, out as Priv.

; res. Barrington ; enl. 27, must, in '61, Leathers, John W. P. Co. K; b. Dover age 21 ; Aug. '61 ; Aug. 27, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 20, '02, Washington, D. C. Died June 28, '65, Banington. '61 ; b. Nassau, N. B. ; age 21 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 11, ; must, in June '61, Leaver, Thomas B. Co. B 1, as Corp. ; app.

Serg-t. Nov., '61 ; killed June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. '61 ; b. age 43 res. Exeter ; enl. May 18, ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; Leavitt, Blbridge A. Co. B Hampton ; ; 3, disch. disab. Oct. 16, '62, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. See V. R. C. '63 b. Canada ; age ; res. Canada, cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in '03, LeBlano, Octavius. Co. E ; 20 Nov. 25, as Priv. '65, wd. June 1, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. June 16, Chester, Pa. P. O. ad., Victoriaville, P. Q. '63 ; b. ; age 28 ; res. Canada, cred. Rochester ; enl. Nov. must, '63, LeBrun, Narcisse. Co. E Canada 25, ; in Nov. 25, as Priv. disch. Nov. 23, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Ledlow, Patrick. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Canaan; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. ;;;


Lee, Alfred. Co. F; b. Peiiii.sylvania ; age 26; cred. Concord; eul. Nov. ]8, '0.3; iimst. in Nov. 18, '6;?, as Priv. ; tr. to D. .S. Navy Apr. '64, "Florida," .30, as a Seaman ; served on (J. S. S. "Quaker City," and "Portsmouth"; discli., redaction naval force, Sept. 0, '6.5, from " Portsmouth."

Lee, George. Co. F; substitute; b. London, Eng. ; age 2o; cred. Laudaff; eul. Dec. 7, '64; nuist. in Dec. 7, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 15, '65, Kinsale, Va.

Lee, James. Co. H; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 18; res. Philadelphia, Pa., ci'ed. Cornish; enl. Deo. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63,

as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 1 0, '65. Lee, John. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 16, '63; nuist. in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Unas'd substitute Lee, John. ; ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Goshen ; enh Dec. 6, '04 ; must, in Dec. 0, '64, as Priv. N. f . r. A. G. O. Lee, Lucius. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Lee, Robert. Co. D ; b. Bristol, Pa. ; age 23 cred. ; '63 '63, ; Nashua enh Nov. 27, ; unist. in Nov. 28, as i'l-iv. ; found guilty ol desertion and sentenced by (t. C. M. to hard labor during entire term of service at Pt. Monroe, Va., and to forfeit all pav ; confined '64, Apr. 12, Norfolk, Va. ; tr. to Portsmouth, Va., July 3t), '04. N. f . r. A. G. ( ).

Lee, Thomas. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Plainfield ; enl. Deo. 6, '04; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Xat. Home, Wis.

Lee, "William. Co. K ; b. Burlington, Vt. ; age 29 res. ; enl. '63 ; '03, ; Canada, cred. Piermout Dec. 3, unist. in Dec. 3, as Priv. des. Mar. 29, '65, wliile on furlough.

Lees, Thomas. Co. B ; b. Manchester, Eng. ; age ; res. enl. '61 in '01, as Priv. ; 22 Durham ; May 24, ; must, June 1, app. Corp. Nov., '61 '62 '63 ; Sergt. Jan., ; 1 Sergt. Apr. 29, ; inis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. gd. from mis. ; a-pp. 2 Lt. July 10, '63 ; ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., AVolfeborough.

Leet, Co. E ; b. Claremont ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 Sept. '61, ; Eugene P. age 15 ; Claremout 11, ; must, in 17, as Muse. leg badly ^'. crushed by being run over by ambulance July 2, '62 ; disch. disab. Aug. 28, '62, Newark, N. J. See Ti. C.

Le Gro, Bben. Co. D; b. Lebanon, IMe. ; age 22; res. Lebanon, Me.; enl. Aug. 11, '01, at Concord; must, in Aug. 27, '61, as '62, Priv. ; \vd. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. Aug. 26, '64, near Petersburg, Va., trn. ex. P. (). ad., Lynn, Mass. Le Gro, Edgar B. Co. B; b. Great Falls; age 22; res. Soniersworth, cred. Somersworth; enl. Aug. 8, '62; must, in Aug. 12, '62, '63 '64 as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mav 1, ; Sergt., Sergt. Maj., and Adjt. July 1, '64 ; Capt. Co. D, Nov. 1, ; must, out Dec. * 19, '65. Died May 12, '79, Great Falls. '61, Leighton, Grin S. Co. G; b. Littleton; age 26 ; res. Dublin; euL Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-eul. May 22,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62. Lemons, Joseph. Co. F; b. New York; age 22; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 20, '63; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp. Feb. 1, '04; Sei-gt. July 1, '64; 1 Sergt. June 24, '65; 2 Lt. Sept. 20, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64 '64, Leonard, James. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 34 ; cred. Wolfeborough ; eul. Oct. 10, ; nmst. in Oct. 10, as

Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '05. '03 '63, Lescure, Louis. Co. C ; b. France ; age 32 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Nov. 4, '04, Chaflin's Farm, Va. '63 '63, Lesieune, Francis. Co. H ; b. Island Pond, Vt. ; age 21 ; cred. Hooksett ; eul. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65.

'01, ; Leslie, H. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 20 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos. not nuist. in paid by State ; Edwin ;

re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '01, Washington, D. C. Supposed iden- tical with Edwin H. Leshe, Co. F, 13 N. H. V. '04 '64, Leslie, Leonard. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Boston, Eng. ; age 20 ; ored. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 7, as Priv. des. Sept. 18, '05, Warsaw, Va. '63 '63, Leubel, Lewis. Co. D ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; ored. Dunbarton ; eul. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '65 '65. May 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, Lever, Robert. Co. K; b. England; age 25; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. jMay 21, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; captd. May 5, '62, Willianisbiirg, Va. ; released; disch. Mav 22, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O ad., Laconia.

; '63 '63, Levert, Albert. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Manchester eul. Nov, 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, as Pi-iv. ; des. Jan. 0, '05, from Blowei- Gen. 1-Iosp., Philadelphia, Pa. '63 '63, Leware, Samuel. Co. C ; b. Rouse's Point, N. Y. ; age 20 ; cred. Antrim ; enl. Nov. 27, ; nurst. in Nov. 27, as Piiv.

app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; nuist. out Dec. 19, '65. Lewis, Cornelius. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V.

Libaros, Pierre. Co. F ; b. France ; age 24 ; res. New York city, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Nov. 30, '03 ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as

Priv. ; des. Apr. 11, '04, Yorktown, Va. ; returned July 29, '04 ; des. to the enemy Sept. 3, '04, Bermuda Hundred, Va. Linden, James F. Co. A; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 16; res. Pliiladelphia, Pa.; enl. Sept. 6, '01; nrast. in Sept. 17, '01, as

Muse. ; disch. .Sept. 10, '64, Vfilson's Landing, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Washington, l.(. C.

Lindsay, James. Co. D; b. Nova Scotia ; age 28; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Oct. 28, '64, near Fair Oaks, Va. Lindsey, John. Unas'd. See 1 N. H. L. Battery. '63 '63, Link, Gottfried. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 29 ; ored. Bow ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Pi-iv. ; disch. June 8, '05, Pt. Lookout, Md. Linscott, Charles E. Co. D. See 10 N. li. V. Little, Thomas B. Co. B; b. Warren; age 22; res. Concord; enl. May 13, '01; must, in June 1, '01, as Priv.; app. Corp. '02 Nov. 1, ; disch. Aug. 18, '63, to accept promotion no record commission ; did not re-enter service. ; of P. O. ad., Con- cord.

Littlefleld, Charles H. Co. C ; b. Great Falls ; age 18 ; enl. Aug. 12, '61, at Portsmouth ; must, in Aug. 27, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 29, '02, Fair Oaks, Va. '61 '01 Littlefleld, Joshua P. Co. F ; b. Wells, Me. ; age 32 ; res. Somersworth ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, ; must, in to date May 27, ;

app. Capt. Co. H, Aug. 1, '61 ; tr. to Co. B, JMay 23, '62 wd. Aug. '62, Died, '02. ; 29, BuH Run (2d), Va. wds. Sept. 17, Lloyd, William B. Co. F; b. Pennsylvania; age 20; cred. Webster; enl Nov. 20, '03; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 30, '04, New Haven, Conn.

;' Lock, Charles Co. E ; b. Concord ; age 23 res. Loudon ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State re-enl. A. ; ; '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; nurst. in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '01 ; wd. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Sergt. Jan. '04 re-enl. '64 1, ; Feb. 2, ; must, in Feb. 10, '64 ; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, '04 ; 1 Lt. Co. G, July" 10, '64 ; resigned May 11, '05. P. 0. ad., Ryan, Iowa.

Locke, James I. Co. li ; b. Portsmouth ; age ; res. Apr. '01, ; must, 21 Portsmouth ; enl. 19, for 3 mos. not in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. May 21, '01, for yrs. ; '01, '62 '63 3 must, in June 8, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July, Sergt. Apr., '63 ; 1 Sergt. ; July, ; re-enl. and must, in '04 '64, '64 Jan. 1, ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. June 24, ; Capt. Apr. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19. '05. P. O. ad.. Providence, R. I. ;;


State re- Locke, Co. K ; b. Seabrook ; age 32 ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; William. ;

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. '63, Priv. des. Lockhart, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Scotland ; age 34 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, as ; Jan. 15, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. in paid by State ; '61, ; not must, ; Logan, Johnson C. Co. D ; b. Glasgow, Scot. age 38 ; res. Dover ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; out re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; released ; must, June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Rochester. '63, Priv. des. Long, Charles. Co. F ; b. New Jersey ; age 31 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in Nov. 14, as ; Dec. 4, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64, des. Mar. Long, Henry. Co. F; substitute ; b. Vermont ; age 21 ; cred. Hinsdale ; enl. Dec. 7, '64 ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; 15, '65, Kinsale, Va. State Co. K ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ; Long, Michael B. 21 ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. '62, Bull (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; app. 8, 29, Run ;

Corp. Jan., '64 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Portsmouth.

Long, Nicholas. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. July 1, '63; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; June 3, '64, Cold

Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Providence, R. I. '61, Looby, Hugh. Co. H ; b. Taunton, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Taunton, Mass. ; enl. May 3, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63, Washington, D. C. Lopez, Charles. Co. F; b. Cuba; age 26; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; disch. June 8, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. State Blbin. Co. H ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 18 ; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Lord, ;

re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; wd. and captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. July 23, '61, Richmond, Va. out Lord, James J. Co. C ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Farmington. '61, yrs. Lord, John F. Co. D ; b. Dover ; age 18 ; res. Dover ; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, for 3 '61, '64. must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released ; must, out June 21, Lord, John H. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

b. Lebanon, ; res. '61, for ; in paid by State Lord, John W. Co. H ; Me. age 23 ; Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, 3 mos. not must, ; '63 '6:!, re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Oct. 1, '61 ; Sergt. June 1, ; wd. July 2, '63 '64. '79. Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. E, July 2, ; must, out June 21, Died May 21,

Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age 22 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Lord, Oliver. ;

re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 18, '63, Washington, D. C. gd. from des. Aug. 10, ;

'63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, Lord, Thomas. Co. K ; b. New Brunswick ; age 37 ; res. St. John, N. B., cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as

Priv. ; captd. Oct. 27, '64 ; confined Oct. 28, '64, Richmond, Va., and Nov. 4, '64, Salisbury, N. C. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, Lord, "Woodbury. Co. H; b. South Berwick, Me.; age 21; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, in ;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. May ; 28, '62. Died Mar. 20, '63, Great Falls, of disease caused by being stabbed by Lorenzo Hanse. '63 '63, '05. Loring, Philip. Co. I ; b. France ; age 24 ; cred. Stratham ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, Lovejoy, Henry H. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

b. res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; disch. disab. Levering, Samuel G-. Co. C ; Loudon ; age 32 ; Loudon May 9, must, in June 1, as Priv. Aug. 28, '61, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Samuel G. Lovering, Co. G, 15 N. H. V.

; '61 ; '61, Lowd, Sedley A. Co. K; b. Portsmouth age 20 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. May 21, must, in June 8, as Priv. ; des. Apr. '63, Portsmouth gd. from des. Sept. 2, '63; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Derry Depot. See 1 N. H. H. Art. 18, ;

enl. '63; '63, ; '64, Lowell, George. Co. I; b. Bangor, Me.; age 43 ; cred. Dover; Dec. 1, must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. mis. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Supposed kiUed. '64 '64, Lucas, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. France ; age 21 ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dee. 2, ; nmst. in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Lucas, Harvey H. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Lull, Charles A. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '63 b. ; ; cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. ; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; wd. '64, Lumbeck, Aseph. Co. K ; Sweden age 21 4, 4, June 3, '65. Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, Lumerun, Lewis. Co. F; substitute; b. Germany; age 38; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. June 29, '65, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H.

b. Jersey; age 28 ; cred. Orange ; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. Lunnon, Thomas. Co. F ; New 25, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, ; b. Hampshire ; age 18 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Lyford, William O. Co. F New ;

'state; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Corp. ; disch. (a minor) Sept. 4, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Sup- posed identical with William O. Lyford, Co. B, 5 N. H. V.

; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for '61, Lyle, Alexander. Co. G ;. b. Scotland age 18 ; Dublin 27, 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 15, for '62, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; killed May 5, Williamsburg, Va. res. '61 '61, Lyman Lucius C. Band; b. Winchester; age 38; Winchester; enl. July 29, ; must, in Aug. 7, as 3 Class Muse. disch. Apr. 2, '62. P. 0. ad., Winchester.

; cred. Clarksville; enl. '64; '64, Lynch, James J. Co. E ; substitute b. Canada; age 23; Oct. 15, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. '65. app. Corp. Mar. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad.. Sterling, Wis. enl. 24, '63, Lynch, John. Co. A; b. Massachiisetts; age 29; cred. Concord; Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv.; wd. June ' 30, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; des. Nov. 17, '64, from Gen. Hosp., Ft. Monroe, Va.

; ; res. Holderness, cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. '63 ; '63, Lynch, John. Co. I ; b. Durham, Can. age 29 2, must, in Dec. 2, as 5, 'Priv.; des. Apr. 20, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.; appreh. ; returned to duty Sept. '64; des. Nov. 18, '64, while on furlough. '63 I b. Venice, Italy ; age ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Lyon Sasohael. Co. ; 26 Dec. 19, '65.

; ; age ; cred. Goifstown enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in '63, ; Lyons, Timothy. Co. A b. Massachusetts 20 ; 24, Nov. 24, as Priv. disch. May 16, '65, Concord. '61 ; ; 19 res. Boston, Mass. ; enl, June 1, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mace Charles A. Co. B b. Dover age ; June 23, '63, Concord. '61 ; 18 res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. June 1, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 14, '62, Mace John H. Co. B b. Dover ; age ; ' '63 June '64. P. ad., Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Jan., ; must, out 21, O. Boston, Mass.

; res. Danville enl. Aug. '61 must, in '61, Mace Thomas B. Co. K; b. Plaistow age 18 ; ; 22, ; Aug. 28, as Priv. ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ;;


Madden, Francis. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. '63 '63, Magilio, Joseph. Co. E ; b. Italy ; age 21 ; res. Italy, cred. Newmarket ; eul. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; wd.

June 1, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Nov. 18, '64, Chester Gen. Hosp., Chester, Pa.

; ; ; '63 '63, Priv. Mag'oon, George H. Co. I ; b. East Kingston age 18 cred. East Kingston enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Dec. 2, as '65 '65. app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; Sergt. May 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, 25, Mahoney, Thomas J. Co. D; b. Rowley, Mass. ; age 21; res. Farmington; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re- '63, enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Feb. 4, Fredericksburg, Va. P. (). ad., South Boston, Mass. Mahony, Jeremiah. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 29; res. Greenland; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 8 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July, '61 ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. '64 Malay, Thomas. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Charlottetown, P. E. I. ; age 21 ; cred. Effingham ; enl. Oct. 13, ; must, in Oct. 13,

'64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Feb. 4, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va.

'63 ; '63, as Priv. Malone, Timothy. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; res. Troy, N. Y., cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 1, must, in Dec. 1, '64, '64 '65. des. Apr. 10, Yorktown, Va. ; appreh. ; returned to duty July 11, ; must, out Dec. 19, Malone, Timothy. Unas'd; b. England; age 24; cred. Dunbarton; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 11, '63, Long Isl., B. H., Mass. '64, Maloney, James. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 26 ; cred. Brentwood ; enl. Oct. 5, '64 ; must, in Oct. 5, as Priv. des. to the enemy Feb. 4, '65, in the field, Va. '64, Malony, James. Co. G; b. heland ; age 23 ; cred. Epsom ; enl. Dec. 1, '63 ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 27, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Maloy, Peter. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; res. Georgetown, Mass. ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 11, '64 '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord ; appreh. joined Co. Sept. 26, ; ; dishon. disch. as a Priv. Oct. 5, '65, by sentence G. C. M. Maney, Thomas F. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Manning, Charles R. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

; ; ; '61, ; paid Manning, Rodney A. Co. I b. New Hampshire age 22 res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, in ; '62. by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Sergt. ; tr. to Co. B, 2 Cav., U. S. A., Oct. 27, Killed Aug. 1, '63, Brandy Station, Va., while a Priv. Manning, Thomas. Co. G. See Thomas F. Maney, 10 N. H. V. • Mansergh, Henry. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 32; cred. Newbury; enl. Oct. 4, '64; must, in Oct. 4, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 11, '65, 24 A. C. Field Hosp., Va. '61, Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; Manson, Alvah. 19 ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Feb., '63 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., War- saw, N. Y.

; '63 '63, ; Manzer, James M. Co. F ; b. Vermont ; age 18 ; cred. Hooksett enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Montgomery, Vt.

; ; ; enl. '62 ; '62, Marden, Alfred L. Co. B ; b. Concord age 23 res. Concord, cred. Concord Aug. 6, must, in Aug. 12, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 10, '63, Georgetown, D. C. P. O. ad., "West Concord.

; ; enl. '63 '63, Mareau, Peter. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 28 res. Troy, N. Y., cred. Cornish Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. des. Sept. 8, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. '63 '63, Mariete, Thomas. Co. K ; b. Italy ; age 28 ; res. Italy, cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, as Priv. ; des. and

appreh. Apr. 11, '64, "Torktown, "va. ; des. Sept. 21, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va. Marks, William. Co. B. See Joseph Clark. '61 '61, '62, Marr, John. Co. K ; b. Ireland; age 20 ; enl. May 21, ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d),

Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 16, '63, Washington, D. C.

Co. A ; b. Keene ; age 20 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Marsh, Henry H. ; '64. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21,

; res. ; enl. '61, for ; in Marshall, Christopher J. Co. K ; b. Annapolis, N. S. age 22; Portsmouth Apr. 19, 3 mos. not must, ;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Corp. ; wd. and mis. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. gd. ;

from mis. ; disch. wds. July 18, '62. Died Aug. 18, '70. '64 '64, Marshall, Bd"ward. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Huntington, Can. ; age 28 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8,

£is Priv. ; disch. to date Dec. 19, '65. '61, '61, Marshall, Thomas E. Co. G ; b. Mason ; age 23 ; res. Mason ; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 15, '63 for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in '64 '65. Jan. i; ; app. 1 Lt. Co. I, June 24, '64 ; Capt. Apr. 27, '65 ; must. out. Dec. 19, P. 0. ad., GreenvUle.

; ; ; '61 ; '61 Marston, Gilman. F. and S. b. Orford age 49 ; res. Exeter app. Col. June 4, must, in June 10, ; wd. sev. July 21,

'61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Apr. 16, '63, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations. Martie, John A. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. '62 Martin, Addison S. Co. B ; b. Hooksett ; age 37 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv. disch. June 2, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad.. West Concord. See State Service. '61 '61, Martin, Daniel. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; res. Goffstown ; enl. May 21, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 21,

'61, Bull Run, Va. ; exch. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., South Boston, Mass. '62 Martir., Daniel S. Co. B ; b. Hooksett ; age 23 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 7, ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. wd. Dec. 14, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 17, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Martir., Edward. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 35; cred. Dublin; enl. Nov. 20, '63; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv.; returned to

Marine Corps Mar. 29, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f . r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. 22, Martir., Hazen B. Co. I; b. New Hampshire ; age 27; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3mos. ; not must, in paid by ; '61, State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Corp. ; resigned warrant Nov. 1, '61 ; captd. June 30, '62,

White Oak Swamp, Va. ; released ; disch. disab. June 18, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Franklin.

Martir., Henry. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; res. Martin's Location, cred. Martin's Location ; enl. Oct. 6, '64 ; must. '65. in Oct. 6, '64, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '62 Martir., James. Co. F ; b. Donegal, Ir. ; age 18 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Mar. 6, ; must, in as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, White '62 '62 Oak Swamp, Va. par. July 19, ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 5, ; disch. Mar. 6, '65, Petersburg, Va., tra. ex. \ ; 4, Martir., James M. Co. D; b. Woonsocket, R. I. ; age 18; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 7, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. See 1 N. H. V. Martin, John. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. Mason, Charles. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Manchester; enl. Oct. 18, '64; must, in Oct. 18, '64, as Priv.; disch. Dec. 10, '65, City Point, Va. Mason, George. Co. E; b. England; age 29; cred. Dunbarton; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; furloughed

June 28, '64, from Knight Gen. Hosp., New Haven, Conn. ; absent without leave. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; res. Manchester enl. 11, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mason, John A. Co. C ; b. Vermont age 32 ; May July 10, '61. Supposed identical with John A. Mason, Co. G, 4 N. H. V., and Co. D, 10 N. H. V. ;;;;


'63, Priv. mis. Mason, Lewis. Co. H; b. France; age 39; i-es. Canada, ored. Bath; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, as ; '65. Oct. 28, '64, Fair Oaks, Va. gd. from mis. Feb. 16, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, ; '61; must, in June '61, as Masters, Charles A. Co. E; b. New York city ; age 21; res. South Newmarket ; eul. May 3, 3,

Priv. ; des. Nov. 1, '62, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. Died Mathews, George. Co. G; b. New York city; age 20; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. Oct. 27, '65, Tappahannock, Va. Max, Augustus. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. paid by ; enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; Maxwell, Oliver P. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 22 ; res. Portsmouth Apr. 19, P. '61, ; disab. '61, Washington, D. C. O. State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Sergt. disch. Aug. 1,

ad., Portsmouth'. , Priv.; May, James A. Co. B; b. Massachusetts; age 23; res. Rowley, Mass.; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as disch. disab. Oct. 22, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Mayer. See Meyer. '63 must, in Dec. as ; city, cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 2, ; 2, 63, Mayers, Charles. Co. H ; b. Germany ; age 24 res. New York Priv.; furloughed June 18, '64, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Mayers. See Meyers and Myers. ^ in paid by State ; ; res. Barnston, C. E. ; enl. 2, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, ; ; Mayhew, James. Co. F b. England ; age 21 May '62, re-enl. and must, in re-enl. May 22, '61, for 8 yrs.; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Ruu (2d), Va. ; '65. Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Conway ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad., Albany.

'61 ; in June '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. ; ; enl. 27, must, 1, Mayo, GUes H. Co. B ; b. Eden, Me. age 18 ; res. Bedford, Mass. May disab. Aug. '63 ; '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; disch. 24, May 6, ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64, Washington, D. C. McAuley, James. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. ,^ ,„ „, ^ , 3 '61, ; must, in ; re-enl. May 10, 61, for ; ; res. enl. Apr. for 3 mos. not McCabe, John. Co. D ; b. Ireland age 23 Dover ; 18, '64. yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Piiv. ; must, out June 21, in paid by '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, McOaflfry, Patrick. Co. F ; b. St. Sylvester, Can. ; age 22 ; res. Lancaster; enl. May 6, ; '62. State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 8, McCarthy, Oallaghan J. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

; enl. Oct. '64 must, in Oct. 3, '64, as Priv. McCarthy, Timothy. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Wakefield 3, ; des. to the enemy Nov. 9, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. McCarty, John. Co.F; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Nelson; enl. Dec. 5, '64; must, in Dec. 5, '64, as Priv.; des.

Jan. 1, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va. gd. from des. ; des. Sept. 14, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. ; '64 '64, Priv. must. MoCarty, Thomas. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as ; out Dec. 19, '65. McCary, Edward B. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

; enl. '61 ; '61, Priv. McCatherine, Thomas. Co. B ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Boston, Mass. May 27, must, in June 1, as des. June 12, '61, Portsmouth. McCawley. See McAuley. MoCloud, Prank. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

McConnell, Robert. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 45; res. Enfield, cred. Canaan ; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 22, '65. P. O. ad.. Bethel, Me. See 11 N. H. V. MoCormick, George. Co. F; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 26; cred. Manchester; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must, in Oct. 17,

'64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Nov. 19, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. '63 McCormick, James. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 38 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 2, '64, Brooklyn, N. Y. '64 McCoy, Patrick. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. Dec. 8, ; must, in Dec. 8, '64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass.

McCoy, Stephen. Co. H ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; res. Canada, cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; nmst. in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. Sept. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

McCulley, Co. F ; substitute ; b. ; age ; cred. Francestown ; enl. Oct. '64 '64, Robert. Canada 30 6, ; must, in Oct. 6, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64 McCuUum, John. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 33 ; cred. Canaan ; enl. Dec. .1, ; must, in Dec. 3, '64, as Priv. ; app. '65 '65. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Serg-t. Sept. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '64 McCune, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. England ; age 23 ; cred. New Hampton ; enl. Dec. 6, ; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. McDonald. James. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

McDonald, James. Co. K ; b. Nova Scotia ; age ; res. Nova Scotia, cred. Keeue ; enl. '63 20 Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as

Priv. ; des. June 11, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Co. b. Ireland cred. Manchester enl. '63 '63, McDonald, John. D ; ; age 22 ; ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; must out Dec. 19, '65.

McDonald, Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. '63 John. 24 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. N. f . r. A. G. O. ,

McDonald, John S. Co. K ; b. Chelsea, Mass. ; age 26 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by '61 State ; re-enl. May 21, , for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July, '61 ; Sergt. '62 May, ; 1 Sergt. May '63 ; 2 Lt. '63 ; tr. '63 '64. Co. G, July 13, to Co. K, Dec. 10, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Norway, Me. McDonough, Owen. Co. K; b. England; age 29; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; des.;

appreh. ; executed for des. Apr. 29, '64, Williamsburg, Va., by sentence G. C. M.

McBvoy, John. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred, Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in '63, Nov. 14, as Priv. ; killed Mav 14, '64, Petersburg, Va.

