“Arming Black Millennials the New York With Information" ELECTION 2020:

“Arming Black Millennials with Information" 75 Cents Vol. 28 No. 2 January 14 – January 20, 2021 website: NewYorkBeacon.com AS DR KING CELEBRATIONS ARE HELD VIRTUALLY ACROSS THE NATION

Image source: Herlanzer/ Milan M/Shutterstock/Big Think WE REMEMBER THE PROPHETIC WORDS OF DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 2 C T 29, 2020, a spokesperson for Jacob Blake. Taylor, Arbery, Breonnaof Ahmaud has representedthefamilies stated Crump, who in 2020 criminal, continue to happen,” viewed asandtreatedlikea in which aBlack child is that incidents like this one, close, it’s deeply troubling awareness isdrawingtoa her iPhone. falsely claimedtheyouthstole teen inahotellobbyaftershe young AfricanAmerican a an whoviciouslyattacked charges againstawhitewom - New York prosecutorsbring has demanded that attacked Blackteenover cell phoneprosecuted Attorney BenCrumpwants White womanwho stripped of2022USPGA Trump golfcourse and PGA professionalscan ensure thePGA of America Richerson. PGA of America PresidentJim longevity ofourmission,”said programmes andsustainthe ability todeliverourmany would putatriskthePGA’s PGA of America brand and would bedetrimentaltothe onship at Trump Bedminster conducting thePGA Champi ed” withthedecision. were “incrediblydisappoint- Trump Organization saidthey riot inCongress. encouraging crats andsomeRepublicansof has beenaccusedbyDemo- Trump, whoownsthecourse, Sunday. to terminate the agreement on tal”. as host would be “detrimen organisers feltusingthecourse Championship in2022asits By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA NNPA Brown, M. Stacy By Newswire Senior National National Senior Newswire Site: www.newyorkbeacon.com, Email:[email protected] for thenewspaper, [email protected] forthewebsite.Subscription rate:$35.00peryear. Periodicals postage paidatNew York, NY. POSTMASTER;sendaddress changestoTheNew York Beacon405 Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, New York, NY 10174., Web New York Beacon(USPA 011-156) servingmetropolitanNew York ispublishedweeklybySmithHajGroup,Incat 405Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, New York, NY 10174. On Tuesday,December “As this year of racial “It was adecision made to “It hasbecome clear that A representative forthe US President Donald The PGA of America voted Newyorkbeacon.com stripped oftheUSPGA Bedminster hasbeen rump Nationalin enough.” The famedenough.” The Crump said, “enough is ivil Rights Attorney Ben Correspondent George Floyd, and last Wednesday’s - - mine,” the angrywomanyells again lungesattheyouth. Jr., ofstealing her phoneand manager and accusedHarrold, Grammy-winner aswell. woman allegedlyassaultedthe recording theincident, stepped inwithhiscamera stealing herphone. innocent teen, accusing him of out, tackled, and scratched the identified white womanlashed grabbing breakfast,thestill-un- New York’s Sohosection. a boutique four-star hotel in December 26at the Arlo Hotel, cellphone video,occurred on senior Harroldcapturedon Kenyon Harrold. Jr., the son of jazz trumpeter the assaultonKenyonHarrold the office wasinvestigating Cy Vance, Jr., confirmed that District Attorney Manhattan bought the resort ship bytheR&A since Champion- anOpen to host Scotland, has not been selected in Ayrshire,TurnberryTrump 2022. due to hostthe major in May world ownedby Trump, was one of17coursesaroundthe game fordecadestocome.” our continue toleadandgrow Slumbers said. the currentcircumstances,” believe thatisachievablein course itselfandwedonot pionship, the players and the beonthecham- will focus we areconvincedthatthe seeable future”. would “not do sointhe fore- and that the governing body at Turnberrychampionships “no plans”tostage any ofits tin Slumberssaidtherewere Cink wonin2009. Stewartmost recentlywhen the championshipin1977, occasions sincefirststaging has hosted The Open onfour finalised upto2024. with thehostvenuesnow “Take the case off, that’s She thenconfrontsahotel When theelderHarrold While theHarrold’s were The incident,whichthe Another ofhisproperties, The course in New Jersey, “We willnotreturnuntil R&A chief executive Mar Turnberry’scourse Ailsa

in 2014– Trump - L being usedforthepurposes clear thatanotheraccountis account’s suspension.“Ifitis not circumventhispersonal to ensurethat Trump does policy againstbanevasions ment thatitwillenforceits be attending. would not he violence because would be a “safe” target for plying thattheinauguration be interpreted as Trump im Twitter also saidthat it could the electionwasillegitimate. as afurtherstatementthat the inaugurationcouldbeseen violence. policy against glorification of The tweetviolatedtwitter’s believe he won the election,” empower, and shield those who plans tocontinuesupport, supporters showed that “He said thetweetabout Trump’s Biden’sinauguration. Twitter his intention not toattendJoe andannouncingsupporters by Trump encouraging his followed tworecenttweets days later, Twitter’s decision potentially lead to a ban. Two tions of Twitter’s rules would Trump thatadditionalviola- last Wednesdaywarning of violence. to theriskoffurtherincitement Trump fromitsplatformdue it hadsuspendedPresident from the president’s account, Trump permanently Twitter bansPresident trumpeter KenyonHarrold. investigating theassaultonKenyonHarrold Jr., thesonofjazz District Attorney Cy Vance, Jr., confirmedthat the officewas On Tuesday, December 29,2020, aspokespersonfor Manhattan left itinthecar. who noted that she mistakenly returned byanUberdriver, woman’s missing phonewas hotel manager. itback,” she demandsof the in thevideo.“Literally, get New YorkNew writer Beacon The other tweet concerning Twitter issuedastatement A few minutes later, the Twitter said in a state review ofrecent tweets ter saidthatafteraclose ate Fridayevening, Twit- Li Joséphine By - - policy, when he or someone to test Twitter’s banevasion Friday evening, Trump sought ter accountonhisbehalf. Last ing a third party to run a Twit- not allow Trump from direct theiruse. take actiontorestrict pend thoseaccountsbutwill course. Twitter willnotsus- the newadministration in due will betransitioned over to WhiteHouse, theseaccounts such as @POTUS and @ be suspended.” of evadingaban,itwillalso I typicallytrytokeepthings different when ithitshome!!! ing all the time, but it hits fluences, wroteonInstagram. Common, and Dr. Dre as in Harrold, whocountsPrince, Twitter’s policyalsodoes For government accounts, “We see this crap happen- “I am furious!!!” the elder - - Trump personally. DonaldTrump wasnotagainst of Trump’s account@real- dresses that the suspension the @POTUSaccount. Trump attempted to post from sharing thesametweetsthat was suspended, it was seen banned. Before@TeamTrump had alsobeenpermanently account of Trump campaign by Twitter almost immediately. count. The tweet wasremoved tweets from the @POTUS ac- four behalfposted acting onhis its implicitbiasin tigation into the Arlo Hotel for call foracivilrightsinves also will taketodrivechange. We unacceptable. This is what it racially motivated behavior is send themessagethat hateful, charges againstthiswomanto Jr. to bring assault and battery tan District Attorney Cy Vance Crump exclaimed. guilty until proven innocent,” that Blackpeoplearetreatedas justice systemsin America and documenting thatwehavetwo Keyon toprovehisinnocence, ed tocallingon14-year-old tice, thehotelmanagerdefault- dispute.” been donetode-escalatethe offering that“morecouldhave rience “inexcusable” before and called the Harrolds’ expe- video ispositive.” positive, but nothing about this Twitter specificallyad- Twitter revealed that the “We strongly urge Manhat- “Compounding theinjus- Crump remainedfurious. The hotelissuedanapology - In first act of new Congress, Rep. RECAP: Rev. Raphael 3 Sheila Jackson Lee introduces Warnock’s historic win Reparations Bill in Georgia senate race By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA (R-Kentucky) and Republicans By Lauren Victoria Loeffler who was appointed to Newswire Senior National in the Senate have indicated Burke, NNPA Newswire the Senate by Georgia Gover- Correspondent strong opposition to taking the Contributor nor Brian Kemp in December measure up in that Chamber, 2019. The U.S. Senate race

ith the start of the the Georgia runoff elections ev. Raphael Warnock, cost over $200 million with BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 117th Congress this count as a huge step toward who is the pastor of soon-to-be Senate Minority week, Congress- getting the bill passed. Ebenezer Baptist Leader Mitch McConnell do- Wwoman Sheila Jackson Lee “The impact of slavery and RChurch, the Atlanta church nating over $60 million from (D-Texas), a senior member of its vestiges continues to affect where Rev. Dr. Martin Luther his PAC. the House Committees on Ju- and indeed King Jr. was pastor during the By late Tuesday night and diciary, Budget, and Homeland all Americans in communities civil rights movement, is now into Wednesday morning af- Security, has reaffirmed her throughout our nation,” Jack- nation. While we have focused the first Black Democrat to be ter Election Day in Georgia, quest for legislation that could son Lee remarked. on the social effects of slavery elected to the U.S. Senate in Warnock had 2,227,296 votes eventually provide reparations “This legislation is intended and segregation, its continuing the Deep South in the modern to Loeffler’s 2,173,866. for slavery victims. to examine the institution of economic implications remain political era. Warnock is the On top of Warnock’s histor- On Monday, January 4, slavery in the colonies and largely ignored by mainstream first African American to win ic win, another Democrat, Jon 2021, Jackson Lee re-intro- the United States from 1619 analysis.” a U.S. Senate seat in Georgia’s Ossoff has won against incum- duced H.R. 40, a bill that to the present, and further rec- Jackson Lee continued: history. bent Republican Senator David would fund a committee to ommend appropriate remedies. “These economic issues The runoff election featured Perdue. As election results explore whether Black Ameri- Since the initial introduction of are the root cause of many historic turnout. A voter regis- continued to come in show- cans should receive reparations this legislation, its proponents critical issues in the African tration strategy implemented ing how close the Warnock/ for slavery. have made substantial progress American community today, by former gubernatorial can- Loeffler race would be, some While it does not directly in elevating the discussion such as education, healthcare, didate Stacey Abrams, along Republicans began assigning introduce payments, the Com- of reparations and reparatory and criminal justice policy, in- with a push by grassroots blame for the coming loss to mission would study racial justice at the national level and cluding policing practices. The groups like Black Votes Matter, President Trump. inequities and policy solutions. joining the mainstream inter- call for reparations represents led by LaTosha Brown, was a The stunning double vic- “In short, the Commis- national debate on the issues.” a commitment to entering a deciding factor in Warnock’s tory on a single night for sion aims to study the impact Jackson Lee noted that constructive dialogue on the decisive win. Black voters in Democrats will change the of slavery and continuing some have “tried to deflect” role of slavery and in Georgia over-performed in the trajectory of the presidency of discrimination against Af- the importance of these con- shaping present-day conditions early vote and on Election Day. Joseph Biden, which begins on rican-Americans, resulting versations by focusing on in our community and Ameri- The balance of power in January 20. The U.S. Senate directly and indirectly from individual monetary compen- can society. Washington and on Capitol will be tied 50-50 and Vice slavery to segregation to the sation. “I believe that H.R. 40 is a Hill will now shift dramati- President-elect Kamara Har- desegregation process and the “The real issue is whether crucial piece of legislation be- cally to Democrats who will ris will now become a pivotal present day,” stated Jackson and how this nation can come cause it goes beyond exploring now control Congress and The figure required to often preside Lee. to grips with the legacy of the economic implications of White House. The dual victo- over the U.S. Senate from the The Congresswoman also slavery that still infects current slavery and segregation. ries on the same night by Rev. presiding officers Chair and serves as the Ranking Member society. Through legislation, “It is a holistic bill in the Warnock and Jon Ossoff marks break ties on key policy and of the Judiciary Subcommittee resolutions, news, and litiga- sense that it seeks to establish a repudiation of the GOP under nominees. on Crime, Terrorism, Home- tion, we are moving closer a commission to also examine Donald Trump. In the race for The White land Security, and Investiga- to making more strides in the the moral and social implica- Rev. Warnock won his House in 2020, Trump lost tions. movement toward repara- tions of slavery. heavily contested U.S. Senate “The commission would tions,” Jackson Lee said. “In short, the Commission race over billionaire Kelly Continued on page 7 also make recommendations The Texas Congresswoman aims to study the impact of concerning any form of apol- noted that she expects more slavery and to address con- ogy and compensation to begin co-sponsors during the new tinuing disparities in the Af- the long-delayed process of Congress. rican American community atonement for slavery.” “Today, there are more and discrimination against the Under H.R. 40, the Com- people at the table — more African American community, mission would comprise mem- activists, more scholars, more resulting directly and indirect- bers appointed by the White CEO’s, more state and local ly from slavery to segregation. House and both Congress officials, and more Members of “After its study, the Com- chambers. Congress,” she declared. mission would offer propos- The bill has had increased “However, despite this als concerning the long-term support with 147 co-sponsors progress and the election of impact of slavery and bring in the House, all Democrats. the first American President of about solutions to these ongo- Because Senate Majori- African descent, the legacy of ing disparities in the African ty Leader Mitch McConnell slavery lingers heavily in this American Community.” White Christianity and the coup at the Capital Newyorkbeacon.com remain white because, simply, “God said so.” Likewise, we n Wednesday, January see that same rhetoric when 6, 2021, hundreds of we engage with the doctrine white terrorists stormed of the “Proud Boys,” an in- Othe Capitol building in Wash- tolerant, far-right, neo-fascist ington D.C in the name of and male-only political orga- Trumpism, patriotism and nization that promotes political “revolution.” Amidst the mob violence in the United States dressed in riot gear and car- and Canada. Recently, this rying armed weaponry, “Je- group has acquired a lawsuit sus Saves” was held up on from Asbury United Methodist posters, clothing and even Church, a historically Black wooden crosses. An ironic church, after ripping “Black statement when juxtaposed Lives Matter” signs from the next to the noose hanging on church’s property and setting the west side of the Capitol the Capitol on Wednesday faith and country share a bed. started separation of the races, them on fire in the street. The building. are regular churchgoers who In between the sheets of that then you come face to face destruction of these signs hap- This paralleling of Chris- profess Christanity. The roots bed is a historical devotion to with your God,” he declared. pened at three other churches tian faith and patriotism has of their white faith is ground- separatism. “The difference in color, the in the same city and is remi- existed in American history ed in racist theology dating In 1961, a few weeks after difference in our body, our niscent of the historical bomb- for centuries as justification back to segregation and Jim the “Freedom Riders” bus minds, our life, our mission ings, burnings and attacks on for the maiming, murdering, Crow . Rather the mob attack in Montgomery, Ala- upon the face of this earth, is Black churches by racist hate kidnapping and total degra- we witnessed this week all bama, a leading pastor by the God given.” groups. The Proud Boys are dation of Black people and identified as Christians is not name of Henry Lyons spoke Lyons’ speech was pas- similar to, if not the same as, people of color. Many of the clear, but for the ones who these words: “If you want to sionate and he was insistent the Klansman of today and white people who stormed held up those signs, clearly get in a fight with the one that that a Christian church should the past. BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 4 M BLM insurrectionists and on pro-Trump double standards Joy Reidshreds police rioters who response to the pro-Trump cause selfies with officers was be storming theCapitolandtake cameras onfilm themselves” ily and casually with their insurrectionists could“soeas- “menacing” cops. were not the marches” but the those moments in Baltimore saying “whatterrifiedmein in Baltimorepolicecustody, 2015 deathofFreddie Gray that erupted following the police responsetoprotests arrested enmasseordead.” dead,” said Reid. “Shackled, people shackled,arrestedor D.C., therewouldalready be a Black Lives Matter protest in Matter protesters. had theybeen different and deadly outcome Capitol, imaginingawildly hospitalization about recent Covid-19 with ATL radiostation Louis GossettJr. speaks at thehospital. the adviceofmedicalexperts he leftthehospitalagainst in Atlanta, aboutthereason 1075/975of WAMJ-Majic to Ryan Cameron, host at home,spokebyphone recovering fromCovid-19 the insidestory. sett Jr. were dying, actor because people around him self out ofa Georgia hospital The reason Wednesday’sThe Reid recalled the “severe” “I guaranteeyouifthat was Gossett Jr., 84, who is *Days after checking him- Newyorkbeacon.com Newyorkbeacon.com Gossett told Cameron that “white Americans aren’t “white Americans is speaking and giving condemned the police condemned thepolice Wednesday Reid on SNBC anchorJoy

stormed the U.S. Black Lives Louis Gos- - “ReidOut” hostcontinued. they ownthat Capitol,” the minds they own this country, look likeme,becauseintheir to steal the votes ofpeople who tempting tooccupyourCapitol surrection andengagedinat- when they’recommittingin- er afraidofthecops,even afraid ofthecops,”saidReid. over thelastfewdays. love, prayersandwellwishes wanted tothankhisfansforthe got him. members, andtheycame called his sonand other family “losing thebattle.” He saidhe tremely tired”andtheywere because thestaff was“ex- plain that he left the hospital the hospital. after seeingthechaosinside on Dec. 27 but left shortly arrived at anemergency room nurse whovisited his home. He he contracted the virus from a “White Americans are nev- The Oscarwinnersaidhe Gossett Jr. went on to ex- O C for aDemocratic majorityintheSenate. in theSenaterun-offs elections, pavingtheway narrowly obtained victoryin Jackson’s move comes at a time when the Senate have shownstrongopposition tothelegislation. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Democrats, many Republicans including Senate While the bill has received support fromHouse the AfricanAmericanAct. for proposals ration formal commission tostudy anddevelop repa- during COVID-19crisis Black doctorscallfor urgentaction In Dr. King’s honor, California Black Americans legislation toexplore reparations for Rep. JacksonLeereintroduces into the White House. the newBiden-Harrisadministrationtransitions tive reintroduced the legislation to Congressas Lee (D-CA). This week,the and again in thefall of 2020withRep. Barbara tions options forBlack Americans back in 2019 inhuman.” across California—tooka against COVID-19raging on thefrontlines ofthebattle are expanded healthcarewho health leaders—advocatesfor King Jr. Jackson’s Three AfricanAmerican Newyorkbeacon.com would create a team to explore repara- began her fight to pass legislation that ongresswoman the most shocking and ity, injustice inhealthis f alltheformsofinequal-

