Six emerging trends in media and communications Occasional paper NOVEMBER 2014 Canberra Melbourne Sydney Red Building Level 32 Level 5 Benjamin Offices Melbourne Central Tower The Bay Centre Chan Street 360 Elizabeth Street 65 Pirrama Road Belconnen ACT Melbourne VIC Pyrmont NSW PO Box 78 PO Box 13112 PO Box Q500 Belconnen ACT 2616 Law Courts Queen Victoria Building Melbourne VIC 8010 NSW 1230 T +61 2 6219 5555 T +61 3 9963 6800 T +61 2 9334 7700 F +61 2 6219 5353 F +61 3 9963 6899 1800 226 667 F +61 2 9334 7799 Copyright notice With the exception of coats of arms, logos, emblems, images, other third-party material or devices protected by a trademark, this content is licensed under the Creative Commons Australia Attribution 3.0 Licence. We request attribution as: © Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Communications and Media Authority) 2014. All other rights are reserved. The Australian Communications and Media Authority has undertaken reasonable enquiries to identify material owned by third parties and secure permission for its reproduction. Permission may need to be obtained from third parties to re-use their material. Written enquiries may be sent to: Manager, Editorial and Design PO Box 13112 Law Courts Melbourne VIC 8010 Tel: 03 9963 6968 Email:
[email protected] Contents Introduction 1 Communication goes OTT 6 Consumers build their own communications links 10 Wearable devices—personalised data arrives 15 ‘Flexible’ TV—online expands viewer options 19 Multi-screening is mainstream 25 TV is still the main news source, even as platforms shift 30 | iii Introduction The ACMA monitors industry and consumer data to identify changes in the media and communications environment and their impact on regulatory settings.