Purdue Agriculture Research WORKS

Annual Statistical Report 2007-2008

Read the full report on the Web www.ag.purdue.edu/arp/stat_report_07-08 1 Purdue Agriculture Research WORKS 2007-2008 Annual Report

I introduced the Purdue Agricultural Research Programs annual report last year by noting the issues related to the food versus fuel debates, food riots in many parts of the world, skyrocketing food and gasoline prices, etc.

A year later, the conversation in our state and in our nation has changed significantly. Now it revolves around issues such as the economic meltdown, the credit crunch, decreasing commodity prices, healthy eating and healthy living, and environmental sustainability.

These changes in the conversation reflect the public’s short attention span in the “globalized” environment.

Luckily, our faculty and staff bring a level of stability in addressing the myriad issues that might be regarded as important today, but be totally out of the public’s eye tomorrow. While we can and do react to crises, we take a longer, proactive view on most issues.

The latter, proactive view anticipates potential crises and addresses them with cutting-edge research and educational programs before they become the crisis du jour.

Our faculty and staff, along with students, participate in a continuum of integrated, trans-disciplinary efforts from the fundamental to the integrative and adaptive to the disseminative. They address global societal challenges in energy, health, environmental sustainability, and safe, secure, economically sustainable and profitable food systems.

Yet again, this past year has been an extremely successful one for Purdue Agricultural Research Programs—as this compendium of information on Purdue Agriculture’s organized research efforts and outcomes demonstrates. I hope that you find the information useful.

Sonny Ramaswamy Director of Agricultural Research Programs Associate Dean of Agriculture

PURDUE AGRICULTURE 2 Contents Features Rabi Mohtar: Model citizen of the world ...... 4-5 Phil Nelson: Purdue’s World Food Prize recipient the first in food science ...... 6 Media turn to Purdue for expertise ...... 6 Purdue pair shares in Nobel Peace Prize ...... 7 What’s black and gold and read all over? ...... 8-9 Beck Ag Center sprouts on Indiana prairie ...... 9 Biochem leader to focus on undergrads ...... 10 Poplars to clean up environmental waste ...... 10 Detecting cellular clues for cancer ...... 11 The buzz about biofuels...... 11 Destruction and renewal ...... 12-13 Web site links producers to consumers and new market opportunities ...... 13 Gene guards grain-producing grasses ...... 14 Tough turf ...... 14 Financial Awards Summary Statistics Expenditures ...... 16 Expenditures Chart ...... 17 Federal Formula Projects Summary ...... 18 Federal Formula Projects ...... 19-28 Award Amounts Departments ...... 30 Non-Academic Units ...... 31 Federal Grants Federal Competitive Awards Summary ...... 33 Federal Competitive Awards ...... 34-38 Non-Federal Grants, Contracts, and Support Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals . . . . . 40-45 State and Other Agencies ...... 46-49 Faculty Activities Faculty Expertise ...... 51-59 Faculty Honors ...... 61-64 Journals ...... 66-69 Faculty Publications ...... 71-109 Sponsored Programs ...... 111-128 3 Features Rabi Mohtar: Model citizen of the world By Doug Main “Like my grandmother told me, ‘If somebody does something bad to you, put it behind you. If somebody has done something good, put it in front of you,’” says Rabi Mohtar. The saying, one of his grandmother Gharra’s favorites, speaks to an optimism and generosity of spirit that is practically palpable upon meeting Mohtar, who is this year’s recipient of Purdue’s Agricultural Research Award. The annual honor is bestowed by Purdue Agriculture to recognize a scientist who has done excellent research and made contributions toward agriculture, conservation of natural resources, and people’s quality of life. Mohtar is not only a “world leader in soil and water science,” according to USDA scientist Mark Nearing, but also is a highly Photo by Tom Campbell regarded teacher, an accomplished tango dancer, and a Rabi Mohtar’s research in water and soil science has earned him the prestigious Purdue Agriculture dedicated family man to wife, Samia, and son, Jad, born in 2006. Research Award for 2008. Mohtar receives a $1,500 honorarium and $10,000 to further his research. Born and raised in a modest household in Beirut, Lebanon, degree in agricultural engineering, President Kerr — a widely Mohtar knew he would have to work hard to achieve his dream of a respected Beirut-born American educator — was shot dead while good education. College wasn’t an option without financial help, so he walking to his campus office. The assassination shocked and saddened applied for and won a competitive scholarship that allowed him to the student body, especially Mohtar, who personally knew Kerr and his attend American University of Beirut. commitment to Lebanon, to teaching, and to working toward When Mohtar arrived, the university had no student government. His overcoming bias and ignorance. solution: He set up the first student council and was appointed the first One gets the sense, however, that Mohtar is unlikely to share such student representative to the university’s president, Malcolm Kerr. stories unless pressed. In listening to Mohtar recount past hardships, it Some problems were beyond his control, however, as Lebanon becomes clear that for him, the most dramatic aspect of such trying remained embroiled in a brutal civil war throughout his college career. experiences is not the danger he was in, or the fear that he must have “Ninety percent of the time we paid attention to our studies and did our felt; it is, rather, the positive lesson he has invariably taken away. own thing, but we were always aware of the war,” he says. His students attest that Mohtar has a natural gift for teaching. He It was hard not to be. Due to intermittent violence, Mohtar sometimes takes time to ensure that everybody understands the concepts and the spent the night in friends’ dormitories instead of going home. He importance of the material covered. learned to be prepared, though, and this inconvenience became routine. “He encourages us to take a deeper look at the subject and not be And yet, nothing — not his relentless focus on his studies and his satisfied with the quick and easy answer,” says graduate student Joe extracurricular activities or his dedication to friends and family — Mallory. Mohtar also keeps class interesting by discussing the could serve as preparation for the senseless violence nor prevent it real-world impact of subjects covered. “In learning about dam designs, from hitting disturbingly close to home. we spent an entire lecture discussing the levees around New Orleans One afternoon, Mohtar visited a friend’s dormitory, surprised — but not and what caused them to fail during Hurricane Katrina,” Mallory recalls. at first concerned — that no students were walking about. A man’s Mohtar has had a lot of practice teaching, having mentored 15 loud voice jarred him into reality, telling him to take cover because doctoral and master’s students and more than 100 undergraduates nearby buildings were being shelled. It took him a moment to locate since his arrival at Purdue in 1996. But long before donning gold and the speaker, a security guard crouched beneath a desk. Mohtar quickly black or winning his department’s teaching award a decade later, he retreated to a nearby basement and, as if on cue, the shelling resumed. had a few good teachers of his own. Though Mohtar survived this and other trials, not everybody had such On weekend visits to the family farm in the mountains outside Beirut, luck. In early 1984, a year before Mohtar completed his master’s Mohtar’s father, Hassan, and grandmother, Gharra, would lead him Continued on next page

4 Continued from previous page around to teach him about the olives, , figs and other plants “As anyone who has written computer programs and models can they grew. It was there that he learned to love the outdoors and began attest, it takes almost as much time to make a model accurate as it to long to know more about the intricate patchwork that made up the does to make it usable to those unfamiliar with its development,” says farm: the plants and , the soil and water, the people and how departmental colleague and professor Don Jones. “At present, GRASIM they interacted with it all. To Mohtar’s family, the land was sacred; is used by researchers, farmers, advisers and county educators across besides providing them with food, income and shelter, it was their home. the U.S. and in several foreign countries.” After Mohtar completed his master’s degree in 1985 at Beirut, he Mohtar also developed a model that uses a unique paradigm to better returned to the countryside for his first job managing a large family understand the flow of water, nutrients and contaminants across farm in eastern Lebanon. In charge of irrigation, fertilization and different spatial scales, a model expected to significantly influence cultivation, Mohtar oversaw 50 to 250 workers and learned a lot more future scientific and agricultural policy, Jones says. about production agriculture. Mohtar’s various international efforts are geared toward the conserva- One difficulty was managing plants at different altitudes, as the farm tion of environmental and natural resources and toward promoting stretched from 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) to sea level. “You start with sustainable activities. He currently leads an effort to establish an walnuts and on the tops of the mountain, go down to peaches environmental research center in Qatar, has done extensive work with and pears, then down to olives, and all the way down to oranges and water conservation in Tunisia, and has led major water and natural bananas.” resources initiatives in India, Jordan, France, and the Palestinian But Mohtar still desired further education, so after a couple years he regions of Gaza and the West Bank. applied for and was awarded the Hariri Fellowship. This allowed him The man behind the accomplishments is “an incredible people person to pursue further study in the U.S. where he figured he would be best who manages to bring people with various interests, experiences and able to achieve his goals. He attended Michigan State University, backgrounds together,” says Adriana Bruggeman, a hydrologist with where he completed a master’s in civil and environmental engineering the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas based and a PhD in agricultural systems management. After a stint as a in Syria. researcher at Penn State, he came to Purdue in 1996. Senior Anne Dare concurs. “He arranged for my senior design group to Mohtar has compiled an impressive record, publishing 52 peer- travel to Jordan to present our senior design project to the Palestinian reviewed journal articles and 11 books and book chapters and giving Hydrology Group,” a trip for which Mohtar secured funding and arranged 57 presentations in 11 countries. He has organized 30 international lodging. “Even throughout our stay, Rabi was in contact with us via text workshops and more than 80 technical sessions in the U.S. and abroad, message and would relay information on to our parents. He has encour- besides raising $5.5 million in research funding. aged me to pursue a graduate degree at Purdue and keeps me A large part of Mohtar’s work involves developing land-use models informed of opportunities to better myself,” she says. designed to help teach students and professionals about the dynamics Indeed, Mohtar “understands that there is more to life than academ- of the land. ics,” as Mallory attests. It is, for example, important to have fun. As an Mohtar’s models have been used around the world. European scientists adviser to Purdue’s Tango Club, Mohtar manages to kick loose while currently employ one to complete the continent’s largest agricultural characteristically engaging others. modeling project. In Tunisia, Mohtar helped develop a model that has “When I hear music, I can’t help but dance,” he says, as if he had no allowed several farmers to reduce levels of salt and nitrogen leaching choice but to go above and beyond the call of duty. from their property, says Hatem Belhouchette, a scientist at the research On second thought, though, that appears to be exactly the case, and institute Montpellier SupAgro, in Montpellier, France. helps explain how he can be at once renowned but humble: Rabi One of Mohtar’s signature achievements, GRASIM (GRAzing SIMulation Mohtar genuinely believes that we have no choice but to live each day model), was the first comprehensive model to link all the components to its fullest. of grazing systems. It predicts water flow and the amount and “For some of us, it’s a blessing to just be alive.” nutritional quality of plant matter, effects of different human Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Connections activities, and levels of leached nutrients.

5 Philip Nelson: Purdue’s World Food Prize recipient the first in food science By Tom Campbell In 1991 the Institute of Food Technologists rated To Philip Nelson, the phone call that he was the aseptic processing and packaging as the No. 1 2007 winner of the World Food Prize sounded at innovation in food technology, ahead of juice first like a sales pitch, with the caller quizzing concentrates, safe canning processes, freeze-drying Nelson about the prize. and food fortification. “I thought he was hitting me up to buy a couple “Dr. Nelson’s work has transformed the global of tickets,” said Nelson, a Purdue University food food industry and has allowed entrepreneurs scientist. to build successful businesses that use crops But as it turns out, Nelson won’t need tickets raised by farmers,” said Purdue president because he will be the guest of honor. The man France A. Córdova. “He is an outstanding Photo by Tom Campbell example of the power of a university to turn on the phone was Kenneth Quinn, president of Philip Nelson stands in front of Purdue’s Food Science discovery into benefits for others.” the World Food Prize Foundation. Building, where he developed the aseptic process of On Thursday (Oct. 18) Nelson, Purdue’s Scholle storing bulk, seasonal foods like tomatoes and oranges. The $250,000 award has been presented Chair Professor in Food Processing who helped Nelson is the 2007 winner of the World Food Prize. annually since 1986, when Nobel laureate build Purdue’s Department of Food Science, will receive the award dur- Norman Borlaug created it. He envisioned ing a ceremonial dinner starting at 6 p.m. in the Iowa State Capitol it as agriculture’s Nobel Prize equivalent. Nelson is the first winner Building in Des Moines. cited for work in the postproduction area of agricultural research. “I was overwhelmed when the announcement was made,” Nelson “This is the first time it has gone to a person in food science,” said said. “I think I still am.” Randy Woodson, Purdue’s Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture. The World Food Prize, according to the foundation’s Web site, “is the “Previously, it had gone to people who had enhanced food production. foremost international award recognizing - without regard to race, We at Purdue have long recognized the importance of Phil’s research. religion, nationality or political beliefs - the achievements of individu- Certainly, industry has known it, too. Now, with the World Food Prize, als who have advanced human development by improving the quality, the entire world will recognize it as well.” quantity or availability of food in the world.” A celebration for Nelson’s award will take place on the Purdue West Nelson will be honored for his work in aseptic processing, developing Lafayette campus Nov. 6 with a lecture by Nelson at 2 p.m. in Stewart the “bag in a box” technology to process large quantities of seasonal Center’s Fowler Hall. His talk will be followed by a reception in the crops such as tomatoes and oranges, for long-term storage and bulk Purdue Memorial Union East/West Faculty Lounges. Both will be free transportation without losing nutritional value or taste. and open to the public.

Media turn to Purdue for expertise Reporters often turn to Purdue Extension experts Linton spoke with 84 media outlets after the to provide technical information or help explain a outbreak, many within the first two days. He was problem to the public. Richard Linton, professor of quoted in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and food science, received numerous media queries WebMD, among other outlets. after the September E. coli outbreak in spinach. After he was quoted in The New York Times Friday, Three deaths and 196 illnesses nationwide were Sept. 15, many other media followed suit. Linton attributed to contaminated cattle feces used to spent 13 hours that Friday and Saturday respond- fertilize the spinach. ing to media requests. A number of media are Photo by Tom Campbell “This was the most publicized outbreak since the 1993 familiar with Linton through his work with the When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Jack in the Box one, which was also E. coli,” Linton produce industry. warned consumers against eating spinach says. Four people died and hundreds of others Purdue Extension experts have also been in the contaminated with E. coli, the media turned to Purdue University’s Richard Linton, an expert media this fall discussing pumpkin rot, ethanol became sick after eating undercooked hamburgers on food pathogens, for information. Linton is from the restaurant chain that were contaminated production and corn prices. currently researching new methods to rapidly with the bacteria. Reprinted with permission from Winter 2007 Agricultures detect and eradicate food-borne pathogens. 6 Purdue pair shares in Nobel Peace Prize By Susan Steeves Two Purdue faculty members’ theoretical share of the Nobel Peace Prize divided among 2,500 researchers — about $300 each. Their chance to help influence worldwide policy to stave off potentially disastrous climate change — priceless. Neither Kevin Gurney nor Otto Doering met the Nobel Committee or attended the presentation ceremonies in Oslo, Norway. But they were part of a 20-year effort to determine what climate change means to everyday people. Colleagues from their fields of expertise recommended Gurney and Doering to help with the massive endeavor of preparing sections of the four assessment reports published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Doering, a Purdue agricultural economist and public policy specialist, Photo by Tom Campbell was a lead author for an IPCC special report chapter. He and six other Research by Kevin Gurney helped Al Gore win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. researchers from the United States, Brazil, Japan and China boiled down information from contributing authors and wrote a chapter on dioxide damage to the atmosphere, which experts say is one of the agriculture and the technology needed to adapt to and mitigate elements leading to climate change. climate change. “I’m trying to develop a way that deforestation might be handled “We focused on how we get the technology within the Kyoto Treaty,” Gurney says. He attended meetings in needed to cut greenhouse gases to farmers,” December in Bali in which representatives from nearly 200 countries Doering says. “We talked about some began hammering out a new agreement to extend the treaty, which weighty issues such as yield growth and expires in 2012. genetic technology.” The Nobel Peace Prize presentation was held in Oslo on Dec. 10. The Gurney was a contributing author on the $1.5 million prize was split between former Vice President Al Gore and fourth IPCC report that was released in late the IPPC. The IPPC’s share is being used for its further study of climate 2007 and a chapter reviewer for the third change. Gore donated his half of the money to the Alliance for Climate report published in 2001. An assistant Doering Protection, a non-profit educational organization he founded in 2006. professor in the Departments of Agronomy Though he missed the ceremony, Doering, as a lead author, received a and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, he describes himself as a picture of the Nobel medal in a little plastic case. combination of atmospheric scientist and ecologist working in the “I can put it on my refrigerator or something,” he jokes. And in January, broad arena of global change. he and his wife were in Norway and she took her husband’s photo- For the fourth report, Gurney provided material for a chapter titled graph standing in front of the building where the presentations were “Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochem- made. “I can put the picture next to the plastic case with the medal istry.” Quite a mouthful, but it encompasses one of Gurney’s primary photo and it will look very official,” he says. research areas — whether cutting down trees increases carbon Reprinted with permission from Winter 2008 Connections

7 What’s black and gold and read all over? By Susan Steeves from around the world and that they find the publication useful.” As books go, it will never be reviewed by the New York Times. It But the center is more than just the book. Founded in 1986, the probably won’t be found on the best-sellers table at your Barnes & diagnostic center is recognized across the country for its hands-on Noble bookstore. But the numbers don’t lie. approach to teaching the art and science of diagnosing and dealing Ask a Midwest grain farmer, and he’ll tell you the Corn & Soybean Field with crop problems. Guide is the biggest little book out there. Based at the Purdue Agronomy Center for Research and Education just “We sold 52,000 copies of the book in 2007, and I thought that was a north of campus, the diagnostic center is an outdoor classroom with total anomaly,” says Corey field demonstration plots for Gerber, a Purdue agronomist use during training work- and director of the Purdue shops and by Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training and Agriculture students. The Research Center. center serves farmers, Extension educators, “I said, ‘We’ll never hit that agronomists, crop consul- number again.’ But here we tants and professionals in the are in 2008 and we’ve already seed, fertilizer and agricul- sold over 70,000 copies.” tural chemical industries. Annual sales during the first In the 22 years that the 15 years that the guide was center has been in operation, published averaged fewer about 18,000 people have than 8,000. But when the attended its workshops. center partnered with the Department of Agricultural Photo by Tom Campbell “The center was created to Communication and From planting to picking, this black and gold book has helped countless farmers answer the corn and provide informative topics in upgraded the field guide, soybean questions that crop up each year. The book was produced by the winners of the 2008 Purdue a real-world environment so sales took off. Agriculture Team Award. that producers could sharpen their crop problem, The success of the six-inch, 305-page pocket book is just one of the trouble-shooting skills and evaluate new and alternative manage- reasons that Purdue Agriculture presented the 2008 Team Award to ment strategies,” Gerber says. “Our clientele rely heavily on informa- the interdisciplinary group of specialists who cooperate to present tion we provide to make environmentally and economically sound workshops at the Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center and to production and crop and pest management decisions.” produce the book. According to Sonny Ramaswamy, “The Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training Primary distribution of the book is through agricultural seed, chemical or and Research Center team is an example of the excellent interdisciplin- equipment companies, who put their own customized cover on the ary efforts in the College of Agriculture to enhance the profitability publication. This year, 67 different cover designs were ordered. and sustainability of Indiana agriculture.” Ramaswamy is associate “We’re ecstatic over the success of the publication. It has very much dean of agriculture and the director of agricultural research programs. been a surprise to everyone on the team,” Gerber says. “We’ve tried to Each year the team presents an average of 15 workshops from May make it a top-notch publication that is easy to use and that people through September. The topics cover identification and control of field want to use, and then we’ve tried to market it. But we never antici- crop pests, and production and management issues in corn, soybeans, pated the success it has achieved.” forages and small grains, along with interacting factors such as It was originally printed just to help Indiana farmers, but people all nutrients and environmental stresses. over the country, and all over the world, are finding it just as useful. “When the center started, it was the only one in the Corn Belt, and it was About 8,000 copies have been distributed in Canada this year. Gerber an immediate success,” says Lance Murrell of West Lafayette, a consulting says the publication is selling well in New Zealand, and he hopes to agronomist who has been a client for more than 20 years. He says have the book available to European markets in the near future. there was a need for farmers and other professionals to get some “People in other states, or from around the world, contact us and say, hands-on experience diagnosing real problems in the field. ‘We have nothing like this available in our area; your information is terrific.’ It’s very rewarding to know that we have impacted farmers Continued on next page 8 Beck Ag Center sprouts on Indiana prairie By Tom Campbell the father of the bride,” Beaty quips, “giving away operational For the better part of two years, Jim Beaty — as superintendent of responsibility to Dave Petritz.” Purdue’s Agronomy Center for Research and Education — oversaw Petritz, who retired as director of Purdue Extension in June, hardly had every minute detail of the construction of the Beck Agricultural Center time to be fitted for a rocking chair before being called out of at the agronomy farm west of campus. retirement to help launch the Beck “I want to acknowledge that I was only like Agricultural Center. the expectant father out in the hall,” Beaty, “It just seemed like a perfect fit,” Petritz BS ’77, MS ’86, said at the Oct. 31 building says. “I’m a details-oriented person, and dedication ceremony. “The guy who this job requires a lot of planning and delivered on the project was the construc- attention to detail.” tion superintendent, Karl Whitaker, from the Petritz knew his retirement would be Hamstra Group, the general contractors.” short-lived, but he didn’t expect it to be The 20,000-square-foot center includes this short. space for classes, meetings and research, “I just knew I wasn’t going to be sitting and it is expected to be used by the campus, Photo by Tom Campbell around in a rocking chair, but this agricultural and rural communities. Randy Woodson (third from right), Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture, assists members of the Beck family as they open the opportunity came up quickly.” The $5.2 million building was financed with Beck Agricultural Center on Oct. 31. The center includes four classrooms, a a major gift from the Beck family of Atlanta, multipurpose room, a conference room and a food serving area. Ind., combined with Purdue Agriculture development funds. The The multipurpose room features a large garage door so that family owns and operates Beck’s Hybrids, an Indiana seed company agricultural equipment can be brought into the building for teaching founded in 1937. and demonstrations. But if the building was Beaty’s baby, it grew up quickly. “Now I’m like Reprinted with permission from Winter 2008 Connections

Continued from previous page “This effort gets people thinking,” he says. “Each year when you go back out to the fields, you realize that you’ve been away from them for about six months, and the center helps you sharpen your skills.” Each workshop is focused on the period of the growing season in which it is held. Many are specialized for particular company needs as well. “We go directly to companies and ask them, ‘What do you want your people to know?’” Gerber says. Gerber credits much of his team’s achievements to the fact that the group reaches across disciplines and to educators Photo by Tom Campbell across the state. “We have a great working relationship, Recipients of the Purdue Agriculture Team Award include (left to right) John Obermeyer, Keith Johnson, conducting research and classes that combine experts from Corey Gerber, Gary Steinhardt, Glenn Nice, Robert Nielsen, James Camberato, Sylvie Brouder, Kevin Leigh different areas,” he says. Smith, Russ Merzdorf and Bill Johnson. Not pictured are Greg Shaner and Chip Morrison. “Our team truly works so well together. We each have some ownership in the center because we’ve seen what a valuable asset the Agronomy; Bill Johnson, Glenn Nice and Greg Shaner of the Depart- center is to people all across the Midwest.” ment of Botany and Plant Pathology; John Obermeyer of the Depart- Center members also present some workshops during the winter that ment of Entomology; and Russell Merzdorf, Chip Morrison and Kevin are tailored to special needs, such as those held in 2004-05 on Asian Leigh Smith of the Department of Agricultural Communication. soybean rust. To purchase the Corn & Soybean Field Guide, go to The other team members are Sylvie Brouder, James Camberato, Keith www.extension.purdue.edu/new. Johnson, Robert Nielsen and Gary Steinhardt of the Department of Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Connections 9 Biochem leader to focus on undergrads Clint Chapple, a 15-year biochemistry faculty member and new researchers in Discovery Park-based centers and the Cancer Center.” department head, says he plans to put particular emphasis on Department of Biochemistry scientists study biochemical reactions, undergraduate education and finding additional research funding for molecular biology and molecular genetics that are related to human, the faculty. plant and health, including growth, cancer, and infectious and He replaces Jim Forney, department head since 2001, who genetic diseases. The department has 17 full-time faculty is returning to full-time teaching and research. members and one adjunct professor, as well as 10 “As a leading research biochemist and an outstanding emeritus professors. educator, Clint Chapple brings tremendous experience and Chapple is the 2008 recipient of the Richard L. Kohls Award leadership skills to the position of department head,” said as the outstanding undergraduate teacher in the College Randy Woodson, who made the appointment as Glenn W. of Agriculture. His research focuses on understanding and Sample Dean of Agriculture before he moved on to manipulating a compound in cell walls called lignin that become Purdue’s provost. contributes to plants’ structural strength but which “I’m honored to have the support and trust of the Chapple hinders conversion of plants into other materials. He Department of Biochemistry’s students, staff and faculty already has found ways to change lignin content to improve to work on these new challenges,” Chapple said. “I want to build on processing of wood pulp for paper production, and he now is looking the momentum Jim established for the undergraduate program. for ways to more easily convert plants into biofuel, which is of great “We must make sure that our curriculum continues to keep pace with interest to the growing alternative energy industry. the incredibly rapid rate that biological sciences, including biochemis- Chapple is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement try, are advancing. of Science and has served as president of the Phytochemical Society of “Another important goal is to ensure that our faculty succeed in the North America. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in incredibly competitive funding environment. A key to this success will be botany, and his doctoral degree in chemistry, all from the University of establishing new collaborations within the department and the Guelph, Ontario, Canada. College of Agriculture as well as across campus, particularly with Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Connections

Poplars to clean up environmental waste

Purdue University researchers and Chrysler LLC are collaborating to use poplar trees to eliminate pollutants from a contaminated site. The researchers plan to plant transgenic poplars at a former oil storage facility near Kokomo, Ind., this summer. In a laboratory setting, transgenic trees have absorbed trichloroethylene, or TCE, and other pollutants and processed them into harmless byproducts. “This site presents the perfect opportunity to prove that poplars can get rid of pollution in the real world,” says Richard Meilan, a Purdue molecular tree physiologist. Transgenic poplars contain an inserted gene that contains an enzyme capable of breaking down TCE and a variety of other environmental pollutants, including chloroform, benzene, vinyl chloride and carbon tetrachloride. Meilan believes the transgenic poplars will be able to remove the TCE from the site, which was contaminated by tainted oil stored there in the 1960s. The chemical lies within 10 feet of the surface, making it accessible to poplar roots. “Three years should be enough time for them to grow up, send down roots to suck the pollutants up and break Photo by Tom Campbell Purdue researcher Richard Meilan has developed a transgenic poplar tree capable of them down,” Meilan says. absorbing and breaking down various contaminants. The trees will be tested this Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Agricultures summer at a former oil storage location in Kokomo, Ind. 10 Detecting cellular clues for cancer Researchers have developed a new way to detect protein movements inside cells, which signal a variety of cellular changes such as those in cancer cell development. The method could help diagnose cancer in the future. By combining two distinct techniques, the technology can examine large numbers of cells individually, a feat not previously possible, says Chang Lu, a Purdue University assistant professor of agricultural and biological engineering.

Lu’s method uses two existing technologies: electroporation, Photo by Tom Campbell which determines protein location, and flow cytometry, a technique Purdue researchers (from left) Chang Lu, Robert Geahlen and Jun Wang have developed capable of rapidly examining individual cells but blind to a technique to detect movement of proteins within cells, important for cancer cell intracellular protein locations on its own. The Purdue technique, development. Geahlen holds the microchip through which cells are pumped. called “electroporative flow cytometry,” harnesses the discerning “Protein translocations are involved in the activation of tumor cells,” he power of the first method with the speed of the second, says says. “Detecting these movements could help diagnose the type and Robert Geahlen, a Purdue researcher in medicinal chemistry and stage of cancer in the future.” molecular pharmacology. Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Agricultures

The buzz about biofuels Lugar-Purdue summit promotes alternative energy strategies U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar and Purdue produced. Although scientists University jointly convened a national and technicians are confident of energy summit last summer to discuss the possibilities for cellulosic ways to reduce America’s dependence ethanol, efforts at commercial- on foreign oil and to develop new ization have lagged behind basic strategies for alternative fuels. The research. The time is long past summit attracted nearly 900 partici- due for the federal government pants, including leading oil and auto to step in and prime the pump manufacturing executives, researchers for commercial production and policymakers. through an aggressive loan Excerpts from Sen. Richard Lugar’s program. The experience gained keynote address: by the first production plants Photo provided will provide the knowledge we The United States should adopt a Purdue University President Martin C. Jischke (left) and Sen. Richard Lugar at the national program that would make Lugar-Purdue Summit on Energy Security need to rapidly expand the virtually every new car sold in America a cellulosic industry. flexible fuel vehicle. We should ensure that at least one quarter of Studies have shown that we will have enough land for energy crops, filling stations in America have E85 pumps. We should expand ethanol given the expected increases in yields and improvements in processing production to 100 billion gallons a year by 2025, a figure that could be efficiency. If we could reach a target of 100 billion gallons of ethanol a achieved by doubling output every five years. … year—a 13-fold increase over current capacity in operation or under Purdue University President Martin C. Jischke (left) and Sen. Richard construction—that would be equivalent to 71 percent of current Lugar at the Lugar-Purdue Summit on Energy Security gasoline consumption by volume. … Long-term advancement of ethanol as a national transportation fuel Our failure to act will be all the more unconscionable given that requires a focused effort to perfect and commercialize cellulosic success would bring not only relief from the geopolitical threats of technology, which will enable us to make ethanol from switch grass, energy-rich regimes, but also restorative economic benefits to our agricultural waste and other inexpensive biomass. The addition of farmers, rural areas, automobile manufacturers, high technology cellulosic ethanol has the potential to substantially reduce the overall industries, and many others. production cost of ethanol, while greatly expanding the volume Reprinted with permission from Winter 2007 Agricultures 11 Destruction and renewal Faculty and students recover from devastating fire at aquaculture lab

By Douglas M. Main insurance adjustor arrived to assess damage On Nov. 14, 2004, Purdue’s Aquaculture and discuss future options. Brown and Hart Research Lab (ARL) caught fire from an immediately got back to work sifting unknown electrical malfunction. The through the ashes to make an inventory of facility, which housed the research of everything they had lost. several faculty and graduate students in the Within a week, Sutton and Brown had Department secured space for their students: Sutton in of Forestry and Natural Resources, was the Beef Research building north of the ARL completely destroyed. This is the story of and Brown in Purdue Research Foundation’s how the disaster affected those involved, Cindas building. and how they rebuilt from the ashes. Rob Swihart, head of the Department of Steve Hart, a fisheries graduate student, was Forestry and Natural Resources, who was sleeping soundly in the early morning hours there on the night of the fire, helped Brown of Nov. 14, until he was awakened by a 4 negotiate with the insurance company, a.m. phone call from his advisor: “The lab’s which agreed to replace everything, and the on fire...It’s a total loss.” aquaculture faculty began looking at Unfortunately, it wasn’t a nightmare. It was a designs for a new lab. call from Paul Brown, professor of aquaculture The manager of the old facility had left, so and Hart’s advisor, who could only watch as the next spring the department hired Bob the lab burned uncontrollably. He knew that it Rode to fill the position. “I had a lot of was too late, as did the congregation of firefighters who’d arrived minutes experience maintaining and rebuilding aquaculture equipment, so I after the 2:53 a.m. fire alarm, and several of his colleagues, there in the was excited to help Purdue start anew,” he says. early morning hours for moral support. Brown watched it burn, the By the beginning of 2005, the aquaculture faculty had begun same lab that he had helped build 13 years before. By morning it was replacing some research equipment and test subjects, such as a pure leveled. genetic strain of tilapia, while Sutton ordered new lake sturgeon and Hart, too, was affected; he had been performing three experiments. other fish. One was to be the subject of his Ph.D. thesis, and another was slated The fire did not prevent faculty from recruiting new students, either. to end the day after the fire. Holly Patrick came to Purdue in spring 2005 to work toward a master’s “My first reaction was utter shock and disbelief,” he says. “I had to drive in fisheries under Sutton. Although she was aware of the fire, Patrick there the next morning and see the ashes myself to comprehend it.” believed the positive aspects of further education at Purdue would The fire ruined many large tanks and raceways that allowed research- outweigh the negatives that the fire presented. ers to study growth rates, soybean-based diets and advanced production Feeling the heat systems for fish farming. It destroyed $1.2 million of active research The temporary spaces certainly had drawbacks, however, and and fish, many of which had been raised for years. Additionally, it presented problems involving temperature control. In Cindas, which caused about $1.5 million in structural damage and ruined more than had been scheduled for demolition, Hart had to wait until September, $500,000 worth of research equipment. 2005 to begin his research, because faulty air-conditioners prevented Trent Sutton, an associate professor of fisheries, and aquatic ecotoxi- him from counteracting the summer heat. cologist Marisol Sepulveda were also affected. Sutton lost about 100 In the Beef building, Patrick did not have enough amperage to power 3-year-old lake sturgeon, a threatened species of fish that he was her water cooler, so she began building an insulated “room” around studying. Sepulveda had just joined Purdue’s faculty two weeks earlier, her eight large water tanks to contain cool air from the air-conditioners. and, although she did not lose much, it was a less-than-auspicious beginning. “It was tough, because I had never really built anything before,” she says. It took her two weeks to finish the insulation, only to find out Sifting through the ashes that the setup violated fire safety codes. “I suppose there’s a bit of Shock and disbelief aside, it became clear that Brown and his colleagues would not abandon their research. The very next morning an Continued on next page 12 Web site links producers to consumers and new market opportunities By Julie Douglas The Internet has become an important marketing tool for business, and Purdue Extension is helping producers use it to their advantage. Indiana MarketMaker www.inmarketmaker.com is a free, online interactive mapping system that locates businesses and markets for agricultural products. Producers can research consumer demographics by income, ethnicity, household characteristics and education. They also can search for specific business records, find area market contacts, and network with restaurants, on-farm retailers and specialty processors. In addition, census data is available on MarketMaker, which is sponsored by Purdue’s New Ventures Team, the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and the Indiana Cooperative Development Center. And consumers can use the site to locate agricultural producers and their products. farmers and the farm where it came from. “Maybe what they want is “MarketMaker links producers to consumers and consumers to to know that they’re supporting a local farmer. Establishing a producers on a state and regional basis,” says Maria Marshall, Purdue relationship helps uncover the real benefits people look for.” Extension small business development specialist and project Relationships are crucial to the success of small businesses, whether coordinator. “It’s important for businesses to develop a relationship it’s with suppliers, customers or other businesses. “When a business with their customers, so they can understand what consumer needs develops a relationship with its customers, the customers become truly are.” more integrated in the business and develop a loyalty to it,” Marshall Marshall explains that people might say they want organic food, but says. “When that happens, it’s no longer about the money.” maybe what they really want is a more natural product or to know the Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Agricultures

Continued from previous page irony in that,” she says. To bring it up to code, she and several other students spent a weekend installing a special type of insulation to reduce the fire risk. Rebirth from the ashes Meanwhile, back in Cindas, the other temporary research location, Hart, Brown and Sepulveda had managed to complete some valuable research despite the occasional hurdles. Hart finished his thesis experiment looking at soy-based fish food, which he defended in December.

On the construction front, the new building began early in 2006 and Photos by Tom Campbell was finished by May. Faculty and students moved in throughout the A fall 2004 fire at Purdue University’s Aquaculture Research Lab destroyed the building summer, and the facility is back on line. and its contents, but the biggest losses were the fish and years of research. Faculty and The turnaround was nothing short of remarkable, as far as Swihart is students rebuilt the aquaculture research program and moved into their new facility in summer 2006. concerned. “These folks lost just about everything. Nobody would have begrudged them if they had given up.” “Though I would never wish the experience on anybody, we certainly The biggest loss was time, Hart says. He estimates the fire put him have a better facility now,” Swihart says. “I am proud of the aquacul- back a year and a half. But, as Brown says, the funding agencies, the ture professors and students for their persistence and their drive to insurance company, the department and the university were very succeed despite the fire. I think they really illustrate the Purdue supportive throughout. Because insurance replaced old equipment tradition of one brick higher.” with newer models, the lab now has better equipment. Reprinted with permission from Winter 2007 Agricultures 13 Gene guards grain-producing grasses Purdue University and USDA-Agricultural Research Service scientists have discovered that a type of gene in grain-producing plants halts infection by a disease-causing fungus that can destroy crops vital for human food supplies. The research team is the first to show that the same biochemical process protects an entire plant family—grasses—from Cochliobolus carbonum, race 1, a devastat- ing fungal pathogen. The naturally occurring disease resistance probably is responsible for the survival of grains and other grasses over the past 60 million years. A resistance gene, first discovered in corn, and the fungal toxin-fighting enzyme it produces apparently provide a biological Photo by Tom Campbell mechanism that guards all grass species Research by this trio of Purdue and USDA-ARS scientists, Guri Johal (front), Steve Schofield (at left) and Michael Zanis, is from this fungus, says Guri Johal, a Purdue the first to show that a gene in all grasses stops infection by a highly destructive fungus. associate professor of botany and plant pathology. fungal group, which has the ability to destroy any part of the plant at any stage of development.” “We think that if the gene Hm1 had not evolved, then grasses would have had a hard time surviving and thriving, or, at least, the geo- The findings will stimulate the design of new resistance strategies graphic distribution would have been restricted,” Johal says. “This against additional diseases in grasses and other plants. plant resistance gene is durable and is indispensable against this Reprinted with permission from Spring 2008 Agricultures

Tough turf

Purdue University’s Boilermakers have a new and improved football field this season, thanks to Purdue Agriculture turf experts. Last year, when the playing surface in Ross-Ade Stadium seemed unusually damaged, Purdue Intercollegiate Athletics asked Purdue Agriculture agronomists to recommend a replacement for the old bluegrass. The new turf was installed over the summer, and the Boilermakers kicked off the season this fall on a new, cold-hardy, durable Bermuda grass. Photo by Tom Campbell “Bermuda grass is the pickup truck of the grass species,” says Cale When the Purdue University Boilermakers hit the gridiron last fall, Ross-Ade Stadium Bigelow, Purdue agronomist and turf expert. “If you buy a pickup was sporting new turf. The old playing surface was removed last summer to make way for a new Bermuda grass sod developed by Purdue Agriculture agronomists. truck, it wants to be driven, and it wants to be used. Bermuda grass is the same way. It wants to be beat up, and it wants to take the load.” management resources of a Division I sports program, but do have Bigelow and his colleagues in the turf program spent more than three athletic fields frequently used by youngsters and adults. “My biggest years studying three different Bermuda varieties. They tested the grass concern was how I could help some of the turf managers at high with different fertility treatments, subjected it to Indiana winters and schools, smaller colleges and community facilities where the fields set up a modified turf-aerating machine to simulate the type of receive very intense traffic through the summer and the fall,” Bigelow damage caused by football players. says. And help he did. Bigelow also wanted to help organizations that don’t have the Reprinted with permission from Winter 2007 Agricultures 14 Summary Statistics pp. 16-28

Expenditures Expenditures Chart Federal Formula Projects Summary Federal Formula Projects

15 Expenditures Report for Agricultural Research Programs Fiscal Year 2007-2008

Appropriations $ % State Appropriations University General Funds 18,673,766 19.0 Specific Line 8,130,169 8.3 State subtotal: 26,803,935 27.2

Federal Appropriations 6,825,764 6.9 Total Appropriations: 33,629,699 34.2

Grants and Contract Support $ % Federal Grant and Contract Support USDA Grants 9,510,521 9.7 USDA Coop Agreement - 0.0 NSF 6,934,044 7.0 DHHS 2,979,747 3.0 NASA 868,028 0.9 DOD 60,280 0.1 DOE 1,911,045 1.9 AID 164,196 0.2 DOI 134,875 0.1 DOT 13,061 0.0 EPA 825,860 0.8 JTRP 99,520 0.1 Other Federal 158,378 0.2 Federal Subtotals: 23,659,555 24.0

Non-Federal Grants and Contract Support State/Local Govts 890,474 0.9 Industry/Foundations 11,360,285 11.5 Other Non-Federal 1,607,069 1.6 Non-Federal Subtotal: 13,857,828 14.1

Total Grants & Contract Support: 37,517,383 38.1

Gifts 5,127,122 5.2

Sales and Misc. Income Producing $ % Farms 7,785,839 7.9 Public Service 2,974,537 3.0 Other Income Producing 1,086,146 1.1 Total Sales and Misc. Income Producing 11,846,522 12.0

Regulatory and Commodity Programs $ % Regulatory 9,254,833 9.4 Commodity Programs 984,786 1.0 Other Research 21,104 0.0 Total Regulatory and Commodity Programs 10,260,723 10.4

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 98,381,449 100.0

16 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 5,127,122 11,846,522 10,260,723 98,381,449 13,857,828 26,803,935 33,629,699 23,659,555


7,921,382 4,239,924 9,385,844 89,179,215 13,725,187 24,152,970 30,744,699 23,162,179


6,603,875 3,799,363 8,512,266 8,522,454 80,711,924 25,083,972 30,515,818 22,758,148


Recent History 3,886,052 7,761,780 5,784,183

25,058,085 64,678,438 19,947,298 22,188,337


Agricultural Research Programs Expenditures Expenditures Programs Agricultural Research


‐ 35 30 25 20 15 10 $MM $MM 7,271,116 3,945,208 5,031,852

Total Total 19,411,534 14,728,611 80,711,924 24,343,180 55,319,967 55,319,967 64,678,438 89,179,215 98,381,449


17 FY 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 Producing State Appropriations State Appropriations Federal Federal Grant and Contract Support Non-Federal Grants and Gifts Sales and Misc. Income Regulatory and Expenditures Total Contract Support Commodity Programs Expenditures Report for Agricultural Research Programs Agricultural Research Report for Expenditures Years Fiscal Hatch; $414,316 Consumer & Family Sciences, Consumer $930,287 $553,926 Agriculture, Multi-State Hatch; Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Hatch; Veterinary Health; $71,699 $71,699 $414,316 $553,926 $410,545 $930,287 Federal Formula Projects Summary Federal Formula Projects $4,444,992 Veterinary Medicine, Animal Medicine, Veterinary Hatch Hatch Hatch Animal Health McIntire-Stennis Multi-State Hatch $410,545 Agriculture, Consumer & Family Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Agriculture, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Agriculture, Hatch; $4,444,992 Agriculture, Agriculture, McIntire-Stennis; McIntire-Stennis; Agriculture,

18 4/20/2007 m.reynolds

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ement activities on ecohydrology and water quality

f policy and marketing regulations affecting

onitoring and predicting changes to watershed hydrology


from agricultural commodities

n intertemporal approach A Federal Formula Projects technologies for physiological experimentation and environmental monitoring

added products - Modeling environmental and natural resource systems Colloidal phenomena in food and bioprocessing Efficient processing of food and feed products and by The development of sensors and systems for increas New sensor Properties of biomaterials related to their utilization and to quality detection and preservation Value Smallscale methodologies and sensing for detection and characterization of bioentities Water in the environment: Chemical analysis of cells and biomolecules using micro/nanofluidic tools Development of nutritious and high quality based foods optimizing processing, ingredients and raw materials selection Integrated assessment of watershed manag Economic analysis of international agricultural trade Economic welfare consequences o commodity markets Nutrition and household income Economic analysis of food access, eating behavior and disability insurance in the Alternative approaches to reducing negative environmental impacts from agriculture Biomass feedstock processing, handling and delivery to sugar and thermochemical conver platforms Sustainable biorefining systems for corn ethanol in the Energy saving actuator & drive technology for advanced multi Nanotechnology and biosensors Catalytic bioprocessing Evaluation of future distribution channels for crop inputs Finance and risk: Spatial dynamics of economic growth and ecological sustainability Factors affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of markets and businesses Economic analysis of certified livestock and meat produ

sier, N.

P. C.

orterfield, D. M. Mohtar, R. H. Narsimhan, G. Okos, M. R. P Stroshine, R. L. Lumkes, J. H.; Krutz, G. W. Cherkauer, K. A. Tao, B. Y. Ileleji, K. E. Irudayaraj, J. M. Ivantysynova, M. Mosier, N. S. Lu, C. Campanella, O. H. Chaubey, I. Abbott, Akridge, J. T. Balagtas, J. V. Binkley, J. K.; Eales, J. S. Chen, S. E. Doering III, O. C. Florax, R. J. Rickus, J. L.; Irudayara, J.; Lu, C. Ladisch, M. R.; Mo Baker, T. G.; Wang, H. S.; Vermerris, W. E.; Tyner, W. E.; Rickus, J. L.; Lu, C. Foster, K. A. Fulton, J. R.

- Hatch Multi State Hatch Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department of Agricultural Economics





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varying time series econometric methods with appli - arkets, governance and quality of life Federal Formula Projects M

nformatics and plant genome structure The spatial demographics of intellectual capital in rural america Economic and policy analysis of biomass energy alternatives Economic assessments of changes in trade arrangements, bioterrori Environmental impacts of economic policy changes under unc fuels requirements on the Rural development, work and poverty in the Agricultural production and water quality management Economic impacts of animal disease on Interfacing technological, economic, and institutional principles for managing in Family firm and policy mobilzation of water Optimizing turfgrass performance with reduced nutrient and management inputs The hydrologic consequences of environmental change Optimizing nutrient management and improving water quality Nonlinear and time agricultural markets Rural change: Soybean production systems Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on bioaerosols, plants and plant canopies Global economic analysis of trade in farm and food products Land application of biosolids: Agricultural and rural finance markets in transition Environmental behavior of emerging organic chemicals of concern breeding and genetics Utilizing forages for improved crop and livestock production systems Spatial and temporal septic syste Chromosome structure in soybean and comparative physical mapping to other species. Bioi Development and application of genomics tools for soybean germplasm enhancement Physiological adaptation of turfgrasses to environmental stress Molecular mechanisms of organic contaminant interactions in soils Drainage management and cropping system impacts on nitrate leaching, soil and water quality, and crop yields Genetic changes and adaptation of soil microbial communities to their environment


, S. P.

ntyre, L. M. elow, C. A. I Tyner, W. Alexander, C. Waldorf, B. S. Shively, G. E. Loehman, E. T. Keeney, R. Camberato, J. J.; Joern, B. Lee, J. G. Paarlberg, P. L. Marshall, M. I. McNamara, K. T. Conley Hertel, T. W. Big Bowling, L. C. Holt, M. T. Ejeta, G. Grant, R. H. Graveel, J. G. Jackson, S. Wang, H.; Baker, T. Ma, J. Jiang, Y. Johnson, K. D. Johnston, C. T. Lee, L. S.; Nakatsu, C.; Engel, B.; Rao, G. S. Lee, B. D. Kladivko, E. J. Nakatsu, C. H. Mc


Multi State Hatch Department of Agronomy


based cropping - treated soils -

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glaciated upper mississippi valley - availability in maize


racellular matrix remodeling in adipose tissue


on and management

pplying neuropsychology, epidemiology, and ethology to animal


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the coupled land atmosphere interactions for weather and climate studies Federal Formula Projects of biological intervention strategies to reduce foodborne pathogen load in food animals of gonadotropin secretion and the effect on fertility in beef cattle

mediated gene transfer in fish c and applied aspects of bacterial source tracking hanisms of oocyte quality in mammals. - haracterizing active soil organic matter pools controlling soil Soil formation, variability and land use in relation to the environment Improving genetics of corn C Integrated turfgrass management systems Impact of climate and soils on crop selecti contexts The national atmospheric deposition program ( Evaluating the physical and biological availability of pesticides and pharmaceuticals in agricultural Basi welfare, production, and modeling Interdisciplinary animal behavior: Corn, soybean, and soil quality responses to alternate cropping systems and genetics and breeding Impacts of an acid sulfate weathering event on soils of northwestern The control of the actin cytoskeleton during cell growth The chemical and physical nature of particulate matter affecting air, water and soil quality Economic, environmental, genetic, and nutritional aspects of grass Carbon sequestration and distribution in soils of eroded landscapes Mec Cell Development Nutrient excretion in pigs and poultry Factors mediating nuclear reprogramming in porcine embryos produced by using nuclear transfer Multiscale assessments of Chemistry, bioavailability, and tox Improved crop and livestock management for protecting the non Agronomic investigations in corn production management systems Comparative study of developmental regulation of ext and its dysregulation in obesity Utilization and fate of nutrients by animals Genetic regulation of muscle growth Manipulation


Reicher, Z. Brouder, S. M. Nakatsu, C. H. Weil, C. F.; Tuinstra, M. R. Owens, P. R. Schulze, D. G. Grant, R. H. Grant, R. H. Lee, L. S.; Sassman, S. A.; Turco, R. Schulze, D. G. Krisher, R. L. Garner, J. P. Ebner, P. D. Ohm, H. W. Szymanski, D. B. Vyn, T. J. Schwab, A. P.; Lee, L. S.; Joern, B. C.; Johnston, C. T. Snyder, L. Steinhardt, G. Steinhardt, G. C. Collodi, P. R. Nielsen, R. L. Adeola, O. Ajuwon, K. M. Cabot, R. Niyogi, D. Applegate, T. J. Bidwell, C. A.; Craig, B. A.; Cockett, N. E. Bridges, G. A.


Hatch Multi State Department of Animal Sciences



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tion ciliated protozoa

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cy and predictability of beef products for target markets through pre statins, antibiotics that target the active site of II mplications for swine and poultry lass I C Federal Formula Projects hnologies for the genetic improvement of poultry

lk1 and its interacting proteins in cell proliferation dc20 family members in activating and regulating the anaphase P C anagement systems to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of dairy enterprises Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle growth and differentiation Lipid metabolism: Increasing the consisten Vaccinia virus gene expression Genetic and functional genomic approches to impr Development of Molecular regulation of stem cell function during muscle development, growth and regeneration Histone methylation and chromatin function in Modification of phenylpropanoid metabolism in plants nutrition and management Characterization of epigenetic defects in mammalian development Enzymology and molecular biology of aldehyde dehydrogenase Engineering homing endonucleases for genomic applications Role of Molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal connection specificity in the Analysis of genome remodeling in Roles of The effect of housing/environment on the behavior, development, welfare and productivity of sows and litters Regulation of phosphorus uptake across the intestinal brush border membrane of swine Modification of growth and composition of livestock Influence of the microbial community on intestinal Structure and mechanism of a membrane tran Heterochromatin formation in reductase of bacterial pathogens Proteomic approaches to the identification of direct substrates of protein kinases Genetic and environmental aspects of dairy cattle health and milk quality Systems evaluation of animal produc Metabolic relationships in supply of nutrients for lactating cows Advanced tec Germ cell and embryo development and manipulation for the improvement of livestock M


r, E. A. Swartz, D. R. Latour, M. A. Chapple, C. C. Kuang, S. Briggs, S. D. Broyles, Lemenager, R. P. Hall, M. C. Gimble, F. S. Rodwell, V. W. Clemens, J. C. Lossie, A. C. Mills, S. E. Weiner, H. Forney, J. Hermodson, M. A. Liu, X. Pajo Patterson, J. A.; Applegate, B. M.; Applegate, T. J.; Eicher, S. D.; Radcliffe, J. S. Radcliffe, J. S. Schutz, M. M. Kirchmaier, A. L. Tao, W. A. Stewart, T. S. Donkin, S. S.; Buckmaster, D. R.; Nennich, T. Krisher, R. L. Muir, W. M. Schutz, M. M.; Nennich, T. Stewart, T. S.; Moody, D. E.