McGinness, Arthur. Co. D; b. New Brunswick; age 18; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv • des. Apr. 15, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. b. res. McGlauflin, Charles A. Co. C ; Westborough, Mass. ; age 18 ; Manchester ; enl. May 13, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, a.s '62, '62 Priv. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; Sorgt. Jan. '63 1, ; 1 Sergt. July 2, '63 ; re-enl. '64 '65. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; app. 1 Lt. Co. E, June 24, ; disch. May 17, P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; res. Shirley, Mass. ; enl. May '61 ; '61, McGovarn, Pelix. 21, must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. July

2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa, ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 21, '64.

b. Ireland ; cred. ; enl. '63 • McGrath, Patrick. Co. A ; ; age 26 Manchester Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv. des Dec. 5, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. McGrath, Patrick. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

b. ; ; res. ; McGraw, Mon-is P. Co. K ; Boston, Mass. age 21 Portsmouth enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.

captd. May '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; released disch. May 22, '62, Washington, 5, ; D. C. P. O, ad., Carabridgeport, Mass. ;;;;;


'63 '63, MoGue, Peter. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; S. O. 268, W. I). A. G. O., dated May 31, '65, orders his discharge, he being a minor. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, McGuire, James. Co. I; b. Derry, Ir. ; age 27; cred. Chester; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Deo. 2, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3,

Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 29, '65. _ MoGuire, Philip. Co. B; b Ireland; age 22; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 5, '61; must, in Dec. 5, '61, as Priv.; des. Mar. 25, '65, White House, Va. McHugh, Patrick. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Marlborough; eul. Dec. 7, '64; must, in Dec. 7, '64, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Mclnnis, Angus. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Molntire, Charles Co. b. Lancaster; age 29 '63 in Apr. '63, as Priv.; disch. B. G; ; cred. Lancaster; enl. Apr. 20, ; must, 21, disab. June 2, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Lancaster.

Molntire, James. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Deerfleld ; eul. Oct. 10, '64 ; must, in Oct. 10, '64, as Priv. des. Apr. 20, '65; appreh. May 11, '65; sentenced by G. C. M. to be dishou. disch., to forfeit all pay and allowances and to

be confined at hard yrs., ; '65 '65, labor 2 at Norfolk, Va. confined at Norfolk, Va., June 19, ; sent to hosp. July 7, and es- caped July 17, '65. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Molntire. See Mclntyre.

Mcintosh, Co. A ; b. Saratoga, ; res. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Charles 26 ; Apr. H. N. Y. age Swanzey ; eul. 25, ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. '64 ; cred. Portsmouth Mav 31, 1, ; killed June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Mclntyre, William Co. ; b. Scotland ; age ; res. Portsmouth enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by K ; 27, C 33 ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Supposed identical with William C. Mclntyre, Co. D, 9 N. H. V. Mclntyre. See Molntire. McKinnon, Daniel B. Uuas'd; b. Rhode Island; age 21; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; '63 forwarded to 3 N. H. V. by error under name of William Nash, and taken up on roll of Co. A for Dec, ; dropped from

subsequent rolls as William Nash, and taken up as Daniel B. Mcliinnon ; wd. May 13, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. Died, wds. July 16, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 '61, McKinnon, George "W. Co. C ; b. Colebrook ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ^ enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. 24, as Priv.

wd. sev. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. Aug. 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va. See 1 N. II. V. '61, McKinnon, Malcom. Co. C ; b. Pittsburg ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 16, '61 ; must, in Aug. 24, as Priv. ; wd.

sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. Dec. 22, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Saco, Me. See 1 N. H. V. and V. R. C. '61, McKinnon, Walter H. Co. E ; b. Manchester ; age 18 ; res. Manchestei- ; enl. Aug. 10, '61 ; must, in Aug. 19, as Priv. disch. A>ig. 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex.

McLean, James. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 36 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Oct. 4, '64 ; must, in Oct. 4, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ohio.

McManus, Michael. Co. A ; b. New York city ; age 23 ; res. Fitzwilliara ; enl. May 5, '61, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in paid by ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. Dec. 1,

'63 ; must, out June 21, '64. '63 '63, McMarie, Robert W. Co. G ; b. Scotland ; age 22 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jlay 15, '65, Manchester, Va. '63 '63, McMaster, John. Co. C ; b. Scotland ; age 40 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 12, '64, Point of Rocks, Va. '63 '63, McMillan, Thomas. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 33; ered. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 16, as Priv. ; tr. to " " " S. Navy Apr. '64, as served S. S. Calypso ; des. Dec. 23, '64, from S. S. Calypso." U. 30, an Ord. Seaman ; on U. U. '64 '64, McNally, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Freedom ; enl. Oct. 5, ; must, in Oct. 5, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

McNeil, James. Co. B ; substitute. See 13 N. H. V. '63 McNeil, Paul. Co. F ; b. Scotland ; age 43 ; cred. Conooid ; enl. Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

'63 '63, ; tr. McNichols, Daniel. Co. K ; b. Derry, Ir. ; age 36 ; cred. East Kingston ; enl. Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. " " " " '65 to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Quaker City ; tr. to Princeton May 17, ; never reported on latter vessel. N. f. r. Navy Dept. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. '63; '63, McPherson, John. Co. F; b. Nova Scotia ; age 33; cred. Hillsborough; enl. Nov. 16, must, in Nov. 16, as Priv.;

captd. Oct. 28, '64 ; released. Died Mar. 4, '65, Annapolis, Md. McQuney, Michael. Co. E. See 17 N. H. V.

; ; res. Milford enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State McRobbie. Alexander. Co. G b. Scotland ; age 33 ; 25, ; ;

re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

; res. enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Mead, James M. Co. F ; b. Holderness ; age 18 New Hampton ; ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 23, '61, Portsmouth. See 12 N. H. V.

; ; res. Boston, ; enl. '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. Meader, Hamilton A. Co. C b. Tamworth ; age 23 Mass. May 21, 1,

app. Corp. Sept., '61 ; des. Feb. 10, '63, near Falmouth, Va. Medley, Richard. Co. C. See 12 N. H. V. Mehel, Jacob. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Mellen, James L. Co. G; b. Wasliington; age 20; res. Washington; enl. May 2, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 15, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 19, '63, Washington, D. C. '63 ; ; cred. Holderness enl. Deo. must, in Dec. B. ; 2, Melville, Henry. Co. H ; b. St. John, N. B. age 34 ; res. St. John, N. ; 2, '64. '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 29, N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. Mendum, John. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

]\Iass. ; 21 res. ; enl. July '61 ; must, in Aug. '61, as Merriam, Wilder. Band ; b. Westminster, age ; Gardner, Mass. 22, 7,

2 Class Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., West Gardner, Mass.

; ; 22 res. Pittsburg ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; le- Merrill, Cyrus W. Co. F b. Lincoln age ; ; '61, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Jui^e 4, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 21, Bull Run, Va. Merrill, Jonathan. Co. I; b. Woodstock; age 20; res. Canaan; enl. May 20, '61; must, in Juue 7, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. '64. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Bradford.

; ; '61 ; in '61, Priv. ; '62, Merrill, Noah D. Co. D age 24 ; res. Claremont enl. June 1, must, June 1, as wd. and oaptd. Aug. 29, Bull Run (26l), Va. par. Sept. 2, '62. Died, wds. Sept. 16, '62, Washington, D. C. ; '62 '62, Merrill, Samuel B. Co. F ; b. Peacham, Vt. ; age 21 ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. ; app. '64 Sergt. July 1, '64 ; 1 Sergt. Nov. 3, ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Exeter. '61, Simon.'^Co. F ; b. Woodstock ; age 31 ; res. Pittsburg ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by re- Merrill, ; State ; '61, enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Dec. 25, '88,^Clarksville. ;';


Merrow, Prank. TJnas'd. See Frank Monroe.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, as Asst. Merrow, James M. F. and S. b. Newfield, Me. age 32 ; res. RoUinsford app. June 10, must, in June 10,

Surg. ; app. Surg. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, out June 21, '64. Died 1870, Newfield, Me.

; ; '61, ; must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Merrow, Jaraes S. Co. F b. Alton ; age 25 res. Alton ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. not ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Alton.

Meserve, Joseph C. Co. E ; b. Barnstead ; age ; res. ; '61, ; 18 Northwood enl. Apr. 26, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by '61, State ; re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Pun, Va. ; disch. wds. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. South Barnstead. See 9 N. H. V.

Messer, Charles. Co. H ; b. Methuen, Mass. ; ; res. ; enl. '61, for 3 ; in age 31 Somersworth Apr. 25, mos. not must, ; paid by

State; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61, Washington, D. C. Died Nov. 15, '85, Dover.

Messer, Pifleld H. Co. B ; b. Hollis ; age 40 ; res. Amherst, cred. Amherst ; enl. Aug. 14, '62 ; must, in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv. wd. June 30, '64, Petersbm-g, Va. Died, wds. July 10, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Messinger, Addison C. Co. I ; b. Stoddard ; age 26 ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Sept. 28, '63 ; must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. See 16 N. H. V.

Metcalf, Henry N. Co. A ; b. Keene ; age ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos., as Priv. ; not must, in paid by State 28 ; '61, re^nl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date May 22, '61, as 1 Lt.; tr. to Co. F, Nov. 1, '61 ; app.

Capt. Aug. 13, '62 ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Meyer, Albert. Co. K ; b. Germany ; age 23 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 11, '63 ; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. May

1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Meyers, Abraham. Co. B ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 13, '64, Yorktown, Va. Meyers. See Mayers and Myers.

Co. A ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Miles, Danvers. ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. July 30, '62. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

Co. A ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. '61, for mos. ; not must, in paid State Miles, George. 25 Apr. 30, 3 ; by

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv; killed June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va.

Miller, Alexander. Co. C ; b. Scotland ; age 22 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. " Quaker City " ; tr. to U. S. S. " Princeton May 17, '65, but never

reported on latter vessel. N. f . r. Navy Dept. Miller, Jacob. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Miller, John. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Miller, John. Co. E ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept.

1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Died Aug. 10, '83, Framingham, Mass. '63 Miller, John. Co. F ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. MUler, John. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

Miller, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Salisbury ; enl. Dec. 8, '64 ; must, in Dec. 8, '64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. '61, Miller, Robert. Co. D ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 28 ; res. Milton ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 10, '61, '62 for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug. 1, '61 ; Sergt. Aug. 11, ; 1 Sergt. May 7, '63 ; 2 Lt. Co. A, '63 '64. July 10, ; must, out June 21, Died Feb. 12, '83, Milton. Miller, Robert. Co. H; b. Scotland; age 20; res. New York city, cred. Bath; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. des. Mar. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, William Co. F ; b. Holdemess ; age 18 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Mills, D. ;

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. Died Aug. 26, '62. Milton, Charles A. Co. B; b. Claremont; age 22; res. Claremont; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt.; disch. Oct. 5, '61, Washington, D. C, to accept appointment of Medical Cadet. See Miscel. Organizations and State Service. '61 Minor, Michael C. Co. I ; b. Abbottsford, C. E. ; age 26 ; res. Canaan ; enl. May 19, ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Cambridgeborough, Pa.

; ; '61 ; Mitchell, Edward I. Co. D ; b. Manchester age 16 res. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 24, must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Muse. disch. disab. Oct. 1, '62. P. O. ad., Cairo, 111. Mitchell, Prank. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. Mitchell, Isaac. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. '63 Mitchell, Richard. Co. F ; b. Scotland ; age 19 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 18, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

b. ; res. ; '61 Mitchell, Sewell. Co. B ; Gardiner, Me. age 19 ; Newmarket enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '63 '64. Jan. 1, ; must, out June 21, Mitchell, Thomas. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V.

Mix, Daniel. Co. I ; b. Clinton County, N. Y. ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by '61, '61, State ; re-enl. May 23, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Wagoner ; des. Feb. 14, '62, Budd's Ferry, Md.

Co. b. New York ; age ; res. ; enl. '61 ; K ; York Mix, William H. 20 New May 21, must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug.

'62, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. mis. ; app. Corp. '63 '63, 29, ; from May, ; wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Sergt. Sept., '63 ; disch. Dec. 22, '63, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. Moblo, Peter. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. MoUoy, Dennis. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Molloy, John. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 28; res. Dover; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3

yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 22, '62.

• William. Co. G ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Hinsdale enl. Dec. '64 Monaghan, ; ; 6, ; must, in Dec. 6, '64, ' as Priv.' must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Monahan, John. Co. H ; b. Taunton, Mass ; age 24 ; res. Taunton, Mass. ; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. ' '61, yrs. '61, ; '64, May 10, for 3 ; must, in June 5, as Priv. disch. disab. May 19, Boston, Mass. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

Frank. Unas'd ; b. Elizabethtown, N. J. ; age 21 ; cred. Stratham ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; '63 Monroe, must, in Dec. 2, as Priv• . . N. f . r. A. G. O. Monroe, John. Co. F; substitute; b. Brock ville, Can.; age 21; cred. Nashua; enl. Dec. 2, '64; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 11, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. Monroe. See Munroe.

Monrow, Robert. Co. E ; b. Lancaster, Pa. ; age 44 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. '63 ; '63, 27, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch

disab. Aug. 16, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. . ;;;


; res. ; '61, Montgomery, William. Co. H ; b. Salem, N. Y. age 37 ; Hopkiuton enl. Apr. 23, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-eiil.

May 13, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '01, as Corp. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 21, '61 ; 1 Sergt.

Mar. 1, '63 ; 2 Lt. June 18, '63 ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Contoocook.

Mooar, Oscar Co. I ; b. Massachusetts ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State A. ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Lt. Sept. 1, '62. Died, dis. July 31, '63, Manchester. Mooar. See Moore.

Moody, Ammon. Co. F ; b. Tamworth ; age 28 ; res. Ellsworth ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; '61, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. 12, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Tilton.

Moore, Charles. Co. H ; b. England ; age 23 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. des. July 10, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va.

Moore, Charles A. Co. C ; b. Chichester ; age 21 ; res. Pembroke, cred. Pembroke ; enl. Aug. 9, '62 ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as

Priv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See State Service.

Moore, Henry. Co. B ; b. Grantham ; age ; res. Goffstown enl. '61 ; '61, ; 21 ; May 27, must, in June 1, as Priv. captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va.; par.; disch. disab. July 15, '62. P. O. ad., Goifstown.

Moore, John. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roU dated Dec. 19, '65, as absent in arrest for theft. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '64 Moore, John. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Alstead ; enl. Deo. 8, ; must, in Dec. 8, '64, as Priv. ; disch. Aug. 5, '65, Concord. Moore, John C. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Moore, John C. W. Co. B ; b. Wells, Me. age 24 res. Concord enl. May 27, must, in June 1, as Priv. disch., to accept promotion, Feb. 21, '63, near Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Concord. See 11 N. 11. V. Moore, John H. Co. C; b. Pembroke; age 18; res. Pembroke; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61, Moore, John J. Co. G ; b. Dublin ; age 22 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Apr. 26, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 25, '61, '63 '64. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Meadville, Pa.

Moore, Norton R. Co. C ; b. Goffstown ; age 30 ; res. Goffstown ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; app. Sergt.

Maj. Oct. 26, '61 ; 2 Lt. Co. F, July 11, '62 ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull l^un (2d), Va.

Moore, Samuel. Co. I ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3,

'64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. ; disch. to date Sept. 30, '65. P. O. ad., Clinton, N. C. Moolre. See Mooar.

Moores, Timothy G. Co. B ; b. Concord ; age 21 ; res. Hopkinton, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 9, '62 ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '63, Georgetown, D. C. See State Service.

Moran, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 31 ; cred. Sutton ; enl. Nov. 25, '64 ; must, in Nov. 25, '64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 21, '64, GaUoup's Isl., B. H., Mass. Morgan, Columbus. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. '61 '61, Morgan, Frank "W. Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 21 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 7, ; must, in Sept. 20, as Priv. ; app. '63 Corp. Aug. 9, '62 ; Sergt. July 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. 1 Lt. June 24, '64 ; Capt. Co. P, Apr. 1, '65 must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Hopkinton.

; ; enl. '63 '63, Priv. ; dea. Morgan, Frederick. Co. I ; b. Germany age 28 ; cred. Newmarket Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Nov. 19, '64, while on furlough from hosp.

; Vt. ; enl. Apr. '61, for mos. ; not must, in paid Morgan, George W. Co. F ; b. Barnet, Vt. age 22 ; res. Maidstone, 23, 3 ; by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run

(2d), Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Lancaster. Morgan, Paul C. Co. E; b. Clinton, Mass.; age 18; res. Roxbury; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. '62, Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 10, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad., Ayer, Mass.

; res. ; enl. '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; killed Morgrage, William O. Co. I ; b. Goffstown age 19 ; Goffstown May 9, 7, Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d}, Va. Mori, John. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Morierty, Cornelius. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

res. Exeter ; enl. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. Morrill, William H. Co. E ; b. Brentwood ; age 18 ; May 1,

must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va.

; cred. enl. Dec. '63 must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Morris, Robert. Co. G; b. Philadelphia, Pa. age 35 ; HoUis ; 1, ; 1, U. " " " ; tr. to S. S. Princeton," '65, Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Quaker City U. May 17, but

never reported on latter vessel. N. f . r. Navy Dept.

; "age 19 res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in Morrison, Andrew. Co. D ; b. South Boston, Mass. ; ; '61, '61. paid by State ; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 30, P. O. ad., Dover. See 4 N. H. V. '63 ; ; cred. ; enl. Nov. 27, must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; tr. Morrison, Frank. Co. E ; b. Newburgh, N. Y. age 22 Goffstown ; " " City," " Cambridge," " to U. S. Navy Apr. 29, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Florida," Quaker New Hampshire," " '65, " and Sophronia " ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 17, from Sophroma,"as Boatswain's Mate. Morrow, Robert. Co. E. See Robert Monrow. Morse, Charles B. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V.

; ; res. Manchester ; enl. 9, '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Morse, Elijah A. Co. C b. Manchester age 25 ; May 1, May 22, '62, Washington, D. C.

; res. Acworth ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in age 20 ; 22, paid by State Morse, Henry L. Co. I ; b. Boston, Mass. ; ; '61, '61, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Priv. ; killed July 21, Bull Run, Va.

1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Chester. See 8 N. H. V.

; ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. '62 ; in '62, Morse, William B. Co. B ; b. Watei-ville, Vt. age 19 6, must, Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 14, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 18, near Falmouth, Va.

; ; ; cred. Whitefield ; enl. Oct. '64 ; must, in Oct. '64, Moss, Edgar. Co. B ; substitute b. New York age 21 13, 13, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. enl. '61, Mott, Perkins F. Co. H; b. MottviUe, N. Y. ; age 22; res. Somersworth; Apr. 29, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '61, State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 15, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Died June 10, '93. Moulton, Charles W. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. enl. '63 '63, Moulton, Clark S. Co. C ; b. Vermont ; age 28 ; cred. Goffstown ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 17, '64, while on furlough. ;;


'62, disch. Co. B ; b. Concord, Vt. ; cred. enl. '62 must, in Aug. 18, as Priv. ; Moulton, Hosea B. age 19 ; Nelson Aug. 15, ; ; Dec. 10, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. 0. ad., Washington, D. C. Moulton, Joseph P. Co. K; b. Salem, Mass.; age 20; res. Laconia; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; app.

Serg-t. July, '63 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Manchester. Mueller, Gustave. Co. G; b. Germany; age 25; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp, '64 Nov. 1, ; Sergt. Oct. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Mullen, John. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Mullen, Michael. Co. H; b. Boston, Mass.; age 18; res. Boston, Mass.; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 24, '63, Philadelphia, Pa.

Mullen, Peter. Co. A ; b. Ireland age ; cred. ; '63 ; '63, ; '64, ; 25 Concord enl. Nov. 23, must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. des. Feb. 1, Pt. Lookout, Md.

MuUer, Herman. Co. E ; b. Germany ; age 18 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " " " " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Calypso and ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 7, '65.

Muller, James. Co. ; b. Ireland; enl. '63 '63, ; '63, K age 30 ; cred. Plainfield in as Priv. des. Dec. 2, ; Nov. 20, ; must, Nov. 20, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Muller, Robert. Co. F ; b. Denmark ; ; cred. ; '63 '63, Priv. ; des. Apr. age 30 Milford enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as 12, '64, Yorktown, Va.

MuUins, Michael. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; ; cred. '63 '63, Priv. ; must, out age 21 Manchester ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Dec. 19, '65. P. 0. ad., Nat. Home, Wis. Mulvay, Peter. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Munroe, Alexander. Co. E; b. New York city ; age 29; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 16, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Munroe, Frank. Unas'd; substitute; b. cred. ; enl. 1, 1, as Priv.; England ; age 23; Wakefield Dec. '64; must, in Dec. '64, des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Munroe. See Monroe.

Murphy, Charles. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 26 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 3, '63 ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as

Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy '64, " " ; '64, receiving Apr. 23, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. State of Georgia des. Oct. 2, from ship. New York.

Murphy, Dennis. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 6, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs.

must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Somersworth ; des. Aug. 10, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. Murphy, James. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Hebron; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

; ; ; ; '61, ; Murphy, Jeremiah. Co. K b. Ireland age 34 res. Portsmouth enl. Apr. 18, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; ; '63 re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 25, '62, Alexandria, Va. ; returned Mar. 31, ; des.

and appreh. Feb. 22, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. ; wd. Aug. 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Apr. 24, '65, Richmond, Va., tm. ex. Murphy, John. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. '64 K. ; ; '64, . Murphy, John. Co. substitute b. Canada ; age 23 ; cred. Marlborough ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv ; des.' to the enemy Feb. 13, '05, ChafRn's Farm, Va.

Murphy, Martin. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 2, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Murphy, Matthe'W. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 14, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

substitute ; '64 ; '64, Murphy, Patrick. Co. F ; ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Somersworth enl. Oct. 7, must, in Oct. 7, as Priv. disch. June 17, '65, Norfolk, Va. Murphy, Thomas. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Murphy, William. Co. C. See Edward Hooker.

b. ; cred. ; '63 '63, ; Murray, Daniel. Co. C ; Ireland age 37 ; Manchester enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. app. Corp. '65. Nov. 1, '64 ; Serg-t. Nov. 1, '65 ; must, out Deo. 19, '63 Murray, John. Co. E ; b. Cecil, Md. ; age 20 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. Died Jan. 26, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, P. Co. F ; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 30 ; res. Lincoln ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State William ; Murray, ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yis. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; hanged Aug. 2, '61, Alexandria, Va., for the murder of Mary Butler.

; ; ; res. (Fisherville, enl. '61, ; Mussey, John B. Co. E b. Northfield age 23 Concord now Penacook) ; Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must.

in; paid by State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

; ; res. Concord, cred. ; enl. '62 ; Mutch, Charles T. Co. B b. North Andover, Mass. age 23 ; Concord Aug. 6, must, in Aug.

12, '62, as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. P. 0. ad.. Concord.

; ; cred. Andover ; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in '63, ; Myers, Henry. Co. B ; b. New York age 20 24, Nov. 24, as Priv. wd. June 3,

'64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 2, '65, New York city.

; ; res. city, cred. Nelson ; enl. '63 ; '63, Myers, William. Co. B ; b. Denmark age 20 New York Nov. 23, must, in Nov. 23, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Jsly 22, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Died Apr. 28, '92, Boston, Mass. Myers. See Mayers and Meyers. '63 ; b. ; cred. Concord enl. Nov. 24, must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; Nash, Charles. Co. A New York age 25 ; ; ; 24, app. Corp. July

1, '64 ; des. Sept. 10, '65, Aquia Creek, Va. enl. '61, Co. A ; b. Worcester, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Keene ; Apr. 29, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Nash, Frank. ; '61, '63, re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 7, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Tilton.

; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for mos. ; not Co. H ; b. Mendon, Vt. age 19 ; 3 must, in ; paid by State Nash, Philip E. ;

'61, Priv. ; des. '62, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yi'S. ; must, in June 5, as on or about June 30, on march from Fair Oaks, Va.,

; '62, hosp., to Harrison's Landing, Va. ; appreh. des. Sept. 5, from Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Muskegon, Mich. '61 b. Nottingham ; age 21 ; res. Nottingham ; enl. Aug. 5, ; must, in Aug. 5, '61, as Priv. Sept. Nealy, Ezra T. Co. C ; Died ' 30, '61, Bladensburg, Md.

;' ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov, '63 ; must, in '63, Needel Casper. Co. E ; b. Germany age 34 27, Nov. 28, as Priv. ; entered Base Hosp., 18 A. C, Va., Aug. 11, '84. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 ; ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; Neilsen, Johen. Co. C ; b. Denmark age 20 25, wd. sev. June '65, 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 3, Chafiin's Farm, Va.

app. Corp. ; des. Sept. 27, '65, Tappahannock, Va. Co. F. See Charles F. Nutter. Nelson,, FrankFrank. ;


Nelson, George. Co. B; b. New York; age 23; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; des. Api-. 13, '64, Yorktown, Va.

Newell, Daniel Co. I ; b. Kochester ; age ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, ; paid by State W. 19 for 3 mos. not must, in ; ; re-enl. '61, '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, as Muse. ; app. Pi'in. Muse. May 22, '62 ; disch. disab. Jan. 22, '63, Fal- mouth, Va. P. O. ad., Medway, Mass.

Newell, James. Co. A; b. Quebec, Can.; age 22 ; res. Marlborough; enl. Aug. 9, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; disch. Oct. 31, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Marlborough. Newell, John M. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Newell, Samuel l . Co. I; b. Exeter; age 19; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for yrs. ; '61, '62 3 must, in June 7, as Muse. ; tr. to Co. D, 2 Cav., U. S. A., Oct. 27, ; disch. as Priv. Dec. 6, '64, Camp Russell, Va. P. O. ad., Syracuse, N. Y.

Charles. Co. A b. ; '63 '63, ; Newman, ; Scotland age 23 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. killed June 4, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Newman, Blisha B. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 27 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. July 23, '61 ; must, in Aug. 21, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 5, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '62, Newton, Harvey M. Co. E ; b. Windsor, Vt. ; age 32 ; res. Temple, cred. Temple ; enl. Aug. 18, '62 ; must, in Aug. 19,

as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. Died Aug. 18, '72, Lyndeborough. See 1 N. H. V.

Newton, John. Co. C ; b. France ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; wd. June Nov. 27, ; must, Nov. 27, 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; considered a deserter from Aug. 28, '64. N. f . r. A. G. O. '61, Nichols, Andrew S. Co. C ; b. Andover, Mass. ; age 35 ; res. Chester ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. June 21, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

Nichols, Frederick H. Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 18 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 2, '61 ; must, in Sept. 20, '61, as Priv. ; wd.

July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. Aug. 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '62 '62, Nichols, John H. Co. B ; b. Wilmington, Mass. ; age 31 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 7, ; must, in Aug. 12,

as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. June 3, '65, Richmond, Va. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. '63 '63, Priv. Nichols, Stephen. Co. K ; b. Illinois ; age 20 ; res. Ottawa, 111., cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, as entered 18 A. C. Base Hosp., Pt. of Rocks, Va., Feb. 15, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O.

