Status and conservation of Coenagrion mercuriale in

North Rhine-

Christian Cocking, Thomas Hiibner & Kirsten Rohr

Introduction France, with its main distribution area in south-

The Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) western Europe (Dukstra & Lewington, 2006).

occurs in meadow brooks, ditches and lime fens Several localities are known further north, in

rich in vegetation. The species is threatened Belgium (De Knijf et al., 2006) and in southern

all over Europe. It is indicated as a species of England. The northern limit of its distribution

community interest in Appendix II of the Habitats runs through northern ; there are single

Directive of the EU and listed as ‘near threatened’ populations in the federal states of Brandenburg

in the IUCN Red List of threatened species. In and Niedersachsen. In the Netherlands, only

recent years, a network of protected areas has two records are certain, the last one a larva

been designated in order to ensure this species found near Winterswijk in 1929 (NVL, 2002).

occurrence in North Rhine- Westphalia (NRW). In Germany, NRW is the stronghold for this C.

The species present and status, the structure of mercuriate and there are chances for succesful

its habitat in NRW are described, as well as the conservation.

conservation measures needed.

C. mercuriale (figure 1) is an Atlanto- Distribution in North Rhine-Westphalia

Mediterranean species. It is quite common in To our present knowledge, there are about

North Africa, the Iberian peninsula, Italy and twelve populations of C. mercuriate in North

Figure 1. Male Coenagrion mercuriale (Photo:R. Ketelaar).

Brachytron 12:11-17, 2010 11 Figure 2. The distribution of Coenagrionmercuriale in NRW and the Netherlands (1995-2003).

Rhine-Westphalia. Most of them are located in while at the edge of villages, it runs through the Westphalian lowland, on the floodplain of the meadows. Some stretches are in forested rivers and (figure 2). All populations, areas. except the one at Thielenbruch near , are situated below an altitude of 100 m above Talgräben of the river Ems sea level (Cocking et al., 2007). Two populations The presence of populations of C. mercuriale in are especially interesting because these are well the Ems valley has been known since the late studied. They are presented in more detail in the 1980s. Regular, but non-systematic, research following paragraphs. has been carried out in recent years. A more

detailed research into its present status was

Emmerbach carried out in 2005.

South of Münster, near Davensberg, there is a Due to this investigation, the parts of the ditches population which was known by Vornefeld as with the highest concentrations of C. mercu- early as 1939 (Gries & Oonk 1975). Mapping riale are now known (figure 3). One of these projects between 2003 and 2006 brought to lies in the northern valley ditch and is about light that, with more than 500 individuals this is 10 km long. Another one of about 15 km long probably one of the largest populations in NRW. is present in the southern valley ditch. Both of

C. mercuriale is present along the Emmerbach these populations are however interrupted by

(figure 4), occupying about 15 km, spread out stretches of water that are unsuitable for C. over a stretch of 36 km in total. This slow-flowing mercuriale, either because they are shaded, brook has been changed much by human or because the flow velocity is too low for the activity. There are no meanders or eroded necessary plant communities to occur. banks along the water course. The stream bed The Ems alluvial plain, including the valley is sandy-loamy, the stream bank contains a lot ditches, was completely canalised in the 1930s. of pebbles. The brook runs mostly through an The ditches lie at the northern and southern intensively cultivated, agricultural landscape edge of the alluvial plain, running in western dominated by fields of maize and other grains, direction. Fed by seepage, they drain the alluvial

12 plain. The light, sandy soil, and the constant soil but at present there are clearly fewer individuals.

moisture level make the Ems alluvial plain and Near Thielenbruch medium to large populations

its surroundings ideal for growing maize and can be found in the ditches of Tiefenriede, in other grains. The water level in the valley ditches Minden-Lubbecke (known thanks to Clausen

is regulated by dams and small weirs. There are since 1980) and Dattelner Muhlenbach. There

meanders. no plunge pools or are two other small populations, one in the

The areas with the largest populations of C. Loddenbach, in the district of Gutersloh, and

mercuriale are characterised by a comparatively the other in an affluent of the Eltingmuhlenbach,

flow high rate, a sandy substrate low in detritus, in . Besides these populations, some

and submerged and emergent, herb-rich single records or temporary populations are vegetation. known in NRW. In the district of Steinfurt, a

single dead individual was found in a spiderweb.

