Family Development; *Interpersonal
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I DOCUMENT RESUME ED_259 184 CE 041 906 TITLE What to Do Regarding Nurturing Human Development. INSTITUTkON Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. Div. of Vocational Education.; Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Instructional Materials Lab. PUB DATE Aug NOTE 678p.; For related documents, see CE 041 900-905. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Guides (For TearJ-Irs) (052) EDRS PRICE MF04/PC28 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; *Child Rearing; Consumer Education; Curriculum Guides; Family Life; *Family Life Education; Family Relationship; *Home Economics; *Homemaking Skills; Home Management; *Individual Development; *Interpersonal Relationship; Learning Activities; Learning Modules; Marriage; One Parent Family; Parent Child Relationship; Parenthood Education; Secondary Education; Self Concept ABSTRACT These materials for the curriculum area of nurturing human development comprise one of six such packages that are partof the Ohio Vocational Consumer/Homemaking CurriculumGuide. The curriculum area or perennia) problem taken up in this documentis divided into four practical problems about what to do regarding: (1) self formation; (2) interpersonal relationships;(3) family relationships; and (4) parenting. These are further categorizedinto 12 concerns: self-identity in adolescence,life span development, peer relationships,interaction with communities and society, family relationships (single person family, marriage), parenting, welfareof child, family/child relationships, and society. Each concernis divided into a number of concepts or modules. This packageconsists of 76 modules. The format for each module is asfollows: code, perennial voblem, practical problem, concern/concept, homemaking skills (listing of various skills needed by the homemaker asrelated to the developed concepts), and a chartrelating process skills (steps of practical reasoning), concepts (further breakdownof the topic), and strategies (information and activities thatfacilitate the teaching/learniig of the concept). In some cases,specific resources are attached; otherwise, teachers maychoose their own resources based upon availabilityand appropriateness to individual classrooms. 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OF EDUCATION REI,OURCFS INFORMATION cilATIONALE ULATIONAL 'PERMISSION (ENTER 'ERIC' TO REPRODUCE ed is MATERIAL THIS Thisdoi,,,rieiithas tfPn rept/Situ HAS BEEN eti.,,,eri b.. lir iw511t1 0,0,0anliatsItl GRANTED BY ohippatimi ..I n de to .mptov, M.1,0, ( hd,,UPS have been ooodu, is, IloahtV 5 Points of v.PW (II OpinionsStated In ttus docu i,=siek merit do not nacesSanlvlepresent otflunINIE . positron o pohcv TO THE EDUCATIONAL Personal and Family Textile Needs INFORMATION RESOURCES CCNTER (ERIC) Instructional Materials Laboratory 1885 Neil Avenue Townshend Hall, Room 112 Columbus, Ohio 43201 August, I :)83 Ohio Department of Education assuresequal employment and equaleducational opportunities compliance with state directive regardless of race, color, creed,national origin, handicap or sex in and fedeial recommendations. Ohio Department of Education Division of Vocational Education llome 1..conomics Section 65 South Front Street, Room912 Columbus, Ohio 43215 3 INTRODUCTION the perennial problem of Nurturing Human Development utilizes the practical reasoning process to help individuals think beyond self, to consider how their actions affect family and others in society. Traditional emphasis has been preparation for marriage and parenthood. In this curriculum the problem approach leads young men and women to first question: What should I do regarding my personal relationships? Should I marry or remain single? What options are available asI make major life decisions? To parent or not? When to parent? The entry level modules focus on personal development and peer relationships. Critical problem areas such as adolescent pregnancy, substance abuse and suicide are included. The practical reasoning process is used throughout to help students resolve personal, peer and family concerns. The meaning of family -- why families, future of the family-- is addressed. There are many opportunities for examining special problems -- divorce, family violence, elderly abuse, illness, death and other crises. There is positive emphasis in this curriculum on practical action for these problems, thereby strengthening the family. The world is "smaller". We must consider beyond our immediate situations. The opportunities to assist young people to broaden under- standing of other cultures and family