Mofsoforo confirmed as MOC President - see page 2 The National Union Wntfy/o/ •/ AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES Of MICRONESIA Volume 7 Kolonia, Pohnpei, April 30, 1986 Number 8 COMPACT Doone leads in early vote count MEETING HELD JOFJN, Truk - Former FSM Supreme Gov. FJob Mori received 9,211 or a Court Administration Director margin of 1,132 votes over his IN HONOLULU Gideon Doone was leading by a challenger Saburo Rayphand, who margin of 2,353 votes in the run- received 8,079 in the Lt. Govern- HDIONIA, Pohnpei - Federated off election against former FSM or's race, Petrus said. States of Micronesia Status Com- Congress Senator Sasao Gouland in The unofficial results did not mission Chairman Andon Amaraich an early unofficial vote count in include the ballots from election and other FSM officials concluded Truk April 29 gubernatorial elec- precincts 11 (Halls) and 13 (No- a neeting with the U.S. Aribassa- tion as the Tabulation Committee munweito). Truk election offi- dor Fred Zeder and other repre- wound up with the majority of the cials said that the combined to- sentatives of the U.S. Adminis- election precincts counted, ac- tals of the two remaining pre- tration held April 21-25 in Hono- cording to Election Board Chair- cincts may not be able to make up lulu regarding matters related to man Misauo Petrus. the difference between the two implementation of the Compact of As the National Union went to candidates in the governor's race. Free Association and the addi- press, Doone had received 9,832 Tabulation for the Mortlocks tional agreements required by the to Gouland's 7,479; Incumbent Lt. (Continued on Page 3) U.S. Public law 99-238, according to Chairman Amaraich. While sore ESM Status Commis- sion members expressed fear of acrimonious meetings before they left Hbnolulur the outcome of these discussions, for the most part, was favorable, Amaraich said. Discussions during the weeklong meeting included: preliminary U.S. Government comments on the FSM First National Development Plan; U.S. Congress appropriation of Compact funds, and U.S. feder- al programs, Conmission Legal SOOTH PACIFIC ECHDM FISHERIES CCMCCnS (FFC) MffiCS ON POHNFKI - FPC Counsel Greg Swartz said, adding outgoing Chairman Julian Dashwood, center, of Cook Tsljmdsr is ad- dressing the opening cetencny of the FFC meeting which was held here that negotiations were completed April 28-May 3, that this was the first time the ETC is held north on an additional agreement relat- of the equator and that he is pleased with the ocassion, while the ing to mutual assistance in law Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Director Hdlipp Muller, left, and FSM Resouces and Development Secretary Bernard Helgenberger, right, enforcement and on modifications looking on. Helgenberger is also the Chairman of the Micronesian to the Fiscal Procedures Agree- Maritime Authority (MMA) Board of Directors. The opening ceremony ment as required by sections was held at the FSM Congress Chamber while the working meetings were held at the Kolonia Town Hall. ESM International Affairs Chief Mas- (Continued on Page 4) ao Nakayana is now chairman of the FFC for the rest of the year. MA7SI/TARO APPOINTED MOC PRESIDED 00 FDROR, Palau - The College of meeting to serve as interim Pres- gents begs your indulgence and Micronesia (COM) Board of Regents ident until a new president was hereby most respectfully solicits announced April 23 the appoint- selected. your views and advice on the de- ment of Francis Matsutaro, Micro- Toribiong, 39, who was a former sirability of holding such a pro- nesia Occupational College Dean Palau senator and District Public posed 'sunmit' and if acceptable, of Instruction as the new MX Defender practicing law here, re- where and when may such a surrmit President, replacing Wilhelm places Rev. Billy Kuartei whose be held," the Regents said. Rengiil who resigned in December term expired in January. Sohl said that the Board o H to become the Republic of Palau Vice Rector Damian Sohl of "pledges to continue its efforts ss D Minister of National Resources, a Pohnpei, who presided in the ab- to maintain a unified college," COM news release reported. sence of Rector Alfred Capslle of because, "the closing of any cam- The Regents also announced the the Marshall Islands, said "Wa pus would be detrimental to us s appointment of Johnson Toribiong are at a time of crisis, because economically and socially." 