Directory of Village Activities and Organisations

Broomfield, and

January 2020



Cheddon Fitzpaine:

Kingston St Mary:


ART EXHIBITION Held annually in the autumn in Kingston village hall. Open to professional and amateur artists. Serena Lumley 01823 451877 [email protected]

BADMINTON Every Monday evening in Kingston village hall. September to May. From 7.45pm onwards. Janet Braund 01823 283998 [email protected]

BEADWEAVERS - CHEDDON Second Thursday each month at the Memorial Hall. 10.00am-4.00pm Maggie Goode 01643 862067 or 07813 996135

CHEDDON LADIES CIRCLE Meets every other month in Cheddon Fitzpaine (usually in one of the member’s houses). Themed meeting - very social, informal and fun! Alannah Hunt 01823 412824 [email protected]



CHEDDONERS AMATEUR DRAMATICS Annual productions – pantomimes/plays/cabaret. New members always welcome (front and backstage). Elaine Duley 01823 272527 [email protected]

CHURCH BABY AND TODDLER PLAYGROUP Meet every Monday during term time in KSM Church. 9.00am-11.00am. Corinne Dorse 07958 985907 [email protected]

BELLRINGERS If you would like to join any of the teams or require further information, please phone Broomfield: Edwin White 01823 451348 Cheddon: Debbie Saunders 01823 412398 Kingston: Lois Miles 01823 451676 John Lock 01823 335776 [email protected]

BENEFICE OFFICE Open Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri - 9.00am-2.00pm Benefice Office 01823 451257 [email protected]

CHOIR, KINGSTON If you would like to join or require information, contact Dorothy Earp 01823 338348 [email protected]


ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICERS Broomfield, Cheddon, Kingston Benefice Office 01823 451257 [email protected]

FLOWER & ALTAR GUILD A group who launder the altar linen and arrange flowers in the church. Help would always be welcomed. Benefice Office 01823 451257 [email protected]

FRIENDS OF ST MARY'S, KINGSTON The Friends were founded in order to provide funds for the fabric of the church. Many people help through annual covenants or legacies Ray Stokes 01823 762417

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCILS (PCC) Meetings are held between five and six times a year to discuss church mission and ministry matters. The Churchwardens are Broomfield: Bez Purdy 01823 451632 Cheddon: Vacant Kingston: Jan Holmes 01823 451343 Julia Hammett 01823 451642

PRAYERS FOR HEALING The Healing Ministry and Prayers for the Sick. Benefice Office: 01823 451257 If unable to contact the Benefice Office, contact Margery Gillett 01823 451537

CHI-GUNG TAI CHI Cheddon Memorial Hall. Wednesdays,10.15am-12.45pm Clive Tempest 01823 430061


CHILDREN’S HOSPICE SOUTH WEST, FRIENDS OF (CHSW) KSM - (A fund-raising organization) Lorraine Cross 01823 451112 [email protected] Carol Platt 01823 451605 [email protected]

COMMUNITY CHOIR – Voice of the People Quantocks Open to all, no need to read music, all abilities welcome. Held in Broomfield Village Hall. Yvette Staelens 01823 326449 [email protected] Rosie Boylan [email protected]

CROQUET Monday afternoons, 2.00pm, Apr-Oct, Kingston Playing field. Margaret Bigg 01823 451431 [email protected]

DANCING CLASSES – CHEDDON Held in the hall Mondays and Tuesdays, 5.00pm to 10.00pm. Martyn Knight 07851 351011 [email protected]

DOG TRAINING Cheddon Memorial Hall. Thursday 6.00pm – 9.00pm. Jo Williams 07919 157201

EDUCATIONAL TRUST, BROOMFIELD A small bursary available each academic year. Any full-time student residing, or has parents residing, within the Broomfield area can apply. Sue Goldfield, Duckspool, Broomfield, Bridgwater, TA5 2EG 01823 451305 [email protected]


EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION TRUST, KINGSTON Grants are available for educational and social purposes for those aged 25 years and under & living within the Kingston parish. Tony Jones 01823 451170 [email protected] Lindsay Thorne 01823 451469 [email protected]

