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Rm' Sn&Qj0&I&Mr -- f iaffi""jyM w frm' sn&Qj0&i&mr " iffflywif-- r (pitictfe C. S. WEAIHSB. 3y 2J. Las: t sccrs ramflH. JCtJ. STIGAK. S6 D5W Tt Centrifugals, S.67c r Tea, $75.40. 65. Weather; fair to clfflidy. SS Analysis Efets, 9s. Sd.; Per Ten, $S0.S0. i I II NO. 15 EA.WA1IA2T GAZETTE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY zu 1CQ&. SEMI-WEEKL- Y WHOLE No. 20S3 RAKE OX THE moiet is nit sudden death of m fiidie PINOLE POWDER yn.nr nr SO VERT TIGHT: FHMKJL f DGS, FOB TE!ITW MILL BLOWS UP 1 flicuanaiessneponsinairunasinao oeen manager oi naLwzii&iuueau uuv. Aimersun mdie KILLING MANY fer Floral Parade Are Star for Twelve Optimistic Speech at Com- Easy Betting. Years. mercial Ciub. - (Associated Press Cablegrams.) Frtsseoc it tte weekly meeting- c--f the Fraai . E;?. fr S jast rwebref 5,0,3. address Iwea istea-yea- rs I rtig QKacsftttee he&I rxosager t& Star , . twenty-fou- Htsofi Patau Hairams J rapt attentioa than PINOLE, CaL, February ai. Four whites and r - Chicago Hears Messa& yesterfay" "ec 5". T TValdros. W. 5L. aat s: f tae tsae- a tor lra I was that o former lieutenaat Govern Chinese were killed by the explosion of a powder mill here yester- - , Stwwx, 3. 3reas J. A. MSCasd- -; is :& p&fs. ife"! swiisah- yestnia,T-- or Asdersoa of CaHforala. delivered at day. - L A. tess aai YC X. Lacas. saacth- alter sa. at aij nstie3..f th Ooauaerctil Ctut ysterdar. TOKIO, February iS. The reply ot the Japanese government Brought by Tihi was as. extremely us- - sesssac itiiSf asd Kasc?s srxcs. TT. (X Smith. iatrcdacei ilr. Ander- to the memorandum of the United States Government in regard to feveaftfsS 'W. Mi afcoct o&. Hgs Traj at aa.. son, orho. said: the emigration of Japanese to the United States has been completed Thurston. ;orsy arriving- - - 1 of lajasese by t9ws. as csaal stra.j- bzks&zz, bet Is - and is believed be satisfactory. -- "When th Panama Canal coai- to the S. 3. Moegaskx. oa March. 2$. oc as. ariaek acete- - ialjestitKt saiiirvtar pteted. this cenntrr Trill fairty leap ST. PETERSBURG, February iS. Reinforcements have been fTokahoaa. w he ssftattr entertained h. Kua; tea (iarias tk frecja. Efa spo& yostecfef off to the front. It will on of the sent to the Cossack troops who are in Finland. The Terrorists arc is. atceactfasee Trial. a receest frosa I liuata eane sas&yslif iwea teart raSare. t most, important ports of: the Paeie leaving Finland in lanre numbers for Sweden. sk liii wad ar tin fr as 2r. Cut Jt Svtas. esder wise assjces Fraai L. Eoocs "as tors is. Saa . Coast Ocean. is a sxeat fu Illinois, iS. - Snfrrg-- coad-ccted- and There SPRINGFIELD, February The Republican State af wfcieV dfee dfc IMS- & Frascsscoi. fscty-te-ur yors EJs safer as. ture before HaTraii. and it is not so Convention has endorsed Speaker Cannon for the presidency. Sf3iiS a rOS-- IS fottawSfcr Sitsec was seod asd tfatSnir dKI nasj- - years ago, and kfe L very far distant, either. LIMA, February iS. Wireless messages have been received tsaied 4ws as Jar as the rexraess ccs-- 1 9- He was sttar i"lt st yaxs ag. ex- -- "I think that there Is room for from Admiral Evans' fleet 3S0 miles from Callao. a. s wMTTnrmT tS tafed tikerete s eoacersed; agagsi Teatres a Tlam A is tkakai fsr pansion ta the fruit industry here in WASHINGTON", January Among the bills today was one ttj Wavaaje Vi; 3rd Feb.. IMS. HEaiber jars ia Sas Fraacisia ac.i. 29. Oxrr-ftte- e. Hawaii. am interested in that indus- by Representative Acheson, of Pennsylvania, to prohibit the sale yarts HusaSfc PruoaieJoE. Hare-- CaS&rzia. He cass fc. 1531 as raan- - I I tn? tate. T-- try in California, and while realise of intoxicants in the Isthmian Canal Zone. E. agsc a feastsfeatt team from, the Ceast I f the same fruits trfil probably not CHICAGO, February ig. A fierce blizzard is raging through if 3r. ! xKwt !aeea. fK W&saifeg; abiec: the srasci gfa,Tei a series f gaases is ts Ithat , here as they da in the Golden the Central States. Many deaths are reported. Ksaiat, was ac mini L. A. of May rj-rr- asd -? j. fg-- yoei fcfasiis. Hfe bciKaer "ST. E. Haags hx taa iit f State, and vice versa. I thiai that the Mayor General tu s a y weftl rue car to t sereral years teiurev. WASHINGTON, February 19. Wheaton has preceletl his. industry could be easHy developed to been ordered to succeed Major General Wood in command of the Frasi L. Hogs-- eisi t resiais bsre sreat proportions here. The climate is Nothing- - troops in the Philippines. He will assume his duties tomorrow. WTaitaBSMB.! 