customs different from their own can only strengthen our families, communities and nations. Students need to learn to be proactive. This section gives guidelines to help these students, for whom the future of families depend. Personal, family and child development are all included in the umbrella term, "Nurturing Human Development". This curriculum is oriented toward parenting and includes the traditional emphasis on ages and stages of child development. Decisions regarding parenting are emphasized followed by knowledge of developmental needs and skills to nurture children. Problems including abuse and neglect and the influence of television are included. There is positive emphasis on ways to strengthen parenting. NtIOMEMAKING. SKILLS ..omemaking skills which are essential for performance ofthe following homemaking tasks are developed in the modules in Nurturing Human Development. Caring for and Improving Self - Continue education formally/informally - Deal with family crisis - Follow a physical fitness program - Maintain personal hygiene and grooming - Obtain information about community activities - Provide time for rest - Pursue personal hobbies and interests Caring for Family Members - Care for infants and small children - Cultivate relationships with in-laws - Encourage enjoyment of family responsibilities - Encourage family members to develop to maximum potential - Expand educational opportunities through family activities - Give compliments for tasks well done - Guide family members in spiritual growth - Make arrangements for substitute child care - Nurture the marriage relationship - Provide a pleasant, harmonious home environment - Provide consistent and appropriate discipline for children - Provide for family discussion - Provide moral support for family members - Recognize developmental stages of individual family members and meet needs accordingly - Set short and long-term goals for family - Show love and affection to children - Supervise the activities of children - Teich about family Customs and beliefs - Teach children respect for self and others - Teach children to accept responsibility - Utilize community programs that support the family Providing for Family Health and Safety - Apply first-aid and home nursing techniques - Budget money for health care - Eliminate safety hazards in the home - Establish and maintain household security procedures - Identify and secure emergency services - Identify symptoms of disease and other medical disorders in family members - Identify symptoms of mental stress in family members - Maintain up-to-date family medical records - Obtain regular medical and dental checkups - Practice preventative medicine - Select health personnel and facilities Caring for Pets - Make arrangements for substitute care of pets - Make wise pet selection - Obtain license and tags for pet - Provide necessury vaccinations for pets - Provide water and other nutritional needs for pets iii a FliTlAr TO DO REGRET, SluRTuRIVG Hu IA DEVELOPMENT IT H I,ay ouus-r 00 REGARDING DO REGARDING DO REGARDING DO REGARDING SILF FORMAT' INTERPERSOMI. FAMILY PARENTING RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIPS H D..0 H.D.2.0 H.0.3.0 4.0 C Ji CONCERNS 75NCERNS C C-00-1(11IN AEI:MING REGRADING REGARDING REGARDING REGRADING REGARDING REGARDING REGARDING REGARDING REGARDING REGARDING SELF LIFE PEER INTERACTION THE FAMILY SINGLE MARRIAGE SELF AS FAMILY /CHILD SINGLE SOCIETY IDENTITY IN 5PM RELATIONSHIPS WITH PERSCM A PARENT RELATIONSHIPS PARENTHOOD ADOLESCENCE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITIES FAMILY AND SOCIETY H H '.1.3 H.D H. .3 H.0.4.1 11.0 4.4 H. 4.5 HAL4,6 1.11e 1.31* 2.21 2.11e 3.11 3.31 3.41 4.11 4.21e 4.41 4.51 4.61 Expressing Career Goals Friends /PM: Societal Role of Independence/ headiness Meaning of Prenttal Family Legal Child Care Uniqueness Pressure Involvement/ Family Freedom Parenthood Care Stability Rights and Outside the 1.32e Careers 3.42 Responsi. Nome 1.124 Education 2.12e 3.12 3.32 Selection of 4.12 4.22e 4.42 hilitits Personal Dating 2.22 Organization/ Support Atte/ Costs of Caring for Communication 4.62 1.33 OfP/mtramce POlitical Structure Systems Engacement/ Parenthood Infants 4.52 CommJnity Leisure 12.13e Involvement madding' 4.43 Parent/Child Resources/ 1.130 Tim Substance 3.13e 4.13 4.234 Parenting Relationships Activitie$ Independent/ Abuse 2.23 Meeting Needs 3.43 Parenthood Caring for 11014 Equity Inter- 1.34 Cultural/ of Family Mimbers Satisfying as Crisis Toddlers 4.63 dependent Choice of 2.14 Ethnic Relationships 4.44 Support for Adolescent Skills Life Style Traditions 3.14 4.14 4.24e Sibling Parenting Parenthood Family Health 3.44 Readiness