FILM CLUB, BROOMFIELD We show films all year round and advertise screening in the Link-Up Magazine. The group is still developing and welcomes new people willing to help choose films, set out chairs or make the pre film teas and coffees. For details email us on: [email protected]

FILM CLUB, CHEDDON and Community Cinema - Films are screened evenings on the 3rd Friday of each month from October through to the following May. For details and current programme contact: 01823 412278 [email protected]

FILM CLUB, KINGSTON ST MARY Details of showings listed in Link Up magazine. Serena Lumley 01823 451877

FLOWER SHOW, CHEDDON Annual Flower Show at the Memorial Hall, last Saturday in July Jane Lown 01823 412750 Stuart Triggol 01823 413459


FLOWER SHOW, KINGSTON Annual Flower Show in the Village Hall, second Saturday in August. Classes open to residents of Kingston and Broomfield and members of Kingston WI and Kingston Gardening Club. Bill Hayes 01823 451426 [email protected]

FYNE COURT, BROOMFIELD Open daily dawn to dusk. Fyne Court is a National Trust owned nature reserve and visitor centre. Office 01823 451587 [email protected]

GARDENING CLUB 3rd Wednesday of the month in Kingston village hall. Doors open 7.00pm for the sale of plants, coffee etc. Monthly speakers and occasional outings. Carla Griffith 01823 451513

GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME (Kingston St Mary Community Partnership) If you need assistance or support call 07796 838590 or email [email protected]

HALLS BROOMFIELD VILLAGE HALL A registered charity held in trust for the villagers of Broomfield. Venue for local groups. Also available for hire. [email protected] Bez Purdy (Bookings) 01823 451632 Lindy Mansfield (Treasurer) 01823 451374


CHEDDON MEMORIAL HALL Available for hire for parties, weddings, meetings and conferences. Bookings: Marcus Walker 07586 413290 Answerphone: 01823 413925 Chairman: Malcolm Lown 01823 412750

KINGSTON VILLAGE HALL Managed by a committee of representatives of local organizations who use it. It is an ideal location for wedding receptions, parties and other social events, with a secluded garden at the rear. Marcus Anderson (chair) 01823 451644 [email protected] Lois Miles (bookings) 01823 451676 [email protected]

HANDBELLS, KINGSTON Meet for practice on Tuesdays at 2.15pm in members' houses. New ringers welcome. Janet Braund 01823 283998 [email protected]

HESTERCOMBE GARDENS 50-acres of Grade I listed historical gardens. Open all year. Office 01823 413923 KEEP FIT Every Tuesday, 12.45pm -1.45pm during term time in KSM village hall. Basic clothing (slacks, tee shirt) and trainers. Alison Roberts (Teacher) 07850 507489 Jane Clarke 01823 451452


KSM. EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE (Held in KSM village hall)

• Bunting (approx 250 metres mixed Union Jack and tri- colour – large and small size) • 10 hessian sacks for sack races • 6 spoons for egg and spoon races • Assortment of ties for 3-legged races

Equipment is the property of the KSM Parish Council. If you wish to hire, contact: Katie Gibbins, KSM Parish Clerk 01823 451505 [email protected]

K.S.M. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP The KCP’s main aims are to implement the action points from the Community Plan, to monitor and review progress on the Plan and to encourage, support and connect the various community groups that were established under the CPSG (Community Plan Steering Group).

The KCP works with the KSM Parish Council, West and Borough Council and neighbouring community groups.

General Inquiries: David Stripp 01823 451455 [email protected] Broadband Paolo van der Steenhoven [email protected] Business David Stripp [email protected] Community Assistance (Good Neighbor Scheme) Nicky Perry [email protected] Cycling & Pedestrian safety Marion Nieuwenhuizen [email protected] 8

Housing David Stripp [email protected] Guerilla Gardening [email protected] Environment Jean Alger-Green [email protected] Facilities [email protected] Traffic David Taylor [email protected] (Public) Transport Sarah Hancock [email protected] Youth David Stripp [email protected]

Web Address: Facebook:

KINGSTON PLAYERS Village drama group meets regularly to produce entertaining plays each year. New members welcome, acting and support roles. Stephen Lovell (Secretary) 01823 451427 Margaret Bigg (Chair) 01823 451431 [email protected]