— Newyorkbeacon.com H.R.40 bill

Martin Luther Martin Rep. SheilaJackson will allow and fund a Georgia Texas COVID-19 patients —many clinics areoverflowingwith profound ashospitalsand tice in health care evenmore and find hiswordsofinjus- James areadmirersofKing Elaine Batchlorand Adrian on Jan.18. tin Luther King Jr. approaches honoring civil rights icon Mar of health care as the holiday moment to reflect on the state representa Doctors David Carlisle, yesterday yesterday Lee - former. legislation, according tothe Jackson Lee said inastatement regarding the the desegregation processandthepresentday,” to and indirectlyfromslavery tosegregation against African-Americans, resulting directly impact ofslavery and continuing discrimination the first BlacksenatorfromGeorgia. tist Church in Atlanta, who will soon become Warnock, the senior pastorofEbenezer Bap- “In short,thecommissionaims tostudythe

One of the winners was - ered CaliforniaorMedi-Cal. surance coveragethroughCov- to signupforqualityhealth in- when itbecomesavailableand to get the COVID-19 vaccine encourage Black Californians dress vaccine confidence and ad- Covered Californiato with James recentlyteamedup becomes available.” COVID-19 vaccinewhenit California, and also get the erage, such as through Covered out affordable healthcarecov- and otherpeopleofcolor Americans, Latinos African more important than ever that communities of colormakesit disproportionate impacton “COVID-19’sLos Angeles. of MedicineandSciencein of CharlesR.DrewUniversity andCEO president Carlisle, main in thiscountry,” saidDr. great health inequities that re- pandemic haslaidbare relevant thantoday, asthe sentiment has never been more icon’s birthday, Dr. King’s ebrate thegreatcivilrights other peopleofcolor. and them AfricanAmericans of Carlisle, Batchlor and “On thedaythatwecel- Washington In- Rev. Raphael seek the 7.0 in.

5 BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com

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BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 6 T T A millionwordswillbewrittenandspoken editor the to Letter ists who committed the act of telligence to White national- funding, andoperationalin- providing materialsupport, we needisaccountabilityof onciliation is necessary. What with republicans neither rec to fosteragoodrelationship ident. Hence, there is noneed dent Obama a one-term pres- adamant aboutmakingPresi- President Obama. They were legislation put forward by Republican supported any very unjustlyandnotasingle cans treatedPresidentObama el McConnelandRepubli- to re-write history. ButMitch- Congress. Onedoesnot need both the White House and Obama, democrats controlled president underPresident power. possible duetoourvoting was is quiteclearthatyourvictory racism, andpolice brutality. It hard hit by Covid-19,poverty, whoareour communities quest youtostandwithusand your victory. We humblyre- booths tosecureandassured registered voters tothepolling mobilized and ledmillions of Blacks, Latinx, and Muslims Senate. win Georgia andflippingthe it possibleforDemocratsto Lance Bottomswhomade the mayor of Atlanta Keisha tion gotoStacy Abraham and race. The praiseandrecogni- history bywinningtheir Senate Warnock andJonOssoff made three branchesbecause Rev. Democrats willcontrolall Day andthe47th pledge towhite Supremacy. disenfranchisement anda of brotherstogether isblack at theCapitol. police are partners in the coup Reynolds(TriceEdneyWire. Mr. President, as a Vice Mr. President,wethe The glueholdingthisband Dr. LutherKing’s Martin mark twogreatevents: he weekofJan18th the Senate, and assorted the Republicanmobin he mobinthestreets, By Dr. Barbara Dr.By Barbara com) – com) Inauguration. Inauguration. will will - Editorial -Opinion within mustbedismantled White terrorism–The enemy billionaires andcorporations, inequality with tax cuts to our environment,increased of foreignpolicy, degraded years havebeenatotal failure demic. inability tocontrolthepan- treason and prosecuted for his fascist. Trump hascommitted racist, liar, religiousbigot,and cissistic, demagogue, extreme years of Trump, whoisanar a greatcalamityinthelastfour great country that has suffered President Obama. Mitchel McConnelldenied justices which Trump and preme Courttopackitwith expanding the sizeofSu- and reforms, criminal justice gerrymandering, voting rights, New Deal,studentloans,end care, Medicare for all, Green Climate agreement,health mate change,returntoParis for Immigration reforms, cli legislations beside COVID-19 der theopportunitytoenact terrorism. protested peacefully well- groups ofBlack LivesMatter ent, but when much smaller platoons ofpolicewerepres - toward the Capitol. Nolarge were gathering and marching Thousands of angry Trumpers had beeninvited to atea party. were almosttreated like they the insurrection at the Capitol terrorists whotook part in uniforms. sheets off and donned police Klan, whooften took their knew they were fighting the the 1960s, civil rights activists ished them for their crimes. In security. The courtsneverpun- gaining economic and political people becausetheywere ofblackand lynchhundreds destroy this black town, burn Police deputizedwhitethugsto Wall Streetmassacreof1921. Remember Tulsa, theBlack Mr. President, the last four Mr. President, America isa Mr. President,donotsquan- In likemanner, thewhite - - swim withyou. we sink,youswim we you sink We aretogether in theocean, courage anddetermination. and White privilegerequires currents of White Supremacy in the ocean full of powerful ming in these difficult times you havetheskillsbutswim- this great opportunity. I believe tions, please donot misuse among thecominggenera- your legacytoliveforever both houses. gave youthePresidencyand Black, Latinos, and Muslims and specialinterestgroups. than tothepowerfullobbies lift youtothePresident,rather Latinos, andMuslimswhowill the voices of people – Black, not toignoreandlisten to and on. Supremacist and I can go on gun violence,risein White corruption, schoolshooting, unchecked police brutality, portations, mass incarceration, debt, increasedthemassde- ballooned 1.7trillionstudent selfies withthe rioters. also reports of some taking fought valiantly, there were overpowered Capitol police burned itin1812. While some had occurred since the British similar assault on the Capitol the assault, even though no of thepoliceduringorafter The protestorsshowednofear police were missing in action. nered, massive numbers of with scoresoflegislatorscor Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and President PenceandHouse gans aboutmurdering Vice the terrorists chanting slo- winning thepresidency. with theBigLieof Trump those who wouldnot go along flaunting themobs’ angerat detailed plans ontheInternet Moreover, therewerescoresof armed policewereeverywhere. Mr. President,ifyouwant Mr. President,Iurge you So, weare supposed to Inside theCapitolwith - and war. perpetuated racism,poverty, the insurrection. They have enabled Trump havecaused haveremainedsilentorwho Republicans andthemedia No one is above the . The must be held accountable. of thelaw. All thoseinvolved involved tothefullestextent department must investigate all system. amockeryofthejustice makes does notabidebythelawand steroids. The whiteprivilege This iswhiteprivilegeon massacred ontheCapitolsteps. would havebeenarrested and protect the capitol, thousands to of policeandnationalguards lims therewouldbeabattalion were Black,Latinx,orMus- sedition atbest.Iftheserioters racy. It’s atreasonousactand attack onthecitadelofdemoc- to thepowerofthisterrorist and hisenablers. Call truth mobilized byDonald Trump about insurrection which was recent elections black voters They understand thatinthe white privilege and supremacy. ers are fighting to maintain the mobandGOP Trump- demons willbefound. Trump, disgrace clears,thesame old Martin LutherKingJr., role intheassassinationof Dr. Panthers, aswellplayinga and killingscoresofBlack playing a roleinneutralizing the FBIhadnoproblems show ered “terrorists.” Yet reports latively they were not consid- mobs’ actionsbecauselegis tiedinmonitoringthewere FBI official saidhishands the rioters onthe spot. .One vented theassaultnorarrested presence couldnothavepre- and themostpowerfulmilitary powerful governmental body home oftheworld’s most believe that Washington, the I end my piece with the link I endmypiecewiththelink Mr. President,yourjustice

When thesmoke ofthis Mr. President,talking - USA residing now in Allentown PA, Kenya, was borninMombasa, izen, A ProudbutConcernedcit- an Islamic from ly ofcapitalism and socialism, European philosophy, especial Baqir-al Sadr. and Banking) by prominent and Falsafatuna(Economic Economics) tisaduna (Islamic should alsoread the book Nations. at theUnited You adapted bythehumanrights goals ofjustice insocietyand inspire humanitytowardslofty legacy, hascontinuedto which He left behind an immortal man rights andsocial justice. to theworldconceptofhu- who practically demonstrated the icon ofJustice– The man saying ofImam Ali). Imam Ali, Al-Balagha (acollectionof Jordac andtheBook of HumanJustice” to readthebook a returntothepast. need a vision for the future, not rooted injusticeandequity. We Looking forwardtoafuture deliver whatyoupromised! and successful.Ihopeyoucan Jan 20th, be fruitful, joyous, May the journey youbegin on on winningall three branches. this newera.Congratulations milestone andthebeginningof es asyoumarkthissignificant congratulations andbest wish- com/watch?v=6sT9Hjh0cHM Society: https://www.youtube. Poverty.ofEvils The Three triple evils: War, Racism,and King in1967Chicagoon to thefamousspeechofDr. backgrounds. and seewhat is risingintheir America look inthemirror communities. It is time white voters, churches,andtheir turn theirattentiontoblack President called“patriots,” if the white terrorists, who the ris. But will the police be there Biden and Vice President Har organized toprotectPresident ty, nodoubtwillbeefficiently bloodshed willfollow. Securi- erhood isbroken,muchmore by whitelegislators. by white cops and protected people whohavebeenkilled joining the hundredsofblack police officer were murdered, five people, including a capitol So, thebloodywarison,where influence andrepresentation. and brownpeople are risingin rupt, evilempire,whereblack rescued America from acor The author ofthis article Mohammed Khaku Finally, Iwouldrequestyou Mr. Presidentmyheartfelt Unless thisbandofbroth- It is a critique of acritiqueof It is viewpoint. “The Voice by George Nahjul

Iq- by by - - -

Elon Musk dethrones Jeff 7 Bezos to become world’s richest person By Joséphine Li New York Beacon writer ccording to Bloomberg, Elon Musk’s total

wealth has surpassed BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com Athat of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to grab the title of world’s richest person. Musk’s meteoric rise in wealth over the past year marks the fastest ascent to the top of the rich list in history. The celebrated entrepreneur made history with Tesla’s dramatic financial turnaround — just 18 months ago, Musk was in the headlines for Tesla’s rapid cash tential for increased regulation burn and his personal leverage from Washington. against the company’s stock. Tesla’s shares closed at Musk started 2020 worth $816.04, up nearly 8% on Jan- about $27 billion, barely mak- uary 7. The company’s market ing it into the top 50 richest value has risen to more than people. But in just one year, $760 billion. Tesla’s rocketing share price, While the Bloomberg Bil- which has soared more than lionaires Index had Musk nine-fold and Musk’s generous within $3 billion of Bezos’ net pay package have added more worth on January 6, before the than $150 billion to his net trading day on Thursday. The worth — putting Musk at the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires Black athletes outraged that top of the rich list. List had Musk about $7 billion Last July, Elon Musk passed behind Bezos after the market Warren Buffett to become closed on January 7. Forbes the seventh richest person. pegged Bezos’ net worth at Clemson cancelled track; Last November, Musk raced about $185 billion and Musk past Bill Gates to become at about $177 billion. the second richest person. Forbes may not be includ- civil rights complaint filed Over the past 12 months, Elon ing the option value of Musk’s Musk’s wealth has exceeded purchase of 33 million shares Newyorkbeacon.com no longer generating revenue. Dinkins wants Bill Gates’s total assets of $132 in Tesla, which Musk received more schools to understand how limited the billion. as part of his pay package. lemson University’s decision to discon- opportunities are for Black students on college Amazon’s share price, in Bloomberg, however, has tinue men’s track and field has caused campuses. the meantime, has remained posted an article confirming many black athletes to speak out. The daily news reported that one in thirty more subdued due to the po- Musk’s title on the rich list. CRussell Dinkins, an activist and former Black male students at Clemson is on the men’s Princeton runner, recently filed a civil rights track and field team. The cancellation of track complaint against Clemson. He shared the may lead to a decrease in enrollment and finan- impact that “cutting track and field teams have cial opportunities. George R. Carruthers, on Black students.” “The goal is to save Clemson’s track pro- Cutting Costs at Clemson principal designer of gram, but it’s also to let all colleges know that Dan Radakovich, Clemson Director of Ath- eliminating track programs is not an acceptable letics, shared how cutting track would save the option,” ESPN reported. “You can’t eliminate University $2 million. telescope that went to the a sport that provides disproportionate opportu- “In our long-term planning, we looked at the nities to black athletes.” changing demographics of the Clemson cam- moon, dead at 81 pus,” said Radakovich in a prepared statement. A New Movement “Of Clemson’s men’s sports, only men’s track By Victor Omondi The community is on a mission to reinstate and field and cross country could provide the track programs for black athletes. Frustrated Department with both substantial cost savings eorge R. Carruthers, an alumni, students, and parents came together as well as the ability for long-term Title IX astrophysicist and en- for the #SaveClemsonXCTF movement. In compliance.” gineer, who designed a a video released in November, advocates of Clemson was not the only University Gtelescope used by astronauts on the movement called Clemson’s actions racist. to cancel athletic programs. Stanford an- the moon as part of the Apollo Also, a Change.org petition has been signed by nounced the elimination of 11 varsity sports 16 mission in 1972, is dead more than 32,000 people. programs in a statement to the University at 81 years. The mission was Dinkins believes that schools profit from community. Similarly, the University of NASA’s attempt to examine black athletes. Unfortunately, many believe Iowa will cancel four sports programs due Earth’s atmosphere and the that schools ignore their athletes when they are to funding cuts. composition of interstellar space. Dr. Carruthers had devel- oped an interest in space sci- ence from an early age and forces with another scien- RECAP: Rev. Raphael Warnock’s managed to build his first tist, Thornton Page, for the telescope at 10-years of age. NASA project. Together, they Virtually, his entire career was designed a telescope that am- historic win in Georgia senate race spent at the Naval Research plified images, converting pho- Laboratory in Washington. tons to electrons and making it From page 3 Congress is set to officially edly blocked $2,000 checks to In 1969, NASA posted possible to record on film. certify the presidential elec- assist Americans in a pandemic what was termed as “an an- Dr. Carruther’s 1970 tele- Georgia to Joe Biden by over tion. that has killed over 350,000 nouncement of opportunity” scope was part of an unmanned 11,000 votes on November 3, Trump’s words signaled an people, likely impacting the towards the start of designing rocket flight that discovered 2020. In the days before the internal war in the Republican results in Georgia. experiments for Apollo space the first evidence of molec- runoff elections in Georgia, Party as the out-going Presi- Lauren Victoria Burke is flights. It’s this year that he ular hydrogen in interstellar Trump spent most of his time dent caused problems within an independent journalist began his project on his Apollo space. He remained focused criticizing other Republicans the GOP. Trump attacked Re- for NNPA and the host of the telescope. He later received a and continued to advance his in Georgia. Trump had ear- publican Georgia Governor podcast BURKEFILE. She is patent for an-Image Converter designs. Eventually, Dr. Car- lier called into question the Brian Kemp and the Secretary also a political strategist as for Detecting Electromagnetic ruther’s telescope was used validity of the voting process of State Brad Raffensberger. Principal of Win Digital Media Radiation Especially in Short for observation on the moon, in Georgia. The President also That, along with out-going LLC. She may be contacted Wave Lengths -in November with far-reaching implications pressured Georgia officials to U.S. Senate Majority Leader at [email protected] and of 1969. for astronomy, astrophysics flip the state in his favor as Mitch McConnell single hand- on twitter at @LVBurke Dr. Carruthers later joined and more. BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 8 N people.” chairs with 20chairs and 4,000 Like musical mess,” shesaid.” quickly enough. “It was justa but shecouldnotclickonthem availability. Shefoundsome, reservation buttons, signaling andlookingforbluethe site pages, repeatedlyupdating through thedatesandtimes for hermother. Shescrolled last week in search of a place Island, Florida,usedEventbrite website. tool: theEventbriteticketing resorted toanunexpected it most,somehealth officials vaccine tothosewhoneed rus form. This raised accessibility viders inBritain used theplat Texas. Tenn., andin the city of Allen, al countiesinFlorida,Sevier, schedule vaccinationsinsever were alittlelucky. find an appointment, but others platform todeliver coronavirus vaccines Health workersuseEventbrite’s onlineticketing COVID-19: A newyear withmore meaningfulresolutions in thepast?Howhaveyour than whatyoumighthavedone plan to achieve them–different your resolutions–or howyou a new perspective that makes thepandemicgivenyouHas goals because of COVID-19? you havetoputoff your2020 or goalforthenewyear?Did have a New Year’s resolution 2021 asa fresh start. Do you many ofusarelookingto (35%). (43%) thandidsoforthisyear Year’s resolutions for 2021 are planningtomakeNew ahead. Infact,more Americans on makinggoalsfortheyear are notturningtheirbacks turbulence of2020, Americans The Harris Poll, despite the from CIT Bankconducted by Mai Miller, 48,fromMerritt

