The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts

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The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts University of Central Florida STARS Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers Digital Collections 6-7-1982 Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts Harrison Price Company Part of the Tourism and Travel Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Harrison Price Company, "Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts" (1982). Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers. 121. I I I l I I I APPLICATION FOR GRANT Prepared for : I · Th e Los An geles Academy of Vocal Arts I June 7 , 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I HARRISON PRICE COMPANY I June 7, 1982 I Mr. Daniel Selznick Louis B. Mayer Foundation 9441 Wilshire Boulevard I Beverly Hills, CA 90212 I Dear Mr . Selznick: The purpose of this letter is to submit to the Louis B. Mayer Fo undation an application for a planning grant for and I on behalf of the Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts. The Lo s Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts is a proposed teaching institution formed under the leadership and direction of Mr. I Seth Riggs. Its program will offer a comprehensive and intensive instruction for a full time enrollment of 20 singers with recognized talent and professional potential . I They will receive intensive instruction in vocal technique, repito ire , site singing and ear training, audition prepara­ tion , movement, dance, pantomime , fencing, acting, language I and o ther skills and techniques essential to the preparation of t he aspiring vocal artist. The teaching approach and the vocal t echniques espoused will be those developed by the director of the institution, Mr. Seth Riggs, whose pupils I have demonstrated an uncommon ability and preparation for professional advance (see attachment A). Mr. Riggs' pupils complete ly dominated this year's western regional audition I awards for the Metropolitan Opera Association (first and second pl ace) . I At . thi s stage of its development, the institution needs funding fo r the planning and feasibility study which will guide and launch its formation. Topics to be covered in­ I clude: Legal structure and non-profit incorporation Trustee selection I Statement of purpose and philosophy Curriculum and instruction plans Space requirements I Site alternatives Proposed operating Budget including revenues, expenses, and development needs I Conside r able progress has been achieved in all of these areas --in particular a prominent list of interested citi­ zens--vocal performe rs, business people, entertainers, I producers, medical docto rs and the like have expressed willingness to serve in a trustee role . I I .... I' I ... tl I I ,,,., f}t • I I ' t) 1-. '-1') I HARRISON PRICE COMPANY Mr. Daniel Selznick June 7, 1982 I Page 2 Among those who have expressed such receptivity and interest I in trusteeship are Ms. Jean Dalrymple, Mr. Thomas Hayward, Mr. Georgi Tozzi, Mr. Frank Guerra, Ms . Carol Burnett, Mr. Hal Prince, Mr. Stevie Wonder, Dr . Lillian Glass, Dr . Edward I Cantor, Dr. Henry Rubin, and Mr. Daniel Wolfus. Tentative curriculum plans and programs have been developed and investors identified . A first year operating budget of I $320,000 is estimated and initial space requirements on the order of 4,000 to 5,000 square feet are indicated. Tuition of $4,000 is pr oposed which is 25 percent of the per student I cost of the proposed educational service. A need for endow­ ment and scholarship support on the order of 50 percent of cost is indicated and a student teaching support program I equivalent to 25 percent of cost is planned. Students in the Academy will teach affiliated apprentice students to earn these funds. Degree programs are proposed. The Aca­ I demy objective as to accreditation is not yet determined. What is now needed is a presentation which communicates all of the planning done to date in a format which aids its I implementation. The non-profit corporation needs to be incorporated and a board of trustees put in place . A calen­ dar for implementation needs to be established which would I include a statement of Academy programs and curriculum, staffing, budgetary and operating requirements, alternative sites and space availabilities and other aspects of planned I operations. The magnitude of the grant requested for these purposes is $7,500. The largest part of that amount would be used to I fund the costs of preparing the required planning documents identified above. This statement will be prepared under my direction and its costs are estimated at two thirds to three I quarters of the stipend requested. My qualifica tions in preparing planning materials of this kind are known to you and include extensive feasibility planning for CalArts, Orange County Music Center, and other cultural ins titutions I shown in the attached brochure. I Please let me know if additional data is required . I .