- Multi State Hatch

Department of Biochemistry



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protein G ted host colonization and mating behavior of woodboring affecting ty of nucleic acid secondary structures Federal Formula Projects iosecurity and food safety Indiana B

media - ization of a novel method of inheritance in plants

insect interactions scale effects of land - input and organic management of fruit and ornamental diseases - emiology and management of turfgrass diseases - Chemically Biology, ecology and management of the Nematode collections and Management of pests of vegetables and fruit Analysis of stabili Integrated weed management: hardwoods in The genetic and molecular basis of sex determination in plants Low Regulation of plant defense responses by Characterization of Genetics and genomics of stress responses in maize The role of plant virus genes in replication and disease development. Molecular genetics of plant defense responses to necrotrophic plant pathogens Epid Multi Genetic analyses of the behavior of honey bees Management and monitoring of Character Biology and management of food pests Plant Mycotoxins: Cellular factors influencing accumulation of calcium oxalate in plants The role and implications of gene duplications in flowering plants Integrating soil fertility, host Corn rootworm feeding Epidemiology and management of fusarium head blight of wheat Signal transduction pathways and fungal pathogenicity turfgrass Developing sustainable approaches to the design and management of ornamental l Host factors that influence my

fries, L. S. - Z.

l, J. J. Ginzel, M. D. Gibson, K. D.; Hallett, S.; Johnson, W.; Weller, S. Banks, J. A. Beckerman, J. L. Bennett, G. W. Ferris, V. R. Hill, C. A. Foster, R. E. Weith, H. L. Mengiste, T. Johal, G. S. Chen, Holland, J. D. Latin, R. Loesch Pruitt, R. E. Hunt, G. J. Krupke, C. H. Mason, L. J. Woloshuk, C. P. Webb, M. A. Murdock, L. L. Richmond, D. Nea Zanis, M. J. Wise, K. Sadof, C. S. Woloshuk, C. P. Xu, J.


Multi State Hatch Hatch Department of Botany & Plant Pathology D epartment of Entomology






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of t for new aquaculture species rithms and modeling techniques for assisting forestry decisions - turing process engineering technique analytical test bed for examination of microorganism/surface - ality, safety, and shelf in food and agriculture systems Federal Formula Projects level behavioral ecology - g behavior, human digestion, bioavailability and bioactivty of dietary phytochemicals Genetics of reintroduced wildlife species in Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on freshwate Central hardwood forest products markets Improving plantation establishment and forest productivity in the Landscape Structure and function of carbohydrates for commercial use Processin Rapid dietary developmen The molecular evolutionary genetics of model vertebrates Spatial multicriteria decision analysis systems for improving resource and environmental management Wood products manufac Population dynamics of wildlife under sustainable forestry practices in the Endocrine disruption in fish and widlife: Wildlife responses to agriculturally induced fragmentation of habitat: Emerging issues in furniture design Managing forest and right Detection and determination of survival mechanisms for microbial pathogens. Development of bioactive food components and cellular pathways for the control of obesity and its associated chronic diseases Compatibility factors in crop plant Investigating bioactive deterrents for osteopenia during muscle atrophy Development of multi interactions found Using advanced regeneration to regenerate Advancing geospatial algo Genomics and evolution of gall forming midges (diptera: cecidomyiidae) Sustainable solutions to problems affecting honey bee health Ecology and management of Improvement of thermal and alternative processes for foods Determination of qu Biosynthesis, degradation, and modification of star Sensor development for sustainable and safe food production and processing

lman, C.

Rhodes jr, O. E. Nichols, K. Farnsworth, R. L. Gazo, R. Hoover, W. L. Jacobs, D. F. Zollner, P. A. Sepulveda, M. S. Swihart, R. K. Applegate, B. M. BeMiller, J. N. Brown, P. B. DeWoody, J. A. Ferruzzi, M. Kim, K. Dunning, J. B.; Weeks, H. Haviarova, E.; Ecke Holt, H. A. Shao, G.; Moser, J. W. Stuart, J. J. Morgan, M. T.; Corvalan, C. M.; Mauer, L. J.; Keener, K. Yao, Y. Mauer, L. J. Reuhs, B. L. Watkins, B. A. Nivens, D. E. Saunders, M. R. Hunt, G. J. Krupke, C. H. Morgan, M. T.

- - Hatch McIntyre Stennis

Multi State Hatch Multi State Department of Food Science Department of Forestry & Natural Resources


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echanisms and mitigation M


rabidopsis and solanaceous crops A focused family therapy for incarcerated adolescents and their

on of auxin distribution mechanisms -


enhancement and utilization of plant genetic resources College of Consumer and Family Sciences

rabidopsis metallothioneins state research programs A - lzheimer's d A Federal Formula Projects tive planning and direction

use efficiency in plants - state evaluation of winegrape cultivars and clones - administration, planning, and coordination RF ruit and vegetable marketing innovations and demand assessment families The experience of Understanding family relationships among women in the context of race and culture Understanding flowering and fruit growth of ap Plant adaptation to abiotic stresses Functional analysis of Molecular determinants of fruit quality and shelf life Administering federal Adults' relationships with their parents Development and testing of emotionally Administra Water Sustainable and low input floriculture crop production M Administrative planning and direction Understanding young children's ideas about interacting with peers with disabilities Agrochemical impacts on human and environmental health: Transcriptional regulation and signaling during phosphate deficiency Environmental stresses and crop productivity Molecular and biochemical characterizati Characterization of plant immunophilins in Managing and marketing environmental plants for improved production, profitabili Multi F Conservation management, A dissection of the molecular mechanisms underlying arsenic hyperaccumulation in plants


rst, P. M.; Goldsbrough, P. Long, J. K. Hasegawa, P. M. Keiley, M. K. Goodwin, P. Hi Lopez, R. G. Mickelbart, M. V.; Joly, R. J. Goldsbrough, P. B. Handa, A. K. Ramaswamy, S. Diamond, K. E. Fingerman, K. L. Ramaswamy, S.; Martin, M. Sepulveda, M. S. Ramaswamy, S. Mitchell, C. A. Murphy, A. Ramaswamy, S. Raghothama, K. G. Salt, D. E.; Banks, J. A. Schulz, B. Dennis, J. Bordelon, B. P. Dennis, J. Janick, J.

- - Hatch Hatch Multi State Animal Health McIntyre Stennis Hatch Multi State Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Agriculture Administration Department of Child Development & Family Studies ,



ole in chronic diseases and R

l materials on food choices

being and function in an era of welfare reform - caught fish -

staling agents and novel food gums -

amily relationship changes and mechanisms of sibling influence F racking their well store technology

T - Consumer and Family Sciences action for the protection of bone health and the prevention of cancer D

raised and recreationally - ary calcium and calcitropic hormones impact on progression of chronic diseases Federal Formula Projects College of , income families: - ge of Consumer and Family Sciences related impacts of nutrition and exercise across the life span - Colle , Transitions in paternal involvement for men on the margins of work and family lif Home learning environments and school readiness skills of preschool children The transition to adulthood: Behavioral precursors of physical illness and mortality in older adulthood Molecular mechanisms of dietary triacylglycerol absorption Xenobiotics in farm Consumer evaluations of in Nutrition and lipid metabolism Mechanisms of diet Calcium and bone metabolism Eating patterns and obesity Oxidative stress, dietary antioxidants, and adaptation mechanisms: behavioral disorders Mammalian response to aging Rural low Alternative sweeteners, fat mimetics, anti Health Effect of multimedia presentation of nutritional health educationa The health effects of food rheology Mechanisms of vitamin

attes, R.

. T. P

ell, W. W. . E. D Son, S. H. Whiteman, S. D. Roy, K. Story, J. A. Morre, D. M. Santerre, C. R. Mroczek, D. K.; Almeida, D. M.; Ayanian, J.; Martin, M.; Ryff, C. D.; Singer, B. Buhman, K. K. Burgess, J. R. Warrington, Kiss, Weaver, C. M. Teegarden, D. McCrory, M. A.; Campbell, W. W.; Davidson, T. L.; Ferruzzi, M. G.; M D.; Roberts, S. B. Campb Daniel, J. R. Fleet, J. C. Mattes, R. Evers, W. D.


Hatch Multi state Hatch Department of Consumer Science & Retail Department of Foods & Nutrition



orrhage in racehorses?

induced pulmonary hem ndiana - I

proteins associated with equine protozoal encephalomyelitis

difference on phosphorus homeostasis in dairy cows sease prevention and response - based adjuvants - anion hannel in the onset of skeletal muscle atrophy -

School of Veterinary Medicine , rity to control tissue differentiation and bacterial infection

(cerebrospinal fluid) ouse model and host gene expression in resistant and susceptible mice M CSF Federal Formula Projects School of Veterinary Medicine , School of Veterinary Medicine , microbial delivery for the treatment of septic arthritis, septic tenosynovitis and osteomyelitis nutrient interactions underlying the complications of obesity

s disease: - ) EPM Expression of immunoreactive antigens of mycoplasma suis and development of an immunoassay Identification of ( Johne Targeting apical pola Laboratory diagnosis of bovine abortion Development of improved aluminum Bone marrow fat analysis as an indicator of starvation in livestock Regulation of follicular development in the domestic hen Local anti in domestic animals. Determining treatment regimens and slaughter withdrawal time for cattle with lead toxicos Evaluation of anthelmintic resistance in goats in Effects of altered dietary cation Biosecurity procedures and tools for di Role of chemokines in inflammatory bowel diseases Role of fgf signaling during skeletal muscle development Role of the merg1a potassium c Swine production, salmonella and the salmonella infection cycle Determination of fecal analytes Do adjunct bleeder medications mitigate exercise Investigations of equine endocrinology Gene

. A.;

e rinary Basic Medical Science e rinary Clinical Science e rinary Pathobiology

, J. B. Acuna, H. - Messick Asem, E. K. Adams, S. B. Hilton, W. M.; Stevenson, D. J.; Hooser, S. B. Camp, J. W. Davis, J. K. Lelievre, S. A. Miller, M. A.; Ramos, J Van Alstine, W.; Stevenson, G.; Thacker, H. L. Levy, M. Ragland, D. Kim, C. H. HogenEsch, H. Hooser, S. B. Hannon, K. M. Constable, P. D. Sojka, J. E. Amass, S. F. Couetil, L. L.; Raskin, R.; Ochoa Pond, A. L. Prasad, N.; Camarillo, I. Sojka, J. E.; Couetil, L. L.; Levy, M.; Moore, G.

Hatch Animal Health Animal Health Animal Health Hatch Hatch Department of Vet Department of Vet Department of Vet


tates S virus in swine population nited

U PRV negative cows - BLV

ed and signs and lesions similar to


ervice S emerging poultry respiratory diseases in the - ohnes disease in dairy and beef cattle J

esearch R based influenza vaccines - Federal Formula Projects tate free herds S - PRV in demiologic studies of US Recombinant vaccines for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Cooperative Control of emerging and re Association of infectious agent causing Epi in Adenoviral vector Proteomic profile of plasma in bovine leukemia virus infect

Vemulapalli, R.; Mittal, S.; Pogranichniy, R.; Lenz, S. Wu, C. C.; Lin, T. L. Raizman, E. A.; Wu, C. C.; Glickman, L.; Long, T.; Kenyon, S. Thacker, H. L. Pogranichniy, R. M.; Lenz, S. D. Mittal, S. K. Mohammed, S.; Miller, M.; Hilton, M.


Multi State

28 Award Amounts pp. 30-31

Departments Non-Academic Units

29 Agronomy; $4,547,010 $3,016,637 Animal Sciences; $1,664,259 Biochemistry; Economics; $3,199,210 Agricultural Biological $3,486,371 Engineering; Agricultural & Pathology; $2,024,605 Botany & Plant Education; $4,386,639 & Agricultural $3,199,210 $4,547,010 $3,016,637 $1,664,259 $2,024,605 $3,160,020 $2,230,145 $3,486,371 $4,539,511 $2,012,775 $4,386,639 Youth Development $3,160,020 Food Science; Award Amounts by Agriculture Academic Department Resources; $4,539,511 $2,230,145 Entomology; Forestry & Natural Landscape $2,012,775 Architecture; Horticulture and Agronomy Animal Sciences Biochemistry & Plant Pathology Botany Science Food Entomology Agricultural & Biological Engineering Agricultural Economics Agricultural Resources & Natural Forestry Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Education & Agricultural Development Youth 30 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Program; $70,555 Pharmacy; $148,949 Industrial & Physical Agriculture; $204,649 Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant International Programs in Laboratory for Renewable Resource Energy; $494,651 $20,000 $70,555 $768,939 $191,975 $822,465 $822,945 $604,096 $148,949 $204,649 $494,651 $1,149,941 $2,052,453 $1,015,437 $1,524,983 $1,484,784 $1,524,983 Discovery Park; $822,945 Discovery Learning Center, Indiana State Chemist; $604,096 Energy Center, Discovery Park; Bindley Bioscience Center, Discovery Park; $1,484,784 Agricultural $1,015,437 Statistics; $20,000 Environment; Center for the Awards Amounts by Agriculture Non‐Academic Units Service; $768,939 $822,465 Systems; $1,149,941 Regulatory Information Center for Environmental Agricultural Communication College Of Agriculture Administration; $2,052,453 Cooperative Extension Service; Laboratory; $191,975 Animal Disease Diagnostic

31 Agricultural Statistics Agricultural Communication Service Agricultural Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Information Systems Regulatory Center for Environmental Extension Service Cooperative College Of Agriculture Administration Center for the Environment Park Discovery Learning Center, Discovery Park Discovery Energy Center, Program Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana Indiana State Chemist Pharmacy Industrial & Physical in Agriculture International Programs Energy Resource for Renewable Laboratory Park Discovery Bindley Bioscience Center, Federal Grants pp. 33-38

Federal Competitive Awards Summary Federal Competitive Awards

32 U.S. Geologic for Atmospheric Survey; $263,967 Research; $66,087 University Corporation Development; $791,840 Agency for International U.S. Department of Agriculture; $14,197,451 $2,000 $66,087 $399,760 Department of Department of $791,840 $168,071 $851,833 $2,705,807 $25,000 $1,401,241 $363,356 $3,008,391 $1,114,130 $9,524,896 $14,197,451 $263,967 Commerce; $168,071 Defense; $851,833 $2,705,807 Department of Energy; Department of State; $399,760 Department of Federal Competitive Awards Summary Transportation; $25,000 National Science Foundation; $9,524,896 Health; $3,008,391 National Institute of Agency; $1,401,241 Environmental Protection and Space $1,114,130 National Atmospheric Atmospheric Administration; Administration; $363,356 the Humanities; $2,000 National Endowment for National Oceanic and Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of State Department of Transportation Protection Agency Environmental and Space Administration National Atmospheric National Endowment for the Humanities National Institute of Health Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric National Science Foundation Department of Agriculture U.S. Geologic Survey U.S. Research for Atmospheric Corporation University Agency for International Development 33 Patient-Oriented Research of Liver Disease of Liver Research Patient-Oriented FY 2008 FDA Feed Mill and BSE Inspection FY 2008 FDA Feed Mill and BSE Inspection Amendment 1 FY 2008 FDA Feed Syk and Associated Proteins in Breast Cancer Syk Syk and associated proteins in breast cancer Syk Signal Transduction Along Cardiac Thin Filaments Signal Transduction The Genetic Basis of Natural Ionomic Variation The Genetic Basis of Natural Arsenic Uptake, Transport and Accumulation in Plants: Using Functional Ionomics and Synchrotron X-Ray Microanalysis to Develop Arsenic-Free Grain Arsenic-Free Microanalysis to Develop X-Ray and Accumulation in Plants: Using Functional Ionomics Synchrotron Transport Arsenic Uptake, Studies Of Nitric Oxide Biochemistry In Cardiovascular Physiology Using Self Referencing No Sensor Technology - Amendment 1 No Sensor Technology Using Self Referencing Physiology Studies Of Nitric Oxide Biochemistry In Cardiovascular Regulation of capacitative calcium entry in porcine oocytes of capacitative Regulation Functional studies of Plk1 and its interacting proteins Functional studies of Plk1 and its interacting Environmental; Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AHR Ligands Amendment 4 Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses Environmental; Environmental; Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AHR Ligands Amendment 3 Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses Environmental; Environmental; Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AHR Ligands Amendment 1 Microbial; and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses Environmental; Vectorbase: A Bioinformatics Resource Center for Invertebrate Vectors of Human Pathogens Amendment 1 of Human Pathogens Vectors Center for Invertebrate A Bioinformatics Resource Vectorbase: Engineering DNA Endonuclease Reagents for Gene Targeting Engineering DNA Endonuclease Reagents Impacts of Increased Bioenergy Production Golbal Economic and Environmental Syk And Associated Proteins In Breast Cancer - Revision Syk Biofuels Land Use Change Modeling Movement-responsive cage for simultaneous pharmacology studies in pigs Movement-responsive And Growth - Amendment 4 ActinPolymerization Complex: Mechanisms Of Localized Wave The Arabidopsis Effect of Digestion on the Cancer Chemopreventative Activity of Tea Catechins of Tea Activity Effect of Digestion on the Cancer Chemopreventative - Amendment 2 Increased Carbon Sequestration For Development Root Genome-Enabled Modification Of Poplar of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol for the Conversion Yeast Saccharomyces Recombinant of the Robust Further Improvement Fetal Programming Fructose and Insulin Resistance Programming Fetal Group Statewide Biomass Working 12th Biennial conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology of Soybeans IPM In Latin America And The Caribbean: Crops For Broad-Based Growth And Perennial Production For Fragile Ecosystems Fragile Production For Broad-Based Growth And Perennial IPM In Latin America And The Caribbean: Crops For Dairy Product Intake Regulation of Energy Metabolism Regulation Dairy Product Intake Wind Energy Educational and Extension Outreach in Indiana AMA BASIS CRSP: Natural Capital and Poverty Reduction Capital and Poverty CRSP: Natural AMA BASIS An Ecological/Environmental Decision Model for Watershed Management Decision Model for Watershed An Ecological/Environmental Zebrafishe ES cell lines for targeted mutagenesis Zebrafishe for Ethanol Production Sorghum, a Dual-source Feedstock Genetic Dissection of Brown Midrib Sweet Development of the Input and Product Markets in West Africafor Sorghum and Millet in West of the Input and Product Markets Development Web-based, Decision-Support System Using STORET Data Flows Using STORET System Decision-Support Web-based, The Role Of Set1-Mediated Ethylation In Chromatin Function Of Set1-Mediated Ethylation The Role of REF4 The Role Metabolism in Arabidopsis: Phenylpropanoid Improving competitiveness of African aquaculture through capacity building, improved technology, and management of supply chain and natural resources and management of supply chain natural technology, building, improved of African aquaculture through capacity competitiveness Improving contamination determination for air vehicle Vulnerability Biotechnological Approaches to Genetic Analyses and Exploitation of Striga Resistance in Crop Plants Biotechnological Approaches to Genetic Analyses and Exploitation of Striga Resistance Technologies Watershed Management to Develop Resource Environmental The Role of Set 1-Mediated Methylation in Chromatin Function of Set 1-Mediated Methylation The Role Amendment 2 Beta-Glucan Synthase Mixed-Linkage the Catalytic Components of Maize Identifying OED Cassens/Meadows Breeding Sorghum for Improved Resistance to Striga and Drought in Africa Resistance Breeding Sorghum for Improved Africa Millet in West for Sorghum and Pearl Development Product and Market Economic Growth in China and India and Nutrition: Impacts of Rapid Globalization, Trade Analysis in Eastern and Southern Africa: Spatial Temporal and Marketing Legume Trade Grain Facilitator. Africa Regional West America and Central Enhanced Bean Utilization in the U.S. of cowpea for resistance to biotic stresses A molecular genetic improvement Aquaculture Outreach in Africa (Aquaculture Outreach in Africa) in Tanzania Training Farmers & Combustion of Gelled Hypergolic Propellants Spray Creek Watershed Modeling for the Swan System Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic (HIT) and Long-Term High Impact Target Creek Watershed Modeling for the Swan System Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic (HIT) and Long-Term High Impact Target Systems TGER Management Area Workshops Weed Cooperative Watkins, Bruce A Watkins, Waltz, Robert D Robert Waltz, Waltz, Robert D Robert Waltz, Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo Tao, Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo Tao, Swartz, Darl R Swartz, Salt, David E Salt, David Salt, David E Salt, David Porterfield, D. M D. Porterfield, Machaty, Zoltan; Cabot, Ryan A Cabot, Ryan Zoltan; Machaty, Liu, Xiaoqi Johnston, Cliff T Johnston, Cliff T Johnston, Cliff T Hill, Catherine A Gimble, Frederick S Zhuang, Qianlai E; Hertel, Thomas W; Wallace Tyner, Geahlen, Robert L; Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo L; Tao, Geahlen, Robert E Wallace Tyner, Garner, Joseph P; Marchant-Forde, Jeremy N Jeremy Joseph P; Marchant-Forde, Garner, Szymanski, Daniel B Ferruzzi, Mario Ferruzzi, Meilan, Richard Nathan S Mosier, Jackson, Scott A Donkin, Shawn S Donkin, Shawn Ileleji, Klein; Martin, Chad A Weller, Stephen C Weller, Donkin, Shawn S Donkin, Shawn Ileleji, Klein Shively, Gerald E Gerald Shively, Farnsworth, Richard L; Engel, Bernard A Farnsworth, Collodi, Paul Ejeta, Gebisa Sanders, John H Engel, Bernard A Briggs, Scott D Chapple, Clint C Quagrainie, Kwamena K; Dennis, Jennifer L Kwamena Quagrainie, E David Nivens, Ejeta, Gebisa Indrajeet Chaubey, Briggs, Scott D Carpita, Nicholas C Cassens, Daniel L; Meadows, Edwin L Ejeta, Gebisa; Hamaker, Bruce R; Sanders, John H Ejeta, Gebisa; Hamaker, Bruce R Hamaker, Hertel, Thomas W James M Lowenberg-Deboer, James M Lowenberg-Deboer, Nielsen, S Pittendrigh, Barry R K Kwamena Quagrainie, K Kwamena Quagrainie, Carlos M H; Corvalan, Campanella, Osvaldo James G Engel, Bernard A; Hunter, James G Engel, Bernard A; Hunter, Nathan S Ladisch, Michael R; Mosier, B Goldsbrough, Peter FS BCHM IN Chem MCMP MCMP ANSC Bindley Bindley ABE ANSC BCHM AGRY AGRY AGRY ENTM BCHM AGEC MCMP AGEC ANSC AGRY Energy FS FNR AGRY ANSC ABE HLA F&N ABE AGEC FNR ANSC AGRY AGEC ABE BCHM BCHM AGEC FS AGRY ABE AGRY FS AGEC IPIA IPIA FS ENTM AGEC AGEC EC ABE ABE LORRE B&PP BCHM B&PP FNR $507 $2,500 $8,000 $4,550 $5,500 $7,423 $7,895 $24,840 $16,765 $36,106 $41,738 $19,530 $72,911 $60,447 $59,903 $50,607 $50,000 $29,130 $75,943 $20,000 $25,400 $10,000 $36,000 $51,032 $49,710 $41,000 $70,000 $30,000 $18,623 $33,238 $21,959 $25,000 $65,000 $25,000 $16,420 $202,427 $329,137 $379,228 $153,663 $108,686 $213,162 $211,275 $114,000 $117,402 $255,789 $260,387 $216,342 $359,828 $263,877 $100,000 $100,000 $130,000 $103,750 $102,000 $204,125 $520,833 $200,000 $114,000 $1,662,703 Agency for International Development National Institute of Health Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency

34 S. cerevisiae - Amendment 1 S. cerevisiae Based Understanding DRU - Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of US Ethanol Policy DRU - Social, Economic, and Political Cell cycle inhibition of silencing in Cell cycle Proteomics in vitro and Living Cells CAREER: Soluble Nanopolymers for Targeted Cell cycle inhibition of silencing in Cell cycle Proteomics in vitro and Living Cells CAREER: Soluble Nanopolymers for Targeted Evolutionary Genomics of a Centromere Amendment 1 Evolutionary Disease. REU Supplement/Genetic and Molecular Insights into Mechanisms Underlying a Maize and Actin-Based Morphogenesis - Amendment 2 Mechanisms of ROP Activation Novel Spike1: VCA Soymap: An Integrated Map Of Soybean For Resolution And Dissection Of Multiple Genome Duplication Events Resolution For Map Of Soybean An Integrated VCA Soymap: Effects of landscape structure on animal-mediated acorn dispersal and seedling recruitment - Amendment 1 Research: Collaborative and Actin-Based Morphogenesis Mechanisms of ROP Activation SPIKE1: Novel FY 2008 EPA Cooperative Agreement Cooperative FY 2008 EPA Modification No. M02 to UCAR Subaward No. S07-58057 No. M02 to UCAR Subaward Modification No. Sequencing of chromosome 3 short arms from the AA, BB, CC, BBCC genomes ...functional and evolutionary genomics Amendment 1 CC, BBCC genomes ...functional and evolutionary Sequencing of chromosome 3 short arms from the AA, BB, BAC and Sample Sequencing Amendment 2 Random the Wheat Genome by ISGA: Characterizing FY 2007 Pesticide Cooperative Agreement (Enforcement & Program Implementation) Agreement (Enforcement & Program Cooperative FY 2007 Pesticide Amendment 2 for Conducting Extension and Outreach for GreatLakes Monitoring, Water Quality and Legacy Programs Quality Monitoring, Water Amendment 2 for Conducting Extension and Outreach GreatLakes Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Amendment 2 Center (ERC) for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Engineering Research Supplemental REU funding Center (ERC) for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power: Engineering Research Genomics of Rice Domestication GEPR: The Evolutionary Amendment 1 Elements of Maize GEPR: The Transposable Development of a Compliance Assistance Center for the Food Processing Industry of a Compliance Assistance Center for the Food Development and Modeling Observation in Atmospheric of Spatial Heterogeneity Role Porter County Smart Growth Development Ordinance Project Smart Growth Development County Porter IDBR: Development of a Multivariate Hyper-Spectral Instrument for High-Resolution Chemical Imaging of Cell Structure and Dynamics Instrument for High-Resolution Hyper-Spectral of a Multivariate IDBR: Development The Ionome Amendment 4 TRMS: From Ionome to Genome: Mapping the Gene Networks Controlling Nutrient Content in Rice Grain Dynamic Global Economic Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Climate Effects Of Direct And Indirect Forcing Regional NAB the Aquatic Invader: New Online Activities for the Atlantic Region New Online Activities for the Atlantic NAB the Aquatic Invader: Deciphering The Complex Metabolic Network In Snap Dragon Flowers: An Integrative Approach - Amendment 2 Flowers: An Integrative Deciphering The Complex Metabolic Network In Snap Dragon Physiology in Quantitative Purdue Scholarship Program Dynamic Global Economic Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Modeling and Inventory- from Inverse Results Comparing and Reconciling of North America by in the Mid-Continent Region Net CO2 Exchange Resolving Cycles Change & Associated Changes In Hydrological On Landuse-Land Cover Climate Study With Focus Regional Integrated Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program Core Outreach College Program Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana Lessons Educational Activities to Internet-based Paper-based Educational Lessions: Converting Nab the Aquatic Invader The Influence of Genotype on Vertebrate Survivorship (Supplement) Survivorship on Vertebrate The Influence of Genotype Conceptualizing Climate And Change Activities For Developing Intensive Nearshore Monitoring in Western Lake Huron Lake Nearshore Monitoring in Western Intensive Amendment 2 Region Multisensor / Multiscale Assessment Of Urban Impacts In The Great Lakes Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana III-CXT: Collab Res: Adv Learning and Integrative KnowledgeTransfer Aproaches to Remote Sensing and Forecast Modeling for ... Enhancing our Sensing and Forecast Aproaches to Remote KnowledgeTransfer Adv Learning and Integrative Collab Res: III-CXT: Center on Structured Organic Composites Amendment 1 Engineering Research Soil and Water Assessment (SWAT) Video-Based Training to Strengthen Watershed Planning to Strengthen Watershed Video-Based Training Assessment (SWAT) Soil and Water - Amendment 2 Carbon Balance Of Northern Eurasia Extent On The Regional And Wetland Diagnosis And Prognosis Of Effects Changes In Lake Competitiveness And Innovation In Rural U.S. Regions - Developing And Analyzing Rural Clusters Of Innovation - Amendment3 Clusters Of Innovation And Analyzing Rural - Developing Regions U.S. In Rural And Innovation Competitiveness - Amendment3 Clusters Of Inovation And Analyzing Rural - Developing Regions U.S. In Rural And Innovation Competitiveness Observing System Education/Outreach Support for the Great Lakes A Water Supply and Groundwater Module for the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Model Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic Module for the Long-Term Supply and Groundwater A Water AToL Collaborative Research: Resolving Mammalion Phylogeny Using Genomic Morphological Approaches. - Increase Mammalion Phylogeny Resolving Research: Collaborative AToL of an Imaging Nonlinear Optical Ellipsometer MRI: Development Based on Microfluidic Electroporation Technology Cell Microarray CAREER: Transfected Genetic, molecular and biochemical basis of pathogen stress induces necrosis - Amendment 1 Necrotrophic And Biotrophic Pathogens To Cytoplasmic Kinase Mediated Signaling In Plant Responses Like Of Receptor The Role to Necrotrophic and Biotrophic Pathogens. Cytoplasmic Kinase Mediated Signaling in Plant Responses Like of Receptor The Role and Oregon State University of a Joint Center between Purdue University CENTER FOR TREE GENETICS: Formation Genetics-NCSU Center for Tree Systems Forestry Center for Advanced Research: Collaborative Engineering, and Life Sciences (FEELS) Environmental, Students to Food, High Need, Potential and Retaining for Recruiting Partnership Tyner, Wallace E Wallace Tyner, Kirchmaier, Ann L Kirchmaier, A Weiguo Tao, Kirchmaier, Ann L Kirchmaier, A Weiguo Tao, Johal, Gurmukh S Jackson, Scott A; Ma, Jianxin Szymanski, Daniel B Szymanski, Daniel B Jackson, Scott A K Robert Swihart, Scott, David E Scott, David Niyogi, Devdutta S Niyogi, Jackson, Scott A Sanmiguel, Phillip J Scott, David E Scott, David Miller, Brian K Miller, Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, Jackson, Scott A Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, Sanmiguel, Phillip J Keener, Kevin M; Morgan, Mark T; Okos, Martin R Okos, M; Morgan, Mark T; Kevin Keener, Devdutta S Niyogi, Mccormick, Robert A; Miller, Brian K A; Miller, Mccormick, Robert Irudayaraj, Joseph M Irudayaraj, E Salt, David E Salt, David Hertel, Thomas W Devdutta S Niyogi, Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, Doudareva, Natalia Doudareva, Rickus, Jenna L Niyogi, Devdutta S Niyogi, Hertel, Thomas W R Kevin Gurney, Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, Dewoody, James A Dewoody, Devdutta S Niyogi, Goforth, Reuben R; Swihart, Robert K Robert R; Swihart, Goforth, Reuben C Bowling, Laura Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, Crawford, Melba M; Pijanowski, Bryan C Melba M; Pijanowski, Bryan Crawford, Martin R E; Okos, David Narsimhan, Ganesan; Nivens, Frankenberger, Jane R Frankenberger, C Bowling, Laura Cordes, Samuel M Elizabeth K Hinchey Malloy, Cordes, Samuel M Bickham, John W Nathan S Ladisch, Michael R; Mosier, Lu, Chang D Mengiste, Tesfaye D Mengiste, Tesfaye D Mengiste, Tesfaye Charles H Michler, Charles H; Meilan, Richard Michler, Charles H; Meilan, Richard Michler, Alan D Whittaker, V; H; Morris, Pamala Rabi Mohtar, Engel, Bernard A Energy BCHM BCHM BCHM BCHM B&PP AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY FNR IN Chem AGRY AGRY HLA IN Chem FNR Energy AGRY Energy HLA FS AGRY IL-IN Sea IL-IN Bindley Bindley HLA AGEC DP Admin IL-IN Sea IL-IN HLA BioSci AGRY AGEC E&AS IL-IN Sea IL-IN FNR FNR C4E FNR AGRY FNR C4E PTEC ABE AGRY FNR Bindley Bindley B&PP B&PP B&PP FNR FNR FNR DLC Ag Admin Sea IL-IN Ag Admin ABE $27 $6,000 $6,000 $9,400 $2,288 $2,720 $2,729 $8,071 $6,000 $6,500 $12,326 $94,124 $84,980 $99,599 $62,997 $24,000 $17,000 $16,924 $10,000 $55,036 $20,551 $33,427 $73,333 $50,000 $70,420 $30,148 $84,092 $12,000 $20,000 $749,961 $150,000 $193,000 $159,228 $951,001 $110,000 $104,745 $210,520 $468,901 $384,220 $485,410 $161,774 $139,500 $294,501 $295,900 $230,000 $320,000 $600,000 $180,000 $361,613 $216,697 $269,080 $560,518 $865,589 $434,564 $160,000 $100,000 $140,000 $597,423 $157,272 $1,447,166 National Atmospheric and Space Administration National Science Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce

35 Mineral Characteristics of Foundry Sand: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity, Erosion and Plant Growth Conductivity, Sand: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic of Foundry Characteristics Mineral Foods for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate Education Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Foods bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing Acquisition of Goods and Services Developing Undergraduate-Faculty Teaching Partnerships to Enhance Learner Centered Teaching in College of Agriculture and Natural Resources in College of Agriculture and Natural to Enhance Learner Centered Teaching Partnerships Teaching Undergraduate-Faculty Developing Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Program Plan of Work Calendar (2007) Plan of Work Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Program Interaction of tetracycline with soil minerals of tetracycline Interaction Educating Growers About Glyphosate Stewardship Educating Growers About Glyphosate Stewardship Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Existing Clearcuts on the Hoosier National Forest Regeneration Oak and Hickory Quality-assessment of nursery-grown forest tree seedlings of nursery-grown Quality-assessment Physiological responses of planted forest tree seedlings to environmental stresses responses of planted forest tree seedlings to environmental Physiological Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Existing Clearcuts on the Hoosier National Forest Regeneration Oak and Hickory Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Existing Clearcuts on the Hoosier National Forest Regeneration Oak and Hickory A strategy for Responding to the Whole Genome Shotgun Sequence of the Soybean genome - Purdue Assembly to the Whole Genome Shotgun Sequence of Soybean for Responding A strategy Analysis of genes and gene regions affecting agronomically important honey bee behaviors Population Connectivity of Spruce Budworm as a Function Distance and Landscape Patterns Connectivity Population Improving Honey Bee Health and Reducing Pesticide Honey Bee Health and Reducing Improving Huang Task Order Huang Task ARS Task Order-Soil Erosion Lab Order-Soil ARS Task National Timber Tax Website - Hoover Website National Timber Tax 2008 Indiana Cooperative Development Center support Development 2008 Indiana Cooperative Multiobjective Watershed Management Support System for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Conservation Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective Sake on Human Risk for the Farm's Educating Women Acquisition of Goods & Services Model ... A Cooperative Network Information Center (AGNIC) Metadata Development, Agricultural Aquaculture Center Extension Project Regional North Central Health for Energy Balance and Improved Carbohydrates Containing Novel Functional Foods Commodity Marketing Education: Assisting Women to Increase Farm Profitabilty while Decreasing Price Risk Profitabilty to Increase Farm Education: Assisting Women Marketing Commodity Household Decision-Making Behavior Understanding Farm Breeding Bird Surveys at Hoosier National Forest - Modification 2 at Hoosier National Forest Breeding Bird Surveys marshes success at restored and natural reproductive influencing avian Factors Acquisition of Goods and Services Radiation Climatological Monitoring of Ultraviolet Mitigation of emissions of agricultural air pollutants by understanding and reducing the formation of satellite drops air pollutants by Mitigation of emissions agricultural Diagnostics Supplemental Funds Testing Rust/Virus Soybean National Eden Homeland Security Institute National Eden Homeland Security Acquisition of Goods and Services and Disease Diagnostic Network National Plant Pest Integrating Recent Remote Sensing Products To Improve The Representation Of Vegetation And Transpiration Processes In The Noah Land Surfaces Model And Transpiration Of Vegetation The Representation Improve Sensing Products To Remote Recent Integrating Scott Abney/ARS Money Faith and Community: A Dialogue and Community: Faith 2008 Indiana MultiEthnic Conference Developing a Web-Based Agribusiness Simulator for Introductory Level Agricultural Students Agricultural Agribusiness Simulator for Introductory Level a Web-Based Developing Hens, and Growing Cattle Laying and Mitigations Stategies for Air Emissions from Turkeys, Source Reduction Development Center for Rural Regional North Central Student Leadership Development Undergraduate Indiana AG Network architecture, molecular structure, and reactivity Bridging the Gap between starch granule Extension Disaster Education Network: eXtension Pioneer CoP Extension of Cooperative transformation eXtension-The Extension of Cooperative Transformation eXtension-The of Illinois Service, University Agreement between PU and Illinois Cooperative from vegetables Dietary Lipids as primary modulators of carotenoid bioavailability for Health Enhancing Foods Project Indiana AgrAbility Monitoring Network and Insecticide Resistance Establishing a Midwest Corn Earworm Migration 5 Region States in USEPA leadership for North Central quality Continuing support for regional water 5 Region States in USEPA leadership for North Central quality Continuing support for regional water Hardwood Scanning Center Development Purdue University Sciences, United States, 2010-2015 and Agircultural in the Food Opportunities for College Graduates of Employment A Report Lake, Scott L; Buckmaster, Dennis; Donkin, Shawn S; Foster, S; Foster, Dennis; Donkin, Shawn Scott L; Buckmaster, Lake, D Lee, Brad Lay, Donald C Lay, Knobloch, Neil A; Kim, Kee Hong; Orvis, Kathryn S Hong; Orvis, Kathryn Knobloch, Neil A; Kim, Kee Knobloch, Neil A Kenneth A; Lemenager, Ronald P; Schutz, Michael M Ronald A; Lemenager, Kenneth Jordan, Thomas N Johnston, Cliff T Johnson, William G Johnson, William G Jacobs, Douglass F; Seifert, John R Jacobs, Douglass F; Jacobs, Douglass F Jacobs, Douglass F Jacobs, Douglass F Frankenberger, Jane R; Lee, John G Frankenberger, Jacobs, Douglass F Jackson, Scott A Hunt, Greg J; Hill, Catherine A Hunt, Greg J Hunt, Greg J Huang, Chi-Hua Huang, Chi-Hua Hoover, William L Hoover, Hibberd, Charles A Engel, Bernard A; Arabi, Mazdak; Chaubey, Indrajeet; Indrajeet; Chaubey, Mazdak; Engel, Bernard A; Arabi, Stacy L Herr, Einstein, Mark E Einstein, Mark E Eicher, Susan D Eicher, Bruce R Hamaker, Easterday, Kelly L Kelly Easterday, M Roman Keeney, Allan W; Gray, Dunning, John B Richard H Grant, Dunning, John B Goodwin, Stephen B Corvalan, Carlos M; Campanella, Osvaldo H; Hayes, Kirby D Kirby H; Hayes, Carlos M; Campanella, Osvaldo Corvalan, Gail E B; Ruhl, Goldsbrough, Peter Cheng, Heng-Wei Cain, Steven A; Borron, Abigail S Cain, Steven Gail E K; Ruhl, Karen B; Rane, Goldsbrough, Peter Niyogi, Devdutta S Niyogi, T S Abney, Shively, Gerald E Gerald Shively, Akridge, Jay T; Barnard, Freddie L T; Akridge, Jay J Applegate, Todd Janet S Ayres, Janet S Ayres, W Ballard, Roy James N Bemiller, A Cain, Steven A Cain, Steven A Cain, Steven Richard L Farnsworth, Mario Ferruzzi, Bruce R Mario; Hamaker, Ferruzzi, Field, William E Ricky E Foster, Jane R Frankenberger, Jane R Frankenberger, Rado Gazo, J Allan D; Goetz, Rebecca Goecker, Derusha, Carmen E ANSC AGRY ANSC YDAE YDAE B&PP AGRY B&PP B&PP FNR FNR FNR FNR FNR AGRY ENTM ENTM ENTM AGRY AGRY FNR Ag Admin ABE CES ANSC ANSC ANSC FS CES AGEC FNR AGRY FNR B&PP FS B&PP ANSC Ag Comm B&PP AGRY B&PP AGEC ANSC AGEC AGEC CES FS Ag Comm Ag Comm Ag Comm Sea IL-IN FS FS ABE ENTM ABE ABE FNR Ag Admin Philosophy CES $5,322 $4,943 $5,500 $9,764 $2,500 $6,825 $2,000 $5,500 $3,958 $44,100 $71,431 $16,327 $50,000 $64,001 $17,500 $12,650 $10,000 $35,000 $20,000 $30,000 $17,000 $74,999 $10,890 $24,716 $32,076 $28,775 $46,875 $27,888 $10,000 $20,000 $15,779 $18,041 $16,215 $65,000 $66,087 $15,034 $23,049 $36,300 $15,700 $15,000 $20,000 $30,000 $37,864 $50,000 $30,000 $499,989 $479,134 $128,383 $154,345 $554,000 $749,806 $456,275 $460,000 $399,760 $136,000 $140,171 $232,278 $494,590 $229,500 $180,000 $468,400 National Endowment for the Humanities Department of State University Corp For Atmospheric Research U.S. Department of Agriculture

36 blotch in wheat septoria tritici Indiana Component, IPM PIPE 2007 Analysis of wheat microarrays and functional proteomics of resistance susceptibility Analysis of wheat microarrays Cultural Practice Evaluation for Canola Production Under Indiana Conditions Evaluation Practice Cultural for Managing Bed Bugs Management Strategies Pest Integrated Evaluating Integrating social and biological sciences to enhance adoption of vegetable safety behaviors from farm to table behaviors safety social and biological sciences to enhance adoption of vegetable Integrating Youth Farm Safety Educational and Certification Program: Development and Management of Instructor Training Development Educational and Certification Program: Safety Farm Youth and details for external review team members to conduct a CSREES Travel NAHLN-IN Classical Swine Fever Surveillance Fever Classical Swine Avian Influenza and Other Viral Pathogen testing equipment Pathogen Influenza and Other Viral Avian Physical and Genomic Mapping of X2 Chromosome in Hessian Fly Physical Comprehensive identification, mapping and characterization of Hessian fly genes using an innovative whole genome sequencing approach. of Hessian fly genes using an innovative identification, mapping and characterization Comprehensive National Soil Erosion Laboratory Student Labor National Soil Erosion Laboratory and Chemical Propertties of Shelled Corn related to Conditioning, Drying, Processing Physical USB Qualisoy and USB Animal Ag Initiative USB Qualisoy Graduate Fellowships in the Economics of Alternative Energy in the Economics of Alternative Fellowships Graduate Acquisition of Goods and Services Productivity and financial viability of natural disturbance-based management in the Acadian Forest of natural and financial viability Productivity Plan of Work 2007-2008: Information and education program for Emerald Ash Borer for Emerald 2007-2008: Information and education program Plan of Work Forest Insect Taxonomic Support (FITS) Work Plan for FiscalYear 2008 Plan for FiscalYear Work Support (FITS) Insect Taxonomic Forest Evaluation of Identification Systems for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of the Indiana State Fair and the North American International Livestock of the Indiana State Fair for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of Identification Systems Evaluation America - Eduardo Hidalgo for Central Program Borlaug Fellows Acquisition of goods and services New genetic tools for assessment of double-crested cormorant movement New genetic tools for assessment of double-crested cormorant Biotechnology strategies to improve phosphate acquisition to reduce environmental contamination by poultry litter contamination by phosphate acquisition to reduce environmental to improve Biotechnology strategies FY 2008 Program Recordkeeping Pesticide Cooperative Space change movement of data and telephone lines Space change movement Aquaculture Program Regional Committee of North Central State Coordinator Technical Genomic and proteomic responses to diertary toxins in a stored grain insect pest - Yr 3 funding insect pest - Yr in a stored grain Genomic and proteomic responses to diertary toxins Functional Genomics in Hessian Fly Prioritization of Sanitary Restrictions Facing US Exports of Bovine, Porcine, and Ovine for Determination of Surveillance Needs and Ovine for Determination of Surveillance Porcine, US Exports of Bovine, Facing Prioritization of Sanitary Restrictions Estimation of the Economic Impact of AI Under Alternative Trade Regionalization Scenarios Regionalization Trade Estimation of the Economic Impact AI Under Alternative Evaluation of the Wellston Benchmark Catena in Southern Indiana Watersheds of the Wellston Evaluation Converting Purdue University Soil Characterization Lab Data to NRCS Soil Online Format Soil Characterization Purdue University Converting Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility in wheat/Hessian fly interactions Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility Utilization of Genetics, Breeding and DNA Technologies to Develop Wheat that is Resistant to Multiple Disease and Pests Wheat that is Resistant to Develop Utilization of Genetics, Breeding and DNA Technologies Wheat Applied Genomics Wheat Applied Genomics Improvement of Soft Winter Wheat that is Resistant to FHB and Adapted Indiana of Soft Winter Wheat that is Resistant Improvement Identifying genes for resistance to Identifying Identification of Wheat Genes Encoding Essential Components of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight Identification of Wheat Genes Encoding Essential Components Resistance Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Crop Water Stress over Large Areas using Remote Sensing Observations Large Areas using Remote Stress over and Crop Water Estimation of Evapotranspiration The H+ Pyrophosphatase AVP1 and root Development The H+ Pyrophosphatase AVP1 Geneome-wide Screen for Genes with Polymorphic Cis acting Elements that Respond to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken Cis acting Elements that Respond Screen for Genes with Polymorphic Geneome-wide Diversity Across Higher Education Diversity Novel surface activation technique using energy curable materials for the production of bioactive packaging materials for the production of bioactive technique using energy curable surface activation Novel A process for printing activity to food contact surfaces A process for printing activity US-India Consortium on International Water Management Consortium on International Water US-India Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center and Regeneration Improvement Hardwood Tree Efficancy of Pre-emergence sedge control materials Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center and Regeneration Improvement Hardwood Tree Hosting Borlaug Fellows from India Hosting Borlaug Fellows Operation: Military Kids Grant Operation: Enhancing and Expanding the Retail Food Safety Consortium Safety Food Enhancing and Expanding the Retail Fundamentals, Effects and Consequences of Deliquescence in Multicomponent Food Systems Fundamentals, Effects and Consequences of Deliquescence in Multicomponent Food Socio-Economic Assessment of Conservation Effects in the St. Joseph River Watershed Effects in the St. Joseph River Socio-Economic Assessment of Conservation Hazards 2004-09 Detection and Control of Foodborne Hosting Borlaug Fellows from Macedonia-Mirjana Jankulovska Hosting Borlaug Fellows Extension Services to Deliver of the Afghanistan Ministry Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock the Capacity Improving Ahmed Abdel-Hady from Egypt-Abdel-Rahman Hosting Borlaug Fellows NAPIS NAPIS NPDN National Database/National Network of Diagnostic Centers Agreement Cooperative EXCERPT Genome Annotation Elements in Soybean: and Transposable Database of Repetitive License Agreement Software MarketMaker for Phase 1 SBIR Training Afghan Faculty Exchange Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Wise, Kiersten A; Krupke, Christian H; Shaner, Gregory E Christian H; Shaner, Wise, Kiersten A; Krupke, Williams, Christie E Wang, Changlu; Bennett, Gary W; Gibb, Timothy J Timothy Gibb, Changlu; Bennett, Gary W; Wang, Vyn, Tony J Tony Vyn, Tucker, Mark A; Borron, Abigail S Tucker, Tormoehlen, Roger L; Field, William E; Talbert, B A L; Field, William E; Talbert, Roger Tormoehlen, Mark A Tucker, Thacker, Herbert L Thacker, Thacker, Herbert L Thacker, Thacker, Herbert L Thacker, Stuart, Jeffrey J Stuart, Jeffrey J Stroshine, Richard L Stott, Diane E Stewart, Terry S Terry Stewart, Shively, Gerald E Gerald Shively, Schemerhorn, Brandon J Schemerhorn, Brandon Saunders, Michael R Sadof, Clifford S Sadof, Sadof, Clifford S Sadof, Rusk, Clinton P; Balagtas, Joseph V Rusk, Clifford S Sadof, Rostagno, Marcos H Rostagno, Rhodes, Olin E Reed, Leo A Reed, Raghothama, Kashchandra G Kashchandra Raghothama, Preston, Gregory Quagrainie, Kwamena K Kwamena Quagrainie, Pittendrigh, Barry R; Murdock, Larry L Pittendrigh, Barry R Paarlberg, Philip L; Lee, John G Paarlberg, Paarlberg, Philip L; Latour, Mickey A; Lee, John G Mickey Philip L; Latour, Paarlberg, Owens, Phillip R Owens, Phillip R Ohm, Herbert W; Williams, Christie E Ohm, Herbert W; Ohm, Herbert W; Anderson, Joseph M Ohm, Herbert W; Ohm, Herbert W Ohm, Herbert W Ohm, Herbert W Ohm, Herbert W Ohm, Herbert W Niyogi, Devdutta S Niyogi, Hirst, Peter M; McNamara, Kevin T; Oseto, Christian Y; Van Scoyoc, Scoyoc, Van Christian Y; Oseto, T; Kevin M; McNamara, Hirst, Peter Murphy, Angus S Murphy, Muir, William M Muir, Morris, Pamala V Morris, Pamala Morgan, Mark T; Applegate, Bruce M Morgan, Mark T; George E; Weller, Stephen C George E; Weller, Morgan, Mark T Mohtar, Rabi H Rabi Mohtar, Michler, Charles H Michler, Michael V Mickelbart, Lowenberg-Deboer, James M; Bordelon, Bruce P; Foster, Ricky E; James M; Bordelon, Bruce P; Foster, Lowenberg-Deboer, Michler, Charles H Michler, Lowenberg-Deboer, James M Lowenberg-Deboer, Mckinley, Steven K Steven Mckinley, Linton, Richard H Mauer, Lisa J Mauer, Lee, John G Linton, Richard H Lowenberg-Deboer, James M; Ohm, Herbert W Lowenberg-Deboer, Jerry L James M; Peters, Lowenberg-Deboer, James M; Williams, Christie E Lowenberg-Deboer, Eileen M Luke, Eileen M Luke, Eileen M Luke, Joseph F Eileen M; Hegarty, Luke, Ma, Jianxin Marshall, Maria I Marshall, Maria I; Fulton, Joan R B&PP BioSci ENTM AGRY YDAE YDAE YDAE ADDL ADDL ADDL ENTM ENTM ABE AGRY ANSC AGEC ENTM FNR ENTM ENTM YDAE ENTM ANSC FNR IN Chem HLA Ag Statistics AGEC ENTM ENTM AGEC AGEC AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY HLA ANSC Ag Admin FS FS ABE FNR HLA IPIA FNR IPIA YDAE FS I&PP AGEC Ag-Admin IPIA IPIA IPIA CERIS CERIS CERIS CERIS AGRY AGEC AGEC $9,159 $3,000 $5,697 $4,620 $7,500 $1,000 $7,500 $36,465 $46,000 $18,081 $50,986 $50,000 $62,975 $44,700 $30,000 $50,071 $12,000 $76,084 $37,444 $53,095 $27,500 $25,468 $11,000 $15,000 $20,000 $30,181 $56,000 $10,000 $17,000 $27,000 $60,973 $59,000 $58,753 $99,167 $27,578 $60,000 $22,398 $68,985 $15,000 $25,877 $25,920 $32,827 $91,001 $25,276 $50,000 $88,237 $22,500 $26,771 $55,000 $15,552 $62,646 $83,500 $15,000 $52,200 $421,280 $229,500 $240,000 $325,000 $103,203 $121,411 $100,505 $222,253 $181,900 $372,373 $425,195 $250,000 $412,100 $1,516,306