As we near the end of 2020, As we near the endof2020, - According to a new survey Eventbrite has been used to By Viviane Faver Viviane By delivering thecoronavi- ew York Beaconwriter By Glenn Ellis Glenn By Even healthcare pro- Mrs. Millerdidnot In the early stages of - - said that this situation is very County, Florida, cy management of gling with alack of resources. workers andhospitalsstrug - nel, to overworked local health such asschedulingandperson - vaccine distributionprocess, ofthealso leftmanydetails slower thanexpected. They edged that the launch was ational challenges. dented project with vastoper and elsewhere is an unprece vaccine intheUnitedStates distribution of thecoronavirus of amuchbiggerproblem: the be false. These failures arepart for vaccines that turned out to had beenusedtocharge people Times reportedthatEventbrite not valid, and The Tampa Bay ulent Eventbrite website” were ments madethrougha“fraud- partment warned thatappoint County, Florida, healthde- been reported. The Pinellas With that,scamshavealready knows howto use Eventbrite. totheInternetor access has concerns, asnoteveryone imperative that allresolutions the pandemic. dramatically increased during lation andunhealthydiets–has as substanceabuse,social iso- exposure to risk factors–such In addition, their COVID-19. to catching and dying from ditions aremorevulnerable etc.. high blood pressure; obesity, diseases, suchas with deadly but preventable diagnosing andtreatingpeople caused massivedisruptionsin healthcrisishasCOVID-19 disease andvaccines. the key takeaways: ing forward.Herearesomeof be committedtokeepingmov- matter, and ones that we should ing New Year’s that resolutions 2020 shouldinformusonmak- and learnedfromCOVID-19in equal opportunitykiller. clear thatCOVID-19isan illness. Bynowit should be some children develop severe that causes COVID-19 and can beinfected with thevirus compared toadults, children less affected byCOVID-19 ages. While childrenhavebeen children as well as adults of all These lessonsarerelevant for of New Year’s Resolutions. should factorin each of our list Much ofwhatwehavelearned about COVID-19 every day. of 2020,wearelearning more our “newnormal”? goals forthefuturechangedin The directorofemergen- Federal officials acknowl Because of thisinsight, it is Diseases: The Chronic What wehavewitnessed After almost the entirety People with chronic con- Greg Foster, diabetes;

chronic Nassau - - - - Health county’s websites andphone been a useful tool because the upset.” and Iunderstandwhythey are they cannotgetthevaccine, people contacting us because “We aregetting alot of angry thevaccine. toadminister cials with health department offi stressful andthatheisworking calorie intake. maintaining ahealthydaily sugar; reducingBMI;and blood pressure and/or blood resolutions aroundlowering chronic conditionsmaking New Year must find folks with a daily basis. Bottomline? The and/or blood sugarat home on itoring yourbloodpressure condition(s). Commit to mon- ications prescribedforyour and/ormed- treatment plans compliant as possible with the promise (to yourself)tobeas include a sure yourresolutions the demandsthanever. Make clinics are lessabletohandle Pharmacies andcommunity ic conditions and medical care. and dementia. cancer, depressionandanxiety, heart disease,manytypesof conditions like type 2diabetes, reduce yourrisk ofchronic quality of life. It also helps overall health, fitness, and activity helpsimproveyour and exercise.Regularphysical erations onphysicalactivity must also be given to consid- consistently healthy diet. Care on howtomaintainagood, socarefulplanningsupplies, restrictive availability of food ticular attentiontolimitsor for theNew Year includepar free. Washington Postcolum entists andwidelyavailablefor determined to be safe by sci- not getthevaccineifitwas would probably ordefinitely that 35%ofBlack Americans Family Foundationstudyfound He addsthatEventbrite has Vaccines: Finally, awordabout chron-

The recent Kaiser The recent Kaiser - - - minister hundreds ofdosesa department employees ad- ty, Anita Stremmel, health tant director in Brevard Coun- Department of Health’s assis- cines,” saidFoster. people tryingtoget850vac - “We havetensofthousands of mand andhavelimited supply. lines areunabletomeetde- suspicion. will notbebasedonfearand cide about taking the vaccine resolutions, whateveryoude- cy isoneofyourNew Year’s improving your health litera all you can about vaccines. If the time wisely and find out their hands ona vaccine. Use who wantavaccine will have end ofJune, any Americans saying that by Memorial Day, Some ofthe “experts” are to thevaccineanytimesoon. Most ofuswon’t haveaccess will thevaccinesbeprotective? virus transmission?Howlong illness? Can the vaccines stop against bothsevereandmild cine? Do thevaccines protect related to the coronavirus vac - health decisions. needed to make appropriate stand basichealthinformation to obtain,process,andunder individuals havethecapacity literacy is the degree to which your a determination to improve best medicine. Add toyourlist resolution? Information is the specific needs ofBlack people. without consent orignoringthe experimenting onBlackbodies engaged in grievousharmby tem that hasintoo many cases don’t trustapublichealthsys- don’t believe in vaccines. They It’s notthat Black Americans from an“anti-vaxxer” stance. Black Americans isdifferent non. the essenceofthisphenome- nist Michele Norris captured According totheFlorida Do youhaveanyquestions What’s the solution for your “Vaccine hesitancy from health literacy. Health - - using Eventbrite, theydecided thorities sawothercounties she said–sowhenlocal au- ruptions anddropped lines,” have resulted in phone inter appointmentsover the phone easy. Initialefforts toschedule but thelogistics have notbeen day. “Ourteamisamazing, the bestlifepossible! good care of yourself and live tor. I just sound like one, Take world. your community, andtothe can contribute to yourfamily, about thewaysinwhichyou to our own well-being. Think of goalswill, in turn,alsoadd aim to helpothers,thosekinds there: Ifwecansetgoalsthat There’s alotofdistressout tion of have’s andhave nots. become more and more, a na- us. Almost overnight we’ve on bythepandemic,allaround suffering and hardship brought work onourhumanity. We see ample opportunity onusto year’s resolutions should be us thatattheheartofourNew nellis.com information visit:www.glen- Ethics. For more good health on Health Equity and Medical is anactive media contributor tion istheBestMedicine.Ellis Which Doctor? and Informa- and Writing. Heisauthor of Fellow inResearch Bioethics a Harvard Medical School at Tuskegee Universityand National Bioethics Center is a Visiting Scholar at The indirectly. your doctoreither directly or mental or medical problems by form oftreatmentforphysical, technique asareplacement ofany theuse or prescribe medicaladvicenot dispense tional purposes only. Ido in thiscolumnisforeduca- Remember, I’mnotadoc- In closing,letmeremind The information included Continued on page9 Glenn Ellis, MPH - International 9 Visualizing a trip to Kenya Africa By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National

Correspondent BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com ith the pandemic badly hamstringing travel plans for so Wmany people, the National Newspaper Publishers Asso- ciation (NNPA) would like to take Black America on a trip – at least digitally. Destination: The World. Until medical science gets a real stranglehold on the coronavirus, we invite you to explore from the safety of your home the many places around the globe that might make your bucket list. We begin in beautiful Na- riobi. Nairobi is known for excit- ing activities like Rugby, the iconic Coke Studio Africa mu- sic show, and the Storymoja Festival. Once a year, book lovers gather at the Storymoja festival to enjoy the literary arts. her phone conversation with airports for safari excursions or It features drums, artwork, over Kenya. Coke Studio Africa is the NNPA Newswire. beach holidays,” Mitic wrote. flowers, meat, fruits, and veg- Stone also recommends two biggest show in all of Africa. “I can’t stay away … I love “It is also home to some etables. Black-owned hotels, the Sov- It began more than seven years going to Africa,” the globetrot- of the city’s most intriguing At Muthurwa Market, lo- ereign and Westwood. ago and features different mu- ter proclaimed. and exclusive places to shop, cated in the Central Business The Sovereign is a five-star sic genres and cultures, and A short distance away from for items like statement silver District of the city, the crowded boutique hotel located in Kisu- artists come from places like Nairobi in nearby Karen, Ken- jewelry, hand-carved chairs and often noisy retail space mu within the business district. Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, ya, people young and old still and locally dyed and sewn offers a range of food items The Westwood sits in the , Nigeria, Ugan- find the red-colored dirt as fashion.” and clothing. Westlands area off Eldama da, and South Africa. fascinating as the banana trees In Nairobi, residents can Nairobi also features a “lit” Road and less than an hour Unavoidable in Kenya’s that line the stunning city’s shop at many open-air markets nightlife, Stone and other trav- from Nairobi’s airport. capital city is the famed Afri- hills. throughout the city, includ- el experts exclaimed. It borders Karura Forest, can safaris – after all, the city Workshops housing design- ing Maasai Market, Toi Mar- Located in the Kilimani where outdoor diners have a lays claim as the continent’s ers and artists cram busy roads ket, City Market Nairobi, and area on the first floor of Gala- birds-eye view of wild animals, safari capital. that offer sightly and breath- Muthurwa Market. na Plaza, the B Club counts including Sykes monkeys. “Kenya remains one of taking views of the high skies Maasai Market, located among the most well-known “I’m not a hotel person, I my favorite places to visit against lush green landscaping outside the Nairobi Court of among Nairobi’s residents think the best experience is at on the continent because you and colorful flowers. Appeals, opens each Saturday and visitors. It is known for an Airbnb, but the Sovereign get a lot of the Mother Land According to New York and contains an array of Afri- its charm and exotic ambiance. and Westwood are good ho- vibes there,” stated Chandell Times Travel Writer Ginanne can jewelry and sought-after Operating in a relative- tels,” Stone declared. Stone. Brownell Mitic, Karen, Kenya, fabric. ly small space on Lang’ata Finally, airfare can be a She owns Destination was named after the Danish Toi Market, located in the Road, 1824 Whisky Bar is reg- significant obstacle to visiting Impact, an African Ameri- writer Karen Blixen, who Adams Arcade and Ngong ularly jammed with partygoers. anywhere in Africa. But Stone can-owned volunteer travel published works like “Out of Road area, routinely bustles It also has the nickname said prices have dramatically company that offers service Africa” under the pen name with shoppers who can find “Sunday School,” because decreased. opportunities across the Afri- Isak Dinesen. items like dresses, skirts, of the club’s excitement on “A few years ago, it would can Diaspora. “Karen has become a home slacks, and jeans. Sundays. be $1,500 for a flight out of “Being in Africa is always to both ex-pats and wealthy City Market, which is man- As for food and places to JFK Airport to Kenya,” she powerful and empowering,” Kenyans, with stately villas aged by the Nairobi City Coun- stay, Stone of Destination Im- noted. “Now, you can get a noted Stone, who, despite the and a few five-star hotels for cil, is located at the intersection pact said delicacies in Kenya flight for $600 or $700. It is pandemic, planned to fly out of travelers who want to be lux- of the busy Market Road and won’t disappoint, though she worth it. I know I can’t stay New York to Africa following uriously situated close to the Muindi Mbingu Street. prefers Nigeria’s offerings away from Africa.” Health workers use Eventbrite’s online ticketing platform to deliver coronavirus vaccines

From page 8 county website confirmed that never managed to be attended. cess protected medical infor- Spector Bagdady said. “It is the Eventbrite link was real, In a statement, Eventbrite mation may violate the privacy extraordinarily complex, so I to follow suit. so Mrs. Miller tried her luck. said that anyone who used the regulations of the Health Insur- have nothing but sympathy for Stremmel said people should She knew the platform because platform to register for coro- ance Portability and Liability these health professionals, who access the Eventbrite page only she had used it before – to buy navirus-related events should Act of America, or HIPAA. are struggling to get vaccines.” through the health depart- concert tickets – but still has direct their questions to local However, she emphasized Ms. Miller said she was ment’s website to avoid scams. not secured a spot. health officials. The company that local authorities are using not particularly concerned Miller, who lives in Brevard “I could not imagine my did not respond to questions tools to bring the vaccine to about privacy when she used County, said someone sent mom, who does not under- about protecting the privacy of as many people as possible. Eventbrite to find a vaccina- her a text message with a link stand technology, trying to people who booked vaccination “Now, counties and individual tion schedule for Ms. Agger. to Eventbrite’s vaccination make an appointment on her appointments on the platform. institutions are really left to Her main focus, she said, was reserves last week. “My first own,” said Miller. Before her According to the associate take as much as possible – to to keep her mother safe from reaction was: it does not look daughter tried to make an ap- director of the University of try to vaccinate the population Covid-19. “Now there is this legitimate,” she said. Howev- pointment online, Ms. Agger Michigan’s Center for Bio- in fairways while trying to get vaccine, and it seems almost er, she was determined to help spent hours calling the county ethics and Social Sciences in more products from the feds to unattainable,” she said. “It is her mother, Chut Agger, 68, get health department to make an Medicine, Kayte Spector-Bag- the states, and then use all the there, but we can’t get there. an appointment. A visit to the appointment. However, she dady, using Eventbrite to pro- products they have,” Professor There has to be a better way. “ From page2

BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 10 T will nextshinehislight.” great anticipation to wherehe pia.’ We lookforwardwith Bloods’ and‘AmericanUto- output with thisyear’s ‘Da5 outstanding his continues He Klansman’ tonameonlyafew. ‘Malcolm X’ and‘BlacKk- Thing,’ ‘She’s GottaHaveIt,’ ranging from‘DotheRight ciety is showninhismovies, the toneofcontemporary so- ability to perceiveanddepict award,” Nicita said. “Spike’s for the Cinematheque’s annual Spike Leeistheperfectchoice portance offilm in oursociety, zation thatcelebrates the im- for theannualaward. maker isthe“perfect choice” ita Cinematheque chair Lewis andIsiah Whitlock Jr. Peters, Norm Clarke jors, roy Lindo, - Perez,Del Foster, Rosie Coogler, Jodie Bassett, Ryan including Angela announced, winnerhasbeenthe Oscar stars whowillpaytributeto Jan. 14. ored during a virtual tribute on theque Award whenheishon- the 34th ceremony Cinematheque Spike Leeat American Coogler tohonor Angela Bassett,Ryan tribute laterthisweek “As a cultural arts organi - a In The line-up of Hollywood Spike Lee noted why the iconic film Newyorkbeacon.com 405 Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, Subscribe to theNewSubscribe York Beacon ored duringavirtual maker is settobehon- he Oscar-winning film statement, American statement, $35.00 per year$35.00 per 212-213-8585 American Cinema- American www.newyorkbeacon.com Jonathan Ma- is settoreceive New York, NY10174. - Rick Nic - - organization.” the non-profit cultural arts in supportofthemission reach ourgoalof$500,000 generosity thatenabledusto fortheircontinuedtimes event inthesechallenging vidual donorsofthisannual industry companiesandindi- grateful to the entertainment Nicita. tors overfourdecades,said his friendsandcollabora- that arefollowingastoldby his generation and the ones importance of his legacy to and anincrediblelookatthe extraordinary bodyofwork Lee isacelebrationofhis of the AC Award toSpike 35 filmssince1983. works, has produced morethan 40 Acres andaMule Film- Acts. Broke: A Requiem in Four mentary film a followuptohis ing credits include ma film. his classic80’s romance dra- Gotta Have It,an update of also directedNetflix’s recently DaFiveBloods. Clockers, Girl 6and most ver,Malcolm X,Crooklyn, Mo’ BetterBlues,JungleFe- Daze, DotheRight Thing, She’s GottaHaveIt,School include BlacKkKlansman, its 40 decades,andhisfilm cred- “Our virtual presentation His productioncompany, Lee’s careerspansnearly and Da Creek Don’t Rise, “We areextremely Lee’s documentary

When the Levees When the Levees If GodIs Will

HBO docu- She’s Culture

He - F H els, andhisworkhasbecome the authoroftwenty-ninenov- was 59,”thestatementread. after battlingalongillness.He day, January 3, in Dickey passed awayonSun- selling authorEricJerome beloved New York Times best- ness thatweconfirm ical Center. on Monday, January4,2021,atLos Angeles’ Cedars SinaiMed- The mogul,whosereal nameis Andre Young, washospitalized suffering brainaneurysm hospitalized inLos Angeles after Hip Hoppioneer Dr. Dre Jerome Dickeydiesat59 Celebrated author Eric uary 4, 2021, at Los Angeles’ hospitalized on Monday, Jan- name is Andre Young, was a brainaneurysm. cords, hasreportedlysuffered co-founded DeathRowRe - rap groupN.W.A. andlater of PenguinRandomHouse. publisher, Dutton,animprint statement from his career-long firmed todayinanofficial account overtheholidays. last posted to his Instagram circulated on social media. He genre, hasdied. in thecontemporaryfiction revolutionizing storytelling and Lovers” about Black life, Were Wicked” and“Friends as “Sister, Sister”“Before We ey ing author Were Wicked’ ‘Sister, and ‘Before We Sister’, By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA NNPA Brown, M. Stacy By Newswire Senior National National Senior Newswire who pennedsuchclassics “Eric JeromeDickey was The mogul, whose real Dickey’s passingwascon- News ofhisdeathfirst YorkNew Times best-sell Newyorkbeacon.com “Itiswithgreatsad- best sellingauthorof learn of thedeath of the ans weredevastatedto Correspondent in the1980swith the who firstrosetofame ip HoppioneerDr. Dre, Eric JeromeDick- - the author ofmultiple around theworld. millions ofdedicated readers writing career, earninghim course ofhis multi-decade a culturaltouchstoneoverthe ly performing a battery of His physicians are reported- caused his internal bleeding. haven’t determinedwhat stable and lucid, but doctors he remainedon Tuesday. taken directlytoI.C.U.,where knowledge, notingthat he was to Dr. Dre and those with direct tion. T.M.Z. cited sources close report theicon’s hospitaliza- site, Cedars SinaiMedicalCenter. Liar’s Game, Be- Destiny, Liar’s Coffee, Cheaters,Chasing els, including nov- TimesYork bestselling Dr. Dre, 55,reportedlyis The celebrity web- T.M.Z., wasthefirstto Milk inMy He was

New lion. Beats Electronics for$3bil- wireless headphones. the popular“BeatsByDre” Electronics business,including more famouswithhisBeats Snoop Dogg. a ‘G’ Thang withrisingstar But featured“Nuthin which seminal album,“TheChronic,” a labelwhereDrereleased his to form Death Row Records, with Marion“Suge”Knight “F—Tha Police.” famous andcontroversialsong, thecommunity byreleasing police brutalityintheBlack N.W.A. shined a spotlight on as gangstarap’s originators. cemented N.W.A.’s legacy went double platinum and “Straight Outta Compton,” geles’s hard-scrabblestreets. ality of SouthCentral Los An- reputation for relaying the re- N.W.A. in1985. the D.O.C.,Dr. Dreformed Ren, the Arabian Prince, and zy-E, IceCube, Yella, MC winner. the multipleGrammy Award tests andcontinuetotreat adence. and Dec- Affair, Accidental Trouble,Tempted An by night, Revenge, Resurrecting Mid for Dying Pleasure, emies, Strangers, ty or Nice, Me Crazy, Genevieve, Naugh- dise, The Other Woman, Drive tween Lovers, In 2014, Apple purchased The icon has become even In 1991,Dr. Dreteamed Their sophomorealbum, The groupquicklyearneda Teaming upwith Ea-

Waking with En

Sleeping with Thieves’ Para- - - 11

Wednesday's woman By Audrey J. Bernard Global Communicator honors Karen Taylor Bass, Wynona Redmond & Dorothy Tucker BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com

Karen Taylor Bass (Photo courtesy TaylorMadeMedia) Wynona Redmond Dorothy Tucker fter a successful re- can bring love, movement, pression, in women of color, a self-starting public relations a hiatus of several years has launch in 2020 that ex- dialogue, and good vibes,” from our little ones in virtual intern to a well-respected been a highlight. Revamped ceeded all expectations, says Taylor Bass, Certified classes to college students, se- communications leader whose as an e-magazine in June by AGlobal Communicator, the Yoga Instructor and Meditation nior citizens and even our men expertise has touched cam- its founder, public relations e-publication for and about Coach (RYT-200). in group homes and halfway paigns for healthcare, state strategist, and media consul- communications professionals In recent years, you may houses. lottery, community advocacy, tant Gwendolyn Quinn, Glob- of color, wrapped up its 2020 have seen Taylor Bass sharing “My community is pre- entertainment, and more. In a al Communicator has gar- issue featuring three trailblaz- her story on healing and well- disposed to many challenges. well-researched and reported nered a loyal readership for its ing women who carved out un- ness on broadcast and print me- Today’s pandemic, post-elec- piece by contributor Christy long-form stories to profiling paralleled positions within the dia, including The Dr. Oz Show, tion fatigue and current racial DeBoe Hicks, Redmond’s key communications experts world of media with fortitude The Washington Post, The Wall climate has compromised our friends, colleagues, and men- across multiple industries. and vision resulting in Global Street Journal, AARP, WABC- health and wellness, both phys- tors – including the Reverend “I would like to thank Communicator amplifying and TV’s Here and Now with San- ically and mentally. If I can Jesse Jackson, Sr. – also weigh the Global Communica- continuing on its commitment dra Bookman, Real Health provide minutes or an hour in on why Redmond wins. tor team for believing in the to showcase key communica- Magazine and SiriusXM, of relaxation in meditation, Dorothy Tucker, President vision and supporting the mag- tions leaders across a broad among others. “Self-reflection laughter and virtual yoga well- of the National Association azine, and all of the interview- range of industries, is important because I believe ness to communities via Zoom, of Black Journalists (NABJ), ees who have graciously help During her unique sto- it ultimately leads to that self- Skype and Google Classroom, completes this august trio of spread our mission to shine the ry, Karen Taylor Bass, a love and care that so many of then that is what I will do,” media mavens. A reporter for spotlight on communicators longtime independent public us are looking for today,” says Taylor Bass vows. CBS 2 Chicago since 1984, across the globe,” says Quinn, relations professional and Taylor Bass. Soulful Yoga is a profound she is now an Investigative Chief Content Officer. “This founder of TaylorMadeMedia According to the Psychiat- connection of the mind, body, Reporter for the station. Tucker magazine is important to our LLC, reveals how she has ric Times, “The Coronavirus and soul with yoga asanas worked her way up through the community and the culture, pivoted from communications pandemic has impacted peo- (postures), movement, and ranks of NABJ leadership in and more importantly we must and branding consultant and ple of color disproportion- affirmations from the Diaspora several key roles before being document our history and our award-winning PR expert to ately. One-third of African of India, Africa, and Caribbean voted into the top spot in 2019. stories.” also becoming a certified yoga Americans will suffer from rhythm, blended with a splash In this detailed story, Tucker Global Communicator once instructor, meditation coach, Post-Traumatic Stress Dis- of western influence. “I like describes the present-day mis- again offers a special music and speaker in the health and order or PTSD,” a mental to think my class is a healing sion of the NABJ in fostering playlist with selections chosen wellness space. condition that can develop yoga party,” she says. Music more diverse and equitable by our feature subjects and “I want to bring together a after experiencing a traumatic selections vary, from jazz, newsrooms and protecting and programmed by music pro- community of BIPOC (Black event or natural disaster like a reggae and gospel, to soul, hip uplifting the careers of journal- ducer Brennan Williams. To Indigenous People of Color) to pandemic. The impact can lead hop, popular music, and more. ists of color. She also describes listen, click on YouTube, Ap- breathe, release, heal, and feel to a wide range of symptoms Public relations found- her career and personal journey ple Music, and Spotify. To with my Soulful Yoga medi- from depression and anxiety, er Wynona Redmond of to success, and the lessons she read the current and back tation sessions. It’s important to sleep and concentration Wyn-Win Communications learned along the way. issues of Global Communica- that we push forward and focus issues. The rates will differ and president emeritus of While 2020 has been a tor, click here. Follow Glob- on our self-care to live a more in Black and Caucasian com- the National Black Public challenging year on multiple al Communicator Maga- balanced lifestyle. The world munities at different rates, in Relations Society is also fea- fronts, the successful relaunch zine on FaceBook and Insta- is in a state of pain and hurt- different ways, and for various tured in this august article of Global Communicator – gram. (Photos courtesy Global ing. Hopefully, my offering reasons like postpartum de- and shares her journey from first published in 2004 – after Communicator) Wednesday's woman

BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 12 C Rev. Jesse L.JacksonSr. takesPfizer IBioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Responders andtheElderly Rev. JacksonencouragesFirst ly in Chicago communities. will helpsavelivesespecial of thevaccinearesafe,andit elderly thattheinoculations mised immune systems and the minorities, thosewithcompro- especially courage Americans, to spread awareness anden - Roseland Community Hospital Corbett are collaborating with fort, Rev. JacksonandDr. COVID-19. mRNA-1273 vaccineagainst pre-clinical development ofthe cal researchandworkedon conducts basicandpreclini- cine. In addition, Dr. Corbett developed the COVID-19 vac is oneoftheleadscientistswho al Institute of Health (NIH) and Research CenterattheNation- immunologist at the Vaccine by Dr Jackson wasaccompanied Friday, January8,2021. nity Hospital vaccine at Pfizer’s BioNTech COVID-19 Sr., was administered a dose of tion, Posted by Audrey J. Bernard by Audrey Posted As part ofan ongoing ef- Rev. L.Jackson, Jesse . Kizzmekia Corbett, bow PUSHCoali- President of The Rain- ivil RightsIconand Roseland Commu- in Chicago,IL, Commissioner Dave A. Mayor Bill deBlasio Chokshi, MDMSc Rev. Beacon onthescene an - -

Reese, Nurse Practitioner oftheCovidClinic. Dr. KiranChekka,Co-Chair ofCovid Task Force; and Capril of Nursing At OpulenceChicago; Rev. JesseL.JacksonSr.; nity Hospital; Dr. KizzmekiaCorbert;SophieHasanaj,Director (l-r) Tim Egan,President &CEO The NewRoselandCommu nation and specifically in the existing disparitiesinour pandemic hashighlighted Jackson. “TheCOVID-19 our new normal,” said Rev. our livesandmoveonto cating this horrible virus from munity tofollowsuit.” will positivelyinfluence com- Jackson receivethevaccine influential figure suchasRev. “The hopeisthat seeing an lishments,” saidDr. Corbett. lack of trustinmedical estab- others. “Right now, there is a to take the vaccine to protect “We need to ensure eradi- and statistics,expertise have thebenefitofscience kegee Experimentdidnot historical pastofthe Tus- event with a statement “The catastrophic proportions.” tobefore thedeathraterises of colorassoonpossible cines administered to people government tohavethevac- our in our strong leadership White community. We need times greater than that of the greater andadeathrate2.8 a hospitalization rate 3.7 times Black community resulting in Rev. Jacksonclosedthe COVID-19 All in favor of a All infavorof raise yourarm. - Clinic Task Force; andCaprilReese,NursePractitioner oftheCovid Rev. JesseL.JacksonSr., Dr. KiranChekka,Co-Chair ofCovid outreach tailored forlocal ally sensitive, multi-lingual the vaccinesincluding cultur equity inplanstodistribute elected officials. Building cans andmorethan100state by AfricanAmeri- governed of America’s top-100citiesare Leaders, Congressional can American not havemorethan60 Afri- doing theexperiment, we did American doctors, researchers time, we didnothave African COVID-19 vaccine ... atthat the needandviabilityof upholds technology. Science SAFE, NYC VACCINE FOR ALL: nyc.gov/covidvaccine more than one third FREE,

vaccine, EASY - eos/204241928073171 com/Rainbow click here PUSH Coalition)Forvideo, John L Alexander forRainbow skepticism.” (PhotoCredit: does whenthereissomuch she the vaccineandwork taking importance of about the her team for raising awareness Hospital and Dr. Corbett and to thank Roseland Community comes.” for closinggapsinhealthout- communities will be essential https:// Rev. added:“Iwant Jackson www .PUSH .facebook

/vid- Beacon on the scene 13 Zendaya says there’s nothing ‘euphoric” about COVID-19 By Audrey J. Bernard I felt like, when I wasn’t working, my powers had OVID-19 spares no gone away, and I was like,

one! Just ask 24-year- ‘Who the heck I didn’t really BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com old Disney star Zen- know who I was and what Cdaya who was Hollywood’s makes me happy. What do “it” girl after making history I like to do? What else do I when she won an Emmy do? What is my value? What Award for her portrayal of is my purpose now?” Rue in HBO’s “Euphoria,” In an interview in GQ mag- a hard-hitting series about azine, she also opened up about being a teenager and having being perceived as “cold” to navigate friendships, fall- because she was shy. “In this ing in love, drug abuse, and industry, I had to learn how to sexuality – to name a few. The do small talk and stuff, because award made her the youngest I guess I would kind of come to ever win in the Outstand- off cold to people because I ing Lead Actress in a Drama didn’t really know how to start Series category. There was no conversation. I remember my stopping her. That’s until the stylist was like, ‘You come virus shut down Hollywood off kind of cold. People think and halted her career. With you’re mean because you don’t lots of time on her hand, the talk,’ when really I just was too beautiful young star found nervous.” time to work on herself! Speaking to GQ magazine, “[Covid-19 lockdown] she added: “In a lot of ways it was my first time just be- feels like proving something ing like, ‘Okay, who am I to myself personally, yeah, without this?’ Which is a but I feel like, I feel good you. Keep doing what you’re is just not wanting to [mess] leased on Netflix on February very scary thing to confront about it for all of us. It feels doing. I see you.’ I’m just like, up. Not wanting to let anybody 5, 2021. It’s safe to say she and work through, because I like recognition that maybe we ‘Aw, thank you!’ I feel like down. And that’s why we talk figured out a way to still fulfill don’t really know Zendaya aren’t just like that little cra- everyone at that moment be- to therapists.” her passion during the industry outside of the Zendaya who zy show with the crazy kids, comes my auntie, and I’m just She did not stay idle for shutdown. She filmed a mov- works. I didn’t realize how you know what I mean? “For like, ‘Oh, my God, I want to long as she teamed up with ie, Malcolm and Marie, in 15 much my job and my art me, it’s when people say that make you proud.’ You know? Euphoria’s creator Sam Levin- days with John David Wash- were a part of my identity their kids watched me. They “But that stuff really means a son for a movie, “Malcolm ington during the earlier days as a human. “I feel most like just say, ‘We’re really proud lot to me. I think … that me and Mare,” a black-and-white of quarantine. (Photo courtesy myself when I’m working. of you, girl. We’re proud of wanting to control everything relationship drama to be re- Zendaya Instagram)

