32)· Now Finch Lane. Galley Key 4 38 Called by 1488: H, 249. Gallows (West Smithfield
GAZETTEER Fynkes Lane (Cornhill) 3 85 Goldsmiths' Hall 3 13 By 1231-45.1261-2 Finkeslane. E, 136. 1510 Fynkes Lane: L&P, i. London's first company hall. Site acquired 1339; hall, containing 357 (32)· Now Finch Lane. kitchen, pantry, buttery, hall, and 2 chambers, built 1365 6. Parlour added 1382; rebuilt c. 145 1. Hall reno\"ated 1478; described by Stow in 1598 as 'a proper house, but not large.' T. F. Reddaway Galley Key 4 38 and L. \'Calker, The Ear!)' Histo!] of the Goldsmiths' Compan), (1975), A quay by 1338: Survey, 15, All Hallows Barking (1934),44-6. So 28-3°,39,135,19°. called by 1488: H, 249. Goldsmiths' Row 3 25 Gallows (West Smithfield) 2 54 Built in 149 I by Thomas \'\,ood, sheriff and goldsmith: Stow, i. 34 5; Before I 123 on site of St Bartholomew's Priory: Moore, i. 17. T. F. Reddaway in The Guildhall Miscellany, ii (1960-8), 181-205. Gallows were at Elms in W. Smithfield, q.v., between Horsepool Gonnepearelane see Bush Lane and Turnmill Brook, by 1289-1305: Liber Cust., i. 15 0. Confused by Stow and others with gallows at the Elms at Tyburn; see A. Gophir Lane see Bush Lane Marks, Tyburn Tree: its History and Annals [19°8],21-2, 57-60,81, Gosselane 100,103; Stow, i. 49, ii. 29; H, 217. Apparently removed by 1520. 3 35 By 1268 Goselane: HR 4/2. 15 18 Bowlane alias Gosselane: HR 238/50; Garlickhythe 3 28 see also E, 106. 1281 wharf called Garleckhithe: HW, i.
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