31 January 1994
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men In• race or cover MELTDOWN ... This butter sculpture of Kaplcin Hendrik Wilbooi, proudly dis played when Namibia's new currency was launched last yea r, was on Thursday pictured abandoned In the park al Ausspanplatz., close 10 the Embassy. Everyone burying heads on boreholes Villagers STAFF REPORTERS ONE DAY vent anger NO-ONE will take responsibility for drilling two boreholes, costing up to N$SO at Ithete 000 each from drought relief funds, on Clearance Sale the private ostrich farm of a deputy tue.dcay 1 Februcary 1994 VILLAGERS and the tta minister and a Minister. ditional leader are upset Every department and individual concerned. in oehOO IhI 17hJO ONI.Y and angry in Uutslhathima cluding the Office of the President. has referred the village. next to Elosha D0- question elsewhere. mesticated Osuiches farm owned by a minister and According to doc umentary evidence seen )y th is deputy minister. reporter and not so far dispufed. water fac ilities .1 .aI.nab They are conce rn ed were requested by de puty minister of Home Affai rs ewt_ LeA 11.1" oyer the nine young men Nangolo Ithete for the Etosha Domes ticated Os 4pc. D.......... She... 11$ 61·'1 arrested on January 4 on lriches farm which he runs with Justice Minister VCII'I ... hv.t Seta ostrich charges and are Ngarikutuke Tjiriange. LeA ID" still in custody awaiting These were installed under the drought relief .ccus .... .. LeA ID" trial. programme and in the documentation seen were Iperbl_ ChIll ... 11$ I·tt Specific all egations always referred to as being for the farm or for the we re made by !he villag- ministe rs. never as community boreholes as has cont. on 2 cont. on Caprivi tensions flare PREVENT DISSIPOINTMENT. they enlered the Linyantiarea in a Ford JOSEFMOT1IIBA bakkie. Makumbi was shot and died instantly and his wife was wounded in NAMPOL'S Commi ssioner Siggy 8E ••' the shoulder when unknown persons Eimbtck is expected to fl y to the opened fire. Caprivi 10 head up an investigation In another incidenl . Brian into the depth of Linas Mu lauli M\\o'akamuyi Muhimubi. driving a MakumbiJp a fresh outbreak of tribal bakkie entered the same area from the Winclhoak Branch On. lighting between the Mayeyi and the othe r direction and was also fired on Mafwe. but escaped unhurt as did his passen • According to police spokesman, gers, Geyser said. Chierlnspe<'torSeanGcyscrthcsnoot Inspector General Raounga Andima ing took place at about 21 hOO on has ordered a senior officlr to fly to the Friday. when Makumbi (33) and his Caprivi and head up the investigation. wi fe. Molly Makumbi, from the after cont. on 2 ""-. -: 2 Monday January 31 1994 THE NAMIBIAN e9U :Ob Efl!!: i\ t\ lil,Mt" " i,jj' .~ , t" r '2' t eM • • __c_co • I • a. - ._ . - - - IT .. _ .... Caprivi tensions Fish talks Rukoro denies ousting .._ r ...... ·dIM tJ(e.. FAOMPAGE1 'Minister of Trade and NAMlBlANlishingcom Industry Hid ipo of n. panies att apparently en VEKUII Rukoro, Deputy they are deputising; His Exce ll ency, d_ Districl Commis· Hamutenya was quoted gaged in di scussions on Minister or Justice, has the President, however, has the power s.. .. M_. sioner of Rundu, Chief as saying the land be· establ ishingjoint ventures to invite any deputy minister to allend deputy-. Inspector Ben Haingura longed to Ihe Govern with fore ign companies vehemently denied a report in Friday's edition of The a particular session or all sessions of IDdutrlaJ aad has already sent rein menL with a view to setting up Cabinet by way of a special considera Tecta.le •• forcements 10 the area The Mayeyi also gian t processing fac tories Namlblan to the elfeet that he at Wal vis Bay and was ousted from Cabinet_ tion. and personally. visited claimed that even the "Since I was President of the NNF The _of die the scene on Saturday Linyanti tribal headquar Luderi lZ. In a hardhiuing statement on Fri A source from one of and Swanu when ( was init ially ap --MlaIIIry of Trade night. ters of the Mafwe fell in day, Rukoro also de nied that he had pointed as deputy minister, it was the companies told The .... 1Dd....,._ Geyser said although their area. voiced criticism of lack of Govern agreed between HE the President and no arrests had been made In addition, they have Nami bian the meeting was ment action concerning the alleged toCOllyeytbelr ..... 