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Saks Fifth Avenue’s 2020 Holiday Windows BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 14 Pastor DeVon Franklinandwife Actress MeaghanGood S Juan Winans Juan Winans releases Inspirational single“NOW” sites. digital retailandstreaming zon, Tidal, YouTube, andother Apple Music,Spotify, Ama- song canbeaccessednowon chael-Anthony Taylor,the Executive producedbyMi- Posted By Don Thomas Don By Posted a singletitled“NOW.” er Juan Winans released ongwriter/Producer/Sing- let their livesbeinvain/If we daughters ripped away, don’t gotta be NOW/Our sons and And nolongercanwewait,it’s another time,place/ “We don’t haveanotherday, insightful lyrics,whichbegin: ington, paired with Winans’ the historicMarchon Wash- John Lewis’ 1963 speech at from thelateCongressman “NOW” features snippets Gospel Music Single cover created byLeah Tinari their leadership,” fought forus,and continue of leaderswhoprecededand We mustpickupthemantle sure alasting collective good. now to contribute to and en now, mustact now, mustvote mental rightshonored. voices heardandourfunda- any ofuswhowishtohaveour others should orwill speak for tion. Itisnotenoughtobelieve at a moment of necessary ac- their convictions, that weare call toallwhoseekacton tance RevivalChorus. Tamela Mann, and The Resis- MAJOR., JoJo,J.J.Hairston, Deborah Joy Winans, and Winans aswell ashissister, by performances musical as tainment, andsportsaswell based organizations, enter speakers frompolitics,faith- cast event featured prominent DeVon Franklin, the broad- Good and her husband, Pastor iHeartRadio networks. Urban One,FOXSOUL,and gospel music stations across nationally tomore than 65 pre-election rallythataired all-star musicandmotivation ConcertSpecial,anGospel LIVE: A SouloftheNation President campaign’s GOTV 25, 2020,duringtheBidenFor performed itliveonSun.,Oct., be NOW.” ever wanttochange,it’s gotta said Winans, whoalso pro- “Individuals mustspeak “I wrote‘NOW’ asaclarion Hosted by Actress Meaghan Winans wrote the tune and - - others. Norful, Michael Bolton,and Joe, Lalah Hathaway, Smokie by suchartists as Mary Mary, His songshave been recorded the hit drama series, sister, DeborahJoy Winans of Winans and also starred his written byhisuncleBeBe BeBe WinansThis: The Story atrical production of Born for together. Winans, whohave also recorded Winans andDolores “Mom” the sonsoflateDavid“Pop” Ronald Winans. late are They uncles Marvin,Michael,andthe The Winans, whichincludeshis Grammy Award-winning group is a member of the five-time charts. Gospel Album buted atNo.1onBillboard’s recording, Winans, Jr. The group’s first vin Winans, Jr., andMichael Carvin, and his cousinsMar featured hiseldestbrother, Winans Phase2,whichalso teenaged member of the group Winans. longs To Me”featuresMarvin Juan andLisa Winans’ “It Be- Records single with his wife, The Winans. HisrecentDARE one ofgospel’s firstfamilies, third-generation memberof performances by Winans, a of powerfulsongsandthrilling album, isthelatestinastring featured onhis forthcoming duced thetrack. Juan alsostarredinthe- Juan’s father, Carvin Winans, Juan began his career as a The single, which will be We GotNext,de- Greenleaf. - Good Trouble 15 “I want to see young people in America feel the spirit of the 1960s and find a way to get in the way. To find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble.” In memory of Congressman John Lewis Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. on his birthday: Apollo

Theater and WNYC Present “MLK and the Fierce Urgency of Now!” BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com

Posted by Audrey J. Bernard recording will also be avail- able following the simulcast ARLEM, NY – As on the Apollo’s Digital Stage. Jonelle Procope Brenda Williams-Butts ’s per- “MLK and the Fierce Urgency formance spaces re- of Now!” convenes an impres- Hmain dark, the Apollo The- sive roster of civil rights lead- ater and WNYC are bringing ers, elected officials, activists, a special edition of the annual journalists, and artists to en- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. cel- gage with Dr. King’s teachings ebration, presented as part of and philosophies, and incorpo- the Apollo Theater’s Uptown rate them into present-day so- Hall Series, to the national cial justice movements. Guests airwaves and digitally via will discuss the pressing pri- Facebook Live. orities facing the incoming This year’s presenta- Biden/Harris administration, tion, “MLK and the Fierce Ur- strategies to remove barriers gency of Now!” will air on The to health equity for Black Takeaway — the national news Americans, and what comes program from WNYC and next in our nation’s ongoing PRX — on Monday, January fight against systemic racism. 18, 3-4pm ET on WNYC 93.9 Featured guests include: Con- FM and on 270 additional gressman James E. Clyburn, radio stations across the coun- Democratic member of the try (check local listings). U.S. House of Representatives The special broadcast will from South Carolina; Rever- be co-hosted by the event’s sig- end Dr. William Barber, II, Goli Sheikholeslami Isisara Bey Congressman James E. Clyburn nature hosts — WNYC’s public President of Repairers of the affairs host and Breach and Co-Chair of The Center; and Leslé Honoré, tion has been one of the hall- far-right insurrection on the Senior Editor of WNYC’s Race Poor People’s Campaign; Dr. artist and activist, marks of our programming.” Capitol — ‘the fierce urgency and Justice Unit Jami Floyd — Bernard Lafayette, Jr., Civil who will read from her book “I’m so proud that this year of now’ has taken on even who will be joined by Tanzina Rights activist and Co-Found- of poems Fist & Fire. marks WNYC’s 15th an- more profound resonance.” Vega, host of The Takeaway. It er of the Student Nonviolent “I’m thrilled that we are niversary of bringing New “We’re excited to partner with will also be shared as a video Coordinating Committee; Ni- continuing our partnership Yorkers vital conversations the Apollo to bring our annual simulcast on Facebook Live at kole Hannah-Jones, Pulit- with WNYC to bring people about race and justice on Dr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 3pm ET on the Apollo The- zer Prize-winning reporter together to hear from some King’s birthday,” said Brenda event to the national airwaves ater and WNYC Facebook and creator of The New York of today’s most poignant Williams-Butts, Senior Vice at a moment when we so pages. Times’ 1619 Project; Leti- leaders, activists, journalists, President, Diversity, Equity & deeply need to channel his The video version of the tia James, Attorney General and scholars reflecting on Dr. Inclusion at New York Public legacy, leadership, and les- program will include intro- for the State of New York; King’s legacy and the urgent Radio and Co-Founder of sons,” said Goli Sheikholesla- ductions from Jonelle Procope, Dr. Uche Blackstock, Yahoo! need to continue to fight for WNYC’s annual Martin Luther mi, President and CEO, New President and CEO of the Apol- News Medical Contributor and safety, dignity, and justice,” King, Jr. event . “We founded York Public Radio. “WNYC’s lo Theater; Goli Sheikholesla- Founder & CEO of Advancing said Jonelle Procope, Apollo this event to provide a place mission is to convene conver- mi, President and CEO of New Health Equity; Dr. Jeff Gar- Theater President and CEO. to celebrate his life, but also sation and community around York Public Radio; and Isisara dere, Associate Professor of “The Apollo has long been discuss the serious work still the critical issues of the day, Bey, Artistic Director of the Behavioral Medicine at Touro committed to supporting Black at hand. Fifteen years later and we’re honored to bring our March on Washington Film College of Osteopathic Med- voices and creating spaces — as a new administration, listeners the voices of so many Festival. Presented in collab- icine; Queen Afua, Five-time for artists and audiences to whose victory owes much respected leaders and change- oration with the March on best-selling author and CEO express themselves freely, to Black voters, prepares to makers at this inflection point Washington Film Festival, the of the Queen Afua Wellness and the annual MLK Celebra- take control in the wake of a in America’s democracy.”

NY AG Letitia James Nikole Hannah-Jones Reverend Dr. William Barber, II BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 16 I nity organizations, TCOMnity Black churches and commu- power of the Black family, Pass DownMore.Usingthe Know More,OwnMore and community-shared values... through theadoption of three a Blackwealthmovement tohelpbuild Culture ofMoney claimed author, created The motivational speaker and ac financial expert, entrepreneur, nal poverty. Salter, acertified break thecycleofgeneratio- Black wealth gap andhowto Money (TCOM) to address the has authored The Cultureof Americans, De’AndreSalter The CultureOfMoneyismore thanabook...it’s amovement!!! ic inequities facing Black continued historic econom n directresponsetothe Dedra N. Tate N. Dedra #Hotoffthepress - - over. “Every believes, Salter building wealth,manytimes between makingmoneyand thirty, helearnedthedifference 500 firms to millionaire by age ident at three different Fortune to becoming Senior Vice Pres- ruptcy at the age oftwenty-one wins and losses, from bank- al and professional journey of children.” Through hisspiritu- his children and his children’s man passesdownwealthto of thescripture, “A righteous and socially. ble—politically, economically, our seatsattheproverbialta- worth and enabling us to take gap, whileincreasing our net decrease our personal wealth attitudes towardmoneyto behavioral changesinour on makingacommitmentto healing. you tothealtaroffinancial type ofaltarcall…he’s calling coming toyouwithadifferent Black wealthandSalteris is anideologyforcreating future wealthtransfer. TCOM overwhelming wealth gap and rights issueofourday—the on what he calls a great civil munities, thatSalterfocuses their faith, families, and com- sion tohelpothersstrengthen measurable financialhealing. expertly sets out a pathway for TCOM putsanemphasis It is withhisrelentless pas-

Salter reminds us us reminds Salter By DedraN.Tate tography, Inc.) tos Credit:KeithMajorPho- thecultureofmoney.com (Pho- more informationvisitwww. Hot NewReleaseslist.For respectively, on the Amazon in the#1and#2positions, hardcover versionsof TCOM landed thepaperback,and anticipated releasehasalready online bookstores. This highly &NobleandotherBarnes and it’s availableat Amazon, on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 leased The CultureofMoney by RenitaBryant.MMP re- an Atlanta-based firmowned Matters Publishing (MMP), found ahomewithMynd ican publishingcompanyand an AfricanAmer out sought it wastimetopublish,Salter of TCOM.When covers the hundred twenty pages within experiences, intothethree personal andhis industry knowledge ofthefinancial this laboroflove,pouringhis Salter hasbeenworkingon nary returns.” your life will render extraordi good investment you make in SALTER ABOUT DE’ANDRE Drew University. undergraduate alma mater, the boardoftrusteesathis cluding arecenttermon serves onmanyboards,in - suing hisdoctorate. He also Kings University and ispur a Master of Theology from from DrewUniversity, holds dren. years. They havefour chil- Terri, forovertwenty-five his childhoodsweetheart, has beenhappilymarriedto Plainfield, NewJerseyand of ImpactChurchinSouth Salter servesasleadpastor Jersey. ofNew the state is the youngest in forty-eight yearsold,Salter ble Fellowship(MIBF). InternationalBi- Macedonia Pentecostal and the of African-American lege secration intotheJointCol- following hisofficial con- ceded bythetitleBishop, Salter’s ark, NewJersey, De’Andre For thepastseveralyears, Salter earnedhisdegree Born and raised in New- name isnowpre- At At - - - 17 By Victoria Horsford What's going on

WINTER IN AMERICA/2021 ARTS/CULTURE/POLITICS It is best to open with the Trump’s incendiary 70 min- National elections will be good news for the nation utes speech to the crowd held in UGANDA on January

