Satoshi Wagahara | 176 pages | 27 Oct 2015 | Little, Brown & Company | 9780316385084 | English | New York, United States The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 3 (manga) : Satoshi Wagahara :

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Satoshi Wagahara Visual Art. A portal opens in the courtyard of the Devil's Castle a tiny walk-up. And will this spell the end of the starry-eyed Emi's romantic ambitions? Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published December 15th by Yen On first published October 8th More Details Original Title. Other Editions 6. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. The Devil is a Part- Timer: Manga Vol 3 Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 16, Niquie rated it really liked it Shelves: series-trilogy- duologyThe Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3pov-3rdmagictaking-it-too-seriouslysilly-light-fluffunrequited-love. I was pretty excited to read this and while there were some things that grated on me the fact is I finished it in almost a day and not because I spiraled. It's not the deepest story, but it's fun and feels mainstream. I like the author could have made it feel more natural instead it comes off sounding text bookie. It's nice that there are other potential couples, but I'd like to see some characters who actually have a chance of getting together falling for each other. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but guess I'll have to see where this goes next vol. It's possible this is a language issue, but when translated to english pages like happens where almost the whole page is two characters talking to each other with no description or dialogue tags, just dialogue dialogue dialogue. Good thing I could figure out who was who, but come on. The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 I need to stop complaining about this. In fact this will be the last time I bring up dialogue tags. But come on this is the only light novel I notice this problem. View 1 comment. Oct 19, Jasmine Rose rated it it was amazing Shelves: mangabooks-read. Love, love, loved. I'm glad I got past all the stuff too not that there was anything wrong with those parts, I just wanted to know what happens next. Alas Ramus is super freaking adorable and the one and only reason I've decided to buy the The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 too my shelves hate me for this. Shelves: fantasy-i-lovedpersonal-favoritesprepare-for-lots-of-cheesecan-we-say-roflcopterlight-novelswhat-a-surprisesupernatural- nonsensethe-devil-is-a-part-timer. And here I thought that this couldn't get any better than what we had going! Let me be the one to tell you, it does. Well, that's where you'd be wrong. For those of you who watched the anime and t And here I thought that this couldn't get The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 better than what we had going! For those of you who watched the anime and then took to reading the light novels, this is where we get our first major divergence from what we saw in the episodes. Can't figure out what it is? The cover image doesn't even give you a hint? It's this precious little ball of fluff. This is Alas Ramus, and let me just tell you, she throws an entirely new kind of wrench into the workings of the Devil's Castle and its inhabitants' lives. She first appears in the form of a giant apple that falls through a Gate between Ente Isla The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 Japan, and proves herself capable of stopping Emi's holy sword, Better Half. Promptly thereafter, the apple transforms into a toddler with silver-and-violet hair, purple eyes, and a yellow dress formed from what was previously her apple skin. She declares right away that Maou and Emi are her parents, causing--you guessed it--more shenanigans for everyone involved. Oh, and there's a small platoon of angels looking for her as well, just in case calling the Devil King and the Hero her parents wasn't trouble enough to begin with. It turns out Alas Ramus is a fragment of an elemental crystal or something that was part of Sephiroth, the Tree of Life. Try and tell me things aren't getting interesting! My complaints with this are very few. As I mentioned in my reviews of the first two light novels, the formatting of the story especially for dialogue and speech tags is janked, but I think I'm getting used to that. I think my only serious annoyance is that I don't exactly care for the hints at a more romantic aspect to the relationship between Maou and Emi possibly in store in the future. While there's little to no sexual tension and romantic overtones to their relationship in the anime, there are definitely more hints at it in these light novels, and to be quite frank I find that The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3. That's just a personal preference however. What are the pros for this light novel installment? Alas Ramus herself, for one thing. I hadn't been expecting to like her as a character or even a plot device at all, but she won me over really fast because she's precious and adorable beyond all reason. This novel also gives the reader quite a bit more insight into the background of demons and angels in the world of Ente Isla, which I wasn't expecting at all and am more than a little grateful for! I'm not going to say what that is, barring the fact I've already mentioned the Tree of Life, because I feel like a lot of that ought to be experienced as one reads the book. And finally, I have to say that while I did enjoy seeing Maou turn into a completely doting dad over Alas, I think I was more fascinated by Emi's character development in this volume. We get a lot more of her internal debating over Seems to me like she's on the path to grow more as an individual, which would be a pleasant change of pace to witness and I think I might like her a little more as a character now. Yet again, I'm looking forward to continuing on with the series, and I'm hoping to start the fourth light novel here soon. This was such a fun read, and I highly recommend it to fans of the anime! The third volume of this series finally brings us to the point where the anime from a few years back ended. The events of the second book, with Maou saving Chiho and Emi from Sariel were a few days prior to this