Third Report and Official Plan
THIRD REPORT AND OFFICIAL PLAN TORONTO CITY PLANNING BOARD JUNE 21st. 1949 THIRD REPORT AND OFFICIAL PLAN TORONTO CITY PLANNING BOARD JUNE 21st. 1949 TABLE OF CONTENTS Toronto City Planning Board - Personnel Letter of Transmittal 4 Introduction 7 Generalised Land Use Map 9 Neighbourhood and Census Tract Map 11 Highways Map 12 Island Map 22 Reconstruction Map 23 Civic Appearance Map 24 Parks and Recreation Map 26 Health and Welfare Map 35 Public Utilities Map 36 Street Cleaning Map 38 Pclice Services Map 39 Fire Protection Map 40 Library Map 41 Other Buildings 42 Finance 43 Appendix 52 TORONTO CITY PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 3- yr . Term Expires J. P. Maher, Chairman January 1, 1952 E . W. Bickle January 1, 1952 William S. Gibson September 16, 1950 Mrs. H. L. Luffman September 16, 1950 R. A. Stapells September 16, 1 949 C . J . Wool sey September 16, 1949 His Worship the Mayor, Vice-Chairman) Ex-officio ) Controller L. H. Saunders (substitute) ) Tracy D. leMay, Planning and Secretary-Treasurer. 4 TORONTO CITY PLANNING BOARD J.P. Maher, Tracy D. leMay, Chairman. Secretary Treasurer. Room 333, City Hall, Toronto. Sept. 1st, 1 949. H. E. McCallum, Esq., Mayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: In submitting this its third report embodying recommendations for an Officia.l Plan to guide the future development of the City of Toronto, the Toronto City PlanningBoard de sires to make the following comment. The Board The Board consists of six members appointed by Council with His Worship the Mayor a member ex-officio. In February of this year a mei.nber of the Board of Control was appointed by Council to act as sub- stitute for the Mayor in his absence.
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