which began on January 5 warned “We will stop the 14. Will they be fair or stolen. BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com when Georgia’s runoff victo- steal” “overturn the election Will Ugandan President Yow- ries were announced for states results,” “you will never eri Museveni, who assumed two US Senate seats. The two take back our country with power in 1986, soon exit Democrats African American weakness” were battle cries the office begrudgingly like Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock for what followed by the his good friend outgoing US and Jewish American Jon provoked crowd of terrorists Prexy Donald Trump, who Ossoff defeated the incum- heading to the Capitol. was defeated in a fair 11/3 bent Republican Senators, What happened next was a election? making history in the process. siege on the Capitol building The NYS Board of Re- A Black and a Jewish US and its occupants. It was an- gents unanimously elected Senator will be a first in Geor- archy, a riot, an insurrection. Lester Young, Jr. as chancel- gia history. Moreover, their Terrorists in America’s hal- Raphael Warnock lor, who is the first African victory makes Democrats lowed rotunda were willing American to serve in that po- Lester Young, Jr the Senate majority force, to do harm to legislators to sition since the Board’s 1784 which could only facilitate revoke presidential elec- inception. Dr. Young’s career tions not widely covered by the Biden legislative agenda. tion results. The rioters were as an educator spans more mainstream media. Two doc- Now to get America back on armed with guns, Molotov than 50 years experience as umentaries will be streamed track, to vanquish COVID19, cocktails, pepper spray, and Community Superintendent, imminently. On 1/18, Met- to revive the economy and pipe bombs. They ransacked principal, regent, teacher, He calfe Park: Black Vote Ris- to work anew towards “that offices searching for legisla- earned an EDD from Ford- ing, about Black mother/ more perform union.” tors and VP Pence. Rioters ham University, NY. As NYS daughter activist team to get That good Georgia news and plotters must be tried and Board of Regents Chancellor, out the vote in Milwaukee was short lived and inter- imprisoned for the “failed he will have oversight of the in 2020.team .On 1/19 “The rupted on January 6 at the US coup.” It was a dark day. That general supervision of all Area” look at Black home Capitol where a joint session scene is all to familiar in East- NYS education activities owners displaced by billion of Congress convened to ern Europe, Africa and South The World Channel is a dollar corporate interests in certify the Electoral College America, not in a democracy multi-cast 24/7 channel which Chicago’s South Side. Visit votes, which would confirm like the United States. Capi- streams news, documentaries Worldchannel.org to access Joe Biden as the next presi- tol security and federal Intel and programs about popula- programming. dent of the US, a ritual that have lots of explaining to do. the Trump machinery was The FBI and NYPD fore- Jon Ossoff NEWSMAKERS determined to end. Ironical- warned about possible 1/6 ly, Donald Trump scheduled terrorist activity which fell 20. Trump loyalists. Militias Congrats to NYS Assem- a DC rally on that day. His on deaf ears. Or was that the have threatened violence at blywoman, Rodneyse Bichote cult followers descended plan by the executive branch. the 50 state capitols before and Edu Hermelyn, an educa- on Washington DC in large Why were so many cabinets or on January 20, Biden’s tion and political consultant, numbers, including domestic members fired recently. The inauguration. May God bless who tied the knot on January terrorists like the Proud Boys, nation wants answers, wants America until and beyond 1, Haiti Independence Day. the Boogaloo Boys, QA- to invoke the 25th Amendment that date. Bichote is The first Haitian non and other fringe people, to the Constitution to remove To conclude on a more American woman to be elect- with a few NYPD, NYFD, Trump, and want to impeach positive note, this is the last ed in NY politics, Bichote US Armed Forces veterans him again. His walking pa- NYB issue of the Trump was named Brooklyn Dem- and white collar Trumpies. pers are official on January Presidency. ocratic boss last year. She is arguably the best formally educated NYS elected with five degrees- engineering, Rodneyse Bichote MEDIA MATTERS math, three masters, including Byron Allen’s Media the arts and culture. The plan an MBA, at last count Group to launch, TheGrio. is to revive a quarterly print RIP: African American TV, an over-the-air 24/7 edition...... writer Eric Jerome Dickey, broadcast network, on Jan- African American Monica 59, died last week. The Mem- uary 15. TheGrio.TV will Richardson, veteran journal- phis born software engineer focus on African American ist with the revered Atlanta left for Los Angeles after col- focused content. April Ryan Constitutional Journal has lege and found a new interest, was hired as TheGrio.TV’s been named Miami Herald in arts and entertainment. White House correspondent. editor in chief.….. HipHop His titles “Sister, Sister,” The Village Voice, New Jay-Z’s Rock Nation recently “Friends And Lovers,” “Bad York’s beloved alternative signed a deal with book pub- Men and Wicked Women,” weekly newspaper is back lishing giant Random House, “Milk In My Coffee domi- in a digital format after be- for a new imprint to be called nated book lovers best sellers Eric Jerome Dickey ing shuttered in 2018 after ROC LIT 101. Its book titles lists for decades. He wrote a succession of owners who include “Shine Bright,” about novels about Black people in America. Dickey’s last novel, could not keep it afloat. own- Black women in music by contemporary settings navi- “The Son Of Suleman” will ership hands a few times. Danyel Smith and a Meek gating the vagaries of life in be published on April 20. The NY Village Voice was Mill book on the criminal general info about politics, justice system. April Ryan DR MLK, JR HOLIDAY The Brooklyn Academy of org for full MLK calendar. Music hosts its 2021 Virtual Dr. The Schomburg Center For Martin Luther King, Jr Cele- Black Culture hosts a virtual Subscribe to the New York Beacon bration on January 18, with an edition of the 9th Annual Black amalgam of culture festivities, Comic Book Festival from including works by fine artists January 13-16. The Festival is 405 Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor, like Hank Willis Thomas; per- a marketplace for vendors and formances by keyboardist PJ panel discussions like “How Morton, and film screenings of To Draw Black Superheroes;” New York, NY 10174. the William Greaves documen- “Comic Book Writing;” and tary NATIONTIME, about the “The Comics Chitlin Circuit: National Black Political Con- Cultivating a Sustainable Net- $35.00 per year 212-213-8585 vention of 1972, set in Gary, work for Black Cartoonists. Indiana, held four years after For full Festival directory, visit www.newyorkbeacon.com Dr. King’s death. Visit BAM. wwwSchomCom.org. A Harlem-based management consultant, Victoria Horsford can be reached at [email protected] BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 18 (L-R) Actors Ted Lange, Arthur French and Woodie King,Jr. W Actors, otherstobelaudedatNFT Virtual Gala 50 as playwrights andactors,”as playwrights them to develop their work aren’t that many avenues for Theater isessential. There be produced. New Federal to bepresentedandthen can-Americans andothers color andworksby Afri- opportunities forpeople of mission isstilltoprovide Dean Irby. Bill Harrisanddirectedby The celebration is written by Douglas Turnerpany Ward. of The NegroEnsembleCom- Cliff Frazier, andCo-Founder New Cinema Artists Founder NFT Chairman and Institute of RonHimes, Director Artistic Scott, Publisher Beth Turner, Phylicia Rashad,DirectorOz Turman, S.EpathaMerkerson, honor NFT alumniGlynn atre.com. website, the public from the theater’s The event will beaccessible to Jan., 17, 2021 from 4pm-6pm. sion at a virtual event on Sun., stars ofstage,filmandtelevi its 50th Anniversary Galawith “New Federal Theatre’s“New The virtualproductionwill th Anniversary (NFT) will celebrate Federal Theatre New oodie King Jr.’s www.newfederalthe- - Actor Glynn Turman greets NFT Founder Woodie King,Jr. Black theater in her magazine said Turner, whohascovered Entertainment Black Maskssince1984. “Woodie Kinghasthehis- ater for the 20th century and torical memory ofBlackthe- are welcomed. atre.com . Suggesteddonations email torsvp@newfederalthe- federaltheatre.com Virtual Gala gotohttps://new To reserveyour spaceforthe Boseman andmanymore. and thelategreatChadwick Samuel L. Jackson,IssaRae, LaTanya Richardson Jackson, Denzel Washington, Rashad, len, Morgan Freeman, Phylicia on NFT’s stage are Debbie Al- benefited fromearlysuccesses prominence. es broughtNFT tonational color. Severalearlysuccess- an honorrollofartists inent careers.Itsalumniare wrights andactorsintoprom- minority andwomenplay- and launchingnumerous multiple plays to Broadway mainstage plays,sending has producedmorethan450 Whitfield. Mfundi Vundla and Lynn man Rucker, Glynn Turman, Rae, PhyliciaRashad,Lam- Jackson, SidneyPoitier, Issa son, La Tanya Richardson Glover, SamuelL.Jack- Diesel, Toni Fay, Danny Allen, HarryBelafonte, Vin for the gala include Debbie 2020. HonoraryCommittee spanning fromthe‘70sto havecareersAlano Miller Lange, DeWanda Wise and Turner. tribution in theater is,” added to whatBlack Americans con- archived work really speaks be producing new work. This day andagewhenit’s hardto upon thosearchivesinthis on to today. He’s able to call Among the performers who Among the performers who Woodie King,Jr.‘s NFT Co-hosts oftheevent Ted By Don Thomas By or send an - 19 The reel Lifetime’s 2021 winter slate features 5 new movies ‘Ripped from the Headlines’ BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com Posted by Audrey J. Bernard OS ANGELES, CA – Life- time sets airdates for Win- ter 2021 Ripped from the LHeadlines true crime movie slate, every Saturday night beginning February 13 through March 13th. Kicking off the quintet of movies will be Death Saved Meagan Good in “Death Kelcey Mawema and Kim Delaney “A House on Fire” Director My Life on February 13th star- Saved My Life” in “The Long Island Serial Killer” Shamim Sarif “A House on Fire” ring Meagan Good followed by Lifetime’s 400th Original Movie premiere of The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Justice starring Kim Delaney on February 20. Judd Nelson, Jo- ely Fisher and Stefanie Scott star in Girl in the Basement the week following on February 27, Di- ane Neal leads Circle of Decep- tion on March 6th, and Steph- “Circle of Deception” Director “Girl in the Basement” Direc- anie March leads A House On Ashley Williams “Circle of Deception” tor Elisabeth Röhm “Girl in the Basement” Fire on March 13th, both movies inspired by works from NY Time’s chologically abusive. When Jade to a horror hidden on Long Island youngest son, leaving him on the a wife, and best friends, Russel’s best-selling crime writer Ann Rule. decides to leave Ed, he tells her for more than a decade – 19 bod- doorstep for Irene to find with a murderer is finally revealed. The As part of Lifetime’s Broader Fo- “If I can’t have you, nobody will,” ies of young women discovered note from Sara saying that was film also stars Tahmoh Penikett cus initiative supporting the hiring a threat which becomes very real buried in shallow graves along her son and she couldn’t care for and Tamara Tunie and is produced of women in key production roles, when she discovers he has hired Ocean Parkway in the area of him, leaving Irene to finally accept by Lighthouse Pictures. Conor actresses Elisabeth Röhm and someone to kill her. Knowing no Jones Beach State Park. Though Don’s claims about Sara. After Allyn, Benjamin Anderson, Jamie Ashley Williams step behind the one will believe her, Jade realizes the search for the killer is still decades of captivity, Sara finally Goehring, Shawn Williamson, camera to make their directorial the only way to escape Ed is to ongoing, Mari’s passionate dedi- escapes, and her family learns the Barbara Lieberman and Neal debuts with the movies Girl in the make him believe the hitman cation to giving her daughter and devastating truth about what had Dodson serve as executive pro- Basement and Circle of Decep- completed the job and that she other forgotten women a voice, been going on for over 20 years ducers. Circle of Deception will tion. A House on Fire is directed is dead. La’Myia Good plays and the attention they deserve, has right beneath their feet. Girl in mark Ashley Williams’ television by Shamim Sarif; and Deborah Jade’s sister Leigh. Death Saved kept the case alive with hopes of the Basement is produced by Big movie directorial debut from a Norville joins The Long Island My Life is produced by Jarrett a breakthrough soon. The movie Dreams Entertainment and Swirl script written by Christina Ray. Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Creative. Executive producers are not only follows a mother’s tireless Films for Lifetime. Leslie Greif, Justice, as an executive producer. Julie Insogna Jarrett, Seth Jarrett search for the truth, but it also digs Manu Boyer and Barbara Mar- Following the premiere of Cir- “As the leading producer of orig- and Meagan Good. Seth Jarrett deep into the murders, including shall, who also wrote the script, cle of Deception, Lifetime will inal movies, it’s truly exciting to directs from a script written by Shannan’s, that have gone unsolved executive produce the movie be premiering a Beyond The hit 400 this February,” said Tanya Barbara Kymlicka. In Beyond the for so long. Joining Kim Delaney is while Elisabeth Röhm directs. Jes- Headlines: Beauty Queens Gone Lopez, EVP, Scripted Content, Headlines: Faking Death, writer Eugene Clark as private investiga- sica Bahowick co-produces. Pro- Bad documentary that delves Lifetime and LMN. “This mile- Elizabeth Greenwood discusses tor “Herc” Zinneman. The Long Is- ducers for the film are Alex Kerr deeper into more shocking sto- stone just speaks to the incredible her research on the phenomenon land Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Big Dreams Entertainment, ries of criminal deception. Cir- power and longevity of Lifetime of “pseudocide,” or faking one’s for Justice is produced by Light- along with Eric Tomosunas and cle of Deception is inspired by Original Movies in the television own death. Based on the expe- house Pictures, with Sony Pictures Ron Robinson for Swirl Films. Ann Rule’s popular true crime landscape and I am thrilled to un- rience of Jane in Death Saved Television distributing. Executive work, Practice to Deceive, that veil even more movies in 2021.” My Life, Greenwood discusses producers include Emmy® Award In Beyond the Headlines: Sur- focuses on a shattering case of a Following each of the mov- the main reason why women fake winner Deborah Norville and viving Child Abduction and murder on Christmas day. ie debuts, Beyond The Head- their deaths, and why disappear- Peabody Award winner Elizabeth Imprisonment, two real abduc- lines documentary shorts will ing woman in books and movies Stephen. The script is written by tion survivors share their stories Saturday, March 13th follow to provide more real-life is so popular. She also presents John Pielmeier. following the premiere of the Girl A House on Fire - 8pm ET/PT accounts that inspired each movie. real life cases of faked deaths that in the Basement. Lori Poland, Beyond The Headlines: Mental In addition, the network’s 2020 have captured the public eye, and Saturday, February 27th kidnapped at 3 and left for dead Health Myths and Misconcep- winter Ripped from the Head- why people resort to such lengths Girl in the Basement - 8pm ET/ in an outhouse in 1983, and Katie tions -10pm ET/PT lines slate, which included Stolen to disappear. PT Beers, abducted and imprisoned By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mo- Beyond The Headlines: Surviv- for 17 days by a family friend A House on Fire follows brilliant bley Story, Chris Watts: Confes- Saturday, February 20th ing Child Abduction and Impris- in 1992, recount their abduction doctor and mother Deborah Green sions of a Killer, Poisoned Love: The Long Island Serial Killer: A onment – 10pm ET/PT experiences and share their insight (Stephanie March) who had the The Stacey Castor Story, Neigh- Mother’s Hunt for Justice – 8pm on overcoming and transcending epitome of a picture-perfect life bor in the Window, and You ET/PT Inspired by actual events, Girl in past their childhood traumas. with two children, an adoring Can’t Take My Daughter reached The Long Island Serial Killer: the Basement is the horrific story husband (Shaun Benson) and more than 25 million total Special Report Documentary – of Sara (Stefanie Scott), a vibrant Saturday, March 6th a beautiful house in an opulent viewers on Lifetime & LMN1. 