37 ) Following ) Following Martes americana Magnaporthe grisea Fine Spatial Scale Short Temporal Scale Validation of a Simulation of Dispersal Movements by American Marten ( by of a Simulation Dispersal Movements Scale Validation Fine Spatial Scale Short Temporal Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey Contract 2008 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative Regulation of Infectious Hyphal Growth by TBL 1 in of Infectious Hyphal Growth by Regulation Mission of Genomicsand the Land Grant Convergence Research: Genomics in Agricultural Fiscal Year 2008 Indiana Water Resources Research Center Annual Water Program Center Annual Water Research Resources 2008 Indiana Water Fiscal Year Identifying fungal and plant factors influencing DON production Identifying Reintroduction Web-based Low Impact Development Decision Support and Planning Tool Low Impact Development Web-based Comparative Functional Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Fusarium Species Functional Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Comparative Web-based Load Duration Curve Tool for TMDL Tool Curve Load Duration Web-based ICDC Salary Support Zollner, Patrick A Patrick Zollner, Yaninek, John S; Bledsoe, Larry W Yaninek, Yaninek, John S Yaninek, Xu, Jin-Rong Xu, Turco, Ronald F; Lee, Brad D; Whitford, Fred Lee, Brad F; Ronald Turco, Xu, Jin-Rong Xu, Engel, Bernard A; Chaubey, Indrajeet; Farnsworth, Richard L; Farnsworth, Indrajeet; Engel, Bernard A; Chaubey, Xu, Jin-Rong Xu, Engel, Bernard A; Chaubey, Indrajeet; Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, Indrajeet; Engel, Bernard A; Chaubey, Hunter, James G Hunter, Woodson, William R Woodson, FNR ENTM ENTM B&PP VPR B&PP ABE B&PP ABE Ag Admin $2,439 $25,000 $92,335 $32,939 $76,472 $95,160 $109,963 $374,000 $176,385 $106,621 U.S. Geologic Survey

38 Non-Federal Grants, Contract, and Support pp. 40-49

Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals State and Other Agencies

39 Title Ethanol Plants compounds Clay Mineral Society Mineral Clay Memorandum Of Understanding Between Dept Of Agronomy PurdueUniversity And PurdueUniversity Of Understanding Between Dept Agronomy Memorandum Liming Research Program Liming Research Economics Co-Editorship Of American Journal Agricultural Economics Co-Editorship Of American Journal Agricultural Sorghum and Striga Research Multi-Sponsored in Southern Indiana Winter Canola Trials Unrestricted Gift Fund 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant 3M Nontenured Faculty Analogue Effect Of Fibre On Absorption Methionine And Hydroxy Consolidated Nutrition, L.C. Wheat Genetics Research Putting Greens Research Science Research Food Alltech Biotechnology Center MOU with Ancilla College for DDGS in Dry Grind and Product Quality Energy Efficient Strategies Evaluating Applications Starch-based Adsorbents for Molecular Sieve Breeding Research Swine Ball Hort - Lopez / Dennis Support Voluntary of BP in Monitoring Program Environmental Assistance to the Integrated Research Wine Benchfee Wirongrong Tongdeesoontornj-Thailand Gift Account Multi-Sponsored 2008 Week America Saves Multi-Sponsored/Research in Plant Sciences for Christopher Boomsma Pioneer Fellowship Of Agronomy American Society Of Agronomy American Society Management of the International Certified Crop Advisers program Technical Delivery Granule/Seed of a Synchronous and Refinement Engineering Evaluation - Entomology Research Krupke Area 5 Educational Programs Support Voluntary Corn Research Landscape Architecture Research Reinhart,Benjamin,D Hadley,Tanya for swine as additive Bacillus strain study on an improved Digestibility diet and an energy-reduced Study using a Bacillus strain Digestibility Dining with Diabetes Programs in Steuben county Dining with Diabetes Programs Danisco Midwest Regional Turf Foundattion Turf Midwest Regional of plant-stress-mediating through incorporation Enhancing insecticide utility Truax,Tamara,M Poultry and Swine Nutrition and Swine Poultry Shuttleworth North America To compare the effect of two different phytases on growth performance, ileal compare the effect of two different phytases To Azerbaijan State Climatology System digestibility and retention of Ca and P ofbroilers fed a corn/soy diet and retention of Ca P ofbroilers fed a corn/soy digestibility Dep't AGRY AGEC AGEC AGRY B&PP AGRY BCHM BCHM ANSC ANSC AGRY AGRY FS ANSC CES ABE LORRE ANSC HLA FNR C4E FS FS ABE CES FS AGRY B&PP AGRY AGRY ABE ENTM CES FNR AGRY HLA FNR AGEC ANSC ANSC AGRY CES ANSC ENTM ENTM AGEC ANSC FS ANSC AGRY Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards Investigator(s) Huang, Chi-Hua V Paul Preckel, V Paul Preckel, Ejeta, Gebisa Johnson, William G A; Mansfield, Charles W Craig Beyrouty, Hall, Mark C Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo Tao, Adeola, Olayiwola S Donkin, Shawn Ohm, Herbert W Cale A Bigelow, Smith, Richard S John S Radcliffe, Manning, Michael E Dirk E E; Maier, Ileleji, Klein; Jiru, Teshome Nathan S Ladisch, Michael R; Mosier, S Terry Stewart, G; Dennis, Jennifer L Lopez, Roberto Rita L Mckenzie, Bickham, John W Christian E Butzke, Lisa J Mauer, Stroshine, Richard L Rebecca Haynes-Bordas, Linton, Richard H A Craig Beyrouty, Johnson, William G James J Vorst, James J Vorst, Dennis; Ess, Daniel R Buckmaster, Christian H Krupke, B Schenck, Dave E Lowe, Zachary A Craig Beyrouty, Michael V Mickelbart, James A Dewoody, Thompson, Sarahelen Adeola, Olayiwola Adeola, Olayiwola Johnston, Cliff T Friend, Inger E Adeola, Olayiwola Richmond, Douglas S Richmond, Douglas S M Roman Keeney, Adeola, Olayiwola Bhunia, Arun K Adeola, Olayiwola Niyogi, Devdutta S Niyogi, $75 $300 $500 $800 $3,700 $5,000 $5,000 $2,100 $1,200 $2,500 $3,000 $6,000 $2,500 $6,000 $5,000 $6,640 $1,200 $5,600 $3,000 $15,000 $91,009 $33,000 $23,500 $39,400 $12,000 $15,000 $50,000 $10,000 $81,000 $11,500 $75,000 $11,200 $58,303 $91,789 $56,100 $10,000 $20,000 $21,000 $18,935 $18,935 $36,000 $36,000 $14,966 $80,000 $29,550 $18,935 $60,000 $50,000 $12,000 $51,680 Amount Sponsor 3M General Offices 3M General Association Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Ancilla College International, LLC Ausgene & Landscape Lawn Boram Chateau De Pique & Barge Co Consolidated Grain Adisseo ADM Alliance Nutrition, Inc Design & Machine Advanced Agrotain International LLC Alcoa Inc Alltech Biotechnology Center Almond Board Of California Program Grant Anderson Research Co Ball Horticultural (Caspian Sea) Ltd BP Exploration Chiangmai University of America Consumer Federation Clay Minerals Society Minerals Clay Cameron Hospital Foundation Cancer Association Carroll County Bayer Environmental Science Environmental Bayer Bioscale Inc Blue Sun Biodiesel, LLC American Agricultural Economics Assoc American Agricultural Of Agronomy American Society Chemical Corporation Amvac Archer Daniels Midland Co Corporation BASF Cropscience LP Bayer Chappelle Inc (Bio Sys) Chr Hansen's Laboratory Danisco Animal Nutrition Debbie P & Louise A Cascardo

40 Finishing Turkeys Fed for the last 7 to 14 Days Prior to Slaughter - Tom for the last 7 to 14 Days Fed Finishing Turkeys Medicine Efficacy of Proaxis GPC to ants and cockroaches Analysis Support Study Liver Multi-Spnsored Gift Multi-Sponsored and Coppicing Families Block Planting of Elite Walnut Center and Regeneration Improvement Fund - Hardwood Tree Hardwood Forestry Support Voluntary Weed Research Weed Research Weed Mapping the Condition of Diporeia Insights to Mechanisms Designs Gift Multi-Sponsored Vegetation Management Right-of-Way Vegetation Illeleji Unrestricted Gift Account of Monensin and Analysis in Liquid Matrices Design of a Solution Formulation Lipid Research Food Cropping System Agricultural Research Sensory Evaluation Poultry Research Poultry D-Helix Gift Account Composition, Biomass, Yield Pr5-K Gene Expression In Rice: Effect On Cell Wall in Drosophila ... Dscam Mediated Control of Neuronal Connection Specificity Degussa GmbH Evonik Biology in Comparative Electronic Field Trips Zach Lowe - Vol. Support Lowe - Vol. Zach Management Potassium Wheat Disease Research Gift Research Project Urban Farm in on Growth Performance Hydrochloride of Ractopamine The Effectiveness Prior to Slaughter - Hen for the Last 7 to 14 days Fed Finishing Turkey Entomolgy Research Basf Corporation Research Swine Enrichment Program Extension 4-H After-School Allen County of Biodiesel (B20) and Fleet Performance of Truck Evaluation Inc. Fred Gloeckner Foundation, of the GEAPS590 Fuel Ethanol Production Distance Learning Course Development Sturgeon for Lake Sexing Assays of DNA-based Development Heinz Project Wildlife Habitat Support-Tippe Grad 11th amendment and estension of Agreement between Dow Agrosciences Whole-Plant Bio-Processing For Ethanol Production Whole-Plant Bio-Processing For After School Enrichment Program Allen County Tippe Wildlife Habitat The Effectiveness of Ractopamine Hydrpchoride on Growth Performance in on Growth Performance Hydrpchoride of Ractopamine The Effectiveness Basf Corporation Ganesan Narsimhan - Ag & Bio Engineering Research Horticulture Improvements Georgia Beef Board, Inc. International Omega-3 Learning and Education Consortium for Health GEAPS 540 Course Development Assessment of the future of Agricultural Activities in AMPATH Assessment of the future Agricultural And Quality Purdue. Cancel 13th protocol and establish 14thand 15th protocols. ENTM ANSC FS FS FNR FNR FNR B&PP B&PP C4E FS FNR ABE DP Admin FS AGRY FS ANSC HLA HLA BCHM ANSC DLC FNR B&PP B&PP HLA CES ANSC ENTM ANSC ANSC CES ABE HLA ABE FNR HLA BCHM ENTM LORRE CES AGRY ANSC ANSC ABE HLA ANSC FS ABE IPIA Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards H; Woeste, Keith E Keith H; Woeste, Wang, Changlu Wang, S Donkin, Shawn E David Nivens, Lisa J Mauer, Charles James R; Michler, D; Mckenna, Lenny Farlee, E Keith James R; Woeste, D; Mckenna, Lenny Farlee, Rhodes, Olin E Bauman, Thomas T Johnson, William G Maria S; Nichols, Krista M Sepulveda, M Kevin Keener, Holt, Harvey A Holt, Harvey Ileleji, Klein Wilson, Christina R Bruce A Watkins, J Tony Vyn, Smith, Richard S Applegate, Todd J Applegate, Todd A Bressan, Ray A Bressan, Ray Clemens, James C Adeola, Olayiwola Alan D Whittaker, Sigurdson, Chris W; Swihart, Robert K Robert Swihart, Egel, Daniel S Gregory E Shaner, Stephen C Weller, W Ronald Hoyt, J Applegate, Todd E Williams, Ralph A Mickey Latour, Richert, Brian T Michael A Talbott, John H Lumkes, Natalia Doudareva, Dirk E Maier, James A Dewoody, K Handa, Avtar John G Graveel, Wang, Changlu; Bennett, Gary W Wang, Ladisch, Michael R; Mosier, Nathan S Ladisch, Michael R; Mosier, Michael A Talbott, John G Graveel, Applegate, Todd J Applegate, Todd John S Radcliffe, Narsimhan, Ganesan Janick, Jules Claeys, Matthew C Bruce A Watkins, Dirk E Maier, Lowenberg-Deboer, James M Lowenberg-Deboer, $1,100 $8,951 $1,000 $5,500 $4,000 $3,900 $2,000 $1,750 $7,500 $7,500 $6,500 $2,500 $1,000 $12,500 $49,044 $73,923 $15,800 $63,000 $18,000 $16,500 $46,900 $25,400 $10,000 $14,416 $20,386 $10,000 $49,500 $14,373 $39,532 $11,000 $10,000 $22,243 $97,600 $35,189 $21,000 $52,000 $16,260 $33,088 $14,416 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $25,100 $121,613 $232,720 $569,513 $150,000 $100,000 $150,000 $749,755 $576,000 Heffelfinger, Jim & Annette Heffelfinger, Heinz USA Elsevier Ltd Embedded Concepts LLC Degussa Corporation Elanco Products Company Esther A & Joseph Klingenstein Fund Inc Foundation Fluid Fertilizer Ltd Hinsdale Farms Hughes Medical Institute Howard D-Helix Inc Dow Agrosciences Dupont Crop Protection Dupont,EI Denemours And Company Elanco Animal Health Degussa GmbH Evonik Dairy Farm,LLC Fair Inc Fleischmann's Yeast Foundation Foellinger Inc Frito-Lay and Processing Society Elevator Grain Fishery Trust Great Lakes Griffith Laboratories Fund Hardwood Forestry Group Of Eli Lilly & Co Health Economics Research Efroymson Fund Efroymson Gardens Alive Georgia Cattlemen's & DHA Omega-3s Global Org for EPA Globe Foundation Fred C, Foundation Gloeckner,

41 Selection management regimes in Round-up Ready rotational systems: What are the Ready management regimes in Round-up Dominant Cropping Systems: Year 2 Year Dominant Cropping Systems: Soils And Land Use Expo 2007 TCI Support for Students Attending Transportation Breaking New Ground Life Long Learning Coordinator 15% Support Huntington County 2 Support of Life Long Learning Huntington County Year GTAP Consortium Membership GTAP Treatment of Finely Textured Beef (FTB) with Anhydrous Ammonia for Pathogen Beef (FTB) Ammonia for Pathogen with Anhydrous of Finely Textured Treatment Owners Association (IFWOA) and Woodland IN Forest - 2008 Center Summer Workshop Diagnostic Training Cyst Nematode Program Management Research Urban And Industrial Pest Student Support Gift Account Grad - 2008 Program Research Intel Undergraduate Economics The Journal Of Agricultural Co-Editorship In Chief For Animal Research from cocoa in vivo Impact of food matrix on catechin bioavailablilty Travel and fungicide field plot expenses Travel Programs National Research Pathways Development Livestock & Bio Engineering - Research G.W . Krutz -Ag Consortium GTAP Dairy & Nutrition Council, Inc. Non-Formal CDA 2007-08 Non-Formal Indiana Arborists Association, Inc. Indiana Arborists Assoc. Inc. Multi Sponsored meal in diets fed to targeted aquaculture species for Indiana Use of soybean Indiana SCN Survey Assisted Marker Gene Stacking Using High-Throughput Disease Resistance Fish Opportunities for Indiana Farm-Raised An Assessment of Ethnic Market Cold-Flow Grant of SME-PS for Use in the Concrete Construction Industry Evaluation Ester Gels Methyl of Polystyrene-Soy High Concentration aphid Outbreaks in Indiana of Soybean Periodicity Marion County Program Summer Youth Nutrition Program Family Pyhtase In Poultry Membership GTAP Screening Experiment to Dry Corn Cob Mix Using a Cabinet Drying System threshold level predicitions threshold level Reduction National Research Programs National Research Documenting interactions between glphosate-tolerant weeds, , and pest between glphosate-tolerant Documenting interactions 4) (Year Initiative Traits End-Use Quality Indiana Soybean into Methanol of Glycerin Conversion Competition New Products Innovation Student Soybean Drying of Corn Cob Mix Using Shallow Layer Determining Drying Behavior Urban Gardening Support and Processing Research in St. Joseph County Program Baby a Healthy Have Aquaculture Small Business Startup Kit Yields in Glyphosate- Manganese Management for High Soybean Effective Reducing the risk for SDS and SCN by improved choice of tillage system and improved the risk for SDS and SCN by Reducing Experiments AGRY FNR ABE CES CES AGEC FS FNR AGRY ENTM ENTM ABE Eng Admin AGEC ANSC FS B&PP HLA AGEC ABE AGEC FS CES B&PP FNR B&PP FNR ENTM AGRY AGEC ABE ABE ABE ENTM CES CES ANSC AGEC ABE HLA B&PP ABE ABE ABE ABE CES FS CES AGEC AGRY B&PP Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards Lee, Brad D Lee, Brad A Holt, Harvey Field, William E Hibberd, Charles A C David Petritz, Hertel, Thomas W Keener, Kevin M; Gerrard, David E David M; Gerrard, Kevin Keener, K Robert Swihart, Corey K Gerber, Virginia R Ferris, Mason, Linda J M D. Porterfield, Melba M Crawford, E; Masters, William A Gerald Shively, Sutton, Alan L Mario Ferruzzi, Goldsbrough, Peter B Goldsbrough, Peter Stephen C Weller, Sanders, John H Krutz, Gary W Hertel, Thomas W D Kirby Hayes, Fowler, Natalie Fowler, Janna L Beckerman, Rita L Mckenzie, K Karen Rane, B Brown, Paul Virginia R Ferris, Allen R; Ma, Jianxin Leroy, K Kwamena Quagrainie, Bernard Y Tao, Bernard Y Tao, Bernard Y Tao, John S Yaninek, Christina E Ferroli, Christina E Ferroli, J Applegate, Todd Hertel, Thomas W Dirk E Maier, Weller, Stephen C Weller, Johnson, William G; Krupke, Christian H Johnson, William G; Krupke, Dirk E Maier, Bernard Y Tao, Bernard Y Tao, Dirk E Maier, W Ronald Hoyt, Hamaker, Bruce R Hamaker, Sutton, Edith E Marshall, Maria I; Quagrainie, Kwamena K Kwamena Marshall, Maria I; Quagrainie, James J J; Camberato, Tony Vyn, Westphal, Andreas; Vyn, Tony J Tony Andreas; Vyn, Westphal, $250 $4,536 $2,000 $8,450 $4,837 $4,837 $3,500 $5,000 $3,000 $1,000 $6,930 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 $5,000 $29,315 $16,426 $34,400 $26,000 $14,584 $25,000 $35,000 $11,000 $15,000 $15,780 $17,680 $25,000 $77,249 $30,000 $10,800 $31,044 $50,000 $44,000 $29,000 $39,982 $49,560 $80,550 $93,125 $14,000 $89,000 $80,000 $80,208 $10,000 $17,500 $19,920 $35,296 $53,860 $37,594 $292,650 $112,000 $222,647 IN Mint Market Dev & Research Council Dev & Research IN Mint Market Indiana Arborists Association, Inc Alliance Indiana Soybean Thunen Inst (vTI) Johann Heinrich von John Deere US Ag Life Long Learning Inc HRR Enterprises Inc AND SOCIAL SERVICES ADMIN Children, IN FAMILY The Educ Of Young IN Assoc For Owners Assoc & Woodland IN Forestry Indiana Certified Crop Advisors Association Indiana Crop Improvement Innophos Inc Insects Limited Intel Foundation Institute International Crops Research Economist Intnl Assoc Of Agricultural Producers Alliance Quality Iowa JBS United Inc Jennifer Green Global, Inc Foods Kraft Leprino Foods International Society Of Arboriculture International Society Indiana Builders Association Indianapolis Foundation Home Fund Indianapolis Retirement Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Inc Keep Company Kellogg Klockow FDN, Harvey & Doris FDN, Harvey Klockow Street Baptist Church Kossuth

42 Sediments - Field Test Cell Studies Sediments - Field Test Pigs are fed Distillers Dried Grains of Biodiversity Conservation of Biodiversity program Plants on Marginal Soils New Approach for Improving Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance of Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance New Approach for Improving Healthy Teen Pregnancies Teen Healthy in Cass County Baby a Healthy Have support Multi Sponsored Vol. Paylean Research Paylean Marion Co program Summer Youth Control Soybeans-Weed Dicamba Tolerant Soybeans RReady2Yield with Roundup Academic Yield Trial Research Forage Support Inc.Voluntary O3CO. Cellulose Pretreatment In-Field Corn and Sorghum Biomass Decay in Combustible-FuelOriented Cropping In-Field Corn and Sorghum Biomass Decay Microbiology Research Food for River Action Alternative Caps as a Remedial In Situ Permeable Evaluating Research Projects for Peter Hirst Projects for Peter Research Nutrition, Inc. Hill's Pet North American Nutrition Companies Inc. Lactose analysis samples submitted by and Management in Support Science, Policy on Restoration, Initiative TNC-Purdue of Biofuel Sector Integration Towards Database Improvements GTAP Poultry Research Poultry Engineering Agricultural Foundation Turf Midwest Regional - Increase of award Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Council National Mint Industry Research 2 - year 2 Yield Soybeans Ready with Roundup Academic Yield Trial - Summer 2007 Crop Diagnostic Training Multi Sponsored Gift Account Multi Sponsored Gift Account Multi Sponsored Gift Account Emissions Aeriel Pollutant of Biofilter in Reducing Effectiveness Stability of Kamoran in DDGS production and Processing of Kamoran Stability Monsanto Service Order 14 Sentinel Plots to Monitor the Spread of Asian Soybean Rust in the US Soybean in the US Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots to Monitor the Spread of Asian Soybean Aphid Biological Control of the Soybean Pang,Kejia and Their Watersheds at the Interface of Great Lakes Fish Recruitment - Before and After School Experience BASE congress, focus on communication 2008 Indiana 4-H volunteer education Assurance national Beef Quality universal of a prototype Development Turfgrass Research Turfgrass in Newly Established Creeping Trivialis to Eliminate Poa of Certainty Velocity Gestating sows' prefernce for open, closed and animal-controlled stall designs and welfare ina free-access width on sow behavior The effect of alleyway when Quality Pork to Improve of Choice White Grease and Beef Tallow Evaluation Emery,Isaac,R Wu,Yue Systems Bentgrass gestation stall housing system Production Regions HLA CES CES FNR ANSC CES B&PP AGRY AGRY B&PP LORRE AGRY FS C4E HLA FS IN Chem FNR AGEC ANSC ABE AGRY AGRY AGRY AGRY HLA AGRY AGRY ABE HLA HLA ABE LORRE AGRY B&PP ENTM FNR FNR CES YDAE ANSC AGRY AGRY ANSC ANSC ANSC ABE FNR Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards Schulze, Darrell G Schulze, Stefancik, Jennifer L J Penelope Troutman, Brian J Macgowan, Gerrard, David E David Gerrard, Christina E Ferroli, Johnson, William G James J Camberato, D Johnson, Keith Charles P Woloshuk, Ladisch, Michael R Vyn, Tony J; Joern, Brad C J; Joern, Brad Tony Vyn, Cousin, Maribeth A F Ronald Turco, Hirst, Peter M Hirst, Peter G; Johnston, Cliff T; Kashchandra Raghothama, Mario Ferruzzi, J Noel, Rodney K; Lee, Linda S Robert Swihart, Hertel, Thomas W Adeola, Olayiwola Albert J Heber, J Zachary Reicher, J Zachary Reicher, Cale A Cale A; Bigelow, J; Bigelow, Zachary Reicher, Cale A; Jiang, Yiwei J; Bigelow, Zachary Reicher, A Stephen C; Bressan, Ray Weller, J Tony Vyn, Corey K Gerber, H Campanella, Osvaldo M Paul Hasegawa, G Lopez, Roberto Albert J Heber, Teeh; Lim, Teng Mosier, Nathan S; Sedlak, Miroslav Mosier, L James J; Nielsen, Robert Camberato, Shaner, Gregory E Shaner, John S Yaninek, Michler, Charles H Michler, C Pijanowski, Bryan J Carrell, Anthony K Steven Mckinley, Philip B P; Reid, Ronald Lemenager, Reicher, Zachary J Zachary Reicher, J Zachary Reicher, Edmond A Pajor, Edmond A; Richert, Brian T Pajor, Allan P A; Schinckel, Mickey Latour, Richert, Brian T; Mosier, Nathan S Mosier, Shao, Guofan Shao, $413 $456 $150 $930 $1,000 $2,500 $7,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $9,268 $7,000 $2,550 $6,500 $2,000 $5,208 $36,000 $48,000 $15,600 $20,000 $37,000 $20,206 $23,778 $20,206 $30,206 $18,000 $10,991 $16,770 $39,968 $33,000 $10,970 $56,323 $27,720 $21,250 $17,260 $12,000 $13,200 $35,000 $26,850 $38,763 $58,563 $16,286 $19,592 $427,440 $129,043 $128,509 $206,874 $150,673 Meadowlane Farms Mascoma Corporation Nature's Fuel Inc Baking Company, New Horizons Services Company Nisource Corporate Lt Biosyn, Inc McKnight Foundation & Sons LLC MH Zeigler Inc N American Nutrition Co, The Nature Conservancy, Center OECD Development Lilly (Eli) And Company Fellowship Interdisciplinary Grad Lynn March Of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Fishery Great Lakes Michigan State University, Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Monsanto Company Industrials Multi-Sponsored National 4-H Council Board National Pork Program Research Soybean North Central Mint Industry Research Council Mint Industry Research Products Co Monsanto Agricultural Assoc, Societies, Etc Multi-Sponsored Lilly Endowment Inc O3 Company National Cattlemen's Beef Association Maple Leaf Farms Inc Maple Leaf Farms

43 a High Fiber Product Transmission Based Hydraulic Hybrid Drive Trains Hybrid Drive Based Hydraulic Transmission a High Fiber Product Have A Healthy Baby in Cass County Baby A Healthy Have in Cass County Baby a Healthy Have Management Potassium Programs Purdue Pesticide Program Trial Variety for 1995 Vegetable Research Schillinger Seed, Inc Baby a Healthy Have - Westphal Research & Plant Pathology Botany Multi-Sponsored (MIR162) Corn: Efficacy and yield vs corn earworm (II021A) Lep Resistant Development of Drive train Control Concepts for Dual Stage Power Split Control Concepts for Dual Stage Power train of Drive Development Computer aided design and optimization tool for bent axis axial piston machines Measurements of Ammonia Emissions and Effects of Alternate Feed at Layer at Layer Measurements of Ammonia Emissions and Effects Alternate Feed & Fruit Research Vegetable Extension Office Equipment Ohio County Programs 4h Youth Leave agreement - Gebisa Ejeta Research Rockefeller Samual Grober Tr Scott Pet Indiana Arborists Association, Inc. Crop Dring Project Turf Research - O J Noer Research Turf Oat Improvement Field Trials. Optimum GAT Plant DNA Conference Pro*cal from Algae Useful Polysaccharides Potentially Measurements Pump Frictional Force Tribo Program Fellowship Insitute Pathology Schering-Plough Research and Disease as a Model Organism for Development Zebrafish and Planning at Purdue The Hestia project: Supporting Climate Science, Policy Research Turfgrass Disease Research Turfgrass Program Management Research Weed Turfgrass Strategies MIR604 Efficacy in Refuge Multi-Sponsored Corn Research Comparison of Human Intestinal Microbial Communities after the Consumption Science Research Food Efficacy in Refuge Strategies (II023A) Strategies Efficacy in Refuge Smart Seal Phase II Gift Account Laboratory Parker Block Bore Tribology Robust Engineering Simulation Robust Block Bore Tribology origins ofdisease in chromatin structure and embryonic Alterations Cockroach Reseach Understanding Mechanism of Foam Stabilized by Protein/Biomacromolecule by Stabilized Understanding Mechanism of Foam Functions of the 14-3-3 Protein Family Regulatory Cell Cycle Comparison of Human Intestinal Microbial Communities after the Consumption Role of Polo-like-kinase (Plk1) in Liver Cancer DevelopmentMediated by the by Cancer DevelopmentMediated (Plk1) in Liver of Polo-like-kinase Role Novel Proteomic Approaches for Early Detection of MetabolisSyndrome in Obese Proteomic Approaches for Early Detection of MetabolisSyndrome Novel in Neuroscience Fellowship Research Adults Hepatitis B virus X Protein Facilities CES CES AGRY B&PP HLA AGRY CES B&PP B&PP ENTM ABE ABE ABE ENTM CES YDAE AGRY FNR ANSC AGRY ABE AGRY AGRY B&PP AGRY ANSC FS ABE ADDL BioSci PCCRC ENTM B&PP AGRY ENTM ENTM AGRY AGRY FS ENTM ABE ABE ABE ANSC ENTM ABE Bindley AGRY BMedSci F&N BCHM Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards Troutman, Penelope J Penelope Troutman, J Penelope Troutman, A Craig Beyrouty, Whitford, Fred Elizabeth T Maynard, Allen R Leroy, Vickie J Hadley, Andreas Westphal, Andreas Westphal, Ricky E; Bledsoe, Larry W Foster, Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, Heber, Albert J; Lim, Teng Teeh Albert J; Lim, Teng Heber, Ricky E Foster, Jill M Andrew-Richards, K Renee Mckee, Ejeta, Gebisa Meilan, Richard A Mickey Latour, A Craig Beyrouty, Dirk E Maier, Jiang, Yiwei Ohm, Herbert W Johnson, William G Clifford F Weil, Richert, Brian T James N Bemiller, Monika Ivantysynova, Herbert L Thacker, Collodi, Paul R Kevin Gurney, J Timothy Gibb, Latin, Richard X J Zachary Reicher, Christian H; Bledsoe, Larry W Krupke, Shukle, Richard H Mitchell R Tuinstra, Nakatsu, Cindy H Morgan, Mark T Foster, Ricky E; Bledsoe, Larry W Foster, Krutz, Gary W John H Lumkes, Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, A; Briggs, Scott D Cabot, Ryan Bennett, Gary W Narsimhan, Ganesan Hall, Mark C; Charbonneau, Harry Nakatsu, Cindy H Liu, Xiaoqi Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo Tao, Clemens, James C $45 $4,000 $2,125 $6,840 $7,700 $5,000 $6,114 $1,000 $7,000 $4,000 $7,856 $6,325 $7,000 $2,555 $8,600 $2,000 $2,000 $7,500 $20,000 $21,500 $37,450 $10,000 $45,000 $20,000 $20,000 $75,000 $99,644 $40,000 $74,591 $18,950 $56,750 $10,000 $46,445 $23,500 $20,000 $18,000 $44,744 $67,027 $81,353 $75,000 $48,100 $82,000 $60,000 $18,005 $75,000 $75,000 $45,000 $273,085 $183,811 $175,779 $113,850 PCS Administration (USA), Inc (USA), PCS Administration Co Trading Inc/ World Pepsico Ohio Fresh Eggs, LLC Richard K Kesler Samual Grober Tr Products Inc Scott Pet Suzanne M Cunningham Tempair OJ Noer Research Foundation OJ Noer Research Hannifin Corp Parker A Drug Free Cass County For Partners Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc Procter & Gamble Company Inc Foundation Rising Sun Regional And Cathann Kress Robert Foundation Rockefeller Sakata Seed America Inc Co Sauer-Danfoss Trust Showalter Crop Protection Inc Syngenta Seeds, Inc Syngenta Ingredients Americas, Inc & Lyle Tate Pro*Cal Inc Schering-Plough Research Schillinger Seed, Inc Growth Inc Targeted California Inc Farms Taylor Parker Hannifin Foundation Parker Professional Landcare Network Inc Sloan, Alfred P Foundation Health Foundation St Joseph Community

44 Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Earth & Atmospheric Science Earth & Atmospheric Industrial & Physical Pharmacy Industrial & Physical & Education Center Pharmaceutical Technology Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Department of Food Science Department of Food Discovery Park Energy Center Park Discovery Department of Forestry & Natural Resources & Natural Department of Forestry Office of the Indiana State Chemist Department of Department of Department of Entomology & Nutrition Department of Foods Program Sea Grant IL-IN Engineering Resources of Renewable Laboratory Education & Agricultural Development Department of Youth Discovery Park Administration Park Discovery International Programs in Agriculture International Programs Department of Department of State Forestry Admin. Beijing China State Forestry Fluidic Electroporation Devices for Large Volume Genetic Modification of Cells Devices for Large Volume Fluidic Electroporation Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn Exploring MyPyramid Tipton Hospital Domestic Aquaculture Pilot Study Learning Center Coordinator support County Daviess project for the ZT vineyard A working plan of GIS Team National Stone Association support Baby a Healthy Have Council Walnut Pollutants of Environmental of a Wide Range for Remediation Poplars Transgenic to Micronutrient Fertilizers Crop Response Zinpro Turf Physiology Turf to annual cropping is the key Understanding flower bud development I&PP HLA PTEC FS Energy FNR IN Chem MCMP E&AS ENTM F&N ILIN Sea LORRE YDAE DP Admin IPIA FNR Bindley CES CES FNR CES FNR HLA CES FNR FNR AGRY ANSC AGRY HLA Awards from Corporations, Foundations, and Individuals Foundations, from Corporations, Awards Department Abbreviations Department Shao, Guofan Shao, Lu, Chang Henry, Kristi Henry, James E Woolf, B Brown, Paul Beard, Jane A O Lawrence Guofan; Theller, Shao, Dahl, Bernard L J Penelope Troutman, K Robert Swihart, Meilan, Richard James J Camberato, Scott L Lake, Department Abbreviations Jiang, Yiwei M Hirst, Peter $100 $500 $7,500 $2,500 $5,300 $3,000 $8,500 $31,814 $69,423 $20,000 $53,600 $16,426 $22,500 $10,963 $237,551 Agriculture Administration Biological Sciences Department of Basic Medical Science Department of Botany & Plant Physiology Department of Botany Cooperative Extension Service Cooperative Department of Animal Science Ag Admin College of Department of Agronomy Bindley Bioscience Center Park Discovery and Information Systems Regulatory Center for Environmental Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Agricultural Statistics Service Agricultural Economics Department of Agricultural Department of Biochemistry Center for the Environment Park Discovery Learning Center Discovery Park Discovery Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department of Agricultural Department of BMedSci B&PP CES ANSC BioSci Ag Admin AGRY Bindley CERIS ADDL The Portland Foundation The Portland Board United Soybean Wal-Mart Solutions, Chrysler Corp Foundation Weston Zinpro Corporation Ag Stats AGEC BCHM C4E DLC Tipton Hospital Company Toro County Of Daviess United Way Inc Via Technologies Materials Company Vulcan H Coulter Foundation Wallace Council Walnut Comm Fruit Research Tree Washington Inc Trax Wolf Kanning Wu, ABE

45 Title foliar chemistry persistence in mammals from Indiana Cold Hardiness Assessment of Southern Pine Seedlings Sun,Lan Rios Galvez,Ana,R Strengthening Families Through Parent Education Through Parent Strengthening Families Laos Project Assessment of Eastern Hellbender Population Status in the Blue River, IN Status in the Blue River, Assessment of Eastern Hellbender Population Ammons,Andrew,D Obura,Pamela,A Latino Community Learning Center Latino Community MOU with Ancilla College Programming DCS Parent Summer Intern 2008 Indiana Department of Natural Resources/Wildlife Disease Diagnostic Resources/Wildlife Indiana Department of Natural Rose,Devin Dharmarajan,Guha LEAD Program Expansion LEAD Program Adams County Learning Center Support Adams County Benchfee Wirongrong Tongdeesoontornj-Thailand Learning Network Coordinator Support Clinton County support Position Learning Network Technology Clinton County with GSNU Scientific Exchange Spring 2007 Mitigation Tree planting at the Southeast Purdue Agriculture Center Spring 2007 Mitigation Tree Disease in White-tailed Deer of Chronic Wasting Dianostic Evaluation Hernandez,Guillermo Yang,Bo Eugene,P Parsons, Carmosini,Nadia Margam,Venu Dharamarajan,Guha County Project LEAD in Crawford LEAD - Legal Education to Arrest Deliquency Project LEAD Project Lead Map-based cloning of high-temperature adult plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 from wheat adult plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 Map-based cloning of high-temperature Learning Network Coordinator support Boone County Learning Center Coordinator support County Daviess Industry Impacts of Biofuel Mandates in the US and EU on Global Structure Livestock IDOE State Grant Sturgeon Populations DNA Sequence of Lake in relation to of hardwood seedlings on reclainmed mine lands: browse susceptibility Fertilization Journal of Extension and Educational Bureau Fellowship Egyptian Cultural for continuing research in cereal chemistry the Research Whistler Center for Carbohydrate laboratory Assessment of the role of Interstate Highways as barriers to gene flow and metapopulation Assessment of the role Interstate Highways Education Program Pest Forest for 2007-2008: Exotic Plan of Work Development and Demonstration of Outcomes-Based Evaluation Framework Amendment 1 Framework of Outcomes-Based Evaluation and Demonstration Development Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Dep't FNR ABE AGEC CES AGEC FNR ENTM AGRY CES CES CES CES ADDL FS FNR CES HLA CES FS CES CES FNR ADDL AGRY BCHM HLA AGRY ENTM FNR CES CES CES CES HLA CES CES AGEC AGEC FNR FNR Ag Comm ENTM FS FNR ENTM ABE FNR Awards and Support from State Other Agencies Awards Investigator(s) Jacobs, Douglass F Irudayaraj, Joseph M Irudayaraj, Thompson, Sarahelen Stefancik, Jennifer L Walmsley, Terrie L Terrie Walmsley, Shorna R; Prokopy, Linda S; Turco, Linda S; Turco, Shorna R; Prokopy, Williams, Rod N; Sutton, Trent M N; Sutton, Trent Williams, Rod Hunt, Greg J Darrell G Schulze, Prokopy, Linda S; Weeks, Harmon P Linda S; Weeks, Prokopy, Beard, Jane A Manning, Michael E Susan J Tharp, Scott P Foster, Thacker, Herbert L Thacker, Hamaker, Bruce R Hamaker, Rhodes, Olin E Beard, Jane A Joly, Robert J; Yun, Dae-Jin J; Yun, Robert Joly, Hockemeyer, Trisha L Trisha Hockemeyer, Lisa J Mauer, Susan J Tharp, Susan J Tharp, Carlson, Donald E Herbert L Thacker, Brouder, Sylvie M Sylvie Brouder, Chapple, Clint C Jenks, Matthew A Lee, Linda S Murdock, Larry L Rhodes, Olin E Sharon M Lawson, Beard, Jane A Douglas L Keenan, Lawson, Sharon M Lawson, Sanmiguel, Phillip J Douglas P Akers, Beard, Jane A Hertel, Thomas W Harlan R Day, James A Dewoody, Jacobs, Douglass F Hoelscher, Laura A Laura Hoelscher, Holland, Jeffrey D Bruce R Hamaker, Jane R; Broussard, Frankenberger, Rhodes, Olin E; Zollner, Patrick A Patrick Rhodes, Olin E; Zollner, Clifford S Sadof, Swihart, Robert K; Dolan, Benjamin J; Robert Swihart, Michler, Charles H; Parker, George R; Charles H; Parker, Michler, Dunning, John B; Holland, Jeffrey D; $750 $5,845 $8,419 $1,500 $5,000 $6,515 $8,419 $1,200 $2,500 $1,500 $2,800 $5,000 $9,312 $1,489 $1,631 $4,000 $6,640 $1,500 $9,300 $6,480 $8,419 $8,419 $8,419 $8,419 $7,882 $1,428 $1,292 $3,000 $18,916 $48,341 $37,467 $26,000 $52,633 $37,500 $25,000 $88,500 $22,243 $71,844 $17,647 $17,000 $59,530 $361,485 $220,000 $200,000 $510,977 $100,000 $314,000 Amount Sponsor Binational Agricultural Research & Dev Research Binational Agricultural Drug-Free Noble County Auburn University Auburn Bilsland, Winifred B. Endowment Bilsland, Winifred B. A Drug-Free Cmnty Cncl For Cty Crawford County Daviess Foundation Community County Daviess Resources IN Department Of Natural Asian Development Bank, The Asian Development In Department Of Education Ancilla College Clinton County Learning Center Clinton County Dept of Child Services Clinton Cty National University Gyeongsang Gov. Hendrick County Boone County Learning Network Boone County Org. Of The United Nations & Agr. Food Adams County Board Of Dir Extension Journal,Inc. Chiangmai University And Educational Bureau Egyptian Cultural Government Foreign Mgmt IN Department Of Environmental

46 Title Invasive/Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells Invasive/Metastatic Extension Effort Snyder,Shannon,C Roberson,Devin,A Beatty,William Rubert,Charles,M SIRG 408737 Foundation Purdue Research Dimauro,Alexander,J Batdorf,Mark,A Iliuk,Anton,B in for Quantification of Cell Surface Markers Development Multiplex Detection Technology Development and Hosting of the Indiana Sensitive Areas Map and Hosting of the Indiana Sensitive Development Afternoons ROCK in Indiana Induced Habitat Fragmentation to Agriculturally of Raccoons Ecological Responses Villanueva-Rivera,Luis Scheffler,Tracy,L A pilot study of noninvasive predictor of sudden cardiac death in hemodialysis patients A pilot study of noninvasive Support for Nadia Amar a Joint Electronic News Service to Develop Venture Cooperative McCahon,Amrgaret,J Cancer Center SIRG Plains Pocket Gopher Plains Pocket SPR-3215 near Wetlands. Mortality Induced Vertebrate Predicting and Monitoring Traffic License Agreement Software MarketMaker 2007-2008 initiative Communities Against Rape CARe: Group Forecasting of the State Utility Continue the Work To 2008 Graduate School Summer Research Grant - ABE Grant School Summer Research 2008 Graduate - BTNY Grant School Summer Research 2008 Graduate (Increase) - BTNY Grant School Summer Research 2008 Graduate Continuing Work with the Indiana Legislative Services Agency with the Indiana Legislative Continuing Work Indiana Secretary of State Grant Learning Center Project - Amendment 1 NCE on The Latino Community Birt,Lindsay Ogden,Cedric Menelas,Blucher Hill,Kelle Unger,Shem South,Paul,F OCRA 2008 Indy International Wine competition KINASE PROTEIN GROWTH BY A SOYBEAN OF ROOT REGULATION Ornamental Insect Research Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey Contract 2007 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative and Co-Product Research IntegratedEthanol Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Pollution Nonpoint Source Water and Information to Reduce Tools Quality of Water Integration Support for IRDC Harmeyer,Kayla,M Dep't ABE AGEC FNR BCHM FNR ABE ABE BCHM Bindley FNR ABE YDAE FNR ANSC FS ABE Ag Comm ABE BCHM FNR FNR AGEC YDAE Energy ABE B&PP B&PP AGEC AGEC Ag Admin ABE ABE AGRY FS FNR BCHM CES FS HLA ENTM ENTM ABE ABE CES BCHM Awards and Support from State Other Agencies Awards Investigator(s) John S; Stroshine, Richard L; Tyner, John S; Stroshine, Richard L; Tyner, Shawn S; Foster, Kenneth A; Ileleji, Kenneth S; Foster, Shawn Buckmaster, Dennis Buckmaster, Thompson, Sarahelen Rhodes, Olin E Forney, James D Forney, C Pijanowski, Bryan Rickus, Jenna L John H Lumkes, Forney, James D Forney, Joseph M Irudayaraj, Klein; Joern, Brad C; Johnson, Klein; Joern, Brad James C Rhodes, Olin E; Beasley, Engel, Bernard A K Renee Mckee, Pijanowski, Bryan C Pijanowski, Bryan E David Gerrard, Watkins, Bruce A Watkins, Mohtar, Rabi H; Whittaker, Alan D H; Whittaker, Rabi Mohtar, Sigurdson, Chris W Indrajeet Chaubey, Briggs, Scott D Zollner, Patrick A Patrick Zollner, James A Dewoody, Marshall, Maria I Pilat, Mary V Paul Preckel, Engel, Bernard A B Goldsbrough, Peter B Goldsbrough, Peter Deboer, Lawrence P Lawrence Deboer, Harlan R Day, Cordes, Samuel M Jane R Frankenberger, Ileleji, Klein C Joern, Brad Nielsen, S N Williams, Rod James D Forney, Chapple, Clint C Cordes, Samuel M Christian E Butzke, Angus S Murphy, Clifford S Sadof, Yaninek, John S; Pierce, Christopher M Yaninek, Dirk E; Adeola, Olayiwola; Maier, Engel, Bernard A William R Woodson, Timothy R; Lake, Scott L; Lemenager, Scott L; Lemenager, R; Lake, Timothy Dennis; Claeys, Matthew C; Donkin, Ronald P; Preckel, Paul V; Radcliffe, Radcliffe, V; Paul P; Preckel, Ronald Charles P; E; Woloshuk, Wallace Applegate, Todd J; Buckmaster, J; Buckmaster, Applegate, Todd $1,250 $7,500 $7,000 $8,000 $2,558 $5,117 $2,558 $15,749 $32,034 $16,286 $15,749 $15,772 $15,978 $15,749 $15,749 $87,000 $32,034 $15,749 $60,000 $43,939 $16,286 $15,772 $36,354 $73,254 $60,000 $41,648 $15,749 $15,749 $16,668 $16,286 $16,286 $16,286 $15,749 $38,774 $47,456 $21,839 $16,000 $153,316 $130,663 $200,000 $125,000 $194,362 Amount $2,143,200 $1,369,204 $1,299,166 Sponsor Purdue Research Foundation Summer Research Grants Summer Research Foundation Purdue Research Program Purdue Doctoral Foundation Purdue Research Purdue Univ F N Andrews Fellowship IN Family & Social Services Admin IN Family Services Agency IN Legislative Indianapolis, IDEM IN Univ Purdue At Ivy Tech State College Jane Harper Ivy Tech Ohio State University IN State Department Of Health Commission Regulatory IN Utility Of Science IN Academy IN Secretary Of State Securities Div Dialysis Clinic Inc Indiana University, IN Department Of Natural Resources IN Department Of Natural DOT U.S. IN Department Of Transportation, Affairs & Rural IN Office Of Community IN State Department Of Agriculture Council Development Indiana Rural Board Indiana State Fair Pro PU/IUPUI Intercampus Applied Res Purdue Extension Marion County

47 Title Reese,Brittney Anderson,Nickolas,A Water Reel Irrigation Unit Replacement (for TPAC/Meigs Farm) (for TPAC/Meigs Irrigation Unit Replacement Reel Water Acquire Steel Tracks for Skid Steer Loader at SEPAC Acquire Steel Tracks Phoon,Pui Yeu Pence,Heather,E Hosmani,Prashant Fee visiting scholar-Bench Areum Chun-Korea in the North Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot Leaf Spot; Managing Frogeye Frogeye 2007 Soybean Orchard/Vineyard Sprayer Replacement (for TPAC/Meigs Farm) (for TPAC/Meigs Replacement Sprayer Orchard/Vineyard Ponce deLeon,Maria Ponce measurement system at SEPAC Tile drainage Nasir,Amjad Banerjee,Preetha Owiredu,Eric,A County Leadership Rush Heirloom Tomatoes for Indiana Commerical Growers Heirloom Tomatoes Young,James,R at SWPAC Organic Trasistion Li, Yi Zimmerman,Joshua Mack,Laurie Bi,Lin HarvestMaster System for use at SEPAC System HarvestMaster Center (SWPAC) at Soutwest Purdue Ag Research Research for Grape Air Blast Sprayer Estimating ET regionally across PAC's Guidance systems: Final Year Efficient Nitrogen Management for Corn Producers with Automatic Corp Amendment 2 Economic Development ECD Coordinator Ripley County County Camp in Switzerland Dining with Diabetes, and Mini 4-Her's Day Professor Popcorn, Olson,Zachary,H Beckhusen,Julia,B Ge,Yuanlong Program Supporting the Purdue Corn Performance Funding of a Data Collection System Incidence in on Season Extension, Production, and Pest the Effects of High Tunnels Investingating SWPAC) Application for Hege 100 Series Drill (For Farm for Deer Protection at TPAC/Miegs Fencing Director Support Ripley County Kale,Madhuvanti,S Williamson,Christopher England,Eric Kaur,Amandeep Stube,Alicia Nelson,Louis Hodgman,Charles,E Moag,Griffin,P Rosch,Stpehanie Popelka,Michael,W 2008 4-H Promotion Position Mapping Quantiative Trait Loci for Growth in Chickens Trait Mapping Quantiative Project LEAD 5th Grade Offering Independent Cadence and Effort Transmission Bicycle Tandem Improved Learn to Service 4-County Coummunity, 4-H and School Enrichment Programs Coummunity, Central Region Central Fruits and Vegetables Dep't B&PP BCHM Ag Admin FS Ag Admin FS HLA HLA B&PP Ag Admin CES YDAE AGRY BCHM FS FNR HLA AGEC CES BCHM ABE ANSC FS Ag Admin HLA AGRY AGRY CES CES FNR AGEC AGEC AGRY ENTM AGRY HLA CES FS ABE FS FS FS ABE ABE AGEC AGEC AGRY CES CES CES ANSC ABE CES Awards and Support from State Other Agencies Awards Investigator(s) Goldsbrough, Peter B Goldsbrough, Peter Forney, James D Forney, Young, Jay C Jay Young, Hamaker, Bruce R Hamaker, Biehle, Donald J Carlos M Corvalan, Michael V Mickelbart, E Salt, David T S Andreas; Abney, Westphal, Young, Jay C Jay Young, Amos, Kristina J Tormoehlen, Roger L Roger Tormoehlen, Eileen J Kladivko, Chapple, Clint C M Kevin Keener, Linda S Prokopy, Weller, Stephen C Weller, Thompson, Sarahelen R Johnson, Stacye Chapple, Clint C Monika Ivantysynova, Edmond A Pajor, Yuan Yao, Biehle, Donald J Bordelon, Bruce P Devdutta S Niyogi, J Tony Vyn, Hibberd, Charles A Furnish, Virginia E Rhodes, Olin E Thompson, Sarahelen Thompson, Sarahelen Devillez, Philip L Ricky E Foster, Mansfield, Charles W Michael V Mickelbart, Titus, Margaret P Bruce R Hamaker, Monika Ivantysynova, Nielsen, S Nielsen, S Nielsen, S Martin R Okos, Bernard Y Tao, Thompson, Sarahelen Thompson, Sarahelen Mitchell R Tuinstra, L Rickey Podell, Furnish, Virginia E Furnish, Virginia E Logue, Jennifer J Muir, William M Muir, Dennis Buckmaster, $500 $591 $5,500 $3,330 $2,750 $3,000 $4,000 $6,800 $5,435 $8,283 $7,500 $5,423 $7,610 $5,967 $1,500 $1,000 $16,286 $15,749 $15,749 $16,286 $16,668 $15,500 $12,000 $15,688 $16,286 $16,286 $15,749 $16,286 $16,286 $16,286 $15,749 $15,749 $15,749 $32,034 $32,034 $11,465 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $18,300 $16,286 $15,749 $15,749 $15,749 $16,286 $15,749 $15,749 $15,749 $16,286 $16,223 $10,000 $14,378 $156,569 Amount Sponsor St.Joseph County 4-H Fair, Inc. 4-H Fair, St.Joseph County Southern Illinois University Seoul National University Of Technology Seoul National University Rush County United Fund County Rush Switzerland County Awareness Team Awareness County Switzerland Fund Trust Trask Lcl Crd Cncl Sbstnc Abuse Prev Union Cty Purdue Univ F N Andrews Fellowship Estate Farm Rice, Mary S. Corp Economic Development Ripley County Fellowship-Assistantship Graduate Ross Sciences Of Agricultural Univ. Swedish County United Fund Of Switzlerland

