56 m-long CAF URBOS tram on a refurbished section on Budapest’s tramline 1 Photo: Simon Nyirő, BKK NEWSLETTER 6 | JUNE 2018 Managing Transportation he SMART-MR project’s 6th in- ct partners presented their best practices in ternational workshop was held transport organising and covered different to- in Budapest on the 12th and pics about mobility management in roundtab- 13th of June, 2018. The work- le talks, focusing on the regional institutional SMART-MR (Sustainable measures Tshop organised by BKK Centre for Buda- cooperation, demand responsive transport for achieving resilient transportation pest Transport took place in the “New City (DRT), mobility as a service (MaaS), shared in metropolitan regions) is an Interreg Hall” of the Hungarian capital and it was transport solutions and autonomous vehicles. Europe project running from April 2016 discussed how transportation in a metro- A site visit was also organised to try and gain until March 2021 with a total budget politan region can be managed. insights into Budapest’s public transport sys- of approximately EUR 2.2 million. tem. The presentations, the site visit and also Circa 50 participants from eight the main findings are described in details in metropolitan regions, such as Oslo and this newsletter. Akershus (Norway), Gothenburg (Swe- Contact den), Helsinki (Finland), Ljubljana (Slo- BKK Centre for venia), Rome (Italy), Porto (Portugal), Budapest Barcelona (Spain) and Budapest (Hun- Transport gary) took part in the sixth workshop of the project’s seven workshops, in the fra- Balázs Fejes mework of which presentations were held Innovation expert about the regional institutions of the Hun- Mobility Strategy garian capital and its surroundings, about Strategy and Innovation BKK’s institutional structures and roles, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport the Hungarian capital’s mobility strategy Phone: +36 30 774 1133 (Budapest Mobility Plan, BMT) and also Participants of the 6th SMART-MR workshop E-mail:
[email protected] about the UN’s sustainable goals.