Other locations In the district of , one flying animal was

There are more populations elsewhere in NRW. observed and a temporary small population was

A detailed description of the knowledge ofthese present on the Liese in the district ofWarendorf.

populations with notes of their conservation

status is given in Gocking et al. (2007). One Although most populations are well studied, it

of these populations is in the Tallewiesen is likely that more populations can be found.

near , where the species is known Recently, there are some indications that the

since 1988. The oldest known at population, species might expanding its range, possibly

Thielenbruch in Cologne, was described in 1979 due to climatic changes. Extensive research in

as a ‘strong, indigenous population'. It still exists, suitable habitats might reveil more populations.

Figure 3. Habitat ofCoenagrion mercuriale at Talgraben (Photo: N. Menke).

Brachytron 12:11-17, 2010 13 Habitat in North Rhine-Westphalia

C. mercuriale mostly inhabits smaller, sunny waters with well-developed submerged and emergent vegetation (see details in Göcking et al. 2007). In Thielenbruch, one population occurs in a lime fen. Other populations are present in dike-systems, like in Tiefenriede and

in the Ems valley ditches, but also in canalised flowing waters, such as the Emmerbach,

Ortsteinbach and Tallewiesen. The Dattelner

Mühlenbach is the only semi-natural meadow brook in the area, and the occurrence of C,

mercuriale shows that this species can occur in semi-natural flowing waters in NRW, as long as appropriate structures are present. It is essential that the water never freezes or dries up, but also

important that the flow velocity is not too high.

Due to the low flow velocity, in some parts of

inhabited brooks, communities of macrophytes

are present, with floating-leaved species, such

4. Figure The Emmerbach, one of the strongholds of as Nupharlutea and Potamogeton natans. Coenagrionmercuriale in North Rhine-Westphalia(Photo: However, most segments of the brook where C. N. Menke). mercuriale is present are characterised by:

• running water with a higher flow velocity and Phalaris arundinacea in the lime fen at

rich in oxygen, Thielenbruch is remarkable since these plants

• stream bedding poor in detritus occur in all other locations. The species avoids

• submerged and emergent vegetation stretches with dense, tall vegetation, such as

with Berula erecta, Myosotis palustris, reeds (Phragmites australis). Large numbers of

Mentha aquatica, Nasturtium offici- Nuphar lutea with their large floating leaves are

nale unfavourablefor the species, because of the high

• sunny conditions in the whole brook cover. The presence of submerged vegetation is

• highly structured vegetation close to essential, being a habitat requirement for the

the water larvae (Müller, 2003, Röhr, 2005). The cover

of the submerged vegetation should always be

The first three factors seem to be important for more than 10%. An optimum of approximately

the larvae. Highly structured vegetation close to 40% can be found in the Ems valley ditches.

the water is important for the adults as a hunting A well-developed submerged and emergent and site. Such mating vegetation may be found vegetation with Berula erecta seems to be

in in fallow essential. riparian zones, fields, but also in Moreover, submerged Callitriche, , or

mown wet meadows, reed beds or extensively in Thielenbruch, Characea , is often found in the

grazed meadows. The most important habitat habitat of C. mercuriale.

requirement for C. mercuriale is therefore

the vegetation structure. In an analysis of the Threats

ditches of the Ems valley (Müller, 2003), Muller C. mercuriale is classified in the Red Data

observed that in locations with C. mercurials, Books of Germany (1998) and NRW (1998)

the emergent vegetation had a cover of 20-60%. as an endangered species. It is mentioned in