48 Industrial & Physical Pharmacy Industrial & Physical Earth & Atmospheric Science Earth & Atmospheric Pharmaceutical Technology & Education Center Pharmaceutical Technology Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Title funds IL-IN Sea Grant Program Sea Grant IL-IN Office of the Indiana State Chemist Discovery Park Energy Center Park Discovery Department of Entomology & Nutrition Department of Foods Resources & Natural Department of Forestry Science Department of Food Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Department of Wabash County Septic Permit Database Development and GPS Technology Implementation and and GPS Technology Database Development Septic Permit County Wabash project Training Discovery Park Administration Park Discovery Department of Education & Agricultural Development Department of Youth Genetic Variation of the Melanocortin 1 Receptor Gene in Bears of the Melanocortin 1 Receptor Genetic Variation salary support Webber's International Programs in Agriculture International Programs The Sudden Death Syndrome Research Alliance Research The Sudden Death Syndrome Physiology Tree Avocado to Fruit as Determined by from Canopy Assimilation Productivity Industry Membership Center (ERC) for Compace and EfficientFluid Power Engineering Research States Aphid Management in the North Central Soybean Evaluation of Marsh Bird Demographic Response to Wetland Restoration in Wisconsin Restoration to Wetland Response of Marsh Bird Demographic Evaluation African Database Project Engineering Resources of Renewable Laboratory Department of Department of Dep't ILIN Sea IN Chem Energy ENTM F&N FNR FS HLA I&PP AGRY DP Admin E&AS YDAE FNR CES IPIA B&PP HLA Energy ENTM AGEC MCMP FNR LORRE PTEC Awards and Support from State Other Agencies Awards Department Abbreviations Department Investigator(s) Lee, Brad D Lee, Brad Department Abbreviations Bickham, John W Slack, Valynnda Westphal, Andreas Westphal, Michael V Mickelbart, Monika Ivantysynova, J Oneil, Robert Walmsley, Terrie L Terrie Walmsley, Dunning, John B $8,920 $5,000 $7,600 $12,501 $15,000 $12,000 $15,000 $144,665 $200,000 Amount Agriculture Administration Biological Sciences College of Department of Biochemistry Bindley Bioscience Center Park Discovery Ag Admin Statistics Service Agricultural Economics Department of Agricultural Department of Agronomy Department of Animal Science & Plant Physiology Department of Botany Department of Basic Medical Science Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Learning Center Discovery Park Discovery Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department of Agricultural Department of Center for Environmental Regulatory and Information Systems Regulatory Center for Environmental Discovery Park Center for the Environment Park Discovery Extension Service Cooperative Sponsor BCHM Bindley BioSci Ag Admin Ag Stats AGEC AGRY ANSC B&PP BMedSci Whitley County Government Whitley County ADDL DLC ABE University Of Alaska University Of Minnesota University Health Dept County Wabash World Bank World CERIS Univ Of Illinois At Champaign-Urbana, North Central Soybean Research Program Research Soybean Champaign-Urbana, North Central Univ Of Illinois At Commission California Avocado Of California-Riverside, University Program Research Soybean Of Minnesota, North Central University Resources Wisconsin Dept Of Natural C4E CES

49 Faculty Expertise pp. 51-59

50 College of Agriculture Faculty and Areas of Expertise

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agricultural Economics Agronomy Animal Sciences Biochemistry Botany and Plant Pathology Entomology Food Science Forestry and Natural Resources Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Youth Development and Agricultural Education

Agricultural and Biological Engineering - ABE

* Engel, BA -- Department Head - Decision support, water resources, GIS * Bralts, VF -- Irrigation design, evaluation and management * Campanella, OH -- Food rheology, food extrusion, evaporation, and process simulation * Carroll, NJ -- Hydrologic modeling, finite element analysis * Cherkauer, K -- Hydrology and water resources engineering * Diefes-Dux, HA -- Software development for food process design, educational research * Ess, DR -- Precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture production systems * Field, WE -- Agricultural safety and health, rural rehabilitation, agriAbility * Flanagan, DC -- Erosion mechanics, erosion prediction, water quality * Frankenberger, JR -- Hydrologic modeling, water quality, GIS, watershed analysis and protection * Gibson, HG -- Forestry and agricultural equipment, computer-aided engineering (CAE), machinery simulation * Haghighi, K -- Machine systems engineering, finite element analysis, modeling and simulation of food, agricultural, and biological products and process and environmental problems * Heber, AJ -- Ventilation, air quality, odor, livestock facilities * Irudayaraj, J -- Bionano sensors * Ivantysynova, M -- Fluid power systems and mechatronics * Jones, DD -- Animal housing and waste handling, onsite waste water systems * Krutz, GW -- Optimization of farm field machinery * Ladisch, MR -- Bioseparations, chemical and biochemical reactor design and kinetics, biomass conversion * Lu, C -- Nanobiotechnology and biological engineering * Lumkes, JH -- Machine systems and controls * Maier, DE -- Post-harvest engineering, value-added processing * Miles, GE -- Systems engineering, robotics sensors, precision agriculture, knowledge- intensive agriculture * Mohtar, R -- Numerical methods, natural resources simulation modeling, hydrological systems and environmental interactions, irrigation systems design * Mosier, N -- Bioprocess engineering, enzyme mimetics, value added products * Narsimhan, G -- Bioprocess engineering, separations * Okos, MR -- Processing of agricultural products

51 * Porterfield, DM -- Nano-materials, biological engineering * Rickus, J -- Biosensors, bio-nanotechnology, mathematical modeling * Strickland, RM -- Agricultural systems management, computer applications, precision agriculture * Stroshine, RL -- Physical properties of agricultural and biological materials (including foods), sensors for measuring quality, quality of fruits, vegetables, grain and seeds * Tao, BY -- Bioprocess engineering, enzyme genetics * Vermerris, W -- Metabolic engineering, biosyntheses, biomass production * Warnemuende, E -- Soil erosion and management, remediation of xenobiotics in the environment

Agricultural Economics - AG ECON

* Thompson, S -- Department Head - Agricultural and food marketing * Abbott, PC -- International trade and development, quantitative economics * Akridge, JT -- Agricultural business management and marketing * Alexander, C -- Agricultural marketing * Arndt, TC -- Production economics, international development * Ayres, JS -- Community and leadership development * Baker, TG -- Agricultural finance, production economics * Balagtas, J -- Applied policy analysis * Barnard, FL -- Agricultural finance and credit * Binkley, JK -- Econometrics, welfare economics, trade * Boehlje, MD -- Agricultural finance, production, policy * Chen, S -- Health Economics * Connor, JM -- Marketing, industrial organization * DeBoer, LP -- Jr State and local finance, macroeconomics * Dennis, JH -- Speciality crop marketing * Dobbins, CL -- Farm management, production economics * Doering, OC III -- Public policy, resource economics, energy * Dooley, FJ -- Agribusiness management, farm supply firm management * Downey, WD -- Agricultural business management and marketing * Eales, JS -- Price analysis, econometrics * Florax, R -- Applied spatial economics * Foster, KA -- Livestock and production economics * Fulton, JR -- Marketing and agribusiness * Gray, AW -- Agribusiness management, farm supply firm management * Harrison, GA -- Estate income tax financial planning, legal affairs education, land use * Hertel, TW -- Economy-wide analysis of public policies * Holt, M -- Consumer Marketing & Food Demand; US Economy; Marketing/Price Analysis; Production Economics * Hurt, CA -- Livestock and grain marketing * Keeney, RM --Farm and rural household economics * Lee, JG -- Natural resource economics * Loehman, ET -- Resource economics, risk * Lowenberg-DeBoer, JM -- Production economics, agricultural finance, development * Marshall, MI -- Agribusiness management, economic development * Masters, WA -- Agricultural development and trade * McNamara, KT -- Rural development * Paarlberg, PL -- International trade 52 * Patrick, GF -- Production economics, farm management, agricultural finance, tax * Preckel, PV -- Operations research, production economics * Sanders, JH -- International economic development, production economics * Shively, GE -- Natural resource economics and policy * Taylor, R-- Farm management, farm property transfer * Tyner, WE -- Resource policy issues, economic development * Waldorf, BS -- Regional science * Walmsley, T -- International trade and policy analysis * Wilson, C -- Agribusiness management, finance and marketing

Agronomy - AGRY

* Beyrouty, C -- Department Head * Volenec, JJ -- Associate Department Head - crop physiology * Anderson, JM -- Plant molecular biology (USDA) * Bigelow, CA -- Turfgrass science, emphasis on soil related problems * Bowling, LC -- Watershed hydrology, hydroclimatology * Brouder, SM -- Plant mineral nutrition, soil fertility * Camberato, J -- Soil fertility * Conley, SP -- Soybean extension * Crawford, M -- Earth Observation, Director of LARS * Doerge, RW -- Quantitative genetics, molecular statistics * Ejeta, G -- Sorghum breeding and genetics, international agriculture * Grant, RH -- Agricultural meteorology, biometeorology * Graveel, JG -- Environmental soil science; NRES Director * Gurney, K -- Biogeochemistry * Heathman, GC -- Water resources unit (USDA) * Housley, TL -- Plant physiology, carbohydrate metabolism, partitioning * Huang, CH -- Soil erosion * Jackson, SA -- Soybean genomics and mapping * Jiang, Y -- Turfgrass physiology * Joern, BC -- Environmental soil chemistry, plant nutrition * Johnson, KD -- Forage production and utilization * Johnston, CT -- Soil and environmental physical chemistry * Kladivko, EJ -- Soil physics, soil management * Lee, BD -- Soils and land use * Lee, LS -- Environmental organic chemistry * Ma, J -- Comparative plant genomics * McFee, WW -- Forest soil fertility, effects of contaminants on soils * Nakatsu, CH -- Molecular microbial ecology * Nielsen, RL -- Corn production and management * Niyogi, DS -- Regional Scale Climatologist * Norton, LD -- Soil Science (USDA) * Ohm, HW -- Wheat and oat genetics and breeding * Owens, PR -- Soil geomorphology, pedology * Rao, PSC -- Soil physics, water quality * Reicher ZJ -- Turfgrass * Schulze, DG -- Soil mineralogy and genesis chemistry 53 * Schwab, AP -- Soil chemistry * Schweitzer, LE -- Plant physiology, carbon and nitrogen assimilation * Scofield, SR -- Plant molecular biology and pathology (USDA) * Smith, DR -- Nutrient fate and transport, greenhouse gas emissions and eroision (USDA) * Steinhardt, GC -- Soil management, soil genesis * Stott, DE -- Soil microbiology and biochemistry (USDA) * Szymanski, DB -- Plant molecular genetics * Turco, RF Jr -- Soil microbiology and biochemistry-, ESEI Director * Van Scoyoc, GE -- Soil chemistry, Associate Executive Vice President Academic Affairs * Vierling, RA -- Plant genetics (ICIA) * Vorst, JJ -- Cropping systems, crop management * Vyn, T -- Cropping systems * Warnemuende, EA -- Soil and water quality, soil erosion management (USDA) * Weil, CF -- Maize genetics, genomics, and value added traits * Zhuang, Q -- Biogeochemical gas modeling

Animal Sciences - ANSC

* Grant, AL -- Department Head- Muscle growth biology * Adeola, OL -- Monogastric nutrition; Amino acid nutrition * Allrich, RD -- Physiology, immunology * Applegate, TJ -- Poultry nutrition and management; nutrient management * Bidwell, CA -- Molecular genetics; genetics of muscle development * Cabot, R -- Reproductive biology; molecular genetics * Cheng, HW -- Poultry well-being; neuroanatomy (USDA) * Collodi, PR -- Developmental biology * Diekman, MA -- reproductive physiology * Donkin, SS -- Ruminant nutrition and metabolism * Ebner, P -- Microbiology; preharvest food safety * Eicher, SD -- Immunology, behavior, and well being (USDA) * Forsyth, DM -- Animal nutrition * Garner, J -- Animal behavior * Gerrard, DE -- Meat science; muscle biology * Hester, PY -- Poultry physiology and well-being; bone growth * Johnson, T -- Ruminant nutrition, dairy * Krisher, RL -- Reproductive physiology * Lake, S - Beef cattle nutrition * Latour, MA -- Poultry management; lipid metabolism * Lay, DC -- Animal well-being, research leader USDA-ARS-LBRU * Lemenager, RP -- Beef cattle management * Lossie, A -- Animal genomics * Machaty, Z -- Reproductive biology * Marchant-Forde, J -- Swine behavior and well-being (USDA) * Mills, SE -- Growth physiology * Muir, WM -- Population genetics; behavior; transgeneic risk assessment * Neary, M -- Small ruminant management * Pajor, EA -- Animal behavior, well-being * Patterson, JA -- Ruminant microbiology and nutrition 54 * Radcliffe, S -- Swine nutrition * Richert, BT -- Swine nutrition and management * Rostangno, M -- Mirobiology; preharvest food safety; well-being (USDA) * Russell, MA -- Horse management and nutrition * Schinckel, AP -- Swine breeding and genetics * Stewart, TS -- Quantitative genetics * Sutton, AL -- Swine nutrition; nutrient/environmental management * Swartz, DR -- Muscle and meat protein chemistry

Biochemistry - BCHM

* Forney, JD -- Department Head - cell differentiation in protozoa * Brandt, K -- Enzyme kinetics and mechanism; bioethics * Briggs, SD -- Role of histone methylation in gene expression and oncogensis * Broyles, SS -- Transcriptional regulation in poxviruses * Chapple, C -- Biochemistry and molecular biology of plant secondary metabolism * Charbonneau, H -- Metabolic regulatory circuits * Clemens, J -- Molecular mechanisms of neuron connection specificity * Gimble, F -- Protein-DNA interactions and protein engineering of homing endonucleases * Golden, BL -- Structural basis for RNA catalysis * Hall, MC -- Regulation of the cell by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis * Hermodson, MA -- Structure and function of membrane transport proteins * Kirchmaier, A -- Epigenetic processes that mediate heritable modifications to chromatin * Liu, X -- Roles of Polo-like kinase 1 and its interacting proteins in cell proliferation and carcinogenesis * Ogas, JP -- Regulation of cell identity, signal transduction, chromatin remodeling * Rossie, S S -- Regulation of cellular ion channels * Tao, WA -- Proteomics and biological mass spectrometry * Weiner, H -- Protein import and enzymology * Weith, HL -- Biophysical chemistry of nucleic acids, computation biochemistry

Botany and Plant Pathology - B&PP

* Goldsbrough, PB -- Department Head, Plant molecular biology * Abney, TS -- Soybean pathology (USDA) * Banks, JA -- Plant molecular biology * Bauman, TT -- Weed control to reduce pollution * Beckerman, J -- Ornamental and fruit diseases * Carpita, NC -- Mechanisms of plant cell development * Chen, Z -- Plant molecular biology, molecular mechanisms of plant defense responses and disease resistance * Coolbaugh, RC -- Plant hormones * Dunkle, LD -- Corn and sorghum disease (USDA) * Gibson, K -- Invasive plant species * Goodwin, SB -- Pathology of small grains (USDA) * Hallett, SG -- Biological control of weeds * Johal, G -- Maize genetics and pathology 55 * Johnson, WG -- Applied weed biology and management * Latin, RX -- Vegetable diseases * Lembi, CA -- Aquatic biology and weed management * Loesch-Fries, LS -- Molecular virology * Mengiste, T -- Molecular genetics of plant pathogen interactions * Nicholson, RL -- Diseases of corn and related crops * Pruitt, RE -- Plant developmental biology * Shaner, GE -- Cereal crops diseases and breeding * Webb, MA -- Plant structural biology * Westphal, A -- Soil-borne plant diseases * Woloshuk, CP -- Corn diseases and mycotoxins * Xu, JR -- Fungal biology * Zanis, M -- Plant evolutionary biology

Entomology - ENTM

* Yaninek, S -- Department Head, Invasive species, biological control * Bennett, GW -- Urban and industrial pest management, Urban Center Coordinator * Buczkowski, G -- Research Assistant Professor, Urban Entomology * Dunn, PE -- Insect biochemistry * Edwards, CR -- Field crop pest management * Ferris, VR -- Nematode, systematics and molecular biology * Foster, RE -- Pest management on vegetable and fruit crops * Ginzel, M -- Forest Entomology * Hill, C -- Anthropod Vector Biology * Holland, J -- Biodiversity/geospatial ecology * Hunt, G -- Honey bee genomics and behavioral genetics * Krupke, C -- Field crops entomology * MacDonald, JF -- Medical Entomology, Vector Control * Mason, LJ -- Ecology, food industry pest management, insect behavior * McCafferty, WP -- Aquatic insects, insect collection * Murdock, LL -- Insect physiology, international crop protection * Neal, JJ -- Insect toxicology/physiology, Corn Entomology * O’Neil, RJ -- Biological control, predator prey dynamics, predator biology * Oseto, CY -- Instruction, K-12 Education * Pittendrigh, BR -- Molecular genetics of pesticide resistance * Richmond, D -- Turfgrass pest management * Sadof, CS -- Landscape pest management, biological control * Shade, RE -- Host plant resistance, insect-plant interactions * Schemerhorn, B-- USDA-ARS Research entomologist, Population Genetics & Risk Assessment * Shukle, RH -- USDA-ARS Research entomologist, Host-Plant Resistance * Sparks, TC -- Insecticide biochemistry and mode of action * Stuart, JJ -- Insect and molecular genetics * Turpin, FT -- Instruction & Outreach, Instruction Development Specialist * Wang, C -- Research Assistant Professor, Urban Entomology * Williams, CE -- USDA_ARS Research Molecular Biologist, Molecular Genetics of Host-plant Resistance * Williams, RE -- Public health and livestock pest management, forensic entomology * York, AC -- Biology and control of affecting vegetables 56 Food Science - FS

* Nieslen, SS -- Department Head, Food chemistry, food proteins * Applegate, BM -- Food microbiology/biotechnology * Bhunia, AK -- Food microbiology * Butzke, CE -- Enology * Chandrasekaran, R -- Structural biochemistry * Chen, LF -- Food biotechnology * Corvalan, CM -- Food processing, modeling and simulation * Cousin, MA -- Food microbiology * Ferruzzi, MG -- Phytochemicals * Hamaker, BR -- Director, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research; Cereal chemistry * Hayes, KD -- Food chemistry * Keener, KM -- Food processing * Linton, RH -- Food safety * Mauer, LJ -- Food packaging, food chemistry * Morgan, MT -- Food processing, sensors, control systems * Nelson, PE -- Aseptic food processing * Nivens, DE -- Analytical biochemistry * Reuhs, BL -- Polysaccharide structural analysis * Watkins, BA -- Lipid chemistry, nutritional biochemistry * Yao, Y -- Carbohydrate chemistry

Forestry and Natural Resources - F&NR

* Swihart, RK -- Department Head, wildlife ecology * Amberg, S – Human dimensions of natural resources * Bickham, J – wildlife & fisheries genetics * Brown, PB -- Fisheries, aquatic science * Cassens, DL -- Wood products * DeWoody, JA -- Population genetics * Dunning, JB Jr -- Wildlife ecology * Eckelman, CA -- Wood technology * Farnsworth, R -- Agriculture and resource economics/Watershed and ecosystem management * Gazo, R -- Wood products industrial engineering * Ginzel, M – Forest entomology * Goforth, R – Aquatic community ecology * Haviarova, E -- Wood products design and manufacturing * Holt, HA -- Urban forestry * Hook,T – Fisheries biology * Hoover, WL -- Forest economics and marketing * Hunt, MO -- Wood technology * Jacobs, DF -- Forest biology * Meilan, R -- Molecular tree physiology * Mills, WL Jr -- Forest management * Nichols, KM -- Fish physiology and genetics * Pijanowski, B -- Spatial modeling in natural resources * Pope, PE -- Forest soils 57 * Prokopy, LS -- Natural resource planning * Rhodes, OE, Jr -- Wildlife ecology * Saunders, M – Hardwood silviculture * Sepulveda, M – Physiological science and ecotoxicology * Shao, G -- GIS/remote sensing * Sutton, TM -- Fisheries biology * Weeks, HP -- Wildlife management * Williams, R – Herpetology * Zollner, P – Wildlife ecology

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture - H&LA

* Robert, Joly -- Interim Department Head - Plant physiology * Bordelon, BP -- Grapes & Small Fuit * Bressan, RA -- Molecular Genetics * Dahl, BL -- Landscape Architecture * Dana, MN -- Landscape Horticulture * Dennis, JH -- Specialty Crop Marketing Specialist * Doudareva, N -- Plant Molecular Biology * Handa, AK -- Postharvest & Molecular Biology * Hasegawa, PM -- Plant Cell Biology * Hirst, PM -- Pomology * Janick, J -- Plant Genetics and Breeding * Jenks, MA -- Plant Physiology * Joly, RJ -- Plant Physiology * Kirkwood, M -- Landscape Ecology * Mickelbart, M -- Landscape Physiology * Mitchell, CA -- Plant Physiology and Assessment * Mukerjea, R -- Strategic planning and assessment * Murphy, AS -- Molecular Plant Physiology * Narsimhan, Meena -- Research Assistant Professor * Orvis, KS -- Youth Horticulture Education / State JMG Coordinator * Peer, W -- Molecular Physiology and Evolution * Porterfield, DM -- Plant physiology and Biosensors * Raghothama, KG -- Plant Nutrition / Molecular Biology * Rhodes, D -- Plant Physiology / Biochem. * Salt, DE -- Molecular Physiology * Schuette, K -- Architecture, Historic Preservation * Schulz, B -- Plant Biochemical and Molecular Genetics * Siciliano, P -- History & Theory of Landscape Architecture * Sovinski, R -- Design Theory, Masonry, FLW * Weller, SC -- Weed Science * Wilson, KL -- Community & Urban Planning & Design

58 Youth Development and Agricultural Education - YDAE

* Tormoehlen, R -- Department Head - Engineering programs for youth, multimedia, distance education * Balschweid, M -- Integration of science and agriculture in education * Brady, C -- Human-animal interaction, animal assisted education * Carroll, N -- Youth natural resource education * Morris, P -- Multicultural education, international programs, community service learning * Orvis, K -- Youth plant science education, biotechnology education * Peters, J -- Reflective teaching; development of strategies for secondary teachers, leadership education * Pilat, M -- Adolescent development and communities * Rusk, C -- Youth animal education; reproductive biology, animal bio-security * Talbert, BA -- Underrepresented populations in agriculture; agricultural education in urban settings * Tucker, M -- Risk and science communication

59 Faculty Honors pp. 61-61


, Kwamena

, Craig , Nick Held


Jerry Nelson


Jennifer Dennis ,

Linda Heckaman

Joy May ,


ckwell Price

Sam Cordes

, of Merit

Kirby Hayes Margaret Zoglmann

, ,

Maria Marshall ,


isors for the Iron Key Class of 2007 Dan Wilson Michael Boehlje Award , Jim Luzar , Vickie Hadley , , of Communication

Bernie Tao Elected Fellow Certificate of Recognition by the for advancing sorghum research Quality Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy New Holland Young Researcher Award John C. Schramm Leadership Award Distinguished Extension Outreach Gamma Sigma Delta Award of Merit Corn & Soybean Field Guide Fellow Distinguished Professor Honorary Adv Gamma Sigma Delta Award Outstanding Counselor and Outstanding Teacher Early Career Award Agricultural Research Award Honorary Advisors for the Iron Key Class of 2007 Biomedical Engineering Teaching Award Teaching for Tomorrow Award State Senior Faculty Continued Service Award NACS Friend of Conservation Award Best Article in AJARE in 2006 Bla Violet Haas Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award Teaching Award of Foreign Affiliate of the Centre for Industrial Economics , Allan Gray

, Kevin Keener Freddie Barnard , s for Calendar Year 2007 ,


Steve Swain Joan Fulton , ,

Tom Jordan

, Faculty

Jane Anderson


hip Program

Ken Foster Steve Smith , ,

Betty Jones Agronomy , ulter Foundation of Alice Alderson ,

elly Easterday Aissa Irvin K , Chris Sigurdson , , Purdue University American Society of ABE NAEE Purdue University IEEE CIC Academic Leaders Purdue University Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research AAEA Wallace H. Co Purdue University AAEA Purdue University Department College of Agriculture Entomology Educational Project Award Purdue University Epsilon Sigma Phi, Lambda Chapter Purdue University American Society of Eng. Ed. Purdue University College of Agriculture NACTA National Assoc Conservation Districts AJARE University of Copenhagen Denmark Jay Akridge


Maud Roucan Laura Hoelscher

, ,

e Steven Engleking

Hertel , Balagtas Masters Gray iam obert Taylor Stacy Herr Dobbins Quagraini Maria Marshall New Ventures Team Indrajeet Chaubey Jay Akridge Harlan Day Bigelow, C. A. Chang Lu Allan Will Crawford, M. M. Ejeta, Gebisa Thomas

Gerald Shively Steinhardt, G. C. R Sarahelen Thompson Janet Ayres John Lumkes Jenna Rickus Christine Wilson Joseph John Connor 2007 Purdue Agriculture Team Award Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department of Agricultural Economics Department of Agronomy 61

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s for Calendar Year 2007



College of Science


cience Society Phytopathological Society

. Agronomy

Dairy Science Association of .

Division Am

Department American Geophysical Union Tecumseh District The Clay Minerals Society ASAABE SSSA Land Based Wastewater Tmt Systems American Society for Microbiology Branch Purdue University Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Ethiopian Weed S Crop Science Society of America Vice President for Research Office College of Agriculture Nobel Peace Prize 2007 Indiana Wildlife Federation Purdue Envision Center American Society of Agronomy Purdue University Science Council Purdue University Government of Ethiopia Purdue Extension Specialists Association College of Agriculture NC Purdue University American Statistical Association Alfred P. Sloan Foundation AAAS Department of Animal Science Midwest Am Purdue University College of Agriculture Sigma Xi

E. J.

S. C. Ohm, H. W. Rao, P. Steinhardt, G. C. Johnston, C. T. Kladivko, Lee, B. D. Nakatsu, C. H. Tuinstra, M. R. Zhuang, Q.

Grant, R. H. Gurney, K. R. Housley, T. L.

Todd Applegate Clint Chapple Janna Beckerman Doerge, R. W. Kevin Gibson Allen Bridges Michael M. Schutz Andy Tao Henry Weiner

Department of Animal Sciences Dep artment of Biochemistry Department of Botany & Plant Pathology 62


2009 2010 - - Award Plant and Animal Science


aculty Scholar 2005 Elect -

ll Young Extension Worker

Highly Cited Researcher I

World Food Prize President Outstanding Teaching Award IS PUCESA Special Award Hoosier Wildlife Award Faculty Scholar Epsilon Sigma Phi Entomology Educational Project Outstanding Counselor Award 2007 Mitche University Faculty Scholar 2004 President Seed for Success Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Outstanding Young Scientist Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Fellow New Faculty Teaching Award Finalist Cooperative Conservation Award Editorial Board James I. Hambleton Memorial Awar University F Partnership Award Educational Project Award Millionaire's Club Award Seeds of Success Millionaire's Club Award Seeds of Success Frederick L. Hovde Award s for Calendar Year 2007



, College of Ag






University SA Northern Research Station

E - urdue World Food Prize Foundation American Phytopathological Society Purdue University American Society of Purdue University Department of Food Science Institute for Scientific Information Purdue Extension Specialists Association Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society College of Agriculture Extension Educator Department of F North Central Weed Science Society Entomological Society of America Department of Food Science American Ornithologists’ Union Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society P NCB Eastern Apicultural Society Purdue University Richard L. Kohls Michigan State University USFS US Department of Interior Tree Physiology College of Agriculture Purdue University College of Agriculture Purdue University Purdue Univ


Philip E. Nelson Ray Martyn Swihart, Robert K. Kevin Keener Rich Linton Mark Morgan Mike Hasegawa

Rhodes, Olin E. Greg Arun Bhunia Dunning, John B. Bruce Bordelon William Johnson Maribeth Cousin Goforth, Reuben R.

Christian Krupke

Jacobs, Douglass F. Meilan, Richard Larry Murdock Barry Pittendrigh Thomas Turpin Department of Entomology Department of Food Science Department of Fore stry & Natural Resources Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


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s for Calendar Year 2007






nst. for Managing Diversity I Founder’s Award .

Department of Michigan State University, College of Ag Purdue University Hebrew University of Jerusalem Nanjing Agriculture University College of Agriculture Purdue University George & Elva Koth State of Illinois USDA and NASULGC Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators College of Agriculture ASGSB Purdue University Department of Indiana Academy of Law Department of AAAE Research Conference The Am

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Matthew Kirkwood Jules Janick Mark K.G. Raghothama Angus Murphy

Neil B. Allen Cary Mitc David Rhodes Rob Sov Linda Kim Wilson

Pamala Department of Youth Development & Agricultural Education 64 Journals pp. 66-69

65 Faculty Publication Journals for Calendar Year 2007

Acta Horticulturae Biophysical Journal Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Bioresource Technology Advances in Agronomy Biosensors and Bioelectronics Advances in Genetics Biotechnology and Bioengineering Advances in Space Research Biotechnology Progress AgBioForum BMC Genomics Agrekon BMC Plant Biology Agribusiness: An International Journal Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Business Process Management Journal Agricultural Economics Canadian Biosystems Engineering Agricultural Finance Review Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing Agriculture and Human Values Carbohydrate Polymers Agroforestry Systems Carbohydrate Research Agronomy Journal Carcinogenesis American Entomologist Cereal Chemistry American Journal of Agricultural Cereal Foods World Economics Check List American Journal of Enology and Chemical Communications Viticulture Chemosphere American Midland Naturalist Chile Journal of Parasitology American Nurseryman China Economic Review American Society of Farm Managers and Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Rural Appraisers Development and Research Analytical Biochemistry Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analytical Chemistry Analysis Animal Genetics Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science Animal Reproduction Science and Food Safety Animal Science Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Annals of Botany Conservation Genetics Annals of the Entomological Society of Crop Protection America Crop Science Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Current Biology Applied Economics Letters Current Microbiology Applied Engineering in Agriculture Current Opinion in Genetics & Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Development Applied Optics Current Opinions in Plant Biology Applied Vegetation Science Cytogenetic And Genome Research Aquaculture Economics and Management Development Aquaculture Nutrition Ecological Applications Aquaculture Research Ecological Indicators Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Ecology and Society Physiology Economic Modeling Arthropod Management Tests Economic Policy Asian Economic Journal Economics Letters Benchmarking: An International Journal Entomological News Biochemical and Biophysical Research Environmental Pollution Communications Environment and Planning B: Planning and Biochemical Journal Design Biodiversity and Conservation Environmental and Resource Economics Biological Conservation Environmental Entomology Biological Control Environmental Forensics Biology Society Environmental Microbiology Biomacromolecules Environmental Modeling and Software

66 Faculty Publication Journals for Calendar Year 2007

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment International Journal of Plant Science Environmental Pollution Journal of Agricultural and Applied Environmental Research Letters Economics Environmental Science & Technology Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Organization Environmetrics Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Eos Journal of Agricultural Economics Eukaryotic Cell Journal of Agricultural Education European Journal of Agronomy Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health Evolution and Development Journal of Agriculture and Applied Expert Rev Proteomics Economics FEBS Letters Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Food Microbiology Journal of American Water Resources Food Research International Association Forest Ecology and Management Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics Forest Products Journal Journal of Animal Science Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Journal of AOAC International Functional Plant Biology Journal of Applied Aquaculture Fungal Genetics and Biology Journal of Applied Entomology Gene Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Gene Therapy and Regulation Journal of Applied Physics Genes & Development Journal of Applied Turfgrass Science Genesis Journal of Aquatic Plant Management Genetica Journal of Biochemistry Genetics Journal of Biomedical Optics Genome Journal of Cereal Science Genome Research Journal of Chemical Ecology Geoderma Journal of Competition Law & Economics Global and Planetary Change Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Global Biogeochemical Cycles Journal of Dairy Research Hereditas Journal of Dairy Science Heredity Journal of Economic Entomology Horticultural reviews Journal of Economics HortScience Journal of Engineering Education HortTechnology Journal of Environmental Engineering and Human Wildlife Conflicts Science Hydrological Processes Journal of Environmental Monitoring and ICES Journal of Marine Science Restoration Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal of Environmental Quality Insect Molecular Biology Journal of Experimental Botany Insectes Sociaux Journal of Extension International Dairy Journal Journal of Food Engineering International Economics and Economic Journal of Food Process Engineering Policy Journal of Forest Products Business International Food and Agribusiness Research Management Review Journal of Geophysical Research International Journal for Parasitology Journal of Great Lakes Research International Journal of Biological Sciences Journal of Horticultural Science and International Journal of Engineering Biotechnology Education Journal of Hydrological Processes International Journal of Nanomedicine Journal of Insect Physiology International Journal of Pest Management Journal of Insect Science International Journal of Phytoremediation Journal of Integrative Plant Biology

67 Faculty Publication Journals for Calendar Year 2007

Journal of International Agricultural Trade Monthly Weather Review and Development NACTA Journal Journal of Lake and Reservoir Nano Letters Management Natural Hazards Journal of Mammalogy Nature Journal of Materials Chemistry Nature Biotechnology Journal of Medical Entomology Nature Chemical Biology Journal of Natural Resources and Life Nature Genetics Sciences Education Naturwissenschaften Journal of Nematology Naval Research Logistics Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Nematropica Journal of Ornithology New Phytologist Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and North American Journal of Fisheries Nutrition Management Journal of Physical Chemistry Nucleic Acids Research Journal of Physical Chemistry A Nutrition Research Reviews Journal of Physical Chemistry C Nutrition Reviews Journal of Plant Nutrition Obesity Research Journal of Plant Registration Oecologia Journal of Proteome Research Pest Control Technology Journal of Rapid Methods Pest Management Science Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation Pharmaceutical Development & in Microbiology Technology Journal of Recent Advances in Poultry Philippine Journal of Development Production Photosynthesis research Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Physiology & Behavior Journal of Stored Products Research Plant and Soil Journal of the American Chemical Society Plant Biology Journal of the American College of Plant Biotechnology Cardiology Plant Breeding Reviews Journal of the American Pomological Plant Cell Reports Society Plant Disease Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Plant Genome Journal of Wildlife Management Plant Journal Laboratory Investigation Plant Molecular Biology Landscape Ecology Plant Physiology Langmuir Plant Signaling and Behavior Livestock Science Planta Marine Resource Economics Plants Mathematical and Computer Modeling Poultry Science Methods Precision Agriculture Molecular and Cellular Biology Proceedings of the Enomological Society of Molecular Biosystems Washington Molecular Breeding Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Molecular Cell Science Molecular Ecology Proceedings of the International Molecular Ecology Notes Conference on Environmental Systems Molecular Genetics and Genomics Proceedings of the National Academy of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research Science, USA Molecular Plant Pathology Public Library of Science Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Quarterly Journal of International Molecular Reproduction and Development Agriculture

68 Faculty Publication Journals for Calendar Year 2007

Reproduction Reproduction Fertility and Development Restoration Ecology Review of Agricultural Economics Review of Marketing Science Review of Scientific Instruments Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Science Scientia Agricola (Piracicaba Braz) ScreeningTrends in Drug Development Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Small Ruminant Research Soil & Tillage Research Soil Biology and Biochemistry Soil Science Soil Science Society of America Journal Southeastern Naturalist Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Tellus Series B The Journal of Nutrition The Plant Cell The Professional Animal Scientists Theoretical and Applied Genetics Theory and Application in Pest Management Theriogenology Transactions American Geophysical Union Transactions of ASABE Transactions of the American Entomological Society Transactions of the ASAE Tree Genetics and Genomes Tree Planters’ Notes Trends in Genetics Trends in Biotech Ultramicroscopy Vaccine Waste Management & Research Water Resources Research Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Weed Research Weed Science Weed Technology Wildlife Society Bulletin Wood and Fiber Science World's Poultry Science Journal Zebrafish Zootaxa

69 Faculty Publications pp. 79-109

70 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Refereed Journal Publications Aguirre, C.G., A. Madani, R.H. Mohtar and K. Haghighi. 2007. Deterministic finite element solution of unsteady flow and transient transport through porous media: model verification. Canadian Biosystems Engineering. 49(1-9). Arabi, M., J. R. Frankenberger, B. A. Engel and J.G. Arnold. 2007. Representation of agricultural conservation practices with SWAT. Hydrological Processes doi:10.1002/hyp.6890. Arabi, M., R. S. Govindaraju, B. Engel, and M. Hantush. 2007. Multiobjective sensitivity analysis of sediment and nitrogen processes with a watershed model. Water Resources Research 43:W06409, doi:10.1029/2006WR005463. Banerjee, P., D.Lenz, J. P.Robinson, J.L. Rickus and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. Collagen encapsulated hybridoma cells as biosensors: A simple cell-based sensing system in multi- well plates for rapid detection of Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus. Laboratory Investigation advance on-line doi:10.1038/labinvest.3700703 Bindal, A., G. Narsimhan, S. Hem and A. Kulshreshta. 2007. Structural changes in xanthan gum solutions during steam sterilization for sterile preparations. Pharmaceutical Development & Technology 12(2):159-168. Buckmaster, D.R. 2007. An off-road equipment minor. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(5):691-694. Carcione, J.M, O.H Campanella and J.E. Santos. 2007. A poroelastic model for wave propagation in partially frozen orange juice. Journal of Food Engineering 80(1):11-17. Chapple, C., M. Ladisch, and R. Meilan. 2007. Loosening lignin’s grip on biofuel production, Nature Biotechnology 25(7):746-748. Chaubey, I. and M. Matlock. 2007. Teaching undergraduate students to manage aquatic ecosystems at the watershed level: An ecological engineering approach. International Journal of Engineering Education 23(4):723-727. Chaubey, I. D. Sahoo, B.E. Haggard, M.D. Matlock, and T.A. Costello. 2007. Nutrient retention, limitation, and sediment interactions in a pasture dominated stream. Transactions of the ASAE 50(1):35-44. Chayaprasert, W., D.E. Maier, K.E. Ileleji, and J.Y. Murthy. 2007. Development and validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics models for precision structural fumigation. Journal of Stored Products Research 44:11-20. Chen, G., O.H. Campanella, and C.M. Corvalan. 2007. A numerical algorithm for calculating microbial survival curves during thermal processing. Food Research International 40:203- 208. El-Awar, A., Faraj, R.H. Mohtar, W. Jabre, and T. Zhai. 2007. Modeling grazing in the semi- arid rangelands of Lebanon Using GRASIM. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(6):1-8. Engel, B., D. Storm, M. White, J. Arnold, M. Arabi. 2007. A hydrologic/water quality model application protocol. Journal of American Water Resources Association 43(5):1223-1236. Haddish, N.B., J.L. Rickus and K. Haghighi. 2007. The role of multiscale computational approaches for rational design of conventional and nanoparticle oral drug delivery systems. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2(3):315-331 Hailemariam, L., M.R. Okos and O.H. Campanella. 2007. A mathematical model for the isothermal growth of bubbles in wheat dough. Journal of Food Engineering 82(4):466-477. Hamilton, R. M. , R. E. Foster, T. J. Gibb, C. S. Sadof, J. D. Holland, and B. A. Engel. 2007. Distribution and dynamics of Japanese beetles along the Indianapolis airport perimeter and the influence of land use on trap catch. Environmental Entomology 36(2):287-296. Ileleji, K.E., D.E. Maier, and C.P. Woloshuk. 2007. Evaluation of different temperature management strategies for suppression of Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) in stored maize. Journal of Stored Products Research 43:480-488.

71 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Indrawati, L., R.L. Stroshine, and G. Narsimhan. 2007. Low field NMR- a tool for studying protein aggregation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87:2207-2216. Jedlicka, S.S., J.L. Rickus, D.Y. Zemlyanov. 2007. Surface analysis by XPS of sol-gels modified with covalently bound peptides. Journal of Physical Chemistry 111(40):11850- 11857 Jedlicka, S.S., K.M. Little, , D.Y. Zemlyanov, D.E. Nivens, J.L. Rickus. 2007. Peptide ormosils as cellular substrates. Journal of Materials Chemistry 17:5058. Jun, S., H. Khurana, K. Krishnamurthy, A. Demirci, and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Infrared heating in food processing: An overview. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 7(1):2-13. Kizil, R. and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Rapid evaluation and discrimination of γ-irradiated carbohydrates using FT-Raman spectroscopy and canonical discriminant analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87(7):1244-1251. Kouassi, G., P. Wang, J. Irudayaraj, and S. Sreevatsan. 2007. Detection of prion protein on streptavidin-aptamer mediated magnetic and gold-coated magnetic nanoparticles. Biotechnology Progress (23):1239-1244. Krishnamurthy, K., S. Jun, J. Irudayaraj, and A. Demirci. 2007. Efficacy of infrared heat treatment for inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus in buffer and milk. Journal of Food Process Engineering 31(6):1-6. Lan, S., C. Yu, and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Surface enhanced raman scattering based nonfluorescent probes for multiplex DNA detection. Analytical Chemistry 79(11):3981- 3988 Lawrence, M.J., D.R. Buckmaster, and W.J. Lamont. 2007. A pneumatic dibbling machine for plastic mulch. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(4):419-424. Lu, Y. and N.S.Mosier. 2007. Biomimetic Catalysis for Hemicellulose Hydrolysis in Corn Stover. Biotechnology Progress 23(1):116-123. Mert, B. and O.H. Campanella. 2007. Monitoring the rheological properties and solid content of selected food materials contained in cylindrical cans using audio frequency sound waves. Journal of Food Engineering 79(2):546-552. Mert, B., D. Gonzalez and O.H. Campanella. 2007. A new method to determine viscoelastic properties of corn grits during and cooking and drying. Journal of Cereal Science 46(1):32-38. Migliaccio, K.W. and I. Chaubey. 2007. Multi-site and multi-variable calibration and validation of watershed models – Comment. Journal of Hydrological Processes 21:3226- 3228. doi:10.1002.hyp.6491. Migliaccio, K.W., I. Chaubey, and B.E. Haggard. 2007. Evaluation of landscape and instream modeling to predict watershed nutrient yields. Environmental Modeling and Software 22(7):987-999. Migliaccio1, K.W., B.E. Haggard, I. Chaubey, and M. Matlock. 2007. Water quality monitoring at the War Eagle Creek Watershed, Beaver Reservoir, Arkansas. Transactions of the ASABE 50(6):2007-2016. Miller, P. S., R. H. Mohtar, and B. A. Engel. 2007. Water quality monitoring strategies and their effects upon mass load calculation. Transactions of the ASABE 50(3):817-829. Miller, P.S., R.H. Mohtar, and B.A. Engel. 2007. Analysis of common water quality monitoring schemes and their effects upon mass load calculation. Transactions of the ASAE 50(3):817.829. Mizrach, A., Z. Schmilovitch, R. Korotic, J. Irudayaraj, and R. Shapira. 2007. Yeast detection in apple juice using raman spectroscopy. Transactions of ASABE 50(6):1-8. Mohtar, R.H., T. Zhai, J.Y. Choi, B.A. Engel and J.J. Fast. 2007. Outcome-based evaluation of environmental modeling tools for classroom learning. International Journal of Engineering Education 23(4):661-671. Pantaleoni, E., B.A. Engel, C.J. Johannsen. 2007. Identifying agricultural flood damage using Landsat imagery. Precision Agriculture 8:27-36.

72 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Porterfield, D.M. 2007. Measuring metabolism and biophysical flux in the tissue, cellular and sub-cellular domains: Recent developments in self-referencing amperometry for physiological sensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22:1186-1196. Rodríguez, H.G., J.H. Popp, L.A. Rivera, I. Chaubey, and B. Schaffer. 2007. Implementation of Best Management Practices under cost risk to control phosphorus pollution in a crop based watershed in Arkansas. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration 3:195- 207. Rokkam, M., M.R. Chatni, A.R. De Carlo, A. ul Haque, P.P. Irazoqui, D.M. Porterfield 2007. A high-density data acquisition system and signal pre-processor for interfacing with MEMS- based physiological sensor arrays. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78:44303-44312. Salmi, M.L., K.E. Morris, S.J. Roux, D.M. Porterfield. 2007. Nitric oxide and cGMP signaling in calcium dependent cell polarity development of Ceratopteris richardii. Plant Physiology 144:94-104. Saxton, G. and B. Engel. 2007. Fipronil insecticide and soil-sample handling techniques of state agencies. Environmental Forensics 8(3):283-288. Sen1, S., B.E. Haggard, I. Chaubey, K.R. Brye, T.A. Costello, and M.D. Matlock. 2007. Sediment phosphorus release at Beaver Reservoir, northwest Arkansas, 2002-3. Air, Soil, and Water Pollution 179:67-77. Shamsaie, A., J. Sturgisand, P. Robinson, and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Intracellularly Grown Gold Nanoparticles (IGAuN) as Potential SERS Probes. Journal of Biomedical Optics 12(2):020502:1-3. Srivastav, R.K., K.P. Sudheer, and I. Chaubey. 2007. A simplified approach to quantify predictive and parametric uncertainty in artificial neural network hydrologic models. Water Resources Research 43:W10407, doi:10.1029/2006RW005352. Subramanyam, Bh., M.D. Toews, K.E. Ileleji, D.E. Maier, G.D. Thompson and T.J. Pitts. 2007. Evaluation of Spinosad as a grain protectant on three Kansas farms. Crop Protection 26:1021-1030. Sudheer, K.P., I. Chaubey, V. Garg, and K.W. Migliaccio. 2007. Impact of time scale of calibration objective function on the performance of watershed models. Journal of Hydrological Processes 21:3409-3419. doi:10.1002/hyp.6555. Thomas, M., B. Engel, M. Arabi, T. Zhai, R. Farnsworth, J. Frankenberger. 2007. Evaluation of nutrient management plans using an integrated modeling approach. TRANS of ASABE 23(6):747-755. Thomas, M.A., B.A. Engel, M. Arabi, T. Zhai, R. Farnsworth, J.R. Frankenberger, 2007. Evaluation of nutrient management plans using an integrated modeling approach. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(6):747-755. ul Haque, A., and D.M. Porterfield. 2007. In-silico cell electrophysiology: A step closer to high throughput drug screening. Screening-Trends in Drug Development 8(2):24-25. ul Haque, A., Rokkam, M., De Carlo, A.R., Wereley, S.T., Wells, H.W., McLamb, W.T., S.J. Roux, P.P. Irazoqui, D.M. Porterfield. 2007. A MEMS fabricated cell electrophysiology laboratory biochip for in-silico calcium measurements. Sensors and Actuators B 123:391- 399. Veale, E., J. Irudayaraj, and A. Demirci. 2007. An on-line approach to monitor ethanol fermentation using FTIR spectroscopy. Biotechnology Progress 23(2):494-500. Vermerris, W., A. Saballos, G. Ejeta, N. S. Mosier, M. R. Ladisch, and N. C. Carpita. 2007. Molecular breeding to enhance ethanol production from corn and sorghum stover. Crop Science 47(S3):S142-S153. Wang, J. and Lu, C. 2007. Single molecule λ-DNA stretching studied by microfluidics and single particle tracking. Journal of Applied Physics 102:074703. Wang, X., J. Frankenberger and E. Kladivko. 2007. Uncertainties in DRAINMOD predictions of subsurface drain flow for an Indiana silt loam using GLUE methodology. Hydrological Processes. 20(8).