10 be held at Hotel myselfthat by virtue of my leadership _cond_ yet, members of the been angered by the lack involvement of Minister of Justice, of NNF and Swanu. l sha ll be made a Mafwe tribe were under of recognition from the Thuringe rbof. The Minis Ngarikutuke Tjiriange. and deputy to tbe bereaved try of Fisheries and Ma regular auendant of Cabinet meetings. suspicion as the incident Government of their Home Affairs minister, Nangolo ( resigned the aforesaid positions family, particu took place in their area. chief inaugurated last rine Resources has appar Ithe te, in illegal ostrich dealing. He ently been in touch with last September and ever since the n, larly to CaroIlDe According to earlier year when the Mayeyi said thal no such subject had been Namibian companies in stricllyspeaking, l had nojustification .... It.. L reports reaching The broke away from the discussed at Cabine t. response to a request from attendi ng Cabinet meetings in my own Namibian, the Mafwe Mafwe tri bal authority. Zbu ",.. IoVed rlmign companies forsuit· On the subject of his fUlUre attend right. and much-valued are up in arms over the Dr Libertine able contacts for the for ance al Cabinet meetings, Rukoro siad .. It is therefore clear that the deci Government's allocation Amathila, Ministe r of that "following an amicable and com mfmber of our mation of joint ventures. sion mu tually arrived at between the of land to the Pidico ag- ' ...If. RegionaJ and Loca1Gov Many Namibian com radely discussion between the Right Prime Minister and myself is noth ing ricultural investment ernment, told The Honourable Prime Minister and my be rat panies were keen on the but a normal regularisation of my po May In project without their per Namibian the Govern idea of joint ventures be· self it was agreed that my regular sition and status as ordinary deputy ........ peece. mission. ment could not recog cause such huge factories attendance at Cabinet meetings was Pe........ , tee mi nister in Government on a par with The Mafwe hadvowed nise the chief unlil Par would need a massive in no longer necessary in view of the other deputy min isters.'" retary, Trade aad tofighlshouldthe project liament had passed a bill now of fish. No infanna following: as a rule Deputy Ministers IndUllr)'t continue, said Police on lraditional authorities tion on the outcome of the do not attend Cabinet meetings in Rukoro concluded by say ing that TsudooGurIrob. spokesperson Edwin later this year. meeting could be gleaned their own right but onl y in the absence both he and the Prime Minister were KanguatjivL befor going to press. of their substantive Ministers whom "happy" with this arrangement. PRESTIGE DEVELOPERS Villagers vent anger at Ithete KHOMASDAL paper's attorney. Hans Heyman isstill hold IS ill Khoraluib ~i~~ l FROM PAGE 1 GroupSchomeo I I The conlroversy sur ing the docket concern ing * INo-Ili .. llhQi Ip ubm ulll ... la IIl!Dllpo om ers and fann staff about rounds a fann in Omusati the arrests of the nine and !lIea !aroma? VACANCY the role of deputy minister region, some 20 kilome other evidence collected IGAi ml'llui !Khaiball la &&? Rata l~mde \IbI. Oml * of Home Affai rs and fann tres from UUlSathima , during an investigati on by am.ere .. b1!Khab Me a dillK.ba I&b to &&7 A VACANCY EXIST FOR A MALE co-owner Nangolo Ithete 160km south· west of officialsoflhe Departmen t *IHullhuaabahcb allui _..en 1nl-!DIom. taWI si CLERK IN OUR W1NDHOEK BRANCH in th e ostric h catching. Oshakati, and known lo of Nature Conservation. m.baocu ld !IUI"IIJauIa. !~ IIoaiIIICJU ai? These.andthedeputymin cally as Kambango. Th is So far he has not said * Ne Ipwi&a mI dldi ait. , a ~a~ liml !m=am et. se !I Ai POSITION: Sales Support Specialist IIKheet.. uhltdla l e Iati-i lui-e, .. Gib !DI n. lp>. ister's response, have been was allocated to Ithete for whelher he has re ached SALARY: Negotiable re ferredtoThe Namibian 's his use by the Ongandjera any decision about fu nher !ita ae IpriHllrivave IIII lkhI allpm IIKh1 I11111 * lawyers for checking to tradi tional authority as the charges or further in vesti ligan lamlve . ida di 10000lmsa omdi di Ipup REQUIREMENTS: nll U1 st mt!la!gabu !uoma. ascertain whether they in space was empty. accord gation. Matric frir:ge on sub judice ru les ing to curren t practice in Nine vill ager! were Till I Khl I "-oIhMIven~. ne no sao 1l1li... I,&no IIo wa. Computer literate as the nine have already communal areas. charged in Oshakati mag charged have ap Contrary to reports. the istrates court with illegal S"-ai lawall4656 1ai. Nunibiln been and Must be transferrable peared in coun. area has nOI becn fenced catching and se lli ng or os Oma llwa 2161 33 triches and prodUCIS. No Must have own transport Thecommunity was due except for one kraaJ for to call a meet ing last Fri os tri ches and a large charges have yet been FRINGE BENEFITS: day to di scuss what action mahangu field , as is nor brought for buyi ng os mal in theNorth.