Reflections on Micronesia
REFLECTIONS ON MICRONESIA Collected Papers of 14'ather Francis X. Hezel, S.J. Working Papers Series Pacific Islands Studies Center for Asian and Pacific Studies in collaboration with the Social Science Research Institute University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii Begirlflirl}', 1:; the ~~ar1v I ~H:/h. (',I,tiler iranc;', ,Y... He,,~c;. '-,h'., h,'t:, been a keen ni)SI'rver of events i;) th,' U. ":i. Trust Terrttor\' nl tn.,> Pacific Islands. Sinc" 1968. Father Hf'zd 1)d.S duthorcri d series of papers which reoor1: upon his observdtiol):>, ano. more il'f'portilntly. provide his always thoughtful reflections ,tbOllt them. Some of thl' papers appeared in mimeograph form and were circulated among friends and other interested parties. The majoritv of rh;: rapers, however, were published If) various journals, IIldgdZIIlPs, and newspapers. A~; the AnlcriCdl1 drlrninistrdtion •.){ the isLlnrls ':lpp'C'ars to be approaching an end, it is an time to bring together the 18 papers whIch comprise this volume. In the case of previously published papers, we wish to thank the original publishers, all of whom have granted their permission to reprint the papers included here. A debt of gratitude is also due to Father Hezel who made available copies of thl': previously unpublished works. The Prlcific Islands Studies Program will soon pllblLsh another item authored by Fa ther Hezel. During the current year, the program has founded the Pacific Islands Monograrh Series to be publish~d bv the University of Hawaii Press (formerly and until recently, the University Press of Hawaii). It is our pleasurf' to announce that Father Hezel's The First Tain~_of CiviI~:{ation: A___ Hist(~L_2L_ the Caroline and~~,ars!,alLJslaf1r1s in Pre-~_oJonial l?:?-Y_~.LJJ? 1:.L~~~ hi1!' been selected to dPpear as the first monograph in the series.
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