73 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Wang, Z., Narsimhan, G. and Kim, D. 2007. characterization of the effect of food emulsifiers on contact angle and dispersibility of lipid coated neutrally buoyant particles. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie/Food Science and Technology on-line:19 Aug 2007. Wang, Z.B. and Narsimhan, G. 2007. Rupture of draining foam films due to random pressure fluctuations. Langmuir 23(5):2437-2443. Ximenes, E.A.; Dien, B.S.; Ladisch, M.R.; Mosier, N.; Cotta, M.A.; and Li, X. 2007. Enzyme production by industrially relevant fungi cultured on co-product from corn dry grind ethanol plants. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 136-140:171-183. Yu, C. and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. A multiplex biosensor using gold nanorods. Analytical Chemistry 79(2):572-579. Yu, C. L. Varghese, and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Surface modification of CTAB capped gold nanorods to make molecular probes. Langmuir 23:9114-9119. Yu, C., and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Selectivity and sensitivity kinetics of nanorod biosensors. Biophysical Journal 93:3684-3692. Yu, C., H. Nakshatri, and J. Irudayaraj. 2007. Single cell Identity profiling using multiplex nanorods. Nano Letters 7(8):2300-2306. Zeng, M., N. S. Mosier, C-P. Huang, D. M. Sherman, and M. R. Ladisch. 2007. Microscopic examination of changes of plant cell structure in corn stover due to cellulase activity and hot water pretreatment. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 97(2):265-278. Department of Agricultural Economics Books / Book Chapters Boehlje, Michael et al., 2007. Perspectives on 21st Century Agriculture: A Tribute to Walter J. Armbruster, The Future of North America Livestock Industry: Challenges and Opportunities, A Farm Foundation Project Ronald D. Knutson, Sharron D. Knutson and David P. Ernstes (eds), Chapter 7, pp. 315-324. Connor, John M. 2007. Effectiveness of Antitrust Sanctions on Modern International Cartels, Chapter 7. In: The Political Economy of Antitrust by Vivek Ghosal and Johan Stennek (eds). Amsterdam: North-Holland. Connor, John M. 2007. Global Price Fixing: 2nd Updated and Revised Edition: Studies in Industrial Organization No. 26. Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag. Connor, John M. 2007. Our Customers Are the Enemy: The Lysine Cartel of 1992-1995, Cartels (2 Volumes), Stephen W. Salant and Margaret C. Levenstein (editors). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Connor, John M. 2007. Optimal Deterrence of Private International Cartels, in Anti-Cartel Enforcement: Issues and Challenges, P. Satyanarayana Prasad (ed.). Hyderabad, India: Law Books Division, Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Press. Connor, John M. 2007. Price-Fixing Overcharges: Legal and Economic Evidence, Chapter 4, pp. 59-153 in John B. Kirkwood (editor), Volume 22 of Research in Law and Economics. Oxford, Amsterdam and San Diego: Elsevier (January 2007). Doering III, Otto C. 2007. Passing the Torch: the Generational Transition for Nonadvocacy Public Policy. Perspectives on 21st Century Agriculture. Edit. R. Knutson, Sharron Knutson and David Ernstes. Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, IL. Doering, O. C., C. L. Kling, J I. Nassauer, and D. Scavia. 2007. Chapter 16 - Agricultural Policy Choices. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf. J. I. Nassauer, M.V. Santelmann, and D. Scavia (eds). Resources for the Future, Washington. 185-199. Ehmke, C., J. Fulton, J.T. Akridge, K. Erickson, S. Linton. 2007. Chapter 8 – Industry Analysis: The Five Forces, in Business Environment Analysis: An Introduction, S. Muralidaran (ed.), Icfai Books, The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Grant, J. T. W. Hertel and T. F. Rutherford. 2007. Tariff Line Analysis of US and International Dairy Protection. In: Keijiro Otsuka and Kaliappa Kalirajan (eds.),

74 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues, Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp. 271-280. Harris, P.E. and G.F. Patrick. 2007. Agricultural Issues, Chapter 13. In: 2007 National Income Tax School Workbook, P.E. Harris and L.E. Curry (eds.), Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc., College Station, TX:459-516. Narayanan, G.Badri. 2007. Pollution Control by the Natural Dyes, Chapter 11. In: Ed. Nirmal Sengupta, Economic Studies of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, Academic Foundation in association with Indian Economic Association Trust for Research Development, New Delhi, pp. 251-82. Parsons, C. R., R. Skeldon, T. L. Walmsley, L. A. Winters. 2007. Chapter 1 - Quantifying the International Bilateral Movements of Migrant, Ozden C., and M. Schiff (eds.), International Migration Policy and Economic Development: Studies Across the Globe, World Bank and Macmillan Press, pp. 17-58. Ramankutty, N., T. W. Hertel and H. Lee. 2007. Global Agricultural Land Use Data for Integrated Assessment Modeling, chapter 21. In: Human-Induced Climate Change, Michael Schlesinger (ed.), Cambridge University Press, U.K. Scavia, D., J. W. Mitsch, and O. C. Doering. 2007. Chapter 15 - Improving Water Quality from the Corn Belt to the Gulf. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf. J. I. Nassauer, M.V. Santelmann, and D. Scavia (eds.), Resources for the Future, Washington. 175-184. Winslow M., Shapiro S. and Sanders J. 2007. Policies, Institutions and Market Development to Accelerate Technological Change in the Semiarid Zones of Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Andre Bationo, Boaz Waswa, Job Kihara and Joseph Kimetu, (eds.), Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: Challenges and opportunities.Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 929-936. Refereed Journal Publications Alexander, C., G. Patrick and A. Reime. 2007. New generation grain marketing contracts: How have producers’ opinions and usage changed between 2003 and 2005? Journal of Extension [On-line], 45(3):article 3FEA5. Alexander, C., S. Conley, C. Dobbins, C. Hurt and G. Patrick. 2007. Marketing practices of Indiana soybean producers. Journal of Extension [On-line], 45(6):article 6RIB3. Alexander, C., R.E. Goodhue, and G.C. Rausser. 2007. Do incentives for quality matter? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39(1):1-15, April. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4051/is_/ai_n19198688?tag=artBody;col1 Alexander, C. 2007. Insect Resistance Management Plans: The Farmers’ Perspective. AgBioForum 10(1):33-43. Balagtas, J.V. and S. Kim. 2007. Measuring the effects of generic dairy advertising in a multi-market equilibrium. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(4):932-946. Balagtas, J.V., A.D. Smith, and D.A. Sumner. 2007. Effects of milk marketing order regulation on the share of fluid grade milk in the United States. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(4):839-851. Boys, K., N. Li, P. Preckel, A. Schinckel, and K. Foster. 2007. Economic replacement of a heterogenous herd. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89:24-35. Briggeman, B., A. Gray, M. Morehart, T. Baker and C. Wilson. 2007. A new U.S. farm household typology: Implications for agricultural policy. Review of Agricultural Economics 29(4):765-782. Bullock, David, and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer. 2007. Using spatial analysis to study the values of variable rate technology and information. Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(3):517- 535. Connor, John M., Yuliya Bolotova and Douglas J. Miller. 2007. Factors influencing the magnitude of cartel overcharges: An empirical analysis of food-industry cartels. Agribusiness: An International Journal 23 (Winter 2006-2007):17-33. (online:Jan. 16. 2007)

75 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Connor, John M. 2007. forensic economics applied to price-fixing overcharges. Journal of Competition Law & Economics 4(1):31-59. Connor, John M. and Darren Bush. 2007. How to block cartel formation and price fixing: Using extraterritorial application of the antitrust laws as a deterrent. Pennsylvania State University Law Review 122:(Winter 2007/ March 2008). Coulibaly, J., J. Balagtas, J. Eales, and I. Diarra. 2007. Import demand for dairy products in Cote d'Ivoire. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 3:315-324. Detre, J., C. Wilson, and A. Gray. 2007. Buying stock in value-added companies: Can it help manage annual volatility in pork production returns. Agricultural Finance Review 67:175- 196. DeVuyst, E.A. and P.V. Preckel. 2007. Gaussian Cubature: A Practitioner’s Guide. Mathematical and Computer Modeling 45:787-794. Doering III, Otto C. 2007. The political economy of public goods: Why economists should care. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(5):1125-1133. Eskigun, E., R. Uzsoy, P.V. Preckel, G. Beaujon, S. Krishnan, and J.D. Tew. 2007. Outbound supply chain network design with mode selection and lead time considerations. Naval Research Logistics 54(3):282-300. Fisher, Monica M., and Gerald E. Shively. 2007. Agricultural subsidies and forest pressure in Malawi’s Miombo Woodlands. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(2):349-362. Florax, Raymond J.G.M., Cees A. Withagen and Abay Mulatu. 2007. Optimal environmental policy differentials in open economies under emission constraints. Journal of Economics 91(2):129–49. Fulton, Joan R., Aaron Johnson and Maria Marshall. 2007. Steps for developing an impactful grant writing workshop, Journal of Extension, February. Fulton, Joan R., K.A. Boys, M. Faye and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer. 2007. The economic impact of cowpea storage research in Senegal: An ex-post analysis with disadoption. Agricultural Economics 36 (3):363-375. Gardner, Bruce, and Wallace Tyner. 2007. Exploration in biofuels economics, policy, and history: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 5(2):article 1. Hertel, T.W., R. Keeney, M. Ivanic and L.A. Winters. 2007. Distributional impacts of WTO reforms in rich and poor countries. Economic Policy 50(1):1-49. Hertel, T.W., D. Hummels, M. Ivanic and R. Keeney. 2007. How confident can we be in CGE- based analysis of free trade Agreements? Economic Modelling 24:611–635. Kaliba, A. R., C.C. Ngugi, J. Mackambo and K.K. Quagrainie. 2007. Economic profitability of Nile Tilapia production in Kenya. Aquaculture Research 38(11):1129-1136. Kaliba, A. R., S. Amisah, L. Kumah and K.K. Quagrainie. 2007. Economic analysis of Nile Tilapia production in Ghana. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 46(2):105-117. Karaca, U., C. Alexander and D. Maier. 2007. Does on-farm quality assurance pay? A cost- benefit analysis of the Grainsafe Program. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics 39(3):541-556. Lambert, D.M., J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, and G. Malzer. 2007. Managing phosphorous soil dynamics over space and time. Agricultural Economics 37:43-53. Lillywhite, J.M., P.V. Preckel, and J.S. Eales. 2007. Maintaining parameter invariance in seemingly unrelated regressions estimation. Applied Economics Letters 2007:1-5. Ludena, C., T. Hertel, P. Preckel, K. Foster, and A. Nin-Pratt. 2007. Productivity growth and convergence in crop, ruminant, and non-ruminant production: Measurement and forecasts. Agricultural Economics 37:1-17. Lusk, J.L., C. Alexander, M. Rousu. 2007. Designing experimental auctions for marketing research: The effect of values, distributions and mechanisms on incentives for truthful bidding. Review of Marketing Science 5:article 3.

76 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Lusk, J., T. Nilsson, and K. Foster. 2007. Public preferences and private choices: Effect of altruism and free riding on demand for environmentally certified pork. Environmental and Resource Economics 36:499-521. Maine, N, Nell, W.T., J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, and Z. G. Alemu. 2007. Economic analysis of phosphorus application under variable and single-rate applications in the Bothaville district. Agrekon 46(4):532-547. Makus, L.D., H.H. Wang, and X. Chen. 2007. Evaluating Risk management strategies for Pacific Northwest grain producers. Agricultural Finance Review 67(2):357-376. Mayen, C., M.I. Marshall, and J. Lusk. 2007. Fresh-cut melon—The Money is in the juice. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39(3):597-609. Montealegre, F., S. Thompson, and J. Eales. 2007. An empirical analysis of the determinants of success of food and agribusiness e-commerce firms. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 10:61-80. Narayanan, G.Badri. 2007. Effect of mergers on firm profits with trade liberalisation: The role of technology. Applied Economics Letters 14(8):607-610. Neira, I. and K.K. Quagrainie. 2007. Analysis of risk behavior in the U.S. Farm-raised catfish market. Marine Resource Economics 21(4):433-443. Nistor, Adela and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer. 2007. Drainage Water Management Impact on Farm Profitability. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62(6):443-446. Paarlberg, P.L., A. Hillberg Seitzinger, and J.G. Lee. 2007. Economic impacts of regionalization of a highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39(2):325-333. Patrick, G.F, A.J. Peiter, T.O. Knight, K.H. Coble and A.E. Baquet. 2007. Hog producers’ risk management attitudes and desire for additional risk management education. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39(3):671-687. Quagrainie, K.K., T.H. Kuethe, and C.R.Engle. 2007. Arkansas catfish farmers and marketing contracts: Some insights into motivations. Aquaculture Economics and Management 11(1):39-51. Rangkakulnuwat, P., H.H. Wang and S.K. Ahn. 2007. The Inverse Imported Factor Demand System in Thailand: A Cointegration Analysis. Economics Letters 94(3):402-407. Reisner A. and F. Taheripour. 2007. Local public reaction to large-scale swine facilities. Journal of Animal Science 85:1587-1595. Rios, A.R. and G.F. Patrick. 2007. Evaluation of risk management alternatives for Indiana grain producers. Agricultural Finance Review 67(1):157-173. Schinckel A., M. Einstein, K. Foster, and B. Craig. 2007. Evaluation of the impact of errors in the measurement of backfat depth on the prediction of fat-free lean. Journal of Animal Science 85:2031-2042. Torres, Antonio, Jay T. Akridge, Allan Gray, Michael Boehlje and Richard Widdows. 2007. An evaluation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices among agribusiness firms. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 10(1):36-60. Tyner, Wallace E., and Farzad Taheripour. 2007. renewable energy policy alternatives for the future. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(5):1303-1310. Tyner, Wallace E. 2007. Policy alternatives for the future biofuels industry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 5(2): article 2. Urcola, Hernan, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer. 2007. A stochastic dominance method for incorporating yield monitor data into the hybrid and variety decisions of Argentinean farmers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 58(1):4-12. Valenzuela, E., Hertel, T.W., R. Keeney and J.J. Reimer. 2007. Assessing Global CGE Model validity using agricultural price volatility. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(2):383-397. Valenzuela, E., K. Anderson and T. W. Hertel. 2007. Impacts of trade reform: Sensitivity of model results to key assumptions. International Economics and Economic Policy 4:395– 420.

77 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Vitale, Jeffrey, Tracey Boyer, Rafael Uaiene, and John H. Sanders. 2007, The Economic impacts of introducing Bt technology in smallholder cotton production systems of West Africa: A case study from Mali. AgBioForum 10(2):71-84. Wang, H.H. and R. Rosenman. 2007. Perceived need and actual demand for health insurance among rural Chinese residents. China Economic Review 18(3):373-388. Wang, H.H., T.K. Tan, and R.T. Schotzko. 2007. Interaction of potato production systems and the environment: A case of waste water irrigation in central washington. Waste Management & Research 25(1):14-23. Welch, Robin, John Carruthers, and Brigitte Waldorf. 2007. Public service expenditures as compensating differentials in United States metropolitan areas: Housing values and rents. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 9(1):131-156. Yao, Richard, Gerald E. Shively and William A. Masters. 2007. how successful are government interventions in food markets? Insights from the Philippine rice market. Philippine Journal of Development 34(1). Yao, Richard and Gerald E. Shively. 2007. Technical change and productive efficiency: Irrigated rice in the Philippines. Asian Economic Journal 21(2):155-168. Zhuang, R. and P. Abbott. 2007. Price elasticities of key agricultural commodities in China. China Economic Review 18(2):155-69. Department of Agronomy Books / Book Chapters De Framond, P. J. Rich, J. McMillan and G. Ejeta. 2007. Effects on Striga parasitism of transgenic maize armed with RNAi constructs targeting essential Striga asiatica genes. Pp. 185-196. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Doerge, R. W. 2007. Statistical advances in functional genomics. R. Varshney and R. Tuberosa (eds.), Genomic Assisted Crop Improvement: vol. 1: Genomics Approaches and Plantforms, 315332. Springer-Verlag. Ejeta, G. and J. Gressel. 2007. Integrating new Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Ejeta, G. and J. Knoll. 2007. Marker-assisted selection in sorghum. Pp. 187-205. In: R. Varshney and R. Tuberosa (eds). Genomic Assisted Crop Improvement: vol. 2, Genomic Applications in Crops. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Ejeta, G. 2007. Emerging technologies for Striga control in Africa. Pp. 656-667. In: C. Riches and L. Copping (eds) Closing the yield gap: Crop protection for poverty alleviation. Proc. XVI International Plant Protection Congress. Vol. 2, Glasgow, Scotland. Ejeta, G. 2007. The Striga scourge in Africa: A growing pandemic. Pp. 3-16. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Press Co. Ltd., Singapore. Ejeta, G., P. J. Rich and A. Mohamed. 2007. Dissecting a complex trait to simpler components for effective breeding of sorghum with a high level of Striga resistance. Pp. 87-98. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Ejeta, G., P. J. Rich and A. Mohamed. 2007. Dissecting the complex trait of Striga resistance to simpler components for effective breeding of with high level of resistance to S. hermonthica. In: J. Gressel and G. Ejeta (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards ending the Witch-hunt. World Scientific Publishing Company PTE LTD., Singapore, pp. 87-98. Goldberg, S., C. T. Johnston, D. L. Suarez, S. M. Lesch. 2007. Mechanisms of molybdenum adsorption on soil minerals evaluated using vibrational spectroscopy and surface complexation modeling. Chapter 9 in Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia II: Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications, edited by M.O. Barnett and D. B. Kent, Elsevier, Armsterday, The Netherlands (pp. 235-266).

78 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Grenier, C., Y. Ibrahim, B. I. G. Hausmann, D. Kiambi and G. Ejeta. 2007. Marker – assisted selection for Striga resistance in sorghum. Pp. 159-172. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Gurney, K. R. Forests and Climate Change: the science in a nutshell. Arborvitae, 34, October 2007. Jiang, Y. 2007. Responses of turfgrass to low oxygen stress. In: M. Pressaraki (ed). Handbook of Turfgrass management and Physiology. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 531-545. Jiang, Y. 2007. Identification of turfgrass stress utilizing spectral reflectance. In: M. Pressaraki (ed). CRC Press, handbook of Turfgrass management and Physiology. Taylor and Francis Publisher. 547-556. Kapran, I., C. Grenier, and G. Ejeta. 2007. Introgression of genes for Striga resistance into African landraces of sorghum. Pp. 129-142. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Lee, L.S., N. Carmosini, S.A. Sassman, H.M. Dion, and M. S. Sepulveda. 2007. Agricultural Contributions of Antimicrobials and Hormones on Soil and Water Quality, Adv. Agron. Volume 93, Chapter, pp. 1-68. Leung, H-T., L. An, J. Tseng-Crank, E. Kim, E. L. Harness, Y. Zhou, J. Kitamoto, G. Li, R. W. Doerge and W. L. Pak. 2007. Phototransduction in Drosophilia: Use of microarrays in cloning genes identified by chemically induced mutations causing ERG defects. In S. J. Fliesler and O. G. Kisselev (eds.), Signal Transduction in the Retina, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, pp. 195-217. Mbwaga, A. M., C. Riches, and G. Ejeta. 2007. Integrated Striga management to meet sorghum demand in Tanzania. pp. 253-264. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Menkir, A., B. Badu-Apraku, C. G. Yallou, A. Y. Kamara. 2007. Breeding maize for broad- based resistance to Striga hermonthica. pp. 98-114. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Nakatsu, C. H. and T. L. Marsh. 2007. Analysis of microbial communities with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. In: C. a. Reddy, T. L. Beveridge, J. A. Breznak, G. A. Marzluf, T. M. Schmidt and L. R. Snyder (eds.) Methods for general and molecular bacteriology. ASM Press, Washington DC p. 909- 923. Nelson, C. J. and J. J. Volenec. 2007. Physiology of forage plants. Chapter 3, pp. 37 to 52. In: Forages – the Science of Grassland Agriculture. Volume II. Blackwell Publishing Professional, Ames, IA. Peterson, P.D., S. B. Martin, and J. J. Camberato. 2007. Current understanding and management of rapid blight disease on turfgrasses. In: Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology. M. Pessarakli, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (p. 237-244). Rich, P. J. and G. Ejeta. 2007. Biology of host-parasite interactions in Striga species. pp. 19- 32. In: G. Ejeta and J. Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch-Hunt. World Scientific Press Co. Ltd., Singapore. Schulze, D.G., R.R. Struthers, P.R. Owens and G.E. Van Scoyoc. 2007. Teaching soil- landscape interactions using rugged tablet PCs in the field. P. 119-127 in D.A. Berque, J.C. Prey, R.H. Reed (eds). The impact of tablet PCs and pen-based technology on education: Beyond the tipping pint. Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, IN. Tesso, T., Z. Gutema, A. Deressa and G. Ejeta. 2007. An integrated Striga management option offers effective control of Striga in Ethiopia. Pp. 199-212. In: G. Ejeta and J.

79 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Gressel (eds.). Integrating New Technologies for Striga Control: Towards Ending the Witch- Hunt. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore. Volenec, J. J. 2007. Ecology and physiology of forage crops. pp. 12 to 17. In: Handbook of Forage and rangeland Insects. W. O. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley and C. Baird (eds). Entom. Soc. Amer. Lanham, MD Wing, R. A., H. R. Kim, J. L. Goicoechea, Y. Yu, D. Kudrna, A. Zuccolo, S. S. Ammiraju Jetty, M. Luo, W. Nelson, C. Soderlund, P. San Miguel, N. Gill, J. Walling, S. Jackson, B. Hurwitz, D. Ware, L. Stein, D. Brar, and D. Mackill. 2007. The Oryza map alignment project (OMAP): A new resource for comparative genomics studies within Oryza. In. D. Brar, D. Mackill and B. Hard (eds.) Rice Genetics V. (51-64). World Scientific. Refereed Journal Publications Alfieri J , D. Niyogi, M. A. LeMone, F. Chen, S. Fall. 2007. A simple reclassification method for correcting uncertainty in land use/land cover datasets used with land surface models. Pure and Applied Geophysics 164:1789-1809. doi 10.1007/a00024-007-0241-4. Amusan, I. O., P. J. Rich, A. Menkir, T. Housley and G. Ejeta. 2007. Resistance to Striga hermonthica in a maize inbred line derived from Zea diploperennis. New Phytologist (online): http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/0/0 Armstrong, S. D., D. R. Smith and P. R. Owens. 2007. Strategies to reduce nutrient losses from land applied animal manure. Water Practice 1(4):online http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wef/wp (5?21/2007). Azevedo, A. C. and D. G. Schulze. 2007. Aggregate distribution, stability and release of water dispersible clay in two subtropical Oxisols. Scientia Agricola (Piracicaba, Braz.) 64:36-43. Balshi, M. S., A. D. McGuire, Q. Zhuang, J. M. Melillo, D. W. Kicklighter, E. Kasischke, C. Wirth, M. Flannigan, J. Harden, J. S. Clein, T. J. Burnside, J. McAllister, W. A. Kurz, M. Apps, and A. Shvidenko. 2007. The role of historical fire disturbance in the carbon dynamics of the pan-boreal region: A process-based analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research 112:GO2029. Berg, W.K., S.M. Cunningham, S.M. Brouder, K.D. Johnson, B.C. Joern, and J. J. Volenec. 2007. The long-term impact of phosphorus and potassium fertilization on alfalfa yield and yield components. Crop Science 47:2198-2209. Bigelow, C. A. and G. A. Hardebeck. 2007. Monthly flurprimidol applications reduce annual bluegrass populations in a creeping bentgrass fairway. Online Journ. Applied Turfgrass Science http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.com/sub/ats/research/2007/flurprimidol/ Bigelow, C. A., and K. S. Walker. 2007. Golf ball roll distance: A field exercise to explore management factors affecting putting green speed. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 36:112-119. Bigelow, C.A., K. S. Walker, and G. A. Hardebeck. 2007. Single fall applications of coated urea fertilizers produce a high quality Kentucky bluegrass turf. Journal of Applied Turfgrass Science online:http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.com/sub/ats/research/2007/coated/ Bohn, T. J., D. P. Lettenmaier, K. Sathulur, L. C. Bowling, E. Podest, K. C. McDonald, and T. Friborg. 2007. Methane emissions from western Siberian wetlands: Heterogeneity and sensitivity to climate change. Environmental Research Letters 2:doi:10.1088/1748- 9326/2/4/045015. Bonafede, M., L. Kong, G. Tranquilli, H. Ohm, and J. Dubcovsky. 2007. Reduction of a Triticum monococcum chromosome segment carrying the softness genes Pina and Pinb translocated to bread wheat. Crop Science 47:821-828. Bonczeck, J.L., L.J. Unruh Snyder, L.R. Ellis. 2007. An academic club service learning project as a demonstration of experiential teaching tools. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 36:107-111.

80 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Butler, A., D. Thompson, and K. R. Gurney. 2007. Observed relationships between the southern annular mode and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31:GB4014, doi:101029/2006GBOO2796. Candela, L., J. Alvarez-Benedi, M. T. C. de Melo, P.S. C. Rao. 2007. Laboratory studies on glyphosate transport in soils of the Maresme area near Barcelona, Spain: Transport model parameter estimation. GEODERMA 140(1-2):8-16. Chen F., K. W. Manning, M. A. LeMone, S.B. Trier, J. G. Alfieri, R. Roberts, M. Tewari, D. Niyogi, T. W. Horst, S. P. Oncley, J. B. Basara, P. D. Blanken. 2007. Description and Evaluation of the Characteristics of the NCAR High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46:694-713 doi:10.1175/JAM2463.1 Cofield N., A.P. Schwab, M.K. Banks. 2007. Phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: Part I. Dissipation of target contaminants. International Journal of Phytoremediation 9:355-370. Cofield N., A.P. Schwab, P. Williams, M.K. Banks. 2007. Phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: Part II. Impact on ecotoxicity. International Journal of Phytoremediation 9:371-384. Cofield, N., M.K. Banks, A.P. Schwab. 2007. Evaluation of hydrophobicity in PAH- contaminated soils during phytoremediation. Environmental Pollution 145:60-67. Dooner, H. K. and C. F. Weil. 2007. Give-and-take: Interactions between DNA transposons and their host plant genomes. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 17:486-492. Dungan, R. S., D. B. Lee, P. Shouse and J. P. deKoff. 2007. Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils blended with waste foundry sands. Soil Science 172:751-758. Dyannor, S.A., Adeokun, B. Hamaker, G. Ejeta and O. Adeola. 2007. Nutritional evaluation of high digestible sorghums for pigs and broiler chicks. Journal of Animal Science 85:196- 203. Ejeta, G. 2007. Breeding for Striga resistance in sorghum: Exploitation of an intricate host- parasite biology. Crop Science 47S:216-227. Fall S. , D. Niyogi, U. C. Mohanty, A. Kumar. 2007. Application of Weather Prediction Models for Hazard Mitigation Planning - A case study of Heavy off-season rains in Senegal, Natural Hazards. doi 10.1007/s11069-006-9033-x. Gál, A., T.J. Vyn, E. Michéli, E.J. Kladivko and W.W. McFee. 2007. Soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation with long-term no-till versus moldboard plowing overestimated with tilled- zone sampling depths. Soil Tillage Research 96:42-51. Giovanini, M.P., K. D. Saltzmann, D. P. Puthoff, M. Gonzalo, H. W. Ohm and C. E. Williams. 2007. A novel wheat gene encoding a putative chitin-binding lectin is associated with resistance against Hessian fly. Molecular Plant Pathology 8:69-82. Goetz, S. J., M. C. Mack, K. R. Gurney, and R. A. Houghton. 2007. Exocystem responses to recent climate change at northern high latitudes: Observations and model results contrasting Northern Eurasia and North America. Environmental Research Letters 2:0450312, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/2/4/045031. Gomes, J. B.V., N. Curi, D. G. Schulze, J. J. G. S. M. Marques, J. C. Ker, and P. E. F. da Motta. 2007. Mineralogia e micromorfologia de solos esqueléticos do bioma Cerrado, no leste de Goiás. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 31:875-886. Gonzalo, M., T.J. Vyn, J.B. Holland and L.M. McIntyre. 2007. Mapping reciprocal effects and interactions with plant density stress in Zea mays L. Heredity 99:14-30. Graveel, J.G., and J.J. Vorst. 2007. Using alumni input as a reality check of agronomy teaching and advising. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 36:76-86. Green, V.S., D.E. Stott, J.C. Cruz, N. Curi. 2007. Tillage impacts on soil biological activity and aggregate stability in Brazilian Cerrado Oxisols. Soil & Tillage Research 92:114-121 Gurney, K. R., et al. 2007. Research needs for process-driven, finely resolved fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions. EOS Dec. 4, 2007.

81 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Guzman, P.S., B. W. Diers, D.J. Neece, S.K. St. Martin, A.R. Leroy, C.R. Grau, T.J. Hughes, and R.L. Nelson. 2007. QTL associated with yield in three backcross-derived populations of soybeans. Crop Science 47:111-122. Hamblin, M. T., M. G. Salas-Fernandez, M. R. Tuinstra, W. L. Rooney, S. Kresovich. 2007. Sequence variation at candidate loci in the starch metabolism pathway in sorghum: Prospects for linkage disequilibrium mapping. Plant Genome 47(suppl. 2):S125-S134. Hanson, J.D., M.A. Liebig, S.D. Merrill, D.L. Tanaka, J.M. Krupinsky, and D.E. Stott. 2007. Dynamic cropping systems: Increasing adaptability amid an uncertain future. Agronomy Journal 99:939-943. Hem, S.L., C.T. Johnston, H. Hogenesch. 2007. Imject Alum is not an alternative to aluminum hydroxide adjuvant or aluminum phosphate adjuvant. Vaccine 25(27):4985- 4986. Houston A. , D. Niyogi. 2007. The sensitivity of convective initiation to the lapse rate of the active cloud-bearing layer. Monthly Weather Review 135:3013-3032. doi:10.1175/MWR3449.1. Hyun, S. and L.S. Lee. 2007. Pentachlorophenol sorption by variable-charge soils in methanol–water mixture: pH effect at the low solvent volume fraction. Chemosphere 70(3):503-510. Ioeger, B., S. R. Bean, M. R. Tuinstra, J. F. Pedersen, J. Erpelding, K. M. Lee, T. J. Herrman. 2007. Characterization of polymeric proteins from vitreous and floury sorghum endosperm. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55:10232-10239. Jetty, S., A. Zuccolo, Y. Yu, X. Song, B. Piegu, F. Chevalier, J. Walling, J. Ma, J. Talag, D. Brar, P. SanMiguel, N. Jiang, S. A. Jackson, O. Panaud, R. Wing. 2007. Evolutionary dynamics of an ancient retrotransposon family provides insights into evolution of genome size in the Orvza. Plant Journal 52:342-351. Jiang, Y and R. N. Carrow. 2007. Broadband spectral reflectance models of turfgrass species and cultivars to drought stress. Crop Science 47:1161-1618. Joel, D., Y. Hershenhorn, H. Eizenberg, R. Aly, G. Ejeta, P. Rich, J. Ransom, J. Sauerborn and D. Rubiales. 2007. Biology and management of weedy root parasites. Horticultural Reviews 33:267-350. Kang, D. H., L. Y. Hong, A. P. Schwab and M. K. Banks. 2007. Removal of Prussian blue from soil in the rhizosphere of cyanogenic plants. Chemosphere 69:1492-1498. Kean, E. G., G. Ejeta, B. R. Hamaker, M. G. Ferruzzi. 2007. Carotenoid content of yellow endosperm sorghum varieties measured by high performance liquid chromatography with diode detection. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55:2619-2626. Kim, H-R., P. San Miguel, W. Nelson, K. Collura, M. Wissotski, J. G. Walling, J. P. Kim, S. A. Jackson, C. Soderlund, R. A. Wing. 2007. Comparative physical mapping between O. sativa (AA genome type) and O. punctata (BB genome type). Genetics 176:379-390. Kim, H., K. M. Choi, P. S. C. Rao. 2007. Measurement of gas-accessible NAPL saturation in soil using gaseous tracers. Environmental Science & Technology 41(1):235-241. Klammler, H., K. Hatfield, M. D. Annable, E. Agyei, B. L. Parker, J. A. Cherry, and P. S. C. Rao. 2007. General analytical treatment of the flow field relevant to the interpretation of passive fluxmeter measurements. Water Resources Research 43(4):Art. No. WO4407. Knoll, J., N. Gunaratna and G. Ejeta. 2007. QTL analysis of early season cold tolerance in sorghum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (online):http://www.springerlink.com/content/j6283m383u668248/fulltext.pdf Knoll, J. and G. Ejeta. 2007. QTL validation across populations and environments. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (online):http://www.springlink.com/content/y428678431531698/fulltext.pdf Kong, L., H.W. Ohm and J. M. Anderson. 2007. Expression analysis of defense-related genes in wheat in response to infection by Fusarium graminearum. Genome 50:1038-1048.

82 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Konopka, A., M. Carrero-Colón, C. H. Nakatsu. 2007. Community dynamics and heterogeneities in mixed bacterial communities subjected to nutrient periodicities. Environmental Microbiology 9:1584-1590. Larose, M., Heathman, G.C. Norton, D.L. and Engle, B. 2007. Hydrologic and atrazine simulation in the cedar creek watershed using the SWAT model. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:521-531. Lee, J., P. S. C. Rao, I. C. Poyer, R. M. Toole, M. D. Annable, K. Hatfield. 2007. Oxyanion flux characterization using passive flux meters: Development and field testing of surfactant-modified granular activated carbon. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 92(3- 4):208-229. LeMone. M.A., F. Chen, J.G. Alfieri , R.H. Cuenca, Y. Hagimoto, P. Blanken, D. Niyogi, S. Kand, K. Davis, R. Grossman. 2007. NCAR/CU surface, soil, and vegetation observations during the International H20 Project 2002 Field Campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88:65 – 81. LeRoy, A.R. and T.S. Abney. 2007. Registration of ‘CLOJ173-6-2’ and ‘CLOJ173-6-8’ soybeans. Journal of Plant Registrations 1:98-99. Li, H., T. R. Pereira, B. J. Teppen, D. A. Laird, C. T. Johnston, and S. A. Boyd. 2007. Ionic strength-induced formation of Smectite Quasicrystals Change upon sorption of nitroaromatic compounds. Environmental Science and Technology 41(4):1251-1256. Liu, J., L.S. Lee, L.F. Nies, C.H. Nakatsu and R.F. Turco. 2007. Biotransformation of 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol in soil and by soil bacteria isolates. Environmental Science and Technology 42:1928-1943. Liu, J. and L. S. Lee. 2007. Effect of perfluorocarbon chain length on solubility and sorption by soils of fluorotelomer alcohols. Environmental Science and Technology 41(15):5357- 5362. Liu, R., C. Vitte, J. Ma, A. Mahama, T. Dhliwayo, M. Lee and J. L. Bennetzen. 2007. A GeneTrek analysis of the maize genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 104:11844-11849. Ma, J., Wing, R. A., Bennetzen, J.L. and Jackson, S.A. 2007. Plant centromere organization: Conserved functions within a dynamic structure. Trends in Genetics 23:134-139. Ma, J., R. A. Wing, J. Bennetzen and S. A. Jackson. 2007. Evolutionary history and positional shift of a rice centromere. Genetics 177:1217-1220. Matsui T., A. Beltran-Przekurat, R. A. Pielke, Sr., D. Niyogi, M. B. Coughenour. 2007. Continental-scale Multiobservation Calibration and Assessment of Colorado State University Unified Land Model by application of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface albedo. Journal of Geophysical Research 112:G02028, doi:10.1029/2006JG000229. Morton, D. E., D. V. Weisenberger, Z. J. Reicher, B. E. Branham, B. Sharp, R. Gaussoin, J. Stier and E. Koeritz. 2007. Evaluation bispyribac-sodium and sulfosulfuron for control of roughstalk bluegrass. HortScience 42(7):1710-1714. Nakatsu, C. H. 2007. The basics and application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for soil microbial community analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71:562-571. Niyogi D., H. Chang , F. Chen, L. Gu, A. Kumar , S. Menon, R. A. Pielke Sr. 2007. Potential impacts of aerosol-land-atmosphere interaction on the Indian monsoonal rainfall characteristics. Natural Hazards- Monsoon Special Issue doi 10.1007/s11069-006-9085-y. Ohm, H.W. and Anderson, J.M. 2007. Utilization and performance in wheat of Yellow Dwarf resistance transferred from Thinopyrum intermedium. In: Buck, H.T.; Nisi, J.E.; Salomón, N. (Eds), Wheat Production in Stressed Environments: Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina (Developments in Plant Breeding), Springer, Netherlands, 149-152. Omonode, R. A., T. J. Vyn, D. R. Smith, P. Hegymegi, and A. Gál. 2007. Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from long-term tillage systems in continuous corn and corn-soybean rotations. Soil and Tillage Research 95:182-195.

83 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Ordway, J. M., M. A. Budiman, Y. Korshunova, R. K. Maloney, J. A. Bedell, R. W. Citek, B. Bacher, S. Peterson, T. Rohlfing, J. Hall, R. Brown, N. Lakey, R. W. Doerge, R. A. Martienssen, J. Leon, J. D. McPherson, and J. A. Jedeloh. 2007. Identification of novel high-frequency DNA methylation changes in breast cancer. Public Library of Science 12:1314. Ott, E. J., C. K. Gerber, B. Harder, C. L. Sprague, and W. G. Johnson. 2007. Prevalence and influence of stalk boring insects on Glyphosate activity on Indiana and Michigan Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). Weed Technology 21:526-531. Patton, A. J., D. v. Weisenberger, G. A. Hardebeck, Z. J. Reicher. 2007. Safety of herbicides on ‘Zenith’ zoysiagrass seedlings. Weed Technology 21:145-150. Patton, A. J., and Z. J. Reicher. 2007. Zoysiagrass species and genotypes differ in their winter injury and freeze tolerance. Crop Science 47:1619-1627. Patton, A. J., J. J. Volenec, and Z. J. Reicher. 2007. Stolon growth and dry matter partitioning explain differences in zoysiagrass establishment rates. Crop Science 47:1237- 1245. Patton, A. J., S. M. Cunningham, J. J. Volenec, and Z. J. Reicher. 2007. Differences in freeze tolerance of zoysiagrasses. I. Role of Proteins. Crop Science 47:2162-2169. Patton. A. J., S. M. Cunningham, J. J. Volenec, and Z. J. Reicher. 2007. Differences in freeze tolerance of zoysiagrasses. II. Carbohydrate and proline accumulation. Crop Sci. 47:1270- 1281. Pereira, T. R., D. A. Laird, C. T. Johnston, B. J. Teppen, H. Li and S. A. Boyd. 2007. Mechanism of dinitrophenol herbicide sorption on smectites in aqueous suspensions at varying pH. Soil Science Society of America 71(5):1476-1481. Perkins, D. B., N. W. Haws, J. W. Jawitz, B. S. Das, and P. S. C. Rao. 2007. Soil hydraulic properties as ecological indicators in forested watersheds impacted by mechanized military training. Ecological Indicators 7(3):589-597. Pielke Sr. R. A., J.O. Adegoke, T.N. Chase, C. H. Marshall, T. Matsui, D. Niyogi. 2007. A New Paradigm for Assessing the Role of Agriculture in the Climate System and in Climate Change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Special Issue 132:234 - 254. Pielke, R.A. Sr., J. Adegoke, A. Beltran-Przekurat, C.A. Hiemstra, J. Lin, U.S. Nair, D. Niyogi, T.E. Nobis, 2007, An overview of regional land use and land cover impacts on rainfall. Tellus B, 59:587-601. Pielke Sr. R.A., D. Stokowski, J.-W. Wang, T. Vukicevic, G. Leoncini, T. Matsui, C. Castro, D. Niyogi, C.M. Kishtawal , A. Biazar, K. Doty, R.T. McNider, U. Nair, W.K. Tao. 2007. Satellite-Based Model Parameterization of Diabatic Heating. Eos - Transactions American Geophysical Union 88:96 – 97. Pielke Sr. R.A, J. Nielsen-Gammon, C. Davey, J. Angel, O. Bliss, N. Doesken, M. Cai, S. Fall , D. Niyogi, K. Gallo, R. Hale, K.G. Hubbard, X. Lin, H. Li, S. Raman. 2007. Documentation of uncertainties and bias associated with surface temperature measurement sites for climate change assessment studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88:913 - 928. Pielke Sr. R.A., C. Davey, D. Niyogi, S. Fall , J. Steinweg-Woods , K. Hubbard, X. Lin, M. Cai, Y.K. Lim, H. Li, J. Nielsen-Gammon, K. Gallo, R. Hale, J. Angel, R. Mahmood, S. Foster, R.T. McNider, P. Blanken. 2007. Unresolved issues with the assessment of multi- decadal global land surface temperature trends. Journal of Geophysical Research 112:D24S08, doi:10.1029/2006JD008229. Reicher, Z. J., and Weisenberger, D.V. 2007. Herbicide selection and application timing in the fall affects control of ground ivy. Applied Turfgrass Science (on line) doi:10.1094/ATS- 2007-0831-01-RS. http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/ats/research/2007/vy/ Ras, R.H.A., Y. Umemura, C.T. Johnston, A. Yamagishi and R. A. Schoonheydt. 2007. Ultrathin hybrid films of clay minerals. Invited Review. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9(8):918-932.

84 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Rias, R.H.A., C.T. Johnston, R.A. Schoonheydt. 2007. Relation between s-polarized and p- polarized internal reflection spectra: Application for the spectral resolution of perpendicular vibrational modes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(36):8787-8791. Roy S. S., R. Mahmood, D. Niyogi, M. Lei, S. A. Foster, K. G. Hubbard, E. Douglas, R. Pielke, Sr., 2007. Impacts of the agricultural green revolution-induced land use changes on air temperatures in India. Journal of Geophysical Research 112:D21108, doi:10.1029/2007JD008834. (Top Tier; lead on modeling component of the paper) Sassman, S. and L.S. Lee. 2007. Sorption and degradation in soil of veterinary ionophore antibiotics: monensin and lasalocid. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(8):1614– 1621. Sassman, S., A.K. Sarmah, and L.S. Lee. 2007. Sorption and degradation of tylosin a, tylosin d., and tylosin a-aldol in soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(8):1629–1635. Schlueter, J. A., J-Y Lin, S. D. Schlueter, I. F. Vasylenko-Sanders, S. Deshpande, J. Yi, M. Siegfried, B. A. Roe, R. T. Nelson, B. E. Scheffler, S. A. Jackson and R. C. Shoemaker. 2007. Genome duplication in soybean and the implications for whole genome sequencing. BMC Genomics 8:330. Schoonover, J. R., W. P. Steckle, Jr., C. T. Johnston, Y. Wang, A. M. Gillikin, and R. A. Palmer. 2007. Humidity-dependent dynamic infrared linear dichroism study of a poly(ester urethane) Spectrochimica acta Part A 67(1):208-213. Schwab, A. P., D. Zhu, and M. K. Banks. 2007. Heavy metal transport from mine tailings as affected by organic amendments. Bioresource Technology 98:2935-2941. Shen, X. and H. Ohm. 2007. Molecular mapping of Thinopyrum-derived Fusarium head blight resistance in common wheat. Molecular Breeding 20:131-140. Sitch, S., A.D. McGuire, J. Kimball, N. Gedney, J. Gamon, R. Engstrom, A. Wolf, Q. Zhuang, J. Clein, and K. C.McDonald. 2007. Assessing the carbon balance of circumpolar arctic tundra using remote sensing and process modeling. Ecological Applications 17(1):213- 234. Smith, D. R., P. R. Owens, A. B. Leytem, and E. A. Warnemuende. 2007. Nutrient losses from manure and fertilizer applications as impacted by time to first runoff event. Environmental Pollution 147(1) p. 131-137. Smith, K.W., A. P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2007. Phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment: A greenhouse feasibility study. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:239-244. Stitch, S., A. D. McGuire, J. Kimball, N. Gedney, J. Gannon, R. Rengstrom, A. Wolf, Q. Zhuang, J. Clein, and K. C. McDonald. 2007. Assessing the carbon balance of circumpolar arctic tundra using remote sensing and process modeling. Ecological Applications 17(1):213-234. Szabo, T., M. Szekeres, I. Dekany, C. Jackers, S. De Feyter, C. T. Johnston, and R. A. Schoonheydt. 2007. Layer-by-layer construction of ultrathin hybrid films with proteins and clay minerals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111:12730-12740. Tong, Z., M. Bischoff, L. F. Nies, B. Applegate, and R.F. Turco. 2007. Impact of Fullerene (C60) on a soil microbial community. Environmental Sciences and Technology 41:2985- 2991. Unruh-Snyder, L.J., J.M. Luginbuhl, J.P. Mueller, A. Contra, and K.E. Turner. 2007. Intake, digestibility, and nitrogen utilization of Robinia pseudacacia foliage fed to growing goat wethers. Small Ruminant Research 71:179-193. Unruh-Snyder, L.J., J.P. Mueller, J.M. Luginbuhl and C. Brownie. 2007. Growth characteristics and allometry of Robinia pseudoacacia as a silvopastoral system component. Agroforestry Systems 70(1):41-51. Uphaus, J., Walker, E., Shankar, M., Golar, H., Loughman, R., Francki, M. and Ohm, H. 2007. QTLs associated with resistance to glume blotch in what caused by Stagonospora nodorum. Crop Science 47:1813-1822.

85 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Van Leeuwen, H., D. J. Kliebenstein, M. A. L. West, K. Kim, R. van Poecke, Katagiri, F., R. W. Michelmore, R. W. Doerge, and D. A. St. Clair. 2007. Natural variation among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions for transcription response to exogenous salicylic acid. The Plant Cell 19(7):2099-2110. Vaughn, M., M. Tanurdzic, Z. Lippman, H. Jiang, R. Carrasquillo, V. Colot, R. W. Doerge and R. A. Martienssen. 2007. Epigenetic natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Public Library of Science Biology 5(7):eI74. Vermerris, W., A. Saballos, G. Ejeta, N. S. Moiser, M. R. Ladisch and N. C. Carpita. 2007. Molecular breeding to enhance ethanol production from corn and stover. Crop Science 47S:142-153. Vinodkumar, A. Chandrasekar, K. Alapaty, D. Niyogi, 2007, The effect of a surface data assimilation technique and the traditional four-dimensional data assimilation for the prediction of a monsoon depression over India using a mesoscale model. Natural Hazards doi 10.1007/s11069-006-9080-3. von Kiparski, Guntram R., L. S. Lee, and A.R. Gillespie. 2007. Occurrence and fate of the phytotoxin juglone in alley soils under Black walnut trees. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:709-717. Walker, K.S., C.A. Bigelow, D.R. Smith, G.E. Van Scoyoc, and Z.J. Reicher. 2007. Aboveground responses of cool-season lawn species to nitrogen rates and application timings. Crop Science 47:1225-1236. Wang, K. and Y. Jiang. 2007. Antioxidant responses of creeping bentgrass roots to waterlogging. Crop Science 47:232-238. Wang, K. and Y. Jiang. 2007. Waterlogging tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars. HortScience 42:386-390. Wait, I.W., C. T. Johnston, E.R. Blatchley. 2007. The influence of oxidation reduction potential and water treatment processes on quartz lamp sleeve fouling in ultraviolet disinfection reactors. Water Research 41(11):2427-2436. Waterworth, W., C. Altun, K. Young, S. Armstrong, C. Weil, C. Bray, C. West. 2007. A plant homolog for Nbs1, the signaling component of the Mre11 DNA repair/recombination complex. Plant Journal 52:41-52. Weil, C.F. and R. Monde. 2007. Getting the point – mutations in maize. Crop Science 47:S- 60-67. White, P. M., C. W. Rice, J. A. Baldock, M. R. Tuinstra. 2007. Soil biological properties following additions of bmr mutant grain sorghum. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:1518- 1532. Wu, X., R. Zhao, D. Wang, S. R. Bean, P. A. Seib, J. S. McLauren, R. L. Madl, M. R. Tuinstra, M. C. Lenz, D. Wang. 2007. Factors impacting ethanol production from sorghum. Cereal Chemistry 84:130-136. Xiao, J. and Q. Zhuang. 2007. Drought effects on large fire activity in Canadian and Alaskan forests. Environmental Research Letters 2:044003 (6 pp). Zhuang, Q., J. M. Melillo, A. D. McGuire, D. W. Kicklighter, R. G. Prinn, P. A. Steudler, B. S. Felzer, and S. Hu. 2007. Net emissions of Ch4 and CO2 in Alaska: Implications for the region’s greenhouse gas budget. Ecological Applications 17(1):203-212.

Department of Animal Sciences Books / Book Chapters Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, and R. Angel. 2007. Protein and amino acid nutrition in poultry: impacts on performance and the environment. In: Gaining the Edge in Pork and Poultry Production. Edit. J.A. Taylor-Pickard and P. Spring, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp. 139-151. Refereed Journal Publications

86 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Adedokun, S.A., C. Parsons, M. Lilburn, O. Adeola, T. J. Applegate. 2007 Comparison of endogenous ileal amino acid and nitrogen flow in broiler chicks and turkey poults. Poultry Science 86:1682-1689. Adedokun, S.A., C. Parsons, M. Lilburn, O. Adeola, T. J. Applegate. 2007. Effect of age, method, and location on ileal endogenous amino acid and total amino acid flows in turkey poults. Poultry Science 86:1948–1954. Adedokun, S.A., C. Parsons, M. Lilburn, O. Adeola, T. J. Applegate. 2007. Endogenous amino acid flow in broiler chicks is affected by the age of birds and method of estimation. Poultry Science 86:2590-2597. Adedokun, S.A., C. Parsons, M. S. Lilburn, O. Adeola, T. J. Applegate. 2007. Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility of meat and bone meal in broiler chicks and turkey poults using a nitrogen-free or casein diet. Poultry Science 86:2598-2607. Agca, C.and S.S. Donkin. 2007. Differential expression of pyruvate carboxylase 5’UTR variants during transition to lactation. Public Library of Science 2:e1270. Applegate, T.J. and K. Thompson. 2007. Impact of small intestinal development on turkey growth. Journal of Recent Advances in Poultry Production Vol 1. Bennett, A. K., P. Y. Hester, and D. M. Spurlock, 2007. Relationships of a transforming growth factor ß single nucleotide polymorphism and mRNA abundance with bone and production traits in chickens. Poultry Science 86:829-834. Bijma, P., Muir, W. A., & Van Arendonk, J. A. M. 2007. Multilevel selection 1: Quantitative genetics of inheritance and response to selection. Genetics 175:277-288. Bijma, P., Muir, W. M., Ellen, E. D., Wolf, J. B., & Van Arendonk, J. A. M. 2007. Multilevel selection 2: Estimating the genetic parameters determining inheritance and response to selection. Genetics 175:289-299. Bridges, G.A., L.A. Helser, D.E. Grum, M.L. Mussard, C.L. Gasser, and M.L. Day. 2008. Decreasing the interval between GnRH and PGF2α from 7 to 5 days and lengthening proestrus increases timed-AI pregnancy rates in beef cows. Theriogenology 69:843-851. Chen, K. F., Baxter, T., Muir, W. M., Groenen, M. A., & Schook, L. B. 2007. Genetic resources, genome mapping and evolutionary genomics of the pig (Sus scrofa). International Journal of Biological Sciences 3:153-165. Cheng, H. H., Zhang, Y., & Muir, W. M. 2007. Evidence for widespread epistatic interactions influencing Marek's disease virus viremia levels in chicken. Cytogenetic And Genome Research 117:313-318. Cheng, H.W., and W.M. Muir. 2007. Mechanisms of aggression and production in chickens: Genetic variations in the functions of serotonin, catecholamine, and corticosterone. World’s Poultry Science Journal 63:233-254. Daniels K.J., S.S. Donkin, S.D. Eicher, E.A. Pajor, and M.M Schutz. 2007. Prepartum milking of heifers influences future production and health. Journal of Dairy Science 90:2293-2301. Daniels, K.J., S.S. Donkin, S.D. Eicher, E.A. Pajor, and M.M. Schutz. 2007. Effects of prepartum milking on production and health of first calf heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 90:2293-2301. Eicher, S.D., M. Schutz, F. Kearney, S. Willard, S. Bowers, S. Gandy and K. Graves. 2007. Prepartum milking effects on parlour behaviour, endocrine and immune responses in holstein heifers. Journal of Dairy Research 74:418-425. Ellen, E. D., Muir, W. M., Teuscher, F., & Bijma, P. 2007. Genetic improvement of traits affected by interactions among individuals: Sib selection schemes. Genetics 176:489-499. Fahey, A. G., M. M. Schutz, D. L. Lofgren, A. P. Schinckel, and T. S. Stewart. 2007. Genotype by environment interaction for production traits while accounting for heteroscedasticity. Journal of Dairy Science 90:3889-3899. Fahey, A.G., M.M. Schutz, D.L. Lofgren, T.S. Stewart, and A.P. Schinckel. 2007. Genotype by environment interaction for production traits while accounting for heteroscedasticity. Journal of Dairy Science 90:3889-3899.