'61 '61, ; Nickless, John. Co. C ; b. Hooksett ; age 21 ; res. Shirley, Mass. ; enl. May.9, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. disch. disab. July 10, '61. '61 '6 Corp. Nickson, George W. Co. C ; b. Pembroke ; age 25 ; res. Pembroke ; enl. May 10, ; must, in June 1 , 1 , as Priv. ; app. Jan. 1, '63; Sergt. May 1, '63; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64; app. 1 Lt. Co. D, June 24, '64; dismissed Jan. 7, '05. P. O. ad., Pembroke.

Co. A ; b. Roxbury ; ; ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Nims, Ruel P. age 23 res. Roxbury ; May 22. '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; tr. to 131 Co., 2d Batt'l, 1. C,

Mar. 16, '64 ; tr. to Co. D, 11 V. R. C. ; disch. June 13, '64, Washington, D. C., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Hinsdale.

Noblit, Albert. Co. F ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 30 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Langdon ; enl. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30,

'63, Priv. ; des. "64, '65 ; '65, as Oct. 17, near ChafiSn's Farm, Va. ; gd. from des. Mar. 29, des. Sept. 14, Fredericksburg, Va. '63 Nocente, Croce. Co. K ; b. Italy ; age 21 ; res. Italy, cred. Keene ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; entered Field '64. (Flying) Hosp., 18 A. C, Nov. 29, '64 ; entered Base Hosp., 18 A. C, Dec. 1, N. f. r. A. G. O.

Nolan, John. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Kingston ; enl. Oct. 5, '64 ; must, in Oct. 5, '64, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 10, '65, in the field, Va. 3, Norton, Harry C Co. K; b. Candia; age 19; res. Caudia; enl. May '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State ; re-enl.

May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 15, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See U. S. Navy. Norton, Henry. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. Norton, Hiram F. Co. K; b. Providence, R. I.; age 40; cred. Amherst; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; tr. to S. Navy Apr. '64, as a " City " " Release " disch. '64, U. 29, Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Quaker and ; disab. Oct. 15, from receiving ship, New York. Noyes, Charles F. Co. G; b. Haverhill; age 19; res. Lisbon; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re- '61 enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 13, '61 ; wd. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg,

; '64; '64, Pa. ; gd. from mis. tr. to 117 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C., Jan. 16, disch. June 6, Portsmouth Grove, R. I., tm, ex. P. O. ad., Whitefield.

Noyes, Edward R. Co. B ; b. Chelsea, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Concord ; eul. May 25, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 8, '62. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls.

; '61 '61, Noyes, Bleazer D. Co. H ; b. Colebrook ; age 21 ; res. Colebrook enl. May 27, ; must, in June 5, as Muse. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. June 11, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Noyes, Fairfield. Co. C ; b. Greenwood, Me. ; age 22 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 14, '61 ; must, in Aug. 14, '61, as Priv. Died Dec. 16, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md. '61, Noyes, Frank F. Co. G ; b. Haverhill ; age 18 ; res. Whitefield ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettys-

burg, Pa. ; disch. disab. Dec. 26, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Fresno Flats, Cal. 9, Noyes, George. Co. C; b. Bow; age 22 ; res. Dunbarton ; enl. May '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 10, '61. P. O. ad., Dunbarton. Noyes, Ira. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. '61 Noyes, Lucius P. Co. B ; b. New York ; age 22 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 20, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '64 '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; exch. ; app. Corp. July 1, '64 ; Sergt. Aug., ; disch. Sept. 16, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Salem, Mass. Noyes, Samuel L. Band; b. Gardner, Mass.; age 24; res. Keene; enl. July 25, '61; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 3 Class Muse; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Ashburnham, Mass. Nute, Charles. Co. G. See 13 N. H. V. b. res. enl. '61 Nutter, Charles F. Co. F ; WoKeborough ; age 19 ; Wakefield; May 27, ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 3, '62; re-enl. Feb. 11, '64; disch. Feb. II, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex.; name changed to Frank Nelson in '67. P. O. ad., Olympia, Wash. Nutter, Samuel O. Co. F; b. Lancaster; age 20; res. Lancaster; enl. Feb. 4, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv.; tr. to Co.

K, 4 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 5, '62 ; disch. Feb. 24, '65, Patrick Station, Va.

; ; 28 res. enl. Apr. 30, '61, for mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. Nutting, Augustus G. Co. G b. Groton, Mass. age ; Mason ; 3 May

17, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md. Obery, Moses. Co. E; b. Montreal, Can.; age 18; enl. Sept. 3, '61, at Concord; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. Mar. 9, '63, Concord.

res. enl. '61 ; must, in '61, O'Brien, Cornelius. Co. A; b. Massachusetts; age 16 ; Keene; Aug. 28, Sept. 14, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 24, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. ;


O'Brien, John. Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Haverhill; enl. Oct. 19, '64; must, in Oct. 19, '64, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 10, '65, in the field, Va. O'Brien, John M. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. O'Brien, Thomas. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

; '61, ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, O'Brien, Thomas. Co. G b. Ireland ; age 23 ; enl. May 28, at Portsmouth

'62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. June 3, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Wis. '64, Pt. '63 in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 25, O'Conner, John. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 26 ; cred. Hollis ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, 1, Lookout, Md. ti-. to Band 3 ; ; res. Concord ; enl. 28, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Muse. ; Odlin, John W. Co. B ; b. Concord age 19 May

N. H. v., Oct. 4, '61 ; disch. Apr. 20, '62. Died Mar. 10, '89, Concord. re- ; ; '61, for 3 ; must, in paid by State ; Ogden, John B. Co. I ; b. England ; age 24 res. Manchester enl. Apr. 22, mos. not ; '61 '63 must, out June 21, enl. May 22, '61 for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, ; Sergt. Nov. 1, ; '64. P. O. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. O'Grady, Patrick. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. '61, must, in; paid by Oliver, Samuel H. Co. I; b. Massachusetts ; age 23; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos.; not '64. State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Athol, Mass.

; ; '63 '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 4, Olsen, Julius. Co. G b. Sweden ; age 22 ; cred. Nashua enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; '63 ; in '63, as Priv. ; wd. O'Malley, Thomas. Co. K ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 21 cred. Concord enl. Nov. 17, must, Nov. 17, '65. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64 ; Sergt. May 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, O'Neal, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 5, '64; must, in Dec. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 13, '65, Kinsale, Va. '64 '64, O'Neal, Michael. Unas'd; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 22; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as

Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, en route to Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass. '64 '64, as O'Neil, Patrick P. Co. F ; substitute ; b. St. John's, N. F. ; age 20 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18,

Priv. ; must, oiit Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Charlestown, Mass. '64 '64, O'Rafferty, Peter. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Marlborough ; enl. Dec. 6, ; must, in Dec. 6, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass.

Ordway, John. Co. F ; b. Conway ; age ; res. Jefferson ; euL Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. 43 ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '63, Alexandria, Va. Died Nov. 5, '86, Nat. Home, TogTis, Me. Osbom, Charles. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V.

Osborne, John. Co. D ; age 18 ; enl. June 1, '61, at Portsmouth ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Otis, John H. Co. D; b. Boston, Mass.; age 18; res. Dover; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 10, '61,

for yrs. ; '61, ; '63 3 must, in June 1, as Priv. tr. to 2 Co., 1 Batt'l (became Co. F, 3 V. R. C), I. C, July 20, ; disch. June 1, '64, New Haven, Conn., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Dover. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

Otis, Co. D ; b. Strafford ; age ; res. Strafford ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; re-enl. '61, Moses. 38 22, not must, in ; May 13, for 3

yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. July 30, '61. P. O. ad., Strafford.

Oxford, William F. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 23 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 19, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. Died Aug. 5, '61, Richmond, Va. Page, Albert B. Co. E; b. Swanzey; age 21; res. Swanzey; enl. Aug. 24, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Feb. 28, '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Died July 20, '91.

Charles. Co. E ; b. Strafford age 42 cred. Exeter ; enl. '62 ; '62, Page, ; ; Aug. 8, must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 15, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Page, Horace. Co. H ; b. Henniker ; age 21 ; res. Henniker ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 ; not must, '61, mos. in ; re-enl. May 20, for yi's. '61, '61, 3 ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 22, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Deering. See 9 N. H. V. Page, William C. D. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. Paine. See Payne.

Palmer, Nathaniel F. Co. K; b. Portsmouth ; age 18; res. Portsmouth; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. Died, dis., Aug. 9, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.

b. ; res. '61, Palmer, Stephen H. Co. I; Fryeburg, Me. age 32 ; Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. '61, yi-s. '61, ; May 23, for 3 ; must, in June 7, as Corp. ; reduced to ranks ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. Aug. 14, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Paris, Francis B. Co. E and Non-com'd Staff. See 12 N. H. V.

Parker, Charles. Co. G ; b. England ; age 26 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, '63 ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; drowned in attempt to desert, Apr. 7, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. -

b. res. ; enl. '61 Parker, Charles M. Co. B ; Lowell, Mass. ; age 21 ; Manchester May 25, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd.

June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; des. Oct. 20, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

Parker, Bdwin T. Co. E ; b. Framingham, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Orford ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by

State re-enl. 21, for yi'S. ; in '61, Priv. ; ; May '61, 3 must, June 3, as wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to 171 2 Co. ' Batt'l, I. C, Mar. 8, '64 ; disch. June 9, '64, Brattleboro, Vt., tm. ex. See V. R. C. .

b. ; enl. '61 '61, Parker, Eugene A. Co. H ; Brookline ; age 21 May 10, ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S.

A., Nov. 5, '62 ; disch. disab. Oct. 23, '63, Alexandria, Va. Died Feb. 5, '78, Nat. Home, Togas, Me.

Co. b. England age 38 cred. Hillsborough ; enl. '63 ; Parker, George. A ; ; ; Nov. 14, must, in Nov. 14, '03, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. '64, S. " " Navy Apr. 28, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. State of Georgia " and A. D. Vance " ; disch. disab. Apr. 24 '65 Norfolk, Va. Parker, George. Co. K; b. England; age 24; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Apr. '64, as a served on S. S. " State of Georgia " " " Navy 30, Seaman ; U. and A. D. Vance ; disch. disab. Apr 24 '65 ' Norfolk, Va. ' Parker, GiflFord. Unas'd; substitute; b. New York; age 21; cred. Gilford; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv.

N. f . r. A. G. O.

F. S. ; b. Keene age ; res. Concord ; app. Chaplain '61 ; Parker, Henry E. and ; 40 June 10, must, in June 10, '61 ; disch. Aug. 5, '62. P. 0. ad., Hanover.

b. Plainfield cred. Plainfield ; enl. '63 ; James. Co. K ; ; age 22 ; Nov. 21, must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. des. Parker, ; June 21 , '64, near Bermuda Hundred, Va. Parker, James J., alias James B. Williamson. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

; b. Groton, Mass. ; age ; res. Nelson ; enl. Sept. '61 ; '61, Parker, Phineas A. Co. D 18 6, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 23, '63. ;;


2, Parker, William H. Co. II; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 16; les. Keeue ; enl. June 19, '61 ; must, in July '61, as Muse; disch. Aug. 28, '61, Bladensburg, Md., being unfit for a Drummer. P. O. ad., Deadwood, S. D. See 14 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

Parmenter, Warren H. Co. D ; b. Framingham, Mass. ; age 37 ; res. Dover ; app. 2 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date June 1, '61 ; app. 1 Lt. Aug. 1, '61 ; resigned July 8, '62. P. (). ad., Soldiers' Home, Tilton.

Parrett, Charles P. Co. I; b. Manchester; age 25; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-en). May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priy. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Parrish, Lyman P. Co. H ; b. Charlestown ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 ; not must, in paid by 20, mos. ; State le-enl. ; May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, dis. Feb. 20, '63, Manchester. Parrish, William E. Co. F; b. Charlestown; age 23; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, May 21, for 3 yrs.; must, m June 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. See 5 N. H. V.

Partington, Israel. Co. F ; substitute ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. 1, '64 ; must, in Oct. 1, '64, as Priv.

app. Corp. Oct. 1, '6.T ; must, out Dec. 19, '6.5.

Partridge, Simeon. Co. B ; b. Croydon ; res. cred. '62 in '62, as Priv. ; age 22 Concord, Concord ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, Aug. 12, Prin. app. Muse. Jan. 1, '65 ; disch. June 6, '65, Concord. P. 0. ad.. West Concord. Patch, Charles W. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 31; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, iu; paid by

State ; re-eul. May '61. ; ; '62 '63, 21, for 3 yrs. must, in June 8, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. 2 Lt. Aug. 1, ; wd. July 2, aud died, wds. July 10, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

William b. ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Patch, H. H. Co. B ; Salem, Mass. age res. Concord en). in 1, as Priv. captd. 20 ; May 13, must, June July '63, 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released ; must, out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad.. Concord.

Patrick, Henry W. Co. H ; b. Claremont ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, iu paid by State ; ; re-enl. '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63, New York city. Patterson, James. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Patterson, Joab N. Co. ; b. Hopkinton ; 26 ; res. '61, Priv. ; in re- H age enl. must, ; Hopkinton ; Apr. 22, for 3 mos., as not enl. '61, May 11, for 3 yrs. ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. May 23, '62 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; app. Lt. Col. June 21, '64; Col. Jan. 10, '65; must, eut Dec. 19, '65, Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V., to date Mar. 13, '65, for courage in battle and good conduct throughout the war. P. O. ad., Washingtou, D. C. Patterson, Samuel P. Co. B; b. Hopkinton; age 21; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 7, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.;

disch. Sept. '64, ; '65. 17, Concord, tm. ex. app. Sept. 1, '65, and must, iu Sept. 11, '65, as 1 Lt. Co. C ; must, out Dec. 19, P. O. ad.. Concord. '62; Patterson, W^illiam A. Co. B; b. Hopkinton ; age 25; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 9, must, in Aug. 9, '62, '62 as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; exch. joined Co. Dec. 17, app. Corp. July '64 ; disch. June ; ; 1, 7, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Contoocook. '63 Patterson, William E. Co. E ; b. Annapolis, Md. ; age 22 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. app. Corp. Mar. 1, '65; disch. to date Sept. 18, '65. Died Oct. 14, '91, Nat. Soldiers' Home, Va.

Co. F ; b. Sorel, ; res. ; '61, ; Paul, Frank. Can. age 20 ; Laconia enl. May 1, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. May ; 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 23, '61, Bladensburg, Md.

Paul, Henry P. Co. G ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 16 ; res. Manayunk, Pa.; enl. May 28, '61 ; must, iu June 5, '61, as Muse. re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Portsmouth; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64; reduced to ranks Feb. 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '64 Paus, Robert. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 24 ; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 10, '65, Fredericksburg, Va.

Payne, Samuel N. Co. C ; b. Chester; age 37 ; res. Londonderry ; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 27, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Derry Depot. See State Service.

Peabody, Daniel A. Co. G ; b. New Boston ; age 18 ; res. Amherst ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, iu paid by State ;

re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 16, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Am- herst. See 5 N. H. V.

Peake, James. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; disch. disab. May 25, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Pearce. See Pierce.

Pearl, Ichabod. Co. H ; b. Dover ; age 40 ; res. Somersworth ; app. Capt. June 4, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61 ; resigned disab. Aug. 12, '61. Died Dec. 12, '78, Somersworth. '61 '61, Pearl, Joseph W. Co. H ; b. Dover ; age 30 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. May 27, ; must, in June 5, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Soldiers' Home, 'Tilton.

Peasley, Charles B. Co. G; b. Weare ; age 20; res. Weare; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Peirce. See Pierce. Pendergast, George P. Co. D; b. Durham; age 21; res. Durham; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; kUled May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va.

Pendleton, William H. Co. I ; b. Springfield, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died June 20, '85, Denver, Col.

Peno, Henry. Co. H; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 18; res. Pictou, Can., cred. Bath; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 20, '65, Baltimore, Md. res. '61, Perkins, Albert M. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 19 ; Exeter ; enl. May 3, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs.

must, in June 3, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Aug. 16, '61 ; Adjt. Sept. 1, '62 ; Capt. Co. K, June 18, '63 ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, '63 '64 '64 Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to Co. D, Aug. 3, ; must, out June 21, ; re-app. Capt. June 24, ; not must. ; commission re- turned Aug. 15, '64.

Perkins, Charles B. Co. D; b. Rochester; age 18; res. Rochester; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May 10,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 24, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. ; reported under President's '65 Proclamation May 9, ; disch. May 9, '^5, Concord. '61, Perkins, David M. Co. I ; b. New Hampshire ; age 29 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, iu paid by ;

; '61, ; Sergt. '62 Lt. '63 State ; re-enl. Mav 22, '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June 7, as Sergt. app. 1 May 28, ; 2 June IS, ; 1 Lt. '64. '73. Co. D, May 25, '64 ; not must. ; must, out as 2 Lt. Co. I, June 21, Died Jan. 16,

; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; must, in '61, ; Perkins, Prancis W. Co. B ; b. Boston, Mass. age 21 Concord May 11, June 1, as Sergt. app.

M. Sergt. June, '61 M. Aug. 21, '61 ; disch. to date July 14, '62, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations. Q. ; Q.

; enl. '63 '63, Priv. ; Perkins, George. Co. A ; b. Pennsylvania; age 27 cred. Concord ; Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 23, as des. Apr. 9, '64, Yorktown, Va. Perkins, Josiah W. Co. L See 17 N. H. V. ' ;;;


Perkins, Sumner. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. '63, Pei'kins, Thomas. Co. H ; b. Wisconsin ; age 19 ; res. Waterford, N. Y., cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2,

as Priv. ; disch. June 20, '6.5, Ft. Monroe, Va. Perry, Charles H. Co. B; b. Chesterville, Me.; age 27; enl. May 10, '61, at Portsmouth; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.;

captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va par. ; disch. disab. July 15, '62. Died Apr. 25, '73, ; Newmarket. Perry, George P. Co. C; b. Pembroke, Mass.; age 18; res. Manchester; enl. May 18, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd.

May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 7, '62, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester. See V. R. C. '63, Pervere, Orin. Co. E ; b. Sandown ; age 26 ; res. Sandown ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, Ft. McClary, Me. P. O. ad., Sandown. See Miscel. Organizations.

Peter, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. France ; age 21 ; cred. Dublin ; enl. Dec. 8, '64 ; nmst. in Dec. 8, '64, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Peters, Benjamin P. Co. Gr. See 13 N. H. V. Peters, Johxi. Co. G; b. Trenton, N. J.; age 19; cred. Manchester; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Co. F ; b. Hiram, Me. ; age 28 ; res. ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Peterson, Calvin B. Conway ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. '63, Peterson, Charles. Co. C ; b. Denmark ; age 21 ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. " " " " Navy Apr. 29, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mount Vernon and Tacony ; des. July 29, '65, from receiv- ing ship, Boston, Mass.

Peterson, Christian. Co. K ; b. Denmark ; age 22 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Nov. 14, '63 ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65. '61, Pettengill, William. Co. G ; b. Wilton ; age 20 ; res. Wilton ; eul. May 6, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 15,

for 3 yrs. ; must, in Jurre 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 19, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Mar. 2, '86, Lowell, Mass.

Pettigrew, Francis. Co. E ; b. Kittery, Me. ; age 42 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 11, '62 ; must, in Aug. 30, '62, as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '65, Manchester, Va. Died Feb. 7, '91, Merrimac, Mass. '61, Phelps, Charles P. Co. G; b. Alstead ; age 18; res. Dublin ; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

Phelps, George "W. Co. E; b. Brandon, Vt. ; age 22; res. Keene; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; app.

Corp. Nov. 1, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. June 4, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., St. Thomas, N. D.

'61 ; '61, sev. Philbrick, Charles W. Co. B ; b. Great Falls; age 27 ; res. Dm-ham ; enl. May 9, must, in June 1, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 11, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. 9, 5, Philbrick, "William K. Co. H; b. Antrim; age 26; res. Antrim; enl. May '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July '63, '64 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '65 ; Sergt. July 1, '65 ; reduced to ranks Sept. 30, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Sutton. Pickering, Bbenezer S. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V.

Pickett, George L. Co. A ; b. Winchester ; age 28 ; res. Winchester ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must. out June 21, '64. Died Apr. 21, '83.

Pickett, Hosea G. Band ; b. Winchester ; age 38 ; res. Winchester ; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. 7, '01, as 2 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Winchester.

Pickett, Leroy S. Band ; b. Winchester ; age 24 ; res. Winchester ; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 1 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. See 18 N. H. V. Co. b. res. 14, 1, Pickup, George. C ; England; age 20; Manchester ; enl. May '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv.; captd. June '62, 30, AVhite Oak Swamp, Va. ; exch. ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass.

Pierce, Co. H ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 26 res. cred. ; '62 Alexander. ; Somersworth, Somersworth enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 9, '63, Great Falls. See State Service. Co. b. Pierce, Joseph. A ; New York ; age 18 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; disch. to date Nov. 10, '65. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

F. and S. ; b. Chelsea, IMass. ; ; res. ; Pierce, Thomas P. age 41 Manchester app. Col. Apr. 30, '61 ; not must. paid by ; State '61, from May 3 to June 3, as Col. ; resigned commission June 4, '61. Died Oct. 14, "87, Nashua.

Pierie, Co. K b. France ; age ; cred. Enfield ; enl. '68 Jean. ; 21 Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 27, '65, Heathsville, Va. Co. b. Germany Pierpar, K ; ; age ; cred. enl. '63 Joseph. 21 Lebanon ; Nov. ; 11, must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv. ; f urioushed '64, Oct. 31, from Base Hosp., 18 A. C, Pt. of Rocks, Va. ; failed to return. N. f. r. A. G. O. Pietro, Louis. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. Pike, Charles. Co. K. See 13 N. H. V.

Pike, David. Co. E b. Newmarket age res. Exeter '61, • ; ; 19 ; ; enl. May 3, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs • J > must • in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. '63 '64. Corp. July 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Oakland, Me.

Pike, Co. C b. Littleton res. • Timothy ; age 19 IManchester ; enl. '61 H. ; ; May 27, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. disch disab Sept. 1, '61. P. 0. ad., West Manchester. Pillsbury, Co. I; b. Derry; age res. Manchester; Henry M. 27 ; eul. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State- re-enl. May '61, f»r yrs. 22, 3 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June '64. 21, P. O. ad., Chicago,° HI. See 1 N h' H. Art. ' ' Pinder, Co. K b. Ireland age res. Andrew. ; ; 18 ; Canada, cred. Cornish enl. '63 • ; Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, '63 ' as Priv ' must out Dec. 19, '65. Pingree, George Co. G b. Littleton age 21 res. E. ; ; Lisbon enl. '61, ; ; Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in • ; paid by State re-enl May '61, for yrs. in '61, '• 21, 3 ; must, June 5, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Apr. 9, '62 ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg""amsDurg, Vava. disch.disch' wds. Aug. 9, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Sioux Falls, S. D. See 11 N. H. V. and V. R. C. , Pinkham, J. Co. D b. Dover age res. Andrew ; ; ; Rochester enl. 19 ; Apr. '61, 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in '; re-enl May 10 • J '61, for yrs. ; must, '61, > 3 m June 1, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 24, '61, Bladensburg, Md Pinkham, Charles B Co. G;b. Reading, Mass.; age res. Milford; 23; enl. 28, • May '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as ^^v.,Priv must, out June 21, 64. P. O. ad., Milford. b. Piper, Thomas W. „Co. B; Hopkinton; age 18; res. Hopkiuton ; enl. 11, Sept. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as r Priv • amiPi • berg-t. '64 '64, . . July 1, ; wd. Aug. 17, and died, wds. Aug. 19, '64, near Petersburg, Va. . Piper, William Co. F b. Meredith age res. H. ; ; ; 20 Laconia ; enl. Apr. '61, • 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State re-enl May for yrs. in '61, 22, 61, 3 ; must, June 4, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Laconia. Co. D b. Somersworth res. Place, Charles H. ; age 18 ; Somersworth ; ; enl. Apr. 17, '61, ; for 3 mos. not must, in ; re-enl May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June '61, '62, ; 1, as Priv.; des. June 17, Fair Oaks, Va. P. 0. ad., Durham. Place, Co. b. Carroll res. G ; ; age ; Littleton eul. George W. 23 ; Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State ; re-enl May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June '61, as Priv. ; 5, ; captd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. par. 11, '62 ; May ; disch May^^"-y 22, ^ '62, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Lunenburg, Vt. See 15 Inf. and 1 H. Art. N. H. V. ' ' ;;


'61, State Plaisted, Charles B. Co. K ; b. York, Me. ; age 23 ; res. Stratham ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in from Portsmouth

Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Sergt. July, '64 ; 1 Sergt. Sept., '64 ; Adjt. Nov. 1, '64 ; Capt. Co. B, Nov. 1, '65 ; not must. ; must, out as Adjt. Dec. 19, '65. JDied Apr. 25, '74.

Piatt, James H. Co. C ; b. Lancashire, Eng. ; age 81 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61, as Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, '61, must. '61, in June 4, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. Co. G, Aug. 10, '62 ; tr. to Co. E, June 30, '63 ; killed May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va.

Plummer, Edwin. Co. C ; b. Chester ; age 2i3 ; res. Auburn ; enl. May 20, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan., '63 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; June, '64, Cold Hai-bor, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Auburn. Plummer, Edward J. Co. A; b. Swanzey; age 18; res. Swanzey; enl. Aug. 5, '61; must, in Aug. 5, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. Aug. 16, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Plummer, John Co. F ; b. Wakefield ; age 27 ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State A. ; '61, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 25, '62, Alexandria, Va. ; appreh. Nov. 13, '63 sentenced June 5, '64, by G. C. M., to 3 yrs. imprisonment at hard labor. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Pollard, Levi, Jr. Co. A ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 23 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Aug. 19, '61 ; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and

mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, ; '64, Pa. ; gd. fI'om mis. disch. Aug. 24, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. East Jaffrey.

Pollock, John. Co. K; b. Scotland; age 22; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enL May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 9, '61, Washington, D. C. Poor, Joseph. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Poor, Joseph. Co. K; b. Newburyport, Mass.; age 45; res. Greenland; enl. Oct. 31, '63; must, in Oct. 31, '63, as Priv.; captd. Oct. 28, '64. Died, dis. Dec. 8, '64, Salisbury, N. C. See 17 N. H. V.

