Corrected Brief for Appellee Whole Foods Market, Inc
[Oral Argument Scheduled for April 23, 2008] PUBLIC COPY - PROTECTED INFORMATION REDACTED Case No. 07-5276 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellant, V. WHOLE FOODS MARKET, INC., Appellee. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CORRECTED BRIEF FOR APPELLEE WHOLE FOODS MARKET, INC. Of Counsel: Paul T. Denis Paul H. Friedman Jeffrey W. Brennan Roberta Lang James A. Fishkin Vice-President of Legal Affairs Michael D. Farber and General Counsel Nory Miller Whole Foods Market, Inc. Rebecca Dick 550 Bowie Street DECHERTLLP Austin, Texas 78703 1775 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 261-3430 Facsimile: (202) 261-3333 March 18, 2008 Attorneys for Whole Foods Market, Inc. · . CERTIFICATE OF THE PARTIES, RULINGS, AND RELATED CASES · · The Parties on Appeal · Appellant . Appellees * · ·. Federal Trade Commission Whole Foods Market, Inc . 600 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. 550 Bowie Street Washington, D.C! . 20580 Austin, Texas 78703 ' . *Wild Oats Markets, Inc~, 1821 30th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301, an appellee · when this appeal was filed, is now a wholly~owned s-µbsidiary of appellee Whole · · Foods Market, Inc. ... Amicion Appeal - Motion for Stay Pending Appeal . •, . ··. AIDerican Antitrust Institute. Organization for Competitive · 2929. Ellicott Street; Suite 1000 Markets Washington, D.C ~ 20008 1.620 lStreet, NW - Suite 200 · Washington, DC·20006 Consumer Federation of America P.O. Box 6486 · Lincoln, NE 68506 · Amici on Appeal - Merits . American Antitrust Institute* . Organic Trade Association* 2929 ElliCott Street, Suite 1000 POBox547 Washington, D.C. 20008 Greenfield MA .o1302 · .*Has filed amicus.brief o~ ·behalf of.
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