87 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Fahey, A.G., Marchant-Forde, R/., and H.W. Cheng. 2007. Correlations between body weight and beak dimensions in one-day old white leghorn chicks: Its implications in beak trimming. Poultry Science 86:1312-1315. Gunawan, A. M., B. T. Richert, A.P. Schinckel, A. L. Grant and D. E. Gerrard. 2007. Ractopamine induces differential gene expression in porcine muscles. Journal of Animal Science 85:2115-2124. Kalbasi, A., M. Schutz, and W. Auvermann. 2007. Carcass rendering systems for farm mortalities: A review. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 7:199-211. Karcher, E.L., M. M. Pickett, G. A. Varga, and S. S. Donkin. 2007. Effect of dietary carbohydrate and monensin on expression of gluconeogenic enzymes in liver of transition dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science 85:690-699. Koch, J.M., D.C. Lay Jr., K.A. McMunn, J.S. Moritz, and M.E. Wilson. 2007. Motivation of hens to obtain feed during a molt induced by either feed withdrawal, wheat middlings or melegestrol acetate. Poultry Science 86:614-620. Koch, J.M., J.S. Mortiz, D.C. Lay Jr., and M.E. Wilson. 2007. Effects of melengestrol acetate as an alternative to induce molting in hens and on the expression of yolk proteins and turnover of oviductal epithelium. Animal Reproduction Science 102:14-23 Lee, K., W.L. Fodor, Z. Machaty. 2007. Dynamics of lamin A/C in porcine nuclear transfer embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74:1221-1227. Legan, E. M, H. M. White, A. M. Gaines, A.P. Schinckel and M. A. Latour. 2007. Evaluating growth and carcass changes in cull gilts fed distiller’s dried grains with solubles. Animal Science 23:612-615. Li, H. M., Margam, V., Muir, W. M., Murdock, L. L., & Pittendrigh, B. R. 2007. Changes in Drosophila melanogaster midgut proteins in response to dietary Bowman-Birk inhibitor. Insect Molecular Biology 16:539-549. Magnani, L. and R.A. Cabot. 2007. Developmental arrest is induced when the chromatin remodeling protein SMARCA2 in overexpressed in cleavage stage porcine embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74(10):1262-1272. Magnani, L., K. Lee, W. Fodor, Z. Machaty and R.A. Cabot. 2007. Developmental capacity of porcine nuclear transfer embryos correlate with levels of chromatin remodeling transcripts in donor cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development 75(5):766-776. Muir, W. M. 2007. Genomic selection, accuracy and comparisons with traditional BLUP under alternative marker density and generations of training. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 6:342-355. Nanassy, L., A. Javor, Z. Machaty. 2007. Changes in MPF and MAPK activities in porcine oocytes activated by different methods. Theriogenology 68:146-152. Pang, Y., and T.J. Applegate. 2007. Effects of dietary copper supplementation and copper source on digesta pH, calcium, zinc and copper complex size in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 86:531-537. Schinckel, A. P. , M. E. Einstein, K. Foster and B. A. Craig. 2007. Evaluation of the impact of errors in the measurement of backfat on the prediction of fat free lean mass. Journal of Animal Science 85:2031-2042. Schinckel. A. P., R. Cabrera, R. D. Boyd, S. Jungst, C. Boocher, M. Johnson and M. E. Einstein. 2007. Impact of birth and body weight at 20 days on the postweaning growth of pigs with different weaning management. Animal Science 23:197-210. Schinckel. A. P., R. Cabrera, R. D. Boyd, S. Jungst, C. Boocher, M. Johnson, P. V. Preckel and M. E. Einstein. 2007. Modeling the impact of birth and twenty-day weight on postweaning growth of pigs. Animal Science 23:211-223. Sega, F., K. Lee, Z. Machaty, R. Cabot. 2007. Pronuclear stage porcine embryos do not possess a strict asymmetric distribution of lysine 9 dimethylation of histone H3 based solely on parental origin. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74:2-7.

88 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Sega, M.F., K. Lee, Z. Machaty and R.A. Cabot. 2007. Pronuclear stage porcine embryos do not possess a strict asymmetric distribution of lysine 9 dimethylation of histone H3 based solely on parental origin. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74(1):2-7. Toscano, M.J., D.C. Lay, Jr., B.A. Craig, and E.A. Pajor. 2007. Assessing the adaptation of swine to 57 hours of feed deprivation in terms of behavioral and physiological responses. Journal of Animal Science 85:441-451. Toscano, M.J., T.J. Stable, S.M.D. Bearson, B.L. Bearson, and D.C. Lay, Jr. 2007. Cultivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in a norepinephrine-containing medium alters in vivo tissue prevalence in swine. Journal of Experimental Animal Science 43(4):329-338. Vajta, G., Y. Zhang, Z. Machaty. 2007. Somatic cell nuclear transfer in pig: Recent achievements and future possibilities. Reproduction Fertility and Development 19:403– 423. Von Borrell, E., Langbein, J., Despres, G., Hansen, S., Leterrier, C., Marchant-Forde, J.N., Marchant-Forde, R.M., Minero, M., Mohr, E., Prunier, A., Valance, D., Veissier, I. 2007 Heart rate variability as a measure of autonomic regulation of cardiac activity for assessing stress and welfare in farm animals – a review. Physiology & Behavior, 92:293- 316 Wagler, S.E., Rusk, C.P., Blomeke, C.R., Richert, B.T., Latour, M.A., & Talbert, B.A. 2007. An evaluation of attitude change by participation in an elementary educational swine curriculum. NACTA Journal. 51(3). pp. 38-43 Walsh, M.C., K. L. Saddoris, D. M. Sholly, R. B. Hinson, A. L. Sutton, T. J. Applegate, B. T. Richert, J. S. Radcliffe. 2007. A comparison of administration routes of direct fed microbials to nursery pigs, and the effects on growth performance and gut health. Livestock Science 108:254-257 Wu, W., W. Powers, S. Bastyr, T.J. Applegate, C. Hale, III, and R. Angel. 2007. Nutrient retention and mass balance in laying hens fed a commercial or acidifying diet. Poultry Science 86:684-690. Wu, W., W. Powers, S. Bastyr, T.J. Applegate, C. Hale, III, and R. Angel. 2007. Effect of an acidifying diet combined with zeolite and slight crude protein reduction on air emissions from laying hens of different ages. Poultry Science 86:175-181 Zhai, W., S. L. Neuman, M. A. Latour, and P. Y. Hester, 2007. The effect of dietary L- carnitine on semen traits of White Leghorns. Poultry Science 86:2228-2235. Department of Biochemistry Refereed Journal Publications Altaf, M., R.T. Utley, N. Lacoste, S. Tan, S.D. Briggs and J. Cote. 2007. Interplay of chromatin modifiers on a short basic patch of histone H4 tail defines the boundary of telomeric heterochromatin. Molecular Cell 28:1002-1014. Bender, L.B., J. Suh, C.R. Carroll, Y. Fong, I.M. Fingerman, S.D. Briggs, R. Cao, Y. Zhang, V. Reinke and S. Strome. 2007. MES-4: An autosome-associated histone methyltransferase that participates in silencing the X chromosomes in the C. elegans germ line. Development 133:3907-3917. Bodenmiller, B., L.N. Mueller, P.G.A. Pedrioli, D. Pflieger, M.A. Jünger, J.K. Eng, R. Aebersold and W.A. Tao. 2007. An integrated chemical, mass spectrometric and computational strategy for (quantitative) phosphoproteomics: Application to Drosophila melanogaster Kc167 cells. Molecular Biosystems 3:275-286. Chapple, C. and M.M. Campbell. 2007. Factors impacting plant productivity. Current Opinions in Plant Biology 10:217-219. Chapple, C., M. Ladisch and R. Meilan. 2007. Loosening lignin’s grip on biofuel production. Nature Biotechnology 25:746-748. Cohen-Freue, G., T. Holzer, J.D. Forney and W.R. McMaster. 2007. Global gene expression in Leishmania. International Journal for Parasitology 37:1077-1086.

89 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Enoksson, M., J. Li, M.M. Ivancic, J.C. Timmer, E. Wildfang, A. Eroshkin, G.S. Salvesen and W.A. Tao. 2007. Identification of proteolytic cleavage sites by quantitative proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research 6(7):2850-2858. Fingerman, I.M., H-C Li and S.D. Briggs. 2007. A charebased interaction between histone H4 and Dot1 is required for H3K79 methylation and telomere silencing: Identification of a new trans-histone pathway. Genes & Development 21:2018-2029. Fraser, C.M., M.G. Thompson, A.M. Shirley, J. Ralph, J.A. Schoenherr, T. Sinlapadech, M.C. Hall and C. Chapple. 2007. Related Arabidopsis serine carboxypeptidase-like sinapoylglucose acyltransferases display distinct but overlapping substrate specificities. Plant Physiology 144:1986-1999. Gimble, F.S. 2007. Engineering homing endonucleases to modify complex genomes. Gene Therapy and Regulation 3(1):33-50. Gong, B., J.-H. Chen, E. Chase, D.M. Chadalavada, R. Yajima, B.L. Golden, P.C. Bevilacqua and P.R. Carey. 2007. Direct measurement of a pKa near neutrality for the catalytic cytosine in the genomic HDV ribozyme using raman crystallography. Journal of the American Chemical Society 129:13335-13342. Guo, M., J. Galan and A. Tao. 2007. A novel quantitative proteomics reagent based on soluble nanopolymers. Chemical Communications 1251-1253. Guo, M., J. Galan and W.A. Tao. 2007. Soluble nanopolymer-based phosphoproteomics for studying protein phosphatase. Methods 42:289-297. He, X.C., T. Yin, J.C. Grindley, Q. Tian, T. Sato, W.A. Tao, R. Dirisina, K.S. Porter-Westpfahl, M. Hembree, T. Johnson, L.M. Wiedemann, T.A. Barrett, L. Hood, H. Wu, and L. Li. 2007. PTEN-deficient intestinal stem cells initiate intestinal polyposis. Nature Genetics 39(2):189-198. Hink, U, A. Daiber, N. Kayhan, J. Trischler, C. Kraatz, M. Oelze, H. Mollnau, P. Wenzel, C.F. Vahl, K.K. Ho, H. Weiner and T Munzel. 2007. Oxidative inhibition of the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase promotes nitroglycerin tolerance in human blood vessels. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 50:2226-2232. Jang, J., D. Akin, K.S. Lim, S. Broyles, M.R. Ladisch, R. Bashir. 2007. Capture of airborne nanoparticles in swirling flows using non-uniform electrostatic fields for bio-sensor applications. Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical 121:560-566. Krogmann, D.W., B. Pérez-Gómez, E.B. Gutiérrez-Cirlos, A. Chagolla-López, L. González de la Vara and C. Gómez-Lojero. 2007. The presence of multidomain linkers determines the bundle-shape structure of the phycobilisome of the cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421. Photosynthesis Research 93:27-43. Laribee, R.N., Y. Shibata, D.P. Mersman, S.R. Collins, P. Kemmeren, A. Roguev, J.S. Weissman, S.D. Briggs, N.J. Krogan and B.D. Strahl. 2007. CCR4/NOT complex associates with the proteasome and regulates histone methylation. PNAS 104:5836-5841. Liu, X. and R. Erikson. 2007. The nuclear localization signal of mitotic kinesin-like protein Mklp-1: Effect on Mklp-1 function during cytokinesis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 353:960-964. Mukhopadhyay, A. and H. Weiner. 2007. Delivery of drugs and macromolecules to mitochondria. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 59:729-738. Mukhopadhyay, A., C. Yang, B. Wei and H. Weiner. 2007. Precursor protein is readily degraded in mitochondrial matrix space if the leader is not processed by mitochondrial processing peptidase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (51):37266-37275. Shi, X., I. Kachirskaia , K.L. Walter, J.H. Kuo, A. Lake, F. Davrazou, S.M. Chan, D.G. Martin, I.M. Fingerman, S.D. Briggs, L. Howe, P.J. Utz, T. G. Kutateladze, A.A. Lugovskoy, M.T. Bedford and O. Gozani. 2007. Proteome-wide analysis in Saccharomyes cerevisiae identifies several PHD fingers as novel direct and selective binding modules of histone H3 methylated at either lysine 4 or lysine 36. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:2450-2455.

90 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Sinlapadech, T., J. Stout, M.O. Ruegger, M. Deak and C. Chapple. 2007. The hyper- fluorescent trichome phenotype of the brt1 mutant of Arabidopsis is the result of a defect in a sinapic acid: UDPG glucosyltransferase. Plant Journal 49:655-668. Song, Y., N. Talaty, W.A. Tao, Z. Pan and R. G. Cooks. 2007. Rapid ambient mass spectrometric profiling of intact, untreated bacteria using desorption electrospray ionization. Chemical Communications 61-63. Tao, W.A. 2007. Soluble polymer-based isotopic labeling (SoPIL): a new strategy to discover protein biomarkers? Expert Reviews of Proteomics 4(5):603-607. Timmer, J.C., M. Enoksson, E. Wildfang, W. Zhu, Y. Igarashi, J.B. Denault, Y. Ma, B. Dummitt, Y.H. Chang, A.E. Mast, A. Eroshkin, J.W. Smith, W.A. Tao and G.S. Salvesen. 2007. Profiling constitutive proteolytic events in vivo. Biochemical Journal 407(1):41-48. Zhou, F., J. Galan, R.L. Geahlen and W.A. Tao. 2007. A novel quantitative proteomics strategy to study phosphorylation-dependent peptide-protein interactions. Journal of Proteome Research 6(1):133-140. Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Refereed Journal Publications Armstrong, J. J., R. Dirks, and K. D. Gibson. 2007. The use of early season multispectral images for weed detection in corn (Zea mays). Weed Technology 21:857-862. Beckerman J. 2007. Preventing winter salt damage. Indiana Nursery and Landscape News 67:22-26. Beckerman, J. 2007. Proactive approach fights downy mildew best. American Nurseryman 205:12-14. Beckerman, J. 2007. Those irresistible crabs. Indiana Nursery and Landscape News 67:24- 28. Bluhm, B. H., X. Zhou, J. E. Flaherty, J.-R. Xu, and L. D. Dunkle. 2007. RAS2 regulates growth and pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20:627-636. Creech, J. E., J. B. Santini, S. P. Conley, A.Westphal, and W. G. Johnson. 2007. Purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) response to cold temperature regimes. Weed Science 55:592-598. Cui, X., Fan, B., Schoelz, J., and Chen, Z. 2007 Roles of Arabidopsis Cyclin-dependent kinase C complexes in CaMV infection, plant growth and development. Plant Cell 19:1388- 1402. Cuomo, C., Güldener, U., Xu, J. -R, 41 other co-authors, and Kistler, H. C. 2007. The genome sequence of Fusarium graminearum reveals localized diversity and pathogen specialization. Science 317:1402-1405. Davis, V. M., K. D. Gibson, T. T. Bauman, S. C. Weller, and W. G. Johnson. 2007. Influence of weed management practices and crop rotation on glyphosate-resistant horseweed population dynamics and crop yield. Weed Science 55:508-516. Flaherty, K. W., H. L. Walker, C. H. Britton, and C. A. Lembi. 2007. Response of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Pseudanabaena limnetica to a potential biological control agent, bacterium SG-3 (Lysobacter cf. brunescens). Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 23:255-263. Goodwin, S. B., T. A. J. van der Lee, J. R. Cavaletto, B. te Lintel Hekkert, C. F. Crane, and G. H. J. Kema. 2007. Identification and genetic mapping of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci from an EST database of the septoria tritici blotch pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44:398-414. Hirano, K. J. A. Banks +12 others. 2007. The GA perception mechanism mediated by the GID1/DELLA system is conserved in the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii but not in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell 19:3058-3079.

91 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Ileleji, K. E., Maier, D. E. and Woloshuk, C. P. 2007. Evaluation of different temperature management strategies for suppression of Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) in stored maize. Journal of Stored Products Research 43:480-488. Johnson, W. G., E. J. Ott, K. D. Gibson, R. L. Nielsen, and T. T. Bauman. 2007. Influence of nitrogen application timing on low density giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) interference in corn (Zea mays L.). Weed Technology 21:763-767. Johnson, W. G., K. D. Gibson, and S.P. Conley. 2007. Does weed size really matter? An Indiana grower perspective about weed control timing. Weed Technology 21:542-546. Kemmerling, B., Schwedt, A., Rodriguez, P., Mazzotta, S., Frank, M., Qamar, S., Mengiste, T., Betsuyaku, S. Parker, J., Müssig, C., Thomma, B.P., Albrecht, C., de Vries, S.C., Hirt, H., Nürnberger T. 2007. The BRI1-Associated Kinase 1, BAK1, has a brassinolide- independent role in plant cell-death control. Current Biology 17(13):1116-1122 Kim, Y.-H., Woloshuk, C. P., Cho, E. H., Bae, J. M., Song, Y.-S. and Huh, G.-H. 2007. Cloning and functional expression of the gene encoding an inhibitor against Aspergillus flavus a-amylase, a novel seed lectin from Lablab purpureus (Dolichos lablab). Plant Cell Reports 26:395-405. Leroy, A. R. and Abney, T. S. 2007. Registration of ‘CL0J173-6-2’ and ‘CL0J173-6-8’ soybean germplasm lines. Journal of Plant Registration 1:1-2. Li, L., Ding, S., Orbach, M., Sharon, A., and Xu, J.-R. 2007. A novel nuclear protein MIR1 is highly up-regulated during infectious hyphal growth in the rice blast fungus. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20:448-458. Luo, Z., and Chen, Z. 2007. Improperly terminated, unpolyadenylated mRNA of sense transgenes is targeted by RDR6-mediated RNA silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19:943- 958. Martyn, R. D. 2007. Late-season vine declines of melons: Pathological, cultural, or both? Acta Horticulturae 731:345-356 McCann, M. C., Defernez, M., Urbanowicz, B. R., Tewari, J. C., Langewisch, T., Olek, A., Wells, B., Wilson, R. H., and N. C. Carpita. 2007 Characterization of dynamic alterations in cell wall architecture during maize coleoptile growth by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Plant Physiology 143:1314-1326. Mebrahtu, T., Devine, T. E., Donald, P. A., and Abney, T. S. 2007. Registration of ‘Owens’ vegetable soybean. Journal of Plant Registration 1:95-96. Nagy, E. D., T. C Lee, W. Ramakrishna, Z. Xu, P.E. Klein, P. SanMiguel, C. P. Cheng, J. Li, K. M. Devos, K. Schertz, L. Dunkle, and J. L. Bennetzen. 2007. Fine mapping of the Pc locus of Sorghum bicolor, a gene controlling the reaction to a fungal pathogen and its host-selective toxin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 114:961-970. Ott, E. J. C. K. Gerber, D. B. Harder, C. L. Sprague, and W. G. Johnson. 2007. Prevalence and influence of stalk boring insects on glyphosate activity on Indiana and Michigan giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). Weed Technology 21:526-53. Sindhu, A., Langewisch, T., Olek, A., Multani, D. S., McCann, M. C., Vermerris, W., Carpita, N. C., and G. Johal. 2007 Maize Brittle stalk2 encodes a COBRA-like protein expressed in early organ development but required for tissue flexibility at maturity. Plant Physiology 145:1444-1459. Smith, C. A., Woloshuk, C. P., Robertson, D., and Payne, G. A. 2007. Silencing of the aflatoxin gene cluster in a diploid strain of Aspergillus flavus is suppressed by ectopic aflR expression. Genetics 176:2077-2086. Spencer, D. and C. A. Lembi. 2007. Evaluation of straw as an alternative algal control method in northern California rice fields. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45:84-90. Tsai, W.-T., Mason, L. J., and Woloshuk, C. P. 2007. Effect of three stored-grain fungi on the development of Typhaea stercorea. Journal of Stored Products Research 43:129-133. Vermerris, W., Saballos, A., Ejeta, G., Mosier, N.S., Ladisch, M.R., and N. C. Carpita. 2007 Molecular breeding to enhance ethanol production from corn and sorghum stover. Crop Science 47:S142-S153.

92 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Ware, S. B., E. C.P. Verstappen, J. Breeden, J. R. Cavaletto, S. B. Goodwin, C. Waalwijk, P. W. Crous, and G. H. J. Kema. 2007. Discovery of a functional Mycosphaerella teleomorph in the presumed asexual barley pathogen Septoria passerinii. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44:389-397. Weber, J. and K. D. Gibson. 2007. Exotic plant species in old-growth forest in Indiana. Weed Science 55:299-304. Xu, J. -R., Zhao, X., and Dean, R. A. 2007. From genes to genomes; a new paradigm for studying fungal pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Advances in Genetics (Fungal Genomics) 57:175-218. Zanis, M. J. 2007. Grass spikelet genetics and duplicate gene comparisons. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168:93-110. Zhao, X., and Xu, J.-R. 2007. A highly-conserved MAPK-docking site in Mst7 is essential for Pmk1 activation in Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular Microbiology 63:881–894. Zhao, X., Mehrabi, R., and Xu, J.-R. 2007. MAP kinase pathways and fungal pathogenesis. Eukaryotic Cell. 10:1701-1714. Department of Entomology Books / Book Chapters Benavides, P., J.J. Stuart, F.E. Vega, J. Romero-Severson, and A.E. Bustillo, Biogeografía y aspectos genéticos de la broca del café Hypothenemus hampei, in ANAIS - Maejo da Broca-Do-Café Workshop Internacional, Á. Néri, Editor. 2007. Bennett, G.W., Book Preface - Perspective in urban insect pest management in Malaysia, by C.Y. Lee. 2007. Hunt, G.J., D. Schlipalius, and P.R. Ebert, The Honeybee, in Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, Insects. 2007, Springer: New York. Oseto, C.Y. Laboratory Manual in General Entomology. 2007, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 102. Oseto, C.Y. Insect Activity Manual. 2007. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 360. Pittendrigh, B., J.E. Huesing, L. Sun, V. Margam, and P. Gaffney. Negative Cross Resistance: Past present and potential for the future. In: Insect Restistance Management, D. Onstad, Editor. 2007. Pittendrigh, B.R., V. Margam, L. Sun, and J.E. Huesing, Restistance in the post-genomics era. In: Insect Resistance Management, D. Onstad, Editor. 2007. Stuart, J.J., M.O. Harris, and M.S. Chen, Hessian fly, in Genome Mapping in Animals, C. Kole and W. Hunter, Editors. 2007. Ulman, A.J., J.J. Stuart, and C.A. Hill, Tick genomics and mapping. In: Genome Mapping in Animals, C. Kole and W. Hunter, Editors. 2007. Yaninek, J.S., Classical biological control of the green mite in Africa: overcoming challenges to implementation, in Biological Control: A Global Perspective, C. Vincent, M. Goettel, and G. Lazarovits, Editors. 2007, CAB International Publisher: UK. p. 28-37. Refereed Journal Publications Brady, V.J., J.J.H. Ciborowski, L.B. Johnson, N.P. Danz, J.D. Holland, D.H. Breneman, and J.P. Gathman. 2007. Optimizing fishing time: one vs. two-night fyke net sets in Great Lakes coastal systems. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(3): 236-244. Buczkowski, G. and G.W. Bennett. 2007., Protein marking reveals predation on termites by the woodland ant, Aphaenogaster rudis. Insectes Sociaux 54: 219-224. Buczkowski, G., C. Wang, and G. Bennett. 2007. Immunomarking reveals food flow and feeding relationships in the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Environmental Entomology 36(1): 173-182. Buczkowski, G., G.W. Bennett, and C.W. Scherer. 2007., Successful invaders. Pest Control Technology 37(6): 78, 80, 82, 84.

93 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Butler, C.D. and R.J. O’Neil. 2007., Life history characteristics of Orius insidiosus (Say) fed Aphis glycines Matsumura. Biological Control 40: 333-338. Butler, C.D. and R.J. O'Neil. 2007., Life history characteristics of Orius insidiosus (Say) fed diets of soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura and soybean thrips, Neohydatothrips variabilis (Beach). Biological Control : Theory and Application in Pest Management 40(3): 339-346. Creech, J.E., A. Westphal, V.R. Ferris, J. Faghihi, T.J. Vyn, J.B. Santini, and W.O. Johnson. 2007., Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds. Weed Science 56: 103-111. Creech, J.E., J. Faghihi, V.R. Ferris, A. Westphal, and W.G. Johnson. 2007. Influence of intraspecific henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) competition on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) reproduction. Weed Science 55: 665-670. Creech, J.E., J.S. Webb, B.G. Young, J.P. Bond, S.K. Harrison, V.R. Ferris, J. Faghihi, A. Westphal, and W.G. Johnson. 2007. Development of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) on henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum). Weed Technology 21: 1064-1070. DeWalt, R.E., L.M. Jacobus, and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera from southwestern drainages in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, with additional Ephemeroptera records. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109(1): 136-154. Faghihi, J., R. Vierling, and V.R. Ferris. 2007. Effect of selected fungicides on development of soybean cyst nematode. Nematropica 37(2): 259-265. Faghihi, J., S.P. Conley, and V.R. Ferris. 2007. Field reaction of selected resistant soybean germplasm toward SDS. Journal of Nematology 39(1): 76. Geraci, N.S., J.S. Johnston, J.P. Robinson, S.K. Wikel, and C.A. Hill. 2007. Variation in genome size of ixodid and argasid ticks. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37: 399-408. Gibb, T.J. and C.M.F. Pierce. 2007. A synopsis of insect activity in Indiana during 2005. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 116(1): 42-49. Ginzel, M.D., J.C. Bearfield, K. C.I, C.C. McCormack, G.J. Blomquist, and C. Tittiger. 2007. Antennally-mediated negative feedback regulation of pheromone production in the pine engravaer, Ips pini. Naturwissenschaften 94: 61-64. Giovanini, M.P., K.D. Saltzmann, D.P. Puthoff, M. Gonzalo, H.W. Ohm, and C.E. Williams. 2007. A novel wheat gene encoding a putative chitin-binding lectin is associated with resistance against Hessian fly. Molecular Plant Pathology 8(1): 69-82. Hamilton, R.M., R.E. Foster, T.J. Gibb, C.S. Sadof, J.D. Holland, and B.A. Engel. 2007. Distribution and dynamics of Japanese beetles along the Indianapolis Airport perimeter and the influence of land use on trap catch. Environmental Entomology 36(2): 287-296. Holland, J.D. 2007. Sensitivity of Cerambycid biodiversity indicators to definition of high diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 2599-2609. Hong-Mei, L., G. Buczkowski, O. Mittapalli, J. Xie, J. Wu, R. Westerman, B. Schemerhorn, L. Murdock, and B.R. Pittendrigh. 2007. Transcriptomic profile of Drosophila melanogaster third-instar larval midgut. Insect Molecular Biology 17(4): 325-339. Hunt, G. 2007. Bee Culture. HAS 2007 135: 40-41. Hunt, G.J. 2007. Flight and fight: A comparative view of the neurophysiology and genetics of honey bee defensive behavior. Journal of Insect Physiology 53(5): 399-410. Hunt, G.J., G.V. Amdam, D. Schlipalius, C. Emore, N. Sardesai, C.E. Williams, O. Rueppell, E. Guzman-Novoa, M. Arechavaleta-Velasco, S. Chandra, M.K. Fondrk, M. Beye, and R.E. Page, Jr. 2007. Behavioral genomics of honeybee foraging and nest defense. Naturwissenschaften 94(4): 247-267.

94 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Igrc Barčić, J., R. Bažok, C.R. Edwards, and T. Kos. 2007. Western corn rootworm adult movement and possible egg laying in fields bordering maize. Journal of Applied Entomology131(6): 400-405. Jacobus, L.M. and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. Reinstatement of Serratella serratoides (McDunnough) and status of Ephemerella molita McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 730-732. Krupke, C., R. Prasad, and C. Anelli. 2007. A noisy response to a silent spring: Entomology’s response to Rachel Carson. American Entomologist 53: 16-25. Kuruganti, S., V. Lam, X.G. Zhou, G. Bennett, B.R. Pittendrigh, and R. Ganguly. 2007. High expression of Cyp6g1, a cytochrome P450 gene, does not necessarily confer DDT resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Gene 388(1/2): 43-53. Lawson, D., P. Atkinson, M. Hammond, R. Bruggner, R. MacCallum, S. Redmond, K. Megy, N. Besansky, E. Dialynas, C. Hill, K. Campbell, D. Emmert, S. Russo, G. Christophides, E. Birney, W. Gelbart, C. Louis, F. Kafatos, D. Severson, and F. Collins. 2007. VectorBase: A home for invertebrate vectors of human pathogens. Nucleic Acids Research 35: D503- D505. Li, S., L. Sun, C.Y. Oseto, and V.R. Ferris. 2007. Phylogenetic analyses and a method for rapid molecular diagnosis of two sunflower seed (Coleoptera: : Smicronyx). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100: 649-654. Liu, X., J. Bai, L. Zhu, L. Huang, L. Liu, X. Liu, N. Weng, J.C. Reese, M. Harris, J.J. Stuart, and M.S. Chen. 2007. Gene expression of different wheat genotypes during attack by virulent and avirulent Hessian Fly (Mayetiola destructor) Larvae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 2171-2194. Lugo-Oritz, C.R. and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. Kivuiops: a new name for a generic homonym of Afrotropical Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 739. McCafferty, W.P. and M.D. Meyer. 2007. An extreme range extension and disjunction for the Ephemeroptera family Potamanthidae in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 738-739. McCafferty, W.P. and M.D. Meyer. 2007. Confirmation data for three species of mayflies in the state of Washington (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerelllidae, Ephemeridae, Heptageniidae). Entomological News 118: 523-524. McCafferty, W.P. and M.D. Meyer. 2007. Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Transcontinental range extensions in western North America. Check List 3(1): 51-54. McCafferty, W.P. and R.L. Newell. 2007. Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Range extensions and new state records from far western Montana, USA. Check List 3(3): 260-266. McCafferty, W.P. 2007. Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A. Check List 3(1): 4-8. McCafferty, W.P. 2007. Moribaetis mimbresaurus, new species: first representative of the genus north of Mexico (Ephemeroptera:Baetidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 696-699. McCafferty, W.P. 2007. Orthography and distribution of Paraleptophelia packii (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) in western North America. Entomological News 118: 311-312. McCafferty, W.P. 2007. Revalidation of Fallceon sonora (Allen and Murvosh), n. comb. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109(1): 259-260. McCafferty, W.P. 2007. Two new species synonyms in North America Baetis Leach (Ephemeroptera:Baetidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 736-737. Meyer, M.D. and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the far western United States. Part I: Washington. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 133: p. 21-63.

95 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Meyer, M.D. and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the far western United States. Part II: Oregon. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 133: 65-114. Mittapalli, O., J.J. Neal, and R.H. Shukle. 2007. Antioxidant defense response in a galling insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(6): 1889-1894. Mittapalli, O., J.J. Neal, and R.H. Shukle. 2007. Tissue and life stage specificity of glutathione S-transferase expression in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor: Implications for resistance to host allelochemicals. Journal of Insect Science 7. Mittapalli, O., N. Sardesai, and R.H. Shukle. 2007. cDNA cloning and transcriptional expression of a peritrophin-like gene in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor [Say]. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 64(1): 19-29. Moraes, G.J.d., I.D. Zannou, E.A. Ueckermann, A.R. Oliveira, J.S. Yaninek, and R. Hanna. 2007. Amblyseiini of the subtribes Arrenoseiina and Proprioseiopsina and Typhlodromipsini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa. Zootaxa 1448: 1-39. Nene, V.M., J. Wortman, D. Lawson, B. Haas, C. Kodira, Z. Tu, B. Loftus, Z. Xi, K. Megy, M. Gebherr, Y. Zdobnov, N.F. Lobo, K. Campbell, S. Brown, M. Bonalso, J. Zhu, S. Sinkes, D. Hogenkamp, P. Amedo, P. Arensburger, P. Atkinson, S. Bidwell, J. Biedler, E. Birney, R. Bruggner, J. Costas, M. Coy, J. Crabtree, M. Crawford, B. deBruyn, D. deCaprio, K. Eiglmeier, E. Eisenstadt, H. El-Dorry, W. Gelbart, S. Gomes, M. Hammond, L. Hannick, J. Hogan, M. Holmes, D. Jaffe, R. Kennedy, H. Koo, S. Kravitz, E. Kriventseva, D. Kulp, K. LaButti, E. Lee, S. Li, D. Lovin, C. Mao, E. Mauceli, C. Menck, J. Miller, P. Montgommery, A. Mori, A. Nascimento, H. Naviera, C. Nusbaum, S. O'Leary, J. Orvis, M. Pertea, H. Quesneville, K. Reidenbach, Y.-H. Rogers, C. Roth, J. Schneider, M. Schatz, M. Shumway, M. Stanke, E. Stinson, J. Tubio, J.P. Van Zee, S. Verjovski-Almeida, D. Werner, O. White, S. Wyder, Q. Zeng, Q. Zhao, C.A. Hill, A. Raikhel, M. Soares, D. Knudson, N. Lee, S. Salzberg, I. Paulsenn, G. Dimopoulos, F. Collins, B. Birren, C. Fraser-Ligget, and D. Severson. 2007. Genome sequence of Aedes aegypti, a major arbovirus vector. Science 316: 1718-1723. Parker, C.R., O.S. Flint, L.M. Jacobus, B.C. Kondratieff, W.P. McCafferty, and J.C. Morse. 2007. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Megaloptera, and Trichoptera of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist, Special Issue 1: 159-174. Patel, A., M.K. Fondrk, O. Kaftanoglu, C. Emore, G. Hunt, K. Frederick, and G.V. Amdam. 2007. The making of a queen: TOR pathway is a key player in diphenic caste development. PLOS One 2:e509. Ragsdale, D.W., B.P. McCornack, R. Venette, B.D. Potter, I.V. MacRae, E.W. Hodgson, M.E. O’Neil, K.D. Johnson, R.J. O’Neil, C.D. Difonzo, T.E. Hunt, P. Glogoza, and E.M. Cullen. 2007. Economic threshold for Soybean aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Economic Entomology 100(4): 1258-1267. Shukle, R.H., M. Yoshiyama, P.K. Morton, and B.J. Schemerhorn. 2007. Tissue and developmental expression of a gene from Hessian fly encoding an ABC-active-transporter protein during interacations in wheat: Implications for Malpighian tubule function during interaction with wheat. Journal of Insect Physiology 54: 146-154. Tarver, M.R., R.E. Shade, R.H. Shukle, W.J. Moar, W.M. Muir, L.M. Murdock, and B.R. Pittendrigh. 2007. Pyramiding of insecticidal compounds for control of the cowpea bruchid (Callosobruchus maculatus F.). Pest Management Science 63(5): 440-446. Tsai, W.T., L.J. Mason, and C.P. Woloshuk. 2007. Effect of three stored-grain fungi on the development of Typhaea stercorea. Journal of Stored Products Research 43(2): 129-133. Ueckermann, E.A., I.D. Zannou, G.J.D. Moraes, A.R. Oliveira, R. Hanna, and J.S. Yaninek. 2007. Phytoseiid mites of the subtribe Phytoseiinae (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub- Saharan Africa. Zootaxa 1658: 1-20. Van Zee, J.P., N.S. Geraci, F.D. Guerrero, S.K. Wikel, J.J. Stuart, V.M. Nene, and C.A. Hill. 2007. Looking to the future of tick genomics: Insights from the Ixodes genome project. International Journal of Parasitology 37(12):1297-1305.

96 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Vitullo, J.M. and C.S. Sadof. 2007. Effects of pesticide applications and cultural control on efficacy of control for adult Japanese Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on Roses. Journal of Economic Entomology 100:95-102. Vitullo, J.M. and C.S. Sadof. 2007. Efficacy of Soil and foliar-applied azadirachtin in combination with and in comparison to soil-applied imidacloprid and foliar-applied carbaryl against Japanese Beetles on roses. HortTechnology 17:316-321. Wang, C., G.W. Bennett, and C. Scherer. 2007. Maximizing cockroach control with baits. Pest Control Technology 35(7):126, 128. Wang, C.L., X. Zhou, S.J. Li, M. Schwinghammer, and G.W. Bennett. 2007. Survey and identification of termites in Indiana. Annals of the Entomological Society of America Webb, J.M. and W.P. McCafferty. 2007. A new genus and species of Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) from Borneo, with revisions to the classification of Ecdyonurinae. Zootaxa 1478:41-48. Webb, J.M., L. Sun, W.P. McCafferty, and V.R. Ferris. 2007. A new species and new synonym in Heptagenia Walsh (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae: Heptageniinae) based on molecular and morphological evidence. Journal of Insect Science 7(63):1-16. Wyckhuys, K.A.G. and R.J. O’Neil. 2007. Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers' pest management decision making in rural Honduras. Agriculture and Human Values 24(3):307-321. Wyckhuys, K.A.G. and R.J. O'Neil. 2007. Role of opinion leadership, social connectedness and information sources in the diffusion of IPM in Honduran subsistence maize. International Journal of Pest Management 53(1): 33-44. Zannou, I.D., G.J. De Moraes, E. Uekermann, A.R. Oliveira, J.S. Yaninek, and R. Hanna. 2007. Phytoseiid mites of the subtribe Amblyseiina (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Amblyseiini) from sub-Saharan Africa. Zootaxa 1550: 1-47. Zhou, X., J.A. Smith, P.G. Koehler, F.M. Oi, G.W. Bennett, and M.E. Scharf. 2007. A system of collaborative cellulose digestion in the lower termite Reticulitermes flavipes. Gene 395: 29-39. Department of Food Science Books / Book Chapters BeMiller, J.N. 2007. Carbohydrate Chemistry for Food Scientists, AACC International Press, St.Paul, MN, 389 pp. BeMiller, J.N. 2007. Carbohydrates. In: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Concise, 5th Ed. John Wiley, New York pp. 332-336. Bibek, R. and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. Fundamental Food Microbiology, 4th Edition. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis group). Boca Raton, FL Daniel, J., Y. Yao and C. Weaver. 2007. Chapter Carbohydrates: Functional Properties of Food Chemistry: Principles and Application. Second Edition by Science Technology System. Geng, T. and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. Optical biosensors in foodborne pathogen detection. In Smart Biosensor Technology. Editors: G.K. Knopf and A.S. Bassi. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group. Boca Raton, FL pp. 505-519. Hamaker, B.R., Zhang, G., and Venkatachalam, M. 2007. Modified carbohydrates for lower glycemic index. In Novel Food Ingredients for Weight Control. Ed. C.J.K. Henry, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, pp. 198-217. Morgan, M.T. and T.A. Haley. 2007. Design of Food Process Controls. In. Food Machinery Handbook. William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY pp. 50. Wang, H.Y., P. P. Banada, A.K. Bhunia, and C. Lu. 2007. Rapid electrical lysis of bacterial cells in a microfluidic device. In Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 385: Microchip-Based Assay Systems: Methods and Application. Editor: P. N. Floriano, Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ. Pp 23-35 Yao, Y. 2007. Chapter Biosynthesis of Starch of Comprehensive Glycoscience by Elsevier.

97 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Zhang, G., Venkatachalam, M., and Hamaker, B.R. 2007. Methods to slow starch digestion rate in functional cereal products, in Technology of Functional Cereal Products, ed. B.R. Hamaker, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, pp. 518-537 Refereed Journal Publications Allison, B.C., BM. Applegate, and J.P. Youngblood. 2007. Hemocompatibility of hydrophilic antimicrobial copolymers of alkylated 4-vinylpyridine. Biomacromolecules 8(10):2995- 2999. Ao, Z., R. Quezada-Calvillo, L. Sim, B.L. Nichols, D.R. Rose, E.E. Sterchi and B.R. Hamaker. 2007. Evidence of native starch degradation with human small intestinal maltase- glucoamylase (recombinant). FEBS Letters 581:2381-2388. Ao, Z., S. Simsek, G. Zhang, M.Venkatachalam, B. Reuhs and B.R. Hamaker. 2007. Starch with slow digestion property produced by altering branch density, chain length and crystalline structure. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55:4540 – 4547. Bae, E., P.P. Banada, K. Huff, A.K. Bhunia, J.P. Robinson and E.D. Hirleman. 2007. Bio- physical modeling of forward scattering from bacterial colonies using scalar diffraction theory. Applied Optics 46:3639-3648. Banada, P.P., S. Guo, B. Bayraktar, E. Bae, B. Rajwa, J. Paul Robinson, E.D. Hirleman and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. Optical forward scattering for detection of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22:1664-1671. Banerjee, P., M.T. Morgan, J.L. Rickus, K. Ragheb, C. Corvalan, J.P. Robinson and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. Hybridoma Ped-2E9 cells cultured under modified conditions can sensitively detect Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 73:1423-1434. Benmoussa, M., K.A.K. Moldenhauer and B.R. Hamaker. 2007. Rice amylopectin fine structure variability affects starch digestion properties. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55:1475-1479. Bhunia, A.K., P.P. Banada, P. Banerjee, A. Valadez and E.D. Hirleman. 2007. Light scattering, fiber optic and cell-based sensor for sensitive detection of foodborne pathogens. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 15:121-145. Burgula, Y., D. Khali, S. Kim, M.A. Cousin, J.P. Gore, B.L. Reuhs and L.J. Mauer. 2007. Review of Mid-IR Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy applications for bacterial detection. Journal of Rapid Methods & Automation in Microbiology 15:146-175. Chen, G.B., O.H. Campanella and C.M. Corvalan. 2007. A numerical algorithm for calculating microbial survival curves during thermal processing. Food Research International 40(1):203-208. Ferruzzi, M.G. and J. Blakeslee. 2007. Chlorophyll bioavailability and physiological relevance as dietary phytochemicals: A review. Nutrition Research 27:1-12. Granizo, D.P., B.L. Reuhs, R. Stroshine and L.J. Mauer. 2007. Evaluating the solubility of powdered food ingredients using dynamic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology (LWT) Food Science and Technology 40 (1):36-42. Han, J.-A. and J.N. BeMiller. 2007. Preparation and physical properties of slowly digesting modified food starches. Carbohydrate Polymers 67:366-374. Ho, C., B. Applegate and M.K. Banks. 2007. Impact of microbial/plant interactions on the transformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rhizosphere of Festuca Arundinacea. International Journal of Phytoremediation 9(2):107-114. Horia, E. and B.A. Watkins. 2007. Complementary actions of docosahexaenoic acid and genistein on COX-2, PGE2 and invasiveness in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 28(14):809-815. Jedlicka, S.S., K.M. Little, D.E. Nivens and J.L. Rickus. 2007. Peptide ormosils as cellular substrates. Journal of Material Chemistry 16:3221-3230. Jedlicka, S.S., K.M. Little, D.E. Nivens, D. Zemlyanov and J.L. Rickus. 2007. Peptide ormosils as cellular substrates. Journal of Material Chemistry 17:5058-5067.

98 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Kean, E.G., G. Ejeta, B. Hamaker and M.G. Ferruzzi. 2007. Characterization of carotenoid pigments in mature and developing kernels of select yellow endosperm sorghum varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55(7):2619-2626. Kim, H., M.D. Kane, S. Kim, W. Dominguez, B.M. Applegate and S.A. Savikhin. 2007. Molecular beacon DNA microarray system for rapid detection of E. coli O157:H7 that eliminates false signal risk. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22(6):1041-1047. Kim, K.-H., Y. Gao, K. Walder, G.R. Collier, J. Skelton and A.H. Kissebah. 2007. SEPS1 protects RAW264.7 cells from pharmacological ER stress agent-induced apoptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 354:127-132. Kim, K.P., B.K. Hahm and A.K. Bhunia. 2007. The 2-cys peroxiredoxin deficient Listeria monocytogenes displays impaired growth and survival in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in vitro but not in mouse organs. Current Microbiology 54:382-387. Krichevsky, A., M.J. Smith, L.J. Whitman, M.B. Johnson, T.W. Clinton, L.L. Perry, B.M. Applegate, K. O’Connor, and L.N. Csonka. 2007. Trapping motile magnetotactic bacteria with a magnetic recording head. Journal of Applied Physics 101(1):014701-014701-6 Machado, C.M., L. Lamothe, B. Ismail, and S.S. Nielsen. 2007. Development of bean-corn tortillas. Cereal Foods World 52:263-268. Mejia, C.D., L.J. Mauer and B.R. Hamaker. 2007. Similarities and differences in secondary structure of viscoelastic polymers of maize α-zein and wheat gluten. Journal of Cereal Science 45:353-359. Nirupama A.V., K. Mathias, B. Ismail, K.D. Hayes and C.M. Corvalan. 2007. Kinetic modeling of malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin conversions under alkaline conditions and elevated temperatures. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55(9):3408-3413. Nyannor, E.K.D., S.A. Adedokun, B.R. Hamaker, G. Ejeta and O. Adeola. 2007 Nutritional evaluation of high-digestible sorghum for pigs and broiler chicks. Journal and Animal Science 85:196-203. Perry, L., P. Heard, M. Kane, H. Kim, S. Savikhin, W. Dominguez and B.M. Applegate. 2007. Application of multiplex PCR to the detection of pathogens in food. Journal of Rapid Methods 15(2):176-198. Prado, B., B. Ismail, O. Ramos and K.D. Hayes. 2007. Thermal stability of plasminogen activators and consequent impact on plasminogen activation. International Dairy Journal 17(9):1028-1033. Quezada-Calvillo, R., C.C. Robayo-Torres, A.R. Opekun, P. Sen, Z. Ao, B.R. Hamaker, A. Quaroni, G.D. Brayer, S. Wattler, M.C. Nehls, E.E. Sterchi and B.L. Nichols. 2007. Contributions of mucosal maltase-glucoamylase activities to mouse small intestinal starch –glucogenesis. Journal of Nutrition 137:1725-1733. Quezada-Calvillo, R., C.C. Robayo-Torres, Z. Ao, B.R. Hamaker, A. Quaroni, G.D. Brayer, E.E. Sterchi, S.S. Bakerand B.L. Nichols. 2007. Lumenal substrate brake on mucosal maltase-glucoamylase activity regulates total rate of starch digestion to glucose. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 45:32-43. Rose, D.J., M.T. Demeo, A. Kesavarzian, and B.R. Hamaker. 2007. Influence of dietary fiber on inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer, and the importance of its fermentation pattern. Nutrition Reviews 65:51-62. Rudelle, S., M.G. Ferruzzi, I. Cristiani, I. Moulin, C. Mace, K. Acheson and L. Tappy. 2007. Effect of beverage containing green tea catechins, caffeine and calcium on 24-hr energy metabolism in humans. Obesity Research 15:349-355. Schultze, K.K., R.H. Linton, M.A. Cousin, J.B. Luchanksy and M.L. Tamplin. 2007. Effect of pre-inoculation growth media and fat levels on thermal inactivation of a serotype 4b strain of Listeria monocytogenes in frankfurter slurries. Food Microbiology 24:352-361. Sellenet, P.H., B. Allison, B.M. Applegate, and J.P. Youngblood. 2007. Synergistic activity of hydrophilic modification in antibiotic polymers. Biomacromolecules 8(1):19-23.

99 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Shen, C.L., J.K. Yeh, J. Rasty, Y. Li and B.A. Watkins. 2007. Improvement of bone quality in gonad-intact middle-aged male rats by long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Calcified Tissue International 80:286-293. Stapley, J.A. and J.N. BeMiller. 2007. The Hofer-Moest decarboxylation of D-glucuronic acid and D-glucuronosides. Carbohydrate Research 342:610-613. Stapley, J.A., and J.N. BeMiller. 2007. The Ruff degradation: a review of previously proposed mechanisms with evidence that the reaction proceeds by a Hofer-Moest-type reaction. Carbohydrate Research 342:407-418. Tong, Z, M. Bischoff, L. Nies, B. Applegate, and R.F. Turco. 2007. Impact of Fullerene (C60) on a soil microbial community. Environmental Science & Technology 41(8):2985-2991. Wang, L., K. Hayes and L.J. Mauer. 2007. Effects of heat and β-lactoglobulin on distribution of fluorescently labeled tissue and urokinase type plasminogen activators in a bovine milk model system. International Dairy Journal 17(5):448-458. Watkins, B., K. Hannon, M. Ferruzzi and Y. Li. 2007. Dietary PUFA and flavonoids as deterrents for environmental pollutants. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 18:196-205. Department of Forestry & Natural Resources Books / Book Chapters Bickham, J. W., and L. A. Ruedas. 2007. Genus Rhogeessa H. Allen, 1866. pp. 481-484. In: Mammals of South America. Volume 1, Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews and Bats (A. L. Gardner, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Charles, H., Dukes, J.S. 2007. Impacts of invasive species on ecosystem services. pp. 217- 237 In: Biological Invasions, W. Nentwig, ed. Springer, Berlin. Denslow ND, and MS Sepúlveda. 2007. Chapter 10. pp. 251 – 318. Ecotoxicological Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds on Fish Reproduction. In: The Fish Oocyte: From Basic Studies to Biotechnological Applications, P. J. Babin, J. Cerda, E. Lubzens (eds.). Springer Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Duchamp, J. E., E. B. Arnett, M. A. Larson, and R. K. Swihart. 2007. Ecological considerations for landscape-level management of bats. In: M. J. Lacki, J. P. Hayes, and A. Kurta (editors), Conservation and management of bats in forests. Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 237-261. Dukes, J.S., Shaw, M.R. 2007. Responses to changing atmosphere and climate. pp. 218- 229. In: Ecology and Management of California Grasslands, Stromberg, M., Corbin, J., and D'Antonio, C., eds. University of California Press, Berkeley. Dunning, J. B. 2007. Handbook of avian body weights. CRC Press, Orlando, FL. 668 pages. Second edition, completely revised and expanded. Norby, R.J., Rustad, L.E., Dukes, J.S., Ojima, D.S., Parton, W.J., Del Grosso, S.J., McMurtrie, R.E., Pepper, D.A. 2007. Ecosystem responses to warming and interacting global change factors. pp. 45-58. In: Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World, J. Canadell, D. Pataki, L. Pitelka, eds. Springer, New York. Article in pdf. Vila, M., Corbin, J.D., Dukes, J.S., Pino, J., Smith, S.D. 2007. Linking plant invasions to global environmental change. pp. 93-102. In: Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World, J. Canadell, D. Pataki, L. Pitelka, eds. Springer, New York. Refereed Journal Publications Alexandridis, K., B. Pijanowski and Z. Lei. 2007. Simulating sequential decision making processes of base action actions in a Multi Agent Based Economic Landscape Model. 2007. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (34) 223-244. Anderson, S.J., J.A. Fike, G. Dharmarajan and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Characterization of 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci for eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:513-515. Apostol, K.G., Jacobs, D.F., Wilson, B.C., Salifu, K.F., and Dumroese, R.K. 2007. Growth, gas exchange and root respiration of Quercus rubra seedlings exposed to low root zone temperatures. Forest Ecology and Management 253:89-96.