Poor, Co. H ; b. Hooksett ; age ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- Samuel. 21 ;

enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. Jan. 1, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Apr. 30, '64, Andersonville, Ga. '64, Poquet, Alfred. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Colebrook ; enl. Dec. 8, '64 ; must, in Dec. 8, as Priv. ; des. Sept., '65, while on furlough. N. f. r. A. G. O. Portell, Michael. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

Porter, Festus. Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age 18 ; res. Berwick, Me. ; enL May 23, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch.

disab. Aug. 24, '61. Supposed identical with Festus C. Porter, Co. D, 5, N. H. V. 7, Porter, Solon P. Co. I ; b. Vermont; age 22; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 14, '62, Camp Beaufort, Md. '63 '63, Powell, John. Co. C ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 25, as Priv. ; des. June 10, '64, near White House Landing, Va. '64 '64, Powers, James. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ohio ; age 19 ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 23, '65, White House, Va. Pratt, Alfred C. Co. H. See 17 N. H. V. '61, Pratt, Charles A. Co. C ; b. Quincy, Mass. ; age 17 ; res. Canaan ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 20,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 24, '63, Concord.

'61, ; ; Pratt, Bdw^ard R. Co. A ; b. Walpole ; age 23 ; res. Walpole ; enL May 1, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State re-enl. '61, May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, Washington, D. C.

; ; ; enl. '61 ; '01, Muse. ; Pratt, Edwin P. Band b. Woodstock, Vt. age 21 res. Keene ; July 22, must, in Aug. 7, as 3 Class must. out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Preston, Conn. See 1 N. 11. Cav.

; cred. ; enl. '63 in '63, Praugrh, Narcisse. Co. F ; b. Acton, Can. age 39 ; res. Acton, Can., Rochester Nov. 23, ; must, Nov. 23,

as Priv. ; des. Sept. 8, '64, Concord.

; ; '61, for ; not in paid by State ; re- Freckle, "William H. Co. A ; b. Keene ; age 21 res. Keene enl. Apr. 25, 3 mos. must, ; '61, '62, enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Feb. 3, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., (.)lean, N. Y. '61 in Sept. '61, as Priv. Prentice, Blbridge G-. Co. E; b. Grafton, Mass. ; age 38; res. Swanzey ; enl. Aug. 3, ; must, 17, ; des.

Nov. '62, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. gd. from des. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 25, '64 ; app. Coi-p. Nov. 1, '65 ; must. 12, ; out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63, ; cred. Bedford ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, as Priv. N. f. r. Prescott, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Massachusetts age 33 ; A. G. O.

; Strafford ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to 1 Prescott, George. Co. I ; b. Springfield, Ohio age 20 ; cred. Wis. H. Art. Jan. 29, '64, as a deserter from that regiment; name not found on rolls of 1 Wis. H. Art. N. f. r. A. G. O. Prescott, William. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. enl. Apr. '61, for mos., as Priv. not must. Prescott, William H. Co. H; b. Concord, Mass.; age 27; res. Concord; 17, 3 ;

'61 ; in '61, as 2 Lt. ; disch. Aug. in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61. for 3 yrs. ; app. 2 Lt. June 4, must, June 5, 7, ; '61, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. See Miscel. Organizations. '03 ; Boston, Mass., cred. Canaan enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as Presly, Thomas. Co. K ; b. England ; age 19 res. ; " " S. S. " Mount Vernon and " Tacony ; disch., re- Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. duction naval force, July 25, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass. Pressler, Christian. Co. A; b. Saxony, Germany; age 30; res. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, '61, tor 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '62 '61, Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, ; disch. disab. Dec. 13, '62, State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, as Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Keene. See V. R. C. eul. Nov. '63 must, in b. Del. ; age 22 ; res. Wilmington, Del., cred. Canaan ; 30, ; Nov. Preston, Henry. Co. F ; Wilmington, 30, '63, as Priv.; des. June 1, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. cred. Concord; enl. Dec. '64; must, Dec. 2, '64, as Pnv. des. Price, Georg-e. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 22; 2, m ; Mar. 13, '65, Kinsale, Va. Price, James. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. N. H. V. Co. D. See 10 . Prince, Sewell B. t. „ . '64; must, in Dec. as Pnv.; Prior, Thomas. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Grantham; enl. Dec. 2, 2, 64, disch. 22, '65, Richmond, Va. May .,,„„-, t. . enl. Mar. '62 must, in Mar. 2d, 62, as Priv. des. Mar. Can. ; age 22 ; res. Lancaster ; 11, ; ; Puryea, John. "Co. K ; b. St. Joseph, '63, Portsmouth. 10, , .„„,„,.„ ... res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, m paid by Putnam Charles B. Co. H; b. Claremont; age 26; ;

'61, Priv. ; killed '62, Williamsburg, Va. State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, as May 5, Putnam, William C. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Putney, Henry P. Co. B; b. Sutton; age 18; res. Sutton; enl. Aug. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 20, '61, as Priv.; wd. May 5, '62, '64, Sutton. Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 26, '62, Baltimore, Md. Died Aug. 11, '61, ; les. Sutton ; enl. Aug. 1, '61 ; must, in Sept. 20, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, '63, Putney, Ira A. Co. B ; b. Sutton ; age 21 '66, ; '64, near Petersburg, Va. Died Feb. 11, Manchester. Gettysburg, Pa. ; par. disch. Aug. 27, '61 res. Manchester; enl. 22, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; Quimby, James M. Co. C ; b. Weare ; age 18; May must, out June 21, '64. Supposed identical with James M. Quimby, Co. C, 1 N. H. H. Art. P. 0. ad., Worcester, Mass. ;


; '61, ; in ; re-enl. Quimby, James T. Co. G b. Dover ; age 18 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. not must, May 16,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. '61 '61, as Priv.; disch. Quimby, Jonathan C. Co. C; b. Springfield; age 19; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, disab. Aug. 8, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Manchester.

Quimby, 'William H. Co. C ; age 19 ; enl. May 27, '61, at Portsmouth ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va.

Quin, Andrew. Co. G ; b. Ii-eland ; age 23 cred. ; '63 '63, ; ; Manchester enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. des. Mar. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Quinn, Carlos. Co. H; b. Hinsdale; age 45; res. Swanzey; enl. Sept. 4, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 20, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. See V. R. C.

Quinn, William J. Co. E ; b. Providence, R. I. ; age ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. 3, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in 18 May ;

re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, Priv. ; '63 Sergt. '63 '63, 3, as app. Corp. Mar. 1, ; July 1, ; wd. July 2,

Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64.

Quint, Joseph. Co. I ; b. Sanford, ; 33 cred. '63 '63, ; Me. age ; Farmington ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. disch. Dec. 13, '66, to date Dec. 19, '65, Boston, Mass.

Racca, Joseph. Co. H ; b. Italy ; age 22 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 19, '63 ; must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 27, '63, en route from New Hampshire to Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 Bachael, Juel. Co. H ; substitute ; b. France ; age 25 ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Bahn, William J. Co. I ; b. New York city; age 33 ; res. Keene ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Com.

Sergt. June 8, '62 ; must, out June 21, '64.

Raitt, George R. Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State 20 ; ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; '61, ; '62 '63, P. must, in June 8, as Corp. app. Sergt. Feb., ; disch. disab. July 9, Concord. 0. ad., Portsmouth.

Ramsdell, William H. Co. I ; b. Milford ; age 29 ; res. Milford ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died June 19, '79, Milford. 1, Ramsey, Newton A. Co. D; b. Milton; age 18; res. Somersworth; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June '61, as Priv.; app. '62 '62 '64. Coi-p. Sept. 1, ; Sergt. Sept., ; 1 Sergt., date unknown ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Somersworth. Rand, Ammi C. Co. A. See 17 N. 11. V. Rand, Bickford L. Co. K; b. Salem, Mass.; age 27; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 8, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. See 6 N. H. V.

Rand, Charles J. Co. C ; b. Chester ; age 19 ; res. Chester ; enl. May 17, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 21, '61, Bladensburg, Md. See 1 N. II. L. Battery. Rand, Cyrus. Co. I; b. Alton; age 18; res. New Durham; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29, '02,

Bull Run (2d), "Va. gd. from mis. ; tr. Cav., S. A., Oct. 27, '62 ; des. '64, Washington, D. C. ; to Co. B, 2 U. Aug. 5, '62, Rand, Ira. Co. I ; b. Alton ; age 18 ; res. New Durham ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, Bull

Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. disab. Feb. 4, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. New Durham. ; Rand, James C. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. '62, Rand, John 0. Co. B; b. Hopkinton ; age 29; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Aug. 9, '62; must, in Aug. 11, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. '64 '64, Randall, Charles H. Co. G ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; cred. Kingston ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 7, as

Priv. ; disch. to date Dec. 19, '65. Randall, Charles W. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. '61 '61, Randall, George W. Co. C ; b. Providence, R. I. ; age 21 ; res. Salem ; enl. May 13, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 28, '61, Washington, D. C. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '61, Randall, Horace. Co. D; b. Rochester; age 22; res. Rochester; enl. May 22, ; must, in June 1, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 21, '61. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 4 and 9 N. H. V.

; ; enl. '63 '63, ; Randall, Joseph. Co. K ; b. L-eland ; age 22 cred. Concord Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, as Priv. des. Jan. 29, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Randlet, James. Co. E; b. Chester; age 54; ros. Exeter, cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug. 30, '62, as Priv.; tr.

to 110 Co., 2 Batt'l, L C, Feb. 4, '64 ; disch. Feb. 20, '65, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. Died Oct. 23, '91, Exeter.

; b. ; res. ; enl. '61 ; must, in '61, as Priv. ; Randlett, George H. Co. E Stratham ; age 32 Stratham May 3, June 3, des. Oct. 2, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va. Died Nov. 17, '62, Stratham. Rawlins. See Rollins.

; ; cred. Marlborough ; enl. '63 ; Razey, Milton G. Co. K ; b. New Hampshire age 18 res. Marlborough, Dec. 8, must, in Dec.

8, '63, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 30, '65, Warsaw, Va. Read, Jonathan P. Co. I; b. Claremont; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; '62, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 23, New York city. P. O. ad., Chicago, 111. '61, Co. b. Straiford, Vt. ; age 27 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Read, Joseph B. H ; ; '61 State; re-enl. May 27, '81, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Bun '63, (2d), Va. ; sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. Dec. 8, to accept promotion ; P. 0. ad., Stoneham, Mass. See U. S. C. T. Read. See Reed.

; ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for ; ; Reagan, John. Co. G ; b. Boltou, Eng. age 23 Peterborough 26, 3 mos. not must, in re-enl. May

'61, yi-s. ; in June '61, as Corp. ; captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. par. Sept. '62 15, for 3 must, 5, ; 13, ; must. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me. Reardon, William. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; cred. ; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, ; Rediker Harry. Co. K ; b. Canada age 34 Deering 14, 14, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 '63. ; b. ; age 22 cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; Reed, Charles. Co. G England ; returned to U. S. Navy as a deserter therefrom (U. S. S. " Fuschia") Apr. 14, '64, Yorktown, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept.

John's, F. ; age cred. Dunbarton enl. Dec. '64; Reed, Richard. Co. H; substitute; b. St. N. 22; ; 2, must, in Dec. 2, '64, as

Pi'iv. ; des. June 26, '65, Manchester, Va. Reed, William A. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Reed. See Read. '63 ; ; ; cred. Antrim ; enl. Nov. 27, must, in '63, Reinhert, Joseph. Co. C b. Bavaria age 24 ; Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 19, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. age cred. Stratham enl. Dec. '64 Reiss, Andreas. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Germany ; 27 ; ; 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65.

age 18 res. Hopkinton enl. May '61 ; nmst.in '61, ; Relation, Lewis N. Co. C ; b. New York ; ; ; 9, June 1, as Priv. killed July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ;;


Remick, Henry. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. Reynolds, George M. Co. C; b. Massachusetts; age 2S; res. Bradt'oid, Mass.; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. June 26, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Reynolds, Samuel B. Co. K; b. Manville, R. I.; age 18; res. Manville, R. I.; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 nios. ; not must, in; '61, paid by State ; re-eul. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Juue '61, as I'riv. ; des. '63, 8, May 21, Portsmouth ; reported under President's Proclamation Mar. 1, '1)5; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Rhodes, Freedom M. Co. F; b. Lyndon, Vt. ; age 22; res. Lancaster; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 rnos. ; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. '61, ; May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. Oct. 23, '62, to date Sept. 22, '62, to accept promotion. See 14 N. H. V. Rice, Frederick Co. K; b. Enfield; age res. enl. '61 R. S. 33; Lowell, Mass.; Sept. 16, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 1, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va.

Rice, John L. Co. A; b. Weathersfield, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Cornish enl. '61. for ; ; Apr. 28, 3 mos. not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. Jan'. 3, '62 ; exch.; disch. Nov. 18, '62, to accept promotion. P. 0. ad., Springfield, Mass. See 16 N. H. V. and U. S. C. T. Rice, Thomas. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Richards, John E. Co. C ; b. (Joffstown ; age 21 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 14, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. Nov. '62 '61 29, ; returned voluntarily Mar. 20, ; app. Sergt. July 1, '61 ; 1 Sergt. Mar. 18, '65 ; disch. June 17, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester.

Richards, Levi. Co. G; b. Limerick, Ir. ; age 24; res. Littleton; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsbin-g, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan.

1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; des. Apr. 6, '64, while on veteran furlough in New Hampshire. '61 Richardson, Edwin. Co. B; b. Stoddard; age 22; res. Nelson; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 20, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 25,

'62, Oak Grove, Va. ; '63, Gettysburg, ; Corp. '63 re-enl. '64 '64, July 3, Pa. app. July 7, ; and must, in Jan. 1, ; wd. May 9,

near Petersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, '64; Sergt. Maj. Xov. 6, '64; 1 Lt. Co. 1), Jan. 8, '65; resigned May 11, '65. P. O. ad., Merrick, Mass. See State Service.

Richardson, Hugh R. Co. F ; b. CabotviUe, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ; '62 by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Lt. Aug. 20, ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Get- tysburg, Pa.; app. Capt. Co. C, July 4, '63; must, out June 21, '64; re-app. Capt. June 24, '64; declined appointment. P. O. ad., Littleton. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61 '61, Richardson, James F. Co. G; b. Keene; age 19; res. Nelson; enl. Aug. 23, ; nmst. in Aug. 24, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Marlborough.

Richardson, Joseph. Co. H; b. Shipton, C. E. ; age 31; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid '61, '62 by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, ; Sergt. Feb. 1, '64 ; must. out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Manchester. Richardson, Samuel C. Co. K; b. Keene; age 36; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 31, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv.; (Jisch. disab. Oct. 26, '62, Washington,. D. C. P. O. ad., Keene. See State Service. '61, L. Co. H ; b. West Lebanon, Me. ; age 24 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid Ricker, David ; '61, '64. '65, by State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, as Piiv. ; must, out June 21, Died June 25, Nor- folk, Va.

; 24 ; res. Salem, ; enl. Apr. '01, for mos. ; not in Stale Ricker, James. Co. K ; b. Salem, Mass. age Mass. 19, 3 must, ; paid by ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. July 26, '62, Salem, Mass.

; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Ricker, Nathaniel M. Co. H ; b. Biddeford, Me. age 15 ; Portsmouth ; Aug. 30, must, in Sept. 1, as Muse.

app. Prin. Muse. Oct. 29, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; disch. to date Sept. 25, '65. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

; res. ; enl. '61 ; '01, ; Ridge, Charles. Co. K ; b. New York city; age 42 Portsmouth May 27, must, in June 8, as Priv. captd. '62 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. June 2, ; des. June 9, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 9, '79, llooksett. July ; '64 '64, Riley, James. Co. B ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Riley, John. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Riley, John Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Hillsborough; enl. Dec. 5, '64; must, in Dec. .5, '64, as Priv.; disch. to date Dec. 19, '65, Concord. Riley, John. Co. K; b. Bedford; age 19; enl. May 27, '61, at Portsmouth; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; des. June 8, '61, Portsmouth.

Riley, John. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Andover ; eul. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy " Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. Nov. 14, '64, from U. S. S. Calypso." 24, '63, Riley, John W". Co. A; b. India; age 18; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv.; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va. '63 '63, Riley, Martin. Co. K ; b. Massachusetts ; age 20 ; res. Springfield, Mass., cred. Landaif ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv.; des. June 1, '64, White House, Va. '63 '63, Riley, Terrence. Co. E ; b. Isle of Man ; age 40 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Aug. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63, Riley, Thomas. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. ; captd. Apr. 7, '64 '64. '04, York County, Va. par. May 8, ; des. June 9, ; '63 '63, Riley, Thomas. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. June 29,

'64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. wds. June 14, '65, Concord. Rines, Bbenezer. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. Rinker, Oliver. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. res. '01 '61, Ripley, Joseph T. Co. F ; b. Hartford, Conn. ; age 23; Winchester ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 17, '62, Manassas Junction, Va. '61, Ritchie, Edmund F. Co. A; b. Jafirey; age 21 ; res. Jaffrey; enl. Apr. 29, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 20, '02, Philadelphia, Pa. Robbins, Leonard E. Co. G; b. Milford; age 30; res. Nelson; enl. Aug. 23, '61; must, in Aug. 26, '01, as Priv.; wd. May 5, '03. '02, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 7, P. O. ad.. East Jaifrey.

res. enl. '01 ; '61, ; Roberts, Andrew J. Co. B ; b. Goffstown ; age 27; Goffstown ; May 10, must, in June 1, as Priv. wd. sev.

Dec. 14, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. July 30, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Manchester. See 1 N. H. Cav. Roberts, Charles H. Co. K; age 25; enl. May 21, '61, at Portsmouth; must, in June 8, '01, as Priv.; des. June 8, '61, Ports- mouth. '02 Roberts, Charles O. Co. H ; b. Great Falls ; age 19 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug.

12, '02, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '64 ; disch. June 13, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Mai- den, Mass. Roberts, Charles P. Co. D; b. Meredith; age 39; enl. Mav 13, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. and captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. par. Sept. 3, '62. Died, wds. Oct. 23, '62, Georgetown, ; D. C. ;;


Roberts, Charles R. Co. D; b. Freat Falls; age 18; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; name dropped from rolls after June 30, '61. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; app. Sergt. Roberts, George W. Co. D b. Ossipee ; age 31 ; res. Dover ; enl. May 25, must, in June 8, as '63 Aug. 1, '61 ; 2 Lt. Oct. 1, '61 ; 1 Lt. Co. C, Aug. 10, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Capt. June 18, killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. '63, dis. Roberts, Henry. Co. A ; b. England ; age 26 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 23, as Priv. Died, Nov. 7, '05, Concord.

'64 ."5, Roberts, Henry. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 24 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Roberts, James H. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. '64, Roberts, Jean. Co. C ; b. France ; age 25 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 19, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; '64 '64, ; Roberts, John. Co. G substitute ; b. England ; age 23 ; cred. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 10, ; must, in Oct. 10, as Priv. app. Corp. Feb. 1, '65; resigned warrant Mar. 16, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 Roberts, John. Co. K ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy '64, " " " Apr. 30, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Shokokon and Winooski " ; disch., reduction naval force, Oct. 23, '65, as 2 Class Fireman.

; ; ; ; ; re-enl. Roberts, Orsino. Co. I b. Salem age 21 res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. not must, in; paid by State

May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; mis. July '63, Gettysburg, gd. from mis. ; must, out June 7, 2, Pa. ; 21, '64. Roberts, Samuel H. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Robertson, Harrison. Co. E; b. Warner; age 19; res. Warner; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Med- ford, Mass. See 1 U. S. S. S.

; '63 '63, dis. Robertson, Hugh. Co. K ; b. Scotland age 30 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, as Priv. Died, Oct. 10, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Robertson, John, alias William Gregg. Co. A ; b. New York ; age 25 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, tr. " " as Priv. ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. State of Georgia ; disch. disab. Aug. 26, '64, Norfolk, Va.

Robinson, Albert B. Co. I; b. Nashua; age 19; res. Manchester ; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; wd. and

captd. July 21, '61 Bull Run, '62 '63, ; captd. July 20, '63, Va. ; par. June 2, ; mis. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; gd. from mis.

'63 '64 ; '64. Loudon Valley, Va. ; par. Aug. 29, ; app. Corp. June 1, must, out June 21, P. O. ad.. El Paso, Tex.

Robinson, Charles. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 29 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Dec. 3, '64 ; must, in Dec. 3, '64, as Priv. des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Robinson, Charles M. Co. K; b. New Castle; age 18; res. Portsmouth; enl. July 30, '61; must, in Aug. 27, '61, as Priv.;

wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. June 16, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Great Falls. '61 Robinson, Prank O. Co. C; b. Thornton; age 25; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1

Sergt. Oct. 9, '61 ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

Co. F ; b. Derby, Vt. ; age 19 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Jlobinson, George. ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. wds. Oct. 23, '61, Washington, D. C. Supposed identi- cal with George Robinson, Co. I, 1 N. H. H. Art. P. O. ad., Whitefield. '64 '64, Robinson, George. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ohio ; age 24 ; cred. Colebrook ; enl. Dec. 8, ; must, in Dec. 8, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 11, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Robinson, James. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. '61, Robinson, John S. Co. E ; b. Northwood ; age 32 ; res. Sandown ; enl. May 8, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. '64 must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 13, '62, near Fairfax, \'a. gd. from des. May 21, ; reported on m. o. roll dated ; Dec. 19, '05, as absent in arrest since June 1, '64, Charlestown, Mass. N. f. r. A. G. O. Robinson, Michael. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '63; '63, Robinson, Richard "W. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 18, must, in Nov. 18, as Priv.; app. '65. Q. M. Sergt. June 14, '65 ; 2 Lt. Co. I, Nov. 1, '65 ; not must. ; must, out as Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 19,

Robinson, "William. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 21 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 2, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. ; must. '03 '64. in Jane 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 1, ; Sergt. July 1, '63 ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21,

; ; enl. '63 '63, ; Rock, William H. Co. K ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 21 cred. Hooksett Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. app.

Corp. ; disch. Nov. 14, '64, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. res. enl. '61 in '61, dis. Oct. Rogers, Daniel A. Co. E ; b. Gorham ; age 25 ; Newton ; May 20, ; must, June 3, as Priv. Died, 8, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va. Rogers, Henry V. Co. E. See 17 N. H. V. '61 '61, Rogers, James W. Co. B; b. Pittsfleld; age 22; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Sept. 12, as Priv.; mis. Aug.

29, '62, BuU Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Sept. 20, '64, to date Sept. 12, '64, ; Concord, tm. ex. See State SeiTice.

b. Portsmouth ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Rogers, Joseph W. Co. K ; 31 ;

State; re-enl. May 21,«'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 31, '62, Budd's Ferry, Md. Died Jan. 13, '65, Portsmouth.

; res. Alton ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in re-enl. '61, for Rogers, Stephen H. Co. D ; b. Alton ; age 19 ; May 10, '61. 3 yi-s.; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, See 4 N. H. V.

; ; res. Nashua ; enl. '61, for ; Rogers, Sylvester. Co. G ; b. Petersham, Mass. age 24 Apr. 27, 3 mos., as Priv. not must, in

'61 ; in '61, ; '02 re-enl. May 20, '61, for 3 yrs. ; app. 2 Lt. June 4, must, June 5, as 2 Lt. app. 1 Lt. Jan. 1, ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Jaffrey; enl. Sept. '61; in '61, Rolfe, John S. Co.H; b. New Ipswich ; age 21; res. 10, must, Sept. 17, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. enl. June '61, as Priv.; '61 Rollins Hiram. Co. D; b. Rollinsford; age 34; res. Dover; 1, app. Capt. June 4, : must, in June

; to K, Aug. '61 ; disch. disab. '62. 4, '61, as Capt. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. tr. Co. 1, Oct. 14, See V. R. C. enl. '61 in '61, dis. Rollins, Isaac C. Co. F; b. Alton; age 31 ; res. Alton; May 23, ; must, June 4, as Priv. Died, June 16, '62, Yorktown, Va. '61 ; res. New Durham; enl. May 23, ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv.; des. July 3, Rollins Solomon. Co. F; b. Alton ; age 21 ''61, Washing-ton, D. C. P. O. ad., Farmington. See 7 N. H. V. '63 '63, ; age 22 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Dee. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. ; des. Apr. Roney, James D. Co. H ; b. Liverpool, Eng. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va.; gd. from des. May 2, '64; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 in Nov. '63, b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, 28, as Rooney, Patrick, alias John Sweeney. Co. E ; '64. N. f. r. A. G. or Priv. ; returned to U. S. Navy as a deserter Feb. 4, 0. Navy Dept. '62, Priv. disch. disab. Sept. Cattaraugus County, N. Y. ; age 25 ; enl. Apr. 3, '62; must, in Apr. 3, as ; 8, Root, Byron. Co. I ; b. '62, Newark, N. J. ;;


'63, Died, dis. Rose, John W. Co. A; b. New Jersey; age 28; cred. Antrim ; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must in Nov. 24, as Priv. Oct. 9, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va. Ross, James. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V. '61, Ross, Merick H. Co. E ; b. llancocli ; age 21 ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Aug. 24, '61 ; must, in Sept. 14, as Priv. ; wd. May

5, '62, Willianasburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 5, '62, Concord.

'61, ; must, in paid Rounseval, Charles S. Co. I; b. Dedham, Mass.; age 22; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 27, for 3 mos. not ; 21, '64. by State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. May 1, '63; must, out June P. O. ad., Nashua.

; '62 Sept. '62, as Rounsevel, William D. Co. I b. Unity ; age 26 ; res. Littleton, cred. Littleton ; enl. Aug. 23, ; nmst. in 9,

Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 10, '63, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., Littleton.

; '64 ; '64, ; disch. Rourke, Michael. Co. G substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Kye ; enl. Oct. 7, must, in Oct. 7, as Priv. June 19, '65, Baltimore, Md. Rouse. Patrick. Co. A; b. England; age 22; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va.

'61, ; in paid by State M. Co. E; b. Hopldnton 22 res. Hopkinton ; enl. Apr. 17, for 3 mos. not must, Rowell, Abram ; age ; ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must. in June 3, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64, cred. Portsmouth ; disch. Dec. 4, '65, Fredericksburg, Va. P. 0. ad., Pittsfield. Rowell, David. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Rowell, George A. Co. B., See 13 N. H. V. '61, AVa.sli- Co. E ; b. ; '61 ; in June 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, Rowell, John G. Weare age 20 ; enl. June 17, must, ington, D. C. Rowell, Martin P. Co. E; b. Hopkinton; age 25; res. Hopkinton; enl. June 3, '61; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. '61, re- Roys, Henry P. Co. IT ; b. Claremont ; age 24 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; '61, '64. enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Fitchburg, Mass. re-enl. Rufl3.e, P. Co. A ; b. Keene ; 23 res. enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; Benjam.in age ; Keeue ; ; '64 May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in '61, ; '63, Pa. ; re-eul. and nmst. in Feb. 19, 31, as Priv. July 2, Gettysburg, ; May wd. ' app. Sergt. July 1, '64; must, out Dec. 19, '65. , Ruflle, Charles. Co. H ; b. Keene ; age 32 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 3, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; re-eul. and must, in

Feb. '64 ; app. '64 '65. 19, Corp. July 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, '61 '61, '62, RuflSe, George. Co. A; b. Keeue; age 29 ; res. Stoddard; eul. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 24, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29,

Bull llun (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. May 30, '63, Concord. P. (). ad., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. See State Service. '61 Ruffle, Josiah. Co. A ; b. Keene; age 19; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 9, ; nmst. in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art.,

U. S. A., Nov. 1, '62 ; re-enl. Feb. 11, '64; disch. Feb. 11, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Troy. See 1 N. 11. V.