novel's opening and now the new adventure begins. Things are settling down to a routine of sorts with the Hero Emilia and the Devil King Maou interacting with their friends and so forth when a surprise arrives express though only Maou suspects this at first from Emi's mom, the archangel The third volume The Devil is a Part- Timer: Manga Vol 3 this series finally brings us to the point where the anime from a few years back ended. Things are settling down to a routine of sorts with the Hero Emilia and the The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 King Maou interacting with their friends and so forth when a surprise arrives express though only Maou suspects this at first from Emi's mom, the archangel Laylah. The girl calls Maou her daddy and Emi her mommy, much to their chagrin. This wacky scenario is about to get gut-wrenching as sinister forces are in play who want the little girl, and the enormous power that she holds, for their own purposes. Can Emi and Maou protect this new child of theirs, even while not liking being bound to each other? A few things I liked about this volume were that it continues the story past the anime and that it has Emi be badass instead of either helpless or second-fiddle to Maou. Like the second book, it shows her resolve and morality. Despite her sometimes bitchy behavior to Maou which is kinda justified, really, when you think of it she is a good person and a true hero. Maou himself continues his character development of the first book in admitting he made bad mistakes before which was nice. I can't wait until he turns more truly good. Chiho is further fleshed out and is shown to be conflicted and a good person at heart even while she wrestles with thoughts that are hard for anyone, especially a teenager, to grapple with. The rest of the cast is given further characterization, Ashiya and Lucifer are kind beneath their exteriors, and Suzuno is the steadfast ally and basically walking encyclopedia to info-dump on us. And also to provide comedic moments with her fish out of water behavior, speech, so forth. This volume The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 began to introduce the myth arch of the series as a whole, as I understand from spoilers. I am happy for that, as it gets us from one-off "monster of the week" style adventures, and to a longer and more detaileld story that will lead to a definitive end in a few years in Japan, a few more in America and other English-speaking countries. Other than the pace feeling a bit off with half the book leisurely and the other half a big rush of confrontations, I think the author did a great job with this installment. Jun 27, Daphne rated it really liked it Shelves: favorite-supporting-characteryafunny. I am really beginning to enjoy this series! I liked it well enough before this book, but now I'm beginning to really love the characters and I'm very invested in their well being. The Alas Ramus arc was my favorite in the manga, so I'm not surprised that I loved the light novel version. She is just as cute here as she was illustrated! The Devil is a Part-Timer Light Novel, Vol. 3 by Satoshi Wagahara

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Akio Hiragi Visual Art. Speak of the devil and he'll fry you a burger! His greatest challenge so far, though, comes when a Sentucky Fried Chicken opens up across the street. Maou once led the forces of darkness, but can he triumph over the forces of chicken? And his new neighbor seems a Speak of the devil and he'll fry you a burger! And his new neighbor seems awfully polite and proper, almost as if she were hiding something Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published October 27th by Yen Press first published May 27th More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. Friend The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 22, L. McCoy rated it liked The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 Shelves: comics-and-graphic-novelscomedycreator- ownedfantasymangareviewedyen-press. I remember loving the anime and giving volume 1 a 5-star review I did however find this volume slightly boring, I find myself slightly annoyed by a few characters and the romance is iffy. So yeah not bad, will add volume 4 to my reading list but nothing great. Jul 11, Jamie Books and Ladders rated it really liked it. I'm sad that I only have the first three volumes because I want to keep reading immediately! I am so in love with this story and these characters. I can't wait to continue and see where the story goes from here. You should definitely start this series! Nov 13, kerrycat rated it it was amazing Shelves: manga The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3, favorites. I just can't with Ashiya and Urushihara, like they show up and I'm laughing before they say a word or do anything. May 28, Evelyn rated it really liked it Shelves: ongoing-manga-seriesowned-manga. If you can't tell from the new face on the cover, we get a new character and a new story arc! She's a little weird but that's normal around here. The general plot is the same, with Satan and crew trying to pretend they're human while getting into mishaps involving working class living. But of course, hilarity must be offset by danger or else it just becomes one joke after another. So lets have a random unknown masked magic bad guy show up and attack Emilia A bit slow to start, but the arc gains momentum the more you read. This one started a little slow, but it picked up pace near the end. Nov 12, Miss Ryoko rated it it was ok Shelves: botm-challengelibrary-bookmanga. This volume was extremely boring. Nothing intersting happened. It was pointless and storydragging. The next one better be better. Aug 09, Johnathon rated it it was amazing. Another fun entry in the series that, after the epic action of the previous book, settles into more mundane but still funny moments as Sadao gets a chance at a promotion just when a mysterious new neighbor moves in. Satoshi Wagahara keeps the laughs coming, especially with the romantic drama over the new neighbor, that Sadao is oblivious too. Akio Hiiragi's art is just as fun, with the opening scene being a standout you'll never look at stir fry the same way again. All in all, one of the funni Another fun entry in the series that, after the epic action of the previous