The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin: a Comprehensive Analysis Partners Earth Economics
The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin: A Comprehensive Analysis Partners Earth Economics Report Version 1.5 Primary Authors: Lola Flores, Project Director, Earth Economics Johnny Mojica, Research Lead, Earth Economics Angela Fletcher, Project Director, Earth Economics Peter Casey, Research Lead, Earth Economics Zac Christin, Project Director, Earth Economics Corrine Armistead, GIS analyst, Earth Economics Dave Batker, President, Earth Economics Year: 2017 Suggested Citation: Flores, L., Mojica, J., Fletcher, A., Casey, P., Christin, Z., Armistead, C., Batker, D. 2017. The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin: A Comprehensive Analysis. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA. Funded By: Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT), Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), Pacific Rivers, WaterWatch of Oregon, Save our Wild Salmon. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Keith Kutchins (UCUT), D.R. Michel (UCUT), John Sirois (UCUT), Steve Smith (UCUT), Bob Austin (USRT), Sheri Sears (Colville Confederated Tribes), Bob Heinith (CRITFC), Jim Heffernan (CRITFC), Greg Haller (Pacific Rivers), John Marsh (CIT and CSKT), John DeVoe (WaterWatch of Oregon), Connor Giorgi (Spokane Tribe of Indians), Karen Frankenfeld (UW-MPA) and Yutian Jiang (UW-MPA) for their immense contributions to the completion of this report. Earth Economics: Maya Kocian (sponsor); Ken Cousins (editor); Jessica Hanson (editor); Sage McElroy (design); Tehva Kastel Riggan (research) We would also like to thank Earth Economics’ Board of Directors for their continued guidance and support: Alex Bernhardt, David Cosman, Elizabeth Hendrix, Greg Forge, Ingrid Rasch, Molly Seaverns, and Sherry Richardson. Errata: This report has been corrected to address copyediting errors which may confuse the reader. A summary of these corrections may be found on page 155.
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