Ruffle, Samuel. Co. H; b. Keene; age 32; res. Keene; enl. Jan. 22, '62 ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 15, '62, David's Isl., N. Y. H. See 1 N. 11. V.

Rugg, Andrew J. Co. D; b. Sullivan; age 20; res. Sullivan ; enl. Sept. 11, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 25, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Runnals, Allison J. Co. H. See 17 N. H. V. Ruscow, James. Co. G; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 28; cred. Dover; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must, iu Oct. 17, '64, as Priv.; des. Apr. 19, '65, Richmond, Va.

Russell, Daniel Frederick. Co. G; b. Strafford, Vt. ; age 22; res. Littleton; eul. Apr. 20, '61, for 8 mos.; not must, in;

paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 vrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Ports- mouth; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64. Died, dis. Mar. 31, '65, Littleton.

Russell, James. Co. K; b. New York; age 21; cred. Enfield; enl. Nov. 11, '63 ; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv.; furloughed

Mar. 7, '65, from Hampton Gen. Hosp., Ft. Monroe, Va. ; failing to return was reported a deserter. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Rutledge, James. Co. K; b. England; age 21 ; res. Portsmouth; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Piiv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Portsmouth.

Rutley, George A. Co. K; b. England; age 20; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.,; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Ryan, John. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '63 '63, Ryan, John. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; res. Buffalo, N. Y., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; des. May 19, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. Ryan, 'William. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Safford, Otis. Co. K; b. Chesterfield ; age 35 ; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.; disch. Sept. 2, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. See 1 N. H. Cav. '62 Sage, Thomas. Co. I ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age 44 ; res. Manchestei- ; eul. Jan. 24, ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 17, '62, Manchester. b. '61 Salter, Antoine. Co. H ; Burlington, Vt. ; age 23 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. Died, dis. Aug. 7, '62, Richmond, Va.

Sanborn, Alfred J. Co. C; b. Auburn ; age 21 ; res. Auburn ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. July 29, '61. P. O. ad., Londonderry. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Sanborn, Benjamin. Co. F ; b. Haddam, Conn. ; age 21 ; res. Gilford ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord.

; b. ; ; res. ; '62 Sanborn, De "Witt O. Co. B Franklin age 23 Concord, cred. Concord enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as

Priv. ; kiUed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Sanborn, Bdmond B. Co. H. See 17 N. H. V. Sanborn, Preeman P. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. b. res. Sanborn, J. Albert. Co. C ; Portland, Me. ; age 23 ; Portsmouth ; app. 1 Lt. July 28, '66 ; not must. ; declined appoint- ment Aug. 4, '65. P. O. ad., Portsmouth. See 10 N. H. V. '62 Sanborn, James H. Co. I ; b. Hampton Falls ; age 19 ; cred. Hampton Falls ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 30, '62, as Priv. '63, '64, wd.July 2, Gettysburg, Pa.; May 16, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; disch. wds. May 20, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Topeka, Kan. Sanborn, John H. Co. D; b. Loudon; age 23; res. Loudon; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 10, '01, '61. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 30, See V. R. C. and Miscel. Organizations. 22, 31, Sanborn, Mattson G. Co. A; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 18 ; enl. May '61, at Portsmouth; must, in May '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. Sanborn, Samuel B. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. 26, Sanders, Charles C. Co. D; b. Northwood; age 20; res. Newmarket; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-eul. May

10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. and mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; heirs paid to Aug. 29, '62. N. f. r. A. G. 0. ;;;:


Sanders. See Saunders.

Sands, John. Co. C; b. New Jersey; age 27; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 25, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. 6, 6, Priv.; Sanford, John P. Co. I ; substitute; b. Canada; age 29 ; cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Dee. '64 ; must, in Dec. '64, as must, out Dec. 19, '65.

'61 ; '61, Priv. ; must, out Sanger, Austin T. Co. B ; b. Claremont ; age 23 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 25, must, in June 1, as June 21, '64. P. O. ad.. Concord.

; ; re-eul. May ; b. ; ; res. ; '61, for 3 mos. not must, in paid by State Sargent, Albert M. Co. F Hill age 25 HUl enl. May 6, ;

22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. to date Nov. 20, '62. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. '62 '62, as Muse. des. Sargent, Charles G. Co. K ; b. Goffstown ; age 17 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Feb. 4, ; must, in Feb. 28, ; Dec. 1, '62, Falmouth, Va.

; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Sargent, George H. Co. C ; b. Goffstown ; age 19 ; res. Manchester enl. May 9, must, June 1, wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa; must, out as Priv. June 21, '64. Sargent, Josiah H. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V.

; res. ; enl. '61, for 3 raos. ; not must, in paid by State ; Saunders, Bdmond W. Co. F ; b. Vermont age 22 ; Laconia Apr. 19, ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Deo. 13, '62, Washington, D. C._; re-enl. and

must, in Aug. 15, '64, for 3 yrs., as Priv. ; cred. Northfield ; assigned to Co. F. Died, dis. Mar. 7, '65, Laconia.

; 6, must, in; re- Saunders, James B. Co. G; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 3u res. Peterborough ; enl. May '61, for 3 mos.; not enl. May 20, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, '62; captd. Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run (2d),

Va. ; released ; app. Sergt. Maj. Sept. 1, '63 ; re-enl. aud must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. 2 Lt. Co. D, May '64 '65. Peter- 11, '64; not must. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. G, June 24, '64; Capt. Co. E, July 10, ; resigned May 30, P. O. ad., West borough.

; ; '61, must, in paid Saunders, John O. Co. F b. West Charlestown, Vt. ; age 26 res. Laconia; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not ; '62. by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 2, '63 '63, as Saunders, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Canada ; age 23 ; res. St. Johns, Can., cred. Canaan ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3,

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 26, '65, Concord. Saunders. See Sanders.

Sa-wtell, Amaziah. Co. A; b. Rindge ; age 26; res. Marlborough; enl. Aug. 3, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; wd. July '63 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. Oct. 1, ; wd. sev. June 24, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Sept. 14, '64, to date Aug. 28, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Detroit, Mich.

Sawtelle, William W. Co. G; b. Amherst; age 21; res. Amherst; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 26, '61, Bladensburg, Md. '61, Sa"wyer, Adoniram Judson. Co. H; b. Hopkinton ; age 20; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Apr. 27, for 3 mos.; not must, in; disch. '61, ; re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Jan. '64. 1, '64 ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Newton. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '62 Sawyer, Benjamin Co. F ; b. Littleton ; age 32 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 25, ; must, in Feb. 25, '62, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord.

Sawyer, David. Co. D ; b. Richmond ; age 21 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Sept. 14, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May

5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 17, '63, Concord. Sawyer, Co. age enl. '61, at George, Jr. K ; 20 ; May 21, Portsmouth in '61, '61, ; must, June 8, as Priv.; captd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. par. June '62 disch., as pai-oled '62, ; 2, ; a prisoner, July 2, Concord.

Sawyer, Co. C b. Bethlehem ; ; Joseph C. ; age 38 ; res. enl. '61 ; Bethlehem May 22. must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. and captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. May 20, '64, Richmond, Va.

Sayles, Co. D b. Dover ; age ; res. ; Samuel P. ; 31 Dover app. 1 Lt. '61 ; June 4, must, in to date June 1, '61 ; app. Capt. Aug. '61 Maj. Apr. '63 '63, 1, ; 18, ; wd. sev. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Mar. 19, '86, Charles- town, Mass. Schaffer, Conrad. Co. I; b. Germany; age 24; cred. Webster; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 19, '64. Pt. Lookout, Md.

Schwartz, Co. I b. Straisbourg, France ; '63 Louis. ; age 37 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 18, '65. Co. E b. cred. '63 Schwenke, Henry. ; Germany ; age 25 Manchester ; enl. ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; app. '65 Corp. Mar. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Schwerr, Jacob. Co. I ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. New city, cred. '63 York Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 18, '65, Concord.

Scott, Co. G ; b. Scotland ; age ; cred. Nashua ; enl. '63 ; James. 22 Nov. 30, must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; shot for des. Apr. 29, '64, Williamsburg, Va., by sentence G. C. M.

Scott, Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland age ; cred. enl. '64 ; James. ; 21 Sharon ; Deo. 6, must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. ; must, out Deo. 19, '65.

Scott, John Co. F ; b. Hinsdale ; age 24 ; res. Hinsdale ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; A. must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; must, out Deo. 19, '65. Died Sept. 10, '80, Hinsdale.

Scott, Joseph. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 37 ; ored. Carroll ; enl. Oct. '64 ; '64, 8, must, in Oct. 8, as Priv. : must, out Deo. 19, '65. Schmidt, John. Co. B. See 13 N. II. V. Schmidt. See Smith.

Co. b. Dover age res. Strafford ; enl. '61, Soruton, George H. D ; ; 19 ; Apr. 29, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State re- ; ;

enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 17, ^ - '63. P. O. ad., Beverly, Mass. /

Co. K ; b. Scarborough, Me. ; age 41 ; res. Portsmouth enl. '61 Seaver, Thomas B. ; 22, May ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62, Washington, D. C. See Unattached Co., N. II. V. and V. 11. C.

disab. June 20, '63, Annapolis, Md. Sebastian, Charles N. Co. A. See 1 N. H. V. b. Swanzey res. Co. A ; ; age 22 ; Swanzey ; enl. '61 ; Sebastian, Samuel. May 22, must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61. Died Jan. 16, '83, Troy.

• Co. H ; b. Underbill, Vt. ; age 37 ; res. Underbill, Vt., ored. Bath '63 Sebra, Henry. ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv must, out Dec. 19, '05. P. O. ad., Middlebury, Vt. Segurson, William. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Severance, Thomas. Co. F; age 24 ; res. Colebrook ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; paid by State; re-enl. May '61, '01, Priv. 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, as ; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 20, '68, Philadelphia, Pa. ;;;;


'61 '61, Sexton, Timothy. Co. H b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Lowell, Mass. ; enl. May 27, ; must, in June 5, as Pi-iv. i disch. (lisab. June 9, '63, Concord.

age enl. May '61 ; must, in '61, Piiv. ; des. '63, Sexton, William. Co. II ; b. Nova Scotia; 18; 27, June 5, as May 26, Concord.

; ; cred. 2-1, '63 '63, ; Seymour, Charles. Co. B ; b. New York age 21 Concord ; enl. Nov. ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. des. Alar. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Seymour, Francis. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Seymour, Joseph. Co. H; b. Canada; age 31 ; res. De Pere, Wis., cred. Bath; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 23, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. II. '61, Shaw, Henry M. Co. E ; b. Sanbornton ; age 22 ; res. Sanbornton ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in paid by State ; ; '61, re-enl. May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. par. ; des. May 25, ; '63, Concord.

Shattuck, Henry. Co. K ; b. Hartland, Vt. ; age 25 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Mar. 10, '62 ; must, in Mar. 21, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 21, '62, Alexandria, Va.

; ; '61 ; '61, Shaw, J. Lyman. Co. G ; b. Rockingham County age 30 res. Somers worth ; enl. May 22, must, in June 5, as Priv. disch. disab. Budd's Ferry, Md. Shaw, John B. Co. A. See 17 N. II. V.

Shaw, William Co. K ; b. Scotland ; age 27 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State W. ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Corp. ; Sergt. '61 '62, (2d), 8, app. Aug., ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run Va.

app. 1 Sergt. Feb., '63 ; disch. disab. July 9, '63, Concord. See V. R. C. Shea, John. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V.

Shedd, Herman. Co. G; b. Alstead; age 22; res. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 15,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 13, '62 ; killed June 25, '62, Oak (Jrove, Va.

Sheen, Timothy. Co. E ; b. New York city ; age 22 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 27, '05, Norfolk, Va. '62, Shepard, John. Co. E ; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 44 ; cred. Durham ; enl. Aug. 12, '62 ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 17, '62, Falmoutli, Va. Shepard, Joseph P. Co. K; b. Strafford; age 23; enl. May 21, '01; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. K, 4 Art., U. S '62 A., Nov. 5, ; re-enl. Feb. 11, "64 ; disch. Feb. 11, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del.

b. ; age ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May Sherburne, Daniel. Co. D ; Northwood 23 Northwood 29, '62. 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. Oct. 15, Sherburne, John D. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. '61 '61, Sherburne, Laroy D. Co. C ; b. Manchester ; age 18 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 13, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; must. out June 21, '64. '61, Sherwin, Co. A ; b. Grafton, Vt. ; age 20 ; res. Keene ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Horace B. ; ; '64. re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. 0. ad,, Rochester, Ind. Sherwood, Jason. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. '63 '63, Sherwood, Jason. Co. I ; b. Jefferson ; age 20 ; res. Jefferson, cred. Lancaster ; enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Sept. 29, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 22, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. See 17 N. H. V.

; '61, ; must, in paid by State Sholes, Albert S. Co. I ; b. Claremont ; age 25 ; res. Manchester enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. not ; ; '64, re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corj}. Nov. 1, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, as

Priv. ; wd. May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluif, Va. ; f urloughed July 4, '64, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. II. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '64 in Oct. '64, as Priv. Shover, Joseph. Co. B ; substitute ; b. France ; age 25 ; cred. Ellsworth enl. Oct. 17, ; must, 17, nmst. out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad.. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Shrigley, Charles H Co. A; b. Winchester; age 20; res. Winchester; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '64. Ashuelot. State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad.,

'63 in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; disch. Aug. Shultz, Georg-e. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 19 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must 27, 4, '64, to accept promotion. See U. S. Navy.

; ; enl. '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; app. Q. M. Shute, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Concord ; age 22 res. Concord Jlay 17, '63 '02 '63 ; tr. '63 ; app. M. July Sergt. June 9, ; 2 Lt. Co. D, Aug. 10, '62 ; 1 Lt. Co. K, Apr. 18, to Co. D, Apr. 18, Q. 2, ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad.. New Orleans, La. Shute, Georg-e M. Co. B; b. Concord; age 19; res. Concord; enl. May 16, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt.

'61 '63, ; app. Lt. Co. G, July '63 ; tr. to Nov. 1, ; 1 Sergt. Aug. 1, '62 ; 2 Lt. Sept. 1, '62 ; wd. July 2, Gettysbuj-g, Pa. 1 3, '63 '64. Co. B, July 20, ; must, out June 21,

; '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Sides, Andrew J. Co. K ; b. Kittery, Me. ; age 23 ; res. Portsmouth enl. Apr. 17, ; '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, ad., Portsmouth. See 6 N. II. V. Sides, George B. Co. K; b. Kittery, Me.; age 22; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '61 Lt. Sept. '61 1 Lt. State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. Aug. 1, ; 2 1, ; '64. '62 '63 '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Aug. 1, ; Capt. Co. D, Apr. 18, ; tr. to Co. K ; wd. July 2, VaUejo, Cat '61, as Priv. not must, m app. 2 ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. 17, for 3 mos., ; ; Sides, John S. Co. K ; b. Kittery, Me. age 28 Portsmouth '61 '63. P. 0. ad., Portsmouth. Lt. June 4, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. Aug. 1, ; resigned Jan. 7, enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos.; not must, m; paid by Sides, Robert C, Jr. Co. K; b. Portsmouth ; age 19; res. Portsmouth; 17, must, in Jan. '64 wd. May ; '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and 1, ; State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 8 yrs. must, in June 8, '64 '65 Adjt. Nov. '65 not Lt. I, Apj-. 27, ; 1, ; 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, '64 ; 1 Sergt. Deo. 1, ; 1 Co.

must. ; must, out as 1 Lt. Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Portsmouth. '61, as Priv. not must, in app. Capt. res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 17, for 3 mos., ; ; Sides, William O. Co. K ; b. Exeter ; age 30 ;

; '61. P. O. ad„ Portsmouth. See V. R. C. June 4, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Capt. resigned Aug. 14, '61 '61, as Priv. wd. sev. ; ; res. Goffstown ; enl. Aug. 7, ; must, in Aug. 24, ; Sidney, William. Co. C ; b. East Indies age 23 ex. P. ad., Meredith. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. Aug. 24, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. O. oat Dec. '63 in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; must, ; ; cred. ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, 25, Silver, Isaac. Co. C ; b. Portugal age 22 Concord 19, '65. '61, ;* '61, must, in; re-enl. May ; res. ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not 9, Silver, James B. Co. H ; b. Concord age 30 Hopkinton '63, Died Aug. li, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Nov. 16, Concord. 10, Boston, Mass. Silver, Sullivan. Co. C; b. Bow; age 32; res. Hooksett; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Wagoner; disch. disab. Nov. 9, '62, Alexandria, Va.

'61, ; not must, in paid by State Simmons, Albion R. Co. I ; b. Vermont ; age 18 ; ]-es. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos. ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yis. ; must, in J"une 7, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 20, ' '~ '62, " " " " J. AVashiugton, D. C. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Nov. 28, 63 ; disch. disab, May 28, '65, Concord. P. 0- ad., Elizabeth, N. 84 SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIEE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

Simons, Henry. Co. B; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 24; cred. Alton; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Sept. 19, 'Gi, us Fiiv. Died, dis. Aug. 2'2, '65, Warsaw, Va. Simons. See Symouds.

; ; eiil. Aug. '61 ; must, iii Aug. '61, ; July Simpson, John. Co. K b. Lee ; age 44 ; res. Newmarket 19, 27, as Priv. disch. disab. 11, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Lee. Simpson, John. Co. D. See William H. Whaley, 10 N. 11. V.

Simpson, Joseph. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, '6i ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. D,

11 V. E. C. ; disch. disab. July 28, '65, Providence, R. I.

; ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in by State ; re- Slade, George H. Co. I ; b. Walpole age 37 ; res. Walpole 22, ; paid 7, '63, 2H, '03. enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June '61, as Priv.; captd. July 20, Loudoun County, Va. ; par. Sept. Died, dis. Oct. 7, '63, Annapolis, Md. '64 in Oct. '64, Priv.; disch. Slatfcery, Martin. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 45; cred. Dover; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, 17, as May 25, '65, Richmond, Va. Slawson, Sellick, alias George H. Coleman. Co. K; b. Little Egg Harbor, N. J.; age 24; res. Rutland, Vt., cred. Pierniout; '65 '65 enl. Dec. 3, '63 ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. July 1, '64 ; 1 Sergt. May 1, ; 2 Lt. Sept. 20, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Died Feb. 1, '79, Albany, N. Y. '61, Sleeper, Levi H., Jr. Co. I; b. "New Hampshire"; age 23; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 nios. ; not must, in; '64. paid by State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Manchester. See 1 N. 11. H. Art. '61 '61, Priv.; Small, Edwdn F. Co. B; b. Pittsfleld ; age 13; res. Hartford, Vt. ; enl. May 27, ; must, in June 1, as wd. and '63, '64, ad., Boston, Mass. captd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released ; disch. Sept. 8, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. Small, George W. Co. I; b. Marvlaud; age 27; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 3, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Smiley, Charles H. Co. I; b. Maine; age 20; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. May 2i>, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Corp. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. re- Smiley, Stephen J. Co. I; b. Maine; age 34; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in; paid by State ; '63 enl. May 2J, '61, for yrs. ; '61, as ; Sergt. '63 Prin. Muse. Oct. 9, ; must, out June 3 must, in June 7, Corp. app. June 1, ; 21, '64. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. '63 '63, Smith, Albert. Co. B ; b. Holland ; age 22 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 1, '64, Petersburg, Va. '65, Smith, Albert. Co. G ; b. Holland ; age 22 ; enl. Nov. 30, '63, at Concord ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 9, Ft. Monroe, Va.

; ; '61 ; '61, ; nnist. out Smith, Alvin R Co. C b. Wilton ; age 18; res. Manchester enl. May 14, must, in June 1, as Piiv. June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Wilton. '61, Smith, Arthur P. Co. G; b. Derby, Vt. ; age 19 ; res. Lyndeborough ; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 5, as Piiv.; disch. disab. Aug. 9, '61, Washington, D. C. Smith, Charles. Co. G; b. England; age 39; cred. Manchester; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '03, as Priv.; des. Feb. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 '63, Smith, Charles. Co. H ; b. Gibraltar, Spain ; age 29 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as

Priv. ; disch. June 5, '65, Concord. '03 '63, Smith, Charles. Co. 1 ; b. New York city ; age 22 ; cred. Orange ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. '64 '65. July 1, ; 1 Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '64 '64, Smith, Charles. Co. I ; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 14, '65, Montross, Va. Smith, Charles H. Co. E; b. Dove:-, Me.; age 10; res. South Newmarket; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl.

May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 16, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. 0. ad., Lawrence, Mass. See 11 N. H. V.

Smith, Charles H. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Stanstead, Can. ; age 22 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 14, '64 ; must, in Oct. 14, '64, as Priv. des. '64, '65, ; Dec. 12, in the field, Va. ; reported May 8, under President's Proclamation ; disch. May 9, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Bartlett.

Smith, Charles H. Co. 11; b. Somersworth ; age 18; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State re-enl. INIay '61, ; 27, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 20, '64, Lawrence, Mass. b. Smith, Charles M. Co. H; Hartford, Conn.; age 19 ; res. Hartford, Conn., cred. Cornish; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv. Died, dis, Oct. 27, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va. Smith, Cyril C. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V.

Smith, Daniel P. Co. K b. Portsmouth; ; res. ; age 31 Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 17, '81, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; re-enl. '61, '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61. P. O. ad., Cambridgeport, Mass. See V. R. C. Co. E; b. South Smith, Daniel G. Newmarket; age 26 ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. May 3, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for yrs. must, in '61, 3 ; June 3, as Pjiv. ; wd. and mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. gd. from mis. Died, wds. ; Mar. 2, '63, Concord. Smith, Co. C b. Edward. Denmark- ; age ; cred. ; ; 21 Concord enl. Nov. 23, '63 ; must, in Nov. 25, '03, as Priv. ; returned to S. di'serter U. Navy as a therefrom Feb. 27, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. Smith, Edward. Co. E b. city ; New York age 19 cred. ; '63 ; ; Manchester enl. Nov. 27, ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 15, '64, Yorktown, Va. Smith, Edward J. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Smith, Brastus. Co. b. H Acworth ; ; res. ; age 24 Acworth ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; must, in not ; paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for yrs. 3 ; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 1, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, George. Co. E; b. Bridgeport, Conn.; age 19; cred. Nashua; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, hi Nov. 28, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 12, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Smith, Co. b. George. G ; Albany, N. Y. ; age ; cred. '63 '03, 21 Goffstown ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Deo. 1, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 13, '64, Pt. l^ookout, Md. Smith, Henrick B. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Smith, Henry. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. Smith, Henry. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Whitefield; enl. Oct. 13, '64; must, in Oct. 13, '01, as Priv.; des to the enemy Jan. 20, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va.

Smith, Hermon. Co. F; b. Laconia; age 18; res. Laconia; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; re-enl. May '01, 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. June 7, '62. Smith, Horace M. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 19; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State '61 '62, ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug., ; wd. May 5, Williamsburg,

Vn. ; disch. wds. Aug. 18, '62. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. ;;


; res. South Newmarket ; enl. '61, ; in re-enl. 18 ; Smith, Horace O. Co. E ; b. Montville, Me. age ; May 3, for 3 mos. not must, '64. for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Soraerville, Mass.

Smith, James. Co. G; b. Lausenburg, N. J. ; age 20; cred. Epsom; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '68, as Privt ; entered '6.3. Base I-Iosp., Pt. of Rocks, Va., Oct. 27, '64 ; f urloughed Feb. 2b, N. f. r. A. G. O. Smith, Johann. Co. K; b. England; age 29; cred. Milford; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Smith, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Hereford, Can. ; age 22 ; cred. Kingston ; eul. Oct. 5, '64 ; must, in Oct. 5, '64, as Priv.

app. Corp. Nov. 17, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Smith, John. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Smith, John. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 25, '63; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv.; \vd. June 24, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. July 10, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Smith, John. Co. E ; b. Buifalo, N. Y. ; age 28 ; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Aug. 22, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Sm.ith, John. Co. G; b. Prussia; age 27; cred. Hollis; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 13, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; '63 ; ; Smith, John. Co. I b. Venice, Italy age 22 ; cred. South Hampton ; enl. Deo. 2, must, in Dec. 2, "63, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19 '65. Smith, John,' 1st. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Smith, John, 1st. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V.

Smith, John, 1st. Co. K; b. Pennsylvania; age 21 ; cred. MiLCord; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 13, '63, lui Priv.; des. Feb. 28, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Smith, John, 2d. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. '64 Smith, John, 2d. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, iu Dec. 3, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 30, '65, Heathsville, Va. '63 '63, Smith, John C. Co. E ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 9, '64, Bristol, Pa.

Smith, John 0. Co. F; b. England; age 27; res. Canada, cred. Langdon ; enl. Nov. 30, '03 ; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.;

entered Knight Gen. Hosp., New Haven, Conn., June 25, '64 ; furloughed June 27, '64, and failed to return ; considered a * deserter from July 27, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Smith, John "W. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Claremont; enl. Dec. 6, '61 ; must, in Dec. 0, '64, as Priv.

N. f . r. A. G. O. '63 '63, Smith, Joseph. Co. H ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; res. Canada, cred. Landaif ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; entered

Pt. of Rocks Hosp., Va., Feb. 4, '65 ; furloughed Feb. 28, '65, and failed to return ; considered a deserter from Mar. 30, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, ont Smith, Joseph, 1st. Co. I ; b. New York ; age 23 ; cred. Deering ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, as Priv. ; must, Dec. 19, '65. Smith, Joseph, 2d. Co. I; b. England; age 21; cred. Wilton; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 21, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. '63; '63, Priv.; Smith, L. Alba. Co. G; b. Winchester ; age 21; cred. Ossipee; enl. Apr. 21, must, in Apr. 21, as mis. July 2,

'63, from mis. Aug. '63 ; wd. '64 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Gettysburg, Pa. ; gd. 20, '61, not must, in re-enl. IMay 10, Smith, Moses L. P. Co. D; b. Brookfleld; age 22; res. Milton; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; ; '62 '63 re-enl. '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug. 1, '61 ; Sergt. Oct. 1, ; 1 Sergt. Dec. 20, ; and

must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Smith, Oliver P. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V.