1 bo - years- exuiri-isc- e fcr !aai is 1SS tecasre osseetei wits ideal. could be better- than ten s&e- you SAN FRANCISCO, February Engineers of steam schoon- ; JL IT. Sttsetf a &mcs riSwar aad jt&tJBsiJ ffvLs;ir tS AiTeraser, recaisis thai cossec- - the facilities have here, and I 19. wri. Qrsaly beKeve that it is up to you ers in the coast trade have decided to strike. - r serreral jears. teisc at ese - jiaiersal is, eocsrictfec. 13- tss men of the Commercial Ciub to see Chamber of Commerce 6fatitraci wtii asae sews 'SEATTLE, February 19. The has etr. f what can be done towards the develop memorialized President Roosevelt in favor of treating the Japanese a. uk5bmmi c 3M. 1SS6 fceeasie snsacer eft meat o the fruit-growin- g- industry in jjjy dfeacs a. snwd r9csiDCirS9c Is 5s tie the same as other foreigners. timet tBi toA dke Sawai- - Ti wsc2irs are as a. nste great tk KissSii Star wfeiei. tad bees EawaH. traTyfecs-- . & !m.t sm SHANGHAI, February ig. General Tuig, former Boxer The Cams As-- I iiciC t&at Oattfet br tae AssexaNt Cfeb three I ?a!!tt.Mk!f tr a,Seat manf i te I cnaM tcrs: s taerasc besirjiss t f f'Tujnx;? u wcuxuau L- i- leader, is dead. T 1 fc- mixnni f &. hej Ae - jwiK raws, au jj. l waunij HursJt. aa te Khier zray? aa k ss casosi. j j world at the WASHINGTON, February 10. Judge F. M. Hatch, of the i-- J ever fcoucatl ilemr ss?tst eua&t f as:Istanee tt it since. Is iss he present time. As you alt know. the Territory of Hawaii, spoke before the House Committee on Terri- md aac CS EC TOT te rotET iWilMMIlili '3TBCS. fc.. Bnne-- t-- .T k - Vi l ramie XorEr when KaHt HW Tse I UA. ..-- - startetl in Nut " ib r 8 - . - lijj.SE..W.U ... I s .... on bill amending - ( tories today and urged a favorable report the the k sfc 9wobk..." ayg ra?js- b- ewr sfcjW fc(Ka eM eiLi stcck. Eeinze and partner failed to corner the ariMi" froar&et. This was a beginning- and Hawaiian land laws. He declared that his people greatly desired tto . k--fc. -- Sifers. Ciiirrrt t Si v.. I soon money began to get tight. The that the public lands should be disposed of to settlers instead of be- Mr. r. nsorried Lirgaret Bsache eiearing-hsuse- s f THrtw 5feek: riaKSflBe. r. Eigs I aH over found it ad--I leased to sugar growers. declared some leases had been --- ing He that 'LA. to si ai-- I aac affes: any reosacabte eCer in. jssr. ?. testes her leaves twechil- - vtsable as wett as convenient to issue fcfeijagaaetoaadrhaee-yaeca- org4ser f what was known as cleartng-hotts- e made covering thirty years. 36 TOKIO, February 19. Japan's reply to the American memorandum on ioa " -- t certincates. These proved eminently - another ifeta.? tk--n m- s.mte. r OTtdfvnBfamE.Efi.i?S8Eonoete. t satisfiictorjf and successful, and when has been handed to Ambassador O'Brien. 1&B aaal 2tnea mangjr lafca. pleased ta recere & asy ferai&er, Afterc of Xe-j-r Torf t e csfes FEsoss, ft CaHfornEs, conditions aH. over It is believed that the Japanese government's proposals practically pro- we Wiifw 'it 1 fi.e iB paaceatDJOts yott nave oc &as or ce-- a. San bnc .- aaj. sfcterr iCss Uly Eeags, nor- tum t .. - L .. .. f the "Cnited States had resumed a hibit Japanese laborers front going to American soil, including Hawaii, Can- of ruiwi irf t scnBcir nasxter raainn to iiiarast. Fraaeiic. survive hist. mal state. It was a bankers ponie irasca: taat yot wui give taES aar-t- er ada and ilexico. a K gpn"afr.K.r Besiaes h& isteres: is tie Star, iEr. nothing more. wmm. juasr that r aar "Of course, on account 2TEW 'VrESTlIIKSTEE, B. C, February 19. Two Japanese have been ar- aaaanaa ! mwi nun sa , t? wue residence ea of the fact 2S""te iac fraac ae at an earbr date, r K.hrj a huiiiacie I one fine S500 . that this is Presidential year, the busi rested and sentenced to year and a of for violating the Natal act Xoisrs traiy. tiWaTnfri street, ami atfcer pcaferty-- Ee A- ness interests will not be so brisk as It is proposed to make the cases a test of the act. - S. 3CSBT. oi Kfe eorried a eacseraeEe asiaast ordinary. This fact is recognized. But SAN FEANCISCO, February 19. U. S. S. Nebraska, Captain Begin aid P. i& Jaaad aitrcSMB: pat aaaa if-- S. raficeaes X maeSi reter se - tak- when the year is over, when every 4k far isssranee, foRrs- tavfitr bees Nicholson, is here from San.
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