Prospectus Limited Windlab Limited ACN 104 461 958 Prospectus

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Prospectus Limited Windlab Limited ACN 104 461 958 Prospectus Windlab Limited Windlab Windlab Limited ACN 104 461 958 Prospectus Prospectus Financial Advisor & Lead Manager Initial Public Offering of 25,000,000 shares at an offer price of $2.00 per share. Important Notices The Offer Except as required by law, and only to the Any forward-looking statements involve known This Replacement Prospectus is issued by extent required, no person named in this and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions Windlab Limited (ACN 104 461 958) (Windlab Prospectus, nor any other person, warrants and other important factors that could cause or Company) and Windlab SaleCo Limited or guarantees the performance of the actual events or outcomes to differ materially (ACN 620 718 372) (SaleCo) for the purposes of Company or the repayment of capital by from the events or outcomes expressed or Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) the Company or any return on investment anticipated in these statements, many of (Corporations Act). The offer contained in this made pursuant to this Prospectus. which are beyond the control of Windlab. Prospectus is an invitation to acquire fully paid This Prospectus includes information regarding The Forecast Financial Information and the ordinary shares (Shares) in the Company (Offer). past performance of Windlab. Investors should forward-looking statements should be read in be aware that past performance is not indicative conjunction with, and qualified by reference Lodgement and listing of future performance. to, the risk factors as set out in Section 6, This Replacement Prospectus is dated 4 August the specific and general assumptions set out No person is authorised to give any information in Sections 4.7.1, the sensitivity analysis set out 2017 and a copy was lodged with the Australian or to make any representation in connection Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Section 4.9 and other information contained with the Offer described in this Prospectus in this Prospectus. on that date. It is a replacement Prospectus and that is not contained in this Prospectus. replaces the Prospectus dated 28 July 2017 and Any information not so contained may not The Directors cannot and do not give any lodged with ASIC on that date (Prospectus be relied upon as having been authorised assurance that the results, performance or Date). The Company will apply to ASX Limited by the Company, the Lead Manager or any achievements expressed or implied by the (ASX) within seven days after the Prospectus other person in connection with the Offer. forward-looking statements contained in this Date for admission of the Company to the You should rely only on information Prospectus will actually occur and investors official list and quotation of its Shares on the contained in this Prospectus. are cautioned not to place undue reliance ASX. None of ASIC, ASX or their respective on such forward-looking statements. The officers take any responsibility for the contents Financial information Company does not intend to update or revise of this Prospectus or the merits of the presentation forward-looking statements, or to publish investment to which this Prospectus relates. Section 4 sets out in detail the Financial prospective financial information in the Information referred to in this Prospectus future, regardless of whether new information, Replacement Prospectus and the basis of preparation of that future events or any other factors affect the This Replacement Prospectus made certain information is set out in Section 4.2. information contained in this Prospectus, changes to the original Prospectus lodged on except where required by law. The Financial Information has been prepared 28 July 2017. In summary changes were made and presented in accordance with the to the pro forma financial information set out Foreign jurisdictions recognition and measurement principles in Section 4.3 and the summary of that This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) information in Section 1.6. or invitation to apply for Shares in any place (including the Australian Accounting in which, or to any person to whom, it would Interpretations) issued by the Australian Expiry Date be unlawful to make such an offer or invitation. Accounting Standards Board (AASB), which This Prospectus expires on the date that No action has been taken to register or qualify are consistent with International Financial is 13 months after the Prospectus Date the Shares or the Offer, or to otherwise permit a Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the (Expiry Date) and no Shares will be issued public offering of the Shares, in any jurisdiction International Accounting Standards Board. or transferred on the basis of this Prospectus outside Australia. The Offer to which this The Forecast Financial Information included after the Expiry Date. Prospectus relates is available to persons in this Prospectus is unaudited and is based on receiving this Prospectus (electronically the best estimate assumptions of the Directors. Note to Applicants or otherwise) in Australia and New Zealand The basis of preparation and presentation of The information in this Prospectus is not and to certain categories of investors in the Forecast Financial Information is, to the financial product advice and does not take into Singapore, and Hong Kong. extent applicable, consistent with the basis of account your investment objectives, financial preparation and presentation of the Historical The taxation treatment of Australian securities situation or particular needs. It is important Financial Information. may not be the same as those for securities in that you read this Prospectus carefully and in foreign jurisdictions. its entirety before deciding whether to invest All financial amounts contained in this The distribution of this Prospectus outside in the Company. Prospectus are expressed in Australian currency, unless otherwise stated. Any Australia may be restricted by law, and persons In particular, you should consider the discrepancies between totals and sums of who come into possession of this Prospectus assumptions underlying the Forecast Financial components in tables and figures contained outside Australia should seek advice on and Information and the risk factors that could in this Prospectus are due to rounding. observe any such restrictions. Any failure to affect the performance of the Company. comply with such restrictions may constitute The Historical Financial Information and You should carefully consider these risks in a violation of applicable securities laws. light of your personal circumstances (including the Forecast Financial Information in this In particular, the Shares have not been, and financial and tax issues) and seek professional Prospectus should be read in conjunction will not be, registered under the United States guidance from your stockbroker, solicitor, with, and are qualified by reference to, Securities Act of 1933, as amended (US accountant or other independent professional the information contained in Section 4. Securities Act) or any state securities laws adviser before deciding whether to invest Forward-looking statements in the United States and may not be offered, in the Company. Some of the key risk factors sold, pledged or transferred in the United that should be considered by prospective This Prospectus contains forward-looking States unless the Shares are registered under investors are set out in Section 6. There statements that are identified by words such the US Securities Act, or an exemption may be risk factors in addition to these as ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘believes’, ‘estimates’, ‘expects’, from the registration requirements of the that should be considered in light of your ‘intends’ and other similar words that involve US Securities Act and applicable US state personal circumstances. risks and uncertainties. The Forecast Financial Information included in Section 4 is an securities laws is available. example of forward-looking statements. See Section 8.18 for more details on selling restrictions that apply to the Offer and sale of Shares in jurisdictions outside Australia. Windlab Limited Prospectus Exposure Period Definitions and abbreviations The information contained in the Company’s The Corporations Act prohibits the Company Defined terms and expressions used in this register of members must remain there even from processing applications for Shares in the Prospectus are explained in the Glossary at if a person ceases to be a Shareholder. seven day period after the Prospectus Date the end of this Prospectus. Unless otherwise Information contained in the Company’s (Exposure Period). ASIC may extend this stated or implied, references to times in this register of members is also used to facilitate period by up to a further seven days (that is, Prospectus are to Australian Eastern Standard dividend payments and corporate up to a total of 14 days). The purpose of the Time (AEST). communications (including financial results, Exposure Period is to enable the Prospectus annual reports and other information that the to be examined by market participants prior Privacy Company may wish to communicate to its to the raising of funds. The examination may By filling out an Application Form to apply Shareholders) and compliance by the Company result in the identification of certain for Shares, you are providing personal with legal and regulatory requirements. deficiencies in this Prospectus in which information to the Company and the Share An Applicant has a right to access and correct case any Application
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