'63 must, in '63, as Priv. ; killed Aug. Smith, Patrick. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Nov. 23, ; Nov. 23, 23, '64, Petersburg, Va.

; '64 ; must, in Oct. '64, as Priv. ; des. to the Smith, Peter. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Holland ; age 37 ; cred. Bartlett enl. Oct. 5, 5, enemy Nov. 9, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. Smith, Peter, 1st. Co. I; b. England; age 29; cred. Wilton; enl. Nov. 19, '63; must, in Nov. 19, '03, as Priv.; des. Mar. 11, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Smith, Peter, 2d. Co. I; b. Canada; age 24; res. Canada, cred. Holderness; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; '65, wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Oct. 25, '67, to date Deo. 19, Boston, Mass. '63 ; cred. enl. Dec. ; must, in Dec. 2, '03, as Priv. ; des. Apr. Smith, Richard. Co. I ; b. Deerfield, N. Y. age 23 ; Strafford ; 2, 11, '64, -while on furlough. '64 must, in '64, as Priv. ; age 37 cred. Gilsum enl. Deo. 8, ; Dec. 8, Smith, Richard. Co. K ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Smith, Simon S. P. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Smith, Stephen. Co. G. See Hiram Ingerson. Smith, Thomas. Co. D; b. Holland; age 22; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. " " " Macedonian " disch., reduction S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Wm. G. Putnam and ; naval force, Oct. 20, '65, from receiving ship, Baltimore, Md., as Seaman. Smith, Thomas B. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

'63 Nov. 'G"), as Priv. ; mis. Oct. '64 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, iu 25, 28, ; Smith, Victor. Co. C ; b. France age 22 ;

gd. from mis. Feb. 17, '65 ; des. Sept. 8, '65, Tappahannock, Va. '61 '61, Priv. disch. ; ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 11, ; must, in June 1, as ; Smith, William. Co. C ; b. Rhode Island age 21 disab. Oct. 21, '61, Bladensburg, Md. Co. E. See Patrick Kennelly. Smith, William. „ t^. , '62 in Sept. as Priv. Died, cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Aug. 25, ; must, 3, 62, Smith, William. Co. G ; b. Hillsborough ; age 44; dis. Dec. 25, '64, Hillsborough. '63 must, Nov. l;i, ; cred. Hooksett ; enl. Nov. 13, ; m ; res. Norwich, Conn., Smith, William. Co. K ; b. Norwich, Conn. age 18 ' '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 8, '64, Pt. of Rocks, Va. enl. 25, must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv.; sent Smith, William. Unas'd; b. Massachusetts; age 22 ; cred. Concord; Nov. '63 ; to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61 ; ; ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, ; must, in to date June 3, ; app. Capt. Smith, William H. Co. E ; b. Chester age 25 res. Exeter ' '62 '64, Co. B, Aug. 1, ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 7, Ft. Monroe, Va. Smith. See Schmidt. '63; in '63, Smitz, Carles. Co. K; b. Germany ; age 19; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Canaan; enl. Dec. 3, must, Dec. 3, as " " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mount Vernon and Connecticut " ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 11, '65, from "Connecticut."

; ; ; '61 must, in '01 Snow, Thomas. Co. F ; b. Marblehead, Mass. age 32 res. Somersworth app. Capt. June 4, ; June 4, resigned Aug. 12, '62. Died Apr. 18, '80, Marblehead, Mass. ;;;;;


Soesman, Flavius A. Co. B ; b. Kennebunkport, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Dover ; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.

wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in from Dover, Feb. 19, '6i; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, Wds. June 30, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. '64, Sonnenshier, Fritz. Co. I; substitute; b. Germany; age 24; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Dec. 2, '64; must, in Dec. 2, as

Priv. ; des. July 6, '65, Manchester, Va.

Sorell, Abraham. Co. E ; b. North Perrisburg, Vt. ; age ; res. Danbury ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid 27 ;

by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C.

South-worth, Co. b. ; '61 '61, Orlin R. A; Watertown, N. Y. age 22; res. Keene ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 24, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. Spalding, George C. Co. B. See 17 N. H. V.

Spaulding, Co. '61 ; '61, ; Milan ; b. Sullivan res. enl. Sergt. D. C ; age 19 ; Sullivan ; Sept. 10, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. app. re-enl. '65. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Keene ; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, '64 ; 1 Lt. Nov. 4, '64 ; disch. May 11, P. O. ad., Winchester.

Spinney, Co. ; '61, ; "William K ; b. Boston, Mass. 28 res. enl. for 3 in T. age ; Portsmouth ; Apr. mos. not must, paid by 17, ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; mis. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch., 8, ; without pay or allowances, June 13, '64, to date June 30, '61.

Spitzer, George. Co. E ; b. Pittsburg, Pa. ; 23 cred. enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; delivered age ; Antrim ; Nov. 27, ; must, Nov. 28, to Provost Marshal General Jan. 20, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Sprague, William L. Co. D ; b. Winchester ; age IS ; res. Winchester ; enl. Sept. 4, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.

app. Corp. May 1, '63 re-enl '64 ; '64, ; '64 ; and must, in Jan. 1, wd. May 16, Drewry's Bluif, Va. app. Sergt. Oct. 1, ; 1 '65 Sergt. Aug. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '61, Spring, Joseph W. Band ; b. Calais, Me. ; age 29 ; res. Keene ; enl. July 22, '61 ; must, in Aug. 7, as 1 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '6J, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Fitchburg, Mass.

Spring, "William H. Co. A ; b. Grafton ; age 19 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ; '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Springer, John. Co. I; b. Holland; age 20; cred.Milford; enl. Nov. 18, '63; must, in Nov. IS, '63, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 Stack, James. Co. D; b. AVaterford, Ir. ; age 18; res. Walpole; enl. Sept. 11, ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. May 1, '63; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; app. Sergt. July 1, '64; disch. disab. Oct. 19, '65, Washington, D. C.

StafiFord, Sylvanus. Co. I; b. New York; age 18; cred. Webster ; enl. Nov. 17, '63 ; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '62 Stanley, Denison. Co. G ; b. Groton, Vt. ; age 40 ; res. Littleton, cred. Littleton ; enl. Aug. 27, ; must, in Sept. 10, '62, as

Priv. ; des. Sept. 30, '62, Fairfax, Va. Staples, John C. Co. A. See 17 N. H. V.

''61, ; Staples, "William H. F. Co. F ; b. Eaton ; age 34 ; res. Stratford ; enl. Apr. 24, tor 3 mos. not must, in; paid by State ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; July 2, '63, Gettysbui-g, Pa. must, out June 21, '64. '63 Co. K ; b. Massachusetts 21 cred. ; enl. Nov. ; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. Star, John. ; age ; Hooksett 13, 29, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Stark, John M. Co. C; b. Manchester; age 28; res. Goffstown; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 23, '63, Concord. See 7 N. II. V. '61 '61, Stark, Samuel A. Co. C ; b. Manchester ; age 16 ; res. Goffstown ; enl. May 11, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Muse. ; disch. as Priv. Sept. 12, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61 '61, Stark, "William G. Co. D ; b. Canaan ; age 24 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 10, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. ; app. Hosp. '61 '64 '64 '65. Steward Sept. 29, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; app. Asst. Surg. June 24, ; must, out Dec. 19, Starkey, Elmer J. Co. G; b. Marlborough; age 21; res. Peterborough; enl. Apr. 26, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl.

May 20, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp.; vifd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 24, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Chesham. '61 '61, Starkey, Isaac. Co. E; b. Troy; age 43 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 15, '62, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Swanzey. Staten, Bd'ward. Co. F; b. Germany; age 33; res. Brooklyn, N. Y., cred. Lisbon; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63,

as Priv. ; des. June 1, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. gd. from des. Aug. 12, '64 ; disch. Oct. 25, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va., by ; sentence G. C. M. '63 '63, Statton, Johann. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Bow ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. res. enl. '61, Co. D ; b. East Cambridge, Mass. ; age 21 ; Barrington ; Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in Stearns, George H. ; paid by State; re-enl. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs.; nmst. in Juue 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 21, '63.

; ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. May '61 ; must, '61, Steams, John M. Co. C ; b. Templeton, Mass, age 25 9, in June 1, as Priv. disch. disab. Nov. 18, '62, Alexandria, Va. Stebbins, "Warren L. Co. K; b. Winchester; age 18; res. Winchester; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; wd. '61; Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; app. Corp. June, '63 ; Sergt. July 3, disch. Sept. 15, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va., tm. ex. Steele, David. Co. G; b. Sebec, Me.; age 29; res. Antrim; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 20, '61, '62 '62 for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as 1 Sergt.; app. 2 Lt. Jan. 1, ; 1 Lt. Aug. 1, ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d),

; '63 ; tr. to Co. July '63 '21, '64. Va. ; sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. app. Capt. Co. F, July 3, G, 3, ; must, out June See 18 N. H. V. Steele, "William. Co. G; b. Spring-field, Mass.; age 24; cred. Manchester; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Deo. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. ' " " '64, S. S. Quaker City ; disch., reduction force, '65, to U. b. Navy Apr. 30, as a Seaman ; served on U. naval Aug. 21, from receiviug ship, Philadelphia, Pa. '03 ; b. 22 cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Pi-iv. . r. Steen John Peter. Unas'd Norway ; age ; N. f ' A. G. O. Steinburg, Charles. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Steineicke, Charles. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. Stevens, Abraham C. Co. D; b. Salisbury, Mass.; age 42; res. Lee; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

'61, yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 1, '62, Yorktown, Va. State ; re-enl. May 10, for 3 Stevens, Alvin H. Co. A; b. Maine; age 18; cred. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, iu Nov. 23, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 enl. 21, mu.st. May 21, '63, as Priv. ; killed res. Concord May ; m '03, 1 18 ; ; July Stevens, Benjamin G. Co. ; age 2, Get- tysburg, Pa. res. enl. May '61 must, in '61, b. Nottingham ; age 19 ; Lee ; 10, ; June 1, as Priv. ; des. Stevens, Benjamin T. Co. D ; May 25, '65 disch. '65, '63, Concord ; reported under President's Proclamation May 2, ; May 5, Concord. P. O. ad., Lee. ;;


; ; '61, Stevens, Clark. Co. F ; b. Maidstone, Vt. ; age 2-! ves. Uoluiiibia eiil. May .3, for ;) mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 27,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '01, as Priv. ; vvd. and mis. July 21, '61, Bull Ran, Va. gd. from mis. ; \vd. Au^-. 20, '02, ;

Bull Run (2d), Va. ; July 3, 'O-i, Gettysburg, Va,. ; must, out June 21, 'Oi. P. C). ad., Stratford. See 1 N. II. H. Ait. I'es. '63, Stevens, Edward R. Co. K; b. Massachusetts; age 31 ; Coneorii, cred. Keene ; eid. Dec. 3, '63; jnust. in Dec. 3, as

Priv. ; wd. June 1, '0-1, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. June 10, '05.

Stevens, Q-eorga. Co. A; b. Greenfield; age IS; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Apr. 2r, '01, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State ; re- '01, eid. ]\lay 22, lor 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '01, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 2;), '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; sev. July 2, '03, Gettys-

burg, Pa.; re-eul. and must, in Feb. 19, '6i ; app. Sergt. July 1, '04; 1 Sergt. June 7, '05; 2 Lt. Co. II, Xov. 1, '05; not

must. ; must, out as 1 Sergt. Dec. 19, '05. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam.

li. Co. C ; Corinth, Vt. ; age ; res. ; eul. ]\Iay '61 in '01, ; di.sch. Stevens, Horatio N. 43 Manoliester 10, ; must, June 1, as Priv. disab. July 29, '01. Supposed identical with Horatio N. Stevens, Co. K, 4 N. H. V. and Horatio Stevens, Co. C, 5 N. 11. V. Stevens, John. C!o. A. See 10 N. 11. V.

Co. K ; b. France age 22 res. city, cred. .3, '03 '03, as Priv. Stevens, John. ; ; New York Alstead ; enl. Dec. ; must, in Dec. 3, must, out Dec. 19, '05. Stevens, John B. Co. C; b. Nottingham; age 24; res. Nottingham; enl. Aug. 0, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '01, as Priv.; wd.

sev. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 7, '02, Washington, D. C.

Stevens, John O. Co. B; b. Wentworth; age 32; res. VVentworth ; enl. May 21, '01; must, in June 1, '01, as Corp.; app. '01 Sergt. Nov., ; wd. July 2, '03, and died, wds. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Stevens, Josiah, Jr. F. andS. ; b. Newport; age 35; res. Concord; app. JNIaj. Jfay 3, '01; must, in June 10, '01 ; resigned July 25, '02. See 9 N. II. V. Stevens, Reuben P. Co. T; b. Springfield; age 20; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yi'S. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; captd. May 5, '02, Williamsburg, Va. ; released; disch. ]\Iay22, '02, ^Vashington, D. C. Stevens, William. Co. T; b. Knglaud; age 34; cred. Strafford; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Deo. 2, '63, as Priv.; delivei-ed to commanding officer of Potomac Flotilla, Pt. Lookout, Md., Mar. 29, '04, as a deserter from U. S. Navy. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept. Stevens, William. Uuas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Henniker; enl. Dec. 3, '04; must, in Dec. 3, '04, as Priv.; des. '04, Boston, Mass. Dec. 10, , Stevenson, Joseph W. Co. G. See 12 N. II. V. Stevenson, William. Co. B; b. Fremout; age 34; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 0, '02; must, in Aug. 12, '02, as

Priv. ; disch. June 9, '05, Manchester, V^a. Died Jan. 29, '89, Concord. '01; '01, Stewart, Alexander. Co. K; b. Edinburgh, Scot.; age IS; res. Somersworth ; enl. May 22, mu.st. in June 8, as

Priv. ; wd. July 21, '01, Bull Run, Va. ; ,Iune 25, '02, Grove, Va. 20, '02, Bull Va. ; ti-. to Co. K, J Oak ; Aug. Run (2d), '02 Art., U. S. A., Nov. 5, ; re-enl. Feb. 11, '64; disch. Feb. 7, '67, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. Great Falls.

Stewart, Henry. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Dempster; enl. Dec. 0, '04; must, in Dee. 6, '04, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '04, Boston, Mass.

; ; ; '03 ; '03, Stewart, John. Co. K ; b. Ireland age 18 res. New York city, cred. Keene enl. Dec. 3, must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. disch. July 30, '05, Ft. Monroe, Va. '04, Stewart, Paul. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22 ; cred. Lebanon; enl. Dec. 0, '04; must, in Dec. 0, as Priv. ; des. Alar. 24, "05, AVhite Ucm.se, Va. '03 Stewart, Thomas. Co. I ; b. Switzerland ; age IS ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, '03, as Priv. ; nnist. out Dec. 19, '05. Stewart. See Stuart. St. Francis, Henry. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V.

"S t. ; '01 ; '01, Stickney, Silas S. Co. D ; b. Johnson, age 26 ; res. Troy ; eul. Sept. 3, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. Aug. 15, '03. '61, Stillings, James G. Co. F ; b. Ossipee ; age 19 ; res. Alton ; enl. May 8, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 17, '61, for 3 yrs. ; mnst. in June 4, '01, as Priv. ; des. ]\lay 25, '03, Concord. P. 0. ad., AVakefield.

Stimpson, Ctirtis. Co. B; b. Durham; age 19; res. Barrington ; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; mis. .luly 2,

'63, Gettysburg, Pa. gd. from mis. ; wd. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. '64, ; 3, Sept. 9, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Northwood. See 18 N. II. V. Stinke, Johann. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Steel, Pranz. Co. I; b. Hanover, Ger. ; age 21 ; cred. Strafford; enl. Dec. 2, '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; disch. July 1, '05, Ft. Mouroe, Va. Stokes, Thomas. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. Stone, Albert G. Co. A; b. Fitzwilliam; age 18; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Sept. 11, '01; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, wds. Nov. 2, '02, Fairfax Seminary Gen. IIosp., V.a. See 1 N. 11. V.

Stone, Charles A. Co. A ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 18 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Sept. 4, '01 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Sept. 14, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam.

Stone, John P. Co. A ; b. Swanzey ; age 21 ; res. Swauzey ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; ; paid by State re-eul.

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '01, as Corp. ; app. 1 Sergt. Dec. '62 killed '03, 15, ; July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. substitute '64 Stone, Oliver. Co. I ; ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. Deo. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Blar. 2, '65, Chaffin's Farm, Va.

F. and S. ; age 53 res. Asst. '62 '02 Stone, William P. ; Danbury ; app. Surg. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 28, ; must, out June 21, '64 '64 '65. ; app. Surg. July 6, ; must, in Aug. 5, '64 ; mu.st. out Dec. 19, Died 1872, Danbury. Stoodley, Edward D. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. 20, Storin, Michael. Co. E; b. Concord; age 22; res. Concord ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by re-enl. ; State; '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, in -fune 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. wds. Oct. 3, '62, David's Isl., N. Y. H. Co. I b. res. '61 Story, Albert. ; New Hampshire ; age 23 ; Goft'stown ; enl. May 9, ; nmst. in June 7, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 16, '61. Died June 16, '82, Raymond. See State Servi.ce.

Story, ; b. res. '61, William H. H. Co. E Boscawen ; age 18 ; Boscawen ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid by State; re-enl. '61, '61, May 21, for 3 yrs. ; must, iu June 3, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 14, '03, Portsmouth. P. O. ad., Chicago, Til. Stott, Robert A. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. * '01, Stover, Alcot. Co. E ; b. Bowdoin, Me. ; age 25 ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. May 6, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May '01 25, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; wd. and captd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run (2d), Va. '02 par. Sept. 2, ; disch. disab. Jan. .5, '63, Washington, I). C. '63 Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 24, must, in '63, as Priv. ; killed St. Pierre, Prudent. ; Nov. 24, June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Straw, Andrew J. Co. H ; b. Bradford ; age 34 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ; '61, re-enl. May 21, for 3 yi-s. ; must, in Juue 5, '61, as Priv.; wd. and captd. July 21, '01, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. July 2.5. '01. ;;


'61, re-enl. May Straw, George H. Co. H ; b. Hopkinton ; age 18 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Apr. 26, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; '63; 9, '61, tor 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; wd. and mis. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; gd. from mis. Aug. 15, )nust. out June 21, '64. See 1 N. PI. H. Art.

'61, ; not. in paid by State ; re- Straw, John M. Co. H ; b. Bradford ; age 32 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. must, ; '62, Oak Grove, Va. '61, ; June eul. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, BuU Run, Va. 25, disch. disab. Feb. 1, '63. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '61, Pnv.; Straw, William H. Co. G; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 16; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must, in Aug. 24, as returned July '63, D. G. ; 1, captd. June 30, '62, Wliite Oak Swamp, Va. ; exch. Aug. 10, '62; des. May 20, Washington,

'G4 ; disoh. disab. May 22, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Manchester. Corp. re-enl. '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv; app. ; Streetev, Charles H. Co. C ; b. Troy; age 18; res. Troy; enl. Sept. 5, '65; lit. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Portsmouth; app. Sergt. July 1, '64; 1 Sergt. Nov. 30, '64; Sergt. Maj. Mar. 17, 1 '65 '65. Co. A, May 1, ; tr. to Co. E ; disch. Aug. 16, P. O. ad., Keene. See 1 N. H. V. '63 '63, as Pnv. des. Apr. ; enl. must, in Dec. 2, ; Strickland, Prank. Go. I b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 25 ; cred. Chester ; Deo. 2, ; 8, '64, Yorktown, Va. Stuart, Horace M. Go. A. See 10 N. H. V. Stuart. See Stewart. lb, enl. '63 ; must, m JSov. ; Nov. 16, Sullivan, Jerry, alias John Sweeney. Go. K ; b. Lewiston, Me. age 19 ; cred. Pembroke ; " " " Ft. Jackson " disch., '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Calypso and ; reduction naval force, Aug. 7, '65. P. 0. ad., Waukesha, Wis. Co. See 10 Sullivan, John. C. N. H. V. . ^ '64, as Pnv. des. Sullivan, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Webster; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, ; Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. '61, Priv. disch. Oct. 7, 'CI, Sullivan, John, Jr. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 21 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 3, as ; Washington, D. G. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 13 N. H. V. Sullivan, John H. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. must, out Sullivan, Michael. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Plainfield; enl. Nov. 19, '63; must, in Nov. 19, '63, as Pnv. ; Dec. 19, '65.

; '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, Sullivan, Patrick. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 26; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 18, '63 must, in Nov. 18,

'64, Gold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Sullivan, William. Co. A; b. Massachusetts; age 23; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv; des.

Apr. 11, '64, Yorktown, Va. gd. from des. ; des. to the enemy Nov. '64, Ghaffin's Farm, Va. ; 7, '61, Priv.; Summers, William^. Co. I ; b. Norfolk, Va. ; age 34; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 16, '61; must, in Aug. 27, as disch. Aug. 30, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va., tm. ex. See V. R. G.

; ; '61, ; must, in paid by State Sumner, Aaron B. Co. A ; b. Chesterfield age 25 res. Swanzey ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '62 ; Sergt. Jan. 10, '04 ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Keene.

; '61 ; '61, ; disch. disab. June Sumner, Alonzo D. Co. C; b. Keene ; age 18; res. Keene enl. Sept. 3, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. 9, '63, Concord. See V. R. G. and State Service.

Sumner, David. Co. C ; b. Keene ; age 44 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 7, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 1 1, '62, Washington, D. G. See 14 N. H. V.

James H. Co. F ; b. Hill ; age ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Swain, 24 ; '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. ; 2 Lt. July 2, '63 ; wd. May 9, '64, Swift Greek, Va. must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Laconia.

S. Co. I; b. New Hampshire ; age res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in paid by Swain, Josiah 20; ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; in '61, ; '63 '64. must, June 7, as Priv. app. Corp. Aug. 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., New Hampton. Sweatt, Ira. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. b. '61, Sweatt, Joseph S. Co. E; Boscawen; age 17 ; res. Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Apr. 18, for 3 mos.

not must, in ; paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Wash- ington, D. C. Sweatt. See Swett. Sweeney, John. Go. E. See Patrick Rooney. Sweeney, John. Co. K. See Jerry SuUivan. '63 Sweney, James. Co. I ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, '63, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Mar. 19, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Swett, Nathaniel F. Co. H; b. Campton; age 20; res. Manchester; enl. May 25, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; app. '62 '64. Coi'p. Nov. 1, ; Sergt. Jan. 1, '64; must, out June 21, Died Nov. 7, '86, Antrim.

b. ; '61 ; '61, '62, Swett, Nelson S. Co. B ; Bartlett age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 11, must, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. June 25, Oak Grove, Va. Died, wds. July 21, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Swett. See Sweatt.

; ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Symonds, John G. Co. H ; b. Jamaica, Vt. age 22 Charlestown ; May 27, must, in June 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 10, '61, Bl^densburg, Md. Symonds. See Simons. '61 Taber, Charles L. Co. C ; b. Grafton ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. May 13, ; must, in June 1, '61 , as Priv. ; wd. sev. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Feb. 4, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. Auburn. See 1 N. H. L. Battery.

Taflfee, John. Co. PI; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Claremont; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must, in Dec. 6, '64, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '6.5.

; enl. '61, Co. A b. Nelson ; age 27 ; res. Keene ; Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. Taffc, Edward N. ; May

22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; killed May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va.

; b. Grafton, Mass. ; age ; res. Manchester enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not Taft, John. Co. T 23 ; 24, must, in ; paid by State ; re-

enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 22, '63, Washington, D. G.

; res. enl. '61, Josiah O. Go. A b. Fitzwilliam ; age 23 ; FitzwOliam ; Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State Taft, ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 30, '62, Harrison's Lauding, Va. Tag, William. Co. D; b. France; age 22; cred'. Enfield; enl. Nov. 11, '63; must, in Nov. 11, '63, as Priv.; disch. July 5, '6.5, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lake Fork, Ohio. enl. '61 '61, Talham, Charles A. Go. D ; age 24 ; res. Portsmouth ; June 1, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 27, '62, Brooklyn, N. Y. '61 Tallant, Charles H. Band; b. Concord; age 19; res. Keene; enl. July 22, ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 3 Class Muse. ; disch. Mar. 24, '62. Supposed identical with Charles H. Tallant, U. S. Navy. Tallin, Joseph. Co. H; b. Quebec, Can.; age 18; res. Manchester; enl. May 13, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; des. Sept. 28, '62, Annapolis, Md. ;;;


Tangney, James. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. '61, re-eiil. Tanner, Jeremiah. Co. E; b. Exeter; age 23; res. Exeter; eul. May 1, for 3 inos. ; not must, in; for 3 yrs. ; must. ill June 3, '01, as Priv.; re-eiil. and must, in Jan. 1, '04; cred. Somersworth; disoh. disab. Nov. 16, '04, Willet's I'oint, N. Y. H. Died Sept. 21, '74, Exeter. '61 '61, Tash, Ed'win S. Co. D; b. New Durham; age 24; res. Dover; eul. May 16, ; must, in June 1, as Corp.; discli. disab. July 30, '61. P. O. ad., Dover. Tashro, Lewis. Co. B. See 13 N. 11. V.

Tatro, Joseph. Co. G; b. Canada; age 38; cred. Peterborough; eril. Aug. 25, '02; must, in Sept. 15, '62, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. Died Mar. 31, '89, Russell, Mass. '61, '61, Taylor, George A. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 32 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 1, for 3 raos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 25, for

3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '61, Washington, D. C. Taylor, Ira. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. '63 '63, Taylor, James. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 37 ; res. Williamsburg, N. Y., cred. Landaff ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1,

as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Aug. 8, '04, Washington, D. C.

b. R. I. ; ; res. enl. '61 ; in '01, as Muse. Taylor, James W. Co. K ; Providence, age 18 Portsmouth ; May 21, must, June 8, '6-1, re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '04 ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '04 ; Sergi. May 1, '05 ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, '65; must. out. Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad.. Riverside, R. I.

." b. England ; res. ; enl. '61, ; in State re- Co. K ; age 34 ; Portsmouth Apr. 18, for mos. not must, paid by ; Taylor, Samuel. ;

enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. Taylor, Thomas. Co. C. See 10 N. H. V. '01, Co. K ; b. Portsmouth ; age 21 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by TeagTie, Freeman B. ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '01, as Priv. ; des. June 5, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

Tearrier, George. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 22; cred. Enfield ; enl. Nov. 11, '03; must, in Nov. 11, '03, as Priv.; des. from hosp. Nov. 19, '04. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. Tebbetts. See Tibbetts. '64 '64, Telfer, Robert. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Spain ; age 20 ; cred. Plainiield ; enl. Dec. 6, ; must, in Dec. 6, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

; Tenney, William H. Co. K; b. Marlborough; age 23; res. Marlborough "enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 raos. ; not must, in; paid

by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 17, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 29, '74, Hudson, Mass.

