C G B C J R } Rkbh] Heccrjq Ghfdjckfdyjq +thrdb Pfuhfyb=tq ___ D I R E C T O R Y Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ___ Database printout based on information received before September 2014 ___ Section 1 - Full details - Sorted by Last Name Section 2 - Name and Parish - Sorted by First Name 2015 v.1 Section 1 Full details Sorted by Last Name Russian Orthodox Church Abroad - List of Clergy - Sorted by Last Name in Englsih 1 Abramoff Александр Абрамов Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff --------------------------------------------------------- 11 Veronica Street Speak: Russian Northcote VIC 3070 Australia English ---------------------------------------------------- Serve: Church Slavonic English ---------------------------------------------------- Phone: 61394156444 Parish: Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral Phone: 0419519027 Fax: Email:
[email protected] Adams Иоанн Адамс Archpriest John Adams --------------------------------------------------------- 191 Joseph Street Speak: English Victoria BC V8S 3H6 Canada ---------------------------------------------------- Serve: English ---------------------------------------------------- Phone: 2503827898 Parish: St. Sophia Orthodox Church Phone: Fax: Email:
[email protected] Adi Sucipto Лука Ади Сушипто Deacon Lukas Adi Sucipto --------------------------------------------------------- Jl. Gelatik V/2 Speak: Javanese Manahan Solo, Central Java Indonesia Serve: Javanese ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------