100 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Barr, K.R., G. Dharmarajan, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., R.L. Lance and P.L. Leberg. 2007. Novel microsatellite loci of study of the black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapillus). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:1067-1069. Beasley, J.C., and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Effect of tooth removal on recapture of raccoons. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:266-270. Beasley, J.C., T.L. DeVault and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Home range attributes of raccoons in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:844-850. Beasley, J.C., T.L. DeVault, M.I. Retamosa and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. A hierarchical analysis of habitat selection by raccoons in northern Indiana. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1125-1133. Beheler, A.S., J.A. Fike and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Eight new polymorphic microsatellite loci from the eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe). Conservation Genetics 8:1259-1261. Bos D.H., Turner S.M. & DeWoody J.A. 2007 Haplotype inference from diploid sequence data: Evaluating the performance of Bayesian methods using non-neutral MHC sequences. Hereditas 144:228-234. Busch J.D., Waser P.M. & DeWoody J.A. 2007 Recent demographic bottlenecks are not accompanied by a genetic signature in two populations of banner-tailed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis). Molecular Ecology 16:2450-2462. Chapple, C., Ladisch, M., and Meilan, R. 2007. Loosening lignin’s grip on biofuel production. Nature Biotechnology 25(7):746-8. Custer, T. W., P.M. Dummer, C. M. Custer, D. Warburton, M. J. Melancon, D. J. Hoffman, C. W. Matson, and J.W. Bickham. 2007. Effects of water level management on contaminant exposure to tree swallows nesting on the Upper Mississippi River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 13:335-345. Davis, A.S., Jacobs, D.F., Wightman, K.E. 2007. Organic matter amendment of fallow forest seedling tree nursery soils influences soil properties and biomass of a sorghum cover crop. Tree Planters’ Notes 52:4-8. DeVault, T.L., J.C. Beasley, L.A. Humberg, B.J. MacGowan, M.I. Retamosa and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Intrafield patterns of wildlife damage to corn and soybean in northern Indiana. Human Wildlife Conflicts 1:205-213. Diaz JI, Sepúlveda MS, and Kinsella JM. 2007. A new genus of acuarioid nematode (Acuariidae: Seuratiinae) from the petrels Pterodroma externa and P. neglecta from the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile. Journal of Parasitology 93:650-654. Doty, S.L., James, C.A., Moore, A.L., Vajzovic, A., Singleton, G.L., Ma, C., Khan, Z., Xin, G., Kang, J.W., Park, J.Y., Meilan, R., Strauss, S.H., and Strand, S.E. 2007. Phytoremediation of volatile environmental pollutants with transgenic trees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 104:16816-16821. Drauch, A.M., B.E. Fisher and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Success of lake sturgeon reintroduction programs in the Mississippi and Missouri River drainages. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:434-442. Dukes, J.S. 2007. Fresh perspectives on timeless questions: Faculty response. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:335. Dukes, J.S. 2007. Tommorow's plant communities: Different, but how? New Phytologist 176:235-237. Dumyahn, J.D., Zollner, P.A., and Gilbert, J.L. 2007. Home range level habitat selection of American marten in Wisconsin. American Midland Naturalist 158:382-394 Eckelman, C., and E. Haviarova. 2007. Load capacity and deflection characteristics of large wooden dowels loaded in double shear. Forest Products Journal 57(5):60-64. Eckelman, C., E. Haviarova, and H. Akcay. 2007. Parallel-to-grain end-load capacity of round mortises in round and rectangular timbers. Forest Products Journal 57(4):66-71. Eckelman, C., H. Akcay, and E. Haviarova. 2007. Exploratory study of truss heel joints constructed with round mortise and tenon joints. Forest Products Journal 57(9):1-5.

101 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Eckelman, E. Haviarova, and C., H. Akcay. 2007. Exploratory study of small timber trusses constructed with through-bolt and cross-pipe heel connectors. Forest Products Journal 57(3):39-47. Farnum, P., Lucier, A., and Meilan, R. 2007. Ecological and population genetics research imperatives for transgenic trees. Tree Genetics and Genomes 3(2):119-133. Fernandez-Juricic, E., P.A. Zollner, Le Blanc, C. and Westphal, L. 2007. Responses of nestling Black-crowned Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) to aquatic and terrestrial recreational activities: A manipulative study. Waterbirds 30(4):554-565. Fike, J.A., A.M. Drauch, J.C. Beasley, G. Dharmarajan, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Development of fourteen multiplexed microsatellite loci for raccoons (Procyon lotor). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:525-527. Gatlin, D.M., III, F.T. Barrows, P. Brown, K. Dabrowski, T.G. Gaylord, R.W. Hardy, E. Herman, G. Hu, A. Krogdahl, R. Nelson, K. Overturf, M. Rust, W. Sealey, D. Skonberg, E.J. Souza, D. Stone, R. Wilson and E. Wurtele. 2007. Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds: A review. Aquaculture Research 38:551-579. Ginzel, M.D., J. C. Bearfield, C. I. Keeling, C. C. McCormack, G. J. Blomquist, and C. Tittiger. 2007. Antennally-mediated negative feedback regulation of pheromone production in the pine engravaer, Ips pini. Naturwissenschaften 94:61-64. Gisip, J., Gazo, R., and H. A. Stewart. 2007. Effects of refrigerated air on tool wear. Wood and Fiber Science 39(3):443-449. Gonzales, J.G. and P.B. Brown. 2007. Nutrient retention capabilities of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed bio-regenerative life support system (BLSS) waste residue. Advances in Space Research 40:1725-1734. Gonzales, J.M., A.H. Hutson, M.E. Rosinski, P.B. Brown, Y.V. Wu and T.F. Powless. 2007. Evaluation of fish meal-free diets for first feeding Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 19:89-99. Gopurenko D., Williams R.N. & DeWoody J.A. 2007. Reproductive and mating success in the small-mouthed salamander (Ambystoma texanum) estimated via microsatellite parentage analysis. Evolutionary Biology 34:130-139. Haase, D.L., Alzugaray, P.O., Rose, R., and Jacobs, D.F. 2007. Nutrient release patterns of controlled-release fertilizers in forest soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:739-750. Hicks, J.F., J.L. Rachlow, O.E. Rhodes, C.L. Williams and L.P. Waits. 2007. Reintroduction and genetic structure: Rocky Mountain elk in Yellowstone and the western states. Journal of Mammalogy 88:129-138. Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2007. Influence of calcium, potassium, and magnesium on Cornus florida L. density and resistance to dogwood anthracnose. Plant and Soil 290:189-199. Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2007. Influence of Cornus florida L. on calcium mineralization in two southern Appalachian forest types. Forest Ecology and Management 245:110-117. Huebinger, R. M., E. E. Louis, Jr., T. Gelatt, L. D. Rea, and J. W. Bickham. 2007. Characterization of eight microsatellite loci in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:1097–1099. Jacobs, D.F. 2007. Toward development of silvical strategies for forest restoration of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) using blight-resistant hybrids. Biological Conservation 137:497-506. Jenkins, M.A. 2007. Vegetation communities of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist 6 (Special Issue 1):35-56. Jenkins, M.A., C.R. Webster, and J.R. Rock. 2007. Effects of chronic herbivory and historic land use on population structure of a forest perennial, Trillium catesbaei. Applied Vegetation Science 10:441-450.

102 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Jenkins, M.A., S. Jose, and P.S. White. 2007. Impacts of an exotic disease and vegetation change on foliar calcium cycling in Appalachian forests. Ecological Applications 17:869- 881. Johnson K.G., Muller J.K., Price B., Ware A., Sepúlveda M.S., Borgert C.J., and Gross T.S. 2007. Influence of seasonality and duration of exposure on the accumulation and reproductive effects of p,p’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene and dieldrin in largemouth bass. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:927-934. Jordan, M.J., J.M. Higley, S.M. Mathews, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., M.K. Schwartz, R.H. Barrett and P.J. Palsboll. 2007. Development of 22 new microsatellite loci for fishers (Martes pennanti). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:797-801. Jorde, P. E., T. Schweder, J. W. Bickham, G. H. Givens, R. Suydam, D. Hunter, and N. C. Stenseth. 2007. Detecting genetic structure in migrating bowhead whales off the coast of Barrow, Alaska. Molecular Ecology 16:1993-2004. Kasper, C.S., B.A. Watkins and P.B. Brown. 2007. Evaluation of two soybean meals fed to yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Aquaculture Nutrition 13:431-438. Kelly, N.E., D.W. Sparks, T.L. DeVault and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2007. Diet of black and turkey vultures in a forested landscape. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:267-270. Kodzi, E. T., Gazo, R., and R. Vlosky. 2007. Commonality of machine centers: Opportunities for product line extension. Forest Products Journal 57(5):41-49. Kodzi, E. T., Lihra, T., and R. Gazo. 2007. Process transformation mandates for manufacturing customized furniture. Journal of Forest Products Business Research 4(8):1- 16. Lee LS, Carmosini N, Sassman SA, Dion HM, and Sepúlveda MS. 2007. Agricultural contributions of antimicrobials and hormones on soil and water quality. Advances in Agronomy 93:2-69. Levengood J. M., L. Wiedenmann, T. W. Custer, D. J. Schaeffer, C. W. Matson, M. J. Melancon, D. J. Hoffman, J. W. Scott, J. L. Talbott, G. O. Bordson, J. W. Bickham, B. A. Rattner, and N. H. Golden. 2007. Contaminant exposure and biomarker response in embryos of Black-crowned Night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) nesting near Lake Calumet, Illinois. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:791-805. Markovich, M.L., N.V. Rizzuto and P.B. Brown. 2007. Diet affects spawning in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Zebrafish 4:69-74. Moore, J. E., and R. K. Swihart. 2007. Tree squirrels and hardwoods: The importance of fragmentation-tolerant species as seed dispersers in disturbed landscapes. Oecologia 151:663-674. Muller J.K., Scarabough J.E., Sepúlveda M.S., Gross T.S., Borgert C.J. 2007. Dose verification after topical treatment of Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis) eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:908-913. Oliet, J. and Jacobs, D.F. 2007. Microclimatic conditions and plant morph-physiological development within a tree shelter environment during establishment of Quercus ilex seedlings. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 144:58-72. Pijanowski, B., D. Ray, A. Kendall, J. Duckles and D. Hyndman. 2007. Using backcast land use change and groundwater travel-time models to generate land use legacy maps for watershed management. Ecology and Society 12(2):25 (online). Quesada, H., and R. Gazo. 2007. Best manufacturing practices and their linkage to top- performing companies in the US furniture industry. Benchmarking: An International Journal 14(2):211-221. Quesada, H., and R. Gazo. 2007. Distribution properties of financial ratios and performance of the furniture industry: A comparison based on critical financial factors. Journal of Forest Products Business Research 4(3):1-21. Quesada, H., and R. Gazo. 2007. Methodology for determining key internal business processes based on critical success factors: A case study in furniture industry. Business Process Management Journal. 13(1):5-20.

103 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Ramírez Coretti, Aldo, Rafael Serrano Montero, Carl A. Eckelman, Eva Haviarova. 2007. Estructuras livianas a partir de piezas menores de madera de plantación. Tecnologia en Marcha 20(3):55-68. Rauschenberger RH, Wiebe JJ, Sepúlveda MS, Scarabough JE, Gross TS. 2007. Parental exposure to pesticides and poor clutch viability in American alligators. Environmental Science & Technology 41:5559-5563. Rowe, H. I., C. S. Brown, and V. P. Claassen. 2007. Comparisons of mycorrhizal responsiveness with field soil and commercial inoculum for six native montane species and Bromus tectorum. Restoration Ecology 15:44-52. Rudnick J.A., Katzner T.E., Bragin E.A. & DeWoody J.A. 2007. Species identification of birds through genetic analysis of naturally shed feathers. Molecular Ecology Notes 7:757-762. Scheiman, D. M., J. B. Dunning, and K. With. 2007. Metapopulation dynamics of bobolinks occupying agricultural grasslands in the Midwestern United States. American Midland Naturalist 158:415-423. Shao, G. and B.W. Duncan. 2007. Effects of band combinations and GIS masking on fire- scar mapping at local scales in East-Central Florida, USA. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (4):250-259. Tankut, Ali N., Nurgul Tankut, and C.A. Eckelman. 2007. Design and testing of wall cabinet frames constructed with round mortise and tenon joints. Forest Products Journal 57(3):18-22. Theoharides, K.A., Dukes, J.S. 2007. Plant invasion across space and time: Factors affecting nonindigenous species success during four stages of invasion. New Phytologist 176:256- 273. Thomas, M.A., Engel, B.A., Arabi, M., Farnsworth, R.L., and Frankenberger, J. 2007. Evaluation of nutrient management plans using an integrated modeling approach. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(6):747-755. Triant D.A. & DeWoody J.A. 2007. Extensive numt transfer in a rapidly evolving rodent has been mediated by independent insertion events and by duplications. Gene 401:61-70. Triant D.A. & DeWoody J.A. 2007. The occurrence, detection, and avoidance of mitochondrial DNA translocations in mammalian systematics and phylogeography. Journal of Mammalogy 88:908-920. Turner S.M., Faisal M. & DeWoody J.A. 2007 Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype predicts susceptibility to Renibacterium salmoninarum in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Animal Genetics 38:517-519. Wei, H., Meilan, R., Brunner, A.M., Skinner, J.S., Ma, C., Gandhi, H., and Strauss, S.H. 2007. Field trial detects incomplete barstar attenuation of vegetative cytotoxicity in Populus trees containing a poplar LEAFY promoter::barnase sterility transgene. Molecular Breeding 19(1):69-85. Williams, B.W., Gilbert, J.H., and Zollner, P.A. 2007. Historical perspective on the reintroduction of the fisher and American marten in Michigan and Wisconsin. Gen. Tec. Rep. NC 06-150. Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 29 p. Zhang, M., Gazo, R., Cassens, D. and J. Xie. 2007. Isothermal water vapor adsorption process in kiln dried red oak. Wood and Fiber Science. 39(3):397-403.

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Books / Book Chapters Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ, Hasegawa, PM 2007 Genetic engineering for salinity stress tolerance. In: Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Vol. I. Bioengineering and Molecular Biology of Plant Pathways. WD Nex and NG Lewis, Eds. Bressan RA, Thomashaw M, Bohnert H. 2007. Plant Drought Tolerance: LAST CHANCE. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

104 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Bressan RA. 2007. PR Proteins: Their unexpected functions. IN: Advances in Botanical Research. Ed. LC Van Loon. Daunay, M.C., E. Jullian, A. Whipkey, J. Janick. 2007: Eggplant and capsicum peppers: historical texts and images. p. 13-21. In: K. Niemirowica-Szcaytt (ed.). Progress in Research on Capsicum & Eggplant. Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press, Warsaw, Poland. (13th Eucarpia meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Warsaw, 5-7th Sept. 2007). Daunay, M-C, H. Latterot, J. Janick. 2007. Iconography of the Solanaceae from antiquity to the XVIIth century: A rich source of information on genetic diversity and uses. P. 59-88. In: E.M. Spooner, L. Bohs, J. Giovannoni R.G. Olmsted, D. Shibata. (eds). Solanacea VI. Genomics meets biodiversity. Proceedings of the Sixth International Solanaceae Conference. Acta Horticulturae 745. Handa, A.K., A. Srivastava and V. Perla 2007 Hormonal control of fruit ripening. In: Genetic Improvement of Solanaceous Crops. Razdan, M.K. and Mattoo, A.K (Eds) Science Publishers Inc, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA, pp 313-342. Huang, X. and J. Janick (eds). 2007. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Loquat. Acta Horticulturae 750 386 p. Hummer, K.E. and J. Janick. 2007. Rubus iconography: Antiquity to the Renaissance. P. 89- 105. In: Global Horticulture: Diversity and Harmony. Acta Horticulturae 759. Janick, J. 2007. The origins of horticultural technology and science. P. 41-50. In: Jules Janick (ed.). Global Horticulture: Diversity and Harmony. Acta Horticulturae 759. Janick, J. 2007. Art as a source of information on horticultural technology. P. 69-88. In Global Horticulture: Diversity and Harmony. Acta Horticulturae 759. Janick, J. (ed) 2007. Proteaceous ornamental: Banksia leucadendron Leucopserumum, and protea Scripta Horticulturae Number 5, ISHS, Leuven, Belgium. Janick, J. (ed.) 2007 Global Horticulture: Diversity and Harmony. Acta Horticulturae, 759. 193 p. Janick, J. 2007. Genetic alterations associated with fruit domestication. P. 27-35. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Loquat. Acta Horticulturae 750. Janick, J. and A. Whipkey (eds). 2007. Issues in New Crops. ASHS Publications, Alexandria, Virginia. 350 p. Janick, J., A. Whipkey, M-C Daunay, E. Julian, H.S. Paris. 2007. Development of an image data base of Solanaceae. P. 507-510, In: E.M. Spooner, L. Bohs, J. Giovannoni, R.G. Olmsted, D. Shibata. (eds.), Solanacea VI: Genomics meets biodiversity. Proceedings of the Sixth International Solanaceae 745. Janick, Jules (ed.) 2007 Horticultural Reviews. Vol. 33. 430 p. Janick, Jules (ed.) 2007 Plant Breeding Reviews, Vol 28. 343 p. Janick, Jules (ed.) 2007. Plant Breeding Reviews Vol. 29. 446 p. Jenks MA, Hasegawa PM, Jain SM (eds) 2007 Advances in Molecular Breeding toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops Springer p. 817 Jenks, M.A. and Wood, A.J. (eds.) 2007. Plant Desiccation Tolerance. Blackwell Publishing, Inc. Oxford, U.K., 300 pages. Jenks, M.A., Hasegawa, P.M., and Jain, S.M. (eds). 2007. Advances in Molecular Breeding towards Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops. Springer Publishing, Inc. Dordrecht, Germany, 324 p. Kosma, D. and Jenks, M.A. 2007. Eco-physical and molecular-genetic determinants of plant cuticle function in drought and salt stress tolerance. In: Advances in Molecular-Breeding toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops. Jenks, M.A., Hasegawa, P.M., and S.J. Jain (eds). Springer Publishing, Inc. Dordrecht, Germany. 31p. Lee J, Miura K, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM, Yun D-J 2007 Regulation of plant innate immunity by SUMO E3 ligase. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2:e1-e2. Lee, J-M, G-W, J. Janick (chief editors) 2007. Horticulture in Korea. Korean Society for Horticultural Science. 391 p.

105 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Nagegowda, D.A., Dudareva, N. 2007. Plant biochemistry and biotechnology of flavor compounds and essential oils. In: Kayser O, Quax W (eds) Medicinal Plant Biotechnology. From Basic Research to Industrial Applications. Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, Weinheim, pp. 469-492. Peer, W.A., Murphy, A.S. 2007. Flavonoid signaling. In: The Science of Flavonoids, 2nd edition. Erick Grotewald Ed., Springer Verlan, New York. Sovinski, R. 2007. Brick Masonry, Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards, Leonard J. Hopper, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wood, A.J. and Jenks, M.A. 2007. Desiccation tolerance in plants: Diversity, distribution, and real world applications. In: Plant Desiccation Tolerance. Jenks, M.A. and Wood, A.J. (eds). Blackwell Publishing, Inc. Oxford, U.K. 15 pages. Refereed Journal Publications Baxter, I., Ouzzani, M., Orcun, S., Kennedy, B., Jandhyala, S.S. and Salt, D.E. 2007. Purdue Ionomics Information Management Systems (PIIMS): An integrated functional genomics platform. Plant Physiology 143:600-611. Bordelon, B.P., P.A. Skinkis, and P. Howard. 2007. Impact of training system on vine performance and fruit composition in traminette. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 59(1):39-46. Borevitz, J.L., Hazen, S.P., Michael, T.P., Morris G.P., Baxter, I.R., Hu, T.T., Chen, H., Werner, J.D., Nordborg, M., Salt, D.E., Kay, S.A., Chory, J., Weigel, DL, Jones, J.D. and Ecker, J.R. 2007. Genome-wide patterns of single-feature polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS 104:12057-12062. Botella MA, Xu Y, Prabha TN, Zhao Y, Narasimhan ML, Wilson KA, Nielsen SS, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM. 2007. Differential expression of soybean cysteine proteinase inhibitor genes during development and in response to wounding and methyl jasmonate. Plant Physiology 112:1201-1210. Callahan, D.L., Kolev, S.D., O’Hair, R.A., Salt, D.E. and Baker, A.J. 2007. Relationships of nicotianamine and other amino acids with nickel, zinc and iron in Thlaspi hyperaccumulators. New Phytologist 176:836-848. Cao, A., Jain, A., Baldwin, J. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Phosphate differentially regulates 14-3-3 family members and GRF9 plays a role in Pi-starvation induced responses. Planta 226:1219-1230. Chrost, B., Kolukisaoglu, J., Schulz, B., Krupinska, K. 2007. An α-galactosidase with an essential function during leaf development. Planta 225:311-320. Chung J-S, Zhu J-K, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM, Shi H (2008) Reactive oxygen species mediate Na+-induced SOS1 mRNA stability in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 53:554-565 Davis, V.M., K.D. Gibson, T.T. Bauman, S.C. Weller and W.G. Johnson. 2007. Influence of weed management practices and crop rotation on glyphosate-resistant Horseweed population dynamics and crop yield. Weed Science 55:508-518. Dennis, Jennifer H. and Bridget Behe. 2007. Evaluating the role of ethnicity on gardening purchases and satisfaction. Hortscience 42:262-265. Devaiah, B.N. and Raghothama K.G. 2007. Transcriptional regulation of Pi starvation responses by WRKY75. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2:424-425. Devaiah, B.N., Karthikeyan and K.G. Raghothama. 2007. WRKY75 transcription factor is a modulator of phosphate acquisition and root development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 143:1789-1801. Devaiah, B.N., Nagarajan, V. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Phosphate homeostasis and root development in Arabidopsis is synchronized by the zinc finger transcription factor ZAT6. Plant Physiology 145:147-159. Dexter R, Qualley A, Kish CM, Ma CJ, Koeduka T, Nagegowda DA, Dudareva N, Pichersky E, Clark D. 2007. Characterization of a petunia acetyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of the floral volatile isoeugenol. Plant Journal 49:265-275.

106 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Freeman, J.L. and Salt D.E. 2007. The metal tolerance profile of Thlaspi goesingense is mimicked in Arabidopsis thaliana heterologously expressing serine acetyl-transferase. BMC Plant Biology 7:63. Gershenzon J, Dudareva N. 2007. The function of terpene natural products in the natural world. Nature Chemical Biology 3:408-414. Goodwin, S.M., Edwards, C., Wood, K.V., and Jenks, M.A. 2007. Leaf cutin monomers, cuticular waxes, and blackspot resistance in rose. HortScience 42:1631-1635. Green, R.J., Murphy, A.S., Schulz, B., Watkins, BA., Ferruzi, M.G. 2007. Common tea formations modulate in vitro digestive recovery of green tea catechins. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 51:1152-1162. Guo-hua, Xu, Chague, V., Melamed-Bessudo, C., Kapulnik, Y., Jain, A., Raghothama, K.G., Levy, A.A. and Silber, A.A. 2007. Functional characterization of LePT4: a phosphate transporter in tomato with mycorrhiza-enhanced expression. Journal of Experimental Botany 58:2491-2501. Handa AK, Srivastava A, Datsenka T, Macintyre LM 2007 Translational regulation during tomato fruit development: Identification of novel genes involved in fruit ripening. Acta Horticulturae 745:437-447. Horiuchi J, Badri DV, Kimball BA, Negre F, Dudareva N, Paschke MW, Vivanco JM. 2007. The floral volatile, methyl benzoate, from snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) triggers phytotoxic effects in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 226:1-10. Inan G, Goto F, Jin JB, Rosado A, Koiwa H, Shi H, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Maggio A, Li X 2007 Isolation and characterization of shs1, a sugar-hypersensitive and ABA-insensitive mutant with multiple stress responses. Plant Molecular Biology 65:295-309 Jain, A., Poling, M.D., Karthikeyan, A.S., Blakeslee, J.J., Peer, W.A., Titapiwatanakun, B., Murphy, A.S. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Effects of sucrose and auxin on localized Pi- deficiency induced modulation of different traits of root system architecture in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 144:232-247. Jain, A., Vasconcelos, M.J., Sahi, S.V. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Molecular mechanisms of plant adaptation to phosphate deficiency. Plant Breeding Reviews Vol. 29:359-419. Janick, J. 2007. Fruits of the bibles. HortScience 42(5):1072-1076. Janick, J. 2007. Plant exploration from Queen Hatshepsut to Sir Joseph Banks. HortScience 42(2):192-196. Janick, J., H. Paris, D. Parish. 2007. The cucurbits of Mediterranean antiquity: Identification of taxa from ancient images and description. Annals of Botany 100:1441-1457. Jin JB, Jin YH, Lee Y, Miura K, Yoo CY, Kim W-Y, Van Oosten M, Hyun Y, Somers DE, Lee I, Yun D-J, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM (2008) The SUMO E3 ligase, AtSIZ1, regulates flowering by controlling a salicylic acid-mediated floral promotion pathway and through affects on FLC chromatin structure. Plant Journal 53:530-540. Kapteyn J, Qualley AV, Xie Z, Fridman E, Dudareva N, Gang DR. 2007. Evolution of cinnamate/p-coumarate carboxyl methyltransferases and their role in the biosynthesis of methylcinnamate. The Plant Cell 19:3212-3229. Karthikeyan, A.S., Varadarajan, D.K., Jain, A, Held, M.A., Carpita, N.C. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Sugar is a positive regulator of phosphate starvation responses in plants. Plants 225:907-918. Kim JI, Sharkhuu A, Jin JB, Li P, Jeong JC, Baek D, Lee SY, Blakeslee JJ, Murphy AS, Bohnert HJ, Hasegawa PM, Yun DJ, Bressan RA. 2007. Yucca6, a dominant mutation in Arabidopsis, affects auxin accumulation and auxin-related phenotypes. Plant Physiology 145(3):722-35. Kim JI, Sharkhuu A, Li P, Jeong JC, Baek D, Lee SY, Blakeslee JJ, Murphy AS, Bohnert, HJ, Hasegawa PM, Yun DJ, Bressan RA 2007 Activation of the Arabidopsis HYPERTALL1(HYT1/YUCCA6) locus affects several auxin-mediated responses. Plant Physiology 145:722-735.

107 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Kim, K.S., Park, S.H., and Jenks, M.A. 2007. Changes in leaf cuticular waxes of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) plants exposed to water deficit. Journal of Plant Physiology 164:1134-1143. Kim, K.S., Park, S.H., Kim, D.K., and Jenks, M.A. 2007. Influence of water deficit on leaf cuticular waxes of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). International Journal of Plant Science 168:307-316. Koiwa H, Paino D’Urzo M, Zhu-Salzman K, Ibeas JI, Shade RE, Murdock LL, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM 2007 An in-gel assay of a recombinant western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) cysteine proteinase expressed in yeast. Analytical Biochemistry 282:153-155. Lee J, Nam J, Park HC, Na G, Miura K, Jin JB, Yoo CY, Baek D, Kim DH, Jeong JC, Kim D, Lee SY, Salt DE, Mengiste T, Gong Q, Ma S, Bohnert HJ, Kwak S-S, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM and Yun D-J 2007 Salicylic acid-mediated innate immunity in Arabidopsis is regulated by SIZ1 SUMO E3 ligase. Plant Journal 49:79-90. Masabni, J., R. Andersen, A. Azarenko, G. Brown, J. Freer, R. Hayden, P. Hirst, B. McCluskey, R. Perry, T. Robinson and D. Wolfe. 2007. Performance of plum rootstocks with ‘Stanley’, ‘Valor’, and ‘Veeblue’ as the scion in the 1990 NC-140 Multi-state plum trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society 61:196-207. Mattoo, A.K. Chung, S-H., Goyal, R.K., Fatima, T., Srivastava, A., Solomos, T., and Handa, A.K. 2007 Over-accumulation of higher polyamines in ripening transgenic tomato fruit revives metabolic memory, upregulates anabolism-related genes, and positively impacts nutritional quality. Journal of AOAC International 30:1456-1464. Mickelbart, M.V., G.S. Bender, G.W. Witney, C. Adams, and M.L. Arpaia. 2007. Effect of clonal rootstocks on ‘Hass’ avocado yield components, alternate bearing, and nutrition. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 82:460-466. Mickelbart, M.V., S. Melser, and M.L. Arpaia. 2007. Salinity-induced changes in ion concentrations of ‘Hass’ avocado trees on three rootstocks. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30:105-122. Miura K, Jin JB, Hasegawa PM 2007 Sumoylation, a post-translational regulatory process in plants. Current Opinions in Plant Biology 10:495-502. Miura K, Jin JB, Lee J, Yoo CY, Stirm V, Miura T, Bressan RA, Yun D-J, Hasegawa PM. 2007. SIZ1-mediated sumoylation of ICE1 controls CBF3/DREB1A expression and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19:1403-1414. Muthukumar, B., Yakubov, B. and Salt, D.E. 2007. Transcriptional activation and localization of expression of Brassica juncea putative metal transport protein BjMTP1. BMC Plant Biology 7:32. Oh D-H, Gong Q, Ulanov A, Zhang Q, Li Y, Ma W, Yun D-J, Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ 2007 Sodium stress in the halophyte Thellungiella halophila and transcriptional changes in a thsos1-RNA interference line. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49:1-13. Peters, J.L., Dufner-Beattie J., Xu, W., Geiser, J., Lahner, B., Salt, D.E. and Andrews, G.K. 2007. Targeting of the mouse Slc39a2 (Zip2) gene reveals highly cell-specific patterns of expression, and unique functions in zinc, iron, and calcium homeostasis. Genesis 45:339- 352. Pichersky E, Dudareva N. 2007. Scent Engineering: Toward the goal of controlling how flowers smell. Trends in Biotechnology 25:105-110. Rojas-Pierce M, Titapiwatanakun B, Sohn EJ, Fang F, Larive CK, Blakeslee J, Cheng Y, Cutler SR, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Raikhel NV. 2007. Arabidopsis P-glycoprotein19 participates in the inhibition of gravitropism by gravacin. Chem Biol. 14(12):1366-76. Erratum in: Chemistry & Biology 2008 Jan;15(1):87. Saladie, M., Matas, A.J., Issacson, T., Jenks, M.A., Goodwin, S.M., Niklas, K.J., Ren, X., Labavitch, J.M., Shackel, K.R., Fernie, A., Lytovchenko, A., O’Neill, M.A., Watkins, C.B., and Rose, J.K.C. 2007. Re-evaluating the key factor that contribute to tomato fruit softening. Plant Physiology 144:1012-1028.

108 Faculty Publications for Calendar Year 2007

Shin R, Burch AY, Huppert KA, Tiwari SB, Murphy AS, Guilfoyle TJ, Schachtman DP. 2007. The Arabidopsis transcription factor MYB77 modulates auxin signal transduction. Plant Cell 19(8):2440-53. Simm, C., Lahner, B., Salt, D., LeFurgey, A., Ingram P., Yandell, B. and Eide D. 2007. The yeast vacuole in zinc storage and intracellular zinc distribution. Eukaryotic Cell 6:1166- 1177. Sridhar VV, Kapoor A, Zhang K, Zhu J, Zhao T, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Zhu J-K. 2007. Control of DNA methylation and heterochromatic silencing by histone H2B deubiquitination. Nature 447:735-738. Srivastava, A., S.H. Chung, T. Fatima, T. Datsenka, A.K. Handa, A.K. Mattoo 2007 Polyamines as anabolic growth regulators revealed by transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiles of tomato fruits engineered to accumulate spermidine and spermine. Plant Biotechnology 24:57-70. Srivastava, A.K., Venkatachalam, P., Raghothama, K.G. and Sahi, S.V. 2007. Identification of lead-regulated genes by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) in the heavy metal accumulator Sesbania drummondii. Planta 225:1353-1365. Teixeira, E.I., D.J. Moot, and M.V. Mickelbart. 2007. Seasonal patterns of root C and N reserves of Lucerne crops (Medicago sativa L) grown in a temperate climate were affected by defoliation regime. European Journal of Agronomy 26:10-20. Venkatachalam, P., Thulaseedharan, A., and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Identification of expression profiles of tapping panel dryness (TPD) associated genes from the latex of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. ARG). Planta 226:499-515. Volenberg, D.S., P.J. Tranel, J.F. Holt, F.W. Simmons, S.C. Weller, A. Sharkhuu, and D.E. Riechers. 2007. Assessment of two biotypes of Solanum ptycanthum that differ in resistance levels to imazamox. Weed Research 47:353-363. Zhang, T., Venkatachalam, P., Le, H., Yan, X. and Raghothama, K.G. 2007. Molecular cloning and characterization of phosphorus starvation responsive genes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Planta 227:151-165. Zhu J, Koo YD, Zhu J-K, Jenney, Jr. FE, Adams MWW, Zhu Y, Yun D-J, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA. 2007. An enhancer mutant of the Arabidopsis salt overly sensitive 3 mediates both ion homeostasis and the oxidative stress response. Molecular and Cellular Biology 27:5214-5224. Department of Youth Development & Agricultural Education Books / Book Chapters Brady, C. M. 2007. An Illustrated Guide to Animal Science Terminology. Delmar Publishing. Talbert, B. A., Vaughn, R., Croom, B., & Lee, J. S. 2007. Foundations of Agricultural Education (2nd edition). Catlin, IL: PEP Publishers, Inc. Refereed Journal Publications Ball, A. L., Knobloch, N. A., & Hoop, S. E. 2007. Instructional planning experiences of intern teachers and novice teachers of agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Education 48(2):69-78. French, B.F., Field, W.E., and Tormoehlen, R.L. 2007. Proposed performance standards for the agricultural hazardous occupations order certification training program. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 13(3):1-9. Knobloch, N. A., Ball, A. L., & Allen, C. A. 2007. The benefits of teaching and learning about agriculture in elementary and junior high schools. Journal of Agricultural Education 48(3): 25-36. Talbert, B. A., & Edwin, J. 2007. Agricultural education faculty: Are they prepared for diversity? NACTA Journal, 51(2):55-59. Wagler, S.E., Rusk, C.P., Blomeke, C.R., Richert, B.T., Latour, M.A., & Talbert, B.A. 2007. An evaluation of attitude change by participation in an elementary educational swine curriculum. NACTA Journal 51(3):38-43.