Co. H ; b. Claremont ; age 22 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Tenney, George P. ; State; re-enl. May 21, '01, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '61; must, out as Priv. June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. '61, Tetherly, John B. Co. E ; b. Newmarket ; age 25 ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. May 3, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl.

for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '01, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '04. P. O. ad.. South Newmarket.

Thatcher, Lucius. Co. A ; b. Keene ; age 21 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 4, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 17, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Chesterfield. '61 '61, Thayer, Eli. Co. E ; b. Winchester ; age 27 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. Died, dis. May 27, '62.

Thayer, Nathaniel. Co. F ; b. Montague, Mass. ; age 26 ; res. Hinsdale ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. disch. Sept. 20, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. See Miscel. Organizations. Thing. See Thyng. '63 '63, Thomas, Blisha. Co. H ; b. Barnston, C. E. ; age 42 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 9, ; must, in Nov. 9, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 20, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Thomas, John. Co. I; b. England; age 21; cred. Milford; enl. Nov. 10, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 6, '64,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. July 17, '65, Concord. '01 '61, Thomas, Jones B. Co. F; b. Hinsdale; age 40; res. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 19, '63, Baltimore, Md. See 18 N. H. V.

Co. E ; b. Holderness; age ; res. Concord ; enl. as Priv. Apr. 17, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by Thompson, Ai B. 27 ;

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; app. 2 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date June 3, '61, as 2 Lt. ; disch. Aug. 7, '61, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations.

'04 ; '64, ; Thompson, Bnos. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 39 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Dec. 3, must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. must. out Dec. 19, '65.

Thompson, George. Unas'd; b. Nova Scotia; age 23; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; for- '63 warded to 3 N. H. V. by error, under name of George Russell, and assigned to Co. A, Dec. 21, ; dropped from rolls of '04. Co. A as George RusseU after Dec, '03, and taken up as George Thompson ; des. Nov. 9,

Thompson, Henry A. Co. H; b. Bladensburg, Md. ; age 40; res. Keene; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 9, '63, Concord. See V. K. C.

Thompson, Holland. Co. I ; b. Denmark ; age 20 ; res. New York city ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 2, '03 ; must, in Dec. '03, '65 '65. 2, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64 ; Sergt. July 1, ; must, out llec. 19, '61 '01, Thompson, James. Co. D; b. Dover; age 22; res. Dover; enl. May 25, ; must, in June 1, as Wagoner; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Portsmouth; must, out as Priv. Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Dover.

; ; ; '61 Thompson, James. Co. E b. Glasgow, Scot. age 32 res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. May 7, ; must.

in June '61, Corp. ; re-enl. in '64 ; cred. '64 ; '65 3, as and must, Jan. 1, Portsmouth ; app. Sergt. Julv 1 Sergt. July 1, 1, ;

2 Lt. Co. H, Nov. 10, '65 ; not must, as 2 Lt. Died, dis. Nov. 10, '05, Warsaw, Va. '63, Thompson, John. Co. D ; b. Sweden ; age 23 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '03 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; tr. to Co.

B, Apr. 20, '64 ; disch. May 31, '65, Camp Lee, Va. Thompson, John. Co. H; b. England; age 33; cred. Webster; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. '64, " " " " Navy Apr. 28, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Quaker City and Fort Donelson ; disch., reduction naval force, Aug. 29, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass.

Thorapson, John. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Sweden ; age 23 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Oct. 19, '64 ; must, in Oct. 19, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. 6, 6, Thompson, John. Unas'd; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21; cred. Goshen ; enl. Dec. '64 ; must, in Dec. '64, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass.

; ; ; '62 ; in '02, as ; Thompson, Joseph. Co. D ; b. Porter, Me. age 26 res. Lancaster enl. Feb. 22, must, Feb. 28, Muse. des. May 25, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Lancaster. '64 Thompson, Lawrence. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, '04, as

Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Thompson, Robert. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Bartlett; enl. Oct. 11, '64; must, in Oct. 11, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ind. ;


'61, Thompson, "Willard P. Co. I ; b. North Elba, N. Y. ; age 28 ; res. Goffstown ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; paid '63, by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; mnst. in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Nashua. See 1 N. H. Cav. Thompson, William. Co. I; b. Massachusetts; age 23; cred. Deering; enl. Nov. 16, '63; must, in Nov. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 3, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 '63, Thompson, William. Co. K ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Canaan ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv.; app. Corp. May 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Thorning, William H. Co. A; b. Claremont; age 21 ; res. Winchester; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by

State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 22, '61, as Priv.; disch. May 30, '64, to date May 22, '64, New York city, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Keene. '64, Thornton, Thomas. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 29 ; cred. Effingham ; enl. Sept. 13, '64 ; must, in Sept. 1 3,

as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Nov. 9, '64, Chaflin's Farm, Va. '6 ; b. ; res. ; , ; must, in paid State ; re- Thurston, Ichabod H. Co. F Gilford age 23 ; Gilford enl. Apr. 23, 1 for 3 mos. not ; by

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 19, '63, Concord. '63, Co. C; b. Keene ; age 18 ; res. enl. Sept. '61 ; in Sept. '61, as Priv. ; des. May 24, Thurston, James. Stoddard ; 9, must, 17, Concord. P. O. ad., Stoddard. See State Service.

Thurston, John O. Co. E ; b. Exeter ; age 28 ; res. Exeter ; enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs. ; must.

in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64.

Thyng, George H. Co. E; b. Brentwood ; age 22; res. Exeter; enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs.; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Somersworth. Died, dis. Oct. 28, '64, Exeter. Tibbetts, George W. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V.

Tibbetts, Henry. Co. H; b. Wolfeborough ; age 35; res. Maine; enl. May 27, '61; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; mis. July

21, '61, Bull Bun, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. Apr. 22, '62, Yorktown, Va. Died May 16, '65, Wolfeborough. ; Tibbetts, James H. Co. D; b. South Gardiner, Me.; age 18; res. Milton; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. '63 '64. May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. June 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Weirs. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; '61, ; in paid by Tibbetts, Stephen R. Co. F ; b. Madison ; age 33 ; res. Tuftonborough enl. May 4, for 3 mos. not must, ; '61, State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Aug. 12, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Madison. See 1 N. H. Cav. Tibbitts, William H. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V. Tiernay, John. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Bennington; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 20, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. " 21 '61 '61, Tilden, Charles T. Co. B ; b. Hartford, Vt. ; age " ; res. Hartford, Vt. ; enl. May 14, ; must, in June 1, as Priv. disch. as a minor Sept., '61, by order U. S. Court.

Tllton, William H. Co. C ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Manchester; enl. May 14, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '61. Tirrell. See Tyrrel. Titus, Henry. Co. G; b. Colebrook; age 20; res. Lincoln; enl. May 1, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl.

May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in .Tune 5, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 27, '62, Fair- fax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad.. Little River, Kan.

Co. A ; b. Chesterfield ; ; res. Chesterfield enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos., as Priv.; in Herbert age 27 ; not must, paid Titus, B. ;

by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; app. 2 Lt. June 4, '61 ; must, in to date May 31, '61, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. to date '61 Sept. 17, ; tr. to Co. F, Sept. 17, '61 ; to Co. A, Nov. 1, '61 ; disch. July 1, '62, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., East Wil- ming-ton, Vt. See 9 N. H. V. Tobie, Addison W. Co. C. See 17 N. H. V.

Tobin, Ed'ward. Co. H; b. L-eland; age 24; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Pi-iv. ; wd. June 3, '64, '64. Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 26, '74, to date Oct. 30, Tool, William. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V. '61 Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Aug. 24, must, in Aug. '61, ; Totten, John. ; 24, as Priv. killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V.

b. ; res. '61 ; Tottingham, Charles N. Band ; Ashburnham, Mass. age 34 ; Keene ; enl. July 22, mnst. in Aug. 7, '61, as 1 Class

Muse. ; app. Leader Sept. 1, '61 ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. See 2 Brig. Band.

Tower, George R. Co. A; b. Westminster, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Walpole; enl. Apr. 25, '61, lor 3 mos.; not must, in paid by ; State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 16, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Saxton's River, Vt.

Co. b. Ireland ; ; cred. Manchester enl. Nov. '63 Tracy, James. D ; age 38 ; 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. E, '64 des. '64, hosp. joined des. '64 disch. Feb. 8, ; June 1, from ; from June 30, ; disab. July 18, '64, Washington, D. C.

Co. ; b. Ir. ; ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. ; '63 Tracy, John. F Limerick, age 23 Hampton enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 25, '03, as

Priv. ; des. June 27, '04, Annapolis, Md. b. Trammell, George. Co. E ; Somersett County, Md. ; age 21 ; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as '64 Priv. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; Sergt. Dec. 1, '64; des. Sept. 8, '65, Warsaw, Va. 2, Travers, John. Co. I; b. Wheeling, Va. ; age 20; cred. Newmarket; enl. Dec. '63; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv.; app. Serot.° July 1, '64; reduced to ranks June 26, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Co. ; b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Dec. 1, '63 ; must, '63, Travis, John B. G in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; des Jan 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Co. H; b. Ireland; age cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 19, '63; must, in Nov. '63, Traynor, Edward. 25; 19, as Priv. ; wd. May 18 '64 '64, ; furloughed June 15, from DeCamp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. 11. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. E b. Rye ; age 21 ; res. South Newmarket ; enl. '61, for 3 ; Francis G. ; May 3, mos. not Trefethen, must, in ; re-enl. for 3 yrs.; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 29, '62, Yorktown, Va. Trickey, George W. Co. K; b. Rochester; age 25; res. Rochester; enl. May 21, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 15, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. West Concord. See 15 N. H. V., V. R. C, and Miscel. Organizations. Tripp, William H. Go. D; b. Lawrence, Mass.; age 22; res. Strafford; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in ; re-enl.

May 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. May 25, '63, Concord.

b. age res. ; enl. '61 ; must, '61, True, Roby M. Co. B; Loudon ; 20; Loudon May 16, in June 1, as Priv. ; wd. June 25, '62

Oak Grove, Va. ; diseh. wds. Apr. 1, '63, New York city. Tryon, James. Co. I; b. Canada; age 38; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 13, '63; must, in Nov. 13, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec 19, '65. Tucker, Arnold. Co. C. See 12 N. H. V.

Co. ; b. Thornton age ; res. Manchester; enl. 9, '61 ; must, in '61, Tucker, Franklin K. C ; 22 May June 1, as Priv. ; captd. '61, '64, '64. July 21, Bull Run, Va. ; exch. ; wd. June, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad.. West Manchester See V. U. C. ;;;


Tucker, b. Ossipee ; age 20; res. Ossipee ; enl. Apr. 29, '01, for 3 mos. ; not State re- "William H. Co. F; must, in ; paid by ;

eul. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '01, as Corp. ; ties. Feb. 14, '62. Tufts, George S. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Tumbul, John. Co. H; b. Scotland; age 25; res. Canada, cred. Landafl'r enl. Dec. 2, '03; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as Priv. ; des. May 21, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. '

Turner, Francis. Co. I; b. Newfoundland; age 21 ; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 3, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Co. A b. Lerapster; age ; res. enl. '01, Turner, Gardner "W. ; 25 Keene; Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. '61, May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Turner, Richard. Co. K. See 17 N. II. V. Tutherly. See Tetherly. Tuttle, Charles D. Co. A; b. Epping; age 17; res. Manchester; enl. Jan. IS, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '02, as Muse; re-enl. and

must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; wd. June '64, ; '64 '65. 27, Petersburg, Va. app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, P. 0. ad., Epping.

Tuttle, Edward G. Co. B ; age 24 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. May 27, '01 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Muse. ; app. Corp. Dec. 1, '61 '62, wd. May 5, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Aug. 16, '62, Philadelphia, Pa., as Priv.

Tuttle, Freeman H. Co. B; b. Durham; age 21 ; res. Durham; enl. May 11, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; wd. June '02, '63 25, Oak Grove, Va. ; tr. to I. C. Aug. 15, ; assigned to Co. B, II. C. ; disch. June 10, '64, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Newmarket.

Tuttle, George B. Co. C; b. Lynn, Mass. ; age .30; res. Derry ; enl. May 24, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.

Oct. 12, '62 ; disch. disab. Mar. 17, '63. Supposed identical with George B. Tuttle, Co. G, 1 N. H. Cav. P. O. ad., East Derry.

Tuttle, Horace. Co. B ; b. Nottingham ; age 23 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. May 22, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. '62 Aug. 1, ; Sergt. July, '63 ; must, out June 21, '64. Tuttle, Jesse. Co. G. See 17 N. H. V.

Tuttle, Marcus Co. C ; b. Epping ; age 18 res. Manchester ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. M. ; May 20, must, June 1, Aug. 24, '61. P. O. ad.. West Manchester. See 8 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

Twilight, William Co. K; b. Exeter; age 23 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.: not nmst. in paid by State ; re- H. ;

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 8, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. 'July 31, '61, Washington, D. C. Twiss, John. Co. G; b. Antrim; age 19; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos., at Milford; not nmst. in; paid by State; re-enl. May 25, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 2, '61, Washington, D. C. '64 Twohundred, Michael. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 28 ; cred. Hebron ; enl. Oct. 5, ; must, in Oct. 5, '64, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Tyler, George B. Co. I ; b. Grantham ; age 20 ; res. Grantham ; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re- ;

enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yi'S. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 6, '63, Boston, Mass. '61, Tyler, Henry 0. Co. B; b. Hopkinton ; age 20; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in from '64 ; cred. '64 Sergt. July '64 1 Sergt. '64 Portsmouth Jan. 1, Portsmouth ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, ; 10, ; Dec. 10,

1 Lt. Co. H, Nov. 1, '65 ; not must. ; must, out as 1 Sergt. Dec. 19, '65. Died Oct. 19, '06, Hopkinton. '61 '61, Tyler, Moses 0. Co. B ; b. Hopkinton ; age 18 ; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; captd. June

30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. par. ; disch. disab. July 9, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Sandusky, Ohio. See 18 N. H. V. ;

Tyrrel, David B. Co. A; b. Windham, Vt. ; age 19; res. Chesterfield; enl. Aug. 7, '61 ; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; disch. Aug. 24, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Hinsdale. '61, Tyrrel, Everett 0. Co. D; b. Winchester ; age 18; res. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 23, '63, Portsmouth.

Underwood, Ralph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Prince Edward's Isl. ; age 22; cred. Nashua; enl. Dec. 3, '64; must, in Dec. 3,

'64, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 10, '64, Boston, Mass. Varney, Benjamin P. Co. B; b. Gilmanton; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Penacook.

; enl. '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Varney, John S. Co. D ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 22 ; res. Milton May 13, '63 '64. June 1, ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., Wolfeborough. Varney, Richard M. Co. K. See Richard Vincent.

'61, ; in re-enl. May 10, '61, for res. ; Apr. for 3 mos. not must, ; Varney, Theron F. Co. D ; b. Milton ; age 19 ; Milton enl. 30, '63, reported under President's 3yi-s. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Aug. 11, '62; des. May 25, Concord;

Proclamation, '05 ; disch. May 15, '65, Galloup's Isl., B. H., Mass. '61, in re-enl. May 10, '61, for res. ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, ; Venner, James M. Co. D ; b. Milton ; age 22 ; Milton

'62, ; appreh. July '64, Lebanon, Me. 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Corp. ; des. July 18, Harrison's Landing, Va. 5, dishon. disch. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, as Priv. tr. to U. S. ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 17, ; must, in Nov. 17, ; Verney, Henry. Co. H ; b. England ; age 30 " " Huntsville " disch., reduction naval force, Aug. Navy Apr. 28, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mount Vernon and ; 28, '65, as Boatswain's Mate. '61, mos. (Fisherville, Penacook) ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 Vesper, Isaac N. Co. E; b. Lynnfield, Mass. ; age 33 ; res. Concord now 2o, '62, Grove, '61, yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. June Oak not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. May 21, for 8 ; '63. '92, Concord. Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. Aug. 1, '61 ; 1 Lt. Aug. 25, '62 ; resigned May 6, Died Nov. 16, not must, in paid by ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; ; Vickery, Charles. Co. I ; b. New Hampshire age 20 ; '02 Sept. '62 wd. Dec. '61, ; Sergt. May 28, ; 2 Lt. 1, ; ; as Corp. app. State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. must, in June 7, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.. 14, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 11, '62 must, in Feb. ; ; res. Manchester ; enl. Feb. 13, ; Vincent, Richard, alias Richard M. Varney. Co. K ; b. Sandwich age 31 '64 dis. 20, '65, Newmarket. 28, '62, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, ; cred. Newmarket. Died, May not must, in paid by State ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; ; ; Vittum, George S. Co. F ; b. Sandwich ; age 34 res. Sandwich ; '68, Gettysburg, Pa. '61, ; '63, and died, wds. July 13, re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, as Priv. wd. July 2, '63 in Nov. '63, as Pnv. des. Nov. cred. Antrim ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, 21, ; Vivenot, Alexandre. Co. H ; b. France ; age 37 ; Hosp., 18 '04, Cold Harbor, Va. ; entered Base 27, '63, en route reg-t. from des. ; assigned to Co. I; wd. sev. June 3, to ; gd. '64. A. White House, Va., June 5, N. f . r. A. G. O. . C, . , , in ; ; ; enl. Apr. 24, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, ; paid by Vosburg-, Charles N. Co. I ; b. Alburgh, Vt. age 21 res. Manchester '02, D. C. P. O. ad., State ; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 1, Washington, Warren sburg. Mo.

; '01 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Walcott, John T. Co. G ; b. Lancaster ; age 21 ; res. Haverhill enl. May 24, disab. Aug. 3, '61, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Joubert, S. D. See 4 N. H. V. '61, not must. in paid by State "Walcott, "William G. Co. G ; b. Lancaster ; age 24 ; res. Haverhill ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos.; ; ;

re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab, Jan. 7, '63, David's Isl., N. Y. H. P. 0. ad., Haverhill. See i N. H. tj. Art. ;;


Walcott. See Woloott. Waldau.^Ernst P Co- D b Oe age ^ 19 ^-d Manchester ; enl. ; tv. to Nov. 27, '68 •, must, in Nov. 27, '63,as Priv.

Walker Albert Co. A b. Vermont res. R ; age ; 25; Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, '61, State ; re- for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by enl May for yrs. in '61, ; 22, 61, 3 ; must May 31, as Priy. ; app. fcorp. Aug. 1, '61 2, '63, ; Sergt. June 1, '63 ; wd. sev. July

Gettysburg, Pa. ; tr. to V. R. C. Apr. '64 unas'd; disch. '64, 23, ; June 7, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P O. ad.. East Syra- cuse, N. Y.

Walker, Co. B b. Fryeburg, Me. ; age ; res. ; '61, ; ; Concord enl. '61 must, Charles W. 38 May 11, as Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. June 4, in to '61, '61, date June 1, as 1 Lt. ; killed June 21, by falling from cars while passing through New Jersey, en route to Washington, D. C. '61, Walker, Henry. Co. K ; b. England ; age 24 ; enl. May 21, at Portsmouth ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va.

; enl. '62 miist. in Aug. Walker, Henry J. Co. H ; b. Mexico, Me. age 30 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth ; Aug. 9, ; 12,

'62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 9, '63, Concord.

; ; '61, ; not must, in paid by Walker, Richard A. Co. E ; b. Hopkinton ; age 21 res. Hopkinton enl. Apr. 18, for 3 mos. ;

State; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. Died, wds. June 8, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. enl. '62 must, in Aug. '62, Walker, Rufus. Co. H ; b. Mexico, Me. ; age 36 ; res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth ; Aug. 8, ; 12,

as Priv. ; disch. June 7, 65, Ft. Monroe, Va.

'61, ; not must, in; re-enl. May ; res. ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. Walker, Thomas H. Co. D ; b. Boston, Mass. age 23; Durham '61, P. ad., Newmarket. 10, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, Washington, D. C. O. See 5 N. H. V.

; '61, for mos. ; not must, in paid Walker, William H. Co. H ; b. Mexico, Me. ; age 18 ; res. Somersworth enl. Apr. 25, 3 ; '61, Bull Run, Va. par. by State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; vyd. and captd. July 21, ; '62 June 2, ; disch. wds. July 21, '62, Concord. State re-«nl. May '61, ; not must, in paid by ; Wallace, Ira M. Co. F ; b. Dalton ; age 23; res. Dalton ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. ; '62, near Alex- 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 13, andria, Va. P. O. ad., Concordia, Kan. Wallace, John. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. '61, as Priv. wd. May '61 ; must, in June ; Wallace, Nathaniel D. Co. B ; b. Concord ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 14, 1,

5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Nov. 13, '63, Richmond, Va. re-enl. '61, for mos. ; not must, in Wallace, Sylvester B. Co. D ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Middleton ; enl. Apr. 22, 3 ; '61, '62. May 10, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 1, See 15 N. H. V. '61, Priv.; disch. disab. Wallace, William. Co. B ; b. Epsom; age 40; res. Concord; enl. May 22, '61; must, in June 1, as Aug. 5, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. See 1 N. H. Cav. '62 Walsh, James. Co. A ; b. Antrim, Ir. ; age 21 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 18, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

18, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. June 14, '65, Manchester, Va. P. O. ad., Shirley, Mass. Walsh, Richard. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 19; res. Dover; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 10, '61, for '63, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 11, Falmouth, Va. '64 '64, Walsh, William. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 27 ; cred. Danbury ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65. Walsh. See Welch and Welsh. Ward, Charles. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Wardmann, Carlos. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V.

Wardrobe, William. Co. I; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must, in Sept. 30, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Sept. 15, '65, Montross, Va.

Wardwell, Lyman E. Co. H ; b. Marlborough ; age 17 ; res. Nelson ; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; app. '63 Corp. June 1, ; captd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; released ; disch. Sept. 16, '64, Concord, tm. ex. Ware. See Weare.

Waring, Unas'd ; substitute b. Scotland ; 22 cred. enl. '64 '64, William J. ; age ; ; Dec. in Priv. Weare 2, ; must, Dec. 2, as N. f. r. A. G. 0.

'61 ; Warner, John S. Co. A ; b. Mason ; age 24 ; res. Marlow ; enl. Sept. 4, must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62,

Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 14, '62. P. O. ad., Keene.

Warren, Charles H. Co. K; b. Brunswick, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. May 21, '61 ; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.

app. Corp. July, '61 ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. Warren, WUliam. Co. G. See 17 N. H. V. Washburn, Jason D. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Wasilef, Peter. Co. G ; b. Russia ; age ; cred. Nashua ; enl. '63 ; 29 Nov. 30, must, in Nov. 30, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Dec. 19, '65.

Wasley, Co. ; b. ; ; Frank J England res. ; C. age 21 Manchester enl. Apr. '61, ; 22, for 3 mos. not must, in ; paid by State re-enl. May '61, for 22, 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Corp. ; Sergt. ; '62 app. Sergt. Maj. Aug. 25, ; 2 Lt. Co. C, Sept. 1, '62 1 Lt. June '63 '63, ; 18, ; wd. July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Wathy, Lambertus B. Co. B substitute ; b. West Indies '64 ; ; age 26 cred. '64, ; Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct. 3,

as Priv. ; app. Corp. May '65 '65. 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, Watson, Charles Co. b. E. D ; Dover ; res. age 26 ; Rollinsford ; enl. June 1, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. June '62, 27-29, Gaines Mills, '62 ; '64. Va. ; par. Aug. 5, must, out June 21, Died Mar. 4, '72, Haverhill, Mass. Watson, Charles W. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Watson, George H. Co. C. See 17 N. II. V.

Watson, Jacob Co. ; b. B ; ; '61, W. Woodstock, Vt. age 29 ; res. ; '61 nmst. in June 1, Concord enl. May 23, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Dec. '61 1, ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out as Priv. June 21, '64. Died July 21, '72, Concord. Watson, James. Co. K; b. England; age 18; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Keene; enl. Dec. 3, '63; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as Priv. wd. June '64, ; 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; entered Campbell Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, June 6, '64 ; tr. to Philadel- phia, Pa., June 10, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Watson, John L. Co. D; b. Wakefield; age 44; res. Dover, cred. Dover; enl. Aug. 13, '62; must, in Aug. 18, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 22, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Dover. Watson, Lorenzo D. Co. F. See 12 N. H. V. Weare, George H. Co. F. See 17 N. H. V. '64 Webber, Co. ; ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 7, '64, as Albert. I substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 34 ; cred. Seabrook Priv. app. Corp. May 1, '65 '65. ; must, out Dec. 19, ;


; age ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Sept. '61 ; in '61, Weber, Conrad. Co. H ; b. Switzerland 18 2, must, Sept. 17, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 8, '63, Falmouth, Va. "Weeks, Charles B. Co. G. See 17 N. li. V. res. Weeks, Co. E ; b. Pembroke ; age 20 ; Pittsfield ; enl. May 7, '61 ; nmst. in June 3, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. George. | July 24, 'ii2, Washington, D. C. - Died June 26, '77, Alexandria. Weeks, Orin H. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. res. '61 Weeks, William H. Co. C ; b. Epsom ; age 22 ; Epsom ; enl. May 9, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, 5 '63 '64, Art., U. S. A., Feb. 7, ; disch. June 2, Newmarket, Va., tm. ex. See 18 N. II. V. b. '63 Weiland, Gustavus A. Co. C ; New York ; age 33 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Navy '64, as a Seaman served " " " " U. Apr. 30, ; on U. S. S. Quaker City and Victoria ; des. from latter vessel Dec. 2, '64.

Co. b. Germany cred. ; '63 Carl. H ; ; age 23 ; Pembroke enl. Nov. '63, ; Weisman, 18, ; must, in Nov. 18, as Priv. disch. June 25, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Welch, Benjamin F. Co. D ; b. Athens, Me. ; age 20; res. Rollinsford; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-eul. '61, May 10, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 30, '62, White Oak Creek, Va. P. O. ad.. Grand Rapids, N. D. Welch, James. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 28; cred. Webster; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 13, '64, Yorktown, Va. ; returned to duty July 11, '64 ; des. Oct. 19, '64, Chaffin's Blutf, Va. Welch, Thomas. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 27; res. Whitehall, N. Y., cred. Cornish; enl. Deo. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as

Priv. ; des. in face of the enemy May 19, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. Welch. See Walsh and Welsh.

Waller, William W. Co. G; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; age 22; res. Littleton; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl.

May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June '61, as Priv. ; des. '63, ; '64. 5, Jlay 20, Concord ; gd. from des. must, out June 21, P. 0. ad., Littleton. '61, Wellman, James M. Co. G ; b. Lyndeborough ; age 25 ; res. Lyndeborough ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ;

by State; re-enl. May 25, "61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 30, '63, Washington, D. C. Wells, Albert A. Co. I; b. Hill; age 22; res. Orange; enl. May 25, '61; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 8, '61, Washington, D. C. See 5 N. H. V. Welsh, Daniel W. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V. ' Welsh. See Walsh and Welch.