KINGSTON LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Aims to collate and catalogue local historical material and arrange talks, events, etc. Meets approx every 8 weeks in KSM village hall or members’ homes. Ray Stokes 01823 762417 [email protected] Alan Hughes 01823 451633 [email protected]


LINK-UP MAGAZINE A monthly community magazine produced by a group of volunteers and distributed to all homes in the three parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon and Kingston. Help is always welcomed. Yvonne Harris (Chair) 01823 451883 [email protected]

MEET THE VILLAGE, KINGSTON Every other month we meet in KSM village hall on a Saturday morning to make new friends and chat with old ones. Lois Miles 01823 451676 [email protected] Jane Clarke 01823 451452

MOBILE LIBRARY Route E runs on a Wednesday and visits Kingston and Broomfield. Libraries Direct: 0300 123 2224 [email protected]

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Provides assistance and help to members on security matters. Details and area contact names available on request. (Bridgwater Police HQ) 101 Cheddon: Malcolm Lown 01823 412750 [email protected]

NSPCC - KINGSTON GROUP For those interested in fundraising for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Carla Griffith 01823 451513


PARISH COUNCILS Statutory bodies - the lowest democratic tier of local government. Regular meetings, which the public may attend. Broomfield: every two months in the Village Hall. Paul Trolley (Chair) 01823 451312 [email protected] Clare Winter (Clerk) [email protected]

Cheddon: in the Memorial Hall at least 4 times a year. Denise Webber (Chair) 07788 522266 [email protected] Jo Pearson (Clerk) 07891 529809 [email protected]

Kingston: second Monday of every month at 7.30pm (except August) in the village hall. Katie Gibbins (Clerk) 01823 451505 [email protected]

PARISH PATH LIAISON If you want to get involved in monitoring paths and rights of way or to report overgrown paths, broken stiles, etc. Cheddon: Philip Boyce [email protected] Kingston: Peter Crea 01823 451803 Broomfield: Alicia Aras [email protected]

PARKINSONS’ SUPPORT GROUP 4th Tuesday each month. Cheddon Village Hall Diane Smith 01823 400830 & Richard Hill 01984 656628

PASTORAL VISITING A group of people who visit newcomers, young families, the elderly, sick or bereaved. Cheddon: Liz Thompson 01823 451529 Kingston: Sonia Pether 01823 451311


PILATES - KINGSTON Every Tuesday, 11.30am to 12.30pm during term time in Kingston Village Hall. Basic clothing (slacks, tee shirt) and trainers. Alison Roberts (Teacher) 07850 507489 Jane Clarke 01823 451452

PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION, KINGSTON The playing field is available to all, including a toddler area and equipment for older children. Pavilion for hire for children’s parties, meetings etc. Can be found via the footpath opposite The Swan public house, via Leach’s Field or Sawyers Leigh. Bookings: Suzy Hill 07787 334315 [email protected]

RELIEF IN NEED CHARITY, KINGSTON Can provide help for those living in or near Kingston with items not supported by . Dilly Bradley 01823 451350 [email protected]

SCHOOLS CHEDDON CHURCH OF VC PRIMARY Duncan Gordon (Head Teacher) 01823 451335 Claire Lankaster (School Manager) 01823 451335

FRIENDS OF CHEDDON SCHOOL ASSOCIATION A committee of parents and teachers who raise money to buy equipment etc for the school. Support is needed and appreciated. Claire Lankaster (School Manager) 01823 451335


TODDLER GROUP – CHEDDON Cheddon Cherubs Mondays in term time from 2.15pm - 3.15pm in Cheddon Primary School’s Hall. Mrs Mullins or Mrs Wyatt 01823 451335

KINGSTON CHURCH OF ENGLAND VC PRIMARY Kim Greenslade (Headteacher|) 01823 451353 Stephanie Hoare (Office Manager) 01823 451353

KINGSTON PARENTS, TEACHERS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION Provides social events for the school, parents and friends and raised funds for the school to provide equipment for creative activities. School Office 01823 451353

TAUNTON SCHOOL - INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL The Grange, Kingston St Mary James Duncan (Head) 01823 703222 [email protected]

SCRABBLE CLUB Meets in members’ homes every Tuesday at 7.00pm. New members/visitors are always welcome. Janet Braund 01823 283998 [email protected]