109 Sponsored Programs pp. 111-128

110 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Extension Disaster Education Network: eXtension Pioneer CoP Extension of Cooperative transformation eXtension-The Institute National Eden Homeland Security Learning Center Coordinator support County Daviess Latino Community Learning Center Latino Community LEAD - Legal Education to Arrest Deliquency Expansion LEAD Program BASE - Before and After School Experience BASE Space change movement of data and telephone lines. Space change movement Indiana AG Network OCRA 2008 Indiana MultiEthnic Conference while Decreasing Price Risk Profitabilty to Increase Farm Education: Assisting Women Marketing Commodity Nutrition Program Family Marion County Program Summer Youth Summer Intern 2008 CDA 2007-08 Non-Formal 2008 Week America Saves with Professor Popcorn Exploring MyPyramid Sake on Human Risk for the Farm's Educating Women Have a Healthy Baby a Healthy Have Journal of Extension Cooperative Venture to Develop a Joint Electronic News Service to Develop Venture Cooperative testing equipment Pathogen Influenza and Other Viral Avian Surveillance Fever Classical Swine Disease in White-tailed Deer of Chronic Wasting Dianostic Evaluation Disease Diagnostic Resources/Wildlife Indiana Department of Natural NAHLN-IN Program Fellowship Insitute Pathology Schering-Plough Research National Eden Homeland Security Institute National Eden Homeland Security Dining with Diabetes Programs in Steuben county Dining with Diabetes Programs Project LEAD 5th Grade 4-H and School Enrichment Programs Community, County Camp in Switzerland Dining with Diabetes, and Mini 4-Her's Day Professor Popcorn, EXCERPT Cooperative Agreement Cooperative EXCERPT Agreement Cooperative EXCERPT NAPIS NPDN National Database/National Network of Diagnostic Centers Boone County Learning Network Coordinator support Boone County County Leadership Rush Extension Office Equipment Ohio County $800 $500 $1,200 $1,292 $1,631 $6,114 $2,000 $2,800 $1,200 $2,500 $9,300 $5,000 $1,500 $1,000 $3,000 $7,000 $15,000 $50,000 $42,800 $13,200 $20,000 $15,700 $38,774 $10,000 $49,560 $10,500 $15,780 $46,875 $43,939 $44,700 $62,975 $50,000 $20,000 $52,633 $115,000 $200,000 $345,000 $103,025 $309,075 $487,841 $250,000 Hoelscher, Laura A Laura Hoelscher, Carrell, Anthony J Carrell, Anthony Agricultural Statistics Preston, Gregory W Ballard, Roy Cordes, Samuel M Derusha, Carmen E L Kelly Easterday, Scott P Foster, Natalie Fowler, Friend, Inger E Vickie J Hadley, Rebecca Haynes-Bordas, Kristi Henry, Agricultural Communication Service Borron, Abigail S A Cain, Steven Herbert L Thacker, Eileen M Luke, Beard, Jane A Christina E Ferroli, Furnish, Virginia E Stacy L Herr, Sigurdson, Chris W Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Center for Environmental Regulatory Information Systems Joseph F Hegarty, Cooperative Extension Service Douglas P Akers, Amos, Kristina J Jill M Andrew-Richards, 111 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Enhancing our Understanding Urban Farm Project Urban Farm Urban Gardening Support After School Enrichment Program Allen County Enrichment Program Extension 4-H After-School Allen County Learning Network Coordinator Support Clinton County support Position Learning Network Technology Clinton County Programming DCS Parent ECD Coordinator Ripley County Economic Development Corp Amendment 2 Economic Development ECD Coordinator Ripley County Life Long Learning Coordinator 15% Support Huntington County Learning Center Support Adams County in Cass County Baby a Healthy Have Organic Transistion at SWPAC Organic Transistion Project LEAD Project LEAD 2 Support of Life Long Learning Huntington County Year 2008 4-H Promotion Position Area 5 Educational Programs salary support Webber's Pregnancies Teen Healthy Education Through Parent Strengthening Families in St. Joseph County Program Baby a Healthy Have Director Support Ripley County Sciences, United States, 2010-2015 and Agircultural in the Food Opportunities for College Graduates of Employment A Report Sciences, United States, 2010-2015 and Agircultural in the Food Opportunities for College Graduates of Employment A Report Conceptualizing Climate And Change Activities For Developing Mapping the Condition of Diporeia Insights to Mechanisms Designs Have a Healthy Baby support Baby a Healthy Have 2008 Indiana Cooperative Development Center support Development 2008 Indiana Cooperative Hazards 2004-09 Detection and Control of Foodborne 4-County Learn to Service 4-County MOU with Ancilla College Across Higher Education Diversity Support for IRDC Tipton Hospital for Skid Steer Loader at SEPAC Acquire Steel Tracks for use at SEPAC System HarvestMaster Competitiveness And Innovation In Rural U.S. Regions - Developing And Analyzing Rural Clusters Of Innovation - Amendment3 Clusters Of Innovation And Analyzing Rural - Developing Regions U.S. In Rural And Innovation Competitiveness Learning Center Project - Amendment 1 NCE on The Latino Community ICDC Salary Support Farm) (for TPAC/Meigs Replacement Sprayer Orchard/Vineyard Farm) (for TPAC/Meigs Irrigation Unit Replacement Reel Water Assistance to the Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program of BP in Azerbaijan Monitoring Program Environmental Assistance to the Integrated III-CXT: Collab Res: Adv Learning and Integrative KnowledgeTransfer Aproaches to Remote Sensing and Forecast Modeling for ... Sensing and Forecast Aproaches to Remote KnowledgeTransfer Adv Learning and Integrative Collab Res: III-CXT: $413 $500 $591 $6,000 $5,967 $4,837 $4,000 $7,125 $5,435 $3,000 $2,178 $4,837 $7,600 $1,500 $5,000 $2,500 $2,750 $8,283 $5,500 $10,000 $19,920 $16,260 $14,373 $48,341 $37,467 $35,595 $10,000 $10,000 $18,300 $15,000 $15,000 $27,867 $15,000 $53,600 $41,648 $12,000 $81,000 $154,345 $194,362 $160,000 $106,621 $280,259 $1,516,306 Hockemeyer, Trisha L Trisha Hockemeyer, Hibberd, Charles A W Ronald Hoyt, R Johnson, Stacye C David Petritz, L Rickey Podell, Stefancik, Jennifer L Sutton, Edith E Michael A Talbott, Susan J Tharp, Titus, Margaret P J Penelope Troutman, Biehle, Donald J Cordes, Samuel M Allan D Goecker, J Goetz, Rebecca Hibberd, Charles A C Jay Young, Nichols, Krista M Devdutta S Niyogi, Keenan, Douglas L Keenan, Sharon M Lawson, Logue, Jennifer J B Schenck, Dave Slack, Valynnda Woodson, William R Woodson, Linton, Richard H V Morris, Pamala Manning, Michael E William R Woodson, Woolf, James E Woolf, College Of Agriculture Administration Center for the Environment Bickham, John W Crawford, Melba M Crawford, 112 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Enhancing our Understanding Improved Tandem Bicycle Transmission Offering Independent Cadence and Effort Transmission Bicycle Tandem Improved and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Snyder,Shannon,C Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective for TMDL Tool Curve Load Duration Web-based Birt, Lindsay 5 Region States in USEPA leadership for North Central quality Continuing support for regional water Amendment 1 Framework of Outcomes-Based Evaluation and Demonstration Development Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective Planning to Strengthen Watershed Video-Based Training Assessment (SWAT) Soil and Water Engineering Agricultural for DDGS in Dry Grind Ethanol Plants and Product Quality Energy Efficient Strategies Evaluating Multi Sponsored Gift Account Technologies Watershed Management to Develop Resource Environmental McCahon, Amrgaret, J Web-based Low Impact Development Decision Support and Planning Tool Low Impact Development Web-based - ABE Grant School Summer Research 2008 Graduate Model Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic Module for the Long-Term Supply and Groundwater A Water Areas Map and Hosting of the Indiana Sensitive Development Creek Watershed Modeling for the Swan System Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic (HIT) and Long-Term High Impact Target Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective for TMDL Tool Curve Load Duration Web-based Decision Support and Planning Tool Low Impact Development Web-based Emissions Aeriel Pollutant of Biofilter in Reducing Effectiveness Facilities at Layer Measurements of Ammonia Emissions and Effects Alternate Feed Creek Watershed Modeling for the Swan System Impact Assessment (L-THIA) Hydrologic (HIT) and Long-Term High Impact Target Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Integrated Ethanol Co-Product Research and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Integration of Water Quality Tools and Information to Reduce Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Nonpoint Source Water and Information to Reduce Tools Quality of Water Integration Evaluating In Situ Permeable Caps as a Remedial Action Alternative for River Sediments - Field Test Cell Studies Sediments - Field Test for River Action Alternative Caps as a Remedial In Situ Permeable Evaluating and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An System Delivery Granule/Seed of a Synchronous and Refinement Engineering Evaluation for TMDL Tool Curve Load Duration Web-based Decision Support and Planning Tool Low Impact Development Web-based Breaking New Ground Breaking New Ground and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Web-based Low Impact Development Decision Support and Planning Tool Low Impact Development Web-based Web-based, Decision-Support System Using STORET Data Flows Using STORET System Decision-Support Web-based, Project Indiana AgrAbility III-CXT: Collab Res: Adv Learning and Integrative KnowledgeTransfer Aproaches to Remote Sensing and Forecast Modeling for ... Sensing and Forecast Aproaches to Remote KnowledgeTransfer Adv Learning and Integrative Collab Res: III-CXT: Mapping the Condition of Diporeia Insights to Mechanisms ofDesigns Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective Development and Demonstration of Outcomes-Based Evaluation Framework Amendment 1 Framework of Outcomes-Based Evaluation and Demonstration Development System Delivery Granule/Seed of a Synchronous and Refinement Engineering Evaluation $150 $1,912 $2,558 $6,500 $7,500 $7,994 $8,300 $14,378 $11,100 $15,749 $99,720 $31,403 $15,749 $53,958 $14,883 $70,420 $37,000 $19,118 $17,000 $10,991 $16,420 $16,286 $67,500 $32,354 $19,118 $87,890 $22,500 $11,100 $11,100 $25,702 $11,100 $55,073 $31,403 $19,118 $11,100 $14,883 $36,716 $110,800 $110,800 $125,000 $100,000 $360,000 $280,259 $284,757 $110,800 Campanella, Osvaldo H Campanella, Osvaldo Claeys, Matthew C Donkin, Shawn S Donkin, Shawn Sepulveda, Maria S Sepulveda, Pijanowski, Bryan C Pijanowski, Bryan F Ronald Turco, Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Adeola, Olayiwola Dennis Buckmaster, Indrajeet Chaubey, Engel, Bernard A Ess, Daniel R Richard L Farnsworth, Field, William E A Kenneth Foster, Jane R Frankenberger, Albert J Heber, James G Hunter, Ileleji, Klein Arabi, Mazdak Arabi, Broussard, Shorna R 113 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Statewide Biomass Working Group Statewide Biomass Working Wind Energy Educational and Extension Outreach in Indiana Engineering Simulation Robust Block Bore Tribology Computer aided design and optimization tool for bent axis axial piston machines trains drive hybrid based hydraulic control concepts for dual stage power split transmission train of drive Development Measurements Pump Frictional Force Tribo Williamson,Christopher Zimmerman, Joshua of Biodiesel (B20) and Fleet Performance of Truck Evaluation Crop Drying Project Drying Experiments of Corn Cob Mix Using Shallow Layer Determining Drying Behavior of the GEAPS590 Fuel Ethanol Production Distance Learning Course Development for DDGS in Dry Grind Ethanol Plants and Product Quality Energy Efficient Strategies Evaluating GEAPS 540 Course Development 4) (Year Initiative Traits End-Use Quality Indiana Soybean and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Screening Experiment to Dry Corn Cob Mix Using a Cabinet Drying System Ganesan Narsimhan - Ag & Bio Engineering Research Protein/Biomacromolecule by Stabilized Understanding Mechanism of Foam - Amendment 1 No Sensor Technology Using Self Referencing Physiology Studies Of Nitric Oxide Biochemistry In Cardiovascular Statewide Biomass Working Group Statewide Biomass Working Support for Nadia Amar Management Consortium on International Water US-India Nelson, Louis Student Support Gift Account Grad Parker Laboratory Gift Account Laboratory Parker Evaluating Energy Efficient Strategies and Product Quality for DDGS in Dry Grind Ethanol Plants and Product Quality Energy Efficient Strategies Evaluating and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An & Bio Engineering - Research G.W . Krutz -Ag Smart Seal Phase II and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Emissions Aeriel Pollutant of Biofilter in Reducing Effectiveness Facilities at Layer Measurements of Ammonia Emissions and Effects Alternate Feed Mark, A Batdorf, Isaac, R Emery, and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Amendment 1 Framework of Outcomes-Based Evaluation and Demonstration Development and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An J Alexander, Dimauro, Gift Account Multi-Sponsored Illeleji Unrestricted Gift Account Ogden,Cedric and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Integrated Ethanol Co-Product Research and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Multiobjective Watershed Management Support System for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Conservation Practices Conservation for Spatial Allocation of Agricultural Management Support System Watershed Multiobjective $500 $3,000 $7,500 $1,000 $7,500 $10,000 $10,000 $81,353 $91,906 $99,644 $15,749 $16,286 $39,532 $37,450 $10,000 $10,000 $16,500 $10,000 $17,500 $11,300 $15,000 $82,000 $19,530 $11,100 $10,000 $30,000 $25,920 $15,749 $25,000 $16,500 $11,100 $11,100 $67,027 $11,100 $11,100 $31,974 $87,890 $15,749 $16,286 $11,100 $14,883 $11,100 $15,978 $15,749 $11,100 $136,543 $110,800 Martin, Chad A Martin R Okos, Ileleji, Klein Monika Ivantysynova, E Jiru, Teshome Krutz, Gary W Scott L Lake, Lee, John G P Ronald Lemenager, Teeh Lim, Teng John H Lumkes, Dirk E Maier, Nathan S Mosier, Narsimhan, Ganesan M D. Porterfield, V Paul Preckel, Linda S Prokopy, John S Radcliffe, Richert, Brian T Rickus, Jenna L Joern, Brad C Joern, Brad R Johnson, Timothy H Rabi Mohtar, Stroshine, Richard L 114 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs natural resources natural Conversion of Glycerin into Methanol of Glycerin Conversion of SME-PS for Use in the Concrete Construction Industry Evaluation Ester Gels Methyl of Polystyrene-Soy High Concentration Hodgman, Charles, E Competition New Products Innovation Student Soybean Industry Impacts of Biofuel Mandates in the US and EU on Global Structure Livestock Household Decision-Making Behavior Understanding Farm Scenarios Regionalization Trade Estimation of the Economic Impact AI Under Alternative Needs and Ovine for Determination of Surveillance Porcine, US Exports of Bovine, Facing Prioritization of Sanitary Restrictions Aquaculture Small Business Startup Kit Development and Demonstration of Outcomes-Based Evaluation Framework Amendment 1 Framework of Outcomes-Based Evaluation and Demonstration Development and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Scenarios Regionalization Trade Estimation of the Economic Impact AI Under Alternative Scenarios Regionalization Trade Estimation of the Economic Impact AI Under Alternative Needs and Ovine for Determination of Surveillance Porcine, US Exports of Bovine, Facing Prioritization of Sanitary Restrictions Watershed Effects in the St. Joseph River Socio-Economic Assessment of Conservation Aquaculture Small Business Startup Kit License Agreement Software MarketMaker for Phase 1 SBIR Training Economics The Journal Of Agricultural Co-Editorship In Chief For Economics Co-Editorship Of American Journal Agricultural Fish Opportunities for Indiana Farm-Raised An Assessment of Ethnic Market Physical and Chemical Properties of Shelled Corn related to Conditioning, Drying, Processing Physical and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Cold-Flow Grant Aquaculture Outreach in Africa (Aquaculture Outreach in Africa) in Tanzania Training Farmers Support for Nadia Amar and Extension Effort Ethanol Co-Product Research Integrated Processing, Handling, and Utilization of DDGS-An Students Agricultural Agribusiness Simulator for Introductory Level a Web-Based Developing Development Center for Rural Regional North Central Student Leadership Development Undergraduate Students Agricultural Agribusiness Simulator for Introductory Level a Web-Based Developing for Phase 1 SBIR Training Household Decision-Making Behavior Understanding Farm Dynamic Global Economic Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Economic Growth in China and India and Nutrition: Impacts of Rapid Globalization, Trade Impacts of Increased Bioenergy Production Global Economic and Environmental GTAP Database Improvements Towards Integration of Biofuel Sector Integration Towards Database Improvements GTAP IDOE State Grant Indiana Secretary of State Grant Consortium GTAP Continuing Work with the Indiana Legislative Services Agency with the Indiana Legislative Continuing Work and management of supply chain technology, building, improved of African aquaculture through capacity competitiveness Improving $9,000 $5,500 $5,697 $7,423 $7,895 $2,486 $40,000 $22,000 $29,000 $15,749 $80,208 $15,600 $25,000 $18,480 $91,058 $17,648 $14,883 $11,100 $18,480 $19,040 $30,353 $22,500 $17,648 $51,354 $28,710 $10,000 $31,044 $11,100 $50,000 $30,000 $11,100 $68,000 $23,049 $36,300 $68,000 $23,490 $11,000 $30,000 $63,383 $60,000 $73,254 $410,000 $177,000 $608,422 Turco, Ronald F Ronald Turco, M Roman Keeney, A Mickey Latour, V Paul Preckel, Tyner, Wallace E Wallace Tyner, Masters, William A Stroshine, Richard L Bernard Y Tao, Alan D Whittaker, Charles P Woloshuk, Janet S Ayres, Barnard, Freddie L Harlan R Day, Fulton, Joan R Allan W Gray, Hertel, Thomas W Lee, John G Marshall, Maria I Philip L Paarlberg, K Kwamena Quagrainie, Department of Agricultural Economics T Akridge, Jay Janet S Ayres, Deboer, Lawrence P Lawrence Deboer, Dennis, Jennifer L 115 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs natural resources natural Amendment 2 Improving competitiveness of African aquaculture through capacity building, improved technology, and management of supply chain technology, building, improved of African aquaculture through capacity competitiveness Improving Beckhusen, Julia, B Ge, Yuanlong Moag, Griffin, P Devin, A Roberson, Stephanie Rosch, James, R Young, Biofuels Land Use Change Modeling Impacts of Increased Bioenergy Production Golbal Economic and Environmental Putting Greens Research - Carbon Balance Of Northern Eurasia Extent On The Regional And Wetland Diagnosis And Prognosis Of Effects Changes In Lake Amendment 2 Region Multisensor / Multiscale Assessment Of Urban Impacts In The Great Lakes Soybeans Ready2Yield with Roundup Academic Yield Trial 2 Year Yields in Glyphosate-Dominant Cropping Systems: Manganese Management for High Soybean Effective Monsanto Service Order 14 Erosion Lab Order-Soil ARS Task Order Huang Task Funding of a Data Collection System Supporting the Purdue Corn Performance Program Supporting the Purdue Corn Performance Funding of a Data Collection System in Crop Plants Biotechnological Approaches to Genetic Analyses and Exploitation of Striga Resistance Breeding Sorghum for Improved Resistance to Striga and Drought in Africa Resistance Breeding Sorghum for Improved State Coordinator Technical Committee of North Central Regional Aquaculture Program Regional Committee of North Central State Coordinator Technical Pathways Development Livestock Reduction Capital and Poverty CRSP: Natural AMA BASIS Economics The Journal Of Agricultural Co-Editorship In Chief For Energy in the Economics of Alternative Fellowships Graduate Corn Research to Micronutrient Fertilizers Crop Response Leave agreement - Gebisa Ejeta Research Rockefeller Sorghum and Striga Research - Summer 2007 Crop Diagnostic Training - 2008 Center Summer Workshop Diagnostic Training Radiation Climatological Monitoring of Ultraviolet Tippe Wildlife Habitat to Striga and Drought in Africa Resistance Breeding Sorghum for Improved Indiana Arborists Association, Inc. in Plant Sciences for Christopher Boomsma Pioneer Fellowship Management Potassium Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Development of the Input and Product Markets in West Africa for Sorghum and Millet in West of the Input and Product Markets Development African Database Project Laos Project for Ethanol Production Sorghum, a Dual-source Feedstock Genetic Dissection of Brown Midrib Sweet Golbal Economic and Environmental Impacts of Increased Bioenergy Production Golbal Economic and Environmental to Multiple Disease and Pests Wheat that is Resistant to Develop Utilization of Genetics, Breeding and DNA Technologies $45 $6,000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,500 $3,000 $8,500 $8,600 $2,100 $2,500 $5,000 $47,225 $32,034 $32,034 $15,749 $47,783 $16,286 $16,286 $50,000 $84,510 $39,400 $30,148 $16,158 $13,860 $32,076 $11,465 $70,000 $10,970 $34,400 $33,088 $35,275 $75,000 $40,000 $27,758 $15,846 $30,487 $216,697 $128,383 $137,988 $216,342 $229,500 $100,000 $200,000 $263,877 Sanders, John H E Gerald Shively, Thompson, Sarahelen E Wallace Tyner, L Terrie Walmsley, A Craig Beyrouty, Cale A Bigelow, C Bowling, Laura James J Camberato, Devillez, Philip L Ejeta, Gebisa Corey K Gerber, Huang, Chi-Hua Grant, Richard H Grant, Quagrainie, Kwamena K Kwamena Quagrainie, John G Graveel, Bruce R Hamaker, Zhuang, Qianlai Department of Agronomy Anderson, Joseph M 116 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs surfaces model Modification No. M02 to UCAR Subaward No. S07-58057 No. M02 to UCAR Subaward Modification No. and Modeling Observation in Atmospheric of Spatial Heterogeneity Role Evolutionary Genomics of a Rice Centromere Amendment 1 Evolutionary Physiology Turf - O J Noer Research Turf in Combustible-Fuel Oriented Cropping Systems In-Field Corn and Sorghum Biomass Decay Menelas, Blucher Research Forage to AHR Ligands Amendment 1 Microbial, and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses Environmental, with soil minerals of tetracycline Interaction Society Mineral And Clay Purdue University Of Understanding Between Dept Agronomy Memorandum SWPAC) Application for Hege 100 Series Drill (For to Fusarium Head Blight Identification of Wheat Genes Encoding Essential Components Resistance genes for resistance to septoria tritici blotch in wheat Identifying to FHB and Adapted Indiana of Soft Winter Wheat that is Resistant Improvement in wheat/Hessian fly interactions Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility Oat Improvement to Multiple Disease and Pests Wheat that is Resistant to Develop Utilization of Genetics, Breeding and DNA Technologies GEPR: The Evolutionary Genomics of Rice Domestication GEPR: The Evolutionary project Implementation and Training and GPS Technology Database Development Septic Permit County Wabash Assisted Selection Marker Gene Stacking Using High-Throughput Disease Resistance Schillinger Seed, Inc Genome Annotation Elements in Soybean: and Transposable Database of Repetitive Assisted Selection Marker Gene Stacking Using High-Throughput Disease Resistance Genomics of a Rice Centromere Amendment 1 Evolutionary in Southern Indiana Winter Canola Trials Wheat Genetics Research Lab Data to NRCS Soil Online Format Soil Characterization Purdue University Converting Benchmark Catena in Southern Indiana Watersheds. of the Wellston Evaluation Tile drainage measurement system at SEPAC Tile drainage Erosion and Plant Growth Conductivity, Sand: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic of Foundry Characteristics Mineral Soils And Land Use Comparison of Human Intestinal Microbial Communities after the Consumption a High Fiber Product Monsanto Service Order 14 Estimating ET regionally across PAC's Sensing Observations Large Areas using Remote Stress over and Crop Water Estimation of Evapotranspiration cycles change & associated changes in hydrological regional climate study with focus on landuse-land cover Integrated processes in the NOAH land and transpiration the representation of vegetation recent remote sensing products to improve Integrating Liming Research Program Liming Research 12th Biennial conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology of Soybeans Genome - Purdue Assembly to the Whole Genome Shotgun Sequence of Soybean for Responding A strategy State Climatology Wheat Applied Genomics Sequencing of chromosome 3 short arms from the AA, BB, CC, BBCC genomes ...functional and evolutionary genomics Amendment 1 CC, BBCC genomes ...functional and evolutionary Sequencing of chromosome 3 short arms from the AA, BB, and Dissection of Multiple Genome Duplication Events Resolution For Map Of Soybean An Integrated VCA Soymap: Foundation Turf Midwest Regional $75 $6,000 $2,288 $8,920 $8,100 $5,000 $2,700 $2,500 $6,000 $4,000 $4,536 $5,423 $3,700 $8,000 $7,552 $47,248 $24,000 $42,490 $32,500 $20,000 $64,522 $16,668 $64,001 $14,966 $12,000 $60,000 $27,578 $99,167 $13,500 $45,000 $30,487 $83,500 $42,490 $17,000 $10,000 $44,100 $64,450 $13,860 $22,398 $41,277 $66,087 $74,999 $120,857 $951,001 $104,745 $117,753 Johnson, Keith D Johnson, Keith Leroy, Allen R Leroy, Ma, Jianxin Mansfield, Charles W Devdutta S Niyogi, Ohm, Herbert W Owens, Phillip R Huang, Chi-Hua Jackson, Scott A Jiang, Yiwei C Joern, Brad Johnston, Cliff T Eileen J Kladivko, D Lee, Brad Nakatsu, Cindy H Nielsen, Robert L Nielsen, Robert 117 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs - Hen Midwest Regional Turf Foundation Turf Midwest Regional - Increase of award Foundation Turf Midwest Regional Research Turfgrass Corn Research Michael, W Popelka, Of Agronomy American Society Management of the International Certified Crop Advisers program Technical 2 - year Soybeans Ready2Yield with Roundup Academic Yield Trial Cropping System Agricultural for Canola Production Under Indiana Conditions Evaluation Practice Cultural 2 Year Yields in Glyphosate-Dominant Cropping Systems: Manganese Management for High Soybean Effective Nutrition and Swine Poultry Research Poultry and retention of Ca P broilers fed a on growth performance, ileal digestibility compare the effect of two different phytases To diet corn/soy Pyhtase In Poultry origins of disease in chromatin structure and embryonic Alterations calcium entry in porcine oocytes of capacitative Regulation Acquisition of Goods and Services Georgia Beef Board, Inc. Consolidated Nutrition, L.C. bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing Fructose and Insulin Resistance Programming Fetal Velocity of Certainty to Eliminate Poa Trivialis in Newly Established Creeping Bentgrass Trivialis to Eliminate Poa of Certainty Velocity Guidance systems: Final Year Efficient Nitrogen Management for Corn Producers with Automatic in Combustible-Fuel Oriented Cropping Systems In-Field Corn and Sorghum Biomass Decay Plant DNA Conference Research Poultry Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility in wheat/Hessian fly interactions Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility Danisco for swine as additive Bacillus strain study on an improved Digestibility diet and an energy-reduced Study using a Bacillus strain Digestibility analogue Effect of fibre on absorption methionine and hydroxy Degussa GmbH Evonik Breeding Sorghum for Improved Resistance to Striga and Drought in Africa Resistance Breeding Sorghum for Improved Student Labor National Soil Erosion Laboratory and Actin-Based Morphogenesis Mechanisms of ROP Activation SPIKE1: Novel origins of disease in chromatin structure and embryonic Alterations bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing Spike1: Novel Mechanisms of ROP Activation and Actin-Based Morphogenesis - Amendment 2 Mechanisms of ROP Activation Novel Spike1: And Growth - Amendment 4 Actin Polymerization Complex: Mechanisms Of Localized Wave The Arabidopsis The Effectiveness of Ractopamine Hydrochloride on Growth Performance in Finishing Turkey Fed for the Last 7 to 14 days Prior to Slaughter for the Last 7 to 14 days Fed in Finishing Turkey on Growth Performance Hydrochloride of Ractopamine The Effectiveness Turfgrass Weed Management Research Program Management Research Weed Turfgrass Hens, and Growing Cattle Laying and Mitigations Stategies for Air Emissions from Turkeys, Source Reduction Zebrafishe ES cell lines for targeted mutagenesis Zebrafishe $5,600 $7,291 $6,825 $1,000 $5,208 $7,610 $2,000 $7,500 $6,000 $35,309 $23,778 $26,850 $18,000 $16,223 $58,303 $18,000 $15,800 $18,081 $37,702 $50,000 $20,000 $51,680 $80,550 $63,750 $23,500 $49,999 $64,522 $13,500 $80,000 $36,000 $36,000 $33,000 $18,000 $34,238 $12,000 $11,250 $99,998 $28,832 $179,052 $159,228 $114,000 $113,850 $140,171 $359,828 Reicher, Zachary J Zachary Reicher, Szymanski, Daniel B Mitchell R Tuinstra, James J Vorst, J Tony Vyn, Adeola, Olayiwola J Applegate, Todd A Cabot, Ryan Cheng, Heng-Wei Claeys, Matthew C S Donkin, Shawn Weil, Clifford F Weil, Williams, Christie E Department of Animal Sciences Sanders, John H Briggs, Scott D Dennis Buckmaster, Collodi, Paul Stott, Diane E 118 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs BASF Corporation BASF when Pigs are fed Distillers Dried Grains Quality Pork to Improve of Choice White Grease and Beef Tallow Evaluation Scott Pet Acquisition of Goods and Services bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing education program Assurance national Beef Quality universal of a prototype Development to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken Cisacting Elements that Respond Screen for Genes with Polymorphic Genome-wide Gestating sows' preference for open, closed and animal-controlled stall designs Mack, Laurie gestation stall housing system and welfare in a free-access width on sow behavior The effect of alleyway Alltech Biotechnology Center Corporation BASF when Pigs are fed Distillers Dried Grains Quality Pork to Improve of Choice White Grease and Beef Tallow Evaluation Pro*cal Research Swine gestation stall housing system and welfare in a free-access width on sow behavior The effect of alleyway in Neuroscience Fellowship Research A Anderson, Nickolas, Acquisition of goods and services when Pigs are fed Distillers Dried Grains Quality Pork to Improve of Choice White Grease and Beef Tallow Evaluation Liver Analysis Support Study Liver Aquaculture Center Extension Project Regional North Central Breeding Research Swine and USB Animal Ag Initiative USB Qualisoy Acquisition of Goods & Services Model ... A Cooperative Network Information Center (AGNIC) Metadata Development, Agricultural Animal Research Developing storage and feeding methods to utilize bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing cage for simultaneous pharmacology studies in pigs Movement-responsive Research Paylean L Tracy, Scheffler, calcium entry in porcine oocytes of capacitative Regulation cage for simultaneous pharmacology studies in pigs Movement-responsive education program Assurance national Beef Quality universal of a prototype Development bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing Developing storage and feeding methods to utilize bio-fuel co-products in small and medium farms and feeding methods to utilize storage Developing Zinpro Mapping Quantiative Trait Loci for Growth in Chickens Trait Mapping Quantiative of REF4 The Role Metabolism in Arabidopsis: Phenylpropanoid in Drosophila Dscam Mediated Control of Neuronal Connection Specificity Signal Transduction Along Cardiac Thin Filaments Signal Transduction Cancer Center SIRG The Role of Set 1-Mediated Methylation in Chromatin Function of Set 1-Mediated Methylation The Role M Kayla, Harmeyer, Li, Yi Amjad Nasir, $6,325 $5,322 $8,951 $5,500 $6,000 $4,943 $1,457 $2,500 $10,000 $17,569 $99,998 $14,000 $68,985 $38,763 $15,749 $15,000 $20,000 $23,425 $20,000 $49,500 $45,202 $45,000 $15,749 $25,468 $17,569 $76,084 $27,888 $15,000 $49,999 $15,749 $65,620 $27,674 $21,000 $49,999 $20,000 $15,772 $16,286 $16,286 $16,286 $105,471 $149,997 $156,569 $130,000 $150,000 $329,137 $255,157 Latour, Mickey A Mickey Latour, Donald C Lay, P Ronald Lemenager, William M Muir, Edmond A Pajor, John S Radcliffe, Richert, Brian T Marcos H Rostagno, S Terry Stewart, Briggs, Scott D Chapple, Clint C Clemens, James C James D Forney, Schinckel, Allan P Schinckel, Eicher, Susan D Eicher, Sutton, Alan L Swartz, Darl R Swartz, Donkin, Shawn S Donkin, Shawn Einstein, Mark E A Kenneth Foster, Joseph P Garner, E David Gerrard, Scott L Lake, Zoltan Machaty, N Jeremy Marchant-Forde, Philip B Reid, Schutz, Michael M Department of Biochemistry 119 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Iliuk, Anton, B Charles, M Rubert, F South, Paul, Brittney Reese, rotational Ready weeds, insects, and pest management regimes in Round-up between glyphosate-tolerant Documenting interactions Educating Growers About Glyphosate Stewardship Field Trials. Optimum GAT Indiana Component, IPM PIPE 2007 National Plant Pest and Disease Diagnostic Network National Plant Pest Diagnostics Supplemental Funds Testing Rust/Virus Soybean and fungicide field plot expenses Travel Control Soybeans-Weed Dicamba Tolerant Multi-Sponsored to Necrotrophic and Biotrophic Pathogens Cytoplasmic Kinase Mediated Signaling in Plant Responses Like of Receptor The Role Acquisition of Goods and Services Disease. REU Supplement/Genetic and Molecular Insights into Mechanisms Underlying a Maize Of Agronomy American Society Grad Support-Tippe Wildlife Habitat Support-Tippe Grad Unrestricted Gift Fund Mill and BSE Inspection Amendment 1 FY 2008 FDA Feed Region in the North Central Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot Leaf Spot; Managing Frogeye Frogeye 2007 Soybean Scott Abney/ARS Money Indiana Arborists Association, Inc. Disease Research Turfgrass Multi Sponsored and Disease Diagnostic Network National Plant Pest Diagnostics Supplemental Funds Testing Rust/Virus Soybean Cell cycle inhibition of silencing in S, cerevisiae inhibition of silencing in S, Cell cycle cerevisiae - Amendment 1 inhibition of silencing in S, Cell cycle Genetic, molecular and biochemical basis of pathogen stress induces necrosis to Necrotrophic and Biotrophic Pathogens. Cytoplasmic Kinase Mediated Signaling in Plant Responses Like of Receptor The Role CAREER: Soluble Nanopolymers for Targeted Proteomics in vitro and Living Cells CAREER: Soluble Nanopolymers for Targeted Research Weed Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Program Plan of Work Calendar (2007) Plan of Work Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Program rotational Ready weeds, insects, and pest management regimes in Round-up between glyphosate-tolerant Documenting interactions Engineering DNA Endonuclease Reagents for Gene Targeting Engineering DNA Endonuclease Reagents Research Weed Amendment 2 Beta-Glucan Synthase Mixed-Linkage the Catalytic Components of Maize Identifying Potassium Management Potassium - BTNY Grant School Summer Research 2008 Graduate Management Area Workshops Weed Cooperative Functional studies of Plk1 and its interacting proteins Functional studies of Plk1 and its interacting Grant 3M Nontenured Faculty Amendment 1 systems systems $3,250 $8,108 $3,500 $6,000 $1,200 $6,000 $6,000 $3,000 $2,500 $7,750 $8,108 $7,675 $15,749 $15,749 $15,749 $16,286 $44,500 $30,150 $20,000 $10,940 $18,041 $11,200 $35,189 $15,034 $17,680 $56,750 $61,750 $32,500 $50,000 $44,500 $46,900 $25,000 $15,000 $193,000 $150,000 $160,000 $100,000 $106,450 $232,720 $213,162 $121,613 $114,000 $238,178 Goodwin, Stephen B Johal, Gurmukh S Forney, James D Forney, Gimble, Frederick S John G Graveel, Hall, Mark C Ann L Kirchmaier, A Weiguo Tao, D Robert Waltz, T S Abney, Bauman, Thomas T Janna L Beckerman, Carpita, Nicholas C B Goldsbrough, Peter Latin, Richard X K Karen Rane, Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Johnson, William G Christian H Krupke, D Mengiste, Tesfaye Gail E Ruhl, Liu, Xiaoqi Jordan, Thomas N Egel, Daniel S 120 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Indiana Component, IPM PIPE 2007 Production Regions in the US Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots to Monitor the Spread of Asian Soybean Wheat Disease Research from Algae Useful Polysaccharides Potentially Phoon, Pui Yeu Microbiology Research Food from vegetables Dietary Lipids as primary modulators of carotenoid bioavailability Catechins of Tea Activity Effect of Digestion on the Cancer Chemopreventative for Health Enhancing Foods from cocoa in vivo Impact of food matrix on catechin bioavailablilty Reduction of finely textured beef (FTB) Ammonia for Pathogen with Anhydrous Treatment Fee visiting scholar-Bench Areum Chun-Korea Cereals and Processing Research for Health Enhancing Foods S Madhuvanti, Kale, Banerjee, Preetha Shuttleworth North America 2008 Indy International Wine competition Research Wine Grape 2007 Soybean Frogeye Leaf Spot; Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region in the North Central Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot Leaf Spot; Managing Frogeye Frogeye 2007 Soybean - Westphal Research & Plant Pathology Botany Multi-Sponsored predicitions choice of tillage system and threshold level improved the risk for SDS and SCN by Reducing Alliance Research The Sudden Death Syndrome Programs Purdue Pesticide Gift Multi-Sponsored Reduction of finely textured beef (FTB) Ammonia for Pathogen with Anhydrous Treatment Consortium Safety Food Enhancing and Expanding the Retail Multi-Sponsored/Research Gift Multi-Sponsored Reducing the risk for SDS and SCN by improved choice of tillage system and threshold level predicitions choice of tillage system and threshold level improved the risk for SDS and SCN by Reducing Support Inc.Voluntary O3CO. Comparative Functional Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Fusarium Species Functional Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Comparative fungal and plant factors influencing DON production Identifying TBL 1 in Magnaporthe Grisea of Infectious Hyphal Growth by Regulation architecture, molecular structure, and reactivity Bridging the Gap between starch granule understanding and reducing the formation of satellite drops air pollutants by Mitigation of emissions agricultural Health for Energy Balance and Improved Carbohydrates Containing Novel Functional Foods Africa Millet in West for Sorghum and Pearl Development Product and Market for continuing research in cereal chemistry the laboratory Research Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Dairy & Nutrition Council, Inc. understanding and reducing the formation of satellite drops air pollutants by Mitigation of emissions agricultural Processing Industry of a Compliance Assistance Center for the Food Development Novel surface activation technique using energy curable materials for the production of bioactive packaging materials for the production of bioactive technique using energy curable surface activation Novel Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. Hill's Pet Mitigation of emissions of agricultural air pollutants by understanding and reducing the formation of satellite drops air pollutants by Mitigation of emissions agricultural $150 $7,000 $1,466 $3,330 $2,000 $5,000 $7,750 $1,000 $7,000 $6,840 $1,750 $5,500 $9,268 $6,930 $25,526 $21,250 $25,400 $75,000 $15,749 $75,943 $56,000 $57,375 $16,286 $16,286 $12,000 $47,456 $26,316 $12,501 $27,849 $88,237 $11,500 $11,278 $32,939 $17,000 $88,901 $247,295 $172,125 $176,385 $374,000 $232,278 $114,069 $299,922 $102,000 $114,069 $139,500 $114,069 Bhunia, Arun K Cousin, Maribeth A E David Gerrard, Whitford, Fred Shaner, Gregory E Shaner, J Tony Vyn, Andreas Westphal, Charles P Woloshuk, Jin-Rong Xu, James N Bemiller, Christian E Butzke, Campanella, Osvaldo Carlos Corvalan, Mario Ferruzzi, Bruce R Hamaker, D Kirby Hayes, M Kevin Keener, Linton, Richard H Lisa J Mauer, Department of Food Science Applegate, Bruce M 121 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs England, Eric America and Central Enhanced Bean Utilization in the U.S. Hill,Kelle Amandeep Kaur, Stube, Alicia Multi-Spnsored contamination determination for air vehicle Vulnerability Science Research Food Research Sensory Evaluation predictor of sudden cardiac death in hemodialysis patients A pilot study of noninvasive Lipid Research Food International Omega-3 Learning and Education Consortium for Health Medicine Disease of Liver Research Patient-Oriented Cockroach Reseach Cyst Nematode Program Indiana SCN Survey (II023A) Strategies Efficacy in Refuge Monitoring Network and Insecticide Resistance Establishing a Midwest Corn Earworm Migration & Fruit Research Vegetable for Managing Bed Bugs Management Strategies Pest Integrated Evaluating Research Turfgrass Analysis of genes and gene regions affecting agronomically important honey bee behaviors. Wirongrong Tongdeesoontornj-Thailand Benchfee Wirongrong Tongdeesoontornj-Thailand to food contact surfaces A process for printing activity Science Research Food Strategies MIR604 Efficacy in Refuge (MIR162) Corn: Efficacy and yield vs corn earworm (II021A) Lep Resistant Bi, Lin 11th amendment and extension of Agreement between Dow Agrosciences Purdue. Cancel 13th protocol establish 14th 15t h and Educational Bureau Fellowship Egyptian Cultural Management Research Urban And Industrial Pest 3 funding insect pest - Yr in a stored grain Genomic and proteomic responses to dietary toxins States Aphid Management in the North Central Soybean Investingating the Effects of High Tunnels on Season Extension, Production, and Pest Incidence in Fruits and Vegetables on Season Extension, Production, and Pest the Effects of High Tunnels Investingating Novel surface activation technique using energy curable materials for the production of bioactive packaging materials for the production of bioactive technique using energy curable surface activation Novel Amendment 1 of Human Pathogens Vectors Center for Invertebrate A Bioinformatics Resource Vectorbase: Analysis of genes and gene regions affecting agronomically important honey bee behaviors. Pesticide Honey Bee Health and Reducing Improving of Spruce Budworm as a Function Distance and Landscape Patterns Connectivity Population - Entomology Research Krupke Evaluating Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Managing Bed Bugs Management Strategies Pest Integrated Evaluating 2008 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative (II023A) Strategies Efficacy in Refuge (MIR162) Corn: Efficacy and yield vs corn earworm (II021A) Lep Resistant Strategies MIR604 Efficacy in Refuge protocols. $916 $916 $500 $1,000 $7,000 $2,237 $5,500 $6,640 $9,500 $2,000 $1,050 $2,000 $15,749 $33,238 $16,286 $15,749 $16,286 $41,000 $12,000 $63,000 $73,923 $24,840 $48,100 $26,000 $30,000 $12,000 $21,500 $10,450 $14,374 $25,877 $23,500 $15,749 $17,647 $14,584 $51,602 $12,000 $24,716 $10,890 $45,600 $54,982 $42,507 $460,800 $133,352 $108,686 $464,760 Mauer, Lisa J Mauer, Morgan, Mark T Nielsen, S E David Nivens, Smith, Richard S Bruce A Watkins, Yuan Yao, Holland, Jeffrey D Mason, Linda J Murdock, Larry L Department of Entomology Bennett, Gary W Bledsoe, Larry W Virginia R Ferris, Ricky E Foster, J Timothy Gibb, Hill, Catherine A Hunt, Greg J Christian H Krupke, J O'Neil, Robert 122 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Genomic and proteomic responses to diertary toxins in a stored grain insect pest - Yr 3 funding insect pest - Yr in a stored grain Genomic and proteomic responses to diertary toxins compounds of plant-stress-mediating through incorporation Enhancing insecticide utility Foundattion Turf Midwest Regional America - Eduardo Hidalgo for Central Program Borlaug Fellows 2008 Plan for FiscalYear Work Support (FITS) Insect Taxonomic Forest Ornamental Insect Research Ash Borer for Emerald 2007-2008: Information and education program Plan of Work 2007 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative 2008 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative Mission of Genomics and the Land Grant Convergence Research: Genomics in Agricultural - Entomology Research Krupke aphid Outbreaks in Indiana of Soybean Periodicity Induced Habitat Fragmentation to Agriculturally of Raccoons Ecological Responses Using Genomic Morphological Approaches. - Increase Mammalion Phylogeny Resolving Research: Collaborative AToL Gene in Bears of the Melanocortin 1 Receptor Genetic Variation Domestic Aquaculture Pilot Study meal in diets fed to targeted aquaculture species for Indiana Use of soybean Sturgeon for Lake Sexing Assays of DNA-based Development Sturgeon Populations DNA Sequence of Lake SPR-3215 near Wetlands. Mortality Induced Vertebrate Predicting and Monitoring Traffic (Supplement) Survivorship on Vertebrate The Influence of Genotype - Modification 2 at Hoosier National Forest Breeding Bird Surveys in Wisconsin Restoration to Wetland Response of Marsh Bird Demographic Evaluation marshes success at restored and natural reproductive influencing avian Factors Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Management Decision Model for Watershed An Ecological/Environmental Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Management Decision Model for Watershed An Ecological/Environmental and Coppicing Families Block Planting of Elite Walnut Efficacy of Proaxis GPC to ants and cockroaches for Managing Bed Bugs Management Strategies Pest Integrated Evaluating Entomolgy Research Biological Control of the Soybean Aphid Biological Control of the Soybean Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey Contract 2007 (CAPS) Contract Survey Agriculture Pest Cooperative of cowpea for resistance to biotic stresses A molecular genetic improvement Functional Genomics in Hessian Fly Acquisition of Goods and Services Multi-Sponsored whole genome sequencing approach. of Hessian fly genes using an innovative identification, mapping and characterization Comprehensive and Genomic Mapping of X2 Chromosome in Hessian Fly Physical 11th amendment and extension of Agreement between Dow Agrosciences Purdue. Cancel 13th protocol establish 14th 15t h planting at the Southeast Purdue Agriculture Center Spring 2007 Mitigation Tree OED Cassens/Meadows Hardwood Forestry Fund - Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center and Regeneration Improvement Fund - Hardwood Tree Hardwood Forestry Plan of Work for 2007-2008: Exotic Forest Pest Education Program Pest Forest for 2007-2008: Exotic Plan of Work protocols. $27 $4,620 $2,439 $1,250 $5,000 $9,764 $1,600 $1,100 $7,327 $1,950 $2,000 $1,500 $1,138 $51,602 $60,000 $29,550 $27,500 $16,000 $65,332 $54,982 $10,500 $39,982 $31,814 $77,249 $22,243 $22,243 $33,427 $15,779 $15,000 $39,250 $18,000 $39,250 $18,000 $20,386 $65,332 $21,959 $30,181 $37,444 $50,071 $30,000 $19,950 $240,000 $153,316 $206,874 $100,000 Department of Forestry & Natural Resources James C Beasley, Dolan, Benjamin J Engel, Bernard A Williams, Ralph E Williams, Ralph Pierce, Christopher M Pittendrigh, Barry R Richmond, Douglas S Clifford S Sadof, Schemerhorn, Brandon Stuart, Jeffrey J Changlu Wang, John S Yaninek, Bickham, John W B Brown, Paul Carlson, Donald E Cassens, Daniel L James A Dewoody, Dunning, John B D Lenny Farlee, Richard L Farnsworth, Shukle, Richard H 123 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Existing Clearcuts on the Hoosier National Forest Regeneration Oak and Hickory stresses responses of planted forest tree seedlings toenvironmental Physiological forest tree seedlings of nursery-grown Quality-assessment Genetics-NCSU Center for Tree Systems Forestry Center for Advanced Research: Collaborative - Amendment 2 Increased Carbon Sequestration For Development Root Genome-Enabled Modification Of Poplar Samual Grober Tr Pollutants of Environmental of a Wide Range for Remediation Poplars Transgenic and Coppicing Families Block Planting of Elite Walnut and Oregon State University of a Joint Center between Purdue University CENTER FOR TREE GENETICS: Formation Genetics-NCSU Center for Tree Systems Forestry Center for Advanced Research: Collaborative Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Center and Regeneration Improvement Hardwood Tree Kejia Pang, and Their Watersheds at the Interface of Great Lakes Fish Recruitment SIRG 408737 Foundation Purdue Research Luis Villanueva-Rivera, Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Owiredu, Eric, A William Beatty, movement New genetic tools for assessment of double-crested cormorant H Olson, Zachary, TNC-Purdue Initiative on Restoration, Science, Policy and Management in Support of Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Support of Biodiversity Science, Policy on Restoration, Initiative TNC-Purdue Transportation Support for Students Attending TCI Expo 2007 TCI Support for Students Attending Transportation Management Right-of-Way Vegetation - Hoover Website National Timber Tax Cold Hardiness Assessment of Southern Pine Seedlings Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Existing Clearcuts on the Hoosier National Forest Regeneration Oak and Hickory Intensive Nearshore Monitoring in Western Lake Huron Lake Nearshore Monitoring in Western Intensive Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Support Voluntary Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment disturbance-based management in the Acadian Forest of natural and financial viability Productivity Fertilization of hardwood seedlings on reclainmed mine lands: browse susceptibility in relation to foliar chemistry of hardwood seedlings on reclainmed mine lands: browse susceptibility Fertilization Support Voluntary Assessment of the role of Interstate Highways as barriers to gene flow and metapopulation persistence in mammals from Indiana Assessment of the role Interstate Highways Block Planting of Elite Walnut Families and Coppicing Families Block Planting of Elite Walnut Center and Regeneration Improvement Fund - Hardwood Tree Hardwood Forestry Indiana Arborists Assoc. Inc. Support Voluntary OED Cassens/Meadows Multi Sponsored Vol. support Multi Sponsored Vol. and Legacy Programs Quality Monitoring, Water Amendment 2 for Conducting Extension and Outreach GreatLakes Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana Core Outreach College Program Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana Purdue University Hardwood Scanning Center Development Purdue University $800 $800 $975 $300 $456 $7,856 $2,000 $5,845 $2,000 $2,500 $3,413 $71,844 $54,500 $20,000 $35,000 $10,000 $70,000 $69,423 $12,000 $10,000 $70,000 $39,250 $17,260 $12,000 $15,772 $32,034 $39,250 $15,749 $16,286 $11,000 $15,749 $24,000 $12,500 $28,775 $50,000 $39,250 $20,000 $39,250 $53,095 $25,000 $117,402 $272,901 $255,489 $384,220 $269,080 $361,613 $468,400 Lee, Linda S Hoover, William L Hoover, Michler, Charles H Michler, C Pijanowski, Bryan Linda S Prokopy, Rhodes, Olin E Farnsworth, Richard L Farnsworth, R Goforth, Reuben Holland, Jeffrey D A Holt, Harvey Jacobs, Douglass F E Lowe, Zachary Brian J MacGowan, James R McKenna, Rita L McKenzie, Meilan, Richard Brian K Miller, George R Parker, Saunders, Michael R Seifert, John R Meadows, Edwin L Gazo, Rado Gazo, 124 ) Martes americana Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Plains Pocket Gopher Plains Pocket Center (SWPAC) at Soutwest Purdue Ag Research Research for Grape Air Blast Sprayer D-Helix Gift Account Council National Mint Industry Research Collaborative Research: Effects of landscape structure on animal-mediated acorn dispersal and seedling recruitment - Amendment 1 Research: Collaborative Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Owners Association (IFWOA) and Woodland IN Forest Conservation and Management in Support of Biodiversity Science, Policy on Restoration, Initiative TNC-Purdue Council Walnut Support Lowe - Vol. Zach American Marten ( by of a Simulation Dispersal Movements Scale Validation Fine Spatial Scale Short Temporal to annual cropping is the key Understanding apple flower bud development Horticulture Improvements protein kinase a soybean of root growth by Regulation New Approach for Improving Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance of Plants on Marginal Soils Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance New Approach for Improving with GSNU Scientific Exchange Ball Hort - Lopez / Dennis Following Reintroduction Following Research Projects for Peter Hirst Projects for Peter Research Multi Sponsored Gift Account A working plan of GIS Team for the ZT vineyard project for the ZT vineyard A working plan of GIS Team Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment National Stone Association Ball Hort - Lopez / Dennis Multi Sponsored Gift Account Program Trial Variety for 1995 Vegetable Research Physiology Tree Avocado to Fruit as Determined by from Canopy Assimilation Productivity Efficancy of Pre-emergence sedge control materials Farm for Deer Protection at TPAC/Miegs Fencing Landscape Architecture Research Assessment of Eastern Hellbender Population Status in the Blue River, IN Status in the Blue River, Assessment of Eastern Hellbender Population Shem Unger, and Coppicing Families Block Planting of Elite Walnut Approach - Amendment 2 Flowers: An Integrative Deciphering The Complex Metabolic Network In Snap Dragon Inc. Fred Gloeckner Foundation, Heinz Project A working plan of GIS Team for the ZT vineyard project for the ZT vineyard A working plan of GIS Team Admin. Beijing China State Forestry Yue Wu, Pence, Heather, E Heather, Pence, Assessment of the role of Interstate Highways as barriers to gene flow and metapopulation persistence in mammals from Indiana Assessment of the role Interstate Highways composition, biomass, yield and quality Pr5-k gene expression in rice: effect on cell wall and root Development The H+ Pyrophosphatase AVP1 poultry litter contamination by phosphate acquisition to reduce environmental to improve Biotechnology strategies of Plants on Marginal Soils Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance New Approach for Improving Hardwood Forestry Fund - Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center and Regeneration Improvement Fund - Hardwood Tree Hardwood Forestry $40 $60 $800 $975 $8,000 $7,500 $2,500 $5,000 $2,550 $6,500 $3,000 $5,000 $7,700 $7,500 $7,500 $16,500 $99,599 $39,250 $16,426 $24,000 $16,426 $16,500 $25,000 $10,963 $16,286 $21,839 $11,880 $11,000 $39,250 $16,770 $15,000 $12,000 $21,000 $16,286 $11,000 $97,600 $19,592 $15,000 $12,240 $150,000 $361,485 $320,000 $255,489 $100,000 $100,505 G Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Bordelon, Bruce P Shao, Guofan Shao, K Robert Swihart, N Williams, Rod E Keith Woeste, A Patrick Zollner, Janick, Jules Johnston, Cliff T Joly, Robert J Robert Joly, Theller, Lawrence O Lawrence Theller, Harmon P Weeks, Dahl, Bernard L Dennis, Jennifer L M Paul Hasegawa, Elizabeth T Maynard, Kashchandra Raghothama, Handa, Avtar K Handa, Avtar Bressan, Ray A Bressan, Ray Natalia Doudareva, M Hirst, Peter G Lopez, Roberto Michael V Mickelbart, Angus S Murphy, 125 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs (FEELS) (FEELS) (FEELS) Livestock Foods for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate Education Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Foods Programs 4h Youth Livestock Hosmani, Prashant The Ionome Amendment 4 Amendment 1 Elements of Maize GEPR: The Transposable from wheat adult plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 Map-based cloning of high-temperature from farm to table behaviors safety social and biological sciences to enhance adoption of vegetable Integrating and details for external review team members to conduct a CSREES Travel Engineering, and Life Sciences Environmental, Students to Food, High Need, Potential and Retaining for Recruiting Partnership Afternoons ROCK in Indiana Research Gift Research congress, focus on communication 2008 Indiana 4-H volunteer Military Kids Operation: Education Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Foods 2007-2008 initiative Communities Against Rape CARe: New Approach for Improving Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance of Plants on Marginal Soils Phosphorous Acquisition and Aluminum Tolerance New Approach for Improving for Indiana Commerical Growers Heirloom Tomatoes ecosystems IPM in Latin America and the Caribbean: Crops for broad-based growth perennial production fragile Council National Mint Industry Research Programs National Research Education Multi-Disciplinary Effort for Undergraduate for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Foods in College of Agriculture and Natural to Enhance Learner Centered Teaching Partnerships Teaching Undergraduate-Faculty Developing and Management of Instructor Training Development Educational and Certification Program: Safety Farm Youth deLeon, Maria Ponce ISGA: Characterizing the Wheat Genome by Random BAC and Sample Sequencing Amendment 2 Random the Wheat Genome by ISGA: Characterizing and Management of Instructor Training Development Educational and Certification Program: Safety Farm Youth Biology in Comparative Electronic Field Trips Zebrafish as a Model Organism for Development and Disease as a Model Organism for Development Zebrafish Analysis of wheat microarrays and functional proteomics of resistance susceptibility Analysis of wheat microarrays Engineering, and Life Sciences Environmental, Students to Food, High Need, Potential and Retaining for Recruiting Partnership Evaluation of Identification Systems for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of the Indiana State Fair and the North American International of the Indiana State Fair for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of Identification Systems Evaluation Scientific Exchange with GSNU Scientific Exchange Biology in Comparative Electronic Field Trips Evaluation of Identification Systems for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of the Indiana State Fair and the North American International of the Indiana State Fair for Exhibition Animals and the Ablilty of Identification Systems Evaluation from farm to table behaviors safety social and biological sciences to enhance adoption of vegetable Integrating Partnership for Recruiting and Retaining High Need, High Potential Students to Food, Environmental, Engineering, and Life Sciences Environmental, Students to Food, High Need, Potential and Retaining for Recruiting Partnership Youth Farm Safety Educational and Certification Program: Development and Management of Instructor Training Development Educational and Certification Program: Safety Farm Youth Resources $800 $2,555 $3,000 $6,500 $2,000 $7,143 $6,800 $7,143 $57,144 $16,668 $26,000 $28,042 $59,742 $11,880 $25,400 $16,500 $19,000 $16,327 $42,128 $15,688 $18,400 $89,613 $32,500 $15,296 $295,900 $161,774 $100,000 $210,520 $126,384 $187,439 $292,500 $209,000 $187,439 $298,712 $126,384 $2,143,200 $1,369,204 Knobloch, Neil A Department of Biological Sciences, College Sciences Collodi, Paul Orvis, Kathryn S Orvis, Kathryn Pilat, Mary Clinton P Rusk, Salt, David E Salt, David Sanmiguel, Phillip J Darrell G Schulze, Stephen C Weller, Dae-Jin Yun, Hong Kim, Kee Knobloch, Neil A K Renee Mckee, K Steven Mckinley, B A Talbert, L Roger Tormoehlen, Mark A Tucker, Sigurdson, Chris W Alan D Whittaker, Williams, Christie E V Morris, Pamala Discovery Learning Center, Park H Rabi Mohtar, Department of Youth Development & Agricultural Education Balagtas, Joseph V Borron, Abigail S Field, William E 126 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs and Inventory-Based Hosting Borlaug Fellows from Macedonia-Mirjana Jankulovska Hosting Borlaug Fellows Extension Services to Deliver of the Afghanistan Ministry Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock the Capacity Improving Facilitator Africa Regional West Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Regional Climate Effects of Direct and Indirect Forcing Regional of Monensin and Analysis in Liquid Matrices Design of a Solution Formulation Modeling from Inverse Results Comparing and Reconciling of North America by in the Mid-Continent Region Net CO2 Exchange Resolving & Combustion of Gelled Hypergolic Propellants Spray & Combustion of Gelled Hypergolic Propellants Spray Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Activities in AMPATH Assessment of the future Agricultural Analysis in Eastern and Southern Africa: Spatial Temporal and Marketing Legume Trade Grain Ahmed Abdel-Hady from Egypt-Abdel-Rahman Hosting Borlaug Fellows Hosting Borlaug Fellows from India Hosting Borlaug Fellows Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Compace and Efficient Fluid Power Industry Membership funds Center (ERC) for Compace and Efficient Fluid Power Engineering Research Amendment 2 Center (ERC) for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Engineering Research Supplemental REU funding Center (ERC) for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power: Engineering Research Further Improvement of the Robust Recombinant Saccharomyces yeast for the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol for the Conversion yeast Saccharomyces Recombinant of the Robust Further Improvement To Continue the Work of the State Utility Forecasting Group Forecasting of the State Utility Continue the Work To DRU - Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of US Ethanol Policy DRU - Social, Economic, and Political Dairy Product Intake Regulation of Energy Metabolism Regulation Dairy Product Intake in Obese Adults Proteomic Approaches for Early Detection of Metabolism Syndrome Novel of Illinois Service, University Agreement between PU and Illinois Cooperative Lessons Educational Activities to Internet-based Paper-based Educational Lessions: Converting NAB the Aquatic Invader Region New Online Activities for the Atlantic NAB the Aquatic Invader: Observing System Education/Outreach Support for the Great Lakes Ordinance Project Smart Growth Development County Porter Lactose analysis samples submitted by North American Nutrition Companies Inc. Lactose analysis samples submitted by FY 2008 Program Recordkeeping Pesticide Cooperative FY 2007 Pesticide Cooperative Agreement (Enforcement & Program Implementation) Agreement (Enforcement & Program Cooperative FY 2007 Pesticide Agreement Cooperative FY 2008 EPA FY 2008 FDA Feed Mill and BSE Inspection FY 2008 FDA Feed Fundamentals, Effects and Consequences of Deliquescence in Multicomponent Food Systems Fundamentals, Effects and Consequences of Deliquescence in Multicomponent Food Program Exchange Afghan Faculty $778 $930 $1,339 $2,750 $5,500 $9,848 $5,138 $3,283 $3,283 $3,283 $4,700 $2,720 $8,071 $7,500 $3,283 $25,276 $12,693 $12,261 $52,083 $52,083 $25,100 $18,623 $83,135 $26,039 $24,750 $37,864 $10,000 $11,900 $16,765 $144,665 $291,246 $649,583 $247,487 $468,901 $110,000 $148,949 M Ivantysynova, Monika Ivantysynova, Richard L Farnsworth, E Scott, David James Lowenberg-Deboer, T Kevin McNamara, Discovery Park Administration, Devdutta S Niyogi, Carlos M Corvalan, Ricky E Foster, M Hirst, Peter Wilson, Christina R Earth & Atmospheric Science R Kevin Gurney, Energy Center, Discovery Park H Campanella, Osvaldo Mosier, Nathan S Mosier, Preckel, Paul V Paul Preckel, Tyner, Wallace E Wallace Tyner, Department of Foods & Nutrition, College Consumer Family Science S Donkin, Shawn Tao, Weiguo A Weiguo Tao, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy, A Mccormick, Robert Indiana State Chemist J Noel, Rodney Reed, Leo A Reed, Waltz, Robert D Robert Waltz, Industrial & Physical Pharmacy Lisa J Mauer, International Programs in Agriculture Bordelon, Bruce P 127 Values represent individual PI credit Values Sponsored Programs Free Grain TGER Systems TGER Ethanol Production Whole-Plant Bio-Processing For in DDGS production and Processing of Kamoran Stability Applications Starch-based Adsorbents for Molecular Sieve Systems TGER Ethanol Production Whole-Plant Bio-Processing For Chemical Imaging of Cell Structure and Dynamics Instrument for High-Resolution Hyper-Spectral of a Multivariate IDBR: Development Breast Cancer Cells in Invasive/Metastatic for Quantification of Cell Surface Markers Development Multiplex Detection Technology Based on Microfluidic Electroporation Technology Cell Microarray CAREER: Transfected Stability of Kamoran in DDGS production and Processing of Kamoran Stability and Associated Proteins in Breast Cancer Syk and Planning at Purdue The Hestia project: Supporting Climate Science, Policy A Dialogue and Community: Faith Center on Structured Organic Composites Amendment 1 Engineering Research Center on Structured Organic Composites Amendment 1 Engineering Research Center on Structured Organic Composites Amendment 1 Engineering Research Program Center Annual Water Research Resources 2008 Indiana Water Fiscal Year Program Center Annual Water Research Resources 2008 Indiana Water Fiscal Year Program Center Annual Water Research Resources 2008 Indiana Water Fiscal Year the Hepatitis B virus X Protein by Cancer DevelopmentMediated (Plk1) in Liver of Polo-like-kinase Role Functions of the 14-3-3 Protein Family Regulatory Cell Cycle Functions of the 14-3-3 Protein Family Regulatory Cell Cycle of an Imaging Nonlinear Optical Ellipsometer MRI: Development Hosting Borlaug Fellows from Macedonia-Mirjana Jankulovska Hosting Borlaug Fellows Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Extension Services to Deliver of the Afghanistan Ministry Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock the Capacity Improving Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Program Exchange Afghan Faculty Ahmed Abdel-Hady from Egypt-Abdel-Rahman Hosting Borlaug Fellows of an Imaging Nonlinear Optical Ellipsometer MRI: Development Arsenic- Microanalysis to Develop X-Ray and Accumulation in Plants: Using Functional Ionomics Synchrotron Transport Arsenic Uptake, The Genetic Basis of Natural Ionomic Variation The Genetic Basis of Natural Fluidic Electroporation Devices for Large Volume Genetic Modification of Cells Devices for Large Volume Fluidic Electroporation TRMS: From Ionome to Genome: Mapping the Gene Networks Controlling Nutrient Content in Rice Grain Cellulose Pretreatment Applications Starch-based Adsorbents for Molecular Sieve $6,340 $7,500 $3,283 $3,283 $3,283 $90,000 $13,000 $16,897 $18,202 $80,000 $13,000 $73,625 $87,000 $84,092 $22,529 $57,828 $79,952 $60,591 $60,591 $60,591 $10,157 $61,864 $10,157 $19,800 $20,400 $65,185 $25,432 $52,250 $14,774 $86,913 $41,738 $27,303 $237,551 $189,614 $578,866 $213,720 Sedlak, Miroslav Ladisch, Michael R Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College Pharmacy, Nursing, Health Sciences A Weiguo Tao, Purdue Climate Change Research Center R Kevin Gurney, Department of Philosophy, College Liberal Arts E Gerald Shively, Pharmaceutical Technology & Education Center Narsimhan, Ganesan E David Nivens, Martin R Okos, Office of the Vice President for Research D Lee, Brad F Ronald Turco, Whitford, Fred Basic Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine Liu, Xiaoqi Bindley Bioscience Center, Discovery Park Charbonneau, Harry Hall, Mark C Ohm, Herbert W George E Scoyoc, Van Stephen C Weller, Williams, Christie E Nathan S Mosier, Oseto, Christian Y Oseto, Jerry L Peters, Laboratory for Renewable Resource Energy Ladisch, Michael R Nathan S Mosier, Joseph M Irudayaraj, Lu, Chang E Salt, David 128 PURDUE AGRICULTURE

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