W^endell, Daniel D. Co. K; b. Portsmouth ; age 22; res. Portsmouth; enl. Apr. 18, '61, for 3 mos. ; not nmst. in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 8, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. WendeU, Henry. Co. G. See 10 N. H. V.

; ; '61, re-enl. Wentworth, Jacob. Co. E; b. Rollinsford age 22 ; res. Stratham enl. May 6, for 3 mos.; not must, in; for 3

yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '61, Washington, D. C. Supjjosed identical with Jacob Went- worth, Co. C, 6 N. H. V. Wentworth, Norris. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

West, Henry. Co. D; b. Boston, Mass.; age 22; res. Middleton ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 10,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; des. May 25, '63, Concord. West, Joseph D. Co. K; b. Fremont; age 36; res. Brentwood; enl. May 14, '61; must, in June 8, '61, as Priv.; mis. July 2,

'63, Gettysburg, Pa. N. f . r. A. G. O. Supposed killed.

; ; '63 ; in '63, as Priv. ; Westerman, William. Co. C ; b. Germany age 20 ; cred. Concord enl. Nov. 25, must, Nov. 25, wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 14, '04, Washington, D. C. Weston, Bphraim. Co. G; b. Antrim; age 27; res. Hancock; enl. Apr. 27, '61, for 3 mos., as Priv.; not must, in; re-eul. '61, May 15, '61, for 3 yrs. ; app. Capt. June 4, '61 ; must, in June 5, '61, as Capt. Died Dec. 9, Hancock.

; ; ; enl. '61, for mos. ; not must, in paid by ; b. Alstead age res. Claremont Apr. 20, 3 Wetherbee, Charles W. Co. H 33 ;

' State; re-eul. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 1, '61, Washington, D. C. See 5

; N. H. V. '62 '62, Wetherbee, Edward H. Co. A ; b. Westminster, Mass. ; age 31 ; cred. Marlow ; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, in Aug. 18, as '64, Priv. ; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. wds. Jan. 23, Alexandria, Va.

; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; wd. and Wetherbee, Franklin F. Co. C ; b. Marlow ; age 18 ; res. Marlow enl. May 27, nmst. June 1,

captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. ; died, wds. Dec. 4, '61, Richmond, Va.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. 29, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in Wetherbee, Joseph W. Co. A b. Westminster, Mass. age 19 Marlow ; '62, paid by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Corp. ; wd. May 5, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 22, '62,, Baltimore, Md. Whalen, Sandford. Co. K. See 12 N. H. V. Whaley, William H. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Wheeler, John F. Co. .-\.; b. Enfield; age 25; res. Claremont; enl. Apr. 20, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State;

re-enl. '61, yrs. ; '61, Priv. ; '61, Bull Run, Va. par. June 2, '62. Died May 21, for 3 must, in May 31, as captd. July 21, ; June 8, '62, en route home.

; '61, raos. ; must, in paid by ; re- Wheeler, William C. Co. A ; b. Carroll age 33 ; res. Keene ; enl. Apr. 27, for 3 not ; State

enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 12, '62, Alexandria, Va.

; Quiucy, Ma?s. ; ; res. ; enl. Apr. '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid Whicher, John W. Co. E b. age 21 Hopkinton 22, ; by

State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 24, '63, Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad., Somerville, Mass. '62 '62, Whidden, William. Co. K ; b. Denmark, Me. ; age 42 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Mar. 21, ; must, in Mar. 21, as Priv. ; wd.

June 25, '62, Oak Grove, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 7, '62, Washington, D. C. Whipple, Albert F. Co. I. See 17 N. H. V. '61, W^hipple, William. Co. A ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Richmond ; enl. Aug. 5, '61 ; nmst. in Aug. 24, as Priv. disch. disab. July 9, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Keene. See State Service. W^hitoher. See Whicher. White, Asa M. Co. C; b. Marlborough; age 20; res. Marlborough; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 30, '62, Concord. Died May 4, '91, Marlborough.

; ; '63 ; '63, White, Augustus C. Co. K ; b. Nelson ; age 19 res. Marlborough, cred. INIarlborough enl. Dec. 8, must, in Dec. 8,

as Priv. ; disch. May 22, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Keene. '62, Co. A ; b. Nelson ; age 20 enl. '61 ; '61, as Priv. Died Feb. 20, Jersey City, White, Oilman B. ; May 22, must, in May 31, N. J. White, Henry. Co. A; b. Keene; age 20; res. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 9, '61, Charles County, Md. White, John. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. White, Joseph, 2d. Co. A. See 10 N. H. V. ;;;


17, as Priv. White, Rodolphus J. Co. C ; b. Marlborough ; age 18; res. Marlborough ; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must, in Sept. '61, Died Dec. 20, '61, Budd's Ferry, Md. by State ; ; '61, ; not must, in paid White, Shubael. Co. A ; b. Westmoreland age 51 rea. Keene ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; '61 re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 22, 'CI, as Muse. ; app. Prin. Muse, to date May 22, ; disch. disab. Sept. 25, '61, Bladensburg, Md. P. O. ad., Westmoreland. See 6 N. 11. V. and V. R. C. » White, William. Co. E. See George H. Hodkin. '61, in; paid Whitfield, Smith A. Co. I; b. Francestown; age 20; res. Francestown ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, by

State; re-enl. May 23, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv.; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. Sept. 12, '62, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. See 9 N. H. V. and U. S. C. T. Whitm.an, George H. Co. A; b. Richmond; age 19; res. Richmond; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 jrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run, Va. par. ; disch. disab. ; Oct. 18, '62. See Miscel. Organizations. Whitmer, William. Co. F; b. Pennsylvania; age 23; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Cajiaan; enl. Nov. 30, '63; must, in Nov.

30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Whitney, George G. Co. G ; b. Windsor ; age 21 ; res. Antrim ; enl. Apr. 30, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. May 20,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Antrim. '61, Whittemore, Daniel H. Co. A; b. Ashuelot; age 25; res. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by State ; '61, '61, re-enl. May 22, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 21, '61, Bull Bun, Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. 19, Concord.

Wiggin, Alvin S. Co. C; b. Stratham ; age 18; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, '61; must, in June 1, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 1 '63 '63 Sergt. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. Maj. June 18, ; 2 Lt. Co. F, June 18, '63 ; 1 Lt. July 4, '63 ; tr. to Co. I, July 4, '63 ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Dec. 10, '70.

Wiggin, James A. Co. F ; b. Ossipee ; age 27 ; res. Ossipee ; enl. May 4, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Muse. ; disch. disab. Nov. 1, '62. Wiggin, James M. Co. H; b. Great Falls; age 20; res. Somersworth; enl. Apr. 26, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl.

May 28, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '62, Annapolis, Md. See 1 Co. II. Art.

Wiggins, George A. Co. B ; b. Charlestown, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 3, '61 ; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Sept. 16, '62, Alexandria, Va. Died Feb. 20, '64, Concord.

Wiggins, James M. Co. F ; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 20 ; res. Farmingtou ; enl. May 28, '61 ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Farmington. Wilber, William. Co. I; b. Westmoreland; age 27; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 31, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; wd. June

3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. July 28, '65, Concord.

; ; ; res. '61 ; '61, ; Wilcox, Calvin H. Co. G b. Gilsum age 23 Gilsum ; enl. Sept. 5, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 20, '63, Newark, N. J. Died Mar. 24, '67, Winchendon, Mass.

Wilder, Blihu. Band ; b. Peterborough ; age 21 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Apr. 37, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in ; re-enl. July

26, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 2 Class Muse. ; must, out as 1 Class Muse. Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Cambridge, Mass.

Wilkins, Charles. Co. B; b. Ilenniker; age 25; res. Ilenniker; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl. May 9, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; disch. Feb. 20, '62, to accept promotion. See Miscel. Organizations.

Wilkins, William W. Co. I; b. Ileuvelton, N. Y. ; age 30; res. Manchester; enl. May 9, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. to date Sept. 28, '61. See 10 N. II. V. and U. S. Navy. '61, James. Co. H ; b. Sanford, Me. ; age 35 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Apr. 25, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by W^ilkinson, ;

State ; re-enl. May 27, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 29, '62, Concord. '61 Williamson, Joseph H. Co. F ; b. Stockport, Eng. ; age 30 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. May 27, '63 '63 must, ill June 4, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. I, Oct. 1, '61 ; app. Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 19, ; 2 Lt. Co. C, Dec. 21, ; must, out June 21, '64. Died Dec. 26, '88, Boston, Mass. '61, '61, Willard, Andre'w J. Co. K ; b. Newmarket ; age 27 ; enl. May 21, at Portsmouth ; must, in June 8, as Priv. Died, dis. July 6, '62, Bottom's Bridge, Va. Willard, George. Co. H; b. New York; age 22; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp.

July 1, '64 ; Serg-t. July 1, '65 ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. '61 Willard, George H. Band ; b. Keene ; age, 22 ; res. Keene ; enl. July 22, ; must, in Aug. 7, '61, as 3 Class Muse. ; must. out Aug. 8, '62, near Harrison's Landing, Va. Died Sept. 8, '77, Keene. Supposed identical with George H. Willard, Co. C, 5 N. H. V. res. '61, Willey, Horace J. Co. E ; b. Portsmouth ; age 21 ; Stratham ; enl. May 3, for 3 mos. ; nqjt must, in ; re-enl. for 3 '62. yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 21, P. 0. ad., Stratham. See 10 N. H. V. res. '61 '61, Willey, John H. Co. E ; b. Concord ; age 21 ; Concord ; enl. Aug. 24, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. Aug. 28, '64, near Petersburg, Va. See 1 N. H. V. res. '61, Willey, Nathaniel. Co. D; b. VVheelock, Vt. ; age 45; Newmarket; enl. Apr. 24, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by

'61, ; in '61, Priv.; '63, State ; re-enl. May 10, for 3 yrs. must, June 1, as disch. disab. Mar. 26, Newark, N. J. See V. R. C.

age 18 ; res. Alton ; enl. 11, '61 ; must, in '61, ; '61. Willey, Orrin. Co. F ; b. New Durham ; May June 4, as Priv. des. July 17, Willey. See Wylie. Williams, Augustus M. Unas'd; b. Colebrook; age 26; res. Colebrook; enl. Jan. 30, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv.; des. Mar. 30, '62, Coifcord.

; Greenfield ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Williams, Charles H. Co. G b. 21 Swanzey ; Aug. 26, must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; disch. Sept. 13, '64, Wilson's Landing, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Fitchburg, Mass. Williams, Frederick. Co. G; b. New Brunswick; age 27; cred. HoUis; enl. Dec. 1, '63; must, in Dec. 1, '63, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 19, '65.

11 b. Pennsylvania ; age ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. '63 must, '63, Williams, George P. Co. ; 26 19, ; in Nov. 19, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 2, '65, Hampton, Va.

b. Charlestown, Mass. ; age 32 ; res. Cambridge, Mass. ; enl. '61 ; must, '61, Williams, George W. Co. H ; May 27, in June 5,

; '62, Bull Hun (2d), Va. par. Sept. 1, '62 ; re-enl. and must, in from '64 as Priv. captd. Aug. 31, ; Somersworth Jan. 1, must, out Dec. 19, '65. '63 b. ; ; cred. GofEstown ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; tr. Williams, Henry. Co. D ; Ireland age 21 27, to U. S. " " " " '65, " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Minnesota and Calypso ; des. Feb. 3, from Calypso."

; ; ; cred. Dover ; enl. Dec. '63 ; must, in Deo. '33, Williams, Henry. Co. K b. Liverpool, Eng. age 25 2, 2, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 16, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. Williams, James. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 '63, Prussia ; age ; cred. Milford ; enl. Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 16, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Williams, John. Co. H ; b. 21 Sept. '65. 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, ;;


2, '6.3, Williams, John. Co. I; b. New Zealand ; age 21; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Lisbon; eul. Dec. '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, as " " " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. State of Georgia and Dictator ; disch., reduc- tion naval force, July 15, '65, from " Dictator."

enl. '64 '64, as Priv. ; des. Williams, John. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Hopkinton ; Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, Sept. 30, '65, Heathsville, Va. W^illiams, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 22; cred. Manchester; eul. Oct. 17, '64; must, in Oct. 17, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, tr. Williams, John T. Co. G ; b. New Jersey ; age 29 ; cred. IloUis ; enl. Dec. 1, ; must, in Dec. 1, as Priv. ; to U. S. " " Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Mount Vernon ; disch., reduction naval force, July 10, '05, from U. S. S. " North Carolina."

'64 '64, Priv. ; Williams, Peter. Co. K ; substitute ; b. France ; age 21 ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as must. out Dec. 19, '65. '64 '64, Williams, Thom.as. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Wales ; age 30 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 8, as Priv. ; must. out Dec. 19, '65. '03 '63, Williams, William. Co. H ; b. New York city ; age 25 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 11, as Priv. ; app. '64 '6.5. Corp. Feb. 15, ; Sergt. July 1, '64 ; Sergt. Maj. June 25, '65 ; 2 Lt. Co. A, July 26, '65 ; dismissed Nov. 1,

; ; '01, ; paid State Willis, Charles H. Co. F b. Lowell, Mass. age 22 ; res. Lacouia ; enl. Apr. 19, for 3 raos. not must, in ; by

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. D, 12 I. C., Sept., '63 ; disch. June 4, '64, Washing- ton, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Lakeport. Willoughby, George B. Co. E; b. Holderness; age 18; res. Holderness; enl. Aug. 23, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as Priv.; des. June 29, '62, Seven Pines, Va. See 1 N. H. V.

; '62 ; '62, Wilson, Asa M. Co. A ; b. Stoddard age 34 ; cred. Nelson ; enl. Aug. 25, must, in Sept. 18, as Priv. Died Sept. 3, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64, Wilson, Charles. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; cred. Plainfield ; enl. Sept. 7, '64 ; mtist. in Sept. 7, as Priv. must, out Dec. 19, '65. Wilson, Frank. Co. E. See 12 N. H. V. '03 '63, Wilson, Henry. Co. K ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 28; cred. South Hampton ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. '04, '64, tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 29, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. "l^innesota" ; disch. disab. Sept. 27, Norfolk, Va. '62, Wilson, Henry H. Co. K ; b. Weare ; age 21 ; cred. Dunbarton ; eul. Jan. 29, '62 ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, wds. Sept. 20, '62. '63 '63, W^ilson, Jamies. Co. K ; b. Providence, il. I. ; age 24 ; cred. South Hampton ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 2, as Priv. des. Feb. 16, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Wilson, John. Co. I ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; res. St. John, N. B., cred. Bath ; enl. Dec. 2, '63 ; must, in Dec. 2, '63, as " " " " ipriv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. State of Georgia," Vermont," and Dictator des. July 15, '65, from " Dictator."

Wilson, Stephen D. Co. G; b. Lyndeborough ; age 18; res. Hillsborough ; enl. May 8, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; re-enl.

May 15, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 3, '61, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Stephen D. Wilson, Co. I, 5 N. H. V. WUson, Thomas H. Co. K. See 17 N. H. V.

W^inn, Harvey H. Co. G; b. Francestown ; age 18; res. Antrim; enl. Apr. .30, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 15,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 5, '61, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Winship, Charles W. Co. D. See 17 N. H. V.

Wirt, Wilham. Co. B ; b. New Brunswick ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in Nov. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 13, '64; appreh. May 2, '64; entered 18 A. C. Base Hosp., Broadway Landing, Va., July 13, '64; returned to duty '64, '64. July 15, as of Co. H ; entered Field IIosp., 18 A. C, Oct. 27, '64, and tr. from that hosp. Oct. 27, N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, W^iser, John R. Co. F ; b. Haverhill ; age 44 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Apr. 20, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid by State ; re-enl. ;

May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 23, '61, Washington, D. C. Died Dec. 30, '77, Laconia.

W^itham, Levi. Co. F ; b. Greenfield, Me. ; age 24 ; res. Dummer ; enl. Apr. 30, '61, for 3 raos. ; not must, in paid by State ; ;

re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 4, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. 0. ad., Milan.

Co. E ; b. Bast Charlestown, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Concord ; enl. Apr. 23, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid Wolcott, Joseph C. ;

by State ; re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 15, '62, Concord. Wolcott. See Walcott. '63 '63, Wood, Charles, 1st. Co. H ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. ; wd.

'64 ; des. in face of the enemy June 2, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '63 '63, Wood, Charles, 2d. Co. H ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 13, as Priv. ; des. May 12, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va. '61 '61, Wood, John R. Co. D ; b. Auburn ; age 18 ; res. Auburn ; enl. Aug. 26, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 10, '62, Centreville, Va.

Wood, Lewis. Co. E; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; age 22; res. Dunbarton; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by State; 1, re-enl. May 21, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 3, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. '64 ; ci-ed. Somerswortli ; app. '64 '64 '65 '65. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. July 1, '64 ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. B, May 1, ; must, out Dec. 19, Wood, William W. Co. I; b. New York; age 19; res. Manchester; enl. Apr. 22, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by '64. State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Jmie 21, P. O. ad., llichford, Vt. '61 Woodman, Alfred. Co. B ; b. Newburyport, Mass. ; age 26 ; res. Concord ; enl. May 23, ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.

captd. June 29, '62 ; returned to Co. Feb. 28, '63 ; must, out June 21, '04. P. O. ad., Plainfield.

Woods, Alba. Co. I ; b. Woodstock, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Groton ; eul. May 25, '61 ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '62 '63 '64 Oct. 8, ; Sergt. Aug. 1, ; must, out June 21, P. O. ad., East Somerville, Mass. Woods, George W. Co. B. See 13 N. H. V.

Woods, Henry. Co. D ; b. England ; age 30 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 14, '64, near ]?etersburg, Va.

Woods, John L. Co. B ; b. Pepperell, Mass. ; age 23 ; res. Hollis, cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 18, '62 ; must, in Aug. 21, '62, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. June 23, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Hollis. 7, ; eul. 25, '61 must, in June '01, a-s Priv.; wd. Woods, Lyndon B. Co. I; b. Woodstock, Vt. age 28; res. Canaan; May ;

July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. May 2, '64, Washington, 1). C. Died Jan. 30, '92, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. 27, 27, tr. Woods, Samuel. Co. D; b. England; age 21; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. '03 ; must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; to U. " " " '66, S. Navy Apr. 30, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Alert " and ^Vlltch ; disch. Oct. 1, tm. ex.

; " " ; ; '63 must, in Dec. '63, Pi iv. ; Woodsum, George A. Co. K ; b. Saoo, Me. age 18 cred. Stratham enl. Dec. 1, ; 1, as must. out Dec. 19, '6.5. See 16 N. U. V. ;


Wood-ward, Daniel B. Co. A ; b. Marlborough ; age ; res. Marlborough enl. '61, ; paid 25 ; Apr. 25, for 3 mos. not must, in ;

by State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in May 81, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., EUenburg, N. Y.

Samuel. Co. F ; age ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. '62 '62, ; sev. July '63, Woodward, 21 Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. wd. 2,

Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. wds. Oct. 19, '64, Brattleboro, Vt.

Worcester, George. Co. C; b. I-Iollis; age 26; res. Hollis; enl. May 27, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv. ; must, out June 21, '64.

; '62 '62, ; des. Mar. Workman, George. Co. V ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; res. Colebrook enl. Jan. 30, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. 5, '63, Concord.

; ; ; '61 ; Sept. '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Worth, Charles H. Co. B b. Waterville, Me. age 24 res. Nelson ; enl. Sept. 2, must, in 9, '62, Aug. 29, Bull Run (2A), Va. ; app. Coi-p. May 1, "63 ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See State Service.

Worthen, John H. Co. B; b. Candia; age 21; res. Candia; enl. May 18, '61 ; must, in June 1, '61, as Priv.; captd. July 2,

'62, James River, "Va. par. Aug. 5, '62 ; disch. disab. June 25, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. ;

Worthley, Oscar. F. and S. ; b. Washington, Vt. ; age 34 ; res. Stewartstown ; app. Asst. Surg. Dec. 4, '61 ; must, in Dec. 5,

'61 ; resigned Sept. 17, '62. Died July 28, '90, Lancaster.

I ; b. '61, ; in paid by B. Co. New Hampshire ; age 19 ; res. Manchester ; enl. Apr. 22, for 3 mos. not must, Wright, Charles ;

State ; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs. ; must, in June 7, '61, as Priv. ; des. June 10, '63. Wright, Charles D. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V.

Wright, Daniel. Co. A; b. Keene; age 31; res. Keene ; enl. Aug. 1, '61; must, in Aug. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 12, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Gilsum. See 14 N. H. V. and State Service. '61, Wright, Edward. Co. G; b. Westford, Mass. ; age 88 ; res. New Ipswich ; enl. May 20, '61; must, in June 5, as Priv.; wd.

May 5, '62, Williamsburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 28, '62, Concord. Died Feb. 25, '73, Rindge.

; '61, ; Wright, John B. Co. I ; b. ].iebanon ; age 18 res. Cornish ; enl. Aug. 13, '61 ; must, in Aug. 21, as Priv. disch. Aug. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. See State Service.

Wright, Joseph. Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 33 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64, Wright, Joseph. Co. I ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 31 ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. 5, '64 ; must, in Oct. 5, as Priv. des. Nov. 8, '64, Chaffin's Farm, Va. Wright, Nelson. Co. II; b. Dorchester, Mass.; age 18; res. Sutton; enl. May 6, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; re-enl. May 9,

'61, for 3 yrs. ; nmst. in June 5, '61, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 12, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va. Wright, Samuel D. Co. F; b. Clarksville; age 25; res. Colebrook; enl. Jan. 30, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv.; des. June 27, '63, Washington, D. C. Wright, William P. Co. I; b. Lebanon; age 19; res. Coniish; enl. Aug. 13, '61; must, in Aug. 24, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run (2d), Va. Died, wds. Sept. 27, '62, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with William F. Wright, State service. Edward. Co. H; b. New York; age cred. Hillsborough; enl. '63 '63, Wylie, 21; Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 16, as Priv.; app. '65 Corp. Jan. 1, ; Sergt. Sept. 1, '65 ; must, out Deo. 19, '65. Wylie. See Willey. Wynn. See Winn. Yates, George B. Co. A; b. New York; age 19; cred. Bedford; enl. Nov. 23, '63; must, in Nov. 23, '63, as Priv.; app. Sergt. '65 June 7, ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. York, John L. Co. B; substitute; b. Gilead, Me.; age 33; cred. Milan; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. O. ad., Milan. Co. H; b. Longford Ir. York, Michael. County, ; age 32; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; must, out Dec. 19, '65. P. 0. ad., Bridgeport, Conn. Co. E b. Young, Alvin P. ; Gilmanton ; age res. Pittsfield ; 19 ; enl. '61 ; '61, May 7, must, in June 3, as Priv. ; re-enl. Feb. 2, '64 ; must, m Feb. 16, '64; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, ; Va. app. Corp. Jan. 1, '65; Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Died Dec. 9, '72, Northwood. Young, Charles. Co. D. See 10 N. H. V. Co. b. Young, Edwin. A; Rochester; age 20; res. Westmoreland; enl. May 22, '61; must, in May 31, '61, as Priv.- app Corp.; wd. Aug. '62, Bull 29, Run (2d), Va. ; app. Sergt. May 1, '63; must, out June 21, '64. P. O. ad., Shirley, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations. George. Co. K b. Canada age res. Montreal, Young, ; ; ; Can., cred. 18 ; enl. '63 Canaan Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4. '63 ,o.»x.iv.as Priv tr. 28, 25, , to Co. B, Apr. '64 ; disch. May '65, Camp Lee, Va. Young, Harrison De P. "

Co. b. Young, Joseph. H ; Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Antrim ; enl. Nov. 20, '63 ; must, in '63, Nov. 20, as Priv. ; tr. to Co B ' '64 captd. '64, Apr. 26, ; June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; confined at Andersonville, Ga., '64. June 8, N. f . r. A. G. O. Co. F b. Lancaster age res. Richard O. ; ; 19 Lancaster enl. Apr. '61, Young, ; ; 23, for 3 mos. ; not must, in paid ; "by State re-enl. May 22, '61, for yis. must, in June '61, " ' 3 ; 4, as Corp. Died, dis. June 20, '62, on steamer Elm City," N. Y. H.

J. Co. F ; b. Gilmanton age ; res. cred. '6'' Young, William ; 34 Laconia, Laconia ; enl. '62 Aug. 8, ; must, iu Aug 9 as Pi"IV.; ' "' des. 25, '63 '64 ; May ; joined from des. Sept. 1, disch. July 1, '65, Ft. Delaware, Del. SECOND REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 97



Original members officers, .37; enlisted men, 98,5; total, 1,022 gained bj' transfer " 1 " 1 Recruits oificers, 11 " 1,133 " 1,144 Band " 22 " 22 " gained by transfer 366 " 3G0

Total strengtli 2,555 Killed or died of wounds, original mejubers officers, 13 ; enlisted men, 89 ; total, 102 " " " recruits .57 " 57

Total killed or died of wounds 159 Died of disease, original members officers, 2 ; enlisted men, 73 ; total, 75 " " recruits .... 61 61

Accidentally killed, original members . officers, 1 1 " " Drowned, 2 2 " i-ecruits 3 3 Executed for murder, oi'iginal membei-s 1 1 " desertion, recruits . 4 4 " Died of sunstioke, 1 1 " cause unknown, original members oHicers, 2 14 16 " " " recruits 13 13 178

Total deatlis 337

Mustered out, or discli. to dale Aug. 8, '02, Band " " " Oct. 9, '63, recruits . " " " " June 21, '0-t, original niemL)civ. " " " " " " recruits . " " " " Dec. 19, 'W), original members " " " " " " recruits . II .( et (( n a Band * Discharged on other dates, original members " " " recruits " " " Band Dishonorably discharged, original members " " recruits . . . . Lost by transfer, original members " " recruits ... . . Deserted, original members " recmits

Captured and not finally accounted for, recruits .

Others not finally accounted for, original members • . " " " reci-uits .... 98 SECOND REGIMKNT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.


f Bull '61, Run, Va., July 21, original members, officers, — ; enlisted men, 12; recruits, oIDcers, enlisted Evansport, Va., Apr. 2, '62, ii n « (( II ii a

Williamsburg, Va., May 5, '62, II II II 1 1. 11 1(5 11 II

Oak Grove, Va., June 2.5, '62,

Malvern Hill, Va., July 2, '62, 1 Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, '62, 23 Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 14, '62,

Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, Petersburg, Va., May 14, '64, Drewry's Bluif, Va., May 16, '64,

Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, '64,

" 5,

" 6, Petei-sburg, Va., " 24, " 30, July 15,

Aug. 17, " 23,