10pm ET/PT teen girl who was looking forward Circle of Deception - 8pm ET/PT neighborhood. But behind the to her 18th birthday so she could Beyond The Headlines: Beauty curtain is a rocky marriage that ***** The Long Island Serial Killer: A move away from her controlling Queens Gone Bad -10pm ET/PT includes Deb’s difficult bedside Saturday, February 13th Mother’s Hunt for Justice tells father Don (Judd Nelson). But manner, her inability to get along Death Saved My Life - 8pm ET/ the story of Mari Gilbert’s search before she could ever blow out A small island community is with other doctors and an abuse of PT for the truth behind what hap- the candles, her world became ex- turned upside down when one of pills and alcohol, major envy of Beyond the Headlines: Faking pened to her daughter Shannan, a tremely dark after Don imprisons the town’s citizen’s Russel Doug- her husband’s successful medical Death – 10pm ET/PT sometime escort who disappeared her in the basement of their home. las (Paul McGillion) is found dead career and his easy social manner, On the surface it seems Jade after a ‘date’ on Long Island. Af- While Don tries to convince wife the day after Christmas. Brenna that takes a terrible turn and leaves (Meagan Good) has it all, a suc- ter Shannan (Katharine Isabelle) Irene (Joely Fisher) that Sara ran Douglas (Jill Morrison) was Rus- her family and marriage in ruin. A cessful marketing career, a hus- fails to come home, her moth- away, he would secretly visit her sel’s estranged and soon-to-be House on Fire is produced by Bit- band admired and respected in er Mari (Kim Delaney) knows in the basement to torture and ex-wife, who often complained ter Harvest Films Inc. and Juliette the community, and a young something is terribly wrong. rape her while Irene and her sister to her former beauty queen best Hagopian. Howard Braunstein, daughter they both dote on. But Pleading to police to take her con- Amy (Emily Topper) continued friend Peggy Sue Thomas (Diane Conor Allyn, Benjamin Anderson, behind closed doors, her life is cerns seriously, she keeps pushing living upstairs. As the years Neal) that Russel was physically and George Stelzner serve as ex- far from idyllic. Her husband Ed the police for answers. Mari’s pass, Sara gives birth to several and emotionally abusive. Through ecutive producers. Also, Allyn and (Chiké Okonkwo) is a controlling insistence that her daughter not children, alone in the basement. an investigation that twists and Anderson wrote the script and the man who is physically and psy- be overlooked eventually leads Don eventually brings up their winds its way through neighbors, film is directed by Shamim Sarif. BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 20 2 the year. The sublime musical most textured performancesof tation of Olivia isoneofthe face. As anactor, herinterpre trans women and immigrants story revealstheindignities impeccably. As a writer her cast andcomposeseachscene strong actingfromherentire a director, Sandoval provokes fullycompelling. always As part awkwardlovestoryand perilous immigrant nightmare, ex-jailbird/drug addict.Part Alex (Eamon Farren)—an venience toOlga’s grandson solution: amarriageofcon- deport herandeyesaniffy her visa,isterrified ICE will Brooklyn. She’s overstayed Russian inBrightonBeach, Olga (Lynn Cohen), an elderly is a paid, live-in caregiver for fromthePhilippines, woman val. Olivia (Sandoval), a trans rector/actor like Isabel Sando- astute andperceptivewriter/di- this way or created by such an told before,communicated in – This storyhasneverbeen direction by Thomas Kail. written andshot,withexpert stage spotlight. Gorgeously like they’re under a center da’s intelligenceshinebright Ramos’ innocence andMiran- Goldsberry’sdignity, Anthony smooth vocals,RenéeElise performance, LeslieOdom’s dialogue. Daveed Diggs’ fiery catchy songs andenlightening characters, vibrant storylines, very originalpremise,historic He is. That’s evident inthe think he is an artistic genius. piece revealswhysomany Miranda’s signature theater adaptation ofLin-Manuel to Disney+. This stirringfilm way isnotdead.It’s moved you scaredintherightways. all the right buttons and makes mysticism andintriguepresses year. A stormy cloud ofreality, that graced fright screens this tenders (and there were many) that beats out all the other con- kids a home in a horror movie about abusedandneglected Kim gives this cautionary tale Korean Director Kwang-bin told there’s noSantaClause. screaming like they’d just been who play them for crying and (Yool Heo and Si-ah Kim) yet bless the young actresses atypical genrefilm.Better the demonchildreninthis where yousawthem. brightest in films—no matter here’s andthe alookatthebest theaters. Within thatcontext, ventured outtonear-empty while onlyafewenthusiasts VOD andstreamingservices to makewasviewingfilmson adjustment movie lovers had films and their fans. Part ofthe Viewing filmson VOD andstreaming services Lingua Franca(***1/2) Hamilton (****) –Broad- The Closet (***) Best Films of life—especially for Adapting becameaway 020 By Dwight Brown Brown Dwight By Guest Scribe kept usonourtoes. – Bless - Writer/director Eliza Hittman would likely play outlike this. to goon,but ifnecessary, it odyssey noadolescent wants Always (****)– This isan is inspiring. struggle is as distressing as it and rural setting. The couple’s perfectly evokesthetimes but touchingfamilydrama (Yuh-jung Youn).small This a doting grandmother Soonja wife Monica (Yeri Han) and Bother You), his pragmatic Jacob (Steven Yeun, Sorryto pipe dream-loving husband but lotsoffrictionbetweena surprisingly little culture clash Isaac Chung,playsoutwith premise, by writer/director Lee out the American dream. The their hands dirty and playing gettingexperience. They’re a farm—withnoprevious kansas in the ‘80s to start Korean family moves to Ar the land.Caseinpoint: A tures, mixing together all over is a mosaic of various cul forgivable. wards aresoabundantthat it’s feels likeaplay, butthe re- from all. It’s a movie that still and electrifying performances ative” issues. Superb drama Michael Potts)arehaving“cre- Glynn Turman,Domingo, (Chadwick Boseman,Colman blues singerandherband an album. The tough-as-nails comes toChicagorecord the year. Ma (Viola Davis) strongest ensemble acting of one gets a special lift from the tury Cycleseriesofplays. This lives oninhis American Cen- Wilsonplaywright August tom (***1/2)– The spiritof taste. underlines Sandoval’s supreme score istotallyexquisiteand Never Rarely Sometimes U.S. Minari (***)–The Ma Rainey’s BlackBot- Flick chat - - courtroom drama and Red… Rock isaparty, Mangroveisa them andco-wrote all.Lovers naire SteveMcQueenhelms extraordi- the ‘80s.Director in Englandfromthe‘60s to on is focus West Indianlife justment worth making. Their “Best Film”entryisan ad- of afive-part series, intoone whicharepartthree films, Blue (****)–Groupingthese Mangrove/Red,and White for 122-rivettingminutes. ly believableandtransfixing Bloom, Jack Kesy). Complete Caleb LandryJones,Orlando young cast(ScottEastwood, action scenes.Memorable of the event. Heart-pounding of desperationandhumanity danger, risks and moments who instinctively captures the fully directedbyRodLurie It’s atrue-lifestory, master War, scrapes the sheen off war. ican engagementofthe Afghan thebloodiest Kamdesh, Amer This retelling of theBattle of combat outpostin Afghanistan. cornered and outnumbered ata A smallunitofU.S.soldiers of duty and a suicide mission. was somewhere between a call choose. a youngwoman’s rightto revealing filmevermadeabout ensemble actingandthemost An enlightening script, expert of thekid’s toughdecisions. takes youthrougheveryaspect Hittman’s invasive filmmaking streets ofNYC’s Time Square. ral Pennsylvania to themean of herlifeonatripfromru- making the biggest decision out sheispregnant, late. She’s Sidney Flanigan),whofinds Autumn (brilliantly played by the journeyofateenage girl, oms andrealisticallyexamines (Beach Rats)sensitively fath- Small Axe: LoversRock/ The Outpost(***1/2)—It - - - movie. an otherwisesmoothlycool indio trackarethewrinkles and a not-easy-to-discern au- sometimes-befuddling script is atthetopofhisgame. His Director ChristopherNolan matography areOMGcrazy. cast. Special effects and cine Himesh Patel fill out astellar Debicki, Kenneth Branagh and Robert Pattinson,Elizabeth ter out to thwart mass murder. into superstardom as a charac John David Washington steps Otherwise, TV screens will do. if COVIDeverleavestown. it on Imax is the way to go dreds ofemptyseats.Seeing patrons intheaterswithhun- playingtoafewthriller was stunning espionage action ing way out, this visually films weretakingthestream Marder. ing anddirectionbyDarius Oscar nom.Perceptivewrit- takes itthereanddeservesan into atourdeforce.But Ahmed every actorcouldturnthisrole in themostprimalway. Not transition andfeelhisemotions themselves inhisharrowing actor, the audience can place Instead, thanks to the lead what it’s like to lose hearing. been asmallobservationon Ahmed) goingdeafcouldhave verité look at a drummer (Riz – This verysimple,cinema many levels. mances. Illuminating on so Wright perfor givesearing Kirby, JohnBoyega andLetitia Actors Shaun Parkes, Malachi is aboutreformingthepolice. Best inClass (The Outpost); SteveMc- times, Always); RodLurie tman (Never, Rarely, Some- Tenetother (***) –While Sound of Metal (***1/2) Best Directors: ElizaHit- - - - - BlackPressUSA.com Dwight BrownInk.com and Film CriticDwight Brown at DAYS. Nils Frahm.HAPPY HOLI the Chicago 7, Tripping with WeMissed You, The Trialof The Prom, Radioactive, Sorry Old Guard, The Photograph, do, Mulan,Nomadland, The The Legendof Walter Merca- Jones, Mucho Amor: The Last Tree, Mank,Mr. Jangle: A Christmas Journey, Bloods, The HighNote,Jingle Bull, Charm City Kings, Da5 Black IsKing,BlueStory, Boys forLife, Bad Education, tion/CGI: Van Hoytema).BestAnima- renzo Senatore); Tenet (Hoyte dy Walker);(Lo- Outpost The Messerschmidt); Mulan (Man- (Eric Branco);Mank(Erik Forty-Year-OldThe Version Darius Marder). of Metal(AbrahamMarder, Davidson, DaveSirus);Sound en Island(Judd Apatow, Pete (Eliza Hittman); King ofStat- Sometimes, Always Rarely nari (Lee Isaac Chung);Never Franca (Isabel Sandoval); Mi- Seyfried (Mank). Sometimes, Always);Amanda Talia Ryder Rarely (Never al); LorettaDevine(Spell); Olivia Cooke (SoundofMet- Lynn Cohen(LinguaFranca); Supporting Actresses: Best (Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom). (The Prom);Glynn Turman grove); Keegan-MichaelKey Outpost); Shaun Parkes (Man- ca); Caleb Landry Jones (The Eamon Farren(LinguaFran- gua Franca). tive); IsabelSandoval(Lin- Rosamund Pike (Radioac - Kirby (Piecesofa Woman); VanessaSometimes Always); ney Flanigan(NeverRarely Rainey’s Black Bottom); Sid- Actresses: Steven Yeun(Minari). ny Hopkins(TheFather); White and Blue); Antho- Bottom); JohnBoyega(Red, Boseman (Ma Rainey’s Black (Sound of Metal); Chadwick I SeeIt. the Water;in Time; The Way Collective; There’s Something In: The FightforDemocracy; tor. ; NightoftheKings; The Trai- You WithLife Me; The Ahead Films: Father). Spades); FlorianZeller(The Tayarisha Poe(Selahandthe Ewing (ICarry You With Me); Year-Old Version);Heidi Radha Blank(TheForty- Peoples (MissJuneteenth0; Films: Nolan (Tenet). BestFirst (Lingua Franca); Christopher and Blue);Isabel Sandoval Rock, Mangrove,Red, White (Small Queen Axe: Lovers Visit NNPA NewsWire Other Great Films: Bad Best Cinematography: Best Screenplays: Lingua Supporting Actors: Best Best Actors: ForeignBest Language Best Documentaries: Another Round; I Carry Another Round; I Carry Channing Godfrey Soul; Wolfwalkers. Viola Davis(Ma Riz Ahmed Best All - Theater talk 21 Stephen Byrd & Alia Jones-Harvey’s Front Row Productions partners with Columbia University School of the Arts to establish the Front Row Production Fellowship BEACON, January 14 – 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com Posted by Audrey J. Bernard fellowship. Applicants who Producing Concentration as have demonstrated potential, guest lecturers. I’m thrilled ounders of Front achievement and/or leadership to be building on that rela- Row Productions and in and support for the Afri- tionship and partnering with award-winning produc- can-American theatre commu- them to help recruit, educate Fers Stephen Byrd and Alia nity will be given preference and inspire a new generation Jones-Harvey have announced during the selection process. of creative producers for the the launch of the Front In a joint statement Stephen commercial theatre.” Row Productions Fellow- Byrd and Alia Jones-Har- During their time participat- ship with Columbia Univer- vey said, “The lead producers, ing in the year-long Front Row sity School of the Arts The- at the helm of every Broadway Productions Fellowship, each atre Program. The Front Row show, determine how diverse fellow will develop a new play Productions Fellowship, a and inclusive it will be. As two or musical; receive a stipend partnership between theater in the shockingly small club of and a separate budget allocation professionals and the Univer- only five Black lead producers to cover development costs; sity, is designed to support in the history of Broadway, our receive one-on-one mentorship the development of gifted mandate has been to create op- from Oversight Committee emerging theatrical producers portunity for people of color on members; have access to the and will be used to increase and off the stage. Recognizing Columbia University resources the diversity of participants the systemic hurdles to mount- including the library system, and work produced within the ing Broadway shows, we have classes offered through the professional Broadway the- mentored many emerging MFA concentration in Theatre ater industry. The fellowship producers of color. This fel- Management & Producing, will launch during the 2021- lowship draws on our experi- and selected courses through- 2022 academic year. ence as lead producers, on the out the University; and have Modeled after the collective experience of many the opportunity to participate long-standing and highly suc- lead producers who have em- in the Theatre Management cessful T Fellowship Program, braced us in this industry, and & Producing Concentration’s the Front Row Productions on the renowned academic Producer Exchange Program Fellowship will be supervised prowess of Columbia Univer- with Stage One in the UK. by an Oversight Committee sity’s graduate-level Theater Front Row Productions was made up of leaders working in Management and Producing established to bring major the Theater industry and Ste- program to equip future Black Front Row Productions’ Founders Stephen Byrd & Alia works to Broadway and the ven Chaikelson, Head of the lead producers with the tools Jones-Harvey West End featuring diverse MFA Theatre Management for Broadway. We believe that casts, creative teams and man- & Producing Concentration. establishing this pipeline is vi- “We’re honored that Stephen For the past several years, agement. Additional appli- The Oversight Committee tal for the inclusive Broadway and Alia have chosen to es- Stephen and Alia have made cation details, deadlines, and will select one or two fellows we imagine.” tablish the Front Row Produc- important contributions to our information will be announced to participate in the year-long Steven Chaikelson added, tions Fellowship at Columbia. MFA Theatre Management & at a later date.

