From Ottawa to Sarajevo
FROM OTTAWA TO SARAJEVO FROM OTTAWA TO SARAJEVO CANADIAN PEACEKEEPERS IN THE BALKANS Dawn M. Hewitt Centre for International Relations, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1998 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Hewitt, Dawn M. From Ottawa to Sarajevo : Canadian peacekeepers in the Balkans (Martello papers ; 18) ISBN 0-88911-788-8 1. United Nations – Armed Forces. 2. United Nations – Canada. 3. Canada – Armed Forces – Bosnia and Hercegovina. 4. Canada – Armed Forces – Croatia. 5. Canada – Armed Forces – Yugoslavia. I. Queen’s University (Kingston, Ont.). Centre for International Relations. II. Title. III. Series. JX1981.P7H49 1997 355.3’57’0971 C97-932224-3 © Copyright 1998 Dedication To my parents, Msgt (ret) Norman E. Hewitt and Mrs Ruth Kane Hewitt The way of arms and arts as the way of the warrior is a constant precept that needs no detailing. Keep arts at your left side, arms by your right, the two must complement each other, without one the other can not be. Hojo Code The Martello Papers This is the eighteenth in a series of security studies published over the past several years by the Queen’s University Centre for International Relations (QCIR), under the general title of the Martello Papers. “From Ottawa to Sarajevo” is a detailed, empirical examination of Canadian participation in UN peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1995, written by a US Air Force officer, Major Dawn Hewitt, who served as Visiting Defence Fellow at the Centre during the 1996-97 academic year. Peacekeeping, by all accounts, has become increasingly complex since the end- ing of the Cold War, and as Major Hewitt’s monograph reveals, nowhere have those complexities and frustrations been more apparent than in the former Yugo- slavia.
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