A vegetation cover of more than 90% is not Appendix II of the FFH-Guidelines. Therefore,

tolerated. The Berula absence of erecta special conservation measures must be

14 Figure 5. Tandem Coenagrion mercuriale (Photo R. Ketelaar).

implemented for this species, and conservation Conservation areas have to be designated. In NRW, the The most important conservation measure problems for conservation management have is oriented towards the maintenance of already been published (Gocking et al 2007 vegetation. and ( The most important Appropriate management and maintenance threats are: measures help maintain the vegetation structure

• Inappropriate maintenance. Maintenance that C. mercuriale (figure 5) requires in its

can be too intensive, leaving vegetation habitat:

structure. • with no Lack of maintenance is Weeding should only be done if necessary,

also too at in a threat, leaving much vegetation most, once 2-3 years; it should only be

on the bank, which is unfavourable to C. done in parts.

mercurials, especially in combination with • Clearing the stream bed in parts with more

shade due to trees. than 95% cover of vegetation, no more than

• Groundwater depletion and temporary once in 4-5 years. The stream bed should

desiccation (e.g. Tiefenriede, probably not be deepened.

Thielenbruch) can destroy the larval • Mowing the banks should only be done

habitat. alternately, one side each year or by

• Suboptimal use of the surroundings mowing only one third of the bank. Mowing

with maize crops (Emmerbach) and should be done before the middle of May or

intensive agricultural practice, resulting in later than the beginning of August.

eutrophication (Tiefenriede). • In order to minimise eutrophication in an

• Reduction of flow velocity by damming or area of intensive agriculture, a buffer zone

canalisation. This can result in colonisation of at least 10 metres wide shouldbe created

by still-water species, such as Nuphar lu- between the stream and the cultivated land;

for twice in the tea, that makes the habitat unsuitable C. it should only be mown a year,

mercurials (Emmerbach). same period as the banks.

Brochytron 12:11-17,2010 15 • Re-naturalisation of brooks where C. mer- ensured. It should be intensive enough to

not curiale occurs should only be done very prevent encroachment and shading, but so

carefully. intensive that it prevents the formation of well-

• No trees should be planted near the structured vegetation in and around the streams.

stream. This delicate balance should be maintained by

• Extensive grazing can maintain the concentrating on a few small areas at a time

vegetation which is characteristic for leaving other areas unmanaged.

brooks where C. mercuriale occurs. The

development of the vegetation should be When management is implemented as

monitored well. suggested, C. mercuriale has a bright future

in NRW, especially with the current climate

In some of the areas, special conservation change. And, with a bit of luck, it might also have

measures have already been carried out, e.g. a future in the Netherlands.

in the period before the adults emerge, the reed

in Dattelner Miihlenbach is mown to prevent Acknowledgement the water from becoming too shaded and to Thanks to Cornelia Marinca, Munster for making

make room for Berula erecta. This is essential, the English version of this article. because the extensive, controlled grazing, that

had previously prevented reed development, Christian Göcking was discontinued. NABU-Naturschutzstation Münsterland

In the area of Tiefenriede, officials of the local Haus Heidhorn

district and the Water and Ground Board for Westfalenstr. 490 the maintenance of the ditches agreed to work D-481 65 Münster together, taking into account the requirements of Germany the species. There was a similar agreement for [email protected] the Ems valley ditches in the districtof Gutersloh.

