Voters Now Class B Teams in the State

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Voters Now Class B Teams in the State ·s.~ . <II •c: .,j 0 !":,..., ...'-l . ~ ..... (!.) ... p ., .... Important to You! '$.4 ~ •• 'I) 0 J'.)j r>t hi} t·~ t::! !'; ,,..., ···~ MODERATING ·r.. , ~t Pt r.·,4 Slightly modorotlng trend Thur•· tr.l C.JJ, day through Saturday; co/dar Sunday wllh Snow flurr/u, Volume 105, No. 9 • 30 Pages Wednesday, February 26, 1964 Mason Gains Mason· Schools Through 1970 Tourney Bye Mason drew a bye In the Class B East Jacltson bas· ltetball tournament, one of the toughest collection of District· Voters Now Class B teams in the state. The tournament will of· fer 2 games Tuesday night, March 3, 2 games Thursday School District Will Decide night, March 5, and the fl· nals on Saturday, March 7. Tucsd~y games will pit Extra Millage Tuesday Jackson Northwest, 0·15, Tuesday is the day of r1e­ school board member provld· against Jacltson Western, cis!on for Mason school dis· 11·3, at 7 o'clock and East ed these figures based on local trict electors. assessed valuation in the var· 'Jacltson, 12·2, against Jack· Voters will go to the po11s son St. ,John, 10·3, at 8:45, iotis townships served by the to settle 2 school finanP.e i~· Mason school system and the. Thursday night at 7 Jaclt· sues. One calls for lcvv.irw G city of Mason. son St. Mary, 10·5, will mills fo1' opel'ational · fu;;cls Charles Brown, school trus· meet the winner of .the East for the Ma~on ~chool sv.~tPm. Jackson-Jaclcson St. John tee, pointed out that the fa]. On this pi'oposal all q1irtlificcl lowing table would give the contest. school clr.etm·s will be able to Bergstad hits the floor as Bill Howe's knee Jackson St. John, winner property owner his share of cast their ballot. the operating cost if he would appears to hit him in the back of the head. twice over Mason, is listed The second )JJ'oposal ralls as tourney favorite with multiply his property valua­ Notice ball still in the air. fo1· the boncllng of the school tion by the appropriate cost East Jackson also rated per thousand. high so no matter how the district fo1· :!1600,000 so that a Tuesday night .games fare, classroom constl'uction pro­ Alaie!lon ...................... $18.8~ Am·elius .............. ,....... 1~.8'7 Coach Bob Finch's boys gram can be undertaken to Delhi .... ,.............. '......... 15.18 will have their work cut relieve Cl'owc!ed school concH· J,eslie .......................... 10.78 out for themselves, tions. 'The school board has Onondaga ................ ,.. , 11.85 plan~ for mlcling class1·ooms at Vevay .............. ,........... 18.8S Steele Street and Alaieclon Mason .............. ,........... 8.DS elementary schools and at the high :o;chool. In aclclition a new The variation among the Lantis Gives elementary school is being various govemmental units in the 8chool district is because planned fm· the site ah·eacl~· of the different formulas used Ideas jor owned at Columbia and: Aure· for property assessing pur. lius roads. ;:;,' poses in the units of govern· '"""'·' ment. Centennial On the boncling.)/~)'oposal The Citizens committee and only property ownefs or re­ the majority of the school conl and thci I" spq!tses arc Harold Lantis of Stockbridge Pligible to vote. ·. board contend that Mason e x p I a i n e d the background must have the operational work necessary to stage a Both proposals were the re· millage in ordcl' to operate in community birthday celebra· suit of rccornmcndalions the black. They also cite the. tion to Mason Kiwanians Tues. made by a citizens school crowded school condition& day night. Lantis was chair· study committee. which malw the bonding pro· posal a must. man of the Stocltbridge 125th . The 6 m!lls called for in the They also point out that the observance 3 y~ars ago. millage pmposal would raise bonrling proposal will replace Mason ,ol,>se~v.e Its .100th $6 pe1· tlwusand dollars of will the btl ilding and site fund for anniversary an inC!orponited state equalized propr~rty valu· as which Mason has b(!cn ,colle.ct· village in the summer of 1965. a lion. To -brc1~lt ~hat down in The whistle blows and players from both ing miHage for the last 5 Plans are already underway dollars and cents, ::1 Mason 1 · years. These 3 mills expired teams rush to the youth s aid. The jar had for a community-wide observ· December :n. caused Bergstad a dislocated knee. ance. A heavy vote1· turnout Is ex. · Lantis told Kiwanlans that Tax pected as a result of a cam. there ou.ght to lie 3,000 people paign by the Citizens commit· out of 5,000 in the community tee to