Merritt Takes Tennessee State Football Mentorship
(flnnyratulaltrntH ©raauat^s! Vol. XI No. 12 TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY, MAY 1963 12 Pages Merritt Takes Tennessee State Football Mentorship (Clothing and Textiles) With Dis GRADUATION SPEAKERS Prospective Candidates tinction; Baccalaureate speaker for the Nancy Jean Steele, of Nashville graduating class of 1962-63 (Sun For Graduation (Home Economics Education); day, May 26, 1963) is the Reverend Odestine Elizabeth Strickland, of Samuel H. James, minister, Second (undergraduate) May/63 Murfreesboro (Foods and Nutri Baptist Church, San Antonio, tion) ; THE SCHOOL OF Texas. Reverend James is a native Thomas Louis Taylor, of Coving- AGKICULTURE AND of Texas. He received his under ton (Agronomy); HOME ECONOMICS graduate degree at Tennessee State Emma Jean Thomas, of Mont University, the B.D. and S.T.M. de The Depree of Bachelor of Science gomery, Alabama (Foods and Nu grees at Andover-Newton Theolog Gloria Pearl Chandler Booth, of trition) ; ical Seminary, and completed fur Nashville (Home Economics Edu Eleanor Lee Turner, of Nashville ther graduate work at Boston Uni cation); (Home Economics Education) With versity and Harvard Univei'sity. Curtiss Lee Brummer, of Ches Distinction; Before assuming his present posi ter (Agricultural Education); Garner Stirl Warren, of Milling- tion, he was on the faculty at Bis ton (Agricultural Education); hop College. Terry Reynolds Bynum, of Town Creek, Alabama (Biochemistry); Cora Lee Weston, of Dawson, During his pastorate in San An Georgia (Home Economics Educa tonio, Reverend James has been I Sandra Louise Childress, of St. tion) ; Louis, Missouri (Home Economics very active in the life of that com Mary Ewing Wharton, of Leba Education); munity, fiUing various posts on the non (Home Economics Education); Percy Samuel Forde, of Colum Council of Churches, the Commu Carolyn Ann Wiggins, of Mem nity Welfare Council, and on the r bus, Georgia (Agronomy); phis (Foods and Nutrition); Robert Rochell Freeman, of Den Board of Directors for the Public mark (Agronomy); THE SCHOOL OF ARTS Assistance Program.
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