2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 +1 443-534-5646 (mobile) Paul Miller-Melamed +1 410-857-2441 (office)
[email protected] McDANIEL COLLEGE (USA) https://pagesbypablo.com EDUCATION Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., History (May 1990/1992/1995) Oral Exam Fields: France (1815–Present), Germany (1848–Present), the American West Dissertation: “From Revolutionaries to Citizens: Antimilitarism in France, 1870–1914” Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA B.S., B.A. summa cum laude, Zoology, History (May 1987, 1989) Honors College (courses and scholarship); College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Achievement Award; History Dept Outstanding Undergraduate Award; Kertzer Memorial Scholarship; Phi Beta Kappa LANGUAGES Speaking/Reading proficiency Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (BCS), Latin & Cyrillic alphabets (good) German (good); French (good); Spanish (fair) ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT — TEACHING (syllabi available upon request) Associate Professor of History, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD, USA (1998–) History & Memory (interdisciplinary faculty seminar) The First World War in History and Memory (seminar) Fathoming Evil: Genocide in the Modern World (lecture/discussion; global citizenship) Women in Modern Europe: Sex, Society, and Stereotypes (seminar) Cataclysm: Europe on the Eve of World War I (seminar) France: Ordinary People in the Modern World, 1871–Present (lecture/discussion) Modern Germany, 1848–Present (lecture/discussion) The Third Reich (interdisciplinary faculty seminar) The Holocaust (lecture/discussion);