SEWING BEE Cheddon Village Hall. Mondays, 2.00pm-4.00pm. Pat Walker 01823 412230 Janet Smith 01823 412418


STROKE CLUB Meets every Tuesday 10.00am-2.30pm for social interaction and friendship. Julia Hammett 01823 451642 [email protected] Anne Masterton-Smith 01823 451454

TAUNTON VALE DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY Meet 3rd Tuesday afternoon each month in Cheddon Memorial Hall. Sally Buzzard, Mem. Secretary 01823 461616 [email protected]

THE ARTS SOCIETY TAUNTON Meet 1st Tuesday afternoon each month in Cheddon Memorial Hall. [email protected]

THE SPINNEY, WOODLAND TRUST - KSM Looking after local woods in rural areas. If you want to know any details about The Spinney, please contact: Sarah and Andrew Wilcox 01823 451402 [email protected]

WALKING GROUP Meets in Church car park, Kingston at 10.00am on alternate Thursdays. Share cars to travel to the walk location. Anyone can come along for a walk of 4 to 5 miles, stopping for a picnic lunch on the way. Sandra Matthews 01823 451941 [email protected]


WALKING FOR HEALTH 2nd Wednesday of each month. Meet 2.00pm at KSM church car park for a 35-40 minute gentle walk. Refreshments available at the Wednesday Café afterwards in KSM village hall. Paul Trolley 01823 451312 Nigel Hounslow 01823 451358 Jackie Aldrich 01823 451696 Heather Saxton 01823 451210

WEDNESDAY CAFÉ, KINGSTON 2nd Wednesday each month in the village hall 2.00pm-4.00pm. Social afternoon with activities and refreshments for adults of all ages. Annie Trolley 01823 451312 [email protected] Jackie Aldrich 01823 451696 [email protected]

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, KINGSTON Meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the village hall at 7.30pm. Interesting speakers, demonstrations etc New members always welcome. President, Kathy Pugh 01823 271842 [email protected] Secretary, Margaret Bigg 01823 451431 [email protected]

YOGA - BROOMFIELD Yoga for Everyone. Thursday evenings in village hall. Penny Phillips 07712580520 [email protected]




All Emergencies requiring police, ambulance or fire brigade 999

NHS Non-emergency 111

POLICE Non-emergency 101

GAS Emergencies 0800 111999

ELECTRICITY Western Power Distribution 0800 6783 105

FLY TIPPING – to report, contact: Somerset West and flytipping/ Tel: 0300 304 8000 Sedgemoor 0300 303 7800

WATER Wessex Water. For sewage and supply problems (24hrs) Spotted a leak - 0800 1691144 No water or low pressure and all other problems 0345 600 4600



KINGSTON AND CHEDDON: Member of Parliament: Rebecca Pow (Con) 01823 443062 [email protected]

Somerset County Councillor: Rod Williams 01823 433431 (Rowbarton & Staplegrove) [email protected]

Somerset West and Taunton Councillors:

Norman Cavill 01823 413524 (West Monkton & Cheddon Fitzpaine) [email protected]

Dixie Darch 01823 451845 (Norton Fitzwarren & Staplegrove) [email protected]

Ed Firmin 07786 320704 (Norton Fitzwarren & Staplegrove) [email protected]

Andy Pritchard 07714 184943 (West Monkton & Cheddon Fitzpaine) [email protected]

Andrew Sully 01823 276299 (Norton Fitzwarren & Staplegrove) [email protected]

Ray Tully 01823 252368 (West Monkton & Cheddon Fitzpaine) [email protected]

BROOMFIELD: Member of Parliament: Ian Liddell-Grainger (Con) 01278 458383 [email protected]


Somerset County Councillor: Bill Revans 01278 663817 07813 534985 (North Petherton, Sedgmoor District Council) [email protected]

Sedgemoor District Councillors:

Alan Bradford 01278 664326 (North Petherton) [email protected]

Bill Revans 01278 663817 (North Petherton) [email protected]

Gary Wong [email protected] (North Petherton)

------This Directory was first published by Link-Up in 1995 and has been regularly updated.

Information is up-to-date at time of printing. However, details may change, so always make contact to receive the most recent information. Please keep this handy!