
KIT’S 2 THUMBS UP LIST thanks to movie mogul Jim Kitendaugh

Small (recent) Movies Worth Seeing

City Island Andy Garcia in a very original story.

Swedish Auto January Jones and Lukas Haas; be patient—it pays off.

About Time A “must see” with Domhall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, and Bill Nighy.

Winter’s Bone Jennifer Lawrence’s star-making movie; you may not even recognize her.

Frozen River Melissa Leo’s Oscar-nominated performance; an unusual story brilliantly rendered.

Begin Again Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo in an off-kilter musical/romance.

Once Wonderful two-character musical movie also by Irish Director John Carney.

A random selection of terrific movies worth seeing that you may not have seen before or are worth a second look….

Running on Empty A fantastic character drama that will take you back….

Boys Don’t Cry Hilary Swank’s Oscar winner—an amazing true story for our time.

The Family Man Tea Leoni and —sentimental but wonderful.

Almost Famous A rock and roll memoir based on Jann Wenner’s crazy early experiences.

Brought to you by The Community Life Committee 2018

True Grit (2010) The 1970 version was fun; this version is good; .

They Won’t Forget Unbelievable movie based on Leo Frank’s trial for the murder of Mary Phagan; Lana Turner’s film debut.

Road to Perdition cast against type; ’s last movie; extraordinary story-telling and cinematography.

Nashville Country music, the bicentennial, politics, a mosaic of 24 fascinating characters—Robert Altman’s masterpiece.

King Kong (1933) Not just a curiosity—a great movie with a caveat: portrayals/caricatures of native islanders are typical of the time.

Double Indemnity The definitive film noir, based on the novel by James M. Cain; 96% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Open Range A truly great western with a wonderful score; , Kevin Costner and Annette Bening.

Vertigo Hitchcock’s masterpiece that many have not seen—strange but unforgettable.

Hud Paul Newman in contemporary western; Patricia Neal’s Oscar-winning performance.

Muriel’s Wedding Toni Collete and Rachel Griffiths—funny and wonderful.

The Commitments Irish kids forming a Motown band…..no, really. Wonderful.

Michael Collins Liam Neeson as the famous IRA leader—murdered for seeking peace.

Stakeout Inconsequential but pure pleasure— and Madeleine Stowe.

Far from the Madding Crowd (1967) Leonard Maltin calls it “shamefully underrated”; I re-watched it recently and it holds up very well; , , Peter Finch, Terence Stamp)

Brought to you by The Community Life Committee 2018