1as the new Pa- of the uncertainty of our fund- In related actions, the Regents: lau member of ing." -Instructed COM Executive Di- H 03 the Board and Sohl, who is the Pohnpei State rector Singeru Singeo to initiate that they would Education Director, noted that he supervisory and staff evaluations continue to sent letters January 31 to the for review by the Board of its seek a sunmit three Micronesian Presidents, re- September ireeting in Majuro. of Micronesian questing a sunmit on future COM -Requested renovation funding Presidents on * funding and that Palau President from the Palau Government for MX funding for COM MATSUTARO lazarus Salii responded favorably dorms, shops and housing. under the Compact of Free As- during his welcoming address to -Agreed to a Memorandum of Un- sociation and that they would the Board, citing the need to derstanding with the Marshall Is- continue the freeze which they identify Compact and outside lands Government for execution of imposed at their January meeting funds for the COM system. Nursing Training there. in Pohnpei on all non-essential The Regents followed up with a -Authorized a review of land expenditures, the release said. dispatch sent April 22 to Mar- grant endowment fund investments. The "Actions and Directives" shall President Amata Kabua and -Agreed with the need to expand approved at the close of the FSM President Tosiwo Nakayama, CTAS Extension and Cooparative three-day meeting state that Ma- noting that the compacts are ex- Education Services, to entities tsutaro "represents the youthful pected to be implemented by Octo- which do not have them. potential for long-term service ber 1 and that this will termi- -Approved the draft COM master as the College of Micronesia dis- nate Interior Department funding plan prepared by William Kinder charges its responsibilities to and phase out U.S. Student finan- to be submitted to the College the people of Micronesia." cial aid which provided most of staff and Micronesian governments Matsutaro, 37, was born on Pel- the funding for the COM system. for comments by the September iliu Island, Palau, and was grad- The COM system includes MDC in Board meeting, and uated from Xavier High School in Palau, the Ccranonity College of -Designated the Rector to serve Truk, the University of Hawaii Micronesia (OCM} in Pohnpei, the as chairman of the COM delegation where he received a Bachelor of CCM Nursing School which is being to the Pacific Postsecondary Edu- Education degree in 1974 and the moved from Saipan to Majuro, the cation Council, the release add- University of Guam where he re- College of Tropical Agriculture ed. ceived a Masters degree in Educa- and Science (CTAS) in Pohnpei and tion in 1984. Continuing Education Centers in Retirement bill introduced He joined the MX staff as an Palau, Marshalls and the four FSM IELU, Kosrae - The Kosrae State English instructor in 1974 and states. Legislature was introduced a bill became Acting Dean of Instruction In the dispatch, the Regents amending the Kosrae State Code to in June 1982, and Dean in January cited the earlier request for a provide retirement age at 60 for 1983. summit and asked the Presidents employees in the executive ser- Matsutaro served as Acting MX to send representatives to work vice, according to a State Infor- President from the time Rengiil with their summit task force to mation news release. resigned until the Regents named develop a proposed funding plan The bill, if passed, will also the Rev. Billy Kuartei, an ini- for COM under the Compacts. provide that the implementation tial member of the Board and its "Because time is of the essence date falls on January 1, 1987, first Rector, at the January in the matter, the Board of Re- the release said. M Doone S s>3 (Continued from Page 1) and the absentee boxes from the a special polling places on Guam, Saipan, Pohnpei, Honolulu and THIRTY BOOR POHNPK1 STATE AND PR1VWEE sbC&fe EMPLOYEES RBCEIVB CBt- those who cast their votes prior TIFICATES OF COMPLETION - Depattmait of Treasury Director Ihlen Jo- to travelling during the election seph, who was then the Director of State Administration, is address- ing the participants of a three-week secretarial/clerical training day is expected to be ccrpleted workshop held March 10- 28, at Pohnpei Hospital Special Hard and in early May, Betrus said. conducted by SSP Associates of Saipan, during the closing ceremony. A ship has been dispatched to The training was conducted by Mrs. Stacy Pounds and Ms. L. Sam So- U) faer. Receiving certificates of completion were: Minna Cahrley, o pick up ballot boxes in the Halls Rufina Damarlane, Dodihse Peter, Dahwa Manuel, Bersiana Saick, and and the Nbmunweito precincts (11 Benida Alex, Health Services; Eunice Hedgar, Ana Rose Reim, Karly VD and 13) and is expected to arrive Smith, and Swister Minoske, Conservation and Resources Surveillance; 00 Niomy Phillip, Merlina Joseph, and Malpihna Endere, Personnel, Labor on Moen on May 6, Petrus added. and Manpower Development Office; Utilise Edgar, Racheal Eliam, and He said final official results loverda Rosario, KCCA; Menister Edwards and Rihta Hinga from Ccmai- will be available to the public nity College of Micronesia; Angkelihna Manuel, Jeanopwu Hedson, and A Serena Samuel of Justice Dept.; Eswich Poll, Elsy Rose Santos, Mih- w by next waek on Wednesday (May 7) ner lorrin, and Melihna Aindn, Treasury; Mariana Hainrick, Senda and that he expects the results Hambrosio, Marley Vtelles, and Sapihna Sallel, Pohnpei State Legisla- to be certified by the Acting ture; Atelia idnere of Beadstart Program; Marley Paul, Federal Rela- tions; Sweeter Aron, Public Affiars; Msrlihna Manuel, Tourism, and Election Commissioner Iskia Sony Benida Wellens of Nett District Government.
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