February 24, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8159 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 24, 1992 The House met at 12 noon. But I think it also goes back to some PROGRAM The Chaplain, Rev. James David of the legislation passed in this body Opening: Arnold Goldstein, Superintend Ford, D.D., offered the following pray and the other body on title IX and ent, National Capital Parks-Central, Na er: some of the efforts that we have made tional Park Service. Presentation of the Colors: Joint Armed Teach us in all our ways, 0 God, to to make sure that Federal money is Services Color Guard, Military District of look upon others with the respect and spent equally on men and women ath Washington. honor that is due every person. We letes in the various programs that are "The National Anthem" : U.S. Air Force admit our disagreements and conflicts, sanctioned at the college level. Band, Chief Master Sgt. Alan Sine, Director. our disputes and quarrels, and yet we Mr. Speaker, certainly we want to Welcome by the Master of Ceremonies: Ar acknowledge You as the Creator and give tribute to our Olympic women and nold Goldstein, Superintendent, National Judge of the whole human family, a to all of the young Bonnie Blairs and Capital Parks-Central, National Park Serv ice. family bound together by Your gift of Kristi Yamaguchis who watched these Remarks: Honorable Russell E. Train, life and Your sustaining spirit. May Olympics and will be our Olympians in First Vice President, Washington National the spirit of tolerance mark our voices future years.
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