STEPHEN C. BYRD is the President London Theatre), and on the Board of THE THEATRE PROGRAM AT CO- Lynn Nottage, Christian Parker, and Founder of Front Row Produc- Directors of New York City Colleges LUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Michael Passaro, and Ron Van Lieu. tions, Inc., whose primary purpose Performing Arts Department, Ste- OF THE ARTS is international, Visit arts.columbia.edu/theatre for is to shine the spotlight on diversity, phen is the recipient of numerous collaborative and interdisciplinary. more information. inclusion, and non-traditional casting Awards and Honors, including the Named in honor of Oscar Hammer- on Broadway and London’s West recent, Global Producer of the Year stein II, it is defined by its location COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY End. Multi Tony Award Nominated, Award. in New York City, a global capital of SCHOOL OF THE ARTS awards the and Olivier Award winning producers theatre, and by the extensive network Master of Fine Arts degree in Film, Byrd, and his producing partner Alia ALIA JONES-HARVEY is an Ol- of Columbia alumni and faculty who Theatre, Visual Arts and Writing and Jones Harvey are the only full time run prestigious Broadway, Off‐ the Master of Arts degree in Film African American Producers, both on ivier Award Winning and 4-time Broadway and regional theatres; di- Tony Nominated Producer, who, and Media Studies; it also offers an Broadway and London’s West End, rect and perform in Tony‐ and other interdisciplinary program in Sound and they have been Partners for the with producing partner Stephen award‐winning productions; work Byrd, has focused on mounting Art. The School is a thriving, diverse past 14 years. Their producing cred- in every level of the professional community of talented, visionary its to date, include, Cat On A Hot productions with people of color on theatre world; and teach, mentor and the stage, on the creative team, in and committed artists from around Tin Roof, (both on Broadway and engage with students on an ongoing the world and a faculty comprised London’s West End where they won management and as co-producers. As basis. The Theatre MFA programs the only African American woman of acclaimed and internationally the Olivier Award for Best Revival in acting, directing, playwriting, renowned artists, film and theatre of a Play), A Streetcar Named De- lead-producing on Broadway, she dramaturgy, stage management, and directors, writers of poetry, fiction sire, The Trip to Bountiful, Romeo is extremely proud of Broadway theatre management & producing and Juliet, Eclipsed, Paramour (with seek students who have the talent, and nonfiction, playwrights, produc- & West End directorial debuts for ers, critics and scholars. In 2015, the Cirque de Soleil), The Iceman Com- Debbie Allen and Liesl Tommy; as vision, and commitment to become eth, Smokey Joes Café, American exceptional artists. At the School of School marked the 50th Anniversary well as debuts for Danai Gurira as of its founding. In 2017, the School Son and the current Broadway smash playwright, Dominique Morisseau as the Arts, students acquire disciplines hit, Ain’t Too Proud the Life and rooted deeply in the classics while opened the Lenfest Center for the book writer of a musical, and the Arts, a multi-arts venue designed Times of The Temptations. They are many talented designers, stage- branching out into new forms and ex- also developing the iconic Oscar ploring the cutting edge of theatrical as a hub for the presentation and hands, cast members, managers and creation of art across disciplines on and Palm D’Or winning Brazilian new investors. Jones-Harvey serves art. The best theatre in every culture film Black Orpheus into a Broadway and in all eras has not only reflected the University’s new Manhattanville musical. Additionally, they are part on the Board of the Arthur Miller its time but also shaped its society campus. The Lenfest hosts exhi- of the Lead Producing team for Get Foundation, the Advisory Board of and often helped point it toward the bitions, performances, screenings, Up, Stand Up: The Bob Marley mu- The American Theater Wing, and is future. The Theatre Program aims symposia, readings, and lectures sical, opening on London’s West End a Tony voter. Jones-Harvey and pro- to train theatre artists to fulfill that that present new, global voices and in Summer 2021, as well as MJ, The ducing partner Stephen Byrd have important role in today’s society. perspectives, as well as an exciting, Musical (based on Michael Jackson. been honored with numerous awards, Among the program’s leading facul- publicly accessible home for Co- Byrd, serves on the Board of Gover- including the Global Producer of ty are Anne Bogart, James Calleri, lumbia’s Miriam and Ira D. Wallach nors of the Broadway League, and the Year and AUDELCO Pioneer Steven Chaikelson, David Henry Art Gallery. For more information, is a member of SOLT (Society of Awards. Hwang, Brian Kulick, Chuck Mee, visit arts.columbia.edu. BEACON, January 14 – January 20, 2021 newyorkbeacon.com 22 Donald Trump grips flag T Take control, changetheCode ESTER ofalltime. They obeyed the biggest FAK- behalf ofhis desperate request. fired uptowreakhavocon to gethisfaithfulfollowers Rudy Giuliani were enough of hisson,Donald,Jr., and ken wordsalongwiththose S. Capitolbuilding.Hisspo- guiding thecalvary to the U. guy atthefrontofline TRUMPSTER, wasnotthe the upstart, their leader, the tells themtodo. when crazyfollowswhat day. We saw what can happen wild couldbethetitle for that ly onmedia. Americans gone monium personifiedrepeated body hasbeenwatchingpande- and thevotesarefraudulent. lies–the electionwasasteal, ranting the same rhetoric of foolishness of three individuals ing, continuetofollowthe ing withthedeathtollmount- pandemic COVID-19 spread- By Hazel Rosetta Smith Rosetta Hazel By As the citizens of the United As thecitizensofUnited One thing was clear from Since January 6th, every- about thecatastrophic masked withnoconcern hose who remain un - - Speaker oftheHouseNancyPelosi orchestrated command to des- and conquertoachievetheir their business ofcrash,crush aboutbatic agilityandwere crawled upthewallsinacro- the mobboundedupsteps, nounced thestartofarace, ty tookonadramaticturnover. breakdown of control in securi- the crowd’s angerbuilding, a communities were watching States andworld-wideglobal As if a buzzer had an Ponder this! - votes byholding some indi the confirmation of electoral trated tostoptheprocessof certain individuals, or orches- attackdirectedtowardrorist classified as a domestic ter the purposeofwhatcanbe tions continue to unfold. Was security isinvestigated, ques- leader. power on behalf of their denied ecrate and vandalize political As arrests are made and - - or accessing the launch codes country’s nucleararsenal…. wielding the military or the “an unstable president” from in placethatcouldprevent Mark Milleyaboutguardrails Chiefs ofStaff Chairman Gen. Pelosi saidshespoketoJoint military officer. Itisreported placed acalltothenation’s top of theHouse,NancyPelosi as a knee jerk when Speaker bility of Donald Trump came regarding the mental insta were evident. at, meantime the danger signs lightly andevenlaughed taken long time.Hewascoddledand logic anddecisionmakingfora has beenremissin Trump’s take a geniustoseesomething and politicians. It really did not prominent healthprofessionals clared “unhinged” byseveral inations, Trump hasbeende- ing any psychological exam- cause of concern. Without hav president continuestobea January 20,2021,thepresent Biden andKamalaHarrison ofJoefor theInaugurations on patrol. titude ofpolicedepartments cluding thepresenceofamul- hours the following day, in- fence constructed a fewshort to be physically secure with a other governmentfacilities. at theCapitoland of business dures intheeverydaynorms future protectives and proce can havealong-term effect on an unresolved dilemma which viduals hostage? That maybe The door to one last thought The doorto onelastthought preparationisongoing As Now, thebuildingappears - - - [email protected] News, Inc.Contact: missha- Community Harlem for umnist Woman’s Editor; current col- former ManagingEditorand Theatrical Ministries; retired director for Help Somebody nalist, playwright,andartistic [Hazel Rosetta Smith is a jour CODE THE CHANGE can TAKE CONTROL and military powers thatbe? Who resolved onthespotby angst ofmind and psycheget at theblinkofaneye,canthis a client’s socialmediaaccounts list, and immediate removal of undesirable from yourcontact a phonenumber, orblockan ality. Ifitissoeasytochange and actions, thatisnot hisre- has proven by his own words ident oflawandorderyet has declared himself thepres- dealing with apresident who law of war. However, weare laws ofarmedconflict and the not thatcomplicated.” that is the way it works. Itis whatever thesituation is, and of capabilitiestorespond come upwith options, of a mix before launching. And wewill and canadvisethepresident would notobeyanillegalorder forum in2017that“leaders told anaudienceatamilitary nation’s No.2military officer, blue.” Gen.JohnHyten,the to justlaunchastrikeoutofthe easy asitsoundsforapresident mand authority. “It isnot as the processofnuclearcom- speaker’s questionsregarding and ordering a nuclear strike.” We understandthereare Gen. 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The Billswouldmarch ahead touchdowninsteadofagame attempt astheyelectedtogoforthe stopped the Colts on their fourth down busting it in from 1-yard out. Buffalo 9 plays.RunningbackJonathan Taylor with Riversguidingthem65-yardsin touched theballinsecondquarter Colts respondedthefirsttimethey for the3-yardtouchdownpass. The Knox tightendDawson finds Allen got the ball ontheir second possession, yard fieldgoal. 8 plays after Buffalo ending in a Rodrigo Blankenship 30- after Rivers drives them downfield would notgoawayeasily. with the 27-24 victory but the Colts son wasnofluke.Buffalo cameaway wanted toprovethattheirregularsea- MVP candidate quarterback Josh Allen back PhillipRiverscametotown.Bills Colts andfutureHallofFamequarter Dolphins 37-22)whenthe Indianapolis playoff game(1995winovertheMiami Buffalo Billsnotonlyhostedbutwona the historyofNFL. thing no other team hasever done in with oneteam looking to dosome- forward toanotherweekofsurvival Pittsburgh) the winning teams looked last gametookplace(Clevelandvs to participate. Sunday night,after the pandemic allowing2additionalteams were expandedduetotheCovid19 each day. The first roundplayoffs Sunday whenthreegamestookplace Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon More RecordsFor Brady Photo: SpecialtotheNyBeacon Injury Doesn'tStopGoff Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon Win Since2002 Allen LeadsBills To FirstPlayoff The third quarter saw the Bills Indy got onthe scoreboard first It hadbeen25yearssincethe 7th beganlastSaturdayand Bowl LV (55)onFebruary he roadto Tampa andSuper By Andrew Rosario Andrew By - calf. After a9-playdriveresultedin inactive listwith astrainedright starter Alex Smithwas put onthe back-up quarterback Taylor Heinicke the Rams, Washington hastostarta the Tampa BayBuccaneers.Like on Tom (Dorian Gray) Brady and the Washington Football team took the firstroundwildcardgames as weekend. the Rams take the field this coming quarterback will be under center when said. “It’s amazing.’’ Itisnotsurewhich played with a defense of this caliber,’’ he give kudostohisdefense.“I’venever ( 9-19, 155 yards, 1 td) wasquick to int) waspesteredallafternoon.Goff as Wilson (11-27, 174yards,2td's 1 added alatemeaninglesstouchdown 15-yard touchdownreception.Seatle wide receiverRobert Woods forthe and 4playslater, Goff connectswith his onlytouchdownoftheday. 36-yards third quarterbeforeGoff wouldthrow 10. Bothteamstradedfieldgoalsinthe in from5yardsoutputtingthemup20- later asrunningbackCam Akers runsit before halftime5playsand70yards Goff getsthemintheendzoneright pass toDKMetcalfgetting13-10. drive, throwinga51-yardtouchdown down. Wilson responded onthenext the interception42yardsfortouch- ius Williams jumpsinfrontandreturns the leftsideline.RamscornerbackDar DK Metcalfforashort,quickpasson Russell Wilson looksforwidereceiver first touchdownontheboard.Seahawks goals beforetheRamsdefenseput room andwouldnotreturn. his helmet. Wolford walked to the lock safety Jamal Adams on the right side of of thepocket, Wolford ishitbyHawks out ofthefirstquarter. Scramblingout Seattle team. Wolford nevermakeit after gettinginjuredagainstthesame is throwingthumbtheweekbefore their starterJaredGoff hadsurgery on back-up quarterback John Wolford as yard fieldgoal. The Ramshadtostart board courtesyofaRamsMattGay40- battle asonly3-pointswereputonthe day. The first quarter was a defensive in thesecondwildcardgameof they welcomedtheLos Angeles Rams "12th man" would not be a factor when their rabid fans.Unfortunately, their to Seattle to play the Seahawks and play nextweek." just happyforachance to beable to said afterwards,"it'sonegame.Iam 70% ofhispassesinaplayoff game throw for300-yardsandcomplete who became the youngest player to 35, 324yards, 2td's, 1rushing td) sealing the Buffalo win. Allen, (26- mary pass that was knocked down happen asRiversattemptedahail hoping forovertime.Itwouldnot to getthemintofieldgoalrange looking Rivers after 8-playswith Buffalo givestheColtsball back shrinking the Buffalo lead to 27-24. the 2-pointsconversionissuccessful 27-yard touchdownpass. This time, td's) findstight end Jack Doyle for a 2Hyde, Rivers(27-46,309yards, later, after a 33-yard run by Micah of hismagic.5-playsand76yards and thenwatched Rivers workmore falo addsanotherfieldgoal(54yards) them 8-points behindat24-16.Buf- 2-point conversion failed leaving Wild, WildCard Weekend Saturday night saw thelastofSaturday nightsaw Both teamswouldexchangefield No teamintheNFL wantstotravel Sports - getting the ballto startthethirdquar happened tobea touchdown.” of it,andit’s off tothe races. It just back, they zoned it. I tookadvantage Said Jackson ofthe run, "Idropped for thepilontyinggameat 10. races totheendzonereaching out left. He quickly darts tohisright and the middle looking like he wouldrun at the Titans 48, Jacksonsprintsup in thegame today. Fromtheshotgun, why heisthemostdangerousplayer back 4playslaterandJacksonshowed the ball.Baltimore would gettheball the scorenexttime they touched son wouldthenusehislegstoeven Justin Tucker 33-yardfieldgoal.Jack- them 60 yardsin12playsresulting ing ontheirown25,Jacksonmoves Gotkowski 43-yardfieldgoal.Start- terception thatledtoa Titans Stephen why hewasnamed2019MVP. were justified. Then, Jacksonshowed lead, it looked like those whispers When the Titans jumpedouttoa10-0 not Jackson couldwin a playoff game. there werewhispersastowhetheror first roundoftheplayoffs. Suddenly for the second straight year in the Jackson andtheRavenswouldlose for another 143. Itwasn'tenough as threw 59times for 365yardsandran Ravens quarterbackLamarJackson playoffsin alopsided28-12victory. the Ravensin first roundofthe last year when the Titans eliminated Titans and Baltimore Ravens. It began no lovelostbetweenthe Tennessee field's and McCoy's. There has been began withthebattleof"Hat- improve on,butgreattogetawin." Brady said after, "certainly a lot to Not entirelypleasedwiththewin passing the legendary George Blanda. throw atouchdowninplayoff game became theoldestquarterbackto final passwasbatteddown. 23. It would not happen as Heinicke's last chancetotie the game down 31- goal (37yards)gave Washington one Steven Sims.Onemore Tampa field touchdown passtowiderreceiver finishing thedrivewitha11-yard moved them 75yards in 11 plays, (26-44,308yards,1td,1int) Heinicke game was outofreach at 28-16. Yet, touchdown oftheir own thinking the The Bucswouldaddafield goal and trailing 18-16 with plenty of time left. failed onthe2-point conversion 8-yard touchdownrun. Washington 36-yard field goal and a Heinicke add 10pointsviaaDustinHopkins not goawayquietly. Still, Washington and Heinicke would another Succop(23yard)fieldgoal. and toChrisGodwin pass touchdown no time goingup18-7aftera27-yard issic forthe2-yardrun.Bradywastes hands off to running back JD McK- plays. Fromtheshotgun,Heinicke Heinicke moves them 75-yards in10 the gap the next time they got the ball. is missedas Washington wouldclose 36-yard touchdown. The extra point Antonio Brown6-playslater for the Brady findsreclamationproject cornerback Sean Murphy-Bunting. over asHeinickegetspickedoff by Tampa's defensegetsitsfirstturn- a Ryan Succop 29yard field goal, Baltimore didn't wasteany time anin- threw It beganafterJackson Sunday's wildcardmatch-ups Brady (22-40,381yards,2td's) The thirdquarter saw Washington - Heinz FieldinPittsburgh withallof night withthegame takingplaceat Sunday facedeach otherlast teams quarterback BenRoethlisberger. The sat outplayersthatgameincluding playoff 2002.Pittsburgh berthsince last regulargamesecuringtheir first beat thePittsburgh Steelersintheir the weekend. The Cleveland Browns turned outtobethebiggestupset of weekend tookplaceSundaynightand have tomakethatplay." be madeagainstateamlikethis,you time. When thereisanopportunityto it. We havebeenwaiting fortheright We have been practicing it. We had been sittingintheplaybookforweeks. and told you that it didn't hurt. That has play, "I'dbelyingtoyouifIsathere Bears headcoachMattNagyofthe hands. Chicago never recovered. Said end zoneastheballgoesthroughhis the secondaryanddropsballin Wide receiverJavon Wims getsbehind to quarterbackMitchell Trubisky. Patterson whointurnspitchesitback the passtowidereceiverCordarrelle gomery takesthesnapandlaterals of tricks.RunningbackDavidMont- to tiethegamebygoingintotheirbag Chicago missedagoldenopportunity minating ina11-yard passto Thomas. with Brees going 50-yards in plays cul very firsttimetheytouchedtheball bringing in7passesfor83yards. more thanayear. Harrischippedin into theendzoneforfirsttimein caught 5passesfor73 yards getting Kamara ran for99yards. Thomas 28 of39passesandtwotouchdowns. Drew threwfor265yards,completing in the21-9eliminationofBears. (neck). They were all instrumental Thomas (ankle)andDeonteHarris (Covid19) and wide receivers Michael back running back Alvin Kamara ribs andpuncturingalung,welcomed missed fourweeksafterbreaking11 Quarterback DrewBrees,whohimself at theMecedes-BenzSuperdome. front ofacrowdmorethan14,000 invited theChicagoBearstoplayin offensive weaponsonhandwhenthey New OrleansSaintshadalloftheir we neededto.” a goodenoughjob,especially when end Jeffery Simmons,"wedidn’t do in NFL history. Said Titans defensive by a quarterback in a playoff game run touchdown the second-longest spectacular touchdownrun.Itwas he ran 16 times for 136 yards and that His legswerethe Titans undoingas finished his day17-24,179and1int. the ball59timesthisonday. He Calais Campbell. the line of scrimmage by nosetackle later revealed the ball was tipped at game ending interception. Replays Marcus Peterscomesupwiththe mond whofallsdown.Cornerback looks forwidereceiverKalifRay- 6th playquarterback Ryan Tannehill on theirown21-yardline.Onthe overtime, the Titans beginthedrive and lookingfortosendthegameinto defense sealed the victory. Up20-13 kick fieldgoalsbeforetheRavens good at 17-10. Both teams would touchdown runputtingthemupfor 10 playsendingaJ.K.Dobbins4-yard ter. Jacksontaking them 77-yardsin The final game of the wild card New Orleansgotontheboard For thefirsttimeinweeks, Jackson didnothavetothrow - Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon burgh Baker andHisBoysStunPitts Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon All HandsOnDeckFor Drew Photo: SpecialtotheNyBeacon Jackson FinallyGetsPlayoff Win Bay, Buffalo, Chiefs and New Orleans. home stadium. My predictions: Green NFL history toplaythegameintheir be lookingtobecomethefirstteam in taking placein Tampa, theBucswill once again. With theSuperBowl Buccaneers with fansin attendance night, NewOrleanstakeson the Kansas ChiefshostCleveland. That Super Bowlchampionand#1seed Sunday afternoonseesthedefending travels toBuffalo totakeontheBills. Rams. Later that night, Baltimore seed GreenBayPackerstakeonthe Saturday afternoon when the NFC #1 round of playoff games that begin this the restwouldtakecareofitself.” and putusinpositiontohavesuccess, been talking about the whole all year of theball,dothingsthatwehave don’t putanyaddedpressure,takecare 3 td's)saidafterwards,"ifIdomyjob, back Baker Mayfield (21-34,263yards, sent the Steelers home. Brownsquarter touchdown andtwomorefieldgoals 65 yardson12plays. Another Browns 23) afterRoethlisberger drivesthem obligatory rungettingwithin12(35- never recover. Pittsburgh madethe the leadfromwhichSteelers would would score the next 3times ballooning cornerback M.J.Stewart. Cleveland int's) lofts a pass that is picked off by Big Ben(47-68,501yards,4td's, Pressured the next timehehad the ball, safety KarlJosephforthetouchdown. in theendzonebyCleveland'sstrong by Roethlisberger andwasrecovered they hadtheball. A highsnapsailed burgh's miscuesthefirsttwotime lead andneverlookedback. they jumpedouttoa28-0firstquarter dominated fromtheverybeginningas the closescorefoolyouasCleveland stunned theSteelers48-37.Don'tlet ers teamwereinfected. The Browns the end,itlookedlikeentireSteel- who testedpositiveforCovid-19.In of hiscoachingstaff andtwoplayers coach KevinStefanski,twomembers took thefield,theywerewithouthead up. suited the Steelers When Cleveland So, thestageissetfornext Cleveland tookadvantageofPitts- Editor Sports Rosario, Andrew - -