book, settles into more mundane but still funny moments as Sadao gets a chance at a promotion just when a mysterious new neighbor moves in. All in all, one of the funniest and more original manga's in recent years. Dec 29, Tanner rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasyhumoursequential-art. This volume was a little slow on the comedy at the beginning, and by the end of this it's starting to look a little bit like a -type situation I mean, it's still got a leg up on other harem's I've encountered because it doesn't resort to gross fanservice, and actually I'm kinda impressed with the maturity a lot of the characters are handling and talking about their feelings The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3. And when the humour does come into play it's fun, even if it's just laughing at Urushihara. Apr 28, Daisya Spencer rated it liked it. Maou has been promoted to being a manager while his boss has to leave out of town. Also, a new girl moves in The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 door and is being extremely nice, which seems awfully suspicious. So far, I think this was my least favorite out of the series so far. I was excited to be back in the world, but I was completely bored the whole. I feel like, and hope, that this might be a set up for something more interesting in the next volume. I also didn't find anything really funny. Jul 29, Pam rated it really liked it. The series continues. Oct 16, Christine rated it it was amazing Shelves: zmanga-a-daymanga. Devil gets a new room mate. More adventures. Mar 03, Amanda Setasha Hall rated it really The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 it Shelves: mangazzz This one wasn't as great as the first two. It focused more on all the romances than anything else. It was still pretty good, but I liked the action parts in the first two books more. Mar 18, Jennifer Ranger rated it liked it. This is another comical volume in the series. I highly recommend this light and airy manga. I am looking forward to volume 4. Aug 31, Daphne rated it really liked it Shelves: funnygraphic-novelkick-ass-charactersyafavorite-supporting-character. This series is much better the 2nd time around, when you already know all the characters. The first time I read this, I only rated it 3 stars. This time, it was a 4, almost a 5, star read. I loved Suzuno's introduction, and I loved reading this view spoiler [now that I know her master plan, and that she's truly from Ente Isla. Even their boss, Kisaki, knows all about it. As a sidenote, all of Maou's This series is much better the 2nd time around, when you already know all the characters. As a sidenote, all of Maou's interactions with Kisaki are pure gold. They're some of my favorite scenes. I'm really enjoying re- reading this series, and I can't wait to finish it or at least finish what has been published in English. Original Review Not the best volume, but I still enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next volume. The Devil is a Part-Timer Manga, Vol. 3 by Satoshi Wagahara

The Devil Is a Part-Timer! The story is about a demon king named Sadao Maou seeking to conquer the world of Ente Isla, but when confronted by the Hero Emilia, he is forced to retreat through a gate that transports him to modern day , Japan. To survive and find a way to return to Ente Isla, Satan gains part-time employment at a fast food restaurant called MgRonald. The Demon Lord Satan seeks to conquer the world of Ente Isla by annexing its four continents with the help of his demon generals Alciel, Lucifer, Malacoda, and Adramelech. After being confronted by the hero Emilia and her companions, after they had killed Malacoda and Adramelech, Satan and The Devil is a Part- Timer: Manga Vol 3 escape the world of Ente Isla through a gate to modern Tokyo, Japan. However, due to the lack of magic in the modern contemporary world, both Satan and Alciel change into forms representing what they would look like if they were human. In order to survive, Satan takes a part-time job in a fast food restaurant named MgRonald, while Alciel serves as his houseman. The story then unfolds and explores the personalities of each of the characters and their moral values. More characters show up from Ente Isla and they too face the new world dilemmas, often comically. The series is licensed in North America by Yen Press[7] with the first novel being released on April 21, High School! The anime has Masahiro Yokotani as the script supervisor and Atsushi Ikariya adapts 's characters designs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cover of the first light novel volume featuring Shiro, Sadao, Chiho and Emilia. Manga Entertainment. High School N! Volume 5. Volume 2. Anime News Network. Retrieved August 14, Retrieved September 30, Episode 1. Retrieved October 7, . Retrieved August 7, Retrieved May 11, Publishers Weekly. August 29, Retrieved August 30, Retrieved The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3 10, Retrieved January 26, Retrieved August 25, Retrieved November 6, Retrieved February 9, Retrieved May 19, Yen Press. Retrieved February 12, Retrieved February 5, Retrieved June 21, Retrieved October 4, Retrieved February 28, Retrieved March 29, Retrieved August 28, Retrieved June 11, Retrieved October 5, Retrieved September 11, Retrieved September 4, Retrieved June 6, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved April 22, Retrieved January 25, Retrieved September 23, SP] in Japanese. Retrieved February 2, SP 2] in Japanese. Retrieved November 24, Retrieved May 12, Retrieved June 2, Retrieved May 30, The Devil is a Part- Timer: Manga Vol 3 Retrieved November 5, Retrieved September 9, Retrieved September 19, Retrieved March 2, Retrieved February 29, Retrieved March 27, Retrieved April 20, Volume 5". Retrieved April 23, Volume 3". Volume 4". Retrieved June 29, Novels Get Gourmet Manga Spinoff". March 8, Retrieved March 9, October 7, December 14, Retrieved December 15, . Steins;Gate Elite OLM, Inc. Studio Bind. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Comedyfantasy [1]. NA Yen Press. Anime television series. Anime and manga portal. February 10, [9]. April 21, [8]. June 10, [10]. August 25, [11]. November 10, The Devil is a Part-Timer: Manga Vol 3. December 15, [13]. February 10, [14]. April 19, [15]. June 10, [16].