~·att2o Harrison A. Price I President cc : Seth Riggs I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERA PY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWA KD S I I National Metropolitan Auditio ns, N.Y.C. 1971: Thoma s McKinney, $6,000 co-winner I 1974: J ames Wagner, $6,000, 4th Plac e Metropolitan Opera Western Regional Auditions 1 1970: 20% of the fina lists Judy Kling e r, $300, 2nd Place Marvel ee Ca riaga , runne r-up I 1971: 96 Entrants 20% o f the 1/4 fina l ists 25% o f the l/2 finalists 25% of the final i sts Thomas McKinney , $1, 000, co-winner I 1972: 1 60 Entra nts 17% o f t he 1/4 finalists 20% o f t h e l/2 finalists I . 27% of the finalists 1973: Lynn Co l e Ad cock, finalist 1974: Jame s wa gner, $1 , 350, l s t place (Lo ca l) I 1977: Kathleen Riggs , $300 , l s t plac e (L.A. Regio nal) 1981: Ange la Blasi , $800 , 4th Pl ace (L.A. Regio nal) I Metropolian As sista n c e I 1972: l11uma s Mc Kinney, $300 (g i ve n b y Mr. Ge ntele) Natiuna l Opeld Awdrd 1 1972 = First Ye ar Awa rd Thomas Mc Kinney, $ 10, 000 ( fro m George London) I Rockefeller Founda tion Grant 1977: Kathle e n Riggs , $3,000 I 1978: Linda And e rs , $3 , 500 Unite d States Fulbright Euro p ean Scholarship 1971: J a mes \>J agn e r, $5 ,000 ; first year a t the Vie n na Academy o f Mu s ic I 1972: James \vagne r , $5 , 000; sec o nd year at the Vie nna Ac ademy o f Music 1973: J ames \v agner , $5,000; Rome & Lo ndon I I I I S ETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TEC HNIQUE I STUD ENTS' ACCOMPLI SHMENTS AND AWARDS PAG E TWO I Sa l zburg F esti val - International Mozart Competition for Singe rs I 1978 : J a me s Wagne r , $2,500, 1st place Seattle Opera Company - Deb u t 11970: Ellen de Groat, $11, 500 Grant ; Res i dent Sopr a no. Among 1 2 finalists of the 56 world e ntrants. Ariel Bybee, o ne o f two e ntra nts sponsor e d by Metropolitan Opera I National Co uncil for Madame Butterfly i n Tokyo, Japan . I San Francisco Opera Company - Debut 1970: Ariel Bybee 1 9 71: Ariel Bybe e 1972: Ariel Bybee I 1973: Marve l e e Cariaga Nolan Van Way 1974 : Ariel Bybee I Marve l e e Cariaga 19 75: Thomas McKinne y I J ohn Fe rrante . Marian Anders o n ComEetition, PhiladelEhia 1 970: J ames Wa gner , $600 , 2nd plac e I 115 Entrants I Illinois 0Ee ra Gu ild (WGN ) 1974: Lynn Cole Adcock, $2 , 000, 2nd place I Only representative fro m Western States ' among 24 National finali s ts. San Francisco 0Eera Auditio ns 1 ·1970: 25% o f the finalists Marvel ee Cariaga a nd Judy Klinger, runners-up 1971: Zaven Tashjian, $2 , 500, runner-up 1972 : No Entrants I 1973: Judy Klinger , $300, winner, Merola Award , $2 , 50 0 Kare n Yamatt, $150, 3rd place, Merola Award, $1, 500 I 1976: Frederick Obrycki, $600, 1 s t place I I I I .. SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AN D TECHNIQUE STUD ENTS ' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE TH REE I Young Musici ans Foundation 119 71 : James Wa g ner, $1 , 000 Grant Joan Zajac, $500 19 74: Kathleen Brown, $400 1975: Roger Love, $500 11976: Roger Love, $500 Debor ah Gour man, $500 1977: Jubi lant Sykes, $500 19 78: Cheryl Woods, $400 1 1979: Cheryl Woods, $400 1980: Cheryl \'loads , $400 Christ ian Education for the Blind Com etition Lynda Anders, $2, 000 , lst place Stephan ie Miller, $ 750 , 3rd place Turk Foundation 11970: Ellen de Groat, $500 1973: Roger Love, $600 1971: Beryl Streeter, $750 Rolinda Walk , $600 1972 : ~aRi ss a Randolph, $1,000 Thea Bold, $600 J anis Eckhart, $2 , 250 Laurie Rimland, $600 1 Geraldine Za nvettor, $2,250 JoAnne Purtle, $1 , 000 Rabbi J ensen, $2,200 Kitty Berci , $600 El len de Groat, $1 , 000 Chip Hand, $2 , 500 I Zaven Tashjian, $2 , 400 1974: Rosemary Scott, $1 , 500 .
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