place the facts before w h o are wllllng to devote the people and an all-out ef· their talents to the .project. Review fort to get voters to the poll. He estimated it would take a Shirley Curtis The polls will open 7 a.m. lbudget of about $15,000 to Dave Diehl Mary Jane Evans Tuesday morning at the vo­ make the event effective. Dates Set cational building on Oak The Stocltbridge merchant 'Taxpayers in Ingham will street across from the Jcffer· son Street school. Polls will emphasized . that the event · have an opportunity to speak effective. remain open until 8 p.m. Flappers Have Flipped on the subject of their own The Stocltbridge merchant property valuations. This is emphasized that the event Mason Kiwanians will re-enact the the board of review season. should be financed by activJ. girls, men's quartet singing, the follies Township boards of review ties and sale of souvenirs and Roaring Twenties in their annual stage dancers. will meet Tuesday, March 3, not through direct contrlbU· show at Mason high school auditorium The show is directed by Don Vander­ Monday, Mat·ch 9, and Tues­ tions. He held out the lure for Friday and Saturday nights. Local talent Veen Jr., assisted by Mrs. Leonard Car­ day, March 10, to go hear ob· Mason that if the centennial will step into the shoes of such well re­ ter and Warren Emrick. jections and recommendations w a s handled correctly, it membered favorites as Ted Lewis, Rudy to propm·ty valuation figures. could be used fm· some last· Vallee, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick-_ Proceeds from the show are used for The city of Mason board of ing community project. ford. The entire revue will be musically Kiwanis projects for Mason youth. All Ki­ review has a different set of Leap teal' Kiwanians expect to have matched with songs out of the Twenties. wanians have tickets available for both meeting dates. 'The Mason Lantis back in Mason within There'll be Charleston dances, sldts, the board will meet Tuesday, the next few weeks for a com· nights. Tickets will also be available at the March 10, and Tuesday, March SALE munity-wide meeting. Kiwanis chorus, a Dixieland band, flapper auditorium. 24, as provided in the city charter. Bergstad twists in agony as players, referees, SEE PAGE B-6 coaches and finally Dr. 0. K. Pauley attempt to assist. ~=:~:f?::::w.::~:;~*:::::~K!i.iml.i~%-tM:%WlMttWW&MilitMiiW!WliiltM1MMlltiiMWirtKWWMM~ lili:@ News Polls s· en·lors 'About Vot.1ng At Age 18 •~~;j •······· =·~.·!· Members of the senior Connie Foell - "I think tainly aren't mature enough the various problems in our have a voice in the way my more than the older people class of Mason high school if the voting age would be to handle the problems of society or even our person· country Js run." about the world's prob· are pretty closely divided on towered that all 18-year-olds our nation." a! ones." L1ury BllUey - "The !ems." the matter of reducing the - teenagers - should ac· Debby Dunn - "I don't 1\ri~ Lee - "Because we trend in the United States And here's what a few voting age from 21 to 18 cept the other responsibili· think any teenager at the have studied government has been to maturity at a who oppose lowering the years. ties of adulthood, such as age of 18 is old enough to doesn't prove that we know younger age. So the voting voting age have to say: The Ingham County deciding about marriage, accept this responsibility." everything, You're more age should be lowered." "We are too immature to News, in cooperation with drinking and smoking. They .Yolanda Dillon- "I don't mature at 21 than at 18." Dale Chaney - "Teen· malte any great decisions." M. Chandler Nauts, high also would have to talte the think we are experienced Sue J.amb - "We are old agers at this age (18) are · "I feel that very few teen· school principal, polled 69 full punishment for any enough or q· u a I i f i e d enough to vote at 18 and more mature and have a agers would be serious seniors this week and dis· crime they commit. I don't enough." intellectually we are capa. good knowledge of the po· enough nbout electing a covered that 35 of them are think some are old enough Janet Onsley is of the ble, but we need the few litical front today." president to vote lntelll· against lowering the voting to accept that responsibility, opinion that 18-year-olds years between 18 and 21 Dennis Brodberg says he gently. There are excep· age and 3:1 are in favor so I am against the lower· should be given the vote be· for experience." thinks "the young people tions, of course, but the rna· of it.
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