Furthermore, discussions on the management Thomas Hübner for this species take place regularly between the Landesamtfür Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz

Nature Conservation Association and the Water Nordrhein-Westfalen and Ground Board of Emmerbach in the district Leibnizstr. 10 of . 45659 Recklinghausen


Conclusion [email protected]

In order to ensure the future of C. mercuriale

in NRW, all streams where the species occurs Kirsten Röhr

should be protected and the present water Soesterstr. 24

quality and quantity should be maintained. 8155 Munster


As a result of its protected status, thatappropriate [email protected]

management will take place is relatively well

16 References Summary

Askew, R.R., 1988. The dragonflies of Europe

Harley Books, Colchester. Göcking C., Hübner T. & Röhr, K.. 2010. Status

Conze, K.-J. & C. Göcking, 2001. „FFH- and conservation of Coenagrion mercuriale

übellenarten“ in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), in North Rhine-Westphalia. Brachytron 12

Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 73(1): 13-15. (1/2): 11-17.

De Knijf, G., A. Anselin, P. Goffart & M. Tailly,

2006, De Libellen van België. Verspreiding, The Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercurial e)

in evolutie, habitats. occurs in North Rhine- Westphalia(NRW) small,

& 2006. Field Guide to the alkaline meadow brooks and ditches Dijkstra Lewington, sunny, poor in

Dragonflies of Britain and Europe. - British Wildlife detritus,with submerged and emergentvegetation.

A is To Publishing herb-rich vegetation presenton the banks.

Göcking, C., Menke, N., Kiel, E.-F. & Hübner, our present knowledge, there are about twelve

in in T., 2007. Die Helm-Azurjungfer (Coenagrion populations NRW; two are discussed here

mercuriale, CHARPENTIER 1840). Vorkommen, detail. In order to protect the species, conservation

Schutz und Management einer FFH-Art in NRW. measures concerningthe managementofthe water

- Naturin NRW 2. bodies are suggested.

Gries, B. & Oonk, W., 1975. Die Libellen (Odonata)

der Westfalischen Bucht. - Abh. Landesm. Naturk. Samenvatting

37(1): 1-36. De Mercuurwaterjuffer (Coenagrion mercuriale )

in NRW in Müller, A., 2003. Die Habitatstruktur der Helm- komt voor kleine, zonbeschenen,

Azurjungfer. Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier basenrijke en plaatselijk detritusarme, stromende

1840) (Odonata: Zygoptera) an den Talgräben der wateren met eenuitgesproken kruidenrijke, maar

- Gütersloh niet Ems in den Kreisen und te dichte (onder)water- en oevervegetatie.

- Unpubl.. Diplomarbeit Uni Münster, Institut für Momenteel zijn er ongeveer 12 populaties bekend

in NRW. Om te Landschaftsökologie. de soort beschermen en het

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie, beheer van de wateren te optimaliseren worden

2002. De Nederlandse Libellen (Odonata). beschermingsmaatregelen voorgesteld. Twee

in Nederlandse Fauna 4. Naturalis, EIS-Nederland populaties worden meer detail besproken.

& KNNV, Leiden.

Röhr, K., 2005. Das Larval- und Reproduktionshabitat Zusammenfassung

der Helm-Azurjungfer (Coenagrion mercuriale) im Die Helm-Azurjungfer (Coenagrion mercuriale )

Münsterland (NRW). - Unpubl. Diplomarbeit Uni besiedelt in NRW bevorzugt kleinere, besonnte,

Münster, Institut für Landschaftsökologie. basenreiche und stellenweise detritusarme

Sternberg, K., Buchwald, R. & Röske, W., 1999. Fließgewässer im Flachland miteiner ausgeprägten

Helm-Azurjungfer. - In: Sternberg, K. & Buchwald, krautreichen, aber nicht zu dichten Unter- und

R.: Die Libellen Baden-Württembergs. Überwasservegetation. Derzeit liegen Nachweise

von 12 Vorkommen in NRW vor. Zum Schutz der

Art sowie zum Management der Gewässer werden

Maßnahmenvorschläge dargestellt und zwei

Vorkommen werden ausführlicher beschrieben.

Keywords: Coenagrionmercuriale, North Rhine-

Westphalia, conservation, ecology, habitat

preference, threats

Brachytron 12:11-17, 2010 17